#best homes 4 sale near me
loveinthakut · 2 years
California Land Development Giants
California Land Development Giants
When it comes to California land development, Design Everest is said to be “a true One-stop solution for Land Developers” as far as land development firms go, that is.  Design Everest has orchestrated over 5,000 residential and commercial projects, totaling sums of over $500 million annually in construction through  their remote delivery method.  They produce projects for industry partners and…
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jaeminmp4 · 8 months
what if we read manga together, then what? (m.lee)
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synopsis - you have a love for reading mangas, and you made it your goal to visit your town’s local bookstore to relax after a grueling finals week and to check out the new bungo stray dogs manga that was just put on sale. however, you didn’t think that having a tower display of mangas falling onto you would lead you into having a friendship with the nerdiest (and cutest) boy ever. member - mark lee x fem!reader word count - 3.1k warnings - just some cursing, SOME my hero academia slander but it's not bad i promise!!! genre - college au, fluff, humor, strangers to friends to lovers authors note - wow casually dropping my first written scenario here hehe and it's for your favorite canadian boy, mark lee!! idk i was watching and consuming mark lee content like my life depended on it and it lead to this,, uh monstrosity of a fic, it isn't my best work, but i wanted to put out something before i start procrastinating, hope you somewhat enjoy it at least :D
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You definitely weren’t the clumsiest person on the planet, and you knew this for a fact after witnessing your friend Minjeong trip over her own feet and spill the contents of her lunch tray all over the floor. Then when she attempted to get up from the ground, her foot had stepped right onto the apple sauce left on the ground, then she tumbled over again, this time almost hitting her perfect face right onto the tiled floors of the cafeteria. At the time you were too busy laughing at her demise to be of any help. You guessed karma came back to bite you in the ass. Stupid karma.
You had just finished your last exam of the semester and all you wanted to do was rot in your dorm room and sleep until the RA’s kicked you out to go home for break. You, however, didn’t do any rotting or any sleeping. For weeks you had been eyeing up the small bookstore near campus because you knew for a fact that they had just put up a sale for the new volumes of Bungo Stray Dogs and you couldn’t pass up the opportunity to see your beloved Chuuya Nakahara. You’d do anything for that red-headed son of a bitch. Which means sacrificing the rest you so desperately needed. You could sleep anytime you wanted now that it was break, but that sale was going to go soon (and you were a broke college student so you couldn’t let this opportunity go to waste), so you needed to get into that bookstore ASAP. You knew that they were closing at 6 pm. But by the time you got back to your dorm room to change it was 4:30 pm and it was a good twenty-minute walk. 
You came barreling through the door of your dorm room scaring the life out of your roommate in the process. You were throwing stuff around the room looking for more comfortable clothes to change into, and to find that stupid discount coupon your literary professor gave your entire class months ago to buy books that would “enrich your mind”. You had scoffed when he turned around after giving you the coupon, stuffing that damned paper into a random pocket of your bag. Now that you needed that coupon it was nowhere to be found. Now, you could go without the coupon but you only had like 25 bucks to your name, and you needed to take what you could get. You were about to give up on your search because you were running out of precious time, that is until your roommate, Yoo Jimin, or Karina as she liked to be called, waltzed up to you with a very familiar paper in between her pointer and middle finger. Your eyes lit up, your hands moving to grab the coupon from her. But Karina snatched it back so fast before you even had the chance to blink. “Hey! Do you even need that coupon? Last I checked the last book you read was your physics textbook but you turned to the first page before nearly bursting out into tears.”, you whined. Karina gives you a dirty look as a warning to shut the hell up, which you do knowing she’s the only one with a coupon.
 “I’ll give you the coupon if you get me a volume of Jujutsu Kaisen.”, she bargained. You give her an incredulous stare, “That’s all you wanted? Okay, that’s fine Rina, but please give me the coupon they’re gonna close in like an hour and won’t be open till Monday, and I need to read something other than a lab report or I’m going to go insane.”, you stressed. Satisfied with your answer and her plan to make you do something for her, she hands you the coupon and blows you a teasing kiss before walking over to her side of the room and plopping onto her bed. Rolling your eyes you scramble to gather the rest of your belongings before running out of your dorm room, the door slamming, giving your conniving roommate her second scare of the day. 
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That’s what brings us to present time and your current predicament. You had to run like three blocks to get to the tiny bookstore in your university’s town. It was nestled in between a cafe (which is quite convenient) and an arcade. You stood in front of the building wheezing your lungs out, you attempted to catch your breath so you looked less like a crazed person who was struggling to breathe and more like a normal person getting ready to purchase books. When you entered you had a good forty or so minutes to grab the two volumes, pay, and get out. What could go wrong? 
There were very few people left in the bookstore, only about one or two people that were still perusing the many aisles of books. You knew exactly where the volumes you wanted were located. Gripping the coupon in your hand tighter you walked towards the manga section of the bookstore. This section was by far the smallest section of the entire store and the only place they kept the manga, for obvious reasons. 
You had only taken one step into the section when the strap of your bag decided that latching onto the manga tower was a good idea. Thus bringing the entire display down onto your unsuspecting form. 
You first felt a spike of pain on your backside, and it hurt like a bitch. You looked behind you to catch a glimpse of the cause of the pain and noticed it was that display of My Hero Academia volumes you saw placed right at the entrance of the aisle. Of course, it had to be that god-forsaken manga Chenle and Jisung were talking your ear off about all the time. But like god damn, what were these books made of? You had landed on the ground on your knees in the most ungraceful way possible, and you knew for a fact that you probably had a bad case of carpet burn on your knees. It didn’t help that you looked like an idiot, and it also didn’t help that you were quickly garnering the attention of the other customers in this tiny ass bookstore. Of course, you’d humiliate yourself right when they get a sudden influx of customers. 
You felt your face turn hot in humiliation, and you moved to try to get up to attempt to save yourself from this embarrassment. However, the damn display wasn’t done with you yet and didn’t want to budge. Why was this display all of sudden so heavy? You turn your attention to the people walking over to check out the commotion you created. However, none jumped to your aid. You sighed in disbelief and were about to attempt to get up by yourself again. Before you could, you felt the relief of the heavy display being lifted off of you and you swear to god you could hear the angels ascending down to Earth and singing to you. You turned to look at your savior and you came face to face with the cutest stranger kneeling next to you, his facial expression showing deep concern. He was saying something to you but you were too busy gaping at him like a fish out of water.
He puts one of his hands on your shoulder finally snapping you out of your dazed stupor. The cute stranger’s face had contorted to one of panic, “Did you hit your head too? Do you have a concussion?” You frantically start waving your hands out, shaking your head no, “N-No, I’m fine! Perfectly fine, peachy actually.” you say, your voice cracking by the end of your sentence. The boy next to you doesn’t look convinced but he nods anyway and he lets out a small laugh at the oddity of all of this. You laugh too, one because his laugh is infectious and you couldn’t help but laugh along, and two, you thought it was stupid to think this, but you couldn’t help it, all that was going through your mind was, you didn’t know who to thank for giving you the chance to meet this cute stranger, your incessant love for Chuuya Nakahara or Deku’s silly superhero gang.
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Turns out that cute stranger’s name was Mark Lee, an employee of that bookstore. A cute name for a cute human, you had thought. After the whole fiasco, you had gotten an ice pack from him and assurance that he’d be the one to clean up the display you destroyed. You sheepishly told him you didn’t mind cleaning it up yourself since it technically was your fault. But he insisted that a pretty, injured girl like yourself shouldn’t be doing any cleaning at all. That shut you up real quick, a red hue taking over your face. You were just glad he didn’t notice. You ended up staying till the store closed, talking with Mark about different animes and mangas you two enjoyed, and other interests you had.
Karina had texted you a couple of minutes after the bookstore closed wondering where you were. 
rina<3: hey where r u, its been like yearssssss y/n: ive been gone for like two hours max, u’ll survive rina<3: i just want my dose of jujutsu kaisen :/ 
You snicker at the message and shut your phone off choosing to tell her what had happened when you arrived back to your shared dorm. Standing in front of the bookstore, you put your phone into your back pocket. You look up right on time to watch Mark fumble with the keys as he tries to lock up the store for the night. You laugh quietly, who knew the boy who’d come to your rescue was also clumsy, granted his clumsiness was cute and yours was more on the, I’d rather crawl into a hole and die than have to go through that again, sort of clumsiness.
Mark turns around to look at you after he finishes locking up the shop and he gives you a small grin, and you were sure your stomach was a terrarium with the amount of butterflies flying about in there. You barely knew the guy, you seriously couldn’t be forming an infatuation that fast. Right?
 “Y/N, you said you lived on campus right?”, he asked as he walked over to stand next to you. You nodded in response to his question. “That’s great! I live on campus too, it’s sort of crazy how we never really saw each other before though. If you want, we can walk back together?”, he suggested.
You were getting ready to refuse not wanting to waste any more of Mark’s time, at this point, you assumed he was just doing all this to be polite, and if it were you in Mark’s position, you sure as hell wouldn’t exactly be so chipper and willing after having to clean someone else’s mess. But once you glanced over towards him, you were so done for. He was giving you one of those doe-eyed stares, like a cute little puppy wanting something from you. So you folded, like a piece of paper, but like come on, how could you say no to a face like that? That’s how you ended up with an entertaining walk home, an amused roommate, and a new contact in your phone.
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Turns out that Jisung and Chenle knew Mark as well. They both had met him in one of their many shared classes (you realize a majority of your friends really enjoy the arts), and they use him as a means to get a discount at the bookstore Mark works at. You wish you had thought of that, but you supposed you already used all of Mark’s sympathy the moment you tumbled down to the ground with his meticulously arranged display of books. Speaking of the bookstore, when both of those two gremlins found out how you two had met they both laughed their big heads off, both boys in literal tears after Mark was finished retelling the encounter. You wish the ground would just open up and swallow you whole but life never wanted to go your way, did it?
You cursed them both out in embarrassment and a bit of anger as Mark sat in between you and the two boys, attempting to cover his small amused smile from you, but it didn’t really work. “Do you find me getting hurt so funny? I’m glad my demise will forever be a joke.”, you lamented. Chenle laughed again, his laugh higher in pitch now, and you had to restrain the urge to reach over the table and throttle his giant head. You felt a slight pat on your back and you looked over to see Mark smiling at you with his cute little smile and you felt your heart melt, “Don’t be too sad, I don’t find it that funny.”
Mark looks at his watch and he looks at it alarmed, he starts hastily getting up from the table you four were sitting at, pulling his backpack onto his shoulders, “Sorry guys gotta go, I promised Donghyuck I’d help him with recording his new cover of some song he found on Youtube.” He turns to look at you, “Catch you later? Heard there’s a new manga coming out soon, maybe we can read it together?” You nod dumbly at his question, Mark sends you one last smile and a thumbs-up before he leaves. His figure moved farther and farther away from the three of you.
Chenle was the first to break the silence. “Have you finished drooling over Mark yet?” You spluttered, “What are you talking about? I was not!” You crossed your arms over your chest as you looked at the boy. He had a shit-eating grin on his face, and you groaned covering your probably red face with your hands. You peeked through your fingers and Jisung was also looking at you expectantly. Okay, so maybe you should have throttled Zhong Chenle earlier.
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Being friends with Mark Lee is exhausting, and that’s only one of the many words you could use to describe your friendship, but you didn’t feel like delving more into that territory.
Mark was excitable at times and was always passionate about the things he had an interest in. In your words, he was a huge nerd. So when he found out there was going to be a convention in a town near yours he was practically bouncing off the walls. He had called you at three in the morning with the news, you, on the other hand, answered the phone half asleep mumbling “mhms” and “uh huhs” to his excited rambles.  
When the day of the convention had come, he had convinced you to come along, and even dress up as a character. You decided to dress as Yosano from Bungo. It was a simple outfit really, just a button-up blouse with a black tie, a black skirt, and some black tights. Your hair is adorned with Yosano’s signature butterfly clip. You had to say, you cleaned up nicely. You exited out of your dorm and walked down to the parking area of your dorm’s building.
Mark was supposed to come over and pick you up ten minutes ago but he still wasn’t here. For someone excited about all this, you’d think he’d be the one to come early. You pulled out your phone getting ready to text him, but the boy in question pulled up to where you were standing. Looking up at him you noticed he was dressed up as well, as Ranpo, from his hat, down to his little detective cape. 
That is so adorable. You just wanted to pinch his cheeks at how cute he looked, but you threw the thought out the window. You clambered into Mark’s passenger seat, closing the door trying not to get your skirt caught as you closed it. Mark looked over at you and chuckled, “Hey what are the odds we’re two characters from the same manga?”
You giggled as you playfully hit him on his shoulder, “I literally told you who I was going as ages ago, you literally did that on purpose.” Mark turns to look back at the road as he starts to pull out of the parking lot onto the main road. “Maybe I did.”. he says nonchalantly. You glance at him, “You wanted to be matchy matchy?”, you chirped. He beams at you and nods. You felt those butterflies in your stomach start again, just like all the other times you’ve hung out with Mark, but somehow this felt different. “Any reason as to why?”, you asked slowly. 
Mark sucks in a breath, and you worry you’ve offended him. You start to take back what you had said, but he places a hand on one of yours that was in your lap, and that’s when you notice how clammy your hands were. You were praying to anyone that would listen so that he wouldn’t notice. If he did he didn’t mention it at all but not that that mattered at all because the next few words he uttered nearly knocked the wind out of you, and made you forget the fact that you had gross hands. 
“I like you, Y/N. To be honest, I thought I was being obvious in my feelings for you, but forgive me if I was a little awkward, I’ve never really done anything like that at all.”
You stared at him not knowing what to say, and this felt a little too familiar to your unceremonious meeting, where even back then you had stared at him like he’d grown two heads. Mark was beginning to feel a slight bit uncomfortable under your gaze and started to pull his hand back, “If you... don’t return my feelings that’s fine too! We can forget this happened, stay as friends and we can go back to reading our silly little mangas together.”
