#bella looks like cygnus and walburga
motherfuckingmaneater · 3 months
Bellatrix - 5'9 / 180cm - dark grey eyes - black hair - 10/10 intimidation. looks like she'll curse you, will curse you.
Andromeda - 5'6 / 170cm - light brown eyes - soft brown hair - 3/10 intimidation - doesn't look like she'll curse you, will curse you but in very specific circumstances.
Narcissa - 5'8 / 176cm - sharp blue eyes - platinum blonde hair - 6/10 intimidation. looks like she'll curse you, will actually have bellatrix curse you.
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metalomagnetic · 6 months
If Voldemort had to rate all the Blacks out of 10 on how Bangable they are, how’d he rank em?
Bella, Sirius- 10/10 It's not just that they are So Hot, but he also likes their tempers. Wild, fun, dangerous night guaranteed. He'll need a stamina potion or something to keep up with them.
Andromeda- 8/10 She looks enough like Bella that she'd rank high just for it.
Regulus- 8/10- He looks enough like Sirius that he'd rank high just for it.
Narcissa- 0/10. She's breathtakingly beautiful, but he'll shrivel up under her icy, judgemental stare. Besides, he thinks she's too proper and calm for a romp in the sheets with him, but also vaguely intimidating. She'd give him performance anxiety.
Walburga and Orion- 10/10 if they don't speak during it.
If they speak, Orion probably 7/10, Walburga 0/10 (If he gets to kill Walburga during it, then 100000/10).
Alphard and Cygnus- 5/10. They'll do for a night.
Arcturus- usually 0/10, but if Voldemort is having a very bad day, with low self esteem and big Daddy issues, probably a 5/10.
Draco- 7/10. He'd love to terrify him and corrupt him, and also he could play into Draco's Daddy issues. Not only does Draco have some of those Hot Black Features, but he also has some Hot Abraxas Features, and it would remind Voldemort of his Hogwarts days, when he definitely banged Abraxas.
Now I live in fear of what Voldemort would do to me if he knows I whore him around so much!
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aithusarosekiller · 1 year
Black family hcs:
In honour of Sirius' death day
Black family headcanons
-up until 1975, if you asked Sirius, Andy, Bella, and Cissa who their favourite member of the family was, they'd all say Reg. Bella thought he was polite and impressionable enough to follow the rules, Sirius loved him deeply until he realised he couldn't be saved, Cissa had a really strong bond with him and they were always super close, and Andy saw a sweet shy boy stuck in a vile home and hoped he'd be able to get out one day. Andy and Sirius eventually started choosing each other as their favourites but their love for Reg never really went away.
-trans Andy. That's it. Andromeda is a trans girl.
-When they were young, Walburga and Alphard were really close and she always protected him even if there was no need to. As he grew into his own person and began to distance himself from the family values, she was the first to notice and chose to alienate him from the family. She erased any sign of ever loving her little brother and swore to never bother wasting time on a stupid child again
-in first year, the sorting hat was deciding whether to put Reg in Ravenclaw or gryffindor, it only placed him in Slytherin because he threatened it
-as kids, Andy and Cissa couldn't sleep until Bella had read them a bedtime story
-Druella was theorised to be part Veela, which sparked tension between the black and rosier families because her birth was heavily debated upon. She completely ignored the rumours and strived on angering other purebloods because she knew that despite their hatred, she was untouchable
-Alphard left money to Reg too but it was sneakily withheld to keep him from having enough power to get out. Cissa got some too but it all went to Lucius, there was no fear of her getting away because she was deemed 'secure' enough due to her marriage.
-Orion and Walburga allowed Reg to transition after Sirius left as they thought that if they made it look like he had enough 'freedom' within the family, he wouldn't try a similar thing
-Narcissa really liked Ted but couldn't admit it out loud. She thought he was cool and wished they could be friends
-Cygnus would blame all his mistakes on his siblings.
-this is dark but Cygnus and Orion killed Alphard. They didn't tell Walburga bc they were scared of her and couldn't predict her reaction but she knew from the moment it was announced
-Sirius and Bella used to be pretty close but the relationship deteriorated even faster the older they got
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zeherili-ankhein · 2 months
My headcanons of Black family by their looks
So canonically some of their heights were mentioned. Lets add some headcanons to it
Sirius – He was 6'1 canonically but I like to imagine him as 6'3 so that's that because extrs tall Sirius is so good.
Regulus – 6'1 because I imagine him shorter than Sirius -and so does everyone else I think- but not really short.
Bellatrix – 6'0 she is tall and towers over most death eaters except some - Rodolphus, Rabastan etc (because I headcanon the Lestrange brothers to be TALL)
Andromeda – 6'0 she was a lot similar in looks with Bella, so it only makes sense they are of same height too.
Narcissa – 5'10. She took after her mother's genes a bit more.
Walburga – 5'10 if you make her stand next to Narcissa both of them looks pretty same in height.
Orion – 6'1 same as Regulus.
Alphard – 6'4 as I like to imagine him being the tallest in the family.
Cygnus – ummm 6'2 most probably, but he usually looks shorter.
*Also I think Ted was somewhere in between 5'8 to 5'9, same as Walburga, if you made him stand next to Narcisss they would appear same too.
*And Druella in my opinion was shorter than all the Blacks, 5'6 or 5'7 but still quite tall.
*Lucius is somewhere near 6'0, cuz in the books Draco is described as taller than Harry (who himself is 5'11) so I can only imagine Draco got that from Lucius.
We all know most of them had black head and grey-ish (it wasn't exactly mentioned but all people kinda agreed on it) eyes. But how exactly had they looked?
So IMO Walburga, Cygnus and Alphard all shared 85% similar facial features and truly looked like siblings.
And I think Sirius was a perfect copy paste of his mother's face, like they looked uncannily similar. So much so that if he was a woman you could have sold him as Walburga herself and nobody would have doubted.
Regulus though got a lot of looks from his mother and thus was pretty similar to his brother, also had some small traits from his father making him the less handsome brother. (Because I headcanon Walburga to be VERY beautiful -in a rough way- like Bella)
As for Bella, I think she should have inherited her genes from Cygnus, same with Andy but slight differences (like the lighter hair and wider eyes, but still similar like Bella) while Narcissa was more (a lot, with her different hair and traits) like Druella.
This would make Sirius and Bellatrix look somehow similar (like if seen in the dark you can't differentiate properly).
Note: Don't forget this all are headcanons.
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•The main difference between the brothers facial wise other than the hair length is that Sirius is the innocent looking brother, doe shaped grey eyes and brink pink colored lips. While Regulus is the lustrous looking one with the siren shaped eyes and brownish pink lips.
