#beomjun edit
park-chan-yall · 5 months
TW death //
When Beomgyu dies unexpectedly, Yeonjun prays to be able to see him again. His wish comes true but only while he is dreaming. Only glimpses out of the corner of his eye. Only off in the distance. No touching. No speaking. Just before he wakes up again. Just a taste of the real thing. It starts to take a toll on him until they can be reunited once again and all Beomgyu can do is watch.
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cc-channie · 2 months
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sayorikao · 2 years
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Inari, Tengu & JizoㅤㅤCapa minimalista, BeomjunㅤㅤPara Haruki
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beomjunnie · 1 year
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For you, for you, for you. The words buzzed around Yeonjun's head as his heart went wild. A million emotions swirled in him, but the most powerful one was his overwhelming love for him. So, acting on it, Yeonjun reached out and pulled Beomgyu in for a kiss on the cheek.
read it here:
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koqabear · 1 year
okay i wanted to ask, because i see you writing such long fics but i can barely pull myself together to write this bomb-ass 20k word fic, how do approach a fic you know is going to be a long one in a way that you don't feel intimidated by it, or do you still get intimidated by it and just try and push through it?
okay so first off, thank you so much for sending me this ask 😭 you literally forced me to go through my writing process and caused me to make a huge breakthrough with one of my stories alfkgh
anyways, i'll try to be as thorough and clear as i can be with my process, i hope this helps! (but also im so sorry once i started i couldn't stop)
i think my process can be best described with three fics; Only You, Darling (40k), Killer Instinct (37K), and Memories We Made (unfinished but estimated to be over 30k.). With each story, I knew that they were going to be long, but mostly because I went in with the approach that it has to be long in order for the story to be executed right; characters have to be written thoroughly, and there are certain scenes that need to be written for the plot/character to progress-- like, if it's not written in, the story could lose those small details that make the fic feel more... alive, if that makes sense?
The most important part is making an outline! I know that's probably obvious, but outlines can seriously vary; like with OYD and MWM, I have a whole doc dedicated to the fic. I'm gonna show you what a bit of my OYD planning looks like, please don't point out how genuinely unhinged it is 😭😭😭 (so.. spoilers for OYD + fun fact it was gonna be Sunghoon instead of Jaemin in the story originally hehe)
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This is an example of what my outlines can look like; but, it only gets like this as i write-- the first pic is my outline filled with things i added as i wrote OYD such as characteristics/important notes/things i wanna edit, and the second pic is what i started out with.
the first thing i do is brainstorm the bare basics of the plot; what kind of story is it, and what do i want to happen in it? you can see that i separated the story into the key plot points/arcs; and within each one, i also put how i wanted them to begin and end. (the numbers are the wc for each arc alskhg)
the hard part comes in when you're filling these arcs/key points in. because now the big question is, how do you get there? for example, during the first act of OYD, i wanted to establish beomjun's relationship with the mc, and end it off by having the two work together. but in order to do that, i decided to include scenes that showed yeonjun's relationship with the mc, and then beomgyu's relationship with her. now that i had the foundation, i allowed the two to interact; that let me establish beomjun's relationship with each other, and let them realize they had a common goal.
last, you add a catalyst (a character, a situation, etc.) that can get you to your end goal; the catalyst being jaemin, which brought the two to work together out of jealousy-- and that's how i was able to fill in that key point.
then i just repeated that process for all arcs! add scenes that elaborate on key points, then add a catalyst that can take you to the end!
another thing i do when plotting for my stories is record myself brainstorming! i let myself ramble and talk about the plot out loud, and that's usually how i run into plot holes/issues. i kinda let myself figure it out in real time, and once i've figured the plot out, i listen back to it and write it down. (i have voice recordings for OYD and MWM. MWM is 48 mins, if that gives you a gist of what i mean by like... brainstorming. and half of it is straight up fucking nonsense. just let out ideas, details about the characters, scenes you'd like to write, anything. it lets you become more familiar and comfortable with your story, if that even makes sense.)
also! whenever i'm writing but get tired and decide to take a break, i add a quick want to add note at the bottom; that's what the weird little spiel up there in the second pic is. it's where i wrote down the ending scene because i had a super specific idea of what i wanted and how i wanted it to happen. if you get any scene ideas like that for your fic, write them down!! there's a chance that you might forget about it/write it differently if you don't; plus, it could even help you add things in that could make the transition into the scene super smooth.
OYD was honestly a bit intimidating for me when i wrote it, because i knew that it had to be extremely detailed and long. that's why i made sure to properly plan things out, that way so i didn't forget anything that could skew the execution. but one of the biggest tips is that you should brainstorm scenes you want to add in each key point, that way you don't feel as intimidated when writing-- because now you have a guide, yk? I'd love to show how my MWM outline looks like, but the fic isn't even out yet 😭 but it's literally a scene-by-scene outline of how i want the story to go! now all i have to do is flesh out the said scenes :)
then there's fics like killer instinct. i went into that with pure vibes, no outline, no planning; more of a mental outline, if anything. so if you find the idea of the whole written outline + scene & key points boring/not for you, i'd still suggest to get the bare basics down; but what i did with killer instinct was that i brainstormed as i went, and added small notes to keep track of important things so i wouldn't screw with continuity-- age and time is pretty important in that story, and i kid you not this is the only thing i had for killer instinct outline wise (bc im not counting my doc of mma notes.)
