#behind the benders and non benders
atla-nordics-and-co · 2 years
I’m here to remind you to hydrate and smile! I hope you have a sweet sweeeet day ☁️ oh also, I’m proud of you for doing your best it’s good enough
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I hope you have a great day
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cold-neon-ocean · 4 months
2, 9 for LOK?
✨ love your fandom ask game ✨ 
2. A headcanon you weren't sure about at first but have come to like!
Ooh this one is kinda tough~ I'm generally rather removed from the fandom at large so I actually don't really know of a lot of popular headcanons out there, let alone ones I initially didn't like and came to like~ I really only ever consumed content about Baatar and Kuvira as they're my favorites, and with them I'd either like a headcanon outright, or dislike it outright. I will say, at least in the limited fan content I've consumed, there is a common idea of Baatar having gone to university in Ba Sing Se for a period of time. I've seen at least 3 folks use that in their writings for him, and while it was never something I was "unsure" about, I didn't initially include the idea in my version of him. I don't know who penned that headcanon first but I was always hesitant about being seen as "copying" anyone lol. I do like the idea though, especially with my very codependent versions of Baatar and Kuvira, some time apart like that during their "good years" would be rather interesting, since they have been in each other's lives for most of their lives, Baatar choosing to go where Kuvira can't follow- even for a short period of time, I can see her holding against him for a little while. Especially with her preexisting abandonment issues.
9. A ship that isn't your OTP but you enjoy
Once again I'm pretty singularly invested in Baatar and Kuvira but there are definitely some canon and fan ships that I like! Canon wise I'll always have a soft spot for Bolin and Opal, just because they're cute and I like the potential dynamic it creates with Baatar specifically. A lot of it is pretty contingent on my rewrite versions, but what can I say, I'm a bit of a sucker for puppy love. Lyn and Kya was an early ship I'd see in the fandom that I always was like *Kermit nodding gif* ooh yeah I like that, and I've also seen Lyn and Bumi which I also really like, but I never really delved into fan works of either admittedly. I'll confess that lately the crack ship of Baatar and Zhu Li has been on my mind, but definitely not as a positive ship in any way, more like a mutually waged psychological warfare that they aren't even trying to hide from each other kind. I don't remember what sparked the idea- I'm not usually one for crack ships as I tend to be pretty single-ship through and through, but it's been a fun dynamic to think about, especially the kinds of conversations they'd have.
#Ask Matsu#LoK Thoughts#[ The Baatar/Zhu Li thing is something I'd love to play with but it definitely would not be canon to my main AU lol#as fun as that would be Baatar does not expend any more energy on people than he needs to save for Kuvira and to a lesser extent Bolin#But the idea of him and Zhu Li waging war with each other behind the scenes is very interesting to me#especially with her really just trying to get information she can use against them out of him#and he's fully aware of that and just letting whatever happens happen to both see how far she'll take it but also to keep the leash drawn#in the event she actually choses to do something drastic#also for the sake of clarity Kuvira would be 100% fully aware and find it entertaining on a number of levels#her and Baatar do not keep secrets#she was probably the one to be like “lol you should see where that's going”#though I do think Baatar and Zhu Li would have some very interesting conversations#they're in very similar positions and I'm sure he'd wanna know why she put up with Varrick for so long#i mean he'd have a good guess but he'd wanna hear what her rationale is in her own words#and on Zhu Li's part she wants to know what twisted Baatar up so bad#but she'd also find a lot of his viewpoints about being a non bender rather gratifying#because he's willing to say out loud what a lot of people don't want to hear#I didn't meant to go on about that singular aspect lol but it's something I've been thinking about a lot lately#and crack-ships are rather new for me so this is uncharted territory#does this even count as a crack ship tho? maybe not#it definitely started out as “hehe the two glasses people on the train” but now it's like “hehe psychological warfare”#idk maybe it still counts lol ]#orangepanic
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floatyflowers · 4 months
Dark Platonic! Fire Nation Royal Family x Non-bender Reader
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With Ozai:
At first he didn't accept the fact that you, his youngest child, is a non-bender, and ignored your existence.
That was until he noticed how his older brother, Iroh, spends time with you, Ozai got extremely jealous.
And decided to spend time with you, only to realize that you are his favorite child, and felt like an actual father.
Yes, you can't firebend nor do you even have the ability to protect yourself.
But why would you need to protect yourself when your father is going to be the Phoenix king of the fire nation?
Ozai will burn down the world for you.
"You, my sweet child, will grow up in the presence of a very powerful father"
With Ursa:
When Ursa found out that you couldn't bend, she became overprotective of you to the point of paranoia.
Since childhood, she refused to allow you to play with anyone except Zuko.
One time, one of her handmaidens scolded you harshly for playing outside without your mother's permission which resulted in you bursting into tears.
The next day, that handmaiden was fired and Ursa made sure that she gets no other jobs.
While thinking of escaping, she thought to take you with her.
However, Ozai has forbidden that from happening.
"When you find out the truth, promise to come find me"
With Azulon
While still alive, he made sure you had the best education and guards.
Azulon also made sure to have you believe that the fire nation is without mistakes or faults.
He tried manipulating you into believing that just your loyalty to your people is enough duty.
However, you are kind, too kind.
Yet, he Azulon didn't hate you for it even if he considered a weak trait to have in the royal family.
He also still has the flower crown you made him stored away safely so it doesn't rot.
It is rumored that the last word he muttered was your name.
With Iroh
Uncle Iroh isn't really as possessive as the other characters, but he focuses on advising you from time to time.
You enjoy drinking tea with him and gossiping about everything.
Even though, Ozai has forbidden him from speaking with you, you would sneak behind your father's back to drink tea with him.
After the loss of his son in the war, Lu Ten, Iroh felt depressed.
Yet you managed to comfort him with your cheerfulness and playful attitude.
It reminded him of his son.
"The best quality in a princess is her kindness, something which your sister clearly lacks"
With Zuko
Zuko thought you would be like Azula but you have proven him wrong.
You are kind, gentle, and nurturing just like your and his mother.
That's why Zuko always found himself by your side, being your playmate...being your protecter.
His mother told him that it's his duty to protect you from danger considering that he is your older brother.
Even though Azula has never hurt you, but Zuko was always wary of her, especially after his mother disappeared.
When Ozai challenged him to an Agni Kai, you were the first to cry out and plead with him to let Zuko off, but Ozai felt jealous of your relationship with Zuko and was determined to teach his son a lesson.
However when your brother got banished, Zuko took you with him in secret not wanting you to be left with Azula.
"I know the journey will take long but once I restore my honor we can return home together"
With Azula
Azula was extremely jealous when you were born, thinking that you will take all the attention from here.
But she realized that you deserve all the attention.
You didn't treat her like a monster, you weren't scared of her.
Instead you showed her love and called her 'big sister'
You would cling to her as a toddler, whenever there was lightning, you would secretly sneak to her room and sleep beside her.
"How can you be scared of lightning, we control it, silly"
Mai and Ty Lee saw how Azula softens whenever you are around.
And when Azula discovered that you have left with Zuko, she destroyed everything in her way and burned a few servants.
"She's mine, and only MINE"
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overtail · 3 months
Sick - Sokka x Reader 🔞
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Summary: Sokka gets hurt after (Y/N) distracts him during a battle, setting off an argument. They make up in an... unusual way..
Reader Info: Female, Non bender, competitive
Warning: NSFW, Cursing, slight sexism, rough sex, underage, oral, fingering, both subs because they're teens for gods sake
A/N: This is my first time writing smut......
(Y/N) sat next to Katara as the light from the campfire reflected onto her face, creating a warm glow against her skin. She picked a piece off of her cod flounder, throwing it in her mouth and chewing quietly.
Aang and Katara were chatting, Toph Joining in every few seconds. They were talking about something aimless -- a conversation they wont remember in a week's time.
The air was uncomfortable, especially with Sokka's glaring. Every so often, (Y/N) would glance across the way, only to see Sokka giving her a nasty side eye.
She was getting tired of it -- she wasn't one to take disrespect like that. Sokka may think that he was some big, strong, scary man, but (Y/N) could make him cower with one yell.
"Right, (Y/N)?"
Katara elbowed her, bringing (Y/N) out of her brooding.
She looked to the ground with embarrassment from the lack of listening. Katara isn't one to care, but there was still the shame.
"Oh, me and Aang were just-"
She began, looking down at my slumped over figure. Before she could finish, she was interrupted.
"She's probably thinking about how to sabotage me again."
(Y/N) looked up at Sokka as was barking out the rude comment, rolling his blue eyes. Katara crooked her neck to glance at him too, raising a brow at his remark. (Y/N)'s eyebrows furrowed, head tilting to the side teasingly.
"What did you just say to me Sokka?"
