borderlinedolly · 1 day
Child Parts Are Not Real Children
Littles (also known as child parts) are dissociated parts of the individual's personality. While they present and may even act younger, they are still the brain's age.
Littles are not one size fits all. Some might be able to understand complex (or "adult" topics) and therefore hold the ability to consent (yes, even to sex), while some might act like children and process information that mirrors their age, which inhibits their ability to consent. At that point, it's less safe to allow them to make their own decisions, sexual or not.
In general, in order to heal, child parts need to grow up. This does not mean that they should be forced to do so or need to be treated a certain way. How littles are treated, and what they are allowed to engage in is up to their system and the little themself.
Back to littles and consent when it comes to relationships and sexual activity (because that's probably the only thing you processed from this whole post). Consent is not age dependent. In order to consent, the person must be able to affirm personal boundaries, understand what they're agreeing to, must be enthusiastic to consent, non-coerced & not under the influence of drugs and alcohol.
"But it's dangerous!" I never said it wasn't, that's why there are safety percussions in place. We personally teach our littles about "adult" topics so that they're able to navigate them when fronting. This does not just mean sex and relationships, but also how to handle conflict and difficult situations.
We allow our littles to grow up at their own pace while helping them process trauma. Engaging in relationships and sexual activity with trusted individuals can be beneficial for them in our experience. Of course, it isn't the same for all systems, and as they say, "each to their own." How you treat your littles is your business.
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borderlinedolly · 6 months
Things I Rarely See Talked About
Level 2/Medium Support Need Autistics
Level 3/High Support Need Autistics
Deaf and/or Blind Autistics
BIPOC Autistics
Nonverbal Autistics
Semiverbal Autistics
The Downsides of Getting a Diagnosis
Older People (30+) With Disorders Like DID, ASPD, BPD, Autism, Etc
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borderlinedolly · 7 months
misinformation about ramcoa kills. Telling people ''clocking'' is real kills. Telling people that anyone, especially abusers, can tell just by looking at them kills. Even if you're just uneducated, putting that level of misinformation out there isn't only harmful and paranoia-inducing, it kills. That is the type of thing that can, and does, trigger programs. That is the kind of thing that can drive survivors to suicide.
Yeah, me telling people to be safe kills people, okay lol💀
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borderlinedolly · 9 months
If you think I spread misinformation, okay lmao. I'm sharing info that may help people. If you care to listen, welcome to my blog. If you don't, kiss my ass <3
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borderlinedolly · 9 months
What Is Clocking?
Clocking is an ability many RAMCOA survivors have to varying degrees. They can tell when someome is a RAMCOA victim. Certain survivors (typically high ranking ones) can clock victims down to their rank and possibly branch. Less common are the ones who can clock victims down to their role and sect. Low ranking victims can typically clock those who are superior to them.
Logically, this is a useful ability as sects can have thousands of members and you can't possibly remember all of them. Being able to tell who your superiors are will help keep you alive. Similarly, you can also tell when someone is lower than you/"usable". Programmers can clock people to know who they can exploit.
It is a real ability and dangerous people can and will use it to their advantage. It is not fear mongering, it is the horrifying truth of being a RAMCOA survivor. We are not safe anywhere, pretending we are will not protect us or help us survive. Being aware of the dangers can help you try to keep yourselves as safe as possible.
Here are some ways to protect yourself: keep yourself as grounded as possible while outside and avoid switching to vulnerable alters, don't talk to strangers and stay away from anyone who gives you a weird feeling.
Saying clocking isn't real won't help you if a programmer spots you.
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borderlinedolly · 1 year
I feel bad for your spouse lol you probably abuse them as your “persecutor alter” and then refuse to take responsibility
Lmao, yes actually, but it's okay, they like it <3
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borderlinedolly · 1 year
Questions For Systems
1. What's your system name?
2. What's your collective name?
3. What are your collective pronouns?
4. How old are you bodily?
5. What type of system are you? (E.G. OSDD-1, DID, etc)
6. What's your (approximate) headcount?
7. How did you find out you're a system?
8. How many of you were there upon discovery?
9. Do you have an innerworld? If so, what type? (E.G. small, medium, large, magical, infinite, etc)
10. Do you have a fronting room? If so, what does it look like?
11. Who's the oldest?
12. Who's the youngest?
13. Who's most likely to cause mischief?
14. Who's the system's parental figure?
15. Who's the baby of the system?
16. Who's the one that everyone gets along with?
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borderlinedolly · 1 year
Introjects & Problematic Source Memories
With Himiko Toga
Introjects are alters that were split off to represent outside people, most typically an abuser, and thus creating the appearance of being "introjected" from an outside source. There are two types of introjects. Full introjects are fully convinced they are the person they represent/are based off. They believe they are separate from the body. Partial introjects refer to alters who introjected traits and characteristics from an outside source/person (similar to how a singlet would), but are aware they are not, in fact, the person in question.
