#beth reads 2019
proxentauri · 5 days
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if i had a nickel for every time i played a remedy game that featured courtney hope’s character trying to get to a world-altering polyhedron in a universe where humans wear special harnesses to survive a world-ending threat, i’d have two nickels, which isn't a lot, but it's sure weird that it's happened twice
flipped version & process beneath the cut!
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beth deserved so much better...please quantum break sequel where she's happy :) please remedy...the IP is worth it i promise I'LL fucking come back for her
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leaclark · 4 months
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beth march mood board 🎹🎶🤎
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vanessas-bookereport · 3 months
i fucking love the 2019 rendition of "little women"
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catsandbooksstuff · 2 years
I've got the key to my castle in the air, but whether I can unlock the door remains to be seen.
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boundprince · 2 months
in 2019 i got cancelled by 30 yr olds on here for not liking shiro x keith that much. im innocent. also i did tell many of them to die painfully but that wasnt my fault they provoked me
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mielgf · 2 years
just finished my first read of little women and i will never be the same
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medievalwife · 5 months
am i the only person who didn’t know amy is the youngest march sister and not beth????????
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lvnleah · 2 months
Protective Love | Lia Wälti
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Based on this request! :)
Summary: Reader gets injured during a game against Man United after a bad tackle, Lia is the first at her side when she goes down. Lia stays by the readers side. Lots of fluff!!
Notes: haven’t really read this through so please be kind! Also a short one <33
Getting injured whilst playing your absolute best was every football player's worst idea. You were playing against Man United, thirty minutes in and you were playing your best game that you’d played in a long time.
Arsenal were 1-0 down, Man United getting an early goal six minutes in. Beth Mead passed you the ball, you were getting closer and closer to the next. Millie Turner slide tackled you, taking the ball from straight under your feet.
You landed funny, instantly feeling your ankles crack right underneath you. Strings of curse words fell from your mouth as your body hit the ground. You instantly grabbed you ankle, holding it to try and ease the pain.
The whistle blew, signalling for the game to come for a stop. The crowd's cheers dulled to a concerned murmur as you lay on the pitch, pain radiating from your ankle after a rough tackle. Your teammates huddled around, but it was Lia's face that came into focus above you — her eyes wide with worry.
"Hey, you're going to be okay," Lia said, her voice steady despite the panic you saw in her eyes. She knelt beside you, her hand gently brushing your face. “What hurts, love?”
“Ankle.” You cried, not being able to take the pain as you groaned into the ground, “I felt it crack.”
The medics rushed over, and as they assessed your injury, Lia never left your side. Her hand gently brushed the hair from your forehead.
Lia was your girlfriend of eight months, you’d been friends for around four years and your feelings had only grown over that time. You were flirty friends ever since you’d join Arsenal in January 2019.
Lia hadn’t been at the club long so the pair of you bonded over both being new. At the time you were both in relationships, you had a girlfriend of 3 years and Lia had just celebrated her 1 year anniversary with hers.
Around a year ago, both of your relationships ended and you both moved in with each other. Your feelings for each other grew and grew and one evening you confessed them before asking Lia to be your girlfriend. You hadn’t looked back since that day.
Once the medics had stabilised your ankle, Lia helped you to your feet, acting as your crutch.
"I've got you," she murmured, her tone leaving no room for argument. The protective glint in her eyes told you that she didn’t want to hear your stubbornness.
As you hobbled off the field, leaning heavily on Lia, you couldn't help but feel a warmth that had nothing to do with the injury. It was the warmth of being cared for, the warmth of Lia's unwavering presence. Something you’d never felt on this level before.
You reached the dugouts and the medics took you down to the physio room. Despite not wanting to, Lia returned to the pitch and carried on with the game.
The physio room was a sterile, fluorescent-lit space tucked away beneath the stadium. You sat on the examination table, your broken ankle propped up on a cushion. The pain had dulled slightly, but every movement sent a sharp reminder of the injury up your leg.
The physio further assessed your injury, she examined your ankle, prodding gently and asking about the pain. You winced as she touched the swollen joint, and she nodded in confirmation.
"Definitely a break," she said. "We'll need to get you to the hospital for an X-ray."
You nodded, knowing that recovery was going to be a long process and your season was going to be cut short. Your heart shattered, you’d been playing your best and you felt like everything around you was crumbling down and you couldn’t do anything about it.
Half time came and Lia rushed into the room the room, “My love, you okay?” She asked, concern written all over her face.
