#benny x penny
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Got inspired by a Full House episode (can you FH fans guess which one it was? ^^). Anyway, this is my first Digital comic, featuring KND's Father and his lovely (headcannon) wife, flyinglemoncat (or ArudanisMe)'s version of Mother. Hope you enjoy. I don't own these characters. 
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You get shot in Colombia. Frankie, Benny, Santiago and Will all have their own ways of helping you heal.
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Pairing - Santiago Garcia, Frankie Morales, Benny Miller, Will Miller x female reader
Age Rating - 18+
Warnings - Cursing, mentions of blood, gunshots
Word Count - 4329
Author's Note - hi lovely people. i loved writing this one so much oh my :( those four boys in one movie together is a dream. and i don't know if you noticed, but i have a real soft spot for will. and yes, i did photoshop ben afflecks character out of that picture. more than happy to write for any of the triple frontier boys individually - just send me an ask! as always, lots of love x
my other triple frontier fics - Tethered, Tranquility and Home Is Where The Heart Is.
Masterlist. Requests.
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It’s been 6 days since you were shot.
6 days of blood, pain, sterility, stitches, hazy memories that float into your consciousness like smoke in the air.
You somehow remember it both clear as day and blurry as night.
The metallic taste of copper in your mouth, clear as day.
The searing, burning pain in your side, clear as day.
The panicked looks on the boys faces, the yelling, the frantic scrambling – clear as day.
The rest of it? Blurry as night.
You can’t remember getting home. One minute you were bleeding out on the ground in Colombia, and the next minute you’re back on US soil, lying in a bed in Houston Methodist Hospital.
You can’t remember your discharge. You fell asleep on those sterile, crinkly white sheets, and woke up in a soft bed, wrapped in a navy blue comforter that smells like Will.
All you’ve known for the last 6 days is sleep. That molten sleep that moves like molasses, warm and slow and sticky. The sun rises and sets, and you’re none the wiser. Floating aimlessly through unconsciousness, just you and your dreams.
Unbeknownst to you, you haven’t been alone for a minute since you got home. The boys have taken turns sitting by your bedside, heart rates rising whenever you stir. All of them silently processing what all of this means, for you and for them.
It was damn close. Too much blood. Pints after pints after pints of it. Pouring over Will’s hands, soaking into Benny’s jeans, slipping beneath Santiago’s boots, choking the air around Frankie where his forehead was pressed to yours, begging you to stay awake. All of them wondering the same thing – where has all of this come from? Surely one person can’t have so much blood in them. It can’t all be from her.
The Doctor said that you got lucky. Any more blood loss and you’d have lost your life too. Your surgeon said that you owed your life to whoever stopped the bleeding.
William ��Ironhead’ Miller. He’d shoved his hand straight into the wound, applying as much pressure as he could without breaking any ribs. It was the worst thing he’d ever seen, but he was in fight or flight mode. He knew it had to be fight. He hoped you were making the same choice as you were lying there, breath rattling in your chest like pennies in a tin can.
Some would call it a miracle. Divine intervention, perhaps. You shouldn’t have survived. Scientifically, statistically, you should have died right there on that floor, in a mission gone wrong. Tragic accident. Caught in the crossfire. Collateral damage.
But you didn’t. Now, you’re half conscious in Will’s guest bedroom, enveloped by his scent. Warm, cozy, safe, and alive. You’re struggling to stay awake for more than ten, fifteen minutes at a time. It’s all catching up to you. You had to fight so hard to take each breath, that now you’re exhausted. The kind of exhaustion that sleep can’t fix. No, it’s settled into your gut, wrapped it’s limbs around your bones. It keeps you weighed down and heavy, a reminder of the trauma. You’re alive, but you’re tired. So tired.
The boys are worried. Worried beyond belief. When the Doctor told them she was happy to discharge you, reality hit the four of them like a high-speed freight train. How do they navigate this? You can’t go home. You can’t be by yourself. They’re all back on Texan soil, which means work, and family, and bills to pay, and routines to carry out. How do they factor in the woman they call their best friend, who’s currently in the deepest sleep of her life with a healing bullet hole in her side?
“I’ll take her,” Will had said. “She can stay with me, in my guest room. You guys can come over whenever you want. I have the most space, anyway.”
That was true. Santiago and Benny live in apartments, bachelor pads really, and Frankie’s second bedroom is his daughter’s room. She was only with him on weekends, but she needed a place to sleep, so that was him out of the question. Having you stay with Will made the most sense. They all agreed to come and sit with you in shifts, so Will could go to the grocery store, or for a run, or to take a shower. The Doctor never actually said that you needed twenty four hour surveillance, but the boys thought it would be best. Just in case.
So that’s exactly what they did. You’re on bed rest, and they’re all happy to play nurse for a few hours during the day, and to leave you with Will during the night. He’s been sneaking in to sleep in the armchair next to your bed. His room, a mere ten feet away, feels too far. He wants to be able to hear if you need his help. Just in case.
None of the boys quite know how to treat you. They don’t want to act any differently around you, but it’s hard not to. They haven’t seen you like that before. You, a force to be reckoned with. The backbone of the group. You, with your sharp wit, quick humor, blinding smile. You, who always seems to be a step ahead of them. You, a pillar of strength, proving yourself just as capable in this world designed for men. Lying on the ground, painted crimson, you looked fragile. Small. Frail. You looked so… innocent. So afraid. That was the scariest part for all of them – seeing the fear in your eyes. They’ve never seen that before. They never want to again.
So, they all take their different approaches. They cope the best way that each of them knows how.
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
When Frankie visits, he always brings a book.
Cracking open the door, he pops his head around the frame, smiling as he sees both you and Will asleep – him in the chair, you cozy in bed. He gently squeezes the blond man’s shoulder, whispering as he wakes.
“I got her for a while. You go do what you need to do.”
Will shoots him a grateful smile and stretches his arms above his head, before padding out of the room, softly shutting the door behind him.
Frankie opens the curtains, letting the soft morning light fill the room. It illuminates your face, catches on the strands of your hair, making it glow. You look like an angel, in this orange haze. But Frankie already knew that.
Your eyes flutter open, and land straight on the broad man standing next to your bed, trusty cap sat atop his head. You smile, and his heart stops for a second. God, he’s missed that sight. All of the tension from the last week leaves his shoulders, and he sinks into the armchair next to you.
“Hi, Francisco,” you whisper, voice slightly hoarse from minimal use.
“Hi, cariño,” he whispers back. “You doing okay?”
You nod, golden smile still etched on your face. The wound in your side is a dull ache, and the psychological pain keeps washing over you in spontaneous waves. But you’re okay.
“You here to babysit me?” you tease.
He smirks, which is all the answer you needed.
“You don’t need to. I’m okay, I swear,” you insist.
He looks at you and quirks an eyebrow, the corners of his lips still turning up slightly.
“Well, you’re my baby, and I’m sitting,” he winks. “Now that we’ve established that, what do you wanna do for the next few hours?”
His abysmal attempt at a joke makes you chuckle, which in turn makes you wince, pain shooting through your abdomen. He jumps out of his chair towards you, placing a hand on your cheek gently.
“Shit, querida. I’m sorry. Are you alright? Do you need anything?”
Breathing deep and slow, you tilt your head to meet his eyes.
“Yes. For you to stop fussing. Sit down, Francisco. Your nervous energy is making me stressed.”
He exhales carefully, and presses a kiss onto the top of your head.
“Yes ma’am.”
He returns to his original place, and grabs a book from the nightstand.
“Have you read this already?” he asks, showing you the cover.
You shake your head, and he flips to the first page.
“It sounds good, actually. You comfy, cielito?”
You nod gently, holding his gaze. He flashes you one of his signature smiles – the rare, genuine, time stopping ones – and begins to read softly, in that dulcet, honeyed voice of his.
He reads to you for hours. You were only awake for 45 minutes, but he continued reading aloud anyway. Morning becomes afternoon, yellow sunlight beating through the open window. A gentle breeze blows the curtains and ruffles Frankie’s hair that is ever so slightly too long for his liking. He’d be perfectly content to read to you like this forever. He’s gotten so into the plot of the book that he doesn’t notice Will stood in the doorframe, watching with those careful eyes of his. They gleam blue in the sunlight, his golden hair glinting like citrine. He eventually catches Frankie’s eyes, and the older man makes his way over to the door, both boys talking in hushed whispers so as not to wake you.
“Has she been okay?” Will asks, eyes scanning your sleeping form.
“Perfectly fine. She was awake for about 45 minutes,” Frankie replies, pride evident in his tone.
“That’s the longest she’s been conscious since. Progress, huh?” Will smiles. Frankie can’t help but smile too. A week ago, they were huddled around your lifeless body, hands deep and bloody in your wound. Now, they’re watching you slumber peacefully, life returned to you like a gift from the universe.
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
When Benny visits, he brings comfort with him.
He uses his key to let himself into Will’s house quietly, aware that you’re most likely asleep. It’s been a week and a half since everything happened, and while you’re awake more and more each day, you’re also still on bed rest.
Creeping up the stairs and peeking his head around the door that’s ajar, he finds Will sat at the end of your bed. You’re awake, but barely. The light shines from the hallway into the bedroom, and illuminates your tear stained cheeks.
Will wipes your cheekbone with his thumb gently, and moves to meet his brother. The older Miller pulls Benny into the hallway, shutting your door momentarily.
“She’s having a real bad day. The worst since she’s been home. The memories are flooding back man, they’re drowning her.”
All the colour is gone from Will’s face. He looks helpless. His brother hates it.
“I don’t know how to help her,” Will continues. “The tears won’t stop. It’s like every time she calms down, another nightmare takes her by surprise. I don’t know what to do, Ben. I don’t know what to do.”
Will’s voice is shaking, tears threatening to spill from those cerulean eyes. He has a hand fisted into the front of Benny’s shirt, as if he’s grounding himself. There’s something unsettling about seeing the calmest person in the room start panicking. Benny doesn’t like it.
“Hey, it’s okay. She’s gonna have bad days, that’s a given. Go get some fresh air, go for a drive or something. I’ve got her. I ain’t gonna leave her.”
Benny looks pointedly at his big brother, and inhales deeply. They exhale together, and Will wipes his face with the back of his hand.
“Are you sure?”
Benny nods. Will trusts him.
“Okay. Call me if you need anything and I will come straight back. I mean it, Ben. Anything.”
Benny pulls his brother into his chest, holding him for a moment. Will isn’t used to being the glue holding everything together, he thinks. It’s usually you.
Will pulls away and starts his journey down the stairs, momentarily pausing to watch Benny straighten his shoulders and clear his throat before opening your door carefully.
“Hey, gorgeous,” he smiles.
You don’t feel gorgeous. No, you feel like you’ve shattered into a million pieces in William Miller’s guest bedroom. The weight of your trauma has come crashing down on top of you suddenly. It’s suffocating and it’s choking you and no matter how many times you inhale, your lungs won’t fill with air. Tears keep streaking down your cheeks despite your best efforts to stifle them. You wonder if you’ll feel like this forever – forced to carry around the weight of surviving something that you weren’t supposed to.
Benny’s never been any good with words. So he tells you what he needs to with his actions instead.
He kicks off his shoes and shrugs off his jacket, throwing it on the chair. Then, he unbuttons his jeans and slides them off his legs, tossing them sideways with haphazard aim. The last thing to go is his t shirt, which he shucks over his head with ease, landing somewhere with the rest of his clothes. He moves across the room towards you and pulls back the comforter. He strokes your cheek with his knuckles gently, looking at you carefully to gauge your reaction. When he’s satisfied, he climbs into bed behind you, pulling you mindfully to sit in between his legs, his chest pressed to your back. He pulls the comforter back up over the two of you, and uses his arms to cage you in to him, enveloping you in his warmth.
Benny’s always run hot. You joke that he’s like a walking space heater, a radiator if you ever need one. Right now, it’s like having your own ball of sunshine, warming you gently from the outside in. You feel the safest you have in two weeks.
“Relax, baby,” he murmurs into your hair. He pulls you in tighter, and nudges your head to rest in the crook of his neck. You inhale deeply – the first real breath you’ve been able to take all day. He smells like sunshine, and salt, and sandalwood, and safety. You relax into him and let all the tension leave your body. You let go of the flashbacks, and the fear, and the chaos, and surrender yourself to Benny.
He stays with you like that for three days. He doesn’t separate himself from you more than a few inches for 72 whole hours, keeping his arms wrapped around you from behind, as if holding you together. When he gets up to go to the bathroom, he takes you with him. You stay attached for three days, skin to skin, allowing his warmth to seep into your bones, to settle your nerves. You’re convinced that no medicine could heal you the way Benny is. Science doesn’t have a match for this. It never will.
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
When Santiago visits, he brings his guitar.
The first time he came to see you, right at the beginning, he sat with you for 20 minutes before he careened out of the room, gasping for air. The silence was strangling him, sending him into some sort of panic attack. Then, the guilt settled, and he felt like he’d betrayed you so badly that he couldn’t bring himself to go back in. He sat on the floor of the hallway with his back pressed against the door for 6 hours before Will returned home, concern coursing through his veins.
When Santiago explained what had happened, Will looked at him knowingly.
“You don’t have to be deathly silent, you know. You can watch some TV, turn the radio on. Frankie reads to her. Benny talks her ear off - doesn’t stop fucking rambling. I walked in the other day and he was explaining the current state of the NBA to her, team by team. She’ll sleep no matter what.”
Santiago nods, patting Will on the back lovingly before leaving, weighed down by shame.
The next time he visits, he brings his guitar.
If he’s honest with himself, he’s hoping you’ll be asleep. It’s easier to play for you if you aren’t looking at him like he hung the moon with those big, bright eyes of yours. But, lo and behold, he walks into the room you’ve made your own, and you’re wide awake.
“Hi, handsome,” you smile. “Where you been?”
“Oh, you know,” he smirks, “just caring for all the pretty girls that need my help.”
“And here I thought I was special,” you tease.
That smile of yours wraps itself around his heart, tangling in the core of him. You’ve always had that effect on the boys. One grin from you, and all of their problems melt away, even if just for a moment.
“You staying today, or you gonna run away again?”
You’re joking with him. Why are you trying to make him laugh? You should be upset, telling him that he’s a bad friend, that all of the other boys have sat with you for hours, so why can’t he?
But instead, you continue.
“I’m kidding, Santi. I get it, you know. I don’t think I’d be able to sit in a room with you lying there all half dead and helpless if the roles were reversed.”
You’re looking at him with so much understanding in your eyes that he has to choke down the tears that are trying to escape from him.
“It’s not that. It’s just – it’s my fault, bebita. You wouldn’t have even been in Colombia if it wasn’t for me. I’m the reason you got shot.”
He’s crying now – heavy, ugly sobs crawling their way from his chest, up to his throat. His knees give out, and he sits on the side of the bed, hands fisting in your comforter.
“Santi, baby. Hey. Look at me. Please, Pope.”
Your pleading gets his attention. He looks at you with those red rimmed, watery eyes, and your heart breaks so hard you swear you can hear it shatter.
“It wasn’t your fault, Santi. I followed you out there voluntarily. We all did. You know I’d follow you anywhere. I still would. It could have been any of us that got hurt. I’m glad it was me. I wouldn’t be able to stand seeing any of you in a hospital bed. It’d break me.”
You’re crying now too, at the thought of one of the boys in your situation. The bullets, the blood, the makeshift bandages they shoved into your side, ripping their shirts and tearing apart anything they could find. You couldn’t have survived that, if the roles were reversed. You wouldn’t have wanted to.
You press your forehead to his, hands tangling in the front of his shirt. He wraps his arms around you and pulls you into his chest, needing you as close as possible.
You fall asleep like that, face pressed into him, his heartbeat in your ear. Santiago tucks you back into bed gently and takes his place in the armchair, settling down. Pulling his guitar out of the case, he tunes it slowly, meticulously, before beginning to strum the strings carefully. He picks at the strings, playing you tune after tune, only stopping to stretch his arms and crack his knuckles. He plays for you for hours, time slipping by him like sand through his palms. When you wake, you keep your eyes closed, savouring his presence for just a moment longer.
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
Will doesn’t visit.
He sticks steadily by your side, day in, day out. If Frankie visits for 6 hours, Will sits with you for the other 18. When Benny holds you for 3 days, Will gets anxious, popping his head around the doorframe every few hours, checking in just in case. Since everything happened, Will’s whole universe has revolved around you. Which, he’s realising, is the way it’s always been. His whole world has always been you. He’s just been forced to confront that truth now, and it’s scaring him.
He’s suddenly aware of the fact that he almost lost you. He’s never felt fear like that before. He’s had men press guns to his temple, shoot at him from mere feet away, fight him with their fists. That’s nothing, now. He’d take that any day over watching you lie there, drenched in crimson, dripping with pain. His hands, twisted into your side, wet and slipping, trying to quell the dam that’s broken inside of you. Your eyes, looking into his, terror grasping your whole body like a cold chill. When he falls asleep at night, all he can hear is the way you said his name, like it was the last thing tethering you to the Earth.
He makes a silent vow to himself. A promise - to never let you go again. To protect you forever, no matter what. All of this trauma has just made him love you more. He’s not sure what the future will look like, for him, or for you. But he knows that right now, you need him.
And so he pours all of his love into his actions. He makes you breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and sits with you as you eat slowly. He eats at your speed, too - always doing everything at your pace. He combs your hair every morning gently, brushes your teeth twice a day carefully. He tucks you in when you fall asleep, pulling the comforter around you, keeping you safe and warm. As soon as one of the other boys leaves, he takes their place, sitting in the armchair – making sure you’re never alone. Whenever you’re awake, he listens to you pointedly, nodding and smiling. When you have a bad day, he’s right there next to you, wiping the tears from your cheeks and murmuring reassurances gently.