You grabbed his hand back and held it in yours. His hand was warm, and it felt nice, and you liked it a lot. “You know, Mark Lee, I like you too, probably a lot more than you think, plus you were quite literally my knight in shining armor.”
“Oh thank god you like me back, I thought you thought of me as some nerd pestering you all the time.”, Mark gushed. You jokingly put a hand on your chin pretending to think, “Welllllllllllll………..” 
“Hey, I was making a joke!”
“I’m just kidding.”, you say, grinning from ear to ear. “So does that mean, you’re my girlfriend?”, he asks giddily. “If you want, I can be.”, you breathed. “Then, it’s official.”, Mark says, while drawing delicate circles with his thumb on your hand.
Mark turns to take another look at you before adding, “I’m glad your clumsy self got nearly crushed by a My Hero Academia display stand.”
“Okay, well now you’ve ruined it.”
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0hboyhowdy · 9 months
Something small for me to dip my toes into writing :)
A bat family self indulgent insert lol. I've been building up this character in my head since before the pandemic, so this character is near and dear to my heart and I've decided to share as a reader insert for fun. Short for some back story, very little bat fam in this one.
839 words.
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(Y/N) was a peculiar child. Nothing immediately alarming, soft eyes and smile. Polite, quiet, raised by their grandparents in a tourist town home to a cryptid legend. An old soul they were called, mature for their age to an off-putting degree. They spoke as if they humbly knew something you didn't know. For as long as they could remember they had a purpose, a nagging feeling in the back of their mind of something they couldn’t quite place.
Age 4, (Y/N) babbled about sounds for days on end. Their earliest memory, watching Papa making lunch in their outdated kitchen while sitting in a high chair and humming a tune only they could hear. The music was soft most days, their head swaying and soothing their mood. They weren’t a fussy baby, but when the music became loud there was nothing they could to do to console them. Distress and anger were volatile emotions in their child, Nan concluded, after picture frames flew off the walls and shelves shook. Her arms pricked and tingled where her bare skin touched (Y/N). Papa took to teaching the piano to soothe their tantrums.
Age 5, Nan brings them out into the woods.
Age 7, (Y/N) became fixated on the weather. Exact amounts of rainfall, clouds in the sky, hours of sun. Before it happened. They often refused to wear light clothes, even on the hottest days they still claimed to feel a chill crawling up their neck. Nan often caught them reaching to rub their neck whenever their weather outbursts occurred.
Age 8, they had exceptional spatial awareness. Nan attempted to catch them off guard numerous times and failed. No matter how quiet, (Y/N) knew. Nan used to get them geared up with her and train in the woods behind their house. Their favorite drill, in which they never lost, involved hunting down their grandmother a half hour after she entered the woods.
Age 9, (Y/N) spoke to themselves often. Their grandparents weren’t surprised by the new development but were wary of other people. On Sunday trips to the flea market, with their yield of corn for sale, they often had to scold (Y/N) for speaking to nothing in front of customers. When pestered once, they told stories of the customers' parents, who had long since passed.
Age 10, (Y/N) was allowed in the forest alone. They came back 8 days later. Pale and bloodied, with a raised red scar across their heart.
Age 12, (Y/N) wakes in a cold sweat months after Papa’s death. Bone-chilling fear coursed through their body as they stumbled out of bed and down the hallway. They knew before Nan, was shown in a dream, but too late to wake up. They found her sitting up in bed, the lamp beside her flickered when they stepped cautiously through the door. Nan spoke calmly, her hardened features now gaunt and dark.
“(Y/N) dear,” Tears silently tread down their face, and she patted the bed beside her “Come sit”. (Y/N) sat by her thigh and took her hand. One note of a piano endlessly rang through the house. “I trust I’ve done the best I could” Nan’s voice was hoarse “I hope my job is complete”. (Y/N) sat staring into her eyes, before being pulled into the longest and only hug they’ve ever received from her. A letter was pressed into their hands. The lamp light flickered out. The room was cold.
The small tourist town of Wester quit receiving sightings of their own urban legend. A stark white face stripped to the bone, large ram horns, razor-sharp talons, and a bipedal beast-like body, that leaves behind corpses of large animals. The Wester Vulture, laid tucked in bed, hair braided and pale-faced. The Wester Vulture sat on a bus with a letter clutched in hand, a suitcase, and a large survival backpack in the seat next to them. Their claw weapons sat at the bottom of the bag
Gotham was child's play compared to the Wester forest. Starving and roaming the streets was nothing compared to really fighting for your life. Homeless shelters were unsafe unless (Y/N) wanted CPS involved. Instead, the Angel of Death traveled the slums at night searching for their father. (Y/N) walked bruised during the day with the ram skull helmet tucked in their bag. They survived for 8 months on their own. Not a very good detective, but greatly intuitive.
The 8 months came to an end, face to face with their dad. A has-been sorcerer versus a vengeful spirit with his ex wife's face and wrath. The fight was long, but the end was quick. Quicker than The Batman, who watched the beast murder in cold blood.
Their claws weren’t fully clean of flesh before Batman engaged. The battle was unlike anything Bruce had experienced in a person, more akin to an animal. Swift and brutal, aiming to kill and forcing him on the defense. Vulture’s brutality was no match for his stronger armor and wealth. Bone helmet was cracked from the mouth, huffing out in frustration. In an instant Bruce was met with the face of a child.
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chiquititaosita · 1 year
♡˗ˏ☁️໒ brown is beautiful, Steve Harrington x latina reader (meeting)
♡˗ˏ☁️໒ post type: fic series
♡˗ˏ☁️໒ tbh i can’t believe I’m doing stranger things on this shit smh 🤦🏽‍♀️but im a sucker for this white boy. (And many more on my account on this app) please forgive me for my anime mutuals.
♡˗ˏ☁️໒ context: headcanons for Steve with a Latina s/o (female reader) takes place during and/or after season 4. HINTS OF INTERNALIZED RACISM (because we need to be aware of this shit) a little bit of angst, to fluff. Hispanic humor and slang en español, food descriptions, car terms
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it’s another shift at family video. There steve is on the counter with his chocolate brown hair, fair skin wearing his vest and a black tshirt, a little silver or gold chain that was small but it was hidden a little bit under his shirt. Steve will be tired, exhausted, Annoyed. Done Just absolutely given up. because he wouldn’t know on what to do, trying to get over Nancy. literally robin is sick and tired of this shit. “You dingus, you realize why you haven’t been able to get over her right?” Robin crossed her arms wearing a black sweater with her eyes rolled up. And looking at her cell phone, it’s from her home girl y/n l/n name appeared to call.
“What do you mean?” Steve was already on the counter restocking some DVDs in the front, where the movie sale of La Bamba was being in stock almost selling out, since Keith wanted them to sell out soon.
“You go for only one type. Steve.” Steve listened carefully and had those two words “one type” replay in his mind that got him all dumb and stupid. Yes Steve in high school was a ladies man. Yet however all the girls noticed him going for the white girls. Thats when not many poc girls thought it was a joke for him to ask any girl who was poc. Steves widened and was at agape. Covering his mouth. Realizing that he’s been a huge douche bag to girls that are poc. Especially the Hispanics. “Hold that thought.” Robin was on the phone Answering to you.
“Hey home girl I’m coming by, i got your order ready.” You spoke with a smile on your face driving in a 1978 Chevy impala, modded to your liking, with hydraulics, and a v8 engine. Wearing a white tank top cropped, black zip up jacket, your hair all natural curls coming through, Nike Cortezes in white, big hoop earrings, black dickies pants, dark brown lip liner with a red lip mac lipstick on Russian red, just like the iconic Selena Quintanilla. Blasting some Spanish music of your choice.
“Oh great! Now you get to meet the suavecito i told you about.” Robin smiled through the phone, and Steve could hear you cackle, doing a bit of a loud laugh hearing some girl speak Spanish since his best friend put the girl on speaker.
“No mames Chingona!!! En serio? Eres un flaquito? Or what? Also pues, im five minutes away” Y/n was speaking Spanish. Robin was actually fluent in Spanish, surprisingly, when she had to order some food for breakfast, for the kids.
“Ah okay, claro see you chica” robin hung up and sighed. Chuckling lightly watching Steves moments of processing.
“what’s up with you?”robin looked over
“I just had an ephiphany….” Steve was walking to the register leaning against the counter facepalming, making that face of oh shit i fucked up.
“That is?” Steve was about to answer robins questions “well basically it’s that-“ until some loud music apparently the song te aprovechas was blasting outside. Parked into a near parking spot. Then not even a few seconds later, y/n was walking in with a beautiful smile that had lightened up the room immediately.
“Hola Chingona!!!” Y/n kicked the door open of the store walking to Robin giving a side hug, a little bit.
“Y/n wow you weren’t kidding that you’d be quick let me get these.” Robin smiled at her as she grabbed the box of pan dulce, and some carne asada tacos, brought that immediately smelled amazing with lettuce cheese ground beef, sour cream, cilantro, tomatoes, and grilled onions. “Aye no mama no I got you let me.” Y/n looked so happy and cheerful and gave in finally seeing the la bamba movie in stock!
“No mames! Cabrona! Yall have la bamba! Bro i love this movie!!!” She chuckled and smiled, picking it up, and putting it at the check out. Steve had what he originally was gonna say in the back of his head, then hearing that laugh of yours made him jolt and look at you every now and then.
“She maybe a challenge…, i think I can win her over.’
“Ahh so you’re suavecito! Eh!? You weren’t kidding Robin he el pelon es muy guapo.” Y/n giggled a bit as she was a sweetheart but a tóxica in disguise. “uhh yeah whatever that means but that yeah that’s me!” steve replied sheepishly as he’s trying to keep his composure well. “i’ll see you around, Steve!”
you say walking out and robin comes back looking at him. “okay you were saying about this epiphany.”
steve looked at robin, who steve has clearly rarely ever seen a latina before in hawkins. looking at her. “i think i might like latinas.” he’s got him in a look of smitten on his face. turns out he’ll won’t be the one thinking of you or in this case being steve dreaming of you.
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usafphantom2 · 11 months
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The B-47 that flew the largest Nuclear Bomb ever built to Spain
Designed to meet a 1944 requirement, the first XB-47 prototype flew in December 1947, performing far beyond its competitors. It incorporated many advanced features for the time, including swept wings, jet engines in underwing pods, fuselage mounted main landing gear and automated systems that reduced the standard crew size to three.
SR-71 T-Shirts
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CLICK HERE to see The Aviation Geek Club contributor Linda Sheffield’s T-shirt designs! Linda has a personal relationship with the SR-71 because her father Butch Sheffield flew the Blackbird from test flight in 1965 until 1973. Butch’s Granddaughter’s Lisa Burroughs and Susan Miller are graphic designers. They designed most of the merchandise that is for sale on Threadless. A percentage of the profits go to Flight Test Museum at Edwards Air Force Base. This nonprofit charity is personal to the Sheffield family because they are raising money to house SR-71, #955. This was the first Blackbird that Butch Sheffield flew on Oct. 4, 1965.
In May 1951 the B-47 began replacing the propeller-driven B-29s and B-50s in US Air Force Strategic Air Command (SAC)’s medium bomber units. While it could carry about the same bomb tonnage as the aircraft it replaced, the B-47’s top speed was more than 200 mph faster.
B-47 Stratojet nuclear bomber
As a result of its capabilities, the B-47 Stratojet became an essential component of the SAC during the 1950s and early 1960s, both as a nuclear bomber and a reconnaissance aircraft.
Since the B-47 did not have the range of SAC’s heavy bombers (the B-36 and later the B-52), Stratojet units regularly deployed to forward air bases around the world on temporary duty, as my father Richard “Butch” Sheffield (former B-47 navigator/bombardier, former B-58 navigator/bombardier and former SR-71 Reconnaissance Systems Officer (RSO)) recalls in his unpublished book “The Very First.”
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B-47 navigator/bombardier recalls when his Stratojet flew the largest Nuclear Bomb ever built to Spain
Richard “Butch” Sheffield is on the far right in the photo. His crew was named Best B-47 crew in 1960
Flying to Spain with Mark 36
‘In the summer of 1959, our Wing moved its overseas operating location from Fairford, Royal Air Force Base, in the United Kingdom (UK) to a Spanish Air Force Base at Moron, Spain near Seville.
‘In order to get our nuclear weapons to Spain we just flew them in our B-47’s. This way we did not have to down load them from our alert status in the UK. Our primary weapon was the Mark 36. It weighed twenty thousand pounds, completely filled the B-47 bomb bay and had a seven-megaton yield. This was the largest nuclear bomb ever produced.
‘The normal way of moving nuclear weapons was by Military Air Lift. The weapons were safe, off loaded from the bombers, place into heavy lift aircraft like C-130, C-97 or later, C-5’s.
Carrying the largest Nuclear Bomb ever produced
‘So, flying them in the bomber was very unusual. Also, when the B-47 was full of fuel, with tip tanks fully loaded and the Mark 36 loaded our center of gravity (CG) was far aft of normal. We could not land with the bomb onboard and fuel in the tip tanks. We have to burn the fuel out of the tip tanks or drop the bomb to get the CG forward to land.
‘The route to Moron took us right over the Capital City of Spain, Madrid. As I flew over Madrid with this very large Hydrogen bomb, I could help but think, what do those people on the ground think is flying over them today? We even made a simulated bomb run on them.’
B-47 navigator/bombardier recalls when his Stratojet flew the largest Nuclear Bomb ever built to Spain
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Mark 36 nuclear bomb
Flying home over Bermuda Triangle
‘Dad used to have a perplexed look on his face when he would talk about flying through the Bermuda triangle telling me that there really was something strange about it.
