#big eared woolly bat
loveisinthebat · 11 months
Fluffy Majesty
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todaysbat · 5 months
Capturing a Carnivorous Bat on Camera | National Geographic
warning: does show bats catching prey but nothing graphic, pretty typical for a nature doc.
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flittermousing · 1 year
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via batconservationinternational on Instagram
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amnhnyc · 1 year
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🦇 Any guesses about how the big-eared woolly bat (Chrotopterus auritus) got its name? With a wingspan of over 1.5 feet (0.5 m), this critter is one of the largest bats in the Americas, ranging from Mexico to Argentina. Scientists think it uses its oversized ears for echolocation, emitting high-frequency squeaks and listening to the resulting echoes to find prey. The big-eared woolly bat is an omnivore with a taste for meat: Birds, mice, opossums, and other bats are on the menu. It typically consumes large prey from the head down, and can take up to 20 hours to finish a single meal! Photo: edward137, CC BY 4.0, iNaturalist #animals #nature #wildlife #amazinganimals #amazingnature https://www.instagram.com/p/CqI1JLtroQy/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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adobe-outdesign · 1 year
Might i request some elephant 'mons reviews ? So Donphan/Panphy and Copperajah/Cufant, let's keep great tusk for whenever there's official art.
(The official artwork has actually come out while I was waiting to backlog through to this ask, so I think I'm going to look the Phanpy line and the Donphan paradoxes into one big review as that makes the most sense. If anyone still wants to hear my thoughts on the Cufant line, just let me know.)
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Phanpy is pretty cute, just a nice blue elephant with a few bright red accents. At this stage, it doesn't have much of a concept, but the colors alone make it stand out a little despite it otherwise being pretty unremarkable.
I have to say though, there is a bit of a weird disconnect between it and Donphan. There really aren't any visual elements that the two have in common (I guess the red patch on the trunk looks a bit like Donphan's treads?), the faces and general moods are different, and the colors couldn't be further apart (Phanpy's being oversaturated and Donphan's having almost no color). It really feels like they took two unrelated elephant designs and then slapped 'em together into one line.
I do feel like this could be an easy fix. Phanpy could easily have the same "chains" on the legs (make them look like kneepads or something that connects to the tire theme), give it like two more patches on the face to mimic Donphan's trunk, and maybe make it a slightly lighter blue while making Donphan more of a blue with maybe a spot or two of red accents. It's not that either are bad as-is; they just aren't as coherent of a line as they could potentially be.
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Line aside, Donphan is pretty neat. An elephant is one thing, but making an elephant that rolls up into a tire is another thing entirely. The execution of this concept is also nice; the tire patterning feels natural, you can tell how it rolls up just by looking at it, and the various animations of it rolling are pretty slick as well.
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My only nitpick is that the ears stick straight out and that throws the tire shape a little—I wouldn't have minded them being floppier like Phanpy's. I also wouldn't minded a bit more color in the design, though it might just be Phanpy's oversaturation speaking there.
Overall, the line feels a bit disconnected, but both Pokemon are nicely designed and Donphan in particular has a great concept and a great execution.
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Great Tusk is actually pretty intimidating; it's hard to describe, but it's pretty eerie turning a corner in SV and being suddenly greeted by the titan version of this thing slowly moving around a corner. This effect is furthered by exaggerating some of Donphan's elements, such as the much larger tusks, squinting yellow eyes, and wicked-looking mouth.
Visually, I kind of prefer it over original Donphan a bit, even though original Donphan is perfectly good as well. The colors on this one are particularly nice—purple and pink give it just the right amount of "pop" while not making it look overly garish (and ironically, the pink kind of ties into Phanpy's red accents despite Great Tusk not evolving from Phanpy).
I guess you could argue that the back spikes, color, and tusks kind of detract from the "tire" concept, but then again, I'd argue that's the point—Iron Treads is the one that really leans into the tire thing, while Great Tusk is more leaning into a woolly mammoth side, what with the added fur. It's a nice way to justify both designs, as each design leans into a different "half" of Donphan.
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I don't like Iron Treads as much as either Donphan or Great Tusk, but I can give it points right off the bat for at least being Different than Donphan instead of just a robotic version of the same design. I know that's not much, but it's more than the other future Paradoxes try to do at least. The bright red paneling on the treads in particular really gives it a unique element, and helps draw attention to the smoother, more conveyor-belt like shape.
However, something about it is just a little off. I think it's the head, which looks laughably tiny compared to the body; not helped by it lacking a neck. Donphan doesn't have much of a head either, but it at least gives the impression of it having a tiny bit of a head and a much larger face than this thing's LEDs would suggest. I also find the "ears" a bit odd (why are they on the middle of the torso?) and the tusks feel pretty pointless on this version, to the point where I'd almost say they should've just been dropped. Right idea, but it could've been a little stronger.
(Also, side note: Shoutout to Iron Treads here for being one of the only future Paradox 'mons whose typing actually makes sense.)
