#being a fictive is fun ngl
crowcussion · 1 year
i remember this one time my dad was in the bathroom and i was at six flags and i heard a voice in my head that wasn’t me and then i went down the dissociative identity disorder rabbit hole until my dad came back then i forgot about it but i was so convinced i didn’t have it
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juli-topaz · 1 month
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Being programmed to have fellows / fictives that a certain person wants from us sounds kinda fun & exciting tbh
I think Misha was onto something ngl
Like go ahead, you can make us so depersonalized and go through absolute hell to the point we split for you. I don’t think any of us would mind.
— Topaz/Juliette ;; She/Her
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writers-get-biters · 3 months
1, 3, 9 and 15 for the General Selfship ask game!
omg yay!! thank you!!!
1. How big of a part is selfshipping in your life? selfshipping is pretty important to us! it's not always at the front of our mind though, so we arent always or even usually actively selfshipping but i&d say we are [almost] always passively selfshipping. who we ship with is very fluid though! last week it was mituna captor; this week its sergio marquina. its a fun part of being a system! also some of us are more selfshippy than others, but overall we would consider it quite important to us ::)
3. Are you generally more attached to less or more popular characters? certainly less popular characters. fandom faves arent really our style ngl. this kinda goes hand in hand with our preference for side characters too. it is frustrating though to try to find fan content for characters only to realize theyre too niche or widely disliked :(
9. How long have you been part of the selfshipping community? How long before have you selfshipped without being aware of the community or publicly partaking in it? we joined the community a few years ago at this point but we had been selfshipping for long before then! we've been selfshipping since we were a little kid, even though we didn't know it at the time. the first fanfic stuff we ever read was x reader stuff :D
15. If you're fictionfolk, how does that affect your selfships? omg! i& love this question :) we are in fact fictionfolk in a variety of ways (kin, link, fictives, fabulex, etc). i think of our many different types (& 'types), our homestuck fabulex id most affects our selfshipping. we selfship with a lot of homestuck characters, i& think to tie ourselve to it and engage with it in a way thats encouraging and familiar to us bc of our fabulex-ness. second, our homestuck troll 'types very much affect how we selfship as well! we use the quadrants for all of our selfships, even those with f/os from other medias! it works so well for us. ::DDD
thank you again for the ask :)
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crayatooor · 2 years
Doing Bodies Work (Badass)
Currently doing bodies homework because my waifs is lazy and she needs me 💪, I might have bitchitis, OH, Nikolai and the Twins with Lols joined School, Hogwarts, so pretty much so much shit going on it’s kinda funny, honestly school has been great, (in inner) fees good, lowkey excited for class today, Transfiguration and Herbology for afternoon, lowkey our schedule is kinda freaky and honestly it’s fucking great still. I got Bs idc it’s still big for me, I'm kinda just rambling here cause I want too lmfao, but yeah might go to class later after I finish bodies classes. It’s 6 AM here in Inner, class starts at 9, man our timeline here is so different from exterior world, we have like different time differences, it’s probably night time in Copenhagen rn over in Denmark here. Our inner is HUGE. Mostly filled with NPCs and Alters.  -Alfred J. Kirkland 
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ablednt · 3 years
I hate making fun of people in my notes but the singlet who was like "ugh i hate cringe culture" on my post about pluralphobia is kind of bothering me ngl/nm
Like I know a lot of what's called cringe culture is ableism but idk watering down pluralphobia that is so extreme that even on the internet systems have to be extremely fucking cateful and also people are harassed out of even having names by singlets and all of the extreme abuse we go through as being just cringe culture is so dismissive actually.
Like it's unintentional on ops part but y'all just don't fucking get it . Singlets making fun of plurals is the symptom of targeted harassment no ones really just going haha fictives cringy and stopping there that's just the first step. I've been stalked before by singlets, I spent 2 years in sheer terror at being found again all of us still use aliases publicly in case things get bad enough again that we don't feel safe because giving up all our names again would be too painful.
A lot of us are also at risk of being doxxed or outed against their will, before I came out as plural to my family I had to have a plan of denial in case my abuser tried to somehow contact them. The framing of this could have literally gotten me physically harmed that was a real serious fear I had.
And even without the threat of physical harm having people intentionally trigger you to punish you for mentioning systemhood around them, being sent death threats and suicide bait for your existence, being near forced to tell people you shouldn't be sentient and don't worry you're trying your best to disappear, just... God if you haven't experienced abuse of this kind (not saying it's exclusive to systems though, if you know the experience you know it) then I cannot put into words just how horrifying it all is.
Pluralphobia is not cringe culture. Cringe culture may utilize pluralphobia a lot like any other type of ableism but it doesn't start or end there.