‘When it came time to rotate back home to Little Rock, my CO-pilot, Jim McCracken, and I came up with a way to get home sooner than normal. We would land at the Azores; refuel than were going to fly all the way home on one tank of gas going over Bermuda.
‘Everything was going well, right on fuel plans until we passed Bermuda, than we ran into the jet stream, two hundred-knot head winds, that were not forecast. We were lucky to make it to the East Coast. I have never seen, before or sense, headwinds like that. The jet stream never goes that far South.
‘We landed at Hunter, AFB, SC. on the East Coast. Flew home to Little Rock the next day.’
Be sure to check out Linda Sheffield Miller (Col Richard (Butch) Sheffield’s daughter, Col. Sheffield was an SR-71 Reconnaissance Systems Officer) Twitter Page Habubrats SR-71 and Facebook Page Born into the Wilde Blue Yonder for awesome Blackbird’s photos and stories.
B-47 navigator/bombardier recalls when his Stratojet flew the largest Nuclear Bomb ever built to Spain
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Photo credit: U.S. Air Force and Linda Sheffield Miller
Linda Sheffield Miller
Grew up at Beale Air Force Base, California. I am a Habubrat. Graduated from North Dakota State University. Former Public School Substitute Teacher, (all subjects all grades). Member of the DAR (Daughters of the Revolutionary War). I am interested in History, especially the history of SR-71. Married, Mother of three wonderful daughters and four extremely handsome grandsons. I live near Washington, DC.
@Habubrats71 via X
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gortashs-skidmark · 5 months
𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙂𝙖𝙩𝙚'𝙨 𝙈𝙤𝙪𝙩𝙝 - ρα૨ƭ 3 ♥ BG3 x READER ♥
Let's pray this bitch let's me fucking talk. It did not enjoy the description of the brain-rats last time
♥ PART 1, PART 2, PART 4, PART 5
This fic involves previous DND knowledge! Such as Grand Duke Ravenguard, The Outer City, Blacksmithing, The Descent, The Zhentarim, Bane, and Enver Gortash.
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ Gender Neutral, un-descriptive looks, No name, MATURE THEMES CONTENT WARNING: Cussing, unfriendly behavior ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ As continued... They didn’t comment and watched your movements as you scuttled to the dock side of the street. What now? Oh! Maybe you should check your backpack. Mmm. No. Not in the Lower City, notorious for criminal behavior, bad idea. Shelter. Look for shelter. ---- Stable shelter made with solid infrastructure, at best. The Lower City was known for its desperate architecture, its wonky rectangular buildings and buttresses littered across the valley shores. Thousands of bustling businesses, shabby stands and gray buildings, thieves to match the competitive sales.  —----- It had been hours. You walked along the Outer City, mindlessly. Heapside Strand, Central Wall, Basilisk Gate. Shelter. This is not an active survival instinct of yours. You felt too nervous because of your lacking native-ness among Faerun, and too exhausted to be picky. The combination made you grumpy.  As dusk broke, you felt too tired to walk any further. You had reached a dark corner near Bloombridge Park.This was away from important government infrastructure like the Grey Harbour, which you’d surely get kicked out of, you thought. There were plenty of people already living on the streets. Hands turned upwards towards the heavens, palms sweeping with sweat and dirt. Housing didn’t look like an option. You sat yourself against a wall, looking up at the cracked and uneven brick wall in front of you. Maybe 6 minutes went by, maybe 30, 40, even an hour, as you sat. You fell asleep against the tall stone wall, eventually. The heavy backpack wrapped in your scrunched up lap, safely swaddled in your arms. Your rested head on it, it was cold but softly sound asleep. -------
What had happened on your first night, a calm stiff back-aching night, led to a troubled grumpy-you, the next day. You were wandering among the heart of the Lower City, by Sorceries Sundries, Bonecloak’s Apothecary, and Highberry Townhouse. Some wizards were doing a little showcase of their talents out front of ‘Sundries. You were watching from a stonebench, you hadn’t much else to do. 
Everyone’s attention suddenly changed, frantic, cheering, booing. You turned your gaze towards the gathering crowd. Grand Duke Ravenguard. Ah-hah. He must’ve returned from Elturel. Its descent would bring an increasing amount of Tieflings, you saw on the streets in your day-to-day life as of now.  You slowly stood up from the bench and tried your best to peer over the crowd, from a distance. You saw his bald shiny head and a stern look, and a hint of pride. You heard shouting like “Elturian’s more like smell-turian’s” and “We’ve lost too many good people to their stupid inept leadership choices!” Baldurian’s were certainly creative with their words. Duke Ravenguard must’ve sent troops into Avernus to help the citizens escape and fend of fiends for some time. The Blood War demismated Elturel’s structure. Bound in the skies of Avernus by chains, hovering over the River Styx.  To come back to your district and receive criticism after doing the right thing. That sounded shitty. Though, you did harbor some bad feelings for the Grand Duke. His own son was still cast out from home, because of his pact with a fiend. Yet helping humans and Tieflings from Elturel, Baldur’s Gate’s rival, was in his best interest. It’s different when it’s your child, but not when it’s anothers. You understood that point-of-view, mostly because your parents did not always approve of your decisions but couldn’t care but judge, if another person made the choices you had.  This was your chance to yell too, be a part of the crowd, show the politically-read side of you. It was an invigorating feeling, the thought of shouting at a Grand Duke. “Your kindness only knows bounds, Wyll Ravenguard knows unbound loyalty to the City, where’s yours Grand Duke??” The Duke’s head shot in your direction. No one else’s did. His nostrils slightly flared and his mouth slanted open a bit, showing his bottom row of teeth.  You felt a bit of pride getting his attention, you were the focus of his attention. 1pt You, 0pts Ravenguard. You were definitely smirking like a creep at him, not thinking. You had his attention, use it. “Get Gortash off Parliament! Let Elturian refugees in!!” This turned heads. Some people quieted down and looked in your direction. A few kept shouting. Oops. You lost the Duke’s attention, he didn’t care for these politics. Gortash hadn’t enacted his plans, Bhaalists had been terrorizing, you suspect, but The Absolute was still small, given the lack of political talk about their presence in Faerun. It was all about the murders, Elturian intolerance, and the new factory down the docks.  You hoped this wouldn’t get you pick-pocketed or beat up. Your face felt hot and you turned. A hand caught your shoulder before you could escape. 
Ended it on my own terms this time, Tumblr.
Me 1pt... Tumblr 4pts.
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nachosncheeze · 2 years
Nothing Else To Think About (Blindspot 3x12 fic/extra scenes)
Also on AO3.
I want love back in my life. So do I.
Jane owes her husband an apology, and they're gonna have to work on it. Beginning with the final Jeller scene of 3x12, this post-ep is the third and final part of my mid-season 3 Jeller stories following on from my 3x11 fics "The Company You Were Keeping" and "A Pretty Good Reason", but it can also be read as a stand-alone. It's an attempt to fill in some of the blanks that canon left behind, in a manner that hopefully makes the growing strength of their bond through the rest of the season feel a little more natural. Contains mild spoilers through most of the rest of season 3, but nothing that'll ruin any big twists.
A note on timelines can be found below the cut for the curious, before the story.
Thank you once again to the lovely @lurkingwhump for encouraging me to explore and write out my take on Jeller's midseason drama. Hopefully this addresses some of the gaps in canon in a way that feels honest, and I hope everyone enjoys it. Let me know what you think. :)
Content warning for mentions of infidelity.
A note on the timeline: This story can generally be taken as fitting within canon, with the caveat that the canon timeline of events for when Jane was on the run is muddy at best, with a lot implied or open to interpretation and very little shown with certainty. In order to make this story happen I had to get pretty specific about developing a workable headcanon/interpretation built from the breadcrumbs provided on-screen.
I expect the most unusual aspect of this version of events for many will be that for my purposes Jane and Clem's association lasted only 3 to 4 months after Paris, and ended shortly before her close call in Switzerland and subsequent trip to Berlin. The money on the bed was all Clem's in this interpretation; some of it earned before he learned her name in Paris, making his "6 months" comment part of a sales pitch to convince her to form a more permanent partnership. That also places their tryst right around the lonely milestone that is the one-year mark since Jane left home, though you won't catch her explicitly saying so or using it as an excuse. Hopefully everything else will come through well enough in the story, but if anyone wants to know the details or where I got any of it, I can make a separate post.
Everything I've used does all technically fit into the spaces that canon left behind, but I realize it will differ greatly from some headcanons, so if it doesn't work for you please feel free to treat this as "canon divergent" instead.
Jane stood outside the door to the apartment she shared with her husband. Or… had shared with him, until she had walked away from him and out of this same door, furious and sad to the point of numbness, leaving her wedding ring behind. She stared at the numbers on its surface, breathing deep, trying to stave off a rising wave of panic. She had left the hotel, packed her few things and checked out, planning not to return there. She knew it was the right call to deprive herself of an out, but now that she stood outside what had been her home, her mind was a silent cacophony of anxieties and discordant thoughts. Her head said ‘just open the damn door,’ her heart said ‘you need to see him,’ but her feet and her stomach said ‘run,’ so she simply stood, trying to quell the noise inside her.
It had been one hell of a day that had brought her here. She thought listening to Kurt jumping out of a plane not that long ago had been hard, but he’d had a chute. She knew he did, he had to. He’d known what he was doing. And she was still angry, Avery was still dead; it was a near miss but it was a miss, so there was no need at the time to make haste in processing what she was feeling. It had turned out Avery was alive though, and she was safe now under the watchful eyes of Jane’s FBI colleagues. So when Reade revealed the significance of the location the militia was taking Kurt and his undercover partner to, suddenly all she could think about was her husband trapped in a bunker, underground, outnumbered and overwhelmed. She’d nearly panicked then, too, fighting to push away a rush of mental images of that bunker becoming a tomb. Her heels and knees had bounced as she sat, twisting her hands in her lap, chewing her lip throughout the brief helicopter ride to be his rescue.
When they landed and grabbed their gear, she took the grenade launcher. If those assholes managed to take him down, there would be no arrests; she was going to make sure every single one of them went down with him.
And now, standing before nothing more than a wooden door, that resolve was nowhere to be found. She was absolutely terrified.
She took a last deep breath to steel herself and knocked, then fitted her key into the lock without waiting. She knew that if his mood was anything like hers had been lately, he wouldn’t answer, hoping that whoever was there would just go away.
She stepped over the threshold and bumped the door shut behind her. He was on his feet at the sight of her, a glass of scotch in his right hand and the other hidden in his pocket. “Hey,” was all he offered.
“I’m not letting Roman win,” she responded without preamble.
He looked to the side, shuffled his feet, then leaned his shoulder against the door frame from the lounge. He’d been wishing for this, to see her back in this place where she belonged. But then he’d learned about Clem, and now that the moment had arrived, he didn’t know what to say. Somehow it felt like neither of them belonged there. You have to try, he reminded himself unnecessarily. “What happened? Everything alright?”
It was her turn to look away, again grasping for the courage that always seemed automatic when looking down the barrel of a gun but was shredded to straws under his guarded expression. “No, uh… and it might not be for a while.” She walked further into the apartment, giving a helpless shrug. “Look, I know that you have a history of being let down by the people you love.” He shifted again, half turning from her as though he wanted to leave and escape the conversation. But he stayed. “Your father, your old partner… me. But knowing why you lied about Avery doesn’t make me feel any less betrayed. And that… hurt… may never go away.” He looked at the floor, nodding his resignation. She didn’t stop. “But all of this has just made me feel so… lonely. Afraid to trust the people I should believe in the most.”
He met her eyes then and straightened from the door frame, Allie’s words echoing in his ears. She was out there alone for a long time, but that doesn’t sound like the Jane I know. Trust had been at the heart of them from the beginning. She'd given it to him, unwaveringly, from almost the first moment they met, and he had returned it from the moment Chao's blade met his skin at the top of the Statue of Liberty. They'd bruised and broken and mended their trust more than once since, but… even at its lowest, he had always loved her. And she'd always loved him. It wasn't easy. It was absolutely worth it. That, at least, was something he knew. He started moving toward her.
“And that is exactly what Roman wants,” she was continuing, “I’m not gonna give it to him. Because I wanna trust Avery. I wanna work this out with you. I want love back in my life.”
He finally found his voice. “So do I.”
She blew out the breath she’d been holding and nodded, her chin quivering slightly, and they both stood staring, glassy-eyed, at one another.
It was Kurt who broke the silence, stepping a little closer and extracting his left hand from his pocket. Things weren’t right between them, and she was right, they wouldn’t be for a while. But she had come home, and maybe that was enough of a starting point for the minute. “Come on,” he said, tilting his head back toward the lounge. For a moment, she didn’t move.
It could be all too easy. She had no idea what he was thinking or what he wanted now, but he at least seemed willing to let her back into their home. She could feel the tension in him, and his pain matching her own, but also his relief at her presence and her intention to stay. Maybe he meant to leave their sleeping dogs to lie, just for tonight, and spend the rest of the evening simply easing back into the idea of sharing space. He was reaching for her hand, and she gave it to him, feeling his fingers gently closing around her own.
He turned and began leading her toward where he had been sitting, and she watched his back, his feet, their hands as she followed in numb silence. And suddenly all she could see was his wedding ring; the way it dully reflected the dim light feeling like a blinding glare.
She’d been hiding behind the icy wall she’d put up between them, scrawling messages to herself on its surfaces, assuring herself that his transgressions were the greater, his lies the more dire, her injury the more grievous. Even as she had stepped through the door to their home, having rehearsed precisely what she wanted to say, she braced for disaster by telling herself over and over that between the two of them, she had nothing more to apologize for. She had to believe it, because if he threw her out - and she had half-believed he would - she didn’t know how else she could survive it. But now that he hadn’t, she realized that what she was left with was less a wall or a shield and more a cold, hard brick of shame lodged somewhere behind her navel.
