#ben highschool hours
benadril · 9 months
Ever since I was a kid I knew I wanted to go home and be on my phone
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knifeforkspooncup · 1 month
Things that would have been better than Umbrella Academy S4:
- A whole season of a Five's Diner sitcom starring Brisket Five, complete with a laugh track.
- The true full story of Ben scamming people told Wolf of Wall Street style.
- A Moby Dick spoof where the siblings are the crew on a ship and Ben is Captain Ahab and Jennifer is a Giant Squid he's obsessed with.
- A poke in the eyeball with a sharp stick.
- Six hours of everyone beating the shit out of Reginald Hargreeves Looney Tunes style with baby shark playing in the background.
- Season 1 again, just called Season 4.
- An entire season of them all going to family therapy from the POV of the therapist.
- The siblings growing old in the universe without powers and all ending up in the same nursing home.
- On that note, the first 3 episodes of Season 4 excepts they're all 80 years old and got to live happy long lives.
- Another sitcom, this time where Five has to go to a normal highschool.
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jackmanbj · 11 months
college stress
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summary: jack is trying everything to make sure his girlfriend is stress free and is going to do everything to make it happen.
you had just woken up and you were in the middle of brushing your teeth when you heard jack making his way to the bathroom.
“hi mamas..” you spit the toothpaste out and gave him a kiss “hi baby” “you have school today?” “yes jack, you know this” “cant you miss one day?” “as much as i want to, no baby” “whyy??” “because its going to push me back in my studies!” “baby please.. ill do the work for you” “jack, you cheated off my papers everyday in highschool, and you didnt go to college” “ok?” “you dont know this stuff baby” “hey! im smart!” “not smart enough to brush your teeth before getting in my face.”
you handed jack his toothbrush laughing while he jacked it out your hand.
“and your not smart enough to not kiss me before i brush me teeth!” “oh shut up!”
once you both were done brushing your teeth and washing your faces, you headed into the kitchen to make a quick breakfast for you and jack.
“what do you want to eat jack?” “you” “jackman, i will let you starve” jack started mocking you “oohh jackmann i will let you starve!!” jack said in a extremely high pitched voice. “bitch. im not cooking.”
“wait i was kidding!” “nope! what time is it?” “7:15” “OH SHIT IN LATE!”
you ran to your bedroom and started getting dressed for class, since you were late you just put on some sweatpants and a hoodie and took your hair out the bonnet.
“BABY!” “what jack! i have to go!” “kiss first” you gave jack a peck and tried to rush out the door but he grabbed your hand pulling you back.
“a real kiss our your not leaving” you gave jack a deep kiss and said you loved him and rushed out the door.
around an hour later jack and urban was on the phone and jack was venting to urban.
“yea man, it feels like she doesn’t have time for me anymore, i mean, i get she has her studies and all that but damn” “just call her teachers and beg them to let her pass her classes for tomorrow and explain to then how shes been extra stressed, ect and you want to plan something nice for her and she’ll be back in like 2 or 3 days.”
so jack did just that.
he called every single one of your teachers and they all agreed to give you a free day for mental health.
jack knew you would be home later so he called the restaurant you had your first high school date at and had the whole place reinvented, all tables removed except one, rose petals all over, pink and red lights, and more for after the dinner.
after you got out of your classes for the day you made it back to you and jacks apartments and made your way into the bedroom, you dropped off all your studying sheets and pens onto your desk and made your way to the bathroom.
jack was in the shower getting ready to go out with urban.
“hey baby girl, how was school?” “hi, shitty.” you started getting undressed tossing your clothes into the hamper.
“jack if i tell you one more time, keep your damn clothes in the laundry ben when you take them off!” you said picking his clothes off the floor “im sorry mama” jack opened the shower door expressing for you to get in.
once you got in you turned the water up hotter “AHT! thats to hott!” jack said whining and covering his whole body making his way to the back of the shower.
“your fucking dramatic babe” you turned down the water and jack used his hand as a tester to see if it was good enough.
once you two got out the shower you went to your dresser and put on a undershirt and a pair of jacks boxers while jack got dressed to go out with urban so they could set up your dinner surprise.
“jack where are yall going?” “out to eat while we talk about somethings for the team” “ok baby” you pulled jacks face down by his chin so you could give him a kiss while he fixed his shirt.
“see you later ma” “see you baby.” once jack left you laid down and took a nap.
its was now 8:30pm and jack just texted you.
stinka💕- get dressed in something nice, im picking you up at 9:30
once you seen the message you immediately got up and ran to your closest finding a black dress and some black skinny heals.
you set outfit down and started doing you hair, you had straightened your hair the other day so you put think curls at the end, once you were done with your hair you started putting on your dress, you didn’t want to put on your heels when jack got there.
you started your makeup and was just putting on your setting spray when jack texting you letting you know he was outside.
you quickly put on your heals and grabbed your tote bag, jack was in the car waiting for you looking at you as you speeded to the car.
you got into the car and meet jack holding a bouquet on flowers.
“hi baby” “hi stink” jack leaned over and kissed you handing you the flowers “thank you baby” “of course.”
jack pulled out the driveway and started driving towards the restaurant.
“jack where are we going?” “you’ll see” jack pulled up at the restaurant and you immediately realized where you where.
“JACK YOU REMEMBERED!!” “of course i did mamas.”
jack got out the car rushing over to your side to help you out the car.
jack opened the door for you and helped you out his truck.
you both made your ways inside and you sat in the middle of the restaurant, where jack had it set up.
as you looked around you started to cry “oh no no no mamas dont cry!” jack started wiping your tears softly with his thumb.
“im sorry j, its really pretty” “its all for you mamas, no one else”
eventually you both ordered and started making your way back to the car.
“we got one more place to be at” “jack.. i have class tomorrow..i cant stay out this long” “no you dont, i called in sick for you, easy A in all your classes” “JACKMAN THOMAS HARLOW!!” “what?? what i do??” “why in the world would you do that?!” “because baby, you look so stressed, you have little time for me and absolutely no time for yourself. that she needs to stop, understand?” “mhm”
once you started driving to a route you had never been on you started asking questions about where you were going but every time you got the same answer “you’ll see”
jack arrived at a lake and you both made you way to the too right by the railings.
you and jack were talking for a little until he randomly got up and went in front of you.
and got down on one knee.
“jack..” “y/n y/m/n, i have loved you since we were 14, i want the best for you, your the sweetest person i have ever met. you put yourself before anyone else, you make it your priority to make sure everyone is safe even if you dont get the same treatment, i want to be the one who makes sure your safe when no one else does, i want to make sure im always going to be the person thats there for you, whose going to make sure your ok, whose going to stand up for you, please baby.. let me be that person? y/n y/m/n.. will you marry me?” “YES YES JACK OH MY GOD!!” jack jumped up picking you up spinning you around before placing you back down and sliding the ring onto your finger.
“i love you stink” “forever and always?” “forever and always” you pulled jack down and gave him a kiss on his nose while you both made your way back home.
you ended your night in one scary movie then cartoons so you and jack hopefully wouldn’t have nightmares.
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narabea06 · 1 year
Toby Rogers headcanons
Requested by @kosmicpowers
They used to be a Slender proxy, but ended up running away after years of being traumatized by Slender. Nowadays, he works at a corner store as a cashier, and tries her best to get better and move past everything that happened, while also staying under a false identity.
They are bigender, ace, and biromantic, and he goes by he/she/they.
Him and Clockwork are dating on and off, but are very close regardless.
Toby isn't the biggest fan of serious musicals but finds comedy musicals to be a weird comfort for him. His favorite is TGWDLM specifically because he loved Paul's character and because he related to Alice. 
Frank is the reason Toby started to become so distant and angry as a teenager even before Lyra's death, because Frank would treat any emotion Toby had as something that made him weak. 
Toby ends up getting very defensive when people look down on her or consider them weak or in need of help because of how much Frank had beat down his confidence and self worth, and made him feel and believe he was completely alone and that he should never need help. 
While Toby doesn't kill, he does help Nina and BEN get in trouble a lot through pranks as well as just helping them light shit on fire-
They have ADHD. 
Toby used to doodle a lot and left his old notebook for Clockwork when he ran away.
Her and Toby were planning on running away together when Lyra was 17 and Toby was 14, since Lyra finally got her driving license, and Toby and her had a lot of money saved. Frank caught them though and took away Lyra's keys for two years.
Them and Lyra shared a room as teens. Every night, they would talk while they tried to sleep. This also helped when Lyra had nightmares. They also used this time to plan when they ran away. 
He is horrified by being in a car, and driving, and will always panic if he has to get in a car. Nina tried to help teach them how to drive but realized Toby was either always constantly shaking or was constantly going like five miles an hour. 
