#best water flosser
genesisdentists · 6 months
What are the Benefits of Using a Water Flosser?
At Genesis Dentists, a leading North Melbourne dental clinic, we constantly seek innovative methods to enhance oral hygiene. Among these, water flossers have emerged as a popular and effective tool. Thus, this article explores the benefits of using it for residents seeking top-notch dental care in North Melbourne.
Read more: https://genesisdentists.com.au/what-are-the-benefits-of-using-a-water-flosser/
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misterflossyau · 3 months
A Comparative Review of Water Flossers in Periodontal Therapy
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The modern trend towards enhancement of overall health comprehensively encompasses a few facets, which entail oral health as well. New varieties of dental tools and devices have made electric dental flossers more common in modern society. These devices have been welcomed by dental professionals as a better tool for supremacy over string flossing as they explore more power and massaging. Regarding the discussed review, it is crucial to provide a detailed description of the various advantages of electric dental flossers, their potential disadvantages, and their efficacy in the context of periodontal therapy. It is our intention to provide examples that demonstrate how these sophisticated devices effectively clean the mouth and gums, including the sections of the mouth that are tough to access because of their bristles and interconnected parts. For more details on this, follow the link next to learn more about this topic. Read More
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brosser-les-dents · 4 months
This might be a really dumb question but whatever. Are there alternatives to flossing? I have wires behind my front and canine teeth that were put in after my braces were removed. Therefore floss can't go all the way to the gums and I'm at a (f)loss. Thanks in advance 😅
There are no stupid questions. How will you know if your don't ask? And I have the same problem. But. So. Many. Options!
Firstly, my fave, the water flosser. Can be an expensive investment, but has been worth every penny. I've also used mine for like 10 years now. Helps get into all the hard to reach places and I mix in some mouth wash and it gives it just that extra bit of oomph.
This is the one I have, but there are handheld ones where the tank is attached to the handle so it's wireless.
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There is also something called superfloss. It has an end that's stiff to thread through the gaps in your teeth below the wires.
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The same goes for floss threaders. You tie floss through it and thread between teeth like a needle.
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The last I can think of are interdental brushes. If you have room between teeth, according to dentists, it's actually the best option for cleaning between teeth.
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If anyone thinks of any options, please share!
And lastly, don't forget to brush and floss!
P. S. The "at a (f)loss" was 👩🏻‍🍳💋.
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housewife-noire · 10 months
Depression Master Post
Tips that work for me:
♡Utilize your audio notes apps on your phone as an 'audio diary', talk to yourself like it's a podcast, interview, imaginary bestie etc
♡warm wet rag, toner (I use a bottle type and a spray type), moisturizer, Vaseline for a 'lazy' skincare routine. You can also use rose water to cleanse your face. This takes literally five minutes
♡modified stretches/workouts are your best friend, it's actually very easy to do stretches without getting outta bed or even moving your blanket!!
♡open up your blinds!!!!!
♡ensures and similar brands w/ extra protein for days you absolutely can't get out of bed
♡can't shower? No problem. You can get bathing cloths at any pharmacy otc (you can purchase with an HSA card as well!) Just add water to the pack no soap or rinsing needed
♡any food is better than no food!!!
♡90 minute rice + tuna packs are good 5 minute meals w/ some substance. You can add any add ins you want(I add fried egg and avocado)
♡download the finch app!! It's super cute and like a self care tamagotchi
♡allow yourself the time to rest
♡have a self love/feel good Playlist ready
♡rewatch your fave childhood show/movie. Anything that's been longer than 5 years since you've seen it works best imo
♡pedialyte AND water to keep hydrated, add a pinch of pink salt to the water
♡mix water, rubbing alcohol and essential oils to make an air freshner spray for bedding and clothing
♡if you're not on any medications, combine l-theanine and st John's wort supplements for mood health (can also add St John's wort, damiana, lavender and mint/catnip to a tea or smoke blend)
♡pure tart cherry juice before bed to help you sleep
♡download the I Am app and repeat the affirmations you see out loud thrice
♡can't brush your teeth? Get a water flosser and add a bit of mouthwash & peroxide to the reservoir to kill bacteria and remove stuck food
♡use pink or brown noise as your background for sleeping, you can find these on youtube
♡download MindDoc & Gratitude if you have the spoons to have prompts and questions to answer about your mood
♡digital coloring books!!! I use infinite painer and sketchbook on my Samsung tablet
♡if you scroll any app, pick the one you see the most positive or nontoxic feed (lemon8 and tumblr for me), this way your consumption is potentially bettering your life
♡charge your phone and other devices in a separate room/a few feet away from your bed to reduce scrolling and help promote getting out of bed to turn off alarms etc
♡daily shower spray cleaner, helps keep your tub clean. I spray after I get out
♡use Groupon to schedule yourself a moodboosting self care activity for the month (massage, tanning, filler, facial)
♡eat with a tray in bed
♡spray your fave body spray before bed
Hope these tips help someone!!! Add your own in the tags or reblog ♡
Happy House Spousing ♡♡♡♡
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forgetfulminks · 5 months
Cheapest Beauty Routine
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We all deserve to feel beautiful and take care of ourselves no matter what background we have. There are so many beauty routines that recommend products that are so expensive and swear that you need to have a lot of them as well. You don't need the best that money can buy just feel more confident in your own skin! In this post, I'm going over everything from skin care, to exercise, to makeup. If you want to take care of yourself, but you don't have a lot of money to spare, this is for you.