“Broken ankle.” You sniffed, Lia wiping your tears from under your eyes, “Need an X-Ray but they think it’s broken.”
“Oh my love, I’m so sorry, we’ll get through this together okay?” Lia reassured you, sitting down on the physio bed next to you.
You spent the next few minutes cuddled together, your head resting on Lia’s chest as your teammates popped in and out to check on you.
“I can’t believe she did that and all she got was a yellow card!” Lia raged, her hands running through your head.
“Babe, it’s okay.” You sighed, “it was a simple mistake from Millie.”
“Still!” The brunette said, throwing her hands up in the air, “you were playing so well and now you’re out for probably the rest of the season!”
At the hospital, the X-rays confirmed the break. You were fitted with a cast, and Lia sat beside you, her thumb tracing circles on the back of your hand. She didn't leave your side, not even when you got home and she immediately ordered you to bed.
"You're stuck with me," Lia said, running her hands through your hair as you cuddled into her side. "At least until you're back on your feet."
You smiled, despite the pain throbbing in your ankle. "I wouldn't have it any other way." You tilted your head back slowly and kissed Lia’s lips softly.
The weeks of healing and rehab soon started. The first few weeks were spent in bed, Lia brought you books, snacks, and her company. She even learned how to make a decent cup of tea, which was no small feat for someone who had previously forgotten to put the teabag into the cup and just gave you milk.
As your ankle slowly mended, it took longer than the average break and you missed the rest of the games that season. You attended every match, supporting your teammates from the stand.
One good thing about your injury was that you and Lia became closer than ever. As she played the role of nurse, your love for her grew. You became closer than ever and you were just thankful that you had Lia beside you, holding your hand every step of the way.
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livwritesstuff · 7 months
spoilers for Little Women lol the book has been out for 150 years and there’s been a few notable movies since then so hopefully it’s fine
Since she was old enough to start having a real personality, Eddie always calls his and Steve’s youngest daughter, Hazel, the family’s very own Beth March. She’s sweet and kind and compassionate and quiet, and gets a bit solemn when she’s sleepy and little spurts of goofy energy when she’s awake. Beth March.
Steve never read the book. Never watched any of the film adaptations either – not for any particular reason, he just never got around to it, so he always just took Ed’s word for it whenever he likened their littlest girl to the character.
Then December of 2019 rolls around and Greta Gerwig’s adaptation comes out, and Moe is back home after her first semester of college, and all the girls are on winter break and bored, so when Steve suggests they all go see a movie, it’s the only one they can agree on (the other contenders are Cats, which Moe and Robbie immediately shut down bc they’ve seen all the memes that are still circulating, and Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker which Steve vetoes because he’s so behind on the franchise that he has no idea what’s going on).
So they watch Little Women, and it takes about half a second for Steve to realize that, yeah, Eddie was spot on. Hazel is Beth March to a T.
Steve, after the “I like your nose” line: Oh my god. She’s literally Hazel.
Ed: See – what did I tell you?
What Eddie does not know is that Steve, who never read Little Women, does not know how it ends, thus does not know that Beth dies, and despite Beth’s illness being part of the plot from the get, he’s not expecting it at all, because how could a story called Little Women not have a happy ending?
When this little piece of the plot does inevitably arrive, Steve is devastated, fucking gutted. He’s silently beside himself in his seat trying to pull an oblivious thirteen-year-old Hazel into his arms.
When the movie is done and they've left the theater, Steve doesn't let Hazel out of his sight for a second, to the point where Eddie has to remind him that she's not actually Beth March.
and they also now have
✨ penicillin ✨
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hanleiacelebration · 11 months
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Han/Leia Appreciation Week 2023
Han/Leia Appreciation Week is an event originally hosted at @han-leia-solo between 2016-2019. Last year, and with their permission, we decided to host it at @hanleiacelebration!
Since Beth Revis' "The Princess and the Scoundrel" was released on August 16th, 2022, we thought it'd be fun to mark the date as the anniversary of Han and Leia's wedding 🥰 And since this year is also the 40th anniversary of "Return of the Jedi", you'll see prompts related to both of those things!
💗 How does the Han/Leia Appreciation Week work?
The event will run from August 13th to August 19th, and there will be two different prompts each day that creators can fulfill with: fanfic, fanart, gifsets, graphics, fanvids, headcanons, crafts, playlists, rec lists. You’re encouraged to tag your posts with #hanleiaweek2023 so we can reblog them! After the week is over, we'll also share a masterlist with links to the works.
