#lebanese dog
petinfosite · 7 months
Bernese Mountain Dog vs Swiss Mountain Dog
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Bernese mountain dogs are one of four canine breeds. They are collectively referred to as Swiss mountain dogs.
What characterizes a Bernese Mountains Dog from a Bigger Swiss Mountain Dog?
When adding the component to your extended family. Are you thinking of a Swiss Mountain Dog or a Bernese Mountain Dog? Let's examine the distinctions and parallels between these two outstanding breeds.
The Greater Swiss Mountain Dog has its origins in Julius Caesar's war canines. Which he used to lead his forces across the Alps in an attempt to bring down Europe. These dogs, inherited from Cesar's mastiff dogs, were employed by the Swiss. To pull carts filled with dairy and meat goods up the mountains to the marketplace. Their journey has become known as "the destitute male horse" as a result.
Although Switzerland has produced numerous amazing dog breeds. None is certainly as well-known as the enormous, tricolored Bernese Mountain Dog. These stunning and loving canines are easy. Recognized by their striking markings and size, they are well-suited for hard work. However, there is another Swiss breed that shares its cultural roots and appearance. People occasionally mistake the Greater Swiss Mountain Dog, a devoted. And powerful member of the Working Group, for a Bernese. Continue reading to find out how to distinguish between these two Swiss Alps dogs.
Closely linked to the Greater Swiss, the Bernese Mountain Dog is native. To an area of Switzerland well-known for its chocolate and cheese. The Bernese were employed for both livestock and pulling. Both are Saint Bernard and Rottweiler foundation breeds.
A Short History of The Bernese Mountain Dog
The Appenzeller Sennenhund, Entlebucher Mountains Dog, Greater Swiss Mountain Dog. Bernese Mountain Dog are the four representatives of the tricolored species. Of Swiss mountain dogs. In the past, Swiss Mountain dogs served as general-purpose farm dogs. For their families, driving animals, pulling milk wagons. And keeping an eye on the property and wildlife. The Bernese Mountain Dog is thought to have originated from a mix. Of certain native Swiss mountain agricultural dogs and big old Roman military dogs. They were introduced to the region about 2000 years ago. During the Roman conquest of Helvetia (modern-day Switzerland). Large canines with exceptional power and endurance were the product of the cross.
Some referred to them as the Clydesdales of the canine world because of their skill at carting. The Bernese Mountain Dog was originally named the Durbacher after a location. Where the breed's predecessors were most prevalent and preferred. Has a lengthy and fascinating history. They were also referred to as Berner Sennenhunde. Which means "Mountain Pasture dog of Berne" in German. Eventually, the Canton of Berne, a region in Switzerland. Where the type of dog originated, came to be renowned.
In the past, there were many Bernese Mountain Dogs in their own country. Still, the breed's popularity started to decline. It was almost eliminated in the middle of the nineteenth century as a result of changes. In agricultural technology. And a lack of official initiatives to breed. Nonetheless, the breed was saved from extinction by Professor Albert Heim and Swiss cynologist Herr Franz Schertenleib. The popularity of the Bernese Mountain Dog started to rise gradually. Farmers from all over the region began bringing their Dürrbächler dogs to dog shows. At the beginning of the 20th century, they also took part in breeding initiatives to improve the breed. The Schweizerischer Dürrbäch-Klub was eventually established, and the breed's standard was created. It was later established that the proper moniker given to the breed is Berner Sennenhund, and this continues to be how the breed is known in its country of origin. The Bernese Mountain Dog, or BMD as it is called in the West, is one of the most widely recognized breeds in all of humanity today.
An Overview of the Greater Swiss Mountain Dog's History
The Greater Swiss Mountain Dog originated from Mastiff-type canines that were employed 2000 years ago in Roman armies. Out of the four varieties of Swiss Mountain Dogs, they are the biggest and the oldest. They were developed to drive livestock, serve as security dogs, and be draft dogs. Before two specimens were given to Dr. Albert Heim, who identified the breed and had it registered with the Swiss Cynological Society in 1909, this breed was on the edge of destruction in the late 1800s. The Fédération Cynologique Internationale released the first standard in 1939. Because of their dependable, peaceful nature, these dogs are now mostly bred for relationships, but they were once valued for their ability to protect.
Comparable appearance and place of origin
Under the prefix Nashem, Sara Karl, an AKC judge and the AKC representative for the Bernese Mountain Dog Club of America, has been producing and exhibiting Bernese since 1986. "Only when the Berner is removed from coat," she responds when asked if people frequently mix up the Bernese Mountain Dog and the Greater Swiss Mountain Dog.
The primary similarity between the two breeds, according to Karl, who has bred over 100 leaders, performance-titled Berners, and two National Specialty winners, is their physical characteristics and traditional purpose. They are equally enormous breeds of canines in black, red, and white. They are both Swiss canines that were created to be used for pushing carts filled with products to markets.
However, Liz Coit, an AKC breeder of excellence and member of the Greater Swiss Mountain Dog Club of America, pointed out that the Berner is a more popular breed than the Swissy and, therefore, more recognizable to most people. Frequently, people inquire as to whether the Swissy is a Berner or, better yet, a shaved Berner. Naturally, when a Swissy is a puppy, it's frequently mistaken for a Beagle, and when it's an adult, for a Saint Bernard. Therefore, I believe the problem is the Swissy's unfamiliarity with the wider population.
Coit, who owns three Swissies, among them Shine, the 2020 Ambassador of the Breed winner, concurs that the breed's appearance and background as farm dogs are similar. Regarding both breeds, she states, "They are recognized for their eye-catching tricolor coats and attitude." They have gone to market and greeted friends and customers who visited the farm, despite being incredibly committed and devoted to their families. Both act as watchful guards, alerting the family to any imagined threats or even just a shift in the wind's direction.
Variations in Coat and Character
Even though many confuse the Swissy for the Berner, there are distinct structural differences. The Greater Swiss Mountain Dog breed guideline states that male Swissies should weigh between 115 and 140 pounds and have a shoulder height of up to 28.5 inches. Male Berners can grow to a height of 27.5 inches and weigh between 80 and 115 pounds. They are slightly smaller than other breeds.
Another notable distinction between the breeds is their coats. While the Swissy has a smaller double coat, the Bernese has a longer one. As Coit notes, both have a dense undercoat, thus a significant amount of shedding is to be expected. She goes on, saying, "There are some differences between the Swissy and Berner standards, such as the markings (which are brown and white) and head form. Compared to Berner breeders, we are more tolerant of marking diversity in Swissies, and naturally, our coat is not as defining a characteristic as it is in Berners.
The Swissy has a more intense industrial temperament than the other breed, even though both are friendly with youngsters and devoted to their families. While the Swissy breed standard refers to them as "alert and vigilant," the Bernese Mountain Dog breed regulation characterizes Berners as "alert and good-natured." Furthermore, the questioning Swissy is more eager to make strangers with new individuals than the aloof Berner. Karl claims that while both are straightforward to train and get along well with people, "Bernese are a little sweeter than the Greater Swiss."
Dedicated and Caring for Dogs
In the Swiss region of Bern, the Berner breed of farm dog was developed for all-around use. Karl claims that farmers employed them for farm security, pulling carts of milk and cheese to markets, and moving milk cows from a particular pasture to another. Possibly because of their history of collaborating closely with farmers, this kind and affectionate breed is committed to its family.
Karl believes that the breed's attributes of beauty, stockiness, and love apply to them. She claims that having a Berner requires a lot of hair loss. She recommends leather seating and an excellent vacuum. She claims that although these dogs enjoy going on walks and travels and enjoying the cold, they don't enjoy being left outside by themselves for long periods. They are also adversely affected by hot temperatures. Although they may survive in warmer climates, you should keep them out of the sun during the hottest parts of the day.
According to Coit, among the Sennehund breeds (Swiss mountain dogs), the Swissy is one of the oldest and biggest. They were also bred to be all-purpose farm dogs, trained to perform duties including herding, transporting milk carts, driving livestock to markets, and simply keeping an eye on the home and property. The Swissy's harsh bark of caution and alertness serves as a sentinel, a legacy of its guardian pedigree.
