#bht also has been a long time coming
magizombi · 1 year
I wish my surgery was over already I feel so excited and so sick and so scared aaagaggghhhhhh I'm freaking outttt
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sweetescapeartist · 2 years
Before I'm a DB fan, I was a Sonic fan. And Sonic The Hedgehog still important to me but now I want to see what direction the games could be headed. So heres a unorganized review of what I thought from watching the cutscenes.
Watched the cutscenes for Sonic Frontiers. I think its a good story. The problem is that it felt stretched out because SEGA wanted to stretch out the gameplay and story. A shorter story would've been better. Sonic Team was a bit over ambitious and did too much. Which isn't a bad thing if they didnt always try to release games within a holiday season. It makes them rush some things.
As for the characters? Pretty good. Gonna take more for me to get fully on board from the terrible character interpretations from 2010 to 2017.
Sonic was cool again. Just need to better balance the jokes with this more serious tone. Some of his attacks were stupid tho. Like giant fists and giant feet when Duper Sonic? Just no.
Amy was great. Not obsessed with Sonic but obviously likes him still. Her compassion is handled well.
Knuckles was great. Really liked what they did with him. Showed his compassionate side as he has opened up to his friends more. And the fact that he wants to go on his own adventures is great. Looks like we'll be getting a globe trotting, treasure hunting Enchidna! And no more butt of the joke either. 🙏
Tails? Thank you Sonic Frontiers! They saw the mistake that was the terrible writing of Forces. But instead of pretending it didnt happen, they correct it masterfully. I also love the references to Dark Gia and other previous adventures Tails was on with Sonic. And the Tails development is something we already saw before, but since the 2010 games ruined Tails' character, he had to become who he was from Adventure 1 to Unleashed. So hopefully we get to see him.become a hero in his own right.
Eggman? I really enjoyed his story. The relationship he has with Sage is great. And idk if anyone else has said this yet, but this felt like Gerald Robotnik and his granddaughter, Maria. But instead of becoming a mad scientist after having his beloved granddaughter taken from him, Eggman has become kinder due to Sage whom he views as his daughter. And when she "died" he managed to bring her back in a post credits scene. Never thought there would be character development for Dr. Eggman. And for it to be that he might become who his grandfather once was? Man, that's just smart.
Cant wait to see where their story leads them with Ian writing for them. Felt like a continuiation of Unleashed a bit.
The story was interesting too. The ancient race were the Kocos who once held the Chaos Emeralds. And they're aliens I believe. Their whole cyber space thing makes sense at the end. And the fact that they look like tall versions of Chaos is cool too. Because Chaos is a Chao that absorbed a lot of energy from the Master Emerald.
Character interractions are good too. Im interested in what Sonic Team does in the future.
But the gameplay? Too repetitive. This is part of the overambitiousness comes in. Why give Sonic certain combat moves? And why not have him make use of the spindash and homing attack more? Like when Sonic parries an attack, he should do it by getting into a ball, not swatting it away with his hand. Knuckles would do that because thats where his strength comes in to play.
And boss battles were very repeditive and too long. Could have been better with better quick time events where you press multiple buttons instead of 1 singlular button.
Thats it. Time to see what Sonic Team does next. Kinda hopeful bht also very cautious.
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bby666k · 3 years
Crush - Andrew Detmer x Reader
Summary: Andrew isn’t used to having friends- he’s also not used to pretty girls asking if he’s okay.
Tags/warnings: andrew detmer x fem!reader, friends to lovers, fluff, andrew getting the love he deserves goddammit
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It had been barely a week since you met Andrew at the barn party, and he hadn’t stopped thinking about you since.
You had a certain kindness, a warmth in your eyes, that made his heart skip a beat and filled his nervous stomach with butterflies. He could barely stand to look you in the eye, as much as he wanted to, and he always prayed to god you never noticed. All he ever wanted was to impress you, to keep you, to see you smile at him and ask him how he was doing.
The way you met was enough to make him fall in love in itself- he was crying outside, alone with nothing more than his camera. Then came you, you with your ripped tights and chipped black nail polish, you who asked if he was okay and asked again after he swore he didn’t hear you right. It was you who sat with him and talked for an hour, telling him that things would be okay, listening to him spill everything he had been holding in for so long. And when he’d stopped crying, when you had to go home, it was you who uncapped the black sharpie with your teeth and wrote your number on his arm to “talk to me whenever you want- even if it’s not about deep stuff.”
Now it was him, sitting in your bedroom on your bed, his face beet red and flushed with nerves. He was trying to listen to you talk about the album that was playing after you slipped it into your pink CD player, but all he could focus on was how pretty you were, god how pretty you were, and how he didn’t have the guts to contribute much more than a “that’s cool” to the conversation. Thankfully, you didn’t really seem to mind. You were good at keeping the conversation going, asking him questions and bringing up new topics when you knew he was too shy to bring them up himself. Occasionally, he’d have to remind himself of how surreal it was to be sitting in the bedroom of a cute girl, after she had invited him to come over and play Mortal Kombat. The feeling never fully went away, but there were times where he forgot, and could feel himself grinning and being pulled more and more into the conversation and the ease that you tried your hardest to give him with a warm smile and random “are you okay?”s and “are you having fun? We can do something else if you want.”
There was a moment of brief silence while he looked at you, your favorite album playing and being muffled by the noises in his head. He suddenly found himself blurting out the words that has truthfully been on his mind all week.
“Why did you talk to me? At Haven Hills.”
You paused, glancing at him briefly and pursing your lips. Truthfully, it was more of an impulse decision when you noticed him crying on the wet grass. He looked so alone, so miserable. There was something about him- maybe just something about people who were in pain- that made you want to make him happy, and make him feel cared for. He looked almost like a reflection of yourself from the days when you felt so isolated and deflated. The separation from the crowd while they danced inside a place that you never really felt you belonged in.
“I don’t know- you were upset, and I wanted to make you feel better.” You told him. “You looked like you needed a friend.”
Andrew hesitated, furrowing his brows and staring down at the carpet, thinking. “So… Is that why you invited me over, then? You just wanted to make me feel better?”
“Of course not,” you replied. “I wanted to hang out with you because I thought you seemed cool. And you are- y’know… Cool, I mean.”
Andrew’s frown faded, being replaced with a shy smile. “Thanks,” he mumbled. “You’re cool, too. I mean… really cool. Way too cool to hang out with me.”
“Dude, are you kidding?” You grinned at him. “You’re awesome, Andrew. You’re funny, you’re sweet, you’re almost as good as me at Mortal Kombat, I could go on.”
Andrew giggled, making your heart skip a beat. God, he’s pretty.
The two of you hung out at your apartment for hours, switching between videogames, baking cookies, and talking about anything and everything. Once Andrew had relaxed (as much as he could, anyway) and felt more comfortable talking about himself to you, you both realized you had a lot in common- but it was when the sun fell behind the trees and stars lit up the sky that you started to talk about more than just your music taste and favorite movies.
You only had one lamp in your room, a bulb without a shade that sat on your bedside table. You were both tired and done for, lying on your bed on your backs under the dim yellow light. Andrew was playing with the loose threads of his sleeves as he stole little glances at you, always flicking his gaze back to the ceiling before you could catch him. You had seen him staring at you all day- you weren’t stupid, and you could tell when someone was into you. You’d seen the way he looked at you, and the way he got flustered when you looked into his eyes and teased him. He always looked so cute like that- blushing and smiling down at his hands in his lap whenever you complimented him.
“I, um…” Andrew started, clearing his throat. “I’ve had a really nice time… by the way,” he mumbled quietly, stealing a quick glance at your facial expressions a couple times.
“I’m glad.” You beamed, turning over on your side to look at him. You nestled your hands under your cheek. “I’ve had a lot of fun, too.”
Andrew hesitated before mimicking your position, turning to face you. You could see his face was dusted with pink, avoiding your gaze. There was no denying that your faces were awfully close to one another, so much so that you could smell the soft scent of his cologne and he could smell the flowers in your shampoo. His skin looked so soft, void of imperfections, and his hauntingly blue eyes were constantly looking everywhere but you. It wasn’t an insult- far from it- you knew it was because the closeness made him nervous.
“I’ve never really done anything like this,” he blurted out, his eyes moving up to yours for a second before returning to your checkered bed sheets.
“Done anything like what?” You asked, raising a brow.
“Had friends,” he said quietly. You could feel your heart sink in your chest as he said it, furrowing your brows and pursing your lips involuntarily. “Nobody ever asks me to do stuff like this. My cousin Matt drives me to school and picks me up, but he doesn’t even say hi when he sees me in the hallways. He invited me to that stupid fucking party at Haven Hills and then he just ditched me. No one’s ever just… taken the time to talk to me. To get to know me.”
You had always been a very empathetic person, and hearing him talk about his life and how people had treated him nearly made you tear up. You wanted to pull him close to you and hold him, or caress his cheek and brush his hair out of his face, but you were afraid of coming on too strong or too quickly. You just wanted to comfort him in any way you could.
“Well, that’s fucking stupid. I love hanging out with you.” You grinned at him and his pretty blue eyes drifted up to meet yours, a smile replacing the previous frown on his lips.
Every time he looked at you, heard your voice validating him and assuring him you enjoyed his presence, he could feel himself growing more and more attached at an unsettling rate. Andrew was undoubtedly an obsessive person, and you were making it increasingly more difficult to not be obsessed with. You were so caring, so endlessly kind and sweet to him, something no one had ever bothered to do.
“I… I really love hanging out with you.” He mumbled and smiled brightly down at the sheets below him, unable to contain the excitement that was building in his chest.
“I mean, I- I really like you. You know, as a person. I mean, um- if… Unless you…” He was stumbling over his words with his heart pounding in his chest. He didn’t mean to let those words slip, a string of words that he’d never really confessed before, whether it was more obvious or not. Everything about you just made him so nervous and so happy all at the same time.
“You like me?” You smirked, looking him up and down. “You got a crush on me or something, Andrew?”
His lips parted in shock as he looked up at you with wide eyes, which didn’t last long as he couldn’t will himself to maintain the eye contact. His gaze flicked down again, then side to side, trying to think of what to say. His face was beet red at this point, and his mouth was dry, still attempting to form the right words. Come on, dude, he told himself. Just say something.
“Uh… A pretty big crush on you- yea.” His voice was quiet and airy as he smiled. He bit his lips as he looked up at you, gaging your reaction. He was terrified that you’d make fun of him, that he ruined his chances of even just being friends with you. What if you were just making fun of him? What if you were just kidding, and now he ruined everything.
“I’ve got a pretty big crush on you, too,” you replied, beaming.
He could feel his heart stop in his chest as a bright smile spread on his face. His stomach was filled with nervous and excited butterflies as his eyes flicked up to yours quickly. “R-Really?” He opened his mouth and closed it, hesitating on his words. “Like… you’re being serious right now?”
You giggled and nodded. “Of course,” you told him. “Dead serious.”
Andrew bit his lip as he looked down, his eyes slightly darting from side to side. He felt so happy, so pleasantly surprised, that he didn’t know what to say. But as he looked back up into your eyes, and your gaze flicked down to his mouth and back up again, all he could think about was how badly he wanted to kiss you. You were so close to him, with your pretty pink lips and soft skin. There was a hesitation in the air, a thick layer of silence and anticipation as you both met each other’s eyes.
“Can I kiss you?” You blurted out, a slight tint of pink settling on your cheeks.
“Fuck, please…” Andrew breathed before you immediately leaned forward and pressed your lips against his.
Andrew had never kissed anyone before- he had thought about the moment he would for so long, always worried that he wouldn’t know what to do. And at that first second, he was frozen, his heart thudding in his ears with a vulnerability he’d never felt before. But once the feeling had sunken in, his mouth moved instinctually against yours.
Your hand had moved up and settled on his cheek, the warmth of your skin against his sending electricity across each of his nerves. His stomach was doing somersaults as he kissed you, trying to teeter on the line between letting himself move naturally and trying his hardest to not fuck up, to not do anything weird, to not accidentally bump his teeth against yours.
When you pulled away and smiled at him, he could feel himself melting into the mattress, a dopey grin on his face. He was sure his cheeks must have been red, and he could still feel the heat on his face that made it hard for him to look at you- but god, he loved looking at you. And you loved looking at him.
“Can we… Can we do that again?” He mumbled, avoiding your gaze before hesitantly looking up into your eyes again.
“Fuck, you’re so cute…” You teased, before pressing your lips against his once again and settling into the feeling.
That feeling that would never get any less euphoric over the following years.
