#human cullens
goldeneyedgirl · 1 year
I know you have so many projects to work on, but I was just reading that fic you posted here where alice is kind of a witch (??) and jasper kind of kills her in the end (i forgot the title I'm sorry 😭) and I was thinking about how I think that one version of alice fits so much my idea of highschooler human alice and even the way her relationship with jasper starts. And all of that just to say: how do you picture a completely average human high school version of the cullens? Honestly, even as humans, I don't think that weirdos could ever be average.
Hi Anon!
The Dark and the Unknown! I'm actively working on it as we speak (it's being very difficult).
I absolutely love coming up with ordinary versions of the Cullens so I am obsessed with this question. I think any version of the Cullen family as they are in canon is going to be Weird, but being human makes it a little less obvious.
I will say that for me, one of the defining human-Cullen interpretations has to be Midnight Run by Inthemadhouse (tragically unfinished but one of the best Jalice fics online), so that has probably coloured some of my personal headcanons.
Strap yourself in, it's going to be long.
I'm working from the idea the family are Exactly As Presented in canon: Carlisle and Esme adopted a bunch of teenagers who then promptly hooked up with each other, with Edward being the first adoption, then Emmett, then Alice, and then the acquisition of Esme's twin niece and nephew. Obviously the ages of when they were acquired by Carlisle and Esme have to be fudged a little to make this work.
family stuff.
There is 0 chance that Esme and Carlisle (who I'm estimating are in their 30s because it's highly unlikely they would be approved for that combination of kids in their early 20s) would be paying out of pocket for five Ivy League educations plus dorm and books (approx 300k per student for undergrad). Without hundreds of years to build their wealth, Carlisle and Esme Normal Wealthy, not Batman Villain Wealthy.
I think Esme and Carlisle would want to teach a good work ethic, and set the kids up for success as adults. College would be an unspoken expectation because of white privilege and their wealth, but Esme and Carlisle would also accept a post high school plan that was realistic and researched. I also think Carlisle and Esme would be big on community service and volunteering, and not letting the kids just lie around during the summer.
Esme would have a small office/studio to run her architecture/interiors business out of, and she juggles work with running the household, and tries to give the kids more responsibility now that they're getting older. Carlisle would work long hours, but emphasise the importance of family time when he's off work - one of the reasons they go camping so often.
Edward is very literary and a bit pretentious. He reads the classics and has strong opinions and thinks that a lot of trends and pop culture is beneath him. He's the one wearing sweater vests and button downs to school - with a leather satchel - and his notebooks are all moleskines.
He thinks he's very artistic and spends a lot of time writing poetry and music for the piano, and pining for someone to understand him. He is insanely self-conscious about his appearance - especially his skin - and kind of awkward around his peers. He's not nearly as religiously coded as a human, but is determined to prove to Carlisle that he was worth the hassle of the adoption.
His best subjects are English Lit, Music, and European History. His co-curricular is probably the school play, where he plays piano. He's a nightmare to drag out of bed in the morning, and he tends to be very bossy with his family because he's been with the Cullens the longest. He's closest to Alice, but I see him actually getting along with Ben, Eric, and Angela at school. I think he'd kind of want to be friends with Jacob but try to be cool about it and come off as a snob. Edward cannot stand Rose or Jasper.
Edward would have been attracted to Bella's standoffish attitude when she arrived; the long-suffering thing is something he understands (he lives with four 'siblings' and only two bathrooms). They bond over classic novels and feeling out of place with their peers and whilst they get a little dramatic, they're very happy with each other.
We know teenage Bella but if she and Edward were humans together? Oof. Bella is starry-eyed over Edward from Day One, but knows how to hide it - she realizes that would put Edward off pretty fast.
I think Jacob and Bella would be quite close from her arrival in Forks, but Bella would be kind of on the fringes of her social set for all of high school. I also like to think that Jacob has his own friends and girlfriend, and doesn't spend his high school years pining after Bella.
I cannot see Bella and Alice being close friends in an all-human universe because Alice isn't starved for friends in this world, and Bella's got less of a reason to get her on side when immortality isn't the prize. I think they get along and hang out but they just don't have enough in common. I think Bella would irritate the shit out of Rose, getting caught asking too many questions about the family around school.
