#beyond wonderland 2020
devillime · 3 months
Okay I need to know why solmare is making some “choices” that aren’t good? But also a redo of an old post
Like first off.
Why the hell does my little boy have a body pillow like my wife?
Solmare themselves had came out and said he’s TEN yet do shit like this it’s not even funny it’s fucking disgusting that these are OFFICIAL MERCH FROM THEM
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Like they could have been creative and made him something different like this
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It’s not hard just give him a chihuahua pillow with a removable hat it’s not that hard
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I understand if new players haven’t played the original game but why put this here? Not to mention people can have their mcs act different in NB vs SWD like think of it like this let’s say mc forgot all their memories with the brothers completely but as they get closer to them it shows flashbacks from events that happened in the old game that way this wouldn’t be needed
And thirdly
The empty world building
Like don’t get me wrong we know a shit ton of things from devildom yet why have the world be so damn empty?? Like come on
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Twisted Wonderland came out in 2020 now sure you can say that “it’s Disney they’ll have more people to help out” then what about arcana twilight?
That game out in 2023 and yes i seen a LOT of similarities between arcana twilight and obey me but they changed it mid way through the game i understand if people were upset about it but why harass them when they don’t sexualize a child as what Solmare is doing to Luke
I get not wanting to your favorite game get plagiarize but it’s just dumb especially when arcana twilight does what obey me is doing with their mc in that
Both mcs don’t have a body sprite
Your mc can be any way you want it to be
Both are non binary
Both have actual ties to the characters that beyond just romantic relationships
I get not wanting a game that is just a copy of another game but once you get deeper into arcana twilight and get closer to floor 13 it’s get better and more interesting but well never know that since the creators pretty much abandoned the game due to the harassment hell judging from my research arcana twilight is the only game were they have were the mc is non binary
Hell Storytaco has a game just like obey me with demons and all but it’s pay to play while arcana twilight isn’t as bad with getting gems
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Now as of right now we all tomorrow at 6pm pdt for when season three of Nightbringer starts
These three need to show up more than just one time then dip yes they are in events but why have them only show up in events and not the main story
Raphael in Nightbringer is a different story since he’s in the celestial realm but thirteen and Mephistopheles? There’s no excuse like come both of them are in devildom we can met with them and see them more why have it where they pop up once then fall of the face of the earth?
Why show three new characters if your not gonna give us anything much less have us interact with them less and less yes I get that obey me is center about the brothers but also us as the mc
Our interaction with the characters and our relationship with them while i can’t come up with something for thirteen but with Mephistopheles and Raphael there things there that need to be addressed
How does Raphael feel about knowing Simeon is no longer gonna be an angel like him?
His relationship with Michael after the brothers had fallen?
Is Raphael afraid to scared to get close to us because of Simeon and is he afraid that Luke will have to wake two people he cherish them most slowly die in front of him as he gets older?
What’s his opinion on diavolo?
These have been what circulating in my head. Now on to Mephistopheles oh boy I love Lucifer but not delusional enough to ignore what his prescience in devildom had done to Mephistopheles livelihood
How did his family react when they found out that Diavolo chose Lucifer over him?
Does diavolo know the pain he have caused choosing Lucifer?
What is life plan now knowing what he was raised to do was tossed out the window?
Is diavolo ever gonna address that issue and try and resolve it peacefully or is he gonna keep things how it is even if it could cause problems later on?
Will we ever know how Diavolo sees things with Mephistopheles and how he’s going to deal with that?
Do the brothers know why Mephistopheles is rightfully upset with Lucifer?
Are they never going get this resolved with these characters? Like it same with the other side characters we have so much insight about how they are and what they went through but at the same time we don’t it’s really jarring.
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yuri-is-online · 5 months
So I’ve got to ask, would you recommend Tokyo Revengers from your experience so far? Does the story and characters outweigh the (alleged) obnoxious currency system and money grabs?
So my gut reaction is to say no, I do not because I just cannot feel comfortable recommending this game in the state it's in, but I am going to make a pros and cons list to help maybe give you (and anyone else curious) a basic idea of where my head is at right now and help you make your own decision.
THERE ARE NO CAMPAIGN REWARDS. I cannot stress that enough there is nothing being given out to day one players to help you get started, and honestly it's super hard. Saving up for pulls feels like a foreign concept, there are so few opportunities to earn gems I have no real idea how I would even start building a stash let alone a team with the few characters I currently have. They don't give you a free SSR like twst does to help out, just the free SR from choosing your guy at the beginning though they do have a paid free SSR function. Now Twisted Wonderland does too, but like I said they give you a free one with unlimited re-rolls at the start.
Someone actually did the math about pulls and I agree with their assessment here: the cost isn't the worst I have seen in a gacha, but when you couple that with no free SSR for f2p, lack of reliable way to earn gems and I can feel it being a nightmare if the game progresses any further without a re vamp of some sort.
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There really is no point to the combat or team building in this game beyond being a road block between you and the story. It's full auto which could be neat if there were nice animations but there aren't. It really might as well not be there, and that's before you get to the SSR rates...
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Neither Pro nor Con
You might have noticed the above reddit user talking about the distinction between joseimuke vs otome and the reason for that is way back when this game was first announced it was supposed to be an otome game, which implies a level of explicit romance and relationship between the MC and the characters that is not typically present in joseimuke games. The current version of the game has a cast that seems to have completely changed, both character and voice actor wise. The stated reason for this and the delay was "changes in the market." It was originally supposed to be based off of Tokyo Ghoul? And was supposed to release in 2019, but was delayed until 2020, then put on indefinite hiatus until it's release now.
On an unrelated note, OG Obey Me! was released on December 11, 2019, Twisted Wonderland was released in Japan on March 18 2020, and Genshin Impact's world wide release was on September 28 of the same year. Make of that what you will.
"Yuri why did you bring up Obey Me?" Well Solomon's ring is introduced as a plot device... which could be interesting if they are going the direction I think they are with it but I don't know if I have enough faith in them for that.
The Pros
The characters in this game are honestly really fun. I really do mean that, I am not sold on their dorms/houses but the dynamics between the characters themselves are good for what they are. But the tone is very goofy compared to Twisted Wonderland (despite featuring more explicit topics) and I don't think these characters are as well developed as twst's are, but I think that can be chalked up to one of these games having been written by a manga author and the other having not.
I am a little bitch who hates horror stuff and is easily spooked but I really love how they are using modern internet horror monsters in this game. The first book features a creepy pasta monster that I was legitimately afraid of as a kid and I love their take on him. This second book features a ghost from a popular Japanese creepypasta. I'm a sucker for people being creative and using things that have become a part of popular culture without making it cringe, and I think this game succeeds at that.
Wrap Up
This entire situation has made me think about two animes I really like that I think sort of fall into the same dynamic as Twisted Wonderland and Tokyo Debunker. The first I am sure you have heard of, it's called Komi Can't Communicate and follows a girl with trouble communicating who really wants to make friends, and ends up accidentally befriending a guy who wants to help her out. The manga started being released in 2016 and is still going. It's quite good and I like it a lot.
The second is a little show called Aharen-san wa Hakarenai. It's manga started in 2017 and it received an anime adaptation around the same time as Komi san was being adapted. It follows a girl who has trouble communicating who really wants to make friends who accidentally befriends a guy who wants to help her out. I have no idea if Komi-san inspired Aharen-san nor do I really care because once you get past the generic set up, the routes the story takes are completely different as are the personalities of the characters. Komi is a slice of life and coming of age story in addition to a romcom, whereas Aharen is just a straight up romcom with a really cute main couple. There is room for both to exist because both stories do their own thing, just with a similar premise. There really is no reason Tokyo Debunker and Twisted Wonderland can't do the same, provided TD gives itself room to breathe and fixes it's damn grind.
Well assuming it picks up in Japan, it doesn't seem super popular over here right now.
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33-108 · 5 months
"Srividya: the twists and turns of a tantric tradition : Phil Hine
In the last two issues of my Unfoldings newsletter, I have been engaging in an in-depth analysis of Kenneth Grant’s representation of Tantric mysteries in his books – using his 1999 book, Beyond the Mauve Zone as the main reference point. In support of this series of essays, I thought it would be helpful for those reading the essays to attempt a general overview of the historical development of the Tripurāsundarī traditions, known nowadays as Śrīvidyā. In this first post, I’m going to focus on the roots of this tradition – the Nityā
The term Śrīvidyā is a compound formed from Śrī – an honorific denoting auspiciousness (also an epithet of the Goddess), and Vidyā – a feminine mantra.