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As a whole, Phanpy is cute and simple, albiet without much of a through line to its evo. Donphan has a solid concept and design, Great Tusk does what Donphan is doing but really makes it stand out, and Iron Treads at least stands out from the other future Paradoxes, even if it could've been stronger. Overall, some good elephants.
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idk-ilike5sos · 1 year
The thing was, Will Byers loved hot chocolate. He loved the sickly richness as a slight burning coated his tongue. He loved the warmth reaching his stomach. He loved the mug defrosting his fingers, colouring his skin from blue to red. He loved the oversweet sugar of the whipped cream and marshmallows; though, most of the time, it wasn't needed.
He'd loved it since forever, but it became a staple for the colder months when he was six years old. Jonathan was ten - Will remembered the birthday card he'd made at school, blue-tacked above the desk as a crayon drawing peaked between the opening.
They were holding ground at the usual safe haven: Jonathan's bedroom. The cracked open door widened and quickly clicked shut as the yelling outside went muffled and almost indecipherable ("You're acting crazy!" "I'm acting– You're making me crazy, with your fake promises! I can't trust a word out of your mouth!" "Oh, here we go, blame me, Joyce. You know, maybe you should learn to take some fucking accountability for once in your life–").
Heavy on the almost.
Within one of Will's fast-pulsing heartbeats, Jonathan placed down two mugs on his desk and fiddled with cassette tapes before shoving one at random into a secondhand boombox. The volume twisted higher as the yelling got closer, and a door Will knew to be his parents swung open; soon enough, his ears drowned in a vibrating bass and strumming electric guitar.
Before Will could think to ask what they were arguing about this time - causing another one of those guilt-ridden, reluctant looks from his brother - a warm mug was forced into his small hands, an overflowing mountain of whipped cream with marshmallows peaking out from beneath. Will’s eyes lit up, then batted to meet Jonathan's: red and glossed in the early morning, window light. A smile pulled Will’s mouth, only just reaching his eyes as he hoped to watch the watery look dry out of Jonathan’s ghostly disposition.
Minutes turned into forever, and the two sat on Jonathan’s bed as the music blared over the screaming and crashing. The tension didn't leave the air, and the glaze refused to leave Jonathan’s stiff eyes - but the sweet, warming hot chocolate was a woolly blanket in a blizzard.
Will was pretty sure it was the best thing he'd ever drank.
He could remember the weeks that followed his return from The Upside Down and how Joyce had woken him up with a steaming mug every morning, alongside offering more and more throughout the day. It was only store brand cocoa powder in boiled milk, but Will decided that tasted the best anyway.
Still, on the worst days when Will refused to move from his bed and only Joyce and Jonathan were allowed to enter his room: Jonathan would be sent to the store to buy the special stuff. The more expensive, branded hot chocolate, giant marshmallows, and sickly whipped cream.
And in each sip, he couldn't resist the hug he was instantly wrapped in.
On the first night in Lenora, the family had a mug after dinner as they all pretended they didn't miss Hawkins as much as they did. But the time Will thought of more often was a month later; leaving the bathroom in the middle of the night, he passed the living room to find the TV glowing across the carpeted floor as a hunched over silhouette sat in front of an old movie. When he approached the figure, El revealed tears in her eyes, and Will was quick to figure it wasn't because of the movie playing in front of her.
So, the tradition continued.
It was great that El grew just as big a fan. Some of his favorite mugs had been shared between them in secret at the end of his bed in the middle of the night, while the rest of the world became static. It was easy to forget time with her. As, all of a sudden, superpowers, demogorgons, and alternate universes didn't exist: and the irony that they would've never met without any of them never reached the two, because in that moment they'd known each other their entire lives.
After defeating Vecna once and for all, the Hopper-Byers returned to the Wheeler's house, where they were all staying for the time being. Will and Mike readied to pass-out in bed, but the tiredness left them, and all they could do was lay atop the comforter motionless as they silently stared at the ceiling. At some point, Mike had left the room, but Will didn't notice until he returned with two mugs and a stiff smile. As the darkness faded into the morning, they sat on Mike's bed and whispered the night away. For the most part, the mugs were untouched, as they quickly went cold and were discarded on the nightstand.
Because the truth was, Will didn't actually want a hot chocolate. In fact, he didn't a lot of the times he'd shared one with someone. He did, however, want the soft, comforting blanket that Jonathan had turned it into a decade ago.
It wasn’t about the hot chocolate. It was never about the hot chocolate - it was the people he shared it with as he gave up a piece of himself with every cup he made for someone and a weight lifted off his shoulders in each sip.