He watches as slowly but surely, you come back to yourself. You’re awake more often, smiling more confidently, cracking jokes and asking for laughs. The two of you are chatting like you used to, about nothing and everything. And you watch as slowly but surely, he returns to Will. The frown lines in his forehead become less pronounced, the worry in his eyes fades slightly. The smiles he throws your way are bigger, more genuine. The scales balance out again.
You’ve been in bed for two weeks when you decide to ask him for a favor.
“Hey, Will?” you query, looking at the blond man who’s currently folding laundry on the dresser.
“Yeah, sweetheart?” he replies instantly, ready to give you anything you could possibly ask for.
“Can we go outside? I think I might go insane in this room real soon,” you smile, bright and bold.
He beams at you, relief washing over him like an ocean wave. You haven’t left your bed for a fortnight. He’s offered a couple of times, but you refused, scared to leave the comfort of the safe haven you’ve created. But you’re ready now.
“Of course we can. You want me to carry you?”
His tone is light, jesting, but you know he’s being serious. Neither of you are actually sure if you can walk all the way outside.
“I can walk if you carry me down the stairs? Not sure I’m quite ready for those yet.”
He grins at you, and your heart stops. That smile of his seeps into your pores, lifts you up, sends energy flowing through your veins. You’re alive, and you’re okay, and Will Miller is looking at you like you hung the stars in the sky. You feel invincible.
Admittedly, it does take you 20 minutes to get from your room to the back patio. Will throws a strong arm beneath yours, holding you up as you take the journey step by step. When you reach the stairs, he picks you up bridal style, carrying you carefully. Before he sets you back on your feet, he nudges his nose to yours, still grinning.
The sun soaks into your skin outside, gentle breeze rippling your t shirt that you’re now realising is Benny’s. The leaves rustle in the trees, and you inhale the world, as if seeing it again for the first time. Will sits right next to you on the bench, hand holding yours tightly, fingers interlaced as if he’s worried you’ll blow away.
You glance at Will’s watch and see that it’s only 1pm. You have so much time left. So many possibilities to be fulfilled, so many people to love, so many places to see. But for now, you press yourself into the blond man’s side, settling in. You fit perfectly. Almost as if this is where you belong.
“Can’t believe I almost died without telling you I love you,” you murmur. It’s quiet, but he hears you, loud and clear.
“It’s okay,” he reassures. “You’re here now. We have time. So much time.”
“Forever,” you whisper. “We have forever.”
He turns to look at you in the hues of the bright afternoon. His blond hair is glowing gold, and his blue eyes match the sky, hopeful and full of promise. His hands come up to cradle your face, and he caresses your cheeks with his thumbs, rubbing comforting circles into your skin. He moves in closer, and nudges his nose into yours. He breaks out into a grin, and you can’t help but join him. Leaning in, he presses his lips to yours, soft and reassuring. You melt into him, running one hand into his hair, the other at the nape of his neck. He pulls you impossibly closer, until every part of you is pressed together. The sun is still beaming, and the birds are chirping, and you have time.
“Forever,” he whispers into your mouth when he breaks the kiss.
“Forever,” you murmur back. “We have time.”
You have time.
You have time.
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1K notes · View notes
sarahsmi13s · 6 months
Rocks Are Allowed to Crack, Stars Are Allowed to Dim
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pairing: jake 'hangman' seresin x fem!pilot!reader
characters: jake seresin, y/n nivans, the daggers, pete mitchell, penny benjamin, diego and benny harding (oc father and son)
warnings: 18+ MDNI, angst, language, ptsd, description of accident, panic attack, injuries, descriptions of scars, flashbacks, fear of death, familial death (mentioned), crying, bottling up feelings, please please let me know if i missed any
word count: ~8.0k
a/n: this has been sitting in my docs and on my wheel for at least a year (please forgive the awkward moments). so i figured i'd take a sliver of the wheel and make him a little lighter! i've also been in a funk lately, so i thought getting something out there might help!
quick summary: everyone deserves someone to comfort them in their time of need, even the ones that always lend their shoulder
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Ah, yes, dogfight football. Maverick’s way of creating a team. You play offense and defense at the same time. Tackling each other into the sand, sometimes into the water. It may be chaotic, but it’s fun and a great team building exercise.
Which is why you hated that you were running a little behind.
You sighed as you got out of your car and walked over to where Penny was sitting at the table. 
You placed your aviators on your head, “I’m not late am I?” Penny chuckled and shook her head, “Just in time. Want a beer before you go?” You shook your head, “Nah, I’m okay right now. Care to watch my stuff?” 
The brunette gestured to the items in front of her, chuckling, “I’m watchin’ everyone else's. I don’t see why not.” You chuckled and sat your wallet, phone, and keys down, as well as your sunglasses. You slipped off your shorts, folding them and laying them down.
You turned at the call of your last name, brows raised in curiosity. 
 It was Maverick. 
“Hurry up and get down here!”
You turned to Penny, “This is gonna be fun.” You both laughed before you jogged across the sand to meet everyone by the water. 
“Sorry I’m late, Mav.” 
Maverick shook his head, “You’re not late, Rockstar. Can’t be late for fun.” 
“Not gonna take your t-shirt off?” Phoenix asked when you stood beside her. You shook your head, “Nah, I’m good.” 
Hangman sighed, “That’s a shame.” 
You chuckled at him and bent down to throw a handful of sand at him. 
“Watch it, Rockstar,” Hangman said, his voice light as he glared at you playfully.
“Or what, Hangman?” You challenged, eyes narrowed but a smile pulled at your lips.
Now, you and Hangman joked like this all the time. You considered each other best friends, which confused everyone else on base. 
Jake Seresin was an asshole. He was cocky and arrogant. You, Y/N Nivans, were not an asshole. Quite the opposite, actually. 
You were humble while still knowing your worth, but also showing anybody up if they proposed a challenge, and not being sour when you lost. 
Jake went out looking for competition, you let it come to you. 
You were also probably the sweetest thing to walk the planet. Most certainly the sweetest to walk the airstrip. 
You were nice to everyone, always giving someone the benefit of the doubt until they truly proved they were an asshole. 
You also took care of your team, they were your family. You always had the door open if someone needed to talk. Your arms were wide open when they showed up in the middle of the night because they had a nightmare and couldn’t shake it. You were their rock.
So, when you walked into the Hard Deck that first day of the Uranium Mission and hugged Hangman, everyone was confused — except Coyote who knew you from a year prior. But they didn’t verbally question you, choosing instead to ponder in private.
Hangman sighed, “Come on, Rocky. You're giving your enemy the advantage.” He tugged at your shirt and pulled you into his arms. 
You laughed and pushed him away by his chest, “You’re gonna have to catch me first.” Hangman cocked his head to the side, “Oooh, that’s how it is?” You nodded, a smirk playing on your lips, “That’s how it is.” 
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You panted as you used your shirt to wipe the sweat from your face. 
When you let go of your shirt you raised your arms, calling for the ball. They threw it to you and you took off for your endzone. 
You felt the sand shift and you knew Hangman was behind you. You had to get rid of the ball, so you called out to your teammate, “Phoenix!” She ran ahead of you and you threw her the ball.
As soon as the ball was out of your hand, Hangman tackled you to the ground. 
You laughed as you laid on your stomach, arms out in front of you. 
“What was that about ‘catching you’?” Jake grunted from above you.
You didn’t have to look at him to know he was smirking. “Haha, very funny Hangman. Now get off, you’re heavy.” 
“First, ouch. Second, nah, you’re comfy.” You laughed and shook your head, attempting to push off the ground and basically buck him off. 
But, Hangman wouldn’t let you, laughing as he moved and made you fall back down.
In this new position, Hangman was putting pressure on a certain part of your back and panic shot through you. 
“Seriously, dude, get up,” you tried to say with a laugh, not wanting to sound rude or like you were mad at him. He just smiled and rested his chin on his hands. 
You closed your eyes and tried to control your breathing, but the waves hitting you pushed you over the edge. 
“Jake, get the fuck off me.” You didn’t mean to sound harsh but you were panicking.
Jake was surprised by your tone, along with the use of his first name. He immediately got up and held out a hand for you to take but you just got up and ran to the table. 
“Rockstar, where you going?” Maverick asked. You called out while still running, “I need a break for a minute.” 
You got to the table, “Is it unlocked?” Penny nodded, “Yeah, why?” “Bathroom break.” Penny just nodded again and watched you take your sunglasses with you as you jogged inside.
Rooster ran over and hit Jake’s arm, “What did you do, Hangman?” Jake shook his head, “I’m not sure.” He put his hands on his hips and watched you disappear into the bar. 
He felt bad, he wanted to chase after you and apologize but he didn’t know what he did. 
“Well, you seemed to piss her off,” Phoenix said, shoving the ball into his chest. 
Maverick looked at Penny but she just shrugged, meaning you didn’t say much.
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You ran into the bathroom, throwing yourself into a stall.  
You leaned over the toilet and waited to throw up. Tears had started running down your face the minute you stepped in the bar. You coughed and sobbed lightly as you tried to control your breathing. 
After a few minutes of that, the nausea subsided and you slowly stood to go to the sink. 
You turned the cold water on and splashed your face. 
You closed your eyes as the tight feeling in your chest loosened. You let out a shaky breath and looked in the mirror, cringing at the puffiness around your eyes. You grabbed your sunglasses and slipped them on before leaving the bathroom.
When you stepped outside you saw Maverick and Penny talking, and when you sat down they stopped talking and looked at you concerned. 
“You alright? Gave Hangman quite the scare for a second,” Mav asked, squaring his shoulders to you. You nodded, resting your forearms on the table. “Yeah, I’m fine.” You rubbed your forehead, “Hey Pen-” 
Before you could finish your sentence, a beer was sat in front of you, causing you to giggle, “Read my mind.”
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As he continued to play, Jake still couldn’t get over the fact that you called him ‘Jake’ during a day out. 
It wasn’t that you never did, but it was rare that you called anyone by their first name. 
But it wasn’t just that, it was the way you said that really made him worry. He had never heard your voice sound like that before.
He looked at you from his spot on the beach, noticing you didn’t come back to join in the fun. 
Hangman walked up to Phoenix, worried that he had really upset you and wanted help from the girl you were closest to. “You don’t really think I pissed her off, do you?” 
She sighed, “I don’t know, Hangman. Even if you did, I doubt she could stay mad at you for long. She can't be mad at anyone for very long.”
Jake nodded and watched you stand up from your spot at the table.
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You finished your beer and stood up, “I’m gonna head out.” 
Maverick frowned, “You sure you’re okay, Y/N?” 
“Yeah, I’m okay. I just really need to shower. I’ve got sand in places sand shouldn’t be,” you said with a light laugh. 
“Okay, drive safe. I’ll see you in the morning.” 
“Yes, sir.” You collected your stuff and headed to your car.
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Jake noticed you leaving and tilted his head, “Hey…” He patted Coyote on the shoulder. “I’ll be right back.” 
He jogged up to the table to ask Maverick if he knew anything.
“Is she okay?” Hangman asked as soon as he came to a stop. Maverick shrugged, not looking up at the pilot, “She seemed okay. Said she needed to shower.” 
Jake let out a breath, “So she isn’t mad at me?” 
“I didn’t say that. But as far as I can tell, she’s just tired.” 
Jake licked the sweat off his upper lip, putting his hands on his hips as he looked down. 
“Hangman, honey, just go talk to her. If she’s upset with you, she’ll be honest about it,” Penny encouraged, giving Jake a small smile. He nodded and jogged to go find you before you left. 
You were standing by your car, the door opened as you moved to get in when he approached. 
“Hey, Y/N,” Jake called as he walked over to you. You smiled, “Hey, Hangman.” 
Jake swallowed, “Look, I’m sorry about earlier. I was just messing around. I did-” 
You held your hand up, cutting him off, “Jake, I’m not mad at you. I know you were just playing. But your tackle jump started my bladder and I wasn’t kidding when I said you were heavy.” You giggled a bit to show him you were teasing.
Hangman visibly relaxed at the sound, “Okay, good. I know I like to get under everyone’s skin. Sometimes I don’t know when to knock it off. I–” 
You held up your hand, cutting him off. “Jake, I can handle your teasing. Yeah, you can get a little mean. But I know it’s all a big show. Come here,” you opened your arms and made grabby hands at Jake. 
He just shook his head and chuckled, pulling you in by your outstretched hands and letting them find their place around his built torso. 
He rubbed his hand on your back, nearly missing the slight tensing right beneath your shoulder blades before they relaxed. His brow furrowed but he didn’t mention it, thinking that maybe it was you tightening your arms around him. 
He kissed the top of your head before you pulled away. 
“Geez, Jake, you’re sweaty.” 
“You’re not too dry yourself, Rockstar.” You laughed and playfully shoved him away. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Y/N.” You smiled and slid into your car, “I’ll kick your ass tomorrow Hangman.” 
He scoffed leaning on the roof of your car and the open door. “Since when did you get so cocky?” 
You smirked and placed your glasses on your head, forgetting that your eyes could still be red and puffy from earlier. “It’s not cocky if it’s the truth.” 
Jake shook his head and looked back to the shore. “Uh-huh. We’ll see.” He leaned back and patted the top of your car. “Drive safe.” You nodded, and he closed your door. 
He watched you start it up before driving away.
Jake shook his head and made his way back to the group.
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Speaking of the group, they had all noticed the change in Jake when you showed up at the Hard Deck a few months ago. 
While he was still his cocky self, having no shame in bragging and trash talking, he seemed to tone it down when you were around.
They also noticed how he always made sure to find you in the crowd, keeping an eye on you. Coyote joked that you had Hangman wrapped around your finger, that he would be at your side with a simple look. 
Jake was painfully aware of the effect you had on him. 
When he met you a year ago, he was starstruck by your dazzling smile. 
So, naturally, in true Hangman fashion, he flirted with you. 
With a toothpick between his perfect white teeth and his bright green eyes shining under the yellow lights of the bar, he walked up to you. 
“I sure hope no one left you alone.” 
When you turned, eyeing him up and down to take in the uniform, beer bottle popping as it left your mouth, his breath was ripped from his lungs. 
“Well, you’re here now. I’m not alone.” 
Seeing your smile up close caused Hangman to blush, and leaving him thankful that his tan could somewhat hide it. 
“Well, ain’t I special.” 
You nodded, giggling while looking down at the bar, “That you are. But, before this can go any further, I’m gonna be honest, I’m more dedicated to my work than anything else at the moment. And I have to be up by 5, so I’d hate to lead you on.” 
Jake shook his head, but you continued, gesturing around the bar, “I’m sure there are plenty of girls here that would love to get attention from you and give you attention.” 
Jake smiled –not smirked, smiled– while leaning on the bar, “Well, the only one I want attention from is you. Plus, I can’t stay out too late either. Gotta be at work early too, so I guess we’re both clocking in early.” 
None of the feelings that day had been one sided. You also had been starstruck by Hangman. 
He was broad shoulder, tall, tan, and had a voice that could make a girl swoon in a second. But you knew he was a pilot, his uniform gave it away, and you knew how they acted. Except, you liked Jake’s company and decided to talk all night with him. 
Ironically, what you both did for work never came up.
So, imagine the look on Jake’s face when he saw you the next day in your flight suit. 
“You didn’t tell me you were a pilot.” 
You smirked, “You didn’t ask.” 
He shook his head, biting his lower lip to hide his smile but failed. 
You nodded to him, “What do they call you?” 
“Hangman. What about you?” You smiled, “Rockstar.” 
You were able to peg why he earned his callsign very early on but he couldn’t seem to figure yours out. 
Until he had a close call and couldn’t shake it.
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The last day of training had just ended, tomorrow you might not come home, and to say you were nervous was a major understatement. 
As you changed to get ready to go out with the squad, you couldn’t stop shaking. You knew you needed a drink… okay a couple drinks.
While you changed, Hangman was walking around, looking for you. 
When he walked past the locker room, he caught a glimpse of you reaching to pick something up.
He turned to walk in, but stopped when he saw that you only had your pants on. But, before he could stop himself, his eyes trailed up your back; starting from above your waistline on your pants and going up. 
Then he stopped, his eyes widening when he saw the large scar that looked fairly new – maybe a year or so old. It spanned from the middle of your left shoulder blade to nearly below your ribcage and was positioned diagonally across your back. 
Jake quickly looked away, realizing that you must have not wanted anyone to see it if you hadn’t told him. 
His brow furrowed as questions ran through his mind. Was that why you freaked out during dogfight football, the other day? Why you always tense up when you get an unexpected touch there? 
Shit… He thought, feeling like a horrible friend for never noticing and never asking. 
Jake took a deep breath and walked away, choosing to approach the locker room differently and pretend he never saw you. 
He put on a smile and walked back towards the locker room, “Hey, Rockstar! You almost ready?” He stopped just short of the door, leaning his back against the wall. 
Your head jerked up as you pulled your t-shirt down. “Uh, yeah, Hangman. I’ll be ready in a second.” 
You finished getting ready and walked out, jumping slightly when he pushed off the wall. 
“Geez Hang, don’t do that!” You punched his arm. 
“Gosh, I forgot how hard you punch.” He chuckled and rubbed the spot on his arm as you both walked to the parking lot.
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You all sat in the Hard Deck, drinking and playing pool.
