#belated valetine's
durang0 · 2 years
I wanted to make an Ace Attorney Newlywed Game thing for Valentine's Day, but like usual I procrastinated too much. So for now, enjoy these WIPs.
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godheadjones · 2 years
Three Times Tabitha Tate Went on a Fake Date (And One Time She Went on a Real One)
She pats his hand, just slightly, but it doesn’t go unnoticed, as Jughead raises his eyebrows at her. Another moment passes, the jukebox playing softly. “Sounds great, Tabitha. Get ready for my Jones charm.”
“You mean for me to be completely repulsed by it?” she jokes. “We’ve been friends for some time now. I’m pretty sure I’m immune to anything you could possibly bring to the table.” 
She’s lying, of course, but not that Jughead’s aware. He only itches the space between his lips and his nose, with a teasing smirk plastered on his face. “That is an absolutely brutal way to turn a guy down, Tabs.” 
read on ao3
fandom: riverdale
ship: jughead x tabitha (jabitha)
taglist: @jabithajates @jabitha-endgame @sapphicserpentqueen @imreallytryinghelp (ask to be added or removed)
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kimbap-r0ll · 2 years
White Day with the dorm leaders
It was White Day yesterday, which is basically Valentine's Day but specifically for the guys to give to girls in certain countries in Asia. The reader is still gender neutral though since I treat White Day as belated Valetine's. I wanted to write this earlier but I didn't have time, hope you enjoy!
This man wanted to give you the best thing possible but couldn't figure out if a poem would be too cringe or if chocolates would be too cliche
He ended up doing both, getting really nervous about giving them to you, and then forgetting until the last minute to actually deliver it (how could he!)
Cursing at himself for being so clumsy, he runs to Ramshackle and knocks on your door. That's when he realizes he has no idea what to say, how to look perfect as a boyfriend, and then you open the door
"Uh, I heard it's White Day, um...here I just made something for you!" he pushes a little box into your hands and quickly flees before you can ask him what was in the box :/
Tell him you enjoyed the poem (though it was quite sappy) and the chocolates (he made some with Trey!). He'll be red in the face, but you can tell from his flustered smile that he was super happy you liked it
He didn't even know what White Day was until his brother's wife called him and said "did you get anything for your sweetheart?"
Leona's too lazy to actually get you something, but he does have a bunch of expensive jewelry and trinkets lying around. It wouldn't hurt to just give you one of those, right?
He ends up doing just that. Ruggie advises against it ("feels to haphazard, don't ya think?") but Leona's pride is too big.
You weren't expecting to get anything, so he was surprised at how much you liked it. He thought he would backfire, but seeing your eyes light up made him smile softly to himself
He won't tell anyone that he has that day marked somewhere now on a sticky note. The next time he gives something to you he doesn't want it to just be thrown on your desk as you're studying as he says "here, happy White Day."
Probably planned every minute of the day. He has an extravagant gift in mind (probably some new perfume or so he created with his own creativity) and he knows exactly how to act suave
Then when you actually show up to the Monstro Lounge he forgets how words work. He just stands there, looking at you, and then stutters a "hi."
You two end up sharing a few snacks together before he finally gives you the gift. He says he wanted to be a bit cooler but he has to keep his emotions from running all over his brain. Tell him it's fine to not always be perfect, he'll literally melt on spot
The perfume's perfect too. It's the exact kind of scent you like, not too strong but also not too dull, and it's even better that he made it specifically for you. It's a nice gift!
You two end up spending the whole night together just talking and going over some extra homework you brought (since you forgot it was White Day you thought you would be doing work). It's a nice moment to bond!
He knew he had to get you something, but he wasn't sure if he should go with something small or something extravagant. He was going to basically give you a whole chocolate factory but Jamil said "NO >:("
He ended up trying to find a treasure or so he could give to you, and the best thing he could find was some jewelry and silks. He thought this would do and went to find you
He's the best at communicating out of all of the dorm leaders, especially when it comes to his feelings.
The first thing he does is he shouts your name, then jumps at what you think is about five feet into the air, and then tackles you. "HAPPY WHITE DAY!!!" he shouts while you try to get back up
The gifts are really pretty, and you can tell he wanted to give you more but let him know that what matters to you is that he cares for you. It'll make him super happy
Also someone who thinks he can be perfect but will have no idea actually how to approach a romantic partner
He decides it will be best if he were to get you a designer jacket from one of the companies he's an ambassador for, but he has no idea how to give it to you and what to say. From all of his acting career, he knows he should at least smile but then what about the words? Is it too cliche to say "I love you?"
