#bi han loves his daughters
skymoral · 9 months
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Bi-Han x B!F Wife Reader W/ Children (Ep 1)
Summary: This episode of Mortal Kombat is called Teachers
Tags: Family & Fun
A/N: I will make a series out of this, and comic it into the OC! It helps with ideas and Bluey inspired, but I hope you ladies still like it 💅🏾
“Daddy are you sure you’re alright watching the girls by yourself. While I take the boys to see there cousins match.” You already had your coat and everything on, along with the boys.
Bi-Han and the girls were seeing them off at the entrance. “The fact you question my ability to watch my own children, offends me.” He said with a bit of agitation.
The Girls Giggled at him, “Aww my ice king, you know that’s not what I mean. It’s because my cousin was hoping you could watch your favorite little person. When my cuz come pick us up.”
“Who is the favorite person, you speak of?” As soon as those words left his mouth, a little girl came storming in. Arms wide and glasses almost falling off.
“BIHANNNNNNNNNNN!” She yelled jumping in his arms.
“HOORAY! The girls cheered.
He put her down, she took a step back bowing to him formal. “It’s nice to see you again Grandmaster! COUSINS!”
The girls ran and hugged each other. Bi Han went his attention to you and your cousin quickly leaving before he can complain.
“Thank you babe, love u!”
“Thanks Bi-Han!”
You and your cousin yelled out to him before she drove off with her and the boys.
Bi-Han only sighed looking down at the girls, “So what is it my little princesses and student like to do.”
They smirked at each other, “TEACHERS!” They yelled in unison.
Bi-Han was trying to fight off so many demons, because denying them of any fun would cause havoc. Although he will not suffer alone.
*tap* *tap* *tap* *tap* *tap* *tap*
Angelica tapping the board with a ruler, “Attention students! I will be your teacher for today. My name is Ms. Um… uh… Ms. POPSICLE!” She said in an old lady voice, The girls laughed.
Angelica was dressed in oversized clothes and glasses with strings on it and hanging at her nose. Someone raised there hand.
“Yes um…” she looked and squinted at her clip board. “Mr. Vrbada”
“Do we have to call you that? May we just call you Ms. Angel-OW!” Angelica smacked his hand with a ruler.
“No! It’s Ms. Popsicle and you will refer me as such or you’ll be put in a timeout young man with your head down like your siblings, understand?”
“Yes Ms… popsicle.” He said quietly at the end. Kuai and Bi-Han snickering, trying hold in a laugh with there head down on the desks
“Good! Now who’s ready for gym class!?” Angelica shouted. The girls cheered, but the brothers and Lin Kuei had their resentment for it. Although they didn’t say anything.
The girls were really happy with there family was playing with them. It’s always fun when there father joins it. They were playing jump rope for gym, one of the Lin Kuei were reluctant.
Till they felt a coldness run down there spine, “You heard Miss Popsicle J U M P.” Bi-Han order him, giving him the tone of do it or else.
They did many school type activities, as it was getting close to there mother and brothers returning home.
There last activity was arts & crafts, which some of the Lin Kuei was enjoying. Along with the two brothers. “Are you enjoying yourself brother?” Kuai Liang asked sitting next Bi-Han.
“Define F U N Kuai Liang.” Bi-Han responded unhappily. Kuai Liang just smiled at his brother. Because despite his denial, he definitely is taking it seriously.
He didn’t know his brother had a skill in arts in crafts, as he made art folds of different animals.
“Attention students! As we conclude today’s class. I would like to announce that, EVERYONE HAS PASSED!” Angelica put her hands up happy, then Lin Kuei cheered. Mainly due to the fact it’ll be over.
“As a special graduation, these four girls made all of you a special piece.”
It was Bi-Han’s daughters that made cute little cards for the Lin Kuei attending the class. As well as her uncles and father.
They made a very special one together for there father. It was skillfully decorated and written, with a picture of the family, “Do you like it?” One of his daughters asked nervously.
“Of course I love it, thank you my daughters.” He hugged all four of them tightly.
“I actually have something for you four and your cousin. From what I learned in art and crafts.” Bi-Han showed them the little animal folds he’s made for them.
Which they really loved, and when the game finally ended he gave Angelica hers. She bounced from Joy and thought it was so cool and amazing.
“I’m sure my girls are hungry?” He asked them.
He had the Lin Kuei prepare a meal, which they obeyed happily. They were a bit emotional from the cards they gave them. Each one was special.
“Bi-Han we’re back!” You shouted, you noticed it was very silent.
Making the boys go on full alert scouting the premise. Before giving their mother and cousin the okay.
“You hey cuz you hear that?” Your cousin asked, you stopped to listen. Then heard a tv on in the girls room.
All of you went towards the sound and peaked in the room. Your heart melt so hard, Bi-Han was sleep with all the girls cuddled around on the bed. Including Angelica in the pile, a lil snore coming from her mouth. They fell asleep watching a movie.
“You don’t mind if Angelica spent the night do you?”
“Girl please, call me when she’s ready to go home. Bye boo, by boys.” Your cousin whispered her farewells.
“I guess you boys are sleeping with mommy tonight. I may need protecting.” You smirked at them. As you all left them be and asleep, you guessed they must of had a very eventful day.
A/N: I really like doing the softer stories :>
Side Note: So an extra tidbit I still try to keep some of the characteristics and personality of the characters from MK1 or how I believe they are. Bi-Han is still a bit mean and attitude issues. With a superiority complex.
For me instead of making him evil he’s really like an anti-hero he’ll do what he sees fit, but he does care for his family and is gentle when it comes to them. If anyone questions how I write them :>
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i really adore how the fandom agrees bi-han would be a good father. he'd still be a dick, make mistakes, is a little too harsh with his children, but he doesn't want to put his kids what he went through as a child at the hands of bis father. Idk, i just really love that. it would be so easy to write him as a horrible father who doesn't care for his children, but this man would die and murder and kill and smile for his children in a heartbeat. they'll be great martial artists, trained from birth to break anyone's hip flexor, but they will also have a father who loves and cares for them.
it definitely doesn't come naturally to him tho. he wants to do this but it's kinda a whole new way of thinking for the man. bi-han isn't exactly one to open up or show any other feelings other than anger and mild annoyance- but eventually, with his never ending want to not be his father, and with the help of his partner, it's easier for him to really be the father he wants to be.
to hug his children, read them bed time stories, praise them when they've done well, praise them when they haven't done so well. not view his childrens' s emotions as weak. it's a huge mental adjustment for the cryomancer, but he does it.
also, I don't think he'd be set on "only having a son to pass on his legacy" idk, call me a woke liberal feminist (or a partner who'd beat his ass) but I don't think he particularly cares, he just wants a child or children who can eventually be the next grandmaster and uphold lin kuei principles.
catch this bitch having five daughters and obliterating the very being of a lin kuei lackey who he overheard talking negatively about his daughters. they will all be killing machines who love tea parties and watching my little pony, and he'll be right there with them (he knows the theme song by heart)
bi-han is a girl dad through and through and you cannot convince me otherwise.
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elisiafarias · 2 months
Hello! I see that you really like writing to bi-han and he is the one who gives you the most inspiration 👀
What would happen if one day the enemy kidnapped bi-han's little son or daughter? like the mission to rescue Jack in Red Dead Redemption 2, that's where I came up with this, although if you decide to write it, you can do it however you want ^^
Is a really good idea 😀 I played RdR2 so i like this idea 🥰
How Bi han will react if a Enemy kidnapp his son/daughter
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You were playing with your son/daughter in your room, your baby was already 3 years old and could say a few words, short ones.
Your husband was in a meeting with Lord Liu Kang. But he had left you safe with some members of the Linkueis.
Or so he thought... Everything was going well, until in the distance you could hear screams and sounds of swords. Your heart raced... You knew something was wrong, so the first thing you did was to take your baby and look at all the possible places to escape, however they would all inevitably lead to the enemy, so you chose to hide him/her in the closet making signs to him /her not to make noises as much as possible, as if a baby for his age could understand, however it was the best you could do, once that was done you went to look for a dagger that your husband gave you.
You had trained a in your free time with the Lin Kuei, would it be enough for this situation? You asked yourself.
As soon as you felt the door open you saw your enemies, you faced them and you defeated some with all your strength, which you didn't even know you had, it could be the adrenaline of saving your son/daughter.
However, it wasn't enough... you were greatly outnumbered and you were hit hard in the head, the pressure rising to your head as you felt the blood rush down your forehead.
The last thing you could see was them approaching the closet, it seemed like your baby was starting to say mommy.Your body felt like a bucket of cold water
"No" "Take me please" - You begged him with your last breath.
Despite that, they had no mercy on you and dealt you one last blow that caused you to faint...
You woke up listen to angry screams demanding "find them." You knew who it was.
From your point of view you could see some familiar shoes, you felt relief for a few seconds, then despair for your baby, you knew he/she was gone.
-Wife- Your husband said, more worried than ever, as he lifted you in his arms, you were still on the ground, it was the first time you heard him say it like that.
-What happened?- Bi Han said as he put his hands on your wounds.
-They took him/her away.- You said barely with a trembling voice, your tears coming out uncontrollably.
You saw how your husband's gaze froze, how to describe it, it was a mixture of shock, fury and concern.
"I couldn't protect him/her" "Please save him/her" "I don't know what I'll do if he/she dies", You said through tears
While your husband put your head on his neck. You can hear him giving orders while holding you in his arms. At that you could hear him say "There will be no mercy"
When he took you to the doctor, he laid you down on the stretcher and then he was quickly leaving.
However, you took his hand before he left.
-My love, please promise me that you two will come back safely, he/she need us.- You begged weakly.
-I will return with our son/daughter.-He said stoically, then he caressed your hand a little and nodded to leave.
When he left, all you had left to do was ask the universe for your husband to come back to your little life soon.
"How is your baby? "She/He's probably crying, She/he's probably hungry, "she/he maybe want to sleep." "He/she needs me"
You thought anxiously, you just want to have him in your arms.
*In the mision*
The air was chilly, and the full moon illuminated the snow-capped mountains surrounding the Lin Kuei's ancestral temple. Amidst this vast solitude, three figures advanced with deadly precision, their feet barely leaving a footprint in the snow. They were the Lin Kuei brothers.
Sub-Zero led the way the coldness in his eyes didn't come from his skill alone. His son/daughter had been kidnapped by the ruthless Black Dragon and he would stop at nothing to get him/her back.The message had arrived at the Lin Kuei temple the night before, a scroll with the seal of the Dragon.
They demanded that Bi-Han present himself at the Black Dragon Temple alone if he wanted to see his son/Daughter alive again. But Bi-Han was not willing to comply with their conditions. This time, he would not be alone.
-We won't let them kill him/her, brother, they act without honor.-Kuai Liang said, his voice barely a whisper in the cold night. If anything happens to YBN(your baby name) they will have no mercy.
Bi-Han didn't answer. His thoughts were with his son, the cryomancer knew he had to remain calm. The anger could cloud his judgment, and this time, he couldn't afford to make any mistakes.
He never says it, but his son/daughter was the reason he lived with his wife, the only spark of light in his world. Bihan had sworn to protect his son at any cost. But tonight, that oath would be tested in ways he had never imagined.
As they reached the entrance to the Black Dragon Temple, the air grew heavier, charged with tension. Guards were posted everywhere, but to the Lin Kuei, they were nothing more than insignificant obstacles. Without needing words, the three brothers scattered, each moving with the deadly precision that only years of training could grant.
Bi-Han moved forward first, his presence unleashing a wave of cold that froze the ground beneath his feet. In one fluid motion, he unleashed a blast of ice that engulfed the nearest guards, rendering them immobile and vulnerable.
From the shadows, Smoke appeared behind another group of enemies, his hands materializing from the mist to eliminate his adversaries before they could even scream.
Kuai Liang, meanwhile, moved like a spectre wreathed in flames. His attacks were swift, devastating, leaving a trail of ash in their wake.
Finally, they reached the center of the temple. There, was his son/daughter bound and surrounded by a circle of Black Dragon warriors his baby was crying. For the cryomancer that image froze his blood, seeing his son/daughter like that, he already had his objective clear, there would be no mercy.
In the center, leading his men, was Kano, the brutal leader, a man with a fearsome reputation and a particular hatred for the Lin Kuei.
-Bi-Han-Kano said, his voice echoing in the chamber. -“I knew you would come, but I did not expect you to bring company. This will be interesting.”
-Release my son/Daughter, Kano,”- The criomancer said, his voice containing the fury of a thousand winters. -"O there will be no mercy”
Kano let out a cold laugh.
-You think you can bully me? This child is the price you pay for your clan’s interference in my affairs. But if you wish to take him, I will give it to you at a very high price”.-Said the Black Dragon leader
The Black Dragon had signed his sentence.
-This will end with your cold corpse.- The Grand Master sentenced
The battle that followed was swift and brutal. The Lin Kuei attacked as one, a storm of ice, mist, and fire that swept through the Black Dragon’s defenses. Kano fought with the force of desperation, but it was clear that neither he nor his men were a match for the Lin Kuei brothers.
Amidst the chaos, Kuai Liang reached YBN With one swift movement, he freed his niece/nephew from his bonds.
As the last of the Black Dragon warriors fell, the temple fell silent, broken only by the crackling of the flames Kuai Liang had unleashed.
Kano, wounded and defeated, knelt before Bi-Han, knowing his end was near.
-Your death was inevitable-The Grandmaster said, cutting off his head
When he approached his brothers he asked
-Are you unhurt?.-The cryomancer asked, his gaze fixed on his baby.
-We are brother and YBN is fine, he/she has no injuries.- The pyromancer saidwhile carrying the child.
The cryomancer looked at his son /daugter and put his hand on his head, His gaze remained fixed on YBN, searching for any sign that he was hurt. But the child seemed unharmed, at least physically. then let out a sigh of relief.
- Well, for now we have finished our mission, we must return immediately.-Bi Han said stoically while caressing the hair of his blood
*In the moorning*
You were anxious, you hadn't taken your eyes off him all night, only a day had passed without your baby, but it seemed like weeks.
Until you finally saw the Lin Kuei doors open. You just knew it, and you ran desperately and somewhat clumsily because of your head injury to where your husband and son/daughter were.
When you arrived you could see that beautiful image that you had been decreeing. Your husband arrived victorious with your son/daughter in his arms, next to him were his brothers
Without thinking twice you ran to your baby and covered him with kisses then you took him/her in your arms "Calm down, mommy is here"
-Be careful wife... Remember that you are convalescing- Said the Grandmaster while putting his hand on your waist to straighten you up.
Then you smiled at your husband, caressed his cheek and kissed him.
-Thank you my love...I expected nothing less from you.-You told him happily as you continued to caress his cheek.
Then you thanked the brothers who risked their lives for their nephew/niece.
At night when you were going to bed, you made some space for the baby, you wanted the three of you to sleep together. Bi Han didn't refuse after everything that had happened.
You were there with your son/daughter appreciating him.
-I can't imagine my life without him- You said while you had your hand on his belly
-Me neither- said the cryomancer staring at his blood
-That's why we will make him a good warrior- Said Bi han while caresing the head of YBN
-Just try not to be so demanding with him.-You said
He just let out a growl.
-It's not the first time you've told me that wife.- He said tiredly.-As you wish.