Bella would absolutely get pregnant before graduation. Edward has less religious hangups plus a contemporary upbringing... yeah, Ness was an accident. But Edward would definitely want to marry Bella before they went to college - I can definitely see Edward turning down Ivy League to stay with Bella at a public university.
Emmett is sport like Ken is beach. I feel like Emmett plays two sports every season, probably coaches a kiddie league on the weekends, has a summer boy scout troupe, and works delivering pizzas after school. He loves the outdoors, loves activity. His grades are not great, honestly, but he does his best and he passes. He's definitely the student whispering if anyone did the homework and could he just... have a quick look two minutes before class starts. Emmett's one of those people who just has a lot of friends, though he would claim his best friend is either Edward or Jasper.
He's extremely popular because he's so friendly, and he's the kind of kid that adults go "Emmett Cullen doesn't sleep til noon on a Saturday. He's already coached two first grade basketball games and washed his mom's care by 10am." (Esme would look at them, unamused, and explain that she literally keeps two water jugs in the upstairs bathroom: one to wake up Edward and one to wake up Emmett.)
Emmett is also almost always the source of alcohol at high school parties, and makes the best fake I.Ds in the county. Charlie Swan knows it's Emmett, he just has no tangible proof. Yet.
Emmett has very little trauma due to being adopted, and definitely sees being a Cullen as winning the life lottery. He's the heart and soul of the family, and tends to use that to get out of any serious trouble.
I think that Rose and Jasper probably joined the family around age 12ish, and Emmett was probably smitten with Rose from first sight, and made a bit of a fool of himself and annoyed Rose for a few weeks before he relaxed and was just himself. He was naturally accepting of her boundaries, respectful, and the appropriate amount of protective over her when needed. I actually think Rose and Emmett got together after Alice and Jasper, probably around Freshman year. I know it's common that they are the pair that have the on-again, off-again dramatics, but I don't see it - perfect match. Emmett takes jokes about him dumping Rose for a cheerleader with 0 humor and shoots down any female - or male - that tries to flirt with him.
His best subjects are Gym and Chemistry. He's really easy-going and I can see him opting for a state university close to Rose because she has such strong preferences for her education. He gets along really well with the guys on the Res, hangs out there a lot, and is definitely a big brother figure for Seth after Harry's heart attack. He'd probably want to study something like video game design on a football scholarship in college.
Rose would not be a popular cheerleader. I need that out there. She has no interest in the social aspect, no interest in the culture of cheerleading, and has tunnel vision about her college plans.
I see Rose having a very type-A high school experience - all her classes are AP or college credit, she volunteers at the hospital in the summer (pediatrics), she runs a study group for STEM subjects because Forks High won't let her start a full-on robotics club, she's a member of the cross country team, and she works after school at Esme's office until she gets a job at a garage. She is utterly humorless about her grades, and she's going to be valedictorian, get into an Ivy League (ideally MIT, but she's flexible) on at least one decent scholarship.
And she makes it all look completely effortless. Meanwhile, she's still got a lot of baggage and trauma from before she joined the Cullen family, she's got a lot of anger, and she's just determined to rise about it without really dealing with it in a healthy way; Esme and Carlisle are terrified she's going to put all this work in, only to burn out before she makes it to college.
She intimidates the shit out of her classmates, and I feel like her closest friends at school would be, like, two other intense overachieving girls. She catches Bella trying to get gossip about the family from other students, and hates her from that moment on because Rose hates feeling like she's not normal. She knows their family is weird, but she wants the world to pretend it isn't.
I think Rose would actually become good friends with Leah Clearwater when she meets them via Emmett, and that she's insanely popular over at the Res with the boys because of her interest and knowledge in cars; between Rose, Jacob, and Sam, there is no car that they cannot get running again. I also think that Rose would stay in touch with Vera throughout their lives.
Rose and Edward hate each other with the fire of a thousand suns; Edward resents that Rose isn't grateful to Esme and Carlisle for taking her in because she should be honored (projecting just a little); Rosalie thinks that Edward is spoiled and has the self-awareness of a shoe-box and resents how treasured he is by the Cullens, but family therapy was just kind of a lot of yelling, so there's a mutual Cold War in the household.
Rose is also the most competent cook out of all the kids, but resents the fuck out of everyone when she's the one that the responsibility of cooking falls to on night's when the kids are cooking. The others learned fast that they had to participate or face her wrath.