When he finally meets up with you, he's very good at acting calm (remember, it's all just an act for now). Handing you the gift, he places a soft kiss on your cheek and asks that you open it.
Of course you show that you really liked it, but when you finally say "Thank you so much!" Vil has no idea what to do. He just awkwardly smiles and says "glad you liked it."
You might've not really noticed how he's emotionally constipated, but give him a hug and he'll be super flustered haha
He knew what this was because he's seen too many romance animes haha
He plans to give you something through an rpg game you two play. However, Ortho suggests that Idia should give you something in-person instead. But what would that be?
Idia has a few ideas: chocolate? No, "that's kinda normie ngl," or maybe something related to the characters you like? He ends up getting you a plushie from a game you enjoy
Idia doesn't know how to give it to you nor where to do it, so he just asks that you come by to his dorm. "Um, I-I got you something," Idia says, nervously handing you the gift. Tell him thank you and give him a big hug!
You two probably spend the rest of the day watching Ghibli (does that exist in Twisted Wonderland) films together and just vibing. He'll want to do this next year too!
Didn't know about the tradition until Lilia brought it up. He wanted to get you something soon, so it worked out nicely!
Malleus probably wants to make you something, maybe a fae-related item. It could be a tiny model of a spinning wheel (a trademark item back in his kingdom) but that doesn't really seem right. He ends up getting you chocolates since he has no idea haha
Also one of the calmer people when it comes to actually giving you the present. He'll walk over to Ramshackle and knock on your door. When you open it, expect him to smile warmly and tell you "Happy White Day" before handing you the box
"I was hoping we could go on a walk together, it's nice weather outside too," Malleus says. You two end up taking a stroll, hand in hand, and stopping by the lake. Who knows, maybe you two will waltz!
He'll drop you off at your place and head back to Diasomnia later in the evening. Will he tell anyone about what happened while he was out? No. Was Lilia probably stalking the whole situation? Yes.
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artbyisabelh · 7 months
Valetine's Day Roses - belated post
Valentine’s Day is synonymous with roses, my husband usually gets me beautiful long-stem roses from a local florist every Valentine’s Day. This year I hinted to him that gifting a rose bush is more cost-effective and lasts longer. He asked me where he would buy my roses and which ones. I was quick to send a selection of three from Edmund’s Roses. These were the three I had in my shopping cart…
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torchwood-99 · 7 months
Belated Valetine's Day Post
Galadriel, Arwen and Eowyn: Wedding Dress Designs
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skwigelfskwisgaar · 7 months
Welcome back to a belated Ship Equality Day!
I totally planned to ignore the original monthly 13th in favor of timing it for Valetines Day.
This is a great and momentous occasion as I spam the everloving crap out of my favorite ships, character tags, and more! For a brief recap, expect me to reblog art/fics/content on all ships!
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chickenscript · 8 years
Modern!Newt Scamander x Reader
A/N: had to. just had to. also, this is really old ;v;
You work at Starbucks but hate coffee.
Like absolutely despise it as much as it could be - it's bitterness just extremely wards you off. So does whatever other flavor is surfing around in it.
With that being said, it was a horrible combination, yes, you would think, but you needed a decent paying job and this was the best you could get currently with being in college. So you made do if it meant survival - i.e, being able to buy supplies and food, and primarily whatever else one needed for a living. It helped that the campus wasn't too far either. That and there was wifi and employee discounts to take advantage of so it wasn’t half bad, nor was the smell of java beans and confection sweetness. You also volunteer at animal shelters when you’re free from the pressures of getting an education to blow off some steam and working part time to do something you enjoy more than making six am zombies a cup of joe while having to deal with overly crotchety or peppy people was just what you needed. Including some of your co-workers you put below minimum effort in socializing with. It was an okay level of existing for what it was worth, and you just tried to remind yourself that the pot at the end of the rainbow that is a college degree would be so very much worth all the hard work.
It was the average afternoon for a mid fall day and a ginger walked in some time past one thirty. He had a young face, probably European, that had more than a healthy amount of freckles. He walked up to the cash register, seeming all but meekly polite as he ordered a small latte and told you his name so you could sharpie it on his cup.
“Alright, I’ll call you in a bit pal.” you smiled.
He nodded and you got to work. Crafting him his oddly simple drink given all the options to pick from as you thought of his name.