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but for killer instinct, i kinda winged it; i knew what the general plot was, but allowed myself to have fun on how to get there. the only thing i will say though, is that with every scene, you should try to plan out the next one-- like, intro to killer instinct is introducing taegyu, then i'll introduce the mc. then i'll introduce the world and background. and now that i have a foundation, i'll add extra scenes, then a catalyst! this leads into the main conflict, then y'know the rest. but instead of planning it out bit by bit, i kinda let myself go with the flow...? it also let me be a lot less intimidated by the fact that I knew the story would have to be long.
as for the story i had a big breakthrough with, i'm definitely a bit intimidated by it! i know it has to be intricate and emotional and intense, so in order to help with that, i've made playlists to get me in the correct mood, watch shows, read other fics, anything to help me get comfortable with the genre and spark inspiration. I'm currently winging it as well.... but have three key points im sticking to-- it's gonna sound a bit confusing and vague but it's like... add foundation + the male lead is introduced -> background is given to let ppl know motivations and stuff -> final scene. and whenever i run into an issue, i brainstorm and try to get to the root of why im stuck. like, is it plot, the character, or the scene? in this case it was all three so. pray for me.
anyways. i hope this helped and im so sorry if it didn't 😭😭😭 because then that just means u read this painfully messy explanation for nothing. but when writing long fics, pleeeaseee make sure to take your time with it-- if nothing's working, give it time and don't force yourself to write whatever! (mwm has been in my wip for a solid like. year..? but this is a rare case plus im insane)
and if your word count ends up surpassing/being under than what you originally expected, don't panic! (killer instinct was estimated at 20-25k. so.) sometimes certain scenes just aren't necessary, and other times, you find that you may need to elaborate more in order to make things work.
im seriously wishing you luck on your project!! and if you found this somehow did help and have more questions, don't hesitate to ask! oh and if you found something i said confusing (bc i do have the tendency to not make sense) pls lmk and i'll try to clear it up asdglsh 😭
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boba-beom · 6 months
edit: well fuck. after watching this and screaming to ilem abt how good gyu looks, I’m reminded that the 23 curse is starting WHEW 🥵
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generaltrashshecox · 10 months
I just saw a video where they edited beomjun in a live together since it's been 84 years since they've actually done a live together and I'm feeling like I might have to do that for antmien/j
(I have three hyperfixations going on in my brain right now HELP)
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suga-parade · 2 years
Year of the OTP (2023) masterlist
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Here you can find all the artworks I'll make for this (it will remain pinned, and I will update/edit it as we go further into the year):
January: "whenever i look at you..." [kamibaku]
February: "worst fears" [beomjun]
March: "something something modern little red riding hood" [inotan]
April: "relationship status: tbd" [inotan]
May: "The sun has burst the sky / Because..." [kamibaku]
June: "'Saving the world' but your world is one person" [whouffaldi]
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minsungderstandings · 2 years
안녕 !!~
The third edit I've created in my entire life! Not bad ^^ |
Instagram doesn't let me publish the full image 'cause it's so big, lol :'c. But here on Tumbrl I CAN, so here you have: the last image of this post is the actual whole edit ♡ :'( You can also find it on my Twitter and Picsart, anyways! You can download it
I've made this 'cause I wanted to represent my name: "Beomjuniverse" 🌌 :) |
Have you noticed that I've included the Moon's phases? The reason behind this is, as many of you already know, that Beomgyu and Yeonjun's birth moon phases COMPLETE each other! (As shown in the pictures) ♡~ They're destined even by the grace of the cosmos, lol.
Have a nice day, beautiful people! °•.
~Yours truly ♡
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park-chan-yall · 7 months
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Kpop Moodboards-
Two travelling boys with no where to go meet each other by chance one day and, after a series of adventures together, learn that sometimes life isn't better alone.
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luhroth · 4 years
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Pink Magic
desafio Todos Somos Artistas por @intunaric tema 1: música ouça <3
ultimamente eu tenho voltado pra vibe dos meus primeiros anos de kpopper e estou ouvindo muito os artistas que eu ouvia naquela época (que nunca deixei de ouvir, mas no momento estou ouvindo só eles). Super Junior é um deles e eu me apaixonei pela milésima vez pela voz do meu utt dos utt, o Yesung. eu amo os solos dele e Pink Magic é a música que não sai da minha cabeça faz dias, ela me acalma, me deixa feliz e me identifico muito com a letra da música.
tenho alguns hobbies que gosto bastante, é um dos que mais gosto é editar, mexer no photoshop, só que eu estava tão desanimada e insegura com isso que estava pensando em deixar pra lá, nunca mais entrar aqui e fingir que meu eu capista foi imaginação minha... aí acabei me lembrando que tinha reblogado o desafio e ao lembrar dos temas, ai, fiquei animada novamente para voltar hauahua e foi a melhor coisa que eu fiz. estou com algumas preocupações na minha vida pessoal que estão me deixando meio bleh esses dias, mas abrir o photoshop ouvindo a voz linda  do meu velho preferido deixa o meu dia todo pintado de rosa, é como... como uma magia rosa. acho que a capa pegou essa vibe, não pegou?
