#big guy is territorial and very defensive
artbyblastweave · 18 days
Heroify: Kingpin
Compared to some of the other characters people have sent in today this is like shooting monkeys in a barrel!
Part of the reason Fisk is such a good Daredevil villain is that he's already got a lot of the basic elements you need to make a street-level hero work- the will, the drive, the protectiveness, the territoriality, and the quote-unquote "badass normal" peak human fighting ability that, let's not fuck around here, is absolutely a superpower even if the chickenshit writers won't directly admit to that. It's just that he uses those abilities to be a crime boss rather than to fight crime bosses. To put himself in charge of his childhood bullies instead of fighting his bullies. A classic case of "If only he'd used his immense capacity for interpersonal violence for good." What would make him stand out from all the other heroes in his niche is his propensity for Empire-building, his complete inability not to build up some kind of organization from scratch, and what that impulse might look like in a superheroic context.
I'm imagining that his initial schtick is that of a Bully Hunter. After getting ripped and wiping the floor with his childhood bullies-or maybe this is one of the versions who offed his own father for beating on his Mother- he embraces the specific high of the "pick on someone your own size" routine, and he becomes The Big Man, the guy you go to when you need somebody who's been getting away with something for a while cut down to size. Upstairs neighbor is beating his wife and kid senseless, and nobody does anything because his brother's a cop? Call The Big Man. Real Estate Baron's using his connections to try to muscle out the residents of a tenement? The Big Man's gonna pay them a visit. Boss at the diner's withholding your paychecks and getting away with it because you're undocumented? You get where this is going. He usually doesn't kill people- not out of any particular code, but out of a combination of pragmatism and sadism. He's smart enough to engineer situations in a way that he can claim self-defense or frame someone's tumble down the stairs as an unfortunate accident or rely on the unexamined illegality of whatever his target was doing to prevent them from getting the police involved. He's got a bit of a financial cushion, as well, because all of this is actually his side gig- he's still a very successful, if not as cutthroat, local businessman, because hospitalizing domestic abusers doesn't pay the bills. As a power move, he does most of this under his own name- he's got a "costume" in the form of the distinct suit, and a nominal codename, but part of the bit, part of the point he's making, is that he's slightly better at weaseling out of the consequences of his actions than the people he targets. Always a bigger fish, after all. Power is relative. His thematic niche is distinct from Daredevil's abstract sense of idealized justice. It's not Frank Castles mechanical eye-for-an-eye approach. It's about the satisfaction of leaving a certain category of wrongdoer alive, so that they can remain very, very afraid.
Of course, since his entire bit is that he keeps putting untouchable assholes in fullbody casts, the attempts on his life start stacking up- First it's Ed the domestic abuser and his buddies from the bar coming around for a rematch, and then goon squads, then hand ninjas, then low-rent supervillains- and because The Big Man toes the line of being an actual superhuman, he's usually winning these things, and coming out ahead in the PR game for beating down a bunch of costumed thugs attacking his Perfectly Legitimate Art Gallery- but it's a pain that his office keeps getting firebombed. And this is where you start to reap the benefits of having done under-the-table favors for hundreds of people all over New York- The Big Man has a network now. The Big Man knows guys who knows guys, some of whom owe him favors, some of whom are just really afraid of him coming back for round two. The Big Man can pull together a hundred guys with crowbars and hammers on a day's notice, if he happens to need something like that. If he doesn't know someone with a backdoor into Tombstone's fortified penthouse or Hammerhead's mansion, if he doesn't know someone with incriminating information on Silvermane or Norman Osborn, well. He knows their cousin. And once he thinks to begin leveraging this? If the people escalating things have specific addresses, by the end of the week they very likely don't.
It's not as if he eliminates all criminal activity. He's not even interested in doing so. Like half the painting's he's selling are really convincing forgeries. But things hit a point where there's simply a hard practical limit on how imperial a supercriminal's ambitions in New York can become, how domineering, how visible to the man on the street, before The Big Man decides it's time to make a point and starts calling people, who in turn start calling people.
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susie-dreemurr · 11 months
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Translating the “Property of Captain Cellbit” books, aka young Cellbit’s diaries, for English speakers. This was from, I think, 28/10/2023.
Translations of all the books are under the read more.
— Day 34 of exploring!!!
After a week carefully examining the dangerous territory denominated as the “Mystery Lands,” me, Captain Cellbit and my sister, Sargent Bagi, found the perfect place
For our base of operations!
A vegetal species of oak with a similar size to our inicial base (house). We believe that together we can make a headquarters for all the secrets that can be found on this “Land.”
Sargent Bagi says she wants to have a swing in one of the branches of the house. A fantastic idea! If we reach enough strength and high on the swing, we’ll get to see the whole terrain around us!
— Day 45 of exploring!!!
On future days, important achievements will be accomplished, where we will win against all our enemies, but before that, me and Bagi need to practice our defenses.
For this reason today we will start the “Special Training For Explorers!” With mama’s help I was able to build two wooden swords. Mommy didn’t let them be sharp, even through a lot of pleading, but I think this is enough for now!
We’ll practice a lot against each other until we’re ready!
— Day 46 of exploring!!!
Today I want to leave this entry here as a reminder on what to do in case something like this repeats.
On our training yesterday, an accident occurred, and Sargent Bagi was hit
With too much strength by my sword, so at the moment she’s mad at me. To be fair in this situation, she could have dodged better from my attacks, but I admit I may have been a tad too harsh on her. She refuses to look at me
And hasn’t been speaking with me since yesterday.
So today I’ll try to make her forgive me, because exploring The Mystery Lands isn’t the same without her. I tried, it wasn’t fun. I’ll do the biggest surprise for her.
I was able to get together all Bagi’s favorite flowers, all my candy, and I’ll give it all in a big present to apologize. I hope it works, I don’t wanna live with her ignoring me forever.
— Day 167 of exploring!!!
Today, great progress was made in the conquest of the Mystery Lands. Not only was our base completed, but it seems we’re finding out more and more of what surrounds us.
Strange creatures and secrets that seem to slip through our fingers, all around us. It’s like trying to look behind the curtain of a spectacle. I know there’s something bigger behind the show, I just need to look for it better.
I’ll make sure the investigation has a better place to be organized, now that we’re sure another big hole from our base’s floor won’t fall.
— Day 490 of exploring!!!
After observing the workers of the area a lot, I managed to figure out their patterns. They get out of a “tent” each morning, but there are way too many of them to live on a terrain so small.
Tomorrow I’ll investigate this to the best of my abilities.
Unfortunately Sargent Bagi won’t be able to come with me. Yesterday on our training she broke one of the vases mommy made, so she’s grounded until next week.
But this can’t wait. I’ll report everything I find there. She doesn’t know about my plan, I want it to be a surprise for when I come back and are able to show all that I could do without her knowing. It’ll be a great surprise that will cheer her up a lot.
— To Bagi
Bagi, I’m sorry. I can’t come back. I can’t bring you with me or try to warn you. I have to go.
If everything goes well, you’ll be able to find this and know everything. But don’t trust the workers. Don’t trust the cops, don’t trust anyone.
I saw everything inside, they were doing all this beneath our very feet… it’s horrible, Bagi. You don’t deserve this, I don’t want you to have to live with these guys. So meet me on the other side of this ocean Bagi. I’ll be going now, I don’t care if I have to swim until
luck, I’ll swim a few kilometers and stop at some other island and then swim again.
But I won’t come back. Never will I come back to this terrain.
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"I Laugh in the Face of Danger."
The meeting of two grumpy cats (Rollo and Leona) 😳 Not me inserting a Puss in Boots 2: The Last Wish reference, thereby just throwing more cats into the concoction...
My mentor Leona bias also rears its head…
A Big Savanaclaw Welcome to Rollo!
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It was a grave mistake on Rollo’s part to waltz into Savanaclaw in his normal attire. The weather is warm, causing sweat to pool and stick to his clothes during the trek to the dorm building. But no, he won't so much as roll up his sleeves or unbutton his collar--that would be an affront to Noble Bell College's uniform!!
It doesn't help his mood that the students jeer as he passes, making comments about how he "won't last five minutes" in their territory. I think you'll find that it is yourselves who won't last five minutes in my presence, Rollo bitterly remarks--though only to himself. He'd have his revenge on them soon enough.