“Dude, she’s kicking your ass!” Payback laughed as he clapped Hangman on the shoulder. 
You were, in fact, kicking Jake’s ass in pool. You couldn’t help the giggle that escaped as the blond narrowed his eyes at Payback. 
“Yeah, you feelin’ okay? You’ve been off your game tonight Bagman,” Rooster commented, smirking as he drank his alcohol. 
Instead of clapping back at the jab, Jake just rolled his eyes and lined up his shot. 
That made you frown, Hangman always had a comeback. Always had sarcastic quips to embarrass the other person. But he was silent. 
You made eye contact when he stood, silently asking if he was okay. He just nodded and moved to sink another pool ball. 
You didn’t want to drop it, but you did for the sake of having fun before facing the chance of death tomorrow.
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Sometime later, after a few rounds of pool and drinks, you all stood around and just talked.
“Hey, did you guys hear about that one pilot that saved her WSO’s life when they got shot down?” Bob asked, looking around the group. 
You clenched your jaw slightly, but not enough for anyone to notice. 
“Bob, that happens all the time. It’s kinda what we do,” Phoenix said, squeezing his shoulder. 
Rooster stood up and sat his beer down. “No, not the way this pilot did. Bob, I know who you’re talking about. I read the mission file, the only thing that was classified was the pilot and WSO’s names.” 
You swirled the beer in your glass, not looking up from the amber liquid. “Did the pilot survive?” 
When you finished asking, you looked up, trying to ignore the watchful eyes of Hangman as you met Rooster’s eyes. 
The latter nodded, “Uh, yeah. Yeah, she did. But she had a pretty serious injury. I’m not sure if she was ever clear to fly again.” 
You nodded and looked back down at your glass. 
“And the WSO?” Jake asked, eyeing you as you downed the rest of your drink before looking at Rooster and Bob. 
“He survived. But I don’t know if he still flies,” Bob answered. 
“Well, that’s good that they both survived,” you said, your smile returning to your face. 
Rooster shook his head a bit, “Yeah, but that pilot pulled a risky move. Saving some like that…” 
Your smile dropped a bit, “People have their reasons.” You raised your glass, “I’m gonna go get another drink.”
Hangman watched you leave as the conversation changed into something more light hearted. 
Jake took a step to go after you but Coyote caught his arm. “Hey, come on. Play me in a round of pool. Let’s see if you still got your game.” Jake looked from his friend back to you and saw you laughing with Penny and Maverick at the bar. That allowed him to relax a little bit. 
“Oh, I still got my game. Let’s see if you found yours,” he smirked. “There he is!” Coyote laughed and clapped Jake on the back.
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As Jake played pool with Coyote, you talked with Penny and Maverick. 
“Are you serious?” 
You nodded, laughing at Penny’s reaction to you telling her how you and Jake met. 
“Pen, why are you surprised? Hangman flirts with every girl,” Maverick said, using his hand to point the direction of the mentioned pilot. You and Penny both nodded your agreement. 
“Sounds familiar,” Penny says, a playful grin on her face making Maverick roll his eyes.
You had become so invested in your conversation with Penny and Mav, that you missed Rooster coming up behind you.
He placed his hand on your back, right on your scar, making you tense and jump in surprise.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to scare ya’ Rocky,” he took his hand off and leaned on the bar. 
“You doin’ okay? You seemed a bit…” He glanced back at the group, thinking of the right word. “...tense a minute ago.” 
You bit the inside of your lip, had you really been that obvious? 
Still, you nodded and gave him your best smile. 
But to him, he could see that it didn’t reach your eyes. He may not have been your best friend, but he had seen plenty of your genuine smiles and this one did not make your eyes shine like the others. 
Bradley decided not to press, “Okay…” He turned to Penny, “Penny, could we get another round?” The bartender nodded, “Of course, but you’re reaching your cut off.” 
Penny had set a cut off for drinks for the pilots not wanting them to go into this mission hungover. You chuckled and glanced back at the group, all of them messing around and having fun. “Yes ma’am.” 
You turned to Rooster and then back down to your empty glass. Penny hadn’t refilled it yet, having started a conversation with you as soon as you came over. 
You glanced at your watch, seeing that you had been there for a couple hours. 
Penny sat a tray down, placing the full glasses on top. “There you are, Rooster. Who’s tab?”
Rooster opened his mouth to tell her to put it on his, but you beat him to it, “Put it on mine Pen.” 
“You got the last round, Rockstar,” Rooster argued. You shrugged, “I don’t mind. Plus, I’m closing my tab for tonight.” 
“What? You’re heading out already?” You nodded, sliding Penny your card, “I’m hitting my limit, Roos.” 
Bradley searched your eyes for a moment, looking for any indication that something was wrong.
You were usually the one that made sure everyone was okay to go home and if they needed rides; so leaving early rung bells in Rooster’s head. 
Penny gave you your card and receipt, “Thank you.” “Thanks Pen,” you gave her a smile before turning back to Rooster. 
“Tell ‘em I’m heading out. I know if I do it I won’t be able to leave.” You gave him a one armed hug and turned to Maverick, “See you in the morning, Captain.” 
“See you in the morning, Rockstar.” 
Penny gently squeezed your hand, giving you a small smile as you slid off the bar stool and walked out. 
Rooster, Maverick, and Penny watched you leave the building before turning to each other, concern written all over their faces. 
“Is she okay? She’s been acting a little off ever since dogfight football the other day,” Penny asked the two pilots. 
They both shrugged, Bradley looking up at her. “I was about to ask you the same thing.” 
“I’ve noticed, but I thought it was just because Harvard and Yale had to eject the other day,” Mav admitted. “We were all a little shaken up by that…” 
It was silent for a minute. 
“You know… if one person knows anything, it’d probably be Seresin,” Penny said, pointing over to the pilot, who was very invested in the game he was winning, and basically suggesting that they talk to him. 
Bradley sighed, knowing that Penny was right and if anyone knew you the best, it would be him. He grabbed the tray, thanking Penny and walking over to the group.
They all cheered when he sat the tray down, taking a glass for themselves. 
Jake noticed that there was an extra and he frowned in confusion before he realized it was for you. 
He looked up, eyes searching for you in the crowd, panicking a little when he couldn’t see you, “Where’s Rockstar?” 
Rooster sighed, “She closed her tab and left. Said she reached her limit.” 
Fanboy frowned a little bit, “Why didn’t she just tell us herself?” 
Rooster shrugged, “Said if she did it would take longer for her to leave.” 
“Does she seem different to you guys?” Coyote asked, finally voicing his concern that had buit up over the last few days. 
The group shared a look before making small noises of agreement. 
“I mean, she’s still the same Y/N. Still lighting up a room and being there for us like she always has been… I just… I don’t know.” 
Rooster looked at Jake, “Hangman, you’re like her best friend, do you know anything?” 
Jake shrugged and shook his head, “All I know is she’s nervous for tomorrow and the accident the other day shook her up a bit, but she hasn’t said anything else.” 
He took a large gulp from his beer, hoping to swallow the confession of seeing your scar that he wanted to bring to light.  You trusted Jake and he wasn’t about to ruin that by telling the squad what he saw when he wasn’t even supposed to know it was there.
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Meanwhile, you walked the beach, taking in the fresh and salty air. You just needed the quiet time before you went home.
You sighed and pulled out your phone, seeing a text from Hangman and laughing slightly at the message.
Hangboy: Hey, I get that I kicked your ass those last few rounds of pool, but you could have told me you were leaving. I would have walked you out. Text me when you get home. 
Also, there was an extra beer. I assume it was meant for you, but you left so I drank it. Don’t worry though, I can handle it.
You shook your head and opened your phone, but not to text Jake.
You went to your contacts and pressed the caller ID, putting the phone to your ear as it rang. 
“Hey, Rockstar, what's up? It’s been awhile.” 
You smiled, sighing, “Sure has been, Tundra. How are you? How’s the little one?” “I’m good. Ben is great, he wants to know when you’ll be by again to visit.” 
You giggled at the fact the 6 year old wanted to see you. “Soon… hopefully.” “Y/N, I know that voice. Is it happening again?” You shook your head, despite the fact that Tundra couldn’t see you. 
“No, no. Well, sorta, but this is different Diego.” You heard him shift, presumably crossing his arms. “What do you mean?” 
You sighed, remembering that you couldn’t share all that much about the mission, even if he was former Navy. 
“I don’t know how much I can tell you. But I got called back to TopGun, and I could be flying out on a mission tomorrow. A dangerous one.” 
“Y/N, do they know?” 
You shook your head again, this time to fight tears. “No, but I’m scared that mid air, I’m gonna freeze. I don’t wanna freeze, Diego. I haven’t frozen since our incident. But I don’t know what’s been wrong these past couple of weeks. I can’t seem to shake off this dread… this-this fear. I do-don’t-” 
He cut you off, “Have you talked to anyone recently?” 
You were silent and he took that as a no. “Y/N, you have to talk about it if you ever want to move past it.”  “I did though. I had mandated therapy for my entire time in recovery.” “And have you been since you recovered?”
You threw a hand up, frustrated, “I thought I was past it! I hadn’t had an attack in a year, not until we were playing football. I-I thought it was just a one time thing, and then something happened during training and I just-” 
You were cut off by a small, tired voice. 
“Is that Aunt Y/N?” 
“It is. Do you want to talk to her? I think she needs to talk to you.” “Yes, please!” You smiled as you heard the phone go to speaker and then be passed to the little boy. 
“Hey, Aunt Y/N!” 
You smiled, tears finally falling, “Benarino, hey buddy.” “I miss you. When are you coming to visit?” You wiped at your eyes with a shaking hand. “Soon, buddy. Really soon,” you sniffled. 
“Aunt Y/N, why are you crying?” 
You laughed, coughing a little at the end, “I just really miss you Benny. I can’t wait to see you.” 
You looked back at the Hard Deck, seeing your fellow pilots laugh and sing. 
“I’m gonna bring a friend too. If that’s okay with your mom and dad?” “That’s alright with me, Rockstar. I’m sure Lila won’t mind.” 
“Who is it?” 
You brought playfulness into your voice, “You remember the pilot I told you about? The one that thought he could fly better than your Aunt Rocky?” 
The little boy giggled, “Yeah!” “Well, I think it’s about time you brought home the boy that stole your heart.” 
“Diego,” you hissed. “We are just friends.” “Mhmm, sure.” You scoffed, rolling your eyes, “You should probably get Ben to bed before Lila wakes up.” 
You heard Diego grunt as he picked up his son, “Goodnight Benny Boy.” “G’night Aunt Y/N.” 
“Call me when you make it back.” You nodded, hand sliding into your back pocket, “Yeah, of course. Night Tundra.” “Night Rockstar.” 
The call ended and you slid your phone into your unoccupied back pocket.
You took in a deep breath, trying to relax again. In through the nose, out through the mouth. In, out. 
On an inhale, the scent of smoke filled your nostrils and it made you hold your breath.
Quickly looking around, you spotted a bonfire a couple yards away. Realizing it was harmless, you let out the breath and tried to relax your shoulders.
But, despite knowing it was completely harmless, your body went into a state of panic. Your chest tightened, limbs went numb, pain spread through your back, and tears filled your eyes. 
You held a hand to your chest, the air stopping just before it made it to your lungs, and stumbled to your car as fast as you could, hoping you weren’t seen by your friends inside the bar.
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Jake looked at his phone as he left the bar. You hadn’t texted him, and by now you definitely should have been back to your on base bungalow. 
Hangman wasn’t going to panic, he knew you well enough that you would have texted or called him if something bad happened. Of course he felt anxious, who wouldn’t, but he was going to remain calm. 
The reason you hadn’t texted him when you got home was because the moment you fumbled yourself into your place, you booked it for the bathroom. 
Your knees smacked into the tile and you threw up whatever alcohol you had consumed before the strangled sob ripped itself from your throat. You crumbled to the tile as your chest refused to let air in. 
Your skin felt hot and sticky, sweat coating it as you laid on your bathroom floor. It wasn’t helping you, your damp, hot skin sending you back to one of the worst days of your life.
So, in a frenzy, you ripped off your shirt and kicked off your shoes and socks before yanking your pants off, not even loosening your belt. 
You crawled over the tub wall, too dizzy to properly stand, before fumbling with the knob to turn the water on. 
Once you got it turned on, you jostled the faucet switch, a desperate sob escaping as it kept falling down before it finally stuck, turning the shower on and drenching you in water.
And that was how Jake found you.
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Jake decided to stop by your place and check on you, that being his only option to get his anxiety to go away. 
When he pulled up to your place and saw your car there, he let out a breath of relief. 
He parked his truck behind your car and ran to your door, his chest lighter than before.
But his chest became heavy again when he made it to your door only to find it unlocked. You rarely left your door unlocked, if ever.
He cautiously pushed it open, looking around to see if anything was out of place. 
Your keys were on the floor, your phone and wallet not too far from them. 
Jake walked further in, making sure to close and lock the door behind him. 
He held his breath as he looked for you. But his search was cut short when he heard the shower running. 
He exhaled and had to take a minute to calm the drumming in his chest. 
He cautiously walked to the bathroom, making sure to knock before walking in. He kept his head down so he didn’t see anything he wasn’t supposed to… again. 
“Hey I was-” 
The door stopped, hitting something on the floor. 
Hangman squinted his eyes in confusion. It was your shoe. He kicked it out of the way and pushed the door open enough for him to just step in and close it. 
He stopped with his hand on the door, realizing that the room didn’t feel like a sauna. There was no fog covering the mirrors and steam wasn’t filling the small space. You always showered hot, and right now the bathroom was freezing. 
Jake finally looked up and saw you curled in the shower, the water cascading from the faucet and hitting your back. It was obvious you had been there for a while because you were shivering. 
Jake sat on the edge of the tub cautiously, not wanting to startle you.
His heart broke at the sound of your quiet crying and the puffy redness of your eyes was a sight Jake never wanted to see again.
The eyes that usually held the brightness of the stars and a kindness that was unmatched, were now red, distant, and constantly filled with tears that fell over and mixed with the water drenching you. 
He hated it.
Jake held his hand under the water and recoiled at how cold it was. 
“Shit,” he cursed as he quickly turned it off. 
When you didn’t react, he knew you truly weren’t in this reality. 
“Y/N,” he spoke gently and touched your arm. He sharply inhaled when he discovered how cold you were. “Y/N, darlin’, we need to dry you off and get you in some warm clothes. You’ll get sick.” 
Jake wasn’t sure if you heard him because you just stared ahead, biting on your nail. He sighed and pulled your hand away from your mouth. 
He moved to pull his hand back but you grabbed it, your freezing cold hand latching onto his warm one. “Please don’t… Jake, please don’t leave.” 
Your voice was quiet and broken, raw with fear. And he was sure that sent a shiver up his back.
Jake quickly shifted to kneel beside the tub, his thumb rubbing back and forth on your hand. “I’d never leave you hangin’.” 
He looked you over, “Can I pick you up?” You nodded, letting his hand slip from your grip and feel it wrap under your legs.
He awkwardly shifted to lean over and pick you up, grunting a little as stood up. He was too pressed about his clothes getting wet, he’s sure he’s got pants somewhere around here.
Jake managed to open the bathroom door and walked to your bedroom. 
He sat you on the bed and quickly grabbed the towel on the back of your desk chair. 
Wrapping it around you, Jake kissed the top of your head. “You’re okay. You’re safe,” he spoke gently against your hair.
He pulled back and watched you bite your lip to keep your tears hidden.
You avoided his eyes, looking at your shaking hands. 
“I’m gonna get you some clothes, okay?” You slowly nodded, lip trembling before you bit down on it again.
Your eyes didn’t follow him as he walked around your room, but your ears were very aware of Jake’s noises; everything from his footsteps to his mumbling. 
In under five minutes, neatly folded clothes were placed beside you and Jake kneeled in front of you, his large hands resting on your biceps gently. 
“Do you want me to stay while you change?” 
It took you a second to register what he had asked, but he was patient and rubbed reassuring circles on your arms with his thumbs. 
You inhaled, the familiar scent of his cologne calming you down a bit. 
You were tempted to say yes, you didn’t want to be alone but you also didn’t want Jake to see you any more vulnerable than he already has. 
You shook your head, unconsciously pulling the towel tighter around you. 
Jake noticed it and nodded, “Okay, I’ll go tidy up your bathroom and throw some blankets in the dryer to fluff them up and get ‘em warm.” He gave you a small smile and stood, leaving the room and the door open just a crack.
You managed to peel off the wet bra and underwear, drying off before changing. 
That simple task was exhausting. It felt like your bones had turned to rocks and your muscles no longer existed. But eventually, you did it.
You haphazardly dried your hair, basically just dry enough to where it wasn’t dripping, and walked into the small living room. 
You sat on the couch, deciding to occupy your hands with your oversized shirt while you waited for Jake. 
Minutes later he was on the couch beside you, wrapping you in the fresh-out-of-the-dryer blanket. 
“Thank you…” Your voice had a rawness to it that made Jake shiver, something was really wrong and he didn’t know how to help.
He nodded and rubbed your upper back, “Of course.”
He sat there for a moment, just listening to your sniffles and weeping exhales, before finally turning to face you. 
“What’s going on? ‘Cause this-” He gestured to you and your current state. “-is way more than just nerves for tomorrow.” 
“I’ll be-” 
“If you say ‘fine’, I swear,” he sighed to control his volume. “Y/N, you are not fine.” 
