#bene elohim
fuvkin-feral-kins · 1 year
Utterly delusional, dreaming of a Heaven that doesn't even exist
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gd for my thesis i'm going to be comparing interpretations of the nephilim verse in genesis, in the book of enoch etc with its anxieties over intermixing and the mixed heritage of the offspring of the bene elohim and human women; with late 20th century UFO-alien folklore about human-alien hybrids and how that presents as a manifestation of anxieties about miscegenation and cultural-social corruption
and for the latter one i'm having to look at early electronic bulletin board systems and the kind of posts and information that would proliferate on them (such as one of the crucial early documents popularly promulgating the h-a hybrid hypothesis about abductions), and ofc because it's so early in the digital age i'm having such a time with whether or not actual posts and documents still exist archived or if references to those documents are all that's left
and it's funny that it's really similar to how we have to approach the fragmentary documentary nature of the ancient world, relying on what we have that references other texts to know what those texts were. and it just tickles me that i'm doing the same thing on both ends of history
i've started calling the digital version "silicon papyrology" because of this
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Hi I saw your post about Jewish and to answer your question, I think the way you have it is totally fine, but I wanted to give you some more information so that you can make a more informed decision I guess. A kippah is simply something that fulfills a Jewish law to cover ones head (specifically when praying but some Jews wear them all the time for other reasons I won't get into) so technically a halo would technically not work as a kippah because of the hole in the middle and also the floating/not technically being on the head. So I think the halo works really well as a nod to a kippah, but trying to claim it is a kippah (which you didn't so) wouldn't work. If you did want it to be a real kippah here's an idea (though I'm not sure how it would work artistically): the work halo comes from the Hebrew word "hila” which can be translated as an emanation of light, so if you want to have like a light kippah that sort of projects a halo (like a circle with a ring around it) I think that would also be cool because halos are also often depicted this way. Also I looked at some of the replies to see what others are saying and one of them was from someone trying to be woke telling you that you are depicting a Jewish character as a Christian angel which is not true. While it is true that the most common/famous Jewish angels are not depicted this way, in Judaism there are 10 different ranks/types of angels. I believe (though I can't say for sure about all of them) Cherubs, Hashmallim, Bene Elohim, Ishim, and Malakim are often depicted in a humanoid form (though some like the Malakim can have many different forms of shapes). Sorry for the info dump, but I hope this helps and to reiterate I think the way you have it is fine.
omg thank u so much for the info!!! thats rlly good information, and thank you for presenting it in such a clear way. And also for clarifying the angel point, as I wasn't certain on that after it was pointed out. As you said I don't intend the halo to be a 'real' kippah at all, and thank you for your support! This is the kind of cultural info dump that i adore, feel free to message me with more info if youd like!
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veritanascoste · 6 months
Trump e le sue belle parole....
Già, da un bel pezzo ormai,non mi faccio più incantare perché con molta fatica sono arrivata a strappare quel fastidioso velo che mi impediva la visuale di tutto l'altarino ricamato per poter continuare ad ingannare ❗
Per poter carpire le sue mosse sono stata dietro notte e giorno... finché ho avuto tutte le risposte che cercavo❗
Vi propongono illusioni perche' la Matrix lo è, per uscire devi necessariamente impedire di farti strumentalizzare e distruggere il programma nel tuo cervello ❗
Perché ci chiamano il gregge ❓
Perché loro sono i pastori,i mandriani ❗
Non ce n'è uno che si salva perché sono sotto il controllo di coloro che operano da dietro le quinte. Se vengono scoperti, il loro gioco finisce ❗
Questi strumenti che loro usano ( governanti, politici, mondo dello spettacolo, giornalisti, ect ..) sono vittime . È come se avessero un pannello di controllo... sono chiusi in un loop. Sono solo marionette che eseguono ordini❗ Sono convinti di servire il bene perché hanno uno schema ben preciso ❗ Per far comprendere meglio, sono due le fazioni che si contendono il bottino❗Una ci vuole sostituire con macchine, e per tanto mirano a distruggere l'anima. L'altra vuole continuare a controllarci attraverso la decimazione perenne,costante come hanno sempre fatto❗Questa è la loro guerra e usano noi per ottenerla . Attraverso i nostri consensi ,loro vincono o perdono❗
Come fare, NOI..a vincere ❓
Non dando consenso a nessuno ,riconoscendo entrambi colpevoli di genocidio per ordine alieno❗
Poiché nessuno è disposto a mettersi contro i " padri creatori genetisti psicopatici ossessionati dalle sperimentazioni genetiche"...la salvezza sarà individuale❗ A mio avviso,in base al mio sentire,ai miei studi e alla spiritualità raggiunta,tra pochi anni,il pianeta subirà un collasso : nuovi cieli e nuova terra❗Sostenere questo mi porta in automatico a mettermi in una posizione di qualcuno che terrorizza.