You smiled and kissed him.
-I love you with all my life.- You told him.
He looked at you with a small smile of satisfaction, he just nodded, but you knew it was his way of saying "me too"
After all, he had already proven his worth to you.
Author note:
Hi, I hope you liked it. It's the first time I write action parts. So please enjoy UwU
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koisuko · 10 months
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ask, and you shall receive ♥ @engie-main
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Tw: none, fluffy, slight spoilers, fem reader
What it would be like as the Lin Kuei's youngest sister
Being the youngest daughter, you were often treated like a baby, even if you were a full grown adult.
Your father, when he was alive, had very little faith in your abilities, nothing you did was enough to earn is approval. Even when you had developed magic, much like your brothers, his face showed no sign of pride.
You often clung onto Kuai Liang in particular, like your life depended on it, as he provided a safe environment to vent on your frustrations. He never disagreed or belittled you for your feelings, placing a reassuring hand on your back as you sobbed beside him in emotional turmoil from your father’s lack of care.
Surprisingly, despite how cold he is, Bi-han kept you close and under his wing. He secretly wished you would come to him instead of Kuai Liang, wanting so desperately to be close with his younger sister, even though emotions were jumbled for him as well. He often envied his brother’s ability to comfort you, wishing he had the emotional intelligence to calm your nerves.
When Tomas entered the picture, you were glued to his hip. Everyday you woke up to mess with your brothers together, training together, and even opting to share a bed most nights due to nightmares. You had someone to relate to the younger sibling status, and it felt refreshing.
On missions, Bi-han often made it a point to have you by his side at all times, checking on you if you were to separate as if you were delicate without his protection. In truth, it sometimes annoyed you in how overly protective he was, how he watched over you like a hawk especially after your parents died. You knew that he cared, in his own way, but it made you feel as if he didn’t believe in your ability to fend for yourself without him.
“Who harmed you?” He would ask, his voice dark and laced with internal rage when you would return with any injuries from your prior mission. He would be too busy searching for your attacker to tend to your wounds, instead Kuai Liang would take that place while Tomas provided support while you grimaced in pain.
Not to say they weren’t just as concerned, but they were much more collected than their older brother, and knew that nothing could stand in his way when his protective rage took over.
Don’t even get started on crushes or potential love interest, your older brothers were intimidating to everyone, scaring away any potential suitors from even glancing in your direction. When Johnny Cage decided to hit on you, Bi-han sent him a swift punch to the face, “stay away from him, he is beneath you.”
When Bi-han betrayed his family, his clan, you were distraught to say the least. You knew he had a lot of inner struggles, especially with the treatment of him from your father, but you never thought he would act this drastically. Hearing he was the actual aid in your father’s death was even more disturbing, you felt your stomach churn at the thought.
It was overwhelming, on one hand you could understand why Bi-han is the way he is, wanting to give in to his pleas to join him in the rebuilding of the Lin Kuei despite the obvious corruption. On the other, you knew he was wrong in everything he had planned, you knew he was throwing morality out the window in his search for power, and betrayed not only you but the entire idea of the clan. You were being tugged between your torn family, both sides gripping on to you as if to tip the balance.
It eventually proved too much, causing you to disappear and stay in hiding with Lord Liu Kang. He was the only one you knew and trusted outside of your brothers, he promised confidentiality and kept you away from the war between your brothers.
When you eventually did reveal yourself, you refused to join either clan. Instead remaining solo under the guidance of Liu Kang, still occasionally visiting Tomas and Kuai Liang over tea.
Your brothers remained completely understanding of your decision, thinking it best to keep you out of this. Even Bi-han left you be, he would never admit it, but you were the last person he ever wanted to harm, and not a night goes by where he does not wonder if you are safe from the never ending battle of brothers.
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fandomzwriterk · 2 months
Can you do head cannons on the Lin Kuei brothers being fathers and having a daughter with the reader?
A/N: I gotchu fam👍
Bi Han
-> Long before the baby was born, he was so sure it’d be a boy
-> As soon as you started showing, he would not let you do anything he viewed dangerous
-> Note, he had never stopped you from doing something before
-> If he hadn’t betrayed The Shirai Ryu, he would’ve had Kuai and Tomas follow you everywhere whenever he was busy
-> When your daughter was born, Bi Han most likely would’ve had a stroke from the thought of having a girl
-> He was so sure he’d have a boy
-> You both would hear Tomas say to Kuai in the hall “I told you so”
-> Your daughter has your looks but Bi Han’s stubborn personality
-> Lowkey is screaming of joy on the inside that your daughter is just like him
-> Would not let anyone go near you or your daughter
-> Insisted on having him train her so she could be strong, but mostly feared as Bi Han put it
-> He was definitely an overprotective father
-> Wouldn’t let any boys train with your daughter, only Bi Han could
-> Your daughter would call Kuai and Tomas her Uncles
-> I definitely see him spoiling your daughter with everything and anything
-> Lost his shit when your daughter suddenly threw an ice ball at him once
-> Parades your daughter around like she’s the Mini Boss of the Lin Kuei
-> Definitely will make sure his daughter is ready to take up the mantle of Grandmaster, that is if Kuai and Tomas don’t have any kids
-> He picked Xuě as your daughter’s name (snow)
Kuai Liang
-> Fainted when he heard you were pregnant
-> Actually wanted it to be a girl
-> Would immediately go straight to Bi Han or Liu Kang, who else would know about having a baby?
-> Only because Bi Han is older and Liu Kang created the timeline
-> Also had a mini stroke at your baby being a girl
-> When your daughter gets older, she takes after Kuai with looks, but has your temperament
-> Follows Kuai everywhere and he trains your daughter every day to keep her safe
-> Absolutely adores her Uncle Tomas
-> Calls Hanzo her brother
-> After Bi Han betrayed you all, Kuai didn’t talk about him much to anyone but tried to talk about him to your daughter
-> Your daughter is also a pyromancer but she learned it quicker than Kuai
-> Your daughter is Kauai’s pride and joy, aside from leading the Shirai Ryu
-> Sometimes has either Raiden and Kung Lao or Kenshi and Johnny watch after her while you two “go out”
-> Won’t stop watching over her and often talks about her to Tomas and Liu Kang
-> Sends letters to Bi Han to see if he’ll come back and see his niece
-> It breaks his heart whenever your daughter is sad
-> Let’s all the champions watch her, train her, or play with her
-> Aside from Kuai, your daughters favorite people are Tomas, Liu Kang, Hanzo, Raiden, and Kitana
-> The name he chose for your daughter was Yijun (harmony/calm/peace)
Tomas Vrbada
-> It didn’t matter what gender the baby was to him
-> Your daughter was never alone after she was born
-> If you slept, Tomas would watch her
-> When he went out, Tomas took her with him
-> He immediately goes into overprotective father mode
-> Literally only trusts Kuai to watch her
-> If she doesn’t want to train, he won’t pressure her
-> However your daughter quickly learns smoke abilities at age 5
-> Your daughter has Tomas’ eyes and hair, but has your humor, temperament, and compassion
-> She’s basically uses smoke abilities to go anywhere and get anything she wants
-> Scared the shit out of Tomas and yourself when she disappeared right in front of your eyes for the first time
-> Oh but how Tomas spoils his baby girl every single day
-> Not surprisingly your daughter is closest with her Uncle Kuai
-> Everyone at the Shirai Ryu loves her
-> Kitana and Mileena will often take your daughter out for a “girls day” while you and Tomas go out for the night
-> If Kuai is busy, Tomas often trusts Raiden or Kung Lao to watch her and keep her company
-> Tomas named your daughter Ái (love)
A/N: Hope you enjoyed!!!
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ukeyyyo · 10 months
Some headcanons with Bi-Han (relationships)
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A/N: This is my first time writing something like this.I was just bored at night, so don’t judge me, please 🫠
- He’s cold at first, it’s quite hard to earn his respect and love. It will for sure take you lots of time.
- But once he will realize your feelings…He will still doubt it. This feeling is kinda forbidden for him, so he won’t really know how to deal with it.
- That’s why he may start avoiding you, sometimes even be mad for you for no reason. Maybe for making him feel weak and vulnerable.
- To be honest, I can’t even imagine how he would confess his feelings. It’s really hard to think about that lol.
- But i think that it could happen this way : he would be annoyed (either for this feelings or someone might have tried to flirt with you and he was really jealous or both) and then when you two were alone he confessed his feelings out of anger lol.
- When you wanted to hear it again because you didn’t really believe it, he would probably say something like “what you heard.“
- I’m not sure if he would spend time on talking about all of this, since his clan and his duty are always the top priority for him.
- So I think that you two would only talk about it when you have a training or when you’re on a mission.
- Since he’s not familiar with all of these things, surely everything will go really slow. you have to be patient, really.
- But i’m sure that your patience will be worthy of it.
- Since he’s also traditional, first he will make sure to analyze your relationships and then think if you two could be a couple and if you’re worthy of being his consort.
- When he’s confident about his decision, he will propose to you. but not in a romantic way. You know how men in series randomly propose to their s/o, like “We should get married”?. So it would be like that, I guess. he would say something like “I’ve been thinking our relationship over.And I have made a decision that we should get married. Our clan needs an heir so I need a wife.”
- It wouldn’t have sounded good if you didn’t love him, but since you love him you’ll for sure accept it.
- Your wedding ceremony would be really traditional. And beautiful too.
- You know, I have another cute headcanon. Imagine they had maids in their palace and one of them was an old lady, who worked here before his mother died and their mother also loved this maid, because when Bi-Han’s parents just got married this old lady would always treat Bi-Han’s mother nicely and give advices. Plus, she also helped her to take care of her kids. So when Bi-Han’s mother got married she wore a kua headset. It was really beautiful and it was carefully stored. So the old lady offered Bi-Han to give it to you as a special gift.
- Bi-Han wasn’t sure if it was right at first, because it was his mothers and he thought that it should be kept where it was.However, then he thought that maybe his mother would be happy if her daughter-in-law wore her headset for such a special day.So after that he went to the room where you were preparing for the ceremony.And then he gifted this gorgeous headset to you: “This is my late mother’s headset that she wore for her wedding.The old lady offered me to give it to you.I think you should wear it.” And you would be like “Are you sure, Bi-Han?”. He would nod meaning that he agrees and you would be really happy: “Thanks, I will cherish it. It really is a special gift.”
- When you wore it…Bi-Han would for a second see his mother in you. His parents had a portrait from their wedding but it was put in a dusty box…Honestly if he wasn’t capable of holding and controlling his feelings, I think he would actually cry.
- I’m 100% sure that Bi-Han is mama’s boy. He had a special bond with his mother :(
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seraphmeraph · 11 months
hi!! i recently found ur account while scrounging thru the bi han tag (theres so little bi han x reader fics 😭) and i love ur writing so i was wondering if you could do a bi han x princess reader? maybe the lin kuei made some kind of alliance with a king and he falls jn love (or lust) with his daughter? idk if that makes a lot of sense lolll. anyways thank u and i love ur work!!
i gen never expected people to really like Bi Han that much
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Bi Han x Princess Reader
MK1 short story with smut at the end starring guess who?? BI HAN <3
TW: 18+, smut at end, fingering, praises, suggestive, boobs, Bi Hans not as degrading, forbidden love
A/N: mb for this shittiness anon i tried LMAO- I feel like by now everybody should know i dead just don't proofread
Your father, the kind, wanted to strengthen his kingdom's defenses. So, to achieve this, he proposed an alliance with the enigmatic Lin Kuei.
You first met Bi Han at a banquet to congratulate your alliance. Your father introduced him to you as the Grandmaster of the Lin Kuei. You couldn't help but feel attracted to his cold and rough attitude, not to mention how handsome he was.
Bi Han's heart fluttered when he saw you, but he tried to push it deep away, feeling unfamiliar with this feeling. But as time passed, he couldn't help but try to be closer to you. He wanted to hear your rambles and see your beautiful eyes and elegance.
He would purposefully run into you, planning and taking notes on locations you would stop by. One of these is the royal garden, where you'd take a walk every day. Slowly, you noticed how often you would see the Grandmaster. You found it unusual, but you didn't mind his presence.
Slowly, it went from seeing each other to striking up conversations with him. He would often give you advice for your duties as a princess.
As you two grew closer, you would often find yourself openly complimenting him and subtly flirting.
"I'm aware you're a cryomancer, but does your heart ever get cold? Maybe my presence can warm it," You spoke, gaining a little smile from him. It was the first time you had ever seen him smile, and it made the butterflies in your stomach go crazy.
Considering he's unfamiliar, you are likely the first to admit your feelings. You asked him to meet you in the royal garden at night, and when he showed up, you began confessing.
The garden was very serene and peaceful. The moon cast a pale, silvery light over the garden, illuminating the flowers and trees. It was filled with the sweet fragrance of the blooming flowers. The pathway was dimly lit with the soft glowing lanterns, casting a warm and inviting light onto you both.
"Princess," He greeted you with a bow. "Is there a reason you requested to see me this belatedly at night?" He questioned, his voice gruff, but his eyes betrayed him.
"Yes…" You took a deep breath. "Grandmaster, I believe I'm in love with you," You admitted, wasting no time admitting your feelings. Though you were nervous, you were also confident.
"Princess…" He trailed off, unsure what to say.
You stepped closer to him, feeling your heart beating faster with anticipation. "Please, don't say anything if you don't feel the same way. I just had to tell you how I feel," You said, trying to hide your disappointment.
But before you could leave him, he pulled you in and kissed you. He backed you into one of the pillars, pressing your back against it. The kiss became passionate. All his pent-up lust for you is pouring out now. His cold hands were going to cup your cheek.
Your love was forbidden, a princess with a Lin Kuei assassin? Not to mention, you were the next heir to the throne. Your father would prohibit you from ever seeing Bi Han again and most likely change the relationship between your kingdom and the Lin Kuei.
A secret relationship between you both blossomed. Bi Han would often meet you in your chambers or the garden. Occasionally, he would convince your father that he was best fit to guard you whenever you had events.
You would leave your balcony window open for Bi Han to climb through at night. This was one of the nights when Bi Han visited you.
"Grandmaster!" You almost exclaimed, getting up off your bed to see him closer.
"Bi Han," He corrected you with a slight smirk.
"Sorry," You giggled, taking hold of his hand and bringing it to your cheek. His excellent hands felt cold against your warm cheek. "I missed you, Bi Han," You smiled, looking up at him.
His thumb grazed your cheek as you continued to hold it. "I did too, my princess," He spoke, leaning over to kiss you.
His lips pressed against yours, and you both were locked into a fiery kiss. Bi Han's other hand gripped your waist, pulling you deeply into the kiss. His tongue grazed your bottom lip, gaining entry into your mouth.
Bi Han couldn't contain his desire anymore. Pulling away from you, he threw you over his shoulder, carrying you over to your bed. You giggled at his roughness and kicked your legs, but he easily held them in place.
He threw you down on the bed, got on top of you, and continued your kiss. One of his hands gripped your thigh, pushing up your nightgown just enough to expose your panties.
Your hands went up to his hair, fingers reaching his bun. You quickly undid it, letting his hair down.
He pulled away from the kiss again, pinning your hands above your head. His hair fell around his shoulders.
"You're so handsome with your hair down," You looked at him lovingly.