She stopped and pulled her hand from his, looking at the floor so that she didn’t have to see the hurt and confusion on his face as he turned to look back at her. Not talking about things was what had brought them here, and maybe this wasn't the best time, maybe neither felt ready for this conversation, but she didn’t want to repeat that mistake. She didn’t want any more misunderstandings, didn’t want him thinking for even one more moment that her foolish indiscretion had been a rejection or any other kind of comment on him. He was worth so much more than that; he deserved to know the truth. And she knew that they could never be ready for something like this. Whatever either of them intended, she owed it to him to do it now, if he would hear it, rather than risk that morning light and the crazy realities of their days might bury it all under other people's crises again.
“We… we should talk,” she stuttered. She saw his expression crumble, the relief seeming to abandon him, and suddenly she realized that in that moment, he was afraid of her. Afraid of what she might say, or maybe of how much more she might ask of him. “I mean… I should talk. I mean, I owe you… an explanation.”
His jaw flexed, and he glanced back and forth between her and nothing in particular a few times as he considered her offer. At last he nodded and turned his back on her, stepping back through the double doors into the lounge. She was frozen, wondering if the reminder of what she’d done had been too much for tonight after all, if he was going to keep right on walking, close a bedroom door behind himself and leave her there. Instead, he pushed aside the footstool with his knee and dropped back into his chair with an exhausted sigh, then gestured vaguely to the room in front of him.
“Okay,” he said, “then explain.”
She moved tentatively toward him and settled gingerly on a spot on the floor, in front of him, but not too close. “I’m not… even sure where to begin,” she confessed. She had known since that heated moment on the plane that this had to happen sometime, but she was so scared that he’d never give her the chance that she had doubled down on her anger, never allowing herself to consider what she would actually say. After several long moments of watching her mouth work soundlessly to no avail, he finally put her out of their misery, clearing his throat as he leaned forward. He rested his elbows on his knees, his hands hanging limply between them, one still loosely holding his glass of scotch.
“You knew I wanted to go with you, but you took off without me. I’m thankful that you put Bethany first. But you took off your ring.” He stopped short and swallowed down hard on the bile that suddenly seemed to be rising in his throat. She reached out gently as if to touch him, but withdrew her hand when he flinched. The action seemed to give him the push necessary to say what he needed to next. “I don’t want to know. I really, really don’t. But I think… I need to. We were happy, Jane. So… what happened?”
“I thought…” she hesitated. “No,” she corrected, then started again, stronger. “I left my ring for a reason. Part of it was about blending in, hiding the things I love. I left to keep you both safe, and if someone made me, if they saw that ring and saw that I was still…” still in love with you - she swallowed the words, “I had to keep you safe. I thought I’d be able to finish it, and come home.
“But… I knew there was a chance that it wouldn’t work. I didn’t want to hide that from you. I left it where I knew you’d find it, so you wouldn’t have to wonder what I’d done. And if I couldn’t make it back, for whatever reason… I didn’t want you stuck with me. My past just keeps coming back to haunt you, and that's not fair. I don't want that for you. I wanted you to know that… even if I wasn’t there, even if it wasn’t with me, more than anything… I wanted you to be happy.”
“I made a vow, Jane,” he said quietly. “And I meant it. There was no ‘happy’ for me without you.”
She glanced away, trying not to let her entire world crumble at the word 'was'; past tense. “I made that vow too,” she offered weakly, unthinkingly. And I broke it, she admonished herself silently. She heard him give a single, humorless little snort. He no longer had the energy to say it aloud, and she didn’t have the strength to, terrified that if she did, the sober reality of it would be the death of them. The silence hung heavy between them.
“I fucked up, Kurt,” she said finally, her trembling voice little more than a whisper. He glanced at her in surprise - she almost never swore, especially since Bethany had come into their lives - but he looked away just as quickly, knowing that if he continued looking his tears would spill over and never stop. Or worse, he might reach out to hold her and tell her it was okay.
It wasn’t okay.
“I fucked up,” she said again, louder but no less broken, “so badly. There’s no excusing it. I can’t undo it. I’d say I don’t know what I was thinking, but really, I just can’t believe how foolish I was.” She went quiet again.
He didn’t want to know what she had been thinking, leaving him behind and getting that close with another man; couldn’t imagine any line of thought that wouldn’t cut him to the bone. He halfway wished he could stop this and pretend the whole thing was just some terrible dream. But he understood what she was trying to do; trying to come to account so that whatever way things resolved, they could walk forward and away from this nightmare with something of their senses of selves intact. It was the same thing he’d done the night he’d finally told her the truth about Berlin. He knew there would never really be any going forward for them, not as individuals and definitely not together, if he didn’t ask. Allie was right. His imagination was running wild, and even if he didn’t want to hear it, it was information. Information he needed.
Finally, he gently cleared his throat. “So what were you thinking?” he asked, the subdued sound breaking her heart with the vulnerability it showed. For all his gruffness and all his walls, Kurt had always been strong, and had always worn his heart on his sleeve for her, even if he sometimes liked to pretend it wasn’t there. This quiet reservation, a man hidden back behind walls she couldn't scale… she didn’t know how to deal with it. She wished he would meet her eyes, but knew she didn’t deserve to ask that of him. She didn’t know where to start, or where to finish, or what to put in between. So she just let the words flow, throwing her crimes out on the carpet along with their fate. It wasn’t up to her anymore. Maybe it wasn’t up to either one of them.
“It wasn’t… a relationship. At least, not like you were implying, on the plane. We worked together. When I started doing K&R, I did it alone. We crossed paths a couple of times on jobs. On one job, we got to the hostage at the same time. There was no one I could trust out there, and I sure as hell didn’t trust him. But he didn’t fight me; he agreed to split the reward. Unfortunately he was still using Dwire for backup then, so you can imagine how that went. That ass knocked us both out and stole our pay.
“Clem…” she paused, almost choking on the name. “We backed each other up on a few jobs after that. After those first few, he admitted that he knew about the bounty, and he'd known for a while. He'd kept working with me in spite of it. It seemed like I could at least trust that he wouldn't sell me out for that, so I kept working with him. He became... a friend.” She paused, trying to gather herself again, trying to find her voice for the confession they both knew was next.
“It had been a few months since we started calling each other for backup, and after one really tough rescue I stayed to celebrate instead of just taking my cut and leaving. I thought it would be like our team does after we close a tough case. It would just be… nice, to be around another person for a while. But then he made a pass, and I thought…” she closed her eyes and took a big breath, “I thought about all that time. About how long I’d been gone, and how I’d wanted you to be happy, how I left my ring so that you could be in case... in case I didn’t come back. And for a minute, I fooled myself into thinking you were. It had been so long, you must be. You must have moved on.”
She saw him very subtly shaking his head.
“I know,” she said sadly, answering his unvoiced protest. Kurt Weller was loyal to a fault; he would have been right to scoff at her, to scream it in her face. But he didn’t. “I know,” she repeated, “…and I knew it right away then, too. I’ve made a lot of mistakes since we met. So many. But that…” she trailed off, shaking her head as the tears that had been gathering in her eyes thickened, blurring him from her sight. She couldn’t say it was the worst of her mistakes. Her mistakes had gotten Mayfair killed; they’d nearly robbed her brother of his whole life and condemned him to the CIA. Instead, she’d let him go and gotten her team, her husband, even the daughter she hadn't known she had, all ensnared in this mess of revenge or whatever the hell else Roman was playing at. They were all terrible mistakes. But Clem was by far her most foolish. She’d given up her faith in the person she should have believed in the most. That wasn’t Roman’s doing. She’d done it all on her own.
“There’s no excusing it,” she stated again. “I was lonely, but it just made me feel even lonelier. It was a mistake, and I felt so foolish. I think some part of me knew that you were still out there, somewhere, waiting for me. Keeping your vows. And I failed.”
She could have stopped there and let her ownership of that failure stand on its own, but she knew there would always be unanswered questions and doubts if he didn’t have the full story. She needed him to believe, to understand, that it had started and ended in a single, stupid night. She pressed on.
"I didn’t wait; I left that night. I never spoke to him again, not until I called him about Avery. That was before you told me about Berlin. Finding people is his job, and he’s good at it… he can do things the FBI can’t, things you and I couldn’t do without risking our jobs and our future. I just wanted to know she was safe.” She realized she was starting to spiral into trying to justify herself again, so she closed her eyes again to breathe through it. “I never expected that he would come to New York.”
“But once he was here, you thought you’d get back in touch,” he said flatly. Given the short notice on which Clem had arrived at the airstrip for their rescue mission to Berlin, he had already suspected the man had come stateside before Patterson found Avery, and he had a hunch that meeting up on the plane wasn’t their only recent encounter.
“Well…” she said awkwardly, knowing that she had to be completely honest, “no. Before Patterson found Avery, he got in touch. It was the day we rescued those Camp Iko refugees. I told him that Avery had died, and he wanted to come see me that morning, at the NYO. I hung up on him. But… I was so confused. I went to see him after work; I don't know what I was thinking. I guess I just… wanted someone to talk to, someone who wouldn’t feel caught in the middle between you and me. Nothing happened, but it wasn’t right. He doesn’t want to be friends. I’m not sure he ever really did.”
No fucking kidding, Weller found himself thinking, but he stopped himself from voicing it out loud. He tried to put it in context again - the Jane I know, as Allie had said. Jane, who was brave, and fierce, and boundlessly empathetic towards those in pain, but had very little clue about romance and almost no experience to build on. She had dated precisely one normal guy, for a long and rewarding few weeks, before choosing her husband. Zapata and Patterson had taken her out sometimes for drinks back in the early days, but he didn't know if she'd ever gotten a date out of it. Had she ever even really spoken to any guys before Oliver? Apart from him… and Oscar.
He needed to refocus on the subject at hand, make sure there was nothing else he was missing. “You said you left him that night, in Europe. What happened?”
She sighed, rubbing a hand over her face in frustration. “I fucked that up, too,” she admitted. “I guess by working with one crew, turning up with the same partner on multiple jobs, I made myself predictable, too easy to find. Until that day, I mitigated the risk by not sticking around a moment more than was absolutely necessary. When I realized how badly I'd messed up, I left him in a hurry, but I was distracted. The bounty hunters must have been watching, waiting for me to be alone. When I bolted, I played right into their hands. I didn’t get very far before they caught up with me, and I barely made it out. That was how I ended up in Berlin, like I told you; I lost my go-bag.” She chewed on her lip for a minute, looking somehow frustrated and lost at the same time.
“I knew I had to leave Europe, so I picked up my stash, bought new papers from Max, and ran. I didn't really know where I was going, but I had more than enough to get by, so staying off the radar and getting as much distance as I could was more important than anything else. I headed east, alone, as quickly and quietly as I could. Then there was an accident. When I woke up, over a week later, I was far away from where I had been... and somehow, the money was still there. It made no sense at the time, but I guess that was when Roman tattooed me, and he must have been the one to leave me with the monks. They were kind, it seemed safe, and things there were simple, so once I recovered I just… stayed."
He thought about pointing out that she could have come home, but it didn't seem like a useful time to rehash that argument. It wouldn't change anything, anyway. What was done was done and all they could control was what they each chose next.
“I needed to be alone. Somewhere I could leave my mistakes behind, but still keep you and Bethany safe,” she explained, as if she could read his thoughts. “And even if I could somehow keep the bounty hunters off my tail, I felt like… I’d lost the right to come home. I don't know if it was guilt or grief or just… fear, that drove me up the mountain. But once I was there, I stayed because it was so far off-grid that no one would find me, and if I couldn't be with you… at least I could live a life that wouldn't have hurt you more.
"And then when I saw you there, still wearing your ring… I was so overwhelmed. I didn't deserve that; you don't deserve what I did. And I shouldn't have kept it from you."
He nodded solemnly, staring into his drink as he processed everything she’d just told him. “Would you ever have told me?” he asked.
She glanced to the side, drawing a deep breath. “Honestly? I don’t know,” she answered. “I regret it; of course I do. I'd like to say there's not a day that goes by that I haven't been eaten alive by my guilt, but the truth is… after a while, I sort of started to forget about it.” She shuffled closer to him on the floor, trying to catch his eyes, silently begging him to see her sincerity. “You, Kurt… here, in front of me, beside me… there's nothing else to think about. You're… everything." He sniffled at that, and she saw him quickly swipe a single tear from his cheek with his thumb, but he still wouldn’t look at her. She feared he never would again.
“Life has given me so many reasons to doubt myself,” she said, and that was the crux of it all, wasn’t it? She doubted that she was worth it; had always doubted that she was enough for him, enough to deserve or keep him. For a brief, crazy moment, she’d let her self-doubt expand and fill her until she’d doubted him. But right now this wasn’t about her – or at least, not about her pain and insecurities. He’d been trying to apologize, trying to reach for her while she’d been keeping a secret of her own, only to throw it in his face the moment he was within arm’s reach. This was her turn for coming clean. “But ever since we finally got together, you never gave me a reason to doubt you.”
“And now we’ve both given each other reasons,” he said.
She nodded sadly. “I was wrong,” she said simply.
“So was I.”
“And Kurt… I’m–” her breath caught in her throat as he finally lifted his head to meet her eyes – “I’m sorry.”
“I know,” he whispered, “me too.”
They sat staring at each other for a long, long moment, remorse and pain so thick in the air that time seemed to stop.
“So what happens now?” she asked.
He leaned back in his chair, looking lost in his grim thoughts. "We’ve both made terrible mistakes," he started slowly. "This is going to take time. We have to learn how to stop… protecting each other, with little lies and half-truths. I think the betrayal of keeping those secrets has hurt us even more than the secrets themselves ever would have."
She nodded agreement at that.
"But… I want to work on it, with you," he finally said. "As much as it all hurts right now… you're it for me, too."
