#bestfriend!sirius black x reader
thestoryofella · 4 months
before he cheats
summary: after your cheating boyfriend leaves you heartbroken, you and Sirius–mostly Sirius–drunkenly decide to teach him a lesson by keying his car.
warnings: brief sexual content, angst, hurt/comfort, mutual pining, fluff, drinking, swearing
sirius black x reader ✿ 1679 words
You were completely and utterly heartbroken. 
After a long day of work, you stopped by your boyfriend’s flat to visit him since you got off thirty minutes early. Despite dating for two years, you still hadn’t moved in together, as Chad “liked his personal space.” 
Or so you thought. Because what the woman on top of Chad was doing right now certainly didn’t look respectful of his personal space.
His bare torso gleamed with sweat, and the woman–who looked nothing like you–rolled her hips on top of him, her neck slightly tilted back. When Chad saw you in the doorway of his bedroom, his eyes widened in shock before he pushed the woman off of him, pulling a blanket to cover his body before strolling over to you in a demeanor that was entirely too confident for the situation.
“Y/N! What are you doing here?” He asked, seeming to attempt to sugarcoat his actions with an awkward and ineffective chuckle. 
“What are you doing?” You retorted back, pointing an accusatory finger towards his bare chest. You kept your voice low, trying to be mindful of his neighbors in the apartment complex. Tears gleamed in your eyes, and you almost felt embarrassed at how quickly you got worked up–something Chad made fun of you for constantly–until you spotted the woman tiptoeing to the bathroom. 
His mouth opened up a few times, seeming to try and come up with a concrete reason for what you had just seen. But he couldn’t, and after a few tries, he closed his mouth in silent defeat. 
You shook your head at him, flabbergasted by what you witnessed, before turning on your heel. Right before you left his flat, just for clarity’s sake, you muttered, “We’re done,” before opening the door, going, and slamming the door behind you. Screw the neighbors.
♡ ♡ ♡
For the next three days, your set-up in the living room of your flat was a sad sight. Atop your leather sofa were pounds of used tissues, covered in your snot and tears, and you had been in the same pair of pajamas for three days straight. For those three days, you’d rewatched your comfort movie approximately twenty times. 
It wasn’t until the third day that you heard your phone buzz for the twentieth time, the ringtone you’d chosen for your best friend Sirius blaring over the Titanic soundtrack. You finally decided to answer and quickly regretted the decision when you heard Sirius’s blaring voice over the speaker. So much for a peaceful afternoon in.
“Y/N! Why have you disappeared off the face of the planet?” Sirius’s voice rang out through the speakerphone, clear, concerned, and loud. 
After glancing at your tissue pile, you begrudgingly decided that this conversation might be better in person if you could get through it without choking over your tears. “Umm, how about I tell you over some drinks? Can you meet me at the bar in an hour?” You offered your plan as best possible, trying not to cringe at how unsure you sounded. 
Sirius huffed over the phone, clearly unsatisfied with waiting to hear your story. “Fine, but you better tell me everything.” He drawled out, settling. 
“See you then,” you replied, hanging up the phone and leaping off the couch. If you only had an hour to fix yourself up, you had to hurry.
♡ ♡ ♡
By the time you reached the bar, you were sweating. Both from the quick pace at which you had to shower and dress yourself and the even faster pace at which you had to walk to the bar to meet Sirius at your agreed time. 
When you walked into The Black Dog, you spotted Sirius’s mop of jaw-length black hair before anything else, walking over to slide into his booth. When you sat down, his eyes widened slightly before his lips turned upwards, and he smiled a winsome smile as he took in your appearance. You fought the urge to roll your eyes. 
“Looks like someone finally decided to leave the house.” 
“Shut up,” you replied quickly, sticking up your finger to tell him to wait as you ordered many tequila shots; surely, this would keep you two well-hydrated for the night. 
“Before or after we take some shots?” He asked when you returned.
“After,” you replied quickly. It took very little thought to decide you needed some alcohol in your system to get through this without either crying or feeling so embarrassed you crawled back home and never came out of your bedroom. 
Sensing your serious story, Sirius leaned back in his chair, ready to hear you vent. “Ladies first,” he gestured to the shot tray. 
In response, you slammed down two shots, chasing with a sip of water. Inhaling a breath, you began. “Chad cheated on me,” you let the words escape your lips quickly, hoping Sirius wouldn’t detect any emotion in them. 
His demeanor immediately stiffened, eyes narrowing in anger for you, but he didn’t let it show if he was angry. “Are you okay?” He muttered. The words were uncharacteristically soft for the raven-haired man, who extended his hand as he placed it on your forearm. 
“Yes,” you uttered, the word coming out as a choke. You sighed, acknowledging defeat. “Not really,” you decided to confess. 
He hummed in understanding, pushing another shot your way before downing one himself. He nodded at you to continue. 
“I mean, I don’t know what to say. We’ve been–” You sigh. “We had been dating for two years, and I come to Chad’s apartment, and he’s naked with someone who isn’t me,” you continue. “It just really sucks,” you finished, not caring to try and use fancy language. 
“You deserve better than that asshole,” Sirius declared, downing two more shots. You offered him a glassy-eyed smile in response. 
“Here, drink up. We’re going to need it,” Sirius said, pushing two more shots toward you before finishing his share. 
“For what?” You asked, finishing your share of the shots as well. 
“Revenge,” Sirius declared, a mischievous glint taking over his eye. 
“What–” You started, but before you could finish, Sirius grabbed your hand, tugging you towards the door. 
“Just trust me,” he said, interlocking your fingers before practically sprinting down the sidewalk. 
You ran along, embracing the warmth that came from his slender hands.
♡ ♡ ♡
When you got to Chad’s apartment, you decided you should not have trusted Sirius. You two stood beside Chad’s brand-new red Mercedes convertible on the sidewalk outside his flat. 
“What are we doing?” you asked, a slight slur to your words. The tequila had kicked in. 
“We are going to key Chad’s car,” Sirius announced, his voice leaving little room for argument. 
Your mouth fell open in a gape. “We cannot do that!” you whisper-shouted, shocked by his audacity. Though you had to admit, the idea was not entirely repulsive. 
“Yes, we can,” Sirius said, unlooping his carabiner from his belt loop and tossing his keys to you. 
You caught his keys with both hands, staring at the shiny medal. “He’ll know who did it,” you said. 
“In London?” Sirius huffed out. “He has no cameras, and he lives in a major city. We just have to be careful not to leave a trace.” 
You stood for a second, considering his words. Recalling the way the woman’s body moved on top of his, you decided this idea wasn’t half-bad. “Okay,” you agreed. “But you have to go first.” 
“You go first, and I’ll help,” Sirius said. 
“What do you mean by that?” You asked, confused by the proposition. 
It didn’t take a second before Sirius put his hand over yours, shoving the key between both your fingers as he grasped the top of your smaller hand. Guiding you to the driver’s door, he took control of your enclosed hands, firmly dragging the key down the fresh paint. You fought the urge to wince as it squealed had Sirius’s larger hand not kept yours in place. 
“Like this,” he breathed into your ear. Your back was pressed flush to his chest, his free hand languidly grasping your hip. You flushed at the closeness. “Now do the other side, alone,” He said, grasping your hips with both hands to guide you to the passenger's side. 
You squatted down, digging the key into the car and dragging it to the gas pump. When you looked behind you, Sirius was smiling in delight. 
“Perfect,” he muttered, but he wasn’t looking at the new damage to Chad’s car. He was looking at you. 
Suddenly, you noticed Chad’s apartment filled with golden light through a window directly above where you and Sirius stand, vandalizing his car. 
Sirius must’ve noticed, too, but he grabbed your hand and his keys again. “Fuck, we have to run,” He deduced. 
You fought the urge to squeal as your body filled with sudden adrenaline, both you and Sirius taking off in a wild sprint.
♡ ♡ ♡
You panted from the exercise when you reached a park eight blocks away, leaning against a tree as Sirius sat on the grass. Your lungs greedily took in the air. You jolted your head downwards when you heard Sirius throw his head back in a throaty laugh. 
“That was magnificent,” Sirius concluded, a broad grin overtaking his features. 
You couldn’t help but laugh with him, clutching your stomach and falling to the floor beside him. 
“Yeah, it was,” you agreed. “Thanks for convincing me to do it,” you offered up, appreciative of your best friend. 
Sirius hummed in response, brushing his thumb across your cold knuckles. “Hopefully, next time, he’ll think before he cheats,” he muttered, smiling softly at you. 
You couldn’t help but smile back, leaning your head against his warm shoulder. “Yeah,” you agreed. But with Sirius’s warm body radiating heat into yours, you could care less about Chad cheating. 
You just appreciated having Sirius here with you, and you grasped onto his hand for emphasis. You figured he felt the same way when he dragged your now enclosed hands to his lips and pressed a kiss to the back of yours.
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singmyaubade · 2 years
we are sorry
warning : mentions of cursing
sypnosis: a prank gone wrong
poly!marauders x upset!y/n
you were deeply upset at your boyfriends, they were sincerely pissing you off. it all started with them talking to other girls, making them laugh even.
then it was the fact that they were forgetting your entire relationship with them, i mean you knew that sometimes they could tend to get busy or distracted but it was getting to you.
and your period was making it worse.
you weren't even smiling anymore.
your emotions were off the radar and you just couldn't deal with anything without getting aggravated and what made it worse was that your birthday was today.
they hadn't even said happy birthday or anything, not even a card or flowers.
you didn't even think they would attempt to do anything for it.
little did you know, they planned a grand birthday party that they knew you would love and ignoring you was just adding to how busy they were because of the planning.
but they knew that they couldn't ignore you forever so they decided to have a good old prank to make you laugh, just to add to your birthday.
they of course knew it would make you laugh because that stuff always did and you didn't mind them as long as they were justified and not cruel.
and they had everything planned out for severus snape as soon as he would walk into the classroom.
a bucket of yellow paint would fall with a bunch of feathers that was impossible to get out and then he would trip on some rope, humiliating him.
it was perfect.
snape was always late to class and everyone else stayed consistent so there was no chance of this prank going wrong.
they even knew that slughorn wouldn't notice anything because he liked the boys so much.
but it turns out, you were gonna be a little late to class. you had accidentally misplaced your button up and had only found it five minutes after class started.
the marauders were wondering where you were but they figured you weren't attending and they would check on you after class.
you were running to slughorns classroom in a panic, hoping he would let you off with a warning.
you noticed snape was behind you as you started running but you ran ahead of him, trying to get to class fast. your backpack was hanging on your arm as you didn't feel the need to re-adjust it.
as you were in front of the classroom you opened the door to step in but before you could even take at least three steps in, a bucket of yellow paint and feathers dropped on your hair and all over your clothes and shoes, even your backpack.
the marauders looked horrified as the entire class gasped including slughorn.
it was in your eyes and you could barely see anything but yellow as you stepped forward and tripped on the rope, completely on the floor.
"ms l/n!" slughorn yelled but not coming over to where you were but instead trying to calm down the class.
some slytherins in the class started laughing and even a few from other houses as you started crying.
your skirt was completely flopped up which showed your panties.
the marauders ran over to you as remus and james tried to helping you stand and sirius tried getting your backpack but you knew they were up to it, "get the fuck off of me!" you yelled at them as you left your backpack on the ground, trying to stand but slipping on the paint and landing on your knee.
you were in extreme pain but that didn't even matter in the slightest.
"y/n, we are so sorry." remus apologized as if he was on the brink of tears.
you were mortified but honestly just so upset that you couldn't breathe.
"please let us help you." james said, grabbing on your arm.
you snatched it away, "just please fuck off of my life." you snatched your hand back.
you were uncontrollably sobbing and you couldn't see a single thing as you stood up to run out of the classroom.
you ran to the nearest bathrooms and looked in the mirror to see your hair completely soaked with paint and it was very pigmented.
you had never felt so humiliated in your life.
paint was all over you and you couldn't even get it out with water or a paper towel.
you were silently crying, just trying to get it out of your hair but it wasn't coming out.
the marauders had no idea where you had ran and they had never felt so guilty in their life and they had no idea what to say to you.
this was extremely bad.
you didn't even come out of the bathroom.
you just sat on one of the toilets and cried your eyes out.
this was the worst day of your life.
and it certainly wasn't a birthday you would forget.
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ellecdc · 11 days
New to Nesting
alpha!Remus Lupin x omega!bestfriend reader who nests for the very first time [2.2k words]
p2 to this post but can be read as a standalone
Prompt: Nesting-character A is building their first nest and is a bit overwhelmed and confused - their nest ends up being a bit...unconventional. Character B is still incredibly proud of course.
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Remus had spent the majority of his life fighting against The Wolf, his lycanthropy, his nature; he resisted the deeper urges and instincts that threatened to take over at any given moment.
So when his best friend presented as an omega, prompting him to present as an alpha, he was once again ready to fight his instincts, his nature.
Sirius told him all he knew about alpha’s - the Black’s being a line of alpha’s until Sirius presented as a beta were the only examples of alpha’s he could go off of - and it’s understandable why Remus was so wary of giving into his nature, even if it meant getting to keep you.
He had no desire to give into the animalistic urge to claim you, to have you belong to him, to be subservient to him.
So you can imagine that it came as a huge surprise (and relief) for him to realise that being your alpha was not claiming you, it was not you belonging to him, and it was not you being subservient to him.
It was caring for you, valuing you, protecting you, and it was devoting himself body and soul to you.
So, you know, nothing had really changed since the two of you started dating. What he had already felt for you just became instinctual for him.
Being your alpha meant taking care of you, and so he did.
Though he admittedly didn’t feel like he was doing a very good job of it at the moment; mostly because you were pacing around the flat chewing your thumb - which was likely very close to bleeding at this point - and mumbling incoherently to yourself as you picked up and put back various items and then squirrelling back to the room before washing, rinsing, and repeating.
He’d asked you what you were up to a few times, to which you quickly waved him off. He’d asked if he could help you at all to which you quickly declined.
He was pretending to read when you came wandering back into the room, still muttering, still chewing on your thumb, still lovely and beautiful and his and fuck he loved you.
And it was because he loved you that when you ended up standing over him giving him your best doe eyes and asking if you could have the blanket he currently had over his lap, he simply pulled it off his lap and handed it to you instead of pointing out the fact that there was a free throw blanket folded nicely over the couch across the room.
He was rewarded for his sacrifice by way of a sweet kiss, though, so he wasn’t too bothered.
While you were back in the room - doing whatever you’d been doing - he summoned the other throw blanket over and continued in his reading.