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fledermoved · 2 years
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The most magical part of being an artist is you can draw pretty much anything you want and most of the time people can’t tell you no
anyway, here we will unpack all of this in order of left to right:
-Ice cream because I ate all the ice cream and now I miss it -Phil frew up - @pointdointy​ ‘s OC George with Gef the mongoose saying gay men rights -Phil..... idk what’s going on with the corndogs -Big eared woolly bat my beloved -Sparkle wolf says fuck cringe culture -my OC Ludwig trying to be romantic to @pointdointy​ ‘s OC Virgil -Bonnie even though I know like nothing about FNAF at this point, I just really like the Bonnie song bc it slaps
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tinymicrobats · 4 years
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spellwing777 · 3 years
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Nanananananananana BAT LINEUP Left to right: Dettlaff, who is based on the spectral bat, a large carnivorous bat that lives in small family groups not dissimilar to wolf packs, with a monogamous pair that mate for life. They’re also called ‘the great false vampire bat’ for...reasons and has big ‘ol fangers just like our favorite hot topic vamp.  Rando silhouette that may or may not have been a piss-poor attempt at drawing Geralt and Shall Remain Vague. 
Regis, based on the hairy-legged vampire bat which is possibly the cutest thing in existence. They also possesses the dubious honor of having the tanuki scrote of the bat world. No, I’m not kidding. Apparently its typical of non-monogamous species where the male fucks a lot of females so needs...uh...reserves.  Rando bruxa who’s not sure about being drawn. She’s based on the big-eared woolly bat also known as ‘false vampire bat’. Apparently, scientists are terrible at actually distinguishing wtf a vampire bat is.
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fuckingfreud · 3 years
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Plate 67, Chiroptera, Kunstformen der Natur  (Art Forms of Nature)
Ernst Haeckel, 1904
1-2: Brown Long-eared Bat
3: Lesser Long-eared Bat
4: Lesser False Vampire Bat
5: Big-eared Woolly Bat
6-7: Tomes's Sword-nosed Bat
8: Mexican Funnel-eared Bat
9: Antillean Ghost-faced Bat
10: Flower-faced Bat
11: Greater Spear-nosed Bat
12: Thumbless Bat
13: Greater Horseshoe Bat
14: Wrinkle-faced Bat
15: Spectral Bat
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wow, I wonder if there are any flying creatures in Mexico that could be mistaken, if flying low above you but you think further away, for one
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"The spectral bat (Vampyrum spectrum), also called the great false vampire bat or Linnaeus's false vampire bat, is a large, carnivorous leaf-nosed bat found in Mexico, Central America, and South America. It is the only member of the genus Vampyrum; its closest living relative is the big-eared woolly bat. It is the largest bat species in the New World, as well as the largest carnivorous bat: its wingspan is 0.7–1.0 m (2.3–3.3 ft). It has a robust skull and teeth, with which it delivers a powerful bite to kill its prey."
big long head? check. somethings on its head that could be mistaken for a crest when you're only able to see a silhouette? check. body that stands out against membrane wings? check. sufficiently large to make that mistake? check.
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todaysbat · 2 years
Maybe a big-eared woolly bat as well for cheering up
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image description: profile picture of a Big-eared woolly bat (Chrotopterus auritus).
image source: Merlin Tuttle
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miss-m-winks · 4 years
Made a bat winged character design for a tutorial on my sideblog and got attached lol. So I refined him and named him and here he is: Teo Rocio Bertoli, trans bat dude who is also a carpenter maybe. Nose, ear, and wing shape are based on various species of woolly bat. If he lived in our real world he would be argentinian/italian.
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(Description: two images showing digital drawings of my new oc Teo. He has medium brown skin and black hair worn in a bun with rounded bangs. His face and the rest of his body are also very hairy. He has large dark brown bat wings, big round bat ears, and a wrinkly leaf shaped bat nose. In the first image, Teo is standing with his hands in the pockets of a sleeveless brown jumpsuit with red, yellow, and dark blue geometric patterns on it. He is also wearing a small straw hat with some light blue flowers and a red and yellow striped scarf.
The second image is of three smaller drawings of Teo. One is a close up of just his face to show off his weird bat nose, and he is smiling with his mouth open to show off his weird bat teeth, which look like buck teeth with some pointy canines further to the side. His ears are shown to be slightly translucent, the lighting turns them red on the inside like they are glowing a little. Next to this is a full body picture of Teo standing in the rain, one wing lifted over his head and hai posture curved inwards as he looks up with concern. He is wearing a denim jumpsuit with light purple lace across part of it. The last drawing is of Teo flying in a light yellow dress. His wings and ears are red from the light shining through them.)
He is fun to draw. I don't know much about him yet and I have no place for him in my story, but he is my funky bat child now.
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primrose-fr · 4 years
Wildlife of the Scarred Wastes
Hey I put together a list of all wildlife found in Plague, for writing purposes. Because it's pretty unique from the rest of Sornieth. Thus can be a bit difficult to write for.  It's also interesting to note that most of the creatures can be found in other locations too, I picture the varieties found in plague to be more...plague-y. I hope this is at least a good jumping off point for you writers/worldbuilders!
Includes little personal notes here and there about possible uses, ecology and real-life equivalents, and interesting notes from the items bio too.