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fictionkinfessions · 2 years
A couple of these sounded fun sooo:
kin ask prompt: tell me about your differences from your canon/source self if you have any
In canon I was,, Very Stuck Up And Annoying And An Asshole. I was also controlling and just... Overall a nuisance and a bad person ngl fnjsjsjff. I was also just. CONSTANTLY angry and annoyed by everyone and everything.
But! Nowadays I've learned to Calm The Fuck Down and have some fun! I'm also much more easygoing and happier than I've ever been! A lot can change when you learn to Stop Being Scared Of Positive Emotions goddamn /lighthearted
Kin Stims / Fictive Stims / Introject Stims
What are stims you did in canon or do nowadays?
When I was younger in canon and shortly after I met Ed/Blackbeard, we'd whistle to each other. Partially to keep track of each other whenever possible but also just as like,, a comfort thing? Over the years it became less of a "hey where are you" thing and more of a tic/stim, we'd both do it without really thinking lmao. It annoyed the hell outta everyone on our ship after a while
After I,, Acquired. My cane. I quickly learned that Hey Thwapping It Against Shit Is Fun, so :) When sitting somewhere I'd just idly tap it against stuff. Not against OTHERS I should clarify, though the urge Was There.
I had a Lot of vocal stims too. "Fuck off" was definitely one of em lmao. Most of them though were just,, Noises. Like beeping or similar... Actually now that I think of it "fuck off" was moreso a tic than a stim, actually!
—Izzy Hands (Our Flag Means Death, fictive)
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system-of-a-feather · 4 years
rules: answer twenty questions and then tag twenty some people who you want to get to know better! I was tagged by @puppydeathfarts (how tf did you tag me / people without having it show???? XD)
name: Riku 
nickname: Nothing really
zodiac: Libra 
languages: English and I used to have like three years of Spanish but I prolly lost that by now.
favourite season: Fall and Winter depending on location. In California, Winter is pretty gentle so its my favorite, but I’m sure I’d prefer fall in most places. 
favourite flower: Poinsettia or Hibiscus 
favourite scent: I dunno, never thought of it. Probably cooking rice.
favourite colour: Black > White > Silver > Royal Purple
animal: Basic answer? Birds. More in depth, it gets messy cause I’ve somehow managed to refuse to pick an answer by splitting them into bird-archtypes :v It varies a lot, so uh... Cockatoo, Secretary Bird, Peregrine Falcon, African Grey, Raven, California Condor, Harpy Eagle, Bearded Vulture, Golden Pheasant, Shoebill, Great White Egret, Snowy Owl, Great White Owl, Indian Peafowl, Great Horned Owl, Ribbon-tailed Astrapia, I’ve really come to love Pelicans ngl, literally just give me a bird tbh I feel like Im forgetting to mention a lot so like... Yeah thats my favorite animal :v I mean I really really really really love animals and I love snakes and fish and dogs and cats :v And I could probably make a list of favorites of those. But uh...
Birds > Reptiles > Dogs > Cats > Fish > Frogs > Rodents and I love all of them :vv Help me someone. 
favourite fictional character: Fun fact, I borderline worship Akashi Seijurou from KnB and with how much the character has helped me through shit, I’m shocked we don’t have a fictive but I also think I just like used the character a lot to figure myself out so yeah. Then after that either Nagito Komaeda from Danganronpa or Ash Lynx from Banana Fish.
coffee, tea or hot chocolate: teateateateatea
average sleep: My sleep schedules been kind of off and irregular but... I’d like to say about 7-9 hours.
dogs or cats: Birds Dogs
blankets: Weighted blankets are life.
dream trip: To the inner world. Jk, I’m not the type to travel too much, but seeing some long distance friends or going on a bird-ing trip would be awesome tbh. If I could go to some place where I could spent a few weeks with nothing but birds, I’d be happy
blog established: Late 2018 I think? 
followers: 1,438
random fact about me: This one is hard I have to think on it for a bit. 
Oh, I used to love / do still kind of love learning about mythology and folklore despite being a pretty staunch atheist. With that being said, due to how much the philosophy of Luciferianism and my general appreciation of Lucifer as a concept / character within mythology and the idea of it, I consider myself an atheistic Luciferianist.
For the people I tag, I gotta do my system people even though some might just find this dumb, some friends and mutuals, and some people who I’ve seen interacting some. Anyone who wants to do this and tag me can feel free though!
@tea-and-tailcoats, @queen-of-babylon, @your-gay-owl, @thedoesystem, @akobel, @thewitchjournal, @bellatrixobsessed1, @wordsmithic, @auriette, @the-dissociated-bones, @sophies-system, @that-one-system, @dating-did, @kaizendid, @kaylumistired, @millie-likes-art, @hhornetss, @pixiexspacexdust
-Riku (Host)
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