Toby never let people over to his house growing up, especially not Natalie or Nina, since he felt very scared that they would see his home life and judge him or worry too much.
They burnt their hatchets, hoodie, and mask in a bonfire once he escaped Slender, but he kept his goggles for safekeeping and for memories sake.
Connie tried switching Toby over to homeschooling after elementary school due to Toby's Tourette's and ADHD causing him to be unable to work in a regular school environment and getting severely bullied, but after two years Connie realized that this made Toby's mental health drop almost even more due to his isolation, and being forced to spend more time at home with Frank caused him to get even more aggressive. Toby was then switched back in highschool, but had a long IEP, as well as the option to go home early from school if he was too stressed out by the environment, and to just finish his work at home. 
Toby does not have fingerprints because he accidentally burnt his hands in starting the fire. 
Toby hates being called Tobias or Rogers, and prefers just Toby.
Part 2
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hi hi ❤️ I hope your doing well and happy New Years! Love the Highschool au i have a tiny request if it’s possible, like head-canons or a one shot of reader n eyeless jack how would they be together n how the Proxies would react to that.
Something Short
Author's Note: Sure!
TW: Red Flags, Implied Rape, Abuse, Manipulation, Guilt Tripping, Stealing Organs, Drugging, Drugs, Horny High schoolers, EJ being kinda creepy, and medical stuff.
EJ isn't the most talkative guy. He normally keeps to himself and has the reputation of the mysterious hot guy. People automatically assumed he was hot because of his mask.
You definitely heard of him before but you didn't actually meet him until you forced into the proxies group.
Toby had sent you to talk to Ben and pick up a "special device" for him, which you agreed to because you had no choice.
When you got in, you were treated with the smell of weed and laughter. Ben was laughing with a controller in his hands, sitting on a bean bag chair, Jeff was yelling at Ben with a rolled up piece of paper emitting smoke in his hand, and EJ was smoking with his mask next to him with his hood down.
As Ben ignored Jeff and walked to you, you couldn't take your eyes off of EJ. He was surprisingly handsome, but the lack of eyes somewhat scared you.
After you got Toby's order, you walked up to EJ and said hi. EJ didn't seem to care or be interested in you at the time and he just ignored you, mostly because he was as high as a kite but that besides the point.
After EJ sobers up when he got home, he kinda couldn't forget about you, but more specifically your voice. I say in this AU EJ is like, somewhat blind. Like, he can see but not the best, it's bad to the point glasses can't fix it. So, he spent the entire school day listening at the voices and waiting to find yours, and when he did he walked up to you.
The two of you talked about you classes, interest, what you planning to do after you graduated and so on. The Proxies have an ok relationship with EJ, going to him for injuries and medical supplies but no more. So when they saw him flirting and taking to their new toy, they were pissed.
They told you to not talk to EJ, or what they called the Eyeless freak, but you didn't listen. Over time you and EJ talked more and eventually went on dates. EJ was really kind and always made sure you were ok and safe, but he's also be flirtatious with you and dragging you into alleyways to kiss you and pin you to the wall or floor. His red flags didn't show to you yet, EJ is extremely good at hiding them.
The more attached you grow to him, the more they start to come out. EJ would make you spend time with mostly him and he'd keep you at his house for hours, even when it was past your curfew. You would tell him that you had to go and he'd get mad. He'd tell you how lonely it is to live alone and how he just wants you to stay a little longer. If you keep refusing, he'll go deadly quiet. The moment you turn your back, tentacles would grab you and drag you towards him. He'd tell you to be quiet so you don't alert the neighbors before knocking you out.
You'd wake up in your room with a different set of clothes and no recollection of what happened the day prior.
EJ 's knowledge on drugs makes it extremely easy for him to have you develop memory loss with minor things. So you and his relationship can stay as "wholesome and sweet" as possible.
The Proxies would eventually tell EJ to back off because they don't like to share, but EJ wouldn't just tell them that they were jealous that you preferred him over them, and how'd they should find a different victim, because you were his now.
Ej starts off really kind and sweet, but his true nature will show over time, so be careful. He's still really caring though and will do anything to keep you safe, even if he holds you captive for hours and possibly steals an extremely minor organ when your passed out or fucks your sleeping body, but hey! He's a sadistic cannibalistic doctor, you thought he'd be all loving and sweet?
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fatherforgivethem · 1 year
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Here is the mini story for Aegon's headcanon done in this post! I really hope you all like this, and I should have this up on Ao3 soon so that you can all keep up with the mini stories for each of them!
Aegon felt the way that the foggy air began to soak his hair. He supposed that it was rather naive to hope for dry hair in his town. From the ocean to the almost constant rain filled air, Forks was sure to ruin people’s hair and clothes. He should have worn a hat. Be he didn’t. And there he was, standing on the front lawn of some kid who was throwing a party. People filled the yard and the house, and from the open front door, he could see people cheering as one of the other teenagers won a drinking game.
He didn’t want to be there. His muscles were sore from work at the garage, and he was tired from last night. Last night being the same shit, he was doing right then. Selling drugs to stupid teens and burnouts. If they could pay of course; he really hated when they couldn’t pay.
He did a quick check of his pockets, and when he could feel the little plastic bags, he made his way onto the porch, and into the loud, overly warm, house. He didn’t have to look far to see the people that he was selling to that night. He could see the Franken brothers, beers in hand, at the bottom of the grand staircase. It wasn’t long before they noticed Aegon in return. They gave him two matching smirks, their identical faces making a chill go through his spine.
“Ben, Jack.” Aegon said as he approached them. “Aegon.” They both said at the same time. Aegon ignored how creepy his name sounded coming from their mouths. Instead, he jerked his head to the side, and led the twins to more secluded area of the house. There was a bathroom that was thankfully empty, and so Aegon gave a shove to the twins’ backs and closed the door behind himself.
“Always kind HC.” Jack, or was it Ben, said. Aegon rolled his eyes and plucked two bags from his pocket, “And yet you always bye from me. You’re beginning to look a little desperate.” He said, a small grin lacing his lips as he spoke.
This was the only good things about the job, expect for the pay of course. He could be as mean as he wanted to his costumers, and they would always come back for more. They needed him. They got hooked to what he was selling, and they needed more, or they were trying to impress others; whatever it was he didn’t care, because he also needed them. He needed the money that they threw around like it was nothing. They needed each other, it was business, a needy one at that.
When one of the twins went to grab the bags in Aegon’s hand, Aegon pulled them back and shook his head with a click of his tongue, “Money first, Franken.” He told them.
The other twin, Jack, Aegon guessed, handed over four bills. Aegon took them and counted the bills, making sure it was the correct amount, and tossed the bags to the twins. He stuffed the bills into his front pocket and nodded his head at the twins, “Don’t take it all at once.” He told them before leaving the bathroom and walking back into the ever-growing party.
That was how the rest of his night went, sneaking off into corners and handing off bags full of pills in return for cash. He made sure to count each wad of cash before handing over the supply. With each sell he would watch as the pills that he needed were taken by rich kids who only wanted to get high. He could endure a couple of restless nights for the cash he was getting at the party. Next week it would be the medication he had been prescribed when he hurt his shoulder back when he’d played baseball. He had a few of those left that he could use.
He felt a tinge of guilt when he sold a smaller bag to a young girl, maybe two years younger than himself. It was more money than they were worth, but she’d forget all about it the next day anyways. If she didn’t go overboard with the amount he had given her.
With his pockets full and his brain fried from hours of talking to highschoolers, and the jocks and low lives he used to go to school with, he was finally out of bags. When he asked someone for the time, he cursed and made his way out of the house. The diner would stay open all night, but his brothers shift would end in less that fifteen minutes. He needed to get both of them home before curfew was up.
He may have been eighteen, and his brother seventeen, but they were under their parents’ roof. And as his dad liked to say, “This is your mother and I’s house, I don’t care if you’re eighty and walking with a cane, you make curfew”. And then he’d add with a small, sympathetic smile, “for the sake of my aging heart.”
Aegon walked to his truck, and once he closed the door, he stuck the money into a bag and placed it in the glove compartment before speeding down the road, careful not to go too far above the limit. He had no desire to explain to anyone why he had a bag full of so much cash in his car. After several turns, he came to a stop at one of the town’s few intersections. The wet streets glowed with green as he passed the stoplight, and he could see the bookstore flashing with a “closed” sign, and as pulled into the parking lot. Coming to a stop, Aegon spotted the bright red lights of the diner as it flashed from “open” again and again.  
He had just enough time to park before Aemond was walking out of the front door of the diner, his bag hanging off of his shoulder. Aegon leaned over and opened the door, watching as Aemond took his seat in the truck. “Hey. How was work?”, Aegon asked as he put his car in reverse, and pulled back onto the road.