Everything under the cut. Long post ahead
Panther Anole (Small, fool hardy, easy prey for hatchlings) Plague Bat (Bat that carries plagues?? Probably a small snack for adults and a meal for hatchlings) Satin Mouse (Magically charged mice, might have been introduced from Arcane) Java Sparrow (Small songbird, Nutritious) Shrew (Small and mole like, cannot be tamed) Marsh Rabbit (Oily water repellent fur, probably like a softer beaver pelt. Decent meal. Probably farmed for fur) Dappled Clucker (Chickens whose females brutally fight over males. Probably farmed for meat) Steppes Box Turtle (known for it's shell pattern) Musk Scrapper (Like a brown skunk, stinks but apparently the meat is incredible.) Flecked Bushrunner (Type of quail. males race each other to impress females. Proabably a common type of wild game) Wood Duck (Probably a common type of wild game) Silver-Laced Rooster (There was a play about a rooster trying to woo a dragon. Ended poorly.) Arroyo Toad (Most dragons are immune to it's toxin but Mirrors are allergic to it.) Plantain Poacher (Type of squirrel monkey. Common pest that raids produce stores.) Bush Rat Wallaby (Probably a decent sized meal) False Podid (Decent meal, cousin to common podid, tastes best when roasted in the shell) White-Eared Hummingbird Coral Snake (VENOMOUS. Rear-fanged. But edible to dragons if eaten carefully. Snakes store their venom in the head area. Body meat is generally fine.) White Squirrel (Cannot jump, probably easy prey. Most likely is native to Ice) Tokay Gecko (DEADLY. Covered in a potent poison from head to toe. (Note: real tokay geckos are not poisonous, just massive bitey assholes)) Bleeding Heart Crow (Only Males have the "Bleeding Heart" coloration) Ferret (a treat for most dragons, might also be kept as pets and for hunting small game) Sugarglider (Common pest in sugarmelon crops. might also be kept as pets.) Bar-Headed Goose (Might be farmed for meat/feathers) Hellbender (Massive salamander (one of the largest species on earth!)) Emerald Striker (VENOMOUS. Emeralds contain the toxin) Silver Raccoon (Known to steal and hoard silver.) Green Iguana (apparently very friendly and probably common pets (Important Note: Real green iguanas are NOT friendly and want nothing more than to whip you to shreds. Make terrible pets!)) Bog Canary (Song is apparently horrible, but plumage is pretty, might be kept as pets (Note: the art depicts a budgerigar not a canary)) Golden Reefprince (Regal and golden, best served to someone you're trying to impress. Probably farmed and marketed in the same vein as Valentine Roses) Black Swan (Probably farmed for Meat/Feathers) Green-throated Skink (More confident then it's cousin, probably more common to see skittering around in daylight) Dustrat (Seen as vermin, a sign to clean your lair) Banded Dart Frog (POISONOUS. However NOT deadly. Instead it's hallucinagenic. Probably farmed as an legal and/or illegal narcotic. Probably a big market for them.) Collared Lemming (Probably has a local superstition about it staring into your soul and knowing all your secrets) Webwing Alpha ( might be farmed for meat or plumage. Or kept as familiars) Yellow-Throated Sparrowmouse (kept as Familiars. Plumage might be used in crafts) Basilisk (Direct eye contact can turn dragons to stone. Probably Hunted as Big/trophy game. Also Kept as familiars) Clown Charger (Skin is poisonous. Might be hunted as Trophy Game but not eaten. Also Kept as familiars) Parasitic Fungus (Has mind controlling fungus, however fungus rarely takes. Also Kept as familiars) Fungalhoof Qiriq (Leaves a trail of fungus where ever it goes, easy to track dangerous to hunt. Might be hunted as big/Trophy game or as possible rites of passage . Also Kept as familiars) Roving Lionsnake (Large dangerous ambush predators that stalk long grasses. Might be hunter for trophy game or possible rights of passage. Also kept as familiars) Murkbottom Gull (Common seabirds, most likely a common sight at waterways. Also kept as familiars) Giant White Toridae (Large! Has Myths and urban legends surrounding it. Probably hunted as Trophy game or even rites of passage. Also Kept as familiars.) Ultramel Amphithere (Amphithere displaying the "Ultramel" color morph. Probably popular pets. Also kept as familiars) Auburn Woolly Walrus (Hostile due to chronic pain. Probably Farmed for meat and fur while also being hunted as big/trophy game. Also kept as familiars.) Hooded Dodo (Completely blind despite three sets of eyes. Probably farmed for meat and feather. Also kept as familiars) Infestation Hound (Wild ones are ambush predators, baiting and eating scavengers. Probably Domesticated by plague clans and bred then raised as hunting partners and companions. Kept as familiars) Heartred Croaker (Meat is uniquely brown and green in coloration. Kept as familiars) Mossy Cerdae (Healing magic-less Unicorns. Population is rising exponentially. Probably hunted for meat/fur/horns. Kept as familiars) Hippojay (Might be farmed for meat or hunted as big/trophy game. Or kept as familiars) Bluetail Skira (Blue algea clings to their tail fur causing the blue coloration. Might be farmed for meat or hunted like big game. Or kept as familiars) Paddyfowl (Common predator to smaller amphibians, might be farmed for meat or plumage. Or kept as familiars) Moordwelling Trunker (Displays are a lot like jousting. Probably farmed for meat. Or kept as familiars) Glowing Pocket Mouse ( A light snack. Or kept as familiars) Grey River Flight ( Probably farmed for meat and water resistant hide. Or kept as familiars) Brown River Flight ( Probably farmed for meat and water resistant hide. Or kept as familiars) Bearded Pupowl (Actually a vertebrate! Amphibian and probably distantly related to salamanders. Kept as familiars)