• They both have the same Grey eyes (the whole Black family does, the ones who don't are not a Black), cheek bone, pouty lips, thick raven hair and eyelashes.
•Sirius was the 'Perfect Heir' before getting sorted into Gryffindor. His a natural in etiquette and is sociable (knows how to read the room) to everyone. They know he doesn't like the Muggleborn prejudice like Andy but the Black family never mentioned Muggles or Muggleborns often.
• Regulus was the judgemental sassy brat growing up. Though he is quiet during galas and knows not to get into much trouble. Loves traumatizing his cousins and other kids.
•As much as Sirius being oblivious to his admirers or people flirting with him he had been crushing on Remus since 13 (their 2nd year), and accepted he loves him during their 5th year.
Also his actually good at hiding his crush on Remus until 7th year that Peter is the only one who knows (3rd year). He did tell Regulus about it since 2nd year.
(I love the idea that Sirius fell first but Remus fell harder)
•Sirius knows Regulus has a crush on James the moment he started acting polite and stuttering to James in the train when all he did was jealously talk shit about his new friends. Regulus knows that Sirius knows and had a silent agreement to not talk about it. Sirius realized James started to have a crush on Regulus (and the whole bloody Hogwarts) when he openly cheered for Regulus when he caught the snitch (Ravenclaw vs Slytherin) during their 4th year (though he was the last to know in their cycle of friends).
•Sirius would always close Regulus ears or make themselves busy when their parents are fighting. When Orion died when they were 8-7 (not canon) during an 'Unspeakable' mission, Walburga lost it so Sirius had to take the paternal role to Regulus. Regulus knew Sirius was breaking under the pressure so he asked Uncle Alphard and their cousins for help.
Uncle Alphard took all the kids to Versailles to have a break (and mentally help them as much as possible).
•They both don't like being yelled at or hearing people loudly argue since it reminds them of their parents
•Walburga made sure to tell them she never intended to have them if it wasn't for grandfather who forced Orion and Walburga to have the kids after Orion died. Orion did love them when they were born but they don't remember much about it.
•12 Grimmauld place is the same size as their muggle counterparts which are London Flats. (They're actually not that big compared to their manor in Versailles and Greece (nor Cygnus and Druella's manor)). It was homey growing up but now it gives them claustrophobia.
•Sirius and Regulus love using their pretty privilege but are confused when people confess to them.
•The Black family has a tradition that they will have an Unbreakable curse to Heir's (male and female so Sirius and Bella) to not have sex until 18 because of superstition that it might be a squib if you were not a virgin. So Sirius is a virgin (I think I'm going to make a fic about this), too afraid to kiss someone because he might actually DIE. He jokes about it but his friends think his ancestors should've gone to Azkaban for that.
Did not go well since Alphard and Bellatrix became Asexual (Bella's both Asexual and Aromantic) (I wonder why).
•Regulus on the other hand had a ton of experience. He gave Sirius tips on how to kiss someone and sex toys (it started as a joke).
•Now let's talk about height. The Black family growth spurt stops at 18 which it never was a problem since their family isn't short. But Sirius and Regulus had their grandmother's height. So Sirius is 5'8"/ 172 cm and became an inch or 2 cm shorter post-Azkaban. Regulus is 5'10" / 178cm and loved teasing his older brother about it.
•When Sirius was being forced to choose between Family dignity or his beliefs Regulus was packing Sirius things and left the 'ugly' clothes and made Kreacher give them to the Potters to know what's going on. Sirius was planning to stay at Andy's but Reg knows Walburga will go there (a reason to not only attack her son but her blood traitor niece).
Regulus stayed since a part of him truly believed in the Dark Lord's cause until he learned about the Horcruxes.
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fiendishfyre · 2 months
All your thoughts on Walburga Black please
Thank for this ask, I apologize for the incoherent mess Imma bout to vomit out.
First and foremost, I do not think nor agree with her (and in part Orion) using harmful spells on Sirius and Regulus. Using the cruciatus curse on her own kids???? Sorry we already have villains like Voldy and Umbridge. I hate Walburga being made into some pure evil cartoon level villain to her sons. I think she loved them. I can't say it was healthy but the Black family is complicated, no *family* is complicated. And I am not saying she wasn't abusive in a way, but I lean more it was generational trauma she imposed (orion would have as well), along with emotional/mental abuse. They leave their own marks and can be enough to want to leave a family. I mean look at well intention, for all accounts 'good' parents but are super controlling, people have ended up leaving that family as well (I say this as I've seen people share their personal lives and this be one reason why. Which is valid too.) Like praising the child that was behaving well while also throwing insult to other child, 'why can't you be like X'. But enough about her and how she'd have raised the kids. I love her having aspirations but it was cut short, forced to marry Orion. Keeping blood pure and all that jazz. Though I do also like her wanting Orion as well but I tend to go for the former. She was a potions master or at least wanted to be, it was one of her fav subject. She taught the boys early on how to make potions. She also played with Sirius specifically with the piano. Sirius was her fav child, apple of her eyes. She was so proud of him, even when he rebelled and ran off, part of her was proud of how strong her son was. Though she'd not speak it aloud. (Maybe in time she would have but life didn't allow it.) Her angry dictates her at times, she is more expressive in emotions than Orion. Which annoys her, she wants to see his emotions. Not saying she can't completely hold her emotions back, but just that she is more prone to outward emotions. Orion will look at something with disgust while she'll do the same and say it aloud too. She's a goth queen and Bella so took inspo from her fashion sense. Hahahahhaa. Wally was also an excellent duelist. Ruthless. Her relationship with her brothers is..hm, she is envious of Alphard, getting to be born a man and having different expectations. She was firstborn of her line, told she *must* wed well then must help carry the Black family line. Also Alphard had a more carefree (my hcs okay) personality while she thought too much and couldn't be like him. Cygnus was like an annoying little brother she ignored until he was older and less annoying. But she and Al were highkey mean to him. Taking advantage of their older siblings status. RIP Cygnus.
She totally would have messed with/bullied Tom Riddle, hahahaha. "Knights of Walpurgis? Fucking nerd." /joking, maybe.
She's the most gorgeous woman and knows it. Is a bit of a clean freak which she loosens up for when it comes to potions though she's still; careful not to make a big mess.
Okay, yeah, these are *my* thoughts only, please don't get offended or argue. c':
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What happens after the trial then? Is Delphini lost?
