#big rant moment oops
liondanosaur · 5 months
Dan and Phil, phandom expectations, the complexities of queer dynamics and how they are erased by people.
I'm going to start this by stating that this isn't directed towards anyone who makes jokes about things like "phivorce" or "our married dads" or fainting a bit (me too) over dan saying phil is a power bottom. It is also not to fault anyone for being young during 2009-2019 and not understanding boundaries or how badly you overstepped when you were a teen or younger, but about people who are still active in this community and have genuine expectations about Dan and Phil’s life and what they should be sharing with us.
For a long time, Dan and Phil's relationship has been romanticised and sexualised throughout many different mediums such as fanfics, tumblr blogs inspecting small movements and amounting them to intense theories and so on. Dan and Phil themselves have stated they don't have issues with fan fictions, and neither do I - however, overtime when people's basis for the fantasy of what dan and phil could do or could say have become distorted from reality (for some people within the fandom). Some examples would be, people's expectations on their sleeping situations, their sexual and romantic lives & the way that they would eventually "announce" their relationship.
But for me, the main issue has always ended up being the erasure of queer connections that tend to contradict what people expect from them. There is no basis with queer relationships for what they need to be, when two people find themselves in a queer relationship in any way, there's no expectation of the way it should play out. In heterosexual relationships, there is a worldwide accepted idea (which isn't fair, but has always been the assumed basis for along time) that it should be, dating, marriage, house and then children and so many different expectations of small things based on culture and country.
Queer couples don't have an outline and tend to be able to make their own.
The truth is, is that Dan and Phil will never fit into the heterosexual stereotypes people eagerly want from them, because they are two queer men. Queer relationships are unconventional fundamentally. Two people could be a couple and sleep in separate beds, never kiss and not engage in sexual acts together and still be a queer couple, they could also be married and sleep in the same bed but not be sexually involved or literally anything they choose, because there's no one telling them what to be. I won't make assumptions on what they are because this post is mainly about counteracting that , but all that I mean to say is that, every aspect of a queer relationship can just be decided by the two people, which tends to make for a relationship where things can be different from the normal concept of how we see heterosexual relationships displayed in media and in life. Queer people get to decide every small detail based on if they feel comfortable with those different things, instead of heterosexual relationships where a lot of the time people feel that there is a preconceived notion of how the relationship should play out.
There seems to be this agreement in the phandom that dan and phil haven't confirmed themselves fully to be dating, "but they are but aren't but are but aren't", and I think what people miss is that is what a queer relationship is like. No, dan and phil will most likely never make a video saying "we are married, this is the bed we sleep in together every night" and then kiss on camera, because why would anyone? They've said many times they are together, but people always crave more - because the way they say it isn't in some intensely straight on YouTube in your face manner, it's just casual - the same way its casual for anyone in a decade long queer relationship to not make a massive deal out of their relationship.
For a long time people have had a vision, due to imagine posts on Tumblr, fan fictions about it, and loads of other things, that it would be some grand announcement - that they are married and had a secret wedding and all of these over saturations of exceptions from two normal people who gave us the safe space and shared their lives with us. You will most likely always only receive dan agreeing that him and phil are 'just like a normal gay relationship', or describing themselves as "best friends, arch enemies, husbands, business partners, partners in crime, soulmates, just mates, who the fuck knows?'.
I think, for a lot of people who lived out their teenage or younger years of they lives reading, thinking or fantasising about dan and phil one day being out, the way it's occurred may have felt anticlimactic because of the high expectations of how someone would give out a really sensitive part of themselves to the world. To have lived in the thoughts that they would have made a big deal out of things, it can make the way they approach it seem disappointing in a way, to the point that people are still expecting an announcement about a marriage or at least their relationship some time soon - even though dan says he hates commitment (which can mean many different things, and people view what commitment is in various different ways), most gay couples don't tend to get married and phil's said how daunting having a wedding sounds in the past.
Dan and phil have an extremely special bond, one that even dan has explained transcends any human relationship, and to say that they might not share a bed, or maybe they aren’t romantic in ways you may expect, or maybe they are, or maybe there’s lots of complexities to the way they are with each other, those things don’t take away from the deep connection they have. People shouldn’t reduce their deep connection by the expectations of what they want a relationship to be, if they have separate beds, if they have a shared one, if they are comfortable in a middle ground of just existing in each others presence without ever tying a public word to what their dynamic is - all of it is down to them to share. When you experience such a strong connection with another person, and have for over a decade, it cannot be tied up in a neat bow for people, and it must be daunting to know that people have a preconceived notion of what they desire them to be, and that they can’t meet all the standards people want from them.
Dan and Phil transcend any normal expectations of a relationship, and to admit that isn’t to erase the connection they have, but rather to accept that this expectation of a heteronormative relationship between two queer individuals is limiting to how deep their connection truly is, and is erasing that queer connections are much different and can be much stronger than an average straight relationship. It is also important to not erase their friendship just to speak about their romantic relationship, because their platonic relationship is extremely important, and is something that is so special.
I guess the main consensus is that people need to understand the complexities of queer relationships, that queer platonic couples exist (which may not be what Dan and Phil are, they could be what lots of people want them to be, but there's no acknowledgement of the possibility of it being something like that), and that if you're going to be speaking about queer couples, at least comprehend how they aren't going to be a heteronormative idealistic couple, and how a lot of people need to stop expecting them to be.
This isn't to stomp on lighthearted jokes we and dan and phil make, like funny comments about our divorced dad's when dan went on tour or how we are the children of old gay rats or anything that is of course lighthearted fandom bantering and not something you expect them to actually ever meet the expectations of, but more so a commentary on the way that people still discuss things they have made clear that they do not want speculation on, and things they have many times set boundaries on. A lot of people's fantasy of a big "we are together" YouTube announcement most likely won't occur, because of the amount of times they have reiterated their want to keep private things private, and that is okay. That doesn’t take away from the strong relationship that is present between them or the magic in their videos or dynamic.
We all collectively love dan and phil, that's why we are all here, watch and love them. It's time, really, to accept that they are simply two amazing silly boys who live together in their forever home and choose to share their lives with us, and that should be enough for people, and if it isn't - it would be good (not in a cruel way, but from one phan to another) to reevaluate if you are overstepping something that is blatantly going over a boundary and if you have a fantasy image of them that you’re pushing onto them.
I’d also love to hear anyone else’s points on this topic as I feel like I could also write 800 more paragraphs, and if you have any additions or disagreements or just general discussion about it - I’m open to hearing anyones opinions as I think queer dynamics don’t get discussed enough :-] thank you for reading!
