#big order ova
yunoteru4ever · 4 months
Big Order's Frustratingly Random OVA
Until yesterday, I'd never bothered to look into the "Big Order" OVA.
It was originally a giveaway with a volume of the manga and pre-dates the actual anime series — just like Mirai Nikki/Future Diary's OVA. And also just like Mirai Nikki's own OVA/series and the Big Order anime series that arrived later, it's an Asread production. Given all of those similarities, I thought this would be a case much like Mirai Nikki's OVA. Mirai Nikki's OVA is just an abridged take on the series' Episode 2 with slightly different animation/angles in spots. With that in mind and given all of the similar setup, why would Big Order's OVA contain anything interesting for me? Especially since I didn't even like the Big Order's anime series.
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So yeah, I pulled said OVA up on the Blu-Ray and was greeted with THIS. I was NOT prepared.
"Random Order" is a trippy watch, though I can't say it's not interesting while it's running. It's full of random scenes from the then-upcoming anime (scenes that appear largely identical to the ones used in the finished episodes... barring a few exceptions) as well as a few alternate-reality scenes that have no parallels in the series proper. And weirdest of all? The eventual anime series seems to specifically call back to this OVA during its final episode. I never would've known that if I hadn't just finished watching the series again, but... yeah, there are references in that finale to scenes that ONLY exist in this OVA. Bizarre.
The framing device is that lead protagonist Eiji Hoshimiya — usually, but it might also be Rin or Iyo or Sena at times, depending on the scenes you get — is sitting in a supernatural café while Daisy (she's the mysterious being who grants the characters their "Order" superpowers in response to their wishes, if you didn't know) is waiting for him/her to make their wish. But Eiji-or-whomever is struggling to make a wish because they're totally tripping out, seeing either (A) alternate realities that already exist due to various wishes they made in different timelines OR (B) dream-like illusions of what they might be able to make happen based on wishes they're considering in their minds OR (C) flashes of memories they've already experienced prior to this moment.
Not that I've seen all the scenes in here, mind you, because of course I fucking haven't. After 12 run-throughs that took me back to the above image's first "C" each time, I haven't managed to land on that magical "11" even ONCE, so I've yet to see ANY of the three random outcomes that lead ot the long credits. But I've sure seen plenty of outcomes that lead to the short credits...
I'm watching this Blu-Ray on a PS4, and I can't find any way to skip around various titles/chapters on the disk via the PS4's interface. I also can't find that anyone has uploaded the entire complicated series of options; this thing is MUCH too complex and niche for people to bother. It seems like the existing uploads only contain the mandated first 23-or-so minutes, completely ignoring all the optional variations thereafter.
As for the unique scenes in this OVA? Out of what I've seen, there don't appear to be many. But if nothing else, any die-hard Eiji/Rin shippers who might be out there will definitely get their juice during those first 23 minutes.
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Yup, it turns out these are straight-up having sex in whatever reality/dream/memory we see during the outset of the OVA. So there's plenty of flirting, kissing, seductive talk, etc. And... I guess that flower in her hair never comes off?
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tenchiforum · 1 year
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Happy Toonamiversary!
For the first time ever, Tenchiforum brings you every single book in the official Tenchi Muyo! tabletop RPG line by Guardians of Order!
Available now in high quality downloadable PDF form! These PDFs have also been OCR'd so you can search through them as well.
This includes:
Tenchi Muyo! RPG and Resource Book
Download: Archive.org | Mega
Tenchi Universe book (Expansion 1)
Download: Archive.org | Mega
Tenchi in Tokyo book (Expansion 2)
Download: Archive.org | Mega
Tenchi Muyo! Game Master's Screen and Adventure book
Download: Archive.org | Mega
Tenchi Muyo! Character Diary
Download: Archive.org | Mega
Whether you're a tabletop RPG veteran or someone just getting into it, this set is the perfect way to start. Not only does it go over all of the classic Tenchi Muyo! franchise in incredible detail, there are multiple premade campaigns you and your roleplaying group can jump right into!
To read more please go to:
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cinna-bunnie · 5 months
god i love tragedies so much.. i love when it's tragic because it's so understandable; i can't really blame anybody involved, but things got out of hand and wound up the way they did.
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youreaclownnow · 1 year
ive developed a new mission today: making my grandmother watch hathaways flash with me
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vinillain · 2 months
Great wave chapter 2 spoilers// analysis cuz ahahahaha Adamai… when I get you…
Alr, rant because I’m the biggest Yugo & Adamai fan of all time. And I overanalyzed this chapter to death.
And how the way Adamai treats Yugo is one of the main reasons he’s distant from Amalia.
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This pattern of behavior isn’t new, in s4 he was quick to come to Yugo’s defense when Nora was chastising him. Using words like “we” and because both of them were still feeling the euphoria of their reconciliation came to each-others defense in a new unfamiliar environment. But after he sees how shady and “heroic” their family is he ops to leave, and does so without explaining himself (about the dofus) to Yugo or trys to convince him to come along. Something he definitely would have done in s1-2. (And this is because they have grown so far apart the bond they once had is distant, albeit still there)
This behavior is similar, and again appears here in their entire conversation.
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Yugo who was brooding and trying to be alone after his vision is greeted by Adamai, who IS genuinely worried about Yugo, since Yugo now carries the dofus of their people he and Adamai’s bond is “strengthened tenfold” allowing him to “almost hear his thoughts” and definitely feel his fear and dark feelings. And he immediately calls Yugo out when he tries to hide how upset he was (which tbh he likely does because of Adamai’s next reaction in a bit, meaning this is a common cycle)
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Eventually after some talk Yu breaks down and is honest that he isn’t okay. That his visions terrified him, and here Adamai isn’t dismissive right off the bat, he states that he could feel how bad it was because of their bond, and knew it must have been bad if it shook Yugo up this much
And Yugo tells him about the vision and how “I am the cause.” To which Adamai questions as he seems to think internally, and Yugo like in chapter one with Amalia doesn’t question anything, again he only says “It was real.”
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(I am roughly paraphrasing their dialogue so it’s not 100% accurate)
At this point Adamai scoffs at him to which Yugo who’s still upset by his vision flips out on him starting an argument. Asking if he “bores” Adamai
And Adamai tells him he needs to think with his head. He possesses the power of a god and can’t afford to think with emotions. Which is true, TOT said that Adamai was the logic to Yugo’s actions. He is the thought and the anchor, but while he isn’t wrong for saying this, the way he went about it is making things worse, but it also it makes sense why he did act this way towards Yugo.
Adamai is not someone who bases his feelings on emotions anymore.
He’s spent his entire childhood training and getting ready to meet Yugo and find their people. After the loss of Grougal he has spent his entire life trying to fill the void with an adult parental figure who holds power and wisdom that can help him achieve his goals the way he knows mortals can’t. Hence the “we needed someone with more guidance” like in s4 to Yugo. We don’t see exactly what happened to him from the OVA’s-s3. But we know it had a drastic change on him physically and especially mentally. And a big part of that is that he essentially became a vessel to their peoples dofus. In order to cope with his own trauma and feelings and taking on that responsibility of all this power he surprised any emotions or feelings that could cause him to act rash or get in the way of his main goals.
And when he did let his emotions take over because of his blind rage, he ended up hurting people he cared about which left him even more apprehensive to show any ever again. (Hence why he left his newly found family in s4) But in doing this to such an exstent the way he does, he never actually solves any personal problems of conflicts. Especially with his loved ones. He can’t rekindle his bond with Yugo or try to fix their relationship because he refuses to show any vulnerability. Which makes sense after he was left behind, betrayed and hurt so many times, and more so when he realized that he hurt others in his own pain. He doesn’t want to get hurt or hurt others again.