Sono realista, è diverso. Offro anche la soluzione ma solo i più svegli hanno compreso come ottenerla.
Divulgano senza paura che i demoni che la chiesa menziona non sono altro che civiltà tecnologicamente avanzate che scesero qui sottoforma di angeli e di capoccioni elohim.. e che in realtà sono nascosti nelle gerarchie ecclesiastiche e politiche attraverso la loro discendenza❗
Tutto dipende dal numero di terrestri che hanno capito la Matrix..
Non potranno portare a termine i loro piani,ne di una fazione e ne dell'altra se cresce la consapevolezza ❗ Si stanno esponendo a vicenda per portare i terrestri a dare i consensi. La gente non capisce " consenso"cosa significa in realtà perché se davvero lo avesse compreso non sminuirebbe ogni parola.
La nostra è una umanità primitiva,e questo significa essere sotto il loro giogo.
I nostri nemici sono guerrafondai,pur di non lasciare la terra ai terrestri,vorranno farla esplodere. Hanno già tentato tante volte ma sono stati ammoniti da entità più antiche che proteggono la terra da un ipotetico scoppio nucleare. Vi ricordate quanto cibo e DNA c'era nei sotterranei ❓Bene, lo fanno ad ogni reset ❗
Non è fantascienza ma solo verità ❗
Codice Genesi
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vexedtonightmares · 1 year
tagged by @boydykepdf to post the first 10 songs that come up on shuffle mwah ty i never get tired of touting my music
1. boohoo by the neighbourhood 
2. hazy shade of winter by the bangles
3. afterthought by joji ft benee
4. digital by joy division
5. undertow by ane brun
6. godspeed by frank ocean
7. valentina by daniel caesar
8. sedona by houndmouth
9. hallucinating by elohim
10. wounds by kid cudi
no pressure tags @killherfreakout @sequinhaze @serethereal @drownedghostie @otrtbs <33
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juan-mirieth-auriel · 4 months
The Magician
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The Magician
A magician does magic; a female magician is a priestess;
A magician helps men and women; self-denial, the carrying of the cross, and the sacrifice of others are all that the magician needs;
The magician does the arcanum, the coitus reservatus, with his priestess spouse; the arcanum is white tantra; with it, they awaken the Divine Mother Kundalini;
Another word for a magician is a benefici, or the pluralized form is beneficos; benefici is Latin; the prefix bene- means good; the suffice -fici is a magician; ergo, benefici is a white magician;
The magician never reveals himself to the public; he conceals himself from the eyes of the people; powers are sacred among the Elohim; sex is the holiest power of them all; sex is far more precious than gold and silver could amount to;
The domain of the beneficos is the White Lodge, the chief of the White Lodge is the Lord Jesus Christ; the magician is the disciple of the White Lodge;
A witch is a sorceress;
A warlock is a sorcerer;
A witch or a warlock refers to those who do witchcraft and magic to accomplish selfish or harmful ends; a witch or warlock dabbles with sex to fornicate; it is fornication that strengthens the sinning “I”; within the depths of the sinning “I” is the Guardian of the Threshold;
The Guardian of the Threshold is Satan, or the sinning “I”; it is evident that threshold refers to limitations;
Another name for a warlock is a wizard;
A witch (sorceress) or a warlock (sorcerer) is a black magician; these perverse entities worship their abominable mother kundabuffer, the very antithesis of the Divine Mother Kundalini;
In Latin, a sorcerer is malefici (Mah-ley-Fee-chi). A hidden Latin prefix in malefici is mal-; mal in Latin means terrible, evil, and impure; it reminds us of Maleficent, the evil fairy from Disney’s 1959 animated film: Sleeping Beauty; the plural word for malefici in Latin is maleficos;
The domain of the Maleficos is the Black Lodge, the chief of the Black Lodge is Yahweh; the sorcerer is the disciple of the Black Lodge;
They despise the coitus reservatus, the superior star, and the cross; these objects are apotropaic devices against the Maleficos;