But eventually he realised he couldn’t find his bookmark, so he stood and shook his (new) blanket out and put it aside before checking the cushions of the sofa to no avail.
He knew you had come back into the room, but you still managed to startle him when he turned to find you standing right behind him with his throw blanket held tentatively in your grasp.
“What are you doing, dovey?”
“Can I take this?” You asked in way of answering; tone soft and eyes large.
Remus began to speak but his words died on his tongue; he didn’t want to say no to you, but you’d also already taken one of the blankets from the living room. Were you cold? Were you getting sick? Should he light a fire? Should he call St. Mungos?
He didn’t know where to start, so all that managed to escape his lips was “do you know where my bookmark went?”
You wrung the blanket between your hands as you avoided eye contact with him. “I borrowed it.” You admitted in a whisper.
“Oh…okay…” Remus started slowly. “But…what will I use for my book?”
That had, apparently, been the wrong thing to say when your eyes welled with tears and you looked at him in devastation.
“I- I’m sorry.” You nearly sobbed, and Remus was quickly shaking his head.
“No! No no, it’s okay dovey, it’s alright. I’ll use a receipt.” And to punctuate that decision, he pulled a wad of receipts out of his trouser pocket to show you.
That, apparently, was a mistake too as you eyed them in interest. Thankfully he was able to convince you to let him keep one of them before you squirrelled away with the rest.
And then it hit him.
He ran to the kitchen to check the calendar on the wall that the two of you used to track each of your cycles as well as the moon - you were coming into heat.
And though he was accustomed to your heats by this point; this behaviour was very new.
You were nesting.
For the very first time, at that.
Remus felt his chest swell with pride and love, though tried to keep both at bay as he carefully tiptoed down the hall towards your shared bedroom.
He could hear a record - one of his favourites - playing quietly in the background before he made it to the doorway.
Both blankets you had stolen from Remus were hanging over the two side railings of your four poster bed frame - closing in the bed with only an opening at the foot of it not unlike a den.
You seemed to have tucked Remus’ receipts and bookmark in between two pillows, and he could spot a few of his jumpers, his towel from his shower this morning, the throw pillows from the couch he usually used as back support, a hair brush, a few socks, and… a fork?
“Baby.” He breathed out, causing you to turn on the spot and bring your thumb back up to your teeth. “What are you up to?”
You let out a pained breath from your nose as your eyes welled up again. “I don’t know.” You whispered.
“Are you making a nest?” He cooed, and you let out a wet sound.
“It’s bad.”
He found he couldn’t take it anymore and pried your thumb from between your teeth, pressing a kiss to the raw skin you’d been mauling all afternoon. “It’s not bad, dove.”
“It’s terrible.” You continued as you eyed the nest sceptically.
“I’m terrible at this.”
Remus took you by the shoulders and turned you towards him and forced you to make eye contact with him. “It is not terrible, and you, my love, are certainly not terrible either.”
“I’m not good at it.” You whimpered then, tears finally falling down your cheeks that Remus was quick to catch with his thumb.
“You’re perfect at everything you do.”
You let out a sound halfway between a groan and a sob. “You have to say that.”
“Dovey, it’s your first nest; it’s wonderful.” He pressed, and fought back a chuckle when he could feel you stop your foot petulantly.
“Why don’t you try it out, hm? Maybe that’ll feel better? Do you want to take a shower and get into some comfies to give it a try?” He murmured into your hair, relishing in the way you melted into his side as you considered the prospect.
“Would you come, too?” You asked shyly.
Remus pulled back only far enough to look you in the eyes.
“In the shower? Or-”
“My…nest.” You corrected, though you all but sneered the end of the sentence as if nest was a dirty word.
“I’d love to, baby. Go shower, yeah? I’ll put a jumper in the dryer for you.” He directed with a gentle pat at your hip, but you shook your head and tugged at the jumper Remus was currently wearing.
“I want this one?” You whispered in the form of a question, and Remus should have expected it.
“Done, it’s yours. I’ll wait for you, okay?”
And Remus felt a little guilty, but he figured you didn’t need to know that the second you were out the room, he ran to grab his camera and take pictures of your nest, your very first nest; one you built here, with him, for him and you with things of his you deemed worthy and fuck he was going to simply combust with the amount of fondness he felt coursing through his veins for you.
True to his word, he was standing exactly where you’d left him (if you ignored the fact that he ran to grab his camera, took multiple pictures of your nest, ran to hide the evidence of his picture taking and returned only moments before he heard the water shut off) when you exited the bathroom wrapped in a towel.
He quickly divulged himself of his jumper and held it open for you to put your head through the neck hole, allowing him to pull it over the rest of your body as you let the towel fall to the ground.
“Do you want this one too, dove?” He asked you quietly as he picked up your used towel, referring to the fact that you had his towel in your nest already.
You seemed to consider it as you lifted one end of it, bringing it to your nose to sniff before releasing it with a shake of your head.
Remus bit back a beaming smile as he pressed a kiss to your head and carried it to the hamper.
When he came back, you were kneeling in the middle of the bed with your thumb between your damned teeth again, and a protective sort of possessiveness surged through him at the sight.
“It’s not right.” You murmured sadly.
“What’s not right about it?” He asked gently, reaching over for your hand and huffing when you gave him the one not currently being assaulted by your mouth.
“I don’t know…”
“May I come in?” And you startled as you looked over at him in awe.
“Yes.” You said almost excitedly, moving over to give him room.
He tried to pay mind to where you had seemed to place things, not wanting to shift or disrupt the nest you had made as he crawled in. “Where do you want me?”
You seemed to think on that before ultimately pointing to his side of the bed where he laid back tentatively.
“You look uncomfortable.” You said worriedly as you watched him lay rigidly on his side.
He offered you what he hoped was a smile though he was sure was mostly a grimace. “I don’t want to ruin it.”
You scoffed as you nudged him at his shoulder so he would relax. “It’s already ruined.”
“It’s terrible, you can’t ruin it.”
“It’s not terrible and I can ruin it.”
“Stop arguing with me.”
“You stop arguing with me.” He countered, and he relished in the small giggle that escaped your lips as you moved to lay beside him.
“I…I think it’s better now.” You said tentatively, eyes still darting around the bed as though you were trying to make sure.
“Yeah…I think it was just missing you.”
Remus let out a pitiful sound at that and pulled you into his chest. “Fuck you’re so sweet, I love you.”
You sucked in a deep - and apparently well needed - breath as you melted into his side, pressing your nose to a point in his neck signalling Remus to grab your wrist and bring it to the other side of his neck to scent.
“I’m proud of you- don’t argue with me.” He murmured, cutting you off before you even had a chance to utter one word of contradiction.
“Thank you, Rem.” You opted instead, still hiding your face in the junction of his neck he didn’t deign remove you from.
The two of you sat in contented silence for a while before Remus broke it.
“I think we could do without the fork next time, though.” He admitted as he shifted his hip when he realised that’s what had been poking him in the back.
You nearly ripped yourself from Remus’ neck to grab the fork and toss it across the room, smiling to yourself as you considered your nest again.
“Okay…okay, I- I think this is better. This is better.” You decided, speaking more to yourself than you were to him; he was happy to listen anyway.
Remus smiled as pushed a lock of hair behind your ear. “It’s perfect. You’re perfect.”
You smiled down at him; ethereal and warm and bright and his and fuck he loved you so much.
“I love you so much.” You whispered, drawing a line down his nose with a gentle finger before pausing at his chin, apparently having read his mind.
“I love you too, my sweet girl.”
And Remus was so glad that he didn’t have to fight the instinct to pull you into his chest and breathe you in; to love you, protect you, to devote himself to you, body and soul.
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ginevrapng · 1 year
I saw that you were accepting requests and I was wondering if you could write something about best friends’ dads!marauders x reader or something like that?
If not, I completely understand! <3
i've never written bestfriends!dads before so i hope you enjoy it! i didn't know if you wanted me to include peter but the majority of marauders fics leave out peter and i think this concept works better without him. <3
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there was a lot of great things about being harry potter's best friend, one of those things happens to be getting to spend time with his hot dad james, completely off limits dad. that doesn't stop you from thinking about how charming he is though.
you've seen photos of james when he were younger and harry is a spitting image of him. now with age he's changed in all the best ways, his hair less messy, neater with slightly having the appearance of being slicked back and with thicker frame glasses. a distinction between him and harry, both younger and older is his build, james being more built with broader shoulders and more muscular.
he's kind and considerate and always calls you 'sweetheart' making you flush and every time leaves you wide eyed. you've never heard him call anyone else sweetheart so it's always leaving you feeling bashful.
james tells you that you can come and visit and stay whenever you want and you're always welcome so whenever you spend time at harry's you also end up seeing his two godfathers who also spend a lot of time there. whenever that happens you are rather reluctant to leave the house, not just enjoying all the company that they deliver but also how attractive they are, just like james.
remus somehow always memorising you. like when he rolls his sleeves up so you can see his arms or how you swear you sometimes see in the corner of your eye glimpses of him looking at your lips while you're talking. his jumpers and cardigans always looking so comfortable and soft, you wonder what they'd look like on you. you think about his sandy hair that covers his eyes and his beautiful hazel eyes that crinkle when he smiles and how he always looks tired and how you'd happily let him rest and sleep on you. he never talks about his work but it must be pretty rough for him to constantly look so tired.
sirius is ruggedly handsome always leaning against walls instead of sitting down, even when a seat is available. leaving you watching longer than you should as you watch his pose and see him stretching causing his tshirt to rise, exposing a bit of his torso. he has his long jet black hair which now has streaks of grey that he constantly runs his hands through.
you're going back into the living room, where everyone is, after you went to the kitchen to get a glass of cold water due to the heat and see sirius moving in a way that momentarily makes you freeze.
"you alright doll?" sirius smirks at you after spotting you. you nod but are unable to stop shifting side to side nervously after being caught, causing him to raise his eyebrow, looking amused as he chuckles at you.
this is the first time any of them has addressed your behaviour towards them but they have all noticed your longing looks and shy glances.
they've all been waiting for the moment to make a move and they're starting to lose their patience. you were none the wiser with their intentions, trying to get you alone, away from your friends and away from harry, asking you personal questions and give you special attention.
"you got a boyfriend or girlfriend doll? sirius asked you out of the blue one day, catching you completely off guard.
you splutter and try to answer while james starts speaking. "you're not dating my harry are you sweetheart?"
"what! of course i'm not! we're just friends." you say probably louder than you should, wanting to defend yourself.
you hear someone coming up behind you, "good." remus clasps your shoulders with his hands, slowly rubbing them and making patterns with his thumbs before he moves away and goes to help sirius with the washing up.
fiddling with your fingers you watch them all clear the table and sort out things that needed to be doing in the house with a small dreamy smile on your face.
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moonstruckme · 11 months
I have an idea! Imagine reader and james are bestfriend, reader ask james to help her find a lingerie (bcs she want to impress a boy she like) so there he is sitting infront of the changing room and having to watch the reader change into multiple lingerie w a hard on.
Maybe then he realize that he doesn’t want anyone to see his bestf like this?
I love a possessive jamie!
Thanks for requesting!
cw: sexual implications, nothing explicit though
bestfriend!James x fem!reader ♡ 472 words
“It was fucking awful,” James laments, nursing a cup of tea and shoving biscuit after biscuit into his mouth. He’s at Remus and Sirius’ flat, after inventing some plans with his friends as an excuse to get away from you. “I had to think of my gran wearing that stuff just to be able to stand up when she was ready to leave.” 
“I still don’t understand why you agreed to go in the first place,” Remus says while Sirius tries to get his giggling under control. “Why would you help the woman you’re in love with pick out lingerie for another guy?”
“I’m not in love with her!” James throws up his hands, sick of having this same argument every time you come up. “I mean, I do love her—she’s my best friend. But I mean, you could put me in front of any attractive girl when she’s wearing something like that, and I’m bound to have some thoughts. It didn’t matter that it was her, specifically. It was…it was boobs. It’s boobs’ fault.” 
Sirius cackles, and James lobs a biscuit at him. 
“I’d like to see you try to keep yourself under control in that situation, Pads. It’s biology, I couldn’t help it!” 
“Oh, I know the feeling.” Sirius grins, reclining back against Remus’ chest. “Seems like exactly how I felt when I found out Moony here had made out with half of Gryffindor.” 
Remus rolls his eyes, as sick of this joke as James is of the ones about you. Still, he wraps a hand around Sirius’ thigh in solidarity. 
“It’s different,” James grumbles. “That was…well, that was you two.” 
“He makes a good point,” Remus says, and Sirius tilts his head back to beam up at his boyfriend proudly. “We both know what it feels like to think you love someone as a friend when it’s really something more.” 
James glowers. “She was in a black. Lacy. Set. I am not made of stone!” 
Remus only hums, sipping at his tea. “If it was your gran, you wouldn’t think the same.” 
James shudders. “Why would you remind me of that?”
“So what’s next?” Sirius asks, raising a brow. “Do you want us to go sabotage her date with this bloke? Or better yet, lock her in her house so she can’t meet up with him at all?”
“I’m glad you’re on board,” James says, recovering from his disgust and beginning to look rather satisfied as he munches on another biscuit. “I’m thinking we hex him to be horrifically ugly. She won’t think of showing him her little outfit if he shows up and he’s got a face made entirely of warts.”
Remus and Sirius exchange a look. With a sigh, Remus begins stroking his hand up and down his boyfriend’s thigh consolingly. 
“He’ll get it eventually,” he says.
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Make me
Sirius Black x fem!reader
in which James planned you a blind date with your nemesis
requests are open!
word count: 2,1k
warnings: language, drinking
"I'm so tired of all the boys. I swear, there is not even one normal man here in Hogwarts." you grumbled despairingly as you landed on the couch in the common room next to James.
"Oh sweetheart, so I take it the date didn't go as planned?" he chuckled.
You covered your face with your hands and loudly exhaled.
"Well, we did go to Hogsmeade but instead of Honeydukes he took me to Scrivenshaft's quill shop. Stop laughing, this isn't even the worst part. He then kept blabbering on about some new type of rainbow ink that he, in his own words, just has to buy."
At least James tried to not laugh as much as he desired to, though you wouldn't blame him - because what the actual fuck.
"Oh, I just love hearing of your escapades, Y/N. Such a shame, though; me and Lily are desperate to find another couple to go on double dates with." he smiled while pouting his lips mockingly. You punched his arm with surprising strenght.
"Just no more guys like Mr. Rainbow Ink, please." you laughed.
James looked as if he wasthinking of something and after a moment of silence, his whole face lit up and you knew that whatever he thought of was no good.