Like their breed, they are devoted and caring and yearn to be with the people they love. According to Coit, as long as they have long walks in the morning and at night, they are content to laze around all day rather than being busy dogs. They will love it too, though, if you educate them on how to do drafts or herd or take them climbing every day. Since they were bred as shepherd dogs, they tend to gather kids, thus it's critical to teach them how to walk on a slack connection.
For experienced owners or owners prepared to learn everything these huge breeds demand, both types may make wonderful companions. To ensure that the pet you take home is fit and well-bred, though, do your homework on prospective breeders. Karl recommends using Bernergarde.org to look up possible breeders of Berners. And now you can recognize the differences between these strong Swiss breeds, should you be lucky enough to meet one, regardless of whether they're the ideal fit for you.
Lifestyle, Instruction, and Temperament
Because of their affectionate nature and commitment to their families, both kinds are highly valued. In terms of stature and disposition, the Swiss are a little more threatening. They are devoted guardians who are a little darker in spirit but not unfriendly. These strong dogs tend to go through the puppy stage more slowly, and they have a booming bark that your neighbors could not enjoy. Due to their size, they may test a parent's tolerance throughout this protracted puppy stage. At 100 pounds, their ungainly, awkward bodies might make bumps and huge paws too much for them to handle.
It's well known that Bernese Mountain Dogs are more reserved, easygoing, and extremely mindful of their body language when around young children, much like a teddy bear. Although both breeds make wonderful family pets, the Bernese would prevail in the Gentle Giant battle over the Swiss.
When it comes to training, food is a terrific motivation to assist teach positive habits in Swiss Mountain Dogs, which can be a bit more resistant , and should start training young. They pull stronger when wearing a safety harness throughout leash training and don't react well to them unless they are being hauled.
Similar to Swiss dogs, Bernese are intelligent canines that are more motivated to please their owners. They are more vulnerable to criticism and separation because of their loving disposition. If they are left alone for extended periods, they will exhibit undesirable behaviors because they would like to be with the family.
Work out
Both breeds need an average amount of daily activity. They work well for owners who enjoy taking their dogs for peaceful walks or hikes in the outdoors, but they are not the best fit for serious bikers and joggers who like training alongside their pets. Both make excellent camping dogs, and they can even tow children and camping supplies in a wagon.
Every day, the Berner and the Swissy require one hour of exercise. Whether or whether there is snowfall on the ground makes no difference in fact, they would both like it. They require long, leisurely walks through the nearby park or natural reserve because they are big dog breeds. They both enjoy being outside and will develop cabin fever if kept indoors for an extended period.
Due to their huge bodies and joints, neither one of them should be trained aggressively while they are puppies. The best course of action is to completely avoid physically demanding tasks because too much pressure can lead to abnormalities in development.
With less social engagement during the day, the Berner is the more relaxed pup. When his loud breaths begin to reverberate throughout the home, you will know that he is content to nap for a few hours. The Swissy requires a lot more company during the day to get rid of his excess energy. Consider harder play sessions, difficulties, and the requirement for long-lasting dog toys.
Well-being & Health
Neither the Swiss nor the Bernese Mountain Dogs are known to have any breed-specific illnesses, making them both generally healthy dogs. However, they are prone to health concerns like elbow, neck, shoulder, and hip joint troubles that often affect larger species. Nevertheless, their musculoskeletal health generally looks good overall. Additionally, bloat is a serious medical condition that can affect any large breed; owners just need to understand what to watch for.
The American Kennel Club advises evaluating puppies for eye health issues in addition to elbow, shoulder, and hip dysplasia. AKC additionally suggests a Von Willebrand's (clotting) Disease DNA test for Bernese, especially. The Swiss Mountain Dog lives eight to eleven years, while the Bernese Mountain Dog lives between seven and ten years.
Grooming and Weeping
Possimply the most noticeable distinction between the two breeds is this. Compared to Swiss dogs, Bernese wear longer, thicker coats, which means they need more maintenance. Naturally, Bernese shed continuously, but their lengthy outside coat and wooly underneath shed severely twice a year. To maintain a glossy and healthy coat, Bernese needs to be brushed once a week all year round and every day during shedding seasons. Owners may occasionally need to use an iron comb or toothbrush to untangle their fur because of its longer length.
Conversely, the Swiss have lower standards for grooming. They require less care and have a double coat as well. A blowout of the overcoat twice a year throughout periods of greater shedding would be beneficial to them. A periodic bath and brushes, however, maintain the Swiss looking well.
Every day, the Berner will drink from three to four cups of food, whereas the Swissy will drink four to five cups. Their age, size, and level of energy all affect how much they eat. They are both prone to rapid weight gain, particularly the Berner with his easygoing disposition, so watch out not to overfeed them. You must closely monitor their dietary consumption since obesity may compound existing health issues.
Both of them needed to be provided with a premium diet that offered them well-balanced nutrients. An excellent meal consists of genuine livestock meat, carbohydrates, fiber, healthy fats, calories, and elements. Two other crucial components to look out for are chitosan and ibuprofen since they will preserve their enormous joints.
Since they are both huge breeds, they should be provided kibble made especially for them, especially in their puppy years when their development is very quick. These will have the ideal balance of nutrients that they require. This is especially crucial while the project is still under development. According to research, they can aid in delaying or preventing bone problems that both breeds have a susceptibility to, such as elbow, shoulder, and hip dysplasia.
In conclusion, the background, appearance, personality type, and care needs of the Bernese Mountain Dog and the Greater Swiss Mountain Dog are comparable and differ from one another. As tricolored Swiss mountain dogs, both breeds have a long history of being used as adaptable farm dogs in Switzerland.
Originating in the Swiss Alps and the Roman military, the Bernese Mountain Dog saw a drop in appeal in the 19th century before being saved from extinction by committed individuals. Conversely, the Greater Swiss Mountain Dog, which originated from Mastiff-like canines utilized in Roman forces, was nearly exterminated in the late 1800s but was subsequently acknowledged and documented.
There are noticeable variations in height, coat length, and disposition between the two breeds, despite their remarkable tricolor coats and kind dispositions. The Bernese Mountain Dog is characterized as being more reserved and laid-back, and it tends to be somewhat smaller with a longer coat. In contrast, the Greater Swiss Mountain Dog is bigger, has a thinner fur, and possesses a more industrialized temperament characteristic.
What makes a Bernese Mountains Dog different from a Bigger Swiss Mountain Dog?
Size, coat length of sentence, and personality all differ. The Greater Swiss is bigger, has a thinner coat, and tends to be a more intense dog than the Bernese, which is somewhat smaller and has a longer coat.
What is behind each of these dog breeds from the Swiss mountains?
Both breeds began life as adaptable farm dogs in Switzerland; the Greater Swiss descended from Mastiff-type hounds used in Roman legions, while the Bernese mixed military and native Swiss dogs.
What prevented the mountain dog from Bernese from going extinct in the nineteenth century?
By starting breeding programs and creating breed standards, Professor Albert Heim and Swiss cynologist Herr Franz Schertenleib were instrumental in preventing the wiped out of the Bernese Mountain Dog.
Do their looks and functions resemble each other?
It's true that both breeds have multicolored coats and were intended for farm work, such as pushing wagons full of produce to marketplaces in the Swiss Alps.
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arabian-batboy · 9 days
The pager terrorist attack Israel did on Lebanon was so fucking disgusting. There's no line these Zionist animals will not cross, there's any crime they will not commit, no form of privacy they will not preach and no type of violence that is too dirty for them.
They're already making jokes about all the innocent people that are dead or injured and justifying it by saying they're just targeting Hezbollah's "terrorists," because apparently Hezbollah is just the Lebanese version of Hamas to them.
A boogeyman they will blame all their crimes on.
It doesn't matter that Hamas is literally just the name of the government or that Hezbollah is just the name of a political party, so their members includes normal civilians just like any other government in the world and their assassination is against international law (not that Zio dogs care about international law), but even if we assumed that every single member of Hamas and Hezbollah are weapon-wielding combatant, which is completely unrealistic, it still wouldn't justify this sleazy cyber attack that injured and killed innocent bystanders, including children (not that Zio dogs care about murdered children) who were simply standing next to those Hezbollah's members, which again, included civilian members who were off duty and doing normal daily tasks in public places such as shops, hospitals and schools.