They are not repulsive against the inferior star; they do enjoy the art of Black Tantra, which is another name for fornication; the Maleficos are also bi-polar; they can appear as good or take on the form of impurity;
Witchcraft is the secret art of black tantra; it is witchcraft that is behind 30 percent of all common crimes; another word for witchcraft is sorcery;
Within the arts of sorcery, the maleficos commit these trespasses against men and women; with their skills of witchcraft, they awaken the Kundabuffer Organ;
Fornication is the antithesis of the arcanum;
Witchcraft is fornication, masturbation, pornography, adultery, and many forms of impurity with the intent to manipulate the forces of nature; one performs witchcraft through the mind;
The worst fear of the maleficos is the beneficos; Both the maleficos and the beneficos fight against each other in a terrible battle; the battlefield is sex; neither the malefici nor the benefici reconciles with each other; they never mix;
In Spanish, a witch is a bruja, and a warlock is a brujo; bruja is another Spanish word that is slang for bitch; bitch and witch rhyme together in a poem;
Within the dens of bitchcraft lies the very crime of prostitution; prostitution is one of the common crimes upon the earth, yet the bitchcraft is eternal sin;
As Leviticus 19:29 states: “do not prostitute thy daughters, to cause her to be a prostitute [bitch]; lest the land fall into whoredom [bitchcraft], and the land become full of wickedness”;
Bitch is a word that clearly defines a prostitute or the whore; all women are sacred; he who calls a woman a bitch commits violence against women; he who calls a woman a s*** will be liable to the hells of violence, for he commits violence against women;
Those who fornicate (eat the forbidden fruit) open doors to witchcraft, prostitution, and sorcery; fornication is the eternal sin;
Exodus 22:18 reads – “Thou shalt not suffer a sorceress to live”; it would be best if you suffer a witch to die; know that evil cannot destroy evil; evil begets evil; only love has the crushing force to destroy evil;
In Latin, Exodus 22:18 reads – “Maleficos non patieris vivere,” or “Thou shalt not permit sorcerers to live”;
Whenever you say (for example), thou shalt not suffer an animal to live, you say: you must suffer an animal to die; the word for this is to kill;
However, when you say thou shalt not suffer an animal to die, this is the following translation: you must suffer an animal to live;
Please do not fool yourself with the word suffer; to suffer is to allow or permit; do not allow yourself to interpret that the word suffering means pain; it does not; suffering is a Latin word from sufferre;
Witches and warlocks are nowhere near men and women, even though they claim to be; they are here to teach you only one thing; if you are not a disciple of the White Lodge, then you are a disciple of the Black Lodge;
No one can underestimate the maleficos; the maleficos have a sly intellect; these sorcerers disguise themselves in the physical world as ordinary citizens, for the Bible states: “Beware of false prophets that appear like sheep, yet inside are ravenous wolves”;
All false prophets are fornicators; they are tenebrous entities with powerful intellects; they are the most dangerous people alive that no one shall follow;
The maleficos do not use broomsticks to fly anywhere around the world (like in the fairy tale stories); they travel by placing their bodies into hyperspace (Jinn State) negatively, and they can fly anywhere around the world;
Negatively, they use the power of the Kundabuffer Organ to enter the Jinn State, which is the Black Jinn;
On the other hand, a magician can positively place their body into hyperspace; by experience, a magician can use magic to enter the Jinn State (only in the supraconscious realms); it is the White Jinn;
A magician, born of fire and water and with all five senses and seven superior churches opened, can see the maleficos from within;
For those practicing the black arts (black magic), they will undergo the second death in the Abyss, for they are terrible, perverse demons;
The fate of the sorcerers who refuse to renounce impurity will seal their chances in the Abyss, as Revelations 21:8 describes.
