#bhagavad gita in english
jeevanjali · 3 months
Bhagavad Gita Part 135: योगमाया भगवान की शक्ति के रूप में कैसे काम करती है ? क्या ये निराकार है या साकार?Bhagavad Gita: भगवद्गीता के पिछले लेख में आपने पढ़ा कि, वास्तव में ईश्वर निराकार और साकार दोनों रूप में विराजते है।
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resulttak · 10 months
Bhagavad Gita in English PDF Free Download [Complete]
Bhagavad Gita in English PDF Free: My dear readers, if you want to read Shrimadbhagwadgita, here we are providing you with the complete book of rain in the English language, which you can read for free, that too with all the shlokas of Bhagwat Gita. Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta is considered the most ancient and original book of Hinduism. It is said that every word of Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta is the law…
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poonamranius · 2 years
हमें भगवद गीता ( Bhagavad Gita ) क्यों पढ़नी चाहिए?
हमें भगवद गीता ( Bhagavad Gita ) क्यों पढ़नी चाहिए?
Bhagavad Gita : भगवद गीता पढ़ने के क्या लाभ हैं? वर्तमान दुनिया में मनुष्यों की कथा। Bhagavad Gita 1. हाथी पिछले कर्म का प्रतिनिधित्व करता है। 2. सांप भविष्य के कर्म का प्रतिनिधित्व करता है। 3. वृक्ष की शाखा वर्तमान जीवन है। 4. सफेद और काले चूहे – दिन और रात – वर्तमान जीवन को खा रहे हैं। 5. शहद कंघी माया और भौतिक जीवन है। जबकि महाविष्णु ने उन्हें मोक्ष देने के लिए और पुनर्जन्म के दुख के इस…
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reyvxntagesblog · 6 months
The Bhagavad Gita – that ancient Indian Yogic text – says that it is better to live your own destiny imperfectly than to live an imitation of somebody else's life with perfection.
— Elizabeth Gilbert
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thrill-seeker-if · 5 months
Barbenheimer season: would the ROs watch Barbie, Oppenheimer, both or neither?
Oh man, this has been in the drafts for a while.... but it's time for a clean out!
Hannie isn't much of a movies person, so wouldn't mind going to either movie. Would enjoy Barbie more, though! They don't like Christopher Nolan movies (they think they're really boring).
N is doing a double feature for SURE, if only for the outfit swaps. Would definitely enjoy Barbie more, too!
Oli is in the TRENCHES. They know that if they watch Oppenheimer you will probably bring up their emo phase. But they really wanna watch. Olivia didn't play with dolls much as a kid (vice versa, Oliver didn't play with action figures and the like) even though they were around the house (emo phase, I'm not like other girls/boys), so Barbie wouldn't be first choice, but they'd love to watch it with the others.
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smitasun · 2 years
The Best Podcasts for All Age Groups
The Best Podcasts for All Age Groups
Podcasts are a great way to stay up to date on the latest news and trends. Here are our top picks for podcasts that cover relevant topics on a daily basis: Religion, spiritualism, application of religious theories to achieve concrete success in one’s life, relationship problems and how to overcome these, life changing real life experiences, students’ counselling about career opportunities, movie…
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techrqmonic · 1 month
Descent to Death and Destruction: A comprehensive analysis of “Zero-day”
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Disclaimer: This post is not meant to glorify or romanticize the film and the event it is based on. My heart goes out to all affected by these types of events, thank you.
“I am become death, destroyer of worlds.” a phrase originating from a portion of Lord Krishna’s dialogue from the Bhagavad Gita. With an archaic English structure, formed using the auxiliary verb “am” instead of “have”, forming a poetic expression that transcends grammatical correctness.
Saying “I am Death” emphasizes embodying death itself, a state of destruction, but it negates the process of becoming. Conversely, “I have become Death” focuses on the process of becoming but nullifies the state of already being. However, by saying “I am become Death,” you actively encapsulate both the process of undergoing and the current state of becoming. This means you have undergone and become one with creation and annihilation.
This concept can be applied to analyze the characters of “Zero Day,” the fictionalized troubled teenagers Andre Kriegman and Calvin Gabriel, who meticulously plan a school massacre. Throughout the film, each character undergoes a transformation fueled by hatred.
Firstly, Andre exemplifies the process of becoming and the active presence of becoming itself. Plagued with suppressed temperamental issues, Andre undergoes a plethora of emotions like any teenager has over the world and the uncontrollable circumstances that affect him. Yet two remain most prominent — anger and hate.