"Is that so?" He spoke, his hand trailed closer to your core.
You couldn't help but shiver, feeling his cold fingers touch the sensitive part of your thigh. He then let go of your hand, using both to pull the nightgown over your head.
You sigh softly, feeling Bi Han's hands run over your body. His lips followed down your body, stopping to give your breasts extra attention. Rubbing your nipple in between his fingers while sucking the other one. His eyes looked up at you, watching as your face contorted into one of pleasure.
His hand slid down to your stomach, holding you in place as he kissed your body.
"Tell me, do I have your approval, Princess?" He said teasingly, smirking.
"Yes-Yes," You babbled, running your hand through his long hair.
He pulled your panties off, and his thumb massaged your clit as the other hand spread your thighs further apart.
You bit your bottom lip, keeping your legs open for Bi Han.
He inserted two digits into your heat, the cold of his fingers giving you goosebumps. He began pistoning his fingers in and out of you at a fast pace, not giving you any warning.
"Bi-Bi Han!" You grabbed at his shoulders as he continued his assault on your pussy.
"Tell me how you feel, pretty girl," He spoke, his eyes never leaving your face, obsessed with your reactions.
Let's hope you don't wake the whole castle up.
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etheralsweetheart · 10 months
MK Characters with a breeding kink
Might make a part two (you can write in the comments who else could have this kink) MDNI (Breeding, Pregnancy kink (?), Degradation, Somnophilia)
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Liu Kang ❤️🔥
Look at him. This man would definitely want to have kids, even if he's a god with little time on his hand. He feels dirty whenever he looks at you and the only thing on his mind, is fucking his cum into you. But he can't help it whenever he sees his lover. He enjoys putting his forehead on yours as he's in missionary. Something about this gesture feels so soft and intimate. Sex is impossible for him if there isn't a loving gesture. He hopes to get you pregnant, he just wants to see you carrying his child. "Dear, you're doing so good for me…” He would whisper into your ear while slowly and softly fucking into you. “Such a beauty…”
Bi-Han 💙❄️
Bi-Han is mean. He almost sees you as his personal fleshlight. Just a hole for him to fuck. He doesn't care how worried you are about getting pregnant, he's coming inside. You can't even talk with how hard he's fucking into your already abused hole, how puffy it has gotten from the overstimulation. But even with how sensitive your poor cunt is, it can't stop pulling him in. And whenever you whine and tell him to stop, he just comes with a "Is that so? Because I can feel your pussy milking my cock." He's expecting you to give him a heir. Bi-Han trust you enough to do the job and give him a son. Everytime you guys fuck, he makes sure to cum multiple times inside your cunt. He has to make sure you're completely stuffed with his potent semen.
Kuai Liang 💛🦂
Man has insane baby fever. Whenever he's in a store, he'd stare like five minutes straight at the baby section. He just finds the clothes adorable and hopes to get you pregnant, so he can buy these clothes for his baby. Oftentimes he would ask to start a family and get sad, whenever you felt you weren't ready (idk how, I'd immediately jump on his bones). But whenever you guys have sex, he can't help but think about breeding you. He has this need to fuck his cum deep inside you. He also enjoys after cumming inside you and then watching all his cum oozing out of your poor abused cunt. “You did so good… good night, honey” he says softly while wrapping his strong arms around your body. Please let him breed you, he'd be a great dad trust me
Fujin 🩵🌪️
RAAAA FUJIN. That one interaction between him and Sonya
Fujin: You must like having a daughter
Sonya: Still getting used to the whole idea
Fujin: It is a joy I will never know
But after meeting you, he wants to try and make this reality. You both fell in love and Fujin brought it up one time. When you agree that you are ready to start a family, he gets ecstatic, as well as a feeling in his lower stomach. He was laying on the bed, his long white hair free from the braid. You were riding him, hands gripping his shoulder. Obviously he would never hurt you, but he can't help accidentally leaving little crescent shaped marks on your hips. "My Love... You are so so.. beautiful" He pants out while he fills you up with his cum for the third time. "My Dear... So good just for me..." Fujin groans out. 
Syzoth 💚🦎
The thing with Syzoth is that he isn’t human and that he experiences a breeding season. You’d notice how much bigger he’d make himself whenever there are other men near you. He gets more clingy, you can forget privacy, with him following you everywhere. You’d ask what’s wrong and he’d denied it, as if whatever it was, was shameful to admit. You dropped it. But you can’t ignore these weird changes getting stronger each day. Until one night you woke up when you felt something rubbing against your ass. When you turned to look, you gasped a bit. There was Syzoth, dry humping you, eyes closed and he was biting his lips to keep quiet. “Syzoth..?” You mumble, not even fully conscious. Suddenly his eyes snap open and he looks at you. His eyes looked different, it held a lot more emotion in them. Suddenly he pushes your head back into the pillow. A small yelp escapes your mouth, but Syzoth was already on you. He’s tearing down your pants and without warning pushes his whole length inside you. It stretched you and you can only bury your face in the pillow, as he fucks with no remorse. “Mate… need to breed mate…” he whispers. Then he leaned down, his bare chest touching your back, as he kissed your ear. “I’m… so.. sorry.. Fuck!” He hisses out the last part. You can only moan as he uses your body for the rest of the night.
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flowersforchoso · 11 months
Bi-han as a father.
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it takes a while for him to adjust to the concept of fatherhood as a result of the strained relationship he had with his father.
but once he gets the hang of it, he'll be the perfect mix of stern and loving. capable of striking fear in his children's hearts if you threaten to report them, "i'll tell your father" works like a charm to make them act right, but he's welcoming and will never turn his children away or refuse to engage them.
realistically, he would've like 2-3 kids max.
he's a disciplinarian through and through. won't tolerate misbehavior or disrespect, especially if its towards you. he doesn't take kindly to that.
sometimes you feel he's being excessive with it and intervene
"mommy!" your child cries, running to you for protection from their father—a refuge—to which you'd complain that he's being needlessly harsh
"you coddle them too much, that's the problem." he scolds. "no child of mine will be errant"
of course, you get upset at his hard-headedness that barely makes him see from your perspective
and he can tell, because you're no longer receptive to his advances in protest against his behaviour
so he tones down the discipline and tries to be lenient with them. keyword: tries.
nevertheless, he's nurturing and very hands-on. attentive as well. if something is wrong, he notices right away.
will cook for his children because he believes he's the better cook, but they think otherwise, since he just puts lots of vegetables in the food. he wants them to grow healthy and strong
he teaches his children from a tender age to be self-sufficient and trains them to be able to protect themselves and you, if the situation calls for it.
dad time is essential. will take them to exciting places and partake in outdoor activities like gardening, hiking, fishing or simply errands to the marketplace etc. he loves to spend time with them and would crack dad jokes here and there to entertain them. they'll pretend to find it funny.
he's overprotective and strives to be a good role model to his kids.
now if he's a girl dad, there's a slight twist.
his parenting style is much more relaxed due to his mother being the only female presence he had growing up so its a mix of cluelessness and traditional ideals shining through and will mostly take cues from you
training is not mandatory but if they're interested, he would be happy. its not as rigorous and they have the choice to opt out anytime.
he dotes excessively on them that'll make you wonder if this was the same person you married. but it's mainly because he sees them as mini versions of you
at this point, its no surprise he's the preferred parent because of how affectionate he is towards them. and big, strong dad gives the best piggyback rides.
infact, you would have to complain that he's spoiling them too much to which he'd respond
"what's it to you? don't question my parenting" and you leave it at that.
treats them delicately. his paternal instincts go into overdrive everytime and he gets easily worried when it comes to them
when they reach a certain age, he doesn't shy away from topics relating to womanhood. but that doesn't mean he initiates the conversation. he takes on the passive role of listener and further educates himself by asking you questions in private which you tease him for being eager to learn
doesn't joke with his daughters. he's a nightmare of a father nobody would want to deal with because he would raise hell if anyone dares hurt them in any capacity
he's changed so much since having them; has become softened, and is grateful to you for this wonderful gift.
but if he only has sons, its a different story entirely
he's twice as stern and this is because he grew up with brothers so he knows how unruly boys can be
training is mandatory for them, they do not get the luxury to choose. he wants them to be able to protect themselves and you, so he doesn't ever present the opportunity for slacking
in short, he rules with an iron fist. you'd have to remind him that they're his children, not his underlings
struggles with voicing his affection. you'd have to reassure your sons that their father, infact, loves them
and it's only natural they gravitate towards you.
but that doesn't mean he doesn't care for them. because he does. its all about tough love and instilling strong values in them, leaving no room for weakness.
and they constantly want to impress their father. on rare occasions when they do, or bi han is feeling particularly soft, he looks at them with adoration and ruffles their hair or simply utters a "well done" that means the world to them
they look up to their father and are always around him seeking validation
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johnkahner · 10 months
Bi-Han x wife reader
How would Bi-Han react/deal with their kids telling the reader to “shut up”
Not sure if I ask request this to you already sorry if I have.
AN: This was a fun one write. Not proof read.
Notes: Female! Mother! Reader, Father! Bi-Han, kids misbehaving
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Sometimes having two kids only one year apart wasn’t exactly the best thing ever. You were trying to get your 6 year old daughter and 5 year old son to clean up their mess of toys. Of course you were going to help them, but they just ignored you. You wanted the toys put away, so you could have lunch as a family. Well, Bi-Han was busy with Grandmaster stuff, but he should be home at any moment to join his family for lunch. 
As he enters the home to see toys all over the place. You were trying to put them away, but the two kids were in a mischievous mood. They were tossing the toys you had put away. It looked like total chaos. 
“Please, stop tossing your toys. Your father will be home at any moment.”
You were trying to be calm right now. Agitated at your children’s actions. You didn’t even notice that your husband was already home, but he wanted to see how you would handle this situation. If it got too bad he would intervene. 
The two shut you off from what you were going to say. 
They yelled in unison. Those two simple words. Those two words made the room cold, but actually it was Bi-Han. He was pissed that his own children would even dare to speak to their mother, his wife, in that manner.
As the room was beginning to freeze, you looked over to the door to see a fuming Bi-Han. He walks slowly over to you and the children.He glares at the children before speaking. 
“You two, apologize to your mother. Now.”
The harshness in his tone made the children tear up. He speaks once more.
“Also, you two will be grounded for one month.”
The children sobbing apologize to you and begin to pick up their toys. They hated being on their father’s bad side. 
He pulls you into a hug and kisses you on the top of your head. 
“I love you.”
“Love you more.”
During lunch the air was filled with tension because your kids didn’t want to get into any more trouble.
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bihansthot · 5 months
Have some Good Dad!Bi-Han headcanons because I have perpetual Bi-Han baby fever!
Bi-Han is the best, most loving Dad ever and no one can change my mind, his kids are his absolute world. He’s determined not to make the same mistakes his father made.
He plays with them every chance he gets even if his busy job as Grandmaster sometimes gets in the way.
He actively makes time to be there for his children and loves his daughter(s) just as much if not more than his son(s).
He’s such an amazing Girl Dad it’s unreal, always down for a princess tea party or getting his hair braided.
He’s also really hands on with education and helps with homework all the time, he’s best at Chinese and math, but he can still help with other subjects too.
His kids attend school in the local village so they can have a normal school life and have friends and not grow up isolated and lonely like he did. He of course teaches them martial arts and cryomancy after school.
He always tucks his kids in at night and reads to them, sometimes he just freestyles and tells Chinese legends and myths passed down to him from his mother.
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skymoral · 10 months
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🩵 Bi-Han w/ Children Headcannons 🩵
• The only children Bi-Han cares for and protects is his own
• You will have 12 children by him, eight boys and four girls. Majority of your children have traditional Chinese names or certain American names translated in Chinese
• He loves his boys but is strict when it comes to training and teaching them to protect the Lin Kuei and family.
But if anyone ever fucks with son, he will not show mercy. They are his heart, DO NOT! Cross his family
• As for his daughters, he leaves that to you. He believes that is your expertise. He does little training with them, just the basics of self-defense. But he makes it clear not to have them in battle.
• His daughters though are literally glued to him, 24/7. The main thing your girls do religiously is their father’s hair. Certain parts of his head braided. And he would walk around with pride with the hairstyle
And if anyone ever say anything about it, will regret the day they spoke.
• He spoils his kids to death, especially his daughters. Your children always look nice and cared for by their father and uncles.
• Suprisingly there favorite uncle is Tomas, they love there Kuai Liang but Tomas is a lot fun to play with and indulge in there antics.
Tomas is more available then there father and other uncle
• The stuff that you see in Bluey with the kids and parents. You and Bi-Hans kids can get that chaotic and make games, that you commit to a lot of times. It’s very rare when Bi-Han does it, but when he does. It’s quite the sight and memory.
Sometimes they even have there uncles or rest of the Lin Kuei into it
• The children love their auntie Harumi who brings them gifts and homemade cookies from her home and travels. Bi-Han doesn’t like when they have to much doughy foods let alone candy
But you let them enjoy it whenever your husband isn’t around, and remind the children. “Don’t tell your father, it’ll be our little secret.”
• The children love and respects their father, and whenever given praises. It makes them super happy. As you have to remind Bi-Han the importance of praising a child when they do good, as it makes them continue and shows that he loves them despite his many scorns of there behavior
• Liu Kang is like there godfather, he always shares his wisdom with them and they heed his words a lot. The other people in earthrealm, Now with Johnny, your daughters like to bribe him or extort him for money. For them to protect him.
You question your girls moral, “If only we knew where they got that from?” You looked at Bi-Han.
“At least Starboy’s money will be put to good use.” Bi-Han retorted.
• The Lin Kuei children are the legacy and future of the clan and will continue to share its glory and name throughout the world.
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izzabela · 2 months
Hi there! Can you write about the female reader being adopted into the Lin Kuei family (similar to Tomas) and was raised along the Lin Kuei trio, Kuai Liang develops romantic feelings for the reader but doesn't know and understand those feelings until years later Kuai Liang overhears one of the earthrealm's champions trying to ask the reader on a date?
Set My Heart Ablaze - Kuai Liang x fem!reader
in which Kuai Liang finally understands the slight ache in his chest every time he sees you
a/n: i love the premise, but i'm tweaking it a bit since adopted siblings are a grey area
ship[s]: kuai liang x fem!reader
warning(s): story deviation?
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i seriously would not mind being in between him and bi han
Before the first signs of his fire powers manifested, Kuai Liang always noted the odd feeling in his chest whenever he saw you.
First meeting as children, probably no more than five years old, Kuai Liang always felt that little beat in his chest. You and Kuai Liang became fast friends, practically inseparable as your childhood played out.
From doing little play-spars, to eating, napping, and playing, you two were always together doing something.
Kuai Liang remembers him telling Bi Han and his father about the "weird feeling" in his chest. His father told him it was him playing too hard, while Bi Han teased him for liking a girl. Heck, even Harumi, when she was able to visit, would always ask him about his "new friend".
Of course, when Tomas was adopted, you and Kuai Liang integrated him to create the trio of mischief. At that time, he wasn't fluent in the language, but Kuai Liang mentally sighed as he realized even he looked between you and him like he liked you.
