#learn bhagavad gita
jeevanjali · 6 months
Bhagavad Gita Part 135: योगमाया भगवान की शक्ति के रूप में कैसे काम करती है ? क्या ये निराकार है या साकार?Bhagavad Gita: भगवद्गीता के पिछले लेख में आपने पढ़ा कि, वास्तव में ईश्वर निराकार और साकार दोनों रूप में विराजते है।
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mplanetleaf · 1 year
Brahminism బ్రాహ్మణత్వం | భగవద్గీత Bhagavadgita Ch 17:13–16 | MPlanetLeaf
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raffaellopalandri · 2 months
The Mahabharata: Values, Principles, and Right Life Conduit
Today I spoke with an Indian friend about some details from the Sanskrit version, and translation, of the Mahabharata – महाभारतम्, the epic Indian saga, that transcends a mere story, representing a religious book. Manuscript illustration of the battle of Kurukshetra. From Wikipedia Mahabharata is one of the two major स्मृति – Smriti texts (a body of Hindu written texts usually attributed to an…
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nomadman108 · 5 months
Chant the Name and Write a Blog Post!
Even the biggest dream catcher won’t always catch the dreams This morning I woke up restless, and extremely tired. It felt as if I hadn t slept at all, though I know I did. Who can say about these things? Perhaps dreams disturbed me or something. Anyway, despite this grogginess/restlessness vibe, I resolved to get on with morning routines. And, in addition to breakfast and normal stuff, I set…
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sampai42 · 7 months
The Gita is really genuinely interesting, and really uplifting to read. Honestly it’s very pleasant even if only because it’s healing to remember that everyone in all time periods has grappled with many of the same questions about how to be a good person and die having tried their best. We’re all kind of the same that way
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Deformations in Indian Historiography
The writing of Indian history in its modern form began under British rule and continued in the early decades of Indian independence. In retrospect, we can attribute certain limitations to it, but it was generally fair and in line with the prevailing international standards at the time. However, since the 1970s the distortion of the historical record has become fundamental, arbitrary and officially sanctioned, mostly with a clear ideological motive. It was easily identifiable as anti-Hindu, but presented itself as anti-communal. We need to examine the circumstances behind this shift promoted by Indira Gandhi, her Political Secretary PN Haksar and her Education Minister Nurul Hasan. In doing so, we have the testimonies of eyewitnesses like SN, Dilip Chakrabarti and Sita Ram Goel and investigators like Arun Shourie.
Despite expectations and rumours, the Narendra Modi government has so far maintained this situation and all talk of 'saffronisation' of education is pure fantasy. On the other hand, it is true that among Hindu traditionalists a much smaller problem of distortion of history persists on the fringes, not with official support but with enough decibels for the public to notice. The two poles of the violation of conscientious historiography use each other for self-justification.
The idea of ​​India
From some three millennia, visible already in the editing of the Mahābhārata, India had the ideal of political unification under a "universal ruler" or Cakravarti. In fact, Aśoka Maurya came closest to this ideal, followed by the Guptas and Moghuls, and Queen Victoria most closely. But even in its worst periods of political fragmentation, India had a sense of cultural unity, embodied in pilgrimage routes and Sanskrit. Ancient Greco-Roman or Arab visitors had no problem recognizing the existence of an "India" or "Hindu" entity. As British independence loomed on the horizon, historians in the mold of RC Majumdar emphasized this basic unity.
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blood-teeth · 20 days
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"...and, at the end of it all, this is the truth of you. The truth of your ruinous, shaky hands. The truth of you whole, de-fleshed, flayed. Your bones are harbingers, your fingers methods of decay. You are the mouthpiece for death. You remember the Bhagavad Gita and I am become death, destroyer of worlds. Look at me, you say, I am Time itself, and I must one day destroy your world as I have always done. 
In the light of a long dead star, the last astronaut wakes up. After six decades, the worst has come to pass. The earth is dead, the sun has gone, and the mission to find a new, viable home has failed. There are no more horizons for humanity.