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tellodona · 5 months
the brothers + side characters with an mc whose first language isn't english
heads up: gn!mc, slight swearing in levi's part and mentions of male genitals in simeon's, italized means a different language, no mephisto + thirteen + raphael because i haven't met them yet 😔
i don't really know the common language between demons and angels, so right now i'm asumming they speak in english mostly
he probably knew beforehand
i mean, he was the one who randomly chose us after our paper fell off his desk so he's bound to know
wasn't interested at first, like, so you speak two (or more) languages, what's there to make a fuss about?
apparently, a tinsy bit should be fussed about
you were half asleep, it was the weekend so you slept in, and lucifer did not know that so you were in his study helping him organize documents
he gave you three stacks that was at least half your height
it was going good actually. despite being sleep deprived you were able to do your task
that is until wind from his open window knocked down the stacks
you swore in your first language with so much vigor that lucifer looked at you
mc what the hell are you saying???
you kept talking in that language and started complaining and mentioned his name
that really caught his attention
"what was that?"
oops, good luck explaining to him what you said
if he was in a good mood, he'd probably chuckle in amusement. if not, it depends
after that, he'd probably try to learn a thing or two about your language, but with how busy he is, that'd be a stretch to do
he doesn't know
i mean, it's not like he had any way of knowing, and you never really bothered to mention him before
you and mammon were conversing in your room about literally anything. mostly about money but there are other mundane topics being tossed around
"and then that demon had the gall to blame me! me, the GREAT mammon!"
"that must've suck ass" you reply
he looked at you weirdly and confused
you thought he was confused by your response and explained why you thought that way, still in your first language
"woah, woah, woah! stop right there! human, stop speaking gibberish!"
now it was your turn to get confused
"what- oh."
you stared at each other for a moment before you explained this was your first language
he was actually intrigued and shook your shoulders asking if he was the first one to know
i mean, he is, right?! he should be! he's your first man!
has tried to learn your language, promptly gave up after three full sentences
he had a hunch since you keep muttering things whenever you play with him
he first thought you were complaining under your breath because why wouldn't you? he's just a yucky, disgusting otak-
oh wait, he doesn't understand what you're saying
actually, that made him more nervous than before
right now, he got you hooked into this one game that just got released and you both were enjoying it
you enjoyed it a bit too much
so when you both finally defeated that big boss you were trying to kill, you were ecstatic
"FUCKING FINALLY! AFTER SO LONG!" you shout in his ear drums
he had to cover his ears first because you were cheering so loud and that you were shaking his shoulders
he was too busy having his organs shook around to be embarrassed
"m- mc! s- slow down!"
you finally calmed down for a while, still giggling and ranting to him, in your first language, while he calmed his racing heart
mc, he doesn't understand you, please slow down
"mc....... i don't u- understand what you're saying........"
you stop and stare at him. he flinched thinking you got offended
"oh, i'm so sorry!"
you had to explain to him slowly that you were speaking in your first language
after that, he got so interested
he spent the whole night to learn your language, and the night after, and the night after that, and the night after the night after that
so yeah, expect him to hold a proper conversation with you in two languages
has probably put two and two together when you both visited a library that had a few books from the human world and you were looking at books with your first language
he was interested
so when you were holding like three books by the counter, he asked:
"what language is this?"
you answered him, and also added that it was your first language
he nodded, and made a mental note in his head
when you were walking home with your books in hand, he asked what the books were about and you explained bits of it and why it intrigued you enough to buy them
he was also interested in the said books, and finds it a shame that he wouldn't understand its contents
yes, expect him to ask you to be his tutor about your language
after all, isn't it better to learn straight from the source?
and he also used it as an excuse to hang out more with you
before you know it, he's the one who's reading the books you've bought
you haven't even finished them yet!
that's a pity then, mc. just one more chapter and he'll give it back-
like mammon, he wouldn't know without you telling him beforehand
you and him were having a spa day in his bathroom
it wasn't sexual or anything, he just wants you both to have a relaxing time together! isn't that lovely, mc?
you were both in his bathtub, with him massaging your shoulders to sooth your sore muscles
"doesn't it feel good, mc?" he asks, a grin painting his face when he sees you relaxing under his very touch
you nod, "feels so good. keep going, asmo."
he stops
what was that, mc?
you furrow your eyebrows, "is there something wrong?" you turn to look at him
he looks dumbfounded, before shaking his head and his grin widening, "oh, mc! you didn't tell me you know another language!"
you both ended up chatting about it, him listening intently as he continues to massage you
he might learn a thing or two to flirt with you just to see your cheeks tinted pink, but he mostly wouldn't learn a lot
you cook lots of stuff from the human world, mostly from your culture, so he ended up asking you what these dishes are and you mentioned it came from your home country
so he should know by now, since he likes listening to you talk and asked a lot of stuff, and by extension, your culture and languages
you were on cooking duty for dinner, and he managed to convince you to let him help out with the promise of not eating everything
you were cooking your favorite dishes from your country, and happily explained to him what they are
he listens intently (while eating a block of cheese you gave him), nodding along
anything food related intrigues him, so if he comes across a dish he hasn't heard before he'd be curious about it
when you mention the name of the dish, he tilts his head and tests it out with his mouth "...am i pronouncing it right, mc?"
"a little more work, but you've got it!"
he butchered it
but it's fine, it's beel. he doesn't know your first language in the first place!
dinner comes around, he's the one mentioning to his brothers what the dishes are (still butchering the name, but a little better than before)
the brothers did not understand what he just said
be sure to be ready for him to ask for seconds, thirds, fourths, and so on and so forth
he'd be interested in learning, but would probably learn more about your culture (especially the food) since he doesn't want to mispronounce anything
has probably heard you talk in your sleep before, so he put two and two together as well
beel was out so you two were alone in their room
you were asleep, cuddling beside him, and he was about to drift as well when you-
"belphie... the stove is on..."
what are you talking about?
he furrows his eyebrows and shrugs it off, pulling you closer to him
"i think the kitchen... is on fire... lucifer did it..."
what is it with lucifer now?
"what the hell are you dreaming..." he mutters under his breath
he closed his eyes, drifting to sleep
after your nap, he asked you what in the world you were dreaming that you were sleep talking about him and lucifer
you were embarrassed
he mentioned that he didn't understand you for the most part (you were relieved) so you explained it to him
he finds it intriguing, but doesn't show it. he shrugs it off
"just don't bother me with your sleep talking..."
oh please keep doing it
the next time you sleep talk he was wide awake, his ddd on, and doogle (google) translate at the ready
he was definitely laughing his ass off when you muttered "lucifer lost his pants..."
same way as lucifer, he knew beforehand through your documents
he did take the time to learn a few phrases though to surprise you when you both had gotten closer
you were having tea with him in the castle gardens and he suddenly goes "how was your day, mc?"
you had to do a double take, but then a big grin makes it way to your face
he finds it adorable
but then you suddenly reply in your first language in perfect clarity and continously that he already lost you at the "i'm"
"ahahaha....... i'm not that knowledgeable yet, mc......."
you both end up talking about it more, and he asked how you knew english and you answered with how you did
he listens intently, nodding along
when you went home after a few hours, he had barbatos bring him a dictionary with your first language and has made it his goal to learn it (while juggling his responsibilities)
he's a pretty fast learner that the brothers have to suffer with you both talking each other's ears off and they can't get the tea
are we even going to ask
this man definitely knew
he's lived long enough but he didn't have the time to learn it before you came to the devildom because he's a terribly busy guy
he has his day offs however, so he of course wanted to spend it with you
he had invited you over for tea and you both ended up talking about the human world
he took this chance to ask if you speak your first language by any chance with that sly smirk on his face
you were surprised, but you answered yes anyway
it's better to not question anything when it comes to him, to be honest
will probably ask good references to learn your language, and you provided some that you knew
he may ask for your help though
just to spend time with you
before you know it, he's talking your ear off with your own language that you had to ask him to slow down
he just smiles
he wouldn't know you speak the language, but he knows how to speak it himself
let's face it, he's a smart guy, what's wrong with learning a few languages?
you're in his room, you helping him out by giving him the things he needs for some experiments
you both were just talking about mundane things and you end up asking
"what's one thing i don't know about you?"
he paused, but continued his work, humming in thought
"hm... i speak a few more languages, actually."