She knew damn well what he said. She just wanted to know if he had the balls to repeat himself. Sokka stood up walking, a bit closer to the log that (Y/N) and Katara were sat.
"I said.."
(Y/N) got up, making her way over to Sokka.
"You're probably thinking about how you're going to sabotage me again."
(Y/N) scoffed, rolling her eyes.
"Sabotage you? Why can't you just accept that you suck at fighting?"
She barked back, leaning closer to him. She poked his chest, pushing him back a little bit. (Y/N) looked at the black eye he had gained from the 'sabotage'.
"Oh no, no, no. Do you find joy in my pain?"
Sokka avoided the question, turning his head to the side. (Y/N) shook her head in disbelief, looking at her feet and back up at Sokka again.
She pushed him back, emiling angrily.
"At this point, i really do. Your face looks better with that black eye."
(Y/N) teased, pointing at his purple bruise. Sokka just scoffed, pushing her back. He didn't care one bit that she was a girl -- that was clearly established when she said she was better than him.
"You're just jealous. Jealous you're a horrible person, sick girl who doesn't know how to get better."
(Y/N) was actually taken aback by this, like she was being stabbed in the back by his words. She heard a gasp from Katara, and a light giggle from Toph. (Y/N) grinned. She began to laugh, looking at Katara and to Aang. Sokka looked at her cautiously, watching as she laughed like a crazy person, tears running down her red cheeks.
"Jealous? Me? Jealous of you? I'd have to be the most pathetic person to want to be like you, Sokka."
(Y/N) walked past him, into the wall of trees that was behind him. She kept on laughing, shaking her head in disbelief at the words. She didn't quite know how to feel, but she just wanted to be left alone. To cry and scream in her faraway tent, to drown in her emotions.
But of course, Sokka had to always get the last word in.
She heard his footsteps getting louder and louder as her laughing faded into soft cries, her legs shaking as she tried to get to her tent as fast as possible. She needed to hide away, and she didn't want Sokka out of all people to see her broken heart.
"(Y/N), this isn't over!"
Somka said, grabbing onto her bicep. She ripped her arm from his grasp, avoiding talking to him. Tent. Get to your tent.
"(Y/N)! Come on-"
She tried to ignore his calling as much as she could, reaching out to the entrance of her tent. Before she could unclasp the buttons, she was whipped around, coming face to face -- well, face to chest -- with Sokka.
She looked up to his face, face full of rage. Somka had never seen her like this before, even while fighting the people she hated most.
"What could you possibly need to say that is so important you need to follow me to my fucking tent!"
(Y/N) yelled, her eyes shutting tightly. A few furious tears escaped her glossy eyes, falling onto the dirt in front of her feet.
"You know, you're a real piece of work (Y/N).."
"Guess what? You make me SICK Sokka!"
"Can you just shut up already?"
She scoffed, pushing Sokka once again. He stepped closer to her, reaching behind her neck and bringing her close.
"I'll give you another black eye-"
"Just shut up!"
Before she could react, before she could say the next rude comment, Sokka's warm lips crashed into her's. She didn't even have time to react, only instinctively leaning into his touch.
(Y/N) felt Sokka's hands fall from the tape of her neck to her lower back, bringing their flush bodies together.
She reached up to grab his shoulders, bringing him down so he was pushing against her even more. Before they both ran out of air, Sokka broke the connection, quickly leaning back and his face growing red.
"I'm so sorry (Y/N)-"
(Y/N) reached up, gracing her fingers across her lips in surprise. She wasn't even looking at him, just at her chest rising up and down slowly. She glanced up, watched as Sokka stammered out an apology.
"It's.. It's fine."
She was also red, smiling nervously at his gaze.
"I mean if it wasn't.. i wouldn't have kissed back."
(Y/N) looked to the ground bashfully, which was such a strange sight for Sokka. She was abrasive, aloof, and very strong hearted -- but this, this was different. And he didnt quite know how to feel about it.
Sokka stepped forward slowly, reaching up to place his palm on her face. He brought her chin up, looking to the ground on his left. God, he was nervous. What was he doing?
(Y/N) looked at him, smirking slightly. She was back, and Sokka felt a flutter in his stomach.
This time, the kiss was soft, slow, and tender. It was much more calm, which was good for both of them.
"Do you want to go inside my tent?"
(Y/N) said in a semi whisper, raising both of her brows. Sokka nodded, not quite knowing where this would go. (Y/N) let go of him, turning to unclasp the entrance of the tent behind them. She crouched down, stepping into the flaps and disappearing into the tent. Sokka stood there for a moment, trying to process what was really going on. This was something from his dreams; the nights he stayed up with his hands in his pants, whimpering her name as images flashed through his mind.
Sokka got on his knees, shuffling into the tent. As he glanced into the warmly lit place, he was surprised to see (Y/N) shrugging her shirt off, her shoulder exposed as well as her bra.
"Oh- sorry-"
(Y/N) laughed, turning around to grab his hand before he laughed.
"I'm doing this so you can see, stupid."
Sokka blushed, nodding his head cautiously. He sat on the felt that lined the floor of the tent. Rubbing his hands over the familiar feeling over the cloth, his attention was caught by a cold hand on his shoulder. He looked up, only to see (Y/N) nervously sitting on her knees in front of him in her undergarments.
"Oh.. oh spirits.."
He said, drinking in her body. His eyes glanced over every curve, every perfect imperfection, every freckles and every mole. He smiled, looking at her onxe again before giving her a deep kiss.
The two leaned back onto the make-ship bed, his hands caressing her sides. (Y/N) tugged at his shirt, causing him to break the kiss.
"You okay?"
Sokka didn't really know what he was doing. Hes only kissed a few girls before, like Suki or Yue, even girls back at home, but anything past that was untouched territory.
"You think you should take your clothes off? At least the over clothes."
(Y/N) suggested nervously, smiling softly. Somka let out a quick 'oh yeah', before leaning back and taking his shirt off. He kicked off his boots, taking his pants off. He shuffled his shirt off.
When he looked back down at (Y/N) he saw that she wasn't quite staring at his face, or even his chest. It was just a quick glare, but he knew what she was looking at.
"Oh, yeah, sorry about that.."
The painful warmth in his crotch only grew more at the sight of her looking at his erection. She just laughed slightly, rolling her eyes.
"It's a good thing, Sokka."
Sokka smiled, shuffling over to where (Y/N) laid. He dipped down, his lips being placed against hers in an instant. He gripped her waist, dragging her closer to his hips.
The kisses were messy, sloppy with spit and their tongues lapping the sides of each others mouths. Both Sokka and (Y/N) wanted more; no, needed more.
"Sokka, can we try something?"
(Y/N) whispered against his lips, and was only greeted with an eager nod. She grabbed one of his hands that was on her waist, bringing it over to her crotch. He placed it on her underwear, not quite knowing what to do.
She grabbed the side of her panties, moving it to the side to expose her. Sokka's eyes widened at the sight, it being the opposite of what he expected. He looked over the folds, the bud at the top, and of course, the inviting entrance. She swallowed hard, trying to focus on the task at hand.
"Okay so.."
(Y/N) grabbed his hand, making a fist with his fingers. She grabbed his ring finger, showing it to him.
"You want to put this in there."
She gestures to her hole, which was wet with her slick.
Sokka stuttered out. (Y/N) let go of his hand, and he took a deep breath. The tip of his finger grazed the entrance, before quickly delving into her. He eyes widened, thighs almost closing at the intrusion.
"So, you're gonna want to curl-"
Before she could finish her sentence, Sokka curled his finger, his long digit reaching the right spot. (Y/N) let out an unexpected moan, slapping her hand over her face. Sokka grew harder at the sight, and then did it again. She was more quiet this time, but the sound still made him feel amazing. After a few minutes, she was a squealing mess. Without asking, Sokka added his middle finger, causing (Y/N) to moan aggressively.
The sound was amazing, like something you could listen to over and over again and never get tired of it. He repeated the motions, eliciting groans from her sweet mouth.
(Y/N) began to grow aware of Sokka's painful erection, and no matter how good this felt, she knew this would feel better. She grabbed his wrist, which woke him up from his trance.
"Do you want to.."
She said, looking at his member. Sokka blushed, nodding quickly. He removed his fingers from her, glancing up before grabbing the band of his boxers. He slipped them off, and felt the relief of the cold air on him.
(Y/N) was staring. Staring hard. Was he too small? Did he not look right? Was there something wrong?
Sokka had a good 6 inches on him, which was great for a teenager. (Y/N) was pulsing at the sight of him, her slick dripping down her ass.
"Okay, so.."
(Y/N) sat up, moving so she was on her hands and knees and her ass was facing Sokka.
"I think this is how you do it."