Rollo is miraculously able to suppress the urge to chide them then and there, not wishing to make a public scene. As soon as he steps inside of the dorm building though, he's quickly confronted with a new challenger: Leona Kingscholar.
He was expecting a dorm leader to present themselves with some level of decorum. Those expectations are quickly shattered when he enters to find Leona lounging in bed, Ruggie picking up clothing scattered on the floor, and Jack trying (and failing) to convince his dorm leader to get up.
Ruggie and Jack notice Rollo right away, their ears perking and eyes sharpening as soon as they pick up on his footsteps. Leona doesn't even spare a glance until he casually rolls over onto his side. At last, the lion beastman draws himself up and purrs, "Well, well, well. Look what we have here, our exalted guest from the City of Flowers."
"Were I truly an 'exalted' guest in your eyes, you would have taken more care to mediate your slovenly presentation," Rollo replied, a slight edge to his voice. His patience, worn. “… A pleasure.”
“For fresh meat, you’re quick to nitpick and nag,” Leona snorts. “Maybe you aren’t aware, but around here, I’m the king and my orders are absolute.”
“Then surely a king would behave with more grace and tact. Unfortunately, I sense very little in you.” Already, there is tension in the air, which Ruggie is quick to pick up on.
"Hey, hey, let's all chillax! You guys only just met, and you're about to have a fight? Let's at least wait until we have lunch first!" the hyena suggests. "Right, Jack-kun?" ("R-Right, Ruggie-senpai!" the first year obediently agrees with his upperclassman, then moves in to help tear the two apart.)
Leona and Rollo take their meals separately, not bothering to speak much to the other. As Rollo munches on a croissant, he frowns judgmentally at how Leona tears into meat like some wild animal.
The more he observes of the place, the more it is affirmed that Rollo doesn’t care for Savanaclaw in general—the students are rowdy and classless, and the heat unbearable. Worse yet, he can’t tear his eyes away from their hideous uniform. That can hardly be called a shirt, he laments. You can see so much of the skin that should be covered by fabric!
To Rollo’s horror, Ruggie dares to seat himself in front of him, wearing an impish smile as he kicks up his feet. “What’s up, Rollo-kun?” Ruggie asks with a snicker.
“Don’t you ‘what’s up’ me, you charlatan. You know perfectly well what is ‘up’ here,” Rollo quips back. He prepares to pick up his food and relocate to a different spot, but finds his way blocked off by Jack of all people. Ever the loyal guard dog, he's been wary of Rollo ever since Ruggie told the big story of what went down in the City of Flowers. I'll make sure he doesn't try anything funny again! Jack swears to himself.
Cornered by the duo, Rollo is forced to sit back down. “… Are you thugs trying to intimidate me? Shake me down for all my pocket money?” he demands of them. “It won’t work. You’ll find that I am quite sufficient in the art of self-defense.”
Jack looks to Ruggie for guidance--it's him who knows the most about Rollo of the trio. He leans close to Rollo and, with a grin, says, "Aww, why the mopey face? C'mon, we're not that bad to hang out with. Leona-san just made a bad first impression~ Don't think too badly of him, he's a great guy behind it all."
Rollo casts a doubtful look at Leona, who glares back at him. "I fail to see your perspective."
"You should join us for a match of Magift after lunch then. You'll see how he rules the court and the pack." ("As though I would play around with you scoundrels," Rollo bitterly retorts. "We are not children running haphazardly on a playground.")
"Wooow, Jack," Ruggie lazily huffs. "Looks like we don't have much of a team player here, huh? You know what to do." ("Right, Ruggie-senpai!")
"Excuse me? Just what are you... W-Wait one moment!! GAAAAARGHHHHH!!" Rollo soon finds himself hoisted up and over Jack's shoulder, ferried off to Savanaclaw's Magift stadium.
"Leona-saaan! Everything's in place," Ruggie calls to his dorm leader. Leona wipes his mouth with the back of his hand and smirks. "... Good going, Ruggie. We've got him right where we want him. Now let's see what this herbivore's really made of."
Rollo doesn't realize it, but Leona's been carefully observing him ever since he stepped foot in Savanaclaw. Everything, from the controlled way he looks and talks, implies to Leona that Rollo's putting on a mask--and he fully intends to rip that mask off, revealing his true face.
("Eh, but I already told you everything there is to tell," Ruggie had complained. "Why are we even doing this?" "You're still being paid, aren't you? If I were you, I'd shut your trap before I take back that bonus," Leona replied.)
They're out on the field now. Rollo finds himself surrounded by mob students, each of them looking like they want to tear right into him. When Leona saunters over, disc in hand, they all clear a path for him. "You know how to play?" he asks, to which Rollo scowls.
"I refuse to entertain this charade." With that, Rollo turns on his heel and begins to walk away. He half expects the dorm leader to send his pack after him, but instead he just hears Leona going, "... Suit yourself then. Think fast."
The disc comes whizzing at him, hard and fast, followed by a strong blow of Leona’s wind magic. Rollo doesn't have time to think, it's going to collide with him if he doesn’t—
Against his better judgment, Rollo’s body springs into action. The ring upon his right hand gleams with a dazzling light, magically repelling the disc flying at him and expelling the magical winds. The disc anticlimactically clatters to the ground, and shame floods Rollo—how could he have reacted like that, let magic guide his body?
The lion beastman wears the most self-satisfied smirk Rollo has ever witnessed. “Heh. I knew you had it in you, herbivore. You’re stronger than you look.” He motions, and the Savanaclaw students move in on his command. “Don’t go easy on him.”
“S-Sir! Isn’t this too much?!” Jack objects—the only one of the pack to do so. Rollo would have praised his moral compass had Jack not already played a part in the act. Villains, all of them.
“Jack,” Leona drawls, “I’m shocked to hear that from you. You saw what the man did just now. That’s a high-level defensive spell he cast on a whim. It’d be in poor taste to ‘play nice’ with him—it’d belittle his competence as a mage.”
When he puts it like that, Jack has no choice but to step down and concede with his dorm leader’s logic. Rollo’s absolutely appalled and flabbergasted at Leona’s charisma and skillful twisting of the truth. Perhaps he underestimated him after all—it’s now clear to Rollo that Leona is very, very dangerous.
“Well? What are you waiting for?” Leona asks, this time of Rollo. “Pick it up. Pick. It. Up.”
He does, and he makes a run for it.
So begins a ruthless game of cat and mouse on broomsticks, the entire dorm against Rollo. He detests every second of it, doing his best to survive with as little magic as possible amongst the beasts hounding him. Alas, he has to expend some to get out of a few close calls—namely with Leona blasting him.
Rollo comes close to exploding on the spot when he catches some of the Savanaclaw students tearing off their shirts or lifting them to mop up the sweat on their foreheads, giving him (unwanted) glimpses of their toned bodies. “Disgusting…! Deplorable…! Shameless…!” He mutters such accusations all the darn day.
Leona at last calls his goons off and they scatter like the last vestiges of sunlight as the night closes in. It’s just the two of them upon a moonlit stage, staring the other down with suspicious eyes.
Rollo falls, out of breath and head spiraling from exhaustion. Dread courses through his veins when Leona’s shadow falls over him. The lion doesn’t attack or taunt, only smirks. “… You did well. For an herbivore, that is.”
Leona chucks a water bottle at him and collapses beside Rollo, chugging a bottle of his own. Rollo steadily sits up, but dares not drink the water offered to him. He clenches it tightly in his hand. “I’m not in need of your approval, Leona-kun.”
“No one said I was giving it to you.”
They sit in silence for a few moments more, Leona’s gaze fixed on the stars and Rollo staring at Leona. Confused, without answers. “… Why did you accost me?” he demands to know.
“Wanted to confirm a hunch. If we’re going to be forced to host a guest, might as well get something out of it. Cats have their curiosity, you know.” Leona swigs the last of his water and crunches he bottle that remains. “… I heard about you from Ruggie.” A harsh laugh. “Real dumb shit you tried to pull there.”
“Thank you for the reminder,” Rollo snaps.
Leona’s lip curls. He’s not offended—no, he’s mildly amused. “I know your type. You think you’re above it all, that you can prove everyone wrong. Got lofty ambitions. Then the world kicks you down and you have to claw your way back up to where you once were.”
The accusation catches him off-guard, and Rollo immediately takes becomes defensive. “Wh-What… What could you possibly know about me?!” You don’t know what I’ve been through, how much I’ve suffered! How much he suffered…!