But since The West has racialized the word "terrorist" so much to the point where fascists just use it as a synonym for Middle Eastern people, these actual Zionist terrorists can get away with killing, torturing and raping any innocent civilian they want from our region by turning around and calling them the terrorists.
They can kill any Palestinian person they want and excuse it by calling them Hamas terrorists or being used as a human shield by them, they can kill any Lebanese person they want and excuse it by calling them Hezbollah terrorists or being used as a human shield by them, they can kill any Yemeni person they want and excuse it by calling them Houthi terrorists or being used as a human shield by them.
They can use all the money, weapons and impunity that is unconditionally given to them by the US + The West to terrorize as many people as possible and in the end of the day, their victims are the ones that get demonized and have their death justified by being accused of being terrorists while their killers, the actual terrorists here, continue to victimize themselves and claim self-defense.
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sayruq · 11 months
The IDF really is nothing more than a police force. I know we say that a lot to make fun of their performance in the battlefield but when you see videos like the ones below, it really hits home that these people don't know how to do anything but police brutality and kidnappings.
[Normally I would add videos so that people without a twitter account can see but I'm 99% sure that everyone we see in these videos is dead despite no visible corpses]
In the first video, a couple soldiers are camping out in the open. The camera doesn't need to zoom in for you to see them, they're hardly blending into the tall grass and shrubbery.
In the second video, a group of IDF soldiers in Gaza are standing by open windows while slowly barricading themselves in and I mean slowly, there's no urgency.
Naturally, both Hezbollah and Al-Qassam Brigades take them out easily.
These soldiers, the pride and joy of Israel, don't have the common sense God gave to dogs. I can't envision a future where they manage to beat Hamas or any of the other militant groups operating in Gaza.
They're doing badly in the West Bank too btw. They were just forced to retreat from Jenin entirely after hours of fierce fighting against Palestinian resistance groups.
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opencommunion · 9 months
"On the 34th day at last you go on down to rediscover the suburbs and the villages of the south, and you see just how deceptive and lying the photographs have been. A picture can only convey the surface of things. There is no meaning to destruction without the experience of the sound of feet crunching on top of the rubble. There is no meaning to the rubble without the stench of gunpowder blending with the smells of decaying corpses, cement, and iron. And there is no meaning to the smell without the feeling that everything is sand, sand becoming more sand. Those who saw the images of Lebanese devastation on their TV screens, in the Arab world, and in the rest of the world, and then cried or cursed or swore or became upset—really they did not see anything at all. Believe me, my friends, you are living in the delusion that you have seen, but you have not seen. The eye alone does not see—despite the fact that the eye is the torch of the body, as the prophets proclaimed. Human beings see with all of their limbs, organs, and senses. With all of these we confront the unknown, and when the unknown comes to us we become part of it.
I saw, though, and I became part of this horizon covered in ruin. In the Dahiyeh, I saw people wandering about looking for their places. Even more difficult to endure than losing one’s home is losing the capacity to identify the road to one’s home. I saw people’s eyes darting from side to side, searching for a familiar place in the rubble. These were people who had lost any recognition of the features of the streets and the places they knew, people who were no longer able to determine where their home might have been, or even where the road to it might be.
It was a mix of terror and bewilderment. The place had simply abandoned the people, and it had become featureless. Without any signs or indications to go by, memory seemed about to disintegrate as well. At this moment I recalled Palestine. Harder to bear than the Israeli occupation and suffering eviction from one’s home has been the aggression against the place, and the modification of its features through demolition. The souls of the dead flee to their places and spread their shadows over the homes, their perfume mingling with the scent of flowers in the meadows. What would the souls of the dead say today, wandering amid the ruins? Do the Israelis over there in Palestine, or those who are right here, in Lebanon, know that they have been unable to win more than the curses of the dead?
But Palestine only comes to light in southern Lebanon: the ruin of the Lebanese Galilee is embraced by the ruin of the Palestinian Galilee. These are the slopes of the soul that lead you to God. In the south I discovered the fields of lemon trees that stretch from Saida to the horizon’s end, and I breathed the perfume of the orange blossom, the flower that is in its transformation like nothing so much as the silkworm. The silkworm fashions its silk before it becomes a moth. But here the white moth that spreads out on the branches of the trees transforms itself into a fruit, the fruit that gave its name to the 'orange' in European languages. And from the perfume of the naranj we come to the boisterous guffaw of history that you hear reverberating in the Beaufort crusader castle. Today nothing remains of those franj crusaders apart from their fortress, which has become the practically invincible fortification of the resistance. Just as we wrote our graffiti on its walls in the seventies, so they write on them today. But the dogged irony of history does not appear quite so clearly here as it does in the destroyed villages beyond the fortress. In Bint Jbeil, Aita al Shaab, Siddiquine, and Aitaroun—there you see how closely the destruction and devastation coheres and binds with the will to resist and with the will to remain steadfast on one’s land. You can see how the trembling, shimmering pulverized dust hanging in the air becomes a voice that immerses itself in silence, and then produces it. There, the sloping hills stretch out and carry you to a horizon that seems to be embracing the souls of the dead, and you feel that you have been cast into an endlessly circular path."
Elias Khoury, "Meditations Upon Destruction" (2006)
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thelittlelostgraycat · 4 months
                          HOW I PERCEIVE JEAN-YVES MOREAU ID CARD :
› he/him, afab › disaster bi › french-lebanese › INFJ › cptsd - generalised anxiety - depression › Hard of hearing after too many blows to the head › scorpio sun, virgo moon, gemini rising THE AESTHETIC :
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› Grey eyes, pale skin and freckles for days. › Power house on the court he's actually very clumsy in real life. Always sporting bruised on his legs and arms. › Very anxious, he is often curled up on himself, afraid to take up space.  › He can’t sleep in the dark, he uses a vintage lava lamp as his night light. › Very soft voice, slighty scratchy.  › He never learned arabic as a child and still struggle with the language. › Slut for silver jewelry, he buys Kevin matching one in gold. He likes when it glows on kevin's chest.
                          HOW I PERCEIVE CAOIMHÍN LIAM DAY. ID CARD :
› he/him › bisexual & demi › irish-american › ISTP › separation anxiety - panic disorder - addiction - chronic pain › Recovering alcoholic › leo sun, capricorn moon, libra rising THE AESTHETIC :
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› Green eyes, golden skin and vitiligo. › Riko made him change his name to Kevin because it was easier to read and pronounce. › Absolute moron in real life, doesn't really know how to function and will call his dad at least twice a day asking for help on the most basic things. › Doesn't know when to stop yapping. › His fascination for history and his love for exy come from the 'tism. › Caring in his own way, his love language is gift giving. › Covered in tattoos. ( a fox for the PSU team, flames on one of his arm like his dad, a claddagh for his mom, patroclus helmet for Jean..) › Doesn't like jewelry, he still wears the one Jean's got him.
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                          THE KEVJEAN HEADCANONS › It was hard for Kevin to assume his sexuality. *** TW RAPE -The reason behind it is because Jean was looking at him in the changing room, Riko being Riko didn't like it one bit and handcuffed Kevin to the bed so he could watch Jean being assaulted. From that moment on, it was easier to be straight. *** › It took a long time for them to talk again but now ? They will talk on the phone, send texts, pictures throughout the day, a proof of life and freedom. › They got together after they ended-up on the same pro team. › When they fight, Jean will take off his hearing aids. It pisses off Kevin so much. › Codependent as fuck, they had to learn how to be separated. They still act like the shining twins, move in tandem and finish each other sentences. › Jean dating Kevin's crush while he was in USC made him lose his damn mind. › Jean cannot sleep without hearing Kevin's snores, he sneakily recorded him one time so he could play it when he's alone. › Both of them have a service dog, they also adopted a cat and saved a snake from a bad owner. › They speak in a mix of french and english. › Mo ghrá is Jean sweet nickname. › Veen or habibi are used on Kevin. › They both loath the cold and the heat, winter and summer is hell for the both of them. › Not a single sweet tooth in sight, their house is a nightmare for Andrew. › Jean is soft spoken and calm most of the time, he is actually the calm before the storm. Pissing him off is always a bad idea. While Kevin is quick to anger and even quicker to calm down. › Every year they take a two weeks vacation to visit a new city or a new country.