Sokka nodded. This was the most quiet shes ever heard him be, a whole new side of the boy.
He shuffled forward, grabbing his dick with his hand and lining himself up with her.
"Now, don't put it in my- augh!'
Her sentence was interrupted with a moan as he shoved himself in aggressively. He whimpered audibly, not used to the new feeling.
"Oh my spirits.."
He groaned, pulling himself out before sliding back in. (Y/N) moaned again, gripping the felts beneath her hands. Sokka repeated the motion, speeding up every time. Soon, you could hear the sound of skin slapping against skin, (Y/N) letting out small 'ah, ah, ah's. Sokka was letting a stream of curses fall from his lips, a familiar knot in his stomach forming.
He moaned, grabbing onto her soft waist.
"I need to tell you- AUGH- something.."
(Y/N) tightened around Sokka, which only made his growing orgasm arrive sooner.
"You can be rude to me- ah- later!"
She said in a strained voice. Everything felt so otherworldly, like they were the only teeo people in the universe.
"Not that."
He said with a grunt, his hands tracing over her ass as he grinded harder and harder.
He began but realized he was about to cum. He jolted forward, trying to hold it back. That single movement pushed (Y/N) over the edge, shaking and moaning with her orgasm.
"I'm in love with-"
As the words slipped out, so did his arrival. She grabbed her waist tight, enough to bruise, and pushed into her.
His words were mixed with moans, his white liquid coating the inside of her. He pulled himself out, and saw his cum dripping from her pussy. He asshole was pulsating, her legs quivering, and her waist had tiny fingerprints from his grasp.
(Y/N) flopped down onto her bed, not caring about cleaning up. On the other hand, Sokka was trying to grab a hand towel as fast as he could. He reached over, softly wiping the white liquid from her and her bed. She sighed, rolling over onto her back. Sokka tossed the towel to the side, looking at her panting body from above.
"I'm not a virgin anymore."
He spat out with a toothy grin, making her roll her eyes.
"We're on the same page here."
Katara rubbed her eyes, stepping out of her tent and into the bright morning light. She had gotten absolutely no sleep last night. Unlike Toph and Aang who could sleep through a tornado, she was kept up all night by (Y/N) and Sokka's 'make up sex'.
She glanced over to the campfire, which occupied Sokka roasted a frog. She stomped over, punching him right in the jaw so he fell over on his side.
"What was that for?"
He asked, looking at Katara like she was insane.
"For keeping me up all night! You deserve two black eyes you little-"
Sokka scrambled up, running into the forest as Katara ran after him.
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melzula · 3 months
Okay I have an request
So like we are azula and zuko sister and we adored by both but like in the catacombs we choose gaang over azula and zuko of this and please can y/n x sokka and now zuko now wants to join gaang and yeah I am not good with words I hope u understand what I said😁
Y/n can be a firebender or non bender its ur choice anyway
a/n: okay so there’s a lot to tackle in this request which is why i chose to do it as headcanons so i hope you don’t mind !
summary: being the middle child isn’t easy, especially when your siblings are Zuko and Azula
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As the only non-bender and middle child of the royal family, you never felt like you mattered
You were the Black Swan of the palace, a disgrace to your father and his image
You kept to yourself, staying in the shadows and out of his way while your siblings took the spotlight
However, just because your father looked down upon you didn’t mean your siblings shared his sentiment
In fact, they adored you
Zuko was an attentive older brother. He let you follow him everywhere, defended you against anyone who dared speak badly about you, and was your shoulder to cry on whenever your father was feeling particularly cruel
He saw you for who you were, and who you were was an intelligent, kind, talented young woman meant to do great things in her lifetime
Azula, while being particularly mean to Zuko at times, never once treated you the way she saw her brother
Despite you being a nonbender, she surprisingly never speaks down to you or makes you feel less than
It could be because she doesn’t see you as competition as she does Zuko, or maybe she truly does just feel genuine sisterly love for you
Maybe it’s because whenever she felt your mother was unfairly favoring your brother over her, you were always there to assure her that she was a wonderful bender and just as important
Maybe it’s because sometimes she wished you could be her mother instead
Whatever her reasoning, Azula sees you as a comforting presence in her life. She seeks your validation constantly almost as much as your father’s, and she’d do anything to protect you and your honor
Things became worse for you when Ursa left. She could no longer intervene when your father felt like tormenting you, and your siblings knew better than to say anything in your defense. Shortly after her banishment, Ozai deems it best to send you away to the academy since he has no other use for you
Your departure is hard for both siblings. Zuko is gutted that he can no longer be there to protect you or look after you. Though she acts as if she couldn’t care less, Azula is devastated at your leaving. Her source of comfort is being ripped away from her, and she has no one to look out for her
At the academy you learn various forms of physical combat and weaponry wielding. You’re especially fond of using tanto swords in battle and they’ve become your weapon of choice when in a fight
Zuko and Azula send you letters during your stay at school behind your father’s back updating you about your home, their lives, and their annoyance of each other. You keep every single one they send, and it eases the ache of your home sickness
It’s also at the school that you learn of the Agni Kai and Zuko’s banishment. Your heart breaks for your older brother, and you’re devastated at the fact that you never got the chance to say goodbye and you may never see him again. He still sends letter for a time, but as the years pass they become less frequent and almost nonexistent. Azula’s letters follow the same path
Years pass and your father deems it time for you to come home. Now that you’ve made a decent fighter out of yourself he finds your worthy of being his daughter again
However, your stay is short lived. Azula recruits you to be part of her little team to capture the Avatar and your brother, and you don’t really have any other choice but to agree
You downplay how skilled you are in fighting so that she doesn’t expect much from you and force you to do too much of the work. You don’t want to go against her, but you also don’t want to have to fight your brother and your uncle
You also don’t exactly feel good about destroying the world’s last hope for peace
And that’s why, when the time comes, you choose the Avatar over your siblings
You’re tired of being pulled back and forth, of always being stuck between your siblings with no real purpose, of not being able to do anything for yourself
Zuko is astonished by your choice and conflicted. Just when he finally had found his way back into the family you chose to leave it. Why were you doing this? Why were you ruining everything?
Azula is furious. Your betrayal hurts worse than mother’s. You’d always taken her side, always comforted her and supported her, you’d always been there, and now you were leaving. How dare you leave her?
“You fool!” She’d cried, angrily sending a blast of blue flames your way knowing you wouldn’t be able to stop it. If not for Iroh, surely her strike would have ended you. The fact that your own sister was willing to hurt you for the cause was enough proof to know you were making the right decision
You help the Avatar escape and join his group, vowing to help them in any way you can to win the war. Your fighting skills and knowledge of the Fire Nation makes you a big help and they appreciate your assistance
It doesn’t take long for you to win their trust and acclimate into their group. You become fast friends with everyone, growing especially close to Sokka who may or may not have a huge crush on you
He definitely becomes your shoulder to lean on when things get tough, because he knows it can’t be easy for you to just leave all you’ve ever known behind. you struggle constantly over having to choose the Avatar over your siblings, but he constantly assures you that you’ve made the right choice
Least to say your departure makes Zuko’s return home even more conflicting and turmoil filled. How can he enjoy being back home when you’re not there to enjoy it with him? How could he be happy knowing his sister was out there risking her life to help the Avatar?
Your decision definitely inspires his own to leave the Fire Nation and aid Aang and his friends
Your abandonment of your siblings also fuels Azula’s descent into madness, fueling her fire to continue her mission to capture the Avatar
It’s a rough position you’ve found yourself in, but it’s not like your whole life hasn’t been you stuck in a terrible spot
Being the middle child is hard, especially when your siblings are Zuko and Azula
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deadghosy · 3 months
prompt: being the same age as Aang, mostly the avatar has it perks considering you two are polar opposites
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🐚 ྀ࿓it’s dead ass funny seeing two 12 years argue who sheds more, momo or appa. Katara would have to pull you off of Aang before you slap this little Mr clean head ass boy.
🐚 ྀ࿓for shits and giggles, you have definitely got launched in the air. You were begging Aang to just launch you in the air. Because you always dreamed of it since you met this airbender.
🐚 ྀ࿓Aang is pretty much protective of you if you can’t bend. So if you are a non bender, you better believe this boy makes sure you are by his side at all times of the traveling. Even after he finishes the Hundred year war. He’s the avatar, of course there’s still petty ass people after him.
🐚 ྀ࿓now if you weren’t a non bender and had a bending skill of some sort, he is still protective of you. You could be a master at bending, and this dude will still make sure you are behind him in danger. You two are such a powerful duo when bending, now a good trio is you, toph, and Aang at all once.
🐚 ྀ࿓you two are basically platonic soulmates who are always found by each other. Like that one time you went to go shopping at a market, and Aang followed you secretly since it’s his job to protect you at all time. Or that one time you lost Aang in the crowd and he immediately found you by your voice in an instant.