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deathtothepixies · 1 year
cats have nine lives and they’re called Chayot, Ophanim, Erelim, Hashmallim, Seraphim, Malakhim, Elohim, Bene Elohim and Cherubim
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Giove mai stato fotografato cosi bene eheheh oggi ultimo giorno leone trigono giove ARIETE GENIO DELLA CASA non di qua ...ma di là....lode a te a cui appartengono nomi più belli.. zeus giove adonai rabbi Ra Geova Dio iddio Allah eloha elohim jahve' yhwh brahma padre Abba AHURA MAZDA ....etcetc sei bellissimo potentissimo altissimo grandissimo e tutto issimo.... (presso Don Vito's Cats Bar Home) https://www.instagram.com/p/Chl6DmwD-HL/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mybookplacenet · 2 years
Featured Post: When Satan Ruled the Earth by M. J. Kelley, II
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About Featured Book: When Satan Ruled the Earth by M. J. Kelley, II “In the beginning, God created heaven and the earth.” (Genesis 1:1) It was supposed to be perfect. Earth was supposed to be a place for man to live peacefully and joyously as they worshipped God, and in return, God would bless them for eternity. But, what happened? Before God created Earth, he had a plan. He would create the Bene-Elohim, the Sons of God, who was to be ruled over by three Archangels — the Messenger Archangel Gabriel, the Warrior Archangel Michael, and finally, the Worshiper Archangel Lucifer. However, along with the gift of free will came doubts and jealousy. God had a plan, but nothing seemed to be going according to it. With the archangels harboring negative feelings of abandonment, they began to rebel. The archangels began to take one side or the other, comrades turning against each other as their views shifted. Their love for God, was lost. “Why had God allowed this?” Everything shattered when Lucifer fell from heaven. Images of a perfect, peaceful Earth were erased and replaced with the world that we know today. Lucifer had returned back to Earth just before mankind was created. He wasn’t done yet, no. With his legion at his side, Lucifer was waiting and watching, always ready to pounce on and turn mankind against their former Father. In this book, understand our place within God’s Kingdom and understand what happened during the creation of Earth and mankind, before Noah’s flood, and before the rebirth of Earth. This period of time is responsible for the way we live today and will open our eyes to the reality of why Earth is no longer the perfect paradise God had made it out to be. All this, told in the form of a story. Limited price special. This Christian Focused book is available in these Formats: eBook, Print Buy Book Here. Read the full article
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doubtspirit · 2 years
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Biblical Angels (מלאך mal'ach)
Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones (Eralim), Dominions (Hasmallim), Powers (Tarshisim), Virtue (Malakim), Principalities (Elohim), Archangels (Bene Elohim), Angels (Ishim)
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echoesofthefall · 3 years
“Angels?” said Serafina. “You mentioned them before. We have never heard of angels. What are they?” “You want to know about angels?” said Joachim Lorenz. “Very well. Their name for themselves is bene elim, I’m told. Some call them Watchers, too. They’re not beings of flesh like us, they’re beings of spirit; or maybe their flesh is finer-drawn than ours, lighter and clearer, I wouldn’t know; but they’re not like us. They carry messages from heaven, that’s their calling. We see them sometimes in the sky, passing through this world on the way to another, shining like fireflies way, way up high. On a still night you can even hear their wingbeats. They have concerns different from ours, though in the ancient days they came down and had dealings with men and women, and they bred with us, too, some say.”