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And as he states, Yugo has power beyond any mortal comprehension. He now carries the weight and responsibility of their people, and their siblings dofus. Honestly just their peoples future in general. He holds power, power many people want to steal from him or rid him of. Adamai compares Yugo’s situation to how he had to handle the dofus. That he needs to swallow any emotions and think logically. Which he has always done more out of the two of them. Vulnerability is a weakness to him. And Adamai doesn’t want Yugo to get hurt or hurt others like he has in the past.
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He is cruel and harsh in his words. Telling Yugo he does “bore” him. And completely downplays his twin’s feelings because he sees them as being weak. But he DOES care about Yugo, in his eyes Yu will end up suffering more if he shows this vulnerability. It’s why he is mean and tells Yugo he can’t be acting like a child when he has all this responsibility and power in his hands. This isn’t the same when they were little kids, the stakes for them and their people are much hire now.
But to Yugo, who’s tried to fix their relationship countless times, is naturally upset at this. He feels unheard, that’s he’s being over dramatic and that his feelings don’t matter. That he isn’t allowed to be upset at his own trauma. Which is something i think paralells Goddess Eliatrope. How people dismiss her feelings and say she’s overreacting. That she needs to “get over herself” because she is a great goddess with all this power. Etc. something I hope we see more with Yugo aswell.
Being a king already isolates him enough, being a demigod with all this power does so even more. To Yugo, Adamai is the only one he can turn too when he’s upset. It’s why he was so desperate to find him in s3. Over growing old and being immortal. The problems that mortals can’t comprehend. (Something that definitely upsets him because the more power and godhood he gains the more distance he has between himself and his loved ones.) But when he opens up to Adamai about his fears and issues he is shut down or ignored. And that’s why he won’t open up to Amalia. If Ad dismisses and scoffs at his feelings then why should he try to open up to her? He adores and loves Amalia and fears the rejection she might give him. It’s why the moment she was slightly dismissive with her “Calm down, it was just a dream” he immediately leaves to be alone. He already has to deal with Adamai, he doesn’t want her to do it to him too.
But by doing this he is hurting her too. Like him Amalia is STRESSED beyond belief. She has a ton of weight and responsibility on her shoulders. And she can’t manage the conflicts of her people (especially with the eliatropes) If Yugo isn’t there to help her, If Yugo won’t be vulnerable to her. If he doesn’t trust her or won’t rely on her with his problems then how can she? How can she be open with him if he runs away from her at the deepest issues when they share so much intimacy and love.
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Their is already clear tension among the Sadida’s and the (VERY FEW) Eliatropes who now live among them. Many are unhappy with the changes, some openly voicing how “Armand would never have allowed this” suggesting they don’t like Yugo as their king either. And the old man talking about how he lost his son in the war, that the eliatropes haven’t faced sacrifice. (And this is despite that fact that they don’t know anything about their past or the war they went through, how they lost their own families- claiming they don’t understand Sadidan culture or tradition but never trying to learn the other sides either.)
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Communication is the key to relationships. Being open and vulnerable is how we understand eachother. Something reflected in the main three so far and the Sadidans+Eliatropes. Yugo keeps shutting Amalia out because of how Adamai treats him. Creating this endless cycle of distrust among the two and it’s reflected in their own people. Both could be amazing rulers and created a better place if they were both open with each-other. But they won’t, and unless Adamai and in turn Yugo open up and show vulnerability. They don’t have to show all of it, trust is slowly gained. Little by little in a healthy manner. But if Yugo doesn’t then the discourse and tension will continue to grow among all their people. (And if you’ve seen the teaser for a certain upcoming chapter you can see how that’s going 😭😭😭)
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Anyway, in conclusion: someone please get them therapy
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maxwell-grant · 3 months
So... Thoughts on The Penguin trailer?
I'm trying to reign in my optimism a bit and be a little more cautious, but so far: ahahahah oh man, oh man oh man, I'm really excited for this.
God I gotta get back on my Sopranos watch, I gotta start making time for it again. I mean, it's been a terrific show so far, I'm not just watching it because of this, but out of everything we've seen so far this trailer is the biggest "we're doing The Sopranos" thing I've seen from them yet.
I love the mention of Rex Calabrese here and the recontextualization of his character, and how Oswald views him. For comparison's sake: In Batman Eternal, Rex Calabrese was brought up as a brutal ruler who ripped throats out with his teeth and terrified all the other cops and crime families into obeying him and who understood the natural order through which he was supplanted by Falcone, who was then supplanted by Penguin. But here, he talks about Rex Calabrese as a childhood hero who helped people, who was given a funeral parade as a show of love from the people. That's the kind of person Oz idolizes, the kind of life he wants and is starting to think he will never get to have.
Here's one of the big reasons why this is already the best take on Gangster Penguin there's ever been, and the thing I love the most about this trailer, and something that absolutely defined him in the movie as well: Oswald is completely delusional about what being a gangster actually means.
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Oswald here is a guy who had his heart broken in the movie because Falcone, the guy he followed and obeyed and looked up to with every breath, turned out to be a backstabbing piece of shit, with Oswald clearly kept in the dark about the nastier things Falcone got up to. He gets very offended at the suggestion he murdered Annika or that he did the Riddler's serial killer rat maze trap, and in that deleted scene where he tries to pay Selina and keep her from going underground, he clearly wants to be the guy who treats his staff allright and pays them what they need and tries to shield her from the grubby animals downstairs that he on some level finds disgusting (even though they're on his club, and he's providing them with what they want, and he's shielding the worst one of all).
And now he's sitting here talking about his old hero, a gangster from his neighborhood who reached out to people in the street and helped them, who died with his pride in hand and was beloved by his community for it. The kind of guy that Oswald emotionally talks about as someone he wants to be like, as he's getting ready to go to war and shoot and stab and blow up people in a crumbling nightmare city.
This is, in spite of everything, a guy who is very, very preoccupied with being some kind of gentleman, or at least more of a gentleman than the criminals he cavorts with, and a guy whose vision of himself doesn't match the reality of what he does, and a guy who has made a ridiculous cartoon of himself in order to try and forcing that childish idea into reality. This is a Penguin who lives and dresses and acts as an absurd child's idea of a rich and powerful man, except what that entails has changed.
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Instead of wanting to be the romantic aristocrat, instead of playing the cultured gentleman thief, this Oswald wants to be the friendly gangster. He wants to be the neighborhood king who runs soup kitchens and helps old ladies cross the street and inspires beaten-down insecure loser kids like him to strive for more, the mafioso who looks out for women and kids and isn't scared of the cops and gets funeral parades for being such a swell guy who just does a little crime ova here every now and then, eeyy, c'maan.
Oswald here has the same dream as Giorno Giovanna, from JoJo Part 5, and he saw Rex Calabrese as the distant mysterious gangster who looked out for Giorno and invisibly kept bullies from picking on him and made the neighborhood treat him decently, who showed him what real power, power to protect himself and others, looks like, and he very clearly wanted to project that kind of fantasy onto Falcone, who is an actual gangster, and thus doesn't act remotely the way Oswald thinks they ought to act.
Oswald here wants to be the Depression-era honorable mafioso, just as outdated and fictional and mismatched a character in our time as the gentleman thief aristocrat was to the 1940s, and to me that feels like the first time anyone's really made Penguin-as-Gangster be a concept worth it's weight and play into makes him so engaging a character. It's just instead of being a burglar and crimelord who reads Raffles and quotes Shakespeare, this Oswald is a Tony Soprano who prays every night to be Don Corleone once he grows up.
