#muslim writer
kaatiba · 9 months
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reVamped Vignettes ⤅ a WIP introduction
Laika, a werewolf, lives in an old manor house that is either sentient or haunted, along with a debonair dwarf, a recalcitrant selkie, a shy orc, and a grubby cryptid of an elf. That's a lot of personalities for one house—and then one night she stumbles on a miserable vampire named Kyle, who's just been kicked out of his nest by his sire. Laika might have a bite just as bad as her bark, but she's not so heartless as to let a vampire face sunrise with only his snapback for protection…so she invites him over. These are their (mis)adventures.
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→ Laika | a female werewolf, named unironically after the famous dog. Grumpy, tall, could bench-press a truck. Secretly as sweet as her sweet tooth. → Kyle |  a vampire, disturbingly and sincerely committed to the fratboy aesthetic. Scared of the dark. Turns into a bat when startled. A Disaster™. → Aurelius | a dwarf and a prolific author of poetry. Extremely and genuinely charming. Equally handsome. A veritable font of patience. → Orla | a selkie, transformed half the sunroom she lives in into an underwater habitat perfect for her seal form. Will bite you. Will not warn you about it. A silversmith, runs an online store selling her jewellery and knives. → Mogdur | goes by Mog, an orc, very shy, very large, very gentle. An artist who likes working on his webcomic and gifting people with his sketches of them. → Thistle | an elf, though he's often mistaken for a very pretty gnome. Never formally moved in; they found him in the back garden digging a hole and he just stuck around after that. His actual government name is Ben. He won't answer to it.
Author's Notes
I've been calling this WIP 5 for literal years and as per usual with my story ideas, I had only characters and a vibe and no plot in sight. But today @tracle0 asked me about it and in the course of talking to them, I realized...I don't actually need a plot? I can just write a series of interconnected stories featuring this cast of characters? So that's what I'll be doing and I'm excited for it! Technically this is more of a concept than a WIP, because I don't really feel ready to work on it. Still, I wanted to put this intro post together and see what happens with it! Knowing me I'll probably produce bits and bobs for it here and there. Let me know if you'd like to join the taglist!
general writing taglist: @muddshadow, @lockejhaven, @tracle0, @anonymousfoz
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hyba · 2 months
Ramadan Mubarak!
As with every single year, I'm so excited for Ramadan. It holds a really special place in the hearts of all Muslims everywhere in the world. So, here we are, embarking upon our month of fasting and prayer.
I look forward to using this time to increase my knowledge, my faith, kick some bad habits, nurture some new ones, and to focus more on my spiritual development than my creative or professional development. I know it's going to be challenging. I know that I'll aim much higher than I can reach. But that's a part of it too. And wherever I do end up, it's still going to be better than it was before.
I spent most of today doing Ramadan prep, but I also spent today clearing a few more things from my plate so that I could focus on this month's goal with a clearer head. I don't think I succeeded, haha. I have so much to do in the coming weeks!
So, to everyone who celebrates:
I hope this Ramadan is filled with good intentions, good actions, good news, and good decisions, inshaAllah. I hope it finds you and your loved ones and lifts your spirits. I hope that it lightens the heart, the soul, the mind. I hope that it offers forgiveness and warmth. I hope that it exorcises corruption and instills integrity.
And I hope that this Ramadan brings us a little closer to that one big goal we all share.
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thatonesheikh · 1 year
it’s nights like these/ night where my heart feels like a heavy pounding in my chest/ and i feel too weak to carry it/that i wish to carve it out of my body and grab its beating form/ like a butcher with his meat, and place it in the hands of another/ just to give people the reality of how draining this prize is
i’ve come to realize though that the strongest hands will never be strong enough to bear my soul./ i will never find a warrior strong enough to carry the burden of me- or is it that they wish to not be brave enough for me?
i wish someone could be brave for me. | MA Sheikh
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urfavsnia · 1 year
would you ever read my novel if i publish it?