Skin care routine:
Wash your face with a bar of soap - get some soap, lather it between your hands, rub it over your face, and then wash it off with cold water. If you have dry skin, you can get some soap that is moisturising, and if you have sensitive skin, make sure to get a fragrance free one. Make sure to pat your skin dry with a towel or cloth, don't rub it dry.
Moisturise it with a moisturising sunscreen - the cheapest one is from the cancer council. Make sure to put it on after washing your face in the mornings.
At night, use a general moisturiser - To make it cheaper, I would recommend a gentle body lotion or just general moisturiser that you can also use on your body. Make sure it's a gentle one though, as your face is usually more sensitive and fragile than your body.
Hair routine:
Brush your hair everyday - this is basic, but still important! Once every day is the minimum, but if your hair gets very tangled, you might need to brush it multiple times a day. Brushing it before your shower is also great, because it makes washing your hair easier and helps to prevent breakage.
Wash your hair with shampoo + conditioner - it's better to buy shampoo and conditioner separately, but if you're REALLY low on money or you don't want to focus on haircare, head and shoulders has a good two in one.
Air dry your hair - this will make your hair more frizzy, but you don't have to buy a hair dryer for it. If you really hate the frizz, then you can get a leave in conditioner or a anti-frizz serum/cream/spray.
Don't go to bed with your hair wet! - if you can help it. It will increase breakage and make your hair even more frizzy.
Wash your hair brush every three weeks - this is really important to make sure that your hair doesn't get too oily. You can wash it by soaking it in water with some shampoo in it for 5 minutes or so.
Shower routine:
Wash your body with the same soap you used for your face - you can use a separate scented one if you want to smell nice, but you don't have to.
Exfoliate with exfoliating gloves - use your soap and exfoliate your body with these rough gloves. It's the cheapest way to exfoliate without buying an exfoliating scrub. However, if you have eczema or other skin conditions like it, DO NOT USE THESE. You will have to buy a cheap gentle exfoliating scrub, because these gloves can irritate your skin condition.
Moisturise your body after the shower - use the body lotion or general moisturiser I mentioned in the skin routine.
Hygiene routine:
Consider using a soft toothbrush - did you know that there are hard, medium, and soft toothbrushes? I did not for a while ;^-^ but a soft toothbrush is better. It will make sure that you don't shave away at your gums from pressing too hard, and they are just as cheap as normal toothbrushes.
Floss your teeth at least once a day - floss is very cheap and it will make your teeth healthier and they will look better. If you hate using floss, you can get those flossers that have a handle which makes it way easier to use. They are still very cheap, but you'll need to refill them more often than normal floss.
Clip your nails every two weeks - clipping them fairly often helps prevent nail issues and keeps them healthy. You can buy a cheap nail clipper at a supermarket.
Moisturise your hands every morning + night - make sure you rub it over your nails as well, as this can also keep them healthy. You can just use the body lotion or general moisturiser in your shower routine. It's slightly better to use hand cream if you have some extra money, but you don't have to.
Use antiperspirant deodorant - antiperspirant helps to stop you from sweating, while normal deodorant just tries to mask the smell. If you sweat a lot, try mens antiperspirant.
Optional: use a body spray after getting dressed - spray it on and under your clothes, it will make you smell nice! You don't have to, but body spray is cheaper than perfume and you can find them in the supermarket.
Exercise routine:
Use YouTube to find free at-home workout routines - there are so many workouts on there, you will definitely find one that works for you. And it doesn't have to be a workout if you don't want that! You can do yoga, pilates, calisthenics, dancing, anything you want! You can even just put on your favourite kpop dance video and try to learn the dance! The point is to move and stretch your body at least 4 times a week.
Go for a walk every day - it can be short or long, it doesn't matter, Walking is great for your body and your mental health. You can walk with headphones and just play some music, or you can just take in your surroundings.