Aquatic Life:
Crawdads Wetland Vampire (Leech) Glass Minnows (maybe kept in dragon aquaria?) Mussels Clown Shrimp Warmouth (A mid sized bass/perch-like fish, probably decent eating) Wave Skippers (Flying fish?) Sea Hare (Sea slugs) Sunset Sea Dragon Dumpling Squid (bio implies they’re eaten and dipped in sauce.) True Rainbow Trout Green Corydoras Catfish (tiny bottom dwelling catfish, maybe kept in dragon aquaria?) Golden Cushionfish (Pufferfish) Seabed Pincher (Hermit crab) Blackwater Jester (Appears to be a cardinal fish of some sort) SeaHeart (Some kinda urchin) Aether Hermit Black Maiden (type of Black Guppy, possibly poisonous? maybe kept in dragon aquaria?) Ruby Tetras (possibly a red version of the blackskirt tetra, maybe kept in dragon aquaria?) Blue Ring Octopus (DEADLY. Venom can straight up kill smaller dragons. Considered an accomplishment to catch and eat properly. Probably equivalent to Fugu.) Striped biter (Similar to a cat shark in appearance. Apparently very common.) Devilsnap (Apparently an oyster that bites back) Blue Dragon Seaslug Cobra Snakehead (mid-sized carnivorous fish) Nebula Floaters (Jellyfish of some sort, very sweet may cause tooth decay) Pond Slip (Come from dirty water, VERY important to clean) Cinnamon Loach (Popular gift among the seafood eating dragons, may also be kept in dragon aquaria?) Deviant Darter (Covered in pustules, looks plague-y) Giant Isopod Billy Bass (Breaks into song when taken out of the water, mid-sized fish probably decent eating) Discus (Popular, beautiful, and challenging to care for in irl aquaria. Possibly kept as decorative fish for the upper class in dragon aquaria) Four-Eyed Butterflyfish Pincushion Urchin Gaseous Megashrimp (Big, kept as familiars. this is speculation but depending on the size it may also be used as a seafood alternative to whole roasts like pig) Skittering Megashrimp (See above) Longjaw Lurefish (Based on the jawfish, probably much bigger. preys on birds) Glow Star (glowing starfish. Glow fades when it leaves the water. Might make good underwater decoration) Wave Sweeper (Patrols shallow waterway. Probably hunted for meat or ignored, Kept as familiars) Plantation Pincher (Considered a rampant pest on farmland.)
Insect Life:
Fungus Cutter (Large fungivore ants) Glade Swarmer (Builds large hives and defend it fiercely, disturbing it will end in either a feast or a healers visit) Crop Cutter (Pests that can devour entire fields. Plant eater hate them while others feast on them.) Maggot (common on the many festering corpses of the scarred wastes) Harlequin Ladybug (perform intricate aerial acrobatics, can be challenging for hatchlings to catch) Salt-Marsh Mosquito (Carry many diseases, numbers swell in summer) Tachinid Fly (Their carapace can be ground into tincture and tonics with restorative capabilities. Valuable. Probably farmed for medicinal purposes) Redwing Hopper (Spend most of their time gliding. low-flying dragons end up with face fulls of them.) Greenworm (Blends in well and challenging to find) Land Snail Rainbow Grasshopper (Taste terrible. seems to be a common prank to tell younger dragons that they taste like rainbows.) Tinder Bug (Tastes good if properly cooked, also effective tinder) Earwig Craftsman Brightback (Crafts intricate nests around spherical fruit, to which the fruit inside is eaten leaving behind the dried structure.) Redknee Tarantula Dusty Cicada (Collecting their shells and placing them in unexpected places around your den is considered a fun pastime) Millipede Wasteland Pauper (In an event known as the Blue Harvest vast numbers of this butterfly go migrating.) Stinglash (DEADLY. Aposematic. Skull pattern on it's head is a threat display. When stinger is removed however it's considered a delicacy) Shale Skitter (Pillbug relative. Completely flatten themselves when threatened) Parasitic Grub Red and Black Froghopper Fever Fly (Ingesting this fly is fine. being bitten by this fly leads to fevers and muscle spasms (dancing!)) Two-Tone June Beetle (Best served lightly toasted) Blackshield Cockroach (Fae use rocks to crack it's shell for eating.) Yellow Jumper (Deadly? Very tasty apparently) False Veneer Moth (Pattern on it's wings shines to distract predators) Yellowtail Caterpillar (Commonly eaten in piles with pepper sauce, cucumber, rice, and wrapped in seaweed) Orchid Beetle (Native to the Starwood Strand. gets its coloration from the plants it eats) Water Bug Catocala Moth (Cryptic patterning on wings) Giant Prickly Stick Insect (Has a hard time find mates due to effective camouflage) Autumn Pennant (Dragonfly. Scarce, only appears towards the end of autumn) Sugarbee (Feeds on sugarcane. Popular as sweet treats. might be treated like candy to insectivores) Firefly (Probably native to Fire. Has a crisp, crunchy texture with an extremely spicy flavor.) Dead Leaf Mantis (Feeds entirely on brain matter. (braaains)) Hydra Scorpion (It's said that cutting off it's tail grows two more in it's place. Probably large and treated like big/trophy game. Kept as familiars) Triple-Sight Firebug (Dragons closely bonded to this bug can use it's sight for short periods of time. Possibly used for rough reconnaissance. Kept as familiars) Tufted Leaf Beetle (Pests. A swarm of these beetles can devour a field overnight. Kept as familiars.) Tender Larail (Consumes all parts of a plant except seeds, which it carefully buries. Might be a Keystone species. Kept as familiars.) Spoiling Scorpio (Probably large and treated like big/trophy game. Kept as familiars)
