#Sirius and Regulus help each other
radiohead-spiderman · 5 months
Long convoluted tangent about why I think the Black sisters were closer than the Black brothers.
Sirius and Regulus, didn’t care for each other as much as we make it sound like they did. Sure, maybe they cared a little, but Sirius regards Regulus with a slight disdain in his later life, and even before that, we know that Regulus was canonically the golden child, so, Sirius probably regarded him with a bit of disdain then too.
This is going off of canon, so, the argument ‘we don’t care about canon’ doesn’t apply here, because I am talking about canon, the conversation is centered on canon.
I’d argue that the Black sisters were closer than the Black brothers, and I will be going on a long tangent about it.
Taking Androemda out of the picture for a moment, and just looking at Bellatrix and Narcissa versus Regulus and Sirius, the former would immediately win in terms of closeness, there is genuinely no argument you could use to say that Regulus and Sirius were closer than Bellatrix and Narcissa.
Now adding Andromeda into my argument; and before I hear “well Bellatrix and Narcissa hated muggles and muggleborns so obviously they hated Narcissa” shut up, Regulus also hated muggles and muggleborns so BONK SHHH. I’d argue that Bellatrix’s hatred for muggles also stems from Andromeda choosing Ted over them, in Bellatrix and Narcissa’s eyes at least. Furthermore, we don’t know of any favoritism between the three sisters, canon wise, sure, we can assume that Bellatrix was the favorite as she was the oldest, but, we could also assume that Narcissa was the favorite as she was the youngest, and stuck to the family’s values, or, Andromeda could’ve been the favorite as she was the middle child and the calmer of the two sisters, Sirius had stated that in the eyes of their parents, Regulus was the golden child.
To add even more to this, Andromeda, unlike Sirius, and like the rest of her family(before her daughter), was a Slytherin, now that matters because she spent a considerable amount of more time with her sisters, and because her being a Slytherin, means she was as she was supposed to be, in her family’s eyes, while Sirius was a Gryffindor, which meant he was already starting to get ostracized, but it also means he did not spend nearly as much time with Regulus as Andromeda did with her sisters.
Another thing that furthers my point is when the two got disowned, Sirius when he was sixteen, Andromeda when she was freshly graduated and when she had married Ted Tonks, it also matters on how they got disowned and why, Sirius ran away first, then got disowned after that, while Andromeda got disowned because she married a muggleborn, and after she married him.
I do suppose you could argue that Bellatrix and Narcissa hated Andromeda because of what Bella said in Deathly Hallows,
‘She is no niece of ours, my Lord,’ she cried over the outpouring of mirth. ‘We – Narcissa and I – have never set eyes on our sister since she married the Mudblood. This brat has nothing to do with either of us, nor any beast she marries.’
Though, I can see the clear implications in “have never set our eyes on our sister”, Bellatrix did not say that she or Narcissa hated her; sure, it could be implied, but I do not take it as such. Furthermore, this is Bellatrix, saying this, and in the context for that line, it was Bellatrix defending herself and involving Narcissa in it as well. Now, to further my point, Narcissa would have been between 15-16 when Andromeda was disowned, and while Narcissa considered Andromeda a blood traitor yes, we do know how strongly family means to Narcissa and how much it guides her choices, and around that age, siblings, sisters especially, mean the world to the younger ones, while with Bellatrix she was the eldest and probably felt anger and disgust, Narcissa was the youngest and probably felt more hurt.
On the topic of Narcissa’s disdain towards muggles, after Deathly Hallows where Draco marries Astoria Greengrass who didn’t believe in her own family’s pureblood ways, Narcissa didn’t approve of Draco’s wife yes, but she still loved her son. I would also argue that that’s Cursed Child however and, I personally take almost everything in Cursed Child with a grain of salt.
With everything we know about Narcissa and Bellatrix, and the few things we know about Andromeda, we can assume that Bellatrix felt betrayed and went with the immediate disdain and revulsion type of betrayal, while Narcissa felt betrayed in a more ‘how could you do this to me?’ way.
Oo, to add even more to this, Bellatrix’s disdain could’ve grown even more because of how close Andromeda and Ted were to the Order, and since Bellatrix was Voldemort’s right hand woman, and she was indefinitely devoted to him and his cause, that would’ve furthered her disdain and betrayal for her sister, while Narcissa was never a real Death Eater, nor did she have any allegiance to Voldemort, we can further prove this when she lies to his noseless face about Harry being alive, so, while Bellatrix’s betrayal would’ve burned hotter, Narcissa’s opinion was probably not very swayed.
Maybe I’ll make a follow up on this, but, from everything that we know, canon wise, the Black sisters were infinitely closer than the Black brothers, and felt more betrayed by their sister’s disownment, rather than how Regulus felt about Sirius’ disownment.
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steelycunt · 1 year
ridi im sorry i need to rant and i think youll get it 😭 like not to be a bitch but this fandom kinda going off the rails and annoying the shit out of me https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRbYASpf/ everybody in the comments unironically loving it,,, i mean wtvr ship who you want but its kinda getting delusional like ppl are just operating on thin air and pretty fancasts atp and i do Not understand or emotionally connect with any of it. at least w wolfstar theres so much material and foundation to explore but what is all the rest of this?? just hot celebrity fancasts and crack. to be fair part of me respects taking a terfs canon material and making everybody gay but the way it seems to be so oversaturating fics and the fandom that characters dont even feel like their original selves .. atp its all just surface level OCs
hello! yes! i'll be honest talking about things like this always make me a little nervous, and i feel obligated to preface anything i say with a disclaimer that none of it really matters, nothing i say matters, and you should do what you like, because--who cares. i am not an authority on--anything, frankly. my opinion holds no more weight than the next guy's, and all i'm doing here is giving it, so. essentially what im saying is--people are perfectly entitled to disagree with me, but people are not entitled to be mean to me about it xx
having said that. it is my personal opinion that s x barty is one of the worst fucking things i have ever heard lol. who even is barty who is that guy. why would s be interested in him at all. i do not understand it it does not make sense to me. from where are we sourcing the character traits and personality that we are giving barty that would ever endear sirius to him, because it objectively cannot be canon.
overall i do not get the new interest in barty + evan + pandora (+ regulus, but we won't go there)...at all, other than guessing that people were bored with the marauders and wanted a new version of them (and new celebrities to fancast) while simultaneously changing next to nothing about them other than superimposing them onto the first slytherin side characters they could rustle up. i expect ive become a bit of a broken record in regards to my dislike of the popular meow-meow-ification + complete absolution of regulus as a character in order to make him a loveable oc (just as i think erasing all the negative traits that r/s have in order to make them more likeable is just as boring), and all of that applies to those other guys as well (with the slight difference that they are, somehow, even less interesting and significant than regulus in canon), so i won't get into that too much. but i think what you say about having no emotional connection to any of it is exactly right lol--it is a sort of shift? i guess? in the fandom that is simply of no interest to me. they are characters that i just have no emotional investment in and admittedly struggle a little to understand why other people do. i am emotionally invested in, like, five characters overall (and even out of those--there's only two i'm really here for innit xx) and i personally cannot extend that investment to a creepy little side character who is mentioned maybe twice in the entire series.
and that is okay! i do not need to understand it. i don't want to say it annoys me because honestly--i don't go there, its nothing to do with me. if i dont like it i just wont interact with it, and the fact that it doesn't interest me has no bearing on what other people are into or want to do, and i couldn't give less of a shit what people do with the canon material, which is largely garbage anyway. take the bits you want from it, play around with those and ignore the rest. in that respect we are all doing exactly the same thing. but yeah i think s x barty is genuinely awful lol. hate it. very terrible. he's already got a loser werewolf boyfriend and he loves him so so much. leave him alone.