"that's expected, to be honest." you nod
out of curiosity, you ask him about your first language
he chuckles and nods that he does speak it
you gaped
"no way?!"
"oh, no way?"
you both continued conversing in that language
"you know, i was there when it was created. it was long ago, but it was such a fine time."
okay, old man
he wouldn't know without being told either
you both were texting each other, he's gotten good at typing now and he's proud!
he managed to type a long word without any typos and was so happy that you were happy too
without thinking, you congratulated him in your first language
uhm. mc?
"wait, are you having typos now, too?!"
he sends a worried sticker and was genuinely confused and concerned it's actually adorable
you had to explain it to him as simple as possible that it was your first language
"ooooh, i see."
has asked you a few quotes to be translated in your language so he could add it in his books
he thinks they're fine literature and can really set the mood and add thrill into it
he, however, searched up a few words himself and asked you what they mean
"mc, what does dick mean?"
oh, lord
luke [platonic]
wouldn't know either
you and him were discussing human world delicacies and ingredients and you ended up with your country
he volunteered to search it up and you told him he doesn't need to because you know it yourself
mc????? that's so cool!
you ended up cooking together, and he took it as an opportunity to ask questions about your culture and your language
"the food already smells so good, mc! what was it called again? anyway, how did you learn english? was it hard? do you always get your language and english mixed up?"
you had to remind him to take out the batter from the oven before it overcooks
needless to say, he has another thing he wants to learn besides baking and cooking
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anxresi · 11 days
I Beg To Differ.
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Okay, now just because I'm about to embark on an epic rant does NOT mean I think anything bad about you as a person, OP. It's just on this one teensie-weensie most minor of points, I happen to think you're 100% wrong. Just thought I'd clarify that, so no offense intended. Anyway, on with the show...
Nah, they did us SO dirty with Chloe. I hear your above argument a lot, and it WOULD be a fair point… if it wasn't for the fact that there are SO many clear signs this wasn't what was intended from the beginning that it makes your reasoning completely null and void. Chloe's 'arc' was the most blatant case of in-show character assassination I've ever had the displeasure of witnessing, and I'm about to explain why. Read on! (If you want to, that is.... no pressure).
They strung us along for at least three seasons with various hints about her 'traumatic past', her problems with her often absent mother (which Marinette didn't help by encouraging them to bond because 'they're both such awful people'), showed her genuinely apologizing to her victims, protecting Sabrina from akumatization and having times when she treated her as a real friend, sacrificing herself to save the day occasionally, hugging Miss Bustier in a moment of genuine emotion, telling Ladybug how 'useless' she felt in a teary rooftop encounter, saving lives both as a superhero and a civilian (check back if you don't believe me), giving Adrien a moving speech on his phone about how 'she'd always be there for him', sharing a really close bond with her father, telling her butler Jean it was time she started doing things for herself, loving Mr Cuddly, adoring Pollen… I could go on. Not the best person in the world, true.... but a promising start. Green shoots, and all that. Her name literally means that.
S4 simply forgot any of this happened, and literally pushed her burgeoning development off a cliff with Sisyphu's boulder tied to it's big toe. There was NO build-up, NO foreshadowing, NO precedent for Chloe suddenly becoming a one-dimensional total-sociopath irredeemable-monster AT ALL, they simply made her that way on a whim. They had her start acting like a complete psycho for the evilz, made her the most stupid person in the show BY FAR, severed ALL of her few close relationships, wrote AN ENTIRE FLASHBACK EPISODE in incrimate her newfound nastiness even more and 'punished' her by sending her off exiled on a plane in tears with her abusive mother to… what else? Get abused, of course. GREAT MESSAGE TO ALL THE VULNERABLE TEENAGE GIRLS OUT THERE. (I won't even get into how utterly useless and blandly boring her 'replacement' of a plot device Mary S... oops, I mean Zoe is).
And we're supposed to believe the former corrupt mayor Andre, the terrorist Gabriel Agreste and Thomas Astruc (you know him) are the GOOD guys here? Well, I'd like to tell you what I'd like to do to them… but for fear of censorship, I'd better withhold that particular information for now.
The upshot of it is… if Chloe had been bad from the beginning and terrible at the end, I'd have accepted it. Heck, if her so-called damnation arc was even halfway well written and gave us an accurate and compelling look at the moral descent a person who's capable of redemption could take to the light but ultimately chose to stay on the Dark Side, this would've been highly disappointing to me but fine from a storytelling perspective.
But they didn't give us anything like that, did they? It was just… 'pretend the last three seasons never happened, develop amnesia, hit yourself repeatedly on the head with a shovel… we don't care. Just accept this is the NEW Chloe without question despite past evidence, because you won't be getting any answers. Now let's go back to what we're REALLY here for… Marichat, Ladynoire, Adrinette and that other stupid ship name. SWOON!'
Thanks, but no thanks. Did I ever tell you how much I HATE this stupid show? Apologies if I didn't make that clear enough.
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yongislong · 2 years
back scratching + dreamies.
