#the bhagavad gita summary
kanhapriya · 1 year
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Help me, I need sleep and here I am
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hindulivesmatter · 8 months
Resources to learn more about Hinduphobia, and Hindu culture.
Making a masterpost about this because I'm getting a lot of asks for it. The list will be updated!
Books to read:
Not Without My Daughter by Betty Mahmoody. This is the memoir of a woman stuck in Iran and how she has to illegally sneak out with her daughter. It doesn't focus on Hinduphobia but it does highlight the violence perpetuated by Muslims to women. This is a true story and a movie has also been made on it. Also, I just need to appreciate how well it's written, I was on the edge of my seat the whole time.
Aavarna by  S. L. Bhyrappa. This book basically details how Hindu history was derailed and destroyed by Mughal invaders, specifically Aurangzeb, the plot is fictional but the history is real.
All Religions Are Not the Same by Sanjay Dixit. This is a new book and I've just ordered it actually. It discusses the differences between religions and how secularism affects that.
Why I Killed Gandhi by Nathuram Godse. Includes the testimonial of the man who killed Gandhi. I'm about to read this book and I'm excited. Don't be fooled by the one-star reviews.
Hindus in Hindu Rashtra by Anand Ranganathan. Illustrates 9 examples of the hypocrisy of the current government when it comes to legalities and laws concerning Hindus.
Some people you can follow on Twitter are Dr Anand Ranganathan, The Skin Doctor, and VivanVatsa. They're all well-read on Hinduphobia and/or Hindu history.
A fantastic account on Instagram called vrindkavi posts amazing comics on Indian history and mythology.
Blogs you can follow for awareness, and learning about Hinduphobia/Hindu culture:
@rhysaka (debunking common myths, awareness, politics/geopolitics, news, culture)
@mrityuloknative (debunking common myths, awareness, politics/geopolitics, news, culture)
@main-agar-kahoon (debunking common myths, awareness, culture)
@yato-dharmastato-jayah (history and explanations, culture)
@forgotten-bharat (amazing for the history of ancient India, and culture)
@kailash-se-birha (culture, awareness)
@aranyaani (debunking common myths, awareness, politics/geopolitics, news, culture)
Interesting masterposts from other blogs:
Booklist to learn more about Hindu History by @mrityuloknative
The Ayodhya Masterpost by @mrityuloknative
Some important Hindu literature:
Mahabharata This is classified as an Itihasa text. It deals with a war between 2 royal factions and is a vehicle for describing the activities of the Avatar Krishna.
Ramayana This is also an Itihasa text. It provides the biography of Lord Rama who is considered an Avatar of Vishnu.
Bhagavad Gita This is an important text of the Vedanta school and is treated separately although it is part of Mahabharata. It provides a coherent summary of Vedanta.
Srimad Bhagavatam This is a Purana and provides a biography of Lord Krishna. This is an important text for the Vaishnava sect of Hinduism.
Shiva Purana and Linga Purana These Puranas provide the biography of Lord Shiva and are important texts for the Saivite sect of Hinduism.
Chandi or Devi Mahatmyam This is an important text for Saktas who worship Sakti or Devi. This text is really part of the Markandeya Purana.
But really, the best way to combat Hinduphobia, is to learn about our history and culture, because if you know the truth, you won't fall for the twisted narrative being peddled by the media today. If you've got to the end of this, thank you for educating yourself and learning about us.
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emkini · 1 year
Y'know what screw it I haven't seen Oppenheimer but I've seen plenty of jokes and I have two thoughts about this quote from a rhetorical and linguistics perspective:
"Now I am become death, destroyer of worlds."
"I am become" is the archaic form of "I have become", a.k.a the present perfect tense. It is not grammatically incorrect- just old as balls. As far as I know (and feel free to correct me), this quote is Oppenheimer's own translation from the Bhagavad Gita and therefore one he would have put a great deal of thought into. You can see similar phrases in Jane Austen novels and Shakespeare scripts, as well as in the King James bible. "I am become" is absolutely not on the level of "I haz cheeseburger" and I am getting REAL TIRED of seeing the two compared.
The nuance of "I am become death" is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT from alternate phrases such as "I have become death" or "I am becoming death." "I am become" gives a sense of finality without being in the past tense; a sense of continuity without being imperfect. Using this archaic form of the present perfect is a rhetorical choice, and a very intelligent one at that- in other words, it sounds fucking cool and there's a reason all of us remember it to this day.
In summary: "lololol famous Oppenheimer quote has bad grammar" is a VERY SIMILAR sentiment to "Maybe the curtains are just blue" and some of y'all need to do 5 seconds of research before saying things on the internet because that's about how long it took for me to confirm my thoughts on this.
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I dislike Connor Stoll (I think)
Summary: Connor Stoll can be a pain in the ass, and new girl doesn’t appreciate it.
warnings: Minimal swearing
Last time you heard from me, I had joined Annabeth’s team for capture the flag, well, after I got picked, dinner was called, and we had to go. So here’s that.