🐚 ྀ࿓”I’m gonna kill that asshole…” “please don’t.” Those words basically describes your friendship with Aang. Literally after Aang got his grow spurt and he was taller than you, you better believe this now wise boy would put you on his shoulder to drag you away from fights.
🐚 ྀ࿓you are the chaos in the peace and he is the peace within the chaos. You two are two peas in a pond, yin & yang. You have your moments where it’s the opposite sometimes. But where’s the fun when you create the problems whilst Aang has to drag you away from causing more problems.
🐚 ྀ࿓smack his head…he dares you. He knows you do it for jokes. But this boy is tired of having red hand marks on his head and feeling the painful burn.. if you did one more time, he is actually putting you in rock time out. You could try to get out. But this airbender is making sure he is having a kick out of this.
🐚 ྀ࿓when training with Aang, he tries to go easy on while you don’t. Of course you care about Aang deeply like he does for you, but you ain’t no pussy. You literally used chi blocking on him cause he hesitated blasting you away with his airbending. At the end you had to smack his head for trying to not blast you. And of course he still didn’t learn his listen as he just dodges.
🐚 ྀ࿓Aang is very affectionate person, everyone knows that. So of course he is holding your hand, waist if you allow it, wrap his arm around your shoulder. He might not be that much of a touchy person, but it feels nice to have the person that’s like his other half by him.
🐚 ྀ࿓cuddles is a must if you or him have a bad day. Yes you once snored while trying to move away from the airbender in your sleep. Aang wasn’t letting that happen at all cause he pulled you to his chest as he falls asleep.
🐚 ྀ࿓random arguments with Aang is also a must as you two argue over the most stupidest things ever. Say for example, your favorite book was gone. So you accused Aang of using it for something actually dumb. Aang got offended as he dramatically gasp and blamed you instead for being so dense for not keeping up with your stuff. And that’s where you would tackle him and start hitting his head. Mostly smacking his bald head cause it’s funny😭
🐚 ྀ࿓this sweetheart of an airbender will teach you about his culture. Now if you are part of one of the nations, you teach him your nation of course. It’s like trading Pokémon cards for more Pokémon cards. He will probably do something so you can wear an airbender outfit, just so people can see you two are best friends for life. Literally.
🐚 ྀ࿓I can see you trying to ignore Aang for something petty, and Aang is not having it as communication is key. He will literally pick you up over his shoulder and put you down so he can talk to you face to face. He’s serious about you, so of course he’s not letting you be this petty.
🐚 ྀ࿓yk how Aang had his hair grown out, yeah you actually liked it grown out like that. It was cute and you told him that in confidence. At first he thought you were lying so you can make fun of it. But when he saw how you kept playing with his hair. He actually was thinking about keep his hair grown out like this. His darkish brown hair was suiting on him. He’d actually fall asleep with his head on you as you play with it.
🐚 ྀ࿓Aang will never forget the moment he almost went avatar state for you. All because you wanted to be reckless and almost died. A fire nation soldier tried to burn you alive, but you were quick to dodge it. While for Aang, he didn’t get a clear view to see if you dodged it or not. So this man’s tattoos glowed scared and worried. Mostly angry if you died as he was about to burn the solider. Kyoshi was telling him to. But that all stopped when you grabbed his shoulder. Aang stops to look at you and hug you tightly, his heart went back to normal sped.
🐚 ྀ࿓to end this off, you guys are practically platonic soulmates who are made to be by each other’s side. Aang agrees and you, you just nod while you stuff your face in food. And Aang eats calmly compared to you. So if you choke on your food, he is smacking the shit out of your back worried if you actually choke on your food.
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lovelytsunoda · 3 months
welcome to wherever you are // lance stroll
summary: weddings are supposed to be joyous occasions. but for lance's fiancee, the wedding is just another big milestone that her father never lived to see, like her first day of kindergarten, or her high school graduation.
pairing: lance stroll x hutchence!reader
warnings: depictions of greif, mentions of a parental death.
author's note: i've been on such a bender lately listening to inxs, they truly were one of the greatest bands of the 80s, and I think its a shame that things ended like they did with micheal's death in 1997. i could genuinely talk for hours about it, and about the very real daughter he left behind, but for now i'm going to let the fic speak for itself.
also i feel like i've only done smaus lately bc i've just been in a total idea rut and these are so easy to make lmao
y/n.hutchence just posted to her private story!
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VOGUE Weddings: Inside the wedding between Aussie-rock darling YN Hutchence and F1 driver Lance Stroll (you might have to click on these to read them properly)
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y/n.hutchence just made a post!
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liked by lancestroll, kirkpengilly, officialinxs and 34,508 others.
y/n.hutchence today was a hard day, despite being the happiest of my life. like most milestones, it was bittersweet. while i spent most of my day in love, and excited for what's to come, part of me was also grieving. my dad should have been here to walk me down the aisle, to meet my husband. to give a speech at the reception. i miss you, dad. but i know that you'd be so proud of me.
to my lovely lance, thank you for choosing me, for loving me. for reminding me that its okay to feel all the emotions at once. i love you forever, my husband xx
see all comments
lancestroll i love you, my darling wife. you are so strong.
andrewfarriss michael would be so proud of you, kiddo
user the fact that she went public for the day just to speak about her grief on her wedding day . . . that's a caliber of person i could never be
sebastianvettel thank you both for including me in your special day
user she walked down the aisle to 'beautiful girl'....i'm totally not crying my goddamn eyes out
user im not crying you are
user her dad died over 20 years ago....she needs to let it go
-> user lmao imagine telling someone who never knew her father outside of how the media portrayed him after his death to 'get over it'.
mickschumacher 10/10 pasta bar, would come again. your harem of old men scared the crap out of me, though.
-> kirkpengilly old?? who are you calling OLD
-> y/n.hutchence you mean my non-biological uncles? mick, they're the biggest sweethearts
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y/n.hutchence just added to her story
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y/n.hutchence and lancestroll just posted!
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liked by astonmartinf1, sebastianvettel, timfarriss and 29,808 others
lancestroll mr. & mrs. hutchence - stroll, march 2024, sydney australia
see all comments
y/n.hutchence i think lance hutchence sounds pretty great
-> lancestroll and i think y/n stroll sounds pretty good too
scottyjames you're taking her last name? good on you, bro
astonmartinf1 welcome to the family y/n! (or should we say 'welcome to wherever you are'? see what we did there?)
fernandoalonso did anyone else get a little teary eyed during the vows?
-> timfarriss i was right there with you mate
-> mickschumacher i saw esteban cry so hard he gave himself the hiccups
y/n.hutchence hey google, play 'never tear us apart' by inxs ( and say thanks to kirk for playing the sax almost all night)
(next part)
@magnummagnussen @libraryofloveletters @httpiastri @lorarri @cartierre @thatsdemko @sidcrosbyspuck @scuderiamh
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one thing that bugs me about atla's feminism is that it kind of does that thing where it encourages women to break roles but still treats the traditionally feminine thing as inferior. like women should learn to fight but there's no corrollary of men should learn to heal, even though that would fit really well with aang's struggle to maintain his peaceful values in a war-torn world. he'd love to learn water-healing! this is a spot where i could genuinely see a new adaptation improving the show, whether by adding an arc of aang learning or even just a background shot of men joining water-healing classes.
but natla somehow did this worse. when water-healing is first introduced in atla, it's as an impressive new power that great benders have, and it feels emotionally significant, as a metaphor for the ability to heal from the fire nation's damage or for being able to heal and forgive a friend who hurt you unintentionally. but in natla, katara gets bait-and-switched, thinks yagoda's just another waterbending master with more openings or something and is kinda interested in healing for .2 seconds before being pissed that that's all she's expected to do. healing is just a thing that waterbenders can do, a magic power, there's no meaning behind it. in the original, katara and the audience see water healing as a cool impressive ability before learning how it's perceived, and it's pakku who tells her that and pakku who she rages at, not yagoda. when she's kicked out of pakku's class and goes into yagoda's class she looks at all the women and girls in the class and we see some conflicted feelings on her face, like she wants to learn fighting but she doesn't want to be disrespectful to these kind women offering to teach her a sacred art of her culture. part of the injustice is that we the audience know water-healing is a great power and don't think it should be seen as lesser. pakku says women are forbidden from learning waterbending and then says that women learn to use their bending to heal - does he think that's not real bending? what an asshole!
and then katara's healing abilities are crucial to two of the show's biggest episodes. we see how wrong it is to treat it as a lesser ability. in fact, we consistantly see non-violent uses of bending (e.g. healing, seismic sense, lightning redirection) portrayed as incredible and special powers, because it's an anti-war show with a pacifist protagonist who ends up refusing to fight on the terms of his oppressors, who refuses to abandon his beliefs and give into violence. that's a major part of the show.
but in natla, all the women abandon the healing huts to fight in the battle - despite nothing showing that they've been trained in fighting, and as if healing doesn't matter on a goddamn battlefield. as if healing doesn't matter period. atla wasn't perfect on this front but at least it established that this non-violent and viewed-as-feminine ability was valuable and powerful and not something to be thrown aside for violence
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cienie-isengardu · 2 months
Sokka's sexism
Sokka’s sexism from the earliest episodes is an interesting case, because the Southern Water Tribe, at least from what was presented to us on screen, doesn’t seem to operate that much on gender roles? Especially when compared to the Northern Water Tribe?