Exoterically, Vidyā can denote knowledge or wisdom. The early texts of the tradition do not use this term though, rather, the tradition referred to itself as the traipuradarśana (doctrine of Tripurā) or sometimes, the Saugbhāgyavidyā (Saugbhāgya denotes good fortune, happiness, and success). According to Anna A. Golovkova (2020), the term Śrīvidyā first appears in a fourteenth-century commentary on the Yoginīhṛdaya. The tradition is sometimes referred to as the ‘last sampradāya’ – the most recent of the nine classical Śaiva tantric traditions. The principal or ‘root’ text of the tradition, the Vāmakeśvarīmata tantra has been dated to between the 10th-11th century CE.
The Nityā Tradition
Contemporary scholars have identified the antecedents of the worship of Tripurāsundarī within a lost Kaula tradition, known as the Nityā (‘eternal’). Much of what is known about this tradition has been gleaned from references in tantric scriptures.
As Golovkova points out, there are no references to the Nityā in works of the Trika tradition, but there are in the later Kubjika tradition, such as the Kubjikāmata (tenth century), the vast Manthānabhairava Tantra, and the Ciñciṇīmatasārasamuccaya. Only one scripture of the Nityā has survived – the Nityākaula. Chapter 30 of the Manthānabhairava Tantra which largely concerns the rules for writing and transmitting scripture, names the Nityākaula as one of the scriptures it considers valid.
In the Nityā tradition, the principal goddess is Kāmeśvarī, and her consort is the god of love, Kāmadeva, accompanied by eleven subordinate Nityā goddesses (see this long essay for some related discussion of Kāma, his weapons, particularly the Sugarcane Bow).
These Nityā goddesses are placed around a triangle (identified with the yoni) and intermediate points of an enclosing hexagram. The points of the triangle are identified with three pīṭhas (seats) of the goddess: Jālandhara, Pūrṇapīṭha, and Uḍḍiyāna. The fourth pīṭha, Kāmarūpa, is the centre of the triangle and the abode of Kāmeśvarī. Hence Kāmarūpa is considered to be the greatest of the śaktī pīṭhas.
The Kālikāpurāṇa (c.10-11th century) gives a lengthy description of Kāmarūpa (Assam) as a kind of divine wonderland, where death cannot enter; where there are no temples or images, but the deities are present as mountains, ponds, trees, and streams. After the terrible events of Dakṣa’s sacrifice, Śiva’s spouse, Satī took her own life. The grieving Śiva carted her body about with him until the other gods sliced up her body. The goddess’ yonimaṇḍala fell at Kāmarūpa, on Mount Kāmagiri (mountain of desire).
The Kāmākhyā temple complex is a centre of Śakta Tantra, and the goddess Kāmākhyā is worshipped there in the form of a yoni-stone, submerged in a natural stream, located in an underground chamber beneath the temple. According to the Kālikāpurāṇa, bathing in the waters of this stream results in release from rebirth and instant liberation. The Kaulajñānanirṇaya says that all of the women who reside in Kāmarūpa are Yoginīs who can reveal secrets and grant siddhis.
Kāmeśvarī is described as being of red hue, bearing weapons the weapons of Kāmadeva (noose, goad, bow, flower-arrows), and extensively ornamented (see these posts for some related discussion of ornamentation).
According to Golovkova, many of these elements appear in the Vāmakeśvarīmata (and later scriptures) – such as the goddess’ red hue; her bearing of the weapons of Kāma; the triangle and her triadic form; and her identification with the pīṭhas. Although, in the later tradition, Kāma has been supplanted by Śiva, there are many references to Kāma – particularly in the names of the groups of subsidiary goddesses populating the layers of the Śricakra (here’s a quick tour through the Śricakra).
In her paper, Golovkova gives a very insightful comparison between a passage she has translated from the Nityākaula and a very similar passage from the Vāmakeśvarīmata. Both passages show that the worship of the goddesses necessitates that the (male) adept should, having installed the goddess in his own body using Nyāsa, must dress in red clothing, adorn himself with flowers, smear his body with red unguent, apply eyeliner (collyrium), chew betel and spices, and equip himself with the weapons of Kāma. He is trying to further identify himself with the goddess by taking on her physical characteristics. Similar practices, albeit directed at emulating the fury of Bhairava are described in the mudrākośa section of the Jayadrathayāmala. This kind of ritualistic male performance of femaleness can be found in early tantric scriptures -even those of the orthodox Śaiva Siddhanta.
The attraction of female partners – human, or otherwise (nāgas, gāndharvas, yakṣinīs, for example) is a core concern of the Nityākaula, and again, as Golovkova shows, this is a focus of the Vāmakeśvarīmata. I concur. There is a great deal of emphasis on not only attracting women but gaining wealth, and power, destroying enemies, and obtaining siddhis in the Vāmakeśvarīmata – and relatively little directed towards what we think of as spiritual liberation.
Locating female agency is always a tricky proposition in regards to the tantras. In this respect, Golovkova argues that in these early scriptures, women have no agency at all – they are highly sexualized, mere objects for the male ritual gaze and acquisition, subjects of practices that aim at attracting and subordinating them."
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- Bagchi, P.C., Magee, Mike. 1986. Kaulajnana-nirnaya of the The School of Matsyendranatha. Prachya Prakashan.
-Dyczkowski, Mark S.G. (2009). Manthanabhairavatantram Kumarikakhandah (The Section Concerning the Virgin Goddess of the Tantra of the Churning Bhairava In Fourteen Volumes). Indira Gandhi National Center for the Arts and D. K. Printworld Pvt. Ltd.
-Golovkova, Anna A. 2020. ‘The Forgotten Consort: The Goddess and Kāmadeva in the Early Worship of Tripurasundarī’. International Journal of Hindu Studies. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11407-020-09272-6
-Magee, Mike. 2011. The Mysteries of the Red Goddess. Prakasha Publishing.
-Rosati, Paolo E. 2023. ‘Crossing the boundaries of sex, blood and magic in the Tantric cult of Kāmākhyā’ in Acri, Andrea and Rosati, Paolo E. (eds) Tantra, Magic, and Vernacular Religions in Monsoon Asia. Routledge."
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jessamine-rose · 7 months
Profile # ██ : Jessamine Rose
“Perhaps someday, I will finally remember how to cry.” -Jessamine Rose, **/**/**
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Name: Jessamine Rose
Species: Fallen Angel/ Demon
Gender: Female
Age: Unknown
World: Jessamine’s Blog (current), ███ (former/ original)
Status: Alive, active since 2020
Note: The following information has been gathered from the ****’s observations and interactions with Jessamine. Few records of her existence can be found in ███, and the angels and demons from her world refuse to disclose any additional information.
Jessamine Rose is a former angel created by the God of ███. Once a nameless deity, she served her God for an undisclosed amount of time, but was never allowed to venture out of Heaven or interact with God’s other creations.
The earliest record of “Jessamine Rose” dates back to **/**/**, in which she is described as a demon whom God had recently cast out of Heaven. Jessamine claims that it was a punishment for exploring Earth and attempting to learn the Gift of Creation. Her name is derived from the flower garden which enticed her to leave Heaven for the first time.
Following her banishment, Jessamine spent years roaming the Earth and Hell of her world. In addition to developing her individuality, she discovered the existence of multiple worlds and universes beyond ███. In 2020, she found a way to leave her world and travel within the multiverse. Since then, she has been spotted in numerous worlds.
Jessamine exhibits the physical traits commonly associated with her species, namely a small pair of wings and horns. She is capable of hiding either or both features to disguise herself as a human, angel, or demon. During her first **** checkup, Jessamine stated that her species remains a source of inner conflict for her, as she never “fit in” with her fellow angels nor demons. She is still trying to make peace with her identity as a fallen angel/ demon.
Jessamine’s powers are relatively unknown. As of now, she poses little threat to the multiverse.
Since 2020, Jessamine has traveled to the following worlds: Obey Me!, Twisted Wonderland, Genshin Impact, What in Hell is Bad? and the “Blogs”/ worlds of her fellow writers. She prefers to act as a spectator, watching the lives of each world’s inhabitants from a distance. At most, she has indirectly used her demonic influence to aid “MCs” in their choices.
Since late 2023, Jessamine has been frequently spotted in What in Hell is Bad? She explains that this particular world, similar to Obey Me!, provided her with helpful insight into the different cultures of the angels and demons beyond ███.
Since leaving her original world, Jessamine has resided in her own world known as Jessamine’s Blog. Initially a flower garden, it was later “revamped” into an endless realm of colorful skies. It is easy to find the house where she lives. Visitors are permitted so long as they follow her rules and treat her with basic decency.