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This Grave Calls You Home is a sci-fi thriller set in space after humanity is forced to leave Earth's ravaged surface following nuclear devastation and an environmental collapse. You play as an ER nurse aboard the NEW HORIZON, an immense space station courtesy of THE COALITION OF THE LAST FRONTIER. This colossal facility, a self-contained city in orbit, houses the remnants of humanity. And it is here that your days pass in monotony, caring for the irradiated people born from Earth and the critically ill, trying your best to survive the relentless demands of the Emergency Room and your own deteriorating mental health. When a patrol flagship discovers the ARCADIA-II - a long-forgotten relic from humanity's past - and finds within slumbers an astronaut who had failed at delivering humanity from destruction, the routine of your life is throughly interrupted. As the mystery of the ARCADIA-II and PROJECT ODYSSEY unfold, you learn that your part in this could mean humanity's salvation.
Or you could be its extinction.
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THE LAST ASTRONAUT(M/F 25)- ALEX STERN "...my love, i no longer know what it is to be warm." The lone ranger, the last star. The failure of deliverance. Feel their breath against yours, cup their ribcage into your hands to feel the long, dead beat of their heart. You know them, you know them. You swear you do.
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THE SCIENTIST (F 23) - OPHELIA VALDEZ "...in the wake of dawn," she says, "it has only ever been you." The General's daughter and the brightest mind the world has ever seen. You brush your fingers along the bone of her brow and marvel at her atoms meeting yours. maybe science is religion, you think. maybe you will bend and lick and worship her taste on your mouth.
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THE ENGINEER (THEY/THEM 24) - PUCK GOODFELLOW "is that your real name?" "no," they smile. "nothing has ever been mine own. i belong to you. give me a new name. give me a new life. i am yours." The scent of engine oil and gritted teeth. Place your mouth against their neck and taste the blood of a covenant past. They hold you in their palms; you feel the promise of something greater, something before.
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THE BOTANIST (M/F 25) - CAIA / CAIUS CAIN "i am no good at words. i'm good in the dirt and the roots and the trees. darling, you've been in everything i touch." the cool touch of water, liberation at their smile. Take the bite and know what it means to become. Dig your hands deep, deep in the earth and feel what it means to love.
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THE MAJOR (TRANS M 27) - JONATHAN STERN "i have given my life to duty, to sacrifice, to obligation. i wish to give it to you, now, instead. it has been an honor serving you." A past marked by violence made by hands meant to touch. To soothe. He holds you tight against his chest and if you close your eyes you can still smell the smoke. He holds you like an apology. Like a prayer.
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cosmicportal · 21 days
“The impermanent appearance of happiness and distress and their disappearance in due course are like the appearance and disappearance of winter and summer seasons. They arise from a sense of perception, and one must learn to tolerate them without being disturbed.”
— Bhagavad Gita
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nateconnolly · 6 months
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All of them have been banned, or access to them has been restricted, in a prison in America within the last ten years.
In many states, prisons have broad and vague guidelines for book restrictions -- N.J. Admin. Code § 10A:18-4.9 grants prisons the right to ban a book if it "Lacks, as a whole, serious literary, artistic, political or scientific value". In Arizona, "inmates are not permitted to send, receive, or present... Publications that depict nudity," and explicitly states that classical art is not an exception (DO 914: 8.2.1 and
I volunteer at a nonprofit that sends free books to prisoners. From personal experience, I know there are sweeping book restrictions such as "no dictionaries," "no coloring books," or "no manga". While these books are not always strictly banned, inmates are frequently underpaid, or forced to labor without pay. That means many inmates cannot afford to purchase books, and rely on nonprofits for access.
Book bans in public libraries and schools are unconscionable, but they are usually not effective at restricting access. A high school student can usually still see an image of Michelangelo's David even if they cannot learn about it in class. In prison, a book ban on nudity can permanently prevent inmates from accessing great works of art, the shared heritage of humankind.