The blond pilot took a deep breath, looking at the sliver of couch cushion between you. “I saw it…” 
If you weren’t going to be honest, then he needed to be. Maybe what he saw is connected to what was shaking you to your core all of a sudden.
He finally looked up at you and watched your breathing halt as fear filled your eyes. 
Jake continued, making sure to keep his tone even, “I didn’t mean to. I was just looking for you in the locker room today and I-” He stopped talking when you choked out a small cry. 
He immediately pulled you into his lap, one hand going to the back of your head and the other arm wrapped around your lower back. “I got you… I got you.”
Jake closed his eyes and rocked you a little as his mind went back to the day these roles were reversed.
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Jake had sat in the locker room, flight suit half off and tied around his waist. His knee bouncing as his eyes went in and out of focus. 
“Hangman!” You called as you ran down the hall. But he couldn’t hear you with the blood still rushing in his ears. 
“Hangman! Hang- There you are!” You jogged to him and saw that his emerald eyes were blank, not the playful or confident eyes you normally saw. “Hey, Hang- Jake what’s wrong?” You knelt in front of him, putting a hand on his bouncing knee to stop it.
Jake looked at you, the concern swimming in your eyes breaking whatever resolve he had left. 
The tears he tried so hard to hold in finally spilled down his cheeks. 
You instantly cupped his face in your hands, wiping them away, “What’s got you so shaken up? I’ve never seen you like this.” 
He shook his head, pushing your hands away as he sat up and leaned against the locker. “You’re not supposed to.” 
You sighed and leaned back on your heels, “What happened up there?” 
Jake wiped the still flowing tears, shaking his head, “I don’t know. I guess- Fuck I don’t know, Rockstar.” 
You stood, “Talk to me, Jake. Please, I’m your friend and I want to help.” 
Your tone was desperate and worried. This was a new version of Jake that you would have never seen if you hadn’t followed him off the tarmac.
Hangman finally got the guts to grab your hand and squeeze it. He took a deep breath as he tried to collect himself. 
“I almost lost you up there. You’re one of my closest friends, we’ve only known each other for a few months and I feel like we’ve known each other forever. I never let myself be that close to anyone, but you made it so easy.” 
His voice was raw and shaky. He was scared, but you couldn’t blame him. What just happened to you both was really intense and it was scary. But you were both okay.
You squeezed his hand back, giving him a soft but encouraging smile. 
“Can we just- Shit this is gonna sound so weird…” 
You knew where he was going, so you straddled his legs and wrapped him in a hug. “I got you Jake, I got you.”
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That was when Jake realized the backstory to your call sign. You were everyone’s rock. You kept everyone sane, even at the expense of yourself.
Which is why you were currently shaking and sobbing in his arms. You never sought out comfort for your problems, a bad habit you picked up in high school. You always put everyone first, and you had it in your head that you couldn’t be vulnerable. 
You pulled away from him, not meeting his eyes, “I’m sorry…” 
“Why the fuck are you apologizing?” 
“Because I-” 
“Because you’re being vulnerable in front of someone?” You nodded, unconsciously playing with your fingers. “Look at me, please.” You did, biting your lip to hold your tears in. 
“You are allowed to be vulnerable. You are allowed to cry. You are allowed to be scared. You shouldn’t have to hide your feelings from your friends. I’m sorry if we ever made you feel like you couldn’t talk to us.” 
You nodded, staying silent, focusing on how Jake had moved his hand from the back of your head to your cheek to rub his thumb back and forth on your cheekbone. 
Your silence broke his heart a little bit, making him think you didn’t trust him. But he knew he had to be patient with you. 
He goes to move his hand away but you hold it there. “I thought I was over it…” 
“Over what, Sweetheart?” 
“The accident…” 
Jake pushed some hair behind your ear, “What accident?” 
You took a deep breath, closing your eyes as a few tears rolled down your cheeks. He wiped them away as he spoke softly, “Take your time…” You nodded, swallowing as you tried to catch your bearings. 
“A year before I was stationed with you, I was flying a mission. It was dangerous, but still fairly routine. On my way out, I got hit. It completely destroyed my weapons system. Before I could get back up, I was hit again. This time it took out my engine.” You took another deep breath, looking up at the ceiling. 
“We were dropping altitude fast and my WSO and I had to eject. We landed on a beach, we unbuckled so fast,” you chuckled, remembering the relief you and Diego felt before the shit hit the fan.
Jake smiled a little bit at the sound, but dropped it when you started talking again.
“However the jet had also crashed onto the beach too. The fuel had leaked and caused an explosion. I covered my WSO, and a piece of scrap metal lodged itself into my back.” 
Jake’s eyes widened, more dots connecting in his mind, “You’re the pilot the squad was talking about at the bar…” 
You nodded, wiping your eyes, “Jake, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner. It’s just… when I was in recovery, if I wanted to fly again, I had to go through therapy. And I haven’t had an attack in a year…” You got choked up again, hot tears rolling down your face, “Hang, I’m so sorry.” 
He shook his head, using both of his hands to wipe your face, “Hey, don’t be sorry. Do I wish you would have told me sooner? Hell yeah, but I understand why you didn’t.” You just nodded and relaxed into his hands.
“What happens when you have an attack?” 
You took a sharp inhale through your nose before sighing it out, “It depends. I sometimes get flashbacks of the beach, everytime I close my eyes I just see fire and it’s fucking terrifying. Other times, when it gets really bad, I can feel pain in my back, but that’s rare.” 
You bit your lip a little as you looked away, and Jake knew, “That happened tonight didn’t it?” You nodded, coughing a little bit, “Yeah, uh, yeah it did.” 
“Was it because we talked about-” 
“No," you said quickly. "W-well, I mean kinda… yeah. But there was a bonfire happening on the beach, and just the two things… my brain went into panic mode. Before you ask, I don’t really know what triggers it. But during dogfight football-” 
Jake’s eyes widened and he dropped his hands, “Fuck, Y/N, I’m so sorry. I had no idea.” 
“Exactly, Jake, you had no idea. It’s not your fault. It was just the pressure on my scar made me panic, and I was back on that damned beach. But I’m not mad or upset with you because you had no idea. So don’t beat yourself up, please.” 
Jake nodded, bringing you into a hug again, being mindful of the scar. “Jake, you can touch it. I know I’m safe.” He said nothing and brought a hand to run over the covered scar before tightening his hug. 
“Can you tell me about him? Your WSO?” 
You nodded, “Diego Harding, call sign Tundra. He has a wife and a son.”
“That’s why you-” 
“Yeah, that’s why I covered him. He had a family to go back to.” 
“What about you?” 
You sighed again, using Jake’s shoulders to sit up, “Most of my family served. My dad was killed in action when I was young. My mom died when I was a teenager, leaving Piers to raise me for a little bit. Then Piers goes and sacrifices himself… so I didn’t have anyone to come home too.” 
You shrugged and got off his lap, but snuggled into his side.
He rubbed lazy circles on your bicep. “Well now you do.” You looked up at him confused, “What?” 
“You’ve got me to come home to, and I’ve got you.” He placed a chaste kiss on your forehead. “Don’t get sappy on me, Seresin.” He just chuckled.
It was silent for a moment. 
“Promise me that you’ll do your best to fly back to me,” he asked in a hushed whisper as if he were telling you a secret.
“Only if you do,” you whispered back.
He held out his pinky, “I promise.” You nodded, interlocking your pinky with his, “I promise too.” 
“Can’t break that now, you know,” he chuckled, squeezing your pinky a little. You giggled a little before yawning, “I know, cowboy.”
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my little cassettes <33: @els-marvelvsp @kmc1989 @criminallyhamilfan13 @lynnevanss @lovinglyeternal @desert-fern @startrekfangirl2233 @bradleybeachbabe @sebsxphia @mamachasesmayhem @hangmansgbaby @teacupsandtopgun @luckyladycreator2 @hotch-meeeeeuppppp @horseshoegirl @dakotakazansky @djs8891 @nobody7102 @bobby-r2d2-floyd @mongoosesthings
i apologize if i missed anyone! if you're not on here and wish to be, please fill out my taglist form! -> hello!!
even if you already are here, please fill it out so i can keep track!
love you guys! 💜
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hotchners-wifey · 3 months
Save Her
Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader, Platonic!BAU x Reader, Morgan!Sister Reader
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Summary: Y/N has a past she's never told anyone about, she was involved in some heavy things when she lived in England with her Aunt and Uncle. Things she thought were murdered along with her best friend, things she thought went missing with her boyfriend. Things that followed her to Quantico, Virginia. Previous Chapter~ Next Chapter Chapter Warnings: Cursing, Sicknesses, death A/N: I didn't want the character to get confused with Morgan so I put Y/L/N so just pretend your last name is the name you took when you moved with your aunt and uncle.
________________________________________ I got out and gave the keys to Benny and helped Penny get out of the car and into the building. I thanked George for holding the door up and we walked into the building. Still holding onto Penny I walked to the elevator and pressed the button. Emily groaned, "Ugh I just want to get into bed and sleep for thirty years." I laughed, the elevator doors opened and we loaded into the elevator. Penny leaned onto my shoulder and started to nod off. "Hey Penny try to stay awake, we still have to get you to my apartment and out of these clothes." She sighed and nodded slightly, the doors opened and we walked down to my apartment. I opened the door and we piled into my apartment. We all helped Penny change into her pink unicorn pajamas, before getting ready for bed ourselves. I decided to sleep in the living room with the girls, I pulled out the blowup mattress for JJ and Emily. Me and Penny got the futon, after getting ready for bed I laid next to Penny and wished the girls goodnight. I laid awake for a while before drifting off to sleep. ________________________________________ 10 years ago ________________________________________ Looking out the window of the airplane I couldn't help but miss home, I told my Aunt about what had happened and she demanded me to move back to America. And to bribe me she used the BAU, she knew I was interested in joining the FBI so she helped me get settled into an apartment in Quantico, Virginia. She also helped me get into a class for the BAU. I didn't want to leave my aunt alone but she always said the same thing, "I'm not alone, your uncle will be here to keep me company." My uncle who died three years ago from cancer and I always respond with "He'll always keep you company." and she would smile and give me a long hug. When the plane landed I arrived at the gate and spotted my brother and some bubbly broad next to him. I rushed towards him and gave him a massive hug. "Derek! I missed you so much!" I exclaimed and pulled away, "How's my older brother been." He smirks "I've been good, oh this is Penelope Garcia. Babygirl this is Y/N Y/L/N. Since you're starting training at the BAU you'll be seeing her a lot." I looked over at her and smiled shaking her hand. "I've heard so much about you, all good things I promise." She exclaims, I laugh, "He better be telling you good things." She giggles. "I don't need my soon to be team thinking badly of me." I say looking directly at Derek, he chuckles nervously and nods. We walk to grab my bags and leave the airport, "So I heard that Aunty set you up with an apartment. Is that true?" I nodded, "She wouldn't tell me how much the place cost because from the pictures she showed me the place seems pretty pricey." Derek shakes his head with a slight smile and grabs my bags. "Now you and I both know how stubborn that woman is." I laughed as we walked out the airport and headed to his black SUV. "Damn Der, where did you get this beauty?" He smirked, "Perks of the job sweetie. You'll get there one day." He placed my bags in the trunk and we got in the car, "Alright lets get you to your new home." He started the SUV and we drove to the building and when we arrived my jaw dropped. "Wow I didn't expect her to go this far with my new apartment." I got out of the car when a chauffeur came up to us, "Hello my name is Benny, I'm one of this fine establishments chauffeurs and this is Chris he will be taking your bags up to your apartment Miss Y/L/N." I looked at him shocked, "You know who I am?" He nodded "Your Aunt sent us an image of you so we knew to give you the right room." Derek gave my bags to Chris and he put them on the cart and entered the hotel. My aunt really outdid herself this time. I couldn't believe she would blow off this much money for me, I turned to the chauffeur, "Just out of curiosity, how much did my aunt spend on my apartment?" He smiled "She didn't spend anything on your apartment, she owns the place." ________________________________________ Taglist~ @sebastiansstanswhore
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current submitted characters
will be updated as submissions come through.
(long post - list under the cut)
Twilight Sparkle - My Little Pony
Beth Tezuka - Bravest Warriors
Arnold Rimmer - Red Dwarf
The Captain - BBC Ghosts
Morris Moss - The IT Crowd
Nepeta Leijon - Homestuck
Kim Jokja - Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint
Sousuke Sagara - Full Metal Panic!
Mirabel Madrigal - Encanto
Kagami Tsurugi - Miraculous Ladybug
Taiyou Takada - My Clueless First Friend
Frankie Stein - Monster High (G3)
Jamie Winton - You, Me And The Apocalypse
Mino Naraidate - Ayakashi Akashi
Misumi Ikaruga - A3!
Strawberry Crepe Cookie - Cookie Run: Kingdom
Jotaro Kujo - JoJo's Bizzare Adventure
K1-B0 - Danganronpa V3
Morrigan Crow - Nevermoor Series
Benny - The LEGO Movie
Data - Star Trek: The Next Generation
Malleus Draconia - Twisted Wonderland
Spencer Reid - Criminal Minds
Lilo Pelekai - Lilo And Stitch
Temperance Brennan - Bones
Subaru Mikazuki - My Roommate Is A Cat
Homare Arisugawa - A3!
Ranpo Edogawa - Bungou Stray Dogs
Alhaitham - Genshin Impact
Futaba Sakura - Persona 5
Athena Cykes - Ace Attorney
Midorya Izuku - My Hero Academia
Bakugou Katsuki - My Hero Academia
Iida Tenya - My Hero Academia
Todoroki Shouto - My Hero Academia
Aizawa Shouta - My Hero Academia
Present Mic - My Hero Academia
James - End Of The F***ing World
Chu Sangwoo - Semantic Error
Chalarm - Dinosaur Love
Connor - Detroit: Become Human
Max Caulfield - Life Is Strange
Parker - Leverage
Lan Zhan - The Untamed
Ram - My Engineer
Kim Theerapanyakul - KinnPorsche
Alex Chen - Life Is Strange: True Colours
Penny Poledina - RWBY
Huey Duck - DuckTales
Denki Kaminari - My Hero Academia
Mihashi Ren - Big Windup!
Khabluken - Star In My Mind
Akk Pipitphattana - The Eclipse
Scott Summers (Cyclops) - X-Men
Hank McCoy (Beast) - X-Men
Orbulon - Warioware
Benrey - Half-Life VR But The AI Is Self-Aware
Gilion Tidestrider - Just Roll With It
Stanford Pines - Gravity Falls
Goemon Ishikawa XIII - Lupin III
Ash - Fire Emblem Heroes
Ty Betteridge - WOE.BEGONE
Maria Ushiromiya - Umineko No Naku Koro Ni
Yusuke Kitagawa - Persona 5
Charlie Kelly - It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia
Rachel Lindt - Worm
Arisugawa Himari (Cure Custard) - Kirakira Pretty Cure a la Mode
Akhiko Sanada - Persona 3
Shadow The Hedgehog - Sonic The Hedgehog
Makoto Niijima - Persona 5
Streber - Spooky Month
Murray Hewitt - Flight Of The Conchords
Noel Gruber - Ride The Cyclone
Ushijima Wakatoshi - Haikyuu!!
Howard Moon - The Mighty Boosh
Mikitaka Hazekura - JoJo's Bizzare Adventure
Edward - Cowboy Bebop
MK - LEGO Monkie kid
Red Son - LEGO Monkie Kid
Mitsuru Kirijo - Persona 3
Aziraphale - Good Omens
Nemona - Pokémon Scarlet & Violet
Peter Sqloint - Just Roll With It
Bart Allen (Impulse) - DC Comics
Nanami Kento - Jujitsu Kaisen
Stannis Baratheon - Game Of Thrones: A Song Of Ice And Fire
Inspector Javert - Les Misérables
N - Pokémon Black & White
Vinyl Scratch (DJ Pon-3) - My Little Pony
Coco Pommel - My Little Pony
Alicia Hamilton - LPS Popular
Francis York Morgan - Deadly Premonition
Hunter - The Owl House
Mischa Bachinski - Ride The Cyclone
Auggie Hilderbrant - Scary Movies To Tell In The Dark
Sunny - OMORI
Chris Kirkman - Bravest Warriors
Himiko Yumeno - Danganronpa V3
Espresso Cookie - Cookie Run: Kingdom
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Pairing: past Dean x Reader, past Dean x Allie (OC), past Benny x Reader, Sam x Jess Word count: 2,255
Read on AO3
Final Part of Unholy
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Mary knew Holland, and had for years. So, she offered to speak with her that night while Dean worked on your car. You honestly felt that was the best way to go about things. You truly hoped that Mary could get through to her. 
Once you locked up, you went to ask Dean what he would like for dinner. “Hey.” You greeted him. He was by your car, getting it on to the lift. 
“Hey.” He glanced at you for a moment. 
“I’m gonna order dinner so we can eat before you deal with my tires.” You told him. “Any requests? Subs? Pizza? Chinese?” 
He thought for a minute. “How’s subs sound? Haven’t had those in a bit. I’ll get their pizza one.” 
Smiling, you nodded. “Sounds good.” You turned to go get those ordered. 
“I’ll run down the street to get us drinks. What would you like?” He asked, wiping his hands. 
“Can you get me a Sprite and an OJ? I like to mix them.” You chuckled. 
“Sprite and OJ coming up.” He agreed, going to clean up. He’d leave his coveralls on, not seeing the point in taking them off, just to put them back on. He hoped that the two of you could get to a point where you were friends. 
Smiling, you went to go relax at the counter. You’d work on getting things ahead for the following day until the subs arrived. Then you’d be done for the day. 