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wrappedinamysteryy · 7 months
The Dua of Musa (AS):
رَبِّ إِنِّي لِمَا أَنْزَلْتَ إِلَيَّ مِنْ خَيْرٍ فَقِيرٌ
Rabbi inni lima anzalta ilayya min khairin faqir
‘My Lord, indeed I am, for whatever good You would send down to me, in need.’ (Surah Al-Qasas, 24)
The Dua of Yunus (AS):
لَّا إِلَٰهَ إِلَّا أَنتَ سُبْحَانَكَ إِنِّي كُنتُ مِنَ الظَّالِمِين
La ilaha illa anta subhanaka inni kuntu minaz-zalimin
‘There is no god worthy of worship except You. Glory be to You! I have certainly done wrong.’ (Surah Al-Anbiya, 87)
The Dua of Nuh (AS):
رَبِّ أَنِّي مَغْلُوبٌ فَانْتَصِرْ
Rabbi inni maghlubun fan-tass-ssir
‘I am helpless, so help me!’ (Surah Al-Qamar, 10)
The Dua of Ayub (AS):
أَنِّي مَسَّنِيَ الضُّرُّ وَأَنْتَ أَرْحَمُ الرَّاحِمِينَ
Innee massaniyad durru wa Anta arhamur raahimeen
‘Indeed, I have been touched with adversity, and You are the Most Merciful of the merciful.’ (Surah Al-Anbiya, 83)
The Dua of Muhammad (SAW):
اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي أَعُوذُ بِكَ مِنْ الْهَمِّ والْحُـزْنِ وَالْعَجْزِ وَالْكَسَلِ وَالْبُخْلِ وَالْجُبْنِ وَضَلَعِ الدَّيْنِ وَغَلَبَةِ الرِّجَالِ
Allaahumma ‘innee ‘a’oothu bika minal-hammi walhazani, wal’ajzi walkasali, walbukhli waljubni, wa dhala’id-dayni wa ghalabatir-rijaal.
‘O Allah, I take refuge in You from anxiety and sorrow, weakness and laziness, miserliness and cowardice, the burden of debts and from being overpowered by men.’ (Sunan an-Nasa’I 5449)
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لا سعادة في معصية الله
There is no happiness in disobedience to Allah.
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sanobermasood · 1 month
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Without even knowing you I mention you in my prayers✨
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mindofserenity · 1 month
Acquire the skill of amazement.
Not only through sunsets and mountains but in the normality of life. Find yourself to be thankful in every way of life. You will learn to be grateful for all your blessings that we so often undermine and gain the joy of it.
Find beauty in the remarkable and in nothingness.
— mindofserenity
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azeemarahman · 20 days
It is the first night of Ramadan. Ali makes the same journey that he has for the past 22 years. He walks down the same streets, once filled with the night sounds of children laughing and women chatting, the scent of coffee wafting from cafes that stay open for suhoor, the sight of streetlights and dainty lamps and scattered stars, the feeling of moving along with the hustle and bustle of men rushing towards the call of the adhan. The same streets are now eerily silent, whispers of du’a barely audible, no sound of women or children, not enough men to form a crowd, no electricity to fuel the lights, the cafes and buildings crumbled to rubble and dust, the graveyard of a city that once came to life at night.
Ali prays Tarawih on the ruins of the mosque he grew up in.
It is the fifth night of Ramadan. Ali thinks back to the time he first entered this mosque. At four years old, he walked through the doors, his excitement contained within four stone walls. Rays of sun bounced off of tall windows, casting light onto Ali, running around in circles as his father prayed Asr. Ali remembers climbing onto his father’s back as he went down into sujood; he remembers his father putting his head down slower the second time; he remembers standing in front of his father, poking his head and waiting for him to finish; he remembers his father smiling at him and taking Ali into his arms as he completed his du’a; he remembers his father blowing the barakah of his du’as into his hands and blanketing Ali in that same barakah. He remembers his laughter as he did the same back to his father. He remembers the laughter of the other children ringing through the mosque’s four walls.
There are no longer walls to contain the sound, no longer children with any laughter.
It is the 12th night of Ramadan. Ali remembers being 15, in a circle of his friends as they learned the Qur’an. He remembers the giggles and whispers that passed when the teacher’s head was down. He remembers his cheeks flushing as the teacher caught him talking to his friends. He remembers every mistake he made when he first recited Surah Mulk by memory. He remembers his teacher’s sigh when he gave the same lecture for the hundredth time that day. He remembers seeing his teacher smile for the first time when he recited the Surah with no mistakes.
Ali attended the Janazah prayer of his teacher in this very mosque only three Ramadan’s ago.
It is the 14th night of Ramadan. Ali remembers being only 21 when he had his Nikkah. He remembers his cousin sisters decorating the entrance of the mosque. He remembers his mother cooking enough to feed an entire masjid full of worshippers. He remembers his father sitting him down and lecturing him on the responsibilities to come. He remembers the laugh that came after as he told him the blessings that were to follow. Ali remembers the smile that broke as his father told him how proud he was of him. He remembers his father blowing the breath of his du’as on him once more, just like the day he first entered the mosque. He remembers Fatima entering the mosque and thinking they were destined for one another, right down to their names. He remembers lifting her veil the moment they were officially wedded. He remembers their first hug, shy and small and sweet; he remembers wrapping his thobe around her; he remembers the first Salah he led her in and taking her by the hand to lead her out of the mosque, together this time.
Fatima hasn’t entered the mosque since she witnessed her sister being shot on the musallah that their mum gifted her.