As you and Kuai Liang grew up, you two grew closer. From little kids who'd chase each other around one another's homes, you guys had become teenagers who would train with one another. More changes came along with the passage of time: his powers had come to him, your own magic came as well, learning the ways of both your clans, more responsibilities, training.
Not to mention puberty.
Though both of you still rather young, it was clear to Kuai Liang that you were going to flourish into something beautiful. Your body was experiencing changes, like how you grew taller. Your eyes began to sparkle a little more, and the air around you seemed... softer.
Over all, you just grew more pretty in Kuai Liang's eyes, and that same feeling in his chest kept clawing at him.
To keep himself focused, he came to the conclusion that this feeling was a side effect to his pyro powers. In order to master them, he needed to truly focus- and that meant isolation until he could get it right. As he honed his powers during that time, Kuai Liang noted that the thumping went away. Maybe he got it right, until you sent him a letter.
The rhythmic feeling came back, this time doubled its speed. He had to get it checked by the mages in the palace, but they concluded no magic resided in the ink or parchment. It was strange, and it kept Kuai Liang's mind muddled with thoughts and what-ifs. When he confided to his family about it, it was a mixed bag of reactions.
"Your magic is reactive, so cease any feelings not related to mastering your magic," Bi Han scolded him. Tomas was a bit kinder, though.
"Perhaps you need rest, your magic is a lot harder to control."
That was but many years ago. Now, here you were, with him and his brothers watching you spar Raiden as part of a joint training session pushed by Lord Liu Kang. In the many centuries he had been doing this, he had called upon your clan to role-play Empress Sindel's daughters in spars.
This time would be no different.
Kuai Liang watched as you held deadly metal fans in your hands. You stood against Kung Lao, who also bore a deadly weapon as part of everyday use. He watched as you circled one another, before Kung Lao practically pounced at you.
You moved like water, fluid as you dodged everything he threw at you. You were practically dancing as you parried his attacks, blocked, or threw your own arms and legs at him. He was lost in a trance at you impeccable skills, awed by your talent, and stumped by your undeniable beauty as you downed the farm boy.
Kung Lao was flat on his back on the ground. His head was pinned between the dagger-fans, and his hat was in your hands and against his neck. No, you weren't cutting him, simply cornering him until he conceded- which he finally did after a groan and a hefty sigh.
Kuai Liang's chest had been going at it all day, but the sight of you helping Kung Lao up with the same face you always gave him made his chest squeeze tighter than ever. He tried to keep the knotting feeling at bay, but it was too much for him. So much for fire magic mastery.
His hand is on Bi Han's shoulder, gripping it tightly as he doubles over and begins to heave for air. It's constricting, like someone keeping him in a chokehold in the air. It's so bad that everyone begins to look over at them, including you.
"Are you alright, brother?" He asks with a hint of worry in his gravely voice.
Kuai Liang shakes his head, "I am fine, just the magic." Bi Han is skeptical, but he accepts it.
Tomas's anxiety is more evident in his voice. "Are you ill? Do you need to head to the infirmary?"
Kuai Liang tries to answer again, but his eyes accidentally catch the concern in yours. You approach him slowly, like one does a frightened animal, but he just turns away and leans on Tomas to take him up on his offer.
"Brother, we are taking our leave," Tomas announces. You're shocked at how quickly Kuai Liang rejects you, but you bow to them in respect as you watch Tomas carry a limping Kuai Liang with a worried Bi Han trailing behind them.
Kuai Liang wakes up to a mixture of hushed whispers from within and outside the infirmary. He blinks the blurriness from his eyes, and he sits up to be met with his brothers at the bedside.
"Agh," he groans, holding his head. Bi Han just tuts his tongue, getting up from his seat to get some stuff. Tomas smiles in relief, sighing as he gets closer.
"Oh thank goodness you're awake!" he says happily. "You crashed right before we entered the infirmary, and you began to overheat to the point I almost burned."
Kuai liang chuckles nervously. "Apologies, brother. Are you alright?" Tomas just nods, and Bi Han comes in with his own words.
"If it weren't for me, Tomas would have been on a bed as well." Bi Han sits back down on the bedside chair, dipping the rag in cold water and slapping it (yes, slapping it) on Kuai Liang's forehead. He sighs at the coolness, sinking back into bed once more.
He's relaxed, sitting in the comfortable silence of his brothers, but he picks up on a couple of voices outside the infirmary. There's a window right above his bed, and it's cracked just enough for him to hear the conversation outside.
It seems Tomas and Bi Han notice his behavior as well, vigilantly watching Kuai Liang's expressions as the wind carries the voices.
"Not everyone who smiles at you is in love, Johnny," a semi-deep voice scolds. "Besides, when will we possibly have free time for you to take her anywhere?"
Kuai Liang's eyebrows go up ever so slightly, but he keeps his breathing steady to make sure his chest doesn't beat him into a stupor.
"Come on, Ken doll," Johnny says, "We could just eat privately from everyone else during lunch! All I gotta do is ask."
Kuai Liang is nervous, especially since he thinks he knows where the conversation is going, but he doesn't want any emotions to take over until he gets the bigger picture.
He hears your name coming from a youthfully arrogant voice, and that's when everything becomes clear.
"She is too good for you," Kung Lao interjects. "If she is anything like a clan leader, she will reject you on the spot."
Johnny scoffs, "That's why we call it 'shooting your shot', but you wouldn't know since I'm the one who'll do it first, Razor-rang."
Kuai Liang shuts the window with a harsh thud, but it doesn't filter out the fight between Kung Lao and Johnny over you. He closes his eyes and tries to control his breathing that gets more haggard every second. One hand over his heart and another on his head, he's hyperventilating as the thudding in his chest grows more and more incessant.
"B-Brother?" Tomas stutters as he removes the blankets over him, "Kuai Liang, talk to us!"
Bi Han's palms are immediately hovering over his body, emitting a bit of frost and snow to try and cool him down. There's a burning smell that comes from Kuai Liang, and the sweat coming from his body only adding more fuel to the fire (haha punny).
It isn't until Bi Han literally freezes a part of Kuai Liang's arm that he snaps out of his fiery episode.
"Kuai Liang! What in the realms!" Bi Han scolds as he sits his brother up against some stacked pillows. The heat from Kuai Liang's body is melting his arm, but it doesn't stop his thoughts.
Ask her out? Kuai Liang thinks. Again, that stupid thumping racks his ribs at the thought of of you out on a date with one of them- especially Johnny.
His mind plays visions of you laughing at something the actor says, the sound of your laughter not his anymore. It flashes to your smile, but it isn't directed at him.
As Kuai Liang steadies his breathing, Bi Han is the first to piece everything together.
"Is it her?" Bi Han asks as your name slips from his mouth.
Bi Han is frustrated when Kuai Liang shakes his head and plays an excuse.
"As stated before, jus' my magic," his voice slurred just a bit.
Bi Han just groans again, and it is Tomas who tries to egg him on, playing off Bi Han's idea.
"I did hear that she'll be going on a date soon. Raiden did mention to me that Kung Lao would be planning to ask her out..."
Tomas hit the sweet spot with that one. Kuai Liang's chest squeezes once more, and he takes deep breaths to try and alleviate his heart burn.
Bi Han and Tomas have never had a moment like this before. Their usually level-headed brother, one with perfect battle plans and proper thinking, was lost and disheveled at the mere mention of your name.
Scratch that, not even mention. The sight of you, the smell of you, the look of you. He had been felled by love, a double-edged sword if not properly handled.
And right now, the sword was cutting him deep.
"You are... in love with her?" Bi Han asks carefully.
At this declaration, all of Kuai Liang's memories of you and him come flooding in like a tidal wave. Strong, powerful, and overwhelming, it ironically soothed the pain he had in his chest. Dulling it completely until he felt a new rhythm in it.
His heart boomed with a quick, but not suffocating, rhythm at the thought of you. His eyes were soft, his breathing stable, and he sunk into the comfort of his pillows as he stared into the ceiling.
"Oh," is all he manages to say.
Tomas wears the shock all over his face, while Bi Han stares with a singular raised brow. They turn to one another before looking back at Kuai Liang.
Was that all it took for him to finally piece together his own feelings?
As Bi Han and Tomas are busy cleaning up, they hear a knock on the door. Kuai Liang is silent as he hears your soft voice speak to his kin.
"I brought food for him," you say in a hushed voice. "Knowing him, he must be starved."
He sits up again and meets your eyes. Shining like stars, you smile brightly as you sat down next to his thighs on the edge of the bed. In between you two are rice balls and steamed buns, and in a bakers dozen. Thirteen each food, all for you two to share.
"How are you?" You ask him as you took a bite of the steamed bun. "You looked so... nervous earlier. Are you alright?"
Kuai Liang nods dumbly as his body is on autopilot. He begins to eat a rice ball robotically, and Bi Han rubs his temple in disappointment.
"U-uh, we'll be taking our leave!" Tomas announces as he bows. He takes his brother's wrist and walks out, leaving you a little sad as you wanted to share the food.
"Poo..." you huff. "More for us!"
It's quiet between you two, but it isn't awkward. The beating in Kuai Liang's chest, you both keep eating away at the food until he takes a break to inform you of some interesting news.
"Kung Lao seems to have an eye for you," he says. "The actor as well. He plans to ask you to a private dinner."
Your eyes are wide at first, then you break down into hysterical laughter. Kuai Liang smiles nervously, but you just keep going in your fit of amusement.
"Funny you are, Kuai Liang. I mean, where did you hear that?" As you wipe your eyes from the tears of joy, you're met with the confident stare of Kuai Liang's eyes. Still, you are innocent to how he actually feels, and you continue to provoke him with your thoughts.
"Perhaps I will accept just because. Perhaps someone will win a bet with my boldness." Kuai Liang huffs at you with a glare, and you're shocked to say the least.
"I only jest, my friend." You go back to eating your food, and the ambience is awkward.
Kuai Liang, without thought or warning, slams his food down and moves closer to you. Shuffling out of his seat, he sits right next to you, and he takes your hand to place it over his heart. You gasp at how warm he is, despite the many layers that are between him and his body. You're very close to him, smelling the natural scent of burned lumber on his body as he tilts your chin up.
"Kuai... what is this?" you ask quietly, almost breathlessly, as you focus in on that rhythm in his chest. His heart, racing and pulsating, moves even faster at your tender touch. Kuai Liang responds just as softly.
"Do you feel this?" he asks you. "Do you feel what you do to me?" he's motioning you to the feeling in his chest. Dumbly, you nod, unable to focus as all the fine details of the assassin are right in front of you.
His deep brown eyes stare at you deeply, and you can see the little scars and scabs from years of battle. His brows, usually in one position, are softened and relaxed. And dear oh dear, his lips are thick and full, kissable- wait, did you really think about that?
"Your heart beats," you answer the obvious. "But... why is that an issue? Is it your magic?"
He shakes his head, "I guess, one could say it is magic. However, it is all you. Your smile, your laughter, presence, everything has a magic bind over me."
If you were shocked before, you'd probably have a heart attack by now. This was a hearty confession, one he had kept for years, and you'd also be lying if you said you didn't have a crush on him as well.
"So then... it isn't your magic?" you tease him, patting his chest lightly. He chuckles and moves his hand from under your chin to your cheek.
"You set my heart ablaze, my dear." Your own heart probably exploded right about now. It doesn't stop you as you move your other free hand to his cheek, pulling his face closer to yours as you give him the confirmation he had been looking for.
The healing spell to his chest problems, if you will.
"Give it to me, your heart," you whisper confidently. "I'll keep the flame alive for as long as I live."
bonus scene:
Tomas smelled something funny when he went to check on Kuai Liang after he and Bi Han left.
As a hunter, he developed a great sense of smell, and he was very useful to his family before the accident. He could smell when it was going to rain, whether threats lurked, or if there was game near by. He could also smell the scents of people.
As he, Bi Han, you, and Kuai Liang stood side by side, outside watching the champions train in a 2v2 match, the wind carried a scent he never thought he would smell in his lifetime.
By the elder gods, you two had sex when he left.
He keeps a brave face on, using his hand to over his nose and mouth to seem like he was in deep thought, but his nose couldn't lie. The pheromones of his brother's natural smell and yours were mixed in the air, and it was suffocating as the stench was stronger than any screen of smoke he had released.
"Does anyone smell that?" he asks to test the waters, but you and his brothers shake your heads.
There were times he wanted his untrained nose back- this was one of them.
He sighs as he keeps up the façade.
I think I might meet my end here, he thinks.
why was kuai liang hard to write for LOLOL
no yapping today, still trying to finish my requests
see y'all in the next fic!
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glorysbox · 1 year
I would love to see a continuation of those bihan fics you have but after he's gotten his son. Like how would he act afterwards?
(pregnancy talk, bihan lowkey/highkey has mommy and daddy issues)
bihan loves you, in his own way.
i can see him having a "marriage" (for lack of a better term), essentially letting everyone know publicly and officially who you belong to. if you bother him enough, he'd probably give you a wedding—though small, most likely only having the people he trusted (like cyrax and sektor) and maybe some of the people you'd request like family or close close friends. you'd really have to convince him, though…
he'd definitely start kissing you more. he loves the feeling of your lips on his; finds himself seeking the warmth of your lips and body on his more than he'd like to admit. bihan would definitely be opening up to you (physically), allowing you to cling to him in private or acquiescing to your pleads to be in the room with him while he's doing paperwork or foreseeing future battles with his second in commands.
bi-han would be wanting to see you often, going as far as making you sleep in his quarters instead of your own. you're barely halfway through your pregnancy by the time he's ordered you to stay with him in bed. at first, i don't think he'd been to receptive to any cuddling. but if you complain enough, he'll give in.
he's protective; the grandmaster of the lin kuei does have many enemies after all. (really, they'd never be able to breach the temple of the lin kuei. he uses it as an excuse to be with you constantly and oversee you during pregnancy. he doesn't want to lose you like he'd lost his mother or his brother.)
when it comes to the labor + aftermath… he doesn't really leave your side, ever. he's there when you give birth. he insists on being the one to cut the umbilical cord (with a blade made of ice). in the meantime, all of his responsibilities are passed down to sektor and cyrax, leaving him with more than enough time to nag you about the way you handle his son. he's often telling you how to do what since he "cared for kuai liang while he was a child", which means he knows more than you. (he doesn't)
surprisingly enough… he's "sweet" with his son, especially as he gets older. i think bihan's father wasn't the best to him (which i believe is why he let him die and acted the way he did in mk1). knowing how it feels to be treated less than favorably by his father, he would never repeat the cycle onto his own child. this doesn't mean he'll allow his son to be soft, though. expect your son to go through a LOT of training in the future to be a formidable grandmaster himself.
your relationship with him definitely undergoes many changes, too. you used to consider him much higher than you, but as the years go on, you start to see him as more of an equal. he does the same, considering you his equal way earlier than you him. you're not allowed to call him grandmaster anymore, only "husband" or "bihan" (he will still pull the obey your grandmaster card on you to get what he wants, though)
and yes, bihan wants another son too. he wants his first son to have a brother as soon as possible (which strangely parallels his own life… he'd never admit it to anyone but you, but he finds himself missing his little brother at times.)
you're expected to be a good mother as well. he expects you to be like his mother—who he thinks did a great job at raising him. you'll have to be tough and no nonsense, and willing to discipline your children to teach them lessons at a young age. he'll definitely get on your ass if he finds you coddling his son far too much and making him "weak". if you have a daughter though… imagine his protectiveness times one trillion. seriously. she'll probably be just as spoiled as you are. and yes, you are spoiled. the members of the lin kuei basically treat you as an extension of bihan. and he always makes sure you get what you want.
he was comfortable having just you to defend and protect, knowing that his sons also could protect you… but with a daughter thrown in the mix, expect the both of you to never be let out of his sight. he would be soooo annoying about it!! god forbid he has to go somewhere without you—you're stuck listening to sektor ramble on and on about whatever silly scientific experiments while he babysits you and her.
you'd probably catch him more than a few times being uncharacteristically sweet to your daughter—especially if she resembles you or resembles his mother. he'd definitely soften up with her (not in front of anyone but your family, however.)
still, bihan is a cold man. literally and figuratively. don't expect him to talk much about his family life or his feelings. he does demand to know everything about yours, though...