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You had just finished eating when Dean got a text. You couldn’t tell who it was from by the look on his face. “Mom talked to Holland.” He told you. “She said that she told her how Allie talked to her about everything that happened, and how Allie was your friend. She also told her that Allie would be very disappointed in Holland’s actions towards you.” He went on, then chuckled. “She ended with the mom voice and telling her she needed to behave before my mom went to speak with Holland’s mom because this would affect the kids.” 
That made you laugh. “Yeah, don’t get other mom’s involved.” You shook your head. 
“Thankfully all that worked. Holland promised to back off. That she’s still not happy with everything, but the last thing she wants is to upset the kids.” 
“I owe your mom some flowers and a thank you card!” You smiled. “Maybe tomorrow after work I’ll go get my car washed and then stop to get her one.” 
“I’m gonna powerwash that side of your car. That should take care of that spray paint.” He didn’t want you driving home with your car like that. “Won’t take too long.” He assured you, knowing you’d likely try to refuse. 
You nodded. “Alright.” You agreed. That would be one less thing on your mind, at least. 
After a few minutes of silence, Dean spoke up. “Did you want to talk names before I go back to working on your tires?” He offered, taking the last bite of his sub. 
“How about we each make a list, and then tomorrow after the kids are in bed we can call and talk about them? Unless you already have a list.”
He looked a bit bashful. “I have a couple in mind, actually.” He admitted. 
You were a bit surprised. “Yeah? Can I hear them?” 
He pulled up his notes app where he’d been putting them as they came to mind. “Clara, Jane, Daisy, and Alice.” He looked to you. 
“Those are really cute names!” You grinned. “Not gonna lie…Clara Jane sounds like a good name.” You said truthfully. “The names I like are Grace, Sophia, Penelope…Yes, like from my favorite show. You cannot fault me. She’s amazing.” You chuckled. “And then Emma.” 
Dean thought those names over, putting different name combinations together. “Isn’t Penelope from that serial killer show you watched with Allie?” He asked after a moment. You nodded. “Penny is a cute nickname for that.” He mused. “I’m digging either the Clara Jane or maybe Penelope Grace. Those right now are the top two.” 
You pulled out your phone to write those down. “I think both would sound good with ‘Winchester’, too. Only reason I avoided ‘w’ names.” You chuckled. Seeing the shocked look on his face, you tilted your head. “What’s wrong?” 
“She’s gonna be a Winchester?” He asked, voice quiet. 
“Of course. I can tell you’re a great dad, and you didn’t run for the hills when you found out I’m pregnant.” It was easy for you to decide that. 
He looked emotional. “Thank you. I’d been wondering, honestly.” He downed the last of his soda. 
You gave him a soft smile. “Of course.” 
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After that night, you were invited to weekly dinners at the Winchester’s house, feeling more and more welcome as time went on. You’d even had Dean and the kids over a couple times to have pizza and a movie night at your apartment. Layla looked more and more like Allie as time went on, as well. She loved to ask you to brush her hair when she saw you, and you had no objections. 
You and Dean were friends, and nothing more. If you were honest with yourself, he was your best friend. Garth and Cas become like your family, as well. When you were 8 months pregnant, Mary threw you a baby shower at their house. The guys were there, and so was your mom. It was the first time your mother was meeting the rest of them. You were nervous as all hell. She knew the truth of what had happened, and you didn’t know how she’d be with Dean. 
Everyone was having a good time and you realized that you couldn’t see you mom…or Dean. “Great.” You groaned. Hopefully your mom hadn’t dragged him off to yell at him or something. Just as you were about to go check the backyard, you saw them coming back. Your mother patted his cheek lovingly and you chuckled. Clearly, your mother liked Dean. You went over to your mother when Dean went to talk to John who was refilling the cooler. “Mom, please tell me you were nice to Dean.” 
“I just wanted to make sure he was going to keep up the whole ‘being sweet’ thing for you.” She smiled. “And I approve.” 
You raised an eyebrow at her. “You approve of him being my friend?” You chuckled. 
She dramatically rolled her eyes. “That boy loves you, and I know it.” She shrugged, sipping her drink. 
“Please don’t, mom.” You sighed. “It’s only been three months since Allie and Benny passed, and do you forget that he cheated on her with me? What’s to say that wouldn’t happen again?” Your voice was low. “So please, don’t meddle.” You asked her, clearly ending the conversation. “Just enjoy the baby shower.” 
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You worked until you were 38 weeks pregnant, and then you opted to take some time off. Thankfully you still got paid, which was a huge help. It was one less thing for you to worry about. It did mean you felt somewhat bored most days. Not having to go into work left your days wide open. You hoped you had her on time because that would mean you had her to look after.
However, come 41 weeks pregnant, you were still very much pregnant. And very much over it. Every day you took a walk after dinner, having been told that could help. You also continued to go to the weekly dinners at the Winchesters. You adored the kids, and played cards or board games with them whenever they asked. 
“Are you okay?” David asked you as he sat next to you at dinner. “You made a funny face.” 
“Yeah, I’m fine.” You assured him. Until you made a face a few minutes later. “Okay, maybe I’m not.” You breathed. “I think I’m going into labor.” You looked at Dean, scared. You’d never done this before!
“Alright, Dean, bring Y/N to her apartment. Relax there until contractions are about 5 minutes apart.” Mary spoke up. “The kids can stay here.” She added. Although she knew Dean had done all this with Allie, his mind was likely in a very different place. The last time he brought her to the hospital…she didn’t make it out. 
Dean nodded, quickly getting up to help you up. “We’ll drive your car, okay?” He told you. 
“Yeah.” You agreed. “Bye, guys.” You waved at the kids. 
“Bye!” They waved. Did they know they were getting another sister? 
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Once back at your place, you went to sit on the couch and paused. “Can you get me a folded towel to sit on? Just in case?” You asked him, watching him rush to find one. “Thank you.” You watched him get it set up for you and then helped you sit. 
“Do you have a hospital bag packed and a diaper bag?” He asked, wanting things ready to go when you told him it was time. He was doing his best not to let panic take over, wanting to remain calm for you. 
“They’re both in my room in her crib.” You told him. “Sit down. Relax. There’s nothing you can do for me right now.” You said gently as he paced the living room. “She’ll let us know when it’s time to go to the hospital.” Holding out your hand for him, you also wanted to remain calm for him. Four months ago he was in the same spot with Allie, and he didn’t know that he’d lose her. You couldn’t fathom what was going through his head at the moment. 
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Mary was plating up breakfast the next morning for the kids when she got a text. Putting down the pan that held the cheesy scrambled eggs, she quickly looked. It was a group text from Dean. “Penelope Grace Winchester. 8:01am, 21 inches long, 7 lbs 3 oz.” He sent with a picture of her sleeping. 
She instantly replied, gushing over how cute she was. Hearing Ethan fuss, she went to scoop him up. He instantly quieted, making her chuckle to herself. He just really wanted to be held. She kissed his forehead and finished serving breakfast one handed. She loved her grandkids, and looked forward to being there for Penelope, too. 
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It was a whirlwind when you brought her home. Mary had surprised you with some freezer meals so you didn’t really have to cook, which was a massive help. She also told you if you’d like, she could bring Ethan and Layla over some days to keep you company. Those days, she cuddled Penny as much as she could. 
Before you knew it, it was time for you to go back to work. Penny was three months old, and you were all but pouting. Dean was over with Ethan while John and Mary took the older kids to Chuck E. Cheese for dinner. You couldn’t wait for Xander and David to tell you all about it. “I’m so used to being around her that I don’t know how I’m gonna last all day without seeing that little face.” You told him as he fed her. You were holding Ethan who was contently watching you. 
“I actually thought about that…” He smiled at you. 
“I can’t stay home any more.” You chuckled. “I need to work.” You reminded him. “And she needs to eat.” 
He stuck his tongue out at you. “Bring her to work. You have that baby carry Cas got you, right?” You simply nodded. “She’s not mobile just yet, and it’s not like the shop is all that loud. Just bring her carrier, diaper bag, and swing.” He suggested. “I happen to know the owner would be totally okay with that being the solution.” 
You looked down at Ethan and made a face at him before looking back to Dean. “And plan to find a daycare when she’s more mobile?” That seemed a bit more feasible. 
“Oh, no.” He didn’t like that idea. “That’s when we get a playpen for behind the counter and give her some toys.” He said like it was the easiest thing in the world. “We’ll make it work.” He promised. 
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And you had made it work. Penny was a fixture in the shop most days of the week. Some days Mary and John wanted time with all their grandkids and would come get her. You never argued. You’d met Sam, Jess, and their two kids early that summer. You’d been beyond nervous, but it soon occurred to you that you had no reason to be. Sam took to both Ethan and Penny, easily carrying both infants around the yard as the older kids all played. 
You and Jess hit it off right away, as well. In many ways, she reminded you of Allie. While the guys played with the kids, you and her sat with the babies in the shade. She told you a bunch of stories about Dean, about Allie, and the group as a whole. 
When they left, you and Jess exchanged numbers, wanting to stay in touch. “I was a bit worried how awkward things would be…when Sam explained the entire situation about you and Dean.” Jess told you softly. “But there was none. You two are great together. I’m still upset about him being a dick, but doesn’t mean I don’t want him happy in the long run.” 
You blushed. “We’re not together.” You corrected her. 
She smirked. “Yet.” She teased before hugging you. 
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hopeamarsu · 2 years
Paper planes - part 1
Frankie Morales x fem reader
Rating: Mature
Word count 6,3k
Warnings: Soulmate AU, soulmate-identifying marks, single dad!Frankie, minor angst, dating services, TF boys are a family
A/N: I found this one deep into my Google Drive folders and maybe it’s time it sees the light of day. Then I read it through and realised it’s about 12k words so I split it down the middle. I’ll post the second part in a few days. 
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Frankie opened the door to the small bar, enjoying the smell of greasy food and beer wafting to greet him when he stepped inside from the cold. He shook off his coat, draping it over his hand while nodding at Mark behind the counter before heading towards their usual table. 
Soon enough, a glass of cold, golden deliciousness was delivered in front of him while he got himself seated and settled. Frankie was the first of the guys to arrive though that was not unusual; he lived the closest to the bar and Santi was always running late anyways. Checking his phone for messages from the babysitter (none), Frankie scrolled aimlessly for some articles while he waited. 
“Hey man, sorry I’m late,” Benny’s voice pulled him out of his phone and the tall man flopped opposite him. Frankie grinned, pushing his phone closed and taking in the flushed appearance. Benny looked good, his eyes sparkling as he pushed his floppy hair off his face. There was something sparkling in the younger man’s gaze that made Frankie drop his eyes to his hands and when the realisation hit, he grinned wide. 
“No way! When? Who?” 
Benny grinned back, lifting his right hand to show the colourful mark of an envelope on the inside of his wrist. What had once been a faded grey mark under a standard leather cuff was now bare skin with a mark of a mix of blue and green, the vibrancy of them giving away that Benny now had what all they hoped for deep inside.
Benny had found his soulmate. 
“It’s Sam, from the gym. Will usually does my wraps but he was busy doing something,” Benny waggled his eyebrows suggestively and Frankie chuckled low. They both knew that since Will had been introduced to his lady at a corporate event a few months back, they’d been at it like bunnies. 
Frankie couldn’t have been happier for his brother, even if it meant that Will missed a couple of get-togethers because of the love he now had in his life. Will deserved the happiness. And now it looked like he could be similarly happy for his other brother as well. 
“So Sam offered to help me and, you know you can’t do the wraps without touching, and boom! Instant colour and these full-body tingles all over me - thanks Mark - and we were just standing there, all dumbfounded for a moment.”
“I hope you did something more than just stand there, Benjamin,” Frankie couldn’t help but tease a little, hoping that his weak grin would mask the slight pang inside his heart when Benny cackled loudly and confirmed that yes, there had been kissing and confessions and they were going out on a date tomorrow night. 
He knew the likelihood of finding his own soulmate was low; most people never met them in their lifetime. Benny was extremely lucky that way. And with him having a kid and working as a helicopter mechanic full time, the likelihood was even lower since he didn’t have time or funds to attend those lavish matchmaking events that people raved about. Any spare penny he got went to Ella and her future and he wouldn’t have it any other way.
But still, there was the romantic notion inside him that yearned for that sort of connection, that perfect harmony a soulmate love was supposed to bring you. To have that bond and that trust and everything good that came with a soulmate was something Frankie craved deep inside. 
He wanted someone to dote upon, to be himself with - scars and all - and know they had been made to be together with him. He wanted to love and be loved in return, the whole fairytale shebang and happily ever after he often read to Ella as a bedtime story. 
“You okay man?” 
Benny’s voice brought him back to the bar and present and he shook his head to clear out his mind. “Yeah, yeah. Sorry man, I must be still tired of that double shift I pulled.” It was a weak excuse but thankfully Benny got the underlying message and nodded. 
“No worries. I’m babbling anyway, so… There was another reason I asked you here tonight.” Benny dug around his pockets for a moment before pulling out a black envelope, thick and glossy and Frankie’s eyebrows shot up. He didn’t even register that Benny said I, not we. 
“Tell me you didn’t propose to Sam yet.” He blurted out.
“Nah, I want to enjoy dating first. Someone down the line sure, being soulmates and all, but not yet,” Benny grinned before pushing the envelope towards the brunette. Frankie’s fingers shook a little when he took the envelope from Benny and twirled it around. The cardstock was hefty and beautiful and the golden R pressed on the seal made him look at his brother again, this time with suspicion. 
“The Registry? What are you doing with an envelope from the Registry, Benny?” 
“The boys and I, we thought…” The second the words were out of Benny's mouth, Frankie barked one of his own out.
“Just listen, Catfish!”
Frankie huffed, crossing his hands in front of his body. His brown eyes, normally soft and tender, were hard as steel against Benny’s earnest blue ones. He slid the envelope back towards the other man with a frown. 
“I’m not going to let you spend your hard earned money like this, Ben. Just no. Take it back, get a fucking refund.”
The Registry was one of the world's most prestigious love matching companies. Their success rate was phenomenal compared to the others and they were used by celebrities, politicians, and people with deep pockets and way too much money on their hands. They got the best of the best from engineers, doctors, professionals in their payroll and it showed both in the success stories people could read in the newspapers and their stock price. 
The Registry was a modern equivalent of a fairy godmother. They did everything, from matchmaking events to DNA testing that could guarantee you your match and stuff in between also. They had wardrobe consultants, makeup artists and counsellors who made sure you knew exactly what you were walking into when meeting a DNA-approved potential soulmate. 
Even if the Registry match wasn’t your soulmate, the match was still solid. People got married, had civil unions that lasted decades when they were matched by the precious algorithm The Registry had developed. Frankie was quite sure the algorithm was more guarded than the Queen of the United Kingdom herself. In normal circumstances, he might’ve laughed about the absurdity of a piece of code being so protected, but not in this case. 
The first time Frankie had had the urge to use a matchmaking company to help, he’d looked up the Registry website and his eyes had nearly bugged out of his head once he saw the price tag that came with the prestige. The cheapest thing, a lottery ticket to enter a draw to potentially attend one of their events cost over 500 dollars and everything just went up from there. Their motto seemed to be that the more you invested in the firm, the more guaranteed the end result was. 
He’d closed out the site pretty quick, not wanting to feel even more depressed, and had quickly tossed out any notion of using an outside consultant in his search. Years later he had nothing to show for it but the idea of what was inside the envelope still made Frankie feel hesitant. 
He wanted love, sure, but not at that cost. Never at that cost. The idea that his brothers had done this, spent their own money on a frivolous thing like a matchmaking service made him shiver. He eyed Benny, working his mouth to not start yelling at him but Benny just looked back with a soft expression. 
“Just listen for a moment, okay? Santi and Will are in this with me. We split the cost, Fish. We just want you to find happiness and they are the best so we thought we could give you something to start with. And you’re not getting Christmas presents for a few years.” 
The weak joke quirked Frankie’s lips a little. Benny latched onto it immediately and pushed the envelope across the table once more. His eyes, the ones Santi had dubbed as puppy dog eyes, were open and honest as they scanned the older man’s face. 
“It’s not the DNA thing, don’t worry. We just, uh, we got you a meeting with one of the Registry consultants who will organise three dates for you with potential candidates. If it doesn’t work out, it doesn’t and we get half of our money back, no harm done.” 
He took a small pause, before continuing. “We know you have Ella and she’s your world, but Fish, we know you. We’ve seen the way you look at Will and his lady and I could see it in your eyes now when I told you about Sam. You’re a fucking romantic and so are we. Let us do this for you, yeah?”
Benny fell silent, letting his words sink in. The boxer watched and waited with bated breath before the pilot slowly picked the envelope into his hands. He turned it over again and flipped it open, letting a folded paper fall out with a small, heavier cardboard certificate. 
Mr. Morales, you are cordially invited to meet with the Registry matchmaking consultant to arrange a set of 3 dates with potential matches. Please book your first appointment at your earliest convenience. 
Frankie lifted his eyes to meet Benny again and the younger man smiled softly. 
“We just want you to be happy, man, that’s all. You deserve all the happiness in the world.” 
How could he say no to that, Frankie thought and rose from his seat, pulling Benny in for a long hug. “Gracias hermano,” He whispered, letting his emotion creep into his voice. He felt Benny grip him tighter, murmuring thank you’s over and over again. 
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You wanted to rub your aching forehead so badly. The last client to walk out your door had been a nightmare, though you couldn’t actually say that out loud. 