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hussyknee · 11 months
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Fellas, is it an act of war against a Western European country to hold their citizens prisoner in the open air prison they're carpet bombing?
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Lebanon's Hezbollah and Yemen's Houthis have been launching attacks on US military bases in Syria and Iraq and firing missiles at Israel in tandem with Hamas's attacks. All three are funded by Iran.
(I am HEAVING with laughter at Vox and every single one of these propagandist chucklefucks calling them "militias" and "terrorist organisations" and trying to frame this as justification for continuing to fund Israel like. MOTHERFUCKER WHOSE REGION ARE YOU IN EXACTLY?? WHO IS GENOCIDING PEOPLE ON THEIR OWN SOIL??)
"But they're fundie theocratic military states!!!"
*looks at Israel*
*looks at you*
*looks at current state of US*
Oh, ARE they?
US officials have met with the Lebanese caretaker government in an effort to try and prevent the conflict from spreading into Lebanon.
Um. Was this before or after Israel poured white phosphorus on Lebanon? Do y'all even have any control over your dog?
(Btw if you MCU brainrotted Western leftists don't stop trying to pick a Good Guy out of this mess instead of understanding basic geo-politics and the horrific ground realities of the countries the US and its allies have left in tatters, you're frankly just as much of an enemy to the people in those countries as your leaders are. Every one of these people are fascist cunts.)
For those of you who have been BLEATING about Ukraine non-stop, like it's NOT an expendable non-NATO country they're only interested in defending in case Putin gets any bright ideas about Poland, here's an opinion that makes sense to me:
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Tell me it wouldn't be perfectly on brand if the US government announced, "Our great democracy bows to the will of the people. We hear you, we see you. We will divest...from Ukraine."
The West has never given one singular shit about protecting ANYONE from genocide. Vulnerability is liability. The only difference between them and Putin is that Putin is greedy megalomaniacal fascist surrounded by self-interested yes-men and the US is run by a committee of greedy egomaniacal fascists surrounded by self-interested yes-men whose end goal is keeping the death machine spinning money rather than even "winning" territories. All they have to do to turn this around is divest from Israel and focus on Ukraine. And no, Israel can't throw in with Putin because it'll be too busy trying to fight off three countries at once without the sugar from its Daddy.
Putin will not stop at Ukraine, for the same reason the US didn't stop at Afghanistan. Empires are built on their military power and militaries need to be fed and kept active and kept active to be fed. The minute you stop, it tries to eat itself. If Putin makes a move on Poland, NATO has to respond, and if the West is also embroiled in an all-out war with the Middle East, well. It looks kinda like a global conflict.
Oh and btw, if this does escalate into another regional war in the Middle East, we're going to be plunged into an oil crisis. Which might actually be the last straw for the UK economy, but it very DEFINITELY will be for the rest of the Global South.
(Also Biden's already auctioned off the Gulf of Mexico and Alaska for oil companies for such an intensive scale of fracking that it's projected to tip the world over the edge of climate collapse. In the event of a war in the ME, the US is going to need that oil soooooo. Good luck stopping it.)
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yourdailyqueer · 10 months
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Brooklinn Khoury
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Lesbian
DOB: 20 April 1999
Ethnicity: Lebanese, Greek
Nationality: American
Occupation: Prof skateboarder, influencer, entrepreneur, model
Note: Was attacked by a dog in 2020 and has had facial reconstruction surgery
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satellitebroadcast · 5 days
Following the horrific zionist attack which wounded nearly 5,000 people in Lebanon through exploding communications devices, mostly in their eyes, the Iranian Red Crescent treated over 100 Lebanese in Iran. Dr. Bilal Al-Laqis called one of the wounded fighters to ask about his upcoming treatment there. "So, are we going to Iran?" Steadfast, the fighter replies: "We are going to Al-Quds. We are on the path to Al-Quds...We want to trample the zionist dogs. They are the most cowardly group on the face of the earth."
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athena5898 · 4 days
Following the horrific zionist attack which wounded nearly 5,000 people in Lebanon through exploding communications devices (https://t.me/RNN_Backup/57221), mostly in their eyes, the Iranian Red Crescent treated over 100 Lebanese in Iran.
Dr. Bilal Al-Laqis (https://t.me/dr_bilal_lakkis) called one of the wounded fighters to ask about his upcoming treatment there. "So, are we going to Iran?"
Steadfast, the fighter replies: "We are going to Al-Quds. We are on the path to Al-Quds…We want to trample the zionist dogs. They are the most cowardly group on the face of the earth."
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darkpeacemusic · 9 days
Creepypasta Headcanons: Nationalities
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Jeff the Killer - American, Korean
Homicidal Liu - American, Korean
Sully Woods - American, Korean
Randy - American, Irish
Keith - Italian
Troy - Jamaican, American
Ben - American
Jane - American, Italian
Mary - American, Ukrainian
Jessie Richardson - American, Italian
Masky - American, Italian
Hoodie - American, Canadian
Toby - American, German
Kate the Chaser - Vietnamese, Algerian, Canadian
Charlie - American, Mexican
CR - Greek, Canadian
Lulling Lauren - Cuban, Canadian
Cat Hunter - Puerto Rican, Greek
Third Base - American, German
Rouge - Italian, Mexican, American
Wilson the Basher - Chinese, American
Skully - American, Canadian
Chris the Revenant - Finnish, American
Slenderman - Romanian
Splendorman - Romanian, Canadian
Trenderman - Romanian
Tenderman - Romanian
Offenderman - Romanian
Zalgo - Unknown
Laughing Jack - British
Eyeless Jack - American, Argentinan
Dr. Smiley - Russian, American
Nurse Ann - Swedish, American
Dr. Pain - American, British
X-Virus - Mexican, American
Dr. Locklear - British, French, American
Lifeless Lucy - American, Polish
Lily Kennett - American, Scottish
Sally Williams - American, German
Sam Williams - American, German
Lazari Swann - Lebanese
Slendrina - Romanian, German
Nightmare Ally - German, Japanese
Vailly Evans - Japanese, French
Lulu - Vietnamese, American
Bleeding Man - Danish
Shadow Walker - Canadian
Nick Vanill - German, French
Nina The Killer - Mexican, American
Pinkamena - Unknown (Zimbabwean when in her human form)
Rainbow Factory - Unknown (Greek when in her human form)
Kagekao - Japanese, American
Clockwork - American, French
Smile Dog - N/A
Grinny Cat - N/A
Seedeater -N/A
Mr. Widemouth - American
Will Grossman - British, Norwegian
Laughing Jill - British
Jason the Toymaker - British, German
Candy Pop - Icelander
Candy Cane - Icelander
April Fools - Icelander
Nathan the Nobody - American, German
Papa Grande Di Magico - Italian, American
Puppeteer - French, American
Emra - South African, French
Zachary - Canadian
Sonic.exe - Japanese
Tails Doll - Japanese, Canadian
Dark Link - Japanese, American
Herobrine - Swedish
Lost Silver - Japanese, American
Glitchy Red - Japanese
Strangled Red - American
Oliver Henderson - American, British
Stripes - British, German
Rosie - Japanese, Canadian
Scarecrow Girl - American
The Skroll - Unknown (possibly Iranian)
The Rake - N/A
Bloody Painter - Korean, American
Judge Angels - American, Polish
Suicide Sadie - Brazilian, British, American
Roadwalker - Cherokee
Zero - French, British
Hobo Heart - American, Australian
Dollmaker - Russian
Killing Kate - American, Costa Rican
Ted the Caver - Australian
Frankie the Undead - British, Italian
Evan - Canadian, American
HABIT - Unknown (possibly American)
Jeff Koval - American
Alex Kralie - German
Jessica Locke - German, American
Amy Walters - Polish, American
Sarah Reid - American, Vietnamese
Seth Wilson - Australian, American
Screaming Dawn (oc) - American, Korean
Queen Blackheart (oc) - French, American
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petinfosite · 7 months
Discover How Weighted Jackets for Dogs Can Help Get Fit A Complete Guide
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Meta Description
Find out how your dog's exercise regimen might be changed using weighted jackets. Discover the best practices for choosing, introducing, and combining weighted jackets for dog performance and health. Exploring the Weighted Jackets for Dog Fitness
Weighted jackets are an original method that the dog fitness industry is now improving the physical fitness and general health of dogs. These specialty clothes are intended to provide focused friction during exercise, which successfully turns ordinary activities into active exercises.