“… I don’t,” Leona confesses nonchalantly, “but I know we’ve both got a bone to pick with the lizard, and that’s enough.“ He could offer more advice, more consolation. Be better. Change. Don’t be like me. But he doesn’t.
It’s then that the realization hits Rollo—this man, this villain, sitting beside him, must have experiences akin to his own. A quiet understanding. Rollo’s expression complicates, and he can’t bring himself to meet Leona’s eyes again. In the darkness, they’re bright and piercing, seeking souls to swallow.
"… Life's not fair, is it?" Leona simpers.
"... No. No, it's not."
Rollo lifts his head to the stars, wondering if his brother is watching over him from on above. He allows his eyes to drift shut, and he slowly drinks in the night, savoring its taste.
Rollo’s about to say something else to Leona—a question, a comment, a prayer? But when he looks back, Leona has already dozed off. Rollo sighs and shakes his head. “Honestly… you Night Raven College students are as incorrigible as they come.”
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viburnt · 7 months
So hear me out! You did leopard touya and i FELL IN LOVE how about a lion or tiger bakugou tho🫢
Lion! Bakugo SFW+NSFW
Lions, kings of the jungle: known for their manes and imponent roar, basking in a reputation a bit too big for them. Lion! Bakugo boasts about his skill and power, even more than normally, that is. Adding a Lion to this blond only accentuates his egocentric behavior, but there are some new traits to discover with this hybrid.
Lion! Bakugo is all roar and no bite. He yells and curses, and pretends to be the leader, but lions (specially male ones) take care and try to provide for their prides (in this case, his clique).
Lion! Bakugo can't bear the thought of having other guys close to you. You're his partner, not some pesky pray for others to take! He keeps a close eye on who your friends are and who you are with, defending his territory. This hybrid is also very possessive; if you had a previous partner, he'll make sure to get rid of any trace of them.
Talking about territory, lions get extremely defensive with their stuff: he doesn't share. Once Lion! Bakugo starts feeling comfortable in a determined space (like an specific lunch table, library spot or your/his bedroom) he'll make sure others know that area is his as soon as he steps into the room. Oh, you wanna sit in his spot? How dare you?!
Did I mention lions are polygamous? Both sexes are. Bakugo doesn't really practice it because you're more than enough to breed and form a family, but sometimes (just sometimes) certain redhead is added to the mix. He doesn't allow you to have more partners though, female lions can only have one or two males to mate.
Mating season is intense, to say the least, Lion! Bakugo tries to breed you multiple times a day. Alone at the library? He may be bashful but he'll sit you in his lap. After training? Don't worry, he doesn't mind a bit of sweat. Are you doing homework? You could work on his cock too, right? Prone bone is his go-to position, right where he can bury his girth deep inside you while also having access to your body.
He wants to knock you up so bad.
Lion! Bakugo is also strangely affectionate towards you outside of his rut, planting chaste kisses on your face and wrapping an arm around your shoulders. He is very calm and easy-going with you when you compare his behavior with others, you can even say he relaxes with you.
Going back to how this species accentuate his self centered traits, however, Lion! Bakugo is even more hated by others than normal. There's not a second where he is not talking big game about him and his strength.
He roars (unironically).
Also, one of the main predators lions have are hyenas... remember who is a hyena hybrid? Shiggy. Suits him right considering how he was kidnapped by the league.
Lion! Bakugo also has an even messier hair, a lion tail, and matching ears. His body is a bit more sturdy and even has a bit of a tummy because, well, cat pouches. He's still such a pretty thing to look at!
"Bend your legs a little more-" Bakugo growls, tightening the grip on your hips as he pulls you closer to him. You lost the count of how many times he's had his way with you that day alone, his thrusts making your legs weak.
You pant, looking at him over your shoulder. "Fuck, you're gonna give me a cub soon, I promise..." He grunts, hissing as he digs his nails onto your plush skin, painting your insides white once more.
You have to change your sheets.
Tags: @i-literally-cant-with-this @shonen-brainrot @doumadono @imagination-mess @trickster-kat @shionancientsblog
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pablitogavii · 1 year
heyy! i loove your writing style. could you maybe write a smut where gavi is very veeeryy dominant i’m dying for that pls 😭🙏🏼
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You were currently scrolling through your phone bored out of your mind while your boyfriend was "busy"playing FIFA online with some of his friends.
"Amor.." you move your foot over his crotch hoping to signal that you were in a particular mood tonight...I mean he did satisfy your craving only one day ago but you couldn't help it when he looked so hot all the freaking time!
"Shh princesa, I'm playing" he moved his headset only to tell you that before putting it back on and laughing about something one of the guys said. You groaned rolling your eyes and retrieving your foot from his lap.
Send to: bestie<3
you: I'm going to start hating football!
bestie<3: Pablo not giving you attention??
you: yes!!! It's annoying! And he keeps licking his lips girl..fuck!!
bestie<3: just make him pay attention to you ;)
you: how?? his eyes are glued to the stupid screen!
bestie<3: I'm sure he will pay attention the moment you start talking about some other dude?? ;))
That gave you a great idea since Pablo did show quite the jealousy about Ansu in the past few days when you came to watch some of his trainings at the camp.
You put your phone away moving behind Gavi and tapping his bicep which btw was flexed and absolutely delicious looking..fuck this better work!
"Que?" he said moving his headset once more pausing his game and muting his mike.
"Sorry! Just one question, amor. Ansu scored more goals than you this season right??" you said pretending to be serious feeling his bicep flex under your hand the moment you mentioned his friends name.
"He only has two more goals and it's still not the end of the season! Why do you care about goals he scores anyways!?" Pablo was defensive right away and you liked seeing him riled up like this...it was such a turn on!
"I bet he scores more "goals" somewhere else too..." you poked the right spot while messing with an old Barça t-shirt Pablo was wearing while he stared at you in disbelief.
"What did you just say to me princesa!?" Pablo's voice got deeper whenever his dominant side surfaced and you loved every second of it feeling your panties dampen under deep vibrations.
"Nothing...keep playing your game. I'll go to sleep" you say smiling to yourself victoriously but as you tried to get up his rough hands grabbed your hips tightly pulling you back and making you land on top of his lap.
"You are gonna regret doubting your papi princesa..." his hands squeezed around your ass cheeks tightly enough to make it painful and you winced now helplessly turned on ready to take your punishment if it meant he will stop playing that stupid game and play with you instead!
"Really papi??" you teased which was a big mistake after getting him riled up regretting it the moment he spanked you hard leaving a red mark on your cheek.
"I'm gonna score so many "goals" tonight that you won't be able to walk for weeks!" he growled tossing you on the bed before getting on top of you and starting to kiss down your body tearing off any remaining pieces of clothing.
"Papi..please" you moaned and he spanked you once more making you wince and whine in desperation..he was driving you crazy and he knew it.
"Shut your disrespecting mouth princesa! I treat you so well every night...and you dare say Ansu is a better than me!? You dare tell me he can fuck you better than I can!? Well, I have news for you princesa..nobody will ever fuck you like me and I think you know that...that's why you are such a slut for my cock, aren't you?" he was biting marks into my sensitive skin as a way of marking his territory and you enjoyed every second of it.
"I asked you a fucking question!" he opened your legs presenting you to him and you whined as the cold air hit your sensitive core.
"Yes...I'm a slut for your cock papi..only your cock" you pouted hoping he will have some mercy but he was nowhere near forgetting the poisonous words that left your mouth.
"Prove it..." Pablo stood up looking down at his hard member and you took a hint getting on your knees in front of him and staring to lick his tip like a starved kitten.
"Enough teasing! Unless you never want this punishment to end!" Pablo grabbed your hair pushing more of his cock into your mouth as you started to suck him off still unable to fit all of him into your mouth.
Your hand massaged his balls while he threw his head back rutting more into your mouth feeling himself getting on the verge of his orgasm.
"Stop! I don't want to cum yet...not until I'm inside of your princesa" he said pulling your head back and making you remove your lips from his cock and look up at him patient for next instruction.
You loved the way he dominated you but still made you feel special at the same time. He helped you up wiping some saliva from your lips before kissing them passionately and making you fall back down onto the bed.
"Try saying Ansu is better than me now!" his hand was wrapped around your throat while he got so deep inside of you that your mind went blank.
"I can't hear you princesa....who is better than me??" he released your neck a little letting you breathe while still pounding roughly into your pussy with no mercy.