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chiqelatasblog · 6 months
Can I request imagine: Bi Han fell in love with Shang Tsung's daughter; unlike her father she is gentle and soft spoken and thanks to her father she mastered soul magic takes place when Shang Tsung captured Bi Han and Kuai Liang please?
Um… Well… This imagine turned into a whole one-shot. I'll try to shorten it in the future. I realized that I can't write short fic.🥲
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Fates Intertwined ♾️
-> Ao3 link is here.
Pairings : Bi-Han/ Sub - Zero x You
Tropes : Major Character Injury, Blood and Injury, Near Death Experiences, Fluff and Hurt/Comfort, Falling in Love, Strangers to Lovers, Protectiveness, Possessive Behavior, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence , Intimacy
Summary : Bi-Han, gravely wounded during a mission, finds himself lost in the uncharted territory of Outworld. As he teeters on the brink of death, he awakens in an unfamiliar home. There a woman, a master of soul magic, emerges into his life, her presence calming and gentle as she tends to Bi-Han's injuries. Drawn to her unexpectedly, Bi-Han finds himself experiencing feelings he never had before.
However, little does he know, his savior harbors a secret...
Author’s Note : This is the first request I’ve ever received, I didn’t get any notifications about it so I found it on accident actually. Anyway I’m kind of excited to share it, it’s over 8k (I got away with feelings.) Hope it lived up to expectations! 💕
He was on the brink of death.
Bi-Han felt the specter of death looming closer than ever before as he dragged his battered body through the uncharted terrain of Outworld. While he had faced dangerous situations in the past, none had brought him as precariously close to the brink as this one. With every step, he pressed a hand against his stomach, where a gaping wound on his right side oozed blood, a portion of it torn away. His vision dimmed gradually, like a flickering lamp nearing its end, his breathing ragged, his steps unsteady. Despite having accomplished his mission, he snarled with what little strength remained, enraged that his slight lapse in caution would cost him his life.
Each step grew more arduous, his coordination failing as darkness encroached upon his sight. Unable to discern what obstacles tripped him amidst the dimming landscape, he collapsed heavily onto the ground. The wound, incessantly bleeding with each convulsion of his body, sent tremors of agony coursing through him, threatening to shatter his teeth as he gritted them in pain.
Struggling to roll onto his side, Bi-Han expelled the soil that had invaded his mouth and smeared his lips, laboring to draw oxygen into his weakened lungs. Above, the sky darkened, with the moon and stars emerging while clouds gathered ominously, presaging the impending rain. It was a grim realization that in this barren, lifeless landscape, he would meet his end alone—a consequence of his arrogance and overconfidence in his abilities. Dry and lifeless plants dotted the cracked earth, while rocks and pebbles stretched as far as the eye could see, with no sign of a river or any semblance of life.
Death had never been a fear for him, he was raised with the understanding that every moment could be his last. Memories raced through his mind like fragments of a shattered mirror; his training, the teachings of his clan, and the faces of those he had loved and lost along the way. Amidst the pain, a sense of regret gnawed at him, whispering of unfinished business and promises left unfulfilled. Yet, amidst the turmoil, a resolute determination surged within him, a steadfast refusal to succumb to the darkness that threatened to consume him. While the frustration and ambition of leaving his goals unfinished weighed heavily, he found a measure of peace in knowing that Kuai Liang would capably assume the mantle of grandmaster and safeguard the clan.
As he drew a deep breath, a fit of coughing wracked him, the bitter taste of blood filling his mouth. Turning his head to the side to avoid suffocation, he surrendered to a numbing sensation that dulled his senses from head to toe.
Finally, unable to stave off the encroaching darkness any longer, his eyes, barely able to remain open, fluttered closed.
The first sensation that washed over him was a soothing warmth, cocooning him like a comforting embrace. Blinking open his eyes, Bi-Han found himself lying atop a soft surface, the faint scent of clean soap wafting around him. In the distance, he could hear a soft female voice humming a kind of melody, accompanied by the clinking of plates and dishes. Struggling to lift his heavy eyelids, he squinted at the wooden ceiling above him, its rough texture illuminated by the soft glow of candlelight casting dancing shadows across the room.
‘’The hell?’’
His words emerged hoarsely from his parched throat. As he attempted to sit up, the covers slipped off, landing on his lap, and a sharp pain shot through his side where the wound lay. Clenching his hand over the bandages wrapped around his abdomen, he felt the fabric instead of his usual cold skin. The bandages appeared freshly changed, but his right side had already begun to bleed anew due to his carelessness.
With a muttered curse, Bi-Han glanced around the room, his body tensing as footsteps approached. Instinctively, he summoned an ice kunai into his hand, a simple gesture that now felt exhausting under the circumstances. Just as the figure drew near, he leveled the weapon with a silent threat.
‘’I didn’t go through all this trouble just for you to kill me,’’ admonished a soft female voice. ‘’Besides, I’ve just changed those bandages, and now I’ll have to do it all over again. Why are you still sitting? You need to lay down.’’
Bi-Han’s surprise was tinged with suspicion. Was this woman blind? How could she not have noticed the sharp kunai in his hand? Moreover, she appeared unarmed, leaving herself defenseless against him. His anger flared at the implication that he was underestimated. Even injured, he was still a lethal force to be reckoned with.
‘’Do you intend to worsen the bleeding?’’ she continued calmly, stepping closer but maintaining a cautious distance. ‘‘I am not a threat to you. My name is (y/n). I found you and brought you to my home for treatment. You’ve been here for three days. If I wanted to harm you, I wouldn’t have bothered bringing you back from the brink.’’
Bi-Han’s gaze softened slightly as he absorbed her words. Despite his initial hostility, there was something about her demeanor that suggested genuine concern. Yet, he remained wary, his mind racing with questions and suspicions.
‘’Why?” growled Bi-Han through clenched teeth, his gaze sharp as he eyed the young woman standing before him.
The woman blinked in surprise at the question. “I don’t understand.”
“Why did you save me?”
“Because you were dying,” she replied innocently, taking another step toward him. “Now, will you let go of what you have and let me help you?”
“I can take care of myself,” Bi-Han insisted, trying not to be swayed by the woman’s gentle aura as he moved to stand up, wary of her true intentions. The woman’s expression clouded with worry.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”
“Don’t interfere—Fuck.” Despite his attempt to rise, sharp pain lanced through Bi-Han’s body, threatening to overwhelm him. Just as he felt himself faltering, a soft body caught him, careful to avoid his wound. A sweet scent enveloped him—cinnamon and vanilla—intoxicatingly sweet, like fresh-baked buns.
Relaxing involuntarily, Bi-Han allowed the woman to guide him back onto the bed, his resistance waning. She had a point—if she wanted him dead, she wouldn’t have gone to such lengths to keep him alive for three days, despite being a total stranger.
“I have to open the bandages and check your stitches. I’m afraid they may have burst.”
“I’ll take care of it myself,” Bi-Han retorted, refusing to show weakness or dependence.
“Why won’t you let me help you?” The woman’s voice softened, her gentle demeanor tugging at something within Bi-Han. Though he remained silent, she sighed deeply. “I have a light touch and am quite fast, you can trust me. If I happen to hurt you, you can also treat your wounds. I just want to assist and ease your suffering, especially since you’re badly wounded. Oh and besides that, I made some stew. I’m sure you’re hungry.”
Bi-Han scrutinized (y/n) for the first time since waking, assessing her body language and facial expressions. As an assassin, he rarely misjudged people. Despite his initial wariness, he sensed a purity and compassion within her that he couldn’t ignore. The subtle tilt of her head and the warmth in her eyes felt genuine. Even though he couldn’t fathom why she would go to such lengths to heal a dangerous person like him, knowing he could easily harm her without breaking a sweat, he found himself appreciating her compassion. Yet, alongside his gratitude, a twinge of annoyance gnawed at him, stemming from her apparent blindness to the danger he inherently posed.
With a resigned grunt, he relented, allowing her to tend to him as she saw fit, though a part of him remained on guard, ready to react at the slightest sign of threat.
A week had passed since his return from the brink of death, and four days since he had awakened in your home. In that time, while his wound had begun to heal rapidly, his movements remained slow and restricted. Returning to his clan without a full recovery would only be self-torment, risking undoing the healing process with his own hands. And also, you were stubborn about it, showing no inclination to let him go until he was fully restored to health.
As absurd as the situation seemed to Bi-Han, it also warmed him in a way he hadn’t anticipated. Despite his injuries, he was an assassin and the grandmaster of the Lin Kuei—capable of neutralizing any threat that crossed his path. But you posed no threat; instead, you cared for him with remarkable dedication, as if welcoming a normal person into your home rather than a man with lethal abilities. Day by day, Bi-Han found himself lowering his guard against you, a sensation he struggled to control.
During the first night, while you slept, he scrutinized every corner of your house, finding no weapons or defenses. There was nothing you could have done to protect yourself from him. Trained from an early age to turn disadvantage into advantage, Bi-Han realized that this was not the case here. You harbored no ulterior motives; your only intention was to help him.
With the house being small and his movement limited by his wound, Bi-Han had ample time to observe and learn about you. Spending time together, he discovered your extraordinary ability to heal and revive him using soul magic—a gift passed down from your father. Bi-Han refrained from prying into your past, respecting the boundaries you set. He knew only what you chose to share—that your father was a merchant who often left for months at a time with his caravan.
Staring at his reflection in the bathroom mirror, barely able to fit two people, Bi-Han assessed his unkempt appearance. His normally well-kept hair hung loose, difficult to manage due to his injury, cascading down his neck to his chest. A scruffy beard obscured his chin, his pale skin accentuated by dark circles under his eyes. Running a hand through his hair, he muttered to himself, ‘‘I need to shave… And I definitely need a damn shower.’’
‘’Did you say something?’’ Bi-Han looked at you inquisitively from the bathroom door, wondering how long you had been standing there watching him. Your cheeks flushed a sweet shade of red as you realized you had been caught. ‘’Well, the door was open, so—I thought, um… do you need something? I heard you talking to yourself,’’ you said, trying to regain your composure quickly.
‘‘I need to take a shower, and I also need to trim my beard. It itches.’’
‘’Oh, sure. The towels are right there.’’ you replied, entering the room and retrieving the towels from the wooden closet under the sink. As you spoke, you kept busy, avoiding his gaze. ‘‘It’s better if your wound doesn’t get wet for a while longer. I can give you a cloth to wipe your body, and I can help with your hair. If you want, of course.’’ Though you added the last part hastily, your avoidance of his gaze didn’t go unnoticed by Bi-Han, who couldn’t help but smirk slightly.
It was evident from your demeanor that you held an interest in him—your actions were transparent and sincere. What intrigued Bi-Han even more was that he also found himself drawn to you. For the first time in a long while, there was no need for him to be on guard, and your presence offered an unexpected reprieve from his usual responsibilities. You brought him more comfort than anyone had before, your dedication focused on helping rather than brute force, and you effortlessly dismantled the walls he had built around himself. It was a mystery to Bi-Han how you managed to achieve this in such a short time, but your presence had a calming effect on him.
‘’Do whatever you want.’’ Bi-Han said, beginning to undress. Your eyes widened in alarm at his actions.
‘’W-What are you doing?’’
‘’I will wipe my body as you said. Since you’re so helpful, maybe you’d like to assist me with that too?’’ Bi-Han lowered his voice, locking eyes with you as he took pleasure in the crimson blush that spread across your face. He didn’t fully understand this newfound calmness and playful demeanor within himself, but he felt compelled to act this way around you. You weren’t under his command or a threat to be eliminated; instead, you were the reason he was still alive. Though he was reluctant to admit it, he owed you his life.
Your response was stuttered and unclear as you hurriedly left the bathroom as if it were on fire. ‘’Just call out to me when you’re finished. And don’t forget to wrap a towel around yourself,’’ you called out from behind the door.
Bi-Han carefully placed his clothes in a corner to keep them dry, then settled onto the edge of the bathtub, ensuring not to disturb his bandages. Using the cloth you provided, he began to cleanse the dirt and grime from his body, avoiding the area of his wound. Minutes later, when the water ran clear, he wrapped one of the towels around his waist and called out to you.
Opening the door cautiously, you peeked inside to confirm that he was following your instructions. Seeing him with the towel wrapped around his waist, you entered the room and closed the door behind you. “Sit on the edge of the bathtub and lean your head back,” you instructed in a gentle tone. As Bi-Han complied, you adjusted the water temperature for a few seconds until it reached the desired level. Letting out a small murmur of approval, you turned your attention to him, holding a shower cap in your hand.
As your eyes met, your cheeks flushed once again, and you quickly averted your gaze to his hair. Clearing your throat with a small cough, you began to wet his hair, ensuring the water stayed away from his face. Bi-Han watched your every move with keen interest, finding pleasure in your innocence and sincerity.
“Does the water feel too hot?” you asked, breaking the silence.
A small grunt escaped Bi-Han’s lips. “I’m a cryomancer; water temperature doesn’t bother me.”
“Oh, right. I forgot. It’s not every day I meet someone like you. I thought cryomancers were just a myth,” your fingers hesitating slightly as you untangled his hair. Emboldened by his lack of reaction, you continued to work, carefully removing the knots with practiced hands. “Your hair is very beautiful.” you said in a low, soft voice that could be considered shy.
“It’s just black,” Bi-Han replied.
“It’s not just black; it’s like onyx, especially when it’s wet. I’ve never seen such dark black hair before. It suits you.” As you determined that his hair was sufficiently wet, you picked up a shampoo that smelled of sugary flowers and squeezed a generous amount into your hand. “I’m sorry, this is all I have. I hope it’s not a problem.” you said, your voice tinged with apology.
‘’It’s better than dirt,” Bi-Han remarked in a dry voice. Though he had no desire to smell like a flower garden, he also acknowledged that he didn’t have a better option. As your fingers began to massage his scalp, Bi-Han was taken aback by how pleasant it felt. Your deft fingers worked circles on his scalp, lathering the shampoo, and Bi-Han found himself relaxing in waves of relief, melting like ice rapidly thawing. The warmth in the bathroom, the gentle touch… it was almost overwhelming, especially given how skilled your fingers were at their task.
“You might want to close your eyes, I wouldn’t want the shampoo to run into them by accident.” You said, breaking him out of the trance he hadn’t even realized he had slipped into. Once again, Bi-Han was surprised at how low his guard was around you. He had stopped seeing you as a threat some time ago, but he couldn’t comprehend how easily he let down the automatic defenses he had cultivated over many years.