Healthy eating:
Eat more protein - the best way to do this is to make sure that your three main meals have protein in them. For example, you can have eggs for breakfast, a chicken sandwich for lunch, and a beef mince stir-fry for dinner. It doesn't have to be expensive and you don't have to buy protein supplements. Adding even a little bit more protein to your diet will improve your health.
Eat spinach instead of lettuce - or mix some spinach with your lettuce in a salad or a sandwich. Spinach is high in iron and eating more of it can make you feel less tired. It's also cheaper than buying vitamins.
Eat some fruit and vegetables every day - having at least one of each every day is very good for you! They each have important vitamins and minerals that keep you feeling healthy. You can get whatever ones that you like to eat, but if you're looking for the cheapest ones, bags of apples and carrots are pretty cheap and you get a lot of them.
Drink two bottles of water every day - this is the minimum! If you want, you can buy one of those water bottles that tracks how much water you should drink in one day, but I personally find these bottles too big and inconvenient. If you feel the same, you can just get a normal sized water bottle and just make sure you drink two of them. It's better to drink more, but this is a great start!
A basic and cheap face of makeup is concealer, eyeliner, mascara, and lip balm - it doesn't change the look of your face much, but it does make you feel a lot prettier and more confident in yourself.
You can get cheap nail polish at a drug store - if you want to paint your nails, it doesn't need to be expensive. You can also get cheap nail polish remover if you need it.
Thrift! - you can get some cheap hidden gems at thrift stores! You'd be amazed at some of the stuff people give away.
You can get some cheap jewellery at Target - and if you're in Australia, Kmart is another great place to get it. You don't need super expensive jewellery to look and feel great! The goal is not to look expensive, it's to feel more beautiful and more confident.
So there is the cheapest beauty/self-care routine that I could come up with! This is the rundown of the costs for all the beauty products, not the food products or the optional makeup and clothing (it's in Australian dollars, so you'll need to convert to your currency if you're not from there):
Soap (3 pack) $4
Moisturising Sunscreen (150ml) $16
Body lotion (100ml) $9
Hair brush $6
Shampoo (100ml) $10
Conditioner (100ml) $10
Exfoliating gloves $12
Soft toothbrush $9
Floss $4 (pack of ~30 flossers is $1.50)
Nail clippers $7
Antiperspirant deodorant (100ml) $5
Water bottle $15
TOTAL: $107
Leave in conditioner $10
Hand cream $5
Body spray $10
TOTAL: $25
For an entire beauty routine, $107 or $132 is pretty good. And all of these products should last about three months. You'll only need to replace them once you run out, and some of them are just one-time purchases. If you're on a tight budget, this beauty routine makes you feel good and takes care of yourself without breaking the bank!
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butmakeitgayblog · 9 months
ADHD here, please tell me, teach me, write instruction to how brush and floss your teeth three times a day.
Do you set alarm clocks? Do you have apps that reminds you? T_T
And no, wisdom teeth ARE NOT easy.
I gotchu
Nope no apps or alarms. It's all less about a schedule, and more just working it into your eating routine. Making flossing and brushing part of your eating process is the easiest way rather than just relying on memory or "oop it's 1pm, gotta brush!" when you may not even eat lunch until 2, you get me?
Here's my process:
1. Brush before you eat breakfast. If you feel a bit nauseous in the mornings, try and sip some water to settle it down, but whatever you do, do not eat or drink anything other than water before your first brush. Why?
Eating softens the enamel! Acidic drinks (coffee, juice, etc) softens the enamel! If you eat/drink and then brush, you are quite literally brushing away your teefie's lil coat of armor!
2. Brush yo damn tongue. I know it sucks. I know you'll gag. It's hell. Do it anyway. I'm suffering with you ✊
3. Don't just go crazy everywhere in there. If you're zigzagging around your mouth like it's Mario kart, you're missing spots. I brush in sections to guarentee coverage. Top right molars - front, bottom, back, back edge. Bottom right molars - front, top, back, back edge. Etc. In total, six sections each brushed exactly the same.
I'm fully aware written down it sounds OCD levels of bullshit, but I promise, it's the same 2-3 minutes spent brushing as usual, just organized and effective rather than pure chaos and a prayer of plaque removal 🥴
Also, don't brush too hard. If your bristles are bent and smooshed, ease up my god you're brushing away the enamel by force 😳
4. After you brush and spit - Do. Not. Rinse.
Put the water down.
If at most you have to refresh the tongue from feeling weirdly coated, take a tiny sip of water and gurgle only on the back of the tongue and spit.