His meticulous planning creates a new layer of detachment, an approach that sees purpose in destruction due to the inherent lack of purpose other than vengeance. With constant efforts to alienate himself because he has already actively experienced it his whole life, Andre’s sense of identity develops from being victimized into being the perpetrator, a role distinct as a mere harbinger of death. Andre sees this as the foremost desirable identity, the immortalization of oneself as a destroyer. From the constant detachment from the world because of the understanding that no one has the capability to understand him, even if he does not understand himself, he undergoes the metamorphosis of becoming destruction itself. When he does finally become it, he has achieved a sense of purpose.
In contrast, we observe the opposite with Cal, where he does not focus on the process of becoming death but rather being death itself. There is complacency in trusting Andre’s plan with an underlying ideology of fulfilling his purpose, death. Death that is all-encompassing, both for those around him and himself — where this destruction not only consumes others but ultimately himself. Unlike Andre’s active pursuit of purpose, Cal is well aware of the fact that he does not have one, and with that, he accepts what Andre has to offer, believing it will give him one. As the film progresses, he embraces the role of the destroyer, indicating a loss of his former self and the complete adoption of his new, destructive identity. In following Andre, he unconsciously gains the purpose of a destroyer, however, it is still void for him to ever have one, hence why he killed himself after the event. Ultimately, this portrays his loss of sense of self in trying to find a sense of self.
In the context of Andre and Calvin, they do not simply perform an act of destruction; they become embodiments of destruction itself. This transformation is not a fleeting moment but an irreversible process leading to the massacre. The parallels between the phrase and their characters suggest their disconnection from normalcy and humanity. Andre and Cal are now unrecognizable, stripped of the humanity and identity they ever had; they are now “Death,” signifying a complete and terrifying metamorphosis.
This movie exemplifies the psychological impacts and effects of being mentally disturbed and unable to be helped. Where people experience a trauma so deeply nestled within them that it hinders them from recognizing the idea of getting better and moving on. They remain in perpetual limbo, filled with self-deprecation and hatred of others. Though the traumas they have faced are not easy to cope with, the denial of change and empathy intensifies the destruction felt by their torment and ultimately allows it to consume them whole.
They are now met with the very destruction they are affected by and consumed by it whole. Now having simultaneously become death and are death at this very point on.
They are become death.
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satoru786 · 4 months
Its my first and last post...i made it cause i just want to warn u all
Ignore errors cause english is not my first language
Stop following anyone blindly
I am not that anon but i think she got some mind bjt she wasted in proving this much
I m not going to type so much cause i m super lazzzzy i am just going to attach some pics if u have mind u will get it i am not going explain everything cause i am not your slave...anyways lets start
I am not going to use word Proof cuz Olivia had already used it so much 🤣🤣.... lets go with confirmations .....
1. The profile pic of Olivia account that she claims is of mina *they are same person*
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Its from a girl name @melikesaygin11 on insta
Some of the post of her focus on the face and tatoo in pic 1
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I will show u magic... Ready... hope u r not blind
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2. As long as i remember Olivia said that she have some million followers on insta i found her account on friday 16 she have less then 50 followers but she deleted her account now but luckily i have taken screen shot of her all post (she claims that she posted her pic) and in the proof provided by her she have posted 88 topics letsssss seeeee......... Wait and watch
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The 1st pic in the set is presented by her as proof but she hides her face
These are the major proofs but if u want more i am guiding u..
He mercedes google lens the all the pic u will find that the car is own by girl name laporscha... maybe some spelling is wrong
All her post she claims with mina just focus on the locket and go to the saygin account u will find it
Her nickname is jodie she attached her fb account there
Her subliminals are not safe i am not forcing u can use at ur own risk ur life ur rules
All her proof pic u can find it on tik tok of the saygin i dont find it because it is banned in my country.. Just go for old posts
Maybe i even got the real account(confirm from my side) of Olivia aka mina aka jodie not going to mention it cuz dont want increase the drama... but it have around 4k followers.. Where the hell are other 49996000 followers are..
Some of u be like- Now Olivia is exposed wht about mina?
Hmmm ..good question..
Girl in profile pic and posts are same wht about claims of Olivia
.. And mina agreed with every post of Olivia even reblogged it.. so.. Hope u get it. ITS ALL FAKE..