"N..nobody is better...ahh. than you..papi" you menage to speak in a broken language seeing his smirk grow as you stroked his ego with those words.
"That's right! Nobody is better than me on that pitch! And certainly nobody is better than me at fucking your tight little pussy..fuck you clench around me so perfectly princesa!" Pablo groaned kissing your lips feeling your high approaching as your thighs shook violently from over stimulation.
"Please..please papi..give it to me..fill me up good" you begged feeling his cock twitching inside of you as Pablo arrived at his own orgasm rutting in and out of you furiously.
"Fuck princesa! Tu eres perfecta para mi" he groaned into your neck while still buried deep inside of you and you moaned when he started moving again.
"I told you I will score so many goals tonight.." he smirked twisting you around and sitting up with you straddled in his lap and his cock buried inside of you.
"Be a good princesa and ride my cock baby" he smirked and you obeyed moving your hips as he hit all the right spots making another wave of pleasure spread through your body.
"Is this why you were mala princesa? HUh? You wanted my attention?" he smirked starting to pound into you once more and you threw your head back from how good this new angle was making you feel and he smirked.
"YES! Ahh yes..please don't stop!" you begged feeling him only speed up as another orgasm washed over you leaving you sweaty, exhausted and happy holding onto Pablo's shoulder's for dear life.
He laid you down and you were breathing heavily seeing stars form how intense the last orgasm was but Pablo was far from done..he was determined to prove himself to you tonight.
His lips attached to your overly sensitive core and you whined grabbing his hair while he was eating you like a starved man his first meal.
"P..P..Pablo.ahh..too..too much..ahh I can't..uhh" you felt your thighs shaking afraid of completely losing control but Pablo reassured you were in safe hands and you completely trusted him.
"Tell me..who is the best player in Barça?" he spoke into your pussy sending vibrations that felt better than any orgasm you ever had.
"Pablo Gavi...ahh" you said and he added more tongue sending your mind into overdrive as your back arched while he kept your hips glued to the bed torturing you.
"Who scores the most goals?" he asked rubbing his chin on your clit and your eyes were tearful now from how badly you needed to come and form his merciless teasing.
"Pablo Gavi!" you screamed in frustration and he smirked continuing to eat you out and just as you orgasm was about to come he asked one last question.
"Who is the only man who can fuck you this good!?" he said
"PABLO GAVI!" you screamed and the moment his lips met with your folds again orgasm washed over your as you squirted and he licked you clean proud of his achievement.
"Next time better watch your mouth or I will make sure you don't get this cock for a whole week" he warned and you pouted feeling almost drunk on ecstasy so the only thing you could do is nod while he put his t-shirt over your body and tucked you underneath the blankets.
"Sorry boys, my princesa was misbehaving.." he said before continuing to play his game...little devil ;))
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tanadrin · 5 months
i fired up civ 5 recently bc i wanted to see how it compared to my memory of it, and if anything it's actually much, much worse.
one unit per tile just... does not work with the idiom of the civilization series! units are not like armies in a GSG, they're like units in an RTS game: grist for the meatgrinder. you build them and throw them at your enemy and if they lose combat, they die. they don't retreat and recover morale, you don't get a chance to reposition and try again, they just go poof. but now in addition to that, you can only fit one unit of a type on a given tile, which means combat is forcibly spread out over a huge space. it's slow, slowed down further by the fact that it now takes a couple turns to fully resolve a fight--i guess the idea is that you can have your injured units fall back, except because of the way units get blocked in now, no you can't!--but you still need tons of units to take cities.
which means they didn't get rid of doomstacks. doomstacks are still logistically necessary to win wars! they just made them really fucking annoying to move around the map.
and on top of that, because OUPT applies to all units, it means you are also constantly having your scouts and workers and other civilian units being blocked in by your own units of the same type, or other players' units of the same type, meaning if you sign an open borders treaty with the AI you are frequently signing up to having your own units' movement being jammed up in the worst way by computer players. and on top of all THAT the units cancel their movement orders if the destination tile is blocked, even if the destination tile is on the other side of the map and you can't see it--which means, basically, any long-distance movement order is liable to be randomly canceled if an AI unit ends its turn on your destination tile.
it feels janky at every single level. the worst possible fix to something that wasn't even really a problem--and if they really wanted to they could have implemented some kind of very basic attrition mechanic. or some other kind of soft cap.
and and and on top of all that, it makes roads and railroads substantially less useful, bc frequently you cannot actually fit all your guys on one road or railroad--but you can't just carpet your territory in roads now like you used to do, because roads cost maintenance per turn. just. ugh. fractally bad decisionmaking! like different people were working at different ends of the design doc and not communicating at all!
the global happiness system means expansion is soft capped early in the game, which makes it feel less like an empire management game than a game of managing four to five cities. since very many units are now hard capped by resource availability now, and expansion is limited, AFAICT in most normal games this means you get like.. two swordsmen? ever? mainly it's strong attack units that are capped in this way, but their defensive counters are uncapped, which means actually playing strategically with your army composition is more annoyance than it's worth. in practice, what this incentives is just building the best trash unit you can afford en masse and throwing them at the enemy, but, of course, see the problems with OUPT.
they took out civics and replaced them with Social Policy trees. but everybody has the same set of social policy trees. and there's a bit of a tradeoff here in which trees you choose to fill out first, but you never then switch those old trees out for new ones like civics. they're just permanent bonuses. so there's no sense of, like, choosing your government type.
and then in BNW i guess they realized people missed that, and created Ideologies, which are just a bonus extra-big social policy tree where you get to pick between liberal democracy, communism, and fascism. but of course there's only three. and this isn't unlocked until the late game.
what they really should have done is added more civics and rather than just having you progress from early game civics to late game civics made all civics contextually useful. and maybe given you some extra civics that were unlocked early in the game so you could strategize around them.
as a part of this change culture is now more load-bearing, but cultural victory is just... weird and stupidly complicated. you have to build tourism, and do archeology, and build wonders that provide slots for great works that your three different kinds of great artist create, and all this other crap. versus domination, where you just conquer the other guys. or science, where you just build your spaceship. it's dumb and bad and awkward.
there's no conquest victory now. only domination. but because of the way domination works, it's now not possible to move your capital manually. this is awful and i hate it! let me move my capital, damn it!
buildings no longer go obsolete, which means that if i am founding a city in the year 1973, i still need to build a City Walls in it before i can build a Military Base. this feels ridiculous. and the series already kinda has this problem where it feels like late game it takes forever to get a city really up and running--don't make it even worse by making me build shit from classical antiquity before i can build modern facilities!
the AI is not very bright. they don't expand very much. on big maps, most of the map will remain empty most of the game, at least up through mid-level difficulties i usually play at (that are supposed to be "standard", so I assume the game is balanced around them)
diplomacy is irritatingly primitive. there are few ongoing agreements. declarations of friendship all last a fixed amount of time. the AI is constantly interrupting you to tell you it doesn't like you or it does like you or you and another AI player all like each other. just expose an opinion modifier and be done with it! harun al-rashid and i don't need to pass notes like it's grade school!
they nerfed the range of air units and especially nukes. which feels really weird. the 20th century saw the invention of strategic bombers that had a range of thousands of miles. why can mine only reach cities right next to my own? why do my nuclear missiles have a pathetic range? sure, sub-launched nukes are a thing, but they're only one part of a proper nuclear triad. there's no MAD anymore!
especially because the world congress can order you to stop building nukes and there's nothing you can do about it. you can't defy world congress bans and suffer a penalty. international law has some kind of magical force that even if you are the undisputed hegemon you cannot help but obey. this is very stupid! especially because they could not think of anything interesting for the world congress to do, so it's all shit like banning random luxury goods.
all the stuff i do like--the city-states, the hex grid, the core idea of the trade route system--is swallowed by annoying bullshit. to take the trade route example: you can make money by setting up trade routes. it can be quite lucrative! and you have to protect your trade routes from bandits and shit. but the menu for issuing trade route orders is a mess--way too much scrolling, you can't sort by lucrativeness of destinations, you have to constantly re-issue trade route orders, and the last trade route a unit was on isn't highlighted, or sorted to the top or anything like that. so it's lots of scrolling around, it's very annoying, and it's repetitive as hell.
the real stick in the eye is that this game was not only reviewed well, it was reviewed glowingly when it came out. which is bizarre to me! yes, it looks nice. the art is good and the music is pretty. but it feels awful to play! it is on almost every single metric less fun than civ 4! civ 3 is more fun, and civ 3 was terrible. i hope to god firaxis was bribing people left and right for good reviews because the only alternative explanation i can think of is that everybody who was reviewing strategy games in 2010 was also in the grip of a brutal glue-sniffing habit.