They are much more than simply a statement of style. The use of weighted jackets has become an effective means for reaching measurable fitness objectives as dog owners look for methods to maximize the workouts of their animal friends.
Understanding the potential advantages of weighted jackets for our dog friends requires an understanding of the science behind them. Through an examination of how these jackets affect dog biology, including muscular growth, improved endurance, and heart function, we may better understand their usefulness as instruments for boosting peak fitness.
Furthermore, by using appropriate security measures and progressive introduction methods, dogs may benefit from weighted jacket education without jeopardizing their well-being.
The Weighted Jacket for Dogs Scientific Basis
Heavy dog jackets are made with extensive knowledge of pup biology. These specialty clothes have a function based on the laws of physics; they are more than just clothes to wear. We can understand how weighted jackets affect a dog's biology and how they might improve general health and fitness in dogs by learning more about these systems.
Effect on the Biology of Dogs
When a dog moves, weighted jackets provide a regulated amount of pressure to their body, causing different biological responses.
Muscle Construction
As the dog rotates, the extra weight these jackets give causes a greater level of muscle involvement across various muscle groups. Increased muscle activity serves as a kind of workout that is similar to what is seen in sports. Increased muscular growth, power, and tone may result from this over time.
Bone Size
Weighted jackets may benefit bone health in addition to muscular growth. More weight on the bones promotes development and reshaping especially in weight-bearing bones.
This feature is especially helpful for puppies going through the developing period or for seniors who want to maintain the strength of their bones and avoid age-related problems like bone loss.
Attitude and Body Knowledge
Dogs with weighted jackets often have a better awareness of themselves and their attitude. They have to modify their center of pressure and balance due to the additional weight, which improves their sense of balance and awareness of space.
This feature is especially helpful for dogs with bone issues or those undertaking rehabilitation from injury since it promotes regular exercise and lowers the chance of falls or other accidents.
Impacts on Performance and Muscle Growth
Muscle Stimulating
Compared to standard exercise alone, the effort offered by weighted jackets boosts a wider variety of muscles. By fostering a more balanced muscle, this complete engagement lowers the chance of problems that may result in injuries or incorrect movement.
Furthermore, regular muscle activation across the body enhances general strength and practical movement behaviors.
Improvement of Durability
Dogs' ability to endure often becomes better as they get used to the extra weight of the jacket. Exercise increases the burden on the circulatory system and muscle tissue, which leads to this improvement in durability. Dogs are better at using oxygen and energy as they age, which enables them to engage in exercise for extended periods without becoming tired.
Benefits for the Metabolic System
Exercises involving increased resistance, such as wearing weighted jackets, might cause changes in metabolism. Exercise may cause dogs to burn more calories, which helps them maintain a healthy weight and metabolism.
Furthermore, increases in insulin tolerance and glucose management may result from the increased metabolic effort experienced during weighted exercise sessions, which may lower the risk of metabolic illnesses like diabetes.
Knowing these complex biological effects makes it clear why weighted jackets are a recommended addition to dog exercise programs. But it's important to utilize them carefully, taking into account the unique qualities of each dog, such as age, species, and general health.
 Seeking advice from medical professionals may be very helpful in making sure that weighted jacket teaching is secure and advantageous for every individual dog partner.
Selecting the Ideal Weighted Jacket
It's important to take into account several requirements while choosing the right weighted jacket for your pet. Not all weighted jackets are made equal, and selecting the ideal one requires weighing several factors to guarantee both effectiveness and safety while in use. Here's a detailed look at the things to think about before getting your pet a weighted jacket:
Things to Think About Before Buying
Weight Spread
Your dog's safety and well-being are greatly dependent on how the jacket distributes its weight. Seek for coats that disperse the extra weight across the entire body instead of putting it all in one place.
Uneven distribution of weight may cause pain, strain on muscles, or even damage, especially when wearing something for a long time or performing severe activities.
Choose a weighted jacket that is flexible and can be adjusted for both fit and burden. This lets you adjust the force to suit your dog's demands, level of health, and training objectives.
As your dog becomes stronger, you may alter the degree of the training by adding or removing weight packs from the jacket or adjusting the straps.
Component Excellence
Evaluate the jacket's building materials' quality. Strong, breathable materials are necessary for enduring constant use and allow for proper ventilation while working out. Should you want to use the jacket in environments where dealing with moisture is a problem, look for fabrics that are fast to dry or water-resistant.
Take into account how simple it is to clean and maintain the jacket as well to make sure it stays odor-free and safe over time.
Safety Features
To improve awareness and reduce hazards while engaging in outdoor activities, give priority to jackets with safety features. Low-light visibility is improved with shining strips or high-visibility voices, which lowers the risk of crashes or errors. When engaging in intense motion, secure fasteners like hook-and-loop fasteners or flexible belts keep the jacket from sliding or falling loose.
Connectivity with Straps and Leads
Verify that the weighted jacket is appropriate with the straps and straps you already own if your dog uses them for walks or training sessions. To ensure easy integration without sacrificing comfort or utility, look for coats with incorporated leash connection points or harness-compatible patterns.
Challenges for Size and Comfort
Proper Evaluation
To get the right jacket size, take precise measures of the dog's physical dimensions. Calculate the neck diameter, the distance from the lowest point of the head to the tip of the hair, and the length around the upper body to ensure a proper fit.
It is advisable to avoid making selections based just on weight divisions since dogs of the same weight might have different body forms and measurements.
Comfort and Flexibility of Motion
When choosing a weighted jacket, give special consideration to feel and range of motion. Make sure the garment fits your dog comfortably and properly without limiting its range of motion. Focus on important regions like the abdomen, chest, and shoulders where pleasure and maximum performance depend on being able to move.
Sample Adapting
Before investing, wherever feasible, let your dog test on the weighted jacket. This enables you to personally evaluate the fit and level of ease and make the necessary changes. When your dog wears the jacket, pay attention to how they move and behave to make sure there are no symptoms of pain or limitations.
Through careful consideration of these variables and thoughtful selection of the ideal weighted jacket, you can optimize your dog's training experiences and successfully promote their fitness objectives. To make sure that you and your dog have a good and happy time, keep in mind to put security, pleasure, and usefulness first.
Rules for Wearing Weighted Jackets in a Safe Way
Although there are many advantages to using weighted jackets for your dog's training and fitness, it is crucial to make sure they are safe while wearing them. Following the necessary security measures not only shields your dog from any danger but also optimizes the success of their training program. An extended look at safety factors for wearing weighted jackets is provided below:
Appropriate Distribution of Weights
Equal Load Delivery
Make sure your dog's body receives the additional weight from the weighted jacket in a fair way. An equal load distribution reduces the chance of strain or damage to certain joints or groups of muscles. In addition to encouraging typical motion patterns, this healthy distribution lessens the chance of pain or fatigue.
Ideal Weight Picking
Considering your dog's size, species, age, and level of fitness, choose a weighted jacket with an acceptable weight level. Gently increase the weight as your dog turns used to wearing the jacket; start with one that is thinner. Don't go beyond advised weight limitations to save your dog's skeletal system from excess stress.
Customized Weight Selections
Select a weighted jacket that lets you adjust the amount and location of the weight. You may customize the durability of a jacket to meet the individual demands and training objectives of your dog by adding or removing weight packs or adjusting sections. This flexibility guarantees that the exercise your dog gets is safe and appropriate for their level of ability.
Meeting with an Expert
When choosing a weighted jacket for your dog, get advice from an authorized vet or professional pet fitness trainer. These experts may provide specific guidance depending on the special qualities of your dog and any deeper medical problems.