She pursed her lips to the side in what could have been a ghost of a smile, if she hadn’t been working so hard to blink back tears. She wanted to reach for him, but didn’t quite know how. She wasn’t sure he would welcome her touch just then. Truth be told, despite what he’d said, she feared that the image of another man’s hands on her would drive his touch away forever.
But despite the chasm between them, it still seemed as if he could almost read her mind. Or maybe they just wanted the same things. Her eyes were drawn to his lap as his hand slid forward to rest on his knee, as if he, too, wanted to reach for her but couldn’t quite find the courage. She tentatively lifted her own hand, silently asking for permission as she slowly bridged the gap. It was a stuttering dance between them, an old engine shuddering to life - his fingers alone lifted from the denim of his jeans, her hand moved a little closer through the empty air, and they both watched as her fingers finally found the spaces between his. They laced together, his palm at last leaving his knee to press into hers. It wasn’t quite like the opening of a floodgate, but her motion was smoother and less hesitant when a moment later the rest of her followed, just a little closer, to rest her head lightly on his knee. The back of his thumb found her cheek and she exhaled, feeling him exhale with her. A moment later he set down his glass and placed his newly freed hand on the side of her head, stroking her hair.
Then she went very still. That gentle touch was the final straw. He felt her tears on his thumb, one, then another, and she heard his sharply indrawn breath as he tugged lightly on her hair, coaxing her to look at him so she could see his tears start to fall, too. Not leaving her alone; showing her that he was right there with her, even in their pain.
She raised up on her knees between his feet, tugging his hand towards her heart. As soon as she was sure it would stay there she moved her own hand to his, and the two sandwiched those hands between them as they finally embraced. His body shook with a single, heavy sob, and he turned his face into her neck. She held him there, murmuring again and again how much she loved him as they both let the pain flow from their bodies to soak each other’s shirts.
After a while their sobs subsided to shaky, hitched breaths, and gradually to quieter sniffles. Kurt turned his palm from her chest, curling his fingers around the back of her hand to keep it over his heart while his other hand eased her back a bit so he could look at her. “Can I buy you a drink?” he asked with a fragile, watery half-smile.
She regarded him intensely and brushed her fingertips down his cheek, wiping away a lingering tear. “Yeah,” she nodded after a few heartbeats, sniffling with a fragile half-grin of her own.
“You’re gonna have to reach the glass, though,” he motioned to the other side of the small room. “Someone’s got me pinned.”
She rewarded his attempt at teasing with a look before she extracted herself and reached out on her hands and knees to pull a second glass off the low shelf and pass it to him. He poured and handed it back to her, then picked up his own glass and raised it a little. “To truth?” he suggested, then added, “Whole truths.”
“No matter how painful,” she agreed.
“And never, ever giving up,” he finished, and she smiled a little more genuinely as she clinked her glass with his and took a sip. After a moment, she turned, settling again on the floor and leaning back against the chair between his knees. He set the record player going, soft music filling the air, and he brushed his hand just once through her hair. She leaned into the touch, then reached up to take his hand over her shoulder, and they sat quietly sipping their drinks, sharing the air with each other and their own battered thoughts.
After a while, he found something more to say. Her fingertips were idly stroking the back of his hand, lingering from time to time to toy with his wedding band. “It’s where you left it,” he murmured, knowing without a doubt that she was thinking about her own ring. He was, too. “I… couldn’t touch it.”
“What do I have to do? To earn it back.” She knew that there was more to do, and after the hurt she'd caused him, she wanted to give him the choice. She held still while she waited for his answer.
“It’s your ring Jane, you can do what you want with it.” She frowned. They’d made a little progress, but he still sounded so fragile. She turned her body halfway toward him, looking up at him with an earnest expression.
“But it’s more than a ring. It was a promise, and I broke that trust. It’s not in your pocket this time. You haven’t been waiting to give it back.” There was no judgment or accusation in her voice, only truth.
“I wasn’t sure I could.”
“And now?”
“Now… it belongs with you. At least, I want it to. I kept wearing mine because… I still want to belong to you.” He hesitated, knowing that despite the progress they’d just made, they were both incredibly raw. He’d hurt her, badly, but she’d hurt him, too. The sight of her hand without the silver jeweled band he’d put there made his chest feel hollow any time he stopped to think about it. He didn’t like the contrast of her pale skin and dark ink without its crowning sparkle. His wishes and feelings weren’t the only things that mattered, though. This one had to come from her. “It doesn’t have to be tonight. We’ll keep working on it. But… I need you to be sure you want it, too. I just… can’t watch you leave it behind a third time. I can’t. So what do you want?”
She nodded thoughtfully, sadly; her expression was not unlike the one she had worn in Nepal, the last time she found him still wearing his ring while her finger was bare. “I'm not sure I deserve to even say it, but it’s never felt right, being without it,” she said. “I was angry, so angry I felt numb… but underneath all of that it just hurt, and taking it off just made it worse. So much worse.” She caught his eye, hoped he could see the truth - the whole truth; her sadness and regret for having left it behind again. “I don’t think I could do it again. It felt all wrong. I don’t ever want to feel that again; I don’t want you to feel that. I don't want that kind of pain in our lives ever again.”
“We’re still gonna have pain in our lives, sometimes. No one gets through life without that.”
She turned to face him more fully. She had come home looking hard yet frightened, and throughout her confession looked so sad and ashamed, but now he could see that Jane, his Jane, was beginning to return. Her face was pink and puffy from crying and he was sure his own face matched, but her expression was determined and her voice was growing stronger. “But I can’t be the cause. I can’t be the reason you look like that again. I couldn’t bear it.”
He still looked reserved, and took a swig of his drink in lieu of speaking. She abandoned her drink on the floor and reached up to stroke her hand down his stubbled jaw, then stood and made her way to the breakfast bar. She returned a minute later and knelt in front of him, holding up her ring between her thumb and index finger. “It’s not going to get better overnight. I know it’s not. But I know that I want to belong to you. No more secrets, and no more lies. No more running. We’re better together. I want to be in this, together with you.” He stared at the ring then looked into her eyes, long and hard, searching for any trace of uncertainty. She gazed back at him with absolute conviction. At last he put down his glass again, leaning forward, and took the ring from her.
“Then we do it together,” he said.
She nodded her relief, the certainty in her expression never wavering. “I’m yours, Kurt,” she told him, more softly but no less firmly. He glanced at her in acknowledgement before he slipped the ring back on her finger and joined their left hands together, their twin rings finally reunited and exactly where they belonged. He stared at them as if in a trance, his posture relieved, but a shadow of apprehension remained on his face.
“Kurt,” she said softly, trying to draw his attention. She paused and waited for him to meet her eyes again, and when he did, she smiled gently. “We’re gonna be okay.” A heartbeat later, he squeezed her hand, and smiled softly back.
That night they slept on their own sides of their bed, facing away from one another. When he woke in the middle of the night, her feet were together, her toes lightly pressed against the backs of his calves. When she woke in the morning, he had rolled over and stretched his arm toward her, his fingers ever so faintly brushing her ribs, just below her shoulder blade, each time she inhaled. A handful of days passed with an awkward sort of friendship, stilted hugs or chaste kisses, and the occasional joining of hands. And nights passed just like that first one, with each tentatively reaching out for the other in their sleep.
The way Jane looked at him, up and down, unabashedly checking him out after she recovered the Nergal device from Sho Ahktar became something of a turning point for matters at home. He looked great in that suit, and she knew exactly what working undercover together did to him - what seeing each other pretending to be someone else and yet still so unmistakably them did to them both - and she was done playing slow and safe. She was pretty sure he was, too. She hit pause on those thoughts as they changed and debriefed and she went to meet up with Avery, but in spite of the nerves she felt about an unstructured visit with her estranged daughter, the wink her husband gave her when she left the office had her grinning most of the way to the coffee shop.
She was tired when she got home, emotionally drained and ready to shelf anything else for another day. When she saw him stand from the sofa though, looking adorably apprehensive, so ready to be lovingly supportive no matter how her visit had gone, her fatigue went out the window. Seeing Nas had brought up some things; Jane liked the woman well enough as a workplace colleague, and appreciated all she’d done for the team, but Nas had always been just a little bit too patronizing toward Jane and was still just a little too comfortable in her husband’s presence for someone who had in times past threatened to return her to a dark, dark hole. Never mind that the woman had been sharing Kurt's bed while holding those things over her, or the easy way she’d walked back into what was long since Jane’s home.
It started with a slow, lingering kiss that was as much a question as a greeting, and which quickly evolved into an answer. Their reunion was a little rough at first - possessive - and soon they were breathing words like 'yours' and 'mine' into each other's skin. They didn’t quite make it to the bed, but that suited them just fine. Their last reunion had taken place on the floor too, and while this time there was an aggressive edge to the way they reclaimed each other, it ended similarly, with gentle smiles, interlaced fingers, and murmured affirmations of love.
Things weren't better overnight, even after they climbed under the covers to finally sleep curled around each other for the first time in weeks - and woke each other in the dark hours of morning to confirm those things they'd already worked out on the floor. The now-crumbling walls they’d erected around their hearts still made reading each other outside the office more challenging than they were accustomed to, interrupted by hiccups of insecurity and niggling fears. It helped, though, that now they were calling them fears, not anger or blame; and so too did the fact that they spoke about them regularly rather than suffering them in silence.
Some of the lingering hurt was smoothed by the discovery that with the bulk of their anger released, they still functioned as an unstoppable team at work. They read each other as well as ever in the field, and in the office they still looked to each other first, asking questions and giving answers, or sharing thoughts and opinions, all through silent exchanges that they would only occasionally voice to the team. Those daily reminders that they were still better together than they were apart became a salve against any doubts they might feel about whether they could get through it.
Jane was surprised but pleased to find that Kurt was relaxing a little more into his tactile nature throughout the day, deliberately instigating casual little displays of affection that he had been more restrained about before. It was subtle, not at all like the desperate way they had always grasped each other after a close call, and nothing so overt as to make their colleagues regularly uncomfortable. His hand was simply finding her own, or the small of her back more often, and sometimes he would step up behind her to embrace her for no reason other than she was sitting by herself at a workstation and he felt like it. She knew how much those little check-ins meant to him, and with each little touch, she felt surer. Weller was similarly surprised when Jane caught him in the hallway outside the lab one morning to ask what he thought about inviting Avery to live with them. The prospect itself delighted him, but the fact she had come to him about something so important as soon as she decided she wanted it, even though they were busy and at work, filled him with a warm sort of certainty.
They were both practicing not waiting, because they were keenly aware - especially after the date Rich had sent them on was cut short by assassins - that 'the right time' wasn't something they could necessarily count on in their line of work. They also practiced opening themselves, volunteering more of their inner worlds than either was used to, and no longer taking for granted that their comfortable place on each others' wavelength would be enough on its own to keep all misunderstandings at bay.
It was taxing at times. The days at work flew by while their evenings were slow and deliberate, but gradually, with each spontaneously voiced thought, each unsolicited touch, each difficult conversation that turned out simpler than expected, they built something; something unlike what they had before. They had always believed their bond to be unshakeable, but now it was being reforged in the certainty that came with a proven commitment to work at it no matter how hard or painful; to accept that they would sometimes mess up or let each other down, but safe in the knowledge that they would never stop reaching for each other and they would never, ever give up. Because they were in love, they were everything, and they decided again, every single day, that that mattered. More than anything.
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kcrabb88 · 2 years
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I posted 1,927 times in 2022
That's 165 more posts than 2021!
382 posts created (20%)
1,545 posts reblogged (80%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,925 of my posts in 2022
#les mis - 334 posts
#fanart - 320 posts
#gifs - 303 posts
#star wars tag - 231 posts
#kcrabb rambles - 219 posts
#obi-wan kenobi - 198 posts
#pirates tag - 188 posts
#sea tag - 144 posts
#the constellation trilogy - 139 posts
#black sails - 131 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#god i remember casual fans being like oh dominic west was good in this and i'm like he couldn't be because the script did valjean no justice
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Les Mis meets Black Sails + Robin Hood in Sailing by Orion’s Star (The Constellation Trilogy, #1), out TODAY! 
In the 18th century West Indies, stories hold the ultimate power. Sailors spin yarns about pirates. Newspapers tell tales full of half-truths. Myths spread like whispered wildfire.
East India Company sailor Nicholas Jerome has no patience for pirates, determined to leave his father's thieving past behind. After a convict and an enslaved woman escape his grasp with the aid of an aristocrat's mysterious wife, he faces one last chance to save his career. Finding an unexpected home with a new crew, he gains a chosen younger brother in René Delacroix, the son of his wealthy captain and the grandson of Jamaica's cruel governor.
But there's a storm brewing in the Delacroix household. For René and his best friend Frantz, the Robin Hood tales about legendary pirate Ajani Danso and his famed female quartermaster are a lifeline amidst the governor's abuse. Danso robs greedy merchants, frees slaves, and shelters queer sailors, inspiring the downtrodden across the New World.
When death and betrayal shatter the lives they knew, René and Jerome each face a choice: obey, or rebel.
A war for history's favor begins, and as an uprising against colonialism erupts on the ocean, everyone must choose a story to believe in.
You can order here (paperback or e-book from several retailers) or here (for readers outside the US who want to order a paperback from a non-Amazon retailer).
135 notes - Posted April 26, 2022
Sailing by Orion’s Star Cover Reveal!
I am so EXTREMELY excited to reveal the cover for Sailing by Orion’s Star! This gorgeous artwork was done by the wonderful Abby Gavit, whose work you can check out here. @prosodi​
I’ve spent a long time thinking about what this cover would look like, and I honestly could not be more pleased with this. Truly, it is a dream cover. I want to give a special shout out to the Les Mis fandom, who have been with me on this project since its very early days, when I didn’t know what it would be. <3 
Sailing by Orion’s Star will release on April 26th! 
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Also, check out the full wrap cover (and the blurb!) for the print edition. Don’t miss the skull in the clouds!