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jovoy · 3 years
do u have a list of ur favorite perfumes? i’m interested in getting into perfume and i always really enjoy reading what u have to say ab them!!
well you asked for it LOL this is probably going to be long i have a definitive top 3 i think but beyond that its like trying to choose a favorite child. im still p new to this thoigh ive only been collecting for 3-4 months so this list is obv subject to change at some point
absolute top1 favorite all time is princess by kilian. its like being hugged literally and everyone ive ever talked to loves it its photorealistic marshmallow with matcha and ginger.. so sweet but not too sweet with a hint of spiciness and so much depth and warmth i wish it was colder where i lived so i could wear it all the time!! if it really is being discontinued i will drop dead along with it and i have a 100 ml backup just in case. if you are going to try any of these this is the one
2nd fav is very new to me and im still waiting for my full bottle to come in the mail but its sci fi by ellis brooklyn..this is truly a masterpiece. its so intensely orange with green tea but its also a beautiful creamy vanilla its sort of like two ppl who are enemies but also lovers idk is that too esoteric of a description LOL but it is really beautiful it reminds me of a creamsicle. the perfect mix between a gourmand and a fresh fragrance imo
3rd right now is carolina herrera good girl supreme. listen i like the original good girl ok but this absolutely blows it out of the water. its got the rich creaminess and warmth of the original with the vanilla and tonka but there is a very prevalent red berry note that gives it some life and fun and i am not a sexy person but this perfume is so sensual and sexy it makes me feel like i am a goddess or something. lasting power is also absolutely insane it easily lasts 10+ hours. its literally so good
from there idrk the ranking but i will tell you some of my other favorites!! my top 3 are kind of heavily gourmand leaning but i really enjoy freshies as well so here are some others. this is basically every perfume i own cuz i typically have only bought stuff i absolutely love
etat libre d’orange you or someone like you is so GOOD its so green and fresh and summery and beautiful. very unisex which i dont go for usually but still so amazing. its like drinking a mojito on a sunny day with your friends its very minty but not peppermint its fresh green mint that you get muddled into a cocktail. the best eldo fragrance in my opinion
this is way different than what i usually go for but also l’interdit eau de TOILETTE by givenchy is amazing. specifically the eau de toilette cuz the parfum is way too strong for me personally but the edt is a beautiful floral tuberose fragrance that’s light and smells like delicious juicy grape candy and its lasting power is crazy. its like a spring day and i want to try l’interdit rouge as well i think i would love that cuz this is fantastic
and then of course angels share by kilian is the most incredible cinnamon apple pie fragrance i have ever come across not that theres a lot of fragrances that smell like apple pie lol…spicy and warm and still a little fresh somehow its so good. so so good bht its very expensive
for a cheapie i recommend lush twilight body spray which is to die for its warm tonka bean with lavender and its like being held by a loved one or something. so good i usually hate lavender but at this point i think id love anything with tonka in it i think its my favorite note LOL. has great lasting power for just being a body spray as well
also i wont elaborate on these cuz this is fucking long but jasmine perle de thé by fragonard is basiclaly the perfect jasmine tea and philosykos by diptyque is green fig goodness but splurge and get the edp not the edp cuz i have the edt and it does not last worth a damn unfortunately. ok thats it im sorry this is long idk how or if i can do a read more on mobile 💃🏻
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#SpnStayHome 04/13 prompt: Gentleman
@bend-me-shape-me @helianthus21 @pray4jensen pls except my late trash i’m sorry
now available on A03
Dean hears the front door slam again and sighs, body moving out into the living room before he can even think about it.
There he finds Castiel slumped against the door, fists clenched but face deprived of any little fight he had left.
“Didn’t go well, I take it?” Dean asks grimly.
Cas doesn’t even open his eyes.
Dean edges toward the couch, letting Cas have his space and choice to talk. “I’m sorry, man.”
It takes a while, but Dean waits, knees pulled to his chest, toes wiggling in his socks with the urge to run over and hug Cas close, stroke his hair, kiss his lips. Tell him that Dean is here for him, in any way Cas will have him.
Which is exactly why he stays put.
“It’s like I’m cursed,” Cas finally whispers. When Dean looks up, Cas’s eyes are finally open and the disappointment is dark blue and heavy.
“It’s not you, Cas,” Dean tells him for the thousandth time. “You just... keep dating jerks.”
Cas laughs but there’s no humor. “Pretty sure that still makes me the problem. I just... I’m so tired of trying.”
Dean would like to tell him that he doesn’t have to try. But that would be unwelcome and not to mention completely inappropriate given the situation.
It’s not that Dean has necessarily tried to hide his feelings for Cas over the years. In fact, he’s been more obvious about his crush on his roommate than he’s ever been with any former partners. Maybe he hasn’t said it in so many words but... actions speak louder right?
Which left Dean with just two possibilities: either Cas was an oblivious idiot or not interested.
And Cas is anything but an idiot.
The quiet rejection hurt more than Dean would ever let on. But Cas never allowed it to affect their friendship, never indicated that he was uncomfortable with Dean’s gestures. Dean still tried to dial it back and challenged himself to be the best friend Cas deserved even if that meant listening to him chatter about the guys he was talking to and picking up the pieces after the guys blew everything apart.
“Or maybe this is what I deserve...”
Dean’s head whips up when Cas speaks again, mostly to himself. “What?”
Cas shrugs. “I don’t know, I just... I’m starting to think maybe this is what dating is like. Maybe I have just have too high standards or I’m being unrealistic.”
Dean shakes his head as Cas talks but Cas isn’t looking, into act he’s already peeling himself off the door and heading to his room, head still bowed and shoulders down.
He looks so sad and defeated and Dean wants to argue but bites his tongue.
He hears Cas’s door click shut and closes his own eyes.
In no world should someone as amazing as Cas leave a bad date feeling that it’s what he deserves...
Cas has to know that. He deserves the best partner, the best dates, the best kind of love story.
And maybe Dean isn’t the one he wants that love story with. But Dean can at least open the book for him.
The next Saturday, Dean makes up an excuse for a celebratory dinner and tells Cas to get cleaned up.
He leads Cas to the impala, hustling to open the door for him which Cas raises an eyebrow at. Dean just smiles and carefully shuts the door once Cas is safely inside.
“Pick something,” he says, gesturing to the radio.
“You’re letting me pick the music?” Cas asks and the incredulity is not lost.
“I’m feeling generous.”
“But what happened to driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cakehole?” His voice changes as he quotes Dean to himself and laughs.
Dean bites a grin and keeps both hands on the wheel. “Just pick something good before I change my mind.”
The restaurant isn’t a super fancy place but it’s a grade above the kind of dives Dean usually patrons. He hadn’t wanted something so fancy that he and Cas felt uncomfortable, but also not a place where a brawl was likely to break out at any moment.
He isn’t able to get out before Cas opens his own door but he does manage to hold the restaurant door for him and even allows a brief touch to Cas’s lower back as he passes. Cas doesn’t flinch or frown or look at him weird. In fact, he may not have noticed at all.
They get an intimate little table by the windows and Dean holds Cas’s chair out for him.
Cas does frown now, looking at Dean like he’s lost his mind or grown a second a head. “What are you doing?”
“Holding out your chair for you,” Dean responds like it’s normal.
Hesitantly, Cas steps closer and lowers himself into the seat as Dean pushes him in. “What a gentleman,” Dean hears him rumble, a soft tone of amusement in his voice.
Dean can’t help a grin as he claims the seat opposite of Cas and shrugs. “Mary Winchester wouldn’t have raised anything less.”
A knowing grin steals across Cas’s lips. “No, she wouldn’t.”
They have an excellent dinner. Cas picks something from the wine list and Dean goes with it, not understanding any of the words Cas uses to describe the flavor but enjoying it all the same. Their food is delicious and even though Dean could happily wolf down every bite, he offers some to Cas, raising his fork to Cas’s lips and stomach stirring with wild butterflies when Cas opens his mouth to accept. Cas looks a little red for a few minutes after that, which pleases Dean to his toes.
“Don’t forget your leave room for dessert,” Dean says when Cas leans back against his chair.
“Dessert?” Cas repeats. “What was it we’re celebrating, again?”
Dean shrugs. “Doesn’t really matter why. Just matters that we’re together, right?”
When Cas doesn’t respond right away, Dean feels hot fear rush through him. Maybe he went a little too far, veering into romantic side of things. Sure, he wants to show Cas what a good date can be like, what it’s like to be properly wooed and romanced. But that doesn’t change the fact that Cas only wants him as a friend.
“Right,” Cas says at long last, his voice soft and quiet again. “Together.”
They order their dessert and once again Dean finds himself spoon feeding Cas a taste of his chocolate pie. But this time, there are no nervous butterflies. This time, it’s all heat. A searing, thick heat that fills his lower half and runs down his skin, tight, as Cas’s eyes seem to glaze over with something Dean’s never seen before, something desperate and primal and eager as his pink lips separate and Dean catches just the faintest glimpse of his tongue before he licks the treat into his mouth.
Dean’s pretty sure he’s the one sitting there like a bright red tomato after that.
When all is finished and the dishes are clear, the waiter leaves a single bill on the table.
“Oh, we’ll need two checks,” Cas starts.
But Dean is already sliding his card into the folder. “This is fine,” he says and hands it back to the waiter.
The admonishment is loud and clear and Cas says Dean’s name. “You’re the one we’re supposed to be celebrating tonight. If anyone should be paying, its me.”
“Maybe next time,” Dean promises and prays there will be a next time. If not here, then in the next life or in some alternate universe where Cas feels the same and goes on real dates with Dean where they can share bites of food without feeling nervous and bicker over the bill knowing it doesn’t matter.
Cas leans back, eyes scanning Dean suspiciously before he grins. “I feel like we’re on a date almost,” he says and laughs. Like it’s the craziest idea in the world. Impossible.
The laugh hurts but Dean swallows it down and smiles. “It can be whatever you want it to be.”
Cas’s smile vanishes and Dean could slap himself. Definitely too far.
Luckily, the waiter returns then. Dean busies himself signing the receipt and leaving a generous tip.
“Have a lovely evening, gentlemen,” their waiter says. “We hope to see you again.”
Dean doesn’t let his nerves ruin his plan as he and Cas stand and he gestures for Cas to walk ahead. He still holds the door for Cas and opens the car door for him, all the while ignoring the strange look on Cas’s face.
Cas doesn’t bother with music on the drive home and Dean is too scared to let his hands stray from the wheel.
He crossed a line somewhere, he knows — can sense it. Maybe this idea hadn’t been the best or the most mature. He’d just wanted to show Cas what he was deserving of, how he should expect to be treated when he granted someone his time and attention.
The idea of Cas settling for less or internalizing all of his romantic mishaps as his fault is just not acceptable in Dean’s book. The man sitting next to him is the closest thing to perfection Dean has ever known and deserves nothing bht the best, better than everyone. Better than Dean.
When they arrive home, Cas still isn’t speaking but he also doesn’t move to get out. Dean wants to ask if he’s okay, if Dean did something wrong. But truthfully, he’s too scared to know the answer.
So he gets out and goes to open Cas’s door. Cas still takes a moment before he gets out and he doesn’t look at Dean.
They walk up to their apartment in silence and Dean unlocks the door with shaking fingers.
Cas still isn’t speaking and Dean is feeling sicker and sicker by the second. It’s time to end this and pretend this night never happened.
So with a dramatic yawn, Dean starts tugging off his suit jacket and makes a beeline for his room. “Well, good night, Cas,” he says over his shoulder, too afraid to look back. “Thanks for coming with me. I’ll talk to you-”
“Dean,” Cas interrupts.
Dean freezes, turning around but not looking directly at Cas. “Uh, yeah?”
He can’t see the expression on Cas’s face, can only see the shadow of his hand moving against his thigh as he nervously grapples with the material. Dean definitely fucked this up.
“Was tonight... a date?”
Dean doesn’t like lying to Cas and normally an opening like this is what he dreams of. But after the way Cas has been acting since he joked about it only feeling like a date, Dean almost can’t find the courage to take it. Almost because, even though he’s terrified, there’s still that little bit of logic left that says at least if he’s honest now and gets the answer he anticipates he’ll finally be free to move on.
And maybe that’s what Cas truly needs. Not some desperate idiot trying to show him a good time, but a true friend with no ulterior motives.
