#bernese mountain dog rescue
petinfosite · 7 months
Bernese Mountain Dog vs Swiss Mountain Dog
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Bernese mountain dogs are one of four canine breeds. They are collectively referred to as Swiss mountain dogs.
What characterizes a Bernese Mountains Dog from a Bigger Swiss Mountain Dog?
When adding the component to your extended family. Are you thinking of a Swiss Mountain Dog or a Bernese Mountain Dog? Let's examine the distinctions and parallels between these two outstanding breeds.
The Greater Swiss Mountain Dog has its origins in Julius Caesar's war canines. Which he used to lead his forces across the Alps in an attempt to bring down Europe. These dogs, inherited from Cesar's mastiff dogs, were employed by the Swiss. To pull carts filled with dairy and meat goods up the mountains to the marketplace. Their journey has become known as "the destitute male horse" as a result.
Although Switzerland has produced numerous amazing dog breeds. None is certainly as well-known as the enormous, tricolored Bernese Mountain Dog. These stunning and loving canines are easy. Recognized by their striking markings and size, they are well-suited for hard work. However, there is another Swiss breed that shares its cultural roots and appearance. People occasionally mistake the Greater Swiss Mountain Dog, a devoted. And powerful member of the Working Group, for a Bernese. Continue reading to find out how to distinguish between these two Swiss Alps dogs.
Closely linked to the Greater Swiss, the Bernese Mountain Dog is native. To an area of Switzerland well-known for its chocolate and cheese. The Bernese were employed for both livestock and pulling. Both are Saint Bernard and Rottweiler foundation breeds.
A Short History of The Bernese Mountain Dog
The Appenzeller Sennenhund, Entlebucher Mountains Dog, Greater Swiss Mountain Dog. Bernese Mountain Dog are the four representatives of the tricolored species. Of Swiss mountain dogs. In the past, Swiss Mountain dogs served as general-purpose farm dogs. For their families, driving animals, pulling milk wagons. And keeping an eye on the property and wildlife. The Bernese Mountain Dog is thought to have originated from a mix. Of certain native Swiss mountain agricultural dogs and big old Roman military dogs. They were introduced to the region about 2000 years ago. During the Roman conquest of Helvetia (modern-day Switzerland). Large canines with exceptional power and endurance were the product of the cross.
Some referred to them as the Clydesdales of the canine world because of their skill at carting. The Bernese Mountain Dog was originally named the Durbacher after a location. Where the breed's predecessors were most prevalent and preferred. Has a lengthy and fascinating history. They were also referred to as Berner Sennenhunde. Which means "Mountain Pasture dog of Berne" in German. Eventually, the Canton of Berne, a region in Switzerland. Where the type of dog originated, came to be renowned.
In the past, there were many Bernese Mountain Dogs in their own country. Still, the breed's popularity started to decline. It was almost eliminated in the middle of the nineteenth century as a result of changes. In agricultural technology. And a lack of official initiatives to breed. Nonetheless, the breed was saved from extinction by Professor Albert Heim and Swiss cynologist Herr Franz Schertenleib. The popularity of the Bernese Mountain Dog started to rise gradually. Farmers from all over the region began bringing their Dürrbächler dogs to dog shows. At the beginning of the 20th century, they also took part in breeding initiatives to improve the breed. The Schweizerischer Dürrbäch-Klub was eventually established, and the breed's standard was created. It was later established that the proper moniker given to the breed is Berner Sennenhund, and this continues to be how the breed is known in its country of origin. The Bernese Mountain Dog, or BMD as it is called in the West, is one of the most widely recognized breeds in all of humanity today.
An Overview of the Greater Swiss Mountain Dog's History
The Greater Swiss Mountain Dog originated from Mastiff-type canines that were employed 2000 years ago in Roman armies. Out of the four varieties of Swiss Mountain Dogs, they are the biggest and the oldest. They were developed to drive livestock, serve as security dogs, and be draft dogs. Before two specimens were given to Dr. Albert Heim, who identified the breed and had it registered with the Swiss Cynological Society in 1909, this breed was on the edge of destruction in the late 1800s. The Fédération Cynologique Internationale released the first standard in 1939. Because of their dependable, peaceful nature, these dogs are now mostly bred for relationships, but they were once valued for their ability to protect.
Comparable appearance and place of origin
Under the prefix Nashem, Sara Karl, an AKC judge and the AKC representative for the Bernese Mountain Dog Club of America, has been producing and exhibiting Bernese since 1986. "Only when the Berner is removed from coat," she responds when asked if people frequently mix up the Bernese Mountain Dog and the Greater Swiss Mountain Dog.
The primary similarity between the two breeds, according to Karl, who has bred over 100 leaders, performance-titled Berners, and two National Specialty winners, is their physical characteristics and traditional purpose. They are equally enormous breeds of canines in black, red, and white. They are both Swiss canines that were created to be used for pushing carts filled with products to markets.
However, Liz Coit, an AKC breeder of excellence and member of the Greater Swiss Mountain Dog Club of America, pointed out that the Berner is a more popular breed than the Swissy and, therefore, more recognizable to most people. Frequently, people inquire as to whether the Swissy is a Berner or, better yet, a shaved Berner. Naturally, when a Swissy is a puppy, it's frequently mistaken for a Beagle, and when it's an adult, for a Saint Bernard. Therefore, I believe the problem is the Swissy's unfamiliarity with the wider population.
Coit, who owns three Swissies, among them Shine, the 2020 Ambassador of the Breed winner, concurs that the breed's appearance and background as farm dogs are similar. Regarding both breeds, she states, "They are recognized for their eye-catching tricolor coats and attitude." They have gone to market and greeted friends and customers who visited the farm, despite being incredibly committed and devoted to their families. Both act as watchful guards, alerting the family to any imagined threats or even just a shift in the wind's direction.
Variations in Coat and Character
Even though many confuse the Swissy for the Berner, there are distinct structural differences. The Greater Swiss Mountain Dog breed guideline states that male Swissies should weigh between 115 and 140 pounds and have a shoulder height of up to 28.5 inches. Male Berners can grow to a height of 27.5 inches and weigh between 80 and 115 pounds. They are slightly smaller than other breeds.
Another notable distinction between the breeds is their coats. While the Swissy has a smaller double coat, the Bernese has a longer one. As Coit notes, both have a dense undercoat, thus a significant amount of shedding is to be expected. She goes on, saying, "There are some differences between the Swissy and Berner standards, such as the markings (which are brown and white) and head form. Compared to Berner breeders, we are more tolerant of marking diversity in Swissies, and naturally, our coat is not as defining a characteristic as it is in Berners.
The Swissy has a more intense industrial temperament than the other breed, even though both are friendly with youngsters and devoted to their families. While the Swissy breed standard refers to them as "alert and vigilant," the Bernese Mountain Dog breed regulation characterizes Berners as "alert and good-natured." Furthermore, the questioning Swissy is more eager to make strangers with new individuals than the aloof Berner. Karl claims that while both are straightforward to train and get along well with people, "Bernese are a little sweeter than the Greater Swiss."
Dedicated and Caring for Dogs
In the Swiss region of Bern, the Berner breed of farm dog was developed for all-around use. Karl claims that farmers employed them for farm security, pulling carts of milk and cheese to markets, and moving milk cows from a particular pasture to another. Possibly because of their history of collaborating closely with farmers, this kind and affectionate breed is committed to its family.
Karl believes that the breed's attributes of beauty, stockiness, and love apply to them. She claims that having a Berner requires a lot of hair loss. She recommends leather seating and an excellent vacuum. She claims that although these dogs enjoy going on walks and travels and enjoying the cold, they don't enjoy being left outside by themselves for long periods. They are also adversely affected by hot temperatures. Although they may survive in warmer climates, you should keep them out of the sun during the hottest parts of the day.