Aemond sighed and leaned his head back on the seat. “Full of people asking dumb questions. You?” he asked, as he crossed his arms, making himself comfortable. Aegon laughed, “Full of people who don’t know how to take care of their cars.”
“Sounds fun.”
“Mhm, very.”
“Did you just get off? I thought that the shop closed up early,” Aemond asked. Aegon shifted in his seat as he turned onto their street, “No, I stayed late and headed to a friend’s house before coming to get you,” Aegon lied.
Aemond nodded his head and looked out of the window for only a moment before turning back to Aegon with a look of hope filling his eyes. Aegon knew exactly what his brother was going to say before the words even left his mouth. “I found a really good program for Automotive Engineering Technology. The community college isn’t too far a drive from here and it’s a really good school. And I found a lot of scholarships for it-”
“Aemond…” Aegon started.
“Just let me show you the website when we get home at least-” Aemond tried.
“Aemond. Please, enough.” Aegon said, turning to look at his brother with a look of pleading. Aemond shook his head in confusion, “Can you…can you at least look at the website? Please?” he said. His tone, the one that he’d always used when they were younger and he had wanted Aegon to play with him, made Aegon sigh and nod his head. Looking at a website couldn’t hurt. He wouldn’t go anyways. The money wasn’t for him. Not anymore.
They pulled into the driveway a minute before their curfew. Aegon made sure that his brother was outside of the car before slipping the cash into his jacket pocket. The two of them raced to the porch, playfully shoving the other to try and get there first. Aegon unlocked the doors with his keys and they both made their way into the dark house. They’re mom, and most of their siblings, were likely asleep. Jace, their cousin, liked to go to sleep early, though Daeron was most likely still up playing a video game.
Aegon could see the light from the kitchen and made his way down the hall. The kitchen was currently covered in flowers from their mom’s plant farm. Since it was so cold, she was keeping the flowering in the several greenhouses that were built there. She liked to bring a lot of them home, and so at the moment, their kitchen looked like a jungle of color.
In the middle of it all, was their dad. He was resting against the counter, coffee in hand, as he watched the football game from the small kitchen TV. Their dad was somehow able to drink coffee at all hours of the day and have no trouble getting to sleep. Aegon guessed that was just how it went, working long hours as the town’s police chief. He turned to look at them and checked his watch. “We were in the house at exactly 11:59,” Aegon said quickly, as he opened a cabinet to get a cup for water for himself, “What’s the score?”
“We should probably stop being Seahawks fans.” Their dad said.
“That bad?”
Aegon peaked at the score on the screen and winced. It was that bad.
“How was work you two?”, their dad asked as he took a sip from his coffee mug that said “Best Mom” on it.
“Stupid people.” Aegon and Aemond said at the same time. Their dad nodded his head, “Same here. Aem, you should probably get to bed. You’ve got school in the morning.”
Aemond took a glass of water and left the kitchen with a “goodnight” before disappearing down the hall.
“Have you eaten anything, Aeg?” his dad asked. Aegon tried to think about the last time he had eaten that day, but the moment of silence seemed to give his dad the answer he needed, “If you have to think about it, then you should eat. Sit, I’ll get you something.”
Aegon sighed and took a seat at the kitchen table as he watched his dad heat up what they had most likely eaten for dinner that night. Aegon watched the game, the horrible game, and lost track of time until his dad put a plate in front of him and took a seat of his own. Aegon thanked him and began to eat the food. It was his mom’s cooking, and he loved every single bite of it.
She always seemed to make the best food, Helaena coming in a very close second.
When he was done, he took the plate to the sink and rinsed it off. When he turned and leaned against the sink, he caught the questioning look from his dad. “Yeah?” he asked with a quirk of one of his brows. He watched as his dad, the man who he had known since the age of eight, ran his hand down his face with a sigh. He looked stressed, overworked. But Aegon didn’t say anything about the recent murders going on. He knew it would only upset his dad, who had been working late into the night to solve the cases.
Aegon could feel way in which his bones seemed to tighten. He could feel it in his chest, like he couldn’t breathe, but his heart wouldn’t stop doing anything but pump at a quick rate. He could feel it all. All from the words that slipped from his dad’s mouth.
“Aegon… are you sure that you don’t want to at least apply for a couple of schools? The whole… mechanic thing, you can learn that at school. There are grants that we can get, loans-”
“Dad- just… stop. I don’t want you and mom taking out any loans, not for me.” Aegon said. His dad scrunched his brown in confusion. “Not for you? What does that even mean, kid? I would take out a hundred loans for any of you to go to school. You graduated with good grades, Aeg. You can get into a good school. Look, I didn’t go to college… and I just- I just want my children to have that chance. I want to give you all that chance,” his dad said.
Aegon swallowed the bile that threatened to rise within his throat. “Dad… I don’t even want to go anyways,” he told him. That wasn’t true. He did want to. He wanted to play for a team in his school, he wanted to get his degree and make something of himself, support his family. But that wasn’t going to happen. He was getting money for his siblings, for Aemond and Helaena who would be graduating soon. They were both so smart. They deserved to make something of themselves.
“… You don’t want to go to school?” his dad asked in disbelief.
“Not right now at least.”
A wave silence filled the room. The only sound being the game on the TV, the crowd cheering as the other team scored a winning goal. Aegon pushed off of the sink and placed a hand on his dad’s shoulder, “I think I’m gonna head to bed.”
His dad placed a hand over his and nodded his head, but before he was able to say anything back, his phone began to ring. Aegon watched as his dad took the call, furrowed his brows with a sigh, and stood from his chair. “Something’s happened. I’ll be back later tonight. I love you.”
Aegon felt his dad kiss the side of his head before swinging on his coat, getting his keys, and walking out the front door. “Let your mom know, please,” he said as he pulled the door shut behind him. His dad had begun to say those words more often. The murders that were recking their town were taking a toll on him. Aegon rubbed his eyes and walked out of the kitchen and towards the stairs.
When he made it to his room, he closed the door, locked it, and walked over to his closet. He lifted a few dirty clothes from the floor of the closet and pulled a box towards himself. He lifted the lid and looked at the jars of cash filling the box to the brim. In his coat he pulled out the bag of money, sorted through it, and placed them in the correct jars.
Everything, the box, the drugs, the secrecy… it was for them. All of it. His siblings deserved to go to school. To be able to cover the costs of everything that they would need. He was the older brother. He needed to get them there.
edited by @sidraofthewildflowers thank you!
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javipispunk · 1 year
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Burn the Breeze {Obi-Wan Kenobi}
Part Nine | Previous Part
Summary: Modern AU where Obi-Wan (Ben) and Anakin are sheriffs that come to your small town to take down the corrupt rancher Dooku.
Pairing: Obi-Wan Kenobi x f!reader
Warnings: angst, injury, anxiety, fluff, alcohol mentioned, anakin being a lil shit
Word Count: 1.4K
A/N: sorry its been a hot min work has been insane and i’m lowkey burnt out. also completely forgot where i was gonna go with this story so thats not helpful oh well
You felt like you were in limbo. You were caught up in some insane plot and apparently now your life was on the line. But on the other hand you really had no idea what was going on. The sheriffs were keeping their mouths shut but you had a sense they were beginning to place a lot of the puzzle pieces together.
And then there was Ben. He was so gentle with you. It felt like through his stern sheriff persona he managed to keep a soft spot for you. You really really liked him. His gorgeous ocean blue eyes were driving you insane and the way he looked at you with such concern made your heart soar.
Ben and Cody had informed you that you would be staying with Ben for the time being. You started blushing like crazy when they told you, your cheeks were so red you looked like you’d been caught in the snow for hours.
“What about the farm?” You asked. It couldn’t just sit there unattended for who knows how long. You still had work to do.
Nobody really had a good answer for that. Ben offered his protection if you had to go into the fields for a couple hours but Cody gave him a look that said that that was not a good idea. Ben was incredibly busy and it seemed inconceivable for him to have time to sit in a tractor with you or help you cut flowers all day.
Part of you was still mad at him though for not answering you. It seemed easy to blame him for your moment of recklessness.
“You have to stay here for the rest of the day until I can take you back to mine.” Ben said.
It was only 11 am. It had already been such a long day and you just wanted to go home and take a nap.
“How long will you be?”
“I’m not quite sure yet.” You looked down. Then he pointed to a small cell in the corner. “It’s not much but there's a cot in there if you wanna sleep for a little bit. You look exhausted.”
“Cause I am exhausted,” you chuckled. You really were going to take him up on the offer until you glanced at the cot. It looked like a blue version of those awful wrestling floor mats they have in every highschool’s gym.
Ben saw your disgruntled face. “It’s the best I can offer dear.” Dear. He called you dear. You still hadn’t entirely calmed down and that one word was sending you into a tizzy. You wondered if Ben had any idea what he did to you.
As he was walking away you remembered you had to take hay to that farmer tomorrow.