“Uh, I mean, kind of,” Dean says at last. “But, like, it doesn’t have to be. I’m sorry if I made things weird. I wasn’t trying to. I just...” He tries to think of the best way to explain himself but there’s really now way to spin it where he doesn’t look like a pathetic creep. “Look, I’m sorry, Cas. I wasn’t trying to trick you or make your uncomfortable or anything. I just wanted to show you a good time after what happened last weekend.”
“By taking me on a date without telling me?”
Dean winces, because damn. This is a lot worse than he thought. “Yeah, I realize how fucked up that was now. I guess when you said that you deserved all that bad stuff that kept happening to you, I wanted to prove you wrong?” There’s a hurricane of nerves tearing through Dean’s body and he really can’t tell if he’s going to be sick or have a heart attack. “But tricking you into a date was wrong. I’m sorry.”
Dean has the decency to at least look Cas in the eyes when he apologizes and he’s a little shocked to not find disgust or burning hatred in his best friend’s eyes. In fact, if Dean didn’t know any better he’d say Cas looks confused and maybe... nervous? Of what, Dean can’t imagine.
“Why...” Cas begins, slow and soft. “Why did you think you had to trick me into a date?”
Dean’s face pinches, remembering all the rejections at once. “Because you’ve never said yes before?” 
Cas’s eyes widen. “To a date?”
Dean just nods.
“But when did you ask me out?”
A slimy sort of feeling settles in Dean’s gut, feeling suspiciously like doubt. But... that can’t be right. “I can’t tell if you’re messing with me...” 
“Messing with you?” Cas echoes. Before Dean can even turn around, there’s a hand gripping his wrist and holding him in place. Cas’s eyes have bloomed into something wild and desperate, like the look he had when Dean was feeding him at dinner. “Dean, I feel like we’re not having the same conversation here. You’ve never asked me out because that is certainly not something I would forget and there is no chance in hell I would have said no once let alone multiple times.”
Dean stares, trying to understand if Cas is lying or if Dean has really been that big of an idiot this entire time. “I used to ask you out all the time!” he finally shouts. “I-I-I asked you out to dinner like a month after we moved in together. I asked you out to see that band you like when they were in town! I tried to take you bowling! I invite you to the movies all the time but you always say no! I even tried to kiss you at that Halloween party last fall and you almost pushed me off the couch!” That was when Dean had finally given up. Message received loud and clear. 
Realization brightens Cas’s eyes before the shock sets in. “I thought you were just drunk!” Cas exclaims. “And I didn’t want to kiss you while you were intoxicated. Wait, you mean you bought those concert tickets as a date?” Something close to horror crosses Cas’s face. “Oh god, and I took-”
“Balthazar,” Dean mumbles. “Don’t remind me.”
“Oh, Dean,” Cas says and there’s a regret in his voice that Dean has never heard before. “I had no idea.”
Dean doesn’t know what to say. Cas looks like he’s just had a life-changing revelation and Dean feels like he’s treading muddy water, an ocean of bad memories and self-deprecating thoughts without even a light to guide him. 
Because Cas is saying that he never knew. That all those times Dean thought he was being obvious and brave, Cas was completely clueless. That Cas hasn’t been rejecting Dean all this time. He never knew Dean was interested. And it kind of sounds like... Cas has been interested. 
“Dean?” Fingers snap in his face and Dean blinks back to reality to find Cas staring at him, eyes a little less wild and more worried. They soften when Dean focuses. “You’re thinking too hard,” Cas says.
“I’m confused,” Dean admits slowly. 
He doesn’t recognize the face Cas is making now but it makes him feel hot and like he wants to jump out of his skin but also freeze this moment in time forever so he never has to see anything else ever again. It makes him feel like he’s choking but also breathing properly for the first time in his life. Like they’re the only two left in the entire universe but also like they are the universe at the same time? So unthinkably big but small, everything and nothing. Loved. So incredibly, poetically loved.
“I think I can get you caught up,” Cas whispers.
Before Dean can think, he feels soft lips press into his. 
There are no fireworks because those would have been loud and distracting for a moment as precious as this. It’s a quiet, private sort of explosion between them, a galaxy being born and filling with more and more stars with every passing second. 
Dean doesn’t no how long they stay suspended in space, doesn’t really care. He knows that when they separate, he feels different. Like a different person. Like his body isn’t fully his own anymore. And he loves it. 
“I could do that forever,” Cas breathes against his lips because he didn’t go far. Hopefully never will.
“Me too.”
He feels Cas smile and he tingles with it. 
“Then I think we should go to bed,” Cas says, then pauses, eyes frowning. “Wait. Are we going too fast?”
Dean can’t help but laugh. “Well I don’t know what you were expecting but, for the record, I don’t put out on the first date. I’m a gentleman, remember?”
Cas’s laugh is warm air against Dean’s chin. He doesn’t respond and the silence is not awkward or anxious. It feels just as precious as their first kiss, in fact, just as right and comfortable. There’s a permission in that moment, to study one another and to learn through touch and taste.
Dean longs to kiss Cas’s jaw and so he does. Keeps kissing until he reaches Cas’s ear and nibbles on the lobe. Feels the way Cas shivers against him and knows he’ll never be able to deny Cas a thing.
He whispers, “But for you I’ll make an exception.” 
He thinks Cas will always be the exception. And he knows somehow, without being told, that he’ll always be Cas’s.
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dreamindolls · 4 years
Not sure if requests are open but if so could you uh do some poly relationship headcannons with Khun, Bam and the reader? 😳👉👈 only if you’re cool w it thanks xx
bam and khun absolutely love you
Bams more the sweet and holding hands type and making sure you're OK and comfy
Khuns the type to take all three of you out on dates and plan everything and spoil you both 
You're the one in the middle when it's cuddle time or y'all are going to bed
They both hug you from both sides and you gotta sleep on your back if you wanna hold them with or pick one to hold for the night
Your placement for the team doesn't really matter since khun always has a plan and you guys are the big three of the tower and your powers should be feared
But little does everyone know that y'all are in a relationship and are the best one around
I feel like you would've gotten with khun first and both of you made a plan to ask bam to be in a poly relationship 
Or you asked both of them or khun asked both of you
Honestly I'm not sure
But hey now all three of you are together
You like to hold hands with them and khun will kiss both of your guys hands if he needs to leave and if he's feeling it especially or he's gonna be gone long he'll give you both good-bye kisses
Bam will also give goodbye kisses but they're on the forehead
I imagine at first bam would be embarrassed by kisses and hugs from behind but after awhile bet that he would start to do them no shame
Gives you and khun kisses when he feels like it and just holds you from behind even if you're talking to people 
Maybe maybe kisses your neck 👀
And khuns too but he'll tease him back
Both you and bam probably met khun around the same time at the floor of tests
And man can we just say
Both of you were so weak for khun when he put his hair up
He probably noticed and started wearing it up more
Just to get a kick out of it
But not too often cause it loses its effect
Also you wanna fluster khun back??
when he's got his hair up kiss his neck
You also hug them from the back cause it's nice to hug them they're so warm and comforting and they make you feel safe
But sometimes you gotta just hug them from the front cause it's nice to be held
I think khun and bam when they realize you don't tease them back or rather just get really embarrassed by their teasing
They would absolutely both go for you and kiss you and tell you loving things to see how embarrassed you get
Bam feels a little bad cause you just get so flustered you can't even speak and you just hide your face
Khun thinks it's entertaining and wants to do it more
Would y'all go all the way? Probably—
Y'all are just best friends with a lot of teasing and picking at each other 
I feel like after those 7 years of bam being gone after y'all reunite you have to hold bams hand for as long as you can
Obviously not during fight but you gotta be attached to him somehow cause you would be scared he'd leave again
And you would probably have gone with khun to take care of roachel
But you never went to see her because of what khun told you
And you just held hands with khun and always had something of his on you
Maybe you took his ribbon and it's part of your accessories now
You wish you had something of bams but there's really nothing
Khuns team probably would've teased you for being in love with and clingy to khun but you just tell them it's for different reasons than they think
But you are in live with him bhts embarrassing to admit especially when he would probably hear you
The incident at the hand of Arlene probably freaked you out a lot at the thought of losing khun too and you rushed to find him at the rubble
You went with violes team with khun and stood by his side
You didn't talk with them or anything just kept worrying about khyn and trying to think what you could do to help him and you're so happy to see khuns OK and he's already coming up with plans what to do next
I think you'd probably cry or just get Really happy when you find out bams alive
Just hug khun for a long time and cheer that he's alive and you guys will be able to see him again
He hugs you back being happy but also a little bit sceptical and also worried if it is bam
When y'all see each other again at the workshop khun tells you to not cheer for bam or anyone
No one can know that's bam and they have a plan to help him get out of fug
Plans go along well and eventually the fight with reflejo comes along and you couldn't wait to get out of there and finally be able to calm down with everyone 
Shisu and everyone knows bams "death" hit you and khun the most so they all share the sentiment 
After everything's over and you're all on the ship out of there you just go to hug bam despite his injuries just happy he's been alive this whole time and you got to see him again
Not so happy when you have to leave each other for another year to train before the hell train
I think you'd find something of bams or something to keep on more
And so on and so forth for the story- I'm sorry I'm dying writing this,,, also anime onlys won't be able to read but also mostly just can't stop thinking about floor of tests
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jthealmighty · 4 years
Written Journal
June 17th, 2020
[this was a written entry from myself last year, I found and after reading through, though it was important to incorporate in my blog. Just looking back I am thankful I was able to leave this job that was not a fit for me. It’s unfinished, but that’s okay. It’s life] *Names are changed to avoid any stalking. 
I don’t know how long I’ll keep this up, or if journaling is only going to do me so much good I won’t have to keep up at it but here I am.
There’s a lot of things that are just whirling in my head. The main one right now is work. It’s getting more stressful and I find myself crying more often than usual. At first I thought my period was to blame, but after days without it and me still wanting to cry after work to my mom. I’m beginning to get the feeling there’s more to than I think.
Work has turned into a routine I feel I can never escape. I feel trapped and almost like a sort of limbo that I sort of enjoy. I enjoy work because of my female co-workers that make time fly and make me laugh and feel included.I hang out with them even outside of work and if I can’t the amount of hours I see them a week, I’m sure I’d be making overtime. Another thing I like about my job is that it’s something I enjoy. It feels familiar now and secure. It’s the area in psychology I would like to peruse and I learn something new every day. I get plenty of experience being here. However, there are many things wrong with my job and the organization I work in. I don’t even know where to start...
So I’ll begin with the clients. Most are great and I try my best to not take things personally as I understand they’ve suffered through trauma and lived such a tragic and different life, but sometimes they can be a lot to handle. Especially when I see them so often. My patience is limited and I feel as though after a while my face can’t fake it anymore. I don’t want to make excuses for myself but I must also validate the idea that my job can be a lot and I have the right to feel the way I do.
Speaking of validating, that is an issue I am currently feeling at work. I don’t feel validated. It wasn’t until my friend *Julie confronted a client I KNEW didn’t like me and treated me like shit admitted to *Julie she doesn’t like me. I felt like every-time I told my supervisor she didn’t seem to understand my feelings. I got the feeling of “suck it up and get over it, you’re at your job”. Which leads me to the ethical problems of the organization. They only care about the money. The majority of the clients are paying through insurance to be there and they’re only looked at as a dollar sign occupying a bed. It’s disgusting and plain wrong. I saw the reality when we had problematic clients who should have been discharged but weren’t simply because of the money. “Oh yeah let’s see how much money we can get out of them on a daily.” Gross.
The last reason I dislike my job also ties to the first reason I like it... the co-workers. Just as in every scenario in life, there will always be people that either don’t like you or you don’t like. Hell, you can even get both if you’re lucky. Since I’ve taken on a lead position (which they aren’t paying me extra for and they’re most likely taking advantage of me.. another thing I dislike about my job) you gain enemies. Both clients and co-workers. You’re looked as the hardass or “stickler of rules” because you’re simply doing your job. Currently we have a divide between BHTs (behavioral health technicians), those in in recovery and those not (usually coming with a psychology or educational background). 