I say this because the longer the toothpaste stays on your teeth, the better. You want that flouride and whatnot doing its thing on your enamel and gum line as long as possible, so give it as much time as you can and let your mouth naturally clean it out. It will.
5. Floss after every meal. Every one. It will become a habit and you'll start to hate the feeling of not flossing after. Floss after snacks!!! If it's solid food, floss. Period. Flossers can and will become your best friend because they are so convenient. I love them, I just keep a few in the zipper part of my wallet and whenever I'm out, I can (and do) floss on the go.
Side note, there is a right and wrong way to floss. So, be mindful of that.
6. Other than morning time, brush after meals when you can, HOWEVER!!!! WAIT AT LEAST 20 MINUTES (see part 1.) In those 20 minutes after you finish eating, drink water and thoroughly swish it around your mouth to help dilute the acid sitting on your teeth. Floss during this time as well to get the crud out from between your teeth so it's not just sitting there. If you're out in public or at a job where you can't brush after lunch, brush as soon as you get home. Literally take off your shoes, hang up your coat, kiss your pet (or spouse or... idk houseplant) hello, and then go brush.
8. After your final brushing of the day, eat or drink nothing else but water. Nothing.
Look at me
Nothing else ಠ_ಠ
If you do want to eat or drink again, gonna have to wait 20 min and brush again 🤷‍♀️
So you see, it's less about a schedule and more just working the act of brushing and flossing into your normal eating routine. Make the two synonymous. Make it part of your meal process. Eat. Floss. Rinse with water. Wait, then brush.
For those who have days when they cannot mentally or physically make themselves brush, listen to me. I understand. It's ok. Believe me, I do know more than I ever say on here. But don't do nothing. If that is you, keep a small bottle of listerine next to your bed/chair so you can swish and spit. Buy a bag of flossers and keep those near you to at least floss. Buy those little one use brusher sticks/a clean rag and toothpaste and use those. If that's the best you can do, there's no shame in that. I promise your future self will be so, so grateful for these little things, because even a little is better than nothing. And in the end you deserve to have your mouth feel fresh, even when you yourself don't have the spoons to do much else.
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If you have chronic nerve pain (trigeminal neuralgia) due to your broken wisdom tooth like I do, here’s my list of things to try for pain management. These things might help for other chronic or acute facial nerve pain issues, jaw pain, broken teeth, wisdom tooth pain, toothache, etc.
• Ibuprofen, Tylenol and most medications severely interact with my other conditions, especially my stomach conditions, so I avoid them as much as possible. Liquid versions aren’t as bad if I can find dye free, citric acid free, versions in flavors I’m not allergic to. These can help for a lot of people though, just ask your dr if you’re unsure.
• Brushing the broken area, gently, to clean out any food particles that might be stuck in it is hit or miss but can make a difference. It’s always sore for a while after brushing so that’s a con
• I make homemade clove tinctures with vodka and whole and ground cloves. I let it sit in a glass container in a cool,dark place for as long as possible and shake it when I see it (keep it with your spices you’ll remember it more). Then I take a gauze pad and get a dropper full and put it on it. Both cloves and vodka have anesthetic properties and can numb it for a bit. It’s a very temporary solution, also can cause soreness from pressure on the tooth.
• Hot pad on the cheek can cause soreness too (a running theme) BUT it helps a lot especially with cold sensitivity. After you remove the hot pad you can be extra sensitive to the cold or drafts in the air so that sucks too but it passes after a couple mins usually.
• Waterpik flossers are great for sensitive mouth issues, and clean out the tooth area with minimal soreness. Great but takes more spoons to do than toothbrushing and is less portable.
• CBD oil is hit or miss. I have other serious chronic pain disorders and just like many generalized pain management options, it can sometimes get rid of the headache I didn’t notice anymore or the joint pain I dissociate out of existence. Like yeah, glad thats gone but it just makes me focus on the other pain more. Some CBD options aren’t strong enough to do shit for me.
• Warm salt water gargle/rinse is helpful for me most of the time, and it is really important to keep any broken teeth very, very clean due to infection risk. The warmth and salt can help with the pain overall though and so far doesn’t have negative effects for me. It’s very mild in terms of managing the pain though, it’s like a soft gentle kiss on a boo-boo. Feels nice in the moment but when you’re done it usually just goes back to the pain your had.
• TENS units might work for you. I have several electrical abnormalities in my heart so I’m not allowed to use TENS but I’ve heard they can help. Definitely ask a dr first for this one though because I don’t know all the safety risks especially with facial pain
• Warm environments with no drafts or wind, ideal for this pain, for me is not ideal bc of my cardiac issues.