Closing his eyes, Bi-Han waited for you to rinse the shampoo from his hair. After washing for a while, you reached for the towel in the corner to help him dry off.
“Okay, you can stand up, we’re done.” you announced.
Bi-Han stood up quickly, stretching his neck, which had grown stiff from being in the same position for so long, before turning his gaze to you. With your cheeks flushed from the warmth of the bathroom, your clothes splattered with water drops, and your skin glowing from the moisture, you appeared vulnerable and innocent enough to make his chest ache.
Raised in a clan of ruthless assassins where survival and flawless execution of death were paramount, Bi-Han had always imagined the woman who would enter his life as strong, tough, with sharp eyes and an authoritarian nature to adapt to his lifestyle. Yet, looking at you, he began to question this assumption for the first time. You possessed a nurturing side that defied brute force, completely opposite to his expectations, and Bi-Han found himself unexpectedly drawn to this contrast. You were good to him.
“Bi-Han… You’ve been staring at me for a while. Is everything okay?” you asked.
“I want to kiss you.” Bi-Han blurted out suddenly. The words escaped his lips so spontaneously that he was as surprised as you were. Though he could have easily taken you in his arms and kissed you, he wanted your consent, to hear from your lips if you desired it as much as he did. You were the last person he wanted to intimidate or use force on.
As your eyes widened in astonishment, a loud “What?” escaped your lips.
‘’You heard me.” Bi-Han said sharply. Your cheeks flushed to the tips of your ears, the color he liked to see. Approving him in a soft, almost shy voice, your gaze drifted to the ground.
Finally hearing the answer he desired, Bi-Han growled and gently raised your head with his fingers grasping the tip of your chin. He connected his lips with yours, driven by a voracious appetite. This hunger was unlike anything he had ever experienced before, possessing a fiery intensity that shook him to his core. It wasn’t until he kissed you that he realized the depth of his feelings; he could have kissed your lips, as soft and tender as rose petals, for hours, sating an inner thirst he hadn’t known existed.
His hand traced the line of your jaw, capturing the back of your head and part of your neck. Placing his other hand on the curve of your waist, he gently squeezed the soft flesh, eliciting a small, breathless moan from your lips. Your voice, trembling like a whip of flame, ignited a dangerous fire within Bi-Han.
There was a unique taste to you, one that defined you completely. It was clean, like dewdrops forming on leaves in the morning spring, and wet as he slid his tongue between your parted lips. Another small moan escaped you as you placed your hands on his shoulders, your thumbs massaging the veins that began to appear on his neck. Bi-Han found himself hating the bathtub that stood as a barrier between them, longing to bridge the distance between you.
‘’Hold on tight.” He growled savagely, his lips pouring forth a mixture of desire and intensity. With your flushed cheeks, half-lidded eyes, and breathless look, you embodied a dangerous blend of innocence and allure, a presence that could emerge on the wettest of nights. As you tightened your grip on his shoulders in response to his command, Bi-Han effortlessly lifted you from the bathtub, as if you weighed nothing at all.
“Bi-Han! Your wound–” you began, concern lacing your voice.
“I’m fine.” Bi-Han cut you off, dismissing any objections as he instructed you to wrap your legs around his waist. He captured your lips again, this time with a fierce hunger that left little room for gentleness. Despite his intentions to proceed slowly and remain in control, you made it nearly impossible with your presence alone. Your scent, your soft skin, your delicate movements – they all acted as an irresistible spell, unraveling Bi-Han’s logic and common sense piece by piece.
Drops of water from his wet hair trailed down your cheek, then your neck, as Bi-Han followed their path with his tongue. He paused at the curve of your neck, grazing your skin with his teeth.
“You don’t even know how bad I want you. Now.” he declared in a voice thick with desire, his need palpable. Tilting his head slightly, he took your earlobe between his teeth, exerting just enough pressure to send a shiver down your spine. “Can I have you?”
You trembled in his arms, pressing your body against his, and buried your head in the curve of his neck, your voice barely above a whisper, the soft cadence of your affirmation barely audible against his skin.
“Yes. Ah, to—to bed… Let’s go to bed.” you murmured, your voice filled with anticipation.
Responding to your command, Bi-Han carried you swiftly into the bedroom, stealing kisses and caressing your soft flesh which filled perfectly in his palms along the way. As he carefully placed you on the bed, he ensured not to overwhelm you with his weight. With one knee positioned between your legs and applying small pressure to your aching core, he felt your breath quicken, your legs parting slightly, inviting him closer.
“Bi-Han, please… hurry,” you pleaded, your voice trembling with need. Despite not yet fully engaging in intimacy, you were already consumed by desire, your surrender evident in every trembling breath and pleading glance. Bi-Han found himself entranced by the unique blend of your naivety and charm, a combination both intoxicating and heady. It puzzled him how you could exude such innocence while also igniting a fire within him, a sensation he found both captivating and bewildering.
With every inhibition shattered, Bi-Han’s entire being was consumed by you. His mind echoed with a commanding voice, declaring possession. ‘Mine. You are mine.’ With each beat of his heart, the intensity of his desire deepened, enveloping him in a whirlwind of need. His arousal surged with a newfound fervor, driving him to seek you with an urgency he had never known before. He longed to lose himself in your warmth, to leave an indelible mark on you, claiming you as his own in a way that no other could satisfy you again.
‘‘Fuck. I wanted to take it slow,” Bi-Han cursed, his voice filled with frustration.
“Another time,” you replied swiftly. “I want you, Bi-Han. I need you… just… please.” As your attempts to form coherent sentences faltered, you resorted to expressing your desires through your eyes, tears clung to your lashes, your need laid bare for him to see. Despite the flush that colored your face, neck, your chest peeking through your clothes, your timidity had been replaced by a raw, unbridled desire.
“Another time.” Bi-Han echoed your words, his tone laced with determination. It was a promise, a vow to indulge in the intoxicating taste of you until every inch of your body bore his mark. The thought had transformed into a primal need, a longing to possess you completely.
With swift motions, Bi-Han stripped away your clothes, discarding them haphazardly. As predicted, your chest also completely flushed dark, your nipples hardening under his gaze, pleading for his touch.
“You are such a sight… so beautiful,” Bi-Han murmured, his words tinged with reverence. You squirmed under his attention, somewhat embrassed by his words and attempted to cover yourself clumsily. As he untied the towel from his waist, he fixed you with a stern gaze. “Don’t you dare hide anything from me. This is not a request.”
When his cold fingers made contact with the intimate area between your legs, you flinched at the sudden chill. Instead of recoiling, however, you parted your legs, wordlessly inviting him closer. Bi-Han found himself drawn to this decadent aspect of you, contrasting with your usual demeanor. You were slick with arousal, your warmth enveloping his cold touch until it reached a semblance of normalcy.
“Next time, I will explore you slowly, savoring every moment,” he declared, his voice brooking no argument.
And so he did.
Another two weeks slipped by, each day marked by the steady healing of his wound and the gradual return of his strength. Strangely, Bi-Han found himself not minding the passing of time, a stark contrast from his usual restlessness. Even though his days were now filled with the singular purpose of recuperation, he couldn’t bring himself to feel bored in your company.
You had established a routine of caring for him in the house. Every morning, after sharing breakfast together, you diligently tended to his wound, changing bandages with meticulous care. Despite his stature, Bi-Han appreciated the gentleness with which you handled him, as if afraid to cause him any discomfort.
Following this, Bi-Han would retreat outdoors to meditate or exercise, while you busied yourself with tending to the garden and other household chores. Occasionally, you would venture to the market, a task Bi-Han offered to take over multiple times, only to be politely declined by you each time. He sensed a trace of anxiety in your eyes whenever you left, as though fearing his departure in your absence.
The reality of his impending departure weighed heavily on Bi-Han. Though duty called him back to his clan and responsibilities, he couldn’t bear the thought of leaving you behind. The bond between you had grown deeper with each passing day, surpassing even the connections he shared with his own brothers. You had a remarkable ability to understand him without words, a skill few others possessed.
In your presence, Bi-Han found himself rediscovering aspects of himself long buried beneath the facade of his assassin persona. With you, he experienced a sense of comfort and peace he hadn’t known in years. Every touch, every embrace left him yearning for more, a relentless desire burning within him. He marveled at the intensity of his feelings for you, realizing that he wanted every part of you in a way he had never imagined possible.
His favorite time of the day was undoubtedly dinner. Sitting across from you, sharing simple conversations, witnessing your smile, hearing your laughter, and seeing your eyes light up brought him joy. It was a simplicity he hadn’t experienced since becoming the grandmaster. Once disciplined, strict, and focused solely on responsibilities, he now found value in these moments, offering him a new perspective on life.
As both of you sat facing each other at dinner, Bi-Han decided it was time to address the lingering topic that had hung in the air for some time.
“You mentioned you could remove my stitches in a few days, after that I’ll return to Earthrealm.” He stated firmly. Though he disliked seeing the smile on your face fade, you both knew he couldn’t remain cocooned in this sanctuary forever.
“Oh… So you’ve decided on the day.” You responded, averting your gaze as you spoke. When you reached for your wine, Bi-Han gently grasped your hand, halting your movement.
“I want you to come with me.” he declared.
Your eyes widened with surprise. “To your clan? Really?”
“Yes, I want you to see where I live.” Bi-Han lifted your wrist, his touch still gentle as he grazed his index finger against your skin, all while maintaining unbroken eye contact. “I wasn’t joking when I said you were mine.”
Your cheeks flushed slightly as a sweet laugh escaped your lips, a sound Bi-Han found irresistible. In that moment, he realized his attachment to you ran deeper than he had ever realized.
“You know, I’m not an item that you can take wherever you want.”
“I didn’t mean it in that sense.” His gaze shifted to the dozen bruises on your neck, a satisfied curl tugging at the corner of his lip. Each mark filled him with a sense of ownership, igniting a fire within him every time he saw them.
“Then it’s only fair that I should say that you are also mine.” you countered. Despite your brave demeanor, your face betrayed your true feelings once again. As you took a sip from your glass, attempting to hide your expression, Bi-Han watched you silently, a smile playing on his lips, hidden only by his hand resting on his chin.
As Bi-Han grappled with the conflicting desires pulling at his heartstrings — duty to his clan and the burgeoning attachment to you — a storm of emotions raged within him. The weight of responsibility tugged relentlessly, reminding him of the obligations he bore as the leader of the clan. However, a shadow began to loom over his resolve, stirring a longing for something more.
“I’d love to,’’ you finally said after a moment. ‘‘But I have to wait for my father’s return; I don’t know when he will come here.’’
“You can leave a note.”
“I’d rather talk it over with him face to face,” you insisted politely. “But I can come to visit from time to time. If it’s convenient for you, of course, I’d love to see where you grew up and spend time there.”
It had been five months since Bi-Han returned to his clan, and everything was just as he had left it. Kuai Liang had managed the clan well in his absence, with the assistance of Tomas and Sektor, although Bi-Han knew his brother was downplaying his own contributions. Despite the slight age difference between them, Kuai Liang was more than capable of assuming the role of grandmaster.
There was considerable curiosity among the clan members about his prolonged absence and the circumstances surrounding it. Tomas, in particular, had been concerned for his well-being the most. During a briefing with the council members, consisting solely of his inner circle, Bi-Han provided a summary of what happened, including mentioning you and your remarkable abilities. The news of your impending visit piqued the interest of everyone present, even if they attempted to conceal it.
Although you could only visit twice in five months, you effortlessly bonded with his brothers. Even with Sektor and Cyrax, you made it easy to connect, your kind soul evident in your demeanor and smile. It felt as though you had always been a member of the clan, your presence comforting and familiar to everyone. During conversations, you repeatedly expressed feeling comfortable and safe around them. This, coupled with the unique way you contributed to Bi-Han’s recovery, swiftly earned you the respect of the entire clan.
When you did visit, Bi-Han found solace and peace in holding you in his arms once more. In your absence, he had been on edge, constantly worrying about your well-being. Your presence felt like a breath of fresh air, infusing color and vibrancy into his otherwise monotonous existence. He couldn’t pinpoint the exact moment he fell in love with you, but your influence had been undeniable from the moment he first laid eyes on you. The desire to keep you close, to protect you at all costs, consumed him, even though he knew the realities of their lives would make it challenging. Being separated from you had taken a toll on his nerves, leaving him irritable and restless. Amidst the tumultuous whirlwind of his thoughts, Bi-Han grappled with the overwhelming desire to see you again.
The last time you visited, you stayed for a while. One night, in particular, is etched clearly in Bi-Han’s mind. A fierce wind howled outside, causing the windows to rattle, while snow fell rapidly, swirling in the storm and clinging to the glass surfaces. Except for the candles flickering in the room, there was no other light, casting a dim glow. The scent of both of you enveloped the room like a heavy blanket.
After bringing you to climax multiple times, your body glowed with vitality like a pearl, cheeks flushed dark with a serene smile adorning your face. Half of your body draped over him, your elegant fingers traced lazy circles on his bare chest, while Bi-Han’s hand caressed the smooth skin of your back. In that moment, he felt complete, as if a part of him that he didn’t even know was missing had been found. It was as if you were both separate individuals yet inexplicably intertwined—each completing the other.
When your fingers ceased their movement altogether, Bi-Han glanced down to see why, his heart swelling with warmth. You had drifted off to sleep, your face relaxed in slumber, lips slightly parted. You appeared so peaceful that Bi-Han couldn’t bring himself to disturb you. This wasn’t the first time you had fallen asleep beside him, and each time, he couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride and a burning desire to protect you. He knew you trusted him enough to reveal your vulnerability in these moments.
His mind was more at ease than ever before. Even though he was in his own home, with you beside him, he felt a sense of belonging that he had never experienced before. Especially during the times he awaited your arrival, he had never felt such intense longing to see someone again—your presence shaking his very core, pushing the limits of his endurance. He wasn’t sure how much longer he could bear being without you; your absence felt like torment, while your presence transformed him into a different man altogether.
Although the notion of someone having such power over him would typically be unsettling, he couldn’t view it negatively because it was you. What concerned him more was the possibility of others noticing—the fear that his enemies might discover you, exploiting his vulnerability by hurtin you.
Two and a half months had passed since he last laid eyes on you, adding to the weight of the task Lord Liu Kang had bestowed upon him and his brothers. He longed to complete this mission swiftly and reunite with you, yearning for the calming embrace of your presence. The strain of constant vigilance was taking its toll on him, both mentally and physically, culminating in his recent capture alongside Kuai Liang.
Navigating the stone corridors of Ying Fortress, Bi-Han found himself flanked by a dozen soldiers, with Kuai Liang by his side and Shang Tsung and General Shao ahead of them. Shang Tsung’s words fell on deaf ears as Bi-Han contemplated his next move, steadfast in his refusal to entertain any offers from these unfamiliar men. His focus remained fixed on devising an escape plan to extricate himself from this predicament. As they traversed the corridor into a vast area, Bi-Han was confronted by a multitude of stone sculptures lining the space. Hindered by the restraints on his wrists, he scanned the area for any potential means of escape, exchanging a knowing glance with Kuai Liang, who mirrored his uncertainty.