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q-u-a-c-k · 4 years
im just gonna talk. I apologize for feed spam so I'll just talk under the cut
also I'm sorry for the complete spam I hope you can ignore me well enough, but I just wanted to say that I feel content for the first time in a while. I've been doing shitty lately but too scared to really say anything about it. my brain is constantly urging me to relapse or do something stupidly insanely harmful to myself. but right now the voice is quiet and I'm allowed to think and I like thinking happy things like this. I wish there was a way to have the voices this quiet without doing it this way (unintentionally high, I think there was something in my drink that I didn't put in there). like if anyone actually reads this and knows a way to quiet the voices in my head so I can think, please let me know. I know things like taking time to take care of myself or positivity things, but when the voices are back they dont really let me do that stuff. so if anyone has a quick and effective way of getting them to be quiet please tell me.
anyways I think I already told you two, but I have the potential to be quadruple gay and I think that's pretty cool. So identity crisis time trying to explain it. Although I'm still confused about how two of the parts work together but I'm gonna try to explain it while I can think. So I'm definitely gay and I think probably pan because I honestly have no preference, a pretty person is a pretty person. I believe I'm ace or at least under that umbrella term because ew. I think I might be nonbinary but I've never really outright said I use that label. because I honestly dont know yet but I'm not comfortable with male or female and I just am who I am but dont know what that is. so I'm hoping it's okay to use at least until I figure it out? and now the confusing part, possiblity of aro???? I'm not really sure because I could have just not really found the right (or any) person yet and I dont really want to use a label just because I'm not really sure. but like thinking about romantic stuff like... it's okay?? but that doesnt really sound like my thing. like I'd like to hang out with people and know them better and do things like dates but not with a romantic intention? just to vibe with the person? idk. but it's confusing because I also said I was pan but idk what about me is oen if in possibly under aroace. like I know they're both umbrella terms, but I dont know where under them I am. or where pan fits? idk identy crisis, yay!!
I wanna do a platonic date with someone. Like we can go to the movies or something and go to a park and just get to know each other better but like platonically. I think that just sounds fun. I need to get a job so I can have money to platonically take someone on a date. I've been meaning to look for places or put in applications but I keep forgetting. Which also reminds me, I want a fuckung sword. Imagine how cool that would be!! I have the money for this nice one that I've been looking at for a while, it's a pretty white longsword with a blue gem in the hilt. I want it so bad. but my parents wont let me get it which i think is stupid. like I'm gay and have themoney, let me get my sword >:(
I want an axe, too. it doesnt necessarily have to be a pretty one because I wanna get strong and chop wood with it. I want to be a lumberjack. like not cut down trees that dont need to be cut down, but anything that has fallen already I wanna chop up with an axe then make things out of it!! I like wood working stuff. it sounds like fun. but I would need the right stuff to do that that I dont have right now. like skills.
that is making me think about another life crisis but I dont wanna think about that so I'm gonna try to think of something else like how I cant wait to move out. because they have stuff planned out for me and what they want me to do but I realized I dont wanna do that. and now I'm thinking and vaguely talking about the crisis I dont wanna think about so I'm gonna think about what I actually want to do. I wanna do the plan thing you came up with where you're gonna have your cottage in a small town and we're gonna live hopefully somewhat close to you and we can visit each other a lot and vibe. you're gonna do what you want to do and work in a museum and talk about the things you enjoy.I dont really know what I want yet but I know I wanna live near you so we can hang out and be a lot closer because you're my family and my best friend. I think I wanna have lots of plants. I want to take better care of them than I do now and. have a lot and spend time with them and make sure they're doing well and growing. I like most plants vibes. they're mostly simple but very pretty and calming and looks like what home should feel like. you feel like what home should. like sometimes when the three of us are playing games like minecraft or something and it's getting all competitive and laughing it feels like home and makes me really happy. I'm excited to leave this place and have a real home.
I wanna leave as much of this as I can behind. and since I don't plan on coming out to them soon or possibly even at all, it might actually be easier to leave. because once I do I can go by Ash everywhere and not the name they gave me. I wont have to feel sad when I have to introduce myself as the name they gave me. and as far as people would know this is my name and the only one. they wouldn't even know what the other one is and cant call me it.
I still dont know what I want, but I know just being there I'll already be happier than here. they upset me a lot here. they say rude and insensitive things and insult me whether they know they are or not. and I think one day when I leave, if they try to justify themselves instead of fixing it, I have the freedom to leave them behind. they're not as bad as a lot of other people's family, especially since I thought compared to other people my family was nice. but still I think unlike the voice says I dont deserve to feel bad about who I am, especially when they're the ones who impacted me that way and made me a lot of who I am. or caused it.
I also cant wait until I move out because I'll have a lot more control of what I can and cant do, how I can be myself, and what kinds if things I'm eating. because right now, my parents dont really buy things that are good for you because it's cheaper to get processed foods. and when they do get better things, they get things I dont like. or I never get any because my siblings have it. bht I guess in some weird way it is good that they make me feel horrible about food stuff because then that's less of the bad stuff that I eat. I don't really like eating at all and I thought that was a good thing becuas ei vcd ont have access to the things I'm supposed to be having. so to me it's better to have nothing than things that are bad. and I've been kinda proud of myself for having less because it's not good stuff. like last night's I had a slice of cheese, half of minimal dinner, then only a little bit of chocolate. but then my siblings got taco bell and now I feel like shit. because I felt bad because they got it specifically for me but I didnt want it but I had it anyways. but I'm proud of how I did today before that!!!!
I want it ti rain. I wanna go outside when there thunder and lightning and pouring rain and just walk around. I want to stand in the rain. the rain makes me happy and calm. I feel safer in the rain. and it's just an overall pleasant thing. of course i don't want it to flood or cause harm to anyone else, but I want it to rain. good thing rain season is coming up soon. it might be cold but I dont care. I've waited too long for it.
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Meg,,,it’s like 2:25 AM (not when I post this tho) and like,,,I’ve been crying at the idea of MC have a nightmare right. It’s of if she did die in the Hera situation.
Okay my idea was like,,,imagine MC at the worst of her worsts, having this nightmare, and instead of people mourning her and missing her...they laugh. They laugh at her death. Aphrodite, Hades, Alex, May, Josh, and anyone else she held close to her. They just laughed and she would see it and it’d haunt her. And to make it worse, she could read their thoughts somehow. And instead of them thinking of her or mourning over HER,,,they’re mourning over Hera. And she loves Aphrodite and Hades and believed they loved her as herself. Not as Hera. And to see them miss Hera and not her,,,it hurt her everytime she saw that dream.
She would always wake up in a sweat and tears running down her face. Alex would wake up since they’re a light sleeper (and maybe they were already awake since they don’t need much sleep) and ask what’s wrong. MC, a little scared to say what’s wrong, just tells them she had a dream about her mom. Alex could tell she was lying, of course they could. They’ve known her since forever, but they didn’t want to push her. They would hug her, kiss her, and rub comforting circles on her back as she falls back asleep. She wouldn’t have that dream for a few more weeks...but it always comes back.
And when they both get married, finally, the dream comes back and it hurts so bad because now...she is a demigod. She technically has Hera actually inside of her now. And it makes her worried. It gives her anxiety at night. She doesn’t want to sleep because she hates the dream. She hates it. She hates doubting people she loves.
She hates it.
She hates it.
But it’s always there. Haunting her. She would see Aphrodite and Hades and would wonder...do they truly love her? Do they love her...or Hera? Do they see her as MC or do they only see Hera when they look at her? She loves them both and to doubt that they love her...it hurts and the thought haunts her. Especially since she sees Aphrodite a lot since now she is a daughter-in-law. However, she’d put on a smile and be friendly because she loved her...even if she didn’t know how Aphrodite feels...
And one night, she can’t take it anymore. It hurts and it’s made her stop sleeping and she just...needs to talk about it. She goes to Alex one night and is laying in their lap as she explains what’s wrong. She’s crying and can’t hold back her emotions.
“Everyone laughs at me. As if I meant nothing to no one. And instead of missing me...Aphrodite and Hades saw Hera. They didn’t see me. They didn’t love me. I just sensed it. And Alex,” MC would look them in the eye and her voice would tremble even more, “It hurts. And I’m starting to believe they maybe they don’t see me. Maybe they see Hera...maybe they don’t care, Alex. I know I shouldn’t feel like that. I love Aphrodite and Hades so much, Alex, but I don’t know how they feel and I’m scared Alex.”
She rambles on and on her feelings pouring out. Once she’s done, she rests her head against Alex’s collarbone and rests her hand on their golden heart, clutching it for comfort. Alex would run their hands through her hair and think for a few minutes. They weren’t thinking of words, they were thinking of memories. Memories of them as kids, but not them as kids. MC as a kid, and how she was treated by everyone.
“Ya know, I know why you doubt, MC. It sounds horrible, but did you know Aphrodite met you and was in awe?”
MC would sniffle and look up at them, wiping her eyes as she listens.
“What do you mean?”
“My mother loved your mother, but she didn’t love you because of your mom. She loved you because of you. She told me how pretty you were as a kid, how sweet you were, and how you were such a good kid. She was excited to see you, ya know? She loved seeing more people and wanted to make you feel safe when coming to Olympus. And it wasn’t Hera she saw, she saw you.”
MC would sniffle again and think about what they said.
“Yeah, but how do you know? She might’ve saw me but also saw Hera and only gave me comfort because she wanted Hera to feel safe.”
“MC. Ya know what my mom did when we started dating? She was so happy,” Alex would say as they move their hand to hold her cheek. “She talked about you to everyone who would listen. She also laughed at how your mom was right. We ended up together. She was so happy and didn’t even know how to put it into words. Especially because you were a little kid when she met, and now was suddenly a proud adult. She was in awe of you for everything you’ve done and not because you could’ve been Hera.”
MC would let out a few more tears, her anxiety getting to her. Were they right? Were they wrong? And then she remembered Hades.
“Yeah, but what about Hades? I know he’s not very talkative and is very quiet, but he loved Hera just as much as Aphrodite did. And I wonder did he also wish I died? Was there a little part inside of him that wished I died? Did they both want me to die deep down?”
When Alex heard that, that hit them a lot deeper. She shouldn’t feel like that, but they understand why. She was a mortal who was living her own life, serving the gods, helping everyone she could, and to suddenly see the gods she love turn against her...it would scar anyone. However, they didn’t know what to say this time. She truly had them at a loss for words. But they decided to go with their tactic from before.
“When Hades Met you he was also in awe. You were a little nervous around him, but out of every other god, other than my mother, you wanted to be with him. You always found his purple hair pretty cool and he always said he found your hair cooler.”
MC would let out a little laugh at that, a little embarrassed of her past actions.
“You didn’t understand that he was a god at the time, and I think Hades liked it like that. He liked the idea of having a friend that didn’t feel the need to be careful around him, one that showed their true colors without hiding everything out of fear. Plus, he liked having a friend that liked to hold his hand and listen to him tell stories and jokes. I believe he didn’t see Hera. He saw a little girl named MC and truly loved her for how she was.”
MC would open her mouth to ask another question, but Alex just continued.
“And someone’s always looking out for Hades. And it’s not just your mother from the underworld. It’s you. Well, kid you. You gave him a notebook. A purple, child like notebook. I remember you giving it to him with such happiness and that he could only go to the joke parts of the book. Mainly because the rest of the book was filled with questions. Questions about the future in around 10 years.”
MC sniffled bht felt a little amused at the stories.
“I once got curious and opened it when I was a kid. There was one part that I still remmeber. It went, ‘How are you doing now? Are you alright? You better be, Mr. H! I care about you and you deserve to be happy! And if you’re not okay, then that’s okay too! I know adults have hard times, and especially you since you have a lot of responsibilities! And I know I’m a kid and don’t understand everything, but as long as you try as hard as you can, as long as you never give up, and surround yourself with people you love and people who love you in return, then you can do anything you desire!’ And you would ask more questions about you too.”
“About me?”
“You would be like ‘Am I one of the best agents like you said I could be? Am I still in touch with you? Do you still enjoy my company? Are Alex and I finally together? Do you somehow know if they like me? Don’t tell them that I like them! It’s our little secret!’”
MC and Alex would laugh at the sweet and shy MC that existed all those years ago.
“And you gave one to my mother, too. But I haven’t been able to find it and have never seen it. I wonder what’s in it.”
MC shrugs as she tries hard to remember it, but truly can’t.
“Doesn’t matter if you remember or not. My point is, that they love you. My mother talks about you all the time, loved you since you were nothing but an infant, and Hades doesn’t talk a lot, but remember he was the one who wanted to make you a field agent. He was the one that was proud of you to promote you. And he always asks how you are doing when he checks up on me, too. He’s a little embarrassed to ask about you, but I know he cares and loves you too. I’m sorry that you ever have to doubt that, MC.”
MC would smile at them and wipe her eyes one final time. She would lean in and kiss them and then lay her forehead against their own.
“Thank you, Alex. I believe you. And I love you so much, and I’m glad they love me too.”