I sat down at the Hermes table, with my plate and began eating, though I was really hungry, I couldn’t eat with people around me eating meat, so I decided to take myself and my vegetables with me to the offering pit, to throw the rest of my food into it, hoping that it’ll give me extra blessings or something.
I went and sat back down at the table and drank my cup of never-ending coke, and tried not to focus on the sickening chewing noises and idiotic teenagers around the table, and took out a pocket version of the Bhagavad Gita, and began singing it in my head, it’s crazy to grow up believing in this one thing, only to be taught the truth, that is somehow entirely different than what you’ve ever expected, but that you’re apart of that truth? Fucking insane. 
Anyways, I was silently singing it in my head, when Connor Stoll began to converse with me, “Watcha got there?” I snapped out of my trance, “Oh, it’s the Bhagavad Gita” “What is it?” I pursed my lips “It’s hard to explain, it’s a hymn, like a song, but it’s religious, and like 700 pages long” Connor raises his eyebrows, “That is one long song” I laughed “Yeah.”
That night I slept on the ground in the Hermes cabin, as usual, I was singing the hymn in my head, before I fell asleep with the book next to me.
I was soundly asleep when I felt heat radiating down onto me and I furrowed my eyebrows in frustration and shifted in my sleeping bag before trying to go back to sleep, hoping that the warmth would go away but after a good five seconds I miserably huffed and opened my eyes to see Connor Stoll hovering over me, and my eyebrows furrowed in confusion, he was looking over to my side and I realized he was trying to grab my book. He stopped in his tracks when he realized I was looking at him and his eyes trailed down towards me to make eye contact. 
“Dude, what the fuck?” 
He quickly stood up at my words, and shuffled his feet awkwardly. I sat up in my bed and rubbed my eyes “What the hell were you doing?” “I am SO sorry, I swear, I did not mean for that to happen, I didn’t think you would’ve waken up-“
“Well, I’m awake now!” I said and rubbed my eyes, “Why?” I ask, exasperated, and he rubs the back of his head. “Ah-I was…. Bored-“ he started but I shot him a glare, and a glare combined with my bed hair was not to be toyed with. “Get away from me,” My eye twitched and I sighed and laid back down in my sleeping bag, “Go back to sleep, and leave my book alone!” 
He nodded and crawled back into bed and I fell back asleep. Until.
Connor Stoll rolled off of his stupid bed and landed right ontop of me, causing a loud thud, plus a loud shriek from myself. A few people in the cabin woke up and flicked on their nightlights, to the sight of a sleepy Stoll, trying to move off of my squirming body. 
Travis Stoll was one of the students to wake up and when he saw the sight of us he began laughing, causing others to start laughing, and soon the whole cabin was snickering. “Can you…. G- bro. Get off!” I pushed him, causing him to struggle more, since his foot was caught in my sleeping bag. “I’m trying!” He groaned.
Travis then began talking, “Alright, that’s enough! Everybody go back to sleep, mind your business! Connor, what the hell?” “Help me!” 
Travis then helped Connor get off of me, and I sighed, “Can I go outside right now, or will I get in trouble?” I asked, I already new the answer, I was just hoping that it would change, “You know that you’re not permitted to,” he started “but, I’ll allow you to go ahead, you have to come back in 10 minutes, otherwise I’m gonna come to find you, alright?” I nodded my head, “Don’t get caught, and be careful.”
I left the cabin and headed towards the lake, I saw a few Naiads sleeping, and some Dryads aswell, I sat on the ground and pulled my legs up to my chest. I miss my mom. 
I wonder what she’s doing right now. Maybe watching a movie, God, I wish I could’ve finished Shameless before I came here. I was suddenly snapped out of my thoughts when I heared footsteps behind me and turned my head around to see who was behind me. It was Connor Stoll.
“Sorry, for that, for the both times actually, uh” Connor started “I didn’t mean to pry, but I was just, I wanted to see what you were reading and uh, I was in a very deep sleep when I fell ontop of you,” he said, and I nodded appreciatively, “I get it, don’t worry.” He sat down next to me on the ground, “You see that Naiad?” He asked and pointed toward a Naiad sleeping in the water, “Her name is Dareia, she’s very friendly” “How’d you become friends with her?” “Oh uh, I’m not actually friends with her, I was just, trying to start a conversation, sorry.” I laughed, “You’re funny when you’re not being stupid.”
Okay, so maybe he’s not that bad.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ do naiads sleep in water 😭😭😭 genuine question 😿 this one was kinda short bc I didn’t feel like continuing this stupid series but I’m doing it 😝 anyways I would appreciate feedback bsfs enjoy this filler content and I love u byeeeeee
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blessed1neha · 1 year
How powerful was Lord Krishna's chariot (in Mahabharata)?