The question arises why i m doing this...
I am sanatani and its my dharma to guide everyone but to be honest i am least interested to warn u all as the someone has said that“Never wrestle with a pig because you'll both get dirty and the pig likes it."  Positive energy is much more powerful than negative energy. If you stay positive, the negativity can't touch you...
Just little bit motivation for u all listen VOID is real and i m guarantee this because my religion is oldest and in vedas and upanishads they claims that one who attain shunyata or zero state aka void can manipulate the reality....***Even one of the holy book which is known as SHRIMAD BHAGAVAD-GITA it have divine knowledge given by lord KRISHNA who is the supreme power or almighty himself. If you will read it with perspective of void you will get the hidden message in few lines (***this is not proved cuz its my ideology).
U just have to let go everything
U dont have to listen subliminal or anything else just let go
Just in case If you are reading this i will think my energy is invested in a good place and my hour is not wasted..
Peace out..🕉️
@unicornjoking1111 @luckykiwiii101 dont be sad focus on ur self..
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talonabraxas · 3 months
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Cosmology by Sri Aurobindo. A Universe with many worlds (a Multiverse) We see the world before our eyes, a world with its stars and galaxies and assume that this is the only world which exists. In reality, there also exist many occult worlds of varying gradations of consciousness which are invisible to our physical senses as well as our scientific instruments. A “world” in occult terminology is akin to an energy formation or a formation of consciousness, somewhat like a virtual world populated by beings of its own kind, where the laws of physics are more flexible and where the orders of Time and Space are unlike ours.
Our dreams are transcriptions of travels and interactions in these occult worlds. After death, we cast off our physical body and withdraw into these occult worlds where we reside until the next incarnation. A Yogi who gains occult insight is able to see this vast structure of the Universe. It is precisely this vision which has been described in Chapter 11 of the Bhagavad Gita.
Existence-Consciousness-Bliss (Sachchidananda)
These three worlds are one in essence and are hence called triune. They embody the principles of Sat(Existence), Chit (Consciousness) and Ananda (Bliss). They are also referred to as the Satyaloka, Tapoloka and Janaloka.
Supramental world Other names for the Supermind: Maharloka in the Vedas. Vijnana world in the Upanishads. rendered as Truth-Consciousness in English by Sri Aurobindo.
The Supermind is the Creator of the phenomenal universe, of the lower worlds of Mind, Life and Matter. It is the medium for self-manifestation of the Supreme or Absolute. It applies some fixed truths, some limiting principles to shape the lower worlds out of an Infinite Consciousness. It creates multiplicity out of unity, differentiation and separation out of pure being.
Three poises of the Supermind
The Supermind has three poises which together result in the creation of Maya (Illusion) in the lower worlds:
Comprehending consciousness(Vijnana) : It holds creation in Unity. This can also be described as the causal state (Karana Avastha)
Apprehending consciousness(Prajnana) : The process of differentiation begins in this poise; it brings about the One in Many and the Many in One. There is separation between Purusha and Prakriti, subject and object, self and not-self but all are still parts of the one. This may also be called the state of expression (Karya Avastha )
Projecting consciousness (Avidya) : Further modification of the second poise so as to support evolution of a diversified individuality. Multiplicity in creation is now fully expressed. This may be called the state of full manifestation (Purna Vyakta Avastha)
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metamatar · 1 year
this is a bhagavad gita hateblog. i don't respect it, i have read parts of it in the original sanskrit as well but most of my reading comes from the hindi translation my grandmother had, i think its an arya samaj standard. obviously the worst thing is that its central notion of karm (english speakers this is the word karma to you i hate that transliteration) is inextricably tied up with the mahabharat's conceptualisation of caste hierarchy and duty to once's betters. what most people do is reduce what krishna says to arjun as some kind of exhortation to do difficult things in general by stripping the context of what he wants to arjun to do, fight a war and do warcrimes. this is so dishonest! krishna is the original warhawk. the background stories of the naughty baby krishna are actually meant to be pr to launder easily the second worst of the big canonical gods. no 1 remains ram. nobody else can match that asshole.
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Favourite writers?
I have so many and not enough time to read!! Actually this may sound absurd but lately I’ve been thinking that the concept of a “writer” is so steeped in modernity when really it’s not the name of the simple humans who spin the fables who are important.