#i know most people are reasonable and thus it is perhaps overly cautious of me to insist on shrouding my unpopular#opinions in like. layer upon layer of placatory disclaimers but. well im a rather anxious guy i can't help it xx but im going to use these#tags to have a bit more of a consequence-less hater hour so. if you like regulus or barty or any of that lot i suggest you look away now#because i am about to express opinions about them that you probably wouldnt agree with + wouldnt enjoy reading!!#like full warning what im about to do is NOT any sort of analysis or defence of my opinion i will just be hating on them. is that clear.#okay. having said that. hater hour. barty and evan and honestly regulus were all cunts? like they were terrible people why do we care#about them now. regulus interests me solely as a piece of context for sirius' character. i could not give less of a shit about him as a#person in his own right. which leads me to my next hater moment: why oh why oh WHY on earth would canon james potter be interested#in canon regulus black. it makes sense in like a muggle au where they are virtually completely different characters but canon?#why would he be attracted to him. there is nothing. there is no chemistry i am ASLEEP and so is james. he would not give that#guy a second look. like it just baffles me it truly does. i feel like you have to bend over backwards to create a situation in which#james potter would ever show an interest in regulus. and i know jegulus is a fucking force to be reckoned with nowadays but god i just#do not like that ship. also i think the fact that barty and pandora and evan are essentially just oc characters who have been coloured#in by general fanon consensus shows in that what they have become is just. not interesting or complex or well fleshed out lol. like#idk i feel like they are just. very shallow. deliberately. so they are easy to like and easy to ship because that is what theyre there for.#god it feels so good to say all this. i will never be a hater again (<- lying) but i needed to be able to just. say this just once xx#also if you needed any more indication what barty and evan and regulus are here to do you just have to look at their#super-hot super-conventionally attractive celebrity model fancasts. like it all adds up its like but what if these death eaters were#not actually evil :-( what if they were really sweet and also? so so hot. like they were all so hot and actually really good#and none of them meant to be evil they didnt want to be :-( they were just hot good guys all in love with each other and the evil stuff#they did wasnt their fault :-( like that has to be. the most boring thing you couldve possibly done with these blank slates. surely.#anyway. im done now but i enjoyed hater hour immensely this was so fucking good for my soul xx thanks and goodnight xx#anon#telegram#scream hang on sorry. just looked at the comments of that tiktok where people are saying they were prison besties. girl. girl.#girl they were in prison for very different reasons baby. baby you know that right. baby look at me. look at me
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maryoliverdotcom · 1 year
in the back of my mind the marauders and the potters and walburga and the black siblings are having a nice family dinner and everyone falls back in love with each other argue with the wall
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enbysiriusblack · 2 years
I was going to ask if anyone's seen the parent trap, but then I realised who hasn't seen either the original or remake?? I would be immensely surpised if someone hadn't tbh
but, I had an idea, when I was watching the remake, for a marauders parent trap au.
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choerypetal · 4 months
Secret Admirer / Regulus Black
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Summary: Regulus had always harbored a soft spot for a particular member of the Potter family. This individual stood in stark contrast to James, and being a Slytherin only seemed to fuel Regulus's obsession with the sibling who exuded a delicate scent of orchids.
P.S : English isn't my first language, so I apologize for any minor grammar errors. Enjoy!
Regulus had no intention in falling in love. Or was it all in his head? 
God forbid he would need an excuse to glance in your direction or steal a look every now and then. The young man wasn't about to let you slip out of his sight so effortlessly. First, he had to admire every inch of your body, from head to toe. You were now his target, his prey.
He was well aware that this endeavor wouldn't be a simple one, especially considering you were the notorious sibling of James Potter himself.
Understanding your brother's protective nature, being associated with the Potter name wasn't exactly favorable, particularly from an ethical standpoint. Being a Slytherin only intensified matters, as it made you a target for Dark Wizards, much to James' dismay. For Regulus, this meant that even initiating a conversation with you posed a significant challenge.
Regulus remembered the very first time he had met you. Like every love cliché stories, it was during your first day at Hogwarts when your brother had been the light of everyone interest and Regulus had the chance to see your beautiful face exit the train and your hair seemingly blending itself with the wind. It was in that very moment that Regulus knew what falling in love was like. 
Being a Black meant enduring Sirius's teasing at his whim, and with his family's significant legacy, observing his close rapport with the Potters, one might have considered themselves fortunate to easily encounter you during Potions class. You were slightly smaller than your brother, inviting mockery from him and his friends when reaching for higher objects, coupled with a persistent plea until the class's final moments. However, one time, Regulus seized the opportunity to intercept them before you. It was also the moment when both of you heard each other's voices. Your small “Thank you” and the smile you bestowed upon him were enough to stir butterflies in his stomach, followed by inevitable teasing from Sirius later that evening, as it became evident that your brother's attention was on the two of you. 
After the initial encounter between Regulus and you in Potions class, James couldn't help but notice you two’s interactions. To his surprise, he found himself growing increasingly concerned as rumors circulated about Regulus's association with the Death Eaters, and perhaps even darker affiliations. As your brother, naturally, he wanted the best for you, but witnessing the potential dangers of Slytherin influence, it pained him to imagine you being ensnared by such influences. Little did he know, he was mistaken from the outset. 
Regulus was undeniably a good person, a fact known to everyone. Yet, there was something about him that intrigued you even more. You couldn't help but notice from the outset the subtle glances he stole in your direction during class. Your friends occasionally teased about someone showing interest in you, but you couldn't bring yourself to believe it, especially with your brother's constant reminders about keeping your distance from men, especially Slytherins like Regulus. Despite all this, Regulus was keenly aware that you were conscious of his attention towards you.
Despite your efforts to maintain complete innocence regarding your brother's request, you couldn't deny the temptation or the inevitable encounter with Regulus. Which meant, he couldn't resist drawing your full attention to him, resorting to leaving notes in specific places where you frequented. With his signature R.A.B.
As a result, you couldn't help but become somewhat frantic, eager to uncover the identity of your secret admirer. This lead to an interesting investigation between the two of you. 
This though first was brought up during lunch at the Dinning Hall. While he was away in his book, he couldn’t help but to notice and hear clearly his name being whispered from your own mouth. From this very moment, he couldn’t stop but to think— think about the endless dreams longing to hear your voice murmuring his name, begging to hear it, before it vanishes in echoes completely. How he would hold your hand seemingly, wondering off away from Hogsmeade to deep in the forbidden forest to admire the beautiful beasts you long wanted to discover amidst admitting it during class one time. Something he had not forget and it was these little details Regulus made sure of when the possibility of a real encounter. 