"Just leave it to me, 'kay? I'll find the perfect guy for you and arrange a blind date."
"Fuck no." you said immediately, knowing that James would singlehandedly mess up.
"No, no, just hear me out, okay? I will take this job seriously, in my own interest. I promise not to make a joke out of it."
You rolled your eyes in answer but didn't argue further.
"Plus, I think I have the perfect candidate."
At that moment, you should've already known that something will go really, really wrong.
Three days later, James already had everything planned out and was nearly jumping with excitement. Well, you didn't really share that feeling. But for some reason, seeing your childhood bestfriend so invested in finding you the best match made you soften and not argue that much.
"You know that this Friday is the Celestial ball, right? So, your date will pick you up at five and please, dress nicely so he doesn’t change his mind. Yeah, that's probably all you need to know." he gave you a wicked grin.
"Why the secrecy?" you raised an eyebrow at your friend.
"Nothing, just making sure it's an unfiltered experience for you."
“At least if he turns out to be another idiot, I have an excuse to get hammered.” you grinned.
“That’s the spirit!” James bumped your shoulder excitedly and you couldn’t help but smile at his childish happiness.
But when you tried to think of even a single person with whom he would set you up, your mind went blank.
Who are you gonna be, stranger?
In preparation of the upcoming ball, Lily and Dorcas braided your hair into a sort of messy half-up-half-down hairstyle and you girls shared quite a laugh when they tried to get you into your very - very - tight dress.
With your black high-heels on, you examined yourself in the mirror. Your Y/H/C hair looked so sexy tied liked that and you decided to go with the same messy vibe regarding your whole look. From the smudged black kohl lining your eyes and the bold dark-red lipstick to your floor length burgundy dress with black lace adoring its edges. Oh, it might have been just a bit too slutty for such an occasion, but you didn't mind at all. You and Marlene always enjoyed wearing things just a smudge out of pocket.
You also liked shy boys stuttering when they looked at you. You hoped your escort would be one of those. You grinned at the thought and left your room with a light step.
"I see you take this date seriously." James nodded at you approvingly as he watched you approach him in front of the Great Hall.
"Yeah, yeah, dream all you want." you rolled your eyes. "Where is he?"
"Darling, getting all pretty and dressed up for me today, aren't you?" a voice purred behind you and it affected you in the same way a bucket of icy water would.
Oh no. Oh fuck no.
"Are you fucking serious?" you gritted your teeth at James and he paled when he saw the murderous look on your face. He better.
"Darling, he’s with Lily, remember? He wouldn’t be fucking me. But you, on the other hand… You know how my usual dates go."
You turned to face that ridiculously handsome face of Sirius Black. That fucker was you nemesis since the moment he saw you on the Hogwarts Express sharing a booth with James. It didn’t matter to you that James found a guy bestfriend – you were okay with sharing the same pedestal with another – but Sirius, on the other hand, just purely despised you for it. So after two yers of trying to settle this tension between you two, you gave up and started to treat him the same way he did.
And that nickname, that god-forsaken nickname; it drove you crazy and you both knew it.  
”I’m not spending even a second of my time on this… existence.” You spat at James instead, wisely ignoring that egoistic shit and silencing all your witty retorts. In your fourth year, you once wrote an entire list of those retorts, spending all your nights sitting crouched over that one piece of paper with anger flowing freely in your veins.
Obsessed much? a small voice in your head whispered.
“I think that if you give this a chance-“
“No. Fucking. Way.”
“Angry already, darling?” Sirius purred and your knuckles turned white from you trying so hard not to break his perfect nose.
“Wipe that smirk off of your face before I do it for you.” You have been such a fool for trusting James to do just one thing right. Now you would do anything to be here with any of the guys you were previously complaining about. But instead, you were left with the only person you truly hated. So much for an unfiltered experience.
“Oh, are you gonna kiss me, Y/N?” Sirius smiled even wider.
“This was probably not a good idea.” proclaimed Lily as she approached you three.
“Probably not.” James nervously tugged at his hair.
You and Sirius were just staring daggers at each other. And after deciding this staring contest was fucking ridiculous, you just turned on your heel and began walking back up the stairs.
“Oh, darling, leaving so soon?” Sirius shouted at you and every head in the hallway turned your way. You turned around and bared your teeth at him, not caring that you probably looked like a wild animal.
“Stop fucking calling me that.” Your voice was cold as you took the tree steps it took to reach him. Even though Sirius was towering over you, you felt as if you were looking down your nose at him.
“What, darling?” he puffed, one corner of his lips turning up. He was toying with you, you knew it. And you hated that he knew it, too.
“Or what?” Sirius stepped closer and you felt the tips of your shoes touching his. With every rise of your chest you could feel the fabric of his shirt.
Before you could say anything back (which would be hard because, apparently, your mind just went blank at Sirius’ closeness), James tugged at your elbow and walked you to an alcove nearby.
“What the fuck, James?” you spat at his accusingly. He winced at your words as if you had hit him.
“I just- Well, I don’t have to justify my gut feeling to you, but I think you guys should get over your hating phase and start acknowledging the chemistry between you two,” he whisled slowly at that, “So please, hate me all you want tomorrow. But tonight, just give him a chance.”
You looked over his shoulder back to Sirius. He was talking to Lily and it wasn’t a smirk on his face but a soft smile that has not even once been aimed at you. That fact made you queasy. You knew he wasn’t always an asshole – it was only in your presence that he got so riled up. But, you thought, it would be nice to be smiled at just like that.
“Okay. But just tonight.” You were surprised by your own words. Were you an idiot for saying that? You didn’t know.
“Thanks,” James sighed, relief lacing his words. He took your elbow again and brought you back to the group.
“I’m gonna get myself a drink. Maybe two.”
Lily giggled at James’ words and grabbed onto his arm and the two of them hurriedly left. That meant you and Sirius were left alone, which was very, very dangerous. You started walking to the bar without looking back at your escort, because all you really needed at that moment was a strong ass drink.
“Firewhiskey, right?” Sirius asked you when he caught up to you. No matter how fast you tried to go, he infuriatingly and casually kept his pace next to you.
You raised an eyebrow at him. In answer, he shrugged. “I just know.”
You tried to shake off the feeling that embraced you after realizing he somehow knew your favourite hard liquor.
 You also didn’t know how to react to the fact that Sirius paid for his and your drinks that some students smuggled into the party for a laughably ridiculous price.
As he handed the cold glass to you, your fingers touched, just barely. You told yourself your heartbeat was quick because of your temper, no other reasons.
“I don’t think you realize just how angry you make me.” You smirked ironically at Sirius, the alcohol already burning sweetly in your throat.
“I have that much of an effect on you? I should be flattered.” Sirius retorted. But it was not an angry answer, just…. A playful one. And you had no idea what to do with that.
“Don’t think you’re all that, Sirius.” You rolled your eyes. “Should I ckeck for a poisoned drink? Or a love potion?”
You knew you were dancing on the edge of a very sharp knife. But somehow, that made it much more fun.
“Don’t think of me so poorly, darling. As if I needed a love potion to get you on your knees and beg.”
“In your dreams, Black.”
“Yes, in my dreams, darling.”
You froze at that. Was he actually impying he dreamt about you being on your knees, begging before him? But of course he did, that arrogant prick. He always had to feel superior.
But that didn’t stop the blood from seeping into your cheeks - but you blamed your blush on the firewhiskey.
So in answer you just took another sip of your drink. Were you an idiot for flirting with him? But were all those quarells of your shared pasts actually any different from flirting? You’ve never been so confused.
“You really aren’t making this any easier.” Sirius mumbled but instead of your eyes he looked around the room. Thank Merlin the music was so loud that any awkward silences were swallowed up by it.
“As if you are?” His eyes met yours and you had to fight the instinct to fight with him, to get closer to yell at him - or get closer to kiss him?
Instead you got yourself another drink, just so you could do something with your hands.
“Slow down, tiger. Didn’t think you actually hated my presence so much you would rather get hammered.” Sirius mockingly frowned and before you could react, he snatched the glass from your hand.
“Give it back, you little fucker.” You growled and tried clawing at his raised arm. But he was a lot taller than you and to be honest, your attempts were just meaningless.
“Make me.” And maybe it was that crooked smile of his, or how good he looked in his suit or how soft his hair looked in the dim lights, that made you reach on your toes and kiss his infuriating dirty mouth that made you want to combust most of the time.
How was it possible that his lips were so intoxicating but the words that usually came out of it were so infurating?
But you forbid yourself to think of all those things. Instead you now easily reached for his hand and grasped your glass, snatching it from Sirius’ weakening grip.
“Made you.” You smiled. The bewildered look on his face was worth it. “I didn’t fluster you, did I?”
Sirius gave a startled laugh. “You clever little vicious thing.”
And he leaned into you, his nose touching yours, your breaths mingling. “Now do it again.”
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spxllcxstxr · 3 months
Best Friends to Lovers with Sirius Black • Headcanon
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(Gif not mine)
Request: could u write hcs about reader x sirius black where they’re bestfriends and sirius is just a mess around her giving her special attention etc :) and he like, lights up around her — anon
Warnings: just fluff really, implied fem!reader but no pronouns are used
A.N: this was written before I went mia for like 2 years but I did add some stuff to it…hope you still enjoy though!
You’ve been best friends with Sirius Black since third year
And even when the two of you were thirteen you recognized that he was an incessant flirt
But that didn’t stop you from developing a crush on him
And throughout the years he didn’t really help the situation
Sure he’d flirt with others at Hogwarts
But you’d walk into the room
And his smile would widen and he would gravitate towards you
Sirius’ eyes definitely follow you around the room, thinking you’re not watching him as he does it
Easily distracted by you, which is cute and all, but during classes it certainly gets him into trouble
Totally is a bit of a show off around you, whether it be during class or a quidditch match or maybe when the whole lot of you are just hanging out
Tries to get close to you a lot
Sitting next to you at the Great Hall
Tries to squish in next to you on the couch
His hand brushes against yours sometimes, knees bump into each other…
Oh my god 100% gives you his jacket or his cloak when you’re cold
“You’re shivering, (Y/N), why the hell didn’t you bring a coat?”
“I’m fine Sirius, a little wind won’t kill me,”
“Well you’re getting my jacket anyway—shut up and just wear the damn jacket, love,”
You thought maybe it was just because you two were friends, you saw him do something similar for James and Remus and Peter, and sometimes even Marlene
To a certain extent of course
His grey eyes never lit up as much and the faint pink blush highlighting his cheekbones wasn’t as prominent
Around you, Sirius would often stumble over his words and sometimes, in class, he would get his spells mixed up simply because you were his partner
He was quite the mess around you
Oh and everyone knew about your requited crushes
The guys always tried to get Sirius to finally ask you out
And the girls always did the same for you
The night he finally asks you out is one of the happiest nights of your entire life
Honestly, being friends with him first before dating was the right decision for the two of you because you knew Sirius both inside and out
You understand him
You know what he likes and how to comfort him
You know that when you call him love he practically melts into putty in your hands
Each of you is wrapped around the other’s finger
Cute banter all the time
Nothing specifically changes between the two of you in the terms of friendship
Still gets in trouble by professors who catch him staring at you and not taking notes
Mostly because the two of you have been in love for like years lmao
Sirius is especially glad to have you hold his hand in more romantic way through the corridors
Merlin, he’s just happy he gets to finally kiss you instead of dreaming about it
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moonydoodlez · 6 months
God, Shut Up
Pairing: James Potter x F!reader
Summary: You and James had always been close but you think he's in love with Lily. Turns out you were just too oblivious to see who he really liked.
Warnings: underage drinking
Wordcount: 1.4k
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You and James had grown up with each other. Always attached at the hip, from the moment you met to now. After all these years you still remained the best of friends, despite your unrequited crush you've had for years.
The marauders sometimes found it annoying how you guys had your inside jokes and the secrets you kept. Well it was mainly Sirius but that's because he had always claimed the role of being James's bestfriend.
The week had been going slow so instead of paying attention to potions you stared at James who was sitting across the room. He was paired up with Lily Evans, again.
You didn't hate Lily, how could you. She was literally the nicest person you had ever met. It was no secret either that she was absolutely stunning too.
"You know, you should tell him" Sirius said breaking you out of your daze.
"What" You said confused looking at Sirius who was sitting in the chair next to you.
"Tell James that your in love with him... duh" Sirius says annoyed as his eyes wander off to Remus.
"Fine then tell Remus your in love with him" You spat back at him.
Sirius eyes narrowed at you before he scoffed and dropped the subject. Well at least you thought he had.
"You know I don't know where you got the idea I love Remus" He whispered to you.
"Really" You deadpanned before chuckling and going back to your reading.
"No really.. like where did you get that. I can have a best mate. Me and Remus are like you and James" he said before his eyes widened. "No that was a bad example.
"No it wasn't" You said laughing as you went back to reading the instructions.
Except it was a bad example because at least it was obvious Remus liked him back. James on the other hand clearly had no romantic feelings. How could he when he had Lily to fawn over.
The weekend had finally rolled around. Sirius continued to badger on about how you should tell James your feelings. Apparently he had a gut feeling that he liked you back. You just couldn't let yourself believe that no matter how much you wanted to.
"You coming to the game later" Peter asked looking at you as the five of you sat in lunch together.
"Of course" You smiled at Peter before briefly glancing at James who was sitting next to him. "I never miss them".
"James can i talk to you real quick" A flowery voice asked. You looked up to see Lily standing there as her long red hair glimmered in the light.
"yeah" James said as he stood up from his chair. "I'll be back" He said as you looked away from where Lily and James were. However when you looked back everyone's eyes were on you. James had told you specifically he'd be back.
"O- ok" You smiled not sure what else to say.
He followed Lily away from our table and out the great hall. You watched them walk out still confused on why he had pointed you out specifically.
"What was that.. did you finally tell him" Sirius said staring at you creepily.
"Um no".
"Tell James what" Remus and Peter said at the same time
"Nothing" You and Sirius said the same time causing the two of you too start laughing maniacally.
You hadn't meant to miss the game. You knew how much these matches meant to James, especially how much he usually wanted you there.
From the late nights of helping the marauders with there pranks to the lack of motivation you've had for the last week; your homework had started piling up. You decided that you could get some done before the game.
Of course that ended up being a terrible idea since you had fallen asleep whilst working on an essay. You woke up with your body aching and the feeling of parchment stuck to your face.
You had scrunched your eyes together expecting for the bright mid day sun to hit your face except there was no sun. It was completely pitch black outside.