You can show your appreciation in many ways; however, please keep in mind that it has to be a creation of yours of some sort, e.g. don’t repost other people’s fanart, gifs, or unedited pictures. Rec lists should include a link to the original source both for fanfic and fanart (more on this after the cut).
💫 The prompts
Sunday 8/13: Anniversary / Memory
Monday 8/14: Endor / Reunion
Tuesday 8/15: Rescue / Vision
Wednesday 8/16: Favourite scene / Quote
Thursday 8/17: Battle couple / Millennium Falcon
Friday 8/18: AU / Canon divergence
Saturday 8/19: Free day!
You can use only one of the daily prompts, combine both, reinterpret them, or skip the day if you can’t think of anything. If you’re not able to post on the same day for a prompt, you’re still encouraged to share it through the week—just don’t post works for a certain prompt before the day corresponding to that prompt.
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FAQs and Rules under the cut - please read!
💗 Can I post my work to another site and share the link on Tumblr?
Yes! This is a good option for people who might want to create explicit art that could be taken down on Tumblr, write a long fic or multichapter, or make videos or playlists.
💗 Does it have to be a new creation? Can I finish and post a WIP?
It has to be something that has never been posted anywhere else before, so finishing and sharing a WIP is okay! If it doesn’t fit any of the prompts, you can share it on Free Day.
💗 Is this event open to all ratings?
Yes! Just remember to use a “Read more” cut if you’re posting the whole work on Tumblr, and to add a note at the top if your work is rated Mature or Explicit, as well as if it has any major trigger warnings, so all folks can safely browse through the entries.
💗 Are there any length or quality requirements?
There’s no min. or max. length for fanfic or quality level for art, but please note that AI-generated works won't be accepted. For gifsets, there’s a minimum of two gifs (that must be made by you!). For playlists, there’s a minimum of five songs. For rec lists of fic or fanart, there’s also a minimum of five recs. Some more questions you might have about rec lists:
- How do I share someone else's art without posting a picture? You might post a thumbnail that crops a preview of the piece; if the piece has a title, you might use that; you might describe it; or you might say something like “this piece by [artist]”, and link to the source.
- What if I found a fanart on Google? Try to find the original source using reverse search image.
- What if I can’t still find it, can I just say “credit to the artist”? In that case, please just don’t share the piece.
- What if I know the artist but don’t have a link to the original source? Naming the artist and linking back to where you found it is okay, in that case.
💗 Is the event based on "The Princess and the Scoundrel"?
Not really! That's just an excuse to celebrate Han/Leia 😊 You don’t need to include or acknowledge it in any way in your creations, although you’re welcome to.
💗 Can I write for canon/Legends and include other pairings?
All canons, time periods, headcanons and AUs are welcome, and you're allowed to include side pairings, except for R*eylo. However, keep in mind that this is a Han/Leia appreciation week - at the risk of sounding repetitive, works should focus on appreciating Han and Leia's relationship!
💗 What's the time zone for the event?
Please don't worry too much about time zones: when we say "day", we always mean "whenever that day is for you in your part of the world". IE: if it's Monday for you, you can post your work for the Monday prompt.
💠 💠 💠
Do you have any other questions? Don’t hesitate to send us an ask or to message one of the mods: @lajulie24 @hanorganaas and @otterandterrier
We can’t wait to see what you all create!
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leaclark · 4 months
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jo march mood board 🖋️📚📜
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frangipanilove · 3 months
"The Antidote Is Ethanol" …or more specifically, it is "Beer; The Goddam Staff Of Life"...
As promised, here’s a more thorough discussion on the symbolism around ethanol. This is an updated version of this post, and I first wrote about ethanol after FTWD 4x16 aired back in 2019, read that post here.
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In TOWL 1x4 "What We", we saw Rick and Michonne escape in a yellow car loaded with ethanol. I knew the symbolism was the same that had been explored back in season 4 of FTWD, and I knew the ethanol in the back of Richonne's car represented a sort of "cure" or "resolution", it represented a way to restore and rebuild society.