Alex smiles at MC and hugs her closer to their chest, proud to have made her feel better and feel so lucky to have her. And they both go to sleep that night and MC doesn’t feel as afraid as she used to to fall asleep. She goes to sleep with no dreams, which is a miracle to her. She’d rather have no dreams that the nightmare she was having. She truly felt blessed to have Alex in her life.
that’s it. That idea truly had me crying at 2 am. I say I cry a lot of the time, and most of the time I DO! But this one truly had me have a mini breakdown bc that idea was that sad. Her loving the gods (Hades and Aphrodite in particular) and once they turn on her, she suffers nightmares about it and believes they would kill her in an instant and WISH that she died. And yh,,it would be terrible to feel like that,, so I cried about it. SO YEAH I HOPE YOURE JUST AS SAD ABOUT IT AS I AM. It made me cry like my lyric breakdown I recently posted bc like,,,GOD sad things ruin me even if I love them ;))).
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sanjit2177 · 4 years
Top ten massage oil for babies in the year, 2020
It is sure and certain that you love your baby from the core of your heart. For that, you have already taken all steps to keep your baby healthy and softy. But does the skin make your baby irritated and even puzzle?
If the answer is yes, then you should consult with your house physician or take a strong initiative to use massage oil for babies.
But one thing is that if your babies have been suffering pathetically from a couple of days, then you no need to keep on using ordinary massage oil available in the market. In that special case, you should use the best massage oil for babies after consulting with your doctor.
But you may have a question that best massage oil has any specialty that cures the skin problem of your baby.
The best one is more fruitful than an ordinary one. Even you should remember that the best one comes with processed ingredients that keep the skin of your baby healthy and smooth.
Finding out the best massage oil is a very difficult task if you have no previous experience. For your easiness and to make your purchasing result oriented, our experts have suggested the top ten baby massage oil brands that are given below. Go through the details mentioned below and take one to keep the skin of your baby healthy and softy.
1.   Earth Mama Calendula Baby Oil (https://amzn.to/3dysVVV)
Earth Mama Calendula Baby Oil is ideal for good skin, especially in need of infants.
The oil comes easily in need of absorbing in the skin of the baby and makes the skin of baby soft and disease-free. The oil is made of grape seed and organic calendula. It is free from harmful scent and other ingredients.
The oil is perfect for infant massaging and cradle cap. If your baby has dry skin, then this oil also works on the skin of your baby excellently.
It is completely safe to keep baby healthy. Even the management of the hospital NICU warmly use this baby oil.
Earth Mama Calendula Baby Oil includes the combined formation of grape seed and organic calendula, free from harmful ingredients like scent. It is especially suitable for dry skin. It goes quick absorption into the skin.
·       Quick absorption - Earth Mama Calendula Baby Oil is manufactured in such a way the skin, normal or dry, can absorb it very quickly. As a result of that, the skin comes disease-free and smooth within a short time.
·       Made of quality ingredient- This particular massage oil is herbal based. It is formulated with grape seed and organic calendula. As a result of that, it works on the skin effectively without any harm.
·       Safe and secure – The massage oil is untouched with a scent that harms the skin. The skin does not get symptoms of itching or pimple while the oil is used.  
·       NICU Approved – The massage oil for babies is approved by NICU. It is warmly used in the hospital.
·       Easy and quick absorption
·       Made of herbal-based ingredient
·       Safe and secure
·       Approved by NICU
·       Nothing good for fatal skin disease
 2.   Burt's Bees Baby 100% Natural Baby Nourishing Oil (https://amzn.to/2YJoB29)
Burt's Bees Baby 100% Natural Baby Nourishing Oil is an ideal remedy to moisturize the skin of your baby. It keeps the skin protected from dryness. As a result of that, the oil keeps the skin soft and smooth.
This particular oil is flourished with antioxidants, vitamins, apricot, and the oil made of grape seed. Even the oil is free from phthalates, parabens, petrolatum, and SLS.   It is the perfect remedy to provide relief from discomfort caused by dry skin.
  The use of this oil is very easy. You can take the oil during the bathing period. In need of using, you just add the oil with the water and put it on the whole body of your baby.  
 The oil is clinically approved, and it is a hundred percent safe and effective. It does not make the babies irritated after putting it on their bodies. It is entirely natural oil that makes the baby's skin delicate.
It not only nourishes the skin of babies, but it also makes your skin healthy and shiny. It provides a bright glow to your skin after a short time using it.
Burt's Bees Baby 100% Natural Baby Nourishing Oil includes antioxidants, vitamins, apricot & grape seed. It is free from phthalates, petrolatum, SLS, and parabens. It is effective for dry skin, either you or your babies.
Features –
·       Good for dry skin - Burt's Bees Baby 100% Natural Baby Nourishing Oil works better on the dry skin. At the initial stage of treatment, the oil begins to moisturize the skin from its root. As a result of that, within a short period, the skin comes smooth, soft, and glazy.  
·       Easy to use – The use of this massage oil is very easy. At babies' bathing time, just add the oil with the water and make them bathed.
·       Safe – The oil is a hundred percent safe for babies as it is free from harmful things like parabens, petrolatum, phthalates, and SLS.
·       Suitable for dry skin
·       Easy to use
·       100 percent safe
·       Clinically approved
·       Not enough good for normal skin
 3.   The Honest Company Organic Body Oil (https://amzn.to/3bjksEJ)
The Honest Company Organic Body Oil made of organic jojoba oil, tamanu oil, sunflower oil, coconut oil, and avocado oil makes skin smooth, silky, soft, and bright.
Its use is very easy and comfortable. Put the oil on the skin and rub softly. Even you can add a drop of oil with body lotion and use for your body. It is ideal for baby and pregnant bellies.
 The particular baby oil works awesomely for sensitive skin, dry skin, and even allergy-prone skin. It makes the skin soft through the process hydration.
It is free from parabens, synthetic fragrances, and mineral oil but it is made of only plant-based ingredients
The oil comes after clinical testing depending on parent and dermatologist. It is tested in such a way that no by-products of animals are in this oil. It is untouched with any kind of harmful chemicals.  
The Honest Company Organic Body Oil includes jojoba oil, sunflower oil, tamanu oil, coconut oil, and avocado oil but free from parabens, synthetic fragrances. You can use this oil for all kind of skins and even allergic skin, but it is special for the baby and pregnant bellies.
·       Silky, soft, and bright skin – After a long time use of this oil, the baby will gain silky, soft, and bright skin as it is processed with tamanu oil, coconut oil, sunflower oil, and avocado oil.
·       Clinically tested – This oil provides the best treatment for the skin as it is tested in the clinic. The oil is untouched with synthetic fragrances, parabens, or any other harmful chemicals. It is only a herbal product.
·       Effective but easy to use- The use of this oil comes in an easy way. Put some drops of oil on the skin of your baby and rub it. Even you can add the oil with your body lotion and use it on the skin.
·       With full safety – The skin gets full safety after getting touch with the oil as it is free from synthetic perfume or any chemical.
·       Suitable for smooth, bright and soft skin
·       Comfortable use
·       Good for any skin even allergic-prone
·       Free from harsh perfume, parabens or other chemicals
·       Not only suited for babies.
  4.   Life & Pursuits USDA Organic Baby Massage Oil (https://amzn.to/3duY5xu)
Life & Pursuits USDA Organic Baby Massage Oil is undoubtedly fruitful for child and baby. It is based on organic ingredients certified by the USA, Europe, and India.
It nourishes and softens the skin of babies and even pampers the sensitive skin. Medicinal Ayurveda also certifies it as it has the power to promote the body and skin in extreme growth.
The oil is free from Synthetic Fragrance, BHT/BHA, toxic & other chemicals, and mineral oils.
Life & Pursuits USDA Organic Baby Massage Oil includes organic ingredients under the certification of the USA, India, and Europe, the certificate from the medicinal Ayurveda and non-attachment of harmful chemicals, minerals, BHT/BHA and even synthetic perfume.
·       Entirely safe for the skin – This particular baby massage oil is completely safe for any type of skin. The reason behind that is this oil is free from harmful chemicals, synthetic perfume, mineral oil, and BHT/BHA.
·       Great certification – For using benefit and skin improvement, the oil gets certification from the USA, Europe, India, and even medicinal Ayurveda.  
·       Fully approved
·       Free from harmful things
·       Suitable for softening the skin
·       Not suggested especially for babies
5.   Mustela Baby Oil, Moisturizing Oil (https://amzn.to/2WHFwiK)
 Mustela Baby Oil, Moisturizing Oil, is one of the best massage oil for babies, according to our experts. It provides babies or toddlers relaxation, stimulates their sensation, keeps skin soft and healthy. It is like a lotion that makes the skin smooth, soft, and fresh.
 It is safe and effective of you and your babies as it is manufactured with 99 percent plant-based ingredients such as Avocado Oil, sunflower seed oil, and pomegranate seed oil.
But it is good to remember that the oil is free from parabens, phthalate, Phenoxyethanol, and Hypoallergenic. That means nothing skin hazards like rashes, allergy, or eczema do not come on the skin after using.
The use of this oil is very simple. Just put some drops of oil between your hands and rub as much as you want. Then gently massage on your baby skin.
Mustela Baby Oil, Moisturizing Oil includes ninety percent plant-based ingredients like Avacado Oil, Pomegranate seed oil, and sunflower seed oil but free from phthalate, parabens, hypoallergenic and even parabens.
Full safety – This oil provides your baby health and skin protection as it is free from hypoallergenic, phenoxyethanol, parabens and phthalate.  
Smooth skin – It makes the skin of your baby smooth and shiny as it is made of ingredients based on plants.
Easy to use – The process of using this massage oil is very comfortable and easy. Take some oil on your palm and rub it until and unless the palms get warmth. Then do massage on the body of your babies.
·       Healthy and skin safety
·       Makes smooth skin
·       Comfortable using
·       Fully plant-based
·       Free from harmful things
·       Using something more hassle
 6.   Mommy Care Baby Massage Oil (https://amzn.to/35R6Xes)
 Mommy Care Baby Massage Oil is made of Almond Oil, Calendula, and Chamomile and free from mineral oil, petrochemical, and parabens. As a result of that, no harms come to the skin to make it pale, unhealthy, and disease bound.
It is good to know that the oil can keep good care for the baby's skin as Almond oil protects the skin from dryness while Chamomile and Calendula nourish and soften the skin.
The use of this oil is straightforward. Give a complete bath and make your baby dry with a towel. Do massage arms, legs, shoulders, and back of your baby using soft and circular motions.
Mommy Care Baby Massage Oil includes Almond Oil, Chamomile, and Calendula. It is free from mineral oil, parabens, and petrochemical.
·       Enriched with a plant grown oil – This particular baby oil is made of almond oil, chamomile oil, and calendula oil, and for that, it works on the baby skin effectively. The skin gets brightness, smoothness, and relief any kind of skin disease.
·       Free from harmful things – Nothing harms as itching or pimple comes on the skin as the oil-free from petrochemicals or parabens.
·       Hassle-free using – Take some drops of oil on your palms and rub the palms for sometimes. Then just start to do massage on the legs, shoulders, back, belly, and hands of your baby.
·       Fully plant-based
·       Free from harmful ingredients
·       Simple to use
·       Suitable for healthy skins
·       Need consultation with doctors
7.   Mykel + Violet - 100% USDA Certified Organic Baby Massage Oil, (https://amzn.to/2zn6cNU)
 Mykel + Violet - 100% USDA Certified Organic Baby Massage Oil is made with a handful of plant-based ingredients such as Avocado oil, marjoram oil, sweet orange essential oil, cedarwood oil, and lavender oil. The massage oil moisturizes and nourishes the skin of the baby efficiently.  
As a result of that, the skin comes healthy, smooth, bright &shiny.
The oil is untouched with harmful chemicals, fragrance petroleum, and even minerals oils. The oil keeps the skin protected from rashes, itching, eczema, and other skin diseases.
The using process of this oil is very and easy and comfortable. Take some drops of oil on your palm and do massage on the body of your baby. One thing is that the use of oil should be after bathing or before sleeping.
Mykel + Violet - 100% USDA Certified Organic Baby Massage Oil includes Avocado oil, marjoram oil, sweet orange essential oil, cedarwood oil, and lavender oil. But it is free from perfumed petroleum and minerals oils. It gives skin safety from rashes, eczema, and other skin diseases.
·       Excellent Efficiency – The oil keeps the skin bright, shiny, and smooth at the extreme level as it comes with a great formulation of marjoram oil, sweet orange oil, avocado oil, cedarwood oil, and lavender oil.