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bonefall · 11 months
Could you tell us anything more about our girl Cricketclaw? I have vague memories of you mentioning she just took Graykit and dipped to make sure they would both survive the plague. Queen, honestly. Did she have strong political leanings? Bffs? Hobbies? Opinions on Darkstripe becoming a huge dick? Depending on who mentored her that could be a lot of tension between the two.
Hopefully I will have her summary out soon, but sure! Casual jumble about Miss Cricketclaw, daughter of Dappletail, sister of Darkstripe and Graystripe.
NOTE: you're completely correct, I initially planned for Cricketclaw to nab Graykit and bolt for a while as the worst of the plague washed over ThunderClan before TPB. On further consideration though, I NEED to change it to Darkstripe for dramatic purposes.
The sibling who saved Graykit's life dies to his brother's claws in the end, in defense of Firestar. Do you understand my vision?
So with that in mind!
Cricketclaw and Darkstripe are Dappletail's first litter.
They were suuuuuper super close as kits. Always getting into trouble, thick as thieves with the mischief to match.
They once wandered off during a bad storm and came across a lone badger. Bluestar arrived just in time to kill it all on her own, but lost a life in the process.
For Cricketkit, that was formative. Her loyalty to Bluestar is absolutely unshakable.
(Darkkit was more just traumatized by it, it affects his ability to fight even though he doesn't want to admit it)
Their paths really started to diverge when they were apprenticed. Darkpaw was given to Tigerclaw, Cricketpaw went to Redtail.
Both siblings really idolized their mentors, remaining close into their adulthoods.
Dappletail and Cricketclaw were some of the few cats who where always a bit... iffy, on Tigerclaw. They kept quiet about it though, because it was VERY vibes-based.
Dappletail (the educator) kinda felt... dismissed? By him. And Cricketclaw was seeing how her brother was changing.
Like, since when was Darkpaw interested in advanced battle moves? The only finesse this guy ever displayed was the finesse to not get jabbed by a blackberry bramble. What happened to her nerd of a brother who could tell a red knoutberry from a raspberry at a thousand foxlengths?
But... Tigerclaw was strong and respected. He wasn't like his mentor, who always gave Dappletail and her friend Rosetail issues.
And it was good that Darkstripe was finally a strong, capable warrior.
He was a lot grumpier and gruffer than he used to be but, that's growing up.
Cricketclaw was named for being the more standoffish of the two. She's the fighter, the one who was more disciplined and battle-ready. It was odd and ironic to her that Darkstripe was becoming the more aggressive one, the more time passed.
But anyway, enough of her relationship to him! She has a ton of ambitions in her own right and has a pretty strong personality.
She LOVES practical jokes. When Graykit and Featherkit were born, she was ecstatic because it meant she was going to have little siblings to confuse
She's outgoing and funny. She inherited her mother's resting bitchface. Don't let it fool you.
Like other warriors though, she will defend the territory ferociously. Bluestar is a big inspiration to her, she is brave.
I imagine she is friends with Goldenflower, though I'm not sure why. I feel like they just get along, somehow.
(In canon, she greets her in the nursery. Cricketclaw is the BB version of the "Distinctive Tabby Queen")
Depending on some timeline stuff she might have a rivalry going on with Willowpelt. They both want to be Head of Hunting eventually.
When Darkstripe skedaddles with Graykit, she wishes she thought of it first. But won't abandon her mother after they just lost Featherkit.
When Darkstripe comes back she LOUDLY defends him. For a moment, she has hope that they might reconnect, but it doesn't happen.
She is an ally of Firepaw from a young age, but can be harder on Graypaw. Mostly because Gray is her little brother, she feels more responsible for him when he acts like a brat.
Cricketclaw is the sort of person who would tell a mean xenophobic joke, but regret it if Firepaw winces.
Or, worse, she comes up with one, says it in the wrong company, and then suddenly Darkstripe is saying it unironically.
I'm not entirely sure when she dies, but it's probably at some point in TNP. She is the sort of person who would die throwing herself at something very large, like a boar, or running back towards collapsing trees to save other people.
Anyway, her favorite food is blackberries.
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janus-cadet · 11 months
Tarot Project - N°32
How is anyone supposed to not love Catherine Zeta Jones as Velma Kelly? I don't know. I certainly can't. So here is she, another card in my tarot, as the Knight of Wands.
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(if you're wondering where's the horse- the horse is the guy. Seemed in character.)
And now, the usual explanation. Right under the cut, for the curious!
Upright, the Knight of Wands is all about energy and passion. You have a clear vision of what you want to create, fuelled by your inspiration, and are now moving forward with leaps and bounds to turn your vision into reality. Even if that include maybe murdering your husband and sister (they had it coming, really), lying in court, or teaming with an ennemy. In your defense, said ennemy is hot. You are a bold person, willing to venture into unknown territories. You don't really care if danger lies ahead- in fact, if it does, then it becomes all the more exciting and thrilling for you. Nothing can stop you from achieving what you want! Others see you as highly charismatic, and might want to be in your presence to benefit from your energy. You are not good with bringing said others along with you on the journey, but you do enjoy the extra attention. You can maybe, perhaps, just a little, be quite impulsive- acting first, thinking later. Whoops, number 17, Spread Eagle? Dang. Now you're covered in blood. It's alright, it suits you. You're a jazz killer, my dear. All for the razzle dazzle. Perhaps, next time, take a moment to think before acting.
Reversed means that you're pursuing a personnal passion. Dancing? Singing? Maybe. It's up to you, and the fire that has been lit within you. You know that you are destined for something big, but you may be restricted from taking action right now. Are you perhaps in jail for just two little murders? Very possible. Are you being overshadowed by your pretty, talented rival? Probably. You are being restrained, which may cause frustration to grow; you want to do everything at the same time, and can't complete anything in your rush. You take actions on the spot and might regret it later.
The Knight of Wands remind you that there will be things that you can control, despite all of that, and change as you want- you just have to find them.
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And that's it for today! I doubt many people will see this, but hey, you, yes, you who are reading me right now- thank you. I hope you liked it ;)
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smytherines · 7 months
Extremely specific neurodivergent curtwen headcanons that crack me like an egg:
ADHD Agent Mega is practically fan canon at this point, but I feel like we focus on him being bored & fidgeting more than other ADHD issues. Like I imagine so much of his macho guy bluster is 1. from being gay in a homophobic society, but also 2. From Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria. I dunno, something about the way he gets so flustered and defensive when people criticize him (which happens constantly)?
I've been thinking about maybe Curt being dyslexic? Like maybe he doesn't read briefings because they're already difficult to focus on, but also they're literally difficult to read? He mixes up information no matter how hard he tries. He's learned to stop trying and pretend he's just too cool for that nerd shit, but whenever someone gives him a hard time for screwing up he takes it really really personally? He has big emotional outbursts, which is especially tough as a closeted gay man in the 1950s-1960s
I have a lot of headcanon about autistic Owen Carvour, but it's kinda weird because he's canonically the villain of SAF, and that tends to stray uncomfortably into "he was always a monster" OR "the fall made him into a monster." So with autistic Owen headcanon it veers too close to saying that being autistic made him a monster (yikes, no) or that becoming disabled (no way in hell he doesn't have chronic pain issues after all that) made him a monster (also yikes, no).
So for me, the way that I frame it is like... okay so Owen is literally masking in the show, but I think about what that says about him that one of the major details we know about him is that he is very good at pretending to be other people. I'm a heavily masked autist myself, so this really resonates with me. With autistic men there are some very specific stereotypes like math, bad at social interaction, etc. But I think Owen would have a profile more stereotypically attributed to women: being hyper aware of everything around him, using "movie talk" or just remembering interactions with others and having a script. I don't know how to explain it exactly, but it's like you enter a situation and you can more or less suss out what people are expecting from you in that situation, so you just flip through your mental rolodex of phrases and deliveries and ways to stand and hold your face that align with their expectations of you. You become adept at blending in.