I mean, yeah, warriors (men) went to war, while women, children and the elders stayed at home. But as Hama’s story shows, when Fire Nation attacked Southern Water Tribe, both female and male benders were fighting against invaders arm to arm and it seems like they were the actual first line of defense there, not the non-bender warriors.
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In contrast, during siege of North Pole, in the final of Book 1: Water, we don’t see any female bender helping defend their home except Katara, who was involved in protecting Aang when he was in Spirit World.
Since all the waterbenders were captured from the Southern Tribe, it makes sense that non-bender warriors stepped in and got involved with war, while the kids and elders were left under women’s care.
Another example comes from “a ceremonial test of wisdom, bravery and trust”, known as ice dodging. As Bato explained, it is a rite of passage for young Water Tribe members and in their village “done by weaving a boat through a field of icebergs.” When a child turns 14, their father was supposed to take them to ice dodging, so they could earn their mark. Though the episode itself was focused on Sokka’s ceremony, Bato never specified it as something that boys alone should do and not only Katara (girl) but also Aang (outsider) is allowed to take part in the ritual. Once Sokka proved himself, everyone of their group got a mark, as a sign they passed the test. Interesting thing to note, since Bato did not specify it is a rite of passage for boys alone, it suggests girls were expected to know how to sail in boats of the Southern Water Tribe. Of course, again, war didn’t allow to continue this tradition as men (Hakoda, in case of Sokka & Katara) left to fight against Fire Nation.
Later, when Sokka and Katara reunited with their father, Hakoda did not try to send away Katara nor relegate her to just a medic job during the invasion. In Northern Water Tribe episodes, we learned that teaching for waterbenders there was defined by gender - women were allowed to learn only how to heal, while men how to use their bending in fight. Hakoda, nor Bato nor other of their warriors even for a moment questioned Katara’s presence on the battlefield nor the presence of women in the ranks of their allies like a blind, 12 years old Toph or the female water benders from Swamps or female(?) soldier from Earth Kingdom
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And during battle, Katara did not fight in rank with other soldiers, she first alone secured Appa during submarine attack, then alongside her brother and father took down guardhouses - Hakoda himself told her and Sokka to attack one when he took down the other one
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showing how much he trusted his 15 years old son and 14 years old daughter while ordering them attack on Fire Nation adult soldiers hidden in well guarder place.
Later, when Hakoda got seriously injured and Sokka temporary took the command of their forces, we could see that Hakoda relied on Katara to follow his troops and not ever once tried to send her back “to safety” or argued she should leave him behind, as often it happens with heroic (male) figures. Quite the opposite. When Katara offered him to “wait here if you want”, Hakoda firmly said “I want to press forward with the others”, which meant his daughter needed to come with him directly into an already ongoing fight (even if they stayed more at the rear of their army, they were still on battlefield).
She and her brother, alongside with the youngest members of Invasion, were forced to flee on Appa once the battle was lost, but no other adult woman was included. During Zuko’s coronation, when all war prisoners were released, in the background we could again see the female character(s) from Swamps.
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And let's not forget how impressive Hakoda was by Suki when she single-handedly captured the warden at Boiling Rock prison and did not try to stop her from fighting against Ty Lee alongside Zuko and Sokka against Azula.
Understandably, we have no idea how the Southern Water Tribe and its culture looked like before the war, even arguably, the characters themselves may not have a clear idea due to growing up in dire times. But my point is, Hakoda and Bato, the two main adult Southern Water Tribe’s warriors that Avatar: The Last Airbender allowed us to know more about, have never shown any direct sexism toward Katara or other female characters. And though Sokka was the oldest boy at their village, there is no reason to think women did not hunt in absence of men, because one person would not be able to provide for a whole community 24/7. Also, as Hama proved, the Southern Water Tribe’s waterbenders were capable of fighting and their gender did not play any vital role the way it happened in their sister tribe at North Pole. 
Of course, Fire Nation’s repeated attacks affected residents of South Pole and their living conditions but from the little bits the show gave us, I think it is correct to assume if Sokka grew up with Hakoda around to guide him as he should, his behavior would be different from the sexism and dismissive attitude toward Katara or Kyoshi Warriors. For one, logically thinking Southern Water Tribe’s warriors need to do all the cooking, sewing and keeping their camp clean all on their own during war so it is not a “girly job” but a vital part of a warriors skills to survive and ensure their equipment is in the best condition. But Sokka doesn’t know it, because there is no one to teach him the importance of those skills. All Sokka had was father’s farewell words to cling to - and I’m not sure if Hakoda truly expected his son to be able to protect Katara and the village in his absence, or he just tried to make Sokka feel a bit less depressed about being left behind. You know, by giving him purpose and a Big Important Job to focus on and to feel needed and trusted. 
Which leads me to think that Sokka’s sexism is not rooted in Southern Water Tribe’s culture itself, but in his own insecurity and pressure of being the oldest boy in the village. If girls could be warriors - and be better than him - it would put into question all his self-worth, purpose and the trust given by father. Once Sokka met Kyoshi Warriors and later all the skilled girls, it challenged him on a very personal level, but he accepted the truth and moved on and alongside, finally became a true warrior and a man. 
And I find it indeed an interesting case, as Sokka’s sexism and dismissal of girls is not necessarily stemming from the culture he is part of, but rather is the effect of not knowing said culture & pre-war history of his Tribe. And of course, from his own insecurity. 
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mysuperiors · 1 month
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CW: Non-consensual sex.
Your friend’s cousin, Mark, was part of the bachelor weekend trip to the beach house. The first night was a bender and you were way too tired to go out on the boat with everyone else the next afternoon.
“Oh man, you sure? We’re gonna be out there a few hours?,” your friend Nate, the groom to be, asked.
“Nah, bro. Go. I need to recover so I’m ready for tonight.”
“Alright, man. Feel better. Mark is feeling it too. He’s staying behind. Take turns throwing up,” he laughed.
Great. Stuck in a house with a guy you met 18 hours ago before getting blackout drunk.
You went to the kitchen and got a glass of water. The house was quiet, so you got your book and lay on the couch to read. An hour went by and you realized you hadn’t heard a thing. Was Mark going to wake up? Was he even here? You figured you’d check on him just in case. He had to have been asleep for 12 hours by now.
You went upstairs to the room he was sharing with another cousin of his and Nate’s, lightly knocked on the door and opened it. Mark was lying on the bed, completely naked, slowly stroking his cock.
“Oh shit!,” you exclaimed, and quickly shut the door. You heard him laugh on the other side of the door. “Sorry, man,” you called out. Just as you were taking a step away to go back downstairs, you heard him move to the door and pull it open.
He stood there, completely bricked up. “What the fuck man? Where you going? Come back in here.”
It took you a second to process what he said. “Nah, man. I’m not into that. I’m straight. I’m engaged too,” you said taking a step back.
He put his hands on his hips and asked conversationally, “Oh yeah? You and Nate ever swap?”
“Bitches.” “Fiancés,” he added seeing the look of confusion on your face.
“What? No, dude. Put some fucking clothes on! I’m going downstairs.”
“Man, I could really use some help here,” he gestured at his dick. “My hand isn’t getting the job done.”
“Fuck this. I’m straight. I’m heading out. Tell Nate and the guys I’ll be back tonight.”
“Whoa! Wait. You can’t leave. They’re gonna ask me a bunch of questions about where you are and why you left.”
“Just fucking tell them… I left before you woke up. I don’t know. Jesus!” You were trying not to look at his bare naked body.
“Listen, man, don’t be a prude. Just come in here and suck it. You never gave a brojob before? College? Frat house shit?”
“Christ! No. What the fuck is wrong with you? Are you some fag?”
“Don’t fucking call me that, man! I’m trying to be—”
“Yo I don’t know what your deal is, but I’m leaving.”
Mark took two giant steps forward and grabbed you by the arm just as you were turning to go.
“Get your fucking hands off me, man,” you warned him.
“Or what?”