Jessamine’s hobby is to write fictional stories inspired by the people and events of other worlds. Her stories mainly include themes of romance, yandere, dark content, and psychology. While/ After a story is written, she brings it to “life” via the Gift of Creation, albeit an incomplete version of the divine process. This is manifested in her physical use of handcrafted dolls and dollhouses.
Dolls are the characters of her stories. Once its story ends, time “freezes” for the doll and only continues once Jessamine resumes playing with it for a new story. They are classified into three categories: Canon Characters, MCs, and Darlings.
Dollhouses are miniature replicas of the worlds Jessamine has visited. Each dollhouse serves the setting for Jessamine’s stories—outside of it, a doll cannot come to life. Dollhouses can range from houses to interconnected structures. Examples include the House of Lamentation, Night Raven College, the regions of Teyvat¹, and the offices of Celestia Inc.² Original dollhouses are created for the purpose of AUs. 
Jessamine finds entertainment in subjecting her dolls, especially the Darlings, to twisted stories and emotions. Because of her limited grasp of the Gift of Creation, her dolls cannot think or act independently from their stories. One may interpret this hobby as her way of “playing god” and expressing her creativity.
¹ Four of the Genshin Impact dollhouses are connected to form a shared universe.
² The Celestia Inc. offices are from Navina/ @throw-letter-away’s One Last Call AU.
Canon Characters are Jessamine’s depictions of people from other worlds. Jessamine creates them by observing real individuals, taking note of their personal characteristics, and making dolls in their likeness. Another trait which distinguishes Canon Characters from other dolls is the presence of ███ Dust in their stuffing.
Because they are separate beings from their real-life counterparts, Canon Characters may act in an “out-of-character” manner.³ This is especially true for those written as yanderes. Jessamine is very selective about the Canon Characters she writes about.
A special case is Navina’s OC “Boss”/ Alexander ████████. Jessamine usually consults with Boss’s creator to confirm that her portrayal of him is in-character. She and Navina are currently co-writing Boss x Friend! Darling’s story.
³ Presently, the biggest instance of OOC/ canon-divergence is the Segments of Il Dottore. When Jessamine wrote his story, the origins of his Segments were not yet disclosed.
✿ MCS ✿
MCs, similar to Canon Characters, are modeled after specific individuals from other worlds. An MC is identified as a “blank slate/ self-insert” with connections to several Canon Characters, hence their roles as the protagonists in Jessamine’s stories.
MCs have plain stuffing and less developed personalities. Jessamine does not play with them often, citing her greater fondness for her Darlings.
♡ Yuki - Master of the Seven Rulers of Hell from Obey Me!
♡ Ÿ̸̧̭́̄̚u̸̡̠̪͕͎̒̉ü̵̡̢̙̹̯͂͑́ - Prefect of Twisted Wonderland
Jessamine used to play with Yuu often. In the past, their doll physically resembled Jessamine and was entirely stuffed with feathers. In 2022, however, Jessamine lost interest in “selfships,” changed Yuu’s appearance, and removed all of her feathers from their stuffing.
♡ Ra-On - Solomon’s descendant from What in Hell is Bad?
♡ ??
Used for Jessamine’s Genshin Impact stories in place of the Traveler. ?? is technically not an MC, but is also too “self-insert-friendly” to be considered a Darling. They have been paired with Neuvillette and La Signora.
Darlings are Jessamine’s Original Characters created for specific Yandere! Canon Characters. Each Darling has her own unique name, personality, lore, and dynamic with her respective love interest. They are filled with a combination of plain stuffing and feathers.
Feathers are sourced from Jessamine’s wings. Each feather is imbued with one of her personal traits—be it her hobbies, memories, or idiosyncrasies. Jessamine alters the feathers and uses only a small amount, so as to distinguish each Darling from her own self.⁴
♡ Eveline - Damsel - Il Capitano’s darling
Jessamine’s first Darling. She inherited her creator’s affinity for flowers, books, and fairytales to a magnified extent. Jessamine has a soft spot for her and Capitano.
♡ 赖莹霞 Lài Yíngxiá - Kitty - Pantalone’s darling
The only Darling with animal traits. She inherited her creator’s interest in fashion. Jessamine is fond of playing dress-up with her doll, and even redesigned her at one point.
♡ Seira - Assistant - Il Dottore’s darling
The Darling with the most feathers, owing to Jessamine’s academic struggles. Because her story is more plot-driven, she has the least personal lore.
♡ Asteria - Savior - Pierro’s darling
The most powerful Darling in terms of divine abilities. Jessamine regards her story as an “interesting” exploration of grief, given how much Asteria’s grief differs from her own.
♡ Mariko - Doll - Wanderer’s darling
The previous ??, created for Wanderer. After writing their story, Jessamine considered promoting Mariko to a Darling for a prequel. However, she lost interest in that idea.
Mariko would have been the most innocent Darling. Her doll’s outfit combines elements of the Japanese kimono and the Russian court dress.
♡ Lilith Yu/ 楊玫谦 - Friend - Boss’s darling
Jessamine’s newest Darling, created for the sole purpose of toying with Boss. She is the most “difficult” Darling due to her high levels of confidence and disillusionment with love.
Lilith was created under special circumstances, as her story began before her backstory and dollhouse were finalized. She is of Liyue descent, a Fontainian citizen by birth.
♡ Victoire - Devotee - Arlecchino’s darling
Created for Church AU. Her doll wears a nun’s habit and a cross necklace. She was inspired by her creator’s past religious struggles.
♡ ???
Information remains confidential.
⁴ Jessamine is not comfortable with sharing the details of her Darlings’ feathers, so she asks that visitors refrain from speculations and inquiries. Please respect her privacy.
♡ LAST REPORT: 06/04/24 ♡
-focused on her Yandere Church AU
-having lots of fun with her mutuals <3
“Ah, a shooting star! It’s time to make a wish~”
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mayaswiterblog · 2 months
When the Love Transcends
This poem was written on 5 September 2020 and published on Wattpad.
The sensation so sudden, so fast But it's better than a slow poisonous pain Guilt becomes unbearable, the fear avid When the walls of a home crumble Revealing the world beyond Birds and bees chirping, buzzing Wonderland I so missed yet ignored  The hand of only comfort Moved back to those with the same potential The small shackles that I chose to endure Evaporated like a natural phenomenon I see the light not so bright but calm A new beginning that I need to reach With careful, silent steps.
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pastamansta · 8 months
Dora the explorer
I spoke recently about how "Alice in Wonderland" (2010) is one of my guiltiest pleasures in film. I say this for a few reasons, but one of the most important reasons why I use the word "guilty" is because, by and large, I do not like Disney's live-action remakes. The few "remakes" that I do enjoy tend to be the ones that many would argue "don't count," such as "Maleficent" (2014), "Christopher Robin" (2018), "Cruella" (2021), and even "The Sorcerer's Apprentice" (2010). The only "genuine" Disney live-action remake that I have even slight feelings on, beyond a mild annoyance, are "Aladdin" (2019), for being so stupid and product of a romp that I have something akin to pleasure associated with it, and "Mulan" (2020), which makes me actively angry.
I'm not going to pretend like disliking Disney, live-action remakes is "just a me thing," but it's obvious that no matter how verbally displeased that internet people become by the creation of these films... there's certainly a fucking market, huh? I mean, I can say that I, personally, tend to forget that "The Lion King" (2019) even exists, because I didn't even give it a chance, and it still made $1.6B at the box office.
I guess the inherent concept of taking a piece of pre-established, animated media and letting it change forms is just something that appeals to "the monkey brain." "This Will Be Graphics In 2013," if you can dig it? I mean, one of the things that everyone seems to forget is that Disney isn't the only one who's done this. No one seems to remember that Hanna-Barbera had quite a stint of this in the early 2000s; Flintstones, Josie, and Scooby, back-to-back-to-back! Do I even need to bring up the heroes in a half-shell themselves? I mean, and let's say those aren't to your taste because they're a little too "kid-oriented" for your taste; "Speed Racer" (2008) has received its cultural resurgence for a reason and "Alita: Battle Angel" (2019) managed to go toe-to-toe with a pre-Endgame MCU film and not walk away entirely battered, even if it's never getting its sequel.
So, you know, it's not like this is scorched earth or anything, it's just another type of adaptation. The "Lord of the Rings" trilogy is a live-action remake, from a certain perspective.
Why do I say all of this? Well, mostly because being a legal adult and being asked my opinion on "Dora the Explorer" (2000‑2019) is worthy of a fat eye-roll, but also because I hope to make a case here, if only by comparison alone, for why a live-action Dora movie could've worked, but was approached from too simple an angle, because it wasn't being taken seriously.