I would fully believe that Owen reads every briefing multiple times and has charts and diagrams, and maybe before the fall part of why he does that is that he knows Curt is a talented agent but just struggles with that part of the job, and Owen feels protective of him. Like he gets that Curt is impulsive and feels the need to be a counterweight to that. It feels like Curt blocks out information and takes in stimuli, and Owen blocks out stimuli but takes in as much info as humanly possible.
Then there's all the villain shit obviously. This is extreme headcanon territory, but one part of being autistic is what they call the "autistic sense of justice." That absolutely does not mean that autistic people have some preternatural ability to be eternally on the right side of history, we all have our individual identities and experiences coloring what we consider "justice," but just on a personal level being autistic and becoming disabled radicalized me. It led to me becoming anti-capitalist & anti-imperialist. It drastically changed my perception of right and wrong because I had to interrogate my own understanding of power, the way the concept of "crime" is created (like you get jail time for shoplifting, but your boss doesn't get punished at all for stealing money out of your paycheck).
I've already done ridiculous long posts about the political stuff, but I do think that an autistic person, especially one who has gone through a massive trauma, might come through it with a new understanding that the US/UK governments are actually pretty awful, that ignorant brutes shouldn't be in charge of politics and information.
I dunno I probably have more but I've already dumped too much here
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" Uh...How do I do this again..? "
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"Uh...Hi! I'm Ryunosuke Naruhodo, but you can call me Ryuno, Ryu, or...um...anything basically!..as long as it isn't mean.
I'm a defense attorney, and my duty is to free the falsely accused and seek the truth."
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OOC: welcome to my silly ryunosuke blog!!!!!
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Info about Ryuno:
he/him (subject to change if i feel like it)
timeline tbd, but asoryuu will be the main ship here as my partner has a kazuma blog!! @guy-with-a-red-headband
mod has not seen tgaa yet (sorry :c)!! i've seen like a couple minutes of the first trial but that's it! i've been spoiled a fair bit so i know some big plot points tho
i will be basing my knowledge off the wiki and the game as i play/watch it, but i can't guarantee a full in-character response (especially regarding other characters) D:
list of hcs are at the end!
this will be mainly an ask blog for now, but i might poke in the rp blog territory if i feel like it.
also yesss i knowww its late 19th century japan they didnt have tumblr let me dreammm
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Info about meeee:3
main account is @bitesizedgummie (i mainly post aa stuffs :p)
he/they but a bit more they heavy at the moment
I AM A MINOR!!!! this is different for others, but please don't direct NSFW towards me OR character blogs. >:(
call me pickle!! :3
non-weird interactions are always welcome, even with non-fandom characters!!
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Headcanons (actively working on any that are inaccurate due to mentioned canon info, pls lmk if there are any!)
transmasc!! (top surgery but no bottom surgery, don’t ask me how that works in their time period)
doesn’t like telling ppl he’s trans bc he’s usually met with transphobia
hasn’t told kazuma he’s trans bc of the thing listed above!
actively trying to try new food/cuisine
also actively trying to listen to new music!
tends to snort while laughing
scared of the dark, as well as thunder
VERY ticklish
sometimes (a lot of times) misses jokes
modern slang of any kind confuses the living shit out of him
he does archery as a hobby in his free time
can get thrown off track real easy if u try hard enough
tends to forget/mishear words in english
if u give him food he'll either scarf it down within 5 minutes or eat it over the span of an hour but if he likes it he will eat it just give him a minute
needs glasses but prefers either not to wear them or wears contacts instead (yes contacts were invented in their time period i checked) bc he always breaks them
tends to sing/hum to himself when listening to music? idk how that works considering their time period tho oops
has rlly bad stage fright, especially in front of a bunch of ppl he doesn’t know
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gossipgirlgasoline · 5 months
HEYY!! big fan of this concept, returns the chaotic 2000's vibe to F1 that it so desperately needs 🤭 Your last post was so well put together! Any new gossip yet?
gossip girl here, your one and only source into the ultra-rich, scandalous lives of race car drivers of formula 1.
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hello my lovies. welcome back to the world of gossip, scandals, and drama! how have you guys been? ive missed you terribly since the last time we’ve spoken. since weve last spoken, carlos sainz jr and lando norris has both won grand prixs. how exciting! how dearly ive missed carlando .. today we will dive into all the drama we’ve missed since then after my brief disclaimer !
before i start, if ur not into truly gossipy stuff— THIS IS NOT FOR YOU!! this will go into territory of wag gossip, silly rumours, and other cheesy stuff like that. you have been warned.
lets start off with an anonymous submission, alluding to a comment i made back in an update about estelle and ollie. i mentioned murmurs of flavy snd esteban being a pr couple, lets see what anon #1 has to say.
“in my humble opinion flavy and esteban seem like the least pr and most mature couple on grid. they post eachother because they’re in love and live their lives calmly without making a fuss. i mean she rarely is at gps (bc she’s a med student, but also let’s not demonize the wags for not wanting thousands of eyes and an onslaught of criticism that being present at a go brings) and they are barely photographed by the paps like charles & alex. they give off the same vibes as oscar and lily, cute imo.”
i love this take!!! i totally see where anon is coming from and agree as well. i didnt see it like this, but this is a beautiful pov. i def see why u see that him and flavy are the healthiest, and i agree, but i would also add maybe kika and pierre to the mix? taking on your point that they pos each other since theyre in love and they have nothing to lose there, i could def apply the same logic to them. plus i think they are super cute and they feel genuine to me. + carmen and george probably too.
anon #1 also added this to the end of their submission;
“with that said i wanna know what you think/know about logan’s potential girl! any ideas on what she does? who she surrounds herself with?”
for those of you who dont know, logan sargeant has been allegedly dating a chick named “riley whittall.” i think it is notable the fact that her father is chuck whittall, business man who’s net worth amasses an astonishing $600 million dollars.
i remember hearing about her all the way back in november. i totally forgot about her until a couple months ago, a tabloid i follow on instagram reported on the fact that they have been in many of the same places at the same times. for example, logan posted a bali post on 27/03/24, riley posting a dump days after logan, coincidentally in the same place, with the same filter, with the same angle.
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HMMMM….. a quick trip to her instagram today will show you a post of her at australia, in the week of the australian grand prix with chicane wristbands, as well as a story posted earlier today of her at the grand prix.
i cannot for the life of me find the exact screenshot, but i had a friend (her family works in similar business with riley’s father) send me a message of a mutual friend of hers saying that riley was a “pick me.” the message was saying that some of her friends had tried to hit on logan but she got very defensive and start being like ‘im so small’ around him and trying to make her friends look bad. 👀
for those of you who did not see my last post, i recieved an anon submission regarding riley, let’s take a look!
“lots and lots of drama rn... riley and logan just got together and already drama brewing. basically a pretty well-known wag's best friend/someone she models with posted on her private instagram a tiktok that was seemingly demeaning riley whittall. a gossip page dmed her and got screenshots of the best friend AND said wag calling riley bratty, disrespectful, narcissistic, and the b word..”
I NEED TO FIND THESE SCREENSHOTS NOW OMFG!!!! im so nosyyy and I love new drama… this is so messy and im here for it
as for what this girl does besides vacation and thrive off a trust fund, i have no genuine idea. i think shes unemployed, living off daddy’s money but i dont blame her at all. its not like me and my friends not guilty of this 😭
on the topic of logan, i got sent in shady screenshots ahhh!!!! 🐒🐒🐒
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logan being a trumpie and an anti masker doesnt surprise me at all 😂 makes so much sense, idk what people expected out of him— hes a floridian white boy, we cant ask for much😭
moving on to my favourite bit of this post and arguably the most controversial f1 couple, Magui Corciero and Lando Norris!
for background information for those who live under a rock, Magui is a Portuguese model who is most notable for dating Portuguese footballer João Felix. Their relationship and break up were rather messy and even more public. Magui is notoriously hated by JF meat riders for cheating on JF multiple times after he gave her multiple chances, leading ro their break up.
I wont get too into detail this post because the lore is so deep but for the ones who do
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Recently, a Portuguese tabloid uploaded photos of Magui and Lando boarding his PJ
This ‘couple’ has notorious for being problem and quite troublesome recently, the pair showing up to the Monte Carlo masters together recently
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This being one of their many scandals is not surprising at all since they have been caught together lord knows how many times now😂
what’s your guys’ opinions on riley + magui and lando? let me know in my inbox and the comments!!! 😇
Speaking of messy, let’s talk about my blog 😭 im so sorry I’ve been so inconsistent with you guys, but tysm for everyone sending anons and the constant support♥️♥️♥️!!!!! And Im so sorry this post is so short I’ve. Been having a lot going on rn!!!! summer is approaching so not to worry
I love you all so so much and I want to have a new post for IMOLA regarding LOTS lissie mackintosh and Marcus armstrong drama.. (iykyk) eeeek im so excited to share with you guys… I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!!