Newton. Certainly not one you hear everyday - in your case anyway - but very unique. It gave you can idea and as you were an in the moment confidence person, you went through with that idea.
You called him up and he listened like a retriever, red head popping up in attention. You reached over the shelf frame on the side of the register, glad you had long enough arms to compensate for your short body. He grabbed the cup from you carefully and it didn't take long for him to snort then chuckle, but it was more school boyish than you expected and that was insanely adorable. He was amused by the nickname you had wrote - Newt. You even doodled a little one next to your curly handwriting. His smile jerked up higher on one side it turned out.
You smiled again, this time more earnestly and shrugged as he looked your way. Then you noticed something more odd than his name and of course you had to call him out on it.
“Cool critter man." it was a witty compliment meant for the stick bug crawling on his shoulder. It was a bright green and getting close enough to graze his collar as it crawled upward.
He startled, and without delay, frantically snatched it up. He then angrily whispered a reprimand to it, letting it crawl into his breast pocket. You watched him all the while, bemused before he seemed to remember that you were there. He started up in a stammer and you cut him off. 
"Does it have a name?”
You swore you could see the headlights of his brain blinker as he tilted his head at you. He swallowed roughly and looked at his latte as he thumbed open a piece of plastic on the lid over the lip of the cup.
“P-Pickett,” he answered quietly.
You cocked your head to the side too.
A smile shyly tilts his lips and he thanks you.
It’s only a matter of time before you decide to tell him your name, but that's about when he’s forced to go sit at one of the tables as a grouchy customer moves in behind him on the otherwise non existent line and loudly complains about him holding it up. It was moment where you really wished you could tell some people to suck it and frack off. She was just lucky more people came in after her complaint. So, you get back to work and help her with a strained attitude, a little less enthusiastic than before and painting mental mustaches on her and the rest of who followed that were not of the savory kind of personality.
When you’ve hit another lapse of inactivity in coffee serving, you spy Newt in the back, alone and ears plugged with buds. Probably listening to some chill tunes. He was writing furiously in a worn journal and taking periodic sips of his latte. Sighing, you check the time on your Android. It’s nearly three now. Good as time as ever for a break, and what better than to see how the politest guy you’ve served in a long time is doing. You made yourself something quick and poured a mug before popping out from behind the desk and telling Jordie - the quiet, sweet guy of the staff that never threw anyone under the bus and kept to himself - that'd you be back in thirty. You took a drink from your mug as you ambled over to Newt.
“Hey." You absently wonder if no one has every really went out of their to talk to him before because of how he reacts to you. He seems quirky - in the good way. So it’d be a shock that no has tried to befriend him.
You’ve managed to give him another start and he’s turned to a stuttering mess as you sit down across from him, a piping hot chocolate in hand. Unknown to you, it surprised him that you had arrived at his table.
"W-why are you- won't you get in trouble for not being on the job?" he asked in that raspy accent, taking out his ear buds.
"Hey, it’s no problem Newt, I’m on break and well…sitting at an empty table or back of the break room by myself can be lonely." you explained, leaning back in your seat.
"A-are you sure?”
“Absolutely.” you soothe and the tension strung in his shoulders dropped visibly.
He’s nervous as you then try to start up chatter, asking if he had any hobbies.
"Well, I volunteer at the nearby animal shelter. And several others." he confessed sheepishly.
"Really? Huh, so do I."
Something sparked in his lovely eyes and soon you two couldn't shut up. You relate on a few things, like options and philosophies, and he mentions that he also rescues pit bulls - he insists on telling you tokens of several, which you don't at all mind -, and smiles brightly when you pipe up that you have one too. You feel comforted by his presence and he seems to like you to some extent if he hasn't stopped yammering with you yet.
He got even more animated when you started to rambled about endangered species the moment he brings them up. And misunderstood or stereotyped ones.
"They deserve a lot more concern, you know? Like, these are animals - the creatures who have had the earth a lot longer than we have, so aren't they entitled to something more than just advertisements on TV that don't help as much as they say they do?"
He drank the last of his latte in a short gulp, he placed the empty cup down, "I wholehearted agree, I suppose we can only hope for more efforts to be exulted but I hope to help that some day."  
Yes, he had told you he was aiming to become a zoologist in his near future, a career you once considered taking on in flitting thought, but your indecisiveness had left you wondering more on you choices of occupations.
Turns out you both like art too and share taste in music.