“Wait. Ben.” He turned around. “I have to take hay to a rancher first thing tomorrow. What am I supposed to do?”
He thought for a moment. “How long will it take?”
“Half hour?”
“I’ll come with you. I really don’t know much about farming. It would be nice to see you in your element.”
You giggled.
Then he said, “Get some rest. That's a problem for tomorrow.”
It was difficult to fall asleep. The cot was uncomfortable and you felt creeped out being in a jail cell. But you were so exhausted that sleep did eventually come.
You woke up in a panic. It was one of those naps where it felt like you were back in middle school and if you didn’t get up you were gonna miss the bus. You had no idea how long you’d been asleep for. When you looked at your phone however you were amazed to see it had been three hours. Damn you felt shot. Even then you fell bored very quickly, there was nothing to do. You kinda wanted to poke around the sheriff’s office but thought better of it. Someone could walk in at any moment. Nobody did though. It was another hour and a half until Anakin walked in. He had a woman with him. She was petite and her eyes were the same coffee color as her hair.
Anakin tensed at the sight of you. You looked like crap but you knew that that's not why he looked at you so wearily. He then pointed at the bandage on your forehead.
“I got into an accident,” was all you said.
“I already heard. I told you how dangerous this case is.”
“Then don’t tell me again.” You looked at the woman and raised your eyebrows. Anakin took the hint and introduced you and her.
“This is Padmé.” Oh. The senator. You didn’t recognize her, that just went to show how much you paid attention to politics.
“I’m sorry to hear you’re all caught up in this too,” you said to her.
She nodded. “Yes, well sadly not all battles are fought peacefully.” Even in normal conversation she sounded like a politician. With her you didn’t think that that was such a bad thing though.
“Do you know when Ben will be back?” you asked. You weren’t trying to make Anakin laugh but he did. It was crazy to see how quickly his mood could change. From sour to sweet within seconds. You were known to be like that too but it was hard seeing it in another person. It made you think too much about yourself.
“Your boyfriend will be here shortly,” he snickered.
You didn’t take the bait. No, Ben was not your boyfriend but you knew if you denied it too vehemently it would only make Anakin egg you on more. You did roll your eyes at him though.
After a few moments Ben came in through the door. You sucked in a deep breath. He still made your heart beat faster every time his baby blues looked into your own eyes. But you were also glad to see him for other reasons. You were dying to leave, your back hurt from the crash and the cot and your head was starting to throb again. Ben could tell.
“Well come on. I know you wanna get outta here and we’ve got a long drive.” he said. You bid farewell to Anakin and Padmé and made your way out the door and down the stairs with Ben following closely behind.
When you got to his Bronco he opened the passenger side door for you. You giggled. “I guess chivalry ain’t quite dead then is it?”
“Oh shush,” he responded.
As cheesy as the action was, you thought it was cute. You hoisted yourself up even though your body was begging you not to. He climbed in on the drivers side and started up the vehicle. Once you were off and going he reached over with his right hand and grabbed your left. It felt so natural, neither of you said anything. The way he had reached towards you with such familiarity made it seem like he’d done it thousands of times before. He let go briefly to change the radio station. It was on some sports station. But you were so in your head at this point you weren’t even really paying attention to what was playing.
“What do you want to listen to?” he asked.
“I don’t know. Anything really.” You weren’t picky. He flipped it to a country station.
It was another 15 minutes before he spoke again. “Penny for your thoughts?”
You giggled again. “I can’t even tell you the last time someone asked me that.” He gave your hand a squeeze. “I’m tired.”
“I know you are,” he said. “But what are you thinking about in that pretty little head of yours?”
Honestly you were thinking about what it would be like to walk into Ben's house, what the exterior looked like. You were wondering how long you’d have to stay there for and if you’d want to stay longer even if you didn’t have to. You were thinking about his large calloused hands and how they would feel on the parts of your body he hadn’t touched yet. You also wanted a drink. So you decided to tell him that.
“I was thinking about what kind of liquor you have.” You laughed, it was a little forced though.
“Well I’m a man who lives by himself in Wyoming so it’s mostly beer and whiskey.”
“Of course it is.” You paused. “Can we pick something up?”
He squeezed your hand and then brought it to his lips. As he spoke you could feel his breath on your still raised hand.
“Anything for you,” he proclaimed.
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goldeneyedgirl · 1 year
I know you have so many projects to work on, but I was just reading that fic you posted here where alice is kind of a witch (??) and jasper kind of kills her in the end (i forgot the title I'm sorry 😭) and I was thinking about how I think that one version of alice fits so much my idea of highschooler human alice and even the way her relationship with jasper starts. And all of that just to say: how do you picture a completely average human high school version of the cullens? Honestly, even as humans, I don't think that weirdos could ever be average.
Hi Anon!
The Dark and the Unknown! I'm actively working on it as we speak (it's being very difficult).
I absolutely love coming up with ordinary versions of the Cullens so I am obsessed with this question. I think any version of the Cullen family as they are in canon is going to be Weird, but being human makes it a little less obvious.
I will say that for me, one of the defining human-Cullen interpretations has to be Midnight Run by Inthemadhouse (tragically unfinished but one of the best Jalice fics online), so that has probably coloured some of my personal headcanons.
Strap yourself in, it's going to be long.
I'm working from the idea the family are Exactly As Presented in canon: Carlisle and Esme adopted a bunch of teenagers who then promptly hooked up with each other, with Edward being the first adoption, then Emmett, then Alice, and then the acquisition of Esme's twin niece and nephew. Obviously the ages of when they were acquired by Carlisle and Esme have to be fudged a little to make this work.
family stuff.
There is 0 chance that Esme and Carlisle (who I'm estimating are in their 30s because it's highly unlikely they would be approved for that combination of kids in their early 20s) would be paying out of pocket for five Ivy League educations plus dorm and books (approx 300k per student for undergrad). Without hundreds of years to build their wealth, Carlisle and Esme Normal Wealthy, not Batman Villain Wealthy.
I think Esme and Carlisle would want to teach a good work ethic, and set the kids up for success as adults. College would be an unspoken expectation because of white privilege and their wealth, but Esme and Carlisle would also accept a post high school plan that was realistic and researched. I also think Carlisle and Esme would be big on community service and volunteering, and not letting the kids just lie around during the summer.
Esme would have a small office/studio to run her architecture/interiors business out of, and she juggles work with running the household, and tries to give the kids more responsibility now that they're getting older. Carlisle would work long hours, but emphasise the importance of family time when he's off work - one of the reasons they go camping so often.
Edward is very literary and a bit pretentious. He reads the classics and has strong opinions and thinks that a lot of trends and pop culture is beneath him. He's the one wearing sweater vests and button downs to school - with a leather satchel - and his notebooks are all moleskines.
He thinks he's very artistic and spends a lot of time writing poetry and music for the piano, and pining for someone to understand him. He is insanely self-conscious about his appearance - especially his skin - and kind of awkward around his peers. He's not nearly as religiously coded as a human, but is determined to prove to Carlisle that he was worth the hassle of the adoption.
His best subjects are English Lit, Music, and European History. His co-curricular is probably the school play, where he plays piano. He's a nightmare to drag out of bed in the morning, and he tends to be very bossy with his family because he's been with the Cullens the longest. He's closest to Alice, but I see him actually getting along with Ben, Eric, and Angela at school. I think he'd kind of want to be friends with Jacob but try to be cool about it and come off as a snob. Edward cannot stand Rose or Jasper.
Edward would have been attracted to Bella's standoffish attitude when she arrived; the long-suffering thing is something he understands (he lives with four 'siblings' and only two bathrooms). They bond over classic novels and feeling out of place with their peers and whilst they get a little dramatic, they're very happy with each other.
We know teenage Bella but if she and Edward were humans together? Oof. Bella is starry-eyed over Edward from Day One, but knows how to hide it - she realizes that would put Edward off pretty fast.
I think Jacob and Bella would be quite close from her arrival in Forks, but Bella would be kind of on the fringes of her social set for all of high school. I also like to think that Jacob has his own friends and girlfriend, and doesn't spend his high school years pining after Bella.
I cannot see Bella and Alice being close friends in an all-human universe because Alice isn't starved for friends in this world, and Bella's got less of a reason to get her on side when immortality isn't the prize. I think they get along and hang out but they just don't have enough in common. I think Bella would irritate the shit out of Rose, getting caught asking too many questions about the family around school.
Bella would absolutely get pregnant before graduation. Edward has less religious hangups plus a contemporary upbringing... yeah, Ness was an accident. But Edward would definitely want to marry Bella before they went to college - I can definitely see Edward turning down Ivy League to stay with Bella at a public university.
