#best child custody attorney
northwestfamilylaw · 2 years
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mjcaffarattilaw · 5 days
Best Divorce Attorney in Reno: A Comprehensive Guide.
In life, among the most difficult events involves getting a divorce. It's a road littered with sorrow, legal roadblocks, and endless judgments that affect the rest of the rest of your life. Therefore, having the best divorce attorney on board can certainly make a big impact during this essential period. This comprehensive checklist is intended to help Reno residents select a reliable divorce attorney who'll safeguard their legal rights and interests.
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Divorce Lawyer in Pensacola, FL 32501 (850) 912-8520
Craig A. Vigodsky, P.A. focuses on helping clients in the Pensacola area who need a divorce lawyer find balanced family law solutions. He assists clients in family legal matters including divorce, child custody and support, paternity, and modifications and relocations.
Craig Vigodsky, P.A. 221 W Cervantes St Pensacola, FL 32501 (850) 912-8520 https://pensacolalawoffice.com
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kolinskylaw-1 · 1 month
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ericccl · 9 months
Explore the invaluable ways a family law attorney can support you. From navigating complex child custody cases to ensuring a smooth divorce process, our blog sheds light on the vital roles these experts play in your legal journey.
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barlilawllc · 10 months
Legal Matters in Your Family? Barli Law Can Help!
When it comes to family law, trust Barli Law to be your advocate. Our New Jersey family lawyer attorneys are dedicated to finding the best solutions for your family's legal matters. Reach out to us now for personalized advice.
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jenniferlawnevada · 1 year
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When it comes to custody battles, trust our experienced custody attorney in Las Vegas to protect your rights and fight for your child's best interests. With deep knowledge of family law, compassionate guidance, and a proven track record, we're dedicated to securing a favorable custody outcome. Take the first step. Schedule a consultation now and ensure your child's future is in capable hands.
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march10 · 1 year
Watch this video, for specific details and guidelines regarding the SPO for the given period. The Standard Possession Order (SPO) is a term used in Texas family law to refer to a specific custody and visitation schedule that is commonly used as a default arrangement when parents do not agree on a different plan. The SPO provides a structured framework for dividing parenting time between the parents. Keep in mind that specific details and variations of the Texas Standard Possession Order can exist depending on individual circumstances, court decisions, and any modifications made to the original order. For the most accurate and personalized information regarding the Texas Standard Possession Order, it is advisable to consult the Texas Family Code or seek guidance from a qualified family law attorney in Texas.
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provencherandflatt · 1 year
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waywardxwords · 8 months
The Fix - Part 8
Summary: Everyone has a past, but yours seemed to haunt you. You've tried to move forward with a normal life, but the day comes when that's not possible anymore. When Sheriff Beau Arlen enters your life, you're certain he is going to judge you just like everyone else in town does. But something about Beau is different.
Warnings: Slight language, discussion about drugs/drug dealing, slight angst, fluff-ish
Word Count: ~2.7k
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Beau’s foot pressed down on the accelerator of his truck until it had touched the floorboard. He tried to get a handle on his emotions, but he wasn’t used to feeling this way and he hated it. He had always been able to use his adrenaline as fuel in his line of work, but this felt different. All he could think about was Matt Donahue’s words—“We’re going to offer him a plea.” 
In all honesty, he should’ve seen it from a mile away. As a Sheriff and someone who worked with prosecutors on a daily basis, a plea deal made sense. The FBI weren’t interested in some small town drug dealer. They wanted the big guys. But he was too close to this case, and it felt dangerous. 
The tires of his truck squealed as he pulled into the parking lot in front of the office. His feet carried him to the front of the building as he tried to slow his breathing. 
The glass door swung open with more force than he had anticipated as he barged into the lobby. Justin Markham, the district attorney, stood there as if he were awaiting Beau’s arrival. Next to him was Matt Donahue, the agent Beau was getting increasingly annoyed with seeing in his town. 
“Beau,” Justin started carefully as he read the frustration and anger across his face. “I need you to just hear us out.”