Delphini won’t stop screaming. They move her to an impossibly bright room, her magic violent and unpredictable. She thinks the monsters are trying to talk to her but she can hardly hear them, opting to hide instead. She ducks underneath the small cot for what feels like hours. Finally someone familiar comes: “Why wasn’t I informed of this immediately!?” It’s a voice she recognizes. “The way the ministry is vilifying upstanding Wizarding Houses has gotten completely out of hand! The Wizengamot has fallen prey to a personal agenda! They’re targeting my fam-” She peeks out from beneath the metal bed frame, eyes eager to confirm what her ears already know. “- Delphini!” Her grandfather looks exhausted and relieved all at once.
Cygnus takes her back to the Black’s country estate immediately. It’s comforting, it’s familiar - it isn’t home. He stays with her until he doesn’t, explaining how he needs to go back to the Ministry. “To get mama, too? Is that where they took her, too?” If anyone - outside of her father, of course - can get mummy away from those evil wizards it’s Cygnus. Her grandfather’s face crashes when she explains what happened, he holds her tight and stays with her until she falls asleep. When Delphini wakes up it's Narcissa who is holding her. 
It three more nights until she sees her grandfather again. This time he is not alone, there is a witch with dark hair and grey eyes walking in behind him. Delphini’s heart leaps for a moment until she recognizes her other aunt. Walburga looks even more a wreck than grandfather. Delphini is hiding at the top of the stairs, listening as they fill Narcissa in - Auntie Cissa is crying. No one will tell Delphi anything and now they’re saying a lot of words she doesn’t understand. “What’s Azkaban?” She asks, blowing her cover as she shuffles down the steps clutching an emerald blanket.
Delphini spends a lot of time bouncing between Grimmauld and the country seat. She loves her Aunt Walburga, she adores her grandfather, she still misses her parents. “They’ll be back, it’s just going to take some time - be patient.” Delphini waits.
When Walburga brings her back to the estate she usually stays for a while. Delphini gets it - she doesn’t like being alone either. They’re out in the gardens looking for nifflers when Delphi finds a snake. She greets it happily, turning around to introduce it to her aunt who scolds her viciously: “No one can know you speaks to snakes Delphini Black!" No one can know about your parents! She means. Delphini hates it. Hates living in the shadow of the two people who aren’t even here anymore. Her eyes well with angry tears, running up to her rooms that still don’t feel like home before slamming the door. She just wanted to be friends with the stupid snake. 
Her magic is chaotic. It’s exhausts Cygnus and frustrates Walburga. Delphini can control this chaos far too well, is far too intentional with these “accidental” outbursts. The little witch doesn’t realize how abnormal it is, to be so well acquainted with magic so young. She is oblivious to the gifts her parents gave her - she carries much more than just their faces. 
“You just have to be patient, Delphini.” She is tired of being patient. 
Narcissa brings Draco over often. She’ll take Delphini out with them to events as well. "The children still need to be social." It’s boring. She’s not allowed to use magic in front of anyone else. The shadow grows.
Walburga dies when Delphini is six. She is a mess at the funeral, devastated beyond repair. She sobs loudly and it’s Narcissa that has to walk away with her - Lucius is staying with Draco, Cygnus is own brand of devastated. She brings Delphi back to Malfoy manor and tells her stories about Bella. Delphi sits with her head along her aunt’s shoulder and listens. “What about father, do you have any stories about him, too?” Her aunt has much less to say. 
Delphini is riddled with nightmares. She dreams of a dark cell, black figures closing in on her. Of a dark forest, one where she can't see any stars. Sometimes she hears them, nothing could ever make her forget the sound of their voices. She wakes up freezing cold every time.
“When?” She asks again, still not sure exactly what she is waiting for. “How much longer?” Soon, they all tell her. Soon. They’re all liars.
Cygnus dies when she is ten years old. He is not there when she has to move in with the Malfoys. He is not there when they read out his Will and Testament and inform Delphini that the ancestral home and all future assets will fall to her when she is of age. He is not there when her Hogwarts letter comes. He is not with her when she gets her first wand. He's not at the platform when she gets aboard the train. She hates him, hates him for leaving her. Her parents aren’t there either.  
Her Uncle slips her a book, it feels used, the leather soft and worn. She looks at him curiously, the Hogwarts Express whistling in the background, beckoning. “It was your Father’s.” He explains, walking with her towards the edge of the platform. “He’d want you to have it.” Delphini smiles at him, waving goodbye to her aunt and cousin before turning onto the train. 
Perhaps, her patience is finally paying off... 
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orbitfalls · 2 months
see now remus is tall and disproportionate looking
regulus is tall and vaguely lanky tho proportionate looking regardless
sirius is somewhat tall and perfectly proportionate
cissa's the same as regulus, walburga too (tho she's short)
bella's the same as sirius tho a little to the shorter side, they both look subtly muscular
andy's average of height and built EXACTLY like the Venus de Milo statue, ted is tall and disproportionate like remus
cygnus is tall and elegant-looking, strong but like. a ballet dancer way
alphard is the same as regulus (though a little shorter), so is orion
the rosier twins are both like 5'9 and thin-looking and with sharp hipbones and pointy shoulders
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You just blew my mind. It is hilarious to imagine that Cygnus, Walburga, and the others were just too tired after Sirius and Andromeda to bother disowning anyone else, because they’re running out of kids to disown by that point, and they’re just “Sure, Bellatrix, Regulus, abandon every ounce of sense you have in your heads and join a literal lunatic. We remember what he was like, he had a giant snake that killed a girl and travelled through plumbing, but sure, follow this guy,” because they’re 110% done with everything and this is not an argument they feel like having
I just spent the entire evening talking to @artemisia-black about this and yes, it's absolutely fascinating
because half of the elder Black gen (Wal, Orion, Alphard, Lucretia) literally. went to school. with Tom Riddle. while he was rising to power.
and the Blacks were very actively out of that picture. Sirius himself, while having no motive to defend them, states that his parents were not Death Eaters or active supporters of the movement.
I also... find a VERY hard time believing that Wal and Co. would not recognise Tom Riddle as Voldemort when he rose to power, before the whole de-nosenisation (?).
Walburga would be lowkey horrified that Regulus just went out and violated his (precious, noble) body with a Mark belonging to some half-blooded orphan she knew from school. But they were also not in a position to really publicly oppose it, considering how popular he was getting in pure-blood circles.