Remember that my inbox and dms are always open to everybody and you can dm me about anything!!! even non f1 related. Just shoot me a message and I will probably reply😇
until next time race-watchers, xoxo, gossipgirlgasoline
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ladyluscinia · 11 months
Ok. Daemon AU. Totally open to thoughts / suggestions / entirely different directions. Starting with the main three, obviously.
Edward I think needs something small and unexpected that he would try to hide from others, lest it give away that Blackbeard is not as he seems. Presumably he would have settled right after killing his dad so it could tie in there too. Lots of contradictions going on here... dangerous / aggressive, but also probably something pretty. Duplicitous, if I can make it work. Vulnerable, but also defensive. My first idea is actually some kind of crab, maybe? Still thinking about it. I also thought about a hummingbird but idk if that one really fits, and a snake is too obvious (and passably cool) unless its a really good one.
Stede I feel like is the kind of guy that gets something absurd. The fic I just read did a fancy peacock which worked, but I think I want to incorporate the crushing vulnerability and lack of self-esteem with him too. So I'm thinking... what about one of those fuck-all massive moths? There's a lot interesting here with themes of transformation and flight and your whole soul being an eye-catching fuckery (eye-spots 100%) but also fundamentally it's a bug. And not even a butterfly. Delicate and useless and too weird to even be the right kind of delicate and useless. Yeah?
Now Izzy.
Izzy has several obvious animal motifs I'm skipping past right away - dogs and sparrows - because I think I can do better than a dog and I just read a sparrow. First instinct was some kind of waterbird - ideally hitting a nice balance of too fancy and too scruffy to be cool or impressive, and of course it needs to mate for life. Might have tripped into a great option right at the start of my speculation. I present... the Anhinga / Snakebird:
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It's pretty big. Lives around the Caribbean. They actually swim in the water with just their heads above it and skewer through fish with their beaks. Fun fact, though, is despite swimming they do not have waterproof feathers - meaning they can't stay in the water very long and then have to fan out their feathers to sun dry. Territorial. And also the males have to bring the females all the nest building materials because she refuses to collect any sticks herself even if they are right next to her, which I just thought was funny.
Only thing I'm not sure about is the mating for life vs monogamous for just a breeding season thing.
So... thoughts? I'm gonna keep thinking out loud (via tumblr posts).
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siphoklansan · 1 year
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📌𝐢𝗺𝐩𝗼𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐧𝗼𝐮𝐧𝐜𝐞𝗺𝐞𝐧𝐭
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“Omg sippy are you back from, your hiatus?!?!” Unfortunately, no :,))) I’ve been very occupied with sports day event at school (it’s a big event in Thailand, you can search up กีฬาสี) and I’m on the props team! Jaijdujsik however, that’s not the point of this announcement and I’m not really sure how I can word this properly.
To start off, I don’t think I will be posting at all next month, since my military training(?) is for a whole month (which is next month). Some of my mutuals know about this, and Boba (another moot of mine) probably knows what Im talking bout too (เรียนรด.ค่ะ🥹)
If you want more context, it’s called “Territory Defense Student” in English (sounds kinda weird because it doesn’t exist in other countries I believe.)
Anyway, last year’s training, despite only being 10 days was quite time and energy consuming. But this year we had to do it for a month, so I don’t think I’ll have enough energy to do anything at all. But I’m stubborn as hell, so even if I’m tired I’ll probably still draw something for you guys every once in a while. I’m still taking things slow.
Thank you for your understanding~
(Forgot to add: feel free to ask me questions about it, if you want to!)
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great-cats · 10 months
The Compress Analysis (1/?)
(From: This Post) Ⅰ - Ⅱ - ...
I’ve seen quite a number of people put forth their Mr.Compress analysis, so I figured I might as well pitch in. Do note that while I will try to keep this as canon analysis-y as I can, I may very well veer into “what I wanted him to be as a character” or “this is more headcanon than canon” territory. Since he’s a character with less than satisfactory coverage in the canon (when it comes to his actual character) I’m totally allowed to do that, of course (because I said so.) So, what is it exactly that leads a man from a relatively straight path to the depths of…whoops, wrong script. So, what went into the guy? What devious mixture of character traits makes up one Atsuhiro Sako, and how has the way in which those traits were fostered or hampered in his life made him into the man he is today?
Part Ⅰ: The Personality
We all know Mister to be a fellow who has quite the way with words. He’s humorous even in the midst of battle, has a knack for complaining, and loves a good monologue. But, besides his showman like attitude (which is mostly a byproduct of Kent Williams’ playing of him in the Dub anime, and not nearly as present in the Sub/Manga…), who is he really? Below the flamboyance and keen intellect, he’s a reckless and cowardly individual who, despite his claims, is quite prone to getting attached and leaping into the fray for others. He chastised Twice for getting attached, and yet he jumped at overhaul– yes, the guy who makes people explode with one graze –without thinking for the sake of his peers. Perhaps he had only wanted to preserve the league because they were his best ticket to furthering his own goals, but its still one step (or leap?) closer to him getting more connected to those bastards.
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We know he’s a coward, though. That’s pretty common knowledge after his lines throughout the various arcs in which he got into a scuffle or two. The aim of this post is to delve a bit deeper into that sort of thing. He’s a prideful, cocky man with way too much apparent confidence in himself. We can even see that in his chasing of the Harima legacy, which is objectively much larger than just him, and quite possibly out of his reach. And yet, he pursues this unfeasible goal as if it’s something he can accomplish (with the league’s aid). But more on that later. What a lot of people miss about Atsuhiro is his rudeness. On multiple occasions he asks things of others without so much as a please, ridicules even his allies, and overall acts quite rashly for a man who seems so mature. That’s not to say that he isn’t mature in comparison to the league, but he does have his fair share of faults that make him wildly imperfect. On the other hand, he borders on being mildly pacifistic in his actions. He’s not a man who relishes in violence, misery, or even petty theft. He’s a fellow who lives for the big, flashy, ideal spectacle, and not so much the more cruel villain-y traits (again, more on this particular stuff in another section)
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Enough about all his flaws, though. He’s a man who, while being a crook, holds righteousness in rather high regard. It’s one of his main goals in life, after all. He’s extremely loyal to his ideals to a stubborn degree, which makes him be able to persevere through the pitfalls of society and take things into his own hands (or hand). Personally, I don’t really see him all that malicious in his actions. He maims/kills people out of self defense from what we’ve seen, and doesn’t cause harm unless warranted or otherwise necessary. And even then, he hardly seems to relish in it. He can be rude, but that doesn't prevent him from being warmer with the league on occasion. This is especially true for Toga, AKA the youngest member of the league (that saw it past their debut arc. Sorry Mustard). He's vaguely parental but again, in a reluctant manner that still tries to reject attachment. He gets along with Dabi surprisingly well and even acts as a voice of reason for the burnt up gentleman. But, he has no particular interest in clearing up his daddy issues or anything.
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A big thing that comes to mind for me is "what makes Atsuhiro excel in his field? Why hasn't he been caught after all this reckless cockiness' Well, for one, he’s a deceitful fellow who keeps all his cards close to his chest even with all the boasting. He can talk a hero's ears off, but seldom does he actually reveal any personal info in doing so. As seen when he first debuted, the man has good strategizing skills and is armed with an innate ability to misdirect and distract audiences from his true intentions/actions (unfortunately, we don’t see nearly as much of this as I’d like). He can even shield his own emotions with both an expert handle on his body language and tone. But besides that, he really hones in on the concealment of his facial expressions provided by…
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Whoops, you'll have to wait for Part Two for that one! Come back later for some more incessant rambling featuring the topic of "The Mask" I will post it at some point but considering the hour is getting late, it may very well take a few hours.