Speaking with professionals guarantees that, to protect your dog's health, you make well-informed choices on weight choosing and use.
Observing Measures of Fear or Exhaustion
Watchful Evaluation
While your dog is wearing the weighted jacket, pay special attention to their actions and body language. Keep an eye out for any indications of anxiety, such as hunger, heavy panting, or anxiety, since these could mean that the weight level is too difficult or that the jacket is making you uncomfortable.
Subtle Indicators
During exercise sessions pay attention to any slight shifts in your dog's position, stride, or overall attitude. Fatigue symptoms, such as falling behind, not wanting to go on, or losing interest, should be addressed right once and may call for a change in the training plan or a break.
Reaction to Touch
Your dog's sense of security and any areas of stress or pain may be noticed by gently feeling their joints and muscles. Examine how your dog reacts to touch and take note of any sensitive or uncomfortable behaviors that can point to strain or overwork.
Clear communication
Clear communication is essential to determining your dog's sense of security and readiness to continue learning. Make sure you are communicating with the animal. Encourage your dog to use loud signals, such as "easy" or "slowly down," to indicate when it's time to take pauses or lighten up on activity.
To protect your dog's safety and well-being, fast respond to their indications and modify the program as necessary.
Resting and Healing
Give yourself plenty of time to relax and recover in between weighted jacket workouts. By allowing your dog's tissues to heal and adjust to the increased activity, proper sleep intervals reduce the likelihood of stress problems, muscular strain, and feeling tired.
To encourage the best possible healing and avoid compound fatigue include rest days in your dog's training program.
A safe and joyful training session may be guaranteed by following these extensive safety instructions and paying great attention to your dog's reaction while wearing a balanced jacket.
Put your dog's support, health, and longevity first to get the most out of weighted jacket education. While lowering the possibility of pain or damage. Keep in mind that getting the results you want and building. A solid relationship with your dog partner needs patience. Tenacity, and careful attention to detail.
How to Give a Weighted Jacket to Your Pet
Teaching your dog to a weighted jacket is a long process that takes patience. Encouragement, and careful consideration of your dog's health and flexibility. Your dog may get used to wearing the jacket with ease and confidence. If you use training methods that focus. On encouragement and progressive introduction.
Techniques for Gradual Overview
Knowledge of the Jacket
Start by letting your dog grow comfortable wearing the weighted jacket in a comfortable, stress-free environment. Place the outerwear near your dog's blanket or favorite resting location. Enabling them to inspect and smell it during their time off. To help you form pleasant connections with the jacket, give it some treats and attention.
Brief Wear Periods
Begin with brief, monitored wear periods of the weighted jacket, increasing the length over time. Initially, simply put the coat on for the dog for a few seconds at a time to avoid upsetting them. Take advantage of these quick sessions to see how comfortable. Your dog is wearing the jacket and how they react to it.
Attractive Organizations
To encourage the desired behavior, link wearing the jacket to enjoyable events and incentives. When your pet wears the jacket, give them food, praise in words, or their favorite toys. To help them form a good relationship with the item. When sporting the jacket, your dog will feel more at ease and self-assured thanks to this beneficial reinforcement.
Progressive Weight Furthermore
When your dog is satisfied wearing the jacket for a long time, gradually add weights to the garment in stages. Start with lesser weight packets or fewer weights, then raise the effort. As your dog grows adjusted to the increased burden. Keep a careful eye on your dog's reaction and modify the weight level as necessary.
Exposure Training
Use reduction methods to make your dog accustomed to the feeling of wearing a heavy jacket. Carefully touch and touch various sections of the coat, gradually adding the feeling of weight and stress. Pair these encounters with prizes and praise to build a favorable connection with the jacket's feel.
Effective Reinforcement Teaching Methods
Reward-Based Learning
To get your dog to put on the heavy jacket voluntarily, use reward-based methods for training. Offer sweets, praise, or favorite things as rewards for using the jacket and showing calm, friendly conduct. Rewarding behavior encourages your dog to participate gladly in the desired activity.
Implement Clicker
Implement clicker methods of training for enhancing the good behaviors connected to donning the weighted jacket. When a desired behavior like sitting or standing still while wearing the jacket. Marked with a clicker, it can be rewarded with a reward.
Using the clicker consistently aids in behavioral change and learning by letting your dog know which actions are rewarding.
Gradual Lighting
Slowly subject your dog to sporting the weighted jacket in different circumstances and during varied activities. Once you've mastered low-stress situations like wearing the jacket inside. During quiet times you can move on to more challenging settings and activities. Regular use allows your dog to develop trust as well as relax while wearing the jacket in different situations.
Tolerance and Uniformity
Show patience as your dog makes improvements and remain steady in your training methods. It took time for City to be created, and the same is true. For your dog's transition to a weighted jacket. Celebrate little successes and development goals. Prepare to change your training techniques. Required to meet your dog's specific requirements and preferences.
Terminate with a Positive Note 
Despite the result, always conclude training sessions with an upbeat mood. Take off the jacket and give your dog love and reward if they show indications of stress or pain. Ending on a good note helps sustain your dog's excitement and drive for future exercises.
Your dog can learn to wear a weighted jacket with ease and trust if you use methods of instruction. That involves gradual introductions and encouragement to succeed.
Throughout the training phase, keep in mind to be cautious, consistent, and aware of your dog's needs. You should also celebrate each progress your dog makes toward greater health and fitness.
As the study of weighted jackets for dog fitness comes to an end. These cutting-edge devices have huge potential. To improve our dogs' physical health. We've explored the research behind weighted jackets in this thorough guide. To learn more about their effects on heart health, muscular growth, and strength. Through the order of appropriate selection, growing introduction methods. And inclusion into exercise regimens, we have prepared ourselves. With the information and resources necessary. To optimize the advantages of weighted jackets for our animal friends. The adaptability of weighted jackets provides plenty of opportunities for enhancing our dogs' fitness activities. From strengthening and conditioning to enhancing heart function. Weighted jackets offer an active edge to ordinary activities, turning them into planned exercises.
Whether you're walking rapidly, training speed, or enjoying the great outdoors. By providing our dogs with constant training, encouragement, and careful attention. We may enable them to achieve incredible levels of wellness and energy. During their fitness journey, we as trustworthy dog owners must always put our dogs' ease, security, and unique requirements first. We can make sure that our dogs' health adventures are not only successful but also pleasurable and fulfilling. By continuing to pay attention to appropriate weight delivery, and keeping an eye out for symptoms. Of exhaustion or pain, and creating a good training experience.
What are dog-weighted coats and exactly how do they function?
Dogs wearing weighted jackets experience opposition throughout their activities, which improves muscular activation and the efficiency of their workouts. What are the advantages of giving dogs weighted jackets?
  They help control weight and enhance cardiac wellness, muscular strength, and durability. Are all dogs suited for wearing weighted coats?
Not every time. Before using, particularly for pups, senior dogs, or dogs having health concerns, see the doctor. How do You introduce wearing a heavy jacket to my dog?
  Introduce the jacket slowly by giving it small wear intervals and rewards, then gradually boost its weight and length.
0 notes
girlactionfigure · 3 months
🔷 Thu night - ISRAEL REALTIME - Connecting to Israel in Realtime
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▪️WHATSAPP.. some outages across Europe and others worldwide.  Reminder, this channel is also on Telegram -> https://t.me/Israel_Realtime_Updates
⚠️ENEMY WAR PREP.. The Iranian Revolutionary Guards began moving forces into Lebanon. (Shiite channels.)
▪️US CALLS TO LEAVE LEBANON.. White House called on American citizens in Lebanon to prepare for a possible evacuation.  10 countries have now called for the citizens to leave.  And now Russia.
▪️A HERO SOLDIER HAS FALLEN.. in counter-terror battle Jenin: Elon Sacgui, 22, from Hadera.  May his family be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem, and may G-d avenge his blood!
… 16 warriors injured as they came to assist and treat.
▪️PEOPLE CAUGHT.. on camera by Israeli Telegram channel tracking drone intercept information and uploading status to Hezbollah site.  Shin Bet interrogating.