The Subtle Knife, Philip Pullman
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archangelnozhevoy · 3 years
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The hierarchy for angels depends on both the religion & branch when it comes to Abrahamic religions.
This is specifically within the case for Judaism as well as of the types within the religion of course.
This is specifically from Maimonides, Mishneh Torah.
Described as the highest rank within Judaism, they hold God’s supposed throne. Sometimes shortened to the Chayot, meaning “ Holy Living Ones.” The first choir of angels.
Described as having three pairs of wings, like that of the Seraphim. Many eyes but not much else is known of their appearance further.
Second below the Chayot, the Ophanim do not sleep, as they guard God’s throne in Heaven & must be constantly vigilant. They have great wisdom & are known for this.
They are described as the closest to God. & are a ‘wheel’. Made of prismatic flame, one inside another, covered as well in eyes.
They role as thinkers, observers, and teachers.
Marked by courage & understanding, they are beneath the Ophanim. Unfortunately, I am having trouble finding much more on them.
As said in Kabbalah, archangel Tzaphkiel leads the Erelim.
Known for love, kindness, & grace. Archangel Tzaphkiel also leads them. They lay below the Erelim. Known as ‘The Electric Ones’.
As the Erelim, unfortunately, I was unable to find much, my apologies.
They are noted for their work when it comes to Justice. Archangel Chamuel leads the Seraphim.
They have six wings, & feathers glowing like flames. They are “ The Burning Ones”.
Of the many aspects of what the Seraphim do, the chief one guards the rims of the Abyss in Briah, which keep demons from coming out.
Noted for both beauty & mercy, they are led by Archangel Raphael. Much like some of their prior ranks, I can find little on them.
They mark the effort for the victory of “Good over Evil”. Also known as “
The Godly Ones” & “The Gods”.
They deal with mortals, they work much for divine-mortal relationships. & work to take the mortals perspectives when needed.
They focus their work on giving glory to God. Archangel Michael leads them. Also referred to as “Sons of God”. Unlike their leader, Archangel Michael, I can find little more on them.
They are more human-like beings. & work with mortals dealing with sin that separates them from God. Archangel Gabriel leads Cherubim. & guarded The Garden of Eden.
10 | ISHIM
They are most like mortal humans, quite human-like, they tend closely to the human world & protect it from supposed demons. Some acting as guardian angels towards mortals. Their leader is Sandalphon.
When on Earth, they take many forms mostly of humans, but some as animals such as dogs.
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danieyells · 3 years
Something i headcanoned before the Canaan event was translated was that Azazel resents god for The Flood because The Flood happened after the angels statted fucking around with humans--y'know, Azazel's charge attack being "Bene Ha Elohim", Sons of God. And The Flood kiled his children and all. Though he seems to see every punishment as an act of love, I imagine he wants to, er, drown god in his love as a result, were he ever allowed to meet the almighty again. It's not venegence! It's love! Love!!
Now that I've actually read the Canaan event, wouldn't it be nice if he didn't know they survived and learned later, likely from Dagon himself? Since Dagon is an Old One, Nyarl would know him and could drag Azazel to meet him after he learns about the Canaan event--because he wants to see what'd happen. His own father didn't love him, so maybe he wants to see what happens when a "father" meets a "child" he thought he lost a long time ago.
I mean I figure Azazel would probably bang Dagon at the end of the day. But disregarding that. Until that happens Nyarl would probably be annoyed by the fact that it'd probably be a happy ending/reunion. Or maybe he wouldn't. You never really know with that guy.
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ben-the-hyena · 3 years
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Drawtober day 28 : a seraph
Since I won't talk about Bene Elohim, or Elohim, or Chayot Ha Kadesh since I find their roles and/or descriptions too similar to what was already mentionned, we go directly to seraphim. The highest and most powerful cast of all, they are the guardians of God's throne and the closest angels to Him, some sources even tell the Devil was one in olden days. Luminous angels endowed with bird talons and 6 wings covered in eyes (2 to hide their face, 2 to hide their body and 2 to fly), they sing His praises and work as agents of purification, able to wash away the sins of anybody. Example used : Raphael (Healing)
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veritanascoste · 9 months
Il patto segreto delle potenze ELOHIM .