genre: fluff AAAAGH, suggestive? i can never tell lmao nonidol!dreamies
note: no cws just tooth rotting fluff, tysm for requesting anon! i hope you enjoy this... word vomit pfft. not proofread im studying GAHH
mark... adores it when you scratch his back. never knows how to ask for it though HAHA. melts every time you do it. especially likes it when you do it to him before bed or as a way to let him know that the sun has risen. its one of the moments in your relationship that is most intimate if that makes sense? he finds comfort in sitting in silence with you after a long day, as the scratching noises break through the silence in your shared room :")
renjun... is so ticklish. honestly prefers to do it to you but he cant help but curl into your side whenever you scratch his back even if he's practically convulsing under you from how much it tickles. will flat out ask you to do it, but he always needs to be in a specific mood since it doesn't happen often! usually asks for it on days where he's been hunched over his computer for a long time and his back is in more pain than usual
jeno... human cat fr. LOVES it when you do it especially if you have longer nails. he feels recharged and it always helps him fall asleep so fast. if you wear fake nails OH MY GOSH he will never ever stop asking you to rub his back, its become a nightly routine after the first time. he will do it to you sometimes but he always falls asleep so quickly that it bothers you pft, his dead weight lands on your back when its only been 10 minutes. likes it when you scratch his abdomen too. just likes feeling your nails rake over his soft skin
haechan... makes it a game LOL. has you write words on his back and he takes his turns trying to guess the phrase you wrote or guess the letters you're tracing. gets SO excited when he guesses right and pulls you in closer. asks for it without words. will always rest his body on your lap and you know that's your cue to get to scratching. the biggest content smile is plastered on his face, even in his sleep! likes it when you scratch closer towards the small of his back since thats where most of his pain is, or so he says lol
jaemin... so so so kind my babygirl. it kinda just happens. he's resting his head on your chest and his big broad shoulders are in perfect view, its kinda hard not to scratch his back esp when he sleeps with no shirt on. so tempting. his skin is so soft and he MELTSS. also likes to play games with you, especially one night when you traced a heart on his back and his pulse SOARED. makes it a point to grab your wrist and tuck your hand under his shirt or drape it along his bare shoulders whenever he wants it from you. also falls asleep really fast. ticklish around the waist OOP
chenle... wake him up with back scratches PLEASE. i feel like he ends up facing away from you during his sleep so in the morning, raking your fingers up and down his spine softly jolts him awake and its so cute. always acts like its his first time on earth when he wakes up btw LMAO. enjoys it so much. prefers if you use your finger tips because he gets itchy whenever you use your nails HAHA. he's so domestic though. he acts like an old man who's been with you for years. grumbles about how nice your fingers feel until his rant is cut short by his snoring
jisung... god he is so. that boy is a Child. truly the most genuinely nice and pure soul. if you were to ever scratch his back, i think you would feel how he would physically sink into the mattress or couch. has never had a partner before so is pretty timid about asking for back scratches but he really really enjoys them. always insists that he return the favor though! clings to you like a koala. makes it a point to make this a ritual since he finds such fun in it. helps him calm down on nights where his anxiety or nightmares are bad. can't help but get flustered every time you dip your palm under the collar of his shirt
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mistyacorn · 1 year
childish love
sypnosis; gepard embarrasses reader, so reader embarrasses him back. what children…
pairing(s); bf gepard + gn! reader ⟿ featuring; established relationship, playful gepard, cheeky and immature reader ngl, childish love, big fluff
❀ wc; 1,681
a/n; hi! this was so cute to write, gepard is my favourite and he’s such a cutie . it’s not a short read but i don’t think i’d consider it a long read either. in between hehe. ty for reading!!
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You, Dan Heng, March and Selee have been invited to visit Bronya, the new supreme guardian, in her new office. The four of you are guided inside by a Silvermane guard, who tells you to stay close and not get lost - especially since the building is getting renovated at the moment.
As you travel through the many long hallways and flights of stairs together, Selee starts her small rant about the ugly carpet choice in the building. March and her get into a deep discussion about why and why not green should be the colour of the carpet. The guard leading you clearly does not want to interfere in this debate, keeping his eyes straight forward and walking further and further ahead. And Dan Heng is, well… uninterested.
You’re at the back of the pack, paying more attention to the different boxes and crates that are being moved around you. There are some guards standing about, chatting noisily as if they aren’t on duty. Another guard is stacking three large crates on top of each other, working hard to transport as many as he can efficiently. There’s also a sheepish looking guard scratching his neck as he’s being scolded by a blonde man- hey! It’s Gepard!
You eyes light up at the sight of your boyfriend. Gosh he’s hot when he’s being fierce… Suddenly you’re swooning over him, not noticing that the group you were with were walking further away from you. Your feet don’t move as you simply stare towards his direction.
When you finally snap out of it, you turn to see that your buddies and the guard are long gone. Oops. You decide to find your way to Bronya’s office yourself, how hard can it be?
You advance down the hallway you’re in, stop at the end and find yourself with two choices. Left or right? A second passes before you randomly choose right. Right is always right, after all!
And so that is your strategy for the next seven turns, making mostly right turns and occasionally a left. After your eighth corner, you stop and huff unhappily. You aren’t… lost, …just-
“Exploring are we?” A voice sounds from behind you. You turn to see none other than Gepard, your boyfriend, who has an eyebrow raised and his arms crossed as he approaches you. “Or are you lost, dear?”
You narrow your eyes. “I am not lost! I’m just- um.. admiring the hallway that’s all.” You spit out a lie, to which Gepard raises his eyebrows mockingly to.
“I just watched you walk down seven different hallways, each time looking more confused than the previous one.” He informs you. “So, you’re lost.”
You can’t save yourself from that. “Whatever. It’s not my fault this stupid building has a thousand stupid hallways that all intersect for some strange reason!” You complain, crossing your arms.
Your boyfriend stifles a laugh, covering his mouth in attempts to hide it. It’s obvious to you though. You glare at him and smack his arm, clicking your tongue. “Shut up.” You mutter. “I’ll find my way there sooner or later, watch me!”
You’re just about to storm away to god knows where when Gepard grabs your wrist gently to stop you. “You’re an idiot. I’ll take you there.” He suggests.
You want to reject his offer, after all, you want to prove you have some sort of directional skills. But on the other hand, you probably will end up getting to Bronya’s office the next day if you do so. You sigh and turn back to the boy, who has an expectant look on his face. He knows exactly what you’re thinking, of course.
“Fine.” You huff, and Gepard swears he can see the gloomy cloud above your head. He smiles softly and pokes your cheek. Then he puts his hands on your shoulders, turns you around and guides you forward.
“This way, sunshine.” He says, walking beside you. The two of you walk down a couple more hallways with him leading you. You also go up a flight of stairs, the same stairs you had passed earlier, when you were navigating this place yourself.
“You know, you could have made it to her office earlier,” he points out, blatantly teasing you, “if only you actually read the sign..” He gestures towards the wooden sign on the wall beside you. It reads ‘Supreme Guardian’s Office’ with a very clear arrow printed, pointing up the stairs.
Just then, from behind you two, three guards walk past quietly. One guard accidentally laughs aloud, earning smacks from the others. They dash away, but you two knew they had heard Gepard’s comment.
Your face burns and he notices this as you two continue to walk. You can see him glancing at you from the corner of your eyes so you shove him in the arm. Furrowing your brows, you look away from him.
His eyes are on you and he laughs to himself softly at how adorable you are when you’re embarrassed. I’m going to get him back, you think to yourself.
A short walk later, you two finally arrive at the hallway heading to the office doors. Down at the end, beside the doors, stand two guards in the Silvermane uniform. Something clicks in your brain, and you immediately have an idea.
“Well, it’s right down the hallway,” Gepard says, gesturing with his head. “Go on.”
You grin cheekily and turn to him. “Wait, why don’t you walk me to the door too?” You do your best innocent face, adding a “please” afterwards.
Your boyfriend sees a clear sparkle in your eye, and he senses you’re up to something. Yeah, you’re cute, but.. “Why?” He questions.
“Because.” You quickly make up something on the spot, “I just… need you to help me get into the room, in case the guards over there don’t allow me to go in, you know?”
He looks a little confused so you add, “Plus, you’re my boyfriend.” (Damn you pulled the boyfriend card. Respect.)