“Hear you out?” Beau bit back as he planted his feet just in front of them. “You call me, tellin’ me you’re offerin’ Jackson Lyle a plea deal. Jackson Lyle, the man who has been dealin’ heroin, cocaine and meth in this town for the last four years. The man who kidnapped his child, shot one of my deputies and then held me and the child’s mother at gunpoint?!” He couldn’t control the volume or tone of his voice any longer. 
“I know you’re disappointed,” Justin spoke while Matt remained silent. “There’s a reason–”
“There’s absolutely no reason for us to explain this to you,” Matt sneered as he cut Justin off. “This one’s above your pay grade, Sheriff.”
“It’d be in your best interest not to speak, agent,” Beau snapped back. He turned back to Justin. “How do you expect me to keep the people of this town safe when you’re just gonna let this piece of shit back out on the street? What’s the deal, anyway? Is he even gonna see the inside of a cell?”
The DA took a breath and glanced at the agent. Matt seemed to give up and waved, as if saying he didn’t care and to just fill Beau in at this point. 
“Let’s go to your office, alright?” Justin placed a hand on Beau’s shoulder as the three men walked in and closed the door behind them. “The judge is ready to sign a restraining order for the victims today. There’s no question on that, it’ll be very clearly stated to Jackson that he’s not allowed anywhere near them or their property. He’s already agreed to it verbally.”
“Oh, yeah, that sounds great. Let’s trust the abusive drug dealer who doesn’t give a shit about anyone but himself,” he said sarcastically. “Fan-fuckin’-tastic work, guys.” 
“Sheriff,” Matt said firmly. “We have an opportunity to get to the root of the opioid crisis in Big Sky. We can take out the source, and that starts with information we get from Jackson Lyle.” 
“I’m not an idiot, I hear you,” Beau snapped back. “I’m tryin’ to figure out how I’m gonna tell the mother that just got her daughter back and has been afraid of this man for all these years that he’s gonna walk.” 
“It’ll take some time,” Justin tried to assure him. “The restraining order will be firmly in place, and the FBI still has a lot of information they need to get out of him. He will remain in custody until everything checks out. We’re talking a month, minimum. It could be six months, for all we know.” 
Beau sighed and rubbed a hand down his mouth as he processed. “Alright,” he finally conceded, more so because he knew there was absolutely nothing he could do to change the outcome. He shuffled in his pocket as he felt the device vibrate against his thigh. 
“The FBI has promised they will keep you in the loop along the way,” Justin looked at Matt pointedly—as if he was reminding him of the expectations. 
“I sure as hell hope so,” Beau’s voice trailed a bit as he saw Cassie’s ID on his phone—he had received a text message. He scrolled to open it. 
Cassie Dewell Hey, can you send me their home address? 
Beau quickly wrote back. 
I don’t have it on hand. It’s off of Arbor Road just off of Main. Why?
“I, uh, I gotta get going. I’ll say thank you for keeping me up to speed, but I’m still not happy,” Beau grumbled as he nodded at both the agent and DA. 
“I’ll call you later,” Justin shook his hand before Beau headed back for the front door. He stepped into his truck and pulled his cowboy hat from his head, placing it in the passenger seat before he put the key in the ignition. His phone vibrated once more. 
Cassie Dewell They left a note that they headed there to grab a few things and to meet them there. 
Beau felt like he could scream. He knew there wasn’t any immediate danger after talking to Justin and Matt, but he also knew he had asked one thing of you—to stay put and just wait for Cassie to get there. 
“Dammit,” he couldn’t help but curse as he squeezed the steering wheel so tightly his knuckles turned white.
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The tires crunched upon the gravel. He barely waited for his truck to stop before he shifted into park and threw open the door. 
“Hey,” you said, a bit confused as you approached from the front door. You had heard the familiar sound of his truck pull up and decided to greet him from there. “You okay? I thought Cassie was coming. What did they say?”
Beau slammed his door shut. “Was there any confusion about what I asked you to do before I left? Was I clear, or do you just not care that I’m trying my absolute damnedest to keep you safe?” His words nipped, much like the cool Montana air. 