Without hesitating, you took a swing right at his face, but he ducked and twisted your arm behind your back and shoved you by the neck up against the wall. “Yeah who’s the faggot now, cool guy? Huh? Tell me.”
You struggled, but he had you pinned up against the wall. “Let me fucking go! Get off of me!”
“I asked you a question. Who. Is. The. Faggot. Now.” and he tugged your bent arm farther up your back, sending a piercing pain throughout your shoulder. When you still didn’t answer, he banged your forehead into the wall, giving you an instant unbearable headache. “WHO?”
“Fuck. I am,” you conceded. “Alright? I am the faggot. Let me fucking go now, okay?”
“Nah, man.” Mark breathed. “You just said you’re a faggot and I’m rock hard and ready to cum.”
He slammed your head into the wall again and your vision blurred and you swayed from lightheadedness as he yanked you back into his room and shoved you down face first on the bed. Momentarily stunned, you couldn’t even resist when he literally ripped the T-shirt from off your back. One of his nails caught you and scraped your back, the sharp pain bringing you back into focus as you realized what he intended to do.
“No! Fuck. No! Stop! Help!”
But he grabbed you by the hair and forced your face into a pillow while you screamed. He got right down to your level and bit your ear hard. The shock of that shut you up for a second and Mark growled in your ear, “Shut the fuck up and take this cock like a good faggot. If you don’t be quiet, I’m going to smother you with this pillow. Do you understand? Do you understand that I am serious right now and this is the only choice you have left?”
You were petrified, and given everything that had just happened in the last five minutes, you knew he was completely serious. This jacked CrossFit bro was literally going to kill you. You stopped screaming. Your body was rigid with fear.
“That’s right,” Mark whispered. “Shhhh… nice and quiet. I don’t want you to make a sound, no matter how much this hurts.” He licked your ear lobe and kissed your cheek and forehead. “Are you going to be a good boy for me?”
You shook your head into the pillow.
“Tell me. Say ‘Yes, Sir.’”
“Yes, Sir,” you choked out through the thick sob that was forming in your throat.
“Shhhh, my baby. If you cry, I’m just gonna fuck you harder.” Mark taunted.
He let go of your arm, freeing it. As you pulled it back around toward your head, the pain was overwhelming. Mark slowly hooked his fingers into each side of your running shorts and boxer briefs, and slid them down, exposing your bare ass. “Nice and smooth,” he commented. He ran his hand over your cheeks, massaging them slightly. He traced his forefinger from the bottom to the top of your crack, sending a not-unpleasant sensation up your spine. Then he slapped your right ass check. “Perfect,” he purred.
He pulled you up on your knees by your hips. You were on all fours, your head pounding, your left shoulder on fire. You felt his knees in between your legs, and then you felt him spread your legs apart with his. You heard a wet sound, him licking and sucking his fingers, and then you felt him spread your ass cheeks apart. He pressed on your clenched hole with his forefinger. He gave it another lick and then began prying you open and working his finger up inside you.
You couldn’t hold back the choking sob. Large tears began to spill out. “Please. Don’t.” you begged between heaving breaths.
“I told you. Be quiet and don’t cry, or else,” he said calmly, and then shoved his finger all the way up inside you, sending an unbearably sharp pain up your colon into your gut.
You gasped and cried out in pain. Mark responded by punching you full force in the side of your gut, knocking all the wind out of you. “I said, be fucking quiet, faggot.”
You heard him spit and a second later you felt a large warm pipe pressing against your anus, pushing its way in, overpowering your sphincter as it tried with all its might to keep the intruder out.
“Don’t fight me, boy,” Mark said threateningly. He pushed his cock harder. You couldn’t withstand the pressure and you felt the muscle give way and expand to let him in. You gasped. My god, the pain. The pressure. You really only got a glimpse at his cock earlier. It was a decent size you had quickly noted, but now inside you it felt gargantuan. 
Mark laughed. “That’s right. You’re mine now,” he taunted. “Fuck. It’s so fucking tight! Fucking hot as fire! I love virgin ass!”
It was slow going at first, and unbearably painful. Your anus was wrapped so tight around his thick shaft that he could barely motion in and out, especially with nothing but a little bit of his saliva as lube. Undeterred, he continued to force his way inside you with each grind of his hips. You could feel him going deeper and deeper. Jesus Christ, how many inches was he? How could he possibly mine your ass any deeper?
Eventually, he was thrusting in and out, adding more spit every couple minutes. He was holding your hips, and you could hear his balls smacking with every thrust. Each one, slamming you a little forward. But with his hands on your hips you took the full impact. He was owning you. It went on and on. How long had it been? Five minutes? 10 minutes? An hour? Six hours?
You were becoming delirious. This wasn’t really happening. You weren’t really on all fours with another man buried deep inside you. This wasn’t your life. Your mind went somewhere else while you were taken by this guy who could not possibly be related to one of your best friends.
Mark didn’t let up. He was picking up the pace and slapping your ass in between grunts of “Yeah, bitch. Take my cock.”
You felt as though you had left your own body. Even though all you could see was headboard and pillows, you imagined yourself watching the scene from the doorway as if it were happening to another person and not to you.
Now Mark was in a steady fast rhythm. You knew he was getting close. Am I about to feel what it is like to have a man cum inside me? You wondered. Is this what the dozens of women that I’ve fucked have felt? Has it been this painful for them? 
Mark began to grunt. Feral. Loud. Urgent. “Fuck yeaaaaahhh, ahhhhh!!!” And you felt it. In an odd way you were anticipating this. Almost looking forward to it, like some grand finale of a fireworks show. A warm liquid was flooding your colon. It didn’t seem like a lot. Was it? How much did he shoot in me?
He kept fucking you slowly for a couple more minutes. Now his dick was sliding in and out with ease, his manly load making everything slick. Mark pulled out and said in an even, commanding voice “Turn around.”
With absolutely no resistance left in you, you obeyed and turned around, staying on all fours.
“Open your mouth.”
You did as you were told and Mark slapped his dick on your inflamed forehead, eyes, and nose before shoving it in your mouth. He took a handful of your hair and said, “Nice and slow. Twirl your tongue around it and lick it clean. Taste my cock. Taste my cum and my spit. Taste your ass. Taste what we taste like together. And look at me while you do it.”
You did as you were told. For the first time you were looking him right in the eyes. Christ, you saw power there! You saw a Man. He was still hard, and his engorged cock filled your mouth. You were enjoying this a little. He had one hand entwined in your hair on the back of your head, slowly guiding you up and down his long shaft. The other hand was on his hip, giving him a powerful and masculine stance as he towered over you, looking down at his conquest. You were enjoying this a lot.
“That’s right. You’re my calm little bitch now. Ready to go get cleaned up? The boys should be back soon.” He pulled his dick out of your mouth and it made a slurping noise as the head passed your lips. You eagerly started back for more, but he gave a little chuckle and pulled his cock back. “No more for now,” he chided.
You placed your hands on his hips and kissed his abs, starting to work your way up. You licked and sucked on his nipple and kissed his chest.
“You’re a good little bitch now, aren’t you?” he smirked.
“Yes, sir,” you said breathlessly, caressing his strong arms.
He hopped off the bed and took you by the hand and led you into the bathroom. He turned on the shower and waited as the water got warm. He looked at you while you ran your hands over his chest and abs and shoulders, in total awe of this new discovery: Man.
The rest of the trip was a blur. You showered. You got dressed. Iced your forehead. The guys came back. You said you fell and hit your forehead. They all laughed and made a joke about how drunk you must’ve still been from the night before.
It wasn’t until you were back home with your fiancé that you realized just how lasting this experience would be. She was eager to get you in bed when you got home, but you couldn’t get hard for her. You passed it off as just being exhausted after a crazy weekend of partying. But you knew the truth.
You spent the next week gazing at the pictures of Mark the guy posted on their Instagram from the weekend. You jerked off to the thought of his perfect body on top of you, plowing you and holding you down with a hand wrapped around your throat.
You weren’t a man anymore. That part of your life was over now. Now you are what Mark made you. You are a bitch. You are a faggot. The only thing you want now is a man’s attention.
All you want to do is kneel, serve, and obey. 
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cybrsan · 3 months
Treasure — J.WY [Pt. 7]
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SUMMARY: You come to a startling realization.
PAIRING: Waterbender Wooyoung x Non-bender F!Reader
RATING/GENRE: M ; angst, fluff, eventual smut ; ATLA au, enemies to lovers
LINKS: Ode To ATEEZ Masterlist | Together in Harmony Masterlist | Cross-posted on AO3 and Wattpad
A/N: I’m sorry this chapter is so short after such a long wait, but I really wanted to make sure I got this part out for you all! It’s going to start getting real intense real soon. There are only a few parts left!