Found on Marshall Project
1,001 Movies You Must See Before You Die (banned in California according to Marshall Project
Basic Fundamentals of Modern Tattoo (Illinois)
No role playing games. A Practical Guide to Dragons. Abolish Prison Slavery. “A Multi Denominational Wicca Bible. (Montana)
101 Things to Do With Mac and Cheese (New Jersey)
“But, Didn’t You Kill Malcolm?” and “A Field Guide to Lucid Dreaming” (North Carolina)
“100 Years of Chevrolet” “1000 Dot to Dot Animals” (Oregon)
“San Francisco Bay Newspaper” “Making Everyday Electronics Work” (Rhode Island)
“Marvel Encyclopedia” (South Carolina)
“A Brief History of Manga” (Texas)
“1001 Photographs You Must See in Your Lifetime” (Virginia)
“A Question of Freedom” Reginald Dwayne Betts (Wisconsin)
The Tennessean
A prison in Tennessee restricts access to The Quran, The Torah, The Bhagavad Gita, and books about Norse mythology. (The ban did not apply to the Bible.)
Personal Experience
I am not willing to dox myself, so I cannot name the nonprofit where I volunteer. However, I swear that I have seen book bans on manga, how-to-draw guides, coloring books, electronics books, dictionaries, and composition notebooks.
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batmanisagatewaydrug · 2 months
He was raised as a Conservative Hindu, and he claims that his ideals are all derived from the Bhagavad Gita (as I have never read it, I cannot confirm nor deny this)
Bonus - he thinks queer people are inherently better than cishet people because I showed him some Oscar Wilde and a few letters by Alexander Hamilton (to John Laurens) once and he somehow got it into his head that queer people are more romantic than cishet people and that it “commendable that we fought for the right to marry in a world that seems obsessed with sex”
Another bonus - he thinks that all science and culture, literally everywhere, was derived from the Bhagavad Gita
Therefore he believes that “the Western ideals of sex are a perverted attempt at reconstructing the sublime glory of the Kama Sutra”
well. I've learned everything I care to know about this man.
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jeevanjali · 6 months
Bhagavad Gita Part 134: भगवान के साकार और निराकार स्वरूप का रहस्य क्या है? जानिएBhagavad Gita : भगवद्गीता के पिछले लेख में आपने पढ़ा कि, मनुष्य यह सोचता है कि उसे लाभ अमुक देवता के द्वारा प्रदान किये जा रहे है लेकिन वास्तव में वो सभी सुख श्री कृष्ण के द्वारा ही प्रदान किए जाते है।
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mplanetleaf · 1 year
Divine and Demonical Endowments భగవద్గీత Ch 16 Bhagavadgita
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hindulivesmatter · 8 months
Resources to learn more about Hinduphobia, and Hindu culture.
Making a masterpost about this because I'm getting a lot of asks for it. The list will be updated!
Books to read:
Not Without My Daughter by Betty Mahmoody. This is the memoir of a woman stuck in Iran and how she has to illegally sneak out with her daughter. It doesn't focus on Hinduphobia but it does highlight the violence perpetuated by Muslims to women. This is a true story and a movie has also been made on it. Also, I just need to appreciate how well it's written, I was on the edge of my seat the whole time.
Aavarna by  S. L. Bhyrappa. This book basically details how Hindu history was derailed and destroyed by Mughal invaders, specifically Aurangzeb, the plot is fictional but the history is real.
All Religions Are Not the Same by Sanjay Dixit. This is a new book and I've just ordered it actually. It discusses the differences between religions and how secularism affects that.
Why I Killed Gandhi by Nathuram Godse. Includes the testimonial of the man who killed Gandhi. I'm about to read this book and I'm excited. Don't be fooled by the one-star reviews.
Hindus in Hindu Rashtra by Anand Ranganathan. Illustrates 9 examples of the hypocrisy of the current government when it comes to legalities and laws concerning Hindus.
Some people you can follow on Twitter are Dr Anand Ranganathan, The Skin Doctor, and VivanVatsa. They're all well-read on Hinduphobia and/or Hindu history.
A fantastic account on Instagram called vrindkavi posts amazing comics on Indian history and mythology.