Jasper and Rose are close in the way that siblings who have gone through something terrible together are, but their trauma is so different that it's hard for them to always related to the other. Emmett is Rosalie's foundation, her tether, and the person she hears no matter what. To the outsider, she seems like an ice-cold, controlling girlfriend but even when she's researching her college options, she's taking into account Emmett's wants and needs with those decisions. Rose feels so deeply that it makes her vulnerable so she hides it.
I feel like before Forks, Jasper would have become very acquainted with drugs to cope with his past, and Carlisle and Esme had to intervene majorly - and that might have been one of the reasons that they decided to relocate the family to Forks. So like, now weed is his one vice to stay calm and get through the day, and he's pretty transparent with Esme, Emmett, and Alice about his smoking because of his previous addiction.
Jasper would be very quiet, and kind of just loom behind Alice at all times - I think 90% of the time, he'd have earbuds in. But he'd have a nasty temper and would definitely get into more than one fight, especially if someone said anything negative about Rose or Alice. And Jasper doesn't pick fights he won't win. He's kind of seen as the problem child of the family by the local gossips, even though Charlie Swan thinks that Jasper's a hell of a lot less trouble than Emmett. Charlie is, of course, totally incorrect as Jasper is the co-conspirer behind the fake I.D.s Emmett supplies, and has supplied a few parties with weed when he's feeling generous.
He absolutely got blackout drunk at a few parties before he quit drinking. He's kind of a sad and angry drunk, so it was for the best.
Jasper pretty much attached himself to Alice from his first day in the Cullen house, and they were definitely the first two to get together - Jasper has simped for Alice since he was 12, and has no plans to stop at any point. She's his favourite person, his best friend, and he's happy when she's happy, so he'll go to Homecoming, to the Winter Ball, to Spring Fling, Prom, anything to make her smile. He'll attend the school play every night because Alice designed the costumes.
At school, Jasper is the perpetual 'so smart, knows the material, puts 0 effort in'; he loves arguing with his teachers, and can turn a class into a three ring circus with minimal effort, but likes to save that for a couple of times a semester. He's the kind of asshole who shows up to finals, gets a perfect score, but hasn't handed in a single piece of homework. He's not really big on making friends, but he kind of does peripherally through Emmett and Alice. He'd argue his best friend is Peter, and they stay in touch for life. But he and Emmett get along great and are as close as bio brothers (even if Emmett cheerfully threatened to beat the shit out of him the first time he got caught with his hand up Alice's shirt.) Jasper definitely goes surfing at La Push and considers it meditative.
He and Edward have a frustrating relationship because of how much attention Jasper's struggles got him from Carlisle and Esme; Edward was jealous of how easily Carlisle told Jasper he was proud of him, and how Jasper was standoffish to Carlisle when he'd just been given the thing Edward craves more than anything. Carlisle also has an interest in history, and he and Jasper have long discussions about that together. Jasper finds Edward immature and spoiled but tries to keep the peace for Alice's sake.
He's most interested in American History and Technology. His co-curricular would be AV Club, but he really only shows up when they're pitching in for the school play. I definitely see Esme and Carlisle insisting he gets a job during the summer, and it would be something like helping run movies in the park during the summer, or working at the Forks Historical Society on Saturdays. He has no real plans for college, but I can see Jasper being one of those assholes who just gets a full ride to a really good school for reasons that are a mystery to everyone else.
Alice would be the most noticeable weirdo; I can see Alice being an Art Kid, and joining the school play just to design and make costumes, plus she wears a lot of homemade and customized clothing to school, as well as detailed make-up. But she's definitely up for joining clubs and socialising; I can't see her being a cheerleader because of the time commitment, but maybe doing ballet or gymnastics. Maybe a language club? And a photography club?
She's one of those people that just considers everyone a friend; I wouldn't be surprised if Esme and Carlisle had meetings to be like "no, Alice isn't ADHD. She's been tested, she's just high energy." I think she gets along really well with Jessica, kind of overwhelms Angela, and has a kind of Cold War of politeness going with Lauren. She's really welcoming to Bella and enthusiastic about her and Edward, but they don't have a ton in common so it's the odd movie night/sleepover when Bella's over at the Cullens.
Alice would be the peace-keeper between Edward and Rose and Jasper because she can translate Edward's dramatics into something tolerable for the others. She and Rose aren't super close, but they get along okay, and go shopping together often. Alice and Emmett probably have the most traditionally typical brother-sister relationship.