We remember not the human authors of the Egyptian & Tibetan Books of the Dead, the Bhagavad Gita, the Kabbalah, the Quran, the Epic of Gilgamesh, the Bible etc. But instead we remember the content of these higher texts and that the human is a humble vessel for greater and sacred ideas which transcend beyond the petty ego and flesh.
But sorry my crazed pedantism aside, I do have certain authors I love returning to time and time again. I like the Brontë Sisters, Aldous Huxley, Flannery O’Connor, Raymond Chandler, Nathanael West, Dostoevsky, Kafka, Hemingway, Sylvia Plath, the Marquis De Sade (he’s fucked but his writing style is flowery), Oscar Wilde, Percy & Mary Shelley, Lord Byron, Homer, Voltaire, Nietzsche, Amrita Pritam, Rene Guenon, Goethe, Jim Thompson, Schopenhauer, Faulkner, Philip K. Dick, Emily Dickinson, Sappho, Catullus, Euripides, Orwell, Suetonius, Shakespeare, HG Wells, Tennessee Williams, James M. Cain, Poe, Camus, Bret Easton Ellis, Malcolm X & Jim Morrison.
I know it’s a weird list but I tried to include only authors who I’ve read several works by and whose works actually moved me as a human being and English major 💗 I enjoy all types of books but my fave genres within fiction are noir detective, philosophical, gothic romance, science fiction & horror novels.
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jeevanjali · 3 months
Bhagavad Gita Part 134: भगवान के साकार और निराकार स्वरूप का रहस्य क्या है? जानिएBhagavad Gita : भगवद्गीता के पिछले लेख में आपने पढ़ा कि, मनुष्य यह सोचता है कि उसे लाभ अमुक देवता के द्वारा प्रदान किये जा रहे है लेकिन वास्तव में वो सभी सुख श्री कृष्ण के द्वारा ही प्रदान किए जाते है।
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sivavakkiyar · 3 months
You mentioned the Bhagavid Gita, do you have a pdf for it in English? Are there translations I should look out for?
the Gita is probably the most translated Sanskrit text. The best translation I think in general is Valerie Roebuck’s, who even does a flattering comparison to Dr King but does a more or less accurate translation, not smoothing over the problematic parts.
The one I would most say to avoid is the ISKCON popular ‘the Bhagavad Gita as it is’, which is only useful if you want to understand ISKCON thought. It’s too overladen with interpretation which shapes the translation. Same w/ Sri Aurobindo
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mysticalblizzardcolor · 3 months
The Universal Form | Bhagavad Gita | English Recitation | CH 11
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I really wanna see you Really wanna be with you Really wanna see you, Lord, but it takes so long, my Lord
The Universal Form | Bhagavad Gita | English Recitation | CH 11 https://youtu.be/AUG-e_pn3Gg?si=xajYsTPByfiRw7ab via @YouTube
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grandhotelabyss · 4 months
Waste Land or Four Quartets? Which is in your opinion the greater achievement? Which do you like more on poetic/thematic/personal levels?
Four Quartets is a moving religious testament, especially given the circumstances of its composition, but The Waste Land is the great poem of the 20th century. While I can think and feel my way into the English and Anglican context of Four Quartets, and appreciate as well its Indian influence via the Bhagavad Gita, The Waste Land is addressed to "Gentile or Jew" and encompasses much of Eurasian spacetime as seen by one displaced American—all while not neglecting the texture and the anguish of the everyday in quest of some ersatz monumentalism, of the kind it mocks with its Wagnerian citations. (That it's often funny, continuously leavened by parody, constantly playful toward its serious materials, also gives it an advantage over the understandably solemn Four Quartets.) It comes before Eliot's formal conversion, but its anxious search for meaning amid ruin and its culmination in a moment of peace is all the more universal for that. Much as we'd like to debunk this kind of modernist ambition nowadays, and little as Eliot was later able to live up to it, The Waste Land reads like the collective product of 30 centuries and half the planet.
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bluetreeturtleoaf · 4 months
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#Mere_Aziz_Hinduon_Swayam pado hindu grantha
Sacred Scriptures of the
It is nowhere written in the
Bhagavad Gita
to go on pilgrimages.
it is wrong to go on a pilgrimage.
It is an arbitrary practice against the injunctions of the scriptures which is said to be useless in the Bhagavad Gita.
(Chapter 16 Shlok 23)
-JagatGuru Tattvadarshi Sant
Rampal Ji Maharaj
(Gyan Ganga) English
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