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Your footsteps echo off of the ancient stone floor as you venture inside Pandora, taking in the interior with wide eyes. It stretches out before you like a labyrinth, with towering shelves that are seemingly endless as they disappear into the distance. Your fingers gently graze the worn spines of hundreds of books as you pass by, taking in a few of the titles: “The Legend of the Underwater City,” “The Chronicle of Lost Stars,” and more in languages you don’t even recognize.
Floating balls of yellow light flit around the tops of the shelves, the only things standing between you and complete darkness. One comes to circle around you, as if it is sentient, inspecting you. It reminds you of the fireflies from your hometown, and the memory makes you smile. You reach out a hand, brushing your fingers against it. It sparks orange and sends a jolt of electricity down your arm, making your hair stand on end. You murmur a soft apology, taking the warning for what it is—don’t bother them, and they won’t bother you.
“Y/N, stop!”
So distracted by the small creature, Wooyoung’s shout saves you from bumping directly into a wall of darkness. He grabs your wrist and pulls you back against his chest, walking you backward a few steps.
You get a better look at the darkness from farther away. It appears to be humanoid in shape, hand-like appendages melting into the book it is holding, like candle wax onto a desk or ink spilled on paper. It doesn’t seem to notice either of you, too invested in what it is reading, but it whispers things you cannot comprehend.
“What the hell is that?” you ask, voice shaking.
“No idea,” Wooyoung says. “But let’s avoid them, yeah?”
You nod, your heart still in your throat as you carefully step around the figure. There's something melancholic about the way it sounds, like a song you heard once but can never remember no matter how hard you try.
Wooyoung’s grip slides down from your wrist to your hand, interlacing his fingers with yours as he takes the lead and walks deeper into the library. “Stay close.”
You continue to step lightly, not failing to notice how all of the books are organized impeccably, how no dust at all settles on the covers. You wonder if time has stopped here somehow, or if something is responsible for the library’s upkeep. You hear the others trickle in behind you, their soft murmurs and gasps of awe merging with the whispers of the dark creatures. Wooyoung shouts a warning so that none of the boys unwittingly stumble into one like you almost did.
Finally, you reach what must be the center of Pandora, and the sight takes your breath away. A grand hall lies before you, punctuated by a painted, domed ceiling. Stairs spiral upwards on either side, disappearing into even more book-lined corridors. Marble tables fill the space, each one littered with scrolls, quills, and ink pots.
Toward the back, there is a large statue of an owl, carved with so much detail that it almost looks alive. Its wings are spread out as if it might take flight, and its eyes are made of gemstones that resemble the night sky. Hongjoong stands right in front of it, gazing up at it inquisitively.
Yeosang is the last one to trickle in and, just as he does, the entrance doors slam shut and the eyes on the owl statue begin to glow. Hongjoong takes a few steps back, calling to his fire in preparation. Everyone else follows suit, readying their respective elements and taking defensive stances. You hover a hand over your weapons belt.
The owl surges to life, stone becoming delicate feathers. It flaps its wings once, twice, and the gusts are so strong they send papers flying and almost knock you off your feet.
“Everyone, get back!” Hongjoong yells, a ball of flame ready in his hand.
“Who are you, and what do you seek?” A voice echoes through the hall, deep and ancient. It takes a moment for you to recognize that it belongs to the owl itself; its beak never opens, yet somehow it speaks.
Not sensing any malicious intent, Hongjoong lets his fire dissipate. He hesitates for a moment, uncharacteristically uncertain, before replying, “An hourglass.”
Your breath catches in your throat, and the world seems to crumble around you. An hourglass…?
Untangling your fingers from Wooyoung’s, you disappear into a corner of the room, trying to calm your racing thoughts. He moves to follow you, the instinct to do so seeming as natural as a flower searching for the sun, but you stop him with a small shake of your head. You try to ignore the thrum of pain that shoots through you at his wounded expression.
“We have many of those here.” The owl’s voice reverberates through you. “Along with thousands of other treasures. The library and all of its resources are at your disposal. But beware—if you spend too much time here, you will become like one of the Inklings. An echo of your former selves, lost to the books until the end of time.”
Then, as if it was never alive at all, the owl turns back into solid stone, leaving a final whisper of warning behind. “And you cannot take anything out of here, or else there will be terrible consequences.”
Chaos erupts. Seonghwa rushes over to Hongjoong, a harsh expression on his face as he whispers something under his breath. You hear the others loudly discussing what this means for their journey thus far, whether or not all this time has been wasted. Wooyoung looks over to you again and starts to head in your direction but is stopped by San who pulls him into one of the many ongoing conversations.
With everyone distracted, you slip away into a small corridor. You hurry through rows of shelves and display cases, the sight of them blurring together. Your heartbeat pounds in your ears, and the panic you managed to fight down earlier is clawing at your throat.
An hourglass.
The Cromer.
Can they really be looking for the exact same thing as you? For the same thing that can buy your freedom?
You turn, and the sight of him alone is enough to make the tears finally spill over. He immediately rushes to your side, wrapping you in his arms. He hugs you to his chest, squishing his cheek against the side of your head, and you have never felt more safe. More loved.
Can you bring yourself to betray him? To betray all of them?
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NETWORKS: @kflixnet @pirateeznet @cromernet @wonderlandnet @cultofdionysusnet
TAGLIST: @nebulousbookshelf @ad0rechuu @seonghwaddict @sanniesbunnie @wooya1224 @tournesol155 @ja3hwa @pocketjoong-reads @lovandr @yeoyeoland @huachengsbestie01 @baeksofty @deltamoon666 @yessa-vie @mlysalt
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tree0frog · 2 months
Hii! Can i req a fem!reader x toph where the r is a firebender and toph didnt know and felt betrayed (toph thought r was a non-bender), but the gaang™️ knew r was a firebender and try mending their relationship for the two?? tysm!!
hii thank you so much for this iv made something similar to this it's here if you want to read it. its been some time since I wrote for this fandom sorry if its shit.
main masterlist
ATLA masterlist
You sighed pulling your hood down to cover your face from the harsh winds, your friends sitting around you talking and enjoying a meal together.
“So {y/n}” your head perked up to meet the young avatars eyes.
“What your plan for after the war”he asked a small boyish smirk on his face.
“Hmm I’m not sure probably help my brother and uncle re build our home once I see them agein why?”
“You have a Brother ?”toph asked her feet resting on a small rock allowing her to take a brake from ‘seeing’ things.
“Yeah thought you knew that?”you asked before she could speak you heard a voice you hadn’t hear in over three years.
“Hello Zuko here” Turing around you saw your brother.
Princ Zuko hair to the fire nation and your older brother.
Your eyes met.
“{y/n} are you know your heart rate is high “toph voice was filled with confusion and a slight hint of concern.
“H hi zuzu”your eyes looked to the floor.
“{y/n} what are you doing here I thought you were back in the fire nation!” Zuko voice was strained making you wince back.
“Yeah funny story I em well left”you laughed eyes still never meting his.
“Hold on your from the fire nation and your related to him!”Tophs voice was growing louder.
“Surprise I thought you knew?”you looked at your friends though her eyes were a milky white you could sense anger in them.
“How long did you all know” her voice had a small crack in it.
“Toph I we didn’t mean to hide it from you” Kataras Spock.
the young earthbender sighed before turning to walk away from the group a single tear fell from her eyes.
You sighed watching your friend's 'crush' walk away from you.
"go after her kid" Sokka said messing up your hair a little.
It took some time before you found Toph sitting on a small cluster of rocks not to far from camp.
"toph i I'm sorry i honestly thought you knew, "she said nothing as you sat down.
"I'm sorry firefly"Toph said now facing you her hand rested on the scar that went from your cheek down to your neck, before resting her head on your shoulder.
"you know they're behind the bush to your left or right" you laughed now resting your head on top of her your hand coming to rest in hers.
"toph it aang and Sokka they don't know how to be quiet if it is right in front of them" you laughed.
"hey after the wars are over do you want to come back home with me?" you asked toph a small burst of heat raided off the girl.
"i'd like that firefly"
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thatgayoctopus · 2 months
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Otto in an Avatar AU!!!
I had so much fun with this one and I'm so so proud of specifically his earth kingdom outfit and the sketch of him getting healed by Anna Maria </3
He's a non-bender from the earth kingdom obsessed with figuring out the science behind bending hehehehe
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the-badger-mole · 10 months
Why does Bumi's existence prove the 'all air nomads are benders" thing is a lie more than Kya's?
I blame Bryke for being such awful writers for this, and heaven knows I don't want to dive too deep into the scant lore they decided to toss at us. Still, I love poking holes in their narrative of Air Nomad (and Aang) supremacy.