ah! como eu tava sentindo falta de desabafar em cada tema de um desafio de design criativo, esse é o meu momento!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
ps.: planejo doar as capas quando terminar o desafio :] se tudo der certo, e se Deus quiser vai dar, doarei por aqui tchauzinho ^-^
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ringo-edits · 4 years
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USO PESSOAL - Capa para Fanfic: Behind The Cameras
• não repostar ou editar sem permissão, caso se inspirar dê os créditos!
• link da fanfic (+18!): https://www.spiritfanfiction.com/historia/behind-the-cameras-17771755
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xohnoitsmeagainx · 5 years
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evannotoven · 3 years
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[BeomJun Boyfriends]
Song rec: Cheer Up - The Make Believes
"I can give you back the world that your pining for. Smiling like a little child in a candy store. All the colours come to life when I'm by your side. Like the way it begun"
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boba-beom · 2 years
smilesss c:
hiii! sorry i have been m.i.a for so long, but i finally made it, both flights were terrible, but it's okay because i have had such an amazing time so far. can't believe i'll be flying back in a week :/
OMGGGG how's it going with island guy, i hope you had an amazing time together ahh i'm so excited for the future updates of I Like U now, but take your time, no pressure!! is there something there between you though? did you feel anything?
that's true, thank you🥺❤️ i recently picked up my electric guitar now that i've come home and even though i haven't played in such a long time, i was surprised with how quick i picked up some songs or how easily i remembered others. it made me think about how sometimes there are some things in our lives that we stop doing because so many things get in the way and we lose touch with them, until we discover them again. the feelings i experienced when i was playing the same songs i used to play are honestly indescribable, it was as if nothing else mattered, but that beautiful melody. it made me realise how much i miss performing too❤️ i was wondering if that has ever happened to you too?
i just know beomjun would slay so hard, manifesting fr. when enhypen niki and jungwon did it, i was in awe and i couldn't stop thinking about yeonjun and beomgyu doing one. they could easily suit any genre, but i'm thinking something dark would look so good.
ooooh, i'm excited for the rest of your 80s oneshots - the taehyun one was just *chef's kiss*. and omg beomgyu's look for dream week lives in my head rent free - he looked like an 80s heartthrob. happy late beomgyu day btw🥺❤️
thank you so much smiles❤️, i'm just glad they're finally over. i hate exam season so much. it's always so stressful.
how are you doing though? how's writing going? i have this yeonjun oneshot that i've been working on for over a year now, it's so long and i'm almost finished, i just have three scenes left to write before i get into the editing process lol. i'm the type of writer that takes a long time to produce something and seeing how fast other writers produce pieces makes me feel a bit like i'm missing out? idk if that's the right word, but i wish i could write something good that fast sometimes, but i've also come to terms with the fact that everyone has their own pace when it comes to writing. some write faster, some write slower, but the end product is always amazing❤️
hi lovely, I'm sorry the flights were terrible, but how is it being home?
as for the island guy, he's coming next week I think, so we'll see if he'll come visit me or not ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I'm not too fussed about it really. he greeted me on my birthday, not really a greeting, more like a banter "you're getting older" message but yeah other than that I don't really think anything is going on atm :/
that's so beautiful, april 🥹 I haven't played my guitar for a long while, so I feel like when I do have the time and get back into doing it, I would most likely rediscover that feeling again :') I love that for you though, I find it so satisfying when the muscle memory kicks in, yano?
thank you!! I just saw your rb and your feedback just made me so happy, thank you and I'm really glad you liked it a lot! I feel like I'm going to hinder the 80s fics for a little while until I'm satisfied enough with the amount of uni work I have to do for my coursework. my deadline is in 6 weeks and I don't want to rush things so that's why I haven't been as active on here :') happy late beomgyu day too! <3
as for your writing, take as much time as you need. it is for you after all and we just have the privilege to read people's shared works/imaginations. I'm rooting for you and I hope you tag me whenever you do post it <3 but you're right! everyone's writing journey is different but the outcome is always just as beautiful! and I'm doing okay! I've been busying myself! I had a uni trip last week and then went home for my birthday in the same week, so I'm a little exhausted lmao, so the past week I've just been staying in uni longer than usual and doing work which I'm happy with! beomgyu's birthday post was the last thing I've written for a while, everything else has just been in bullet points for now until I have time to write everything in full :> I hope you've been well since you sent this ask!
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xmaeve · 2 years
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Hype boy
Minha primeira capa de wattpad em literalmente anos, achava que estava enferrujada e estava mesmo ksks Oh indecisão pra montar isso aqui, qual fundo usar, quais pngs. No final me senti orgulhosa por ter conseguido e essa capa virou o meu xodó!🧡
(E inclusive esse shipp foi recomendação do meu solzinho Many.)💙
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