• Medical ultrasound machine, I’ve used these for other conditions in PT and they help a lot!! I don’t know if you can get these outside of a medical setting, especially for a reasonable price, but a provider might be able to help with this. There is the ultrasound goop they put on wherever they do it though so like, might not be fun and also might be a bit sore after?
• Last resort: adult beverages so I’m not paying attention to the pain. Works best for sleeping for me, but obviously has it’s drawbacks.
I avoid:
- Cold environments
- Drafts and wind on my face
- Cold foods
- Hard foods
- Sleeping on the side that hurts
- Chewing on that side
- Talking too much, chewing gum, etc.
- Going anywhere without at least one pain management option available
- Trying to sleep without a pain management option or plan ready to go
- Not brushing my teeth, at minimum I use mouthwash after meals
And some important reminders:
• Watch out for signs of infection and get treatment ASAP. Dental infections are no joke and can be life threatening quickly, especially if you have certain medical conditions such as heart valve disorders (like me).
• These recommendations are from personal experience, talk to your medical providers to see if they’re right for you. I am not a doctor just a humble chronically ill person.
• These are not a replacement for actual medical treatments for your condition, you should still see a professional if you can.
• Many insurances don’t cover dental, dental issues are more common amongst poor people, rooted in the idea that you can still work with fucked up teeth or without teeth . Hence why they’re called “luxury bones”
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sawtrap · 1 year
I wanted to clean out my nose before I put my ring back in and I (very high) decided the best way to do this was to use my water flosser. Instantly I was met with what felt like a barrage millions and millions of tiny watery fists that would explode upon impact beating that silly middle flap of my nose absolutely senseless in a vaguely sexual style. My nose feels so clean and as if it will vibrate from now until the end of time.
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sidewalkchemistry · 2 years
Holistic Oral Hygiene Advice for a Blissfully Fresh & Healthy Mouth 🌟
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(this image comes from Nadine Artemis's book Renegade Beauty - I highly recommend anyone read it! It's a bliss babe must read💖)
This is advice that I've personally been following for years. I finally stopped seeing what I believed were natural weaknesses in my teeth, gums, and even the skin around my mouth. It also drastically simplified tooth care for me.
1. Ditch commercial toothpastes and mouthwashes. Take care that the composition of your dental products aren't influencing your saliva to become acidic. In such environments, the teeth suffer because enamel, cavities, and sensitivity to extreme temperatures develop with ease. I would even get dry, irritated skin on my mouth corners from them. They are normally formulated this way to leave a "squeaky clean" sensation, but it does more harm than good.
2. More pressure is not necessarily better. The tooth enamel can wear down from too much abrasion over time. Electric tooth brushes with softer bristles and applying minimal pressure is preferable. I let my water flosser do more of the pressure related activity.
3. Protect the oral microbiome. When the microbial balance is disrupted, things like cavities, infections, boils, and gingivitis can occur. Botanical sanitizers are better to maintain a harmonious microbial balance. Oil pulling, salt water gargles with small amounts of high quality food-safe essential oils (don't use the highly potent ones, do your research. Peppermint, spearmint, frankincense, tea tree are all fine), herbal mouthwashes, baking soda, and clay are all great options. Oral probiotics are also good to recalibrate balance if you've deeply lost harmony, especially from antibiotic treatments.
4. Pay attention to the gums as well! The gums should also be brushed/massaged. It helps keep the muscles strong (They need to hold your teeth in place. Loose teeth and receding gums are not a good sign) and helps lymph and blood circulation. Rubbing in an (ozonated) gum gel/serum is great to revitalize the cells of these areas.
5. Make your own mouthwash. Most mouthwashes have a lot of sugar in them which makes absolutely no sense if you're trying to keep your teeth healthy. Craft it from high quality ingredients that will alkalize your saliva, keep breath fresh, and support the balance of life in the world that is your mouth.
6. Do not forget about your herbs. Herbal teas are the best mouthwashes between meals. Make sure you sip some after sweets, sugary drinks, and underripe fruit. Licorice, mint, dandelion root, pine, rosemary, and parsley are some that I recommend. (Eating some leafy greens are the next best thing if no tea or mouthwash is available). Certain herbs can also be helpful for numbing/easing pains (ginger, spilanthes, cloves, valerian), tightening gums (red raspberry leaf, nettles, black or green tea, blackberry root, uva ursi), and healing mouth wounds/boils/blisters (plantain, marshmallow root, yarrow, Siberian elm).
7. Understand that your teeth are part of your living body. They naturally engage in growth and repair processes like the rest of your bones. Cavities do reverse. I've observed it in myself. And teeth are able to regenerate too (everything in the body is). It takes time, though, and a focused holistic healing protocol. Make sure you are actively encouraging a reality where those cells flourish as well!