Emmett is sport like Ken is beach. I feel like Emmett plays two sports every season, probably coaches a kiddie league on the weekends, has a summer boy scout troupe, and works delivering pizzas after school. He loves the outdoors, loves activity. His grades are not great, honestly, but he does his best and he passes. He's definitely the student whispering if anyone did the homework and could he just... have a quick look two minutes before class starts. Emmett's one of those people who just has a lot of friends, though he would claim his best friend is either Edward or Jasper.
He's extremely popular because he's so friendly, and he's the kind of kid that adults go "Emmett Cullen doesn't sleep til noon on a Saturday. He's already coached two first grade basketball games and washed his mom's care by 10am." (Esme would look at them, unamused, and explain that she literally keeps two water jugs in the upstairs bathroom: one to wake up Edward and one to wake up Emmett.)
Emmett is also almost always the source of alcohol at high school parties, and makes the best fake I.Ds in the county. Charlie Swan knows it's Emmett, he just has no tangible proof. Yet.
Emmett has very little trauma due to being adopted, and definitely sees being a Cullen as winning the life lottery. He's the heart and soul of the family, and tends to use that to get out of any serious trouble.
I think that Rose and Jasper probably joined the family around age 12ish, and Emmett was probably smitten with Rose from first sight, and made a bit of a fool of himself and annoyed Rose for a few weeks before he relaxed and was just himself. He was naturally accepting of her boundaries, respectful, and the appropriate amount of protective over her when needed. I actually think Rose and Emmett got together after Alice and Jasper, probably around Freshman year. I know it's common that they are the pair that have the on-again, off-again dramatics, but I don't see it - perfect match. Emmett takes jokes about him dumping Rose for a cheerleader with 0 humor and shoots down any female - or male - that tries to flirt with him.
His best subjects are Gym and Chemistry. He's really easy-going and I can see him opting for a state university close to Rose because she has such strong preferences for her education. He gets along really well with the guys on the Res, hangs out there a lot, and is definitely a big brother figure for Seth after Harry's heart attack. He'd probably want to study something like video game design on a football scholarship in college.
Rose would not be a popular cheerleader. I need that out there. She has no interest in the social aspect, no interest in the culture of cheerleading, and has tunnel vision about her college plans.
I see Rose having a very type-A high school experience - all her classes are AP or college credit, she volunteers at the hospital in the summer (pediatrics), she runs a study group for STEM subjects because Forks High won't let her start a full-on robotics club, she's a member of the cross country team, and she works after school at Esme's office until she gets a job at a garage. She is utterly humorless about her grades, and she's going to be valedictorian, get into an Ivy League (ideally MIT, but she's flexible) on at least one decent scholarship.
And she makes it all look completely effortless. Meanwhile, she's still got a lot of baggage and trauma from before she joined the Cullen family, she's got a lot of anger, and she's just determined to rise about it without really dealing with it in a healthy way; Esme and Carlisle are terrified she's going to put all this work in, only to burn out before she makes it to college.
She intimidates the shit out of her classmates, and I feel like her closest friends at school would be, like, two other intense overachieving girls. She catches Bella trying to get gossip about the family from other students, and hates her from that moment on because Rose hates feeling like she's not normal. She knows their family is weird, but she wants the world to pretend it isn't.
I think Rose would actually become good friends with Leah Clearwater when she meets them via Emmett, and that she's insanely popular over at the Res with the boys because of her interest and knowledge in cars; between Rose, Jacob, and Sam, there is no car that they cannot get running again. I also think that Rose would stay in touch with Vera throughout their lives.
Rose and Edward hate each other with the fire of a thousand suns; Edward resents that Rose isn't grateful to Esme and Carlisle for taking her in because she should be honored (projecting just a little); Rosalie thinks that Edward is spoiled and has the self-awareness of a shoe-box and resents how treasured he is by the Cullens, but family therapy was just kind of a lot of yelling, so there's a mutual Cold War in the household.
Rose is also the most competent cook out of all the kids, but resents the fuck out of everyone when she's the one that the responsibility of cooking falls to on night's when the kids are cooking. The others learned fast that they had to participate or face her wrath.
Jasper and Rose are close in the way that siblings who have gone through something terrible together are, but their trauma is so different that it's hard for them to always related to the other. Emmett is Rosalie's foundation, her tether, and the person she hears no matter what. To the outsider, she seems like an ice-cold, controlling girlfriend but even when she's researching her college options, she's taking into account Emmett's wants and needs with those decisions. Rose feels so deeply that it makes her vulnerable so she hides it.
I feel like before Forks, Jasper would have become very acquainted with drugs to cope with his past, and Carlisle and Esme had to intervene majorly - and that might have been one of the reasons that they decided to relocate the family to Forks. So like, now weed is his one vice to stay calm and get through the day, and he's pretty transparent with Esme, Emmett, and Alice about his smoking because of his previous addiction.
Jasper would be very quiet, and kind of just loom behind Alice at all times - I think 90% of the time, he'd have earbuds in. But he'd have a nasty temper and would definitely get into more than one fight, especially if someone said anything negative about Rose or Alice. And Jasper doesn't pick fights he won't win. He's kind of seen as the problem child of the family by the local gossips, even though Charlie Swan thinks that Jasper's a hell of a lot less trouble than Emmett. Charlie is, of course, totally incorrect as Jasper is the co-conspirer behind the fake I.D.s Emmett supplies, and has supplied a few parties with weed when he's feeling generous.
He absolutely got blackout drunk at a few parties before he quit drinking. He's kind of a sad and angry drunk, so it was for the best.
Jasper pretty much attached himself to Alice from his first day in the Cullen house, and they were definitely the first two to get together - Jasper has simped for Alice since he was 12, and has no plans to stop at any point. She's his favourite person, his best friend, and he's happy when she's happy, so he'll go to Homecoming, to the Winter Ball, to Spring Fling, Prom, anything to make her smile. He'll attend the school play every night because Alice designed the costumes.
At school, Jasper is the perpetual 'so smart, knows the material, puts 0 effort in'; he loves arguing with his teachers, and can turn a class into a three ring circus with minimal effort, but likes to save that for a couple of times a semester. He's the kind of asshole who shows up to finals, gets a perfect score, but hasn't handed in a single piece of homework. He's not really big on making friends, but he kind of does peripherally through Emmett and Alice. He'd argue his best friend is Peter, and they stay in touch for life. But he and Emmett get along great and are as close as bio brothers (even if Emmett cheerfully threatened to beat the shit out of him the first time he got caught with his hand up Alice's shirt.) Jasper definitely goes surfing at La Push and considers it meditative.
He and Edward have a frustrating relationship because of how much attention Jasper's struggles got him from Carlisle and Esme; Edward was jealous of how easily Carlisle told Jasper he was proud of him, and how Jasper was standoffish to Carlisle when he'd just been given the thing Edward craves more than anything. Carlisle also has an interest in history, and he and Jasper have long discussions about that together. Jasper finds Edward immature and spoiled but tries to keep the peace for Alice's sake.
He's most interested in American History and Technology. His co-curricular would be AV Club, but he really only shows up when they're pitching in for the school play. I definitely see Esme and Carlisle insisting he gets a job during the summer, and it would be something like helping run movies in the park during the summer, or working at the Forks Historical Society on Saturdays. He has no real plans for college, but I can see Jasper being one of those assholes who just gets a full ride to a really good school for reasons that are a mystery to everyone else.
Alice would be the most noticeable weirdo; I can see Alice being an Art Kid, and joining the school play just to design and make costumes, plus she wears a lot of homemade and customized clothing to school, as well as detailed make-up. But she's definitely up for joining clubs and socialising; I can't see her being a cheerleader because of the time commitment, but maybe doing ballet or gymnastics. Maybe a language club? And a photography club?
She's one of those people that just considers everyone a friend; I wouldn't be surprised if Esme and Carlisle had meetings to be like "no, Alice isn't ADHD. She's been tested, she's just high energy." I think she gets along really well with Jessica, kind of overwhelms Angela, and has a kind of Cold War of politeness going with Lauren. She's really welcoming to Bella and enthusiastic about her and Edward, but they don't have a ton in common so it's the odd movie night/sleepover when Bella's over at the Cullens.
Alice would be the peace-keeper between Edward and Rose and Jasper because she can translate Edward's dramatics into something tolerable for the others. She and Rose aren't super close, but they get along okay, and go shopping together often. Alice and Emmett probably have the most traditionally typical brother-sister relationship.
Alice seems a lot more innocent than she is, and that's partially her lack of memories from her childhood. She's very, very protective of Jasper in a subtle way; if he's drinking or getting high, she's staying by his side stone-cold sober, and she's definitely started at least one fight when someone said something about Jasper's scars. I think she'd have a lot of guilt over not being able to help Jasper with his addictions more than she did, even though she was a kid.