Either a concept has, let's call it "genius," baked into it... or "genius" has to BE baked into it in adaptation. This is the inherent argument that comes with adaptation in any form; "Is this improved by changing, is it made worse by changing, which means it needs to be changed more, or is changing it a neutral action?" The neutral action argument is just generally reductive; even if the only point of the project was to cast a real-life person to play an animated character, you will still be subject to the comparison of "if they sound right" or not.
So, we've boiled our question down a little; "Is this improved by changing, or is it made worse by changing, which means it needs to be changed more?" Well, for some, it's not so simple. "John Carter" (2012) is one of Disney's largest failures to date; it's a crappy adaptation of Edgar Rice Burrough's novel "A Princess of Mars" (1912). This story was written eight years after the release of the first multi-reel film, roughly eleven years before film had sound, and roughly twenty-seven years before film had color. Who's to say that this story wasn't made for the screen? The screen wasn't even an option for its presentation when it was created! Let's give it a g- Fucking terrible idea, nevermind.
However, in the case of Dora... It's kind of obvious, isn't it? It's a children's edutainment series, made popular by its ease of access, bright colors, and... genuine lack of content. I mean, one of the show's most influential decisions was to include a full minute of silence, so kids could say whatever they wanted to at Dora. Taking this concept to the silver screen is truly "made worse by changing, which means it needs to be changed more."
So, what are the changes? They add a bunch of side characters I never remember to a generic globe-trotting plotline that reaches its climax when the characters trip balls and see life through an animated lens... Okay, well, that's not the climax, but, I mean, I can't imagine a ton of people paid much attention to anything that happened after that scene. Oh, well. Maybe they've should've, like, cared? Considering the director is behind "Alice Through the Looking Glass" (2016) and the writer is behind "Gulliver's Travels" (2010), maybe I shouldn't be shocked.
TL;DR: The only moment I remember with any fondness from "Dora and the Lost City of Gold" (2019) was the extended "let's shit in a hole" gag. As for the cartoon... be so fr rn
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kaatiba · 2 years
A Writeblr Re-Introduction
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Hey hi hello! My name is Sumayyah (or Mayyah). I was a writeblr back in 2020, but I decided to move to my own website...which I still run and love, however I miss the sense of community and readership that writeblr offered, so I’m back!
This blog will be a place for me to collect inspiration and writerly posts, engage with your works, and talk about my writing in a less formal/structured way than I would on my site. There will probably be some crossposting, because I thrive on engagement. On that note, I’m open to tag memes and ask memes etc!
My navigation page is here.
I also run Beyond What You See, a literary podcast, where I’ll be reading along and responding to The Lord of the Rings series by J. R. R. Tolkien. Currently it’s in the process of being re-recorded!
Before I get into sharing my works (below the cut), I just wanted to share that I offer editing/beta reading services, and you can see more about that here. Feel free to ask me questions about this or anything else, I love to chat!
*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ current works
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✧ Legends of Mourra • [page] • [tag]
A Muslim-themed fantasy featuring a boy abducted by the djinn and the determined mother, lovelorn kinsman, gentle warrior, female Ranger, and scarred outcast hoping to rescue him.
» previously titled Chronicles of Mourra with a very different plot, I’ve been working on this universe and these characters since ~2007 or so. In May of 2022 I hit upon a new storyline which revatilized my interest in it. Currently it’s in the planning stage. 
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✧ Oracle WIP • [page] • [tag]
A very loose retelling of Alice in Wonderland and its sequel, featuring an oracle who isn't, an assassin who decides against killing her mark, a usurper queen who was once a hero, and much betrayal.  
» Partly a retelling, partly a portal fantasy/isekai, this work is going to be darker in content than anything I’ve written before, with characters that are all fairly unhinged and/or awful. I’m very excited for it! We have Ro, an assassin, Sage an oracle and a liar, and Alyss, a former chosen-one who became a villain. Currently it’s in the drafting stage. 
*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ completed works
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✧ Rivener • [page]
Wren is alone, and that’s how she likes it, especially since bad things happen when she loses her temper. Her days are spent wandering the wilds and hunting or foraging or just…being.
When she stumbles upon a man, wounded and mute, she knows he’s trouble, but she’s not quite so cold hearted as to leave him to die in the woods, a silver-studded collar digging cruelly into his throat. Besides, she knows exactly what those collars are for. Or rather, for whom…
⤷ a story about healing, self-acceptance, and belonging set in a post-apocalyptic world.
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✧ The Queen, the Lion, & the Rings • [page]
Once a king or queen of Narnia, always a king or queen of Narnia.
⤷ Or, Susan Pevensie's story, continued.​
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✧ A Net of Stars, Woven • [page]
A flash fiction collection featuring various figures of Greek and Roman mythology, both mortals and immortals alike.​
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✧ The Peacock, The Crown, & The River • [page]
A fable about how the peacock earned his beautiful colours.
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✧ October Odds • [page]
A flash fiction collection built on prompts provided the Fictober 2019 writer's event, all featuring a dash of oddness.
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Western Animated Movie Sequel Timeline
For reference... On how few theatrical animated movie sequels were made in the West vs. how many have been made since the early 2000s... (Streaming titles like THE SEA BEAST 2 will be included, because these are big budget enough to have been theatrical releases.)
Titles highlighted in blue have commas in them, this denotes that you're not looking at two separate titles. (Just in case you happen to not know-)
I also won't include reboots. For example: The upcoming Paramount Animation film TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES: MUTANT MAYHEM, which despite being a TMNT movie, it has no other relation to the Imagi Studios 2007 TMNT movie. The same goes for the two SMURFS reboots, 2017's THE LOST VILLAGE and Paramount's untitled upcoming musical.
I'll also leave out animated movies that are part of franchises that are largely live-action, like STAR WARS: THE CLONE WARS.
1999: TOY STORY 2, FANTASIA 2000
2004: SHREK 2
If I missed any, feel free to let me know... it's an ever-updating list.
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fanterfane · 2 years
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2022 Year in Review!
Heyo everyone! Here's the FIRST EVER yearly review of my art! I hope to do this every year going forward, so let me know what you think of my picks. For this list I chose the pieces that I was most proud of/liked the most from each month. Sadly there were some really good ones that I'm STILL proud of that didn't get their own month, mostly because there was something else that I liked slightly more that came out that month. (RIP Boosession, milfstolfo, and more as honorable mentions) Links to each piece: 1. January: Goth In The Brain! 2. February: 2B Or Not 2B! 3. March: Exorcising Exorcist 3! 4. April: Brand New Ranni! 5. May: Sora's Daily Fillup! 6. June: Fluffy Feelings! 7. July: Dream Of Califayneication! 8. August: 'Lemy Enn' The Skinsuit Boi! 9. September: Prideful! 10. October: A 7 Night Sonata! 11. November: The Spice of Life! 12. December: Padoru Padoru'd! Now that we've closed out on my third full year as FanterFane, it's time to reflect. I wanna do this every year going forward, so I'm gonna start this tradition out strong the only way I know how. Several heartfelt ranting paragraphs about how you all mean the world to me. It's only been just over 3 years now since I started, but this past year was the first year where it really started to feel... substantial? I can't really remember what it was like before anymore, when I didn't create or post. Not that I want to go back to that, but it's just interesting to me that I'm now in this position, as a "big" TF artist, in the driver's seat. It's... surreal. I can't really put it into words. I got up to 15k followers on Twitter, and then proceeded to quit Twitter (thanks Elon), but my Deviantart remains my biggest account by far! I reached almost 23k watchers, and over 1 million page views! Wow!~ I know it's cliche to say this, but I never imagined to deal with any numbers that big in my entire LIFE. I consider myself beyond grateful to be able to create art for this many people to enjoy, even if the stress does admittedly get to me sometimes... Speaking of stress, in 2020, 2021, and a significant portion of 2022, imposter syndrome ran rampant in my head. I didn't feel like I was "good enough" for all of this, but thankfully it's not as big of an issue anymore. That's because I feel like now I can consistently create art that I'm at least somewhat personally satisfied with, even if it's still mostly in 3/4ths sometimes (still working on that). I don't think I'm where I want to be, and maybe I never will be, but I've still gotten much MUCH farther than I ever expected! All thanks to my wonderful patrons and commissioners supporting me, allowing me to make drawing my full time endeavor! 2022 artwise was mainly focused on developing my lineart and anatomy. With some perspective and interesting techniques and filters sprinkled in. In 2023, I want to continue developing my anatomy and perspective abilities, and use that in my next big comic project coming in (hopefully) April. I wanna also work more on my expressions and body types, breaking out of 3/4ths, experimenting more with animation, doing more DYNAMIC poses, and much MUCH more! I've met so many amazing people along the way, some of whom will hopefully be friends for life! Through great effort, and help from those same friends, I'm closer to myself than I've ever been in my life. I'm beyond thankful for that. I've been able to lose weight, start crossdressing it up (finally), and empathize with others better than I ever have before. It's quite amazing to be honest! To put it simply, gender euphoria is one hell of a drug! Finally, to wrap it up, an announcement. This year I will be taking on my biggest comic project to date! Featuring everyone's favorite freckled femboy, Fayne Fontaine! The working title for chapter 1 is "Wonderland", and my Patrons will be seeing sneak peeks as I get closer to entering full production by hopefully the end of February! You'll all get to see Fayne's backstory, (which I've been secretly writing for over a year now) and I'm very excited to share it all with you. Here's to 2023, and here's to more great art and experiences!