See the full post
150 notes - Posted February 22, 2022
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Do you like Les Mis, Black Sails, Robin Hood tales, queer pirates, found families and epics? Paperback pre-orders for Sailing by Orion’s Star (The Constellation Trilogy, #1) are live! Release is set for 4/26. 
Barnes & Noble 
Book Depository (Sometimes if you’re using Chrome the cover doesn’t pop up, so if you don’t see it, it is the right listing and you can still pre-order! The cover has popped up on all other browsers)
Bookshop (US friends, if you haven’t used this website before, you can choose a digital “storefront” for participating indie bookstores, and they will profit off the sale. If you’re near the DC area, I tend to choose Kramer’s or East City Books. And hey, if enough folks buy from particular indies, maybe they’ll consider stocking it in store!)
International friends: you should be able to buy paperbacks from Amazon if it’s available in your country, and Book Depository (above) ships to something like 160 countries (The UK, pretty much all of Europe, some parts of Asia and South America, etc.) 
Interested in e-books? I have those too! You can get it on Kindle, Kobo, Nook, and others. (Kobo is easy for international folks!) 
Add the book on Goodreads! 
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Book trailer!
240 notes - Posted March 28, 2022
The 2012 Les Mis movie surely has its issues, but god, that transition from Stars to Look Down (Paris) is just *chef’s kiss*
344 notes - Posted June 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Okay so here’s the thing. If I see one more “who cares about historical accuracy in a historical piece of media” I am truly going to lose my entire mind. I’m not asking for TOTAL accuracy down to the detail (I don’t strive for that, and things should connect with a modern reader) but I AM asking that books and shows and movies ENGAGE WITH THE PERIOD THEY’RE SUPPOSEDLY SET IN. The new Persuasion is just the newest (and one of the most egregious) instances of this, but I’ve seen this sentiment a lot, recently. If you don’t care about historical stuff, then why create or engage with historical media? The goal should not be to “modernize” historical fiction, but to create and engage with more diverse historical media. Different settings and periods! More stories about queer and BIPOC folks! Historical fiction has so so much to offer without stripping it of all historical context. I’m tired. 
1,793 notes - Posted July 18, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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estatedekho04 · 4 hours
Apartments for sale in Nanakramguda Hyderabad
Exploring the Dream: 2 BHK, 3 BHK, 4 BHK Apartments in Nanakramguda, Hyderabad
Welcome to Nanakramguda, the jewel of Hyderabad's booming real estate market! If you’re reading this, you’re probably on the hunt for that perfect apartment. Whether you're a newlywed couple looking for a cozy 2 BHK, a growing family in need of a spacious 3 BHK, or an extravagant soul seeking the luxury of a 4 BHK, Nanakramguda has something to offer everyone. And trust me, as someone who's been through the rollercoaster ride of apartment hunting, I understand the thrills and spills involved!
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Apartments for sale in Nanakramguda Hyderabad
Why Nanakramguda? The Charm and Appeal
Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of apartment types, let's take a moment to appreciate Nanakramguda itself. Nestled in the western part of Hyderabad, Nanakramguda is a hub of commercial and residential development. It's like that friend who always knew they'd make it big one day and now, they're the talk of the town.
Strategic Location: A Commuter’s Dream
Nanakramguda is strategically located near the Financial District, making it the ideal spot for professionals working in IT, finance, or related fields. Imagine sipping your morning coffee and knowing you’re just a hop, skip, and a jump away from your office. The Outer Ring Road (ORR) ensures you can avoid the infamous Hyderabad traffic (mostly) and reach the airport in no time. So, whether you're a jet-setter or a daily commuter, Nanakramguda keeps you well-connected.
Amenities Galore: Everything at Your Doorstep
Living in Nanakramguda is like having a personal genie who grants all your wishes. Need a shopping spree? Inorbit Mall is just around the corner. Craving some world-class cuisine? Restaurants offering everything from Hyderabadi biryani to Italian pasta are within walking distance. Fitness freaks, don’t fret gyms, yoga studios, and parks are scattered around the area. In essence, Nanakramguda combines the hustle and bustle of city life with the comfort of a suburban retreat.
2 BHK Apartments: The Perfect Starter Pack
Ideal for Couples and Small Families
If you're starting out, either as a couple or with a small family, a 2 BHK apartment might be your best bet. These homes are like the Swiss Army knives of apartments compact yet versatile. Typically, they come with two bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen, and two bathrooms. You get just enough space without feeling like you need a GPS to find your way to the kitchen.
Cost-Effective Living
2 BHK apartments in Nanakramguda are relatively affordable, making them a popular choice for first-time homebuyers. With prices ranging from INR 60 lakhs to INR 1 crore, depending on the amenities and the exact location, you can enjoy all the perks of city living without selling a kidney. And let's face it, with the skyrocketing prices of avocados these days, saving money wherever you can is a smart move!
List of Perks in 2 BHK Apartments
Affordability: Great for those on a budget.
Maintenance: Easier to clean and maintain.
Energy Efficiency: Lower utility bills.
Resale Value: Always in demand in the real estate market.
3 BHK Apartments: More Space, More Fun
Perfect for Growing Families
Got a couple of kids or planning to have some? Or maybe you just need that extra room for your home office (or a cat room, we don’t judge). A 3 BHK apartment provides that additional space to breathe, grow, and avoid stepping on each other's toes literally and figuratively. With three bedrooms, a spacious living area, and sometimes a balcony, these apartments are designed for comfort and functionality.
Balanced Lifestyle
Living in a 3 BHK apartment is like having the best of both worlds. You get enough room for your personal space (because who doesn't need that) and common areas where the family can come together. Imagine having a dinner party where your guests don't have to sit on your bed because the living room is big enough it's the dream!
List of Advantages in 3 BHK Apartments
Space: Ideal for families with children or joint families.
Versatility: Use the third bedroom as a guest room, office, or play area.
Value for Money: Higher appreciation potential in the market.
Comfort: More space for storage and activities.
4 BHK Apartments: When Luxury Meets Space
Tailored for Luxury Living
Now, if you're someone who believes in living life king-size, the 4 BHK apartments in Nanakramguda will fit you like a glove. These homes are the epitome of luxury and style. With four bedrooms, a large living space, often multiple balconies, and sometimes even a study or a servant’s quarter, 4 BHKs are for those who like to stretch their legs and live large.
Ideal for Large Families and Hosting
Are you the kind of person who loves hosting parties, family gatherings, or maybe just enjoys a bit of privacy for everyone in the household? A 4 BHK apartment allows everyone to have their own space without bumping into each other. It’s like living in a house but with the added benefits of apartment amenities.
Table: Features Comparison of 2 BHK, 3 BHK, and 4 BHK Apartments
2 BHK Apartments
3 BHK Apartments
4 BHK Apartments
800 - 1200 sq. ft.
1300 - 1800 sq. ft.
2000 - 3000 sq. ft.
4 or more
Price Range
INR 60 lakhs - 1 crore
INR 1 crore - 1.5 crore
INR 2 crores and above
Best For
Couples, Small Families
Growing Families
Large Families, Luxury
Making the Right Choice: What to Consider
Budget and Financial Planning
Let’s not kid ourselves buying a home is probably one of the biggest financial decisions you'll make. It’s crucial to consider your budget and long-term financial goals. A 2 BHK might be great if you want to keep your EMIs manageable. On the other hand, if you’re planning to stay put for a while and your family is growing, investing in a 3 BHK or 4 BHK could be a smart move.
Lifestyle Needs
Think about your daily routine. Do you need space for a home office? Are you a social butterfly who hosts friends every weekend? Or perhaps you’re a quiet soul who values a serene environment? Your lifestyle will play a huge role in determining which apartment suits you best.
Future Resale Value
Real estate is not just about living in the moment but also thinking ahead. While 2 BHK apartments are easier to sell due to their affordability, 3 BHK and 4 BHK apartments often appreciate more in value, making them a solid long-term investment.
Final Thoughts: The Nanakramguda Advantage
Living in Nanakramguda is like being on the VIP list for one of the best parties in town. It’s trendy, convenient, and has a variety of options to suit every budget and lifestyle. Whether you go for a 2 BHK, 3 BHK, or 4 BHK, you’re choosing a life of comfort, convenience, and, let’s not forget, the bragging rights of living in one of Hyderabad's most sought-after locales.
So, pack your bags, bring your dreams, and let Nanakramguda welcome you with open arms. Just remember, in the world of real estate, the early bird gets the best apartment so what are you waiting for?
Visit estatedekho.com for more information about 2 BHK, 3 BHK, 4 BHK Apartments for Sale in Nanakramguda Hyderabad Telangana. Estatedekho is an online platform that offers sellers, potential clients, buyers verified plots, and professional agents at service.
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sunleadblogs · 4 days
The 5 Most Efficient vs. Easy Take on: How to Generate Leads for Solar Sales - SunLead
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This Blog was Originally Published at:
The 5 Most Efficient vs. Easy Take on: How to Generate Leads for Solar Sales — SunLead
A Guide on How to Generate Leads for Solar Sales
Solar sales depend on how well a company can generate leads. There are many methods that solar companies use to attract potential customers, each having its own set of advantages and shortcomings Sales professionals have to make a difficult choice: do they want an easy way or do they prefer effective lead generation process? The answer of how to generate leads for solar sales depends on this.
Although it might be tempting to look for quick solutions and immediate gains, long-term success requires a more strategic approach. We have dwelled into the subject of ‘how to generate leads for solar sales’ and curated actionable insights into efficient and simple ways of generating leads. These insights are useful for any solar company trying to achieve sustainable growth.
How to merge the appeal of rapid lead acquisition with the advantages of a well-ordered data-driven method. market research, content marketing, social media, email campaigns, paid advertising, partnerships and data analytics all contain complexities that if well understood by solar sales teams can enhance their lead generation in addition to converting prospects into repeat customers. Moreover, we will talk about why lead nurturing and sales enablement are critical in maximising ROI from their activities.
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Understanding Lead Generation for Solar Sales
Lead generation is about attracting potential customers who have shown interest in solar energy solutions. For solar companies, generating high-quality leads is crucial for increasing sales and fostering growth. Leads can be categorised into:
Residential Leads: People who want to install solar panels.
Commercial Leads: Firms who would like to go solar.
Government and Institutional Leads: Public bodies mulling over employing solar on their infrastructure projects.Solar leads Decoded In 2 Steps, Convert Website Visitors to Qualified Solar Leads
How to Generate Leads for Solar Sales in Residential Solar Industry
Target Audience:
Demographics:Residential solar industry includes homeowners looking for green solutions. Psychographics: Green consumers, homeowners who want to lower energy bills.
Strategies on how to generate leads for solar sales:
Local SEO and Geo-Targeted PPC Ads:
Focus: Optimize for local search terms such as “solar panel installation near me” or “best solar companies in [City].”
Because most homeowners seek local solutions; for this reason they use local SEO and targeted ads which can drive highly relevant traffic.
Social Media Advertising:
Focus: Use platforms like Facebook and Instagram to target homeowners based on interests in sustainability, home improvement, and energy savings.
Social media allows for targeted campaigns with visual content showcasing the benefits of solar panels for homes.
Content Marketing:
Focus: Create blog posts, videos, and infographics about the benefits of residential solar, financing options, and case studies of local installations.
Educates potential customers and builds trust. Engaging content can drive organic traffic and generate leads through informative content.
Referral Programs:
Focus: Encourage satisfied customers to refer friends and family with incentives.
Referrals from friends and family are highly trusted and often result in high-quality leads.
Direct Mail Campaigns:
Focus: Send targeted mailers to homeowners in specific neighbourhoods or regions.
Localised mailings can reach homeowners who may not be actively searching online but are still interested in solar energy.
How to Generate Leads for Solar Sales in Commercial Solar Industry
Target Audience:
Demographics: Business owners, facility managers, corporate decision-makers (C-level).
Psychographics: Companies looking to reduce operating costs, improve sustainability, or meet regulatory requirements.
Strategies on how to generate leads for solar sales:
B2B SEO and LinkedIn Advertising:
Focus: Optimize for terms like “commercial solar energy solutions” and use LinkedIn ads to target business owners and facility managers.
B2B buyers often use LinkedIn for professional networking and research.
Industry-Specific Content and Thought Leadership:
Focus: Publish white papers, case studies, and articles on commercial solar benefits, ROI calculations, and industry trends.
Establishes your company as a thought leader and provides valuable information to business decision-makers.
Email Marketing and Nurture Campaigns:
Focus: Develop segmented email campaigns targeting different industries with tailored messaging about how solar can benefit their specific sector.
Allows for direct communication with decision-makers and can nurture leads over time.
Trade Shows and Industry Conferences:
Focus: Exhibit at or attend events focused on commercial energy, sustainability, or business innovation.
Provides opportunities to network with potential clients and demonstrate your products and expertise in person.
Strategic Partnerships:
Focus: Collaborate with industry associations, real estate developers, or energy consultants.
Partnerships can provide referrals and access to a network of potential commercial clients.
How to Generate Leads for Solar Sales in Government and Institutional Solar Industry
Target Audience:
Demographics: Government officials who make decisions about procurement; procurement officers; institutional administrators such as principals of colleges etc..
Psychographics: Entities looking to comply with regulations, reduce energy costs, improve sustainability credentials etc..
Strategies on how to generate leads for solar sales:
Public Sector RFPs (Request For Proposals) And Bids:
Focus: Monitor public sector request for proposals (RFPs) & bids related to solar energy projects from government &institutional entities..
Many government projects are awarded through formal bid processes which makes RFP’s critical source of leads.
Compliance and Regulatory Information:
Objective: Provide a brief outline of how to generate leads for solar sales can assist in the satisfaction of regulatory compliance requirements as well as reach sustainability goals.
This is because governmental and institutional buyers usually lay down stringent conditions on these issues.
Direct Outreach and Networking:
Objective: Interact with government agencies and institutions directly via networking events, formal meetings, and individual proposals.