Alice seems a lot more innocent than she is, and that's partially her lack of memories from her childhood. She's very, very protective of Jasper in a subtle way; if he's drinking or getting high, she's staying by his side stone-cold sober, and she's definitely started at least one fight when someone said something about Jasper's scars. I think she'd have a lot of guilt over not being able to help Jasper with his addictions more than she did, even though she was a kid.
She's also the financial manager of Jasper and Emmett's little I.D. enterprise, and is definitely the sneakiest in the family - I think Alice would have a klepto streak as a human, and definitely be the one that knew her way around a lock-pick.
Her best classes would be Art, Economics, and maybe Forensics? She'd have no interest in English Lit or Sciences, but she'd get okay marks across the board - she's highly motivated if Carlisle is offering to pay them for As. She'd be looking at Parsons, Pratt, or RISD for college; maybe NYU. She'd have numerous jobs because Forks doesn't really have the kind of stores she'd aspire to work in, but I figure she negotiates selling accessories online with Carlisle and Esme instead of a traditional job. She'd volunteer to work on all the elementary school, middle school, and church plays.
I thin that's everything? I hope that's what you were looking for anon, but I had such a good time thinking about all this!
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at some point i need to write a scene about cullen going through all of meredith's paperwork after she's killed. because she's a very specific type of evil, and its not exemplified in bronze statues creeping to life or in giant red swords.
no, her evil was written in requisitions for more lyrium to brand more tranquil. her evil is in reports of templar abuses that got shoved in a drawer and never reviewed. her evil is in the games she played between her officers (and dont tell me she didn't, she 100% did) and how all of them saw different reports and reviewed different information.
her evil is in petitions for aid from the city marked as denied. her evil is in rejections written at the bottom of enchanters' submitted reports. her evil is in transfer requests denied, for both templar and mage. her evil is in the books she removed from libraries and the edits to posted regulations. her evil is in the silenced warnings from templar recruiters regarding those who join their ranks.
hawke and cullen stopped meredith when she drew her sword, but the pen is so much mightier. and no one stopped her when she picked up one at all.
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fuckmeyer · 1 year
if smeyer wasn't a coward vamp!Bella would have immediately eaten her daughter Rensesmem whole-hog like Saturn Devouring His Son
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jaspersbaseballsack · 9 months
I truly did NOT expect to see the Twilight sex scene in my textbook
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"Twilight is about-"
Me: "wolfpack."
"But it's really about this girl who-"
Me: "finds a wolfpack"
"but there's vampires!"
Me: "luckily there's a wolfpack that can destroy them!"
"no it's a love story!"
Me: "yes about the wolfpack!"
"no, you see, bella and Edward-"
Me: "are enemies to the wolfpack but they are too gracious to rip them apart because they're nice like that!"
"But twilight and forks and vamps and high school...!"
Me: "I'm so glad this book about this wolfpack exists, they are amazing!"
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legacyreadsfics · 5 months
Having an excruciating, heart breaking and depressing state of mind after finishing a fic so good.
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shelbgrey · 1 year
Hello can give cersh edward cullen x human fem reade headcanons please 🙏 😊
Having a crush on Edward Cullen Headcanons:
Paring: Edward Cullen x Human!Reader
Summary: just some headcanons about crushing on Eddie boi
A/n: so I'm hoping you ment crush instead of cersh(I don't know what it means if so). If I got your request wrong message me or send in a new ask.
Twilight Master list
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So if your human I feel like you do a good job at keeping your feelings for Edward a secret... At least you thought.
Your more subtle than Bella swan so people really didn't catch on till later, you told your sister Angela but that's about it.
“Edward, is he dating anyone?” you asked.
“no why?” Angela gasped happily. “you like Edward!”
Yes, you did. You weren't going to deny it. You loved everything about him. His eyes, smile, how smart he was. You could always laugh at his sarcasm.
Angela of corse kept it a secret for you but she was always encouraging you to talk to him. Your a bit shy so you only really talked to him in your English class.
He was always so friendly to you too, most guys weren't so that's was kinda sparked your interest in him.
And the rare times you interacted he was either helping you with school work or defending you.
“I think I told you to leave her alone”
He can read your mind, he just choose not to. He respects your privacy and dose his best to stay out of your head.
Edward probably couldn't read Bella's mind beacuse she simply don't have any thoughts. Your not Bella... Your better!