In FTWD 4x16 "I Lose Myself", we saw Martha, the villain of the season, try to kill Morgan and company by poisoning their water with antifreeze:
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Antifreeze will in some cases contain methanol, and the antidote to methanol poisoning is simply "ethanol", which, according to Morgan Jones, is just a fancy word for alcohol:
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I’ve always said that the spin-offs of TWDU provide an excellent insight into how the symbolism is meant to be interpreted, because where symbolism can be intentionally vague and ambiguous on the main show, the spin-offs function as literal blueprints on how to interpret it. And basically the entire back half of season 4 of FTWD was all about ethanol, or more specifically, beer…
I feel pretty certain that "beer" was the single most uttered word of the entire season…
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You get the picture. Season 4B of FTWD was the Season of the Beer! The entire back half revolved around the many excellent properties of beer. And after some time, we started to see what TPTB were trying to communicate with all these beer references. It became clear that they were using it as a metaphor for restoring and rebuilding society:
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Basically, beer is the...
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There you go. It's the goddam staff of life!
It's a diet staple! A prerequisite for living.
It represents life and the living. And it is resurrection symbolism.
In short, the season was all about Morgan and company deciding their purpose in life was to help others. The villain of the season, Martha, did not agree with this approach. She believed helping others made them week, and her solution was to kill everyone so they could be strong in death rather than weak in life. These are themes we see everywhere in TWDU, strong versus weak, life versus death. Martha represented death, and everything she said and did was associated with death and dying.
When she poisoned their water with antifreeze containing methanol, that in itself was a reference to a scene from TWD 4x4 Indifference, where we saw Bob and Daryl come across some walkers in a gas station. They had comitted suicide by drinking antifreeze, so "antifreeze" and "methanol" was already established as symbolism representing death all the way back in TWD season 4, which incidently is the season when Beth had her very first "ethanol" drink ever...
In fact, I dare say the entire storyline of Beth suddenly craving alcohol (ethanol) for the first time ever was specifically written to provide a counter point to the death symbolism around the antifreeze/methanol introduced in 4x4 Indifference. And that's why they had her reference the side-effects of bad moonshine (containing methanol) in 4x12 Still, such as blindness (and death). Her newfound enthusiasm over alcohol (ethanol) was meant as a contrast to the death symbolism around antifreeze/methanol from 4x4.
Because, the opposite/antidote to all of Martha's death and destruction, was "ethanol".
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And for TD, this is massively interesting, because we all vividly remember this scene from 4x12 Still:
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What Beth is referring to here, is that moonshine can contain methanol when it's not produced under optimally controlled circumstances, and it can certainly make you go blind (a well known side effect of methanol poisoning), that is if it doesn't kill you first. And much like bad moonshine, antifreeze sometimes contains methanol.
Methanol represents death, but the antidote is ethanol, which obviously represents life. Beth referenced the methanol/antifreeze/death symbolism, before she drank the literal antidote, ethanol/alcohol. That's some solid resurrection symbolism if you ask me. Beth knew what was good for her. She needed a drink, a real drink, one with ethanol, and she went out and got it. Girl knows how to stay alive!
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We've seen how beer represents resurrection before, such as in TWD 2x4 Cherokee Rose. The Cherokee Rose is a resurrection symbol, and in 2x4 Daryl paired it with an empty beer bottle, meant to give Carol hope and strenght. However, the resurrection symbolism of it didn't apply to Sophia, it was reserved for a different "lost" girl, which I discussed in more detail here.
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We also saw it in FTWD 4x13 Blackjack, when Luciana meets the badly injured trucker Polar Bear. His last dying wish is a cold beer, and Luciana manages to find him one. As a token of gratitude, he gifts her his notebooks, in which he has details on where he has left ample supplies along the roads, supplies that will help countless people survive. After he is dead, Luciana buries him and places a beer bottle on his grave.
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The beer bottle is in this case synonomous with the cross (representing resurrection) that are typically used on grave markers. The beer bottle on Polar Bear's grave is also synonomous with the Cherokee Rose Daryl placed on Carol's empty grave back in season 3, also outlined in the post I linked to above.
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So yeah! The ethanol in Rick and Michonne's yellow truck comes with a rich context in TWDU, and it most certainly represents "the antidote", or a "cure" if you will.
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(Side note: The symbolism around "beer" is also closely linked to Beth through the North Star/Polaris/Compass/navigation theme, and by extension the “bear” symbolism (through Ursa Major and Ursa Minor/Great Bear and Little Bear) which I have discussed in many posts through the years, such as here, here, here and here)
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nancy-drew · 6 months
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if someone asked me at the end, i'd tell them put me back in it [READ ON AO3]
it's new year's eve & ryan hudson is not about to let his daughter repeat his mistakes.
set somewhere in that month that nancy was avoiding ace in 3x13. ryan fights for nace.