Source Memories
Source memories are pseudomemories ("fake" memories) that introjects may form with. They're memories of their source and can revolve around a number of things. Source memories exist to cover up trauma or symbolise it.
"Problematic" Memories
This refers to things such as incest, pedophilia, abuse, rape, etc. This may mean the introject has memories of being in a pedophilic or incestuous relationship or perhaps they have memories of abusing another. This can be due to multiple reasons, but the most common is trauma symbolism.
My Point
Source memories shouldn't be a reason to judge or even harass introjects. We cannot control our memories nor are we responsible for what happened in source. Treating an introject differently for their memories is plain out bullshit. I don't care of you're uncomfortable, just don't interact with us if our memories bother you. It's that simple. We don't owe it to you to have palatable memories, a lot of the time they're bloody trauma representation, they aren't going to be "cutesy" or nice.
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borderlinedolly · 1 year
concentration camps???? um excuse me?
They're common in RAMCOA survivors /nm
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borderlinedolly · 1 year
A Small Reminder For OSDDID Systems
There is no such thing as the "perfect system." Your brain developed this disorder in the best way it saw fit to help you survive. As such, your system structure and the way it functions is specific to you, the trauma you underwent, and the way you reacted to it.
You might have more nonhuman alters than other systems, or you might form introjects easier. You might have hundreds of fragments, or you might have none. You might have 2 alters, you might have 10, or you might have hundreds.
Your system is catered towards your specific needs. While we all share symptoms and aspects in common, our systems are unique to us. What that means differs from person to person. Some might have hundreds of introjects, and some might have none. Both system were needed for their body's survival.
Your system is valid as it is, even if others try to tell you otherwise. What your system "should" be like is exactly how it already is because it's your system, and it was made to help you survive.
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borderlinedolly · 1 year
Do you have any recources on HC-DID I could read? Tumblr posts included.
Also, can a HC-DID system have no innerworld?
Here's a google drive made by my friend
A quick disclaimer: Read at your own risk. If you feel dissociated or unsettled in some way, put it down and take a break
And I'm not sure, I wouldn't say it's impossible, but it's highly unlikely since programmers use it for a variety of reasons. It's more likely for the innerworld to be inaccessible, usually to certain alters
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borderlinedolly · 1 year
Hi, I don't know if you've been asked this before, and if you have then I apologize for redundancy, but are you okay with endogenics interacting with your blog?
Hello, yes I am. I don't believe in gatekeeping info, so anyone is welcome as long as they're here to learn :)
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borderlinedolly · 1 year
System Experience I Rarely See Talked About
Having only 2 alters
Having under 5 alters
Having over 100k alters
Having over 100k fragments
Having hypersexual child parts
Having child parts that are mentally older
Having child parts who can understand adult concepts
Having child parts that are bodily older, but mentally still children
Having no innerworld/headspace
Only having a room in the headspace
Not having a fronting room
Having a fronting room
Having an extremely complex innerworld
Constant heavy dissociation
Severe amnesia that makes you forget what happened an hour ago
Dissociative fugue
Chronic severe PTSD
Somatic symptoms
Rarely switching
Being frontstuck for months at a time
Rarely knowing who you are
Not knowing if you've switched
Internal trauma reenactment
Internal sexual relationships
Innerworlds not being a safe space
Alters who are dicks simply because they want to be
Alters who rape other alters
Internal pregnancy
Alters living in different time periods
Alters stuck reliving trauma
Having a lot of NPCs
Having cities full of NPCs
Having no NPCs
Having NPCs who reenact trauma
Having NPCs living the life you would have had without the trauma
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borderlinedolly · 1 year
could you tell me more about HC-DID subtypes? specifically haven’t heard of the french revolution subtype. thank you! :)
The subtypes are basically the different sects since each has their own way of doing things, so there will be a major difference in structure between HC systems from different sects. I don't know a lot about the different subtypes, I mainly know about Monarch, so I can't be of much help. French Revolution isn't the real name, it's a nickname we came up with so it doesn't get flagged by survivors (take into consideration only the initials)
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borderlinedolly · 1 year
For Any System That Needs To Hear It
You aren't faking it because you have a large alter count
You aren't faking it because you have a small alter count
You're not faking it because you have a large innerworld
You're not faking it because you have no innerworld
It doesn't matter if you have 2 alters or 20,000 alters, if you have an infinite innerworld or a small/no innerworld. You're still a system
You're not faking it because you have a lot of introjects
You're not faking it because you don't have any introjects
You're not faking it because you have a lot of nonhuman alters
You're not faking it because you have no nonhuman alters
You're not faking it because you have a lot of child parts
You're not faking it because you have no child parts
It doesn't matter what types of alters you have or don't have, all systems are different
You're not faking it because you're young
You're not faking it because you didn't know till you were older
You're not faking it because you're self-diagnosed
Your diagnosis status doesn't matter, and when you figured it out certainly doesn't. Some systems figure it out at 13, while some only figure out when they get diagnosed, everyone is different
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borderlinedolly · 1 year
Dismantling Stereotypes at the Expense of Creating New Ones
This happens in most mental health communities, including the autism, PD, and OSDDID communities. People are so often preoccupied with dispelling stereotypes that they exclude people who fit those stereotypes and create new ones, further enforcing people into boxes.