“I just wanted to come back to get some fresh clothes and bring Bailey back to the comfort of our home for a few minutes,” you tried to explain with your eyes widened. He was mad; pissed, even. But you didn’t feel like it was fair. “Jackson’s locked up, right? Even with a potential deal, there’s no way they’d let him out right now.”
Beau knew you were right, but the fear just wouldn’t dissipate. “But if there are people lookin’ for him, where do you think they’re gonna go when they find out he’s locked up, huh? Where would they go when they realize that he’s probably gonna strike a deal for ratting them out? Who would they go after to get to him?” His eyes hadn’t faltered from yours as he took focused steps towards the stairs leading up to your porch. He stopped just before the first one.
You, too, knew there was truth behind Beau’s words. “So you’re going to stand out here and yell at me?!” You couldn’t help the rise to your voice. After what you went through with Jackson, you had sworn you’d never let a man control you like that again. Even though Beau was being rational, you couldn’t allow yourself to accept it. “You’re going to argue with me because I just wanted some normalcy again?”
“I’m arguin’ with you because I’m trying to fix this,” he sounded exasperated, though unphased by your tone. “I’m tryin’ to keep you safe.”
“Oh, don’t you worry, Sheriff,” your tone was snarky. “I don’t need you to fix a damn thing. There isn’t anything broken that needs fixing.” You muttered, frustration burned your eyes in the form of angry tears. It was a lie. You felt completely broken most of the time, but your frustration had gotten the best of you and you didn’t feel like admitting it. Beau knew anyway. 
“You know what,” Beau grumbled as he shook his head. He sucked on his teeth for a second before he returned his gaze to you. “You’re right, darlin’. You don’t need fixing. But this situation you're in? It makes me crazy. You don’t deserve it—an ounce of it,” his words were purposeful as he stood planted just in front of the first step of your porch. “And over the last few days, I’ve gotten to a point where I care…I care a lot. So I’d be damned if I put you in a situation where you’re not safe. Because when you’re not safe, I can’t even think straight.”
The air between you was tense, and you weren’t sure what to say for a moment. Beau’s chest rose and fell with each heavy breath he took. The air he blew out created small clouds, a clear indication of how hard he was breathing and how cold the air was. 
“I’m sorry that you were scared,” you tried to dissect his words. “I’m sorry that I didn’t listen. I’m not used to this…” you paused as you tried to think about how you wanted to explain the situation. “I’m not used to having someone look out for me. I look out for myself.”
“You’re gonna have to let that go, darlin’,” Beau was still frustrated, but his tone had softened. His feet moved slowly as he climbed the first stair. “I am standin’ here, telling you I want this.” His voice was low as he took another step. “I want the hard times, the good times; I’ll take on all the crazy…” with one more step, he was level with you now. He stood there unwavering, and you found it hard to hold his eye contact under the weight of his words. “And if that’s what you want, too? Even better. But I need you to meet me halfway, sweetheart.” His voice was just above a whisper now. 
Frustrated tears had pooled in your eyes again, but this time it was something deeper. Your life was complicated—it had been complicated—for a very long time. You hadn’t thought of sharing your life with anyone but Bailey for as long as you could remember. But here Beau stood, telling you he wanted all of it. 
“How am I supposed to meet you halfway when you won’t open up to me? I barely know anything about you, Beau. You can’t take your walls down, so how am I supposed to meet you in the middle?” You folded your arms across your chest and stood your ground. 
Beau broke eye contact and a hot breath escaped his lips. “You’re right, darlin’,” he said softly. His tongue darted out over his lips. “You wanna know my story? I left Houston because I screwed up.” He lifted his head to find your eyes again. “There was a case I was investigatin’ and it went south. I was followin’ the wrong trail, and a deputy got killed because of it. I panicked, and I wasn’t gonna take this job because of it. But I had to be close to my daughter and I didn’t know anything other than law enforcement. Nine times outta ten, I feel like an imposter in this job. But I promised myself I’d never make another mistake again. I’ve spent the last three years trying to fix it—all of it. Trying to fix myself, and tryin’ my damnedest not to screw anything up.”