Plant Life:
Highland Dryleaf (Hardy. Tastes awful. Plentiful) Marsh Choker (Named for it's choking pollen. probably grows in wetland areas.) Desert Scrub (Plentiful. Tastes like dirt) Diseased Fungus (Has a following that believe it tastes zestier than normal fungus. Probably cultivated or foraged for.) Carnaval Tulip (Pretty, often in bouquets. considered by plant eaters to be "edible arrangements" Probably cultivated for food and appearance) Crisp-leaf Amaranth (Seeds are edible and commonly eaten, while the leaves are eaten less commonly.) Wild Catsup (grows along cliff-sides in thin patches with bright red flowers. might also go well with wild mustard greens) Always-Autumn (Thistle. Blooms year-round with sun-dappled colors.) Canyon Ruffage (Staple for herbivorous animals and dragons alike, common in dry areas) Blood Acorn (Filled with nutrient rich nectar) Cinnamon (Probably cultivated for exportation in the spice trade) Chickweed (Used in herbal remedies to sooth itchy scales. Probably cultivated for medicinal purposes) Herbal Plantain (Leaves of this plant can be used as an effective anti-toxin. Probably cultivated for medicinal purposes) Peace Lily (Pretty and edible, it's petals are a favorite snack of peace doves. Probably cultivate for decoration and consumption.) Gryphon's Blood Sempervivum (Appears to be a type of succulent that grows in sandy red (clay rich?) earth near gryphon territory. does not actually use blood in cultivation.) Treasure Plant (Considered to bring good luck if kept in the lair. Possibly cultivated for decoration or as gifts.) Boxwood (Has a subtle flavor?) Winter's Delight (Sweet red berries that taste the best at the coldest point in winter, Most likely native to Ice) Bonebark Mold (Plentiful. grows on dead trees.) Ashfall Prickler (Nectar on the inside has a spicy flavor that oddly goes well with anything.) Honeycrisp Apple (Probably cultivated for food. Most likely food source to Craftsman Brightbacks) Turnip (Does not keep long and must be eaten immediately. Probably cultivated for food.) Wasteland Pear (Common. but finding an edible one is not.) Cindermint (crunchy texture with a  fiery kick. Often dried and crumbled up to help accent desserts or teas. Probably cultivated for this reason.) Butcher's Fig (Fruit has a crimson coloration, juice stains the mouth for days.) Leechroot Mushroom (Parasitic fungus native to the Scarred Wastes. Pests. Targets healthy plants.) Green Plantain (Has a tart flavor and can be stored in cool places for long periods of time. Probably cultivated and exported to other flights.) Daffodil (Can be boiled, mashed, and used in stews. Blooms are also pretty. Probably cultivated for these reasons.) Grassland Grain (Easy to spot and filling meals. Great for foraging on the road.) Water Lilies Crimson Jadevine (Extremely rare. ground up to make war-paint. Might be cultivated for this purpose and might also be treated as sacred.) Sour Strawberry (It's a strawberry, but sour) Wilting Rose (Its a rose, but wilting) Pompom Mums (Vibrant, cheerful petals. Very attention getting to pollinators. might be used to attract pollinators to fields. Also useful for decorative purposes) Sand Creeper (Type of ivy that spreads prolifically over sand. Might be a good crop for those in barren wastelands.) All Seeing Shroom (Disgusting looking, covered in veins and tumors. Unknown if edible but can be traded as currency in select venues.) Ancient Mushroom (Rumored to aid with a dragons growth) Over-ripe Cherries (Cherries that ripen then go bad at a break-neck pace. Probably not cultivated.) Melon Marzal (Behaves like a normal plant until it matures in which it will become more animalistic. Weird. Kept as familiars)
River Muck (Goopy. probably common in or near waterways. Probably a pest/hazard) Poultrygeist (Ghost?? Probably some kind of urban legend. Kept as familiars) Undying Featherback (Undead and requires magic to kill permanently. Probably a serious threat to plague clans. Can be kept as familiar) White Rot Deer (An older wood ear deer, not hunted nor eaten. Cultivated by dryads for protection. Also Kept as familiars) Sanguine Multimist (Sentient mist?? Probably has urban legends surrounding it. Kept as familiars.) Creeping Tendril (Animal like?? Shy, only moves when no one is looking. Kept as Familiars) Blue Vein Pansy (??? Uproots and moves itself to more optimal locations when required.) Ancient Fungus (Has a cracked, stone hard outer shell. Kept as familiars)
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movieexpert1978 · 5 years
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ok i hope I'm doing this right: prompt: POV from Godzilla's perspective during your choice of a scene from KOTM. Something big like maybe with what happened to Mothra. I've never seen anyone write from one of the kaiju's perspective before.