So like....Narcissa was the most chill child, pretty much, which says a lot, because she strikes me as a very problematic teen. Andromeda got pregnant from a muggle barely out of school. Sirius ran off to live with the Potters. Then Bella (instead of marrying and having heirs like she should) joins an underground terror cult, and shortly after Regulus does the same at 16 and I imagine Walburga and Cygnus just sitting there and looking at each other with this hopeless look of dread in their eyes and just drinking their sorrows away until they pass out (and then Sirius goes to Azkaban for "killing the Potters and a bunch of muggles" imagine THAT)
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Andromeda Rising: A Snippet
I wanted to begin posting what I had of my Andromeda story, but I'm committing myself to finishing at least one of my two current longfics (Cariad & A Changing Pack) before I begin posting Andromeda's story. At this point I've got a firm story told in two parts: Andromeda Rising and Andromeda Falling.
Since Andromeda doesn't have a canon birthday, for the purposes of this story, I've made her birthday 12 January 1953. In lieu of posting the first chapter, below you can read a snippet of the first scene I have. Hopefully sooner rather than later this will be on AO3 and on a regular posting schedule!\
(I'd also like to thank @pebblysand for her assistance in choosing the cat's name!)
12 January 1964
A bright, cold winter morning greeted Andromeda Black on her eleventh birthday.
She got out of bed and strode to her wardrobe to find the newest set of robes, gifted to her by her Uncle Orion and Aunt Walburga. They were black and velvet, with the family crest embroidered in silver, just underneath the clasp. She carefully put the robes on and brushed her unruly waves until she looked presentable for breakfast.
At eleven years old, Andromeda stood at exactly four feet and six inches tall. She looked quite like her older sister Bella, but Andromeda had softer features on her heart-shaped face. Her hazel eyes weren't as heavily hooded, and they were wider. Bella's eyes made her look fierce and tough; Andromeda felt that her wider eyes made her look soft. Bella had thick, black curls that were always sleek and shiny, while Andromeda had lighter, chocolate brown waves that cascaded halfway down her back. 
Narcissa, Andromeda's younger sister, was the family beauty: she was tall for her age, like Bellatrix, but unlike their eldest sister, Narcissa was very slender, and had long, golden hair and blue eyes. Though two years apart, Narcissa was already as tall as Andromeda, albeit slimmer. Narcissa was also the palest among the three sisters; Druella, the girls' mother, often likened her youngest daughter to a porcelain doll. Andromeda and Bella, however, had inherited a warmer, ivory tone passed down from their Rosier grandmother, Persephone. 
Andromeda knew she wasn't as pretty as her sister, Narcissa, but she prided herself in sharing the aristocratic good looks of her Black relatives. She and Bella had sharp, slightly upturned noses, high cheekbones, and full, rosy lips. Bella's mouth always seemed to curl on one side, making her appear devious, while Andromeda's mouth downturned slightly at the corners. 
She smiled at her reflection in the mirror, satisfied with her appearance. She stepped out of her room and went downstairs, where her parents and sister were waiting for her.
“Happy birthday!” Cissy shouted, earning a glare from their mother, Druella.
“Don’t shout,” Druella admonished. She turned to Andromeda and added, “Your letter has arrived.”
Andromeda squealed, uncaring that it was improper, and dashed to her place at the table. A cream-colored envelope lay there with her name written in emerald ink.
To: Miss Andromeda V. Black
The Ruby Room
Mulberry House
17 Station Park
East Sussex
“Dear Miss Black,” Andromeda read aloud, her mouth curling into a smile. “We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.” She scanned through the rest of the letter, beaming, and placed it back on the table, waiting expectantly for her parents’ hearty congratulations, as her older sister Bella had received on her eleventh birthday. 
“Grandmother Vi has fallen ill again,” Cygnus said drily, reading through his correspondence.
“Dragon pox again?” Druella asked.
“Mother, father,” Andromeda interrupted. “I have my Hogwarts letter!”
“As we expected,” Cygnus replied. Druella cleared her throat and he frowned slightly, before adding a half-hearted “Congratulations.”
“Mother, when can I go?” Cissy whined, sweeping her long, glossy golden hair behind her shoulder.
“When you turn eleven,” Druella replied, returning her own stack of letters.
Andromeda pushed around a fried tomato on her plate, feeling suddenly disappointed. She took her Hogwarts letter and read through it again, trying to memorize its contents while her parents continued discussing Granny Vi. Andromeda waited impatiently for her turn to speak; her parents wouldn't hesitate to scold her for speaking out of turn, even on her birthday.
When there was a break in the conversation, Andromeda said, "Can we go to Diagon Alley today?"
"We'll go in the summer," answered Druella. “You’ll grow out of the measurements we take at Twilfitt’s if we go today.”
"Bella got to go on her birthday. May I get my wand today? I can’t outgrow a wand."
"Your sister's birthday is in August. There wasn't much time to wait. We’ll shop for everything at once, when Bella’s book list arrives this summer." Druella's tone conveyed her annoyance. Andromeda looked away, frustrated, thinking of another possibility.
"Can I see Grand-maman, please?"
"May," Druella corrected.
Andromeda tried not to scowl. "May I see Grand-maman today, please?"
"I want to go too!" Cissy said, batting her eyes at her parents. "Please?"
Andromeda would've kicked her sister at the table if her parents weren't there. It was her eleventh birthday, not Cissy's.
"If your grandmother is amenable," Druella replied, opening another letter, "you may see her this afternoon for tea."
"Both of us?" Cissy asked, batting her eyes again.
"Yes, both of you." Druella returned to her breakfast. Andromeda knew it would be pointless to argue, so she excused herself and stormed back up to her room with her Hogwarts letter in hand.
Andromeda had waited eleven years for her own wand, but it appeared her parents wanted her to keep waiting. She wanted to get copies of her own schoolbooks, her own cauldron, and perhaps even some Slytherin-themed items to go along with her robes.
Her plans were dashed and she threw herself back onto her freshly made bed. She winced, realizing she’d landed on something hard. She rolled over and found a dainty, pale pink collar on her bed. It had a tiny bell attached to it, as if for a cat. She frowned and sat upright, holding the collar in her hand.
The door burst open a moment later. Andromeda’s jaw fell open when she saw Cissy standing in the doorway with a small, fluffy mass in her hands. Grand-maman Rosier was behind her, smiling gracefully.
“’appy birthday, Annie,” Grand-maman said airily. “I brought your gift.”
“It’s a kitty!” Cissy announced. She walked carefully to Andromeda, letting the black and white ball of fur fall into her lap.
The kitten had an almost entirely black, flat face and brilliant orange eyes. It was tiny, no bigger than a teacup, and its white mustache took up half its face. It had a large patch of white fur on its chest and wild whiskers framing its startled face.
“She’s a Persian,” Grand-maman explained, joining Andromeda on the bed. “She will join you at school.”
The kitten meowed and promptly relieved itself on Andromeda’s new robes. She froze, unsure of what to do, but Grand-maman waved her hand and the mess vanished.