Gepard doesn’t really know what to do. He has more duties to attend to, but you looked so eager to have him go with you. And he doesn’t move so… you decide for him.
You grab his arm and pull him forward, dragging the tall man down the hallway with you. “Woah!” He nearly trips following you, “Okay, okay, slow down!”
Now you pull him by your side and cling your arm around his, smiling happily and continuing your walk with Gepard confusingly trotting alongside you. He doesn’t know now but he probably should have escaped then…
When you reach the door, your boyfriend greets the two guards politely with a nod. Then he turns to you. “Okay we’re here. Go in.” He says quietly, motioning to the door with his ocean blue eyes.
You smile sweetly. “Okay, thank you baby~!” Your voice suddenly rings loudly, in this quiet hallway. “I told you you didn’t have to, but you’re such a sweet boyfriend for bringing me all the way to the doorstep!”
Gepard’s eyes widen, and his cheeks instantly turn pink. The guards at the door are wearing masks, but you both know that they are hearing every word and watching every move you guys make.
“Well, goodbye for now!” You batt your eyelashes sweetly at him, a grin on your face. The guards may see your smile as a normal one but Gepard sees the teasing glimmer in your eye. You jump up and hug him tightly, and he hugs you back in confusion.
“What are you doing??” He whispers into your ear.
Your grin grows wider as you whisper back. “Just thanking you.”
The boy is more confused than ever as you pull away from the hug, eyes still looking straight into his. What are you up to?
“What’s that baby? You want a kiss goodbye?” You giggle as you lie loudly, making sure the guards could hear you.
Gepard’s eyes widen again. No no no no what is she-
Before he knows it, your lips are on his, kissing him ever so passionately. He stands there with wide eyes for a second, before gently putting one hand on your cheek and pushing you away slightly.
“Babe, not now.” He mutters, clearly embarrassed from his red cheeks and ears.
You blink. Yeah right, you’re not getting off this easy.
You immediately crash your lips back onto his again, knowing that Gepard is most definitely dying of embarrassment right now. Hah! Revenge rocks!
Meanwhile, your boyfriend is struggling to push you back, and his mind is racing. He loves your kisses, he wants to kiss you back.. but- the guards are watching, he can’t! Oh, but your kiss… NO! But your lips….
At this point, you’re nearly making out with him. And unconsciously, Gepard finds himself kissing you back. You feel a sense of satisfaction, as though you had accomplished your mission in embarrassing him back. Slowly, he actually starts falling deeper into the kiss, basically forgetting about his fellow guards nearby.
A minute of kissing (making out) later, he snaps back into reality and he pushes you away. To Gepard’s dismay however, the guards were both already gone. He sighs heavily as he closes his eyes, already knowing that soon, the rest of the Silvermane guards will know about this… event. On the contrary, you were grinning proudly, nodding your head in approval.
“Thank you, babe.” He stares at you, his voice low, his eyes saying ‘fuck you’ and his tongue rolling the inside of his cheek in annoyance.
You smile, and plant a kiss on his cheek. “Now we’re even.” You giggle at his expression as you turn around to (finally) enter Bronya’s office.
“I love you~!” You sing aloud, before opening the door and entering.
Your boyfriend watches as the door closes behind you, face still warm from embarrassment. He sighs and turns around to walk down the hallway again.
Of course, he can’t stop himself from smiling ever so slightly as he thinks of your last words. He’s too in love with you too.
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© mistyacorn do not plagiarize or repost please, just enjoy it ykwim
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driftingmoonmenace · 3 months
🤲Please rant to us about the Guard Dog AU
Well ok, if you say so, Anon! 👀💕
So this is me being very indulgent Menace once again, and I'm sure you'll notice a pattern with me when it comes to themes and tropes I lean towards. LMAO 😂(Also this is in the very early rough concept stage so things might get tweaked with time!)
BUT ANYWAYS, so very futuristic city!! I'm talkin' like Akira/Cyberpunk 2077/Ghost In The Shell/etc style where it's very dense, neon lights everywhere, hologram ads, advanced technology, the works.
FazCo. is in the entertainment industry, but not the kid-friendly kind. They've found that the creature pit fighting scene has been a big hit globally and wanted to cash in on the big profits. Lots of rich people like to host and sponsor these matches typically and attendees are able to place bets. So Fazco. started to develop several of their own homemade creatures to throw into the ring.
A lot of these creatures typically have one to two human handlers who represent them and are in charge of taking care of them, training them, escorting them within the venues, basically everything. It pays well enough, but there is also the very real danger of their assigned creature killing them so it's a high risk job.
These creatures vary in all shapes and sizes. (Though typically they're much, much bigger than humans.) Some are organically lab made, some are organic but have technological augmentations, others are purely robotic. As long as they're able to fight and entice a crowd, that's all that matters.
Sun and Moon are unique within this world. They're partially organic, but heavily augmented, (so kind of a cyborg type of thing) which is nothing new, but their 'brain' is completely robotic and allows them to switch between their duel A.I.s.
Fazco.'s idea for them was basically 'why not have a creature that can switch up their fighting style at a moments notice to keep the opponent on their toes?' without really thinking of the consequences of that. :) (And the only way you can tell which is which is their subtle eye change (and demeanor but eyes are the easiest). Double white for Sun, double red for Moon, and their ace up their sleeve, red and white for both aka Eclipse.)
Y/N decides to apply for the handler job. (The previous handlers all had unfortunate accidents but they don't have to know that.) They know what they're getting into and risks involved but really they're only in it for the money. They'd like to get out of their shithole of a neighborhood and being able to travel is a nice perk, so eh why not. They don't have any real self preservation so as long as they're enjoying the ride that's all that matters to them.
Cue them actually getting to know Sun and Moon over time and 'oops I've become attached and man...this life must suck for them...I'm gonna pull a Free Willy. :)' But not without numerous fights in between, lots of danger with the wrong people, near death situations, etc etc first. And Sun and Moon getting attached themselves with time and being a big ol' guard dog. (And maybe a little tiny bit of love between em cause that's the monster fucker in me talking. LMAO)😌
But yeah that's all I got!! I'm happy to see and hear y'all are so interested in this AU so far!! 💕
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yawntu · 1 year
Not a request (unless you want it to be)! but imagine avatar!reader showing neytiri a little girl on girl action (scissoring) cause Jake's been too busy with the whole clan leader thing to please her 🫣
this had to get its own little moment
a/n: I love her I had to write this when I got it something about her makes me swoon. She has so many layers and she is my queen. I finally formatted it. Not proofread yet oop
pairing(s): Neytiri te Tskaha Mo'at'ite x f!Reader, extremely brief Jake Sully x f!Reader
word count: ~2k
warnings: NSFW / MDNI Caught, Scissoring / Tribbing, Switch x switch couple, Pregnant Neytiri bc she’s a milf it’s more so a plot point then focused on, Praise kink (receiving), Neytiri doesn’t really know what she’s doing but your enthusiasm makes up for it
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Neytiri could not bring herself to understand why she was sitting here complaining to you. Her life had finally found some semblance of peace. She knows that she should be thankful for the way her people have risen from ashes; for having such a strong competent mate and a mother who knew what was best for her people. She was thankful still had a family to support her and her beautiful planet that was in the very least safe for now.