She's also the financial manager of Jasper and Emmett's little I.D. enterprise, and is definitely the sneakiest in the family - I think Alice would have a klepto streak as a human, and definitely be the one that knew her way around a lock-pick.
Her best classes would be Art, Economics, and maybe Forensics? She'd have no interest in English Lit or Sciences, but she'd get okay marks across the board - she's highly motivated if Carlisle is offering to pay them for As. She'd be looking at Parsons, Pratt, or RISD for college; maybe NYU. She'd have numerous jobs because Forks doesn't really have the kind of stores she'd aspire to work in, but I figure she negotiates selling accessories online with Carlisle and Esme instead of a traditional job. She'd volunteer to work on all the elementary school, middle school, and church plays.
I thin that's everything? I hope that's what you were looking for anon, but I had such a good time thinking about all this!
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mirmidones · 1 year
i took an unfortunately long nap and dreamed sanremo24 had started but [really long dream under the cut]
to introduce it there was a small video of scientists from all over the world who came together to compare the machines they had made to cure this new mysterious parasite my highschool history teacher had mentioned to me in an instagram dm talking about how sleeping with my cat was giving me health problem bc of this parasite. anyways all the machines in the video had like 30 round little mirrors (i shall draw it for better understanding) and it was night and i guess there was the possibility this parasite was connected to the moon and people wanted to know bc being exposed to it was harmful and the scientists were like well actually who cares bc the moon is too pretty to hide from it what kind of life would we live if we hid from the moon. and then sanremo started and at first it was on tv and i was watching it from a bathtub and i texted lys @sybilhallward about it and they were like "yeah they got the funds and decided to anticipate it to january" and this news surprised and annoyed me bc 1 i had assumed i had simply lost the grasp on time and it was now sanremo time = february 2 now i had nothing to look forward to in the month of february. but let's proceed first there was a prerecorded sketch that starred either tananai or damiano david and some distorted half italian version of dua lipa (star guest) and they acted some sort of love story anyways it was painful to watch but it didn't last long. then suddenly i was sitting as a part of the audience in a half empty row pretty close to the stage. i saw ben @im-not-madeofchalk in the same row and we sat together and chatted about the show that was going on: the whole theatre had started to sing happy birthday to orietta berti, but then a much younger version of her was escorted to the stage from the audience and i guessed it was not orietta herself but her daughter, who was called something fiocchi. ben leaned over and let me know the daughter of orietta was a national star of volleyball and i said "i don't really give a shit but thank you" anyways x fiocchi was very annoyed she said she had been standing the whole time bc they wouldn't let her sit as there was no place to sit (it bears repeating, my row and a few others were almost empty). the professor who was accompanying her said "really? i found a seat just fine" and we all knew it was the stupidest thing to say to her and in fact she got angrier and made security escort out anyone who she saw laughing in the audience "and most importantly anyone who has messy hair bc it's gonna take me so long to undo this hairstyle once i get to work later so if i have to suffer so do you" and then i woke up, realized i had slept 4 hours and had some very ugly thoughts that i won't report. the end :)
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anyways the machines were kinda like this ^
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geffenrecords · 1 year
I still would like to see your stuff about diary of a wimpy kid. hand it over 🫴🏽
oh boy um. okay. so i hauvent posted abt them in a long time but i imagine if youve followed me for long enuf you remember....and boy theres a lot to sayhere
so the context is that like when i was like 14..me & my at the time best friend became just like. obsessed with the diary of a wimpy kid movies. and im dead serious we were obsessed with them. we watched them all the time and talked about them for hours. like im straight up we loved these movies. my only possible defense for what was up with me is that i was really anorexic haha so i was really weird in the head. but anyways, obviously mostly people only talk about those movies because they like rodrick and well looks around yeah. but also ☝️ we were retired glee kids. my friend had previously been the biggest fan of the warblers from glee (who altogether have maybe 8 minutes of screentime) and we were retired newsies fans. we were really cringey fandom kids still & we were really really good at loving total nothing background characters. so !
if you pay attention. in the first movie rodricks band consists of 1 redhead kid on guitar, some emo kid, and some other random guy. in rodrick rules/dog days, his band is two guys named ben and chris (plus bill in rodrick rules and some random kid they found for dog days). chris doesnt have any lines i dont think but he is there a lot in rodrick rules. i dont have any evidence but im like 79% sure he was definitely high during the filming. and if he wasnt hes really good at acting it. ben does have lines though :-) in rodrick rules he and rodrick drive rowley and greg home and discuss what song theyre going to perform at the talent show and he says "dude we'll get to go backstage" at the party scene.
um. anyways yeah. we made them into what was pretty much our own characters and gave them a whole story which is so long and. in all honesty i just forgot so much of i make shit up all the time for it when i do stuff with it now. but its silly and long and to sum it up -> ben works at office max in a mall (i dont think they have office max in malls) and rodrick keeps coming in to print/copy band posters. one night he breaks the machine so he and ben talk and rodrick asks him to join his band. he says yes, so ben and chris join the band which is rodrick and matt (emo kid from the first movie, who guess what doesnt say a single thing. he just stands there and claps at the sorry women scene) also the big joke with matt was that he works at chuck e cheese and hes the guy who wears the mouse costume and ben rodrick and chris all keep going there and pissing him off and eventually he gets mad and yells at them and thats how they all meet. i think thats what we created him for basically. ben is rhythm guitar/vocals, chris is bass, rodrick is drums, and matt is lead guitar. they break up at the end of highschool and reunite after dropping out of college and get world famous haha. just think like really annoying music kids in like 2007 who actually have a successful band...(their song is rodrick rules is good...i promise go look it up).
but ya. its unfortunately such a personal story to me atp that i cant let it go even though im not even friends with that person anymore. and also i dont really care. its funny & i draw them so much now and also. rodrick rules is such a good fucking movie. i dont care its definitely in my top ten favorites im deadass. whatevs.
other noteable things from this is kitty. whos my oc completely but shes chris' girlfriend and we made her up because the whole joke was she pegged him to paramore. hides my face this is just who we were at the time. but i draw her more with my own ocs than i do with chris her boyfriend who is the only reason she exists. i think thats all. im sorry this is so long but ive never actually explained the whole thing. theres so much more but i literally wont stop if i start. go thru the doawk tag on my blog 4 further explanation or ask me...i love talking about them please please.... bonus drawing of them i just did for this👍
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blankingbloom · 4 months
Dear Angelica (aka future me),
Hey! How are you? Before I start my thousands of questions, let me first say, congratulations on graduating and finishing your senior year of high school!!! this must be a bittersweet moment for you, as I am experiencing this at the moment as a junior watching the grades above me graduate and do senior activities. Graduating is a once in a lifetime moment, not everybody gets to graduate due to unfortunate circumstances, but congratulations! Thank you so much for staying strong, the k-12 system is literally horrible lol. I just wanted to say, I (17 year old Angelica) will forever be within you. I am you, but I want you to have no regrets or wising to be me because “life was so carefree” 💀💀 naw it’s not I’m suffering rn lmfao I have 3 summer classes, a job to juggle and volunteer opportunities to catch up on and college apps 😿 whomp whomp. I so desperately want to be you right now! It may feel insufferable at the moment and you feel lots of bittersweet feelings and loneliness being unleashed from hell (prison) (kleinisd) (kleinhigh); you should know that there is a whole chapter ahead of you and you’ve achieved a milestone! When something ends, a new opportunity arises. I hope you’ll feel better soon, knowing how I feel now will probably affect you 10x deeper (you’ll understand). Highschool for me was no fun adventure; I was barely sociable, barely any friends (like a few ofc I’m not a loser), I felt like I wasn’t on track to be my genuine real self anytime soon, but you have the opportunity to change that through college. I need you to be stronger for me until we get our masters in compsci 💀. Be an academic weapon once more for us plz!! I know you want that so bad. I know our experience wasn’t the best, especially during covid and certain situations, but there is a whole life ahead of us, that is depending on our actions. I trust us to keep it up! BTW Im missing a ton of the 2023 seniors, I can’t believe that it’s real. It low key hurt seeing everyone I had classes with especially in financial math, english, photography, and a&p graduate. It’s so bittersweet it low key hurt my feelings, especially seeing everyone I grew up with who were a grade above me. I don’t want to forget them at all, I want to remember who they are! I never peaked in high school, but I’m never going to see these people again, unless it’s by a rare chance someday, I doubt they would recognize me. I guess I just grew attached. Anyways, I have some questions LOL.