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jaspers47 · 2 years
I watched 154 movies in 2022
Five Stars
Apollo 10 1/2: A Space Age Childhood (2022) Bergman Island (2021) Blonde Crazy (1931) Blow-Up (1966) Cryptozoo (2021) Decision to Leave (2022) Everything Everywhere All at Once (2022) Glass Onion (2022) The Hunger (1983) It Came from Hollywood (1982) Marcel the Shell with Shoes On (2022) Minari (2020) Mona Lisa (1986) Never Let Me Go (2010) Night on Earth (1991) Nope (2022) Pearl (2022) Tár (2022) Turning Red (2022) Wolfwalkers (2020) The Worst Person in the World (2021)
Four Stars
Bad Luck Banging or Loony Porn (2021) The Banshees of Inisherin (2022) Black Swan (2010) Blackmail (1929) Bullet Train (2022) Captain Blood (1935) Christmas in Connecticut (1945) CODA (2021) Confess, Fletch (2022) Doctor Sleep (2019) Dune (2021) Encanto (2021) The Fabelmans (2022) The Firemen's Ball (1967) First Blood (1982) Five Came Back (1939) Flee (2021) Gentleman's Agreement (1947) Gilda (1946) The Gospel of Eureka (2018) Guillermo Del Toro's Pinocchio (2022) Harvey (1950) House/Hausu (1977) The Hustler (1961) Hustlers (2019) Kajillionaire (2020) The Killing (1956) Kimi (2022) Kiss of Death (1947) The Menu (2022) Moonwalker (1988) The Mouse That Roared (1959) My Dinner with Andre (1981) The Northman (2022) Parallel Mothers (2021) The Personal History of David Copperfield (2019) Predator (1987) Prey (2022) The Punk Singer (2013) Quatermass II/Enemy From Space (1957) Relaxer (2018) Saint Maud (2019) The Seven-Ups (1973) Thelma (2017) Watcher (2022) We're All Going to the World's Fair (2022) Wristcutters: A Love Story (2006) X (2022)
Three and a Half Stars
The Adventures of Prince Achmed (1926) The Bob's Burgers Movie (2022) The Booksellers (2019) Blade II (2002) Gunpowder Milkshake (2021) Honk for Jesus. Save Your Soul (2022) Hush, Hush, Sweet Charlotte (1964) My Name is Julia Ross (1945) Onibaba (1964) The Party (1968) Pygmalion (1938) The Quatermass Xperiment/The Creeping Unknown (1955) The Song Remains the Same (1976) Three Thousand Years of Longing (2022) Wendell & Wild (2022) Yours, Mine and Ours (1968)
Three Stars
Amistad (1997) The Bank Dick (1940) The Batman (2022) Cha Cha Real Smooth (2022) Creature from the Black Lagoon (1954) Cries and Whispers (1972) Crimes of the Future (2022) Drive My Car (2021) The Earrings of Madame de... (1953) Emily the Criminal (2022) The Funhouse (1981) Hannah and Her Sisters (1986) Inland Empire (2006) Jennifer's Body (2009) Jubilee (1978) Ladies and Gentlemen, the Fabulous Stains (1982) Life of Pi (2012) Linda Linda Linda (2005) Love Finds Andy Hardy (1938) Lucy and Desi (2022) Nobody (2021) Opening Night (1977) Pretending I'm a Superman: The Tony Hawk Video Game Story (2020) Repeat Performance (1947) See How They Run (2022) Something Wicked This Way Comes (1983) Strawberry Mansion (2022) Tick, Tick... Boom! (2021) The Tragedy of Macbeth (2021) A Woman is a Woman (1961) Weird: The Al Yankovic Story (2022) Welcome to the Dollhouse (1995) White Zombie (1932) WNUF Halloween Special (2013)
Two and a Half Stars
Babylon (2022) Crock of Gold: A Few Rounds with Shane MacGowan (2020) Scotty and the Secret History of Hollywood (2017) Thunderball (1965)
Two Stars
Doctor Mordrid (1992) Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (2022) Enchanted (2007) Hardcore Henry (2015) The House (2022) My Fair Lady (1964) My Name is Emily (2015) The Princess (2022) Raya and the Last Dragon (2021) Rosaline (2022) Strange World (2022) Thor: Love and Thunder (2022) Treasure of the Amazon (1985) Werewolves Within (2021) Willy's Wonderland (2021) Winnie the Pooh (2011)
One Star
Beyond Atlantis (1973) Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers (2022) Chuck E. Cheese in the Galaxy 5000 (1999) The Crawling Hand (1963) Daddy-O (1958) Demon Squad (1999) Hello Again (1987) Indestructible Man (1956) Munchie (1992) Operation Kid Brother (1967) The Rebel Set (1959) Santo in the Treasure of Dracula (1969) Robot Jox 2: Robot Wars (1993) Shadow in the Cloud (2020) The She-Creature (1956)
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dragonpuff17 · 2 years
yes i do this is your invitation to talk about rich aucoin!! i have not listened to him i am coming to you for Starter Advice. what would you recommend to sell me on his music? :3
if youre looking for an overview of his music, i made this playlist as a “best of” sort of thing (ignore the first half of it). if you have the chance, a rich aucoin concert is a pretty great experience as well
however, imo one of the best ways to experience rich aucoin is through his albums. theyre all different from each other (as rich’s rule for himself is to never do the same thing twice), but my favorite and what i think represents his music best is we’re all dying to live
always listen to richs albums in order cause god DAMN they can tell a story. his first 3 albums plus his first ep were written to sync up with movies and it shows! synthetic season 1 isn’t one of these, but i still recommend it because it came out this month and its what rich is currently doing!
beyond this point i will go into full infodump territory talking about each of his albums so if youre looking for only starter advice you can ignore this
alright. first ep, personal publication (2007) my beloved. rich made this completely by himself when he was 23 and didn’t know what he was doing but holy shit i have so much brainrot about it. it was written to sync up with the original animated how the grinch stole christmas and i cant share that on this post because copyright infringement but please dm me or send an ask off anon if you want it, its my favorite of his syncs, it works so well. there are a lot of tiny parts in the songs that are also sounds effects in the movies and theyre so fun to pick apart aaaa fun facts: 1) when rich released the sync, he got a cease and desist letter from dr seuss enterprises 2) he toured personal publication in a grinch costume 3) the title “10,342 cuts for the us” is a joke about how many edits he had to make on the drums. making an ep all by yourself sounds rough.