He paused, and your heart sank in your chest a little. You felt overwhelming sympathy for him and what he had been through. “You can’t blame yourself, Beau.”
He chuckled almost sarcastically. “Oh, I can and I do, sweetheart,” he sighed. “But that’s besides the point. We all have stuff. And you’re right, I need to open up more if I’m askin’ you to meet me in the middle. I’m willin’ to do that…I’m willing to try.” 
“I want to try, too, Beau,” you breathed out, Beau’s smile hidden for only a moment as your breath fogged in front of you. “I can’t promise we won’t have more moments of me not listening or pushing back on you…”
“Wouldn’t have it any other way, darlin’,” he drawled, just before he captured your lips with his. 
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Cassie had arrived shortly after and agreed to hang out with you and Bailey. Beau had said he had one more stop to make, and while you didn’t know where he was headed, you didn’t push back or ask any questions. 
Beau had called in a favor, one he wasn’t sure would be granted. But for the first time since this whole ordeal started, the FBI had come through. 
He pulled open the heavy metal door and prepared himself to go through the metal detector. 
“I’m meeting Matt Donahue with the FBI,” Beau said to guard just past the security entrance after he showed his Sheriff’s badge. The man led Beau through a code-locked door that closed shut with a loud bang. 
Matt stood there in his suit with his hands in his pockets. “I’m breaking a lot of rules letting you do this,” Matt grumbled as he glanced at the watch on his wrist. 
“Yeah, well,” Beau cleared his throat. “I helped catch him, didn’t I? He’s been creating mayhem in my town, I think you can give me five minutes.” Matt rolled his eyes but started down the long hallway. Beau followed. 
There was another guarded door with a code lock. Matt nodded at the guard there, who unlocked the door and opened it for them to walk through. 
Beau glanced around at the barred cells. Chatter and yells from the prisoners echoed off of the walls. Matt stopped in front of a cell. 
“Ah, if it isn’t the pretty boy sheriff,” Jackson Lyle sneered from where he sat on his cot. He had bandages around his shoulder and upper torso. Seeing that brought Beau a little bit of joy. 
“At least one of us looks good,” Beau snided back. He glanced at Matt with a pointed look. 
“Five minutes,” Matt repeated before he retreated back down the hallway, as promised. Beau turned his attention back to the cell. 
“Ooh, what’s the pretty sheriff got to tell me, hmm? You hear I’m getting a deal? I’ll be out of here in no time,” he seemed so proud of himself. 
“Yeah, about that,” Beau glanced down but then locked eyes with the man on the other side of the bars. “As we both know, you’ll have two restraining orders against you the second you step foot outside this prison. But I also want you to know, I’ll be watchin’. Every step you take, you’ll have eyes on you as long as you stay in Big Sky.”
“You say that now, but just you wait and see. My ex-wife can be a real bitch. You’ll get tired of her shit the same way I did,” he sneered. “She’s a broken woman. She won’t let anybody try to fix her.”
“Here’s the difference,” Beau was firm in his words and made sure he held his composure. “I’m gonna go in there and pick up the pieces that you broke. And she and I, together–we’ll fix it ourselves. While you’re only interested in getting your fix, I’m prepared to put in the work and be what she and Bailey need. You’ll never see them again, Jackson. And if you do, you’ll end up with a bullet between your eyes. I’ll put it there myself.”
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A/N: And there we have it, folks! Part 8! Did we love it? Hate it? Surprised by our least favorite FBI agent's slight change of heart (or that he has a heart at all?).
It pains me to say, but this will be the last full chapter for The Fix! I'll post the Epilogue on Wednesday that will bring things full circle. I've struggled with if I wanted to carry this further (and while I think there are opportunities for additional development, I also sort of feel like I'd be drawing it all out if I kept going). All of that to say: I do think there may be a one shot or two (or more, I mean--who knows?) in the future. I really loved branching out and pushing myself to write Beau Arlen, and I truly enjoyed writing the reader & Bailey in this series, as well.