If the claim is that all Air Nomads are airbenders, then, it should be impossible for an Air Nomad parent to produce a non-bending child. Kya, and other benders, I can look past because, okay, sure. Maybe bending works like genetics and one parent's bending superseded the other's. But the fact that Bumi was born with no bending at all shouldn't be possible, unless Bryke wanted to imply that Katara cheated, and Aang isn't Bumi's father (I know this is a headcanon that's going around, but no. No way Katara was the one who would cheat). Since Bumi is Aang's son, and he's not a bender, it follows that all Air Nomad's couldn't be born benders. Even if they had a higher percentage of bender births than the other nations, that number couldn't 100%. The fact that ostensibly all adult Air Nomads were benders, that suggests something...sinister happening behind the scenes.
Then again, this bit of lore was brought to you by the same geniuses who think that a complete and total genocide is possible to accomplish in one day, in completely different regions of the world. Without even the benefits of nukes.
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31nightshade · 3 months
Sorry for any grammar errors or anything like that.
Phil = Avatar that mastered air and kinda earth bending
Missa: fire bender born in the water tribe
Thinking about agani and Tui and La blessings missa with the power of fire under the moon. Missa born with naturally blue flames but they don't work with fire bending techniques only water bending techniques and they kind of look like waves!
His Flames can heal as much as they can cause pain.
At first The Village feared him but soon they seen that he was as scared as they were. So instead of shunning him they taught him how to use it and how to hide it.
He was 10 years old whenever the Fire Nation attacked his village, His brother roier was on the front lines with his father Pol defending their Village.
His mother hid him along with the other benders getting killed in the process.
He was the only one left to protect the benders that is when he took his first life. Eventually the non-benders managed to get the firebenders to retreat
Because they didn't find any water benders they didn't come back thinking that they already died off. not soon after his father went to war leaving him and his brother behind :>
He is now 15 and its been a long ride
The moment Phil found out that he was the avatar he understood he had to survive no matter what. He didn't understand at the time why he felt the need to survive until the Fire Nation attacked..
He had already mastered air and was starting to master Earth But it wasn't enough!
The Fire Nation where brutal distracting him while they killed his friends and family his people..
With the knowledge of being unable to protect and the overwhelming Danger the Avatar State kicked in and drove him into the middle of the ocean freezing him.
He stayed frozen for 100 years until one day his eyes met a water tribe boys that burned with fire;)
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deadghosy · 3 months
𓇢𓆸°❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・prompt: in a world where the Alta world didn’t have a war and it was just a peaceful modern life.
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🎐˚。⋆୨୧˚being roommates with the avatar as you are just a non bender is either peaceful or chaos.
🎐˚。⋆୨୧˚oh you’re sleeping in? If classes were cancelled, he’s sleeping in with you as a appa and momo plushie is beside you. If classes weren’t cancelled, he’s sending a light blast of air to your bed to lift you up. You were startled and immediately started chasing Aang around pissed off while he laughs his ass off.
🎐˚。⋆୨୧˚movie nights are an absolute must. Cause Aang is a person who likes to hang out with people he feels comfortable with. So you better expect him to ask you to choose, he loves to know more about you.
🎐˚。⋆୨୧˚this man deadass almost burnt the dorm room down and you were panicking until he put it out with his airbending. Aang looks back at you still shaken up. He sighs going over to you, making sure you were okay. He hated to see you scared and he apologized by ordering your favorite food instead.
🎐˚。⋆୨୧˚Aang could possibly teach you history if you asked him. I mean, he was sealed in ice 100 years ago at most. You would hesitate as this bald headed roommate of yours just wait with a patient smile.
🎐˚。⋆୨୧˚he does take you to visit the air temple he came from. At the southern air temple, he shows you how he did the air scooter. You laugh and smile until he sped past you making you fall. You got up angrily and chased after him as he laughs.
🎐˚。⋆୨୧˚this little Mr clean ripoff asshole ate your leftovers once. And for once Aang saw death himself seeing you actually catch up to him around the apartment. AND HE WAS IN AVATAR STATE TRYING TO DODGE YOU THROWING SHOES AT HIM. 😭
🎐˚。⋆୨୧˚one peaceful day/night was when it was just raining that whole time. You had told Aang that rainy days/nights make you tired fast. So when you fell asleep on the couch while watching tv and listening to the rain, he laid beside you. Having his tall body on you as you snore peacefully. Even momo joined, leaping on Aang’s head. It was just a calm moment the whole night/day.
🎐˚。⋆୨୧˚if you’re stressed and overstimulated by your classes and work. Aang is literally gonna hug you, and might as well try to do your work for you. He’s such a good friend and roommate. He looks behind him to see you sleeping peacefully with momo. He smiles, feeling happy that you are getting the rest you need.
🎐˚。⋆୨୧˚now if Aang seemed tired or overstimulated. He’s either being alone, or going into your arms for a hug since a hug is what everyone needs sometimes. He is deadass having his head in your neck and passing out. I feel like the reason why he is just tired is trying to keep the peace in the 4 nations to not make a war happen just in case.
🎐˚。⋆୨୧˚arguing over who’s answer is right is everyday of your life with him as your roommate. He’s somehow got 11 as an answer on a math question while you got 80 as an answer. You two were about to throw hands until Zuko came by and told you two dumbasses that the real answer was 20…
🎐˚。⋆୨୧˚if you’re sick at dorm, he’s blowing up your phone while he is at class taking notes. He doesn’t care if he gets scolded or made fun by the gaang for worrying that much about you. He just wants you to get better so he can hug you without getting sick himself. Aang might as well make momo force you to medicine.
🎐˚。⋆୨୧˚you once accidentally snored on him, Aang snickered of course. But he wrapped his arm around you gently to make sure you won’t wake up or feel uncomfortable. He’s smooth like that.
🎐˚。⋆୨୧˚after being roommates for like 2 semesters, you guys became close friends. You would wear matching hoodies, shirts, etc. cause Aang is an affectionate person, he wants to make sure you have a friend to lend a shoulder on. He’s that guy who you could talk and rant to for hours and he will listen to you closely.
🎐˚。⋆୨୧˚you still smack his head as a joke to hear that impact. And yes Aang will blast your ass away from him and put you in ice prison or rock prison from his bending. He’s not playing games. See if you were heavy handed, it’s justified to have you in prison of rock or ice. Now if you were to have your hand wasn’t heavy but light, even if you try to hit hard. Aang is making fun of how “weak” you are.
🎐˚。⋆୨୧˚imagine how chaotic it would be at night if you two did a horror movie night. Screaming together and just start tweaking out at each jumpscare and every time the suspense was too much. Yeah both of you didn’t sleep until you guys were holding each other closely. With Aang having his arms wrapped around your waist and you having your arms around his neck. You jumped scared at a jumpscare, making you shiver into Aang’s neck. Aang had enough and turned the movie off, picking you up bridal style and taking you to bed.
🎐˚。⋆୨୧˚that time when Aang had his hair grown out, you tried to do small baby pig tails with his short hair. Aang relaxes at your touch as he almost falls asleep until you were done. “Ta-da! I’m done, go look bro.” You say patting his cheek. He lifted his head from your lap and walked to the bathroom mirror. He must say, he did look absolutely funny. But he looked “fabulous” is what you said. That was until he shaved his hair again to match his culture.
🎐˚。⋆୨୧˚i feel like being roommates personally with Aang would actually be calm sometimes. Considering you two have such chemistry together during these college times. He definitely has an album of you on his phone. He’s the type of friend to remember everything about you specially. And not in a weird way but like a “okay noted, get them this favorite snack when they are in a bad mood” way. But mostly he takes selfies with you by his side. Hide all you want. You are not missing this selfie.
🎐˚。⋆୨୧˚if there’s a fair around, he’s getting you all the stuff animals. You would have to drag him away from his yellow and red hoodie from the shotgun game. You were embarrassed by the stares people got at how the avatar was getting dragged by a simple adult man/woman like you. But honestly it’s fun with Aang at a fair cause he makes sure you have fun as well. Sharing cotton candy was the first thing in his mind as he pays the person and holds the cotton candy. You felt flustered sharing the cotton candy cone from his hand as he just laughs at how cute you seemed.
🎐˚。⋆୨୧˚Aang and you definitely had been asked if you guys are together. You would immediately try to tell the person no as Aang is trying to either process the accusation, or make it worse by telling them that you both are. Playfully of course.
🎐˚。⋆୨୧˚taking calm summer walks, and that summer air just hitting your face and his. It’s just relaxing. You two talk to each other, probably wanting to go to republic city for shopping for more groceries or such. You notice the sun setting as you smile, the golden ray of sun hitting your face. Aang looks at you lovingly while you talk about how beautiful the sun is. Aang agrees, still looking at you whilst you two sit down on the soft green grass.
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