1. What is our plan after graduating Highschool? What college are we going to?
2. Did we end up submitting any of our SAT/ACT scores?
3. What’s your favorite song currently?
4. Are we still dating Ben?
5. Did we make any new friends?
6. What is your college essay about?
7. What made us stronger?
8. How was senior year? Was it any easier taking AP classes? Do we understand pre-calc?
9. Do we still want to take comp sci?
10. What happened to your H‑E‑B job?
11. Did we get any stoles/cords for graduation or not?
12. What was our final Highschool GPA?
13. What’s our class schedule?
14. What do we look like now? Do I still have short hair? Do I still look gay?
15. Can we crochet with greater experience?
16. What’s your biggest worry?
17. Are you happy?
Thank you for reading this!! Respond to my questions soon. Goodbye! I will always be within you.
Sincerely, Angelica
Hi Baby Angelica!
Since you're from the past, I have so so so much to catch you up on. Time flies by when you're consistently stressed out. But don't worry! I will answer your millions of questions first! Then we can actually discuss :)
1. What is our plan after graduating Highschool? What college are we going to?
A: We are doing Computer Engineering! After hours and hours of research, I wanted you to have opportunities in both the computer science and electrical engineering fields. I want you to have a lot of pathways so you can have tons of money and opportunities! We are going to UT Dallas. We got CAPPED from UT Austin and UW-Seattle was way out of our budget sadly. Maybe someday my love :(
2. Did we end up submitting any of our SAT/ACT scores?
A: Hell no, they were too low LMFAO
3. What’s your favorite song currently?
A: Talk by Beabadoobee, Antihero by Taylor Swift, any MSI song
4. Are we still dating Ben?
A: Yes <3
5. Did we make any new friends?
A: YES! We aren't friends with.. those girl(s) anymore. They were bad for you. WE HAVE MORE GENUINE AND KIND FRIENDS!! There is a whole world out there waiting for you. I love my friends.
6. What is your college essay about?
A: Bugs. In the UT Austin essays, we wrote about photography, allergies, tamagotchis, etc.
7. What made us stronger?
A: Learning to adapt, spreading love, reading people, putting ourselves in uncomfortable situations in order to grow. Being with likeminded people!
8. How was senior year? Was it any easier taking AP classes? Do we understand pre-calc?
A: PRE CAL WAS MY MOST HATED SUBJECT. It is so fricking hard I dont think I ever understood the concepts. The AP Classes had lots of work in it but you managed your time fine and it was never that serious anyways (except AP 2D art) that sucked a lot. Senior year was shit im not even gonna lie. I didn't even attend like 98% of the events LOL. Fuck no I am not going back!
9. Do we still want to take comp sci?'
A: Computer Engineering babe dont sweat it
10. What happened to your H‑E‑B job?
11. Did we get any stoles/cords for graduation or not?
A: One stole for NHS, one stole for DUDU CREDIT!
12. What was our final Highschool GPA?
A: 4.6/6.0 LMFAOOO
13. What’s our class schedule?
A: -1st period: Late Arrival (Used to be Photography 4)
A: -2nd: AP Art History
A: -3rd: Photojournalism/Office Aide
A: -4th: AP Psychology/Interpersonal Studies
A: -5th: AP 2D Art
A: -6th: AP Pre-Cal (idk how u survived but girl... never again)
A: -7th: Early Release
14. What do we look like now? Do I still have short hair? Do I still look gay?
A: You got the short hair back and we still look gay asf. We have new pink glasses though and they're see through! We still have bangs. Shit load of stretch marks though smh. Im like 115 pounds now.
15. Can we crochet with greater experience?
A: fuck no
16. What’s your biggest worry?
A: If my roommates will like me, I'll feel lonelier, money, If ill be smart enough for college, if my friends now will still want to hang out with me :(
17. Are you happy?
A: I could be happier but I am okay! Not stressed right now :)
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benadril · 11 months
Funniest thing ever ever forever is when a popular bully desperately tries to get me to like them but fails miserably
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musewritingsforyou · 2 years
Coming Home
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Final
Summary: Spencer deals with the news he has received
Warnings: Anxiety, crying, panic, trauma, self harm, suicide, death (past), injury, stalking, swearing, angst
Pairing: Spencer Reid x reader
words: 1.6k
A/N: The final Part!!!! again this one is pretty dark, but not quite as difficult or long as the last one. I cried yall.
*I do not own any CM characters
Part 10
I must have sat there in silence for at least five minutes. I kept my hand on her back and tried to keep my own breathing calm. I know it's cliche to say I never thought it would happen to me. But it's true. Even in my line of work, you never think it'll happen to you, until it does. I stared at the dirt beneath my feet and wondered what question to ask first. When I finally lifted my head, hers was down, refusing to meet my face.
“So, Ben?” It wasn't the first on my list, but I knew the story hadn't ended just yet. She only stopped it there because she was too afraid, and I knew that feeling all too well.
“He received an envelope the same as mine two weeks before he killed himself.” My brain switched modes as she spoke. I went from boyfriend to profiler before I could really stop myself. I mean, anyone would in that situation right? It can't just be a coincidence.
“Did you know that-”
“That he was going to kill himself? No. he sent me pictures of his envelope just like I did when we were in highschool. We talked on the phone hours before. I've talked to people on the edge before, I've talked people off the edge before. He wasn't planning it. That I'm sure of.”
I thought back to the first night she stayed at my apartment. Before we moved in together, I think it was after about a month of dating that she slept there for the first time. I remembered how guarded she was at first. How she would always wear something that went at least down to her knees. That first night she put on a sweater of mine and for the first time I saw her scars. Not just on her legs, but on her torso as well. Long intentional, surgical scars. I never asked.
“y/n/n, those scars, were they from-” she cut me off again, hearing me say it seemed to be too much for her.
“Some of them are from the surgeries. Some aren't”  the pain in her voice was too much. It wasn't fair. She didn't deserve this. What I would do if I could get my hands on the man that did this-
“Let me find him.”  it came out before I even knew I wanted to say it.
I finally looked up.
“Let me find the man who did this. Give me the word and I will have the whole team looking for him. Or just me, I don't care about who does it. Let me make sure that he can't take one more thing from you.”
The tears that I had just gotten to stop came back. I knew he would do that. I knew he would do anything to protect me. But to be honest, I didn’t feel like I deserved it.
“After all the lies that I've told to you? My best friend killed himself because of someone that only wanted to hurt me. How am I any better than he is?”
My lips trembled when I looked at Spencer. Even in all of the pain that he has been in, all of the emotions I'm sure he felt as I told him my story, he hadn’t cried. Not until now.
I had kept strong for her. As she first saw me, when she first heard me speak, when she told me of all that happened to her. But hearing her blame herself. Her pain was so evident. It broke my heart more than I knew was possible. I took my hand from her back and put it on her cheek so she had no choice but to look at me.
“You listen to me. This was not your fault, do you understand? You did not lie to me, you kept strong to protect me, to protect everyone! There was no way you could have known that after all this man had done to you he was going to hurt someone else! None of this is on you! I love you so, so, so much, and I'm so-” My voice cracked as I cried and trembled. “So sorry that you thought you had to do this alone. So please, please. Let me do this for you.”
She stayed quiet as she sobbed and trembled but finally nodded. She squeezed her eyes shut and I pulled her into me. I would die before letting anything else get to her.
Eventually, after the both of us had laughed and wiped the snot and tears from each other's faces we hobbled back into the house where her sister was waiting.
“I promise the both of you, I will find this man.”
She looked back at me and nodded before reaching out to y/n and pulling her into a hug.
“Good, it's about time someone did.”
I walked to the couch and pulled my phone from the hospital bag before calling Garcia.
“Boy wonder! You don't text, you don't call! Where have you been!” her voice made me smile, she was always a little light in the darkness.
“I know, I know, I'm sorry, I've been dealing with a lot. Garcia I need you to do something for me,”
“Anything, what do you need?”
“Can you get the rest of the team on the phone?”
“Hah, can I, of course I can! Who do you think you're talking to. Hold please.” She paused and I heard several other lines connect.
“Alright and here we are, Reid everyones on the line now”
“Thanks Garcia. I need everyone's help.”
(3 month time jump)
I waited anxiously on the large bed in Spencer and I’s room. My phone sat beside my leg and I nervously checked it every few seconds waiting for the call that could change my life.
Three months ago Spencer called his team and told them my story. He explained to them everything leading from when I was sixteen to the moment Spencer was shot. The team agreed to help the both of us and gathered as much information as they could. About one week ago Spencer got a call from Emily just after we had arrived back home in DC. -
“So?” I paced around our apartment anxiously as he set his phone down on the coffee table.
“They think they found him.” I stopped walking around right as the words came out of his mouth and gulped.
“Do you think-”
“It's him, y/n. It's him”- 
And Spencer was right. It was him. They left that night for Maine. I fought and fought, trying to convince all of them, but in the end Spencer convinced me not to. -
“Spence you don’t understand! I have to go!”
“Look at me. I know how much this means to you, I do. You can not come with us. I can’t put you at risk like that!”