The encounter unfolded within the confines of the Library. As you embarked on your quest to locate a book recommended by your teacher, one that aligned with your fascination for magical beasts, fortune smiled upon you as remnants of the coveted tome remained available. Despite its widespread popularity for research purposes. Your satisfaction was tinged with frustration as the book eluded your grasp, just beyond your reach. Regulus, perhaps guided by destiny, seized the opportunity to intersect your paths. As he reached for the book he sought, a familiar fragrance enveloping him—the scent of fresh orchids that had captivated him since your initial meeting. “Perhaps a little assistance is in order.” He remarked, his voice resonating with familiarity, reminiscent of your encounters in Potion class.
However, on this occasion, instead of flashing your customary smile, your eyes widened in surprise at the unexpected presence of the boy who might be your clandestine paramour. Despite the initial shock, you swiftly pushed aside such thoughts and donned your smile. Yet, your cheeks betrayed a different sentiment, flushing with warmth at the tender touch of his cold yet inviting fingers intertwining with yours. It had been an eternity since you had been in such close proximity to Regulus. Despite your inner turmoil and unspoken desires, you couldn't deny the longing for his company, and the warmth of his attentiveness towards you.
“Thank you…” Your voice, gentle and familiar, whispered to his ear, betraying your unmistakable affection for him. Regulus returned your smile with confidence, yet beneath the facade, a sly smirk danced across his lips as he handed you the book, placing it securely in your grasp. With a casual glance at the title, he feigned surprise, though inwardly he had anticipated your newfound research interest. “A fan of magical beasts as well?” He inquired, his tone softened, a deliberate effort to win the approval of your brother, something he knew he must secure to further his intentions.
“Yes.” You affirmed, though the realization of once again finding yourselves drawn together in such close quarters was a surprise even to you. Despite the shared space, your presence seemed merely a distraction to him, your brother's attention firmly fixed on Lily Evans. Nonetheless, Regulus seized every chance to revel in the pleasure of your company, carving out moments for just the two of you. The burgeoning attraction between you was becoming increasingly apparent. “Looks like we always meet in times when I am deed.” You confessed, acknowledging the truth of your words, yet Regulus finding this statement to be nearly impossible to resist the allure of such intense desire, passion. And intimacy with a man who embodied all these qualities. 
As tempted as you were to acknowledge those thoughts, and even to acknowledge Regulus's correctness, you merely shrugged with feigned innocence. It was a quality that had captivated Regulus from the moment he first laid eyes on you. He longed to possess you entirely, to the extent that he would endure your brother's fury or the sight of the Potter girl tangled in Slytherin affairs. Regardless, his sole focus was to ensure that you belonged to him and him alone. 
And much to his liking, James being in the same room just a few tables from afar your study had take knowledge of Regulus’s presence. How his thumb would be casually caressing your chin and lifting up slightly to have a the opportunity to feel his lips against yours. Just this once, and perhaps even more. 
“You know…” His voice deepened, his warm breath grazing against your skin. In that moment, you realized you had been momentarily blinded by his actions, yet a stirring within you suggested that perhaps, like him, you were in love. In love with a man who sought justice and, undoubtedly, someone to cherish—a person with whom he could find solace and belonging. Regardless of your brother's approval, he remained unconcerned. “A little bird informed me that you've been receiving letters from a secret admirer. I couldn't help but be curious about their identity.” He confessed, his tone betraying a mix of intrigue and oblivious.
His voice, smooth as butter, dripped with both passion and curiosity, eager to uncover whether you knew the identity behind the mysterious letters. Despite harboring your own suspicions, you simply shrugged, a casual yet teasing smile playing on your lips. As he reciprocated with a gentle touch, his thumb grazing your chin, you sensed the tension radiating from your brother, torn between throwing a punch or holding back. Simultaneously, you were aware of your brother's intense gaze fixed upon you, even though your back was turned to him. In that moment, it was clear that he faced a choice: intervene or allow Regulus to kiss you.
“Don't,” Sirius mouthed the words silently, fully aware of Regulus's capabilities. If there was one thing he couldn't deny about his family’s qualities, it was the sincerity of Regulus’s feelings and intentions, especially when it came to the person he loved. Despite the complex dynamics between the Blacks and the Potters, whether as friends or foes, James couldn't bear to witness his sibling's sadness and envy once more. And so, with a resigned sigh, he chose to let it be. “Fine, but if he dares to break her heart. I won’t hesitate.”
As Regulus observed your eyes flickering from his gaze to his lips, he sensed a spark igniting between you. The way he spoke to you, the words conveyed on paper—it all pointed to one undeniable truth: your secret lover was none other than Regulus himself. A delicate smile accompanied by a soft chuckle escaped your lips, leaving Regulus slightly bewildered, prompting him to tilt his head in curiosity. “Though I may want to play the part of the suspicious and oblivious recipient of secret admirer letters, I believe I've unraveled the mystery.” You confessed with a hint of amusement.
Your confession alone was convincing, but it was Regulus's sigh that truly affirmed the man standing before you. He was undeniably your secret lover, unafraid to show his affection openly, even in the presence of your own brother. Regardless of family legacy or expectations, he cared not. As he drew near, the library eerily empty, his eyes never straying from yours, you felt the gentle brush of his lips before they melded into a long-awaited kiss—a kiss you both had yearned for, dreamed of, and finally shared.
Before you could even catch your breath, your fingers tenderly cupped his face, softly stroking his cheeks as he savored every moment of affection, his eyelids drifting shut. Then, your voice, sweet and longing, broke the silence. “Kiss me. Forever.”
Without hesitation, Regulus complied, pressing his lips to yours once again, unwilling to pull away until he sensed your brother's disdainful gaze. From that day forward, you became Regulus's other half, bound together by love and defiance.
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winnienora14 · 1 month
We’re always talking about super angsty Black Brothers but why do we never talk about the Black Brothers just being brothers
-Regulus coming out to Sirius(as trans and gay) and Sirius instantly seeing the distressed look on his brother’s face and just hugging him so tightly and telling him it’s ok
-Sirius crying when Reggie got into Slytherin because he was so proud of him and happy for him(he never heard the end of it because Reg kept mocking him for it)
-Sirius teaching Regulus how to play Quidditch
-the two brothers not saying a single word, just doing a fist bump at the end of a Quidditch match to congratulate the other for winning
-Sirius slapping Reggie behind the head or pulling his hair when he passes him in the corridors because he’s is annoying older brother
-The brothers making sure from a distance that the other is okay because they knows they hide how they feel a lot so their friends might not be able to tell they’re not okay
-Regulus helping Sirius understand how he feels about Remus
-Sirius helping Reggie come to terms with his sexuality and not be ashamed of it
-Sirius helping Reggie bag James(very delicate way to say it, I know)
-Sirius paying for Regulus’ top surgery and his binders before that
- Them judging each other’s taste in men and ranking their exes(mostly Regulus bullying Sirius about the time he thought he was straight)
-telling each other they’re ugly in the hallways
-Regulus saying ‘’you’re adopted’’ and Sirius going ‘’God I wish’’
-going to each other when they don’t feel good mentally
-Regulus making his special tea that cures any sickness for Sirius when he his sick(he doesn’t say it’s from him though, he just puts it on Sirius’s door step and then when Sirius comes back he just looks at the cup with a fond smile knowing it’s from his little brother)
-Sirius calls Regulus ‘’lus’’ because it’s his childhood nickname. Only Sirius is aloud to call him that, even James can’t. He once tried and he was sure Regulus was going to cut his head off from the look on his face.