And he might even get his chance! Because the way things are going in Gotham, with the city destroyed and in need of rebuilding, with the entire infrastructure crumbled and the mob having lost their figureheads and supply, and Oswald holding one of the few structures not completely totaled, he has the opportunity of a lifetime here to swoop in and play the Capone/Dillinger to this Depression-flavored Gotham.
And I'm really curious as to where he's heading within the show: whether he's going to make this fantasy of his work and be the reasonable flexible-but-unbeatable crimelord and the sole player remaining in town, or whether the downfall of organized crime in Gotham and the rise of the weirdos means that our beloved waddling freak is going to have to come to terms with what he actually is, and grab his colorful suits and his new name and make some umbrella guns to embrace and ride his bizarre awfulness into the sunset.
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randomfoggytiger · 4 months
Collector's Fic: Mulder, Scully, and Courthouse Weddings
Mulder and Scully and weddings-- do they or don't they? In this case they do and they don't.
Tagging @pookie-mulder, who inspired this idea!
Loose chronological order below~
in another world - Chapter 22
it happens in vegas, of course, and it happens because of langly and melissa.... it’s directly following mulder’s breakup with diana, and he’s been moping around the hotel room the entire time; dana is in the midst of stressing over a big test for medical school, and has refused to leave the hotel room so that she can study to the point of driving melissa crazy. 
AU-- Pre-S1 Mulder and Scully meet and marry in Las Vegas.
I wish you would write a fic where Mulder and Scully are married and domestic af. AU, obviously.
...Mulder and Scully are married on August 16, at a courthouse in Virginia. The date has no significance, no probable reason to get married then—and that, Mulder says, is why it's perfect.
AU S7 Scully is appalled at her and Mulder's shamelessly gooey "married" behavior.
#32: It looks good on you.
He says, “Wanna get married today?”
She lifts her head to look at him, her eyes wide with surprise and maybe an ounce of caution. She says, “You're kidding.”
“Dead serious, Scully.”
AU S7 Mulder and Scully get hitched on a spur-of-the-moment October day.
Five Moments Mulder and Scully Shared (And One They Didn't) (Tumblr)
The new weight is unfamiliar on her hand, but not in a bad way. She grabs his hand and presses a kiss half against his finger and half against his own ring as they huddle together on the steps of the courthouse. 
AU Post S11 Mulder and Scully get a second chance at their entire lives; and determine to make better choices with each other.
@silhouetteofacedar/SilhouetteOfACedar's Pearl, Ch. 1 (Ao3)
Scully shakes her head. “Sorry, no. I’m just nervous.”
“We can keep holding hands, if you want,” he says quietly. “Play the part of a happy couple for a few minutes.”
She glances at him to see if he’s joking. He’s not; his face is strangely serious.
He should be joking, she thinks.
AU-- Mulder and Scully wed after her cancer diagnosis.
@mchalowitz's (Ao3) chain reaction, part 5
Mulder doesn’t bring up the proposal for three days. He figures he should mention it before the weekend because after two days apart, the seriousness of it will wear off. It’ll just be an awkward occurrence, not a real offer. 
“Should we get you a ring?” 
Scully coughs out a laugh and glances at him briefly from the filing cabinet.
AU-- Between Scully's cancer and Teena Mulder's drama, Mulder and his partner are able to find a brief, bright spot: their marriage.
@leiascully's (Ao3) Mulder told Scully he would do whatever he could
They get married.  It’s a quickie courthouse wedding with Maggie and Tara as their witnesses.  Bill refuses to be any part of it.  
AU-- Mulder and Scully get married and leave the FBI to adopt and raise Emily.
All a Family
They get married at the courthouse. They bring her mom.... But she smiles during the ceremony, at least, and Scully does too, a little shyly, and Mulder knows he does, in a way he can’t contain.
AU-- Mulder tells Scully about her ova after her remission; and the two have successfully begun an IVF pregnancy and started the adoption process for Emily when they decide to wed for better chances.
Ficlet: “Marry Me” (Ao3)
She stops where she is.  “Are you serious?”
He pauses a moment to consider, and then he says, “I’m serious.” 
...She’s next to the bed now.  “Yes, then.”
AU-- Post Requiem Mulder asks Scully to marry him.
She feels a little bit guilty that she can’t give her mom what she wants, when there’s so much she’s missed out on. Maybe she would have wanted it herself once, but not anymore, now. “We just…we don’t want to wait, Mom,” she says, and maybe that’s silly, since they’ve already waited quite a while. Since they already have a child together, a life, love. But that is how they feel.
AU-- Mulder, Scully, and William are readjusting to life as free citizens no longer on the run... well, Mulder and Scully are, anyway.
@scully-loves-ruthie's Better Call Scully
“Mulder, look at me.  He faces downward eyes locked on hers.  “Do you really believe that you’ll never stake someone thinking they’re a vampire only to find out too late you were wrong... again?”
He stares at her weighing his response before offering a playful smile as he pulls her toward the courthouse
“That’s what I thought.”  She mutters quickening her pace to remain in step with him.
AU-- Post Bad Blood Mulder and Scully get married for "practical" reasons (of course.)
@cauldronoflove/thegoodthebadandthenerdy's All I Need's a Fraction of Your Happy Heart
(Mulder had meant his proposal, sure, but in the end it was Scully who proposed. Neatly and to the point, but so full of an unrestrained want and sincerity that Mulder had covered her hand across the crayon-scribbled tabletop without even checking left or right.)
AU-- S7 Scully reflects on the journey from her recent marriage to Mulder while she and her partner are on a case.
AU/Married/ISTJ reflects how banter had turned to serious convo/duo both proposed/courthouse/giddy together on case-- All I Need's a Fraction of Your Happy Heart - [Archive]
@msrafterdark's (Ao3) MSR // Ficmas Day 30 - Fireworks
Their belongings are all in storage save for a few toiletries and some clothes for their honeymoon next week. They're signing for a house next month. A simple but beautifully elegant wedding dress hangs on the back of the door of Scully's childhood bedroom. A bundle of wedding presents from relatives and friends--including a rather suspiciously-wrapped gift with the initials "TLG" scrawled on it--sit on Maggie's kitchen table. Even AD Skinner is stopping by for the courthouse appointment tomorrow.
AU-- S7 Mulder and Scully enjoy the night before their wedding together.
beduini/Beduini's Legitimate
The baby moves again and he smiles, a wide, cheek-splitting smile. After a few more minutes, he raises up on his forearm once more and looks down at her with eyes shining, as if he'd just solved a case. "Hey Scully, we got married today."
Her lips turn up in a slight, amused smile. "Yes, Mulder, we did."
AU-- Post Vienen Mulder and Scully hit up the courthouse.
Vickie Moseley’s (Ao3, Gossamer)
Mother of the Bride
"Dana," I whispered, holding my breath and hoping my suspicions about this 'appointment' were correct. "Can you tell me what this is all about?"
Suddenly, Fox was on the phone. "Call it an early birthday present, Mrs. Scully. And maybe a late Mother's Day Present, as well."
Post Existence Mulder and Scully wed at the courthouse.
@aloysiavirgata’s (Ao3, WBM, Gossamer, LJ, Alt. LJ) A Tent of Shelter (Ao3)
She smiles at him, her lopsided grin. “Mulder, what can change, really? The taxes. The health insurance. But I think we’ve reached some point of terminal commitment, don’t you think? And you can hardly imagine I’ll be Doctor Mulder. So do I like the idea? I do, very much. But it’s hardly shocking.”
“Scully my love, you need to read more romance novels.”
Post IWTB Mulder wants to get married for his birthday.
@agentscully/agent_scully2084's Important Traditions
With minimal protest, Scully allowed Mulder to carry her over the threshold, laughing as Mulder explained the symbolism of the ancient tradition and appeared to take seriously his duty to protect his new bride from evil spirits.