Alice had a vision of you two so she was quick to be-friend you. Not too long after you two become extremely close. This made you feel bad because you didn't want to betray Alice by going after her brother.
What you didn't know is she was trying to bring you closer together. She knew Edward liked you too, he tells her just about anything and everything.
Edward only really admitted to her that he was absolutely smitten by you. He Loved everything about you and to his relief your blood ment nothing to him.
He's always taking about you to her even before you got together.
“she's got theses beautiful eyes... And her smile is so adorable, Alice you should see how cute all her expressions are when she's reading”
But I think the family would quickly get sick of him being chicken, like Emmett would be-friend you just to she what the hype was. He quickly found out how cool you were and started to hang out with you a lot. Edward got jealous and that's exactly what Emmett wanted.
“why don't you cut the horse shit and admit your feelings for one another.”
Yours And Edward's eyes widened as Rosalie slapped him. “Emmett!”
With what dignity you had left you stood up and walked away from the family before you could be embarrassed anymore.
Edward was quick to follow you and stop you from going to far. “What Emmett said was true... I have feelings for you”
Even though he wanted to say 'love' he didn't want to just throw around that word and scare you. He hadn't even told you about him being a vampire.
“I never thought you'd go for someone like me”
Edward looked suprised at your statement, in his eyes you were just perfect. “What do you mean? Your exactly what I've been looking for”
And the rest is history, on the first date he admitted to being a vampire. He didn't want to lie to you and you took way better than he expected.
You guys took things slow, wanting to just savor for every moment you had together.
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philtatosbuck · 1 year
"edward and bella would've never been together if he wasn't a vampire" is a crazy statement because they're quite frankly the couple that would've most likely gotten together in a modern no vampire retelling. edward and bella started as fucking lab partners or some shit to begin with. what do you mean they're the only couple who wouldn't be together without vampirism they are frankly the most likely couple???
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speedofsunlight · 6 months
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whats in alice cullen’s bag? (2002)
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kwop-kilawtley · 2 years
If Edward & Jacob were human, Bella would’ve chosen Jacob. No questions asked. This is canon. She wouldn’t have had to even choose between them because Edward wouldn’t have even caught her eye. This is why people are team Jacob, for those of you still confused.
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houseforwhores · 2 years
𝘪𝘵’𝘴 𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦. | human!emmett cullen (mcarty) x reader
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a/n: i’m gonna give kinktober a shot, no promises!
day 1 thigh riding
warnings: fem reader language, thigh riding, grinding, oral, fingering.
word count:1870
it was decided that you should finally put the key to use today. you reached emmett's door, inhaling a deep breath, you pushed the key in and turned the lock before pushing on the door. you looked both ways in the hallway, casually but before you knew it emmett was in front of you pulling you into a warm hug, your face against his bare chest, his shirt seemed to be long forgotten. you inhaled his scent, the smell almost making you dizzy as you lost yourself in him.
"babe, you missed me that much?" emmett questioned, a chuckle laced through his sentence.
"i always miss you that much." you mumbled into his chest, his hand was at the back of your neck massaging it slightly, holding you as close as humanly possible.
"well baby, you'd miss me less if you just moved in already."emmett said sweeping you off your feet and into his arms. emmett closed the door, making sure to turn all the locks.
"yeah emmy, i know." your voice was low, as you leaned your head against his shoulder, your other hand reaching up to play with his necklace as he sat down
"then why don't i see a u-haul truck outside." emmett said looking down at you with a slight pout as he adjusted to on top of him making you sit ontop of him in a straddle position. you felt his cock against your heat, it made heat rise in your cheeks immediately. emmett wasn't even completely hard, he was just simply gifted.
"emmett, don't look at me like that," you said leaning in closer, kissing his ear. you felt his hands wrap around your waist as he pulled you further against him, your core throbbed against him, you adjusted yourself a bit, trying to relieve the pressure, however your attempt was futile, emmett's strong grip keeping you against him, leaving you no other choice but to feel him. your breath caught in your throat as typical tried to suppress your moan.
"what's wrong pretty lady?" emmett asked, noticing your mood change, you were sure he felt your hands his non dominant face reaching up to guide your face back to his, he watched your eyes as you looked at him with hunger, you nibbled on your bottom lip, contemplating wether now was a good time for a quickie or not, you'd be avoiding the conversation that had been brewing.