According to Coit, among the Sennehund breeds (Swiss mountain dogs), the Swissy is one of the oldest and biggest. They were also bred to be all-purpose farm dogs, trained to perform duties including herding, transporting milk carts, driving livestock to markets, and simply keeping an eye on the home and property. The Swissy's harsh bark of caution and alertness serves as a sentinel, a legacy of its guardian pedigree.
Like their breed, they are devoted and caring and yearn to be with the people they love. According to Coit, as long as they have long walks in the morning and at night, they are content to laze around all day rather than being busy dogs. They will love it too, though, if you educate them on how to do drafts or herd or take them climbing every day. Since they were bred as shepherd dogs, they tend to gather kids, thus it's critical to teach them how to walk on a slack connection.
For experienced owners or owners prepared to learn everything these huge breeds demand, both types may make wonderful companions. To ensure that the pet you take home is fit and well-bred, though, do your homework on prospective breeders. Karl recommends using Bernergarde.org to look up possible breeders of Berners. And now you can recognize the differences between these strong Swiss breeds, should you be lucky enough to meet one, regardless of whether they're the ideal fit for you.
Lifestyle, Instruction, and Temperament
Because of their affectionate nature and commitment to their families, both kinds are highly valued. In terms of stature and disposition, the Swiss are a little more threatening. They are devoted guardians who are a little darker in spirit but not unfriendly. These strong dogs tend to go through the puppy stage more slowly, and they have a booming bark that your neighbors could not enjoy. Due to their size, they may test a parent's tolerance throughout this protracted puppy stage. At 100 pounds, their ungainly, awkward bodies might make bumps and huge paws too much for them to handle.
It's well known that Bernese Mountain Dogs are more reserved, easygoing, and extremely mindful of their body language when around young children, much like a teddy bear. Although both breeds make wonderful family pets, the Bernese would prevail in the Gentle Giant battle over the Swiss.
When it comes to training, food is a terrific motivation to assist teach positive habits in Swiss Mountain Dogs, which can be a bit more resistant , and should start training young. They pull stronger when wearing a safety harness throughout leash training and don't react well to them unless they are being hauled.
Similar to Swiss dogs, Bernese are intelligent canines that are more motivated to please their owners. They are more vulnerable to criticism and separation because of their loving disposition. If they are left alone for extended periods, they will exhibit undesirable behaviors because they would like to be with the family.
Work out
Both breeds need an average amount of daily activity. They work well for owners who enjoy taking their dogs for peaceful walks or hikes in the outdoors, but they are not the best fit for serious bikers and joggers who like training alongside their pets. Both make excellent camping dogs, and they can even tow children and camping supplies in a wagon.
Every day, the Berner and the Swissy require one hour of exercise. Whether or whether there is snowfall on the ground makes no difference in fact, they would both like it. They require long, leisurely walks through the nearby park or natural reserve because they are big dog breeds. They both enjoy being outside and will develop cabin fever if kept indoors for an extended period.
Due to their huge bodies and joints, neither one of them should be trained aggressively while they are puppies. The best course of action is to completely avoid physically demanding tasks because too much pressure can lead to abnormalities in development.
With less social engagement during the day, the Berner is the more relaxed pup. When his loud breaths begin to reverberate throughout the home, you will know that he is content to nap for a few hours. The Swissy requires a lot more company during the day to get rid of his excess energy. Consider harder play sessions, difficulties, and the requirement for long-lasting dog toys.
Well-being & Health
Neither the Swiss nor the Bernese Mountain Dogs are known to have any breed-specific illnesses, making them both generally healthy dogs. However, they are prone to health concerns like elbow, neck, shoulder, and hip joint troubles that often affect larger species. Nevertheless, their musculoskeletal health generally looks good overall. Additionally, bloat is a serious medical condition that can affect any large breed; owners just need to understand what to watch for.
The American Kennel Club advises evaluating puppies for eye health issues in addition to elbow, shoulder, and hip dysplasia. AKC additionally suggests a Von Willebrand's (clotting) Disease DNA test for Bernese, especially. The Swiss Mountain Dog lives eight to eleven years, while the Bernese Mountain Dog lives between seven and ten years.
Grooming and Weeping
Possimply the most noticeable distinction between the two breeds is this. Compared to Swiss dogs, Bernese wear longer, thicker coats, which means they need more maintenance. Naturally, Bernese shed continuously, but their lengthy outside coat and wooly underneath shed severely twice a year. To maintain a glossy and healthy coat, Bernese needs to be brushed once a week all year round and every day during shedding seasons. Owners may occasionally need to use an iron comb or toothbrush to untangle their fur because of its longer length.
Conversely, the Swiss have lower standards for grooming. They require less care and have a double coat as well. A blowout of the overcoat twice a year throughout periods of greater shedding would be beneficial to them. A periodic bath and brushes, however, maintain the Swiss looking well.
Every day, the Berner will drink from three to four cups of food, whereas the Swissy will drink four to five cups. Their age, size, and level of energy all affect how much they eat. They are both prone to rapid weight gain, particularly the Berner with his easygoing disposition, so watch out not to overfeed them. You must closely monitor their dietary consumption since obesity may compound existing health issues.
Both of them needed to be provided with a premium diet that offered them well-balanced nutrients. An excellent meal consists of genuine livestock meat, carbohydrates, fiber, healthy fats, calories, and elements. Two other crucial components to look out for are chitosan and ibuprofen since they will preserve their enormous joints.
Since they are both huge breeds, they should be provided kibble made especially for them, especially in their puppy years when their development is very quick. These will have the ideal balance of nutrients that they require. This is especially crucial while the project is still under development. According to research, they can aid in delaying or preventing bone problems that both breeds have a susceptibility to, such as elbow, shoulder, and hip dysplasia.
In conclusion, the background, appearance, personality type, and care needs of the Bernese Mountain Dog and the Greater Swiss Mountain Dog are comparable and differ from one another. As tricolored Swiss mountain dogs, both breeds have a long history of being used as adaptable farm dogs in Switzerland.
Originating in the Swiss Alps and the Roman military, the Bernese Mountain Dog saw a drop in appeal in the 19th century before being saved from extinction by committed individuals. Conversely, the Greater Swiss Mountain Dog, which originated from Mastiff-like canines utilized in Roman forces, was nearly exterminated in the late 1800s but was subsequently acknowledged and documented.
There are noticeable variations in height, coat length, and disposition between the two breeds, despite their remarkable tricolor coats and kind dispositions. The Bernese Mountain Dog is characterized as being more reserved and laid-back, and it tends to be somewhat smaller with a longer coat. In contrast, the Greater Swiss Mountain Dog is bigger, has a thinner fur, and possesses a more industrialized temperament characteristic.
What makes a Bernese Mountains Dog different from a Bigger Swiss Mountain Dog?
Size, coat length of sentence, and personality all differ. The Greater Swiss is bigger, has a thinner coat, and tends to be a more intense dog than the Bernese, which is somewhat smaller and has a longer coat.
What is behind each of these dog breeds from the Swiss mountains?
Both breeds began life as adaptable farm dogs in Switzerland; the Greater Swiss descended from Mastiff-type hounds used in Roman legions, while the Bernese mixed military and native Swiss dogs.
What prevented the mountain dog from Bernese from going extinct in the nineteenth century?
By starting breeding programs and creating breed standards, Professor Albert Heim and Swiss cynologist Herr Franz Schertenleib were instrumental in preventing the wiped out of the Bernese Mountain Dog.
Do their looks and functions resemble each other?
It's true that both breeds have multicolored coats and were intended for farm work, such as pushing wagons full of produce to marketplaces in the Swiss Alps.