Your newest customer was a daughter of a high-ranking politician. She’d shown up in your office at the appointed time with a list of demands for her potential match a mile long, practically slamming the binder on your table. Before you could open your mouth, she was working her way through it, pointing at the list and commenting on each of the bulleted items. 
There had been no time to ask questions, to start on the questionnaire, nothing. She just ploughed on and once your three-hour mark was up, she’d slammed the binder closed and sashayed out of office, leaving only the scent of her expensive perfume to linger. And to think this was only your first appointment with her, the next coming up in two days. You already dreaded it.  
You could hardly blame her though, the search for a good match was hard with people hiding their marks and masking their intentions left and right. And with the spotlight on her it was even harder, but you knew that if you couldn’t produce a miracle, she’d be moving up the chain with her money and find herself in the DNA lab.  
But before that, your job was to locate five candidates for her and arrange dates in discreet locations. The joys of being a matchmaker. 
With a deep sigh, you looked at the clock and shook yourself off your slump. It was nearly time for your final appointment of the day, with one Mr. Francisco Morales. You flipped through his folder, eyebrows raising a little at the lack of information at first but then you saw the little red dot on the upper right corner of the manila folder.
It seemed like Mr. Morales had been brought in via a gift certificate. It wasn’t too rare, but it wasn’t the most common method of how people contacted the Registry to find their match.
Most came on their own or via a referral from an existing client. There were one or two that came because they had to (a testament demanded it, a raise, anything of that sort) but a handful of family members or friends used the gift as a way to make someone happy. 
And that’s where you came in. A consultant in the matchmaking side of the Registry. Someone who would sit down with a client, ask them all the hard and easy questions to get a baseline feel for them before moving into questions about their likes, dislikes, and the whole story. After the interviews, two in total, it would be time for the matching and hopefully, by the end of the number of dates agreed, the client would find their match in one of the prospective dates. 
If they were extra lucky, they would find their soulmate. 
To most, finding their soulmate was a fairytale, a dream songs were made of, but The Registry had done a good job on that front also. It was common knowledge soulmates had matching interests and often gravitated towards the same things. It helped the algorithm forward, but a lot of finding your soulmate boiled down to luck. Which is why most people just wanted to find a suitable match, someone to be happy with. It was good enough. 
Was it a little cynical? Maybe. But you had seen the love blossom in your matches so many times that even your bruised heart couldn’t deny the surge of happiness that came with finding love, even if it wasn’t with your soulmate. But still, you held out a tiny flicker of hope you would find them one day. 
A knock on your door signalled it was time to focus your attention on Mr. Morales. You placed the folder back on your desk and called them in. The man who entered your room was everything you’d ever dreamt of and you had to fight the urge to suck in a surprised breath when he filled the doorway so well. 
Thick, wavy brown hair, brown expressive eyes that looked beautiful, a nose crooked just right, and plump lips surrounded by a little scruff. Not too much, but just the right amount that you knew would feel amazing under your fingertips should you scratch it. He looked warm and cosy despite his nervous eyes that scanned the room.
Simply put, the man was the most beautiful you’d ever seen and for a second, you wished he wasn’t here to meet you in a matchmaking capacity. 
Your eyes travelled down to his exposed forearms and long, thick fingers that wrung an old baseball hat between his paw-sized hands; another clear sign that Mr. Morales was nervous to be here. You cast one final adoring look at the broad shoulders and body hidden under a well-worn T-shirt before adopting a professional smile. 
He was here to find his match, not get ogled by the consultant, you told yourself sternly. You would daydream in private later about those shoulders caging you under him. And that would be all you would be doing. 
“Mr. Morales?”
“Yea-yeah, that’s me.” He breathed, before his eyes widened almost comically as he registered the formal way you addressed him. “Call me Frankie, please. Mr. Morales was my father.” 
“Frankie then. Please, take a seat.” You introduced yourself briefly, very much enjoying the way your name rolled off his tongue with that deep, husky bass tone. It sent shivers down your spine and an absolutely inappropriate thought popped into your head about how he would sound in the throes of passion but you quickly banished that from your mind. Stop being so horny, you scolded yourself again. You can do that in your own time. In your own bed. Alone. 
“So, how’s all this going to work?” 
Frankie looked around the room, taking in all your decorations and the way his eyes moved cataloguing things, you could already tell he was a man who would not miss a single detail. One other thing to file away for later. You smiled softly and pointed towards the folder on the desk. 
“Well, it’s pretty simple really. We talk, I ask about your preferences and history and we’ll go from there. I see here,” you picked up the manila and flipped it open, fishing out a pen from your drawer. 
 “…you’ve been approved for 3 dates. What that means is that after our talks - one for today and the second one… for tomorrow I see - I will compare the info you’ve given me with the information in our databases. Then our algorithm works to find the best match for you.” 
You took a small pause, allowing your words to sink in. “Then I will work to arrange a schedule for you and your potential match. You go on a date and if it feels good, it goes on organically from there. With a little luck, you have matching marks under your cuffs and you have found your soulmate. If not, hopefully you find yourself with a good match with someone who you fall in love with.”
“Sounds simple enough. Why the hefty price tag then?” 
Earlier in your career, when you had just started working, a question like this had made you prickly. But not anymore, it was actually something most people asked. They wanted value for the amount of cash they put on the table so it was understandable. And Frankie looked earnest, something shimmering behind his dark pools that made you think that he just wanted reassurance that whoever shelled out the money to get him this was using it wisely. 
“Well, for starters…” You went on explaining the process in a little more detail, emphasising the number of successes you and your team had had, and told him about all the ways you would hopefully ensure a match. How after each date you would tweak the profile based on the feedback and let the algorithm grow as he spent time with his dates.
You talked about how the session today would focus on him while tomorrow you would talk about his wants and needs for his partner and then you would compile all the information together to create his profile, his baseline. 
After his profile would be finished, it would be entered into the system and the algorithm would do its job. The human factor would come in after the algorithm had given you its recommendations and you would review the material and organise the date. Depending on the person, you could either just give out the phone numbers and they could work all the dates out by themselves or you could do the work for them, they would just show up. 
“Is that something you would be interested in, Mr. Mor… Frankie?”
“I, umm… Yeah? I don’t, I’ve not been on a date in ages, so yeah. Anything you have to suggest, I’ll take it.”
“Wonderful.” You smiled softly, before venturing forward and explaining that he would need to check in with you after each date, as would the other person also, and you’d once again guide him from there. If it wasn’t a mutual thing, all parties would go their separate ways, and if it was a mutual thing, you could either help or fade out and they could begin truly dating.
You took a swig from your water bottle after you finished, watching as Frankie processed all the information he’d just been given. You saw him glance at your walls again, some pictures of the success stories hanging from them; happy couples embracing, some in their wedding attire. There were some landscapes thrown in to balance it all out. It wasn’t about boasting, but having a visual reminder of what you did. You’d noticed having a visual helped some customers. 
“Are we ready to get started?” You smiled after a moment and with his nod, you picked up your pen and notebook. Your notes would go into his folder later, but you didn’t want to make it seem clinical by jotting them straight down to that one. You wanted this to feel more like two people just conversing.
At Frankie’s nod, you began by taking down his basic information; when and where he was born, when the mark had appeared or he’d had it since birth (helped to narrow the age down since the mark appeared within a year of your soulmate’s birth) if there was a time in his life he had felt something major happening with the mark. All the things that could narrow down the pool and timeline.
He spoke calmly, explaining things in detail which you appreciated, the baritone rumbling pleasantly from his chest. You found yourself enamoured by his voice, thinking that he would make an excellent audiobook reader. His voice was like sweet, tangy honey with just a hint of spice underneath. You could listen to him for hours and hours. 
When the basics were covered, you moved into his likes and dislikes. What kind of food he favoured, if he had a favourite band, movie, and book. 
“Any preference over Star Wars and Star Trek?” You threw out, making him laugh out loud. 
“I’m good with both, but I do like what they have done with the new Mandalorian show. The guy’s cool,” Frankie offered and you grinned, almost launching into a conversation regarding the rumours of the new season. Tactfully though you directed the conversation back to topic but based on the twinkling in his eyes, he knew you were a fellow fan too. It made you feel warm all over. 
He spoke animatedly about helicopters, something you marked down and when he shyly confessed that he’d been a professional pilot first in the army, Delta Force of all places, and then briefly as a helicopter tour operator before settling into his job as a mechanic, you looked at him with awe. It had been a dream of yours for so long, taking a ride along the coast and seeing the sunset from the air. You wanted to pick his brain about it more, but knew it would be pointless as it didn’t help with the job you had to do. So you let it go with an internal sigh. 
“Is there anything else you think that might help us find your match? Or something you feel is important that we know when making the choice for you?” You asked eventually when the conversation finally dwindled. 
Mentally you tamped down any thoughts about wanting to place the pad down on the table and take off your cuff to show your own mark. It felt strange, the need inside you something you had never experienced with a client before. Like a burn or an itch under the fabric, almost as if the mark had woken up after being dormant for so long.  
But you couldn’t. It would be highly unprofessional, not to mention rude. Marks were a private thing and not even companies like the Registry had the gall to demand their clients show them. 
It would have been the easiest way to succeed, but since people hid them from the time they appeared, it was not likely the attitude towards something so private would change anytime soon. You settled for placing two of your fingers on the cool cuff around your wrist discreetly, running them up and down the fabric as a way to ground yourself, while waiting for him to answer. 
“I, uh… I have a daughter,” Frankie divulged, a light red tint covering his neck as he rubbed it. You raised your eyes to meet him, registering the love that shone from his brown pools. 
“How old is she?”
“Just turned four, my Ella. She’s my light, my beacon of hope in the universe. I’m the primary parent, since it was, umm, not planned. The pregnancy.” It was clear this was a sore subject for Frankie despite him obviously feeling proud of his daughter. 
You wanted to ask more, maybe see a picture of her, but refrained once more. You could already imagine the dark curls of his girl bouncing when he ran around with him. It was such a lovely mental image, but you couldn’t go there. Not for you, you reminded yourself again. He is not for you.  
Instead, you asked if he wanted to share anything more and when he shook his head, the cap one again between his hands as he kept wringing it, you closed down the cover of your writing pad. Your hand rested on top of it and his eyes honed in on your cuff.
“It’s really beautiful,” Frankie nodded towards it and you looked down with a soft smile. 
“Thank you, my grandma made it for me. The design here,” you showed him the lines and the different colours crisscrossing the material, “it’s for good luck and fortune. This here,” you pointed towards a piece of lace that was sown in, “is from the dress my mother met my father in. It’s to remind me that true love exists out there for all of us.” 
“It hopefully is,” He murmured so quietly you almost didn’t catch the words. You shared a small smile between the both of you, the weight of his words felt around the room.  
“It is, Frankie.” You spoke quietly too. “And hopefully I can help you find it.” 
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He fiddled with the buttons in his cuffs while he sat at the lounge bar, waiting for his date. It was the first of three you had arranged for him and to say he was nervous was an understatement. 
Frankie had not been on a proper first date for ages. Well before Ella was even conceived in fact. Sure, he’d had hookups and one-night stands and brief relationships but putting on the nicest pair of pants he owned with a shirt with actual buttons was foreign territory for him. Santi had suggested a tie with only a small cackle, but Frankie had drawn a line in that; he didn’t want a noose around his throat, thank you very much. 
He glanced at his phone and breathed in deep. No messages from Santi which meant that Ella was fine with her Tio Pope. Only Ella’s face smiling wide looked back at him. The clock above her forehead though told him his date was 15 minutes late and Frankie could feel the cold sweat creep up his spine. Was he really going to get ghosted, he thought, on a matchmaker-made date nonetheless? He took a small swig of his beer, hoping it would calm his nerves.
He looked to his left at the sound, taking in the gorgeous woman that stood by his seat at the bar. Curly hair framed her lovely face and her eyes peered curiously at him behind her glasses. She had rounded cheeks that Frankie just knew would look adorable when she smiled. But she wasn’t smiling now, her face looking more stern than happy to be on a date.
“Yeah, that’s me. Just, uh, call me Frankie. And you are Anna right?” 
“Yes. Listen, I’m in a bit of a time crunch so I’d rather not do the whole wine-and-dine-will-you-come-back-to-mine-and-we-will compare-our-marks-at-date-three -thing, I just want to get it over and done with. So. I show you mine, you show me yours?” 
Her voice was cold and hurried, Frankie barely catching all the words. But as she began to take off her mesh-covered cuff from her wrist, his brain came back online. “Here, now?” He lowered his voice, taking a small look around the room but no one seemed to be watching them, not even the bartender. His own hand rested on top of his own cuff, keeping it secure and hidden. 
“Yes, here. Yes, now.” Anna rolled her eyes, snapping off the final button and folding the cuff in her hand. “Ugh. Don’t tell me you are one of those people.” 
“What people?” 
“You know, those romantic idiots who think it’s all fate and the marks need to be hidden away for eternity. It’s the 21st century. If it wasn’t so frowned upon, I wouldn’t even wear this thing,” she grumbled while shaking her own cuff in the air. She then nodded towards his cuff. 
“Come on, I haven’t got all day.” When he hesitated, she reached forward, making him pull back instinctively. She huffed again, rolling her eyes. 
“Fine. Just look and tell me if this is your mark,” she thrust her hand towards him, palm up and Frankie looked down, taking in the small dove on the left side of her wrist. He thought about his small mark and shook his head. 
“No, that’s not mine.” 
“Oh well. Good luck to you then, Francisco.” Anna spoke and turned on her heels, walking out briskly. All business that woman was. He sat back down on his seat dumbfounded. In all his nervous thoughts this was definitely not what he had envisioned his first Registry arranged date would go. 
He drowned the rest of the beer in a haze, tipping the bartender before walking out to his truck. Once he was driving down the roads, away from the inner city, he called Pope. The man picked after just one ring. 
“Hermano, tell me this is you calling that you won’t be home tonight and mi princesa can spend time with Tio Santi tonight?” 
“Unfortunately not.” His voice was flat. 
“Lo siento. What happened?” 
“She demanded I show her my mark after barely changing names first. She also left the second I told her her mark wasn’t mine.” 
“Sheesh. She’s no good for you then Fish. But you have two more dates left, don’t let this bring you down.”
He knew that, but his heart ached for what had happened now that he could think about what had transpired in the minutes they’d been in each other's company. He’d been rejected on sight almost and while he could understand the need to find The One, Frankie still felt his confidence plummet with the blatant rejection. 
“Yeah, well… I’ll be there soon, okay?”
“See you soon. I’ll heat up some grub for you.” The phone line cut and Frankie was left alone with his thoughts. 
When he reached Pope's house, Frankie killed the engine of his truck on the driveway and remained seated there. He could see lights in the kitchen, a shadow of Pope dancing around with Ella in his lap through the thin curtain and he couldn’t help the small smile forming on his face. Even if he never found his true love, his soulmate, he would still have his brothers and Ella. It would be okay. And Pope was right, someone like the lady tonight was not for him. 
He dug out his phone and shot a quick message to you to let you know what had gone down. When Frankie pressed send, your kind eyes drifted to his mind. He recalled how delighted you’d been when he had shown you a photo of Ella at your second consult meeting, your soft tone in his ears asking about her. He’d been more than happy to talk about her to you and not once had you seemed to dislike the topic or the pride he felt at his baby’s achievements. 
You’d been so kind and compassionate as you listened to him stumble his way through your questions. Your comments had been thoughtful and encouraging when he divulged some of the tainted sides of his history. You’d never once mentioned all the time he took from your other clients and meetings, letting him work through the words and bad memories at his own pace. 
Maybe it was your warmth, and your attitude that made him feel at ease, talking about those hard moments in his life. Frankie wanted to bask in your light and enjoy it indefinitely. Even if you were way out of his league with how beautiful you looked and how gorgeous you were inside and out. If he would meet you at a bar, he’d definitely ask you out on a date. 
Would it be against the rules to ask you out if none of the dates panned out? Was it wrong of him to wish the dates didn’t pan out so he could do it? What would the date look like, if he got to take you out? Frankie let his mind wonder about it, just for a moment.
He would take you somewhere nice, but not too upscale of a place. Somewhere where you could have fun together. He’d trade stories with you all throughout the evening, make you laugh and witness how the laughter would light you up. He’d hold your hand during dessert, run his thumb across your knuckles. He’d ask to kiss your pretty lips at the end of the date because he wouldn’t be able to resist you. 
He could trail his hands on your arms, trace your spine as he pushed you against the side of this truck when he couldn’t get enough of you and the way your body melted into his. He could drink down all your moans and sighs and whimpers when he backed you to his bedroom after making out with you on the driveway. He could wake you up in the morning with his head between your legs as the first rays of sunshine cast a warm glow on your naked skin, illuminating it in a divine light. 
Frankie's eyes widened when he realised just what route his brain had gone down. Here he was, sitting in his truck on his brother's driveway and sporting a semi because the consultant assigned to his case was hot and beautiful and everything he’d ever desired. He was such a pervert. 
Shaking his head, Frankie stepped out of the truck, tucked himself in more firmly, and walked briskly towards the front door. He delighted in the way salsa music poured out of the house, and Ella’s giggles reached his ears when he stepped inside the warm house. He didn’t even notice that his phone pinged with a reply from you. 
Hey, the date went bust. Will you let me know when the next one is? 
I’m so sorry to hear that Frankie. Give me a call if you wish to talk about it, but I’ll get to work finding the next date for you in the morning. Have a lovely evening.   
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“Hey Frankie, how are you?” Your voice was warm over the phone a week later. “How’s Ella?” 