Post IWTB Mulder and Scully get married in khakis and blue.
@scully/humancredentials's "Did you just call me 'baby' in front of my mother?"
She looks like she’s about to say that yes, something is wrong and that he shouldn’t antagonize her brother that way and even though they’re living together now, even though they’re ink on the paper official, sworn to each other in a courthouse in rural Virginia in front of her mother, her God, and all of their ghosts, it still makes her anxious when it’s on display.
But she doesn’t, doesn’t say any of those things, realizes she doesn’t even really want to.
Post IWTB Mulder is prone to slipping up with pet names after he and Scully tied the knot.
amorfati3215/Amorfati32’s (FFN) AU head canon - Mulder and Scully never separated...
Mulder and Scully marry two months later in a small service at the county courthouse. Scully’s mother gives the bride away while Skinner agrees to be Mulder’s best man. It’s a quiet affair, formal too but it’s exactly what they wanted. 
AU-- Post IWTB Mulder and Scully vacay, wed, and stay together during the hard times.
@broadcastnews1987/audries/@kennedyandheidi/inkspl0tchess's (WBM 1/ 2/ 3) Unnamed
“you’re my wife,” he says, over and over. her fingers are tugging at the tie she’d made him wear to the courthouse. he hadn’t really minded. “you’re my wife, scully.”
Post IWTB-- Three moments are Mulder and Scully tied the knot.
@m0lderitsme's Just a post MSIV fluff piece.
A big wedding was most definitely not for either of them. Plus, they didn’t really have anyone to invited anymore. Sure, Scully could have asked her brother Bill and his wife and son, but she didn’t really want them there. They decided that they’d get married in a very, very quick ceremony with a Justice of the Peace.
Post Revival Mulder and Scully marry with Skinner as their witness.
@flukemen/@pinebluffvariants/pinebluffvariant's Barrows
On a Friday afternoon, Mulder and Scully get out of a cab just a few blocks from the basement where they used to eat hotdogs at midnight and argue over evidence, when they were young. The streets are cleaner than they used to be, back then. The air is too. At least it feels that way today.
Post Revival Mulder and Scully wait in line outside the courthouse... and watch Skinner skip right on through.
@kateyes224's (Ao3)
Unchained Melody
Scully wiggled her small toes on the hard-wood floor, glad to be barefoot.  Her pale ecru dress shimmered in the darkened kitchen, her face half shadowed. She looked up at Mulder, and something in the way she was sitting, staring up at him, her cerulean eyes luminous in the dark, niggled at his brain like deja vu.
After the courthouse ceremony, Mulder remembers one moment when his parents looked really, truly happy with each other.
Honorable mentions:
amorfati3215/Amorfati32’s The Proposal (Parts 1/, 2/, 3/, 4/)
jeri’s (Gossamer) Vulpecula (Gossamer 1/ 2/) (post here)
@rationalcashew/RationalCashew's Dark is the Way; Light is the Place (Tumblr)
Vickie Moseley’s "My Dearest Son"
Thank you for reading~
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mimmixerenard · 19 days
Hilda!! (+a question to the logh fandom)
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In love with that outfit.
(!) Talking about possible future logh related content under the cut
SO, I've been thinking about two logh-centered projects I may or may not work on over the course of the summer. Two pretty time-consuming ones, I must say. The first idea would be
— an animatic (keeping it unspecified for now), and the other one would be
— me trying to draw every single named logh character (ova) in order of appearance, on a digital canvas (or a few canvas). A mosaic of characters, if you will.
I can't promise anything yet, as motivation comes and goes, but let me know if you'd like to see any of these in a near future ;)
Those are pretty big projects, hence why I'd like to test the waters and see if some of you would be interested in seeing them come to fruition.
Thank you for reading!
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hijackalx · 7 months
 ok she can kind of be a cunt i dont think she ever stops being a cunt but she just adds more sweetness gradually. like eventually shes sooo sweet and mellow but she still has a snarky side that shows up randomly and catches tav off guard lol. she cant help it shes just so sassy 🤭
i think part of it is that she has a short temper but she tries to work on it for tav. like if they say something stupid to her she has to close her eyes and count her breaths like shes just so smart and its frustrating being around ppl who are stupid asf all the time 😹😹😹 i think shes prolly the smartest person at camp and its lonely at the top fosho still she loves tav theyre her dumb little baby
i feel like shes a mega introvert too but tav is like her chosen person like being with tav doesnt drain her like the other companions do. even if tav is extroverted she still just loves them and loves being with them. their relationship is so bonita
shes very defensive too and doesnt trust easily at all so when she learns to trust tav it creates like the strongest bond ever which might become a problem if tav tries to leave oop u can never unshart
waittttt ok so shes definitely an avoidant attachment girly 😭 like shes so used to pushing people away and not letting them get close so tav making it past her barrier is like the biggest feat of their life lol
love language:
giving= quality time
being avoidant attachment shes scared of vulnerability like crazyyyyy so showing any affection in other ways is a big N.O. until later in their relationship then she'd prolly be likeeeee....... idk i feel like she could be any. but yeah shes not the lurker type like lae'zel i think shadowheart will just straight up ask to join them with her fingers and toes crossed lol (subtly ofc)
receiving= acts of service
she lovesss when tav goes out of their way to do things for her even little things like opening a door for her or pulling out a chair for her to sit in eugh thats so cute 😩 i can see her doing that little idle stance she does with her hand held up and a hip cocked while waiting like ok miss thing. but she likes it in like a princess-treatment way not in a toxic way? or smthng lol. but yeah go slay the big monsters for her so she can heal u after ❤️ (sometimes with kisses)
majorrrrr 5'6 vibes from shart maybe 5'8 i can see both. even tho thats kind of short for a model shes just giving model always like body-wise she got them longgg legs and arms and she just so built 😩😩😩 i think i just nutted for real
 DOMMMM !!!!! shes dom asf boy like she is a princess and will do wtf she wants. loves to ride. if tav is afab she'll want them to wear a strap or she'll ride their thigh or something. will sit on their face too. literally just anything to make them seem beneath her ughhhh she loves it. also for the afab thing i just know she likes scissoring too 😭😭😭
is pretty kinky like she likes bondage, s/m, gagging (is that what its called?), maybe incorporating leather and stuff like that. WHIPS !! typical bdsm stuff
also really likes oral but mostly receiving. doesnt really care for giving at all. she loves to pull tavs hair during it and instruct them on what to do like yk she be barking orders 🗣️‼️
i dont think she'd be into pet names or anything? i just cant see her doing that for some reason. she makes a lot of noise tho, prolly bcz she likes to hear herself lol
has a pretty high libido like shes trying to smash almost every NOIGHT so yalls tavs better be ready. tbf she was probably a virgin before she met tav too so shes got some catching up to do
shes an innieeeee and she gets hella wet like drippinnnn. irresistible fr. bring that lil hot dog bun ova here gurl
i think shes surprisingly sweet during aftercare. like she'll caress tav's head and give them kisses its a rlly big contrast from her bratty princess behavior during the act lol. maybe she lowkey feels bad for being so intense during sex but she'd never admit it. yalls tavs prolly like it anyway.
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lev1hei1chou · 9 months
Fun fluffy animes that I loved
This is basically a list of animes that helps get over or deal with the trauma inflicted by various animes. At the moment, I guess fellow JJK fans might need this, and prolly AOT fans on November 5. Have fun watching
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Short Synopsis: Determined to be like the volleyball championship's star player nicknamed "the small giant", Shoyo joins his school's volleyball club.