“Merci, grand-maman,” Andromeda said, grinning at her new pet. “Does she have a name yet?”
“Non, non. You call ‘er what you like. She is your minette.”
“I like Minette.” Andromeda stroked the top of the kitten’s head, feeling it purr underneath her touch. “My Minette.”
Grand-maman produced a little gold medal from her pocket and pressed her wandtip to it. Andromeda and Cissy watched in awe as “Minette” was engraved on it in their grandmother’s neat, elegant script.
“It will grow with ‘er,” Grand-maman said, as she fastened the collar, now bearing the kitten’s engraved medal, around Minette’s neck. “What do you think?”
“I love her!” Andromeda held Minette up, already smitten with the kitten. She thought she wanted an owl to take with her to Hogwarts, as Bella had done, but Minette was soft, cuddly, and more charming than an owl. If Styx, Bella’s owl, wasn’t available, Andromeda figured she could always use a school owl. 
“Can I play with her?” Cissy demanded, reaching out for Minette. Andromeda held the kitten to her chest, unwilling to let her go.
“She is your sister’s, chérie,” Grand-maman said, running her hand through Cissy’s golden hair. “You can play with her later.”
Cissy pouted, but Grand-maman was firm. Andromeda beamed; of all her relatives, Grand-maman was her favorite. Druella always said she was turning into her mother, but Andromeda never understood what she meant – Grand-maman was firm, but sweet, while Druella only reserved her affection for special occasions.
Grand-maman led Cissy out of Andromeda’s bedroom, leaving her alone with the meowing Minette. The Hogwarts acceptance letter remained undisturbed at the foot of her bed. All thoughts of Diagon Alley drifted away; Andromeda had a new friend and she couldn’t wait to get to know her.
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artemisia-black · 1 year
Is it unrealistic that all my Black family fancasts are drop dead gorgeous? Like I only noticed their vibes and if I liked them or not and they fit but now I've noticed there's not one even average person there. Bellatrix and Sirius are canonically supermodel looking tho so they're fine but everyone else is also stunning. Walburga, Pollux, Regulus, Orion, Cygnus, Lucretia, Andromeda, Arcturus, Narcissa = all gorgeous. Even those who married into the family like Lucius, Druella, Irma, Melania are stunning except Rodolphus and Ted.
Would you be put off by a fic where every single Black was described as beautiful? Should I change some of my fcs because I don't think I've even seen an irl celebrity family with so many beautiful people all in one family but they're also magical which could possibly mean something? Like I know it's fiction but I prefer realism in fiction too unless there's an explanation. Idk I don't see the Blacks using magic to be more beautiful, they're not that shalow, but still. A generational "curse?" Maybe I'm overthinking lmao
TBF anon, when I picture them I also picture them as really, really goodlooking. I had a vague HC, that they are wealthy and proud enough to only want the best picks for husbands/wives. But I also HC that they have arranged marriages so that fits together.
Even when I write an OC love interest they are good looking. I think because we are hit over the head with how hot Sirius, Bella and even Narcissa is in canon (even though she has a disgusted look on her face) that it inevitably influences how we view them. Even the game version of Phineas Nigellus is gorgeous. Lucius and Draco are never described as handsome so there's that.
At the end of the day, this is fiction and escapism so if that's how you imagine them run with it :D
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motherfuckingmaneater · 5 months
Coathangers scratch against a metal rack, dust soaring into the air as old fabrics are pushed and prodded. 
“Gods, mum! You might’ve even had more clothes than me!” Delphini exclaims, eyes wide as she takes in the different colors and textures of her mother’s teenage wardrobe. The entire closet smells a bit stale, as though the air hadn’t been breathed in years. It likely hadn’t. 
Delphini used to explore her mother’s old rooms regularly when she was small and the witch in question was locked away from them. Unfortunately, Bella's closet had been spelled to remain locked - Cygnus always joked that it was likely because the sisters were notorious for stealing clothes from one another. As though they didn’t each have enough of their own, tailored to perfection. No matter how relentlessly Delphini had tried she’d never been able to manage the counterspell. Turns out just a bit of blood would’ve done the trick this entire time. 
The younger witch smiles as a piece in dark navy catches her eye. It has a deep plunge, nearly down to the waistline where it is synched with an elegant silver bow, sterling shimmers are speckled down the silhouette of the dress and a few up the scandalous bodice. They gleam like stars in the sky, glistening as she turns the fabric. 
“What in Salazar’s name was this for?” 
She's sipping wine as she feels the sheer raw silk of a silver dress beneath inked fingers. She remembers wearing it, her mother screaming her horror in French, Bellatrix refusing to take it off - all because it had been her seventeenth birthday and she was now a witch of age who didn't have to abide by her parents rules. She smirked at the memory. Druella would be turning in her grave if she saw her eldest daughter now.
"I suppose." she replies without looking up. They're Blacks, they have everything they want and more. "But I had Cygnus, Orion and Walburga a lot longer than you did."
They spoilt her, she means. Delphini was spoilt as a child too; beyond comparison. Certainly the most of any of the Black children. Finally she turns her gaze up, dark grey eyes searching along the multiple railings of endless dresses and outfits to the dress in question. Bare feet pad silently along the long untouched carpet of her walk in closet, a laugh on her lips.
"You know, I truly believe it was only by Cersi's grace your grandmother lived as long as she did. I must've tried to kill her at least fifty times with my clothing choices. This... was Abraxas' New Years party," she said, "he threw a rather good one. Father's were better though - there was always muggle hunting involved. The next day in their papers their deaths would be blamed on the muggles drinking too much, ha! Anyhow, everyone wanted to dance with me - can you blame them, really? - but I only let one person take me to the floor. . ." She moves along the railings, looking to a rather extravagant piece in emerald. ". . .Then, how could I resist? Your father always was a good dancer."
Serpents adorn the tight bodice of the dress she's now appraising, silk and fitted, a daring slit to the thigh.
"This was my dress to the yule ball, my final year. I was the first Slytherin head girl in twenty-five years. I had to make a statement."
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metalomagnetic · 7 months
Snippet from "It runs in the blood"
We get to hear a little from Arcturus, just because I can't have enough Blacks whispering their opinions in my ear.
She’s scowling at Cygnus, eyes barely visible under her dropping eyelids.
“Master shouldn’t yell at Tesuth!” she hisses, snatching Cygnus’ cup away. “Tesuth is old, and she has a headache. If Master doesn’t like the tea-”
“It’s not tea, you cretin! You made me coffee, and you know how I despise-
“Then Master shall drink nothing!”