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wireveined · 18 days
im tweaking out my parents are thinking of getting a dog and i gave ideas for what breed. apparently theyre looking at those crusty white dogs
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krnaturalphoto · 1 year
A Life Filled With Joy Is a Life Filled With Dogs
In our house we love dogs. My wife tries to proclaim she likes cats better, but I am not sure I believe her. We are or at least I am a dog person through and through. We have been fortunate to bring so many different dogs into our home over the years. Some dogs came to us as puppies and lived with us until old age. Other dogs came to us later in life and stayed with us to the end. Sometimes doge…
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suzukiblu · 2 months
Winner of the "🤔❓️" poll: "🐈‍⬛️🎀😳", which means one last round of "stray cat strut". (( chrono || non-chrono ))
But either way, no one in this crowd is going to be adopting a rescue pet with no pedigree and nowhere near the aesthetic appeal of a Bernese mountain dog or a Great Pyrenees or a Siamese or Persian, much less an exotic pet like a harlequin macaw or the definitely-not-legally-obtained grand cayman blue iguana the Wallens have been carting around to every possible event of the past six months. Especially when most of the rescue’s pets aren’t any “prettier” than a calico or a golden retriever and definitely would not be any kind of status symbol to own. There isn’t a single pet at this event outside of the rescue’s that wasn’t bought from either a breeder or a poacher, Tim’s sure, which is . . . ironic, he’ll just say. 
And also hugely hypocritical and frankly an insult to the entire purpose of the event. 
But that’s what it takes to get donations in Gotham, so he can’t blame the rescue for playing the game. 
Tim just really doesn’t like how a lot of people treat their pets, especially in high society. And, of course, high society can afford all the pets it wants, ethically-sourced or not. 
Even if he didn’t care about that kind of thing at all, though, Damian’s much more interested in pets than he is, even though he doesn’t actually have any of his own. Tim is pretty sure half of his chaperone responsibilities today are really just going to be making sure Damian doesn’t try to bring home a puppy or five while Bruce is distracted with the “Brucie” act. 
An animal puppy would be one thing, obviously–Damian already has Titus and Alfred the cat, after all, and still insists on regularly visiting Bat-Cow in South Dakota to check up on her and how she’s doing, and also there’s the whole . . . whatever’s going on with Goliath, Tim really doesn’t know what’s going on with Goliath–but a pet puppy . . . 
Yeah, Bruce definitely doesn’t want any pets in the manor. 
Not great for keeping a lid on the secret identities, that. 
After all, pets talk.
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abrahamvanhelsings · 2 months
if you would ever like to elaborate further on the mountain dog/hunting dog joplittle dynamic you mentioned in the tags of that “Blanky about to lose his leg” gifset…. inquiring minds are simply piqued 👀
hi sorry that this took me. FOREVER. i didn't have time to answer the ask at first then i did it halfway and didn't have time again and i promise you this ask has been hounding me (hah hah) since the day it appeared in my inbox but i never seemed to be able to make the time to reply to it asfjdfjfd anyway! here it is now :')
ok im basing the idea of hunting dog = jopson and mountain/working dog = little on their respective personalities, the way they seem to think and how they react to specific circumstances. and slightly on their physiques as presented in the series but that's of minor importance. ofc both of them are loyal and listen well to superiors - to one man in particular, which is fairly common among dog breeds as well (i.e. whoever trained them), so that's not necessarily distinctive, but it does ofc make them dog-coded in general. but there are many many ways in which to be dog-coded and they're very different abt it so!
why i think jopson is more hunting dog coded is bc he is extremely competent, but quietly so, not noticeable until it becomes necessary. he's very skilled at providing specific information about the crew and the general goings-on around terror to crozier, and he becomes more focused in highly tense situations - in fact these are moments where he specifically stands out for how well-suited he seems to the task. and he is not aggressive, but there is definitely a sharpness to him that he can and does direct to those who threaten him or crozier first and foremost.
and all that really does remind me of hunting dogs - a good hunting dog is extremely well-trained, knows exactly what he is supposed to do, listens to commands, and stays at his master's side. im thinking especially of pointing dogs, i.e. dogs that point a hunter in the direction of prey that they have sensed:
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these are of course very precarious situations wherein a hunter relies on his dog to steer him, and if hunter or dog make a wrong sound or movement, they may alert prey to their presence. there's a a correspondence here between dogs trained for these moments of focus to jopson, who is crozier's silent aid but also excels in such tense situations, and who is decisive, swift and capable. and i think it's really funny that being 'birdy' is a wanted trait in these dog types, bc 'i've shot smaller hawks than you' the comparison literally writes itself. also, pointers/setters tend to be lean dogs, which i think coincides well with jopson's natural elegance and grace
edward on the other hand is supposed to be sturdy, good-natured and broadly dependable. he appears increasingly anxious in the series, but that is because he is shouldering a lot of responsibility throughout it all. he'll take the insults and he'll take the extra tasks and he'll do it with barely a complaint. in fact it makes me think of the fact that dogs treated badly can come to exhibit traits that are not desirable in the breed at all. imo edward in ep 1 displays what i would call the desirable traits of, say, the bernese mountain dog, but events and crozier change that very rapidly.
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you can fuck up any dog if you treat it badly for long enough, and edward is an abused dog to me.
id also say that edward is generally amiable, though he will make a point when he feels it is absolutely necessary, and he does have an innate want to protect what or whom he finds important, though he is seldom if ever very aggressive about it. he has an intense feeling of responsibility for the crew and the expedition as a whole, set against his feelings of loyalty towards crozier, who he wants to please almost at any cost as well. and then of course he also has a large family.
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'search and rescue work'. yeah. and then of course mountain dogs are generally of a sturdy build. obviously matthew mcnulty is no absolute unit but by god the series tried their hardest to make edward appear like a well-built countryside boy. and by god does he try to carry every burden ever on those shoulders, like a dog pulling a cart bc that's what it was trained to do and it was enjoyable once. and he seems practically immune to scurvy and fares well in the cold, which, again, very mountain dog of him.
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additionally, newfoundlands (neptune!) aren't mountain dogs, but they're big, sturdy, excellent swimmers, and therefore often used for rescue, so that's also a breed i associate with ned.
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What all does wills service dog help him with?
Oh, I'm so so glad you asked!! (Details below the cut)
After everything he's been through, Will has:
Anorexia Nervosa (recovering)
Brain tumor
Chronic pain (from joints and tissue damage after the events of chapter 93)
Complex post-traumatic stress disorder
Hearing loss (90% loss in the left, 70% loss in the right)
Limp due to broken femur and tissue damage in right leg
Lung issues (touched upon several times in Glimmer)
Struggles with self-harm (recovering)
Struggles with suicidal ideation
Struggles with survivor's guilt
Thermoregulation issues (after the Mindflayer, his body temperature is pretty wacky)
Traumatic brain injury
His service dog Charlie, a rescued Bernese Mountain Dog, helps a lot with all of the above. Because he's a GOOD FUCKING BOY. (I'm gonna include a face (dog?) claim below this list)
Charlie refuses to eat unless Will is eating at the same time
Charlie provides deep pressure therapy (lays on Will) to ground him
Charlie alerts when he smells an anxiety attack, panic attack, flashback, etc coming on by pawing at Will and making Will pet him to calm him down
Charlie distracts Will by demanding to play when Will isn't feeling good due to his disabilities
Charlie provides balance support when Will is off-kilter by having Will lean on him
Charlie is trained to fetch Will's medication and forearm crutches
Charlie cuddles with Will when his chronic pain is bad
Charlie is trained to pick up things he drops so he doesn't have to crouch as much as well as carry small objects
Charlie creates a 'safe space' (circles Will to make people back up at least five feet) and grounds him during flashbacks
Charlie provides Will with a routine and a reason to get up
Charlie can detect seizures and alerts Will by barking until Will sits down
During a seizure, Charlie is trained to cushion Will's head
Charlie alerts Will to sounds like doorbells, alarms, and cars when the hearing aids are out
Charlie alerts Will to impending migraines
Charlie is trained to take knives and razors out of Will's hands so that he can't self-harm
Charlie lays on Will to keep him warm when his temperature is too low
Charlie barks whenever Will's heart rate is too high
Charlie paws Will awake from nightmares and lays on his lap
Charlie alerts Will's family when he doesn't eat or self-harms
He also provides emotional support and normal dog benefits
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This is Charlie ^^ he is the Bestest Boy to ever Dog ^^
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little-pup-pip · 8 months
Just curious, what requests do you have in your queue/to do currently? If you're ok with saying it that is :]
Oh boy, that's a bigger question than last time someone asked! I have over 200 waiting requests at this point!! Because of that this got very very long, so I put the rest under the cut! Like last time, this is in order of how recently I received the request, and doesn't mean I'm too busy to take new requests!!