“I’m good, thanks. She’s thriving. Apparently they learned a new song in the nursery today and she’s been singing it all evening.”
You chuckled, hearing faintly a kid's voice singing loudly in the background. It was definitely off-key but endearing and you warmed up from the inside every time you could hear a glimpse from her.
You had been talking almost daily with him since his disastrous date, polishing and perfecting the algorithm. You finally felt comfortable in your decision and wanted him to know quickly so he could plan for Ella while he went out. Despite the small pang in your heart about sending him out with another potential match, you knew it was your job to make good, valid choices from the pool the algorithm had chosen for him. And if you had gone a little over what was normally considered a good job with a client, no one had to know. 
“I actually have news for you, Frankie. I think I have a potential match for you and would like to arrange a date for you two.”
“That’s, ummm, that’s good. When, when would this date happen?” 
If there was a slight tremor in his voice, you chose to ignore it. Everyone got little cold feet at times, right? And his first attempt hadn’t been that good so it was only natural, you told yourself. There was no reason to get worried. 
“I was thinking this Friday, if you can swing it.”
“Yeah, I’ll ask Benny to come over with Ella. Or maybe Will. But yeah, I can do Friday. Just… just no fancy dates this time, okay? I don’t…” His voice died off and you could hear how uncomfortable he was. Your mind raced through some possibilities until it clicked and you smiled warmly. He’d mentioned that truly competitive sports weren’t his thing, but he enjoyed a little friendly competition from time to time. 
“How about glow-in-the-dark putt-putt golf? I know this great place, a little off the beaten path but it would give you guys a chance to talk and get to know one another while playing and having some drinks on the side. Very low-key and low-effort.” You waited anxiously for his answer. It was definitely not something the Registry sent their dates to normally, but you had a feeling that Frankie might appreciate it. 
“Glow in the dark? Can’t say I’ve done that before so sure, why not. Just as long as I can wear jeans.” 
“Jeans and comfortable shoes. I’ve been to the track before and you’ll enjoy it, promise. I’ll text you the details tomorrow when I’ve spoken to your date and organised everything , okay?” You knew he could hear you smile, you’d always been told you had a very expressive voice. 
“Sounds good, can’t wait. Thank you,” he spoke your name with his low tone and it made you smile even wider. How your name rolled off his tongue had nothing to do with it, you were just excited he was eager for the date.    
“Great! I’ll send you the details tomorrow. Have a good night, Frankie. And have fun on Friday!” 
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Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed it! 
(please let me know if you want to be added or removed from the list any time!)
Everything taglist @clydesducktape​ @miraclesabound​ @10blurredsmoke10​  @caillea​ @princessxkenobi​ @sixshooter665​  @amneris21​ @greeneyedblondie44​
PPCU taglist @littlemisspascal​ @darklingveracruz​ @tintinn16​  @evyiione​ @beecastle​ @marvelousmermaid​ 
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tcringetourney · 1 year
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here is the official tcringe tourney bracket! the first wave of polls will go up tomorrow. since this is such a large bracket, i’ll be rolling out polls in waves of 8. the first round will be open for a week, with waves dropped on a one-day delay! and under the readmore, you’ll find a transcribed list of the bracket. be warned, there are 128 characters here!
Left side:
Scout (Team Fortress 2) vs Maximus (Tangled)
Crona Gorgon (Soul Eater) vs Kevin (Up)
Dirk Strider (Homestuck) vs Raine Whispers (The Owl House)
Harrowhark Nonagesimus (The Locked Tomb) vs Dismas (Darkest Dungeon)
Harrier DuBois (Disco Elysium) vs Ellzor Umberspore (Not Another D&D Podcast)
Shiver (Splatoon) vs Miss Frizzle (Magic School Bus)
Marik Ishtar (Yugioh) vs Tumblr Anon Profile Picture (Real Life)
Asa Mitaka (Chainsaw Man) vs Tadashi Yamaguchi (Haikyuu!)
Penny (Pokemon Scarlet and Violet) vs Vriska Serket (Homestuck)
Link (Legend of Zelda) vs Kaname Date (AI: The Somnium Files)
The Collector (The Owl House) vs Venti (Genshin Impact)
Luz Noceda (The Owl House) vs Magne (My Hero Academia)
Yes-Man (Fallout New Vegas) vs Apollo Justice (Ace Attorney)
Reigen Araraka (Mob Psycho 100) vs Kuina Hikari (Alice in Borderland)
Doug Eiffel (Wolf 359) vs Jesus (The Bible)
Me (Real Life) vs Leorio Paradinight (Hunter x Hunter)
Fabian Seacaster (Dimension 20) vs Briar (Branching Out)
Dipper Pines (Gravity Falls) vs Alex Fierro (Riordanverse)
Castiel (Supernatural) vs Waluigi (Mario)
Ivankov (One Piece) vs June Egbert (Homestuck)
Mr. 2 Bon Clay (One Piece) vs Sokka (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Ur mom (Real Life) vs Leo Valdez (Riordanverse)
Pyro (Team Fortress 2) vs The Dragon (Jane and the Dragon)
Crowley (Good Omens) vs Eddy (Duolingo)
Emperor Belos (The Owl House) vs Peter Parker (Toby Maguire’s Spiderman)
Sweetheart (Omori) vs Nick Danforth-Evans (Julie and the Phantoms)
Jerma (Real Life) vs M&Ms (Real Life)
Kajiyama Fuuta (Milgram) vs Jeremy Heere (Be More Chill)
Shin Tsukimi (Your Turn to Die) vs Ena (Ena)
Isaac (The Binding of Isaac) vs Allied Mastercomputer/A.M. (I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream)
Ranma (Ranma 1/2) vs Klaus Hargreeves (The Umbrella Academy)
Fred Grant (Hamster & Gretel) vs Benrey (Half Life VR AI)
Right Side:
Spy (Team Fortress 2) vs Varian (Tangled)
Sanji (One Piece) vs Milhouse (The Simpsons)
Gonzo (The Muppets) vs Hero (Omori)
Cecil Gershwin Palmer (Welcome to Night Vale) vs Makoto Naegi (Danganronpa)
Hardwon Surefoot (Not Another D&D Podcast) vs Mina Zarei (Paranatural)
Bugs Bunny (Looney Tunes) vs Sabine Wren (Star Wars Rebels)
Deuu Dino (CNP) vs Nightblood (The Cosmere)
Benny (Fallout New Vegas) vs Klavier Gavin (Ace Attorney)
Alphys (Undertale) vs Angel Devil (Chainsaw Man)
Dave Strider (Homestuck) vs Elliot Dunkel (El Goonish Shive)
The Onceler (The Lorax) vs Chuck E. Cheese (Real Life)
Buggy the Clown (One Piece) vs Hinata Tachibana (Fabiniku)
Jake English (Homestuck) vs Kris Dreemurr (Deltarune)
You (Real Life) vs Tsukishima Kei (Haikyuu!)
Tome Kurata (Mob Psycho 100) vs Neptune (RWBY)
Ianthe Tridentarius (The Locked Tomb) vs Osiris (Destiny)
Vash the Stampede (Trigun) vs Fox Mulder (The X-Files)
Evan Kelmp (Dimension 20) vs Paracelsus (Darkest Dungeons)
Bocchi (Bocchi the Rock) vs Terezi Pyrope (Homestuck)
Haruhi Fujioka (Ouran High School Host Club) vs Bakugo (My Hero Academia)
Nagito Komaeda (Danganronpa) vs Luther (The Umbrella Academy)
Fujisaki Chihiro (Danganronpa) vs Dean Winchester (Supernatural)
Sniper (Team Fortress 2) vs Fujimoto (Ponyo)
Space Boyfriend (Omori) vs Zirk Vervain (Not Another D&D Podcast)
Rouxls Kaard (Deltarune) vs Robbie Rotten (Lazytown)
Ranboo (Minecraft Youtube) vs Arthur Dent (Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy)
Sakurai Haruka (Milgram) vs Luke Patterson (Julie and the Phantoms)
Hunter (The Owl House) vs Dib (Invader Zim)
Jesse Pinkman (Breaking Bad) vs Wheatley (Portal)
Grell (Black Butler) vs Viktor Hargreeves (The Umbrella Academy)
Shut (Go Princess Precure) vs Kakashi Hatake (Naruto)
Wonderlands x Showtime (Project SEKAI) vs Rodney Copperbottom (Robots)
36 notes · View notes
rimunagenius · 1 year
Till Death Do Us Part
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Pairing: Will 'Ironhead' Miller x f!Mexican!Reader
Rated: E (everyone)
Words: 2.8k
Summary: A June wedding is all she’s ever wanted. So why not do it with her favorite boys, who are the biggest cheerleaders in Will’s and Cassie’s corner. So, the boys get the first look before witnessing the best moment in their bestfriends and brothers lives.
Warnings: extreme fluff!!! slight angst, implications of death (takes place after Brazil and Redflys death which correlates to Wills lowest), Benny being the sappiest teddy bear bestfriend (to reader), VERY self indulgent (so read if you want), use of the names Cassie Reyes instead of Y/N L/N, and finally happiness. NOT PROOF READ!!
Note: I have been insanely obsessed with the TF men recently (mainly Garret [Benny], Charlie [Will], and Pedro [Frankie]) and im also very lonely and i watched Top Gun and i got carried away with Iceman/Tom Kazansky blurbs and ficlets until i stumbled upon a wedding blurb. It was mainly Iceman being a hardass with everyone except his girl and i feel like that that’s definitely something Will, Frankie and Tom would do (except i absolutely hate Tom), but since i’m more on my sons of anarchy deep dive also, i decided on writing this for my baby Will. Enjoy!!
Weddings were fun. For the most part. They’re only ever enjoyable when it’s close friends and family, but even then they’ve always been hard to watch. All the happiness and love was always a hard reminder on you about how you wouldn’t find anyone who would actually treat and see you as an equal and not a toy they can entertain themselves with for a week and drop for the latest and prettiest hot wheels.
You were never the biggest fan. Like you always said, they are fun but hard to watch. But you felt differently the minute you saw your soon to be husband, William Miller on his knee, asking you to be his wife. Not some dickless moron who couldn’t get his head far enough out of his ass to see that he was barely doing the bare minimum when it came to treating you like a partner; an equal lover. But with Will it was different.
He would go above and beyond to make you smile. He would so much as trade shoes with you when your feet hurt from being in heels on date nights. Flip pennies that were tails up on the ground for the next person to find because that was a thing that kept you close to your mom ever since she passed when you were just a teenager. He knew every part of you and cherished every waking moment when he was with you, and even more when you were apart.
This man was the man you would be marrying in just a couple hours. The man you will get to spend the rest of your life with. You couldnt be happier.
You looked yourself over in the mirror as your cousin finished your makeup. You didn’t have sisters only an older brother who had passed. He was supposed to walk you down the isle but he got held in deployment for an extra week, but that week passed and he just never came home. Just a folded flag on your mantle. So, Jazlyn was the closest person to a sibling you had left.
“Aye prima, te ves tan hermosa! You’re breathtaking.” Jazlyn said, level with your ear, looking at you through the reflection in the vanity you two were sitting infront of. “Your mom would have loved seeing you now. She would be absolutely proud of the beautiful woman you have become, hermana. Never forget that.” She kissed your cheek, blowing a kiss through the mirror before she packed the last of her makeup away.
“Stop it, Jazz. Me va a llorar!” You bounced in your seat, shouting playfully to Jazz as you fanned your watering eyes. “I love you, and thank you for doing this. Being here with me since my mom can’t.”
Jazz looked at you as if you just insulted her with the most outrageous insult in the book. “I love you, and you know I wouldn’t miss this for the world babe! You are my little sister and I would do everything in my power tenfold just to see you happy like you deserve. You earned it prima! Now I gotta check on the bridesmaids and setup to make sure it’s perfect.” With one last kiss to your cheek, you smiled and sighed.
“Okay I have my first look with the boys right now. See you in an hour for the wedding.” As she exited the room, you walked over to the full length mirror as you flattened out the white lace fabric of your dress, doing a once over on your whole body to make you looked perfect.
Exiting through the main door, you followed the rather empty hallway to two big glass doors leading to a small well, surrounded by beautiful summer flowers. A June wedding always being your ideal and dream timeframe of a wedding, and of course William Miller would do anything for his girl. You could already see the boys facing the well, their backs to you as you followed the small pebbled path to them as your best friend, Camila, kept them in line and facing the right way as she saw you approaching.
“Okay, are you guys ready?” You spoke softly as you fixed the tail of your dress and the two front strands hanging out from your tightly yet neatly put together braided bun.
A stream of “hell yea’s” and whooping came from the men as you took a deep breath and giving them the okay to turn around. Immediately you wanted to cry. The looks on their faces were enough to bring another grown man to tears. Adoration, joy, and shock took on ever inch their faces fairly well.
Immediately after wiping away a tear, cautious enough to not smear mascara or wipe away foundation, you turn to Benny to see him crying and sighing loudly as he wiped away his tears. “Aw, Benny! Stop it! Your gonna make me cry.” You giggled wiping away another tear before being enveloped in a bear hug by your future brother in law.
“I can’t help it, you look absolutely beautiful Cass. God, my brother is one lucky man and you are one beautiful bride.” He pulled away, flattening out your dress once more, scared of wrinkling it do to his hug along with your hair as he brushed back some flyaways before resting his palms against his eyes, ceasing any more stray tears.
“Thank you, Ben. I love you.” Your eyes were watery but not enough to draw anymore tears thank god. As your eyes fell on the other two men, you couldn’t help but notice their bloodshot eyes as the admired you in your dress. In all your deservingly happy-bride glory.
“You look stunning, cariño. Wills gonna fight like hell to not cry over you.”
“Thank you, Frankie. You don’t look too shabby yourself. You clean up very well, brother. I almost don’t recognize you without your oiler hat.” You admired Frankie and his confidence for geling his hair back with the guest appearence of his grays. Salt and pepper looked good on him.
“Yeah right. Will won’t fight it. He’s gonna cry more than we did, plus you combined when he sees you walking down the isle.” Benny added, emphasizing the ‘you’ with a pointed finger in your direction.
“Estás preciosa. Haces una hermosa novia, princesa. I can’t believe this is the same woman I met 6 years ago.” Santiago placed both of his hands on your cheeks, cautious enough to not mess up your makeup, and he kissed your forehead.
“Gracias, mano. I can’t believe that 6 years ago I met the love of my life and lifelong bestfriend-brothers.” Santi wiped a fallen tear before he placed another kiss ok your forehead, Frankie and Benny doing the same.
Benny held out his arm on your right, and Santi on your left. Accepting their embrace, you laced your arms through before smiling at the both of them and then to your bestfriend.
“Okay, I guess i’ll get the back of her dress.” Frankie sighed as he picked up the tail of your dress.
“Let’s go get you married.” Camila said after taking a pictures of the whole reveal affair.
“Let’s go get me married.”
“Please stand for the bride.” The priest said, slowly lifting his hand signaling everyone.
Will adjusted his tie, eyes already stained with tears as Benny was in the same shape, placing his hand on his brothers shoulders briefly.
Everyone stood, and that was your cue to start the walk as heartfelt acoustic started to play. Walking down the isle, your arm locked with your father who couldn’t contain his tears as he was about to give his daughter away to the most and only worthy man on this earth, to love his only daughter.
As you were nearing the end of the isle, you watched Will, Benny, Frankie, and Pope wipe away tears as they watched you walk down the isle. Giggling softly at the greatest, most caring, loving men you have been blessed with all those years ago in that rickety bar, you let your dads arm go as you connected your hand with Wills.
“You may be seated.” The priest said to the guests as you found your spot next to your man on the small platform you and the wedding group stood upon. “I take this moment to wish you both immense happiness in your future lives together. We are gathered here today, family and friends, to witness the sacred union of William Miller and Cassie Reyes. We stand here to honor and celebrate the love shared between these two people, as they come together to start their new life together with a solemn vow, surrounded by their closest family and friends.”
You couldn’t fight the urge to not look at the handsome man next to you as the priest spoke. You looked at Will, the thought of spending the spending the rest of your lives together sending a swarm of butterflies through your stomach, and a wide smile to your face. He must’ve felt you staring as he looked down to you and reciprocated the same shining smile.
Tears evident in both your eyes, you continued to smile and turn your gaze back to the priest.
Both of you excited to start the rest of your lives together as husband and wife.
“You both may share the vows you have prepared. William, you may start.” The officiate gestures to Will as you both faced one another. Will reached into the inside pocket of his blazer, grabbing the small vow book, courtesy to the lovely couple, Camila and Benny.
“My sunshine, Cass. You are the most kind-hearted woman I have had the pleasure of meeting. Your strong and your the most beautiful girl I have ever laid my eyes on. I met you at one of the lowest points in my life, you’ve seen the sleepless nights, the scars, the darkest parts of me. Everything.” You squeezed the hand of his you were holding, forgetting about your makeup as you cried looking at the man before you. His eyes met yours and they had the same look in them as they did all those years ago. Awe, love, adoration, and happiness. “You’ve seen all the ugly parts of me and you still choose me. You chose me when you had every reason to leave. The love and care you have given me all these years is more than what i could’ve asked for. The sleepless, ruthless nights won’t even exist because I could sleep forever next to you. I can’t wait for our movie nights, watching movies we’ve both already seen. While your watching the screen, i’ll only be looking at you. While your looking and pointing out all of your flaws i’ll be there to tell you your most sexiest woman in the world,”
Will drew a laugh from everyone, including you. You laughed, hiding the blush rising in your cheeks. “I’ll be there to tell you that in my eyes you are perfect, as you are. When there’s things i have to do, i’ll blow off all those plans for you because you, Cass, are the most important thing to me and everyone can wait in line. I love you Cass, in sickness and in health, for the rest of my life baby, til death do us part.” As Will finished his vows, he wiped tears away from his eyes, the crowd ‘ou’ing and ‘awe’ing. You mouthed an ‘I love you’ as Jazz, your maid of honor, handed you your vow book.