Episodes: 85 + 5 OVA
The worst thing that can possibly happen is either the 3rd year students graduating or you being unable to support a specific team (nah cuz bro how do you pick and root for one? I end up being happy for the team that won and depressed for the team that lost)
Two movies are coming up soon
Highschool Babysitters
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Synopsis: After the sudden death of their parents on a plane crash, two young brothers named Ryūichi Kashima (a freshman in high school) and his younger brother Kotarō (a preschooler) are left orphaned and having no place to call home. The chairwoman of the prestigious Morinomiya Academy offers to take the boys into her care, giving them a new house and free tuition, on the condition that Ryuichi helps out with the school's daycare center while also attending normal classes during school hours.
Episodes: 12 + 1 OVA
Note: Plane crash seems sad but trust me, its only mentioned in the first episode, and the rest 11 is just fluffy goodness. Nothing can prepare you for the cuteness.
Cells At Work
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Synopsis: One newcomer red blood cell just wants to do her job. Between bacteria incursions and meeting a certain white blood cell, she's got a lot to learn.
Episodes: 31 + 7
A good mix of science and entertainment. The episodes dont have to be watched in any specific order.
Mr. Osomatsu
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Synopsis: The everyday lives of identical sextuplets who cause mischief.
Episodes: 75 + special eps + movies
Has a good amount of 18+ jokes, but its not too overwhelming. It doesnt necessarily follow a plot, and each episode is usually two different stories combined. So, skipping episodes should be fine. Also, it features very popular voice actors for the sextuplets (Geto's VA, Gojo's VA, Levi's VA, Koro sensei's VA, Erwin's VA and Haku/ Sugawara's VA), Iyami (Obanai Iguro's VA), Totoko (Shoko's VA)
The Vampire Dies in No Time
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Synopsis: The story follows the famed vampire hunter, Ronaldo, who receives a job to destroy the supposedly invincible vampire lord Draluc and rescue a human boy he allegedly kidnapped.
Episodes: 24
Note: Its a hit or miss, the running gag is used constantly and gets tiring at times, but the overall anime is a good watch. I personally loved John the Armadillo
Buddy Daddies
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Synopsis: Assassins Kazuki Kurusu and Rei Suwa meet Miri, a girl looking for her father on Christmas Day. Kazuki, Rei, and Miri unexpectedly end up living together.
Episodes: 12
May get dark at times, so I wont guarantee that itll be a smooth sail, but we get a wholesome conclusion so you can count on that! Otherwise VERY fluffy
Blue Lock
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Synopsis: High school soccer players from across Japan gather for a controversial project designed to create the best and most egoistic striker in the world.
Episodes: 24
Isnt exactly true football, but yeah. The anime is pretty fine. It doesnt exactly go under the fluffy anime like i mentioned in the title, but you can check it out if you want.
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Synopsis: The story is centered on high school student Haruka Nanase, a gifted swimmer. After encountering his childhood rival, Rin Matsuoka from Samezuka Academy, he and his friends revitalize Iwatobi High School's swim team.
Episodes: 37 + specials and movies
This anime to me, personally is what haikyuu is. A great comfort anime which knows how to make the viewer connect with the characters. I dislike it when the whole anime gets reduced to just fanservice, like guys lets look beyond that and actually enjoy the plot.
Life Lessons With Uramichi Oniisan
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Synopsis: From smoking and exercising to nihilistic outbursts, everyone's big brother Uramichi always brings up the not-so-moral side to his life lessons
Episodes: 13
This one is very real and relatable in many levels. Theres a lot of screenshots and panels available online, so you can check a few out before watching!
Obey Me
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Synopsis: Brothers Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, and Belphegor are among the most powerful demons in the Devildom, serving as officers on the student council at the Royal Academy of Diavolo (RAD). However, being avatars of the seven deadly sins, their behaviors often tend toward the extreme. Their everyday antics belie their high status and fearsome reputations among others of their kind. When viewed behind the scenes, the members of this family are more lovable—and laughable—than they first seem!
Episodes: 24 + 1
It's based on a popular otome game, and can be watched as it is even if you havent played the game. The basic idea is that theyre based on the 7 sins, so their personalities are really amusing. As for the plot, its pretty wholesome.
Play It Cool Guys
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Synopsis: Despite their distinctive personalities, Souma Shiki, Hayate Ichikura, Shun Futami, and Takayuki Mima all have one thing in common: though naturally clumsy, the four disguise their embarrassment from tiny slip-ups by maintaining a composed demeanor. However, it is actually the guys' airheaded natures that makes the girls' hearts throb. No matter what happens in their daily lives, the boys do their best not to lose their cool!
Episodes: 24
Each episode is barely 10-13 minutes, so it just doesnt feel enough lol. Most of their slip ups are relatable and could get a chuckle from the viewer. The art style is a little different but its good. Definitely worth watching, once or even multiple times.
Tanaka Kun is Always Listless
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Synopsis: For high school student Tanaka, the act of being listless is a way of life. Known for his inattentiveness and ability to fall asleep anywhere, Tanaka prays that each day will be as uneventful as the last, seeking to preserve his lazy lifestyle however he can by avoiding situations that require him to exert himself. Along with his dependable friend Oota who helps him with tasks he is unable to accomplish, the lethargic teenager constantly deals with events that prevent him from experiencing the quiet and peaceful days he longs for.
Episodes: 13 + specials
Not gonna lie, Ive wanted to act like Tanaka. The characters are lovable and the anime is worth giving a try. An underrated gem. I personally loved the school festival episode.
@satoruukisser hope this helps!
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melancholysway · 1 year
Hello! 👋
I saw that you are looking for 2007 requests so I thought I would pop in! I adore all the 2007 turtles, but for this one, I’d like to pick Raph. He has some emotional damage from Leo being gone so long, and of course, becoming the Nightwatcher. Could I maybe get something where the reader (gender neutral is fine) is a friend who worries about him, and would love to be more than friends, but isn’t sure how to talk to Raph about it. Short shot or HC’s, maybe? Thanks for considering it! ♥️
ya'll know me i eat 2007 raph UPPPPP
thanks for requesting! I decided to make it a long shot, I hope you don’t mind!
TMNT 2007!Raph x GN!Reader: The Confession
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Leo’s absence had taken a big toll on the family
Initially when he left, everyone was under the assumption he would be back in a couple of months 
But as time goes on, Leo doesn’t come back- the crime rate rises, and Raph’s had enough.
It’s time to change, no more sitting waiting for the leader to come back and to be able to fight again. He has to take matters into his own hands
It starts off small, until he gets so popular that he has to make his own armor to protect his true identity.
You find out one night, as Raph was severely scratched and bruised and God- how was he gonna get this past Donnie? He was going to be suspicious for sure.
He goes to you. Which, at this time, you weren’t the closest with Raphael at all. You weren’t BFFs. Just friends. But, this night changed it all. 
You’re gentle with him, going into protective mode, patching him up while he tries to ignore your questions that you might have. But, you have none. It’s not your business what Raph does with his life. If anything, you think he’s doing the right thing. 
“I won’t tell. I promise you that.” 
You offer your place for him to stay for the night, and to be his alibi just in case Donnie gets suspicious. But, it’s fine. Everything’s fine. 
You and Raph get closer. He sees you as the only one in the world right now who knows the true him. Not even Casey knew at this point. 
Time goes on, Leo doesn’t come back. In fact, his last letter states that he’s extending his training period. Don’t wait up for him. 
Raphael is livid, and spends more time as the Nightwatcher- defying Splinter’s clear orders to stay in the Lair. He can’t just sit and do nothing. Get a job like Mikey and Donnie-- it’s not in his nature. He’s built for fighting crime. 