In the Mahabharata, Lord Krishna's chariot is often described as being extraordinary and special due to its divine nature and symbolism. The chariot was known as the "Rath of Daruka" or "Kapi Dhwaja," and it played a significant role in the Kurukshetra War.
Lord Krishna served as Arjuna's charioteer during the battle and guided him through the various challenges on the battlefield. The chariot is often described as having divine properties, such as being adorned with flags, jewels, and celestial ornaments. It was said to emit a divine light and possessed the ability to move swiftly and gracefully across the battlefield.
While the chariot itself was remarkable, it's important to note that the true power and significance of Lord Krishna during the war lay in his divine guidance, wisdom, and support for Arjuna. He served as Arjuna's charioteer not only to physically navigate the battlefield but also to provide spiritual guidance and impart important teachings, as seen in the Bhagavad Gita, a profound dialogue between Krishna and Arjuna.
In summary, the power of Lord Krishna's chariot in the Mahabharata is more symbolic and divine in nature, with its significance lying in the role it played in facilitating Arjuna's actions and Krishna's teachings during the war.
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volterran-wine · 1 year
𝗦𝗡𝗢𝗪𝗙𝗔𝗟𝗟 𝐈𝐕: An Angel of Death || Caius
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“Now I am become Death.” ― The Bhagavad Gita
Summary: Caius' hunt for the children of the moon has begun, Felix is tasked with shadowing his every move though he comes to regret it.
Wordcount: 2597 words
!Warnings! This is the goriest thing I have written to date. If you are squeamish I would not recommend reading this. If you have a sensitivity towards animal abuse I would also steer clear seeing as though the werewolves are designed with quite wolfish features; it is easy to imagine a poor wolf. 
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𝐄𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐚𝐲, 𝐞𝐧𝐣𝐨𝐲
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Hushed yet excited whispers quieted the second he spoke, his fellow hunters gathering around him, eagerly awaiting their orders. Their sixth hunt was soon at hand, over the last weeks he had assembled a hunting party worthy enough to aid in his mission. The excitement of it all glittered in their eyes, wide and bright as if the king were about to quench their thirsts after a hundred day sabbatical. Yes, he had trained them very well, as loyal and vicious as Caius wanted them to be.
Like dogs.
But then there was also Felix, tall and strong; always to his left.
The howls cut through the air as the moon climbed to its highest peak, and though the night was clouded it bathed the forested valley in a sheer glow. Claws gently scraped at the back of his nape, threatening to tear into the flesh at display there. For now the wind worked in their favour, for Caius could smell the rotting fur from their perch. The claws tore at his scalp, yanking his hair, but he resisted. Teeth ground together as he let the anticipation wash over him, shadows swirling at the corner of his eyes.
“Children of the moon,—”
A ridiculous name, but his brother had always had a fondness for theatrics. Had anyone consulted him he would have informed them the beasts did not deserve a name, too mindless for even such a distinction. Now as he listened to their calls he let himself imagine what they possibly could be communicating to one another. The world shifted, and with it the winds changed their direction. He frowned, their scents would carry far. In the distance the howls soured, the pitch reaching an excruciating high as frantic heartbeats joined the symphony. Panic had set in among the pack situated at the bottom of the valley.
“Like they are singing.” he breathed out, shoulders relaxing.
The bliss was short lived however, for another set of wolves joined in the chorus, the beasts foolishly thought sheer numbers would alter the course of fate. From the corner of his eyes he glimpsed a swirling pool of darkness among the trees, waiting for the right moment to strike.
“Kill them.”
The sharp yelp always made something twist inside of him.
Felix felt the wolf relax in his grip, life slowly fading away as he lowered the body down to the forest floor; its eyes still trained on the moon that hung above. As he went to stand up he clutched his forearm with a hiss, the animal had left a deep gash that would certainly take the rest of the night to fully heal. A sigh raked his body as he looked beyond the trees.
It had been on Sulpicia’s orders that he had asked to be a member of the hunting party.
Her eyes had swam with fresh tears of rage that night, all on behalf of her dearest sister Athenodora. Caius could no longer be left to his own devices, and either Felix would join every hunt henceforth, or Aro’s wife would find a way to end this once and for all. It was not in his nature to betray his superior, but they all remembered the cracks that had littered Athenodora’s upper arms and ribs. So for the time being he would consider himself the champion of his very own Athena.
After all, killing had always been his talent.
His fellow comrades revelled in the hunt, and Felix saw how they unceremoniously tore the animals limb for limb; there would be nothing left to burn.
Closing his eyes he focused on his surroundings instead, seeking out Caius’ footsteps and quiet muttering through the roaring fires and terrified shrieks. Just beyond his eyesight his comrades were laughing. The group had cornered one of the youngest wolves, toying with it before going in for the kill. With a sneer he listened beyond the ruckus, and there, to the east he could hear the low song his leader had come to hum when he hunted. The sight that met him was the kind he had not even managed to conjure up in the nightmare he experienced as a human.