-Regulus calls Sirius ‘’rius’’ because when he was younger he had a hard time saying Sirius’s name and so it ended up sounding like ‘’rius’’ and it just kind of stayed. Again, only Regulus is aloud to call him that.
-they have a chat where they hate on their parents and the Black family
-they have a lot of insides that people don’t get so sometimes a brother will say a random word in the middle of a conversation and both will just start laughing uncontrollably while everyone is looking at them like they’re crazy (well more like Sirius starts laughing uncontrollably while Regulus snorts)
-they found it rather funny when they became animagus ‘cause like themselves their animagus are so different and somehow so similar
Didn’t think this would be this long. But yeah... More may come later. Brace yourself!
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kiwi2229 · 1 month
Mother’s Day
(James Potter / Regulus Black | 620 words)
The calm morning at Potter’s manor gets interrupted by a loud noise of the doorbell. James looks at his parents with questions in his eyes but they both shrug clueless about who it could be. James gets up and walks to the door. He speaks through the window only to see Regulus standing there. He opens the door a wide smile already on his lips.
“Reggie, I didn’t know you were coming over,” James says and places a quick kiss on Regulus’ lips. The boy doesn’t respond with the usual enthusiasm. Instead, he is stiff like someone petrified him. James looks at him closely. He is dressed in a formal shirt and trousers, his hair neatly styled, and he is holding a huge bouquet in his shaking hands.
“Reg?” James asks again which pulls Regulus from whatever trance he was in.
“I’m not here for you. Is… is your mother home?” He asks. Even when Regulus is excellent in masking any nervousness from his voice, James spots how it slightly wavers.
“Yeah, sure.” He gestures towards the house letting the boy in. “Mum?” He calls.
He leads Regulus into the living room. Both of his parents immediately smile when they spot Regulus. James leans against the wall still clueless about what is happening but ready to support Regulus with the task he set himself up to.
“Miss Potter,” Regulus says. He is standing in the middle of the room shifting from one foot to another anxiously.
“Effie, dear. I told you a million times.” His mum smiles and sets the yarn she was knitting with next to her.
Regulus nods but doesn’t address her with her name. Instead, he reaches his hand with flowers handing it to Effie. “I just wanted to thank you for raising James and taking care of Sirius. They both deserve a great mother like you. It… it means a lot to me.”
James doesn’t even try to hide how he melts at the scene. The heart in his chest gives an almost painful thud when his mum gets up and hugs Regulus. He is so in love it sometimes doesn’t feel real.
“Do you want to stay for lunch?” Effie asks already eager to tug the boy on the sofa next to them.
“I… no, thank you. I don’t wanna be bother. I just wanted to give you the flowers.” Regulus smiles politely.
“Oh, don’t be silly. You are always welcome here.” Effie insists and Regulus quickly searches a room for any help. James can see how he is rubbing his hands over each other behind his back. An anxious tick he knows at this point.
He quickly closes the distance wrapping his arm around Regulus’ shoulders. He can feel how Regulus immediately leans into the touch as a relieved sigh leaves his lips.
“I think Regulus reached his level of social interactions for today. Right, love?” James says giving his mum a look. “But we can schedule lunch for another day.”
Regulus looks up at him in gratitude. He says a quick goodbye and James is already leading him to the door.
“I love you; did you know that?” James whispers as he brushes the curls from Regulus’ eyes. Regulus just nods and stands on his tiptoes to kiss him.
“You did great, thank you,” James says reassuring the boy. “When you are done hiding in your corner at home, call me, yeah? We can talk before we go to sleep. If you are tired, we can just meet tomorrow like we planned.”
Regulus just smiles at him. James is used to Regulus not talking sometimes. It’s okay, he understands him nevertheless. A soft kiss to James’ cheek for goodbye and Regulus is gone.
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ellecdc · 2 months
helloooo, I am not the one who requested the reactions to a needy reader but I would love to see the reactions when they’re NOT in a relationship! Please and thank you ❤️❤️😘
ooooooou ok ok ok ok based off of this ficlet-ish thing here, the original prompt was:
how do you think the boys would react to reader telling them that she’s like NEEDY needy (iykyk) would they do it, or just like get shy and walk off? or? 👀👀👀👀👀👀
so, this is the not in a relationship edition: mature content ahead, viewer discretion is advised
turns so red
eyebrows raised so far up his forehead that his glasses slide down the bridge of his nose
takes him a few moments to restart his brain
nervous laughing
"oh, erm, haha, well...I mean...I, I'm not sure what it is you're looking for but, erm, well...."
he does eventually spit it out that he'll help you out if you were serious
I think he'd be the kind of guy that it would be like, super casual? sort of transactional/you two kind of giggling or bumbling your way through it -> "ow!" "oh shit, sorry, y'alright?" "yeah, sorry, can we just.." "like this?" "yeah that's better" like, giggling fits through out sort of deal
either way, he does help you out - you both agree to let each other know when you can help the other out again
cocks an eyebrow at you and looks you up and down with a salacious smirk
"is that so?"
he let's that sit in the air for a few minutes as he shifts in his seat and returns his 'focus' to his books (though he's anything but focused now), still wearing a shit-eating grin
"if only there was someone here to help you with that."
you start looking around the room to see if there is indeed someone who will help you with that, seeing as Sirius is obviously fucking useless
you finally sigh "I'll go see if anyone in the common room is game"
he slams his books shut and hastily grabs his things, grabbing you roughly and dragging you out of the library
absolutely fucking ravishes you in a broom closet - you're worried you won't be able to walk back out on your own
leaves marks on you just to prove a point
"you're not going to find anyone else who can make you feel better than me, doll. let me know when you find yourself needing my help again"
definitely a little blushy; I see him being somewhat shy at first if he doesn't know you too well / doesn't know where exactly he stands with you because he'd never want to make anyone feel uncomfortable
likely ask you to "come again"
when you tell him that's exactly what you're trying to do (😉😉😉) he's blushing again and laughing nervously as he looks back at his book/whatever he'd been doing prior to that
get's a little stuck in his head about it: you were bold enough to complain to him, should he be bold enough to offer you his help? is that even what you were trying to accomplish? were you just confiding in him as a friend? who complains to their friends about being horny? would someone like you even want a guy like him?
well, what's he got to lose by offering? if you laugh in his face, he can just avada himself later (rem has a dark sense of humour, sorry)
finally clears his throat and awkwardly offers his assistance if you want, though he refuses to make eye contact with you as he does.
he's surprised by how quickly you accept but he hastily finds an empty class room and spreads you out on a desk to go down on you - he doesn't want you returning the favour; he's hoping if he makes you feel good, you might come back for more
see, him I see getting shy and walking away
face blanches when he realizes what you've admitted
perhaps he's not sure you were actually asking him/if you were simply confiding in him
basically sits frozen in his spot until he can't take it anymore
says something stupidly awkward like "well.....good luck with that!" and hastily leaves the room
definitely bangs his head against the wall in his dorm when he realizes what a fuck up that was
absolutely jerks off in the shower later fantasizing about all the ways that conversation could have gone differently
I think it'd be the same as the other fic?
"Barty? I'm, erm, well....I'm feeling kind of......needy?"