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electricsynthesis · 4 months
2 people validated me so. gender post. this is just whats currently canon to my canonverse au, i accept and & all transgenderism headcanons by the community because i love transgenders. In fact i hope everyone shares their transgenderism thoughts
pidge: trans girl, realized it at age baby and ended up with puberty blockers and HRT as a teenager. shes winning the gender game right up until she has to briefly detransition to sneak back into the garrison. she never does end up going back on estrogen because she ends up kidnapped in a space lion fighting fascists which is sad. she has an awkward relationship to femininity because shes expected to perform it somewhat despite the fact that shes kind of just an awkward nerd girl and it shows in her gender expression. her parents made a big deal of it (in a supportive way, happy and excited, but that veered a bit into "too much" territory regardless) but matt was just like oh little sister? sick. pidge doesnt actually remember her life pre-transition all that much. she was one of those trans toddlers who socially transitioned as soon as she could speak. her brief boymoding-at-the-garrison era was extremely eye-opening to her regarding social dynamics and not in a good way
hunk: trans guy. did the classic "didnt think much about it until puberty" in which he was suddenly seized with that dysphoric malaise. was very businesslike about the whole thing. came out to everyone in rapid succession in very anxious but short conversations. his parents were extremely awkward about it but ultimately supportive. didnt know how to explain it to their extended family. kind of let hunk figure it all out on his own. did pay for hrt and shit though so, trans win? lance was actually one of the last people he told and thats because he was worried about that interaction the least. lance was also extremely awkward about it at first (in that "oh god im sos sorrryyy i didnt mean to slip waaah!!!" kind of way) but pivoted hard into being all like Hunk my Bro my Guy my Buddy and it was really unsubtle but hunk appreciated the sentiment regardless lmao
lance: hes cis sorry. very much the youngest cisgender brother of a bunch of mean (cis) sisters. he was dragged into traditionally "feminine" things as a bonding ritual pretty young, and when he complained of emasculation he was swiftly mocked for being emasculated at all, because "whats so wrong with being like a girl?" which didnt actually help & actually made him really defensive of his more "feminine" habits (because he really does enjoy skincare & taking care of his hair & painting his nails and shit), which only fed into his wider cycle of insecure-and-peacocking-about-it.
keith: i think keiths relationship to gender is somewhat complex because keith is a queer autistic alien boy who literally didn't speak to anyone of the female sex until he was at least nine (when his dad died & his desert isolation childhood era ended). i dont think hes repulsed or confused by women necessarily so much as hes just confused by everyone all the time. i think if he cried too long as a kid his dad would ask him if he was a fuckin queer or if he was gonna man the hell up which certainly did something to his perception of gender but i dont think even he knows what hes supposed to get out of gender. i dont think he cares much about & or thinks about gender very much. i think he finds the general social dynamics of the subject to be vexing in an irritating way and tries not to think about it because it gives him a headache. He’s probably some flavor of nonbinary but he will never unpack that
shiro: hes a cisgender buff gay japanese man which is a whole conversation in and of itself but hes ALSO a soldier who works at a military academy (yknow prior to the alien abduction). i think shiro is very secure in his masculinity but he is also, as many cisgender men are, somewhat infected by the Weird Distance In Intimate Relationships thing. hes private and doesnt feel a need to prove himself but is burdened by how lonely it is trying to connect with other men. shiro shoulder touches keith for the first time and both of them feel a weird jolt. shiro can dedicate 3/4s of his life into bringing keith into the world and mentoring him but he cant say that or acknowledge it or he will die . a fascinating affliction. this is both eased and made tenfold worse after his time as the champion
allura: altean gender essentialism
coran: altean gender essentialism
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hartpisces · 4 months
release ur limited star knowledge (i wanna know 🤨)
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im so glad u asked!
it started when i found out ant is a leo and kat is a scorpio, which was SO wild to me because it just makes perfect sense?? heres the post i made about them when I was going insane about this revelation —>
(take the moon signs with a grain of salt, since the exact birthtime isn’t known)
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For jalen specifically, hes a VIRGO which again, very intriguing because from what i’ve seen, he does very much present as a hardworking, nitpicky, perfectionist, reserved guy (fe: almost every argument he has with josh involves nitpicking, his press conferences.. THE LOCKER CONVO “your locker looks like a tornado hit it” OK VIRGO!!!) Virgos are also known to be shy/easily embarrassed especially when receiving praise, which is so insane to me seeing how he responds to josh (being rendered speechless oml), donte, the media, literally anyone complimenting him. He is a textbook humble virgo!! (also the sign of the virgin btw, lmfao)
Now it gets spicy when you consider that his moon sign is Aries, meaning his emotions are ruled by this fiery, defensive-ass sign, and he acts this way with the people he’s most comfortable around. This is totally represented when he tries to poke Josh’s buttons constantly, but it ultimately backfires every time because Jalen can be short tempered, and a bit spiky. Him being a virgo, he wants to prove how chill, “normal” as he says, he is. But at the end of the day, someone who KNOWS him, and is intuitive (will get to that later) will know how easily flustered he gets. I see why he is such a great leader (im a knicks fan so i have to glaze rq) he gets the precision/composure from his sun, and passion from his moon, bam leads a team through the playoffs.
Now for his venus (sign of beauty, love, romance) his venus is in cancer! ♋️ 🦀 🦀 these people are sensitive, cautious, CLINGY (“we have to hangout everyday”) when it comes to relationships you kind of have to approach them like a crab 🦀 because they WILL cling forever (he literally refused to let go of Donte and Josh, and never will). Very emotional lovers, but they will avoid emotional confrontation in fear of getting hurt. Also soo sentimental! (his reaction to josh being traded while he was at Villanova, you know this man loves feeling nostalgic). Cancer lovers want to be consumed, to belong entirely to someone (if i speak…)
Also gonna do Josh because i make everything about Jalen and Josh. Josh is a pisces sun, taurus moon. Being a pisces, he dreams big, is emotional, VERY intuitive, and he has this ability to sort of be a chameleon and fit in with very diverse groups. This could explain his passion for podcasts, since he’s had two in his career and had all sorts of guests. Pisces can unfortunately be TOO sensitive (cough, beating bitches up in college). While they are dreamers, they are notoriously late to everything, and prefer to chase after them at their very specific pace (explains Josh’s hatred for practice? also moving into his bestfriend’s house during highschool because he knew it would help his grades, environment matters to him). As for his intuition, Josh is very understanding of other’s emotions and his own, more so than Jalen. The most important part about josh being a pisces to me is that it proves he is a full on LOVER BOY and can see through a prickly guy like Jalen.
His moon is in taurus. To his core he is dominant af (literally was described as a dog that needs to mark his territory, always wants the upper hand in arguments). He’s stable, steady, calm (he IS the one who always gets into Jalen’s head first, not the other way around) and is uncomfortable with surprises. I don’t have a link but I read an article where he was talking about how terrible his trade from the lakers felt; he overall resists change. Taurus is also the sign of pleasure and is often aligned with materialism and a love for food (his watch collection? obsession with mike & ike’s??) Overall hes very chill and has soo many lover traits, just do not threaten his dominance lmfaoo.
(I was the most shocked with this placement) Josh’s venus is in Aquarius. The approach people with this placement take with love is friends first, full trust, and then they’ll consider a relationship. They are unpredictable in their advances (josh calling jalen cute on camera twice?? josh’s unpredictable ways of touching jalen and donte whenever he feels like it???), and will try to impress their person of interest with provocative jokes and their rebelliousness. They don’t want to be tied down, but they don’t mind setting rules for their partner. They also might avoid an actual *love* confrontation/confession. The independence of these types aren’t always a bad thing, since their partner will receive a lot of space/won’t feel suffocated.
Accurate or not, this is such a sharp contrast to Jalen’s Cancer venus. Jalen doesn’t WANT space, he could cling 🦀🦀onto Josh all day and still feel too far. There might be conflict in terms of communication; Josh might flirt as a “joke” and Jalen would feel that it’s real, being the more emotional, hopelessly romantic one. This doesn’t mean Josh doesn’t feel the same way, his Aquarius-approach to love just makes him way more cautious about committing to love. His Pisces sun might want him to fall in love, but the Aquarius energy in him is yelling NO! Josh will touch Jalen like he’s his, will leave Jalen stammering, flustered. Jalen will look at him and smile with so much longing, but it’s just another thing they won’t talk about. Jalen is just too careful, awkward and Josh is ever-so conflicted. Jalen fell first, Josh fell harder??👀👀 (hypothetically ofc) (maybe)
i wish i could find out their rising signs because that would be so interesting to me, but obviously nba players don’t care to know their exact birthdate in the name of astrology😭
these boys got issues to sort out
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