▪️PEOPLE WHO PUT THEMSELVES AND SECURITY FORCES AT RISK.. Israeli woman enters Jericho (Palestinian controlled city).  Security forces enter, with confrontations, to rescue her.. she left on her own.
▪️ARAB CONSPIRACY OF THE DAY.. (I have to write this… carefully.) Release Gazan prisoners accusing Israel of training dogs to .. umm .. torture prisoners while in Israeli prison by .. umm .. performing an indecent act upon males forcefully.
▪️PROTESTS - ANTI-DRAFT.. “Torah scholars don’t enlist”.
 1. charedi protest blocked Rosh Ha’ayin-Modi’in intersection.
 2. Another blocked Route 4,   Police declare illegal assembly and forcibly disperse. 
 3. Blocking highway, route 1 at Latrun.
 4. And route 4, Yavne junction.
 5. And road 443 Gamzu junction.
 6. And route 4 by Geha bridge / Coca-Cola / Bnei Bran exit.  Police arrest 32.
By the Jerusalem Faction / Rabbi Friedman.
▪️GOVT. ANTI-DRAFT RESPONSE.. Following the court and attorney general rulings, govt support for ultra-Orthodox must be canceled even in the form of dormitory and day care subsidies, and discounts on Bituach Leumi fees. The day care is between 1300-2300 NIS subsidy per child per month. (( Practically this will impact working charedi women. ))
🔷 Thu night - ISRAEL REALTIME - Connecting to Israel in Realtime
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▪️POLITICS - LABOR AND MERETZ.. parties to merge, with new name.
▪️INTL. POLITICS.. Bolivian government severed relations with Israel because of the war in the Gaza Strip, unclear if before or after the coup attempt in their country.
▪️KOLLEL STUDENT ARRESTED AS SPY.. for Iran, in Beit Shemesh.  Report says NIS 4 million found in his home.  Mistaken identity, or infiltration of society?
▪️WEAPONS ARRIVE?  Arabs report: a shipment of “secret” American weapons went to Tel Aviv from the American base in Ali al-Salem, Kuwait. (( For reference, Israel doesn’t receive military planes at the Israel civilian airport, and there is no military airport in Tel Aviv, and Jerusalem is the capital of Israel. )).
▪️CANADA IMPOSES SANCTIONS.. against a number of Israelis who live in Judea-Samaria and right-wing Israeli NGO organizations involved in “violent” or "destabilizing" activities.  Noting with monthly terror attacks and murders, no such sanctions against Palestinians or their organizations.
▪️ICC POSTPONES BECAUSE UK DEFENDS?  The Criminal Court in The Hague has adopted a significant decision and allows Britain to argue that the court lacks authority to judge Israeli citizens, including the possibility of issuing arrest warrants against them
♦️Masses of Gazans are fleeing from Shejaiya on the orders of the IDF after a ground attack was launched in the neighborhood.  The IDF demands that the residents of Shejaia, Al Tarhman, Al Tufah immediately evacuate to the humanitarian zone.
♦️IDF ATTACKS LEBANON.. the town of Hula, South Lebanon, the town of Somur in West Bekaa, East Lebanon.
♦️PHOSPHORUS.. Israeli phosphorus bombs have made the area near the Lebanese border uninhabitable, the Financial Times reported.  The main destruction occurred in a 5-kilometer zone north of the so-called Blue Line.
⭕ ROCKET BARRAGE from HEZBOLLAH at Safed, Meron, Amuka and surrounds.  Power loss in Safed, forest fire started, 1 woman injured running for shelter, 1 home hit.
⭕ HAMAS ROCKETS at aid port Kerem Shalom and Nachal Oz, 2 rounds.
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telomeke · 19 days
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An excerpt:
Afrikaans → blaf-blaf; woef-woef; keff-keff (small dogs) Albanian → ham-ham Arabic → hau-hau; how-how Armenian → haf-haf Balinese → kong-kong Basque → au-au (any dog); txau-txau (small dogs); zaunk-zaunk (large dogs); jau-jau (old dogs) Belgian → wooah-wooah (if you believe Tintin’s dog Snowy is typical)Bengali → gheu-gheu; bhao-bhao Bengali → gheu-gheu; bhao-bhao Bulgarian → bau-bau; jaff-jaff Burmese → woke-woke Catalan → bau-bau; bub-bub Chinese-Cantonese → wo-wo; wow-wow; wong-wong Chinese-Mandarin → wang-wang Croatian → vau-vau Czech → haff-haff Danish → vov-vov; vuf-vuf Dutch → blaf-blaf; woef-woef; waf-waf (small dogs); kef-kef (very small dogs) English → woof-woof; ruff-ruff; arf-arf; bow-wow; yap-yap (small dogs); yip-yip (very small dogs) Esperanto → boj-boj Estonian → auh-auh; auch-auch Finnish →hau-hau; vuh-vuh; rauf-rauf French →wouaff-wouaff; ouah-ouah; whou-whou; vaf-vaf; jappe-jappe (small dog) German → wuff-wuff; vow-vow Greek → ghav-ghav Hebrew → hav-hav; haw-haw-how-how Hindi → bow-bow Hungarian → vow-vow, vau-vau Icelandic → voff-voff Indonesian → guk-guk; gong-gong Irish → amh-amh Italian → bau-bau; arf-arf Japanese → wan-wan; kian-kian Korean → mung-mung; wang-wang Kurdish → hau-hau Latvian → vau-vau Lebanese → haw-haw Lithuanian → au-au Μacedonian → av-av Malay → gong-gong Marathi → bhu-bhu; bho-bho Nigerian (Calabar area) → wai-wai Norwegian → voff-voff; boff-boff; vov-vov Persian → vogh-vogh; cut-cut; bad-bad Polish → hau-hau Portuguese → au-au Romanian → ham-ham; hau-hau Russian → gav-gav; guf-guf; hav-hav; tyav-tyav (small dogs) Serbian → av-av Sinhala → buh-buh Slovak → haf-haf; hau-hau Slovene → hov-hov Spanish → guau-guau; gua-gua; jau-jau Swedish → voff-voff; vov-vov Tagalog → ow-ow; baw-baw Tamil →wal-wal, bow-bow, lol-lol Thai → hong-hong Turkish → hev-hev; hav-hav Ukrainian → hau-hau; haf-haf; dzyau-dzyau Urdu → bow bow Vietnamese → gau-gau; wau-wau; ang-ang Welsh → wff-wff
What does a barking dog sound like in your language?
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mariacallous · 5 months
From Israel’s founding to the present, no concept has so thoroughly dominated the country’s strategic imagination as much as deterrence. Former Prime Minister Ariel Sharon once said deterrence was the country’s “main weapon—the fear of us.” “Israel,” remarked the fabled Israeli general Moshe Dayan, “must be seen as a mad dog; too dangerous to bother.”
That’s why, after the attack on Israel on Oct. 7, 2023, an unprecedented existential urgency was placed on reestablishing the country’s deterrence, which had been steadily waning since Israel’s withdrawal from Lebanon in May 2000. “What happened today has never before been seen in Israel,” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told Israelis after the Oct. 7 attack. The military, he vowed, would attack Hamas with a force “like never before.” Since the Oct. 7 attack was unprecedented, it then followed that Israel’s response, too, had to be at least equally so, a paroxysm of violence unparalleled in both scope and intensity.
But on these basic terms, the war has been a failure. Israel’s unprecedented displays of military might in Gaza—and the associated efforts elsewhere in the region—have failed to restore Israeli deterrence.
The most basic reason for this failure is that a major military victory, such as decisively crippling Hamas, is still not in sight. Instead, the ground offensives of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) have drawn international condemnation, and the IDF’s alarmingly high casualty rates have exacerbated earlier concerns about the vulnerability of Israel’s land forces. None of this has communicated a message of strength to Israel’s foes—especially not to Hezbollah.