Barty shrugs and just stops whatever he's doing, turns to you and says "okay, take your clothes off/lift your skirt"
and then suddenly you're like "........????"
rolls his eyes at you. "well? do you want my help or not?"
"I, uhm, well...."
"Salazars saggy balls, no wonder you're so strung tight - no one will fuck you if you can't get a simple yes out."
"yes! Okay, yes....." you admit finally
shit eating grin spreads across his face
"Oh sweetheart, you have no idea what you've just gotten yourself into"
.....all this to say, he certainly helps you out lol
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prettybabybaby · 1 year
¡ 18+ only ! ¡ minors do not interact !
content: stepcest (use of "brother" and "sister"), stepbrother!regulus, stepbrother!sirius, fem!reader, unprotected sex, breeding
a/n: found this in my drafts.... dk why i didn't post it
¡ marauders masterlist !
Regulus persists, rutting into you with desperation, cock starved of attention and stimulation. He has an iron grip on your hips, holding you in place when you try to thrash out of his grip at the sight of Sirius. His eyes are almost blank, darkened with lust, pupils blown almost comically as he chases his high, using your body to do so.
Sirius stares on, breathing in the scent of sex that fills your frilly bedroom. He crosses his arms, watching Regulus with an amused smirk. His eyes fall on you covering your face with embarrassment but your pathetic squeaks and moans continue, shamelessly loud and almost pornographic. Your cheeks burn red like Regulus’, blush high and painting the canvases of your pretty faces. 
Your parents hadn’t been out of the house in far too long. Regulus had begun to lose patience, but he had to hold off on playing with his sweet sister to avoid suspicion of his sinful urges he couldn’t help but act upon. And you let him so easily. Despite your protests and weak fighting, you melted into him, obeying his every command to spread your legs wide or open your mouth, flip onto your back, and prep your little holes for his cock to nestle itself into, abusing you until he was satisfied – or you were interrupted. 
This time, though, there was no stopping his eager humping into your fluttering pussy. Not even the presence of your brother standing by the door, entering with confident steps. He swung the door closed behind him as he approached the creaking bed, eyes raking your sweating bodies. Regulus adjusted his hold, pinning you to the bed even more painfully. You whined, trying to cover your body from the preying gazes of your brothers. 
“Couldn’t resist, Reggie?” Sirius spoke. “Y’playing with our sweet sister all alone?” Sirius’ ringed fingers danced across your exposed chest, meanly twisting a nipple before he pried your hands from your face. “Don’t play shy, slut. You’re letting your brother fuck you silly and you think you can be shy?” he tsks.
Regulus grunts as the dams of your eyes break, sending a river of tears down your rouge cheeks. He tries to thrust even harder, push himself even deeper into you, moving your hips up and down to meet his stuttering hips in his attempt to do so. You slide up and down the pillow where your head rests, hair tangling and back sliding against the soft bed sheets. 
Sirius’ fingers glide downwards, gathering a pinch of regulus’ curly pubic hair and pulling meanly. Regulus makes a sound at the pleasurable pain, digging his nails onto your hips before pinning you down, slamming into you, almost like he was trying to mold you and the soaked sheets into one. 
“Move,” Sirius says, “I wanna play, too.”
Regulus slows but doesn’t pull out, giving his brother a displeased look. Sirius looks back, raising a perfectly shaped brow as he touches up Regulus’ sweaty chest, circling his hardened pink nipples. Regulus’ hips stutter but he pulls out, mourning your warmth instantly. His cock is fully erect, angry, and red, wet with slick and come. He moves aside, grazing your wet thighs as he parts. 
Sirius takes his place, laughing meanly as he gathers the juices on his fingers. Your pussy’s throbbing, clit engorged and jumping in excitement. Pearly spunk drips in thick beads and you crave to push it back in, push your brother deep into your womb. “Look at you two,” Sirius laughs. “Fucking each other like virgins. Desperate dogs.” You and Regulus burn brighter in humiliation, a bubblegum pink covering every inch of skin on your face.
You can see the slight grinding of Regulus’ hips against the blankets holding up his cock. You almost whine in jealousy of the inanimate object. Your attention was brought back to Sirius when he slipped a come-coated finger into your sensitive little hole, swirling and curling it as he spoke. 
“You really let him come inside you?” Sirius chided, “that’s filthy. Are the poor puppies so desperate they fuck their own siblings?”
You sob and Regulus begins to thrust into the blanket. You reach for him, shaking your head pathetically, begging him not fuck anything but you. 
“You want his disgusting cum so badly?” Sirius laughs again, “you want him to fill you with his babies, huh?”
You close your eyes as you nod, “please, please.” you feel so empty, cold from the lack of your brother's hard ruts and warm spent painting your insides.
“You’ve had enough of Reggie, don’t you think?” Sirius begins to pull down the waistband of his pajamas, letting his own aching prick spring free. You stare at it, looking from the leaking head of Sirius’ cock to Regulus’. “Do you want my babies, too?”
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empress-simps · 3 months
Can I request a fic with Remus (I love him), with a shy fem!reader girlfriend? House doesn’t really matter, but Hufflepuff might be fitting lol. She wants to meet his group of friends officially for the first time (she’s dating Remus and she hasn’t yet), but she’s too anxious despite trying to hype herself up for it? Maybe Remus comforts her
Darling, this is such a cute request! 🫶 Also, who doesn’t love Remus? We all do, no questions asked (I would do anything for him and Regulus). I absolutely love to write for this man, and I think Remus with a shy s/o is stinking cute. Thank you for requesting! 🫂 (Not edited so there may be grammatical errors or typos lurking around)
Loving Yellow and Black
Pairings: Remus Lupin x Fem! Reader CW: Language and mentions of smoking.
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In many ways, you were different from his friends.
You were polite, kind, and willing to help others- basically what everyone thinks of when they picture an ideal Hufflepuff student. Not saying that James, Sirius, and Peter were rude or anything like that, but there was just something gentle about you that Remus saw. As for them? They’re a rambunctious mess, a bit rough around the edges.
Remus found it quite charming, you try your best to blend in, be a wallflower so your student life at Hogwarts would be smooth sailing. Although, to Remus, no matter what you do, you stand out effortlessly. When he first expressed his interest in you, you were hesitant and cautious. You thought it was just one of the many other pranks that he and the other marauders had planned on other students.
“Go out with me, Y/n?” Remus asked nervously, after a week of him approaching and befriending you.
“Erm…” You looked around, making sure he was talking to you. “Are you talking to me?”
So, he did everything he could to make sure you know that he’s serious about you and that you won’t feel anything but that.
Slowly but surely, the hesitance and doubts started to go away as you got to know him better. You learned that he loves chocolates, his eyes would light up when you bring him chocolate frogs whenever you and your friends would go to Hogsmeade. His eyes having literal stars as he took in the sight of you, and how his laugh would make you smile as he whisks you away from your common rooms to hang out (snog) in the Astronomy tower and bringing you back just before the clock strikes twelve.
You bring out the best versions of yourself when you’re both with each other. Remus helps you to be a bit more adventurous, making you try things you never even thought of doing, such as sneaking out past curfew. Remus was your many firsts.
Remus found himself being more patient and calmer than before, maybe your nature rubbed off on him like how his rubbed off on you.