Your face dropped as you heard the loud music coming from the Gryffindor common room. Shit.
You quickly ran out wanting to find James. Knowing him you knew he was gonna end up being upset. As you ran down the stairs. Sirius's voice boomed as he called out your name.
"Where's James?" You asked calmly even though you could tell he was black out drunk. He stumbled forward and you tried to help catch him despite him being much taller.
"Jesus ok" You breathed out trying to get Sirius to sit down. You pushed him down onto the couch. He grabbed onto your hand almost making you stumble onto him. Suddenly he yelled that he could see James as he jumped to his feet.
James head whipped toward you and Sirius. A smiled formed on his lips before his eyes drifted to you. His smile dropped as he stood up and grabbed a few bottles of beer and headed up the stairs.
"No James wait" You yelled as Remus came over to grab Sirius who was now laying on the couch looking dead. "Yeah can you um..." You start.
"Yeah of course" Remus said grabbing Sirius and taking him over to where there were water bottles and another couch. He sat Sirius down and unscrewed his water bottle making him chug the cold water.
Your ran as fast as you could and knocked on the dorm door rapidly. "James" You yelled knocking harder.
"What" He said opening the door slowly. Only enough where you could only see a sliver of his face. The light shined on his chocolate brown eyes and glowing skin making your heart race.
"I'm sorry... I know i told you I'd be there" you tried to explain. "Please I fell asleep, I'm so sorry" You said as your shoulders slumped. James made eye contact with you again.
"Just come in" He sighed opening the door all the way to let you in. James went to go sit in his bed and sulk as you stood there at the entrance of the room.
"It's fine, I just really wanted you to be there" he whispered after a few minutes, so quiet you almost didn't hear him.
"Was Lily at least there" You asked curiously. You knew that it was probably stupid to bring her up right now, but you had no clue what to say.
"Uh yeah" He shrugged. "What does Lily have to do with anything" He asked confused as he stared daggers into your head.
"I just wanted to know if you had the girl you like there" You blurted out but instantly regretting it.
"What" he blushed staring at you.
"Lily... you like Lily" You stuttered looking at his tomato red face. Had you been wrong somehow?
"No. No yeah uh no" He laughed awkwardly. He shook his head trying to come up with something to say to explain to you how he felt.
"Are you laughing at me".
"Yes" James said starting to laugh harder. The awkwardness had begun to fade as a smile peaked at your lips watching him laugh. Even though he was laughing at you.
"Lily's dating Mary... everyone knows this" He laughs as you blush beet read.
"Oh" You in fact did not know this.
"Plus the girl who likes me wasn't there" He admitted staring at you with a longing look.
"Oh sorry" You apologized feeling bad. "Oh" Your eyes widened as you realized he meant you.
"Oh god" He groaned. "You really didn't realize... honestly i thought the past year was you trying to nicely reject me" he laughed.
"I'm doing the opposite of rejecting you actually... wait what's the opposite, I'm open" You say. "Well that not right either" You laugh embarrassed as you tried to think of what you were actually trying to say.
James stalked toward you before grabbing your hips "God, shut up" He muttered before holding your body flush against his as he kissed you. His lips moved slowly against yours as his hands gripped your hips. A warm feeling flooded your body as he kissed you harder.
He pulled back breathless holding your face in his hands. "Thankyou" You smiled looking down at your feet.
He laughed lifting your chin up so you would look up at him. "Your welcome" he chuckled placing a kiss on your sweet lips.
Masterlist James Potter Masterlist
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marauroon · 5 months
I love your new fic Hypothermic and the whole trope of Jamie being a big cuddle bug and the best friend trope always has a chokehold on me. Can you write a romantic bestfriend!james maybe about a swim in the black lake or something with a summery vibe please (I miss summer so much rn)
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James makes the most of being your favourite person to convince you out of the castle and into the lake.
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cw — james picks the reader up at one point
james potter x fem!reader || fluff || 1.3k || requests open!
a/n: best friend james has my whole entire heart i fear
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Sometimes James is half convinced you’re a vampire, that your skin is so delicate that even a pinprick of sunlight will burn you into a pile of ash.
If it weren’t for your ostentatious love of the summer season—and the privilege James has as your best friend—he’d be surprised you even agreed to his request at all.
Yet there you were, sat pretty underneath the shade of one of the small willow trees lining the water with a book in your lap and a picnic blanket separating you from the grass.
Was he a little sad you’d decided not to join the group in splashing around? A little. Was he going to ask you again later with his puppy dog eyes so you couldn’t refuse him? Probably.
But right now he was content with watching how your eyebrows furrowed and left small wrinkles between your eyes as you read a particularly interesting paragraph, and the slight fluttering of your hair against the small breeze.
A sharp splash of water to the back of his head tore James’ attention from watching the way your eyes scanned the pages of your novel with your nose scrunched in a mix of surprise and disgust at whatever was printed in the ink, and he turned around with an exaggerated gesture of annoyance only to be met with another splash straight to his face.
Whilst the icy water was a nice relief from the nearly 30° heat, it was still cold.
“What was that for?” James pulls his glasses from his face to try and wipe the water droplets from the lenses with his thumb, turning Sirius’ face into a blurry pale blob in the process.
“We’re picking teams for a makeshift volleyball game? You’d know that if you stopped gawking over there like a dog in heat,” James can vaguely make out Sirius crossing his arms over his chest, and lo and behold, when he slots his glasses back on, Sirius’ expression is just as smug as he expected it to be.
“I wasn’t ‘gawking’ anywhere you twat,” James sends a splash of water in Sirius’ direction as a retaliation. “I was just appreciating the fact that she actually joined us, that’s all,”
“Appreciating her face you mean,” Sirius’ tone matches his smugness perfectly, and James lets out a short scoff with a roll of his eyes.
“You’re such a dog Pads,”
“You know it,” Sirius shoots James a wink and he pretends to gag. “Seriously though, stop staring so we can play,”
“Orrr,” Marlene wades over to the two to interrupt the conversation, laying her arm over Sirius’ shoulder. “You can go over there and convince her to join us, we’re uneven,”
James shoots another glance in your direction with an uncertain hum. “I don’t think we should disturb her,”
“We can’t play 4 to 3 James,” Marlene tilts her head and shakes it lightly. “So go bat your eyelashes and use your favouritism to get us another player,”
She gives a dismissive wave of her hand and Sirius joins her, James sending the two a very unimpressed look as he drags himself out of the water to speak to you.
It’s not the new source of shade from the sun that informs you of James’s presence, nor is it the sight of him sitting down cross-legged beside you in your peripheral vision. It’s the water droplets that sprinkle the right side of your face and the pages of your book that give him away.
“James—” You let out a low groan to voice your disapproval at him shaking his head like a dog to dry his hair, something that very clearly didn’t work very well as water continued to drip from his curls onto his shoulders, disappearing into the already soaked fabric of his t-shirt.
“Sorry sorry collateral damage I swear,” He throws up his hands in an immediate surrender, and you let out a small scoff with a shake of your head as you pull his glasses from the bridge of his nose to dry them on the hem of your t-shirt.
“Having fun then?” You leave your book on the blanket to shift onto your knees, carefully placing James’ glasses back on his face so they properly catch behind his ears.
James nods with a smile at how gentle your fingers are as they brush the sides of his cheeks when you return them to your lap. “Yeah, we’re about to play a round of volleyball, fancy joining us?”
You scrunch up your nose slightly and he can immediately anticipate your answer. “…no?”
“Awe come on we’re uneven,” James tilts his head as he gestures towards the others in the water, a small pout etched onto his face. “We can’t play 3 to 4 that’s not how it works,”
He blinks at you softly, eyes filled with carefully curated desperation. “Please? We can team up together,” He adds the idea of teaming up like it’s an added bonus to your agreement, his voice sweet, sticky, and absolutely dripping in persuasion.
He looks perfectly pathetic when he looks at you like that, and who are you really to say no to him?
“One game,” Your answer is joined by an exasperated sigh, but James reacts like you’ve just told him all of Severus’ hair has fallen out rather than begrudgingly agreeing to play water volleyball with him.
“Perfect! Let’s go,” James holds out his hand to help you up eagerly, a smile beaming across his face that almost puts the blazing sun to shame in it’s brightness.
You roll your eyes at him, but take his hand nonetheless, and he’s a little too excited in pulling you to your feet as he sends you stumbling forward from his pull, and he uses the momentum to lean down and take the top half of your body over his shoulder, hoisting you off the ground in the process.
You can sense the inevitable immediately.
“Don’t you dare—” You arms wrap tightly around James’ waist as he straightens his posture, his arms secured around your thighs as he walks the two of you towards the lake, suspiciously quiet considering his earlier excitement. “James I swear to god if you do what I think you are going to do I will destroy you,”
You kick your legs the closer you get to the water, although it’s to no real avail compared to the arm strength that is James’ chaser practice, and all it really ends up doing is garnering you an audience as James begins to wade in the water.
“James, you better put me down right now.“ Your warning falls on deaf ears, and your half surprised at the amount of will power he has to keep ignoring you as the water reaches his knees.
“James—“ You barely manage to get his name out before he dive on a you both into the water, it’s icy temperature immediately sending a chill up your spine as you resurface with a gasp, James laughing as he breaks the water himself.
“You absolute twat—” You send a splash of water in James’ direction with an over-exaggerated show of your disapproval, and he blocks it with his forearm, laughter still steadily streaming from his mouth.
Needless to say, you didn’t team with him for the volleyball game.
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corrodedcoffins-blog · 9 months
How Sirius finds out
main masterlist
regulus black x potter!reader universe
word count: ~700
note: summer before 7th
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Y/n walked down the stairs, freshly dressed, joining her brother as well as the black brothers in the living room. Regulus sitting on the couch reading, as he usually does. Sirius and James playing a game of wizard chess. Rounding the couch, Y/n sits next to Regulus, not realizing it was slightly closer than they should be in front of their brothers. As the two didn’t know of a secret relationship the couple had been in for the last 5 months.
“Hey.” Y/n said, directing it towards her brother and best friend, “Hi.” the girl said, quietly to the boy next to her, him saying a little ‘hi’ back. Making Sirius look between the two.
“James! Could you come grab this for me, hun? I can’t reach.”
“Yeah, Mum!” James yelled, making his move while standing before heading to the kitchen to help his mum. Leaning over the coffee table to see his best mate out of ear shot, Sirius turns to look at his little brother and bestfriend.
“So, what’s- what is.. What is going on here?” Sirius says, pointing between the couple.
“What are you talking about? Nothing is going on here. Nothing. Nothing at all. Between us?! Me an- and Regulus? You- Sirius you get crazier and crazier everyday.” The girl's rambling always gives away when she’s lying, it really is a miracle the two were able to keep it a secret this long, well Remus, and all the girls, and all of Regulus’ friends knew. But Regulus was proud of her for how she lasted. 
“You know you’re a terrible liar, this is why we never give you the detracting job when we pull a prank.”
“Hey! I try. And you guys said it was because I was better at setting up!”
“That’s just one of the things we tell you. And you’re changing the subject. You two? For real?”
“Yes.” Regulus says, the first thing he said since James left the room.
“Godric! I can’t believe this. This is gross and wrong.. And weird. I mean him? Really?”
“Shut up.” Regulus said, eyes going back to his book, after he quickly checks if James is coming back (he isn’t)
“How long? Who knows? Does Effie know? This is the guy Remus said you were seeing?”
“Like 5 months, and Remus and the girls know, Mum does kind of, and yes.” Y/n says, faster than Regulus can understand, but it seems Sirius did, from his nodding. He’s always found it a little creepy how easily they could understand each other. After a few moments have passed Sirius says, “This is weird for me.” 
“Well it’s not your relationship, so I don’t really care.”
“Regulus!.. Sirius, we care about each other, and I know you care about both of us. So please, respect us and don’t tell James.”
“Hey! No! You know I can’t keep a secret from James!”
“You kept the secret that you were gay and dating Remus.” Silence came over them, the two best friends staring at each other, wearing each other down. Regulus, sitting aside watching the two. The sound of James’ footsteps coming down the fall break them out of their silence, beginning to whisper yell over each other, Y/n pointing her finger to his chest, and Sirius trying to fight her finger away from him.
“You can’t tell him-” “I can’t do this-” “I swear Sirius I will kill you-” “You know I can’t-” “We want to tell James on our own time!” “I don’t lie to him, we have a mutual understandin- mmm” “I don’t care!”
“Hey, Mum made lemonade.” James said, not quite knowing what he walked in on. Seeing his sister with her hand over Sirius’ mouth, with said boy pushing her hand away.
“What did he do?”
“Nothing! He said nothing, well nothing unusual for Sirius.. Just his usual annoyingness.”
While the girl was floundering, after her brother’s simple question. Sirius leans down to his brother, whispering, “I don’t know how it’s been a secret this long.”
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someonexsomeone · 1 month
Title: Stardrinker
Author: SomeonexSomeone
Word Count: 2.5k
Pairing: Sirius Black x bestfriend!reader, minor James Potter x Slytherin Pureblood np!reader
Summary: Sirius is your best friend, but James...James is your sun.
Warnings: angst, mentions of suicide, mentions of traditional values and arranged marriages, happy ending
Authors Note: hello again! This is kinda a prequel kinda a companion piece to Suneater. Originally I wrote Suneater from readers POV but i am a sucker for the male pov in romances because idk i want to be loved and devoted or whatever so here is what Suneater almost was, with some minor additions
if you or anyone you know needs help, please call 988 (USA) or contact your local hotline. You are loved, you are needed.
Companion piece: Suneater
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Sirius is one of your best friends. Well, maybe best friend wasn’t the best way to put it. Sirius was the light of your life, the reason you were able to hold out for as long as you did, a comfort in the dreary place you called home. He was the one who kept you company at stuffy Pureblood events, dressed in clothes that only fit if you stayed as still as possible. He was the one who gave you reassuring looks from across the room as your parents paraded you around the room, sickly fake smiles on their faces that would drop the moment you returned back home. He made those parties somewhat enjoyable as he mocked those around him with little to no tack behind their backs, easily slipping into rehearsed conversation when they looked towards him again. He was the one who would cut into your dances as much as he could, even if customs looked down on him for doing so, just to make sure you didn’t end up in the arms of a Pureblood twice your age, the type who would grab at your hips in a possessive way and allude to buying you from your parents (because, let’s be honest, being on the marriage market in your circle was nearly the same as being cattle put up for auction). 