Sarà un'illusione, così grande, così vasta che sfuggirà alla loro percezione. Chi lo capirà sarà considerato pazzo. Creeremo fronti separati per impedire a tutti loro di vedere la nostra connessione. Il nostro comportamento apparirà disconnesso per mantenere viva in loro l'illusione. Raggiungeremo il nostro obiettivo una goccia alla volta in modo da non attirare mai sospetti su noi. Questo impedirà loro di vedere i cambiamenti mentre si verificano. "Staremo sempre al di sopra del campo relativo della loro esperienza perché conosciamo i segreti dell'assoluto. Lavoreremo sempre insieme e rimarremo legati dal sangue e dalla segretezza. La morte verrà a colui che parla. "Manterremo la loro vita breve e le loro menti deboli fingendo di fare il contrario. Useremo sottilmente la nostra conoscenza della scienza e della tecnologia in modo che non vedano mai cosa sta realmente accadendo. Useremo metalli teneri, acceleratori di invecchiamento e sedativi in cibo, acqua, aria, li ricopriremo di veleni ovunque. I metalli teneri faranno loro perdere la testa. Prometteremo di trovare cure mentre offriremo loro veleni che saranno assorbiti dalla loro pelle e bocca e così distruggeranno le loro menti e i loro sistemi riproduttivi. I loro figli nasceranno morti e nasconderemo queste informazioni. I veleni saranno nascosti in tutto ciò che li circonda, in ciò che bevono, mangiano, respirano e indossano. Dobbiamo essere ingegnosi nel dispensare i veleni perché loro potrebbero capire. Insegneremo loro che i veleni fanno bene, con immagini divertenti e toni musicali e useremo coloro che ammirano nell'intrattenimento, nello spettacolo, nella musica, nella moda, li premieremo per renderli più credibili e così saranno dai noi arruolati per spingere i nostri veleni. "Vedranno i nostri prodotti utilizzati nei film e si abitueranno a loro senza mai conoscerne il loro reale effetto. Quando partoriranno, inietteremo veleni nel sangue dei loro figli e li convinceremo che è per il loro bene. Inizieremo presto i loro Figli catturando le loro menti, prenderemo bambini e giovani attraverso le cose che amano di più, i dolci. Quando i loro denti si deterioreranno li riempiremo di metalli che uccideranno la loro mente e ruberanno il loro futuro. Quando la loro capacità di apprendimento sarà compromessa, creeremo medicine che li renderanno più malati che causeranno altre malattie per le quali creeremo ancora più veleni che loro conoscono come medicine. Li renderemo docili e deboli davanti a noi. Diventeranno depressi, lenti, obesi, estremamente magri e quando verranno da noi per chiedere aiuto, daremo loro altro veleno. "Concentreremo la loro attenzione sul denaro e sui beni materiali in modo che molti non si connettano mai con il loro sé interiore. Li distrarremo con piaceri esterni, sesso perverso, droghe, alcool, gioco in modo che non possano mai essere tutt'uno con l'unità di tutto. Le loro menti apparterranno a noi e loro obbediranno felici. Nei più resistenti troveremo modi per implementare la tecnologia che altera la loro mente e le loro vite. Useremo la giustizia per colpire loro e i loro Figli, li perseguiteremo sino ad annientarli per sottometterli al nostro Dio..