“Moony, are you smoking… you know?”
Remus nearly choked on his breakfast one morning. He turns to look at Sirius, eyes wide with shock. “Just why would you think that Padfoot?!” Sirius shrugged, putting his arms up as if he was surrendering. “Geez, just asking a question, don’t get your knickers in a twist, Moony.”
“I’m not smoking, or doing whatever you think I’m doing, you sod.”
Remus grumbles while James just laughed, “Alright, there’s our original Moony.”
“You seem calmer recently, Moons. We were just curious.” Peter shrugs, taking a bite out of his pancake, Remus raised his eyebrow. “Oh really?”
“Yeah, it was like you turned into a saint. You don’t even scold James and I anymore for our boxers strewn across the floor- “
“Hey! Shut it, what if Lily hears?!”
“Mind you, we are in the great hall eating breakfast, Padfoot.”
“I’m just saying!”
“Quiet down, people are looking.”
It was just a matter of time when your friends found out you’re dating Remus and managed to keep it under their noses for a few months.
“Y/n! How could you? We trusted you!” El, one of your friends shrieks dramatically, plopping down her bed, making you furrow your eyebrows. “Erm… is there something going on?”
“of course there is! Why did you keep it a secret?” She whined, pulling you next to her.
“Keep what a secret?”
“You and Lupin!”
“Oh, erm…” You trailed off, trying to fight the blush forming on your face. Your other friends started to tease you, “So it’s true!”
“Yes.” You confirmed with a nod, your hands over your face as a poor attempt to cover your blush.
“Alright, we need to know if the bloke is good enough to date our Y/n.”
It quickly became known to other students within your house that you were dating the witty marauder. Of course, this kind of news spreads like wildfire across Hogwarts; even reaching the three marauders who were in the dark with their Moony’s love life. They need to meet you as soon as possible and didn’t even let Remus have peace and quiet until he asked you if you were okay about it.
“So, they found out about us.” Remus bit his lip, looking nervously. You blinked, “Well, it was bound to happen, my friends were… vocal about it.” She chuckled as Remus cracked a grin.
“Tell me about it.”
“I’m guessing they want to meet me?”
Remus nodded, sighing. “Sorry angel. I tried to tell them- “
“It’s alright, honey. I figured it would be good after my friends also demanded you to meet them.”
To say that you were terrified would be an understatement; you felt like you were going to throw up in your shoes, break out in a cold sweat, or even stumble because damn it- your legs are shaking, as if you’re going to collapse under your own weight.
Well yeah, you were the one who kinda brought it up, but it still didn’t lessen the nerves you have. You wanted them to at least be civil towards you and to recognize your relationship with their friend. You were thinking of what outfit you should wear a week prior to the meeting, and you carefully planned out how you would respond to the possible questions they’d have. Call it over thinking, but you were just preparing for every single possible outcome.
“Alright, I can do this.” You chanted, looking at the mirror then at your watch, only 30 minutes before Remus arrives in the Hufflepuff common room. You checked your hair, smoothing it out as you checked yourself for the umpteenth time.
“Merlin, Y/n. You’re acting like you’re meeting the Prime Minister of Magic.” El commented, shaking her head. “You’ll be fine, if they don’t like you… then they better prepare themselves for a Hufflepuff’s wrath.”
Remus casts a glance worriedly at you, fixing your black and yellow scarf on your neck. “Darling, it isn’t that cold out, you don’t have to practically cover your face with it.” He chuckles, kissing your reddening cheeks as you huffed, “It would be a great help when I meet your friends.” Grinning, he pinched your cheeks, making you glare at him.
“They’ll love you. Don’t worry too much, yeah?” He whispers, before giving your forehead a kiss, at this point, Remus and the cold weather’s mission is to make you look like a tomato.
You gulped nervously, fiddling with the ends of the scarf. “But… I…”
To be honest, you are kind of expecting them to be disappointed when they meet you. A Hufflepuff girl, fairly average, wallflower, and a goody-two-shoes. Quite boring, in your opinion. Remus’s gaze hardened, as if scolding you. “I know what’s going on your pretty mind, darling. Just be yourself.” Squeezing your hand in his, you made your way to the Gryffindor Tower and to the dorm room he and his friends share.
“There you are, Moony!” James smiled as he opened the door to their room, his smile widening as he casts, a glance at you. “You must be Y/n! Come in!” He excitedly ushers both of you inside the room, you gave Remus’s hand a squeeze, he looks at you and squeezes back. You took a glance at their room, there was Sirius laying down lazily on his bed, Peter sitting on a random beanbag on their dorm room, and Lily sitting on her boyfriend’s bed, beaming a smile in which you returned; albeit a little more nervously.
“Any second further than that and I’d thought Moony was lying about finally getting a girl, isn’t that right, wormtail?” Sirius grinned, teasing Remus before standing up and giving you a hug. Which made you widen your eyes and stiff up, but recovering quickly to hug him back, pulling away after a few moments.
“Nice to meet you, love. I’m Sirius.”
You smiled shyly, “Nice to meet you too, I’m Y/n.”
“Remus, tell me again how’d you manage to get someone as gorgeous as she is?”
Remus rolled his eyes, “Sod off, Pads.” Sirius just laughed, smiling as he looks at you and Remus together.
“Hi Y/n, I’m Peter. Nice to meet you.” Peter smiled politely, holding out his hand which you took, shaking it. “Nice to meet you too, Peter.”
Lily smiled, pointing at her boyfriend. “That one’s James! Don’t pay attention to him- “ cue a protest from James, who’s pouting  “-and I’m Lily, so glad there’s another girl in the group! They’re driving me crazy!” She practically bounced off her feet and hugged you, making you stumble, and Remus put a hand on your back to support you.
Okay, this wasn’t what you expected. Quite far actually.
Your heart fills with warmth as you allowed a smile to appear on your face, looking around, seeing how they felt so comfortable with you already. Sirius was busy bothering Peter, who shoos him away, complaining that he’s being annoying even when you’re with them. “Have you got any shame left with you, Padfoot?”
“Hm, last time I checked none.”
James was trying to get your opinion on how to pull off one of their pranks, and Lily scolding him not to drag you onto his shenanigans.
Remus pulls you close to him, wrapping his arms around your waist, he whispers. “Welcome to the family, darling.”
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lavender-000 · 5 months
*in the library*
Regulus: Jamie
James: yes reg?
Regulus: is my face helping you with the potions homework?
James: not really no
Regulus finally looks up from his own work but before he can respond James gives him a look causing the words to get stuck in his throat
James: I'll probably fail but at least I learned about the way your eyebrows furrow when youre struggling on a question, the ways your eyes move gracefully reading over the words of the book, the way pieces of hair fall onto your face and all I want to do is reach and brush it back.
Regulus beginning to blush responded with a quite pathetic 'fuck you potter' truly, going back to his roots.
He shields his face away trying to hide his reddening face. To his failure however, James gently grabs his chin making him look up into those beautiful brown eyes. For a moment they sit there, a pile of abandoned books on the table. For a moment it's just them, Regulus Black and James Potter. An unusual pair who complete each other. Pair who know that there's no going back-
Sirius who suddenly came into existence: JAMES FLEMONT POTTER YOU BROTHER FUCKER!