Ibara saegusa (enstars)
Monochrome oranges cats and angels
Gloomy bear
Another rockruff (maybe)
Cult of the lamb (specifically the lamb)
Llewellyn Watts (Murdoch Mysteries)
Jake (trailer park warlock)
Cult of the lamb (pet dreaming themed)
Bear therian
Ice bear (we bare bears)
Tubbo (maybe)
Snow leopard
Australian shepherd (pupre)
Cassie (fnaf: ruin)
Draik (neopets)
The rainbow fish
Black kitten + space
Pumpkin head (maybe, needs more research)
Alice in wonderland
Someone's OC Avery & siblings
Star catcher (MLP)
Masc version of my druid board
Scrooge CG (2009 film)
Superstar daycare (fnaf)
1950s + ocean
Pandas + light purple and black
Willy wonka CG (recent movie)
Maki Harukawa (Danganronpa)
Kidcore Halloween + pumpkin puppy Webkinz
Fruit bat
Pastel purple + pandas
Robocar Poli
Brown, lime green and forest green puppy
Weird Barbie CG
Shiny Vaporeon
Where the wild things are
Dylan (the magic roundabout)
Conner CG (Detroit become human)
Mitsuri kanroji (demon slayer)
Minecraft mooshrooms
Sharks or wolves (haven't decided)
Hot Wheels
Vincent (dead plate)
Vintage kitty dreaming
Shane CG (stardew valley)
Wolf pup
Celestia and Luna (MLP)
Soft blue and yellow
Pascal (animal crossing)
Pastel blue and pink
Batman CG
Osamu dazai (bungo stray dogs)
Dylan (the quarry)
Rain/nature + white rabbits
Penguin + dinosaur
Noah (total drama island)
Vision CG (marvel)
Light blue
Bumble bees + lavender
Yellow + ducks
Bearded vulture
Barn owl
Queen barb (trolls world tour)
Oliver (vocaloid)
Light green light brown and beige
Mind (Chonny Jash/CCCC)
Cinnamoroll + emu otori (project sekai)
Yellow+ chicks and puppy stuffies
Seam CG (deltarune)
Plants vs zombies
Viktor (arcane)
Queen of trash CG (Elmo goes to grouch land)
John Constantine (Justice League Dark)
Aziraphale (good omens)
Musa (winx club)
Leap frog
Hyper feminine puppy
Crow + black cat
Totodile + bodies of water
Sackboy (Little Big Planet) and or My Melody
Baby crocodile
Animal crossing
Pastel kitten
Doki doki literature club
Keralis (Hermitcraft, maybe)
90s grunge
Tula tones (novi stars)
Eevee + dragons
Kitten + stars
Ratchet (rescue bot academy)
Pastel shark
Mikan Tsumiki (Danganronpa)
Grey + Ross federman youtooz
Sparkly dragon
Blue and purple + puppies
Ducks + alt/Gothic lean
Shadow (sonic)
Boyfriend.xml (Friday night funkin')
Puppet (fnaf)
Golden retriever + yellow and blue
Bernese mountain dog
Genshin impact
Len or Miku
Toothless (httyd)
Donnie (rise of the tmnt)
The princess and the grilled cheese sandwich
Pastel goth princess
Karako Pierot (hiveswap)
Young Michael Afton
Soft fox
Great pyrenees + farm
Ike eveland
Invader Zim + neon green
Julius Caesar (Octavian, night at the museum, waiting until March for this one)
Vampire squid
Golden retriever (again, lol)
Cats + playing outside
Border Collie
Argos CG (World of Mr. Plant) 
Mortal Kombat
marble cross fox/forest/fantasy (I'm figuring this one out still)
Puppy + SpongeBob
characters from Project Sekai, Hoshino Ichika, Mochizuki Honami, Akiyama Mizuki and Kusanagi Nene.
Baby vulture
Frog with more fem themes
Rain world/slugcat
Dark academia/cottagecore
Border Collie
Modded smash hit rooms
Crying child (fnaf)
Agent Smith CG (the matrix)
Enjolras (les miserable)
Rolfe DeWolfe CG (Rockafire Explosion)
Slime rancher
Puppet (fnaf)
Parado (Kamen Rider)
Tally hall
Gordon (all engines go)
Spinel (Steven universe)
Cater diamond (twisted wonderland)
Rockabilly (probably)
Felix Lee
Jing yuan CG (Hsr)
Charles Xavier CG (X-Men)
Toki wartooth (metalocalypse)
Naoto Shirogane (persona 4)
Kitoto (I don't know what he's from)
17th century dutch
Sirena von boo (monster high)
Jake (miss peregrines home for peculiar children)
Sees behind trees
Allay (Minecraft, I think)
Spinosaurus screenshots or products
Tecchou (Bungo Stray Dogs)
Barbara (genshin impact)
Tasmanian devil
Spamton CG (deltarune)
Grunge + lop eared bunnies
Daxter (jak and daxter)
Madness combat for puppies
James Sunderland (silent Hill)
Shirokuma (Danganronpa)
Leo (IDW comic)
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brain-bumbler · 9 months
o/ hello I'm also on the psychonauts braintrain rn - a thought hit me while i was working on something else and that thought was "someone should get Raz (or maybe several of the Aquatos) a service dog." (Let's be real, even if the kid didn't arrive at Whispering Rock with trauma he's surely got it after everything else that's happened to him)
Maybe it's some kind of water dog, like a retriever? So if he accidentally into the water while he's working on something else the dog's there to help him get to shore again.
Or! Or or or it's some kinda big fluffy friend, like a newfoundland or a great pyranese, and either is or will be (imagine he gets it as a puppy) bigger than Raz himself!
imagine he talks to the pupper and talks out everything that happened to him over the course of the games, from his perspective.
I'm still early in my playthrough of Psychonauts 2 (I know what happens, no worries there) but the wiki says Raz himself has Zoolepathy - imagine him talking things through with his service dog and the dog talking back and helping him figure things out.
^^; sorry for kinda dropping all this in your inbox... hope you have a good New Year's!
AAAAAAAAAA I LOVE THIS Please drop everything into my inbox always!!! I will love you forever its like giving a food motivated zoo animal more treats i'm going crazy. throw those fish into my enclosure. This is a great idea! They could have a full service dog or an emotional support companion, both can be taught to perform helpful tasks! Since service dogs need certification and special training the breed can be pretty important to determine what services they can provide.
I adore New Foundlands! They're so, so sweet and are bred water dogs, so they're great for swimming! Bernese Mountain Dogs and Great Danes are other large breeds that also make good service dogs, and mixed breeds are lovely too!