While Felix had taken down two wolves on his own, his superior had littered the small clearing with the bodies of his enemies. However, there had been no mercy shown to any animal who had crossed the generals path, children of the moon, wolves, deer, rabbits… they all lay in neatly piled heaps. In the midst of it all sat Caius, meticulously skinning the animals. Some of them Felix could even hear draw breath albeit painfully so. As the cheerful humming ended he finally looked at Caius, truly looked at him, and the sight would be one he would never forget in his immortal life.
Hair that had once been pure as snow was now caked with blood, parts dried into lumps beginning to fade into a dark brown. The eyes that stared back at him were devoid of the admirable authority Felix had come to associate with Caius, what was left was a white mask marred by dirt and blood. No words could properly convey what he felt in that moment, but in a split second he let himself mourn the man he had come to know as a mentor. What remained was a violent husk that removed one tooth from every wolf he worked on, only to thread them onto a carefully woven string at his waist. Caius wanted his men and enemies alike to understand what he was capable of.
Felix had to look away from it all as the sound of bones breaking filled the clearing, eyes downcast to a doe who lay mangled at his feet.
Their eyes, what had Caius done to their eyes?
Felix’s cloak had been brand new, but no longer did he remember  if the brilliant hue of crimson was due to excellent craftsmanship, or the blood that tainted it when he fell to his knees.
“We are on the precipice of greatness.” Caius began, all eyes on him once more. He had brought them to the clearing that now proudly presented the spoils they could bring home to mate and family alike. Every vampire would shoulder a new wolf pelt before winter set in. The stench of death and cinders excited him, a smile playing at his lips when he continued his address;
“We have hunted and starved these beasts to near extinction near our borders. They flee north and east, and we shall hunt them there too, until no diseased creature of the moon exists in our world. For no vampire can be safe as long as they live. These beasts feast on human flesh with gluttonous abandon, no better than the Dacian scum we seek to eradicate. We shall break their jaws, hack off their furs and orphan their young so they may face starvation. And all will know who it was who purged the world of this plight.”
He made a brief pause before he continued, looking to the starry skies, eyes alight with joy
“ Tonight we,—”
A silence fell upon the clearing, for Caius’ throat had closed up. His ferocity dwindled as he took in the scene before him. On the cliff they had occupied earlier in the night stood a great black beast, eyes blood red as it stared at him, presenting its teeth and showing a maw filled with yellow rot. Once more Caius felt those claws dig into his shoulders, jagged edges sawing into his crystallised flesh until it reached his very bones. Once more he saw those images of hearth and home consumed in darkness.
One remained.
The hunting party followed his line of sight, turning back to Caius with confusion in their eyes, looking to him for guidance on how to proceed with the great wolf. How pathetic, he had trained them himself and now they stood before him, the stench of fear spoiling their scents. Just as Caius was about to chastise them for their lack of reaction the beast turned and ran.
No rest,
No hesitation,
Caius pounced.
Two guards were thrown to the wayside as he barreled through his men, both crying out before howling in pain at broken limbs and torn muscles. Their general paid them little mind as his eyes focused on the horizon that now  bled crimson, into those murky depths the wolf had disappeared and he would find it .Though Felix shouted for him to return, he did not listen.
For how far he ran he did not know, the trees blurring as he clumsily made his way down the valley. The wolf was just ahead, fumbling through the darkness and leading him farther down the hill. In a moment of weakness his prey fell, awarding him enough time to latch on to the fur, a victorious roar ringing out through the forest as Caius dug his fingers into the thick coat of the beast.
In that moment his ears began ringing, a terrible rumble that pulsated throughout his head. The earth beneath his feet crumbled, until there was no solid ground for Caius to stand on. Above him the trees caved, free falling and forcing both him and his prey to the ground. A choked shout tore its way from his lungs, but that was when the darkness descended upon the two of them. Due to sheer instinct Caius clutched the beast in his arms, face hidden away in the damp fur that smelled of copper and something else. The world was closing in, hell bent on burying him in this tomb of earth and darkness. Still, all Caius could truly focus on was the beast, unmoving as it tumbled with him until they both came to a halt.
It was finally quiet.
Even with his superior eyesight Caius could see nothing but darkness and one red eye, the other half of the beast’s head had split open, its insides bared for him to stare at for an eternity. It did not take long for the maggots and worms to crawl into the cadaver.. He felt a sense of grief wash over him, this would not be considered his kill. Dirt filled his lungs as Caius hacked and coughed, fingernails desperately cutting through the stone and earth without moving an inch. The beast was still scorching hot, and judging by the wetness on his fingers, it had been torn open by either him or the elements that had buried them.
The scream he let out would only be for Gaia to hear.
It was Felix who found the two of them.
He had split open the very earth itself in order to dig him out from what surely could have been his end. And as Caius rose he still clutched the rotting beast to his chest, fingers digging into the fur so firmly he pierced its skin. There must have been no way to discern where Caius began and the beast ended, for his guards eyes could not focus. Darting from his legs to his head in a bewildered manner.