“Cygnus!” Arcturus warns him, when Cygnus looks ready to blast Tesuth into different pieces. He always was a violent man, this one. Quick to anger.
Cygnus settles, Tesuth leaves, mumbling. Arcturus takes a sip out of his cup. It is, at least, good coffee.
“Forget the elf. Are you certain about Sirius?”
Cygnus stares after Tesuth, murder in his eyes. “I obviously didn’t see for myself, he's not stupid enough to wear it in my presence. But Yaxley told me he wears the ring at all times. When I asked Lucius, he pretended not to hear, and that in itself means it’s true.”
Arcturus turns his head, slightly, to watch the dead garden. Oh, how Orion must suffer.
“Yaxley says Sirius is far too familiar with Voldemort, that they smile at each other, that he gets preferential treatment above all others, even Bellatrix.”
Sirius always was lovable. Since he was born, he was everyone’s favourite. Even Arcturus’ father, a harsh, stern man that never once hugged his children, never had a kind word for them, would often lift Sirius up, tickle him, place him on his lap, whispering all sort of inappropriate things in his ear.
Tom Riddle is a creature, an aberration far from human, yet even it is not immune to Sirius’ charm, apparently.
“And this never happened before?”
“No. Voldemort never paid anyone so much attention.”
“It’s different,” Cygnus insists. “It’s different with Bella. He is fond of her, but this? He gave Sirius his family ring! When he talks of Sirius, he looks- I have never heard that man speak this way of anyone. Not even at school. Oh, and he very much enjoys speaking of Sirius, asks questions about him, useless things that can be of no use in war.”
“Is it aware of the significance of giving away his signet ring?” Perhaps the animal doesn’t know, what with its terrible upbringing.
“Yaxley alluded that they have an…intimate relationship,” Cygnus sneers. “And, I must say, if Sirius is wearing the Gaunt ring, then- yet I didn’t suspect Sirius finds men appealing. Quite the opposite. As bad as-” he trails off, before he can say ‘Orion' and risk Arcturus’ displeasure. “It’s not something I would accuse Voldemort of, usually, but I am starting to wonder if he…gave Sirius something.”
Riddle has never resorted to bedding anyone to reach its goals. And it was handsome, back in the day, filth disguised by aristocratic features. Yet it never had a lover, not one Cygnus or Yaxley or Arcturus could find, at least.
“But Sirius is- he never shied away from his affairs, he has no shame; if he liked men, surely we’d have heard about it. Especially when he was with those tolerant morons.”
Sirius was, indeed, interested in girls, since he was alarmingly young.
But not many knew about that boy, that Rosier. Arcturus would not have found out either, if not for Walburga, who came to complain to him.
“Orion doesn’t seem to care, but you should. I don’t want Sirius turning into Alphard. Talk to him, or do something about it.”
Walburga was always so dramatic. It was obvious to anyone else that they would have no trouble marrying Sirius off, that he most likely would give House Black many children, what with his appetites. If he kept some male company outside of it, it wouldn’t have been the end of the world. But she made such a scene, Orion confessed, when Arcturus asked about it- and no one could throw a fit quite like Walburga. No doubt, she traumatised Sirius, like she traumatised him in so many different ways, to the point where Sirius was never seen even looking at a boy.
“What does Bellatrix think about it?” Another crazy one, prone to rage. So much like Walburga is as if she were her daughter.
Arcturus hears she killed Sirius’ previous woman, in a fit of jealousy. If only she would kill Riddle, too, driven by that same undue possessiveness over her cousin.
Sirius wanted to wed her, but Orion learned from his own mistakes and forbade it. Even Walburga was against it, and she adored Bellatrix back then.
“She’s in denial,” Cygnus huffs. “She refuses to talk about it. She insists that Voldemort gives tokens of affection to his most loyal, that he gave her something, too. Yet I told her this is not some vase, it’s a family ring. She said ‘her lord’ doesn’t put any value in our ‘stupid traditions’ and is probably unconcerned with the significance.”
Arcturus snorts. That could be. But- “Sirius is certainly aware of the implications. And yet he is wearing the ring.”
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lilyflowerforest · 3 years
Summary: Sirius leaves 12 Grimmauld Place
Warnings: verbal and physical abuse, description of injury, torture, a bigoted family that ends with the last name Black.
This is my entry to @alpine-loves-bucky 's writing challenge. Thanks for letting me participate, and here you go! Get ready for some heavy angst...
(prompts are in bold.)
It always seemed to end like this- him and his mother on two opposing sides, like two Quidditch teams gunning for the first victory of the season. It was the beginning of the summer holidays, barely a week in, and Sirius was already wishing he was back at Hogwarts. Some family were over- His aunt Druella and Uncle Cygnus, and two of his three cousins Bellatrix and Narcissa- for a supposed calm and collected meal.
But then it went south. As south as it possibly could've.
They were all sat along the long glass table, the patterned mossy green runner hosting multiple silver lit candlesticks. Each of them had a glass of some sort of liquor to the right of their plates, and were engaging in some idle chat whilst waiting for the food.
"So, Regulus," Druella said sweetly, disconnecting her conversation with Narcissa, her eyes now turning to her nephew. "I hear you've made the Slytherin Quidditch team again this year. A very admirable achievement, I must congratulate."
Regulus nodded, his chin up. "Thank you Auntie."
"We've got a very good team this year, I think we have a nice shot at the House Cup." Narcissa added. "I hear this year's Gryffindor Captain is a little lacking." Some pairs of eyes drifted towards Sirius' end of the table. He didn't meet them. Although, Sirius' ears perked up at the mention of James. He had kept quiet the majority of the day to avoid any run-ins with his family, having ignored far too many sly comments so far, but a remark too great to loose was on the tip of his tongue. But no, he mustn't, he mustn't....
"Not as shoddy as some of the company you keep, Narcissa."
Dammit. He took a swig of his drink, his eyes closed in a slight wince.
The comment was barely audible, yet everyone turned to look at him, including a taken-aback Narcissa, her fair eyebrows raised. Regulus had seemed to have found a keen interest with the table, his light eyes fixed upon the glassy surface.
"Excuse me?"
Sirius placed his glass back down calmly. "All I'm saying is that your little group seem to lack some sense, that's all."
"Sirius." Walburga sternly warned, holding her head up with her bony hand in distress. Narcissa laughed incredulously whilst Bellatrix rolled her eyes.
"They're far more sophisticated than your little gang, cousin." She remarked.
Bellatrix tilted her head. "Still hanging about with the blood-traitor and the half-breed, Sirius? Oh how some things never change..."