She should be at ease but she’s not. She’s frustrated and antsy. Maybe it was because she was pregnant enough to be left behind in things she felt needed her attention- or maybe she did not actually care about all of that and the sun was just too hot. She was no sure what it was but she couldn’t shake all the bitter moments that had accumulated throughout the week and led her to this very moment. Sat lounged out by a stream not so far from the village enjoying lunch with her best friend. Though she loved your daily walks, even your company did not soothe the bubbling anger she ultimately has concluded boiled down to Jake.
“All he does is work!” She snaps at you plopping a round berry in her mouth.
For a second you flinch as if you’re the one she’s scolding for neglect. You’re thankful you’re not at the receiving end of her sour mood as she rants about how annoying her day has been.
“Well, he’s dealing with a lot of guilt I’m sure. Men think too much and get stuck in their own brains.” You shrug as you finish peeling her fruit for her, trying to ease her foul mood while not throwing the friend you greatly admired under the bus.
She thinks it’s sweet how you’re always looking to help her, and how loyal you have been. Almost to a fault.
Jake had given you the order to look out for her and you did the most to make sure you met his expectations- like the good little ex-SEAL you were. She thought it was cute that you were so eager to please. Listened to orders so well.
“I’m dealing with the weight of his tsawl txìm ‘evi,”
Big ass kid. Her joking comment makes you bark out a laugh and throw your head back as you swat at one of her sore legs that lay across your own lap and legs.
“Better hope he doesn’t have his father's big ass head,”
You make her laugh as you point to your skull to annunciate the comment. She likes that she doesn’t have to act properly around you. She didn’t have to be nice. She felt she could act her age. Act like she wasn’t Tsakarem. That you were not an alien who had lived a whole over life before you chose this. That her non-native mate wasn’t tasked with rebuilding the world around her with the help of her mother while Neytiri was forced to focus on being pregnant.
She thought that preparing for motherhood would leave her in isolation and drive her into a solitary pit of despair, lost in her own thoughts- but yet here you were. Like her little shadow. Always there to keep her from feeling so alone. You were a good listener too. You didn’t talk much- would just let her ramble about however she felt so she didn’t have to keep it in and go insane with grief. It’s why she trusted you so much.
“I’ll never have another child again,” She rolls her eyes as she wiggles her sore calf over your lap again,
“Please; continue.”
You smile softly at her, returning to rubbing her swollen calf and thigh that you had previously neglected to peel a particularly rough citrus-like fruit for her.
She can talk about anything to you, and you’ll nod and joke along because ultimately she’s your best friend. The best friend you’ve ever had. You think she’s interesting and you care about the way she feels. That’s probably why she likes you so much right now. Your attentive hands on her anyways.
She tries to occupy herself with the citrus that dances across her tongue but all she can feel is the pad of your thumb massaging her swollen thigh.
“Let me sit up so I can get your other leg and hips.”
Her tail flicks as you move past your leg to sit on your knees. She doesn’t mean to seem so annoyed in her actions. She is not mad at you. She really just hates Jake right now. For how tired he is. How busy he is.
He always makes it up to her but had he not been so busy she wouldn’t have been so enticed by the swift movement of your hands against her sapphire skin.
She can swear you’re teasing her on purpose. The way you prop yourself on your knees and annunciate the pretty dip of your hips. Neytiri can’t help but shift and open her legs a bit more. To give you more room between her. She’d say she was getting comfortable but she isn’t stupid. She knows you know it too. You’re terrible at controlling your body language. It’s almost rude how quickly your tail twisting behind you and the way your ears are pointed right towards her.
Your nose crinkles in concentration as you move her leg to rest on your full hips while your thumb instantly moves to push a firm long stroke up the side of her thigh. The feeling shoots across her nerves and she sighs at the alleviation of pain in her hips. It almost makes her forget how much you had turned her on.
“You are so blessed,” She’s shocked at how quickly your palms pressed running across her sore muscles has begun to ease her tight hips and her sour mood, “You’re doing so well,”
She’s thankful you’re so easily appeased. Tail swishing behind you as you rub where her leg met her hip. She’d encourage you the rest of the day if it meant you didn’t stop.
“I have one order, gotta keep you from killin’ Jake during the day,” a giggle falls from your lips.
You lose good girl points at the mention of Jakes name and for the fact that you tease her for her temper. It is Jakes fault she was so irritated today. You knew that. It was obvious how needy she was for intimacy. Jake was as perfect as he could be to her- he was just so busy. You know she didn’t have the heart to complain to her mate that she was horny and lonely when he was carrying such a burden. You could chalk her well-hidden desperation up to her being pregnant but your face flushes at the thought that maybe she just liked you a little bit. You can’t stop your silly smile at the fact that her hips relax even more when you switch over to her opposite leg. One leg lay lazily on the ground while your knead your hands against her flesh.
“Am I helping the pain a little?”
And though you’re asking her a question you’re not looking up at her from your position between her legs. Too busy watching your hands paw at her swollen hips and thighs.
You’re sweet to her. It’s why she controls the motion of her tail snapping up off the ground to smack right up against what she hopes is just as needy and wet as she is.
You yelp and it makes her laugh and though you’ve been half purposely touching her in the hope she’d recuperate your touches you’re almost shocked at the outcome.
“Why are you wet, huh?”
She hopes her words work you up but the fact that your eyes shoot to hers for only a second before looking down to her core ignites her own needy breath.
“I- uh… I dunno I haven’t had sex since I’ve been on earth… like seven years ago.” It sounded like a long time- five years and some months of those if those years were actually getting to Pandora- and it felt like a nap to you. You still miss it obviously- a little too much as she reaches her fingers to caress your wrist and it has you humming.
She laughs at you of course. Making fun of you even though she knew only the rudimental outside of Jake.
“You’re also very pretty,” your quick addition accompanies a charming smile.
She can tell you admire Jake so much at this moment. You match his same entranced pretty smile. Wide eyes looking all too eagerly up at her.
“You’re very pretty too,”
Your thumb runs under the lining of her tweng as she compliments you back and you practically purr at the soft and wet feeling her lips greet you with.
“Does it hurt here too?” You ask her, and though it’s half in jest she nods.
“Terribly. You’ll have to help me.”
You’re a bit nervous when she reaches her hand down to untie her bottoms. it’s not until her other hand touches your hip that you snap out of your own thoughts.
“I’m afraid I’m a bit clueless though,”
There’s that pretty charming quip in her voice that reminds you she is a princess and it makes your legs clench but ultimately calms you down over the fact that she cannot really judge your performance without comparison.
“I can show you,” you didn’t know why she made you nervous; “It’ll feel good for both of us,”
She just grins and pulls at one of the strings of your bottoms that you’re cursing for being as intricately worn as they are.
She can’t help but dance her hands down your exposed skin and admire how excited you seemed to be at the prospect of relief.
She’s not even all that pregnant yet and you’re still so gentle as to carefully position your leg to avoid her.