first full album, and my favorite album of all time, we’re all dying to live (2011). ough. this album, man. this is my favorite because it feels so much like a collage. instead of one overarching story like personal publication, this one feels like it tells so many smaller ones. it syncs up to 30-40 different public domain movies, and you can watch it here! fun facts: 1) (this is more like the main fact of this album) rich made this album while biking across canada and it ended up with 500 total collaborators on it 2) some of those collaborators include an elementary school choir
second album, ephemeral (2014)! this one is SO FUN. it syncs up with a claymation version of the little prince, and you can watch it here. its short and very, very sweet, as richs intention was to make it feel like a live show. fun fact: the opening track has samples from rich’s actual crowds. :’)
third album! release (2019)! id also call this one of the more iconic ones, especially album cover-wise. its an album that really reminds you that rich aucoin has a philosophy degree, as its all about mortality and dealing with death. fittingly, it syncs to alice in wonderland, and same copyright deal with personal publication that i cant share it here. this contrasts ephemeral because it takes its time, its slower and more retrospective. also bonus points for having my favorite song of all time, “the other” fun fact: the album cover is a 3d-printed replica of rich aucoin’s actual skull
fourth album! united states (2020)! this was written when rich biked through the united states witnessing firsthand the effects of trump’s presidency. as youd expect, this album gets a bit political. at this point rich stopped doing the movie sync thing, which breaks my heart but is understandable, but this album feels like a road trip nonetheless. fun fact: rich is canadian lol
fifth album! (albums?) synthetic season 1 (2022)! we’re up to present day! while i love all the other albums thematically, this one may be my favorite musically. the gimmick for this one is that its made entirely using synths and has little to no lyrics. its also a quadruple album, meaning a total of 3 hours of synth music. only the first quarter is out right now, and its really, really good. fun facts: 1) the opening track is made with (and rightfully named after) the largest synth in the world, tonto! 2) rich is being considered for a guiness world record for an album with the most different synths on it. season 1 already has 37
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huanyukang · 1 month
Major study of Concept art :
Blog 46:( forefront 5)
An analysis of character conceptual design in the film Nezha: Birth of the Demon Child (2019)
I really like the character design of this Chinese 3D animated movie. In my main project, I learned about the character design of this animated movie, especially in my main project where I learned how to design the "puppet ghost" with the image of Nezha. In addition, the design of the Heavenly Palace in this movie is also very exciting. The altar I designed in my project also learned about the Heavenly Palace design in this animated movie:
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This movie is adapted from the prototype of Nezha in Chinese mythology and tells the wonderful story of Little Nezha’s adventure. Nezha’s character design is very playful, drawing on the fairy tale style of Disney animation, which further attracts the attention of the audience. The most important scene design in this movie is mainly the design of the Heavenly Palace and the birthplace of Nezha, Chentangguan. The design of Chentangguan is full of human fireworks, and the location of Chentangguan is probably in Tianjin, China. Therefore, these buildings absorb the style of many traditional Tianjin buildings, such as many Tianjin delicacies and handicrafts appearing in the market. (Zhang and Li, 2020) Secondly, the main scene also includes the Heavenly Court. The artistic design of the Heavenly Court scene is mainly composed of clouds and mountains. The biggest feature of the Heavenly Court scene in this film is its emptiness, which effectively highlights the main characters and guides the audience’s visual focus to character design.
1.Conceptual Design of Heavenly Palace
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The color design of Tiangong is a typical example, which directly draws on the characteristics of the Song Dynasty Chinese ink painting "Green Landscape". In the blue-green landscape paintings of the Song Dynasty, artists usually use blue and green as the main colors to outline the magnificent scenery of mountains and waters, creating a peaceful and transcendent beauty. (Zhang and Li, 2020)This color tone selection aims to reflect the harmony and calmness of nature, and in the movie, the colors of the Heavenly Palace are also created through this type of blue-green color scheme, creating a sacred, peaceful, and mysterious atmosphere.
The main colors of the Heavenly Palace and Lotus Wonderland in the movie are green and blue. This color combination not only pays tribute to traditional Chinese art, but also successfully creates an isolated, spiritual, and mysterious scene. In these scenes, blue and green represent the vitality of nature and the purity beyond the mundane world, reflecting the Heavenly Palace as a sacred space that is completely different from the mortal world. Here, the smoke effect created by Houdini further enhances this sense of mystery, as if the entire Heavenly Palace is shrouded in a veil like mist, both beautiful and ethereal, awe inspiring.
2. Color contrast and different character shaping
(1) Nezha: Red and Brown The designer designed the overall clothing for Nezha’s character in red and brown to reflect his personality. Red represents passion and also reflects Nezha’s playful and easily angered personality traits. In addition, in order to highlight Nezha’s childlike characteristics, the designer designed a red vest for Nezha. This vest symbolizes children in traditional Chinese culture. It is worth noting that there is also an embroidery design of a lotus flower on Nezha’s red vest, which symbolizes Nezha’s holy soul. In addition, the designer’s design of Ne Zha’s image breaks the shackles of traditional impressions. Ne Zha is a serious deity in traditional Chinese mythology, but in this film, Ne Zha becomes very cute and playful, and his exaggerated expression caters to the public’s aesthetic. In this process, it is necessary for the creator or team to process the objective reality to a limited extent according to their own understanding This kind of shooting can follow cancer rules or be an attitude (Zheng, 2019). So the innovative design of Nezha’s image by the creator also attracted the audience, allowing them to understand the character of Nezha from different perspectives.
NE ZHA Official English Dub Trailer | Animated Chinese Action Fantasy Film | Directed by Jiao Zi ,Youtube,(online)(2020)available at:https://youtu.be/PYSiEFeMbZ0?si=9MQp6-dkUMIdkLqz (Accessed: 10 Apirl 2024)
(2) Ao Bing: Blue and Cool Tones At the beginning, the image of Ao Bing was just because he shoulders the responsibility of guarding the people of Chentangguan and also the responsibility of saving the dragon tribe. In the film, Ao Bing’s clothing and hair are designed in blue because blue is a symbol of kindness, and blue embodies his infinite desire for freedom in his body. But in the later part of the film, when his identity was exposed, he chose to sacrifice the people of Chujinguan to protect his own safety (Qin, 2021). So in the latter half of the film, Ao Bing’s blue also symbolizes a depressed and repressed state of mind. In addition, designers are also skilled at using contrasting colors to create corresponding images. The most exciting part of the film is the battle between Ao Bing and Nezha. Ao Bing’s use of blue water magic and Nezha’s use of red flame magic form a strong contrast, giving the audience a particularly good visual experience.
In short, the designer of this movie is adept at using strong color contrast to shape scenes and character images, whether it is a scene with a green landscape painting style, or the character images of Nezha and Ao Bing using red and yellow to reflect opposition, all of which reflect the designer’s superb level
ZHANG, W. Y., & LI, Y. (2020). Research on Subversive Adaptation from Domestic Classic Originals to Animations by Using Films “Ne Zha” and “Monkey King: Hero is Back” as Examples. Available at: https://scholar.google.com/(Accessed: 10 Apirl 2024)
Jinyan, Z. (2019). NE ZHA: A Remodeling Strategy of the Oriental Mythological Prototype.Available at: https://scholar.google.com/(Accessed: 10 Apirl 2024)
Jian-bo, Q. I. N. (2021). The Analysis of Color Narration of Animated Film Ne Zha. Journal of Literature and Art Studies, 11(9), 714-719.Available at: https://scholar.google.com/(Accessed: 10 Apirl 2024)
NE ZHA Official English Dub Trailer | Animated Chinese Action Fantasy Film | Directed by Jiao Zi ,Youtube,(online)(2020). Available at:https://youtu.be/PYSiEFeMbZ0?si=9MQp6-dkUMIdkLqz (Accessed: 10 Apirl 2024)
0 notes
carrieisscary · 2 months
Films I posted so far :
The Texas chainsaw massacre 1974
The hills have eyes 1977
Sorority house massacre 1986
Prom night 1980
Terror train 1980
Cheerleader camp 1988
The little girl who lives down the lane 1976
The goonies 1985
Stand by me 1986
The Monster squad 1987
The watchers 2024
Imaginary 2024
Cocaine bear 2023
The Funhouse 1981
Curtains 1983
To all a goodnight 1980
Poltergeist 1986
Baghead 2024
Boarding house 1982
The dorm that dropped blood 1982
The house on sorority row 1982
He knows you're alone 1980
Cujo 1983
Summer of fear 1978
Tourist trap 1979
Heretic 2024
Motel hell 1980
Z for Zachariah 2015
Conair 1997
Twister 2996
Independence day 1996
Marrowbone 2017
Night of the creeps 1986
Night of the comet 1984
Ghost ship 2002
