brisingr-sword · 1 year
me every time i realize i forgot to take off my ring while belaying someone at work:
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techdriveplay · 21 hours
How to Get Started with Rock Climbing
Rock climbing has surged in popularity as both a sport and a fitness activity, offering an exhilarating challenge for the body and mind. Whether you’re looking to scale natural cliffs or hone your skills in an indoor climbing gym, knowing how to get started with rock climbing can be your first step toward mastering this thrilling pursuit. Climbing is a full-body workout that tests your strength,…
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Hi, guys. I try to keep my personal life off of here for the most part, but my partner and I have experienced a pretty bad blow, and I don't know what else to do. On Friday a private yacht backed into our sailboat, the Nautilus, with enough force to move the concrete dock we were tied to. The main mast was snapped in half, and we're still waiting to learn how bad the damage to the hull is.
We've worked on the Nautilus for years now as her crew, and this spring we put every cent we've been able to save over the last decade into buying her. All of our time has gone into sailing and maintaining her, and running our charter business - and now she's out of commission for the foreseeable future. Insurance will hopefully help, but we don't know anything concrete yet. The best case scenario is that with 8-9 months of work, we can have Nautilus sailing again by next summer - but in the meantime we still have the vessel's loan payments, and our own living expenses, and no source of income, let alone the repairs we'll need to begin sooner rather than later if we can hope to get her seaworthy by next summer.
I know things are hard for everyone right now, and I know we are incredibly lucky no one was hurt. One way or another Crow and I will get through this, and be okay, so please don't feel guilty for passing this by. But if you are inclined to help us get through the next few months, by donating or by sharing our fundraiser, I would be more grateful than I can express. I will be posting updates, photos, etc. on our Instagram page at nautilusmaine as we learn more, if anyone would like to follow along with what is hopefully the journey to rebuild her.
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kcjhutchins · 1 year
School Storytime: 2-3 Storey Drop
Yes, you read the title right. Let me explain. Back in my early middle school days, I used to go to a private school. By any means, this wasn’t a rich school (Though according to my parents they were paid well enough to be). So, don’t ask if I got caviar and stuff because I didn’t. In fact, we needed to bring our own lunch. Why am I telling you this? Field trips were rare, and we didn’t possess basic facilities like a gym. You can imagine how excited we were when a local indoor rock-climbing place offered the school free use of their place for a gym course. We bounced off the walls in excitement to try our hands at it. When we first arrived, we were told exactly what we were learning… and some of us weren’t excited anymore. We were going to both climb and belay fellow classmates. For those who don’t know, belaying is the person holding the rope for the climber. It’s their job to pace and keep up with the climber so the rope doesn’t slack. Thus, preventing said person from falling, flipping over, tied up, etc. They claimed anyone could partner up with each other since the belayer is attach to the ground by a hook and harness. Meaning, someone five feet tall could belay someone a foot taller than them and weighed considerably more. Do you see the potential disaster yet?
Anyways, we pair up for the day. My partner was someone half my size/weight and I got a bad feeling. Didn’t matter though… we weren’t allowed to say no, or our grade would suffer. I took my feet off the safe padded ground and ascended the wall. The entire way I could feel the line was loose; saying this a couple times and slowing down for them to catch up. Once at the top and slapping the bar, I looked down and asked them to gently lower me down. I felt the line go slack and I fell straight down to the floor. My life flashed before my eyes… a good thing too since it reminded me how to fall without hurting myself. As the free-falling sensation tingled my skin and wind blew passed my ears, I steadied my feet to land. When I smacked the ground, my body vibrated and fell backwards. Suspended slightly off the ground for one of the adults noticed the incident. Looking over, I saw my fellow student off the ground and in the air… only stopped by the hook. I shook a bit from the shock while crowded by everyone. I don’t think anyone checked me for injury. Just asked if I was ok, I said yes, and that was that. The kicker is this happened three more times afterwards… with no punishment, retelling the rules, or redemonstrating to prevent it from happening again. Can you imagine why left this school in that year? Oh, the irresponsibility of that school (You’ll hear more about it)… Funny enough I did see the appropriate response from a teacher when this happened while in high school… something I’ll save for another day.
School Storytime: 2-3 Storey Drop – KC J. Hutchins' Blog- A Journal of a Creative Creature (kcjhutchins.com)
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redcheekdays · 5 months
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—You trying to scare me? —I'm trying to save your life, and the lives of every hostage in that room. And mister, you are not making it easy.
a.k.a. yes Yes the captain is Out
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reineydraws · 4 months
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botw link in the climbing set! i drew this for a zine called link's closet, i'll reblog with the download link when it comes out 🥰
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if the animorphs fought with medieval-type weapons in their human forms, what would be everyone's weapon of choice?
I do not know a thing about Medieval weaponry. Any history buffs wanna weigh in on this one?
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matrim-cauthons-hat · 10 months
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monarch wears a hat that says "woman want me, ground targets fear me"
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dogstomp · 4 months
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Dogstomp #3199 - October 4th
Patreon / Discord Server / Itaku / Bluesky
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cutlassandcompass · 11 months
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More sloop stuff.
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raven-curls · 7 months
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quaranmine · 1 month
i should get into rock climbing tbh
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sweaterkittensahoy · 4 months
harry and bucky would totally be that couple getting into a briefing late, their clothes and hair all messy and faces flushed
harry: sorry, i was doing...stuff
bucky, grinning: i'm stuff
i just love them
Oh absolutely. Like, Harry tries to set an alarm for necking sessions so they aren't late, but Bucky turns it off when it goes off and murmurs "five more minutes" against Harry's neck and whoops it's half an hour later and Major Egan, glad someone coralled you, but could you not leave hickies the size of a half dollar on our group nav and Bucky just grins and says "Hey, we had to match" and Harry would die of embarrassment but he's too high on necking endorphins.
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dappersautismcreature · 5 months
L Qstudios u fucked up severely
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misskelley · 1 month
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A great start to the weekend
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I made a mock album cover for my submas fansong, Last Trains Home, based on an au that it seems I can do literally everything except actually *write*
[flipped and no text below]
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