Blogs you can follow for awareness, and learning about Hinduphobia/Hindu culture:
@rhysaka (debunking common myths, awareness, politics/geopolitics, news, culture)
@mrityuloknative (debunking common myths, awareness, politics/geopolitics, news, culture)
@main-agar-kahoon (debunking common myths, awareness, culture)
@yato-dharmastato-jayah (history and explanations, culture)
@forgotten-bharat (amazing for the history of ancient India, and culture)
@kailash-se-birha (culture, awareness)
@aranyaani (debunking common myths, awareness, politics/geopolitics, news, culture)
Interesting masterposts from other blogs:
Booklist to learn more about Hindu History by @mrityuloknative
The Ayodhya Masterpost by @mrityuloknative
Some important Hindu literature:
Mahabharata This is classified as an Itihasa text. It deals with a war between 2 royal factions and is a vehicle for describing the activities of the Avatar Krishna.
Ramayana This is also an Itihasa text. It provides the biography of Lord Rama who is considered an Avatar of Vishnu.
Bhagavad Gita This is an important text of the Vedanta school and is treated separately although it is part of Mahabharata. It provides a coherent summary of Vedanta.
Srimad Bhagavatam This is a Purana and provides a biography of Lord Krishna. This is an important text for the Vaishnava sect of Hinduism.
Shiva Purana and Linga Purana These Puranas provide the biography of Lord Shiva and are important texts for the Saivite sect of Hinduism.
Chandi or Devi Mahatmyam This is an important text for Saktas who worship Sakti or Devi. This text is really part of the Markandeya Purana.
But really, the best way to combat Hinduphobia, is to learn about our history and culture, because if you know the truth, you won't fall for the twisted narrative being peddled by the media today. If you've got to the end of this, thank you for educating yourself and learning about us.
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femalethink · 7 months
In a key scene in Red Dragon, an FBI agent tells a group of police officers that there is no doubt that the family serial killer will strike again. “Why?” one woman asks him. “Because it makes him God,” intones the agent. Just days after Red Dragon opened, the police found the Death card from a Tarot deck near the scene of one of the shootings. Inscribed on the card was a message from the shooter. It was reported in the media as reading: “Dear Policeman, I am God.”
Such grandiose allusions to divinity have long been a crucial part of the serial killer myth. They proliferate as well in technological, especially nuclear, mystique and metaphor, most famously when the erudite J. Robert Oppenheimer, “father” of the atomic bomb, named the bomb test site “Trinity” and then, while witnessing the first atomic blast, recited the god Krishna’s words from the sacred Hindu text, the Bhagavad-Gita: “I am become Death, the shatterer of worlds.”
More mundane occasions for such utterances occur regularly in popular playtimes. In the media storm that followed the discovery of the inscribed Tarot card in the Beltway case, the public learned that “I am God” is a common declaration by victorious players of violent video games. We were reminded that Eric Harris, one of the two teenaged boys who committed mass murder at Columbine High School in April 1999, was an avid video game player and had scribbled, “I am God” in another student’s yearbook.
The popularity of this phrase in all of these contexts points to a pervasive, if usually unexamined, recognition that violence, control, total power over others, and specifically masculine lethal violence or the power of “unnatural death,” all have a religious character in our culture. Despite much talk of God being “love” and associated with creation, the phrase “I am God” is not uttered in delivery rooms by mothers, or by those getting the news that they have received the Nobel Peace Prize. The dominant notion of god in the Abrahamic patriarchal religions is an all-male being whose defining characteristics seem to be omnipotence, jealousy, righteousness, judgment, and dominance. This notion of god powers all sorts of terrorism: religious, political, criminal, familial, militarist, nuclear, and any combination of these as power-mad men take up that mythic role, “playing god” by waging war, accumulating fortunes, toying with others’ lives, and lording it over everybody else.
—Jane Caputi, "Goddesses and Monsters: Women, Myth, Power, and Popular Culture."
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talonabraxas · 26 days
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Galactic Eye Temple Talon Abraxas
Ajna Chakra
In the forehead, between the eyebrows, lies the two-petaled lotus, Ajna chakra. It shines like the bright moon, and its two petals vibrate with the sounds ham and ksham. Devi Hakini resides in the center of the Ajna chakra. White as the moon and with a pure mind (shuddha chitta). She has six heads and four arms that hold an hourglass-shaped drum, a skull, a jnana mudra (gesture of knowledge) and a japa mala.