·       Full skin safety – The oil provides skin proper protection from rashes, itching, eczema, and other skin diseases. It is free from harmful chemicals like parabens, petroleum, and minerals oil.
·       Simple using – The use of this oil is very simple and easy. You put the oil on the whole body of the baby and do massage.
·       Plant-based
·       Complete hygienic
·       Easy to use
·       Full health safety
·       Need massaging after using
 8.   US Organic Baby Oil (https://amzn.to/2WAWcsm)
US Organic Baby Oil is made with jajoba, calendula, olive oil. It is enriched with vitamin E. it keeps the baby's skin healthy, smooth, and shiny.
This particular baby oil is free from parabens, alcohol, color, artificial detergents, and synthetic perfumes. Even the oil gets approval from the USDA.  That means it is a hundred percent safe for skin.
The oil can be used as an eye makeup remover, moisturizing oil, massage oil, tattoos remover, or some other purposes.
The oil is skin-friendly, and it quickly goes into the inner part of the skin. It makes the skin soft, smooth, bright, and shiny.
It keeps the baby healthy as the baby gets a good sleep using this oil. That means the oil not only keeps skin good but the inner function of babies.
US Organic Baby Oil includes calendula, olive oil, jajoba, and vitamin E, but it is untouched with synthetic perfume, alcohol, artificial detergents. It has a certification from USDA.
·       High enrichment of natural ingredients – The oil is made with several plant-based ingredients such as olive oil, jajoba, and calendula oil. It is the potential for healthy skin as it is enriched with vitamin E.
·       Safe from skin hazards – The baby does not get skin hazards such as eczema or rashes as it is entirely free from synthetic perfume, harmful chemicals, artificial detergents, and alcohol.
·       Great approval – The oil is superbly beneficial for the baby's skin treatment. It is good to know that it gets approval from USDA.  
·       Complete Plant-based
·       Ideal for healthy skin
·       Comfortable using
·       USDA approved
·       Trouble comes if it enters into eyes.
 9.   Baby Mantra Calming Massage Oil (https://amzn.to/3dGjuEj)
Baby Mantra Calming Massage Oil comes with a combination of avocado, grape seed, apricot, jajoba oils, and even Vitamin E as the best moisturizer.
The oil has nothing trace of harmful sulfates, phthalates, dyes, preservatives, parabens, harmful chemicals, and synthetic perfumes.
It keeps the skin smooth, soft, bright & relaxed, and even the oil cures the skin damaged by rashes, eczema, or other skin diseases. It is ideal for newborn babies, infants, and even adults.
The baby or mother gets a good feeling during the time of using it as it delivers a sweet aromatic scent that is not overpowering. The essence of the oil brings the baby in a deep sleep. The PETA certifies this particular oil.
Baby Mantra Calming Massage Oil contains jajoba oils, grape seed, apricot, avocado, and vitamin E. It is not formulated with sulfates, parabens, synthetic perfumes, dyes, and preservatives. It cures the skin rashes and allergies and keeps the skin smooth, soft, bright & shiny. It has a sweet smell.
·       Formulated with natural ingredients – The oil comes with a combined form of jajoba oils, grape seed, apricot, avocado, and vitamin E. it keeps the skin smooth, bright, and shiny. Even it cures rashes, allergies, and some other skin diseases.
·       Nothing damages in the skin- In no way, skin does not get damages if a baby uses this oil for a long time. The reason behind that is this oil is free from parabens, chemicals, synthetic fragrance.
·       Using benefit – It is not only suitable for babies, but all can use this particular oil to keep their skin healthy and good looking.
·       Formulated with natural ingredients
·       Curable for skin diseases
·       Simple to use
·       Safe from skin problems
·       More oily
 10.                  California Baby Calming Massage Oil  (https://amzn.to/2WHHGPo)
 California Baby Calming Massage Oil is formulated with vegan oils, French lavender. It is one of the best hydrating moisturizers that softens the baby's skin. The parents also use this oil to get back their young looks.
This oil works efficiently on the skin. At the initial stage, it goes into the root level of the skin and quickly absorbs itself into the skin without leaving any greasy residue.
The oil does not make the area allergy-prone after using or make the baby irritated. The reason behind that is it is free from gluten, oat, nuts, synthetic fragrances, or petroleum-based ingredients.  
Using this oil is very simple. Just take some drops of oils on your palms. Rub the palms one against another and keep the palms massaging on the body of your babies.
California Baby Calming Massage Oil is formulated with vegan oil, French lavender but free from gluten, synthetic perfume, or some harmful chemicals. It is suitable for the baby as well as the parents.
·       Smooth and soft skins – The oil is made with vegan oils and French aromatic lavender. Even it has a great formulation of canola oil, safflower, and primrose. As a result of that, the oil makes the skin smooth, soft, and glossy.
·       Anti-allergic – The manufacturing of this oil runs under the anti-allergic process. It is free from gluten, parabens, and synthetic scent. That means baby or parents do not get affected by the allergy while using.
·       Using benefit- The using process of this oil is very comfortable and easy. Before or after bath, you need to take some drops on your palms and put it on the whole body.
·       Ideal for smooth and soft skins
·       Non-allergic
·       Comfortable using benefit
·       Full safety for skin
·       Not much comfortable during certain time after using
How to buy the best massage oil for babies?
 Everyone likes to use the best massage in need of their babies or own self. But is it possible for one especially first time user to buy the best baby oil for massage? Yes, it is possible.
Do you want to know the tips how to grab the good quality massage oil easily. If yes, then just go through the details mentioned below.
Ingredients – ingredients are the most important things that make the oil effective. Good ingredients mean plant based ingredients such as marjoram oil, sweet orange oil, avocado oil, cedarwood oil and lavender oil.
That means, before you buy the massage oil, you need to be confirmed that your selected oil has these ingredients or not. If the oil has, then you need to go for the next step.
Vitamin E – Vitamin E plays a vital role to make the massage oil good and effective. It is good to remember that vitamin E moisturizes the skin superbly.
That means, during the selection of body oil, you need to check either the oil is formulated with Vitamin E or not.
Harmful things – The oil should be free from some essential harmful things like gluten, sulfates, parabens, synthetic perfumes, dyes and preservatives, harmful chemical, artificial detergents and alcohol.
The oil without touch of harmful things does not bring eczema, rashes and any other skin diseases.
Non-allergic formula – The manufacturing process of baby massage oil should come under Non-allergic formula. As a result of that, the skin of the baby does get skin disease, allergy. Even the skin would free from rashes or eczema.  
Great certification – The certification or approval on the oil provide a strong warranty of its quality. Even it provides customers' good faith on the product that the oil does not bring any harm on the skin or other physical organs.
It is good to know the strong and effective certification on the massage oil should come from reputed organization such as USDA.
  Easy to use – Using of massage oil is very important. Easy and simple using energizes you to make your babies putting into massaging with the baby oil. But if the using is hassle bound, then you will not any wish to use the oil for your baby and even yourself.
Using process should be like that
 ·       Oil using should come before bath or after bath
·       Open the container and take some drop of oil on your palms
·       Rub the palms one with another and do the massage on the body of the baby or you
·       Use the oil once in every day.
Customers' review – The review from the customer is one of the most important efforts before you come to buy the massage oil for babies. Good number of rating from a large number of customers on a single item make you understand that the oil is good and effective for your babies as well as your babies.
Even you will have an opportunity to know about the product from the customers' remark section.
It is good to know that customers' reviews and remarks are much more practical as the remarks and reviews come from the customers' practical experience. More reviews with great ratings like 5 stars or 4.5 stars give you confident that the product is practically good.
Negative remarks or lower ratings – But you should avoid the purchasing of the product if it gets the lower ratings such as 2 star or 2.5 star from the low number of customers. Even the purchasing would not come right if the customers give the negative remarks on the product.
Price – Baby oil purchasing completely depends on your capability for money spending. You need to select the product that holds the price according to your affordability. During the selection of the baby oil, you can do the searching under one price range such as low range, medium range or high range.
If you cannot afford the medium or high price ranged baby oil, then searching and selection of the product would be only time spending. But if you have capability to buy the baby oil under medium price range, then lower range baby oil does not give full satisfaction because of its below quality.  
Right decision – You no need to take on spot decision to buy the massage oil. Do the searching process for a couple of hours and go through each product very carefully.
When you come to like a brand of oil, then put the name of the brand of oil along with link the note pad. One after another you increase the number of brands up to 10 and go through those ten products to select the one as the best.
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weaselsnotrodents · 5 years
This is a post that my best friend and I wrote to help spread awareness of the abysmal level of care that Petco gives its ferrets, and hopefully catch the attention of the corporate office.
This is the link to the original post on facebook.
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Dear #Petco,
I have attempted to reach out to you on multiple occasions to address my concerns regarding your ferrets and each time I have been ignored. To add insult to injury I am not the only person in the community that you have brushed off. I am now reaching out to you in a more public way because these problems are serious and need to be seen. I will be addressing several things in this post, all of which are widely known about in the ferret community, some of which are mentioned in the Petco ferret care sheet.
I want to make sure that I am clear on the fact that this is not an in-store employee problem. You have some amazing employees that are doing their absolute best to care for these animals and you have some employees that are just trying to do their jobs. These employees need your help to provide decent living conditions for these ferrets. Your policies and lack of employee education are preventing that progress. I beg you to release updated training videos that teach them how to perform basic care as well as notice injuries and illnesses. While your care sheet does include this information, your employees are not trained to actively spot these problems and make sure that prospective owners understand how to identify them as well. By better educating your employees (all of your employees) on the animals they are working with, you could improve the in-store care of your animals enormously.
As stated in the Petco ferret care sheet, ferrets are obligate carnivores. As you know, this means they cannot digest anything other than meat. Their digestive system is more sensitive to plant matter than cats. Unfortunately, Petco does not carry any food that is healthy for a ferret’s digestive tracts. Honestly, there is no perfect kibble. Marshalls premium, for example is mid quality and meets only basic needs. However, there are better options with higher quality ingredients that could also be sold within the store:
Wysong ferret epigen 90 digestive support
Nature's Gold ferret food
Young Again ferret food
Stella and Chewy's Freeze dried raw cat food
These are all wonderful options to have available in-store for a variety of owners. I guarantee owners including myself would happily buy any of these options from you. Currently, your stores only offer options known to cause many health issues. These options are not only readily available in your store, but recommended by employees:
Kaytee – Advertised as a blend of fruits, vegetables, seeds and grains. The opposite of what a ferret should be eating.
ZuPreem – Wheat and potato are in the top 4 ingredients.
Mazuri – Brown rice and soybean meal are in the top 3 ingredients.
Sheppard & Greene – Rice and corn are in the top 5 ingredients. (corn is in there twice)
Sunseed Vita Prima – rice, corn, and wheat in the top 5 ingredients.
These foods are causing more harm than Petco realizes. Many of the ferret foods on your shelves(including those listed above, and others) contain ingredients like Peas, chickpeas, lentils, and sweet potatoes; which are known to cause (potentially fatal) bladder stones in ferrets.These foods unfortunately include Tapioca, malt, and molasses as well as other forms of sugar, which are all known to cause insulinoma and diabetes and more. It is a horrible, shocking thing for a first-time ferret owner to think they are feeding their pet a healthy food, and watch their ferret have a seizure because of that food. Many foods also contain BHA, BHT and Sodium Benzoate, which are preservatives that are known causes of cancer. Petco has removed cat and dog foods from its shelves with these ingredients, and it seems unethical that these foods with the same ingredients are still stocked and recommended just because they are for ferrets rather than cats or dogs.
Petco has taken great pride in carrying a wide selection of high quality foods for many species including cats and dogs, but ferrets are not included in this store expectation. I have been told several times that Petco products are expertly tested and backed by veterinarians; I cannot believe this, knowing that your only options for ferrets all lead to serious health issues and ultimately death.
Most often, ferrets and their related products are displayed in the rodent section of your stores. There is a common misconception that ferrets are in the rodent family, though in reality they are more closely related to a cat than a mouse. Being housed in the rodent section perpetuates this issue because prospective owners think they are purchasing a low maintenance pet that will be happy to stay in a relatively small cage and run on a wheel. The idea of ferrets being low maintenance pets is wildly inaccurate. It causes thousands of ferrets to end up with owners that unwittingly put them in situations that cause their health to decline and ultimately, die much younger than they should. As it stands, you have the ferret care level labeled as average. If you were to label them as at least intermediate, this could inform the potential owner that these animals are higher maintenance and require more care, attention, and dedication. They also require an exotic veterinarian, which incurs a higher cost to be seen. Because ferrets health can decline quickly, taking them to an exotic vet is not a possibility, but an inevitability.