Raphael comes to you a lot. Unannounced, either to tell you about the crimes in the city or to be patched up, or to just talk to you. 
You get to know one another more. You get closer as friends, and soon enough, you want to be more than that. 
Raph >:)  1:02AM
Are you up?
You read the message with squinted eyes, curse the blue light from your phone screen. It’s the leading cause of headaches and strained eyesight among the human race, and it peaks when you’re a teen. You answer Raph’s question in your head, yes, you are in fact awake. You’ve been awake for a couple of hours, waiting for that text from your good friend Raphael. It indicated that he was thinking about you, and was also thinking about seeing you. As Raph’s friend, of course you would be there for him in his time of venting and ranting. As your love interest, OF COURSE you would be there for him. 
You 1:05AM
After sending, you get out of bed, freshening up a bit before the red banded mutant comes crawling through your room's window. Raph doesn’t take long to arrive, he’s a fast turtle, and based on his mood, his speed reflects that. As he knocks on your window, you see his large figure through the glass, the dark night sky making this seem straight out of a horror movie. Only you have a big fat crush on the killer, who you’re willingly letting in right now. 
“You know you always looked good in metal,” 
“Ya ain’t half bad eitha.” Empty flirting. That’s Raph’s forte. Only, that’s what he makes it seems he’s doing.
“Everytime I come ova, I wind up spillin’ my feelings out like ya’re my therapist.” After placing his helmet down on your bedside, Raphael begins pacing around your room like he usually does whenever he’s finished busting crime. 
“It’s not necessarily a bad thing you know,” You say, your eyes watching as his form walks at a rhythmic pace on the hardwood floor, “It’s good to get all that out.”
“It ain’t just that-” Raph swallows,  “I uh…”
I like you. 
“I don’t think Leo’s eva comin’ back.” Raph stops moving, soon taking off all his armor and standing before you as just Raphael. Not the Nightwatcher, not some new vigilante, just Raph. 
You look at him with concern, as his voice falters after the sentence. As if he’s on his final thread before it snaps. Raph’s like that, he begins to talk but after a while, he can’t anymore. It turns into yelling. Not loud enough to hurt your ears, but enough for you to physically feel the pain in his voice. Raph rarely expresses how he feels to you with such emotion , so to see him break like that in front of you is almost unbearable.  
“Raph,” You gather up what you want to say, “Why don’t you think Leo’s coming back?” 
“Should I list all of the reasons from A ta Z?” He snaps, though not directly at you, more like at the situation. You say nothing and look directly into Raph’s eyes, as to let him know you’re listening. 
“Where do I even fuckin’ start?” His voice rises slightly, as he’s riling himself up and preparing for the ugly truth to come. 
“He ain’t wrote in weeks,” Raph’s amber eyes have a hint of hatred in them, as he starts to pace back and forth once again, a sign that he was anxious or enraged. Right now, it was both. 
After sighing, he speaks again, “He ain’t come back when he was s’posed ta,” 
“And ya know tha worst part? Hmm?” You continue to stay silent, your lips pursing and your e/c eyes drooping with concern, “I bet he ain’t even thinkin’ about us!” 
This is the ugly truth to Raph, yet it’s a lie to you. Leo wouldn’t do that to his family. He wouldn’t stop caring about them just for a training period. That’s not the man Splinter raised, no, Leo was an amazing guy. He was dealing with so much shit before he left, that Splinter suggested he do so. So that he can become a better version of himself for him- for his family- for Raph. 
Raph’s outburst causes you to jump up in your spot on the bed, he had never been this upset over Leo being gone until now. 
“I’m done worryin’ about him.” Once he stops moving, he looks at you,  “I can’t keep sittin’ and wonderin’ when he’s gonna come back.” His voice is back to its normal tone, with that hoarse brooklyn accent you fell for. 
You both just stare at each other for a bit, until you pat the spot next to you, to which Raph scoffs at, yet complies anyway. You both stare at the same wall in front of you, sitting in silence for a while, until you break it. 
“I agree with you,” You confess, “I think…I think Leo can handle himself. For what it’s worth, he’s a great ninja.” 
“I’m sure Donnie and Mikey are just as worried as you are about him, no doubt. But…” You take a breath, then continue on, “I know Leo cares about you, so much.” You remember what it was like before Leonardo left, how much he showed that he wanted to be a better leader.  “He did this thing where we would meditate together and after he would tell me all the team bonding things he wanted to try with you and the others.”
Raph thinks about what you just said, but then remembers all the times he argued with Leo; challenged his beliefs as a leader- was vocal about what he thought Leo was doing wrong. 
“D’ya think he left because of me?” 
It pains you that he said that. His voice is at a whisper, as if it’s an intrusive thought, only you can hear it, too.
You turn and glance at him, his side profile telling you all you need to know. He’s hurt, confused, angry, upset. Everything, all at once. 
Despite this burning feeling for Raph, and being so nervous to make a move on him, you push all of that behind you and place a supportive hand on his thigh, a hand that he doesn’t move. He keeps it there, and he keeps you there, too. What surprises you at this moment is that he puts his hand on top of yours. Causing you to blush, but to not forget the point of this whole thing. 
“No. He didn’t leave because of you, Raph.It was a multitude of things. Splinter, stress, everything.” 
“It wasn’t your fault. It’s nobodies.”
“I mean,” He looks at you, “I know I can be a pain in the ass sometimes but-” 
“Stop.” You intrude, trying to stop negative thoughts that cause him to overthink, “Siblings have their moments. But, Raph, it wasn’t you. Sure, you can be a pain, but you’re also an amazing brother and friend.” That’s what he needs to hear right now. That despite his bad qualities, his good ones outshine them. 
But, you keep going. As if you’re possessed by a being that tells you to shower Raph in compliments about his character, that’s what you do. 
You’re hardworking, an impressive ninja, devoted and passionate, everything all wrapped up in one. You’re loyal- so loyal, it’s admirable. I look up to you. I’ll always look up to someone like you. 
It’s the last line that hits him like a ton of bricks. You look up to him. You aspire to be as passionate as him. You strive to be like that. 
He didn’t think anyone would ever want to be like him, but you? That’s what he needs to hear. That’s exactly what he needs to hear. For it to come from you just makes this whole thing even better for him. The person Raphael has fallen for thinks that he’s all of those positive qualities. 
So it’s no surprise that he gets a sudden urge to kiss you right now. You just look so concerned for him, yet your gaze upon him is so beautiful. Just like you. He thinks you're breathtaking. 
“Raph?” You snap him out of his inner thoughts, only for him to look into your eyes once again, trying to see through you. Would you pull away? Would you accept it? Did you even like him? 
You had to. Though there was a doubt in his mind, nobody had been this kind to him. Not to this degree. Aside from his family, nobody cared this much about him, about his life, about his feelings.  
“I don’t know how to tell you this…but…um…” Your voice echoes in his mind, as if the next few moments are a fever dream. But, it’s not. 
You like him
Y/n likes you. 
That’s what you said, and he was NOT making it up. Or, what you whispered. Quiet as a mouse, you wanted to say it. You were hoping to some degree that he didn’t hear you, but he did. 
Raph stands up in front of you, his eyes not leaving your form. It is then that he helps you up, and just leans in. Despite being the overconfident one of the group, he wasn’t feeling the most confident right now. But, this is what he wanted. It’s what you wanted, too. 
You go a bit on your tippy toes, cupping Raphael’s cheeks as his hands go around your waist to pull you as close as ever. Your lips coming together as one, tasting all of him, as he tastes you. 
You like it. 
And guess what? He does, too. 