He was the bane of your existence when you were younger. Your parents had always pursued the best course to elevate the family status, jumping from family to family, pledging their loyalty to the highest bidder until they found something better, turning their back without another word. It was obvious, to everyone else around, that your family’s loyalty was like holding water, but with their seemingly random ways of knowing exactly when to jump ship, you were able to keep your head above water with minimal problems. You’ve had more marriage arrangements than most, paraded around every party your parents could make their way into, forced into hundreds of different robes until you could barely remember what any of them looked like. 
The Ancient and Noble House of Black was one of the many families your parents tried to cozy up to. It was, to your relief, they were much too confident in themselves to stoop so low as to interact beyond pleasantries with your parents, but it happened frequently enough that you and Sirius came to know each other's faces. Two scared children, standing stiff as a board beside their parents, flicking eyes to judge the other silently. By the time Sirius had decided he wanted to distance himself from his parents, you had already spent too many years glaring at each other to have anything beyond acknowledgement of the others existence.
It was why, when you parents not so subtly berated you at a summer function, you were mortified it was Sirius who found you. The summer before your first year, before the only bit of freedom you ever dared to have, it was no wonder you got a little cocky. The scoff was nothing, easily passed up as a sneeze or a cough, but your parents were furious, hurling hate at you as soon as they got you alone. Your arm still stung from where they had dragged you, wanting to get as much distance from the party as possible to not embarrass them even more, and your eyes burned with unshed tears. You were eleven.
Sirius found you that night, curled up on the floor only minutes after your parents were done with you. They commanded you to remain in the room for the rest of the night, staying far away from any other potential allies, and to hide the disarray they left you in. He rushed into the room without a care to look around, out of breath as if he’d been running, closing the door with a soft click, obviously trying to get some privacy. He leaned against it for a moment, taking a deep lungful of air, before turning. He stopped still when he saw you on the floor.
Neither said a word. Sirius stayed frozen for far too long, eyes flickering between you and the rest of the room, obviously at a loss for what to do. You tried to scooch away from him, but the pain was too much to hide, and a whimper escaped your lips. It was then that Sirius noticed the small drip of blood from your nose, a sign of something he knew all too well. With a pitying look, one you met with a hateful glare, he approached, hand fumbling with the handkerchief from his pocket. You flinched when he reached down, but he only held your chin gently, whipping the blood from your upper lip. He left without another word.
It was a miracle you were able to make it home that night without any further incident. Your parents cooled down, none the wiser to Sirius’s intervention, and prepped you for the next party. The Black’s were there too, of course, but you were far too embarrassed to look Sirius in the eye. But he simply gave you a soft smile and tilt to his head, keeping his pleasantries boring and impersonal. You were surprised, and suspicious. 
That is, until Sirius showed up at the last party of the summer with a slight limp and the smallest bit of blood still on his nostril, that understanding overcame you, and you gave him the subtlest of nods, passing a napkin over with the twitch of your nose. From then on, an unspoken pact formed between the two of you.
No words were exchanged during the school year. With Sirius entering Gryffindor, a fact you were both pleased with - a true escape from the pureblood nonsense - and devastated by - you were hoping to have an ally -, it was hard to justify talking to him. Winter and Summers were the only times you were able to sneak a small conversation here and there, but, for someone who loved the sound of their own voice, Sirius was surprisingly good at having a whole conversation with you with just his eyes. It was ridiculous, but for whatever reason, you began to trust Sirius Black.
It was why, during one of the worst moments of  your life, you were glad it was him who found you.
Sirius was there when  you were on the verge jumping off the balcony that summer night, your parents just having informed you they promised you to a man who could have been your grandfather. The man had leered at you when they left you alone, forcing himself onto you, grabbing everything that would eventually, legally, be his to possess. When you screamed, brandishing your wand, even though it had been drilled into your mind never to pull your wand on a Pureblood of higher status, the man laughed, a vile laugh that made your bones shake, and told you to get all the attitude out of your body before you walked down the aisle; he would not tolerate anything after that. The moment he stepped out, leaving you with nothing but the night air, you unconsciously turned to look at the stars. It was something of comfort, to find a constant like the stars. You took a moment, memorizing them one last time, before climbing up, the least graceful thing you had done in who knows however many years. Your uneven heels rocked you back and forth, a melancholy waltz, before you tipped forward.
Sirius’ hands clasped around your legs before you could fall, using his momentum to pull you back onto him and the solid ground. Your arms scraped painfully against the stone balcony, tearing through the delicate gloves on your hands and shredding your fine clothes, but Sirius’ body took most of the brunt of your fall. You could barely hear him over the ringing in your ears, too shocked at the fact that you were alive, that you didn’t fall, didn’t crash into the floor below like you so wanted, too overwhelmed to hear him yelling at you, wondering what you were thinking by standing on the ledge like that. Yelling at you for almost taking your life. Your gloves slowly dotted red, then black, as your tears joined to create the most unusual canvas of dotted pain. Suddenly it was too hard to breathe, to let out anything but a wail of despair, enough to render even the great Sirius, the man who always had something to say, to say nothing at all.
He did the only thing he could think of, the only thing he ever wanted anyone to do for him. He grabbed you and held you tight as you sobbed into his arms, begging not to be the one to save your family from ruin, begging to just let everything burn to the ground, setting your body alight so there would be nothing left to touch. 
He held you there until the morning light started to peak over the horizon, letting you cry until there was nothing but dry heaves left, until you were too weak to do more than finally let yourself completely rely on him to keep you propped up. Quietly and gently, more than you had ever been afforded before, he helped you stand, flooing the two of you back to your house. Your parents were already fast asleep, too high on the success of setting you up with a match that would bring riches to your decaying family once more to really care where you went. They knew, just as you did, there was nowhere for you to go but the path they made just for you. Sirius shooed away the only remaining awake House Elf to draw you a bath.
“I find that it helps,” he whispered, voice low in order to not bring any unwanted attention. “Hot water does wonders for shaky nerves.” 
He moved with practiced ease, steps so quiet you could barely hear the squeak of shiny dragonhide shoes, voice clear was quiet. It was in that moment that you realized he was just like you, trapped in a home that weighed so heavily you could do nothing but let it mold you or crush you, where punishment was more common than gratitude. You noticed the telltale shake of his hands, the same ones you had, the same ones many of your fellow Slytherin’s had - the ones that came from prolonged and constant exposure to punishment curses. 
But the smile he gave you that night was nothing but warmth, a rarity in your inner circle. He helped you with your outer layer of clothes, mindful of the way all your strength seemed to have disappeared, turning his head away to give you the illusion of privacy. When he gave you a tight lipped smile, bowing the way so many Purebloods were taught to do on their departure, you panicked, grabbing onto his arm so tightly you nails dug into his skin.
“No, please,” you begged. Tomorrow, you would be proud. Tomorrow, you would hold yourself up once more as you always did, no sign of insecurity to be seen. But today? Today, you had already wasted your will and composure. What was one more unrealistic wish? “Don’t leave me. I…I can’t-”
“Woah! Okay, okay. I won’t leave. I’m right here.” He flushed when you disrobed in front of him, but didn’t let go of your hand, helping you into the steaming bath. The two of you stayed in silence, either too scared to speak or too ashamed, but never letting go. When it was clear you were too overwhelmed to clean yourself, he used his free hand to run a gentle lather over your exposed skin, too delicate to do anything but provide the smallest amount of additional comfort. You fell asleep that night, warmed to your core, at ease for the first time in years.
And when he appeared at the party the following day, his usual smirk gone, in too much pain to do anything but whisper the punishment his parents saw fit to give him after staying out past curfew, it was all too easy to offer the same comfort.
You were there to have an escape from the countless Mother’s trying for his hand, and he was there to deter any more conversations with your fiance. He jostled you jokingly if he caught you in the hallways in between classes, and you always made sure to swing by the Gryffindor table on the way to your own to pinch him in return. On bad days, you seeked each other out, thankfully not needing the bath as neither of your parents could touch you while safe within the walls of Hogwarts. Instead you snuck into the kitchen, snacking on sweet things and improper treats, the kind which you’d never find back home. 
Sirius spoke of his friends often, of the comfort they brought him, of the promises they’d kept to always make him feel wanted. Remus was his love, you were his heart, and James…James was his light. He always spoke of James with such awe, reaching his hands out like he was cupping the summer sun in his hands in the only way he could describe his best friend. James made him laugh, made him feel like the cruelty of the world was just a shadow rather than a looming cloud, and made every tomorrow feel joyous rather than dreadful. Even though he had to return him every summer, James was there to hold his hand until he got there, and was the reason Sirius wasn’t being crushed under the pressure of defying his family. Your heart stung when Sirius talked about James, wanting to be that person for him, but with your darkness, there was nothing so bright you could do. If James was Sirius’s sun, and Remus his moon, you were happy to be his stars. Always there, but never the focus.
And then you met James, and everything Sirius said made sense.
The night James confessed to you, it was as if your world was suddenly lit by beaming rays of light when all you ever had were torches. Once the story started, you couldn’t stop. It was the first time, the only time, when you felt you truly had someone who would listen when you spoke your horrible truth, to someone who would actually care what happened to you. Your dormmates knew, but their stories were too alike to your own to be needed to be said aloud. Sirius was there, he was always there, but James…James was new. James was unpredictable, and brash, and quick tempered, and an idiot, but he was also warm. So very warm, that it felt like being gazed upon by the sun when you met eyes. His touch did far more to help than laying outside on a summer day, and when you’re with him, it felt, for the first time, that not everything was tainted by darkness. Even Sirius, your most beloved friend, was no stranger to it. 
So, when James pulled you into his warm hug, the kind that promised things would be okay, even if you were sure it never would be, you latched on, and never let go.
masterlist  l hogwarts masterlist
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ms-snape · 1 month
I have a request but its totally up to you alright, if you wanna write it or not. I was hoping you could write a james x childhood bestfriend!reader fic where over the years in hogwarts they just have a fallout? Readers in love with james but james have the marauders and lily and she didn’t feel like he needed her so she moved on and found her own group of friends but reality, james felt exactly the same as reader? They meet again years later for work or smtg and it just felt right?
Request: just look up
Summary: Y/n and James fall apart but end up finding each other again
Warning: Jealousy, angst, insecure reader, blind james,fluff, happy ending, lily ad james doesn't get married, and peter is still a marauder
word count: 3320
A/N: This litteraly took me the whole night to write, cause it's my first request and i wanted it to be just perfect, and i'm not like a james stan so i didnt know how to write it properly without my inner Snape coming out but I really tried my best, the request is awesome and I loved the idea, hope u guys will like it <3
The sun hung low over the Hogwarts grounds, casting long shadows of the towering castle onto the emerald lawns. Y/N stood at the edge of the Quidditch pitch, her heart racing as she watched James Potter soar through the air, his laughter ringing out like music. The Marauders were at their usual practice, and she couldn’t help but feel a pang of longing for the boy who had once been her world.
"Y/N! Come join us!" Sirius Black called out, a broad grin plastered across his face. He waved his broomstick in the air, beckoning her over.
She shook her head, feeling the weight of her unspoken feelings settle heavily in her chest. "I’m fine here, thanks!" she shouted back, her voice barely masking the sorrow that had become so familiar.
James, spotting her from above, waved enthusiastically. “You’re missing out! This new move is epic!”
“Yeah, sure! Epic!” Y/N forced a smile, but inside, she felt the ache of a friendship that had splintered. Once, they had been inseparable, sharing secrets and dreams beneath the stars. Now, James had his friends—the Marauders—and Lily Evans, the girl who had stolen his heart.
As the practice continued, Y/N turned away, her gaze falling on the Forbidden Forest in the distance. Memories flooded back—bittersweet moments of laughter and joy, now tainted by the reality of their growing distance.
“Hey!” A voice broke through her reverie. It was Remus Lupin, his warm brown eyes sparkling with concern. “You alright?”
“Yeah, just… watching,” Y/N replied, forcing her gaze to stay on the ground. The last thing she wanted was for Remus to see the sadness in her eyes.
“James has really taken to Quidditch, hasn’t he?” Remus asked, glancing at the pitch. “He’s got talent.”
“Yeah,” she said softly, her throat tightening. “He’s amazing.”
“Want to talk about it?” Remus probed gently.
“No. I mean, yes! I mean—” Y/N took a deep breath, her frustration bubbling to the surface. “Can’t we just enjoy the moment? I don’t want to ruin it for anyone."
Remus nodded, his expression understanding. “Alright. Just know I’m here if you need to vent.”
“Thanks, Remus,” she muttered, grateful for his kindness. The Marauders were undeniably entertaining, but being around them felt like a constant reminder of what she had lost.
As the sun dipped below the horizon, the practice ended. James landed with a flourish, his face flushed with exhilaration. “Did you see that? I almost had the snitch!”
Sirius clapped him on the back, his laugh booming. “You’re a legend, mate! Lily won’t be able to resist you now!”
Y/N’s heart sank further at the mention of Lily. She turned to leave, but a voice stopped her.
“Y/N! Wait!” James called, jogging over, his hair tousled and carefree.
“What?” she asked, trying to sound casual but failing miserably.
“Are you joining us to the feast tonight?” He grinned, a flash of hope in his eyes.
“Uh…” She hesitated, glancing back at the pitch where the others were gathering. “I might… have plans.”
“Plans? With who?” James’s brow furrowed, a hint of concern creeping into his voice.
“Just promised… some friends to join them,” she replied, avoiding his gaze.
“Oh. Right. Friends.” He seemed disappointed but quickly masked it with a smile. “Well, it’s gonna be a great time. You should come!”
“Maybe,” she said, her heart twisting. “I’ll think about it.”
As she walked away, Y/N felt the familiar sting of loneliness. It was a feeling she had grown accustomed to, but it never got easier. The laughter of the Marauders faded behind her, replaced by the silence of her own thoughts.
The Great Hall buzzed with excitement that evening, the enchanted ceiling reflecting the starry night. Y/N sat at a table with her new friends, a group that had welcomed her after the rift with James widened. They laughed and chatted, but her mind was elsewhere.
“Y/N, earth to Y/N!” One of her friends, Maria , waved a hand in front of her face.
“Huh?” Y/N blinked, shaking herself from her thoughts.
“Where were you?” Maria asked, raising an eyebrow. “You’ve been staring at the marauders table for ages.”
“Just… thinking,” Y/N replied, forcing a smile.
“About what? That Potter kid?” Maria teased, nudging her playfully.
“Of course not,” Y/N snapped, then softened. “I mean, maybe a little. It’s hard to ignore him.”
“Why don’t you just tell him how you feel?” Maria suggested, her tone earnest.