The subtle mind (mana) resides in the Ajna chakra. A Shiva lingam called Itarakhya resides within it. It shines like a thunderbolt and is the abode of realization of supreme knowledge, including the vedas. It is also from here that one perceives the Brahma nadi, which connects the Muladhara to the Sahasrara chakra.
The bija mantra for Ajna chakra is AUM, also known as Pranava. It is said that one should meditate on this bija mantra with a steady mind. One should meditate on the Ajna chakra with devi Hakini, a glowing mind, a shining Shiva lingam, and AUM bija mantra. The meditator can perceive the Brahma nadi if he or she meditates this way with stillness and with his or her gaze turned inward.
By meditating on the Ajna chakra one becomes all-knowing, all-perceiving, a benefactor to all, all-powerful like Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva, who are responsible for creation, regulation, and dissolution, respectively.
Between the eyebrows in the Ajna chakra is the soul, which is as bright as the tip of a flame and vibrates with the primordial sound of AUM. Above that is a bright young moon with a bindu (letter of sound ma) from which the unstruck sound of AUM is derived. This bindu shines like the rays of the moon.
Swami Hamsa swaroop maharaj describes an important doorway to the soul in his translation of Sat Chakra Nirupana. By holding the Niralamba mudra, which can be learned only from a guru, and by meditating on the place where the primordial sound of AUM originates, one experiences the light of the soul or highest spirit.
Next, Sat Chakra Nirupana discusses the importance of Ajna chakra at the end of life. One who meditates on the Ajna chakra at the end stage of life and surrenders the prana with devotion between the eyebrows, i.e. at the bindu from where the primordial sound originates, merges with the supreme consciousness.
In the Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 8 Verse 10, Shri Krishna says to Arjuna
prayaanakaale manasaachalena bhaktyaa yukto yogabalena chaiva |
bhruvormadhye praanamaaveshya samyak sa tam param purushamupaiti divyam || 10 ||
At death, with devotion, an unwavering mind, and the power of yoga, he who surrenders the Prana in the middle of the eyebrows, attains that supreme divine person.
Ajna Chakra: The abode of higher knowledge, perception and liberation:
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emtornado · 4 months
So, I was reading parts of the Gita today (as one does) and one of the quotes reminded me of the Jedi teachings.
ध्यायतो विषयान्पुंसः सङ्गस्तेषूपजायते ।
सङ्गात्संजायते कामः कामात्क्रोधोऽभिजायते
This basically says that attachment leads to desire, and desire leads to anger.
क्रोधाद्भवति संमोह : संमोहात्स्मृतिविभ्रमः ।
स्मृतिभ्रंशानुद्धिनाशो बुद्धिनाशात्प्रणश्यति
This other passage says that wrath leads to complete attachment (ego). The ego begins to lose its memory power, so the intellect is destroyed, and the human being degrades when the intellect is destroyed.
Now, according to Star Wars, fear leads to anger, anger leads to hatred, and hatred leads to suffering (which is your basic path to the dark side). You get fear through ‘attachments’, which the Jedi are famously against.
So, basically, Jedi teachings and teachings from the Bhagavad Gita are pretty similar, and I'm a little bit shook right now.
I really wanna delve deeper into this and figure stuff out more, like how similar were Jedi teachings to the teachings we get from our scriptures? And if they are similar enough, could there have been ways and means to work around Anakin’s ‘darkness’, help him control it in a sense maybe?
Because the Bhagwat Gita, and in fact a lot of teachings in Santana Dharm and Hinduism, stems from learning how to let go of worldly attachments, which is quite similar to the Jedi, no?
But the religion ofc adapts itself to the ‘normal’ people because you can’t just let go of attachments and love (ig the Jedi were more like sages than normal people tho) but like there could be some sort of balance they could’ve helped Anakin find. Like how we have the four stages of life, where marriage and having children is quite essential.
Or at least we (or the characters) could figure out the difference between love and attachment, which is pretty fucking vast in my opinion, and is left quite unexplored, from the little I’ve seen in canon
Idk I might be cooking but I’m just contemplating stuff rn haha. It’s just super interesting ✨
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