"just a bit distracted i suppose," you spoke, your tone was warm and inviting, you felt your cotton panties drenching as the seconds passed.
"hmm, am i the distraction?" emmett questioned as he flashed you a bright smile, lifting his hips, grinding into your hips.
"you always are," you mumbled leaning forward to kiss him, your lips met his as you slightly parted your lips allowing his tongue to greet yours.
emmett reached his hand back to your waist now gripping it with both hands, rocking you over him back and forth, giving you the friction you were desperately craving. your clit pressed against his growing boner.
"fuck, emm.." your moan slipped out while you dropped your head back, but your pleasure was cut short as emmett held you still, not allowing you to roll your hips against him. you let out a needy whine.
"get up," emmett said his voice low yet authoritative, he helped lift yourself to your feet, he stayed seated but he hooked his fingers in your biker shorts and your panties before glancing up to your eyes, asking for silent permission, you nodded, your tongue dipping out, dragging against your bottom lip.
emmett pulled your bottoms down almost too quickly as they glid off your body, he parted his legs a bit before hiking up one of the legs on his shorts. he reached a hand out, the palm of his hand guided you from your back, his other hand gripped your hip as he pulled you over his bare thigh.
"take what you need, babe," emmett groaned feeling the weight of your other thigh resting against his erection. you heard your wetness squelching against his soft skin. emmett's eyes scanned over your body, noticing your tenseness, he squeezed your hips reassuringly. "relax."
you closed your eyes as you took a deep breath as you began rolling your hips into emmett's thigh. he let you go, placing his hands behind his head, you let your head fall back as your clit pressed against emmett's warm skin, he bounced his thigh enhancing your pleasure, drawing a moan out of you. you placed your hand on the back of emmett's neck, for support as your other hand held his face
"feels so good, em." practically mewled as you bucked your hips a bit more frantically, chasing your orgasam.
"slow down pretty," emmett said his sultriest tone, he placed one of his hands on the back of your leg, and the opposite hand on your hip, he kept your pace smooth and steady. "why the rush."
"umph." you moaned, sinking your teeth into your lips in order to quiet yourself, you knew you were close.
"you don't have to be quiet babe, let it out." emmett said bouncing his leg faster, your clit was swollen, as the pleasure intensified, your legs shaking.
"emmett. i'm so close!" you said gasping as you bucked your hips needily against his thigh. you leaned forward placing your head on his chest speeding up your hips. "please em.."
"shh, baby, i know." his tone soft and demanding, he rubbed at your thigh as he eased up his grip allowing you full control as you pleased yourself on his thigh. "just take what you need."
"oh god!" you moaned as you felt your body shake with ecstasy, your orgasam overtaking you as you collapsed against emmett, he took control again rocking you back and forth, making sure for you to ride out your orgasam. "emmett."
emmett picked you up quickly, switching your positions on the couch, his head was between your legs, he wrapped his mouth around your clit, tasting your juices as he hummed to himself.
"i love the way you taste," emmett groaned as thrusting against the couch to ease some of the tension building in his pants.
"i love the way you taste me." you said chuckling, but your laughter was interrupted by emmett slipping two fingers inside your pulsing walls, curling them deep inside you.
"fuck babe. you feel so nice and warm." emmett hummed around your clit as you whimpered, your legs starting to shake again, your pussy still sensitive since it'd only been a few moments since your last release.
"emmy." you moaned, your hand slipping down to run through his dark waves of hair, before tugging on the short strands.
emmett hummed in approval, one hand leaving your thigh reaching to hold your hand, your fingers intertwining. he sped up the movements of the fingers that were curling inside you, your walls pulsed around his fingers, covering his hand in your arousal.
"fuck," emmett groaned against your heat, rutting his hips into the couch almost involuntarily, the fact you were so close was pushing him near his own high.
"didn't anyone teach you not to speak with your mouth f- uhh-" your last word was cut short as emmett curled his fingers at an ungodly pace, your orgasam blinding you as you shut your eyes seeing white. your back lifted off the couch as it arched, your hands tugging harder on emmett's hair. emmett pulled his hand away from yours as he lifted his mouth from you, and made his way towards you, kissing you on the lips letting you taste yourself on him. you whimpered against his lips as you felt him rutt himself against you, his dick was fully erect and throbbing against you.
emmett pulled away from the kiss stuffing his face i your neck as he kept grinding his hips into yours your pussy pulsed around nothing, your clit simply being abused with over stimulation, your body was in a state of complete euphoria.