You sit against her a little too quickly, plopping down flush against her own swollen slit out of pure excitement before jolting back up slightly. Just allowing your swollen clits to touch.
It’s not that Neytiri didn’t figure this is how women who mated with other women slept together- but no one ever talked about it. She had heard whispers of women preoccupying themselves during heats, but she was clueless as to how it actually happened or how it could possibly feel satisfying.
Then, however, you started rocking your hips forward a little. She finally got the appeal of the feather light weight you started with. How enthusiastically and quickly you rub yourself against her is hypnotizing. She feels bad for being so into the way your dragging across the wetness between your bodies considering she has Jake but she can’t ignore how nice this is. She wonders which one of you is responsible for the mess- she can believe it’s her- it wouldn’t shock her in the least- but she hopes it’s you. Even though your eyes have already started to close as you nestled your face into her leg you used to balance yourself and your hip's movements stutter and messily ruin the steady build towards both of your orgasms every time you feel too close to cumming.
The feeling of you gliding your warm cunt against her swollen clit has her sighing in lenience. If your careful hands rubbing at her hips and thighs didn’t alleviate the pain she felt before then the way you forced her to focus on the desire to cum has cured it.
“Mmm. You’re doing so good for me- ya you’re right- fe’els good.“ she choked on her own pant as she tries to sit up slightly so she can touch your tail, “Go faster please,”
One hand plays with your nipple as the other uses her outstretched legs as an anchor to grind yourself down onto her at the speeds she requests.
The fact that you turn to look at her but instead get distracted by the oscillation of her full breasts has her hips rolling up to meet you.
“Oh-ohhhh,” and she feels your fall forward at her intrusion as to brace yourself onto your hands. She’s so thankful you were so flexible. So easy for you to loosen your hips open a little more and fuck yourself down onto her.
She felt so good. So much better than what you thought dragging your clit against hers would feel like. You get why Jake folded and betrayed everyone so easily. Her nails running across your thigh or back haphazardly in conjunction with the way you feel your clit slot up against hers makes you shutter.
You really hope you aren’t setting a bad example. You hope she’s feeling just as good as you are, it’s hard for you to turn your head to face her so you focus your energy on making sure your grind down accurately.
You try not to be sloppy- you do the best you can even though she whines and makes you want cum before she could.
You thank Eywa when you feel her nails dig into your hips and the gush of her pussy against yours.
Your, “Oh fuck- fucking hell,” is less ceremonious then her moans but you can’t help it when the added slickness of her orgasm makes it all too easy to trib yourself down against her and chase your own high.
You thank divine timing for finishing just in time for your heart to drop into your stomach at the sound of someone crossing the tree line,
“Huh, woulda’ get a load of this,”
It is a gruff masculine voice that you now vividly recall giving you the order to watch out for his wife- not scissor yourself between her thighs and fuck her.
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shiroisotto64 · 5 months
Carmine Headcanons
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He’s always been described as green. Aka he follows the rules..mostly. Everyone has their moments am I right? Ben is respectful towards everyone and has a very eager air about him.
You wanna teach him neat military trick? He’s in. This leads to Ben and Baird spending a lot of time together. Imagine how much fun they’d have setting shit on fire? Exactly. And Baird finally has someone who actually tries to listen/understand his science talk.
He’d been real fun to be around. If your friends or together? He’s down to do things you like. Even if he hadn’t found it all to interesting before hand he’ll at least try to get into it for you. You like collecting antiques? He’ll save up to get you something whenever he can.
Gets real giddy when genuinely complimented. You noticed his tracking is getting better and say something about it? He’s touched! You think he’s getting real good at unjamming his lancer? Why thank you! He’s eats it all up and uses it as fuel to keep going.
With a s/o
Very respectful of boundaries. He won’t do anything without your explicit consent before hand. Including hand holding. He gets real shy when it comes to affection. He doesn’t mind it…but growing up with locust running around to kill you doesn’t leave a lot of time to get used to touch.
Ben would be super excited to genuinely spend time with you as well. Wanna walk around the yard? Sure, let’s go. Wanna eat lunch together? He’s damn there skipping to the hall. It’s so cute but the others definitely tease him for this. Marcus is just shaking his head in the corner but look closer he’s almost smiling!
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He needs to be put on a leash. He’s such a nerd. He’ll rant for hours about all the cool shit Marcus has done if anyone would let him. It’s funny how much he knows really.
Eager to train and get on the field. You can find him in the gym or shooting range. He likes the rush 1 and 2 he wants to stay sharp and be useful when called out. Rambles on the coms to. Marcus is normally the one to scold him to “shut the hell up!”
I feel like for some reason…he’d know a LOT of gossip around base..idk I can just feel it. Before you even tell him he already knows how the mission went. Luckily he’s open to talk about his missions too especially if he did something cool!
With a s/o
Likes no LOVES to show off. But he loses his cocky attitude when his gun fucks around and jams and oops he dropped it….ANYWAYS everyone has their days.
But lord help you cause it has to be nerve wracking being with him, he’s so eager and reckless at that. At least Ben follows orders Anthony just kinda forgets or gets wrapped up in the moment. He means no harm but still.
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He’s quieter than his brothers. Clayton just kinda chills there till he feels he needs to say anything. He’s more introverted prefers to keep to himself. He does have a sense of humor though. Albeit it’s a bit dry it’s there.
Clay cared a lot about his family especially his brothers. His affection is generally more quiet and shown through actions. A pat on the back here and a good job there. That’s his style even after the war he’s still kinda stiff.
He likes keeping his weapons in top shape. He’s found cleaning his guns and tags around the end of the week or right after a messy mission.
He’s not really picky about food or anything none of them are but I bet Clayton is the heaviest eater out of the carmines. Make him a hearty bowl and he’ll eat every last drop!
With a s/o
Wanna know if he likes you? Easy ask that man for a piece of his bacon. Regardless if he fussed about it or not if you get the piece at all you’re good.
If you’re the touchy type he’ll try to accommodate you. Like I said it’s not like they don’t like touch they just aren’t used to it.
He’s the touchiest when he’s tired. All of a sudden you’re being dragged to bed to cuddle. He’s a real heavy sleeper to! So good luck. Those big strong arms mean business once he’s got you there’s not escape.
@pink-apollo mentioned something about Clayton and dogs and I agree. I could totally see him with at least one large guard dog. But what’s better? A big dog and small puppy. LMFAO imagine the grub killer sprawled out on the couch with a yorkie or something. Adorable.
He’s not the jealous type but he is protective. Anyone giving you a hard time he’ll get it through their skulls don’t worry.
He does need a quiet moment to himself though, so if your the real clingy type he’ll get agitated if your constantly trying to hang off him, however he won’t yell he’ll just remove himself for you until he’s ready to be touched again.