Ever since the Israeli onslaught on Gaza began in October 2023, Hezbollah and Israel have been involved in a measured escalation of tit-for-tat exchanges of fire along the Israeli-Lebanese border. Despite Hezbollah’s battlefield losses, with at least 240 fighters killed, the organization has managed to portray itself as standing in solidarity with the Palestinians while keeping tensions below a certain threshold. Furthermore, without entering into a full-scale war, the organization has so far tied a sizable portion of the IDF ground forces down along Israel’s northern front. Moreover, instead of withdrawing north of the Litani River, just as U.N. Resolution 1701 calls for, Hezbollah has pushed more than 80,000 Israeli civilians farther south, away from the border. In other words, Hezbollah has imposed its own terms of engagement by creating a buffer zone inside Israel, essentially forcing Israel to do internally what Resolution 1701 could not make Hezbollah do: relocate away from southern Lebanon.
This constitutes a grave affront to Israeli deterrence, even prompting IDF Maj. Gen. (res.) Gershon Hacohen to describe the IDF’s conduct in the north as “embarrassing.” “Hezbollah managed to make a move here, with limited fighting, that embarrasses the state of Israel,” Hacohen said, while adding that Hezbollah “conditions everything that will happen in the future by ending the war in the Gaza Strip. In fact, Hezbollah is the ones who are currently deciding whether they will stop.”
With neither Gaza nor Lebanon offering a realistic path to redemption, Netanyahu appears to have sought to escalate pressure on Iranian military assets in Syria, most likely in an effort to stem the flow of Iranian military aid to Hezbollah, project Israeli power, and possibly provoke an Iranian response that could draw the United States into a broader regional conflict. But Israel’s bombing of Iran’s embassy complex in Damascus and the killing of high-level officers appear to have unwittingly exposed not only the limits of Iranian patience, but also the limits of Israel’s operational latitude, military capacity, and impunity, factors that are likely to have serious ramifications for Israel’s long-term threat perception.
Iran promised retaliation almost immediately after Israel’s airstrike on the Iranian complex. It finally made good on its promise about 12 days later with a barrage of at least 300 drones, ballistic missiles, and cruise missiles fired at Israel from inside Iranian territory. Iran’s deliberate pace kept Israel on edge before the ultimate retaliation. It also gave Israel and its allies time to prepare defenses. As noted by Israeli defense analyst Tal Inbar, despite spending billions on underground missile cities, the Iranians chose to launch their largest ballistic missile attack with above-ground missiles, making them detectable to various intelligence-gathering platforms.
The scope, pace, timing, and official communication of the Iranian attack suggest that it was designed to be a largely theatrical show of force to inspire fear while minimizing the risk of casualties. Significantly, several Iranian projectiles penetrated Israeli airspace, reaching the country’s southernmost regions, including an Israeli air base. Despite official Israeli claims that 99 percent of Iran’s projectiles were intercepted, this was achieved with significant assistance from the French, Jordanian, American, and British militaries.
In stark contrast, Israel’s response to Iran’s retaliation now appears extremely underwhelming, both in terms of substance and theatrics. Unlike Iran, which communicated its intentions through various channels, including the United Nations, Israel’s response to Iran’s retaliation appeared disjointed and lacking in clarity. The nature and origin of the Israeli strike remain unclear, with no definitive statement from Israeli officials or iconic images to convey its impact. There is also no conclusive evidence of the Israeli weapons used, whether they were warplanes or drones. Even Israeli National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir could not help but ridicule the half-hearted Israeli strike, calling it “lame.”
Despite having a sophisticated, multilayered air defense system costing billions to construct, maintain, and replenish, it took a Herculean effort involving Israeli, French, Jordanian, British, and American forces—along with billions of dollars of interception costs—to shoot down Iran’s barrage. This was despite advance preparation and reports that half of Iran’s missiles failed either at launch or during flight. Nevertheless, an unknown number of Iranian missiles did penetrate Israel’s thick defensive wall. Ironically, had the Netanyahu government not provoked Iran’s attack by targeting the Iranian consular complex in Damascus, and had the Biden administration not made clear to Netanyahu that the United States would not participate in an all-out war against Iran, the vulnerabilities of Israel’s defenses may very well have remained hidden. The scope and scale of Iran’s attack, coupled with the meekness of Israel’s underwhelming response, may thrust Israeli military planners into a strategic introspection that could reshape the country’s security calculus for years to come.
For decades, Israeli strategic doctrine has been dominated by a unique notion of deterrence, what Sharon referred to as the region’s “fear of us.” But with the enduring image of Iranian warheads soaring over Israeli skies now etched firmly into the region’s consciousness, that fear has become ever more difficult to preserve. Israel’s future engagements and tactical decisions will be calibrated by the humbling realization that what remained of Israel’s aura of invincibility has been profoundly shaken.
This could force Israeli leaders to intensify their efforts to rebuild deterrence in a full-scale war with Hezbollah, even though the prospects for success will be slim without robust U.S. involvement in such a war. It may also prompt Israel either to escalate military operations in Gaza, potentially triggering increased international criticism and its own isolation, or to push to develop next-generation air defense systems, such as cutting-edge laser technologies. More hopefully, it could catalyze a move toward more diplomatic avenues as a means of securing lasting peace and stability. What’s clear, however, is that Israel’s bid to reestablish its security is nowhere near over.
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dear-indies · 3 months
hiya there!! i’m currently stumped on an oc fc of mine and i’m wondering if you could please help me? this might end up being a long request so i apologize.
i’m making a fallout oc who’s meant to have a cowboy type vibe, but i’m stumped for fcs!! could you please suggest some fcs for a man between the ages of 30-50 ish with cowboy vibes/resources? also, if it’s not too much to ask, i’m also looking for someone with a kind of classical old hollywood type look - someone who could fit into a 1950s-1960s setting (since fallout is set in an alternate history universe)… tl;dr: looking for a cowboy fc with a classic or old hollywood star look to him. i hope this makes sense!! so sorry if this is a lot to ask 😅 thank you for helping not only me, but the rp community as a whole!!!! -🏜️ {desert anon}
Mo Brings Plenty (1969) Oglala Lakota.
Aaron Pedersen (1970) Arrernte and Arabana - Mystery Road.
Walton Goggins (1971) - The Hateful Eight.
Idris Elba (1972) Sierra Leonean / Ghanaian - Concrete Cowboy and The Harder They Fall.
Patrick Wilson (1973) - Bone Tomahawk.
Andrew Lincoln (1973) - vibes in The Walking Dead.
Tahmoh Penikett (1975) Tanana Athabascan / White - Strange Empire.
Edi Gathegi (1979) Kenyan - The Harder They Fall.
Gabriel Luna (1982) Mexican and Lipan Apache - The Last of Us.
Brian Michael Smith (1983) African-American - is a trans man - he done a photoshoot with a cowboy hat and he wears plaid in 911: Lone Star.
Martin Sensmeier (1985) Tlingit, Koyukon, Eyak, White - Frybread Face and Me.
Alex Meraz (1985) Mexican [Purepecha and Lakota Sioux] - The Last Son, vibs in The Walking Dead - has spoken up for Palestine!
Rahul Kohli (1985) Punjabi Indian - uses he/they - vibes in Midnight Mass - has spoken up for Palestine!
Amar Chadha-Patel (1986) Indian - vibes in Willow.
Denim Richards (1988) African-American - Yellowstone.
Daniel Kaluuya (1989) Ugandan - Nope.
Kiowa Gordon (1990) Hualapai and White - Reservation Dogs, Dark Winds - has spoken up for Palestine!
Michael Vlamis (1991) Lebanese and White - Roswell New Mexico.
Hey anon! Here are everybody I know with cowboy resources in that age range. I think Patrick Wilson has the most 50s-60s vibes but there's a few others too.
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cyborg-squid · 3 months
the 'Ulpipi' joke about Ulpianus' name is starting to get on my nerves, the joke can be made once ha ha okay, but after that it both. gets old+unfunny, and steps on the landmine that is deliberately mispronouncing someone's name* because it sounds funny. which is universally shitty. yes even if his name is Italian in origin.
okay actually scratch that Italian bit. was researching, it looks to be more likely that his name comes from the Christian martyr Ulphianus, who was sewn into a sack with a dog and an asp and tossed into the sea. hell, the other animals being in there could be a connection to how the Hunters have Seaborn blood in them. holy shit was not expecting... 4th century Lebanese Christian martyr references.
*(i think Ulpianus is his actual name, not just a codename, but i might be wrong)
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