“Because it doesn’t matter anymore,” Y/N said, bitterness creeping into her voice. “He’s with Lily now. He barely even knows I exist since he met her and his new friens .”
“No, that’s not true!” Maria insisted. “He waved at you earlier!”
“Yeah, like I’m some sort of ghost,” Y/N muttered, her heart heavy.
“Alright, enough with the pity party!” Maria exclaimed, her voice loud. “Let’s enjoy the feast!”
Y/N forced herself to join in, laughing at Maria’s antics. But every time she glanced at James, who was animatedly talking to Lily, her heart cracked a little more.
Days turned into weeks, and the distance between Y/N and James only grew. The Marauders had become a tight-knit group, while Y/N found solace in her new friends. But something felt incomplete—a piece of her heart remained tethered to a boy who had once been her best friend.
One afternoon, as the leaves turned golden and the air grew crisp, Y/N sat under a tree, sketching in her notebook. The vibrant colors of autumn surrounded her, yet she felt trapped in shades of gray.
“Hey there!” a voice interrupted her solitude. It was Peter, his round face beaming. “What are you up to?”
“Just doodling,” Y/N replied, glancing up at him. “What about you?”
“Nothing much, just trying to avoid the chaos of the Marauders,” he chuckled. “You know how they can be.”
“Yeah, I do,” she said, a wistful smile touching her lips.
“Want to join us? We’re going to the lake for a bit,” Peter offered.
“Sure, why not?” Y/N closed her notebook and stood up. As she walked with Peter toward the lake, she felt a sense of camaraderie that had been missing for so long.
When they arrived, the Marauders were already there, laughing and splashing water at each other. James, with his tousled hair and carefree smile, stood at the edge, tossing stones into the water.
“Y/N!” he called, his face lighting up. “Come join us!”
“Uh, maybe later, when i'll make sure that the giant squid won't drown me” she said, her heart racing. She felt exposed, like her feelings were laid bare for everyone to see.
“Don’t be a coward!” Sirius yelled, splashing water in her direction. “Get in here!”
Against her better judgment, she found herself laughing as she stepped closer. The warmth of friendship enveloped her, but every time she caught James’s eye, she felt that familiar ache.
“Let’s play a game!” Remus suggested, his voice cutting through the noise. “How about a round of water tag?”
“Yeah! I’m in!” James shouted, diving into the lake, laughter trailing behind him.
Y/N hesitated, but the thrill of the moment pulled her in. She joined the fray, splashing and running. Laughter echoed around her, but the moment James tagged Lily, pulling her into a playful embrace, Y/N felt her heart drop.
“Nice move, Prongs!” Sirius hollered, his eyes twinkling. “You’ve got her!”
“Thanks, Pads! I’m unstoppable!” James replied, his laughter ringing out like a triumphant bell.
Y/N stepped back, feeling the laughter fade as she watched them. She could never compete with that, she thought, turning away to hide the tears that threatened to spill.
“Y/N, wait!” Remus’s voice cut through her thoughts. He had noticed her retreat. “Where are you going?”
“I just need some air,” she said, her voice shaky. “I’m not feeling well.”
“Are you sure?” he asked, concern etched on his face. “You don’t have to leave.”
“I’ll be fine,” she insisted, forcing a smile that didn’t reach her eyes. “Just give me a moment.”
As she walked away, the laughter from the lake faded into the background. She sat on a bench near the castle, staring at the ground, trying to push away the storm of emotions inside her.
Weeks turned into months, and the rift between Y/N and James only deepened. The Marauders seemed to grow closer, while Y/N drifted further away, lost in her own world. The holidays approached, and with them, a sense of finality hung in the air.
One evening, as snow began to blanket the grounds, Y/N found herself wandering through the castle's corridors, lost in thought. She paused in front of a window, watching the snowflakes dance outside.
“Hey, Y/N!” a voice called, pulling her from her reverie.
It was James, striding toward her with an easy smile. She felt her heart flutter, but she quickly buried it.
“Hi,” she said, trying to sound casual.
“Nice night, huh?” he gestured to the snow, his breath visible in the cold air.
“Yeah, it is,” Y/N replied, her voice barely above a whisper.
“I haven’t seen you around much,” James continued, his tone more serious. “Is everything okay?”
Y/N’s heart ached at his concern, but she forced a smile. “I’ve just been busy, you know? Studying, hanging out with friends…”
“I miss you,” James said suddenly, his voice softening. “Things aren’t the same without you.”
She looked at him, her emotions threatening to overwhelm her. “I miss you too, James, but… things have changed. You’ve got your friends, your life, and I don’t want to be in the way.”
“You’re never in the way,” he insisted, stepping closer. “You’re my best friend, Y/N. That hasn’t changed.”
“But it has,” she whispered, tears welling in her eyes. “You’ve got Lily now and your new friends, and I’m… I’m just me.”
“Lily’s great,and the marauders too, but that doesn’t mean I don’t care about you,” James said, his eyes searching hers.
Y/N shook her head, the tears finally spilling over. “It’s just… too hard, James. I care about you so much, but I don’t think I can keep pretending it doesn’t hurt to see you with her.”
“Y/N…” James’s voice broke, his face etched with guilt and sadness.
“I need to move on, James,” she said, her voice trembling. “I need to find my own happiness, even if it means letting go of our friendship.”
James opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out. Instead, he reached out, pulling her into a tight embrace. Y/N felt her resolve crumble as she clung to him, tears soaking his sweater.
“Promise me you’ll still be my friend,” he whispered, his voice thick with emotion.
“I promise,” she replied, her voice barely audible.
They stood there for what felt like an eternity, the snow outside falling silently, as if the world itself was holding its breath. When they finally pulled apart, Y/N felt a strange sense of peace, as if the weight on her heart had finally lifted.
“Take care of yourself, James Potter,” she said, her voice steady now.
“You take of your self, Y/N,” he replied,
As she walked away, Y/N felt a mixture of relief and sorrow. The bond between them had been fractured, but perhaps, in time, it would heal. For now, she needed to find her own path, even if it meant walking it alone.
The snow continued to fall, blanketing the castle in a soft, silent embrace, as Y/N disappeared into the night, ready to face whatever the future held.
The dim lights of the Muggle bar cast a warm glow over the wooden tables and the soft hum of conversations filled the air. Y/N sat at the bar, nursing a drink as she stared into the amber liquid. It had been years since she’d seen any of her old school friends, years since she’d felt that familiar mix of camaraderie and nostalgia that had defined her youth.
“Hey, Y/N!” a voice called out, breaking through her thoughts. She turned to see Sirius Black striding toward her, his trademark grin lighting up his face. “What are you doing here, all alone? Thought you might’ve turned into a statue.”
“Very funny, Sirius.” Y/N forced a smile, though her eyes betrayed her. “Just… reminiscing.”
“About what? The time James nearly got us all kicked out for trying to charm the jukebox?” Sirius chuckled, his laughter cutting through the bar's background noise.
Y/N’s heart twisted at the mention of James. He had always been the life of the party, the one with the infectious smile and mischievous glint in his eyes. But over the years, that image had become blurred, overshadowed by his friendships and his infatuation with Lily Evans. Now, James was nothing more than a bittersweet memory.
“Something like that,” she replied, her voice barely above a whisper.
Sirius studied her for a moment, his expression shifting from amusement to concern. “You okay? I know things were… complicated back in the day.”
“Yeah, complicated.” She laughed softly, the sound tinged with sadness. “I guess we all drifted apart. I found my own way, made some new friends, you know?”
“Right, right.” Sirius scratched the back of his neck, a hint of awkwardness creeping into his demeanor. “But you’re back now. That’s something, right?”
“Yeah.” She glanced around the bar, watching the flickering candles on the tables. “It feels different, though. Like everything’s changed.”
“Maybe we can change that,” he suggested, his voice brightening. “How about a little reunion? Just us, like old times?”
A lump formed in her throat. “I don’t know, Sirius. It’s been ages. What if—”
“What ifs don’t matter. Come on, it’ll be fun! I’ll even buy the first round.”
“Fine,” she relented, a small smile creeping onto her face. “But only if you promise not to get us thrown out.”
“Deal!” he laughed, and for a moment, the weight on her heart lightened.
The night of the reunion arrived, and the bar was more lively than usual. The usual background chatter was replaced by the sounds of laughter and clinking glasses. Y/N stood at the entrance, her heart racing as she spotted familiar faces around a table in the back.
“Look who finally decided to show up!” Peter exclaimed, waving her over.
“Glad to see you, Y/N!” Remus added, a kind smile on his face.
“Hey, everyone!” she replied, forcing enthusiasm into her voice. As she moved closer, her eyes caught on James. He looked older, more mature, but that same playful sparkle remained in his eyes.
“Y/N!” he called out, breaking into a grin that sent her heart fluttering. “You made it!”
“Of course,” she replied, her voice steadier than she felt. “Wouldn’t miss it.”
“Grab a drink!” Sirius nudged her toward the bar, and she complied, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness.
As they settled into conversation, Y/N found herself laughing and sharing stories, each moment pushing the past further behind her. Yet, every time her gaze drifted to James, the ache of lost time returned.
“Hey, you want to step outside for a bit?” James asked, interrupting her thoughts. “It’s getting a bit loud in here.”
“Sure,” she replied, her heart racing as they stepped out into the cool night air.
Once outside, the sounds of the bar faded, leaving them in the stillness of the night. Y/N glanced up at the stars, avoiding his gaze.
“So… how have you been?” he asked, his voice breaking the silence.
“Busy with work. You know how it is,” she replied, trying to keep her tone light. “And you? Still with Lily?”
James sighed, his shoulders slumping slightly. “Not anymore. We… we broke up.”
“Oh.” The word slipped from her lips before she could stop it. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine.” He ran a hand through his hair, frustration etched on his face. “It was my fault, really. I couldn’t give her what she wanted. I thought… I thought I loved her, but I was just lost.”
“Yeah.” He took a deep breath, his blue eyes searching hers. “I thought I needed to be with her to prove something. But I realized I was just pushing away the people who actually mattered to me—like you.”
A heavy silence fell again, and Y/N felt a whirlwind of emotions. “I moved on, James. I had to.”
“I know.” He shifted, looking pained. “But I missed you. We all did. I thought I could handle everything—our friendships, my relationship with Lily—but it just made me feel more alone.”
“We already had this conversation, about our friendship, we agreed on moving on James, it was mutual” she asked, her voice trembling slightly.
"I know, but I didnt want this " He stepped closer, his expression earnest. “I thought you were fine without me.”
“I was trying to be,” she admitted, her heart racing. “But I missed you too.”
The tension crackled between them, and Y/N felt a pull, like gravity drawing her closer to him. “James…”
“Y/N, I—” he started, but she interrupted.
“You were busy with your life. I didn’t want to be the one left behind.”
“Lily left me because she felt I didn’t love her,” he said, his voice low and heavy. “But I did. I just didn’t know how to show it. I’ve spent too long pretending.”
“Pretending?” she echoed.
“Pretending to be someone I thought everyone wanted me to be. But I’ve changed. I want to be honest, especially with you.”
The sincerity in his voice made her stomach flip. “What are you saying?”
“I’m saying that I still care about you, Y/N. More than I thought possible. And I realize now that I’ve always loved you.”
Her breath caught in her throat. “James, I—”
“Please, let me finish.” He took a step closer, his gaze unwavering. “I don’t want to lose you again. I’ve spent so long regretting that fallout between us. I don’t want to pretend anymore, I love you Y/n”
Tears pricked at her eyes as she processed his words. “You mean it?”
“Every word,” he said, his voice steady. “I want to make this right.”
“I…love you too, and I want that too.” Her heart raced, a mix of hope and fear coursing through her. “But what if we just end up hurting each other again?”
“Then we’ll figure it out together,” he replied, determination in his voice. “I want to try. You mean too much to me.”
With a shaky breath, Y/N took a step toward him, closing the distance. “I’ve missed you, James. I thought I’d moved on, but I never really did.”
He reached for her hand, entwining their fingers. “Then let’s not waste any more time. We can start over.”
As they stood there, the world around them seemed to fade away, leaving just the two of them under the vast expanse of stars. The past had shaped them, but it wouldn’t define their future.
“Together?” she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.
“Together,” he confirmed, his smile lighting up the night.
Months passed, and the impromptu reunion had ignited a spark that neither had anticipated. Y/N and James navigated their new relationship with care, each moment filled with laughter and discovery. They spent evenings exploring new places, sharing stories of old friends and lost dreams, rebuilding the bond that had once felt irreparably broken.
“I can’t believe we let so much time slip away,” James said one evening as they walked down a quiet street after dinner.
“Yeah, but maybe it was all part of the journey.” Y/N leaned against him, the warmth of his presence comforting. “We’re here now.”
“Right. And I won’t let you go again.” He wrapped an arm around her, pulling her closer.
As they walked together under the streetlights, Y/N smiled, feeling a sense of belonging that had eluded her for so long. The echoes of their past intertwined with the promise of a brighter future, and for the first time in years, she felt whole.
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singmyaubade · 2 years
back to black
warnings : mentions of smut and cursing
sypnosis : you have been with the marauders for so long, just to be abandoned when they found a prettier young thing but they would regret it.
poly!marauders x y/n
part 1 / part 2
it had been an almost 10 days since the entire incident.
you had been ignoring everyone in the situation, hiding in your dorm. it was almost surprising that you were left alone after being bombarded for so long.
you couldn't help but admit that you were shocked at everything that had happened, i mean how could you expect a kiss from a girl that had stolen the people you love the most?
you were nervous to go back to the class, you had even considered skipping the class entirely.
you took a deep breath, practically begging for a chance at a calm class.
you stepped inside the stone floor of the classroom to see the marauders crowding aurora, she looked nervous. aurora noticed you almost immediately. you avoided eye contact and sat in your usual seat.
"uh everyone please get in your seats!" slughorn announced.
you heard james sit next to you, you could already feel him about to speak before slughorn spoke again, "um excuse me potter, i would like you to switch seats with aurora." the marauders and auroras face twisted in confusion especially yours.
"yeah uh sure." he slowly got up, moving to the back with his friends as aurora quickly packed her back.
you saw remus and sirius with a worried look on their face as if they were worried you would hurt aurora or be rude to her.
they clearly don't know you.
aurora practically ran over to you as you shifted uncomfortably in your chair.
she sat down next you as you looked at her in your peripheral vision. she was trying to say something but couldn't find the right words clearly.
you could also practically feel the marauders staring at you, it was getting uncomfortable. you were about to rush out again until you heard her, "hi y/n."
you didn't know how to act towards her so you muttered a hello. she looked at you in sadness, "i'm really sorry fo-"
"there's no need to apologize." you replied quickly, writing something down in your notebook, not looking up.
she slightly grinned, "oh, thank you."
you sat there for a few more seconds in silence, "so how are you?" she asked, fiddling with thumbs.