It is the 17th night of Ramadan. Ali remembers being 23, rushing into the mosque with a smile just before Isha, exclaiming how Fatima had blessed him with a daughter. He remembers that despite the ongoing attacks, the hugs and smiles and tears and du’as were abundant among the brothers he prayed beside. He remembers looking forward to the day he could bring his daughter into the mosque and she could climb on his back the same way Ali used to climb on his father’s.
Ali’s daughter went missing from the mosque only two nights ago.
It is the 20th night of Ramadan. Ali remembers being 24 and opening his fast with his brother-in-law beside him. He remembers not having much for iftar, but at least having enough dates and bread to feed all of the worshippers that day.
The worshippers lessen as the genocide continues, and yet there is not enough bread to go around.
It is the 27th night of Ramadan. Ali remembers being 25, watching and being part of all the brothers immersed in their prayers and du’as during what may have been Laylatul Qadr. He remembers brothers praying for safe returns, for the healing of loved ones, for the protection of their Lord.
Ali was reluctant to lift his head from the rubble as he prayed for his daughter to come home.
It is Eid day. Ali enters the mosque to pray Eid Salah. He remembers how Ramadan always passes in the blink of an eye. He contemplates the first Ramadan he spent praying on the ruins of his local mosque instead of within its four walls. He ruminates over how the worshippers lessened and lessened from that first night of Tarawih. He remembers attending the Janazah of the ones who were at least blessed enough to be found. He dreads how this Eid prayer will be followed by Janazah prayer, after Janazah prayer, after Janazah prayer.
Ali begs Allah that none of those prayers are reserved for his daughter.
*please note this story is fiction.
Ramadan - the month when Muslims fast from the time of the dawn prayer to sunset.
Suhoor - the pre-dawn meal.
Adhan - the call to prayer.
Dư'a - supplication.
Tarawih - Sunnah prayer performed in Ramadan.
Asr - afternoon prayer.
Sujood - an action during prayer whereby the forehead is lowered to the ground.
Barakah - blessings.
Quran - the Holy Book of Islam.
Surah Mulk - 67th chapter of the Qur'an, meaning 'The Sovereignty'.
Surah - a chapter of the Qur'an.
Janazah - funeral.
Nikkah - Islamic marriage ceremony.
Masjid - mosque.
Thobe - traditional garment.
Salah - prayer.
Musallah - prayer mat.
Isha - night prayer.
Iftar - the meal in which Muslims open their fast.
Laylatul Qadr - the Night of Power.
Eid (ul-Fitr) - celebration at the end of Ramadan.]
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sukoon-rooh · 13 days
Assalamualaikum tumblees!
As a student, I am always afraid to start studying without reciting the dua's to remember Allah ﷻ. I thought of sharing it with y'all. I hope it helps, InSha Allah.
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Source: https://www.amaliah.com
Jazakallah Khair.☺️
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kaatiba · 3 months
A Look Back - January in Review
That was a rough month, good God. Still! I hit my goals of writing a prompt fill every other week, so I'm happy. Here's what I did and wrote for this month:
✦ Ruin ➺ a prompt fill about a runt of a Questing Beast, prophecy, and revenge (327 words) ✦ The Book of Dragons: A Book Response (aka a relaxed book review) ✦ Annalise ➺ a prompt fill about a golden winged, golden-eyed child, and the hedgewitch who mourns her (523 words) ✦ finally started rewriting & expanding Rivener and shared the latest lines for it (179 words) ✦ started advertising that i'm providing alpha & beta editing services for free! ✦ closed my mailing list on mailerlite because it requires a paid email account & tinyletter shut down
How was your January? How's your February going? Reply to this post or send in an ask, I'd love to chat. And if you check out any of the links, I'd really appreciate a reblog ♥
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hyba · 3 months
Tomorrow I start a brand new writing routine.
This past week was meant to be a prep week for it, and I think I've done a great job of that. I've put a lot of things together for projects that I've wanted to work on for a long while, and I've made the choice to push some projects off until 2025, iA.
I just hope and pray that this time around, I have the self-discipline to stick to my routine, so that I can get those results I want and reap the rewards.
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maihonhassan · 2 months
Fasting for 16 hours and being full after 10 minutes is a prime example of how fleeting the pleasures of this world are and how small this life is.
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wordsbyhisheart · 2 months
Your life is just a countdown to death, each day is bringing you closer to the end of the countdown. Once it’s over it’s over, no rewinds, no turning back. You face the rewards or punishments head on. Focus on doing good in this life. — wordsbyhisheart
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wrappedinamysteryy · 7 months
Hold on.
The sweetness of Jannah will erase all the bitterness of this world, ان شاء الله
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"The number of days left of Ramadan are decreasing, so increase in your worship"
رحمه الله Ibn Rajab
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