For public sector decision-making processes, direct connections or customized offers may make all the difference.
Educational Workshops and Seminars:
Objective: Organize or participate in workshops and seminars about solar energy for government buildings as well as other institutions.
This adds value to education while making it possible to reach key decision-makers.
Grant and Incentive Programs:
Objective: Help disseminate information about grants/incentives that are currently available for public projects involving solar installations.
Financial incentives such as grants tend to be the driving force behind many public institutions’ choice of using solar.
The Difference between Efficient and Easy in Solar Lead Generation
Before going into specific tactics on how to generate leads for solar sales , let’s first define “efficient” and “easy” as it applies to soalr lead generation.
Efficient Solar Lead Generation: These are strategies that focus on maximising the quality of generated solar leads together with high conversion rates while minimizing time, resources, and costs. These strategies revolve around targeted messaging, data-driven decision making as well as continuous improvement initiatives.
Easy Solar Lead Generation: Often refers to temporary or short-term fixes which may need little effort but do not necessarily give a company long-lasting outcomes or bring forth good quality leads. Such actions might involve purchasing pre-generated leads or relying solely on cold calling without any strategy involved.
While these easy options might give you some push for a brief period of time they cannot meet your long-term needs for sustainable lead pipeline. On the other hand, efficient strategies form a basis for sustainable growth and profit making ventures in future.
Let’s explore a bit more on both these processes and how to generate leads for solar sales.
How to Generate Leads for Solar Sales, Effectively
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In-Depth Market Research & Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) Development Define your target audience — Audience definition involves understanding your ideal customer based on demographics (age, gender, etc.), location (where they live), how much energy they consume and the extent of their environmental concerns.
Identify their pain points — Conduct research to understand what challenges your target market is facing regarding energy costs, environmental impact, government incentives.
Create relevant messaging — Design a compelling message that fits into the specific needs and wants of your ICP.
Content Marketing & SEO Make valuable content — Make high-quality blog posts, articles, or videos answering any questions and concerns your target audience has about solar energy.
Optimised for SEO — Take on board best practices so as to improve visibility on search engines thus attracting organic traffic.
Build authority — Consistent creation and engagement at large make you an expert source in matters solar industry.
Leverage Social Media Choose platforms wisely — Recognise which social media channels are most popular with your target audience.
Post engaging content — They include informative posts with stunning visuals that advertise for brands that deal in solar energy.
Nurturing community: Attract followers by commenting back to their posts, liking them or even sharing them in order to generate feeling of belonging.
Email Marketing Grow email list — Get contact information of website visitors through lead forms or opt-in boxes on your site or blog; collecting emails from social media profiles; at industry events and through other means.
Divide the readership into segments — Such kind of email campaigns may differ based upon interest while providing personalized offers will help increase conversions into sales easier than ever before.
Offer value — Give useful content such as how-tos or e-books; exclusive promotions like discounts codes redeemable only by recipients who open particular links inside them; tailored recommendations for those who opened certain messages more than once, etc…
Paid Advertising Targeted ads– Use tools such as Google Ads and Facebook Ads so that brands can reach a larger audience within the niche market segment at lower rates.
Measure performance — Keep track of the campaign’s metrics to optimize your ad spend as well as maximize return on investments.
Split testing — Create different versions of your ads and try out various targeting options to see what resonates most with your audience.
Partnerships and Referrals To have broadened your scope partner with energy auditors, home improvement contractors, and real estate agents.
Establish a referral program: Provide incentives to your existing customers whenever they refer their friends or family to your services.
Data Analytics and Optimization Monitor key metrics: Keep an eye on lead generation performance, conversion rates, and cost per acquisition of customer.
Trace trends: Evaluate data to identify patterns and areas for development.
Polish up your strategy: Make adjustments driven by data in order to generate more leads which are efficient and effective.
Webinars and Educational Events
What It Is: The purpose is holding webinars or educational events that discuss solar energy topics as a way to capture people’s attention who could be prospective customers.
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How to Generate Leads for Solar Sales, Easily
Some widely used strategies on on how to generate leads for solar sales, easily:
Purchasing Pre-Generated Leads
Purchasing pre generated solar leads are basically acquiring contact information for prospective customers by buying leads from third-party businesses which compile these lists.
Buying pre-generated leads can be a fast way to gather contact details of possible customers without much input.
Limitations: These kind of leads tend to have high bouncing rates that are often high. They may not be, thus less engaged or interested in what they get leading to lower conversion rates and a potential waste of resources.
Random Cold Calls with No Target Lists
Dialling numbers aimlessly hoping to reach prospective clients is the strategy around random cold calling!
Cold calling is a simple method that does not call for sophisticated tools or strategies.
Limitations: Random dialling will take up much time and effort since it is inefficient. With no target lists, one is unlikely to engage prospects, resulting in low conversions and deep frustration.
Dependence on Obsolete Marketing Practices
Use of old-fashioned means such as direct mailings and print advertisements for marketing purposes. These methods are familiar and can be implemented by anyone with basic digital literacy skills.
Limitations: Traditional marketing methods do not work well in the current digital world scenario. They lack the targeting and tracking features of contemporary digital marketers leading to suboptimal lead generation outcomes.
Comparing Efficiency versus Ease
In evaluating lead generation approaches, some factors include:
Resource Availability: Efficient approaches will most likely require more outlays like time, expertise or money as compared to easier ones which may require less resources just like accessibility. Lead Quality vs Quantity: Efficient approaches bring about higher quality leads who are likely to convert. On the other hand, easy ways may get you a lot of leads with different levels of interest and involvement. Long-Term v/s Short-Term Gains: Whereas efficient methods result into sustainable growth over time, easy ways can often lead to short-term success.
Strike a Balance
Creating leads effectively in the solar sales industry involves finding a balance between efficiency and ease. While efficient strategies like SEO, PPC, and referral programs guarantee high ROIs and quality leads, they need more resources. On the other hand, easy ones like social media marketing, email campaigns, and local advertising require fewer resources but may not always yield the best results.
This way both approaches can be combined by connecting efficient methods that have long lasting effects with those that are simpler to achieve immediate objectives such as lead generation that is able to boost sales output. With these in mind, it becomes easier for firms to apply different strategies aimed at attracting more consumers while addressing lead generation issues in solar business enterprises.
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SunLead has proven to be an authentic white-label quotation tool for residential solar companies.
With the help of SunLead, businesses can easily incorporate a personalised quote system into their website. The following are some ways that SunLead’s tool can improve your lead generation:
Simple integration: SunLead offers an exclusive link that you may incorporate into your website. This link takes users to the quotation tool, which is fully branded and customized to meet the needs of your business.
Customisation options: Solar enterprises can set up the tool according to the solar panels they sell, the prices of the EPC, and other factors. The generated quotes are guaranteed to be accurate and pertinent, thanks to this customisation.
Instant quotes: Depending on the data they submit, visitors get instant quotes. Their curiosity is piqued and they go closer to making a purchase thanks to this prompt feedback.
Lead capture: This tool gathers vital lead data, like contact information and particular requirements, so that it can be utilised for focused follow-up messages.
User-friendly interface: All visitors will have a great experience with the quotation tool because of its intuitive and user-friendly design.
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loveinthakut · 2 years
Homebuyer's Pre-Approval Imperative
The homebuyer’s pre-approval imperative is just as the title suggests.  Pre-approval is one of the most important steps in the homebuying process.  It is essential that  prospective homebuyers understand just how vital pre-approval is.  Pre-approval is one of the first steps a prospective homebuyer should be taking in their home seeking pursuits.  This is where a chosen lender will assess the…
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crazy-joes · 5 days
Custom Blinds Near Me East York
Custom Curtains Near Me East York - Brief introduction to the importance of window treatments in home aesthetics and functionality. - Mention why homeowners over 35 should pay extra attention to their window treatments. - Brief introduction to Crazy Joe's Drapery & Blinds and their exceptional services. Why Choose Custom Blinds? - Personalized Fit and Design - The advantage of custom blinds over ready-made options. - How custom blinds can complement your home decor. - Enhanced Privacy and Light Control - Discussion of privacy options with custom blinds. - Different levels of light control achieved with custom solutions. - Energy Efficiency - How custom blinds can improve energy efficiency in your home. - Examples of energy-efficient materials used by Crazy Joe's. Types of Custom Blinds Offered by Crazy Joe's - Roller Blinds - Description and benefits. - Ideal rooms and settings for roller blinds. - Venetian Blinds - Description and benefits. - Ideal rooms and settings for venetian blinds. - Vertical Blinds - Description and benefits. - Ideal rooms and settings for vertical blinds. - Roman Blinds - Description and benefits. - Ideal rooms and settings for roman blinds. Custom Curtains Near Me East York - Why Custom Curtains? - The benefits of opting for custom curtains. - How Crazy Joe's designs curtains to fit individual style and needs. - Variety of Fabrics and Styles - Discuss the range of fabrics available. - Highlight popular styles and trends. - Installation Services - Importance of professional installation. - How Crazy Joe's ensures a perfect fit and finish. Crazy Joe's Drapery & Blinds: The Best Choice - Experienced Professionals - Highlight the expertise and experience of Crazy Joe's team. - Customer Testimonials - Share positive reviews and testimonials from satisfied customers. - Competitive Pricing - Discussion on how Crazy Joe's offers quality at affordable prices. Success Stories - Case Study 1: Transforming a Condo in East York - Before and after scenario. - Client feedback. - Case Study 2: Revamping a Family Home - Before and after scenario. - Client feedback. How to Get Started with Crazy Joe's - Schedule a Consultation - Brief on how to book an appointment with Crazy Joe's. - Custom Design Process - Walkthrough of the design and selection process. - Installation and Follow-Up - What to expect during installation. - After-sales support and service. Conclusion - Recap the importance of choosing custom blinds and curtains. - Reinforce why Crazy Joe's Drapery & Blinds is the best choice for East York residents. - Call to action: Encourage readers to visit crazyjoes.com to explore options and schedule a consultation. Top 5 Questions and Answers 1. What is the difference between custom blinds and ready-made blinds? Answer: Custom blinds are tailored to fit your windows perfectly and match your home's decor, whereas ready-made blinds come in standard sizes and might not offer the same level of aesthetic and functional fit. 2. How do custom blinds help with energy efficiency? Answer: Custom blinds can be made from materials that provide better insulation, helping to keep your home cool in the summer and warm in the winter, thereby reducing energy consumption. 3. What types of custom blinds are best for a modern home? Answer: Roller blinds and venetian blinds are popular choices for modern homes due to their sleek design and functionality. 4. How long does the installation process take? Answer: The installation process for custom blinds typically takes a few hours, depending on the number of windows and the complexity of the installation. 5. Can I get a free consultation before making a decision? Answer: Yes, Crazy Joe's Drapery & Blinds offers free consultations to help you make an informed decision about your window treatments. Read the full article
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furnituremaster02 · 5 days
Discover The Best Furniture Shop Near Me For All Your Home Needs
When searching for a "furniture shop near me," it's important to find a store that not only provides convenience but also offers a wide range of high-quality products. Whether you’re in need of indoor or outdoor furniture, having access to a local, reliable store is essential to creating the perfect living space. In this article, we’ll explore some of the best furniture shops in Sydney and what they have to offer.
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Why Choose a Local Furniture Shop Near Me?
The convenience of a furniture shop near you can't be overstated. When you purchase furniture from a nearby store, you get to:
Save on delivery costs: Local stores often offer free or discounted delivery to nearby areas.
See before you buy: One of the key benefits of shopping in-store is the ability to see and feel the furniture before making a purchase.
Fast and easy access: Whether you need new furniture in a hurry or want to take your time browsing, having a store close by makes the process more convenient.
For Sydney residents, the city is home to several top-rated furniture shops offering everything from chic indoor pieces to durable outdoor furniture. Below, we explore the best furniture shops in Sydney and how they can meet your home furnishing needs.
Best Furniture Shops Sydney: A Diverse Selection
Sydney is home to an impressive range of furniture stores, catering to various tastes, styles, and budgets. Whether you're in the market for sleek modern designs, timeless classics, or eco-friendly furniture, the city has something to offer everyone. Here are some key factors to consider when exploring the best furniture shops in Sydney:
1. Variety of Designs
Furniture shops in Sydney offer a diverse selection of styles, from minimalist modern pieces to more traditional, ornate designs. Whether you're furnishing a contemporary apartment or a cozy suburban home, you’ll find a range of sofas, dining sets, bedroom furniture, and more that suit your aesthetic. Many stores also offer custom furniture services, allowing you to tailor pieces to your unique preferences.
2. Sustainability Focus
Many Sydney furniture stores are placing a strong emphasis on sustainability, offering products made from eco-friendly materials such as reclaimed wood, organic fabrics, and low-impact manufacturing processes. This is an important consideration if you’re looking to furnish your home in an environmentally responsible way, while still enjoying high-quality, stylish furniture.
3. Affordable Options
Whether you’re working with a tight budget or ready to splurge on high-end furniture, Sydney offers a broad range of price points. Some shops specialize in affordable, stylish options without compromising on quality, while others focus on luxury, offering designer pieces that stand out for their craftsmanship and exclusivity. No matter your budget, you’ll find plenty of stores that offer competitive prices, seasonal sales, and financing options to help make your purchases more manageable.
4. Outdoor Furniture Selections
Sydney's climate is perfect for outdoor living, so many furniture stores offer a wide selection of outdoor furniture to help you make the most of your garden, patio, or balcony. Look for durable, weather-resistant materials that can withstand the city’s diverse weather conditions. From comfortable lounge chairs to dining sets designed for al fresco dining, Sydney’s outdoor furniture shops offer plenty of options that blend functionality with style.