Just like that their moment was gone replaced with James looking like a deer in the headlights (ironic) and Sirius looking as dramatic as ever. Their love however, remains, it will always remain in every universe, every world, until they grow old it will just be Regulus and James together.
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thebestofoneshots · 11 months
Gilded Constellations | (wolfstar x reader)
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Summary: You meet Sirius and Regulus at a family vacation in the Caribbean, but things don't go as planned and you end up losing contact once the trip is over. Years later your family moves to England and you get accepted at Hogwarts where you finally meet Sirius once again, along with all of his friends. One of them with a mysterious secret, that you'll uncover as you embark on your own Hogwarts adventure. Mostly canon-compliant. This IS a wolfstar x reader fic, but it's incredibly slow burn. They won't start all dating each other until we're very deep into the story, but I promise the long wait will be worth it.
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Read Gilded Constellations on AO3
Read the French Translation by @nagareboshi-chiyo
Paring: Sirius Black x Reader / Remus Lupin x reader / Wolfstar x reader
Chapter average: 5k - 6.5 k
Content: Smut in later chapters, Poly!Marauders, throuple, graphic descriptions of violence, MAJOR and minor character death (this is The Marauders Era guys, you know), jealousy, angst, pining, love triangle, LGBTQ+ themes, The Wizarding war 1.0, implied child abuse, possible proofreading errors, mental health struggles, hurt no comfort, hurt with comfort, period typical attitude, first war with Voldemort, canonical character's death, fluff, Requited Love, F/M/M, mostly canon-compliant.
Status: Ongoing (Weekly updates)
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01 | Summer Breeze
02 | Escape
03 | Bitter Sweet Symphony
04 | Rainy Days and Mondays
05 | Good times
06 | Crazy Little Thing Called Love
07 | Peaceful Easy Feeling
08 I Fooled Around and Fell in Love
09 | The Fairy Feller's Master-Stroke
10 | Black Dog
11 | Do Ya
12 | You really got me
13 | Rebel, Rebel
14 | Maybe I’m Amazed
15 | No One Like You
Interlude (Q&A Event)
16 | Boogie Wonderland
17 | Tonight’s What It Means To Be Young
18 | Friends will be Friends
19 | Silver Bird
20 | Bad Moon Rising
21 | Fox on the Run
22 | Long Long Way From Home
23 | Hungry Eyes
24 | Peace of Mind
25 | I’ll get Even With You
26 | Hooked on a Feeling
27 | Can’t Take My Eyes Off You
28 | If You Want BIood, (You’ve Got It)
29 | With a Little Help From My Friends
30 | Bridge Over Troubled Water
31 | Strange Magic
32 | Come a Little Bit Closer
33 | More Than a Feeling
34 | You Belong to Me
35 | Chill of Desire
36 | Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy
37 | Gimme, Gimme, Gimme
38 | Let the Good Times Roll
39 | Running With the Pack
40 | Hot Stuff
41 | Urban Adventure
42 | Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas
43 | Sympathy for the Devil
44 | No One But You
45 | Hold The Line
46 | Comfortably Numb
47 | Let Me Take You Home Tonight
48 |
49 |
50 |
51 |
52 |
Your Theories, The Note, The Costumes, Sirius and the Chimney, Sirius and Vix after the bad moon, Evans and Vixen, Remus and Vixen at the infirmary, Remus holding Sirius at DADA, Remus and Sirius’ height difference, the FOXSTAR picture, Art by @nineloseteeth, We're going French,
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Leave a comment telling me if you want to join the tag list
A/N: Most Poly!Marauders fics are oneshots, where the relationship between characters is already established, and they're all happy and pleased with it. No issues, no drama, but I WANTED the drama. Couldn't find it, so I set myself up to write the story behind the stablished relationship. I wanted to know how they started dating each other, the jealousy, the will they won't they, because getting into a poly relationship can't be an easy task, and I wanted to explore that story. If you're interested: Welcome to Gilded Constellations!
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siriussslut · 11 months
marauders era porn links - vol1
warning: every single one of these links contains porn.
crossed out links no longer work
vol 2
stomach bulge
professor!remus taking his anger out on you
fucking you
coming & squirting
you and bsf!james helping each other out
good boy eats you out
in the kitchen while the kids sleep
rewarding you for a good grade
choking on his cock
stomach bulge (again)
coming on his slut
so wet for him
during class
coming together
cum on your face
gryffindor party bathroom
bsfs & a dildo
she loves your nipples
grabbing your boobs (4s)
kissing & grinding
starving for your pussy
worshipping your tits
gf!marls loves your pussy
taking care of you
alone with stepbrother!regulus
playing with each other
pleasing himself
tying him up
“just friends” after getting high
in his office
he’s so hungry
he loves your hair (9s)
fucking you
rubbing against his cock
thinking of you
using her as a fuck-toy
double dildo
making out
pop a titty🙏
eating her pussy
by the pool
eating her ass
after class
she’s so good
playing with each other
tasting you
riding her face
touching her
making out
you x rita x bella
you x rita x bella pt 2
eating you out
devouring your tits
their dicks🫶
fucking you!!!!!!!
alone in the dorm
taking them both
fucking (no homo)
gentle sex
[please lmk if any links aren’t working. have fun!🤭]
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emlovessid · 4 months
@jegulus-microfic february 5, hormones, 173 words
When Sirius and Remus had first gotten together, Regulus lost count of how many times he’d walked in on them practically devouring each other, groaning as he joked about needing to wash his eyes out with soap.
“Hormones, Reg. They’ll hit you one day, too,” Barty would say with a sympathetic sigh whenever Regulus complained.
He hadn’t quite believed Barty, coasting through his teenage years enjoying kissing and sex, but never feeling the unbridled need to be constantly at it. Until he met James.
James’ lips are trailing down his neck, Regulus trying to bite back the moan that’s clawing up his throat, lest he give away to the room full of people on the other side of the door that he and James are not just grabbing more wine like they’d said.
He hates the fact that he’s thinking of his brother while James has a hand down his pants, but he can’t help the thought that creeps into his mind as James brings their lips back together.
I get it now.
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moonstruckme · 3 months
hello luv!! i really enjoy reading ur work, especially with a whimsical reader, could u write something with sirius or remus? (both if its too hard to choose,( jk, or not)) and gn reader if its not a bother.
thats all, i hope u have a lovely day!! 💞
Thank you for requesting my love, hope you have a lovely day as well!!
cw: reader is gn but it is implied that they’re good with eye makeup, do with that what you will
modern au
Sirius Black x gn!reader ♡ 1.1k words
“Baby?” Sirius’ voice rises over the screeching of guitar, and you look up from your book. 
“Get in here.” 
You sigh and put your book facedown on the bed, rolling off your stomach. Your boyfriend’s music gets louder as you go into the bathroom, echoing off the walls. 
“What’s up?” 
“I need you to show me how you do the glitter in your corners again.” Sirius turns towards you from the mirror, and you have to swallow a laugh. “I’ve fucked it up.” 
“It’s not…awful.” You can’t help a tiny giggle, and he glowers at you. The effect is diminished by the fact that his eyes and half his nose are covered in silver glitter. “It sort of looks like…like somehow, a star spit on you.” 
“Fuck, come here.” He grabs for your hips. You laugh but don’t resist as he hauls you towards him. Sirius hops up on the counter and passes you a wipe. “Fix it, please.” 
