#benjamin gates
mockingbirdie · 2 months
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It's been 6 years since my last National Treasure Incorrect Quote post according to my tumblr; so you're all welcome
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NOTE: If you like a different treasure hunter from a franchise listed above, vote “someone not listed here”. For example, if you prefer Chloe Frazer over Nate.
NOTE 2: Whoops, misspelled Flynn CarSEN. That’s my bad.
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chiefnooniensingh · 1 year
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I’ve seen that look before. You’re about to do something crazy.
National Treasure (2004) National Treasure: Book of Secrets (2007) National Treasure: Edge of History (2022-2023)
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thejoxaren · 1 year
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fictionaltrvlr · 10 months
free my dude! they did all of it, but they were just in a silly goofy mood and in desperate need of a hug
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Can't get over the fact that Riley gave Ben the idea that Charlotte could be a boat
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ssaseaprince · 1 year
If I had a nickel for every time Nicholas Cage was part of a high-speed chase against a giant truck with a younger brunette nerd I'd have two nickels, which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.
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shae-la-hyene · 2 years
Benjamin Gates : finds a treasure that was stolen through the centuries in a dozen different cultures and empires
B G : gives it to the British Museum
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nyx22-blogs · 2 years
Ok this is adorable 🥰
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May I have this dance?
"Y/n, Riley, come here quick I need to ask you guys something!" Shouted Ben from the other room
You sighed putting down your new book, you had recently gotten into the Percy Jackson series and you were keen on finishing the first book. You found Ben and Riley in the kitchen waiting for you.
"Ok, so remember the lecture we went to a few days ago that was given by Dr. Hank Brown?" Ben asked...huh..he was notably nervous, weird.
"Who-?" Said Riley, very confused. He hadn't gone to the lecture, claiming that the new videogame that came out was more important.
"Remember that guy we saw on the history documentary a few days ago?" You said
"Ohhhh him, yeah I remember..why?"
"Well he's hosting a gala tomorrow night in honor of his late father's birthday.." Ben said..again in a very nervous way. What is going on? He's definitely hiding something you thought.
"So..?" Riley said, confused.
"Well Abigail and I were going to it, just to see if we can get some insight on the map."
"Well that's ni-"
"But I realized she knows his daughter, and us asking about it would definitely raise some eyebrows." Ben interrupted
"Ok..again what does this have to do with us-? Not to be rude.." Said Riley
You decided to walk to the sink quickly and fill the mug on the counter with some water to drink.
"I need you two to go in our place." He said while you were drinking..resulting in you choking on the water and Riley patting your back.
"What the hell Ben?! W- Y/n and I can't go, we don't know the first thing about this guy, or who he is, or- or even about the map. How are we supposed to socialize and spark conversations with someone we know NOTHING about?!"
"Look guys I know this is short noticed but-"
"No no no this is wayyyy more than short noticed, ok Ben you're the designated guy when it comes to finding out information, Abigail is usually the one who has connections all over, Riley is the tech guy and I'm the one pays for all this crap."
You truly loved Ben with all your heart, he was your best friend after all, but this was insane..it didn't mean you wouldn't do it though.
"Guys, please he's really the only one that can tell us more about this and we'll it's now or never. You in?"
"Fine." You and Riley said simultaneously
**Time skip to the next night, you and Riley had found the information and you were invited to dance with another guy. You finished dancing and met up with Riley again**
"So uhm..who was that guy?" Riley asked
"Oh, his name was Mark. Apparently he works with some congressman that I suspect know a thing or two about the map. I wanted to see what I could find out."
"Oh ok..uhm I was wondering if you uhm..well I-"
"Yes?" You said smiling, sort of already knowing what he wanted to ask.
"May I have this dance?" He asked grinning nervously
"I was wondering when you'd finally ask." You laughed as he took your hand and led you to the floor.
That night ended in LOTS of hugs and cuddles 😭
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stabbyapologist · 2 years
Benjamin Gates: "A toast to high treason."
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nasturtiumorange · 2 years
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Day 22 of Inktober is Heist.
Does your family have a default film, that you’ve watched together over and over and over? Ours is National Treasure. I don’t know why we love it so much. I think it came out at exactly the right time to appeal to all my siblings at once, and it had enough big name stars to draw in my parents. 
I think it was our ‘The Mummy’, but with fewer scary bits. Adventures in a far-off country, mystery, chase scenes, treasure, a romantic couple and a funny guy. Bad guy with a cool accent.
I was running low on time tonight, so you can see the detail gradually running out as I worked from left to right.
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kats-kradle · 2 years
Relationships: Benjamin Gates & Riley Poole, Abigail Chase/Benjamin Franklin Gates
Characters: Riley Poole, Benjamin Franklin Gates, Abigail Chase
Additional Tags: Trauma, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Water, Post-National Treasure: Book of Secrets, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Benjamin Gates is a Good Bro, Salt and Light, Panic Attacks
“Riley,” Ben said. “It’s just water.”
Something behind Riley's eyes changed. Ben wasn’t sure if he was even breathing until his entire body spasmed with an exhale.
“No. I’m not doing this,” he muttered under his breath. Ben grabbed him by the wrist when he turned to go.
“It’s just water."
“No—Ben, let go,” Riley said urgently.
---- It turns out that after nearly drowning in a cave, water is a bit of a difficult subject to breach.
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sas5ha · 2 years
watching national treasure on Disney + and that episode with Riley, and then on the second episode of TLOU they end up in Independence Hall. My Ben Gates stan ass is happy
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lornashores · 6 months
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I'm sorry!
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mintcaramelhazel · 1 year
Legend says that for a brief period of time, Penny had a TV at the Hard Deck.
She installed it because Sarah suggested it as Admiral Tom Kazansky was going to appear at Congress and they were going to televise the intervention.
It was very convenient because Mav was gone with Ice and the Dagger Squad was left behind sad. They were hoping to support his new dad, but the Navy need them in Miramar. And, somehow, Warlock convinced Cyclone to give them some time off to follow Icemans intervention.
So, the Dagger Squad found themselves w Solomon and Beau (bc they were out in the wild and not at work) watching how the congress “worked” and admiring the pose and grace of their Admiral.
Well, it wasn't exactly Bradley's fault, and neither was Jake’s. But one thing led to another and there was some competition involved and some backhanded comments about some members of Congress and...
They took a shot every time that:
Any member of congress asked a stupid question
Iceman made any person rethink what they were going to say with just a glare
Make someone stutter, etc
There were more rules but thirty minutes in they had to amend the list as they were getting too wasted and Cyclone was threatening to fight personally anyone who dared to disrespect his Admiral.
By the time the intervention finished, Penny had cut them the alcohol and she was threatening to ban the entrance to her local. Cyclone had to take care of the bill. Warlock tried to charm Penny to get them of the hook and the daggers...
They never had a clear idea of how they managed to get back to their accommodations. But Amelia got richer that day, taking advantage of her new driver's licence and Bradley’s Bronco to drive off the affected aviators.
The TV disappeared after that and nobody questioned it.
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I'm gonna steal it. I'm gonna steal the declaration of independence 🤝 I'm gonna kidnap him. I'm gonna kidnap the president of the united states 🤝 I'm gonna break him out. I'm gonna break my father out of prison
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