"how are you feeling princess?" emmett groaned into your neck as he grabbed your hands, holding them against the arm of the couch as he continued to rock his hips into yours.
"s-so good em.. fuck, don't stop," you moaned your legs hooking around his drawing him closer, neither of you caring about the mess you were making on the couch and on his pants.
"you know baby-, fuck," emmett took a pause to take a deep breath, centering himself so that he wouldn't cum yet. "i can make you feel this good everyday."
"yeah?" you whimpered
"of course, just say so, fuck," emmett grunted leaning down sinking his teeth into your neck, biting you lightly as he struggled to hold off his orgasam. you felt his hips stutter against yours as you felt your juices spreading across emmets shorts, your clit and walls throbbing in unison.
"mhm," you moaned nodding your head as you pulled your hands from his grip to wrap them around his neck further anchoring yourself on him, not really sure what you were agreeing to as you chased your third orgasam tonight.
"is that a yes?" emmett groaned slowing down a bit distracted focusing more on your answer than his movements
"yes em! now keep moving," you said whining bitting your lip as you thrusted your hips forward.
"don't have to tell me twice." emmett said as he pulled his head from your neck and stretched his lips to your mouth adjusting his pace, his breathing was heavy as he fucked stroked you into oblivion, your orgasam cascading through your body for one final time tonight. emmett grunted as his hips stuttered against yours as he came in his pants, still grinding against you riding out your orgasams. once emmett regained his breath, he flipped the both of you over letting you rest on his chest.
after cuddling for a while you began to think back to what emmett had said to you and what you agreed to.
"emmett." you said disturbing his light snores
"huh?" emmett hummed waking up, his eyes shooting open as he adjusted his hold on you.
"did i just agree to move in with you." you asked, surely that was the only plausible explanation, you lifted your head from his chest
"yeah, unless you changed your mind?" emmett said in his answer turning into a question, he adjusted his head to look at you directly.
"no, it's fine, we can pack my place up tomorrow," you said, the grin evident in your voice as you smiled, laying your head in his chest again.
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curly, if any man needed a hobby, it's you.
he's not sulking: the commander of the inquisition doesn't pout.
but he has hobbies! he does! he spars every morning with his officers (wait, that counts, right? he enjoys it), he reads (books on tactics, but it's just lucky he finds the reading he does for his job interesting.), and he... he...
cullen has hobbies, he swears. he just can't... name one.
five minutes later, cullen thinks of one. chess! he likes chess. it's unfortunate annette-- lady trevelyan, he reminds himself-- likes to take dorian with her so much, and leliana is busy, so he can't play as much as he likes.
and sure, ann-- lady trevelyan-- has been in skyhold the past few weeks, and so has dorian, and he still hasn't played recently, but they just got back from adamant.
really, cullen doesn't have leisure time. if he had time, he's sure he'd know some way to fill it. cullen stares at the paperwork on his desk, pondering, telling himself an idea will come to him, any day now.
alright, he's got nothing.
he broods over that enough that he startles when lady trevelyan sweeps into his office, a small stack of papers in her hands. she looks unbothered, moving with a practiced grace as her skirts flow around her. she tilts her head slightly, asking if everything is alright.
oh, sure, he's fine, cullen's just contemplating the monotony of his existence. it's what everyone loves to do. he intends to tell her he's fine, really, but what he says instead is, "am i boring?"
right. he's going to resign and go live alone in the woods, now.
she doesn't react at first, her eyes unblinkingly focused on him, and then her lips purse. "what brought this on?"
that's not a no, he observes.
"ah," she answers for herself while he flails for an answer that doesn't make it look like he's obsessing over something varric said a week ago. he doesn't need to tell her that. she figures it out for herself. "is this about varric's comment?"
he chose the three most perceptive women in thedas to work with. cullen would appreciate it more if they turned that perception on him less. he nods, though.
"i think," she says, and while she always picks her words with deliberation, she seems even more cautious than normal, "that you have been put in positions where you had little time or opportunity to develop hobbies, but it does not follow that you must then be boring."
well, he can't ask her how to find a hobby he likes, so he tries a slightly different tactic. "well, what do you like to do?"
she opens her mouth, closes it, and cullen is rewarded with the rarest of visions: a flummoxed lady trevelyan.