5. Customer Service and Delivery
In addition to their product offerings, many of Sydney’s top furniture shops are known for their excellent customer service. Helpful, knowledgeable staff can guide you through the process of selecting the right pieces for your home, and many stores offer delivery services, sometimes free of charge if you live locally. In-store assistance often includes interior design consultations, ensuring that the furniture you choose fits seamlessly with your home’s overall aesthetic.
When searching for a furniture shop near me, it’s essential to consider the range of products, the quality of the furniture, and the reputation of the store. Exploring these diverse options will help you find the perfect furniture to suit your lifestyle, budget, and design preferences, making Sydney one of the best cities for furniture shopping in Australia.
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Finding the Perfect Granite Countertops Near You: A Comprehensive Guide
Granite countertops are a popular choice for homeowners looking to add a touch of elegance and durability to their kitchens and bathrooms. Known for their natural beauty, resilience, and unique patterns, granite offers both functionality and a high-end look. If you're considering granite countertops and wondering where to find the best options near you, this guide will walk you through the process of locating and selecting the perfect granite for your space.
Why Choose Granite Countertops?
Granite countertops are renowned for several key attributes:
Durability: Granite is a hard, natural stone that resists scratches, heat, and stains when properly sealed.
Aesthetic Appeal: Each granite slab features a unique pattern and color, offering a one-of-a-kind look.
Value: Granite countertops add significant value to a home, making them a worthwhile investment for both current enjoyment and future resale.
How to Find Granite Countertops Near You
1. Online Research
Start your search online to identify granite countertop suppliers and fabricators in your area. Use search terms like “granite countertops near me” or “[Your City] granite countertop suppliers.” Here are some resources to consider:
Google Maps: Provides a list of local businesses with customer reviews and ratings.
Yelp: Offers detailed reviews and ratings from previous customers, helping you gauge the reputation of local suppliers.
HomeAdvisor and Angie's List: Lists professionals in your area and includes customer feedback.
2. Visit Showrooms
Once you have a list of potential suppliers, visit their showrooms to explore their granite selection. Showrooms typically display a variety of granite slabs and offer the opportunity to see samples up close. Here’s what to look for:
Variety: Evaluate the range of colors, patterns, and finishes available.
Quality: Inspect the granite for any imperfections or inconsistencies.
Expertise: Speak with sales representatives to gain insights into the types of granite they offer and any recommendations they might have.
3. Compare Quotes and Services
Gather quotes from multiple suppliers to compare pricing. When requesting quotes, ensure you understand what’s included:
Cost of Granite: Prices can vary based on the type of granite, its rarity, and the size of the slabs.
Fabrication and Installation: Check if the quote includes cutting, edge treatments, and installation services.
Additional Services: Inquire about services such as sealing, maintenance, and warranty coverage.
4. Check Reviews and References
Look up reviews online and ask the suppliers for references. Customer feedback can provide valuable insights into the quality of the granite and the reliability of the installation services. Pay attention to comments about:
Customer Service: How responsive and helpful the staff were throughout the process.
Timeliness: Whether the project was completed on schedule.
Quality of Work: The craftsmanship and durability of the finished countertops.
5. Evaluate Installation Process
Ensure that the fabricator or installer you choose follows industry best practices. Proper installation is crucial for the longevity and functionality of your granite countertops. Consider the following:
Preparation: The installation area should be properly prepared and measured.
Technique: The installer should use professional techniques to ensure a seamless fit and secure mounting.
Finishing: Check that any edge treatments and sealing are done correctly.
6. Finalize Your Choice
After considering all factors—price, quality, service, and installation—choose the supplier and fabricator that best meets your needs. Ensure you have a clear understanding of the contract terms, including payment schedules and warranty details.
Local Granite Countertop Providers
While the exact businesses will depend on your location, here are examples of where you might find granite countertops:
National Home Improvement Stores: Stores like Home Depot, Lowe’s, and Menards offer a selection of granite countertops and installation services.
Local Stone Suppliers: Specialty stone yards or countertop suppliers in your area may provide a broader selection and personalized service.
Custom Fabricators: Local granite fabricators can offer custom solutions and may be able to provide unique or hard-to-find granite types.
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busstalks · 9 days
Success Stories of Entrepreneurs: Encouraging Paths to Success
The so-called entrepreneurial rollercoaster is, in business world terms, the journey of an entrepreneur filled with challenges, risks and uncertainty. Yet the stories of those who have cleared these obstacles in their course while still being successful weigh as a hope for new young entrepreneurs. In this article, we explore the success stories of five extraordinary entrepreneurs who have left a big mark in their industries.
1. Adi Dassler - Adidas
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Adi Dassler, founder of Adidas began his shoemaking career in a washroom at the back of his mother's house in Herzogenaurach near Nuremberg. He was committed to making the best possible sports shoes for athletes. Dassler constructed shoes for the athletes, using feedback from what they liked and needed. His hard work paid off in 1954, when the Adidas cleats that he would sell to German football enthusiasts led Germany to victory over Hungary at the World Cup.
2. Whitney Wolfe Herd - Bumble
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And Bumble Founder Whitney Wolfe Herd, by requiring that women make the first move in an environment where men usually have to chase changed a part of online dating. Last year, Wolfe Herd departed Tinder under a cloud of extremely messy legal battles and personal attacks. Despite this, with perseverance and her persistence in the vision it became what is Bumble today— millions of users across continents not only for dating but as a networker to find your next job or simply make friends.
3. Melanie Perkins - Canva
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Canva is a tool which Melanie Perkins launched to democratize design and put it into the hands of any individual. From its humble beginnings in a small office in Perth, Australia the business that Perkins began has reached around two billion users from 190 countries was rejected by investors multiple times Fast forward, her perseverance pays off and Canva is worth over $40B with millions of users designing beautiful graphics effortlessly.
4. Where are they now: Neil Blumenthal, Dave Gilboa and co-founders of Warby Parker
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For example, Warby Parker founders solved the problem of buying stylish glasses that do not cost an arm and a leg by moving sales online. The company's novel approach, including a home try-on program, has brought quality eyewear to a wider range of customers. And really, Warby Parker is a great example of the magic that can happen when you combine social impact with business.
5. Sophia Amoruso - Nasty Gal
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Sure, the rise of Sophia Amoruso from selling used clothing on eBay to running an internationally successful fashion empire is nothing short of amazing. It has struggled to stay afloat for years, even filing bankruptcy in the process. It is just an underscore of what being resilient and adaptable means in entrepreneurship.
The takeaway for aspiring entrepreneurs
1. Client-focused: you need to understand and fulfill what the customer needs. The story of Adi Dassler and his success with Adidas makes it more clear about the significance of gathering customer feedback.
2. Resilience and Adaptability: In the stories of Whitney Wolfe Herd and Sophia Amoruso, it is apparent how resilience pays huge dividends during adversity; as does adaptability with a knack for changing circumstances.
3. Innovation and Disruption: — examples including builds like Warby Parker as well as on the same stage, Melanie Perkins from Canva showing how innovative business models can disrupt traditional industries leading to new opportunities.
4. Social Impact: We have learned from the success of Warby Parker that integrating business with social good can create a strong bottom line and meaningful change in society
5. Persistence: This was shown to me by the one and only Melanie Perkins, journey with Canva, we both know that 99 No's and a Yes means you go on from there.
These entrepreneurs have managed to succeed and their journeys can be a great source of inspiration for other fellow budding futurepreneurs. Through an unwavering commitment to customer satisfaction, a firm dedication to innovation and resilience in the face of failure and overcoming business challenges on your quest for social effectiveness success is something challenging but perfectly achievable.
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estatedekho04 · 9 days
Apartments for sale in Nanakramguda Hyderabad
Exploring the Dream: 2 BHK, 3 BHK, 4 BHK Apartments in Nanakramguda, Hyderabad
Welcome to Nanakramguda, the jewel of Hyderabad's booming real estate market! If you’re reading this, you’re probably on the hunt for that perfect apartment. Whether you're a newlywed couple looking for a cozy 2 BHK, a growing family in need of a spacious 3 BHK, or an extravagant soul seeking the luxury of a 4 BHK, Nanakramguda has something to offer everyone. And trust me, as someone who's been through the rollercoaster ride of apartment hunting, I understand the thrills and spills involved!
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Why Nanakramguda? The Charm and Appeal
Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of apartment types, let's take a moment to appreciate Nanakramguda itself. Nestled in the western part of Hyderabad, Nanakramguda is a hub of commercial and residential development. It's like that friend who always knew they'd make it big one day and now, they're the talk of the town.
Strategic Location: A Commuter’s Dream
Nanakramguda is strategically located near the Financial District, making it the ideal spot for professionals working in IT, finance, or related fields. Imagine sipping your morning coffee and knowing you’re just a hop, skip, and a jump away from your office. The Outer Ring Road (ORR) ensures you can avoid the infamous Hyderabad traffic (mostly) and reach the airport in no time. So, whether you're a jet-setter or a daily commuter, Nanakramguda keeps you well-connected.
Amenities Galore: Everything at Your Doorstep
Living in Nanakramguda is like having a personal genie who grants all your wishes. Need a shopping spree? Inorbit Mall is just around the corner. Craving some world-class cuisine? Restaurants offering everything from Hyderabadi biryani to Italian pasta are within walking distance. Fitness freaks, don’t fret gyms, yoga studios, and parks are scattered around the area. In essence, Nanakramguda combines the hustle and bustle of city life with the comfort of a suburban retreat.
2 BHK Apartments: The Perfect Starter Pack
Ideal for Couples and Small Families
If you're starting out, either as a couple or with a small family, a 2 BHK apartment might be your best bet. These homes are like the Swiss Army knives of apartments compact yet versatile. Typically, they come with two bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen, and two bathrooms. You get just enough space without feeling like you need a GPS to find your way to the kitchen.
Cost-Effective Living
2 BHK apartments in Nanakramguda are relatively affordable, making them a popular choice for first-time homebuyers. With prices ranging from INR 60 lakhs to INR 1 crore, depending on the amenities and the exact location, you can enjoy all the perks of city living without selling a kidney. And let's face it, with the skyrocketing prices of avocados these days, saving money wherever you can is a smart move!
List of Perks in 2 BHK Apartments
Affordability: Great for those on a budget.
Maintenance: Easier to clean and maintain.
Energy Efficiency: Lower utility bills.
Resale Value: Always in demand in the real estate market.
3 BHK Apartments: More Space, More Fun
Perfect for Growing Families
Got a couple of kids or planning to have some? Or maybe you just need that extra room for your home office (or a cat room, we don’t judge). A 3 BHK apartment provides that additional space to breathe, grow, and avoid stepping on each other's toes literally and figuratively. With three bedrooms, a spacious living area, and sometimes a balcony, these apartments are designed for comfort and functionality.
Balanced Lifestyle
Living in a 3 BHK apartment is like having the best of both worlds. You get enough room for your personal space (because who doesn't need that) and common areas where the family can come together. Imagine having a dinner party where your guests don't have to sit on your bed because the living room is big enough it's the dream!
List of Advantages in 3 BHK Apartments
Space: Ideal for families with children or joint families.
Versatility: Use the third bedroom as a guest room, office, or play area.
Value for Money: Higher appreciation potential in the market.
Comfort: More space for storage and activities.
4 BHK Apartments: When Luxury Meets Space
Tailored for Luxury Living
Now, if you're someone who believes in living life king-size, the 4 BHK apartments in Nanakramguda will fit you like a glove. These homes are the epitome of luxury and style. With four bedrooms, a large living space, often multiple balconies, and sometimes even a study or a servant’s quarter, 4 BHKs are for those who like to stretch their legs and live large.
Ideal for Large Families and Hosting
Are you the kind of person who loves hosting parties, family gatherings, or maybe just enjoys a bit of privacy for everyone in the household? A 4 BHK apartment allows everyone to have their own space without bumping into each other. It’s like living in a house but with the added benefits of apartment amenities.
Table: Features Comparison of 2 BHK, 3 BHK, and 4 BHK Apartments
2 BHK Apartments
3 BHK Apartments
4 BHK Apartments
800 - 1200 sq. ft.
1300 - 1800 sq. ft.
2000 - 3000 sq. ft.
4 or more
Price Range
INR 60 lakhs - 1 crore
INR 1 crore - 1.5 crore
INR 2 crores and above
Best For
Couples, Small Families
Growing Families
Large Families, Luxury
Making the Right Choice: What to Consider
Budget and Financial Planning
Let’s not kid ourselves buying a home is probably one of the biggest financial decisions you'll make. It’s crucial to consider your budget and long-term financial goals. A 2 BHK might be great if you want to keep your EMIs manageable. On the other hand, if you’re planning to stay put for a while and your family is growing, investing in a 3 BHK or 4 BHK could be a smart move.
Lifestyle Needs
Think about your daily routine. Do you need space for a home office? Are you a social butterfly who hosts friends every weekend? Or perhaps you’re a quiet soul who values a serene environment? Your lifestyle will play a huge role in determining which apartment suits you best.
Future Resale Value
Real estate is not just about living in the moment but also thinking ahead. While 2 BHK apartments are easier to sell due to their affordability, 3 BHK and 4 BHK apartments often appreciate more in value, making them a solid long-term investment.
Final Thoughts: The Nanakramguda Advantage
Living in Nanakramguda is like being on the VIP list for one of the best parties in town. It’s trendy, convenient, and has a variety of options to suit every budget and lifestyle. Whether you go for a 2 BHK, 3 BHK, or 4 BHK, you’re choosing a life of comfort, convenience, and, let’s not forget, the bragging rights of living in one of Hyderabad's most sought-after locales.
So, pack your bags, bring your dreams, and let Nanakramguda welcome you with open arms. Just remember, in the world of real estate, the early bird gets the best apartment so what are you waiting for?
Visit estatedekho.com for more information about 2 BHK, 3 BHK, 4 BHK Apartments for Sale in Nanakramguda Hyderabad Telangana. Estatedekho is an online platform that offers sellers, potential clients, buyers verified plots, and professional agents at service.
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