A water dog would be so good for this family, especially if it can rescue drowning people. Imagine tala or queepie holding onto its fur when learning to swim 💞.
They could teach the dog tricks, of course they'd perform at the circus. A herding dog would also be fun. Guiding everyone back to camp, or finding Nona when she wanders off. Larger dogs can perform deep pressure therapy for people with anxiety and PTSD too!
This sweet pet would be so loved. Maybe the family meets them as a puppy at a shelter, and Augustus is remembering the orphanage he was briefly in. Need to stop him from adopting all the dogs there.
Gus needs a quiet moment to sort through his thoughts (have a panic attack) and the dog finds him and lays their head in his lap so he can pet their fur. Tala is scared of a thunderstorm, and the dog ends up curled beside her, soft grumbly snores soothing her to sleep. They fetch psi-cards for Raz, and Frazie and Dion are always competing over their affection with treats.
Amazing idea thank you for sharing with it!!!
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whirltherescuebot · 2 years
Rescue bots animal au
I put this in my discord and thought abt posting it here soooo, rescue bots as animals!!!
Chase - Grey fox
Blades - Maine coon
Heatwave - Bengal tiger
Boulder - Striped skunk
Hotshot - Bernese mountain dog
Wedge - Norwegian forest cat
Whirl - Kinkajou
Hoist - Black-footed ferret
Medix - Fennec fox
Bumblebee: Canadian marble fox
Optimus prime: Transvaal lion If i have any time during the weekend, I'll do some sketches for designs!!
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petinfosite · 7 months
Discover How Weighted Jackets for Dogs Can Help Get Fit A Complete Guide
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Meta Description
Find out how your dog's exercise regimen might be changed using weighted jackets. Discover the best practices for choosing, introducing, and combining weighted jackets for dog performance and health. Exploring the Weighted Jackets for Dog Fitness
Weighted jackets are an original method that the dog fitness industry is now improving the physical fitness and general health of dogs. These specialty clothes are intended to provide focused friction during exercise, which successfully turns ordinary activities into active exercises.
They are much more than simply a statement of style. The use of weighted jackets has become an effective means for reaching measurable fitness objectives as dog owners look for methods to maximize the workouts of their animal friends.
Understanding the potential advantages of weighted jackets for our dog friends requires an understanding of the science behind them. Through an examination of how these jackets affect dog biology, including muscular growth, improved endurance, and heart function, we may better understand their usefulness as instruments for boosting peak fitness.
Furthermore, by using appropriate security measures and progressive introduction methods, dogs may benefit from weighted jacket education without jeopardizing their well-being.
The Weighted Jacket for Dogs Scientific Basis
Heavy dog jackets are made with extensive knowledge of pup biology. These specialty clothes have a function based on the laws of physics; they are more than just clothes to wear. We can understand how weighted jackets affect a dog's biology and how they might improve general health and fitness in dogs by learning more about these systems.
Effect on the Biology of Dogs
When a dog moves, weighted jackets provide a regulated amount of pressure to their body, causing different biological responses.
Muscle Construction
As the dog rotates, the extra weight these jackets give causes a greater level of muscle involvement across various muscle groups. Increased muscle activity serves as a kind of workout that is similar to what is seen in sports. Increased muscular growth, power, and tone may result from this over time.
Bone Size
Weighted jackets may benefit bone health in addition to muscular growth. More weight on the bones promotes development and reshaping especially in weight-bearing bones.
This feature is especially helpful for puppies going through the developing period or for seniors who want to maintain the strength of their bones and avoid age-related problems like bone loss.
Attitude and Body Knowledge
Dogs with weighted jackets often have a better awareness of themselves and their attitude. They have to modify their center of pressure and balance due to the additional weight, which improves their sense of balance and awareness of space.
This feature is especially helpful for dogs with bone issues or those undertaking rehabilitation from injury since it promotes regular exercise and lowers the chance of falls or other accidents.
Impacts on Performance and Muscle Growth
Muscle Stimulating
Compared to standard exercise alone, the effort offered by weighted jackets boosts a wider variety of muscles. By fostering a more balanced muscle, this complete engagement lowers the chance of problems that may result in injuries or incorrect movement.
Furthermore, regular muscle activation across the body enhances general strength and practical movement behaviors.
Improvement of Durability
Dogs' ability to endure often becomes better as they get used to the extra weight of the jacket. Exercise increases the burden on the circulatory system and muscle tissue, which leads to this improvement in durability. Dogs are better at using oxygen and energy as they age, which enables them to engage in exercise for extended periods without becoming tired.
Benefits for the Metabolic System
Exercises involving increased resistance, such as wearing weighted jackets, might cause changes in metabolism. Exercise may cause dogs to burn more calories, which helps them maintain a healthy weight and metabolism.
Furthermore, increases in insulin tolerance and glucose management may result from the increased metabolic effort experienced during weighted exercise sessions, which may lower the risk of metabolic illnesses like diabetes.
Knowing these complex biological effects makes it clear why weighted jackets are a recommended addition to dog exercise programs. But it's important to utilize them carefully, taking into account the unique qualities of each dog, such as age, species, and general health.
 Seeking advice from medical professionals may be very helpful in making sure that weighted jacket teaching is secure and advantageous for every individual dog partner.
Selecting the Ideal Weighted Jacket
It's important to take into account several requirements while choosing the right weighted jacket for your pet. Not all weighted jackets are made equal, and selecting the ideal one requires weighing several factors to guarantee both effectiveness and safety while in use. Here's a detailed look at the things to think about before getting your pet a weighted jacket:
Things to Think About Before Buying
Weight Spread
Your dog's safety and well-being are greatly dependent on how the jacket distributes its weight. Seek for coats that disperse the extra weight across the entire body instead of putting it all in one place.
Uneven distribution of weight may cause pain, strain on muscles, or even damage, especially when wearing something for a long time or performing severe activities.
Choose a weighted jacket that is flexible and can be adjusted for both fit and burden. This lets you adjust the force to suit your dog's demands, level of health, and training objectives.
As your dog becomes stronger, you may alter the degree of the training by adding or removing weight packs from the jacket or adjusting the straps.
Component Excellence
Evaluate the jacket's building materials' quality. Strong, breathable materials are necessary for enduring constant use and allow for proper ventilation while working out. Should you want to use the jacket in environments where dealing with moisture is a problem, look for fabrics that are fast to dry or water-resistant.
Take into account how simple it is to clean and maintain the jacket as well to make sure it stays odor-free and safe over time.
Safety Features
To improve awareness and reduce hazards while engaging in outdoor activities, give priority to jackets with safety features. Low-light visibility is improved with shining strips or high-visibility voices, which lowers the risk of crashes or errors. When engaging in intense motion, secure fasteners like hook-and-loop fasteners or flexible belts keep the jacket from sliding or falling loose.
Connectivity with Straps and Leads
Verify that the weighted jacket is appropriate with the straps and straps you already own if your dog uses them for walks or training sessions. To ensure easy integration without sacrificing comfort or utility, look for coats with incorporated leash connection points or harness-compatible patterns.
Challenges for Size and Comfort
Proper Evaluation
To get the right jacket size, take precise measures of the dog's physical dimensions. Calculate the neck diameter, the distance from the lowest point of the head to the tip of the hair, and the length around the upper body to ensure a proper fit.
It is advisable to avoid making selections based just on weight divisions since dogs of the same weight might have different body forms and measurements.
Comfort and Flexibility of Motion
When choosing a weighted jacket, give special consideration to feel and range of motion. Make sure the garment fits your dog comfortably and properly without limiting its range of motion. Focus on important regions like the abdomen, chest, and shoulders where pleasure and maximum performance depend on being able to move.