While it's not quite the end just yet, I can't forget to say THANK YOU! I have gotten so much love on this series, and I truly appreciate it.
See you on Wednesday :)
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northwestfamilylaw · 2 years
Northwest Family Law, P.S.
Northwest Family Law, P.S. is a full-service family law firm in Bellevue, Washington. Providing long-term solutions for Washington families in the areas of divorce law, legal separation, asset division, child custody, support, postnuptial and prenuptial agreements, domestic violence, 3rd party custody, and other family law issues. Are you looking for a family lawyer in Bellevue, Washington area? Our Bellevue family law attorneys are here available to assist you with all of your family law matters. Call us now to get a consultation.
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rachelsshowerthoughts · 2 months
XY's primary argument in the custody battle be like:
Enemy Attorney: Are we to believe that a young man, barely more than a teenager, has the necessary skills to raise a child?
XY: Point, counterpoint, what makes you think these two do?
XY: "Alright, let's try this. Mr. Bourgeois. What's Chloé's favourite colour?"
André: "What?"
XY: "Chloé's favourite colour. It’s a simple question."
André: "Wha-Yellow? I'm not sure-"
XY: "It's teal, actually. How about her favourite food?"
André: "Why does-"
XY: "Favourite food, man! What is YOUR DAUGHTER'S favourite food?"
André: "Uh, Pizza?"
XY: "Incorrect, it’s sushi. White tuna and shrimp rolls specifically."
André: "I'm- I'm not sur-"
XY: "What's her favourite movie? Her favourite song? TV show? Video game? Does she prefer powder or cream based makeup? What's her favourite school subject? Which one is she struggling with? What after school clubs is she in? Does she like photography or collages more?"
André: "I-"
XY: "What's the one place she's always wanted to visit? What’s one food she hates, that she can’t even eat without throwing up? How long did her arm fracture last?"
André: "Arm- WHAT!?"
XY: "What medications can she NEVER have? What are her allergies? Her glasses prescription? Who's her best friend?"
André: "Wel-"
Audrey: "I don’t see how any of this is relevant!"
XY: "You are her PARENTS and you don't see any of this shit as relevant? All right, then, Ms. Bourgeois, I didn’t ask YOU, because I thought a few of those might be a bit hard for you to answer, but here’s a pretty simple one."
Audrey: "How DARE yo-!"
XY: "WHEN is Chloé's birthday?"
Audrey: "Why should I care?"
XY: "So, you don’t know the date you GAVE BIRTH to an ENTIRE HUMAN BEING."
Audrey: *waves hand* "It's not as though it was a memorable occasion."
lawyer: "I'm sorry, did you just say that it wasn’t memorable that you went through labour!?"
XY: *to the speechless judge* "You asked why a barely nineteen year old should have custody of a fourteen year old. Counterpoint" *points to Audrey and Andre* "why should THEY?"
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Divorce Attorney Near Me in Pensacola, FL 32501 (850) 912-8520
Craig A. Vigodsky, P.A. focuses on helping clients in the Pensacola area who need a divorce lawyer find balanced family law solutions. He assists clients in family legal matters including divorce, child custody and support, paternity, and modifications and relocations.
Craig Vigodsky, P.A. 221 W Cervantes St Pensacola, FL 32501 (850) 912-8520 https://pensacolalawoffice.com
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miss-may-i · 10 months
Miss May I: Season 4 Part 22
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Mediator: Good morning everyone. I am the Mediator. This is a discussion between the two parties and I'm just here to make sure everything stays fair and civil.
Mediator: Mrs. Cochran, you filed with the court to regain custody of your sixteen year old daughter, Julian Lowry, who is currently in the custody of your twenty four year old son, Vivian Lowry. Is that correct?
Jade's Attorney: That is correct.
Mediator: And Mr. Lowry, you are contesting any change in the current custody. Is that correct?