“Spencer the last time you were there you were shot! Five goddamn times!” He ran a hand through his hair and grabbed my hand from where he sat on the couch. He pulled me into his lap and looked me right in the eyes.
“I will get him, I promise. I will call you every hour and I will even stay with your sister if it means you don't come. Trust me, I want you with me every moment! But I want you alive more.”-  
So, I stayed. He kept his promise to me. He called me every hour and never once did I hear the dreaded dial tone. He stayed with my sister and her husband and kids, and every time he came home, Lu would send me a picture of him with my nieces and nephews. A couple of hours ago he called me, one of his hourly check-ins but the tone of his voice was different. He was trying to hide something from me. -
“Spencer what's going on?”
“Nothing I promise!”
“No, there's definitely something happening! What's going on Spence?”
“We found him.”
“Yeah, I know that, that's why you're in Maine, what do you mean?”
“No, y/n, we found his house. He’s in custody right now.” My heart stopped for a moment.
“y/n/n? You there?”
“Im here, i’m here”
“All we need now is a confession. Emily and JJ are working on him right now.”   
He reassured me that he was okay, and said he would call me soon. He texted me at his next check-in saying he was fine but that he needed to work on the confession, that he would call me when they got it, when they were leaving. And just like that my phone rang. I almost fell off of the edge of the bed to grab it, dropping my phone in the process.
“Yeah, yeah, it’s me babe”
“So?” My heart rate sped up and I felt light headed
“We got it y/n/n.” I cried and put a hand on my chest. Years of pain. Years of being paranoid. Years of never seeing my family out of fear that it would hurt them. Years of thinking that my best friend's death was my fault. And just like that, the man who caused all of it. All of my pain and my fear and my panic and my trauma and my scars. Just like that, it's gone.
“y/n are you still there?”
“yeah, yeah, im here, sorry, it's just-”
“I know, I know. It’s okay now” I nodded even though I knew he couldn't see me.
“y/n, I'm coming home”
With three words he saved me. With three words he made all of my fear for him worth it. He made every second worth it. He made coming home worth it.
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eddiethekaspbrak · 1 year
his suitcase was unpacked, clothing folded neatly and put away in the chest of drawers that sat heavy under the flat-screen television his room offered. eddie’s toothbrush was set in a cup (one he brought, of course) by the sink, his phone charging back to 100% at the outlet by the door. he was settled. he was ready, technically, for a vacation. 
only problem was -- he wasn’t relaxed. he was nervous. eddie felt like his stomach had squished itself into a tiny, tense little ball, that it was now stuck up in his throat. seeing ben and bev was easy, seeing bill and mike felt like a sigh of relief. everyone was okay. everyone was there, and alive, and doing okay. 
save for stan, of course. 
but he hadn’t seen richie yet. 
richie. richie fucking trashmouth tozier. 
richie fucking trashmouth tozier, who he’d been dreaming about every fucking night. sometimes, he knew they were memories, the things he dreamt about. other times, he wasn’t sure. he’d wake up having spent hours with young richie -- in the desolate spots of their highschool, in the depths of the woods -- making out. always making out. grabbing each other, holding each other, desperately breathing into the other’s mouths --
it felt like a dream. it also felt real. it was confusing. very fucking confusing. he woke up ... overwhelmed most days. he’d been more worked up than he ever had been married to myra, and he wasn’t even near richie. not in real life, at least. 
eddie had no idea how he was going to talk to him in person -- how he was going to tell him. he worried, mostly, that richie didn’t remember. but he also worried that richie would, that he remembered, that he didn’t want the same anymore. it had been months, and the comedian hadn’t said a word about it. eddie knew he had to be brave, but it never got easier. 
so instead of leaving his room, he paced. he paced circles into his carpet, spending the better part of an hour crafting the perfect hello ... one he never got to use. 
eddie opened his door -- finally, only because ben called them for dinner -- and he walked right out and into richie, the toe of his shoe catching the back of richie’s, pulling it off his heel. 
‘ shit -- motherfuck, ‘ he swore, wishing he’d taken an anxiety pill earlier that day. ‘ jesus fucking -- ‘ eddie looked up, frozen like he was in front of the deadlights. ‘ when did you get here ? ‘ 
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virgoviolets · 4 years
crying very hard for hours at length in this chilis tonight
#unepic girl moment#i feel like such a fucking failure#ive done nothing in the past year and my sister is so much better at everything than me#and for a while now ive ben thinking of going to a community college or at least starting at one instead of going to a university right away#bc it would just be better money wise and for the kind of person and student that i am it would just all work out better#but my sister moved out right after highschool and it going to a university to get her phd and she keeps pressuring me to go to the same#college as her and i really dont want to#i have like no money saved and the college is downtown so she pays $1000 a month just to live there#and i dont want to live in the city much less pay $1000 a month to live in a city i fucking hate#and todayshe came home and we were all talking about it and i was like ‘yeah i think just gonna go to *** or at least start there bc i#really dont want to go where you go’ and she was like ‘dont do that thats so lame. youre not gonna make any friends or have any fun. dont#go there’#and it made me feel like such a fucking failure like i havent even made a decision on my future and im already a failure#i hate her so much she hurts my feeling in the way only an older sister can every time she comes home#and because shes such a bitch ive been crying for the past two hours✨💕#she just seems so perfect and has everything in her life so put together and im so far off from where she was at my age that i feel like#such a disappointment#literally just because of her like my mom doesnt give a fuck what i do she just wants me to make the right decisions for me and to be happy#hashtag hippie parent things#but shes so supportive of everything i do and then my god aweful fucking sister comes home and puts me down for ever everything i do#like the Depression is kicking babe i can fucking handle online school anymore i cant even think about havjng to do it for another four#months#and so my room is a huge mess and my bathroom is a mess and the hallway between the two is a mess and i Cant bring myself to clean it right#now so its just something i live with until i have the motivation to clean it all and it doesnt matter to me but my fucking sister always#comes home and is like ‘can you PLEASE do something about the hallway this is such a mess’ and ‘oh my god your room is so messy how can you#even stand it’ like BITCH i cant fucking stand her all she does when she comes home is nitpick everything and just kinda insult everyone in#the house bc we dont have all the time jn the world to keep the kitchen table clear or vacuum#god i cant fucking stand her#if you made it this far sorry for unloading like that i have No Outlet and everyone is asleep so im here 💕#xoxo gossip girl
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peterparkersnose · 3 years
Stabbing for Fun
Kylo Ren Blurb
Kylo Ren highschool AU/Snippet
word count: 422
warnings: description of gore, kylo’s emo high school phase
a/n saw a prompt on tumblr a while ago but i cannot find it for the life of me. so sorry, credit acknowledged.
read time: 43 seconds
Tumblr media
You passed through the busy hallway of your High School, rushing towards the Headmaster's Office. You and your club of Space Equality Rights group needed permission to use the auditorium Friday night for a speech.
You open the office doors and see a kid from your first hour- you couldn't remember his name. The poor red headed kid was sitting in the nurse's office as she tried to remove a pair of scissors lodged in his hand. Yikes. You cringed and looked away, and met with the secretary.
"I'm here to see the Headmaster." you said with a smile on your face. She looked at you with the most monotone face you've ever seen. "You'll have to wait like everyone else. Take a seat." she sighed, reading her everyday phrase once again. You went to the chairs lined up against the wall, and was forced to sit in the only empty seat next to another boy.
He had long-ish black hair, ungodly amounts of eyeliner, black jeans, black sweater, and converse. He smelt of a cheap body spray which made you tense up. He looked at you in confusion. "What are you here for?" he rudely asked. You were shocked he even spoke to you. "Uh-I need to speak with the Headmaster about use of the auditorium Friday for-" "Oh. Don't care." he cut you off. You scoffed, and looked away. "I thought finally perfect Miss Y/N got in trouble for something." he said. Who the hell was this kid? "Oh, and what are you in here for?" you asked, crossing your arms.
The boy in the nurse's office finally came out, sniffling with a bandage around his hand. "Just don't look at him Armitage," the poor boy reminded himself, shuttering walking past this boy. The boy next to you had an ugly grin on his face. You gasped, connecting the dots. "You didn't-" "Ben Solo, the Headmaster will see you now." the secretary said, emerging from her office. "I go by Kylo now! Kylo Ren! You should have fixed that in your damn systems by now." he yelled at the secretary, kicking the side of her desk with his converse toe. "I don't get payed enough to care. The Headmaster will see you now, Kylo." she scoffed.
You watched him with wide eyes. He noticed that, and smirked at you. "What can I say? He deserved it." Kylo said shrugging, and walking smugly towards the Headmaster's office. Before entering the Headmaster’s door, he turned around to look at you once more. He winked, then the door shut behind him. A shutter went down your spine.
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@dani5216 @uwiuwi @alohastyles-x
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