Sample Adapting
Before investing, wherever feasible, let your dog test on the weighted jacket. This enables you to personally evaluate the fit and level of ease and make the necessary changes. When your dog wears the jacket, pay attention to how they move and behave to make sure there are no symptoms of pain or limitations.
Through careful consideration of these variables and thoughtful selection of the ideal weighted jacket, you can optimize your dog's training experiences and successfully promote their fitness objectives. To make sure that you and your dog have a good and happy time, keep in mind to put security, pleasure, and usefulness first.
Rules for Wearing Weighted Jackets in a Safe Way
Although there are many advantages to using weighted jackets for your dog's training and fitness, it is crucial to make sure they are safe while wearing them. Following the necessary security measures not only shields your dog from any danger but also optimizes the success of their training program. An extended look at safety factors for wearing weighted jackets is provided below:
Appropriate Distribution of Weights
Equal Load Delivery
Make sure your dog's body receives the additional weight from the weighted jacket in a fair way. An equal load distribution reduces the chance of strain or damage to certain joints or groups of muscles. In addition to encouraging typical motion patterns, this healthy distribution lessens the chance of pain or fatigue.
Ideal Weight Picking
Considering your dog's size, species, age, and level of fitness, choose a weighted jacket with an acceptable weight level. Gently increase the weight as your dog turns used to wearing the jacket; start with one that is thinner. Don't go beyond advised weight limitations to save your dog's skeletal system from excess stress.
Customized Weight Selections
Select a weighted jacket that lets you adjust the amount and location of the weight. You may customize the durability of a jacket to meet the individual demands and training objectives of your dog by adding or removing weight packs or adjusting sections. This flexibility guarantees that the exercise your dog gets is safe and appropriate for their level of ability.
Meeting with an Expert
When choosing a weighted jacket for your dog, get advice from an authorized vet or professional pet fitness trainer. These experts may provide specific guidance depending on the special qualities of your dog and any deeper medical problems.
Speaking with professionals guarantees that, to protect your dog's health, you make well-informed choices on weight choosing and use.
Observing Measures of Fear or Exhaustion
Watchful Evaluation
While your dog is wearing the weighted jacket, pay special attention to their actions and body language. Keep an eye out for any indications of anxiety, such as hunger, heavy panting, or anxiety, since these could mean that the weight level is too difficult or that the jacket is making you uncomfortable.
Subtle Indicators
During exercise sessions pay attention to any slight shifts in your dog's position, stride, or overall attitude. Fatigue symptoms, such as falling behind, not wanting to go on, or losing interest, should be addressed right once and may call for a change in the training plan or a break.
Reaction to Touch
Your dog's sense of security and any areas of stress or pain may be noticed by gently feeling their joints and muscles. Examine how your dog reacts to touch and take note of any sensitive or uncomfortable behaviors that can point to strain or overwork.
Clear communication
Clear communication is essential to determining your dog's sense of security and readiness to continue learning. Make sure you are communicating with the animal. Encourage your dog to use loud signals, such as "easy" or "slowly down," to indicate when it's time to take pauses or lighten up on activity.
To protect your dog's safety and well-being, fast respond to their indications and modify the program as necessary.
Resting and Healing
Give yourself plenty of time to relax and recover in between weighted jacket workouts. By allowing your dog's tissues to heal and adjust to the increased activity, proper sleep intervals reduce the likelihood of stress problems, muscular strain, and feeling tired.
To encourage the best possible healing and avoid compound fatigue include rest days in your dog's training program.
A safe and joyful training session may be guaranteed by following these extensive safety instructions and paying great attention to your dog's reaction while wearing a balanced jacket.
Put your dog's support, health, and longevity first to get the most out of weighted jacket education. While lowering the possibility of pain or damage. Keep in mind that getting the results you want and building. A solid relationship with your dog partner needs patience. Tenacity, and careful attention to detail.
How to Give a Weighted Jacket to Your Pet
Teaching your dog to a weighted jacket is a long process that takes patience. Encouragement, and careful consideration of your dog's health and flexibility. Your dog may get used to wearing the jacket with ease and confidence. If you use training methods that focus. On encouragement and progressive introduction.
Techniques for Gradual Overview
Knowledge of the Jacket
Start by letting your dog grow comfortable wearing the weighted jacket in a comfortable, stress-free environment. Place the outerwear near your dog's blanket or favorite resting location. Enabling them to inspect and smell it during their time off. To help you form pleasant connections with the jacket, give it some treats and attention.
Brief Wear Periods
Begin with brief, monitored wear periods of the weighted jacket, increasing the length over time. Initially, simply put the coat on for the dog for a few seconds at a time to avoid upsetting them. Take advantage of these quick sessions to see how comfortable. Your dog is wearing the jacket and how they react to it.
Attractive Organizations
To encourage the desired behavior, link wearing the jacket to enjoyable events and incentives. When your pet wears the jacket, give them food, praise in words, or their favorite toys. To help them form a good relationship with the item. When sporting the jacket, your dog will feel more at ease and self-assured thanks to this beneficial reinforcement.
Progressive Weight Furthermore
When your dog is satisfied wearing the jacket for a long time, gradually add weights to the garment in stages. Start with lesser weight packets or fewer weights, then raise the effort. As your dog grows adjusted to the increased burden. Keep a careful eye on your dog's reaction and modify the weight level as necessary.
Exposure Training
Use reduction methods to make your dog accustomed to the feeling of wearing a heavy jacket. Carefully touch and touch various sections of the coat, gradually adding the feeling of weight and stress. Pair these encounters with prizes and praise to build a favorable connection with the jacket's feel.
Effective Reinforcement Teaching Methods
Reward-Based Learning
To get your dog to put on the heavy jacket voluntarily, use reward-based methods for training. Offer sweets, praise, or favorite things as rewards for using the jacket and showing calm, friendly conduct. Rewarding behavior encourages your dog to participate gladly in the desired activity.
Implement Clicker
Implement clicker methods of training for enhancing the good behaviors connected to donning the weighted jacket. When a desired behavior like sitting or standing still while wearing the jacket. Marked with a clicker, it can be rewarded with a reward.
Using the clicker consistently aids in behavioral change and learning by letting your dog know which actions are rewarding.
Gradual Lighting
Slowly subject your dog to sporting the weighted jacket in different circumstances and during varied activities. Once you've mastered low-stress situations like wearing the jacket inside. During quiet times you can move on to more challenging settings and activities. Regular use allows your dog to develop trust as well as relax while wearing the jacket in different situations.
Tolerance and Uniformity
Show patience as your dog makes improvements and remain steady in your training methods. It took time for City to be created, and the same is true. For your dog's transition to a weighted jacket. Celebrate little successes and development goals. Prepare to change your training techniques. Required to meet your dog's specific requirements and preferences.
Terminate with a Positive Note 
Despite the result, always conclude training sessions with an upbeat mood. Take off the jacket and give your dog love and reward if they show indications of stress or pain. Ending on a good note helps sustain your dog's excitement and drive for future exercises.
Your dog can learn to wear a weighted jacket with ease and trust if you use methods of instruction. That involves gradual introductions and encouragement to succeed.
Throughout the training phase, keep in mind to be cautious, consistent, and aware of your dog's needs. You should also celebrate each progress your dog makes toward greater health and fitness.
As the study of weighted jackets for dog fitness comes to an end. These cutting-edge devices have huge potential. To improve our dogs' physical health. We've explored the research behind weighted jackets in this thorough guide. To learn more about their effects on heart health, muscular growth, and strength. Through the order of appropriate selection, growing introduction methods. And inclusion into exercise regimens, we have prepared ourselves. With the information and resources necessary. To optimize the advantages of weighted jackets for our animal friends. The adaptability of weighted jackets provides plenty of opportunities for enhancing our dogs' fitness activities. From strengthening and conditioning to enhancing heart function. Weighted jackets offer an active edge to ordinary activities, turning them into planned exercises.