You and Raphael stay like this for a moment, until he smirks into the kiss, biting your bottom lip. He’s getting confident again. You didn’t pull away, in fact, you practically moan when he does that. 
“Ya know,” Once you pull away for air, Raph’s the one to talk first, “I like ya. Too. Ya’ve been there fa me. I…really appreciate ya, Y/n.” Words like these never came easy to Raph. Shell, they’ve never came to Raph at all until this moment. But,  he had to let you know that. He appreciated YOU. 
“Ya think we should do that more often?” Raphael teases. Ugh, he’s too hot to be a tease as well.
“I…I…yeah,” Raph already has you stumbling on your words. But, he gets a kick out of that from you. He dives in for the second kiss, only for you both to land on your bed from all these pent-up emotions for each other hitting you like the Cowabunga Carl party van. 
And when he asks if you didn’t mind kissing a mutant turtle, you answer by kissing him first this time. And oh, the look on his face said it all. He truly, truly appreciated you and all you had to offer him.
“Thanks. Fa everythin, Y/n.” The red-banded turtle was never good at being vocal with gratuity. He always showed it. But right now, before he leaves out of your window after the long awaited slew of kisses, he has to tell you. 
“See you, Raph.” Once again, he disappears into the night after saluting you. Unbeknownst to Raph, you struggle to fall asleep- restless and jittery- you couldn’t wait to kiss him again. 
@bee-1n-space @ducky-died-inside
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cerastes · 3 months
hey man, now that i am done with votoms, i was wondering what is the order to watch the OVAs?
HELL YEAH did you like it?
Go with:
The Last Red Shoulder.
The Big Battle. <- this is the one with the DANGER MELON.
The Red Shoulder Document - Origin of Ambition.
These are a 50 min OVA and two 60 min OVAs.
Then if you want to watch something with some more episodes, go with The Shining Heresy, 5 episode OVA, and The Pailsen Files, 12 episode OVA. You can also be COOL and watch the spin-off, Armored Hunter Mellowlink, 12 episodes.
THEN, you are ready for Phantom Arc, a sequel to both the end of the series and Shining Heresy. Six episode OVA. This is the "end" of the story.
and FINALLY: Alone Again, 50 minute OVA that takes place between Shining Heresy and Phantom Arc.
There's two other spin-offs you can check out if you still hunger for more: Case; Irvine and VOTOMS Finder. The first is about Irvine, an AT mechanic, and the latter is an AU.
Happy red shouldering!
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echantedtoon · 1 month
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Ok. So I figured I'd do a part 2 of this now. These are just my opinions on who'd be the best parents out of all the Lower Moons but I'm gonna switch up the order from Worst dads/Moms to Best dads/moms. No real order other than that though. If you disagree with any of these then that's perfectly fine.
However I will absolutely NOT include Rui for VERY OBVIOUS reasons.
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-Honestly not much is known about these four other than they were killed during Enmu 's introduction. However I don't think any would be good parents considering how cowardly and selfish they came off during the limited time they were around.
0/10 Only because of limited info and selfishness shown
-(A lower moon from one of the OVA Kny mangas for those who don't know who she is.) Dunno much about her but like Nakime gives the childfree impression.
0/10 again mostly due to limited info
-Has no idea how to parent or what to do with a baby.
-Is more of the 'Fun Aunt' than the actual mom. She gets bored easily and just hands them over to you before skedaddling.
-Similar to Douma, you have to do all of the parenting because Susamaru will just let her children run wild letting them do whatever they want. However unlike Douma, she won't actively take care of them other than making sure they don't die.
2/10 Better than the first ones but has no real interest being a parent
-Mans a neat freak. So once he hears about having a child expect him to keep away five feet when you get morning sickness.
-He will begrudgingly bring you foods you're craving, things you need, etc but don't expect him to go anywhere near you when you're sick or when baby's born. The germophobe.
-Will legit not go ANYWHERE near the baby until they're about ten due to kids being messy monsters. Only time he touches them is when he insists on bath time. Bath time is pretty much mandatory for him and insists that the baby gets two baths a day and one during the middle of the night....You have to put your foot down on this.
-Wont let anyone harm them but still doesn't touch them until they are old enough to not be caked on in dirt. Strict dad even when they're a teenager. Very strict rules especially when it comes to hygiene an training.
4/10 Not the worst definitely but is too strict
-(Another Lower Moon from the OVA Kny mangas. Actually know about him since I have the book he's in.) Complicated relationship. REALLY BIG complicated relationship.
-Doesn't hate the kid but doesn't legit know what to do with a baby. You gotta reassure this man. Will keep his distance. Will help you by getting things you need and doing things you ask and making sure you're ok but will still keep his distance even when the kiddos born.
-Will keep his distance and help you with a few things at first but slowly starts to get closer. Holding them always ends with him staring down with mixed feelings. Legit not sure what to do or feel.
-When his kid gets older he'll start teaching them how to use guns and be proud of them for wanting to learn with him. It becomes a comfortable bonding time with them even if it gives you a heart attack every time you see him trying to have them aim a rifle that's WAY to big for them.
-Takes them on hunting trips a lot and shows them how to successfully hunt deer and other animals.
-Teaches them all about different kinds of guns and starts giving them some of his to start their own collection...You safely put them away until they're actually old enough to use them.
-Sometimes you'll walk in to Hairou cleaning his guns while his kiddo is asleep on his shoulders wearing his hat. He acts like it's not even happening.
-Gets his kid a wolf pup as a pet giving you another heart attack.
6/10 He has no idea what to do most of the time but he's trying his best to be there.
-Actually surprisingly doesn't react other than a casual response when you first tell him- "Enmu, I'm pregnant." "That's nice, Honey. Do you want udon for dinner tonight?"
-It legit catches you so off guard that you have to confirm he heard you right and that he wasn't just assuming it was a joke. He knows. He's known a full week even before you found out. How? No one knows how. It's a mystery to this day.
-Is surprising very attentive and happy about the entire thing but is just so casual about it it's surprising. He also is deadass prepared for everything but you're so weirded out by just how calm and casual he is about EVERYTHING. It's always "Do you want water? I think the baby wants water." Or "Do you think the nursery would be better in black and white or greys? Those are neutral colors since we don't know what we're getting." Or "I got you your favorite food! Don't wanna neglect my beautiful wife now.~" You quickly get used to it.
-This initial personality doesn't change a bit. The other Kizuki are horrified Enmu reproduced with Akaza even apologizing to you.
-However with a lot of the moons you'll have to do all the responsible parenting. Enmu sees his spawn as something that can do no wrong and unless it's talking back to you or Muzan, will not punish them. In fact he'll probably encourage his spawns to cause trouble, wreck havoc, hurt their foes, etc. Over spoiling them but puts his foot down if that attitude is directed at Mommy or to Muzan. Those are big nos.
-Outside of that he surprisingly is very invested in their raising. Rocking them to sleep, bed time stories, research for educational toys- It surprises even Muzan how invested he's become in not only his wife but future spawns.
7/10 Well prepared and very invested but the heavy duty parenting will have to be on your shoulders.
-Faints when you first tell him he's about to be a father. Lands on his drums and accidentally teleports you both into different rooms on impact.
-Despite the comical first impression, he's very interested in this. Scared out of his mind at first though. Has to ask you over and over for a month if you're SURE You're expecting and it's not a mistake or badly planned prank...He stopped asking after you death glared at him after throwing up due to morning sickness for the hundredth time in a row.
-This man is scared but in a sweet way. Always asking if you need anything, if you're hurting, if he should go steal more pillows from the nearby town. If demons could have heart attacks he would. He tries to keep you isolated in one room of the mansion only he could get to after he got the fear of slayers and other demons possibly coming after you. You had to put your foot down about the ridiculousness of that idea. He's just very worried about you and wants to keep you both safe.