8. Bring awareness to your pains and aches. The teeth are connected with the body. The nerves that run from them link to other areas and organs of the body. Often, in times of pain, we try to numb out the pain or distract ourselves from it. But pains are messages for us to interpret. Sitting in meditation with your pain can not only widen your awareness beyond the pain, but bring insight about what the root issue is. It can reveal things as simple as holding your jaw too tensely (letting yourself be consumed by stress) to deeper issues like stagnant lymphatic flow.
9. Flossing is certainly important for keeping all dimensions of your teeth clean. But it doesn't need to be done with strings alone. (I'm sure most people don't even floss effectively). Water irrigation tools (aka water piks), brushing at different angles, chewing barks/twigs/roots (like licorice, neem, Gouania lupuloides, miswak, calamus), and eating fresh, fibrous foods are also extraordinary in their effects.
10. What you eat matters. As always. Consciously managing what you consume sends the body a message of love. You'll notice what is not supportive for your teeth or what requires more diligent cleaning naturally when you eat with awareness. But never eat something with guilt either, just eat whatever you do consciously. It always does your body good and brings a higher degree of nourishment.
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crescent-mood · 6 months
Hello I hear that you are a dentistry student.
Is there anything you know of slash can think of that could be done to make the bi-annual Dentist Experience less intense? I have autism and sensory issues and the whole experience makes me so nervous I get close to vomiting because of how uncomfortable it is.
Hello! Thank you so much for the ask.
Indeed, I am a dentistry student, finishing studies very soon.
Here's some things that might help you or someone else out, hopefully.
Hear me out. If possible for you, make it so there's the least amount of effort that needs to be put into your appointment by the dentist or hygienist. What I mean by this is: take care of your teeth properly. And yes, I know how difficult this can be, especially when you're going through a depressive episode or a particularly rough patch. No judgement here!
What do I mean by taking care of your teeth properly? The usual: brush at least twice a day and floss. But there's more to it.
Use fluoride toothpaste. Whitening toothpaste tends to be more abrasive and I generally don't recommend it for that reason.
Medium or soft-bristled toothbrush. It will be more forgiving if your brushing technique is a bit too harsh.
Start brushing on the lingual side of your teeth first. That way you'll prevent the buildup of calculus where it usually tends to collect. Therefore, you might not even need scaling on your next appointment.
If you don't have the dexterity or patience for dental floss, use flossers.
To help your teeth re-mineralize and perhaps even stop surface-level caries from developing further, use products such as Tooth Mousse that contains "liquid enamel".
Try to actually go to the dentist as often as they suggest you should. The dentist assesses the risk of you having cavities or gum issues and how often you should have check-ups. Dental work usually gets more expensive and invasive the longer you let yourself go without regular visits.
If you consume a lot of soft drinks, have an eating disorder, acid reflux or vomit often, do not brush your teeth immediately after getting your teeth exposed to the acid. This over a period of time will combine erosion and abrasion to the enamel and dentin and can be very damaging. Instead, thoroughly rinse your mouth with water, then fluoride mouthwash, and wait at least 20 minutes before brushing your teeth. I know it feels disgusting but it prevents damage to the teeth that might need fixing in the future.
When it comes to visiting your dentist/hygienist:
Inform them about your sensory issues. If they don't take them seriously or accommodate them, maybe it's better to switch to someone else, if possible. I know advocating for yourself can be difficult but a good medical professional will take it into consideration.
Nausea can possibly be prevented with nitrous oxide or antihistamines. The former is often used for more invasive procedures such as tooth extractions. The right kind of antihistamines can reduce anxiety and nausea. If you want to consider those, talk to your family doctor about them and see if it's a good fit for you.
If you're very nervous, schedule an introductory appointment that will only be specifically for getting used to the dentist or hygienist as a person and the environment of the office. Voice your concerns then. Going to a pediatric dentist specifically might be a good option.
Ask the staff to walk you through every step of the way so you're not surprised by the experience.
If you dislike the sensation of your tongue getting really dry while getting a cavity filling done, ask beforehand if there's a possibility of using a dental dam during the procedure. It might be uncomfortable in other ways but it will keep your tongue moist.
That's all the things I've thought of so far. I might add onto it in the future. Feel free to ask me any questions you might have and I'll try to answer them to the best of my ability. If you have any specific sensory issues and would like to share, I'd love to try and help out!