Sadly, that topic is cut short and because your break time’s up in a flash and you have to get back to work and Newt has an essay to finish.
You down the rest of your hot chocolate, "Um, sorry. Gotta go back to the grind an' stuff." you tuck back some hair. 
He says he looks forward to seeing you again and gives a less bashful smile as he rises to leave too.
You hobble on back behind the register, catching sight of him through a window and holding onto his image as he disappears in the street. You sigh, feeling warm inside, and you know it's not because of the hot chocolate.
You wonder if he notices the heart shaped cookie you slipped into his bag before he left.
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earlfeytea · 5 years
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A belated Valetines. Was hoping to do this one quickly to try and make myself faster. Need more practice.. oTL 
 Anyway! Sacha can be all you desire, even after Valentione's day~
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bumble-in-space · 4 years
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Happy Valentine’s Day!! I saw you got a yellow starburst if you want to trade later I have a pink one
happy, now belated, valetines day!!!
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hansama · 6 years
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Happy -belated- Valetine’s day to you too @snowflakeimagines ♥ ♥
Speed drawing video of this
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shireconspire · 5 years
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THIS IS THE LAST TIME WE TOOK A PICTURE TOGETHER. THIS IS FROM AUGUST. WTHECK. I love you. Happy Belated Valetine’s Day. Dude...we suck. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 . . . #levihan #todorokibakugou #bakutodo #mha #cosplay #bnhacosplay #todorokicosplay #bakugoucosplay #arsenicxcyanide https://www.instagram.com/p/B8pxMJcBNh9/?igshid=1sfw3dtzcpgvn
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artbyhao · 6 years
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Happy belated Valetine´s Day!
Have a pair of boyfriends hanging out
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sheithbeefsandwich · 6 years
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Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Relationships: Keith/Shiro (Voltron), Keith & Krolia (Voltron)
Characters: Keith, Shiro, Krolia, and Acxa
Happy Belated Valetines Day to @lijau! I'm sorry for the delay with your present, but I hope nearly 12k makes up for it?
Read the story here!
This is my part for the @sheithlentines exchange, I hope you like it =D
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comeandget-gomez · 6 years
Belated Valetine's Day || Selex
Sel: The weather truly was a struggle. It took a while to figure out how to make it up north but eventually, Selena was on a plane on the way. She was excited. It felt like it's been forever since the two had seen each other, working in different places did that to you apparently; so it was just nice getting to see Alex again now. There was so much snow, it was almost ridiculous how white everything was. And cold. Selena hugged her jacket to herself after knocking on her boyfriend's front door and waiting for him to open up. "You weren't joking when you said antarctica cold," the brunette laughed as she finally wrapped her arms around him.
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ginny-g-writes · 8 years
Day & Night Rant #1
“They didn´t have long.
Day and Night knew that much.
And that was, almost always, the truth.
Their love was built on stolen moments, of twilights and daws, of little slices of peace they were given throughout whatever little time they had.
Sostices were a thing of their nightmares, and equinoxes all they could ask for.
Day and Night never had much, but they were never alone, and never apart.
For if one had the attention to look, the signs were there.
Sunshine was always brigther when reflected on one particular tone of black, there was a place that was always warmer, always lighter than the usual bright heat around the spirit world, the constelations always seemed alined to one spot, always temathic, all paiting different art pieces, for the amusement of only ever one viewer.
There were always little not-so-hidden puzzles, small tell tales of a love story that was, and yet could never be. Written across the heavens, come day, come night, and went Day and went Night.
But not today.
Or had it been tonight?
Today was the day  there were no such displays, the sun wasnt brighter, the heat wasnt uneven.
Tonight was the night that there were no constellations, no art pieces decorating the black canvas of the nigth sky.
Today was no day.
Tonight was no night.
The time we speak of came every onve in a blue moon, and in a way..
The truly perfect time.
No Day, no Night.
It was the only honest time for an union,
Was an eclipse.
And in the meadows of one of the many forest of that world, oversought by Happiness and presided by Art, there was a wedding.
It was the time in which Day married Night.
It was the one time in which they did have long.
if only for once...
Day and Night did have long.” - Ginny G
Sooooo, hello guys!
This is Ginny G speaking and this is my writtings blog..
Took me a while to build it and to build the courage to build it, but now its finally here and this is my first piece from one of my official stories...
Hehehe, anyway, have a very good belated valetines day, with my dearests Day and Night... Which I will introduce properly soon, and hopefully with style :P
enjoy! xx
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