Bi-Han’s eyes widened at the sudden sound of a familiar, albeit unexpected, female voice behind them. Sensing Kuai Liang’s reaction, he knew it wasn’t a trick of his imagination. With a swift turn, his heart raced as he watched the soldiers before him part, revealing your approach. What the hell were you doing here?
“What’s going on here — Bi-Han?” Your wide-eyed astonishment mirrored his own. As Bi-Han scanned you for any signs of harm, he moved to approach you. But before he could reach, a soldier struck him in the stomach with the tip of his weapon, causing him to stagger backward.
‘’Stop! What do you think you’re doing?!” Your voice, tinged with worry as you shoved the soldier aside, your anxious eyes locking with his. “Bi-Han, are you all right?”
“What are you doing here?” Bi-Han growled out a whisper, tension taut in his voice.
“I’m asking you the same.”
“What is the meaning of this? Do you two know each other?” Shang Tsung’s voice sliced through the hushed talk, prompting Bi-Han to instinctively shield you, despite the restraints on his hands. Determined to protect you at all costs, Bi-Han urged you to take cover behind him, his voice laced with venom. “Get behind me.” he commanded, his grip tightening protectively around your arm.
“There is no need. He is my father.” You revealed, catching Bi-Han off guard with the unexpected revelation. Stunned by the revelation, Bi-Han chastised himself for not piecing together the clues sooner. Living in Outworld, soul magic, an enigmatic father figure—it all suddenly made sense. Yet, your stark differences in character from your father only deepened Bi-Han’s sense of disbelief.
“Why are they prisoners?” you questioned, your gaze flickering between your father and the imposing figure of General Shao and the eerie aura that seemed to surround them.
“They attacked us.” General Shao asserted, his voice gruff as he responded to your inquiry. “We were about to take care of business before you came, sorceress.” Despite Shao’s attempt to intimidate you with his imposing presence, Shang Tsung interjected before Bi-Han, shooting Shao a warning glance.
“They attacked?” Your gaze flickered momentarily, silently questioning the situation. ‘Why?’ The unspoken question hung in the air, directed at Bi-Han. “I’m sure there’s been a misunderstanding.”
“They were sent here by Liu Kang’s order. To catch us and maybe kill us.” Shao divulged, his voice dripping with hostility.
“Why so? Nobody has told me anything since I was brought here, and even now you still insist on not telling me. I want to know what’s going on. Tell me the truth.”
“Walk with me,” Shang Tsung interjected, gesturing towards a secluded area. With a final, anxious glance towards Bi-Han, you complied, flanked by Shao and Shang Tsung. Bi-Han’s instincts screamed to follow, but he was thwarted by the soldiers’ firm grip. Initially, Bi-Han braced himself for a sense of betrayal, believing that you had concealed Shang Tsung’s identity as your father. However, upon reflection, he realized that you had always been forthcoming with him, never hiding the truth about your father. Bi-Han had simply never asked. Your genuine reaction to the unfolding events affirmed your honesty. It became evident that Shang Tsung had dragged you into this situation without explanation. All that mattered now was escaping with you safely by his side.
‘’You seem quite invested in these men, (Y/n),’’ Shao remarked in a harsh tone, his words more of a probing question than a mere observation.
‘’It’s none of your concern, General Shao.’’ You retorted firmly.
‘‘But it is my concern,’’ interjected Shang Tsung, his tone authoritative. ‘‘As your father, I demand to know the nature of your association with the infamous grandmaster of the Lin Kuei.’’
‘’Before you question me, father, perhaps you should first explain your activities over the past months. Then, and only then, will I consider divulging any information.’’ you countered. ‘’You dragged me here without giving me an explanation, expecting blind trust. It’s not fair, and you know it. You’re exploiting my kindness, I deserve some answers.’’
‘’I was promised my true potential, and I’m going to get that right back. You’re my blood and flesh, I want nothing more than to secure you a good and wealthy future, I want what is best for you—for us.’’ Shang Tsung continued to talk as he walked towards a dark-colored box that looked like some kind of chest. ‘’Take a look around, do you remember what I told you about this place?’’
You watched him with hesitant eyes, then looked around you before answering his question.
‘‘Yes, you said that Emperor Ying’s Dragon Army was here.’’
‘‘Very true. What I told you was not just a fairy tale. These statues were constructed and enchanted by the great mages in the Emperor’s court.’’ Shang Tsung opened the lids of the box, took out a crown and a small green bottle, and emptied the contents of the bottle onto the crown. ‘‘They are animated by the fragments of souls. Once alive they fight tirelessly, unburdened by remorse or pity.’’
‘’What are you planning to do with these?’’ You said, your voice overflowing with obvious concern now.
‘’If they won’t be on our side,’’ Shang Tsung murmured with a half-smile, placing the crown on his head. ‘‘Then I will eliminate them. This is what I had to do, for our future.’’
The moment he finished his words, six of the soldiers standing a little further away stepped forward, and with mind control, moving nimbly despite being made of stone, they began to descend the steps towards them. Bi-Han’s muscles tensed involuntarily, his body as taut as a drawn bowstring as he observed the approaching stone soldiers. If only he could get rid of these damn handcuffs…
‘’No!” Your panicked scream echoed through the vast area as you summoned your magic, green energy crackling around your outstretched hand in an attempt to halt the advancing soldiers. When you realized your magic was ineffective against them, your attention swiftly shifted back to your father.
“Father, stop this!” Startled by your sudden movement and desperate cry, Shang turned his attention to you, momentarily caught off guard. Seizing the opportunity, you darted forward, delivering a powerful blow to his knee, causing him to buckle and kneel before you. With him immobilized for a moment, you snatched the crown from his head and placed it on your own. ‘‘I’m sorry, father, but I cannot allow this.’’
‘’Have you lost your mind?!’’ While Shang Tsung was looking at you with stunned and greatly betrayed eyes, despite the distance, Bi-Han could see tears welling in your eyes. ‘’I am your father! My blood runs through your veins; your loyalty should lie with me.’’
‘‘I know, and I am sorry,’’ you said, your voice trembling with emotion. ‘’But I love him.’’ Both Shang Tsung and Bi-Han froze with surprise at your unexpected reveal, their expressions a mix of shock and disbelief. Your breath came out quickly, the air heavy with tension as a few tears escaped from your eyes, glimmering in the light. ‘’That’s why I cannot stand by and watch you harm him.’’
“(Y/n), behind you!” Kuai Liang’s urgent shout jolted you into action, narrowly dodging Shao’s axe at the last moment. With Shao bearing down on you, Bi-Han could no longer stand idly by. Keeping you in his sight, he and his brother sprang into action, combating Shao’s soldiers amidst the chaos, using the handcuff chains to choke one of the soldiers.
Despite your efforts to evade Shao’s attacks and deflect them onto the stone statues, he effortlessly dispatched them with a few swings of his axe. You tried to keep up with him, but as a healer, your combat skills were lacking, evident in your reliance on the soldiers for protection as you dodged Shao’s attacks. Bi-Han had heard stories about Shao in the past, tales of his power and mercilessness in battle. But now, witnessing Shao’s sadistic enjoyment as he toyed with you, seeing the fear in your eyes, filled Bi-Han with fury and a desire to eliminate Shao.
‘‘Don’t harm her!’’ Shang Tsung intervened, hurling a fireball towards Shao, catching him off guard and forcing him back. “She is my daughter.”
Shao spat on the ground, unaffected by the smoke left behind by the fireball he countered with the tip of his huge axe. “And she betrayed us,” he growled. “You just proclaimed that we would eliminate those who oppose us, sorcerer. That’s precisely what I intend to do.”
As Shao swung his axe again, you pushed the last remaining statue in front of you for protection. However, under the force of Shao’s blow, the statue shattered, leaving a gaping wound from your shoulder to your rib cage. Crimson red blood splattered everywhere, your expression a mixture of pain and shock as you desperately tried to stay on your trembling legs. A pained groan escaped your lips as you stumbled backwards, Shao raising his axe for another strike, this time aiming for a fatal blow.
“No!” While Bi-Han was blowing off the soldier’s head he had knocked down with his foot, bloody brain pieces flew everywhere, his heart was in his mouth. He couldn’t bear to witness you lose your life before his eyes, with so little distance between you.
‘’I told you to stay away from my daughter.’’
In a stroke of luck, Shang Tsung once again caught Shao off guard with a barrage of fireballs, diverting his attention away from you at the last moment. Shao was thrown several meters away, gasping for breath, while Shang grasped you firmly, applying pressure to your wound. Your body tensed with pain, tears flowing freely from your eyes as you struggled to maintain a brave face.
‘’You will bandage this as soon as you get away from here. Do you understand?’’
‘’Do you understand?’’
‘‘Good, I’ll buy you time,’’ Shang Tsung urged, motioning for you to leave. ‘‘Take a few of the statues with you; they’ll provide protection until you’re out of here. I’ll find you once I’ve dealt with this.’’
With tears streaming down your cheeks, you managed to press a small, wet kiss to your father’s cheek, gratitude evident in your pale, tired face.
‘‘I’ll explain everything.’’
‘‘Later. Go now,’’ he insisted.
Bi-Han brutally incapacitated the last soldier before reaching you in a few wide strides. Shang’s gaze fixed on him for the first time since his arrival, promising death with its intensity.
“You’d better take care of my daughter, grandmaster. Otherwise, I’ll follow your soul to the Netherrealm,’’ warned Shang Tsung with a menacing tone.
‘‘I will protect her with my life.’’ Bi-Han asserted, though his agreement with his recent foe felt tenuous, the situation now imbued with personal stakes. Shang promptly removed the handcuffs from both him and his brother’s wrists, freeing them.
‘‘Go on quickly. The others will be here soon, so hurry up. My daughter will take you a shortcut.’’ directed sorcerer.
As Shao charged toward them, Bi-Han scooped you up into his arms, finding relief in having you close again. With urgency, he ran alongside Kuai Liang, ascending the steps and leaving the area behind. With your remaining strength, you compelled a dozen soldiers to follow, your hand still applying pressure to the wound. Upon reaching the corridor they had passed earlier, you weakly tugged at Bi-Han’s clothes to get his attention.
‘‘We can’t escape through the main exit, it’s too risky. There’s a passageway from behind the fortress leading towards the mountains; we can slip through unnoticed.’’ you suggested.
‘‘Tomas is out, we can’t leave him here.’’ His brother interjected.
‘‘Exactly where, I can use one of these statues to find and contact him.’’
‘‘He is where the Soul Stealers are.’’
With a deep breath, you closed your eyes and concentrated, sweat beading on your forehead as your skin paled. Despite the obvious pain, you maintained a resolute expression. As they reached a narrow area, your faint voice reached their ears.
‘‘I found Tomas. I’m getting him out through a different exit; it’s too risky for him to come this way.’’
‘‘Okay, we’re counting on you,’’ Bi-Han said, hoping to give you courage. You were so small and lifeless in his arms, though he couldn’t bring himself to say it, his heart ached with painful sorrow as he looked at you. If it weren’t for the faint rise and fall of your chest, he might have feared the worst; you were losing a lot of blood. The wound must have cut deeper than he thought. Bi-Han looked into his brother’s eyes, whatever expression there was on his face, Kuai Liang stopped walking for a moment and squeezed his shoulder, looking at him with understanding eyes.
‘‘We will save her, brother, don’t worry. She’ll be okay,’’ Kuai Liang reassured, and they proceeded to a small room at the end of the corridor. A statue opened the thick old door, revealing a landscape of snow-covered mountains.
It was already dark when they met Tomas a little beyond the fortress, at the bottom of a frozen river. After you spent the rest of your strength to bring Tomas to them, you fell unconscious, Bi-Han had to hastily bandaged you because he knew he had to keep a distance between them and the fortress in case of getting caught. And when they decided to spend the night in a place that he believed was safe, he didn’t let you leave his side for a moment, even though he was with his brothers and they were safe for now. Tomas had left a short while ago to hunt some mountain hares for food, while Kuai Liang went out to gather supplies to sustain the fire he had kindled.
Bi-Han carefully cleaned the wound with the materials he had and bandaged it tightly. Your bleeding was still going on, but it wasn’t intense compared to the beginning, as long as you weren’t moving, it could buy time until he could get you home. But you would definitely have needed stitches in your wound.
‘’I can heal myself.’’ you muttered softly. Bi-Han didn’t even realize he had said the last part aloud, too focused on gently stroking your pale cheek with one hand while carefully examining you.
‘’How do you feel?’’
‘’Not at my best, but I’ll be fine.’’ You weakly replied. Even if you wanted to reciprocate the gesture by lifting your hand, which was resting on your lap, it was quite difficult for you to do so. Bi-Han noticed this, grabbed your hand, and guided it to his cheek, allowing you to caress it. ‘’Thank to gods, you look well. The others-’’
‘‘We’re all fine except you, don’t worry. You almost died.’’ The last part poured from his lips with great hatred, it felt terrible even to say it. He hated the blood on his hands even more. Seeing you in such a state filled Bi-Han with a profound sense of helplessness. He feared the worst, and it was the most intense fear he had ever experienced. Even now, it lingered in his mouth like a bad taste, causing a churning sensation in his stomach. His entire body felt ice-cold with stress, his instincts had gone into hyperawareness.
‘’It just grazed, it doesn’t even hurt. I swear.’’
"If it had cut deeper, you could have lost your arm as well as your life. It does not suit you to lie, (y/n). I still don't understand how you could be Shang Tsung's daughter."
‘’Are you angry?’’ As your voice quivered with uncertainty, Bi-Han tenderly placed a kiss on the top of your head, offering silent reassurance before you found the courage to speak again. ‘’It’s just… My father is a difficult man and kind of has a bad reputation. People are ready to attack him given the chance. I didn’t mean to hide it from you; I was just afraid you’d leave me once you knew the truth. I couldn’t bear the thought of losing you.”
‘’You think a sorcerer can intimidate me?” A small smile appeared on his lips as he continued to caress your cheek. After hearing your confession, he wanted nothing more than to reassure you and dismiss your fear. “I’m just confused and angry with myself for not seeing the signs earlier,” he said honestly. “I almost lost you, and besides that, nothing else matters.” While he continued to stroke your cheek with one hand, he didn’t break eye contact with you for a moment. He needed you to know that he was sincere in what he was about to say. “Today has been an important day for me to realize some things.”
Thanks to the heat emitted by the camp flame, he could easily discern your facial features. Despite the weariness evident in your eyes, there was a twinkle that betrayed your curiosity about what he had to say. Leaning in a little more, he shifted his body closer to yours, positioning you between his legs as he sat leaning against a tree. With a gentle touch, he lowered his hand from your cheek to your chin, lifting it slightly to plant a small, tender kiss on your lips.
With his cold breath mingling with your warmth, he whispered softly, “I love you.”
Caught off guard, you gazed up at him with wide, teary eyes, a breath catching in your throat. As a tear traced a soft path down your cheek, Bi-Han gently caught it with the tip of his finger, his own eyes filled with concern. Then, with the warmest and most sincere smile he had ever seen, you planted a kiss on his cheek.
‘’I’ve dreamed of this a few times, but I never thought you would express it.’’
‘‘Is that why you’re crying? If you’re hiding the truth about your shoulder causing pain-’’
‘‘I’m crying with happiness, my love. Now give me one more kiss so that I can believe in you better.’’