"why did you kiss me?" you replied instead, looking at her.
aurora blushed, "i-i." she took a deep breath, "i just really like you since the first day i came here."
you looked at her questiongly, "this doesn't make any sense." you scoffed, looking back at your notebook.
"what doesn't?" she practically whispered, it was so quit that you were surprised to hear it.
you slammed your quill down, trying to keep a low voice at the same time, "the marauders love you with their entire being, yet you kissed me, and you are telling me that you like me, and this is all very confusing." you did a long sigh at the end.
she looked down, "i didn't lie to you, i don't love them."
"but i do." you said, looking at her heart breaking, "i-i can't like you while they love you and i can't love them without you liking me."
she grabbed your hand, "i know this is all very confusing and i und-"
you snatched your hand away, "but you don't understand, i don't even understand why you would." you saw tears rimming her eyes, "you seem wonderful but i can't like you or love you so just accept it." you spat.
you saw a tear fall from her eye, raining down to her cheek as she ran outside of the classroom before you could blink. the marauders looked at you with total judgement on their face as if you meant to hurt her.
everyone looked at her than back to you.
sirius was the first one to quickly chase after her as remus approached you, "you really are nothing like her." he berated, grabbing her bag and notebook before exiting as well.
slughorn was entirely lost, not understanding why everyone's leaving. you put your head in your hands, not understanding how a simple heartbreak could turn into you hurting others.
you didn't want to hurt aurora but how could you be with someone who was practically your competition?
before you knew it, the bell had rung, signaling it was time for a rest period.
you were walking in the hall, lost in your thoughts as you bumped into someone, apologizing quickly as you looked up to see sirius.
you rolled your eyes, almost walking away as he grabbed onto your wrist, "why did you hurt aurora?" he looked furious.
you scoffed, "you clearly don't understand what happened so please stop talking to me as if you do!" you snatched your wrist away.
"even though she refuses to tell us what happened, i still know you said something vindictive just because we want her." he argued.
you slapped him, pointing your finger in his face, "don't you fucking dare make this about you, any of you. i kissed aurora in the bathroom the other day and i was hard on her for rejecting me, that's the reason. it wasn't about you guys because quite frankly, i don't give a shit about any of you and i regret a relationship with all of you." you asserted, moving past him as you knocked his shoulder. his mouth was gaped in confusion and shock.
you didn't want to out aurora in the process and you knew you couldn't let sirius get off thinking that you would make aurora cry over them. it would be right to take the blame, aurora never deserved your harsh words and you knew it.
you went outside to relax your mind, you were glad to see no one else there.
you opened your notebook and began writing for what felt like hours and it had been in fact a few hours.
you didn't even feel a person sit next you before she spoke, "thank you."
you looked up from your notebook, confused, "for what?" you asked.
"for not telling sirius." she smiled at you.
"i mean that wouldn't be right of me and i never meant to hurt your feelings." you sighed in between your words, "you are so kind and pretty all around and i lash out without thinking and i know it's not your fault that they like you but it just hurt."
she took your hand in hers, rubbing your knuckles with her thumb, "they don't deserve either of us, i made sure they knew that."
you looked at her with a smile as she continued, "ever since i saw you that first day i arrived, i thought you were the prettiest thing i had ever seen and i knew that the only person that would have my eyes would be you. you are thoughful, compassionate, and brave which is what i enjoy about you, i have seen everything you do and it has not left my mind since. seeing you cry that day had hurt me and all i wanted to do was be with you." she explained, "and between me and you, i begged slughorn to switch james and i." she smiled.
you looked at her, surprised.
in that moment, you knew that you weren't meant to be with the marauders but that there was someone who actually cared about you and your feelings and that you knew would never leave you.
for once, you actually felt safe.
you rubbed her soft cheek, causing her to blush tint pink. you hesitated, leaning in to kiss her. you took her in her pink lips, softer than you had imagined.
you pulled back to see her reaction as she grinned brightly, kissing you back deeply.
and you agreed then and there,
that you would never go back to black.
tags : @i-cant-stfu @katlovesall @halobaby @h1storicbabe @iamahallucinationnn @swagfurytriumph @venomsvll @sweetwizardtragedyy @helloitsmeeeeeee @rayrayredpanda @sweetiecutie @moonysupremacy011 @anapnovo-blog @valxvz @howlnights @swag696942069 @reading-writing-737 @kosem1656 @louyoursins @hrryp0thead @the-abyss-gazed-back @tswiftiesposts @desi-brownie @mlovally @idkanygoodusers @nanainwonderland @padf00ts-l0ver @losttrainwreck @seenit @liltimmyt1m @urmomsgayforme5 @steorrq @anuncalledbridge @graytrical @ayyeitssarahh @faceache111 @agustdeeyaa @nothing2113 @psychobitchsthings @fromcabin13 @miaandthediamonds @luvdi0r @slytherpuffh0e @queenstarlight @reggiegyal @kissforvoid @555stargirl555 @lou-lj @xxemberlights @amira0303 @itohajime3200
thank you all so much for hyping this up and im so sorry if this isn't the ending you wanted !
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sirius black fic recs (1)
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you are responsible for the content you consume‼️
✧*:·˚ hi everyone!! here is a list of all the fics that are my favs with tagged writers/authors ✧*:·˚
✧*:·˚ remember to like and reblog the works you enjoy in order to support each writer!! ✧*:·˚
✧*:·˚ however, make sure you read the information on each story themselves such as triggers & warnings ✧*:·˚
✧*:·˚ also, if you'd like me to remove your fic from this list, message me! ✧*:·˚
my absolute favs= 🔭
★☆ this early dancing (1/2) 🔭 by @luveline sirius black x fem!reader | fluff, smut, marauders era, mutual pining, idiots in love, she/her pronouns used for reader, fem!reader
-blindly in love with your best friend sirius you find yourself sharing a room with him on a group holiday to the seaside. it wasn’t ever going to go any other way
★☆ this early dancing (2/2) 🔭 by ^ sirius black x fem!reader | fluff, smut, marauders era, mutual pining, idiots in love, she/her pronouns used for reader, fem!reader
-you and sirius navigate the dizzying affection between you both while trying to keep it secret
★☆ bright white stars by ^ sirius black x reader | nsfw (18+ please) shy!reader, fem!reader, oral fem receiving, idiots in love, praise, fem!reader, she/her pronouns used for reader
-sirius wants you to sit on his face, and he’s very convincing
★☆ drunk!sirius by ^ sirius black x reader
-“kisses,” Sirius declares, out of nowhere.
★☆ sirius black blurb by @bellatrixscurls sirius black x reader | smut
-crying to bestfriend!sirius bc you think you’re “broken” cause no one’s ever made you cum and he’s like
★☆ training sessions by @gxtitobxby sirius black x fem!reader | smut
-“are you ready to try again?”
★☆ sirius being a girl dad by ^ sirius black x reader
-being married to sirius and having four kids all daughters and how amazing of a girl dad he is
★☆ sirius blurb by @moonbcrry sirius black x fem!reader | mentions of alcohol, the reader basically blacks out, she/her pronouns are used for the reader.
-"i wanna go back, siri! lemme go!" you welter under sirius' arms, uselessly pushing him away.
★☆ rockstar!sirius blurb by ^ sirius black x reader
-rockstar!sirius is a lady’s man, let’s be honest. he gets the girls. obviously, it’s gonna bug you. how could it not? he’s a rockstar and he’s hot for fucks sake.
★☆ rockstar!sirius blurb by ^ sirius black x reader
-rockstar!sirius winks at you from the stage
★☆ rockstar!sirius blurb by ^ sirius black x reader
-“my girl made these, aren’t they pretty? ‘specially with her name, too.”
★☆ rockstar!sirius blurb by ^ sirius black x reader
-but boy, don't we love a slightly possessive sirius?
★☆ and we run by @evermoreal rockstar!sirius black x reader | fluff
-in an attempt to escape the paparazzi, sirius black hitches a ride with the first person he sees.
★☆ rockstar!sirius blurb by @ddejavvu sirius black x reader
-rockstar!sirius flirting with interviewer!reader
★☆ sirius blurb by ^ sirius black x reader
-reader being witty and sarcastic when talking to Sirius and he can't help but murmur, 'she's so hot'
★☆ sirius enemies to lovers by ^ sirius black x reader
-enemies to lovers with sirius and the “who did this to u” trope
★☆ sirius blurb by ^ sirius black x reader
-reader who is allergic to dogs and is confused about suddenly getting watery eyes and sneezing around sirius
★☆ sirius blurb by ^ sirius black x muggleborn!reader
-forbidden love with sirius black x muggleborn reader where he sneaks reader into his room at grimmauld place every night
★☆ sirius blurb by ^ sirius black x reader
-sirius is getting close to his heat so he’s being extra needy and possessive, then one day remus came over and touched the reader by accident and sirius just growl dramatically leaving poor remus confused and as soon as remus left he’s all over her
★☆ sirius smut blurb by ^ sirius black x reader
-the reader and sirius are having seggs but the marauders come in the dorm room? And instead of stopping he just keeps on going while making conversation
★☆ rockstar!sirius black thought by @godlessandwrecked sirius black x reader
-everyone thinks that sirius would get your initials tattooed on him. but can you imagine him getting a little weary at the idea? not in “oh gosh, her name is going to be stuck on me forever and I don’t even like her” way, but rather in a “I know it’s stupid but I’m superstitious.
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★☆ broadcast the boom! boom! boom! by @letterstotheflre sirius black x reader | smut: face slapping, choking, kinda public sex, gagging (with underwear)
-sirius always needs a quick fuck before going on stage
★☆ rockstar!sirius blurb by ^ sirius black x reader | smut
-imagine rockstar!sirius pounding into you, frustrated from not being able to find the perfect melody for the last song he wrote when suddenly you moan just right.
★☆ of eyeliners and pretty boys by ^ sirius black x reader | dom/sub dynamics, soft dom!sirius, sub!reader, cockwarming, i think that’s it?, its actually extremely soft.
-you do sirius’s makeup. it turns into more.
★☆ (you kiss on side walks) you fight and you talk by ^ sirius black x reader | fluff, mentions of sexual harassment, 1.5k
-sirius black and maybe a little best friend to lovers action?
★☆ rainy days by @f4irydaydreams sirius black x fem!reader | cheesy and fluffy, angst to fluff, good old friends to lovers, crying, lots of dialogue, y/n being stupid, 1.5k
-leaning against the window she could hear the slight tapping on the window which grew louder as hours passed.
★☆ tired by ^ sirius black x fem!reader | crying, stress, anxiety, bad habits, self indulgent, angst? bad writing, hurt/comfort 
-it was all just getting too much. too much. there were too many things to do, too many things to worry about, too many things running through her mind. she was slipping away. 
★☆ pick me by @fanatictypist sirius black x reader | mutual pining, fluff, 1.6k+
-sirius gets worked up when he finds out that his best friend has never had a proper snog.
★☆ shaving by @berrieluv sirius black x plus size!reader | characters are +18, modern AU, kinda sub sirius?, mentions of pubic hair, reader doesn't like pubic hair, pussy kisses (? idk if that's a thing), mentions of jegulus and marlene x lily.
-sirius wants to help you to shave.
★☆ until midnight by @v1oletvenus sirius black x fem! reader | (who have recent history together), a mix of angst & fluff with happy ending, its very sappy
-at the hogwarts valentine's masquerade ball, everyone's identities are hidden... until midnight.
★☆ whispers at night by ^ sirius black x fem! reader | secret boyfriend!, aftermath of nightmares, fluff, comfort, kissing, this is veeeeryyy soft
-after a nightmare about you, sirius comes to your dorm to make sure you're okay.
★☆ sirius blurb by ^ sirius black x reader
-the moment best friend! sirius black realises he's in love with you.
★☆ rockstar!sirius x actress!reader by ^ rockstar!guitarist!sirius black x reader
-imagine even though you and sirius have never met before, you know of each other because of fan-made dating rumours that are circulating around the tabloids - both of you get asked in interviews about each other quite a lot and always respond with really respectful and sweet answers. and your publicists keep you in the loop about what the other has said, so there's mutual intrigue already there.
★☆ sirius blurb by ^ sirius black x reader
-reader giving sirius a stick & poke tattoo
★☆ sirius blurb by ^ sirius black x reader
-sirius pretends he doesn’t like it when you draw on him, but he explodes everytime you draw a heart and then do a matching one on yourself.
★☆ fame and glory by @messers-moony young!sirius black x fem!potter!reader | 3.4k
-y/n potter goes through the triwizard tournament.
★☆ dating sirius black headcannons (slytherin edition) by @theemeraldjewel sirius black x reader | some mild smut/ implied sex mentioned
-this is a typical enemies to lovers story
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★☆ hope by @scvrllet sirius black x reader | mentions of murder, sad Sirius, angst with a fluffy (ish?) ending
-getting over a loved ones death is never easy and for some, they’re never able to move on
★☆ say it again by ^ sirius black x gryffindor!reader | the word shit (idk, some people think it’s a swear word), oh and also cigarette use (drug use?)
-the five times he’s said ‘i love you’ and the one time you said it back
★☆ secrets i have held in my heart by @paracsms sirius black x fem!reader | angst, fluff, 3k
-when a slytherin classmate asks you out, you gladly accept. but why is sirius so upset about it?
★☆ the common cold by ^ sirius black x fem!reader | fluff, 1.2k
-you get sick and sirius is worried
★☆ the stress of academia by ^ sirius black x fem!reader | angst, fluff, 1.6k
-with NEWTs just around the corner, sirius is worried you’re pushing yourself to your limit
★☆ pretense by ^ sirius black x fem!reader | fluff, bit of angst, 2.8k
-when sirius finds himself with girl troubles, he enlists your help
★☆ it's on me by @ghostedgwen sirius black x reader | definitely inspired by afterglow, angst 2/ comfort, language, hurt sirius, insecurities, and you being a dumbass but like, within reason, soulmate!au, 4.9k
-on of you gets the name of your soulmate tattooed on your wrist the day you turn 17 and whoever gets it should take the initiative to approach their soulmate. only you keep your distance from your because of his reputation, that is until he found.
★☆ taste ii. by @prsfphone sirius black x reader | nsfw, smut, semi-public, fingering, oral (female receiving), penetrative sex, dirty talk, light breeding kink?