Heavy spoilers ahead!!! Basically the ending of the movie here!!! You have been warned. 
Godzilla, Mothra, King Ghidorah, Rodan, and other monsters are not mine and belong to Toho and Legendary pictures
Godzilla roared in frustration at his opponent in front of him, that infernal golden, three-headed dragon…that false king. It roared and opened it’s large bat like wings before leaping into the air. He tried to brace himself but still the impact of the dragon’s body rattled him to the core. He felt it’s two tails wrap around his body and it’s feet dig into him as he tried to claw away. It was no use. He felt his feet lift off and before he could look down the middle head wrapped around his neck. As they went higher he was losing oxygen because they were both going high in the air and because he was being chocked. He felt himself go limp slightly and the familiar blue glow of his back spikes faded away.
He looked up into the golden eyes of the middle head only for a moment before he started falling. He let out a roar of surprise as he fell through massive storm clouds flashing an unnatural yellow instead of a normal white. He felt heat circle all around his back. His back was on fire. He felt he was on fire inside and out. He kept falling and falling. He couldn’t breathe. He couldn’t think. He didn’t know how far he was from the ground. That answer came all too quickly as he hit the ground harder than he had every hit anything in his ancient long life. He was engulfed in a mixture of red and blue light as he crumbled to the ground. He felt dizzy, close to blacking out and so he didn’t hear the dragon crash to the ground and look over him in seeming triumph.
Instead he felt a light prickle on his back, like something was crawling on top of him. He lets out moan as he looks up weakly. He sees familiar blue eyes glowing as she weakly crawls on top of him with a defiant high-pitch roar.
It’s her.
His Queen.
She’s hurt too as she looks up at the dragon, boldly, and unafraid. She leaned down and her wings covered his wounded body. He felt a pang of sadness as he saw her wings were burned and charred. Thanks to that infernal bird or Rodan as the humans called him. He managed to catch a glimpse of her stabbing the bird in the shoulder with her stinger. He growled with pride before returning to his own fight. Now she was over him, defending him with the last of her strength. Her wings glows a light greenish color and he felt a brief warmth wrap around him, like an assurance that things would be ok. The golden dragon hissed and roared at her, unafraid as well.
He tried to protest but his voice failed him as she flew into the air on shaky wings. He watched as she rose into the air and roars at the dragon. His eyes go wide as all three heads fire yellow lighting right at her. She tries to hold on. She takes the brunt of the fire to protect him, but it was too much for her. He heard one last final roar from her before she was engulfed in white and she was gone. He felt something lower down to him. Orange and green speckles of energy landed down on him and were absorbed into his body. He raised his head and let out a roar of despair before his head fell back with a thud. Then he felt something familiar slither and coil around him and he realized the three heads were wrapped around his body, lifting him into the air again. He roared in pain with every bite the heads gave him as energy flowed from him into the dragon. He let out a painful cry as one head kept biting at his neck. He thought this was it. He was going to die soon. Her death would be in vain. The stranger’s death would be in vain.
Instead the dragon dropped him and started chasing after something else. He heard the noise too. It was like a little buzz in his ear. It was annoying but he could drown it out. As he laid there in the rain, he realized that he didn’t feel it anymore. He felt hot again. He felt strength returning to him again. He felt her again. As he slowly got up his body started to glow red all over. Every crack in his skin glowed red. His spikes glowed red as well as his eyes. He felt anger and rage now. No! Her death would not be for nothing. The stranger’s death would not be for nothing. He looked around and he saw the dragon again. He started walking towards it and as he did so, everything glowed, burned, and melted around him as he was literally that hot.