Besides them Felix had put down a torch, its harsh light not illuminating much of their surroundings. But Caius could see well enough that the area had been drastically changed, for great rocks and mud clung to the side of the valley along with broken trees. In the distance he could see how his men had begun creating pyres, an observation that made him drop the broken creature that was nestled in his arms.
“ Caius,—”
“Not a word of this to anyone Felix.”
“Why are you,—”
The question died on his executioner's lips, for Caius wrenched the torch from its place and threw it at the corpse that lay beneath him. Fire quickly engulfed the beast, its fur searing as it curled in on itself, releasing a pungent smell into the air.
“We wait until it is gone.”
Felix’s silence spoke louder than words, he would stay with his general until the very last trace of the beast was gone from this world. And though his expression was one of disgust and confusion, Caius could not bring himself to care for the other vampire in that moment. The two of them watched until the fire was but an ember in the night, fog rolling into the valley as Caius finally felt like he could breathe properly. They stood there for what felt like an eternity, until the general finally felt his body bend to his will.
Their return was met with little fanfare, Caius noted how some of his men had even escaped into the night, there would be no mercy shown to deserters. The two of them came to a halt atop the cliff he had seen the beast on in the first place, the very thought of those red eyes sent a shiver down his spine. Snow no longer tumbled down around them, instead the sky had taken on a sickly red hue that made it difficult to assess the aftermath of what had taken place. Some of his trophies had been carried  away by the slide, honouring the beasts with a  burial they did not deserve. His expression soured as he took a deep breath to calm his nerves, once more he felt sharpened claws dig into his neck.
Nothing of this night would be brought back to Volaterrea.
“Hack their limbs off, count them and set it all ablaze.”
“ Felix. ”
Though his back was turned to the guard Caius could sense on the soft breeze that Felix had straightened up, shoulders square and tense. The man had followed Caius as a loyal hound since he whisked him away from the fighting pits, and he would not tolerate insubordination — not tonight. A firm nod was all the king needed as confirmation, his second would make sure that every single one of the mangled bodies would go up in smoke. Another shift in the air and Felix was gone, joining his fellow guards below as Caius looked out across what remained of the forest.
Caius peered over the edge of the cliff, though a fog had enveloped the forest in a mournful shroud he could make out how his guards prepared to perform their duties. Flint and Iron struck, sparks dancing as his guards kept a safe distance; torches prepared. Just as the fire took hold the fog finally parted and the full moon now hung low in the sky. Its eerie red hue made every scar of his itch and burn, how Caius had grown to detest the moon. Soon enough the sound of flesh and bone being torn apart filled the air, what remained of the beasts seared on the open fires as their existence was reduced to nothing.
The pyres multiplied, spreading through the forest as guiding lights for the forlorn and dispossessed.
But here they would only find death.
Caius hunted the werewolves for decades, a man obsessed with his thirst for violence, torture and death; one he was unable to quench no matter how much blood stained his hands. Perhaps it had been the moirai who had spun their threads and guided him to a new purpose in death, but the brutal king would never dwell on it for long ― for the high of victory clouded his senses until the world was stained with the blood of the moon's children.
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𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞; Thank you so much for your patience.
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rajeshmeena · 6 months
Shrimad Bhagavad Gita ji is the summary of all the scriptures. Therefore there is concise description in it in coded words, which only a Tatvdarshi Sant can explain.
- JagatGuru Tatvadarshi Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj
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santmat · 1 year
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Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcast - Hinduism, Christianity, Religion, Spirituality, Jesus-Krishna Parallels, Spiritual Paths, and Sant Mat Mysticism - Listen/Download @ the Podcast Website:
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Today's Program Has Several Segments -- Table of Contents -- Program Outline:
Quotes from the Upanishads;
Bhagavad Gita/Gospel of Thomas Jesus-Krishna Parallels;
Recommended Reading: The Hinduism (Vedic) Chapter of, The Harmony Of All Religions, by Swami Sant Sevi Ji Maharaj;
Fending For One's Self vs. Following and Getting to Know a Living Spiritual Path;
In a Book I Once Read it Says Books Are Not the Answer -- "You can’t read your way to enlightenment."
In Sant Mat the Centers of Power, the Location or Real Estate Never Remains the Same Forever;
What About Those Who Get Re-Initiated? Have Been Initiated by More Than One Guru?