-Def tries harder to get back into the twelve Kizuki when the baby comes into the picture. Gotta be strong enough to protect you both.
-Mellows out somewhat as the months go by. Still anxious about things and sets up a nursery in the back of the mansion in case intruders enter.
-He likes to sit down and read his stories to the baby and possibly tap his drums. You know the baby probably can't hear him before their born but he's so cute when he does it that you don't tell him.
-Faints again when baby's born. Luckily this time he doesn't randomly teleport you both.
-Will be absolutely smitten with his little one. Carries them around the mansion in one hand when you need a break. If baby cries he just easily teleports to their room and tends to them. Still worried about them so expect him to randomly teleport in and out of the nursery at least ten times a day and night to check on them. Sometimes just randomly takes them with him everywhere even if they're fine or sleeping.
-He's also a very good husband to you. Pulls your hair back when you get sick. Gets you food. Likes teleporting you around if you're too tired to walk. After baby's born he will dote on you as you recover. If you ever need a break he's perfectly fine with taking care of his child as you relax.
-He doesn't want his baby to go through what he did so as they grow expect him to encourage his child to do whatever they want (within reason) and be whatever they want to be when they grow up.
-He's very supportive. Baby wants to be a tailor? He randomly steals fabric and sewing needles. His child shows a hobby in fishing? They're given an old fishing pole he found in the mansion. He overheard them talking about a necklace they're interested in? He steals it the very next night and gives it to them.
-Very good parenting. Tells them they can talk to him about anything and everything. Gives them space and privacy when they need/want it. Puts his foot down if they've done something bad. Gives advice. Tells them that it's ok to fail at something and they'll get it with practice.
-Was well educated as a human, so expect your child to be taught to read, write, etc at an early age. Your child will be smarter than most children their age thanks to Sensai Kyogai.
-He doesn't tell them about him being a demon and what they do until they're a teenager and can better understand. He wants them to have a normal childhood. So for a long time your child just thinks his dad has a skin condition or something making him look weird.
9/10 Not perfect but he's a very good father.
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velvetpaku · 7 months
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Watching Black Jack (1993) for the first time and utterly astounded at how fully realized BJ's character is in the show
Tezuka talked abt how at the start he had NOTHING figured out as far as BJ's characterization goes and the shuffled order of stories that prop up tiny inconsistencies that make BJ seem like *kind of a big ol meanie* when hes so nice in others is a bit jarring when ur binging the entire series story to story back to back
but it is understandable from the pov of "Tezuka had to keep making stories weekly for years you cant expect perfect consistency with all the stories" AND THATS WHERE THE OVA SERIES' PERFECTION COMES FROM!!!!
it has the power of hindsight and by taking all these 200+ stories and only slightly adapting them whilst mostly doing its own thing we get quite possibly Dr. Black Jack in his purest most realized form ever nd just. ITS EXISTENCE. ITS EXISTENCE MAKES ME SO FREAKING HAPPY ITS SO AMAZING HOW MUCH IT IMPROVES/IS IMPROVING ON SMTH I ALREADY ADORE BY WASHING OUT ALL MY ISSUES WITH IT!!! I LOVE IT SM!!!
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redinahedge · 6 months
I want to talk about IDW Sonic
Mainly, his characterization.
IDW is canon. There's no getting around that. It takes place directly after Sonic Forces and because of that, Sonic's characterization is pretty important. Soo, how about we explain Sonic's character in the games? Sonic is a free spirit. He doesn't care whether what he does is right or wrong, he simply does things his own way. Always off to go on another adventure and have fun. He's snarky and has a big ego, but loves his friends and cares about the world around him, always willing to do the right thing. Freedom is his game, and he can't stand when it's restricted by anyone. He's a shonen protagonist in every sense of the word, but he has this flair to him that makes him so much fun to watch. So why do people hate his depiction in IDW? everything seems in order-
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...he's stupid. He's fought this guy for so many years, knows he won't accept, but he offers? When has Sonic ever tried to reason with his enemies? Sonic isn't some Christ-like "I forgive you," figure, he's supposed to be living his own way! Not bound down by a moral code! ...Except no. Sure, it's on full display in IDW but this has always been a part of Sonic's character. Need I remind you of a very iconic scene, one where metal is IN it?
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When you think about it, the same thing is happening in both scenes. Sonic is reaching out, trying to get humanity out of the robot until... he slaps his hand away, and departs. One melting into lava, and the other to his master. Sure, the Sonic OVA isn't canon. I know that. But it's also an early example of what his character was like before Sonic Adventure. Sonic has a tendency to befriend old rivals after them turning around. Knuckles, Shadow, Gemerl, etcetera. He even asks metal later why he can't be like the other robots -
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And I saw a post that says this goes against when he said to honor his decision. Not only is this kind of hypocritical given that the main point of contention is how forgiving he is, it's also completely ignoring the fact that he realized because he was so merciful, all of this happened. He blames Starline for putting Eggman back on the path, he blames Metal, hell, he even blames Tails at one point he's stressed, he's slowly becoming a zombot, the world is borderline ending and... it's all his fault. He's not used to that, so of course he's going to put blame on those who he let go. To be fair, a similar thing happened in Lost World as well, Sonic kicked the Conch out of Eggman's hand and let the Zeti take over his fleet, letting them proceed to misuse the Energy Drainer Eggman had made. In my opinion, these are too different situations. In one, he's undoubtedly in the wrong. There's no one else he can blame. What, is he going to blame the air for kicking it out? In IDW, yes he's at fault, but there's many more factors. Starline's hypnotherapy, Metal's return, etc. In Sonic's eyes, he didn't do anything wrong by letting him be free, but the circumstances made it a mistake. Does that make him putting the blame on others right? No. But that's not what I'm getting at, my point is that it's not out of character. If anything, his character flaws here making him more interesting to watch in my opinion.
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Ah yes, Sonic morally grandstanding to Surge So out of character Sonic would never do this. I'll concede that this is very wordy and a bit pretentious. But is it truly out of character for him? If we look at what he's saying itself, and his entire philosophy, everything kind of falls into place and explains itself. Cut down it's essentially: "Hey, I enjoy life. I want you to as well. That's why I don't want to fight. Wanna start over?" This has happened so many times. Same as last time, he's done this same song and dance so many times. This is even more similar to his past encounters than the situation with Metal was! "Sonic isn't a pacifist" Is a big argument I see about this as well. While I don't consider him a complete pacifist either, I believe he wouldn't unless he absolutely has to. In Black Knight, he understood there was no other way, and slayed the king. Every other time, there has been another way, and thus he had taken it. I'd even be willing to bet it's IDW itself that made him reevaluate how much he resorts to violence. Meeting Mr. Tinker caught him off guard, and he had to think about it before deciding to let him go.
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He reevaluated his stance that day. That's why he's so much of a "pacifist" now compared to earlier. This experience is the reason. He's seen the good in Eggman now. He's seen that they can change and do the right thing. He wants to see them go down that path, and the world is making him pay for it every day. I actually really like this direction for Sonic. I understand not liking it, it is different, but I think it works well. IDW is honestly probably one of my favorite interpretations of the character. Idk how to close this so
sonic is cool i like the comics k byee
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toskarin · 4 months
Not sure if you ever got into it before, but why no 8th MS Team in your watch orders?
08th is one of those series I have to put a big "you should watch the original series first" flags on imo, and by the time I'd feel comfortable pointing someone at it, there isn't really a clean or specific window to slot it into
also I think it'd be a bit of a travesty if someone who was only going to watch one of the OVA series passed up WitP for 08th without realising what choice they were making lmao
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