Whether you're walking rapidly, training speed, or enjoying the great outdoors. By providing our dogs with constant training, encouragement, and careful attention. We may enable them to achieve incredible levels of wellness and energy. During their fitness journey, we as trustworthy dog owners must always put our dogs' ease, security, and unique requirements first. We can make sure that our dogs' health adventures are not only successful but also pleasurable and fulfilling. By continuing to pay attention to appropriate weight delivery, and keeping an eye out for symptoms. Of exhaustion or pain, and creating a good training experience.
What are dog-weighted coats and exactly how do they function?
Dogs wearing weighted jackets experience opposition throughout their activities, which improves muscular activation and the efficiency of their workouts. What are the advantages of giving dogs weighted jackets?
  They help control weight and enhance cardiac wellness, muscular strength, and durability. Are all dogs suited for wearing weighted coats?
Not every time. Before using, particularly for pups, senior dogs, or dogs having health concerns, see the doctor. How do You introduce wearing a heavy jacket to my dog?
  Introduce the jacket slowly by giving it small wear intervals and rewards, then gradually boost its weight and length.
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moonlight26posts-blog · 10 months
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Baltimore County Animal Services is seeking rescue placement for Coco. Coco is a Bernese Mountain Dog that is only 10 months old. Coco was surrendered to us yesterday due to her owner being deployed. Coco has lived with children, but has never been around cats, dogs, or people outside of her home so this new environment with new people is very stressful and scary for her. We have not been able to see Coco’s true colors, but she has not been aggressive while here. We are hopeful a rescue will be able to take her in and get to know her to see her true colors and find the best home for her. If you are interested in pulling Coco or have any questions, please let us know!
Thank you,
Megan Phillabaum
Rescue Coordinator
Baltimore County Animal Services
13800 Manor Road
Baldwin, MD 21013
To see other animals in need of rescue, visit here: https://www.baltimorecountymd.gov/departments/animal-services/rescue-partners
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dragonfly0808 · 2 years
what would everyone’s favorite dog breed be
Why can I 100% see Bloom with a beagle?
Stella- york terrier (I’m thinking Sharpray style, carrying the dog in a bag)
Flora- a cocker spaniel (I’m picturing Lady from the Lady and the Tramp tbh)
Musa- Australian Shepherd. It just makes sense to me
Tecna- an annoying, really loud Husky, don’t even ask me why I can just see it. Or a Bull Terrier… I think a Bull Terrier might make more sense for her, idk
Aisha- Bernese Mountain, it’s just so fluffy!!!
Sky- A Labrador (I think Lady is supposed to be a labrador but don’t trust me on that)
Brandon- maybe a dalmatian?
Helia- Border Collie, don’t ask me, it just makes sense to me
Riven- why can I see him with a Basset Hound? Like, specifically an older one, maybe a rescue idk, I saw a picture of a Basset Hound and now it’s canon that Riven’s grandparents have a Basset Hound ajajjajjaa
Timmy- Finnish Spitz or a golden retriever
Nabu- Japanese Akita
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krnaturalphoto · 1 year
Need Love, Find Love, Give Love | Shelter And Rescue Dogs
So many different things in my life have had a bigger impact on me than I could have ever imagined. There was a time in my life when I don’t think I even knew that animal shelters were even a thing. Then over the course of my life my wife began volunteering at an animal shelter, then began working at the same animal shelter, then I began volunteering at the animal shelter. As a result of our…
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icemankazansky · 9 months
Tag Game: Get to Know Me
Thanks for the tag, @brendaonao3! (Note for people who tag me in tag games: I love to be tagged in tag games, even though my typical response time suggests otherwise.)
Name: Carly
Pronouns: she/her
Star sign: Maverick sun, Iceman rising Sagittarius sun, Leo rising, Pisces moon
Number of siblings (+ any fun facts): One of each, both younger. They look like each other, but I don't look like them at all. (Oddly, my sister and I both look like our mother, but in different ways.) When my sister and I were little, my mom used to have to tell people that yes, we had the same father. (Bc people think it's fine to ask stuff like that? Also I have very curly hair, and it's a recessive trait that one person in every generation on my mom's side gets, but people are so weird about natural curls, and every new hair dresser I see asks, "Who did you get them from?" and a disturbing number of them have made jokes about my mother's infidelity and my questionable parentage when I inform them no, neither of my parents have curls. Who raised y'all?)
Number of pets & their names: Currently, I myself only have one animal, my dog, Elio. But 1. I am actively looking for another dog, 2. My family has a ton of dogs, and 3. We all volunteer for dog rescues (Yes, plural. My sister actually started her own 503c NPO rescue a couple years ago bc her own, like, extra credit financing of homeless dog medical bills was going to bankrupt her, so she had to start a charity so people could donate. She specializes in senior and special needs dogs, but works with local city and county animal control agencies so she gets a lot of breeder and hoarder surrenders, and subsequently ends up with, for example, 18 purebred Bernese Mountain Dog puppies several times a year.) The point is, there's, like, a whole lot of dogs in here.
Fandoms: They are legion. Mostly active in Top Gun rn. Again. Still. Still again.
Favorite song: They too are legion, but include Fiona Apple - I Know, Fleetwood Mac - Silver Springs, Hozier - From Eden, Lake Street Dive - Good Kisser, Bad Company - Bad Company, Natalie Merchant - My Skin. Lately, I'm listening to the following a very normal amount: Tracy Chapman - You're the One (it is Icemav af BTW check it out)
Favorite author: Fiction: Neil Gaiman. Nonfiction: Mary Roach.
Favorite fic type: I like established relationships, true love and people just enjoying each other, and happy endings.
Favorite holiday: Ugh I hate this. Um, New Years Eve.
Do you have a partner (romantic, qpr, etc)?: I already told you I have a dog. Nope.
Hobbies: Dogs, writing, art of various kinds (mostly drawing, some painting, and I am always trying new things like building a tufted headboard, teaching myself to sew, or making custom funko pops), gif making, Val Kilmer.
Fun facts about you: I've never had a cavity. I ran over myself with my own car. I can't figure out if I have 12 tattoos or 13. I can French and Dutch braid my own hair. My favorite perfume is Chance by Chanel, but I also wear Daisy by Marc Jacobs if I want something lighter.
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Five Years Later
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Thanks for visiting this page.
The sudden passing of our friend April is something that shattered the lives of everyone who knew her, and an introduction to the concept of what loss of innocence truly means.
The Mostly Mutts Zeldathon is something I started hosting all the way back in 2018 to honor April—her obituary requested donations to their organization in lieu of flowers, and in the wake of existential devastation, it was a spot of hope for myself and everyone else as a means of catharsis, to remember her, and preserve the legacy of someone inexplicably taken from us far before her time.
April was a shining star of joy and compassion in our hometown, beloved by everyone who knew her, a girl next door with a barking, infectious laugh who loved dogs more than anyone else in the world.
She was someone we grew up with, experienced so many ups and downs of life with, someone we went to college with, someone I and so many others regularly laughed or cried all night with, and ultimately, someone who was snatched away from the people who love her by a devastatingly, unfairly cruel universe that still doesn't make sense five years later.
She was a kind, funny, creative person who loved cosplay, creating art, playing piano, sushi, attending conventions and concerts, playing video games, and so much more. She could be friends with anyone.