Sants of Antiquity Long Before the Time of Kabir;
Living Teachers Reveal the Methods of Meditation and Mysticism;
The Definition Of Sant Mat by Maharshi Mehi Paramhans;
In Hinduism and Other Eastern Religions the Main Operating System is The Eight Limbs of Yoga -- Stages of Spiritual Development... and The Five Ethical Precepts;
Initiation Into Surat Shabd Yoga -- Inner Light and Sound Meditation by a Living Master (Sant Satguru);
A Paraphrase or Summary of the Teachings of Maharshi Mehi on the Sant Mat Way of Life;
Seven Key Practices of Sant Mat Mysticism;
The 5 Jewels of Sant Mat;
Sarguna or God-with Form vs. Nirguna, the Way of the Formless God in the Bhagavad Gita of Krishna  -- A Transition from Form to Formlessness;
How A Formless God Communicates With Souls Living in Worlds of Form;
The Radiant Form is the Key to Exploring Inner Space;
The Inner Satguru: God Has Made the Reflection of His Form Available in All Worlds;
The Formless One Assumes Forms In Order to Communicate With Souls in All Realms and Escorts Them Back to the Original Abode of the Beloved;
The Outer Master Guides Souls to the Inner Master. The Inner Master (Satguru) Guides Souls Back to the Formless God;
From Light to Sound, From Form to Formlessness -- Stages of Meditation on the Path of the Masters;
Krishna -- Gita: The Power Between the Eyebrows -- the Third Eye -- The Seat of the Soul;
In Divine Love (Bhakti), Light, and Sound, At the Feet of the Masters, Radhaswami,
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dilkush08 · 1 year
Kaal God entered into Shri Krishna ji just as a ghost
enters into another person's body and speaks. In this way, entering into Shri Krishna's body, Kaal narrated the knowledge of Shrimad Bhagavad Gita to inspire Arjun to fight and with the aim that in Kalyug there will
not be people who would know about the Vedas, therefore, he narrated
the brief description and summary of the four Vedas in the form of "Knowledge of Gita" in 18 chapters and 700 Verses. Shri Krishna did not even know what he had said in the knowledge of Gita.
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prabhupadanugas · 2 years
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The Rising Sun [Adi 13] [13.1-13.50] Having prefaced the Chaitanya-Charitamrita in the first twelve chapters, Krishnadasa now proceeds to narrate the life story of Shri Chaitanya. He begins by summarising the most noteworthy events. Faced with the uncertainty of old age and ailing health, Krishnadasa wanted to ensure that should he pass away before completing the book, the summaries would still be available for the reader. [13.51-13.71] Prior to Krishna’s advent, His eternal associates take birth in the world to “prepare the ground”. Krishnadasa outlines the most notable of those personalities, each with their own special role to play in the divine drama. Advaita Acharya, who was born fifty-two years prior to Shri Chaitanya, was the one who fervently worshipped the Lord, petitioning Him to personally descend. https://radha.name/news/announcements/caitanya-caritamrta-compact-e-book Shri Krishna Chaitanya Prabhu Nityananda Shri Advaita Gadadhara Srivasa adi Gaura Bhakta Vrnda Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare https://youtube.com/c/HearSrilaPrabhupada https://youtube.com/user/AmritanandadasRPS https://sites.google.com/view/sanatan-dharma https://m.facebook.com/HDG.A.C.Bhaktivedanta.Svami.Srila.Prabhupada.Uvaca/ https://www.bhagavad-gita.us/famous-reflections-on-the-bhagavad-gita/ https://vanisource.org/wiki/760308_-_Morning_Walk_-_Mayapur https://prabhupadavani.org/transcriptions/?audio=Has+audio&type=Bhagavad-gita https://prabhupada.io https://prabhupada.io/books/bg/ https://bookchanges.com/ http://www.govindadasi.com https://www.facebook.com/govinda.dasi.9 https://vaniquotes.org/wiki/Main_Page #bhagavatam #srimadbhagavatam #vishnu #vishnupuran #harekrishna #harekrsna #harekrishna #harekrisna #prabhupada #bhagavadgita #bhagavadgitaasitis #bhagavadgītā #srilaprabhupada #srilaprabhupad #srilaprabhupadaquotes #asitis #india #indian #wayoflife #religion #goals #goaloflife #spiritual #bhakti #bhaktiyoga #chant #prasadam #picoftheday #photo #beautiful #usa https://www.instagram.com/p/CphqwriIv40/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Bhagavad-Gita As It Is by Prabhupada, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami.
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chaitanyavijnanam · 1 month
శ్రీమద్భగవద్గీత - 567: 15వ అధ్., శ్లో 16 / Bhagavad-Gita - 567: Chap. 15, Ver. 16
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🌹. శ్రీమద్భగవద్గీత - 567 / Bhagavad-Gita - 567 🌹 ✍️. శ్రీ ప్రభుపాద, 📚. ప్రసాద్ భరద్వాజ 🌴. 15వ అధ్యాయము - పురుషోత్తమ యోగము - 16 🌴 16. ద్వావిమౌ పురుషా లోకే క్షరశ్చాక్షర ఏవ చ | క్షర: సర్వాణి భూతాని కూటస్థోక్షర ఉచ్యతే || 🌷. తాత్పర్యం : నశ్వరులు మరియు అనశ్వరులని జీవులు రెండు రకములు, భౌతికజగమునందలి ప్రతిజీవియు నశ్వరము (క్షరుడు) కాగా, ఆధ్యాత్మికజగమునందు ప్రతిజీవియు అనశ్వరమని(అక్షరుడని) చెప్పబడినది.