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misterflossyau · 4 months
The Power of the Electric Water Flosser
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In the realm of dental care, the electric water flosser emerges as a formidable innovation amidst a landscape of continual advancements aimed at enhancing oral hygiene. Its significance extends beyond mere novelty, fundamentally reshaping perspectives on routine dental maintenance. Combining traditional flossing techniques with cutting-edge technology, this device stands out as a transformative tool rather than just another product on the market. Its introduction has sparked a global revolution, drawing attention from those seeking superior dental health. Notably, its ability to use pulsating water to effectively clean tight spaces between teeth sets it apart as a pioneering solution. For further exploration of this topic, follow the provided link to expand your understanding. Read More
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brosser-les-dents · 6 months
you've given good advice for brushing teeth when that sucks sensory wise but do you have good advice for flossing? it hurts and takes so long and switching to those y shaped floss picks hrlped but it still sucks and I struggle to do it. and my jaw is very narrow so the gap between my teeth is basically non existent and yeah
When I started my floss journey, I also struggled. My teeth, like yours, were very tight so I started with the oral b glide floss in the blue container bc that was the only thing I could get between my teeth.
Once I started flossing regularly, I found my teeth less tight. So I have since moved on from this as I find it doesn't clean as well as others. Also getting your teeth cleaned might help open things up bc it'll clear up any buildup between teeth.
The other thing I found that helped is actually pulling out enough floss. I used to wind it too tight around my fingers because I used too little so would wrap it too hard. You also need enough because you don't use the same area of floss for all your teeth. You actually move down the floss every time you floss between teeth. This helps to keep the floss new everytime you get it between teeth. I have issues where it shreds so if you keep moving it along the floss, you move away from the used shredded areas.
The floss I like best is Listerine reach floss but I can't ever find it anywhere.
The other thing you mentioned is that you've got a narrow jaw opening. There is the option to go to a water flosser. I know it's pricy to begin with, but it means not having to stick your fingers in your mouth and maneuver a piece of floss. And it really does work amazing if you're doing it right.
It was especially helpful when I had braces bc you obvi can't get normal floss in between teeth with the braces. I also now have a permanent wire attached for life helping to retain the position of my bottom teeth. So maneuvering around that is a pain.
I use a combo of floss and water flosser right now. I water floss after breakfast and coffee/tea on the morning and I use floss at night.
I hope this helps you on your floss journey! Flossing really can be so tedious and painful. But once you get the hang of it and your gums get nice and healthy, it almost feels like a daily gum massage.
If anyone else is struggling with the floss, def leave a comment or ask! There are options and collectively we can try and help each other find solutions!
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dentistatplumcreek · 9 months
Tips for Maintaining Oral Health Between Dental Visits
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Life whisks us away, and dental appointments often fall victim to the whirlwind. But fear not, fellow smile advocates! Maintaining excellent oral health doesn't require a calendar synced with your dentist's. By incorporating simple yet effective habits into your daily routine, you can bridge the gap between appointments and strut into your next checkup with pearly whites beaming with pride.
Brushing Bonanza: The Twice-Daily Ritual
Think of brushing as a superhero duo: fluoride toothpaste and a soft-bristled brush team up to vanquish plaque and bacteria, the arch-enemies of healthy teeth and gums. Aim for two minutes of vigorous brushing, morning and night, focusing on all tooth surfaces, the gum line, and even that sneaky tongue that harbors pesky bacteria. Remember, brushing too aggressively can damage your gums, so be gentle yet thorough.
Flossing Force: Battling the Plaque Between
Brushing can only reach so far. Enter the floss, your trusty interdental warrior. Once a day, weave that magical thread between your teeth, scraping away plaque and food debris that your toothbrush can't reach. Don't be afraid to hug the curves of your teeth—a gentle yet firm approach is key. And if traditional floss feels like a tangled mess, consider floss picks or water flossers for an easier, no-less-effective clean.
Hydration Hero: The Power of H2O
Water isn't just your body's best friend; it's your mouth's superhero in disguise. Sipping throughout the day washes away food particles and plaque, keeps your mouth moist (dry mouth is a breeding ground for bacteria), and even strengthens your tooth enamel. So ditch the sugary sodas and embrace the power of plain old water—your smile will thank you.
Dietary Defender: Choosing Smile-Friendly Foods
What you eat plays a major role in your oral health. Sugary treats and acidic foods create a feast for cavity-causing bacteria, while crunchy fruits and vegetables act like natural toothbrushes, stimulating saliva production and helping scrub away plaque. Choose wisely, and remember, moderation is key even for healthy foods.
Sweet Dreams for Your Smile: The Nighttime Routine
While you slumber, your mouth doesn't stop working. Saliva naturally bathes your teeth, neutralizing harmful acids and fighting bacteria. But if you have sleep apnea or snore, your mouth might dry out, creating a breeding ground for bad breath and cavities. If you suspect sleep issues, consult your doctor or dentist. They might recommend a special mouthguard or other solutions to keep your smile protected while you catch some Zzz's.