He let out an angry roar as the dragon roared back at him, confused about his new appearance. He growled and bared his teeth as he felt energy building in him. He heard the familiar sound of his back spikes glowing, but this time he didn’t release his heatray. He released a massive amount of energy, burst of heat in power in the shape of her wings at the dragon. He heard her cry in his mind as the dragon shrieked in pain. It’s massive wings burned to ash in front of it’s eyes. It attempted to crawl back and all three heads shot the yellow lightning at him, but he didn’t even feel it as he closed his eyes and felt that energy build again until it burst out as her wings a second time. This time the right and the left heads were melted away, leaving the middle head remaining as it continued to shriek. He snarled and stomped on it’s chest caving it in as they were both engulfed in a nuclear explosion caused by Godzilla’s over-energized body.
When he came to he saw nothing but blackness…and something in his mouth. He obviously wasn’t dead and he was able to easily rise up from all the debris that covered him. He realized that the dragon’s head was in his mouth and it was still alive. It’s cries were far from the high-pitch chirps it let out as it sound like deep moans. In frustration he shook his head and whacked the dragon’s head on crumbling buildings as he bit down more and more on it’s neck. Finally having enough, he focused his heat and he felt his blue heatray build up until it shot through the dragon’s head turning anything remaining of it into the ash and dust. His jaw clamped down shut and he shook himself off with a small little burp.
His victory was short lived as he felt a presence coming towards him. He turned and saw a Behemoth coming towards him. Human’s would describe it as mostly looking like a giant woolly mammoth with it’s brown fur and large tucks but it didn’t have a trunk like most mammoth’s would have. Instead of a fight it stopped in front of him as did the other monsters that approached him. One looked like a giant spider, another like a MUTO that he remembered fighting not long ago.
Then that infernal bird landed in front of him.
It roared as it landed and he promptly growled, snorting and baring his teeth in warning having not forgotten what he did to his Queen. The bird was only puzzled at his expression for a moment before he realized why he was angry and the bird quickly bowed in front of him, his open wound glowing brightly. He snorted again as he looked around and saw the other kaiju were bowing as well. As well as they should.
He roared like the King that he was.      
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wonkykingscross · 6 years
@accio-shitpost written for this post
Crookshanks like the strange small-Hermione. The creature with the large eyes, floppy ears that he liked to bat at whenever possible, was smart and often offered up treats whenever he saw him. Crookshanks was particularly fond of the fish pieces the small-Hermione offered him. 
Crookshanks was an intelligent cat. He was smart enough to try and catch the bad-rat-Hermione for male-dog-Hermione. He was smart enough to learn the secret to stopping the angry-tree and he was smart enough to learn that bringing the soft, woolly paw covers to small-Hermione got him extra fish snacks. 
The first time had been an accident. Crookshanks had stolen the paw covers from his Hermione and batted them across the floor, out past the portrait-Hermione, and somehow made it to the kitchen with his prize. 
The squished faced cat watched from a countertop as the many-small-Hermiones flittered around, cooking baking and otherwise preparing for a meal. 
 “What is yous doing Mr. Kitty-Cat?” A small-Hermione with big floppy ears asked, appearing in front of Crookshanks. 
Crookshanks ignored the question and stretch forward to bat at the small-Hermione’s floppy ears. Small-Hermione politely stood still while Crookshanks batted at his eas. 
When Crookshanks was done he stretched languidly and stared unblinkingly at the small-Hermione who appeared to be waiting for a reply. Crookshanks tilted his head as if to say, “I go where I want.” 
“The kitchens is no place for a Kitty!” Small-Hermione said sternly. 
Crookshanks yawned and licked at his front paw. 
“Oh! You is Mr. Harry Potter, Sir’s Hermy’s Kitty! Dobby is pleased to meet you!” Small-Hermione said excitedly. 
Crookshanks blinked slowly as if to say, “Took you long enough, now feed me, peasant.”  
“Oh, but Mr. Harry Potter, Sir’s Hermy’s Kitty still should not be in the kitchens!” Small-Hermione said wringing his hands. 
Crookshanks just mewed softly as if to say, “Please tell me more about how this is my problem.” 
“I’s be taking yous back to  Mr. Harry Potter, Sir’s Hermy,” Small-Hermione said getting ready to snap his fingers. Crookshanks, the quick-witted cat he was, noticed the layers and layers of strange paw coverings Small-Hermione was wearing and the cat got a great idea. Smugly he batted the paw coverings he had been playing with at Small-Hermione hitting him on his long funny nose.
Small-Hermione took the paw coverings and that was the beginning of a beautiful friendship. Crookshanks acquired the strange paw coverings and Small-Hermione became his loyal servant enabler. If Crookshanks was hungry a pair of Red-Hermione’s maroon paw coverings got him a nice fish. 
If he wanted to curl up in the study in the best patch of sunlight the whole castle but Mrs. Norris was already there, a pair of Also-a-Cat-Hermione’s strange patterned paw coverings had Small-Hermione snapping his fingers and removing the pesky intruder. 
It was a perfect relationship until one year Crookshanks and Hermione didn’t return to the castle where Small-Hermione lived and Crookshanks never saw Small-Hermione again.  
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