🌷. భాష్యము : పూర్వమే వివరింపబడినట్లు దేవదేవుడైన శ్రీకృష్ణుడు వ్యాసదేవుని అవతారమున వేదాంతసూత్రములను రచించెను. అట్టి వేదాంతసూత్రములందలి అంశముల సారాంశమును అతడిచ్చట తెలియజేయుచు అసంఖ్యాకములుగా నున్న జీవులను క్షరులు మరియు అక్షరులుగా విభజింపవచ్చునని పలుకుచున్నాడు. వాస్తవమునకు జీవులు శ్రీకృష్ణ భగవానుని విభిన్నాంశములు. వారే భౌతికజగత్తుతో సంపర్కమును పొందినప్పుడు “జీవభూతులు” అని పిలువబడుదురు. ఈ శ్లోకమున తెలుపబడిన “క్షర:సర్వాణి భూతాని” యను పదము ననుసరించి వారు నశ్వరులు.
కాని దేవదేవుడైన శ్రీకృష్ణునితో ఏకత్వమున నిలిచినవారు మాత్రము అనశ్వరులుగా లేదా అక్షరులుగా పిలువబడుదురు. ఇచ్చట ఏకత్వమనగా అక్షరపురుషులకు వ్యక్తిత్వము ఉండదని భావము కాదు. భగవానుడు మరియు ఆ అక్షరపురుషుల నడుమ అనైక్యత లేదని మాత్రమే అది సూచించును. అనగా అక్షరులు సృష్టిప్రయోజనమునకు అనుకూలురై యుందురు. వాస్తవమునకు సృష్టి యనెడి విషయము ఆధ్యాత్మిక జగమునందు లేకున్నను వేదాంతసూత్రములందు తెలుపబడినట్లు దేవదేవుడైన శ్రీకృష్ణుడు సర్వవ్యక్తీకరణములకు మూలమైనందున అటువంటి భావము ఇచ్చట వ్యక్తపరుపబడినది.
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🌹 Bhagavad-Gita as It is - 567 🌹 ✍️ Sri Prabhupada, 📚 Prasad Bharadwaj 🌴 Chapter 15 - Purushothama Yoga - 16 🌴 16. dvāv imau puruṣau loke kṣaraś cākṣara eva ca kṣaraḥ sarvāṇi bhūtāni kūṭa-stho ’kṣara ucyate 🌷 Translation : There are two classes of beings, the fallible and the infallible. In the material world every living entity is fallible, and in the spiritual world every living entity is called infallible.
🌹 Purport : As already explained, the Lord in His incarnation as Vyāsadeva compiled the Vedānta-sūtra. Here the Lord is giving, in summary, the contents of the Vedānta-sūtra. He says that the living entities, who are innumerable, can be divided into two classes – the fallible and the infallible. The living entities are eternally separated parts and parcels of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. When they are in contact with the material world they are called jīva-bhūta, and the Sanskrit words given here, kṣaraḥ sarvāṇi bhūtāni, mean that they are fallible.
Those who are in oneness with the Supreme Personality of Godhead, however, are called infallible. Oneness does not mean that they have no individuality, but that there is no disunity. They are all agreeable to the purpose of the creation. Of course, in the spiritual world there is no such thing as creation, but since the Supreme Personality of Godhead, as stated in the Vedānta-sūtra, is the source of all emanations, that conception is explained.
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shyamyoga · 1 month
What Should You Expect from a Yoga Teacher Training Program?
Embarking on a yoga teacher training program is a transformative journey that extends beyond learning yoga postures. Here’s what you can expect from a comprehensive yoga teacher training program:
Deepened Personal Practice
A significant portion of the training focuses on refining your own yoga practice. You’ll delve into advanced asanas (postures), pranayama (breathing techniques), and meditation. Expect to push your physical and mental boundaries, gaining a deeper understanding of your body and mind.
Comprehensive Curriculum
The curriculum is extensive, covering yoga philosophy, anatomy, physiology, and teaching methodologies. You’ll study ancient texts such as the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali and the Bhagavad Gita, which provide insights into the spiritual and philosophical underpinnings of yoga. Anatomy and physiology lessons help you understand the body’s mechanics and the effects of various postures.
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Teaching Techniques
Learning how to teach is a core component. You’ll practice cueing, adjusting, and demonstrating poses. Peer teaching sessions are common, allowing you to receive constructive feedback and build confidence. You’ll also learn how to sequence classes, incorporate themes, and use props effectively.
Personal Growth and Self-Reflection
Online Yoga teacher training course is as much about personal development as it is about learning to teach. Expect to engage in self-reflection and self-discovery. Journaling, group discussions, and one-on-one mentoring are often used to help you explore your motivations, challenges, and goals.