“Awe man! How am I supposed to compete with that?” You sniffled, earning a couple of laughs, as you cleared your throat to start your vows. Opening your mouth, you already started to get choked up, barely getting the word ‘my’ out before a small sob escaped your mouth. Jazz and Camila patted your back, and Will squeezed your hand.
Will have you a small wink, and mouthed ‘You got this, baby’ before smiling at you.
“My dearest Will,” Again your voice cracked, the tears and chokedness evident in your voice, but you continued. “I don’t know where to begin to express the love and gratitude I have for you. You are the first man to ever love me like how a woman is supposed to be loved. You showed me what it’s like to be someone’s first choice, all the time, and no matter the place. Your kind, caring, compassionate, and although you would never admit this to your friends, you are gentle. I’ve always loved that about you. I knew you were the one for me when you were walking me home from the coffee shop around the corner from my house, when you noticed a penny on the sidewalk infront us. It was heads down, and you flipped it over and kept walking. When i asked you why you had done it, you said “So the next person to find it has good luck.” That’s when I knew i’d love you forever. Your selfless, and you always remember the little things, like when I told you me and my mom loved flipping heads down pennie’s for other people when I was a kid.” You wiped tears that were rapidly falling, Will doing the same across from you.
“I will never try to change you. I will always want the same you. Scars, sleepless nights and all. I want that because I want you, forever. All of you. I swear on everything I pray to, that I won’t break your heart. When you can’t fight, i’ll fight. When you get lonely, i’ll be there to hold you. I’ll keep all the secrets that you’ve told me. Your love is all you owe me. I promise to love you til my lungs give out, for sickness and in health. Forever and always, my love. Til death do us part.” You and Will shared a big smile and the same look. Love. You couldn’t be happier and neither could he. You two were about to be officially married and all you could think about was how happy you both were.
“Do you William Miller, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife, to live together in matrimony, to love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health, in sorrow and in joy, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for as long as you both shall live?” The priest watched will waiting for his answer. All he saw was the way Will was looking at you, a smile on his face. The priest had already knew the answer.
“Hell yes, I do.”
“Do you Cassie Reyes, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband, to live together in matrimony, to love him, comfort him, honor and keep him, in sickness and in health, in sorrow and in joy, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for as long as you both shall live?”
“Fuck yea, I do.” At this point you didn’t even care about the language you had both been using. All you could care about at the moment was marrying the man you loved and wanting to kiss him for the first time as his wife.
The priest laughed, along with most of the venue as he continued his speech. “By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride.” He couldnt for finish his sentence before Will grabbed your cheeks and kiss you passionately. Cheers and hollers were heard among the venues courtyard as you and Will shared your first kiss as husband and wife.
Will pulled away, and smiled. “Hey.” He whispered against your lips.
“Hey, Mr. Miller.” You whispered back.
“Im gonna kiss you again. You okay with that, Mrs. Miller?” Will smiled at the sound of his last name used in reference to you. He could definitely get used to that.
AAAAHH!! that was my very first TF blurb! i really hope you enjoyed it, and if you have some requests for any more triple frontier and the walking dead characters LMK!!!
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ladyxskywalker · 2 years
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SEPT 2022
thank you to the amazing fic writers for sharing some wonderful stories with all of us ! & to the kind readers for their support. 💙
please assume that all works & the blogs they belong to are 18+ only
mature adult content will be marked with a double asterisk **
be sure to check all warnings & tags before reading, feel free to skip if something isn't for you
& of course, enjoy responsibly
all the love xo A ☕
hope you enjoy ! & happy reading ! 🤗
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please send me things to read ! favorite fics or something you've written that you're proud of ! 💌
find more monthly fic recs over on my masterlist, Oct 2022 coming soon ! ✨
please let me know if you would like to be removed
✨ new authors & characters added for the first time !
✨ some authors are mentioned more than once throughout the list, check to see if your works are there !
✨ Anakin Skywalker
I’ll Be There by @imaginesfordifferentfandoms
Pay Attention by @murdockussy **
Your Jedi by @imaginesfordifferentfandoms
You Were My Only Hope by @imaginesfordifferentfandoms (cw: angst) (darth vader)
✨ Din Djarin
First and Last by @imaginesfordifferentfandoms
Run by @againstacecilia (cw: canon typical violence, fight, blood, death)
Shatter Me (series) by @writeforfandoms (f!reader)
✨ Kylo Ren
New Assignment (series) by @daydreamsofren (single!dad kylo) (cw: children) (f!reader)
✨ Obi Wan Kenobi
All Mine by @scribble-dribble-writes
A Painful Secret by @just-dreaming-marvel (cw: chronic illness) (f!reader)
A Pearl (series) by anonymous on ao3 (f!reader) **
The Dark Side of the Moon (series) by myonly_hope on ao3 (f!reader) **
He’s Coming For You, I Promise by @imaginesfordifferentfandoms
Make It Last by @sleepingsun501 (f!reader) **
open your mouth for me, & do you think you deserve this? by @grippingbeskar (f!reader) **
Ours by @imaginesfordifferentfandoms
shh. you’re safe. i won’t leave by @grippingbeskar (f!reader)
Silent Suffering by @imaginesfordifferentfandoms
Stranded (series) by @penfullofwordsaheadfullofstories (stranded island) (ofc) **
Till There Was You by @friskynotebook (library au) (asian plus size) (f!reader)
Transfixed by @kyber-cvnt (gn!reader)
✨ Poe Dameron
Home by @huffle-pissed (modern au)
I’m in love with you. What do you think about that? by @againstacecilia
Is that my shirt? & You Taught Me What Love Is by @writingforcurrentobsessions2 (f!reader) **
The Perfect Mix by @imaginesfordifferentfandoms
Promise Me Forever by @imaginesfordifferentfandoms
✨ Bodhi Rook
Every Embrace by @uwingdispatch (disabled reader, everyone lives au) (gn!reader)
✨ Marc Spector
Full Moon by @dailyreverie
✨ Steven Grant
Fluff with Steven by @forever-rogue (f!reader)
Warm by @dailyreverie (gn!reader)
✨ Dieter Bravo
Take Me Apart by @mandoblowmybackout (cw: sex toy use, dom/sub, praise kink) (f!reader) **
✨ Ezra (Prospect)
Our Hopes and Expectations by @sharkbait77 (cw: food mention) (gn!reader)
✨ Benny Miller
Spinning on that Dizzy Edge by @dameronscopilot (f!reader) **
✨ Frankie Morales
Dear Frankie (series) by @icanbeyourjedi (f!reader) **
Love in the Time of Covid (series) by @guess-my-next-obsession (f!reader) **
✨ Santiago Garcia
As Long As You’re Here by @ahsokaismyqueen
The Lion (and the Lamb) by @spacecowboyhotch (f!reader)
✨ Will Miller
Forever by @say-al0e (f!reader) **
Necessary Arrangements (series) by @wardenparker & @steeevienicks (royalty au) (f!reader)
Patched Up by @youvebeenlivingfictional (cw: angst, unrequited love) **
✨ Alfred Pennyworth (The Batman)
ah, love, let us be true (to one another) by @thaddeuscranes (regency au) (cw: age gap) (f!reader) **
Penny For Your Thoughts (series) by @eupheme (cw: age gap) (f!reader) **
✨ The Amazing Spider Man (Andrew Garfield, Peter Parker)
Approach Shift (series) by @psithurista (f!reader) **
✨ The Originals / The Vampire Diaries
An Act That Brought You Joy (series) by Merontheshore on ao3 (elena gilbert x klaus mikaelson, elena x elijah mikaelson, elena x kol mikaelson) **
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47 notes · View notes
thequimmqueen · 2 years
🍕Updated Next-gen Character Name List🍕
Duke gotcha+Shannon:
Sandy🍉 (previously known as Cairo)
Ember+Hacky Zack:
Vesta✳️ (previously known as Ambar)
Guy Mortadello+Bruna Romano:
Clover+Carlo Romano+Koilee:
Gino Romano+Okalani:
Rebecco💄(also known as Becky)
Sarge fan+Radlynn:
Radha🌟 (Adopted,Failed Offspring Harvest Experiment of Radley Madish)
Audrey🛍️ (changed from Adrianna)
Connor×Wylan B:
Iza-B🎋 (adopted)
Deckard 🎧 (adopted)
Drakson+Kasey O:
"Ace"⭐ (real name is Jack, changed from "Jack Derby" due to the nickname not making sense)
Xolo+Sprinks the Clown:
Professor Fitz+Edna:
🍀Jerry & Betsy☘️ (Clones)
Koko🥊 (previously known as Kumako)
Nina🍊 (adopted)
Josefina🎒 (surrogate kid)
Allison💰 (In custody of Allan)
Kuro🍋 (In custody of Akari)
Eva🛩️ (child from second marriage)
Mayor Mallow:
Luau Lepunch+Betty Pecan:
Toasty Coconut🍨 (Scoopian+LePunch Hybrid,Looks More like Betty)
Gala Donut🍩 (adopted Scoopian Child)
Shelly Coir🌴 (Scoopian+LePunch Hybrid, looks more like Luau)
4th of July Scoopian:
Rocky Road:
Terrance Milch🍡
Jill Berry+Chip Mcmint:
Cranberry Jelly💝
Bianco Ciocco🍫
Sue x Mary:
Susan☎️ (adopted)
Sarge×Radley Madish:
Onnelious & Brown (Adopted/Used to be Two of Sarge's youngest soldiers)
💜Pines and Payne💙 (Mutated+Adopted Pinacoolada Twins)
Annana💛(Mutated+Adopted Bananapants Daughter)
Radetta💗(Sucessful Offspring Harvest Experiment)
Mr. Sherbet
Tiger Dail🐯
Tomatoe Lady:🍅
Big Pauly:
🧂Salt & Pepper🧂
Bonnie & Yalanda:
Klaus💤 (Adopted grandson/apprentice)
Barnum 🪆 (Son)
Possible new Nextgens:
Gordon ⛺
Roger GearSpeed🏁 (Real Name: ???)
18 notes · View notes
michael-arsenault · 1 year
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Acrylic Studies, Family Pets (2021)
Benny, acrylic on panel, 9 x 12 inches
Penny, acrylic on panel, 8 x 10 inches
Lucky, acrylic on canvas, 8 x 10 inches
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RAP 2022
DaBoii - Bananas
Pink Siifu - Voicemails Uptown
Veeze - Let It Fly
Wiki - All I Need (feat. Earl Sweatshirt)
Lerado- Inyohead
Babyface Ray - 6 Mile Show
2Rare & PGS - "SRI LANKA"
iayze - 556 [Green Tip]
D4M $loan - Drive Who Crazy
Campanella - RAGA feat. 鎮座DOPENESS (Prod by Ramza)
GuttaBoy Khida "Lucky Charms"
DaBoii - The Deal Ft. Drakeo the Ruler
Lerado & Prblm- Candy Paint
BoofPaxkMooky - Slow Jam Fantasy
Pink Siifu - BRAVO'! ft Turich Benjy, Jaybee Lamahj, Swaggy Q, Peso Gordon, VonBeezy
Shawny Binladen - Get Money Shit
1600J - No disrespect / Outerspace geek
Los - Kill 4 Clout
Papo2oo4 - Show you
5Star Ft. Lay Bankz - Cmonnn (Hit It One Time)ft. Lay Bankz
Duke Deuce Ft. Glorilla - JUST SAY THAT
D Sturdy - Remember Me
Bfb Da Packman - Stained Couch
Duwap Kaine - Revolve Around Me
Young Slo-Be - Track Stars
Hawo Beats - Ghetto Boy Jake feat. Jin Dogg
PAPO2oo4: PENNY #1
Los - Overboard
Veeze - Ians The Devil
OTM - Adios
Loe shimmy - Not the same
Peezy - 2 Million Up
WB Nutty - Whole Hood
Peezy - Long Live Crums
Hotboii - Blinded By Death
Chief So by Chief Keef
Ralfy The Plug - Prolific
OTM - Holy Ghost
EBK Trey B - Comfy
WB Nutty - Rush
Pi'erre Bourne - Good Movie
MyCrazyRo - "Who Dangerous "
P-Lo - Good Feat. Larry June
Stop6Jaay - Big Jaay Special
Haiti Babii Ft. Keak Da Sneak - YEE
Kash Keek - "War Outside" Ft. EBK Young Joc
Whop Bezzy x Mouse On Tha Track - DONT STOP
Los and Nutty - Los Type Beat
Big Sad 1900 - So What (Remix)
Benny The Butcher - Thowy's Revenge (Prod. by Alchemist)
BandGang Lonnie Bands - Detroit Hu$$le
Young Slo-Be - Track Stars
MIKE - What Do I Do?
KT Foreign x Verde Babii - Stompin
Veeze - Close Friends
Shawny Binladen - No HESI
Verde Babii - Jagged Edge
Young Slo-Be - Don't Kome 2 My Funeral
BandGang Lonnie Bands - Bitter Sweet
Duke Deuce - ANNA
Big Sad 1900 & Uce Lee - Get this message
Brock, 2Rare & Bril — Beat It (feat. JMoney)
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lucillemartinisme · 10 months
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Anyways they never returned me kids claiming that when they took them they took them to be checked out at the doctor office n they did a x ray n found a penny in his stomach me mom Linda and stepdad Johnnie Cannady used to collect pennies Farrah didn't want to lock Daicwon in their room with her but she WAS forced to or else the major beating so she did n while in the room with her he must've got ahold of their penny collection n swollowed one Daicwon would put all kinds of things in his mouth n that's what me told them but they still charged me with neglect n was trying to convince me to sign over me rights to me kids Jennifer Hayes was me caseworker at the time n me kept telling her no me wants me kids n she kept trying to convince me by saying look how pretty n light skinned ur kids are they can be adopted by anyone a white couple a black n white couple or a black couple n have things you couldn't give them n me told her no again then she said look at how u was raised what can you do for them just give them to us n again me said no n next thing me knew they filed petition to terminate me rights based off the so called penny child support n missing parenting classes and also around that time me stolen daughter Daizhana father Bennie Charles Copeland was arrested for rape n kidnapping n they held that against me too the devil worshipping TV n minions are erasing everything me writes they are still trying to play switch a roo with me life n also the sacrifice of me life for money just like they did for me stolen kids
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These are some of the demons involved with the stealing of me children Jennifer Hayes me caseworker in black n white Karen Richards next to her who was me public defender for me kids judge Briggs who made the final decision to terminate me rights n here is me Lucille Shanton Martin n no this ain't no lie they have these guys presently in the music industry named Les twins they are supposed to be in relationships with some people in me family as well as Beyonce they steal everything from me n has convinced people as well as the state of Fort Wayne Indiana to have me sacrificed and me story given to someone else as well as pretending me kids are cousins n not siblings n that me stolen kids are not mine but someone else's n ironically me daughter Dainasia kids father name is Dareon n that is also Beyonce clothing brand name so ye y'all on that bullshit period they say me a hoodrat n not the right representation for me own life story n me has used a lot of her music and Les Twins videos that me would put in me books of me life stories n all thee above members of me family has been down with this for promises of fame n fortune for All of them n to exterminate me one way or another either by death or set up charges they have also tried to turn me into a whore they has trafficked me n me has been beatened by black men and Mexican men n also raped after going to see Les Twins in Florida and me daughter Dainasia is a witness to the rape confirmed by the hospital n the attack of me by the black community in one form or another n has covered up every crime committed against me
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Dirty talk
What whisper today,
About us in that corner,
Those two chattering,
A rumor we heard,
Chuck another comment for cuckoo the bird,
Manifesting the manpower,
We used today,
How many tallies on our chalkboard,
Over your mind during the break,
A tap on my feet,
And my toes tingle,
Earn a touch and I'll feed myself,
Play me my gambit,
We hid here,
You think we wouldn't have,
Sweetheart is my new thing,
My timetable full but no longer lonely,
College sometimes went by like that,
And meet me in the corridor,
I mumble in my dreams at night,
Morning walks planned on clock,
I spent the whole dawn on makeup,
Maybe someday someone will write me a check,
Don't look too hard,
I'm right here gazing,
Back at a handsome junky answering,
My gullible smile and ravenous footsteps,
Some faint technical vocabulary,
In and out it goes,
Another Rambo game in this new day,
I like this Kent Town song from the West Coast,
We could run away,
And wait for them to look for us,
Alternative unchained,
Lyrics memorized as we walk our paths,
Written in the sky,
From the lips of our parents from the past,
Sprint with me,
From this mess we can create,
If we stayed,
Here comes my dirty talk,
Your name a hidden treasure,
The coin in my pocket rings,
Of all the things I want from you,
Stoned and happy,
If we were in bed,
I'll put a penny on you,
Benny and Beth,
Tell them we were never here,
Glance me away till we run,
If only you looked longer,
X and Y chromosome of you and I would've,
Made my day
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pan-fried-autism · 2 years
KissArtFebruary Day 26: Forehead
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Here's Meowlentine (Mao Mao x Snugglemagne) kissing her idiot boyfriend Lenny (Benny x Penny) on his perfect liddle forehead.
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