Bi-Han couldn’t help the smile settling on his face.
‘’As you wish.’’
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popawritter12 · 6 months
Yandere! Lin Kuei clan x Fem! Reader
Author's Notes: GUYS I DON'T UNDERSTAND WHY EVERYONE LOVES BI-HAN (Yes, probably because he has terrible tits- BUT THAT'S NOT THE POINT). I think that he is bitter from start to finish but IDK there are colors for tastes.
Also, this one-shots is from a Wattpad request
(Don't let my favoritism towards Tomas be noticed jsadhjasfa &lt;;3)
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Yandere Characters: Bi-Han, Kuai Liang, Tomas Vrbada, (mention of Sektor and Bi-han, Kuai Liang and Tomas's father)
From the video game/manga/anime/series/movie: Mortal Kombat 1 (World of "the new age" as I investigated)
Case: Confinement, forced adoption, unhealthy obsession, extremely strange "family" relationships.
Finished: Yes
You still had vague memories of the last time you were free, or the last time you were with your mother. For many nights the question of your mother's whereabouts echoed in your head. However, it wasn't that long before your father's disappearance knocked on your door.
In the middle of the night, a group of warriors from the Lin Kuei clan found your dying father, who only had one last wish; Let the men who found him take care of his little daughter.
He didn't know them, he didn't even know their names, but something in his heart pumped in such a way that it only announced his time, and only "Protect my daughter" came out of his mouth.
He didn't even know why he said it, but in his heart there was only the desire to protect that little girl that he adored so much.
The warriors who were in charge of burying your father had to notify you of your existence, and the existence of a now orphaned girl generated some curiosity in several warriors.
And when the leader of that generation of warriors learned who the man who had died was, he only generated some surprise and anger.
It is there that, after asking the universe so much and mainly asking himself what he should do, he decided to call a clan meeting.
In the midst of all the doubts about why the leader called all the Lin Kuei, there was only one sentence which unleashed the beginning of chaos.
—One of my best friends, one of the people I loved most in my life, died in the hands of some thieves —The man began —, and his daughter, (Name) (Last name), is lost in the middle of the crowd, in "A town not far from here." The man looked up, the crowd realizing the seriousness in his words. His last wish, as the father of a little girl, and of a warrior who once belonged to this clan, is that we take care of his first-born daughter.
All the men and women present noticed that, amidst all the façade of concern for a friend's last will, they noticed that there was a hint of insecurity behind his words. It was a sensation that generated some intrigue as to who this young woman was.
—I strongly request that you investigate her whereabouts, and bring her to be part of the Lin Kuei from now on.
The chaos had begun, and the woman behind the mirror only longed for one thing from the bottom of her soul; May she find an escape from the chaos that was to come.
Even Liu Kang himself had a bad feeling, which heralded a change in the most powerful clan in the entire land. A change which began a breakdown in the clan's principles.
The dawn marked her presence in an imposing manner with its tormenting solar rays, while the crowing of the roosters echoed in all the nearby fields, a harmonious song that seemed to strain their vocal cords just to cause such a noise. And it was a noise that was as annoying as cutting onions.
The glass of the window collided with the first rays of the sun, and the temperature of the room began to rise where the solar lights shine. And just as those lights collided with the fabrics covering the young woman's body, a grunt of protest came from her, her body moving off the mattress, the friction making soft noises throughout the room as she felt the cold of the dark wood against her. the transparent fabrics.
Even with the discomfort of the floor, her heavy, closed eyelids refused to move even an inch, and her muscles only relaxed against the coldness of the wood.
Three soft knocks against the wood sounded from the other side, while the young woman only pressed her face against her wrinkled pillow.
—(Name), Are you awake?
She pretended not to know anything, and her head was cradled against the soft, cotton-filled fabric. Her fingers approached the fabric that covered the rest of her body, and her nails dug against the loom, only dragging to cover a part of her jaw and leave the soles of her feet. in the air.
—(Name), I'm going to pass.
The screech of wood opening and old metal moving invaded the woman's ears, generating a certain tremor in her eardrums. But even then, pr
He continued without separating his eyelids.
The man moved quietly, the softness of his steps at the same time as he tried not to move too much to the bed. The soft aroma of the lavender scented sheets and the sound of the leaves moving to the sound of the wind, gently colliding against the wood of the house. With each step, he just tried to see throughout the room some trace of disorder, but he was all pretty well done to make a complaint.
Since the girl took charge of issuing a complaint when she felt how her only free hand was suppressed against the ground.
The man took several steps back, now giving more firmness to his posture in his final retreat.
—What the hell is wrong with you?!
The brown-haired man's gaze lowered gently, noticing how a figure emerged from the ground, barely lifting his body. A sudden movement of the woman's wrist was heard as more moans came from her lips.
—That hurts… —she whispered with her voice barely high-pitched.
The man noticed the mistake he had made in taking steps, and only gasped angrily, lowering his shoulders along with the tension in his body.
—Are you sleeping on the floor again?!
—Stepping on my hand again, Liang?!
The two exchanged glances after a few seconds, a stinging pain spreading tension and burning through the skin and muscles of her injured limb.
—How many times do I have to tell you that you shouldn't sleep on the floor? —The man in yellowish clothes complained —, it's not healthy, and you leave everything lying around as soon as you get up.
—Yes, yes, yes… Whatever you say —The woman clicked her tongue, —, not even your dad was so complaining about me sleeping on the floor.
The man rolled his eyes, before kneeling on his feet. His gaze was fixed on the injured skin, and the circular movement that (Last Name) exerted with her wrist, trying to keep her body from focusing on the stinging burning in her hand. A somewhat heavy sigh left him, before her hand took his hand, her fingers taking gentle walks over her skin.
—It hurts?
A question so stupid but so loaded with worry that he asked her between nausea and wanting to jizz in her face, but he just shook his head, taking her wrist now. The man, even with his muscular build, allowed himself to be manipulated by the woman's soft movements.
—Yes, you idiot —she joked, before releasing the wrist of the man in front of her —, but I just need an ointment to calm the pain."
The look of doubt on her face didn't leave her grimace, but she just accepted her hasty excuse.
—Why did you come so early? —The woman asked, before taking the pillow and placing it on the mattress again.
Liang wasn't specifically someone who liked to interrupt people, especially her, so the few times he did, it wasn't especially for pleasure.
—Things happened, —he whispered, before moving from her position to get back up. —Can you go to the living room? Tomas wanted to tell you something.
The woman's face scrunched up a little, confused as to why the gray-haired man wanted to talk to her, but she assumed it was some kind of warning or something.
She gave gentle tugs on her muscles before moving her feet to stand up. The woman looked quite overwhelmed by the lights coming from her window, but she just ran her palms across her eyes, her back leaning back solely to stretch her lower back muscles.
It had been some time since the war, and she heard only prattle of the events of the great war that had been fought between this world and others. For some reason, a deja vu passed through (Name)'s mind after hearing what happened during those fights, as if in her soul, she knew something about the events of the war.
However, she just shook her head. The grimace on her face changed to a gentle smile as she greeted some newcomers from the clan, while her rigid body became accustomed to moving around the large place that until that day you dared to call home.
And at one point, she ran into someone particularly well-known, mostly because of her distinctive hair color. She smiled, giving a gentle click of her tongue against her teeth as her steps quickened a little, but maintained a certain stealth.
(Name), being close enough to the man —Particularly a couple of centimeters from his body, or rather her back—, she almost jumped on top of him, wrapping her arms around the edge of the waist of her. A soft gasp came from the man, his body generating some tension as he felt her hands so close to the gray garments, gently squeezing the fabric against his skin.
The man smiled after realizing who had made such a 'deadly attack', and her shoulders released their tension after a few seconds.
—Hello, (Name) —The man greeted.
The woman smiled, before walking away from him.
—How have you been, Tomás? —The woman asked, now located next to him.
—I'm better than I expected, luckily, —he replied, his gaze escaping to rom where he was looking to admire the girl next to him.
The two exchanged words, a conventional conversation typical of two people who had known each other for years that resembled a sibling relationship more than anything else. However, that was the thought the woman had about how they both looked in the eyes of other people.
He told her what the end of the war was like, and the "extra jobs" that both he and his brother did after said event. Even as boring as what he explained to her was, you just nodded silently while he continued talking to her.
But, to (Name)'s surprise, the people that she previously found everywhere around the house began to leave, or rather, began to stop appearing in her circle of vision, but the woman was not very focused.
It wasn't long before they arrived at a vast place full of plants and flowers, the bright colors spread harmoniously throughout the place, with a table in the middle of the grass. From the warmest colors to the coldest and dullest adorned the place, while the metal table and chairs of the same material with a spongy padding on the part where the weight of the body rested.
It was a special place for her, being one of the few outdoor places that she could access without having to ask the grandmaster for permission, and one where she hung out the most with your best clan friends.
When you sat down, Tomas sat next to her, his words pausing for a second as both of them gazed at the soft colors that adorned the garden.
—(Name) —He called you.
—There's something I've wanted to tell you for a while —the man said, —, it's something I wanted to tell you but I never found the words to say it correctly.
—Well, that's new. —She leans back gently against the chair —, so, tell me.
—It's… complicated, you know? After so long of us being friends.
Her words seemed to take a very obvious direction, but the young woman did not seem very excited, just curious about what her best friend wanted to tell her.
—It sounds like something important, may I know what it is?
But there was no response, and not specifically because Smoke wanted it that way.
—Smoke! —A scream was heard in the distance.
Both of them looked at who called the man near them, turning out to be the young man that you and Smoke had known for a long time, but never as well as Smoke or Bi-Han, or his brother.
—Sector? —Smoke asks, intrigued —what's going on?
He stands up from the chair, moving to stand in front of she. She didn't notice it because she only saw his back, but there was a serious grimace on his face, knowing that a bad event was approaching.
—I need to talk with you.
His brow furrowed, as that feeling in his head that something bad was about to happen grew like a graph rising exponentially. The gray-haired man asked her to go to her room, which confused her, after all, why did she need to get away from someone she knew as well as Sektor?
She shook her head, her eyes closing for a moment before she snapped back to reality, and decided to get up. Obeying the request—although it was more like an order—from her best friend, she couldn't even say goodbye to Sektor, because the tension in the air didn't allow it.
She left the garden, getting away from everything to be able to access her inner thoughts, which you always kept locked in her room. In her face, which was always that of someone carefree, dropped to a thoughtful grimace; It had been several weeks since she stopped seeing Bi-Han, and both Liang and Smoke refused to talk to her about him, dodging your question almost in an Olympic manner.
You shook your head, trying not to go overboard with her thoughts, so as to vent the darkness of her soul on pages full of ink in Morse code. However, when she opened the door, she was surprised that someone was already waiting for her.
With his characteristic bluish clothes accompanied by his hair tied up and a permanently serious face in any situation —which he did not let her see because he had his back to you—, she saw him, the man from whom she heared so much expected even to know his whereabouts.
—"It is then that, by mere self-awareness, I notice that nothing is the same. For a long time I mistakenly thought that they were only kind to me, but inside me, very buried deep in my soul, I knew that the lie was extensive, a which had invaded my life and brought me to a point of no return, now I ask myself, over and over again, what can I do to escape them?"
A noise of piles of pages suddenly colliding with others in a book is heard. It is then that he extends that dusty book into your range of vision, allowing you to see where he had gotten those words from.
—I always figured you weren't as dumb as the former grandmaster led us to believe, —Bi-Han explained, his serious voice sounding surprisingly relaxed —after all, you were going to be my wife one day.
The woman shook her head, her jaw rubbing against her bottom and top teeth.
—My father taught me that I should get a woman who had a lot of intelligence, one who could help me and that I would give her the same help in return —He began his explanation—, and when he picked you up from that house, I thought you were going to be that woman.
He got up from the ground, while (Name) stepped back, but the moment she wanted to open the door and leave, she realized that it was closed, and locked. When trying to push against the door, someone responded by exerting much more pressure against the wood to prevent it from being opened.
—But, I was unpleasantly surprised that he didn't want you for that —The man threw her book on the bed —, he wanted you for himself, he wanted you to be his perfect daughter, the girl who was destined for a life of her own. , or rather, to a life with him.
She shook her head again and again, her gaze dropping to the ground, fixating on the remains of destroyed metal on the ground in front of the window.
—He wanted you for himself, he wanted you to be just his daughter until the end of his life, and that when he died, you would be left alone, taking care of this place as if it were yours —The man gritted his teeth —, and he became obsessed with the idea that you really were his blood daughter.
The woman's heart palpitations were such that it seemed like it was threatening to break the bones in her chest, she felt as if the air did not seem to reach completely into her lungs, as if it had stopped in the middle of the breath. veins of her.
—Kuai Liang and Smoke believed the same thing, that you were destined to give them orders, and they took care of you in a cradle of gold —He continued, now taking slow but forceful steps towards her —, you grew up away from the world, and they taught you what was necessary to that you could do everything from here.
She shook her head, her hands going to her ears, applying pressure, as if she wanted not to hear the reality behind the man's words, however, he took the woman's hands, easily forcing them to stay in her ears. shoulders.
—And Liang and Smoke became obsessed with the idea that you were weak, that you needed protection, that you were destined to lead from this damn room while they risked their lives for you—He press her hands against the wall—but I know better than that. You deserve so much more than that, someone like you needs much more than these four walls.
Her cries of denial echoed through the room, a wish that someone would magically appear and save her from Bi-Han's words. But she knew it was reality, that she couldn't deny the fact that she was like a bird in a cage full of harmless traps to keep it locked there.
—I will give you the life you deserve, and I will not let either of these two interfere in our destiny —He brought her face closer to her neck, pressing gently—. I am not alone, both Sektor and other Lin Kuei know what your destiny is, and they are willing to do everything to make it come true.
The poor woman sobbed, her arms too weak to fight someone as big as him.
But then, an explosion of smoke covered the place, while both of them heard the door being torn out. One arm took hold of her waist, taking hold of her body and stepping back with her in her arms.
—I knew they were up to something, —Liang whispered, before setting her down again —. Don't you understand that this is not right?
Smoke took her into her arms, pressing her face against her neck, while her hands clung to her body.
—You speak as if you know what she wants, —Bi-han replies, leaving the room —. Do you really think that someone like her deserves to be locked up in this place forever?
—Shut up now!.
It was the first time in a long time since she had heard Kuai Liang respond with such aggression, and in fact, she had never heard him speak with such expressions of anger.
—You don't know her, you just made yourself sick with the idea that she deserved to be by your side —Liang says, taking the blade out of his pocket —You already betrayed all of our father's will, what do you think gives you the right to also kidnap our future leader?
It was strange to hear him use that word, being that the idea that she was secretly in charge of keeping the clan alive in the new generations, but now that that idea had become a reality, she just wished it was a lie, an ugly one and horrendous lie.
Smoke walked away from the fight, carrying (Name) in his arms to safety place.
She knew the truth, she knew she had to take a path, one that was always going to be linked to obsession, and a sick feeling of horror invaded her chest at the idea that, wherever she went, it would always be the same.
Sorry if it took me too long, I was working on some headcanons that I had pending on Tumblr, soon there will be more one-shots and headcanons &lt;3
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