Community and Support
You’ll become part of a supportive community of like-minded individuals. The bonds formed during training are often strong, providing a network of support and friendship. Group activities, partner work, and shared experiences foster a sense of camaraderie.
Certification and Career Preparation
Upon successful completion, you’ll receive a certification, usually recognized by organizations like the Yoga Alliance. This certification is crucial for those planning to teach professionally. Additionally, many programs offer guidance on how to start your teaching career, including tips on finding teaching opportunities and setting up your own classes or studio.
Lifestyle Integration
Yoga is a lifestyle, not just a practice. Training programs encourage integrating yoga principles into daily life, promoting holistic wellness through diet, mindfulness, and ethical living.
In summary, a yoga teacher training program offers a holistic blend of physical practice, theoretical knowledge, personal growth, and community building, equipping you to teach and live yoga authentically.
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imaginalstudio · 4 months
Summary of “Objects of Consciousness” by Donald D. Hoffman:
In "Objects of Consciousness," Donald D. Hoffman proposes a radical shift in understanding consciousness and reality. He introduces the Interface Theory of Perception (ITP), which suggests that our perceptions do not directly reveal the world but are instead a user interface evolved for survival, simplifying complex reality into manageable icons. Hoffman argues that these perceptions are not accurate representations of objective reality but are functional constructs. He extends this to propose Conscious Realism, the view that reality is fundamentally constituted by conscious agents and their interactions. According to Hoffman, the traditional materialistic view that physical objects exist independently of observation is flawed, and instead, conscious experiences are primary.
Intersection with Nondualistic Frameworks:
Hoffman's theory intersects with nondualistic frameworks by challenging the conventional subject-object dichotomy inherent in materialist perspectives. Nondualism often posits that distinctions between self and other, or observer and observed, are illusory and that all existence is interconnected and fundamentally one. Hoffman's Conscious Realism aligns with this by suggesting that reality is composed of networks of conscious agents rather than separate, independently existing objects. This resonates with the nondualistic view that the perceived separations in the phenomenal world are constructs of the mind rather than intrinsic divisions in the fabric of reality.
Supporting Hoffman's Claims with Abrahamic, Hindu, and Buddhist Scriptures:
Abrahamic Traditions: The notion of a consciousness-centered reality finds support in several scriptural references from Abrahamic traditions. In the Bible, Genesis 1:27 states, “So God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.” This suggests that human beings, as reflections of the divine, possess a conscious nature that is central to understanding creation. Additionally, Colossians 1:16 affirms that “all things were created through Him and for Him,” implying a divine consciousness that underpins and orchestrates reality, resonating with Hoffman’s idea that consciousness is foundational.
Hindu Scriptures: The Hindu concept of Maya (illusion) and Brahman (ultimate reality) mirrors Hoffman's view that our perceived world is a simplified interface. The Bhagavad Gita (2:16) states, “The unreal has no existence; the real never ceases to be.” This aligns with Hoffman's assertion that the physical world as perceived by us is not the true nature of reality but a functional appearance. The Upanishads elaborate on this by positing that Atman (the self) is identical to Brahman (the ultimate reality), indicating that the fundamental nature of existence is conscious and interconnected, akin to Hoffman’s network of conscious agents.
Buddhist Scriptures: Buddhism, particularly through the concept of Anatta (non-self) and Sunyata (emptiness), supports the idea that the independent self and objects are constructs rather than ultimate truths. The Heart Sutra famously declares, “Form is emptiness, emptiness is form,” which resonates with Hoffman’s view that our perceptual icons do not reveal true reality but are instead representations tailored for interaction and survival. The Buddha’s teaching in the Pali Canon, "Sabbe dhamma anatta" (all phenomena are non-self), further supports Hoffman's perspective by emphasizing that perceived distinctions and separations are not reflective of reality’s true nature.
In conclusion, Hoffman's "Objects of Consciousness" suggests a profound alignment with various nondualistic and spiritual frameworks by asserting that consciousness, rather than physical objects, forms the bedrock of reality. This view finds resonance across diverse religious and philosophical traditions, illustrating a convergence towards a more unified understanding of consciousness and existence.
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sahilkasera · 5 months
Why everyone should read Bhagavad Gita?
Short summary of Bhagavad Gita The Bhagavad Gita is a revered Hindu scripture that presents a dialogue between Prince Arjuna and Lord Krishna. It serves as a philosophical and spiritual guide, addressing moral dilemmas and existential questions faced by Arjuna on the battlefield of Kurukshetra. The Gita explores various themes, including duty, righteousness, and the nature of life. It…
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taapsee · 6 months
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Shrimad Bhagavad Gita ji the summary of all the scriptures. Therefore there concise description in it in coded words, which only a‌ Tatvadarshi Sant can explain.
~ JagatGuru Tatvadarshi Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj
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