“So demanding,” you murmur, but do. You reach over to turn down his music and start swiping at the side of his nose, where it appears he’s tried to correct some initial error by simply expanding the glittery area until it got entirely out of hand. “I think it just needs to be cleaned up a bit.” 
“Good. If I had to take it all off, I’d cry.” 
You smile a little, and Sirius squeezes your hip lovingly. You don’t blame him for wanting to salvage the rest of his eye makeup. He’s done his eyeliner so it looks like little stars sprouting out of the outer corner of his eye and twinkling around his lashes. It had to have taken forever. 
“It looks cute,” you say. 
Sirius’ grin is sharp-edged, and you have a sense of dread even before he opens his mouth. “You like that, do you?” 
You scoff. “Don’t.” 
“Don’t what, darling?” His hands rake up to your waist, bunching the loose material of your shirt. “I’m just asking you a question. You do like it, yeah?” 
You take a second to steel yourself, and when your eyes turn up to Sirius’ they’re soft and sincere. “Yeah, I do,” you say quietly. “You look really pretty, Siri.” 
He looks for a second like he might choke on air, his grip on your sides loosening, and you hope your smile looks adoring instead of self-congratulatory. He hasn’t yet figured out the little ways in which you’ve been practicing flustering him. 
As it turns out, what flusters Sirius isn’t the same brand of droopy-eyed flirting he torments you with (and good thing, because you can only work up the courage to manage that for five seconds at a time anyway). No, all it takes is you saying exactly what’s going through your head while letting him see exactly how you feel on your face. Who knew? 
“Thanks, baby.” His voice comes out almost as soft as yours. “So do you, you know.” 
You feel yourself smile, holding his face still with one hand while you swipe concentratedly at the still slightly too-big splotch of glitter next to his left eye. “I haven’t started getting ready yet.” 
“And yet the statement holds true.” 
You huff a laugh through your nose but don’t comment. Sirius lets you get away with it, though his hands tighten around your waist, one thumb brushing your ribs as if to remind you that he’s there. He loves you. 
For a minute, it’s only the sound of your breathing, Sirius’ syncing to yours as you keep each other steady against the bathroom counter. When you think you finally have the glitter down to a reasonable amount, you step back to survey your work and notice his outfit for the first time. 
“Is that what you’re wearing to Regulus’?” 
Sirius cocks an eyebrow at your tone, but there’s not an ounce of hesitance in his voice as he says, “Yes. Why?” 
You’re going to a relaxed hangout at his brother’s place, and he’s wearing black jeans slung low on his hips and a tight, cropped graphic t-shirt. With his painted nails and dark makeup, he looks way too cool for you, even more so than usual. The only thing soft-looking about him are his eyes. With his bone structure and coloring, Sirius can make himself look as gleaming and dangerous as lightning when he wants to, but his eyes are a thick fog. Moonlight reflected on water. 
“I was just going to wear a t-shirt and jeans,” you say. 
He tilts his head at you amusedly. “That’s what I’m wearing.” 
“You know it’s not the same.” You shake your head, turning your head towards the closet. Sirius takes this opportunity to look over his favored spot at the juncture of your neck and shoulder, running his fingers over the marks he’d made the other night. “I should start getting ready, huh?” 
“You should wear whatever you want,” he says firmly. “I have to assert my coolness as the older brother—I mean, it’s implied, but sometimes Reg requires a reminder. But you’ll look perfect whatever you wear.” 
You sigh and melt forward a bit, letting him wrap his arm around your shoulders. You sense an opportunity. “So do you,” you say softly. “You don’t have to dress any way to impress them, you know. Regulus’ friends all already know how cool you are, and you’ll look it no matter what.” 
Sirius makes a little humming sound, and though you can’t see his face you like to think he’s blushing. “Good. They should know,” he says. The arrogance of his words is mushed into the top of your head. “And anyway, I think it’s fairly established when I have something as good looking as you with me, don’t you think?” 
You turn your heating face away from his view, nose squished against his chest. Sirius laughs, palming the back of your neck. It takes all the audacity you’ve got to turn your face up to his. 
“You do it all by yourself,” you tell him earnestly. 
Sirius goes all soft around the edges. Now it’s him hiding, dropping his head to that spot on your neck so he can love on you unseen. 
“You trying to get me out of these pants already, baby?” His voice is teasing but leaden with fondness, and the hand he drops to your waist is painfully gentle. “You haven’t even got yours on yet, so I suppose that puts you ahead of me.” 
You’d be content to stay here forever, but at the reminder you back off. “I should get ready,” you say again. “Help me pick an outfit so I can look like I fit with you, please?” 
Sirius rolls his eyes as he hops down from the counter. “You’re far out of my league on my best days, but sure. I’ll throw something together for you.” 
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Use Your Hips
A Jegulus microfic - Rated T (slightly NSFW)
"You look stiff."
The voice murmured in his ear, allowing Regulus to hear over the pounding music that flooded the club.
"Potter," he murmured, not bothering to turn around. Instead, he continued to stand at the edge of the dance floor, drink in hand, swaying slightly, wishing he was home with a good book.
But James wasn't one to give up. A strong hang moved up Regulus's forearm to curl around his hand that held his glass, making him shiver just slightly. "Can I take that, love?"
"Why?" Regulus demanded, finally turning only slightly, James in the corner of his eye.
"Because I'm going to help you."
It was no use. He always melted around James, even when he tried to hide it. So, he handed the glass over and waited, body alert, for another signal.
Second later, hands were on his hips, and Regulus felt James behind him. "You have hips, love. Use them," James murmured to him, pressing closer and using his hands to slowly move Regulus to the beat of the song.
For a second, Regulus considered running. He'd been dancing around James (literally and figuratively) for weeks, now. Ever since he'd moved in with Sirius. But it was no use. He allowed himself to move with the strong hands, the beat of the music and the smell of James's cologne taking over his senses.
And soon, the heat and draw of James's body quickly made him give in, and he pressed lightly back into the man behind him, smirking a bit at the gasp that James hissed into his ear.
But James caught up quite easily. Silently, he began to use his hands, still curled around Regulus, to guide them both, their bodies moving as one, Regulus's arse pushed into James's front as their hips circled and moved.
"There you go, baby," James whispered into his ear as Regulus pressed his back into James's chest, raising his hands behind him to curl into James's hair at the nape of his neck, and started to relax into the music. "You look so fucking pretty like this."
It was a good thing the club was loud, because the noise he made at that statement was definitely embarrassing.
The way their bodies moved together was nothing less than magical. James's hands began to travel, slowly, up and down his ribs and around his body, slipping under his shirt for half a second before resting back at their starting point, as if he realized where they were. Until, of course, a few moments later, when James forgot and his hands travelled again, making Regulus gasp and roll his hips all on his own.
They were both panting, sweat falling from Regulus's forehead, and each song melted into the next as Regulus just moved with James, savoring in the feeling of the other man's body so close to his.
But as they moved, Regulus found himself pressing closer and closer and he realized from the poking into his arse that James was just as thrilled about this development as he was. So, when he could bear it no longer, he turned around and whispered into James's ear, "Want to see what else I can do with my hips?"
Thirty seconds later, they were running out of the bar, laughing and euphoric.
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