Vivian's Attorney: That is correct.
Mediator: Mrs. Cochran, let's start with your side. What makes you believe a change in custody would be in the best interest of the child?
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Jade's Attorney: The best place for a child to be is with her mother, and due to said child's behavior, we believe the current environment is unstable. There are extensive absences from school, police reports, and she is currently nine months pregnant. She needs to be in the custody of someone responsible. Someone who knows what it means to be a parent.
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Vivian's Attorney: The minor in question was in foster care for five years. The current situation my client dealt with in the past was a direct response to that. The mother could have gotten custody at any time. Vivian was the one to gain custody and has been making progress ever since. Removing the child from her home, especially during such a vulnerable time, would cause irreversible damage.
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Mediator: The point of mediation is to try and settle on an agreement before the matter goes before a judge in court. Is this any possibility in settling in a 50% custody agreement, or perhaps a visitation schedule?
Vivian's Attorney: That is not possible.
Mediator: Alright, then this matter will be brought before a judge. Everyone have a great rest of your day.
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Nathan: How did it go?
Jade: Exactly as expected. That stubborn bastard won't budge.
Nathan: Right, like someone like that would ever stand a chance in court.
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Jade: Children belong with their mothers, not prostitutes!
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Vivian: You're one to talk about pasts. I did what I had to to support Julie while you were too busy shooting up to even care that she got taken away.
Nathan: Let's see how you support her after losing your job. Nobody wants their kids taught by some f****t hooker.
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Vivian: You are so goddamn vile then wonder why all your kids are fuck ups! We're products of our mother, Hurricane Jade. I will see you in court and I don't intend to lose.
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ericccl · 10 months
Discover essential considerations for creating a thoughtful child custody agreement. Prioritize your child's well-being with expert guidance from Eric Child Custody Law. Read now!
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coochiequeens · 1 year
Men: “the courts are so unfair to fathers” Also Men: “My evil ex is weaponizing feeding our child the way nature intended” Courts: “We will make her bottle feed to suit your visitation requests”
Virginia mom is ordered to stop BREASTFEEDING six-month-old daughter after judge in bitter custody battle rules it is interfering with estranged husband's time with their children
Arleta Ramirez has been court-ordered not to breastfeed her six-month-old baby
Father, Mike Ridgway, was also granted four visitation days and overnight visits
Ridgway claimed that his daughter's feeding times were interfering with visits
PUBLISHED: 17:30 EST, 8 February 2023 | UPDATED: 18:12 EST, 8 February 2023 
A Virginia mom has been ordered to stop breastfeeding her six-month-old daughter after a judge in a bitter custody battle ruled that it was interfering with her estranged husband's time with their children.
Arleta Ramirez has been breastfeeding her daughter since she was born in July and had also breastfed her son, who is now two, the Washington Post reported.
According to the outlet Ramirez was ordered to 'make every effort to place the child on a feeding schedule and use a bottle' by a Prince William County judge in late November.
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Beginning this month, the judge's ruling also granted the children's father, Mike Ridgway, four visitation days and overnight visits.
Ridgway complained that his daughter's feeding times were interfering with his visits, but Ramirez who has had trouble pumping milk in the past, believes, like some experts, that 'breast is best.
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She is preparing evidence for a hearing in April from breastfeeding experts as well as a letter from her pediatrician.
'Why are they forcing me to stop breastfeeding?' she told the Washington Post. 'Isn't that her right? Isn't that in her best interest?'
Ridgway said that he had given Ramirez 'space to both nurse and to pump milk for me to bottle-feed our daughter while she is in my care.'
'Past the age of 6 months I will continue to support breastfeeding and bottle-feeding our daughter breast milk as much as possible, while also supplementing with formula only when absolutely necessary,' he added.
Ridgway's attorney, Tara Steinnerd, said Ramirez was using breastfeeding 'as a weapon' in what she claims is a means to salvage a relationship that is over.
'They come up with a myriad of excuses,' she told the outlet. 'It's about using breastfeeding as a weapon against visitation.'
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