Freaky 2020
Idle hands 1999
Terror trips 2021
Tethered 2022
Half light 2006
Deadly daycare 2014
Society 1989
Mutant 1984
Pieces 1982
Blood diner 1987
Late night with the devil 2023
Carnival of souls 1962
Bad Ronald 1974
Silent Scream 1979
An American werewolf in London 1981
Are you in the house alone ? 1978
Fear of rain 2021
The Boogeyman 1980
Monster Dog 1984
Dawn of the dead 1978
The beyond 1981
Macabre 1980
Evil speaks 1981
Meatcleaver massacre 1977
House by the cemetery 1981
Gargoyles 1972
No one will save you 2023
Pigs 1973
Drive in massacre 1976
Blood beach 1980
Latency 2024
Don't go in the woods 1981
Massacre at Central high 1976
The children 1980
The outing 1987
Lowlifes 2024
Sweet hostage 1975
The fog 1980
Sugar hill 1974
Horror High 1974
The hearse 1980
Graduation day 1981
Human experiments 1979
The stuff 1985
The bat people 1974
The Turning 2020
Squatters 2014
Mountaintop motel massacre 1983
Dr .Giggles 1992
Ice cream man 1995
The Lift 1983
Driller killer 1979
Twilight people 1972
Children shouldn't play with dead things 1972
Crawlspace 1986
She freak 1967
Boy kills world 2024
Nosferatu the vampyre 1979
Shivers 1975
The garbage pail kids 1987
Microwave Massacre 1983
The company of wolves 1984
Bloody birthday 1981
Dark prince the true story of Dracula 2000
Mirror Mirror 1990
The child 1977
Shallow Grave 1987
King Kong 1976
Rabid 1977
Blood and donuts 1995
John Carter 2012
The kindred 1987
Sweet sixteen 1983
Cuckoo 2024
American gothic 1988
The bad seed 1956
The burning 1981
Longlegs 2024
Evil Ed 1995
Hell night 1981
The living dead girl 1982
The neon demon 2016
Screamers 1979
Splinter 2008
Pontypool 2008
The creeping flesh 1973
The convent 2000
The baby 1973
Infested 2023
City of the dead 1980
Magic 1978
Bad kids go to hell 2012
Pumpkinhead 1988
Oddity 2024
Humane 2024
Deep red 1975
Madhouse 1981
The Horde 2009
The red queen kills seven times 1972
Viral 2016
The sadness 2021
Don't be afraid of the dark 1973
Arcadian 2024
Trap 2024
The beast within 1982
Brain freeze 2021
A blade in the dark 1983
Sleepwalkers 1992
The elevator game 2023
They live 1988
Willy's wonderland 2021
What we become 2015
The bird with the crystal plumage 1970
Megalopolis 2024
Lips of blood 1975
The Texas chainsaw massacre 2 1986
Leatherface Texas chainsaw massacre 3 1990
The evil dead 1981
Dawn of the dead 2004
Opera 1987
Bad milo 2013
I am legend 2007
Hell of the living dead 1980
The hitcher 1986
Patrick 1978
One dark night 1982
30 days of night 2007
Intruder 1989
Evil dead 2 1987
The substance 2024
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altruistbloger · 4 months
What You Should Know About Cat Skiing | BC Cat Skiing - Whitegrizzly
Cat skiing is an exhilarating way to experience the untouched beauty of the backcountry. For those seeking an adventure beyond the groomed runs of traditional ski resorts, BC cat skiing offers an unforgettable experience. Here's what you should know about this thrilling activity, brought to you by White Grizzly, one of the pioneers in the cat-skiing industry.
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What is Cat Skiing?
Cat skiing involves using a snowcat, a tracked vehicle designed to move on snow, to access remote and pristine ski terrain. Unlike heli-skiing, which uses helicopters, cat skiing offers a more intimate and sustainable way to explore vast, powder-filled landscapes. It's perfect for those who crave fresh tracks and the solitude of the backcountry without the noise and environmental impact of helicopters.
Why BC Cat Skiing?
British Columbia (BC) is renowned for its incredible snowfall, diverse terrain, and breathtaking scenery, making it a premier destination for cat skiing. Here's why BC cat skiing stands out:
1. Abundant Snowfall
BC is famous for its deep, fluffy powder. With an average annual snowfall that often exceeds 60 feet, the conditions for cat skiing are consistently excellent.
2. Varied Terrain
Whether you're looking for steep chutes, open bowls, or gladed tree runs, BC cat skiing offers a wide variety of terrain to suit all skill levels. The diverse landscape ensures that every run is a new adventure.
3. Stunning Scenery
The backcountry of BC is nothing short of spectacular. From towering peaks to serene valleys, the natural beauty of this region enhances the cat skiing experience, providing a stunning backdrop to your adventure.
Preparing for Your Cat Skiing Adventure
1. Physical Fitness
Cat skiing can be physically demanding, especially in deep powder. Ensure you are in good shape and prepared for the physical exertion required.
2. Proper Gear
Having the right gear is crucial. This includes skis or snowboards designed for powder, avalanche safety equipment, and appropriate clothing for cold, snowy conditions.
3. Safety Knowledge
Understanding avalanche safety and having basic first aid knowledge are important. Many cat-skiing operations, including White Grizzly, provide safety briefings and equipment to ensure a safe experience.
About White Grizzly
In 2020, a group of backcountry enthusiasts from Nelson, BC, took over the business, building on its rich legacy. White Grizzly is committed to maintaining high standards of safety and guest experience, ensuring that every adventure is both thrilling and secure.
Why Choose White Grizzly for Your BC Cat Skiing Adventure?
At White Grizzly, we pride ourselves on offering a unique and unforgettable cat-skiing experience. Here's what sets us apart:
Expert Guides: Our experienced guides are passionate about the backcountry and dedicated to providing a safe, enjoyable experience for all guests.
Prime Location: Nestled in the heart of BC's powder paradise, we offer access to some of the best cat-skiing terrain in the world.
Commitment to Excellence: With decades of experience and a focus on continuous improvement, White Grizzly is a leader in the cat-skiing industry.
BC cat skiing with White Grizzly offers an unparalleled opportunity to explore the backcountry's untouched beauty. From abundant snowfall and varied terrain to expert guides and a commitment to safety, we ensure that your cat-skiing adventure is nothing short of extraordinary. Ready to discover the ultimate in powder skiing? Visit White Grizzly to book your next adventure.
Embark on a cat-skiing journey with White Grizzly and experience the best of BC's winter wonderland.
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takeoffphilippines · 5 months
The Ultimate Guam Experience: Exploring the Best of America's Hidden Gem (Family Edition)
Are you ready to embark on the ultimate family adventure to America's hidden gem in the Pacific?
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After navigating the highs and lows of pandemic travel, including journeys to destinations like Dumaguete, Tagaytay, Abu Dhabi, and Dubai, I'm thrilled to announce our next exciting destination: Guam! This stunning island, known as "Where America's Day Begins," holds a special place in our hearts for its unparalleled beauty and cultural richness.
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Our last family trip was in 2020, just before the Philippines implemented lockdown measures, so this upcoming journey is a joyous reunion and a celebration of togetherness.
Guam is more than just a tropical paradise—it's one of the 17 non-self-governing territories recognized by the United Nations and has been an integral member of the Pacific Community since 1983.
Partnering with the Guam Visitors Bureau, we're excited to present the Ultimate Guam Experience for families. Join us as we go beyond the usual tourist spots, exploring remote areas to uncover the island's natural wonders and delve into its fascinating history. From pristine beaches to hidden treasures, we'll share insider tips to make your Guam adventure unforgettable.
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Before we dive into our journey, I want to extend a heartfelt thank you to our sponsors, GoHub eSim and Take Off Luggage, for making this trip possible. GoHub eSim keeps us connected with fast data roaming services, ensuring we can share our experiences in real time. Meanwhile, Take Off Luggage revolutionizes budget travel by eliminating bag fees and streamlining the packing process. With our sponsors' support, we're ready to share exclusive tips, fun trivia, and a curated list of the Best of Guam Travel Spots. Stay tuned for insider information on where to shop, dine, and explore during your family getaway to America's hidden gem.
Let's make unforgettable memories together on this extraordinary journey to Guam!
Best of Guam Travel Spots
Guam, a stunning island paradise in the Western Pacific, boasts a wealth of natural beauty and cultural heritage waiting to be explored.
Ypao Beach
Senator Angel Santos Memorial Park
Guam Museum
Piti Channel
Humåtak Bridge
Fort Nuestra Senora De Soledad
Inalåhan Natural Pool
Alupang Beach
Paseo De Susana Park
Cetti Bay Overlook
#GuamHacks: The best way to roam around the island is by renting a car. You can rent a car at the airport for easy access.
Join us on a journey through some of Guam's most captivating destinations, each offering unique experiences and breathtaking views.
Ypao Beach
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Our adventure begins at Ypao Beach, a picture-perfect beach park known for its fine sand and crystal-clear waters. This tranquil spot invites visitors to unwind, swim, and bask in the beauty of Guam's coastal landscapes. With its gentle waves and lush surroundings, Ypao Beach is a must-visit for beach lovers and nature enthusiasts alike.
Senator Angel Santos Memorial Park
Next on our itinerary is the Senator Angel Santos Memorial Park, a serene oasis near the Guam Museum dedicated to preserving Chamorro culture.
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Renamed in honor of Senator Angel Leon Guerrero Santos, this park features large latte stones from the Fena area, symbolizing the island's ancient heritage.