-find part i here 
★☆ in no time by @fantastiqueali sirius black x reader | 18+, minors dni!, breeding kink, and cock warming
-“I know puppy, just keep it in.”
★☆ sirius smut blurb by @ohlovxr  sirius black x reader | smut
-thinking of sirius forcing your head down
★☆ stephbrother!sirius by ^ sirius black x reader | smut
-“oh no,” sirius mocked, amusement gracing his voice, “y’cryin’ again, sweetheart?”
★☆ your mind is a stream of colors by @embrassemoi painter!sirius black x fem!reader | fluff, a bit of insecurities, hint of commitment issues, 1.6k
-having difficulty saying ‘I love you’ to his girlfriend after his scarred past, sirius turns to expressing himself in what he does best: painting.
★☆ calling to join 🔭 by ^ actor!sirius black x fem!reader | good old fashioned fluff, 1k
-away for a press tour for his latest film, sirius finds another way to be with his fiancé at the met gala.
★☆ dreaming of you by ^ sirius black x fem!reader | fluff
-the familiar feeling of sirius’ arms wrapped around her waist securely was the first thing she registered when she woke. their legs were tangled, a thin layer of sheets wrapped them in their safe haven as their bodies moulded to curl around the other.
★☆ solo by @enviedear sirius x fem!reader | smut
-in which sirius has commitment issues but can’t stand the thought of you not being his.
★☆ not just friends by @siriusmydeer sirius black x fem!reader | sexual innuendos, steamy scenes, swearing, awkward remus and flustered sirius, 0.8k
-when you and sirius have a secret friends with benefits happening, what happens when one of your bestfriends walks in and sees?
★☆ our dreams by @mirclealignr sirius black x gn!reader | angst, breakup, fluffy ending, 1.4k+
-“I know you don’t love me anymore, I know that. But i can’t stop loving you”
★☆ your side by @soupandsimple sirius black x reader | fluff
-telling boyfriend sirius to stay away from you on a hot night
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★☆ diamonds by @cupids-crystals sirius black x reader | just self-indulgent fluff!! talks of marriage and the future, no reader pronouns used, 0.8k
-sirius helps you get ready for a date night
★☆ just for the night by @morwap sirius x fem!reader | switch! sirius & reader (dom sirius at beginning then sub sirius at the end), p in v, oral m! & f! receiving, praise & degradation , one bed & enemies to lovers, cock warming, snape slander, mention of remus lupin x reader, hair pulling, unprotected sex, handjob, pet names, spiting, dacryphilia, spanking/slapping, overstim, cocky sirius, creampie, begging
-maybe this was james’ way of getting back at sirius for an old prank or maybe he just pissed him off a couple days ago and this is him just wanting get on sirius’ nerves.
★☆ picnic with harry and neville by ^ sirius black x fem! reader | fluff
-“sirius let’s go james, lily and alice and frank are waiting for us plus the babies”
★☆ collide by @curseofaphrodite sirius x fem!reader | fluff
-the five times you collided with him. 
★☆ someone to stay by @velvetcloxds sirius x fem!reader | little mention of blood and a razor, nothing serious but it's there, 0.7k
-sirius helping you shave your legs after a panic attack
★☆ she's a keeper by @robynlilyblack sirius black x fem!reader | swearing, 2.2k
-sirius invites his girl to meet his friends, when they find out she’s the polar opposite of him and is completely whipped they can’t help but tease him
★☆ tell me in the morning by @lovetrt sirius black x reader | mentions of alcohol, some cursing, 3.0k
-sirius black tries to convince you of his true feelings. while sitting on the bathroom floor. drunk.
★☆ sirius blurb by @fairydxll sirius black x reader | smut
-sirius getting sick and trying to convince u that sitting on his face will make him feel better. and reader just wanting to make him feel better so she does it and he finishes her and just says how it was the best medicine ever
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hart269 · 4 months
Slithering Hearts
Chapter 9
Pairing : Regulus Black x Fem! reader
Synopsis : You begin an unlikely friendship with the little Black. And soon your whole life seems to have become a tumultuous pathway. The catch, James Potter is your brother.
A/N : The plot thickens as Sirius runs away from home.
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Masterlist / Series Masterlist
Through the incessants knocking of the door at midnight, you had managed to be there first. Considering you were already awake, you had been the first to respond to the knocks, though you gripped your wand tight. It was storming outside, rain pelting down on the Potter Manor. Keets, your house elf stood behind you, although she argues to there first, you managed to keep her behind. You pried the door just as the frantic knocking stopped.
Out of all the things you had expected, a drenched Sirius Black wasn't one of them. He looked shabby, thin as if he hadn't eaten all summer. His knuckles were red and pale, clutching a small bag on one. His face had little cuts on them, and there were tears running down his face mixed with the rain water.
"Hello baby potter" he croaked. Another round of thunder cackled, as his body slumped, you screamed for James, lifting Sirius who was on his knees. Keets rushed to call your mom. James came running, running his hands through his tousled hair. Eyes widening at the sight of Sirius, he rushed to take him in his arms, getting his t-shirt soaked.
"Hey, Padfoot" James brushed his wet hair behind, "Be with me alright"
Sirius however kept crying, buried in his bestfriend's shoulder. The footsteps on the stairs, indicated, your parents rushing downstairs.
Sirius finally parted, "I had nowhere else to go, my mother she wanted me to join him".
Your eyes darted to the door, as if waiting for another figure to step in, coming back in disappointment.
James rubbed his back, "Join who, Sirius"
Sirius looked up in misery or fury, you couldn't tell, "Voldemort". Euphemia gasped hearing that name.
Sirius shook his head, "Euphs, I'm sorry for coming at this hour but I can't go back to that house".
Fleamont stepped forward, "Absolutely not, there is no chance you're going back to that house."
Sirius nodded, tears of appreciation flowed down his pale cheeks. Euphemia however looked in concern, "Sirius, dear, are you hurt?".
He however only gave a little grunt, "Nothing that bad", which in all its seriousness probably didn't mean much."
Your mom nodded, "I'll send some potions for you, James, honey take him to your room."
James moved with a "Yes mum". You left soon too, your mind still wandering about Reg, why didn't he come with Sirius, did they not let him, was he hurt or worse, Sirius didn't say anything to indicate his whereabouts.
You asked him that after breakfast, he however scoffed while you felt your heart sank, "I would advise you to stay away from him, he isn't what you think he is"
You weren't to back down soon, "Why would I, I have spent more time with him in the past few years than you did, I know him, Sirius, he isn't bad"
He sighed, "You're blinded by your itty bitty crush, he is just like them, he didn't even" He choked, "He didn't even seem to have an idea of what he's getting himself into, he's just mommy's little boy who will do whatever she tells him to"
"Do you really think of him like that because I know for a fact that he hates living there as much as you do, you think he likes to be there, that he enjoys being in her presence" you snapped.
He shook his head, glowering "Really, he wasn't the one who got punished for being in a different house, he wasn't the one his mother hates for simply fucking existing"
You took a deep breath, "You're right Sirius, you are, doesn't means he's that better off is it, you both live in the same house, and not to mention he loves you Sirius, he does, he won't say it, you won't say it but he is your brot-"
"Stop it, stop defending him, are you listening to yourself, he is fiooling you, he has turned to their side, no matter what you or I feel, he is gone to them".
Maybe the truth wasn't that Sirius never wanted to talk to Regulus, maybe it was that everytime he wanted to his brain shut him off. To admit he felt sympathy from his brother would have him accept Reg's pain along with his own, and he didn't feel brave enough to do so.
Summer went quietly, not a letter from Reg. You and Sirius eventually became civil with each other, hanging out all together. Soon, he became an unofficial Potter, heck he accidentaly called Euphemia mom once and now he had stuck with it.
The ride to Hogwarts express was filled with apprehension, you were sitting next to Amelia. You were hearing her talk about her Summer ignoring the sting you felt realising Regulus was now plainly ignoring you.
You knew there had to be something but you decided to wait until you could find him alone, which was near impossible. He wasn't to be seen in astronomy tower either. You waited and waited, until you snapped, dragging him away from Rosier and shoving him into an emoty classroom. Locking the door behind, you pointed the wand at his neck, "Any last words, Black?"
"Last words huh, you''re gonna kill me Potter, you can't even seem to stay away from me" he leaned over you.
"I bet ghost Regulus would be nicer, you have been avoiding me like a plague, some friend you are" You stared back at him with ferocity and an unrecognised softness.
"Then go, what are you waiting for?" he said, not looking at you.
"Is that it, Reg, Is that all you have to say, all you can say, have I not listened patiently to whatever troubles you" your voice went soft with each syllable.
"What do you want me to tell you, you know what happened, he left to your house, not a letter, not a note, in the dead of night, he just left, I didn't even know where until much letter"
His fingers fumbled with his robes.
You took his hand, "You can come too, Reg. Run away from there, come with me"
He hesitated, "I can't, It's too late for me anyways"
Your eyebrows furrowed, "What do you mean too late Reg?"
Regulus didn't look at you, "You should leave while it's still time, you can still save yourself"
You scoffed, "I don't need anyone to save from me, not from you. Do you know how many times I'v been told to leave you and I told off every time, and now you are doing the same".
He slumped against the wall, his hand still clutched in yours, "Maybe they were right?"
"Right about what, Reg right about what, can you be fucking clear" the words burnt in your throat. Frustration clawing its way in.
His eyes were filled with pain, as he looked at you in desperation, alternating his choice between telling you to leave him alone or to stay forever. He decided in the end, to let you decide, for he couldn't find a way out of his misery. And he had known you more than he had known himself.
He slided the cloak covering his arm, hearing you gasp gave him the confirmation that you had seen it, the mark. The hollow eyes of the skull that bore onto him every single time he saw it, haunting him.
Your fingers brushed over it, testing that it wasn't a mere part of your hallucination. That it was really there. You flinched as if it had burned and he suspected it may have, charred something. You took a shuddering breath, you had thought of many possibilities but this, this was different from all of them. The horror of reality outweighed your imagination.
You looked at him to find him already looking at you, his expression grim, his eyes distressed, pained. "Did you agree to this?".
One question that you beleived was the most crucial one now.
"Not directly, no, The night after Sirius was gone, I had nowhere to run, I couldn't leave, I had no magic, I was surrounded by them, so many of them" He choked, a lone tear escaped his eyes. You gently brushed it away, he dropped his hands onto your cheek. "I couldn't tell them no, he was there, he said it was an honour that I was his youngest soldier but I felt anything but so. I felt vile and it wouldn't go away" He glared at the mark, sniffling. Rubbing it harshly while more tears fell.
You held both his hands, stopping him. You slowly snaked your arms around his waist, pulling hin gently towards you. His body remained tense, until he too wrapped his hands around you, head dropping into the crook of your neck. He tightened his grip, engulfing you in him. His body was shaking. You gently rubbed circles in his back.
"It's okay, Reg, everything will be fine." He just clutched you tighter until he couldn't feel his hands or his feelings. Was it bad that you personally wanted to murder his parents?
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moonstruckme · 10 months
James Potter Drabbles
☁︎ = headcanon ✩ = 18+, mdni ♡ = mae's favs
Baking with James ☁︎
You and James go on an aquarium date ☁︎
James x a very physically affectionate you ☁︎
James when you're nervous to spend the night ☁︎
James and Sirius both like you ☁︎
James when you're insecure about your skin ☁︎
James x baker!reader ☁︎
James admits he likes you (after accidentally drugging you) ☁︎
James x codependent!reader ☁︎
You're James' curly-haired gf ☁︎
James apologizes to hufflepuff!you after a prank gone wrong ♡
Roommate!James takes care of you when you're sick
You have a complicated relationship with touch, and James loves you just the same
James protects you from the cold
James x you when you're uncomfortable around drunk people
You inadvertently torment bestfriend!James with your hotness
You introduce James to nipple piercings (he's a fan)
Touchy bestfriend!James is obsessed with your boobs
James is beyond proud when you pass your big test
You're anxious and PMSing, and James is The Best
You both misplace your glasses
Hockey player!James experiences love at first sight with figure skater!reader
Your muscley boyfriend James gives you the hug of the year ♡
You wash James' hair after a long day ♡
James gets a lesson on waxing moon rituals from whimsical!reader
James knows you're not so innocent
You give James flowers ♡
Roommate!James is way too nice to you when you come home drunk
You and James are both very fit and achey (massages help)
James doesn't care about your acne
James is (lovingly) worried when whimsical!reader brings home a friend
James loves your nose
James is lovestruck for whimsical!reader
James gets into a slight tizzy when you scrape your knee ♡
James comforts you when you worry you're a not a good person
James helps when you have a nosebleed
James is obsessed with plus size!reader
You help bodyguard!James in his time of need ♡
James is smitten with you, Sirius' sister
You accessorize James' bicep
James is drunk and staunchly loyal
fireman!James rescues you from an elevator
James reasons with you when you're jealous ♡
James wants to be your champion
Bodyguard!James saves you during a shooting
James feeds you
Bestfriend!James and you roll around (platonically of course)
You and James are adorably domestic ♡
You're afraid of showing too much love for James
You and James finally have your time ♡
Rockstar!James throws a drumstick at you
James comforts you when you have a migraine
Firefighter!James frets over your smoke inhalation
You divert James on a summer day
You worry you and James are drifting apart ♡
James comforts you when you have anxiety troubles
You and James meet when you're drunk and upset
Roommate!James is protective when you go on a date
You call on your neighbor, James, for help
James and shy!reader kiss for the first time
Camp counselor!James
He invites you to a bonfire The kids know about his crush He tells a campfire story You share a sunrise (and a kiss) He gets handsy in the lake He frets when you cut yourself You share a moment at the bonfire ♡ You reunite for your second summer
You're James' opposite, but you love each other
James comforts you when you break down
James takes care of you when you're hurt
James wants you to be treated kindly ♡
You and your roommate James have a spat
James is upset when a creep bothers you
You and bestfriend!James take things a bit further ♡
James comforts you during friend drama
Black cat!reader is in awe of James
You come home to James after your night shift
You're uncomfortable with James giving you so many gifts
Firefighter!James rescues you during a flood
James comforts slytherin!reader experiencing a rare bout of insecurity
James is stern when you've hurt your knee
You tell James you don't want kids
You have a concussion, and James is lovely
You meet James in an airport at midnight
You leave James a love note
James patches you up
You patch James up
James paints your nails
James loves to tease ✩♡
Giggly sex with James ✩
James is your first time ✩ | the aftercare
James x shy!reader ✩
James is a giver ✩
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