I don't think I need to tell you why that isn't helpful, but I will anyway. You wouldn't like to be alienated from your own community, would you? Well, by perpetrating further stereotypes, you're alienating and excluding others from their communities no matter how many other people you're including. The mental health community and its subgroups are meant to be a safe and inclusive space to all struggling with certain disorders. It's not fair to only include those who fit your narrative of what people with X disorder are "actually" like.
Some examples of stereotypes the MH community has dispelled by creating new ones:
"Autistic people/People with BPD don't feel empathy" > "Autistic people/People with BPD feel hyperempathy"
"People with NPD/ASPD don't feel any type of empathy" > "People with NPD/ASPD still feel compassion/sympathy"
"People with ASPD/NPD don't feel love/emotions" > "People with ASPD/NPD feel love and emotions the same as other people"
There's more examples, but I'm only listing these.
By perpatrating these new stereotypes, you're excluding and even demonizing those that do not fit into those stereotypes. I have autism, BPD, NPD, and ASPD, I do not feel any kind of empathy nor compassion and sympathy, I do not feel love of any kind, and I have very little emotions/emotional range. I do not fit the stereotypes, and it makes me feel excluded from communities meant to be welcome for people like me. Something needs to change. Not all stereotypes need to be completely demolished. Some people still fit those stereotypes, and they deserve to feel included.
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borderlinedolly · 1 year
The Community & Oversimplification Of HC-DID
I'm making this to talk more in-depth about the aspects of HC-DID that people seem to forget about because I'm sick and tired of people oversimplifying what it means to be RAMCOA. So here's a reminder that HC-DID is nowhere near C-DID.
So the key part of HC-DID is the programming and ritual abuse, it's what makes a system highly complex, but that says nothing about the results, so let's talk about the aspects of HC-DID that come with being highly complex.
HC includes:
- Alters that can be killed by deleting their programs
- Severe and chronic dissociation that makes it extremely difficult if not almost impossible to function
- Alters (programmed) with paraphilias like pedophilia, necrophilia, zoophilia, etc
- Alters programmed with different disorder such as personality disorders
- Therapy interference programming such as eating disorder programming that takes focus away from the RAMCOA/trauma
- More complex layers and goupings (e.g. layers within layers, subsystems within subsystems within subsystems and so on)
- Programmed dissociative structures like concentration camps, mental asylums, carousels, castles, forests, etc
- Internal (sex) trafficking and child sexual abuse
- Extreme and chronic polyfragmentation to hundreds or more commonly, thousands of parts
- Programs such as delta that make you kill or harm people when activated, beta that make you engage in sexual activity when activated, fractaline that make you split at any stressors usually resulting in tens or hundreds of thousands of parts, etc
- Internal handlers and programmers that exist to keep you tortured and programmed
- The ability to change amnesia levels resulting in presenting as different system types, such as C-DID, OSDD-1, DID, or even as a singlet
- P-DID or OSDD-1 presenting shell with no identity programmed to hide the system
- The ability to clock RAMCOA, OA, MC, RA, and other variations of survivors as well as dissociative people in general and sect members to know who is superior to you and who is useable
- Subtypes of HC-DID like Monarch, Alice In Wonderland, Bluebird, French Revolution, etc
- Chronic programmed denial periods/Speaking about your memories of chronic trauma followed with a feeling of fakeness amd 'that can't be real'
- Alters that exist in different tracks of the brain
- Mood swings that are much more severe than in the other dissociative disorders, for people with DID, their moods change too often for it to be considered bipolar type 2 but with HC, it’s constant sudden depression, anxiety, mania-esque symptoms, hallucinations, etc. it’s like suddenly developing a mood or a psychotic disorder out of nowhere for 3 months
- And much more because HC-DID is that complex
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