It was New Year’s Eve 2019 and the town of Horseshoe Bay closely resembled the picture-perfect setting in the snow globe on the counter. A light layer of snow was dusting the streets, Christmas lights were still twinkling in windows, loved ones were beginning to gather to ring in the new year, and Nancy Drew was staring miserably at the sorbet options in front of her. “It feels like 2019 has been four years long. I’m ready to be rid of it,” she grumbled to her companion, pausing her pity party only to offer the ice cream shop worker a small smile at the end of her request for a single scoop of raspberry sorbet. Ryan Hudson, on the other hand, was all smiles. Hot fudge sundae in hand, he had already left a generous tip by the time Nancy’s smile dropped. A gesture for her to pick a spot to sit in the completely empty room soon followed. “You’ve been sad lately.” A serious understatement.
happy secret sleuthmas (@secretsleuthexchange) to beth (@stuckonaglacierwithmacgyver)! wishing you a very merry christmas and a happy new year!
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the-other-art-blog · 1 year
Top 5 favorite Amy March fan fics!
Only 5!?
I really like the ones that offer a glimpse into their life while respecting the canon. Extra points for deepening a small scene or element in the book that deserves more exploration. And of course, AmyxLaurie cuteness.
They’re numbered but it’s not that strict. I really love them all.
1. It reminded me of you by lauraschiller
This one gets extra point for taking one of my favorite elements of Amy (and Laurie): faith. I found it absolutely lovely and telling that Laurie gave Amy an ebony cross after spending time with Estelle at Aunt March’s. And then she kept it for years! How dare people say that Amy and Laurie were not close?! Also, how does people just ignore the effect that faith had on Amy to become a better person?!
Anyway these are short but absolutely lovely scenes surrounding the ebony cross. Actually, lauraschiller has another story about John and Meg that is equally fantastic.
2. The art of parenthood by Beth Harker (Beth_Harker), Beth_Harker 
This fic gives us a glimpse into Bess first year or so, when she was very ill and they didn’t know if she was going to survive. I can’t imagine what it was like to know how high child mortality was then and face the possibility of losing your baby. So this is very sad bit hopeful. And one of the greatest thing is to read how the situation made Laurie and Amy be more gentle and it brought them even closer, which does not always happen. Also, it features Amy painting!
(The author has other canon-compliant stories for them and other couples, so check them out.)
3. Spring breaks loose, but so does fear by lovelacegsl 
This one is from my mutual and fellow Amy March defense squad member @lovelacegsl, and it was a lovely gift. And it’s a nice moment during their first years of marriage. It’s sweet, romantic and has steamy bits.
4. Not in so many words by therealchancewriter
The first chapter, especially, is very influenced in the 2019 featuring Amy's insecurities about being second to Jo. BUT! the rest is a heartbreaking, yet hopeful and loving story about Amy and Laurie's journey until they got Bess. It's amazing and it's super long. Each chapter is a little less than 10,000 words! (there aren’t really long stories in this tag) And it's steamy! The love scenes are very well written, they're tasteful and hot.
And! It has lovely JoxFritz moments. I love that the author shows how close the couples are and that there is absolutely no drama between them. They’re friends and they support each other.
TW for depression, post-partum depression, miscarriages.
5. Countryside Dream by valkyriex 
This one is an AU but it’s absolutely beautiful. There’s not really many fics that give them a big family and this one gives them 5 children! It also has them living in Paris for a few years, which I loved. I know some people think that Amy should have remained a bit far because going back to Concord pulled her again to being “baby of the family” (she does goes back to sit on her mother’s lap the next day). So this is a nice compromise. And there’s a beautiful moment where her daughters discover her paintings.
Ok, there are my top 5, it wasn’t easy. There are many great stories, usually from the same authors, so I recommend checking their profiles.
Runner ups (but come on, I love them so much, all of them. And I read them constantly)
The other man by Tara R.A. Boomdiay
A lighthearted tiny shot of Amy and Laurie 20 years into their marriage. This is incredible, I love it so much
Visage through thine tears by Kamuela
Someone recommended this one to me, and Ican’t remember if it was you. But it’s another exploration of their difficulties having children.
Glory in the flower by frankie_bell
This would have been up there if it were finished. But alas, we haven’t had an update since 2020. So, if anyone wants, go ask for it, kindly. 
I want your midnights (you and me forevermore) by reciprocityfic 
This is the only modern AU that I have here by @reciprocityfic.
It’s a New Year’s fic so famous midnight kiss comes into play.