Useremo la paura, è la nostra più potente arma per sedarli. Insedieremo i loro governi e i loro opposti affinchè credano che l'uno combatti contro l'altro, mentre noi saremo i proprietari di entrambe le parti. Nasconderemo sempre il nostro obiettivo mentre realizzeremo il nostro piano. Essi eseguiranno il lavoro per noi e noi prospereremo grazie alle loro fatiche. Le nostre famiglie non si mescoleranno mai alle loro. Il nostro sangue deve essere sempre puro, perché è così. Faremo in modo che si uccidano a vicenda quando ci fa comodo. Li terremo separati dall'unità dal dogma e dalla religione. Controlleremo tutti gli aspetti della loro vita e direno loro cosa pensare e come pensarlo. Li guideremo gentilmente facendo loro credere di guidarsi da soli. Formeremo la psicologia per metterli gli uni contro gli altri con programmi sottili.
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november 2021
1. julia wolf - in my way 2. upsahl - idfwfeelings 3. elohim - little idiot 4. jaira burns - avocados 5. marisa maino - growing up can go to hell 6. kailee morgue - butterflies 7. jessia - i'm not pretty 8. charlie houston - bitches in the bathroom 9. spill tab - grade a (feat. jawny) 10. remi wolf - sexy villain 11. dreamer boy - are you letting go? (feat. benee) 12. piri - soft spot 13. l.dre - maniac 14. pinkpantheress - i must apologise 15. sassy 009 - wannabe 16. chabeau - this far 17. elio - typecast 18. yeule - don't be so hard on your own beauty 19. ashnikko - panic attacks in paradise 20. luna aura - too little too late 21. tramp stamps - the legend of jennifer 22. illuminati hotties - the sway 23. marina - i love you but i love me more (feat. beach bunny) 24. yucky duster - grump 25. alex lahey - spike the punch 26. signals midwest - tommy took a picture 27. tokyo police club - top 5 28. together pangea - ghoul 29. sunflower bean - baby don't cry 30. circa survive - imposter syndrome 31. warren franklin - a year in-between 32. bad heaven ltd. - al 33. daphne loves derby - flight 34. snail mail - ben franklin 35. soccer mommy - rom com 2021 36. mitski - working for the knife 37. julia shapiro - someone 38. frankie cosmos - slide 39. lomelda - sad 2 40. bedouine - the solitude 41. hand habits - gold/rust 42. land of talk - moment feed 43. phoebe bridgers - that funny feeling 44. big thief - change 45. dim wizard - believe in the magic 46. boy scouts - the floor 47. emma ruth rundle - blooms of oblivion 48. caoilfhionn rose - garden - secret track 49. shannon lay - sure 50. grouper - unclean mind 51. beauty queen - hope it's you 52. hovvdy - blindsided 53. oh wonder - rollercoaster baby 54. pauline croze - no derme 55. cœur de pirate - une complainte dans le vent 56. emily vaughn - boomerang 57. layfullstop - nostalgia 58. qveen herby - stretch marks 59. atmosphere - skull 60. aldn - predictable 61. dan larkin - giving up 62. alice longyu gao - dtm 63. badboyhalo - muffin 64. tomggg - love ride (feat. shelhiel) 65. meesh - the one 66. kallitechnis - dinner with a gemini 67. orion sun - concrete 68. ellery bonham - supermagic 69. hope tala - tiptoeing 70. tala - nevermind 71. biako - damn girl (feat. jean deaux) 72. phora - love letters (feat. skye) 73. khalid - present 74. brandi carlile - broken horses 75. evil needle - liquid light 76. miraa may - go girl 77. genes - friendzone 78. spinn - stargazing 79. snarls - i'll follow you 80. magdalena bay - hysterical us 81. 88rising - the weekend 82. chelsea cutler - forever 83. fickle friends - alone 84. leisure - visions of you 85. cannons - ruthless 86. porches - grab the phone 87. barrie - frankie 88. fractures - velvet 89. shallou - high tide 90. vera blue - temper 91. sebs - on and on 92. aly & aj - am i alright 93. felivand - where were you 94. xenia rubinos - what is this voice? 95. oohyo - everlasting god 96. hoody - when the rain stops 97. jyocho - all the same - short ver. 98. tops - waiting 99. black lilys - gymnopédie https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3wIKJll24K0MTNvp4Ism9E?si=f2fb45dfa7bd44f7
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