Living conditions are very important to the health of a ferret.The amount of space, type of bedding, as well as how they are fed and watered, can drastically affect the health and happiness of a ferret. The display cases that available young ferrets are kept in are not ferret safe. For example, the Petco ferret display cases usually have paper bedding, which is known to cause upper respiratory infections, due to breathing in the dust from the bedding. Unfortunately, many newly adopted ferrets go home with URIs for this reason. Also, ferrets will sometimes eat paper bedding, risking deadly bowel obstructions. There are bedding options that do not hold these dangers, such as Marshalls paper pellets, Purina unscented yesterday's news, or even straw. Plus, they are just as easy, if not easier, to maintain.
Another problem is that the display cases are overcrowded, creating a breeding ground for illness for young ferrets. With overcrowding comes ear mites and (again) upper respiratory infections that easily pass from ferret to ferret in those cramped living conditions. Many ferrets are leaving your stores with both of these ailments. If you are going to be housing 7+ ferrets for any amount of time, an acceptable amount of space would be about 17sqft. A single ferret, would need an enclosure at least 3ft L x 3ft W x 2ft D. These size requirements are extreme for a store display, but these current cases are barely large enough for one ferret. By adding more levels and having less ferrets at a time in these cases you would allow safer conditions for their stay. I understand the display cases are only meant to hold ferrets for a week or so at a time, but it is not uncommon for ferrets to be in these display cases for months at a time.
There is a common problem with the food in Petco ferret displays; not getting switched out often enough, or being taken care of properly. Often, they are given [Marshalls] soupies; which are ground up kibble with water. Soupies are great for ferrets, because it helps prevent prolapse in young ferrets! However, soupies(or any wet style food) should only be left out for 2 hours maximum. If they are left out longer, (which is not advised) they need to be rehydrated properly. The soupies in Petco display cases tend to be left out until it is old and crusted over with paper bedding mixed into it. Leaving them out for so long causes upset stomachs and diarrhea- leading to malnutrition and dehydration - or even worse, starvation. These health concerns are only magnified by the exclusive use of hanging water bottles in the displays. These bottles do not allow enough water for the amount of work it takes for a ferret to use, and are causing your ferrets to get (and remain) dehydrated. The combination of hanging water bottles and old, crusty soupies can be deadly for young ferrets.These bottles are also widely known to break the teeth of young and very old ferrets. Hanging bottles are an unnecessary risk, bordering on inhumane when used as the only hydration source. They should be provided with bowls, which are much easier for ferrets to drink from, and less hazardous to their teeth. Your store carries a wide variety of auto waters that will be just as easy to fill as the bottles.
Outside of nutrition and living conditions, customers(in most stores) can simply ask to interact with these ferrets and they are handed over without a second thought. Ferrets are susceptible to many illnesses that are easily passed around (flu, colds, strep and distemper, to name a few). Handling a ferret in a public space should be done with caution.
It is my understanding that Petco is phasing the severely outdated Marshalls pamphlets out, and they are being replaced with the Petco ferret care sheet, which are significantly better, but still concerning. In these care sheets, paper bedding is recommended. However, while some bedding can be used, soft fabrics are often preferred by ferrets, such as small fleece blankets.
A very big concern in the Petco care sheet is the recommendation of monthly baths with shampoo. Bathing ferrets at all is only recommended when absolutely necessary, and never with shampoo. The shampoo strips their natural oils, making their skin itchier and their musk even stronger. Even with these concerns, the Petco care sheet is far superior to the Marshalls pamphlet.
Unfortunately, Petco does not uphold the standards and recommendations advertised in the care sheet within their own store. The care sheet recommends having a large, multi-level, wired habitat with good ventilation. However, not only are the ferrets at Petco kept in plexiglass enclosures that do not allow proper ventilation, the recommended cages are not readily available in store, and need to be ordered online. Because of this, many ferrets being adopted are leaving the store in unsuitable enclosures, such as guinea pig cages. The first exposure to the care of a ferret any potential new owner has, is the care given by the store selling them. The ferret care sheet says to scoop the litter boxes in a ferret enclosure daily or as often as necessary, and to change the bedding once a week. There are many accounts of customers observing enclosures that have not been cleaned in so long, that they are infested with bugs. The care sheet also recommends trimming ferrets claws every few weeks. A ferret that I adopted from Petco myself, had claws so long they were digging into the pads of her paws. She had been at the store for 4 months. If Petco doesn’t hold itself to its own standards for pet care, how can any new pet owner be expected to meet those standards? Teach by example; actions speak louder than words.
These young ferrets deserve better care and their future owners deserve more information before adopting. So many new owners learn the basic care of a ferret from the standard Petco employee. By giving your employees the proper education; Petco has the ability to make a huge difference in ferret care and stigma. But as it stands, they are only adding to the serious consequences of our society being undereducated and assuming ferrets are stinky, rabid, savage rodents. These young ferrets deserve more, and as the Petco ferret care sheet shows my requests are the bare minimum for their health and safety.
I want to be clear. This is a problem that has continued for far too long. The conditions that Petco ferrets are kept in are unacceptable. I've included pictures and videos from Washington, Texas and Massachusetts. This is a nationwide problem and the nation is watching. This is not a cause I am taking lightly, and I am not going to go away. I don’t quiet down; I will only get louder.
#PetcoDoBetter #WeaselNotRodents #StopPretendingThisIsOkay #AVoiceForTheFerrets
Online Sources
VeterinaryPartner.com is not affiliated with Sarah Burch
Brooks, W. (2010). Insulinoma. Veterinary Information Network. Retrieved from: http://www.veterinarypartner.com/Content.plx?P=A&S=0&C=0&A=3181
VeterinaryPartner.com is not affiliated with Sarah Burch
Brown, S. (2014).Ferret World. Veterinary Information Network. Retrieved from: http://www.veterinarypartner.com/Content.plx?P=A&S=0&C=0&A=2774
VeterinaryPartner.com is not affiliated with Sarah Burch
Rhody, J. (2006).What ferret owners should know about insulinomas. Veterinary Information Network. Retrieved from: http://www.veterinarypartner.com/Content.plx?P=A&S=0&C=0&A=2427
VeterinaryPartner.com is not affiliated with Sarah Burch
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bittersweetjj · 6 years
Starlooks Lipgloss
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Price: $15
Shade: Cuddle
Claim: A truly moisturizing, non-sticky formula available in 47 different shades. Tint ranges from sheer to opaque and finish ranges from shimmer to satin. This creamy, glassy, long-lasting gloss adds a glistening effect to any lip look. Designed to be worn alone or in combination with other Starlooks lip products for a truly customizable finish that completes any look. Each tinted Lip Gloss comes beautifully packaged in a translucent tube with a doe foot applicator.
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Bis-diglyceryl polyacyladipate-2: A sticky paste, semi-solid emollient often used as a lanolin substitute. It's valued for its high water-binding properties, excellent adhesion to the skin and glossy finish.
Polybutene: A oligomeric oil, sometimes derived from petroleum, that is used in its hydrogenated form, as a binder, epilating agent, thickener and lubricant. It is naturally tacky or sticky and is also used for its adhesive properties.
Mineral Oil: Skin replenishing and are also among the most effective, established moisturizing ingredients available. 
BHT (Butylated hydroxytoluene): A fat soluble synthetic compound, in the form of a white/yellow crystalline solid. Primarily acts as an antioxidant food additive because of its ability to preserve fats. It's also used as a preservative. As an antioxidant, it helps fight against the deterioration of cosmetic products caused by chemical reactions with oxygen. It's also known to work synergistically with other antioxidants. 
Silica: Used as an absorbent powder and thickening agent. Certain forms of silica can improve even distribution of pigments in cosmetics and prevents them from settling in makeup. Silica particles can enhance the absorption of other ingredients.
Mica: Earth mineral included in products to give them sparkle and shine. The level and look of the shine mica provides depends on the color and how finely it’s milled. Mica's sheer, translucent and skin-hugging properties make it a popular ingredient in mineral powders. Mica powder reflects light from the face because of its glittering or shimmering properties, and can create the illusion of a smoother, softer and more radiant skin tone.
Titanium Dioxide: An earth mineral used in sunscreens that is capable of blocking both UVA and UVB rays; also used as a pigment.
Iron Oxides: Natural oxides of iron (iron combined with oxygen); pigments are used to enhance colors in cosmetics.
Propylparaben: It is used as a preservative for its anti-fungal and anti-microbial properties to extend the shelf life of beauty and cosmetic products.
Tridecyl Trimellitate: Synthetic ingredient used as a skin-softening agent and texture enhancer.
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My Thoughts: I received Starlooks Lipgloss in Cuddle in one of my Ipsy bags. Its a sample size square tube with a doe foot applicator. I didn’t like the doe foot applicator since it didn’t pick up the product well, I found I would have to dip it into the tube a few times to get an even amount on my lips. Cuddle is a beautiful copper, rose gold with a shimmer finish. The pigment tends to be sheer to opaque. I would recommend pairing it with a lipstick since it is not very pigmented, or it can be worn alone. I didn’t find the lipgloss to be hydrating, I found it to be very sticky though. Everything would stick to my lips, especially hair! Which is funny since it suppose to be non sticky.
Starlooks Lipgloss Cuddle has a wonderful vanilla scent to it, its not overwhelming but the scent does last for 3 hours. The lip gloss staying power on the other hand doesn’t last at all long, I would say it last 30 minutes tops with no eating or drinking. After 30 minutes I have to reapply. Drinking and eating, wipes it off complete. I notice that they don’t have this lip gloss on their site anymore. Its either been out of stock or discontinued.
Would I purchase Starlooks Lipgloss? No, its far to expensive and one of the worst lip glosses I have tried in a while.
Sample size
Received from Ipsy
Square tube
Doe applicator 
Copper, rose gold shimmer finish
Vanilla scent that last 3 hours
Pair with lipstick or wear alone
Doe applicator doesn’t pick up product well
Not very pigmented 
Not hydrating 
Very sticky
Staying power is only 30 minutes
Eating or drinking wipes it off immediately 
Constantly have to reapply
Lipgloss is no longer sold on company site.
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If you found this review helpful please click on the heart or reblog. Feel free to reply with your thoughts on the product.
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detoxieblog · 3 years
Anti-pollution face wash
Advancing technologies demand, advanced hardworking. We all are busy in our lives, struggling for our existence. We all are competitors in our own field of work. And so does our skin. Our skin is struggling simultaneously to keep up with its quality.
All our surrounding factors, affect the natural quality if our skin.
We often forget to take good care of our skin or just neglect the importance proper skin care routine. There are many such particles or elements,
The environment adversely affects our skin and may cause serious side effects in long time. Harsh nanoparticles, harmful UV rays and sunrays affect our skin.
After a whole tiring day, the minimal thing we do, is to at least apply face wash on our face.
We feel refreshed and it takes no time, to cleanse our face. But ordinary face wash, only cleans your face, and removes some dirt.
But all the polluting materials which are present in environment that gets stuck on our skin and open pores and not completely cleaned by ordinary face washes they need special care and special formulas to clean the pores, remove dead skin and deeply nourishing the skin. Moisturizing also helps to maintain the hydration content of the skin.
These are required specially to formulated face washes which are good for any type of skin, maybe on the combination skin, sensitive skin, oily skin or dry skin.
So here introducing to you the detoxie anti-pollution face wash. This face wash is specially formulated with charcoal, clay and antibacterial properties, which help to clean your pores, remove dirt and get rid of all those harmful chemicals that are accumulated on your skin surface. It is also suitable for your skin. There are many ingredients which when comes in contact with skin gives you beneficial results and also there are some ingredients which when comes in contact with your skin causes harm to your skin. So, we should be very careful when you are purchasing a face wash. You should highly avoid ingredients like parabens, sulphates, phthalates, synthetic fragrances sodium lauryl sulphate, BHT retinyl palmitate and retinal, lead, formaldehyde.  
This compounds when comes in contact with your skin degrades your skin quality, making them look dull, causing uneven skin tone and trigger the onset of acne, redness, irritation on your skin. Uneven skin layers and uneven dark patches on your skin surface may also be a side effect. Our detoxie anti-pollution face wash has been specially made by eliminating these ingredients. In our product detoxie face wash is devoid of all these toxic skincare ingredients. The application of our detoxie anti pollution face wash gives you perfect results and also helps to fight with all these above mentioned problems which one faces when not taking care of the skin or not practicing a details routine skin care.