Bonus Tip: Embrace the Power of Prevention
Regular dental checkups and cleanings are like Kryptonite to oral health woes. Your dentist can spot potential problems early, offer targeted solutions, and keep your smile shining bright. So, schedule your appointments diligently and don't hesitate to reach out if you experience any dental concerns between visits.
Remember, a healthy smile isn't just about aesthetics; it's a gateway to overall well-being. By incorporating these simple tips into your daily routine, you can maintain exceptional oral health between dental visits, paving the way for a lifetime of confident smiles. And if you're ever in doubt, seeking guidance from a trusted Dentist in Kyle is always the best course of action. They'll be your partner in crime-fighting against dental woes, ensuring your smile remains a beacon of radiant health.
So, brush, floss, hydrate, and choose smile-friendly foods. Your commitment to these simple habits will empower you to conquer the gap between dental visits and reveal a smile that's not just healthy, but truly dazzling.
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magz · 2 years
current dental products that magz use + review
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Colgate Periogard Toothbrush - a soft bristle toothbrush. way more gentle than average toothbrush, which helpful if have sensitive gums or difficulty control strength in hand consistent.
does not specifically have to be this brand. used to use coco floss toothbrush which was even more gentle. used to bleed way more with normal toothbrush bristles, even lost part of gum line as result thus soft bristle better for magz use. colgate periogard more affordable + easier to get (for magz) than cocofloss toothbrush also.
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Coco Floss dental floss (with refill) - main product, a soft floss made of coconut fiber to use between teeth. the marketing is more focused on sustainability and environmental friendliness - however, not continually affordable. any floss fine as long as can use it - though interdental picks and proxybrushes can work better if have shaky hands. because cocofloss fibruous, ocassionally have split ends if too rough on it...
alternative of water flosser more expensive (do not have) but more sustainable... if can handle have tool that shoot water, potentially messy.
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Davids Toothpaste - a nano-hydroxyapatite toothpaste, comes with a tool to squeeze out more toothpaste from the tube. magz personally use alternate between normal fluoride n this. nano-hydroxyapatite an artificial form of what teeth are made of, with potential to aid in rebuild teeth material (small level). kinda cost bit more than average toothpaste... use small amount when do use.
Not fan of specifically Davids spearmint toothpaste taste and not sure if amount of baking soda have adequate low levels for toothpaste (too high can be issue).
hydroxyapatite toothpaste Is more commonly used in Japan, but hydroxyapatite derived toothpastes were invented by NASA.
(Do not have same risk of overdose as prescription high concentrated fluoride toothpastes, which don't recommed if have inadvertent swallowing). However, don't get Davids *charcoal* version of toothpaste or any charcoal toothpaste, they are generally too abrasive for teeth n charcoal have potential for mess with medication (over-counter n prescription)
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Orabrush Tongue Scraper - specified tool for cleaning the tongue, as toothbrushes are not great at it. works pretty alright. has good handle like toothbrush so though. drink water afterwards tho, as it scrapes salive on tongue too. Does not activate magz gag reflex somehow unlike when use toothbrush for tongue.
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PUR gum (xylitol) aspartame free - xylitol useful for make teeth slippery, thus make it harder for food to get stuck to some teeth surface. spearmint flavor specifically not have good aftertaste. Is a dental hygiene recommended gum. Potentially affordable for amount can get (in bulk).
chewing gum is useful for thinking and habit also, though normal sugar gums not great for teeth, so xylitol gum have best of both. Does not specifically have to be this brand but has its own benefits (it have listing where ingredients derived from and avoid common allergies)
Warning: xylitol can be dangerous n fatal for pets so keep out of reach (magz not live with the pets atm, so is fine). is like concentrated chocolate n grapes level of danger for dogs and cats.
Ran out. sad.
(bonus: 4% hydrogen peroxide, which dilute in water for disenfectant. AFTER brushing teeth. use very infrequent.)
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hypergamiss · 2 years
I’m in Mex and I got a teeth cleaning because it is only $17 so why not… it was the best experience ever. I was shocked at how gentle the dentist was with my teeth/gums and how painless the whole process was. You can tell she genuinely enjoys her profession by the way she walked me through everything that she was going to do to me with all the patience in the world. She congratulated me on having great hygiene with close to perfect teeth. She was very happy to see very clean and healthy teeth and told me to continue whatever it was I was doing. I honestly have invested in pricey tooth brushes and a water flosser. It has paid off and been totally worth it!
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effervescentdragon · 1 year
water flosser is the best thing for adhd i just spent 23 minutes playing w mine bcs water goes vroom and the brain goes yessssss
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