"oh," he says. and then he laughs, because what else is there? it's a tired, disbelieving sort of laugh, because here they are, inquisitor and commander, and they can't think of a single leisure activity between them.
what a pair they make.
she flushes, but she only pushes her shoulders back and stands a little straighter in a defensive sort of defiance. "well, what did you do before joining the templars?"
at first cullen thinks to remind her he was raised on a farm, and that the work started before dawn and lasted until dusk. but he dusts off an old memory and furrows his brow, wondering why he'd let it grow so faded. his uncle had been the town carpenter, and on days cullen had been able to slip away, he'd spent hours in his uncle's workshop.
"woodcarving," he finally answers. it's a start. she escapes the conversation before he can ask what she had once enjoyed, but that's fine. he's learned by now that she's allergic to being known, but if he opens a door and gives her space, eventually she'll walk through it.
blackwall is easily convinced to part with spare bits of wood, and because cullen is still ferelden, he attempts to carve a mabari first. its terrible, but its a start.
he tries to carve a bird next. birds are much simpler. his raven hops closer, sitting on his shoulder as he sits back, summoning childhood memories to guide his hands. its much better. he locates paint, and paints it black, with a splotch of white on its chest, and he sets it next to his raven's perch.
it makes his raven seem pleased, and his raven can't tell him he's terrible at painting. its an ideal location.
as he carves a second bird one evening, lady trevelyan appears, a steaming mug of cocoa in her hands, and thick furs wrapped around her shoulders. he reminds her its summer and receives a haughty glare in response.
but he spins his chair around and she settles herself onto the couch shoved against the wall behind his desk, and slowly, shyly, lady trevelyan tells him she's fascinated by herbalism, by the histories behind how different plants are used and how the uses have changed over time.
he asks if shes tried growing her own, but she shakes her head, and tells him in a voice she can't quite erase the wistfulness from that its not lady-like.
he swallows his first instinct, which he still thinks is a quite reasonable one, to tell her to hang the nobility and what they think. but lady trevelyan has bound herself to their rules in order to play their game, and she is only more visible now. he's had (and lost) that argument.
"and?" he finally asks.
lady trevelyan-- no, annette-- looks over at him, and she has no answer. her confused expression fades, replaced by blank neutrality, but she sips at her cocoa. the silence that follows is more contemplative than tense, and when she speaks, its only to ask if he'd be willing to share more about how he learned woodcarving.
cullen lets her change the subject, the door opened. he tells her of his uncle, of the woodshop nestled up on the hill behind the baker's store, and of learning how to use his uncle's tools. later he'll savor the memory of wrapping his hands around hers, showing lady trevelyan-- annette-- how to hold the whittling knife so she won't hurt herself, her side pressed to his as she listens to him talk.
and three weeks later, a rather terribly painted mourning dove carving sits in a planter with an over-watered and drooping embrium.
its a start.
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serialorangepeeler · 10 months
I just know edward is the most insufferable person ever when spotify wrapped rolls around... he interrogates every cullen like a detective and brags that his is the best and he has the most minutes.
when he finds out jasper's top genre is country he throws up a little venom in the back of his mouth. when he sees taylor swift on esme and carlisle's joint account he scowls at them (their top genre is probably something like gospel knowing carlisle though.) literally nobody else in the family cares except emmett who consistently maintains the number one listener spot for one direction
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star--nymph · 2 months
brain short circuited because I just thought of Cullen wearing armor and jewelry that's clearly Dalish inspired while he stands next to Eurydice to show where his support and loyalties lie
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sunwarmed-ash · 3 months
Tuesday Wrap Up
Hey! Huge thanks to @sweeteatercat, @themoonandtheprincess, and @tentoriumcerebelli for playing the number game with me today!
If you missed it you can find the Wip blurbs here! 😍
1. Edward/Bella/Jacob-Twilight Saga
2. Hankconvin-Detroit Become Human
4. RoyJamie-Ted Lasso
8. Chameron-House M.D.
9. Harringrove-Stranger Things
19. JudeMax-Across The Universe
23. Neal/Peter- White Collar
Schedule for the next two Sinful Sundays below!
7/14: The first chapter of The Eden Club sequel Brothers!! 😲😲😲
7/21: Jamie/Roy- Locker room stress relief (#4 😈)
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queenofglassbeliever · 5 months
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They'd be so good together.
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