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She used to volunteer at Mostly Mutts and would visit other rescues and pet stores in the area just to play with puppies and love on them. She had the gentlest giant of a Bernese Mountain Dog named Lacy, and was beloved by her roommate's Husky Nova and boyfriend's Black Lab Coco. She was goofy as hell and always found something to laugh about. She loved spontaneous games of You Laugh, You Lose and always had a meme ready to send you.
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There wasn't a mean bone in her body, and even when someone was cruel to her, she laughed it off. She was someone I and many others thought would always be around, someone to joke with when we inevitably ended up in the same nursing home together in fifty years, still barking that TAH-HAH-HAH laugh you'd recognize anywhere.
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The Legend of Zelda was also her favorite video game series. It was something we bonded over, and it became a sort of interest-glue that kept us and so many of our friends in touch through the years. Growing up, we used to stay over at each other's houses with our friend Liz marathoning the games together—her favorite was Twilight Princess, Liz's was Wind Waker, and mine was Ocarina and Majora. She had a Triforce purse, Triforce lamp, tons of stuff from Etsy, official stuff, she cosplayed, she went to Symphony of the Goddesses several times. She even had a replica of the Ocarina of Time she learned to play. The Song of Storms was the first song she learned to play on it. Supposedly, it started raining when she did it one time. I believe it, she had the spirit for it.
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It means so much to be that so many people turned up to the first stream and to subsequent streams to help Mostly Mutts. Life as we all know it has changed in ways I’m sure none of us thought were ever possible.
Thank you for being supportive friends, supportive strangers, and supportive human beings. The loss of a best friend and the emptiness it leaves in your heart is truly indescribably. I’m glad we as a community can make an effort to do some positive in the aftermath of her passing. We will never forget her and the joy and friendship she brought not only to my life, but to so many others’ too. 
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Everyone grieves differently and I hope everyone is doing the best they can five years later. I have more to say on grief in other posts—it's something that isn't talked about enough in any aspect of life.
As I've gotten older and learned more, I wanted to make a serious effort to archive and preserve her legacy and continue helping it grow with all of you. Let's make another wonderful years of memories together.
From the bottom of her family's, her friends', and my hearts, thank you so much for being here.
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normanbased · 2 years
i’m curious as to what influenced your choices for the pokémon AU!!
in exchange i offer some notes on an anthro AU (that i may or may not ever get around to 💀):
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I LOVE YOUR LIST SO MUCH!! I absolutely love your choices for Duke and Tracy especially (Tracy gave me Columbo vibes so her being a bloodhound is just perfect) - and a striped-hyena just fits TOO well for Duke - better than the animal I chose anyways. AND THE LAHORE PIGEON FOR MARY!! I WOULD NEVER HAVE THOUGHT OF IT BUT IT'S PERFECT????? I might have to draw something for your AU tonight if I start feeling better.
In return, my anthro headcanons are:
Norman: Loggerhead Shrike - An unassuming passerine, also called the 'butcherbird'. As a result of it's inadequete predation adaptations, it must use barbs, brambles, and spikes to impale it's prey. This means that it has killing grounds where it displays it's kills. It's endemic to California as well as other parts of North America and Europe.
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Mary: Red Satin Rabbit - A domestic breed. I don't have any particular reason for choosing this breed aside from aesthetics, but I wanted Mary to be a rabbit to suggest innocence as well as deceit.
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Duke: American Badger - Aggressive, powerful, and underhanded, American badgers are capable of mutual hunting with coyotes, and are so self-assured that they are rarely predated on by the country's larger predators.
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Bill Raymond: Bernese Mountain Dog - A hardy working breed more commonly seen on farms, Bernese Mountain Dogs can also be trained in mountain and water rescue. They aren't as common to see in mountain rescue as St. Bernards or Retrievers, but I just think they fit his character better than those breeds :]]
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(I never got around to deciding any other animals :]] )
And sure! So my Pokemon list is here for reference - and I'll give a quick explanation for each choice below :]] (under cut)
The important one to start with is Absol. It's territory encroached on the land that the motel was built on. It stalked the Bates family for some time, and Norman is convinced that it was responsible for the death of his father. Norma on the other hand - as a result of losing her husband, embraced Absol's habitation and encouraged it to stay near their home. As it goes, Absols are harbingers of disaster, and it still has a cryptic, looming presence over the land over forty years later. Norman doesn't see it very often, but when he does, it frightens him and sparks another bout of paranoia.
Next is Norman's Staraptor. He found it as an injured Starly when he was still a boy. He spotted it in a nesting flock because it's colouration was different, and when all the other Starly's flew away, his remained. He secretly nursed it back to health, moving it from his room to the kitchen and the motel parlour to avoid his mother finding it. By the time it fully recovered, it grew attached to Norman, and even evolved as a result of their friendship. It was too big to hide at that point, so it spent most of it's time outside after that. It only evolved into a Staraptor after Norman made the decision to kill his mother and step-father - promising that it would protect Norman from harm if it needed to. By the time it meets Mary and Duke, Staraptor is rather old and spends most of it's time roosting or on lookout. It's still a very capable battler, though!!
Minccino showed up as a result of Norman's twenty-year absence. Toomey had completely trashed the motel during his time as manager, and so Minccino was instinctively attracted to the mess once Toomey and all the loud, unsavoury guests had vacated. It spent most of it's time timidly cleaning the grounds around the motel until Norman noticed it's presence, and encouraged it to help him look after the motel with him. Now it spends almost all of it's time happily tending to the rooms and the office, and it keeps the place as immaculate as it can. It was frightened of Staraptor at first, but when the old bird showed no interest in eating it, they became tentative friends. Minccino doesn't tend to hang out with other Pokemon, only ever really seeking companionship with Norman.
Marion and Lisa recieved a Minun and Plusle respectively from their mother before she died. They were supposed to represent sisterhood and family, and symbolised the two of them sticking together and looking out for one another. Ironically, the two Pokemon don't really get along very well. Marion also has a Delcatty that Sam gave her as a gift.
Sam has a Kecleon that helps him look after the hardware store!! It changes colour to show different paint swatches to customers :]] and it's really good at keeping track of inventory.
Arbogast has an Arcanine that acompanies him on his detective work, and an Unown that helps him to figure out puzzles and mysteries.
Mary has a Shaymin and a Poochyena as her partner Pokemon. Shaymin is a pretty moody, independent Pokemon, which goes against their appearence. They act pretty dejectedly in their Land Form, spending most of their time in quiet, dark places. In their Sky Form, they become really rebellious and bold, and isn't easy to command. It's terrified of Staraptor at first, but it soon warms up to the older Pokemon, and the two of them often do fly-overs of the motel together. Poochyena is a little bit short-tempered. If you could imagine a 'Scrappy-Doo'-type of personality, that fits Poochyena to a T. All three of them - Shaymin, Poochyena, and Norman's Staraptor, get along really well.
Duke has three electric pokemon, Luxio, a Manectric, and a shiny Jolteon. They can all bark/roar with sounds that compliment that of an electric guitar, so they're INCREDIBLY noisy and are constantly rocking out. Duke sometimes takes the cord for his electric guitar and gives it to Jolteon to hold in it's mouth, and then it uses an electric-type move to boost the amplification. They're bullies, but loyal to Duke. He uses them to threaten people, and the three of them enjoy pushing people around. They ocassionally have infighting, but Jolteon (their leader) usually puts Luxio and Manectric in line. Everyone elses' Pokemon utterly hate being around them, and it takes a really long time for them to actually behave in a friendly way around anyone besides Duke. Out of the three of them, Jolteon is the most serious. Luxio is the second dominant of the three, and Manectric is sort of the "idiot grunt" of the pack. Manectric tends to be the one that gets pushed around when the three of them don't have any other Pokemon to target - and so it's the most likely to have brief moments of camaraderie with Norman and Mary's Pokemon.
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