And, one of my favorite things: Jo totally shipping AmyxLaurie and basically putting them together and saying “kiss!” Like she basically did it in this fic.
Thank so much for the question, Niina!
Let me know if you read them.
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macmanx · 11 months
In December, 2020, in the depths of pandemic winter, the actress Kimiko Glenn got a foreign-royalty statement in the mail from the screen actors’ union, SAG-AFTRA. Glenn is best known for playing the motormouthed, idealistic inmate Brook Soso on the women’s-prison series “Orange Is the New Black,” which ran from 2013 to 2019, on Netflix. The orchid-pink paper listed episodes of the show that she’d appeared on (“A Whole Other Hole,” “Trust No Bitch”) alongside tiny amounts of income (four cents, two cents) culled from overseas levies—a thin slice of pie from the show that had thrust her to prominence. “I was, like, Oh, my God, it’s just so sad,” Glenn recalled. With many television and movie sets shuttered, she was supporting herself with voice-over jobs, and she’d been messing around with TikTok. She posted a video in which she scans the statement—“I’m about to be so riiich!”—then reaches the grand total of $27.30 and shrieks, “WHAT?”
The post got more than four hundred thousand likes and nearly two thousand comments, many from disbelieving fans: “Wait how is that even legal??” “how is this even real you were on one of the biggest netflix shows.” This past May, with screenwriters on strike and labor unrest sweeping Hollywood, Glenn reposted the video on Instagram, where she has almost a million followers. This time, not only fans but castmates weighed in. Matt McGorry, who played a corrections officer: “Exaccctttlllyyy. I kept my day job the entire time I was on the show because it paid better than the mega-hit TV show we were on.” Beth Dover, who played a manager at the company taking over the prison: “It actually COST me money to be in season 3 and 4 since I was cast local hire and had to fly myself out, etc. But I was so excited for the opportunity to be on a show I loved so I took the hit. Its maddening.”
Television actors have traditionally had a base of income from residuals, which come from reruns and other forms of reuse of the shows in which they’ve appeared. At the highest end, residuals can yield a fortune; reportedly, the cast of “Friends” has each made tens of millions of dollars from syndication. But streaming has scrambled that model, endangering the ability of working actors to make a living. “So many of my friends who have nearly a million followers, who are doing billion-dollar franchises, don’t know how to make rent.”
Despite the Beatlemania-like fame, many cast members had to keep their day jobs for multiple seasons. They were waiting tables, bartending. DeLaria continued doing live gigs to keep up with her rent. Diane Guerrero, who played the fashionable inmate Maritza Ramos, worked at a bar, where patrons would recognize her.
These are just some highlights, but the entire article is worth a read, especially if someone you know is (or you are) so deep into watching celebrity culture that you’re having a hard time understanding why actors could possibly want more than they’re getting now.
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the-forest-library · 7 months
October 2023 Reads
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Time to Shine - Rachel Reid
Pride and Prejudice and Pittsburgh - Rachael Lippincott
Jane & Edward - Melodie Edwards
10 Things That Never Happened - Alexis Hall
The Wake-Up Call - Beth O'Leary
Something Fabulous - Alexis Hall
Iris Kelly Doesn't Date - Ashley Herring Blake
Divine Rivals - Rebecca Ross
You, Again - Kate Goldbeck
Stars in Your Eyes - Kacen Callender
Icebreaker - A.L. Graziadei
Thin Air - Kellie M. Parker
Lock Every Door - Riley Sager
The Adventures of Amina al-Sirafi - Shannon Chakraborty
Are You Listening? - Tillie Walden
I Must Be Dreaming - Roz Chast
The Best of the Rejection Collection - Matthew Differ
Why Cats are Assholes - Liz Miele
Some Very Interesting Cats Perhaps You Weren't Aware Of - Doogie Horner
In the Form of a Question - Amy Schneider
Pageboy - Elliot Page
Leslie F*cking Jones - Leslie Jones
Soul Boom - Rainn Wilson
You're Gonna Die Alone - Devrie Donalson
The Other Family Doctor - Karen Fine
Misfit - Gary Gulman
Wordslut - Amanda Montell
Unruly - David Mitchell
Poverty by America - Matthew Desmond
Milk Street: Tuesday Nights Mediterranean - Christopher Kimball
Bold = Highly Recommend Italics = Worth It Crossed out = Nope
Bit of a lackluster month with few standouts and several disappointments.
Goodreads Goal: 354/400 
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