Sirius clenched his fists. "Don't call them that." He warned, earning a chuckle from Bellatrix. Narcissa smirked and turned to her sister.
"Bella, do you not know about the mudblood?" This made everyone at the table quieten, the single word absorbing all their attention. Bellatrix looked as if she'd been told some incredibly exciting news.
"A mudblood, you say?" Walburga asked, raising her head, and Narcissa nodded.
"Oh yes Auntie Walburga, quite a fiery one too, am I right Sirius?"
Walburga looked down at Sirius. He didn't reply. He kept his gaze on the wall.
"Well?" Walburga's voice dripped with snake venom as she eyed her son.
Bellatrix leaned forward; she was sat opposite him. "What're you so afraid of little Gryffindor? Be brave for us. For your family."
And, when Sirius didn't answer, she picked up her glass and threw it at the wall, specifically the spot Sirius had been staring at. The shatter sound made him involuntarily jump, his head jerking up and meeting his mother's manic eyes.
Sirius glared at his mother, right in her dark stern and steely eyes. "She's just as much of a wizard as you and me. More so, even."
"CRUCIO!" Walburga screamed, standing from her chair and aiming her wand arm at her son, her knuckles white around her wand's handle.
Sirius fell from his chair to the cold marble floor. He hit his head. The pain wasn't new, it was like welcoming back an old friend after their long trip abroad. But that didn't stop the pain from burning just as badly as it had many times before. It wracked his bones into his very core, like all of his nerves had been set alight with the simple mutter of an inscendio spell, or fiendfyre. Sirius' body shook and convulsed with the all too familiar throb of dark magic, yet despite it all...
He began to laugh.
The laugh lacked all humour, it was more daring than anything else. It was hollow. And the loud cackle seemed to haunt the room, echoing and engulfing it. A mocking.
"DON'T YOU DARE LAUGH AT YOUR MOTHER!" It was Orion, red-faced as a tomato. Sirius father. He too was stood up now, and he cast yet another Crucio, aiming directly for his son. "YOU ARE NO LONGER APART OF THE NOBLE HOUSE OF BLACK, YOU SCUM! YOU BLOOD-TRAITOR!" Sirius felt the pain multiply with the words, yet no screams could be heard but Regulus', his sobs begging his parents to stop hurting him. His brother. Narcissa took Regulus into the drawing room, with relentless protest from the sixteen year old, and eventually the two left the dining hall.
Once the Crucio had worn off, and many other horrific spells later, Sirius lay on the floor unable to move his joints without hearing some sort of pop or crack. Bellatrix skipped over and bent down next to him.
"Just so I get this right, does the half-breed prefer a nice bubble bath after a rough full moon, or does he just lick himself clean like the mut he is?" She whispered into his ear with a sickly sweet look of fake innocence.
"Stop... d-don't say t-that." Sirius managed, his voice croaky and hoarse.
Bellatrix pouted. "Oh, should I write it down instead?" She asked, and she withdrew her wand, moving Sirius' sleeve up his left arm. She muttered something under her breath.
Sirius suddenly felt the most unbearable pain he had ever felt, his screams scraping his throat as he bellowed and shouted, and it quickly knocked him unconscious.
When Sirius awoke noticeably hours later, he was in the exact same position he was earlier, the outside world darker, no longer shining its summer sunrays into the room. It was dark, and so were they. As dark as they come. He was alone, and the smell of sweat and blood overpowered his senses. Sirius scurried to his knees, the pain an afterthought as he winced with regret. He could hear the muffled far off voices of his family members in the drawing room and he visibly tensed. He could make out the staircase from the ajar door on the other side of the dining hall, his vision slightly impaired, so he dragged himself with his right arm towards it, his other arm limp, running with crimson- the pain was far too much, becoming a smudged blur to his senses.
He was far more tired than the word exhausted could muster once he had shuffled up the stairs and into his bedroom, and practically fell onto his side as he pushed open his bedroom door.
And there sat Regulus, cross legged on Sirius' bed, his tear-stained face red and blotchy.
"I'm not dead." Sirius announced, attempting to rise to his feet using the silver door handle as support. His knees buckle, and Sirius was on the path of falling back to the floor if Regulus didn't rise from the bed and catch him. Regulus led Sirius to his desk hair and sat him down, taking the medical box he had brought with him and opening it. Regulus began muttering healing spells, and Sirius looked at him, surprised.
"I didn't know you knew this stuff." Sirius remarked.
"Miss Pomfrey taught me, she says I have a talent for it."
Regulus continued his spells, but when he had just about gotten Sirius mobility back again, Sirius stood up and walked to the end of his bed. He grabbed his school trunk and emptied it.
"What are you doing?" Regulus asked, getting up. He knew what he was doing, but he wanted to hear him say it.
Sirius sniffed, wiping a trickle of blood from his nose with the back of his bruised hand. "Leaving." He said bluntly as he placed a few of his things in the trunk. There it is, Regulus thought. Sirius was about to pack a photo frame when Regulus snatched it from him. Sirius turned to look at his brother.
"What?" Sirius asked, irritated.
"Why?" Regulus asked at the same time.
The two boys sighed. Everything they did was in sync. It ached with the past.
"Don't go." Regulus tried.
Sirius laughed, yet the humour was sucked dry. He did that a lot these days. "I'm clearly not welcome, Reg." And the two boys stood in silence. Overwhelmingly loud silence it hurt. Regulus couldn't argue with something so true as that. So frustratingly true. It pained him.
Sirius took the photo frame back, Regulus catching a glimpse of James Potter's smile next to his brother and the Lupin boy, the smile so caringly, so brotherly, and his heart ached once more. Sirius packed it along with a change of clothes, and he changed his polished shoes for his beaten up combats. Then, he shrugged on his leather jacket, the one he had hidden from their parents underneath his bed. Regulus felt as if he was watching through a window of sorts. An outsider on the scene. "Stay." Regulus asked again. The belief in his own words were even faltered.
His brother shook his head, tears threatening to fall. "You know I can't. Not anymore."
He limped to his bedroom door, trunk dragging along the hardwood floor, small scratches from its corner etched on the panels.
Sirius turned around once more. For the last time.
"Tell me what happens, yeah? I don't want to miss out, I've always been a sucker for pureblood drama." He said with a smirk, like he wasn't leaving his home, his family and his brother behind with no secure destination. Regulus wished he could've stayed in that moment a little longer.
But then Sirius was gone, he had left, and had seemed to have taken every last piece of Regulus' broken hope and happiness with him.
1,718 words.