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Senator Santos, a prominent figure in Guam's political history, advocated passionately for preserving Chamorro traditions and artifacts.
Guam Museum
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Located in the heart of Hagåtña, the Guam Museum offers a fascinating glimpse into the island's diverse history and culture. Explore exhibits showcasing indigenous Chamorro artifacts, colonial relics, and contemporary art, all housed in a modern architectural marvel.
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The museum serves as a cultural hub, educating visitors about Guam's past and present.
Piti Channel and Emerald Valley: Nature's Underwater Wonderland
Venture into the depths of the Philippine Sea with a visit to Piti Channel, a renowned photography location.
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Nearby, Emerald Valley presents a serene landscape that reflects Guam's tranquil charm, echoing its origins as a Chamorro fishing village.
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Humåtak Bridge and Fort Nuestra Senora De Soledad: Historical Landmarks
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Step back in time at Humåtak Bridge and Fort Nuestra Señora de la Soledad, two historical landmarks that tell stories of Guam's past.
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Humåtak Bridge, an ancient stone structure, offers scenic views of the surrounding landscape, while Fort Nuestra Señora de la Soledad is a testament to Spanish colonial history.
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Inalåhan Natural Pool, Alupang Beach, Paseo De Susana Park and More
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Continue your exploration with visits to Inalåhan Natural Pool, a natural swimming lagoon nestled amid picturesque cliffs, and Alupang Beach, a serene stretch of coastline perfect for water activities and relaxation.
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Paseo De Susana - Statue of Liberty
Don't miss Paseo de Susana Park and Cetti Bay Overlook, which offer panoramic views and tranquil settings ideal for unwinding.
Exploring the Governor's Complex: A Historic and Scenic Gem of Guam
Nestled in the heart of Hagåtña, Guam's capital city, lies the Governor's Complex—an iconic site that blends history, culture, and natural beauty. During our journey across Guam Island, we explored this captivating complex, which serves as a significant landmark and a testament to Guam's rich heritage.
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Visitors to the Governor's Complex are treated to stunning views of the Pacific Ocean and Hagåtña Bay, providing a glimpse into Guam's natural beauty. The complex is also a hub of cultural activities, hosting events that celebrate Chamorro traditions, arts, and crafts. It serves as a focal point for community gatherings and official ceremonies, reflecting Guam's vibrant cultural identity.
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The Governor's Complex stands as a testament to Guam's resilience and enduring spirit. Despite its tumultuous history, including the devastation of World War II, Guam has emerged as a thriving destination that embraces its past while looking toward the future. The Governor's Complex embodies this spirit of perseverance, offering visitors a glimpse into Guam's journey of transformation.
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For travelers seeking to experience Guam's history and natural beauty, a visit to the Governor's Complex is a must. Explore its historic grounds, admire its architectural grandeur, and soak in the scenic views of Hagåtña Bay. Immerse yourself in Guam's vibrant culture and discover why the Governor's Complex remains a cherished landmark on this enchanting island in the Western Pacific.
Tax-Free Shopping in Guam
Are you ready for a shopping spree like no other? Guam, the beautiful island paradise in the Western Pacific, is renowned for its stunning beaches, rich culture, and tax-free shopping experience.
Join us as we delve into the best shopping malls and outlets Guam offers, where you can shop until you drop without worrying about taxes!
K-Mart Guam
Our first stop is K-Mart, a popular retail chain where you can find a wide range of products at competitive prices.
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From bottled water to beach essentials, K-Mart is a go-to spot for savvy shoppers looking to score the best deals.
#GuamHacks: Compare prices across stores to maximize your savings!
T-Galleria DFS
For those seeking luxury brands and exclusive items, T-Galleria DFS is the place to be. Enjoy duty-free shopping on premium products ranging from fashion and accessories to cosmetics and fragrances. Treat yourself to a guilt-free shopping experience at this upscale destination.
Guam Premier Outlet
A favorite among families, Guam Premier Outlet features popular brands at discounted prices, including the beloved Ross Dress for Less.
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Ross is famous for offering quality apparel, footwear, and home goods at affordable rates.
#GuamHacks: Seniors can enjoy an additional 10% discount every Tuesday, making it an ideal spot for multi-generational shopping outings.
If you love shopping in bulk, Cost-U-Less is Guam's answer to warehouse-style stores like SnR and Landers in the Philippines. Stock up on your favorite items—from groceries to household goods—at budget-friendly prices.
ABC Store
ABC Store is Guam's version of a convenience store, offering a diverse selection of exclusive items and snacks. Indulge in Guam's favorite treats like spam musubi, onigiri, and more, available round the clock. Never go hungry with ABC Store nearby!
Plan Your Guam's Shopping Adventure
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Before embarking on your shopping spree, plan your itinerary to make the most of Guam's tax-free status. Don't forget to check for special promotions and discounts at each location. Get ready to shop all you want and indulge in the ultimate retail therapy experience on the beautiful island of Guam!
Guam's tax-free shopping opportunities make it a haven for savvy shoppers seeking value and variety. Explore K-Mart, T-Galleria DFS, Guam Premier Outlet, Cost-U-Less, and ABC Store for an unforgettable shopping adventure filled with savings and surprises.
#GuamHacks: Bring Your Own Bag when you do Shopping. Guam's ban on single-use plastic bags went into effect on January 1, 2021. 
Experience the best of Guam's retail offerings and bring home cherished memories—and fantastic finds!
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theindiandonut · 7 months
In 2020, a wooden sarcophagus emerges from the sand at Abydos; during archaeological excavations, after spending more than three Millennia, below the surface of the Egyptian plateau :
In a breathtaking discovery that bridges the chasm between ancient civilizations and the modern world, a wooden sarcophagus dating back more than three millennia has been unearthed during archaeological excavations at Abydos, Egypt. This enthralling find offers a tantalizing glimpse into the lives, rituals, and artistic prowess of a civilization long past.
Nestled beneath the scorching Egyptian sun, the ancient site of Abydos has once again captured the attention of historians and archaeologists. With a history stretching back to the dawn of Egyptian civilization, Abydos has long been a treasure trove of enigmatic artifacts and profound insights into the past. The recent emergence of a remarkably preserved wooden sarcophagus, however, stands as a testament to the inexhaustible allure of this archaeological wonderland.
Imagine the passage of over three millennia, the ebb and flow of time, and the whispers of generations that have come and gone. Now picture a finely crafted wooden sarcophagus, intricately carved and adorned, preserved beneath the sands of Abydos throughout this epic journey. This very sarcophagus has been gently lifted from its sandy slumber, its secrets finally exposed to the modern world.
The wooden sarcophagus, a vessel meant to safeguard the remains of a person of significance, is an exquisite masterpiece in itself. Its intricately carved designs tell tales of ancient beliefs, mythologies, and artistic excellence. This find not only sheds light on the craftsmanship of the past but also offers insights into the cultural tapestry that defined life and death for the civilization that created it.
As archaeologists meticulously document and analyze every aspect of the wooden sarcophagus, they are peeling back the layers of history and unearthing a trove of information. From the materials used in its construction to the symbolism woven into its designs, each detail holds a clue that contributes to the larger puzzle of ancient Egyptian culture and society.
A central theme in the study of ancient civilizations is their beliefs and practices surrounding death and the afterlife. Sarcophagi were not merely vessels to contain the deceased; they were conduits to a realm beyond our understanding. The meticulous care taken in crafting these containers, as exemplified by the wooden sarcophagus from Abydos, reflects the reverence and importance placed on the transition from this world to the next.
While the wooden sarcophagus holds the spotlight, Abydos continues to be a treasure trove of archaeological wonders. Its significance lies not only in individual artifacts but in the ongoing revelations that provide new perspectives on the past. With each discovery, Abydos invites us to journey back in time and explore the stories of those who once walked its hallowed grounds.
The painstaking efforts of archaeologists, researchers, and preservationists are not solely about uncovering the past; they are also about safeguarding our shared human heritage. Each discovery, like the wooden sarcophagus, connects us to our roots and offers a bridge between ancient wisdom and modern understanding. It reminds us that we are part of an intricate web of history that stretches across millennia.
The emergence of the wooden sarcophagus from the sands of Abydos is more than an archaeological find—it is a testament to the ceaseless curiosity of humanity, to our drive to unravel the enigmas of time. As we peer into the intricacies of its design and contemplate its significance, we are offered a brief glimpse into the lives and beliefs of those who have gone before us. Wooden sarcophagus whispers stories of a civilization that thrived in the shadows of history, and in its discovery, we find echoes of eternity reverberating through the ages.
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