You can substitute your time-consuming skin care routine by the application of our detoxie anti-pollution face wash. It contains several anti-polluting agents which shields your skin from getting affected from polluting agents. They also take care of your skin as it has deep cleansing properties in it. detoxie anti-pollution face wash is not like some other ordinary face wash they not only Scrub your skin and exfoliate all the dust particles but also it contains moisturizing agents which simultaneously moisturizes and nourishes your skin tissues. It is an All-in-One approach to take care of your skin without investing huge amount of time behind it.
 DETOXIE anti-pollution face wash contains beneficial chemicals which are good for your skin such as:
Salicylic acid, that controls excessive sebum production on your skin.
Glycolic acid,
Clay and some Tea Tree extract.
Hyaluronic acid, is an essential compound which moisturises your skin and keeps it hydrated throughout the day.
Glycerine which acts as a serum and
Niacinamide which is very important for oily skin, since it reduces the redness and irritation of your skin.
If you have oily skin, you should avoid products which are oil base.
DETOXIE anti-pollution Face wash does not contain coconut oil as it will increase the oil production by increasing the oil content on your skin and thus will give much oilier look than usual.
With the combination of oily skin and dirt, pollution harmful chemicals and exposure to sunlight for a prolonged amount of time; alcohol based products should be avoided.
For your skin, our product is not only alcohol free but also paraben free and devoid of sulphate’s.
These two to three substances or chemicals are very reactive on your skin type. So, DETOXIE anti-pollution face wash is very carefully designed and it brings together all the necessary and organic ingredients beneficial for your skin.
As you are being selective for using products, you need to also be careful about moisturising and hydrating your skin simultaneously.
Natural ingredients like honey, Jojoba oil, Argan oil Present in this DETOXIE anti-pollution face wash helps to keep your skin hydrated, moisturised and soft.
Lemon juice extracts keep your skin soft and fresh, so that there is no risk of skin disease or skin reaction after the products usage.
Hyaluronic acid is infused with aloe Vera gel, that deeply nourishes your skin and keeps it healthy.
Visit :- https://detoxie.in/products/anti-pollution-de-tan-refreshing-face-wash
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funnydove-blog · 4 years
Fashion Victims: Collateral Damage
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I think of puberty as a special delight—in retrospect, and for other people. It’s a twisting tunnel of change, an emotional roller coaster. Unexpected growth spurts and new, intoxicating emotions keep adolescents who are barely in control of their maturing bodies constantly on edge. All anyone can do is hang on and try to make it through relatively unscathed.
It is a tricky process: you have no warning when it will start, what the ride will be like, and most importantly, when it will end. The young bodies of teens and tweens neck deep in puberty are changing at lightning speed. Luckily, the human body is naturally equipped to handle this turbulent transition. However, many of the chemicals used in makeup can dangerously and unpredictably offset the young body’s organic balancing act during this period.
What’s more, the manner in which tweens and teens use makeup adds to the health risks. As adult women, you may share your makeup with your ‘girls’ (a little blush here, a touch of mascara, a little extra liner pencil, and just a dab of lip gloss). Generally, though, you carry your makeup. Your friends carry theirs. You know what you’re using. It’s not a ‘pass around pack’.
However, teens and tweens generally have a much larger circle of friends with whom they share makeup. For the most part they have no idea of how those friends (with whom they are sharing their makeup) are using their own makeup, or who they are sharing it with. Why is this a hazard?
Liquids like primer, foundation, lip gloss, mascara, and their applicator brushes provide a fertile breeding ground for bacteria. Unwitting users then add their own bacteria cocktail from their lips, hands, eyes, and faces. That bottle, tube, applicator brush, or sponge then turns the makeup into a dangerous culprit for a whole host of illnesses and diseases. Unknowingly, teens and tweens often spread harmful bacteria exponentially through shared makeup products. As we discussed, makeup can have annoying and damaging effects on its users, especially developing teens and tweens. Already dealing with skin issues from raging hormones, genes, and germs in the environment around them, the last thing they need are additional makeup-related health issues.
Symptoms like pink eye, staph infections, and those awful makeup-induced acne lesions, medically known as ‘acne-cosmetica’, can be a result of wearing makeup too soon, too frequently, and too heavily. We all know that teen acne is no laughing matter: for teens and tweens in an often brutal peer pressure environment, it can make the problems of puberty a thousand times worse. Taking a step back, reassessing the role of beauty products in your life, and defining a new, common-sense approach are key.
Many of the known side effects associated with teens and tweens using makeup can be simply and easily resolved. It is your responsibility to create a proper skin care routine—for yourself and your daughters—early in order to develop and maintain beautiful skin naturally. I would suggest that young girls under the age of 16 not wear any makeup at all. When teens do begin to wear makeup, they should take care to use water-based makeup and apply it sparingly with clean brushes.
It is your responsibility to find products free from harmful chemicals that will support a healthy makeup collection. When in doubt about a product or ingredient, do 123 your own research before applying it to your skin.
One great resource is the Skin Deep Cosmetic Safety Database – which you can access at CosmeticsDatabase.com. Just plug in the name of your favorite makeup product and the database will tell you if it contains any known dangerous ingredients.
Again: you must also ask yourself if you know exactly what you’re purchasing—the product, and its ‘true costs’ to you and your health—when you buy cosmetics. You’re not just getting the benefit of ‘the look’ they provide. You’re getting the impact—short and long term—of the health risks they carry. You should also ask yourself this: ‘Even if I adopt a devil-may-care attitude toward my own health and my own life with regards to cosmetics, what health risks am I exposing my children—born and unborn —to?’
When toxins get into your bloodstream, they don’t just stay with you. You pass them on to your child before they’re born, and afterward, during the breastfeeding process. Furthermore, if you set an example of purchasing and using toxic cosmetics on yourself, can you blame your daughters for adopting your habits, buying the same toxic products, and using them? Is that really a legacy you want to pass on?
I will tell you this about Old Money Gals: when it comes to their health and the health of their children, they ask a lot of hard questions, and they continue to ask hard questions until they get satisfactory answers. If they don’t get a satisfactory answer about a product that may affect their health or the health of their family, it’s over: they don’t buy the product. They don’t allow it in the house. They don’t allow their children to use it. They prioritize health over appearance because nothing is more beautiful than a woman with healthy, clean, fresh skin.
Police the people in your head, especially the ones telling you that you must wear makeup to be attractive. Listen to your instincts. Listen to your body. Know that the ‘true cost’ of ‘beauty’ can never be at the expense of your health.
Now, let’s take a look at some of the ingredients in cosmetics that victimize women and girls, and the health problems they cause. These substances include:
Parabens—these chemicals have been found to disrupt hormonal levels as they mimic the hormone estrogen and are linked to cancer, reproductive toxicity, immunotoxicity, neurotoxicity, and skin irritation, as well as increasing the chances of breast cancer. They are found in shampoos and other bath products.
Formaldehyde—found in nail polish and hair treatments, a known carcinogen. ‘Fragrance’—this word on a product label can mean anything, as companies aren’t required to disclose what chemicals are included. Common toxins include hormone disruptors which contribute to breast cancer, among other things. Avoid this by purchasing products scented only with organic essential oils.
Coal Tar Dyes—banned from food products, but still found in hair dyes, lipsticks, and other products. Look for the ‘color index’ (CI), followed by a 5 digit number on the ingredients label to determine if Coal Tar Dyes are present in a product.
Talc—found in eye shadows, body powders, face powders, and many loose mineral products. Contributes to ovarian tumors, among other things.
Mineral oil—a petroleum-based product and a known carcinogen. Found in baby lotions, creams, and lip balms, among other things. Aluminum zirconium—found in antiperspirants and linked to the development of Alzheimer’s disease, as well as breast cancer.
Sodium laureth—found in a variety of cosmetics, causing skin damage, eye damage, and liver damage. One of the most dangerous unregulated products found in a variety of beauty products (shower gel, exfoliant, liquid hand soap, and toothpaste). Has long been used in industrial cleaning products. BHA and BHT (Butylated Hydroxyanisole & Butylated Hydroxy-toluene)— preservatives widely used by the food industry, also found in a range of cosmetics, these damage the reproductive system and impede proper thyroid function, among other things.
There is an extreme injustice in the fact that many women voluntarily pay exorbitant prices for cosmetics that, first, enrich male-dominated companies, and, second, contribute to a wide range of illnesses, many of them deadly to women. It is easy to avoid being a fashion victim, both in terms of health and finances, when it comes to cosmetics: become informed, purchase healthier, and purchase less.
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queen-ofnewyork · 7 years
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Review of OrgaPlus's Rich Yet Light-Weight Serum Extra
OrgaPlus is a Korean brand that was created for the skin health of the whole family from the hearts of all of the mothers of the world. Their products are created with good ingredients with mild and excellent effects. The Rich Yet Light-Weight Serum Extra is an essential oil infused smart serum for all four seasons. As such it has different functions depending on the season. Key ingredients include: damask rose flower oil (antimicrobial, skin healing, soothing, hydrating) and coconut oil (moisturizing, skin softening, removes makeup quickly, anti-aging, nourishing), goat milk extract (vitamin-rich, moisturizing, nourishing, anti-aging, hydrating, brightening) and coconut oil (moisturizing, skin softening, removes makeup quickly, anti-aging, nourishing). This product retails for between $40-50 USD, you can get it here (will add link later).
Water, Glycerin, Ethylhexyl Palmitate, Sorbitol, Bis-PEG-18 Methyl Ether Dimethyl Silane, Cetyl Ethylhexanoate, PEG-32, Butylene Glycol, Polyglyceryl-10 Oleate, Rosa Damascena (Damask Rose) Flower Oil, Cocos Nucifera (Coconut) Oil, Camellia Japonica Seed Oil, Limnanthes Alba (Meadowfoam) Seed Oil, Goat Milk Extract, Milk Protein Extract, Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein, Maltodectrin, Ceramide NP, Squalane, Sodium Hyaluronate, Panthenol, Pantolactone, Tocopherol, Vegetable Oil, Allantoin, Adenosine, Alumina, Hydrogenated Lecithin, Titanium Dioxide, Carbomer, PEG-60 Hydrogenated Castor Oil, Tromethamine, Glyceryl Polyacrylate, Silica, Polymethylsilsesquioxane, Caprylic/Capric Triglyceride, Butylated Hydroxytoluene (BHT), Disodium EDTA, Phenoxyethanol, Chlorphenesin, Caprylyl Glycol, Ethylhexylglycerin, 1,2-Hexanediol, Fragrance
To quickly note, I received this for a small fee from 0.8 Liter for my honest review, this post is not sponsored.
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The bottle comes with 30 ml (1.01 oz) and has a dropper for the serum.
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You only need about half a dropper full to cover the face properly and there's not really any scent to this serum.
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It's not thick, but not too runny either and a milky white color, as there are no artificial colors in this product. It's rich, lightweight moisture for smooth, healthy skin.
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It does blend out nicely as well as being nourishing, it's also deeply moisturizing.
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As stated earlier, this serum is meant to adapt to all four seasons. Spring's concern is that skin is sensitized by dust and fine dust, the serum acts to form a skin barrier to protect skin from harmful, external elements. Summer's concern is active sebum secretion and enlarges pores. The serum acts to keep skin moisturized without blocking pores. Autumn's concern is dry skin due to daily range. The serum acts to maintain constant moisture retention at any temperature. Lastly, winter's concern is extreme skin dryness due to an indoor and outdoor temperature difference. The serum acts to form a strong moisture lock on the skin.
Recommended use is to apply morning and evening after toning skin. After using, this serum is quite impressive, it's been tested for minimum skin irritation and has no mineral oils, parabens and is ideal for all skin types. The texture is milky but not super watery and there's not really a scent as mentioned above. Not much is required to cover my face and it absorbs nicely, leaving a really glowy look to my skin. Like the sheet mask, this serum is extremely nourishing and has great ingredients. I've noticed my skin stays moisturized longer and more effectively after using the serum and I think my skin looks brighter and more even. I hope to see these benefits continue. I'd recommend this to anyone.
What I like: the ingredients are great and the quality is really high. It's really comfortable to wear and I see how it lengthens the moisture retention and brightens my skin, though very subtly. I love the dropper and how little product you need to use, so it should last a long time. The changes of the seasons and how the serum adapts is also extremely cool and I can't wait to see that in action. It's also great for all skin types. What I don't like: not super easy to find.
No artificial colors
Great for all skin types
Great for dry and sensitive skin
Not easy to find
Would I buy again?
Rating: 10/10
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