@alpine-loves-bucky @marauders-lupin @messers-moony-lupin @suckitlikeavampire
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aroaceslytherin · 3 years
The Marauders and Co. Find Walburga’s Memories (1980 looking on 1942)
Sirius, Remus, James, Regulus, Lily, Narcissa, Marlene, and Dorcas found small jars of the Black siblings mother’s memories as they cleaned up and restored the Black Manor and decided to put them in a pensieve. “I thought they only did this to Bella?” Narcissa asked, picking up one of the small jars of what appeared to be blue smoke. “Sometimes they did this to preserve memories they did not want Dementors or Death Eaters finding. Since most people do not look for these jars, nor do most Death Eaters know how to use pensieves- they do not look.” Regulus explained, taking the jar gently from Narcissa. “I want to, though.” Sirius motioned for the group to follow Regulus, so they did. Regulus led them to the basement. Sirius, Narcissa, and Regulus lit their wands in unison before pointing at the farthest brick wall. As the bricks moved, a dark cellar was revealed. “What the hell is this?” James asked, looking around. Narcissa flicked her wand, lighting each hanging lantern in the room, as well as every other candle in the basement. “This-” she spread her arms out to gesture to the room. “- is the cellar in our basement. Our ancestors turned it into a room for Coven Meetings and a place where we could secretly practice magic that is still normally perceived by the muggles. Yes, we can do that. Does the same things for us that it does them.” Regulus moved to the far left. “Pensieve is over here.” “I wasn’t done.” Narcissa crossed her arms before stepping up to Remus, resting a comforting hand on his shoulder. “It was first used by Cyfrin and his husband Amarok as a place to keep their kids and family as a whole safe from the outside world and hunters.” She gestured to Regulus. “Now we can. There is a lot of history to this house, to magic, our family, witches, and I am determined to share it. Only reaches family.” They gathered around the pensieve and watched as the memory floated above them before engulfing them into Walburga’s memories. * They were met with a dark bedroom in the Black Manor, the only light provided by the moon that had come in through the black curtains. They heard a sigh before Walburga sat up and looked at her brother. “Alphard, can you not see I am trying to get some sleep?” “Do you regret anything you do?” “I am just having a little fun until-” “You are married off to someone you do not love? Why not marry one of these guys you are off shagging after a drink and smoke?” “I would not be keeping the bloodline pure. You only live once after all, why not have a little fun before it ends? Live whilst you are young, sleep when you are dead.” “You know who they are making you marry.” “Yes, Alphard. I know.” “You know what? This is all bullshit.” “Put that cigarette out before you burn something.” “Like you care. What happened to the days you let me play with fire?” “Mother would care, and I grew up. Maybe you should as well.” “You are no fun anymore. How would you go about raising your children?” “How I was raised.” “If you are too stubborn to change things. Do you think your children would?” “If anyone changed anything and went against the rules, they would be burned off and disowned. That is how things work.” “You would much rather be unhappy in a loveless marriage than free and happy?” Alphard asked, taking a drag from the cigarette before letting the smoke fall as he spoke. “Sounds absolutely revolting.” “I would rather see you leave. Out the door in the morning or your dead body rotting in that bed of yours.” “Such a frigid heart, dear sister.” “We all do, nay you should. Now hush before you wake Cygnus. Let us sleep.” She laid down. “Try not to burn the house down whilst you are at it.” * Soon they were left in the stone room once again. Regulus smiled as he looked slightly down at Sirius. “Mother practically raised Alphard all over again.” “I see that, Regie.” Sirius huffed. Regulus chuckled as Narcissa bottled the memory again. “Can you take nothing lightly?” “Not much these days, no.” ***
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daughterofyourdarklord · 11 months
What are some of your headcanons for the Delphi and the Trio universe? I’m into it!
There's no easy way to say this, anon, but... I overdid it.
Please enjoy a far too detailed accounting of just some of the HC I have for this "first war alternate-universe" below:
Delphini is born in October of ‘78 - because of when her birthday falls she’s only one year above Draco and Harry Potter in school despite being closer to two years older. 
Bellatrix is barred from direct combat the day they find out about her pregnancy. She resents this, but would never refuse a direct order. She diverts her focus and leans into the dark arts heavily as a means to extend protection to their unborn heir. Calling upon the constellations, chanting blood rites, the constant brewing of obscure potions - her magic resonates with Delphini’s own, the baby responding to it long before she has taken her first breath. 
Still, Bella is an asset in strategy. She’ll show up to meetings with ancient runes stitched up her neck and down her fingers, blood from a recent sacrifice trailing on her robes. One day, her curses run so dark her eyes shift completely black for an entire week. The death eaters are lost somewhere between horrified and awed.
Dark magic is a constant in Delphini’s life since infancy. Ancient runes scrawled across new skin in blood, cursed objects perfectly placed for her protection, bewitched portraits lining the walls of her nursery. She finds comfort in it since before she can remember. 
Her parents are horribly busy for most of her early life but they still manage time to see her. The Dark Lord had established what is closest to His permanent residency in LeStrange Estates, a whole wing of the castle dedicated just to Him. Delphi and her mother spend the most time there. 
Rather than leaving Delphini with her sister, Bellatrix whisks her away to the Blacks just before she is arrested. They take her to the Ministry to ensure there's record of her so she can enlist at Hogwarts. There’s not. “She belongs to all of you?” Walburga, Cygnus and Druella glare back at the Ministry worker imploringly. “Yes.” Her blood runs Black and one test is more than enough proof, it’s not protocol to question a magical child’s parentage. 
The loss of both of her parents so suddenly is devastating. At night Delphini dreams of them, both of them, alone - scared, searching for each other. Delphini hurts just the same, it’s a constant state of free fall. She can’t help but feel like it’s her job to save them both.  
Of course, she gravitates towards Walburga. Something about the matriarch feels the most familiar, like she can almost pretend. The little witch will never fill the hole permanently cut into her great aunt’s heart but it feels slightly less raw in her presence. 
Delphini’s first year at Hogwarts will be Nymphadora’s last. When the Black’s take her to Diagon Alley they run into Andromeda. They ignore her completely despite the other witches and wizards leaping out of their way in anticipation for rivers of cataclysmic magic. She looks like Bellatrix and for a moment Delphini aches. She doesn’t know it but Andromeda is thinking the same thing.
Ollivander looks at her curiously. Yew, Dragon-heartstring, eleven and a half inches, unyielding. Very interesting. 
Before the start of her first year her Uncle Lucius has a gift for her. “It was your father’s.” He explains as he hands her the diary, the binding of it is soft and worn, the magic radiating off of it feels oh so familiar. Delphini is thrilled, it is one of the first things she uses when she gets to the castle. The pages are blank, until they are not. 
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