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aristrocrat · 2 years
Upside Down Feelings 2
Chapter Four & Five: Will the Wise / Dig Dug
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COAUTHOR OF THE SERIES: @mitchloveswriting show her some luv bc I couldn't do iw :,)
summary: Eddie and Y/N have a sweet moment the morning after they make things official. Steve asks Y/N for help winning Nancy back
word count: like 5240
tw: sexually suggestive language and not edited (oops)
In the beginning, you’d only come to him when you needed a distraction. When you were angry or upset, the first thing that crossed your mind was Eddie. The way his lips moved against yours was mesmerizing; it was enough to silence your mind if any racing thoughts or overwhelming feelings. The taste of menthol cigarettes mixed with beer made him feel like God’s forbidden fruit: tempting, sweet, sensual and sinful. If your friends and family knew that mouth had kissed every inch of you, or the sounds that tongue coaxed out of you- they’d never look at you in the same way. Maybe that’s what always made you come back in the early days. The danger.
You’d always come over with the prettiest little fuck-me eyes he’s ever seen. What was a boy to do when the girl he’d liked for two years was on her knees begging for him to make her feel good? Even if he couldn’t have you in the way he wanted, he’d take you in whatever form you’d grant him.
Just sex, you’d told him. Nothing more.
One day, you came over with wet mascara streaks still fresh on your cheeks. You barely gave him a second to react to the sight before your lips crashed onto his own. For the first time ever, he pulled away. He couldn’t give you what you were asking for, not in the state you were in.
So he sat you down on his couch, grabbed you a glass of water, and listened to you rant. You spoke of some argument you’d had with your mother. He didn’t know you as well as he used to, but something told him those tears were the cause of a bigger issue. You later revealed it was the anniversary of your step father’s death.
That was the first time you both realized just how much you had in common and how naturally you both spoke to one another. You both had shitty fathers. You both had a beloved parental figure die at a young age. You both seemed to cope in similar ways: steering clear of love and using sex to cover up the pain.
Friends with benefits, you’d told him. Nothing more.
Once a month turned into once a week turned into spending more time with each other than apart. You grew on him in a way that no one ever had before. He loved the way you spoke about your favorite bands with such passion, and genuinely listened and liked the new ones he showed you. He loved the way you always begged him to teach you guitar, and the way you pouted when your fingers began to hurt from the metal strings. He loved the way you always felt the need to sit on your knees and wave your arms around when you explained some big, elaborate story from your childhood. He loved your laugh. He loved your sense of humor. He loved your heart just as much as he loved your body.
He loved you.
And he knew that, although you’d couldn’t admit it to yourself, you loved him too. You showed it in the way you looked at him, the way your lips kissed his jaw when you thought he was asleep, the way you’d laugh at his jokes, no matter how stupid or ill-timed they were. You were willing to ditch your no-relationship rule so you could preserve these intimate moments for just the two of you.
If it wasn’t love, it was as close as you’d let yourself get to it.
You might’ve not been willing to fall in love, but he made a promise to himself to show you what real love is. It was fun and easy. It wasn’t nearly painful as you believed it to be. Even if he wasn’t your last love, at least he could open your mind to the idea of it.
It was the least he could do for the girl that did the same for him.
“You make me feel like a bad influence,” Eddie chuckled, watching his warm breath form into smoky moisture as he placed a cigarette into your extended hand. “You were such a good girl before me.”
“I just wanna see what all the fuss is about!” You laughed, placing it between your lips. God, he hated to admit just how sexy cigarettes looked when they were wrapped between your lips. “Come on, Eddie! Give me a light.”
“Y/N,” He groaned hesitantly, not wanting to corrupt the sweet girl beside him more than he already has. “If I didn’t already have a special place in hell reserved for me before this, I definitely do now.“
“And suddenly he’s afraid of hell?” You teased, making him chuckle. He looked down to play with his black lighter, weaving it around his fingers as he bit his lip in thought. “You look so cute when you’re concerned.”
“I’m stealing your innocence. Of course, I’m concerned!” He shouted playfully. “You used to wear high ponytails and conservative jeans. Now you’re wearing these sexy little dresses with my leather jacket and those damn leather boots with your hair- Oh, my God. Your hair looks so good in those messy curls and-“
“Eddie,” You giggled. “What’s your point?”
“Sorry, what was I talking about?” He shot you a lopsided grin.
“You were about to hand me that lighter.”
“Yeah, nice try,” He chuckled.
“What?! Can you blame me for feeling a little guilty?” He pouted.
“Yes, because I’m consenting to all of it. Hell, I’m the one that initiates most of the bad things we do! Now give me a damn light!”
“Let’s count the amount of firsts you’ve shared with me, shall we?” He held out his hand in front of your face before counting on his fingers. You rolled your eyes and sighed with annoyance.
This was not as easy as you thought it was going to be.
“I was the first person you had sex with, the first person you got drunk with. I’m your first real relationship.
“Baby, come on! Just-“
“Ah, ah! Let me finish!” He pressed a warm finger against your lips as he continued. “First time sneaking out to spend the night at a boy’s house. And now your first cigarette?? You are so landing me in the seventh circle of hell for this one, Y/N.”
“I just wanna try it!” You laughed, reaching for the lighter in his hand but he was quick to move it. He chuckled before reaching forward and snatching the cigarette out of your mouth. “Hey!”
“I’m giving it back. Don’t worry,” He put the cigarette between his own lips with a smirk, lighting it and taking a long drag before speaking up again. “Don’t tell your friends about this. If they find out, they’re gonna tell the church.”
Eddie adjusted in the driver’s seat of his van before turning to you. He took a quick look around the school parking lot to make sure the coast was clear before grazing his thumb across your lips and gently forcing them to part.
“Open up. And take a small drag. Breathe it out of your window,” He said before he placed the cigarette between your warm lips.
You looked him in the eye in an attempt to be sexy. Then as you breathed it in, it felt like a punch to the chest. You instantly turned to the window and erupted violently into a coughing fit, making him throw his head back in laughter as he took it out of your hand.
He rubbed your back as you continued to choke on the remainder of the smoke before you began laughing weakly. “Is it me or is the world spinning right now?”
“That, my sweet, innocent angel, is a nicotine buzz,” He laughed, leading you back to sit on a nearby lawn chair. “Pretty great, huh?”
You shook your head in disagreement, face still scrunched up from the burning sensation in your lungs. “Never again. Help, my fingers are really cold now!”
"Cold fingers? Well, we can't have that!" You rolled your eyes fondly and held your hands out. He smiled, bringing them to his lips. His warm breath danced around your palms as he pressed your fingers to his cheeks.
“Better?” He smiled at the way your gaze of pure adoration. Jesus, he could melt on the spot.
“Mhm,” You nodded with a smile. “Better.”
"It's a good thing you don't like it. Disgusting habit." He shrugged and you giggled, a glint in your eye as you stroked his jaw with your thumb.
"Hm, I don't know about disgusting. It's actually pretty hot, if you ask me." Eddie didn't look impressed.
"Really?" He deadpanned and you shuffled a little closer to him. He eyed your movement suspiciously and you simply smiled innocently.
"At least it's hot when you do it."
"Really?" And suddenly he sounded much more interested.
"Mhm…" You nodded, but it was muffled by the soft kiss he proceeded to press to your lips.
He pulled away and pressed his forehead to your own, admiring your bashful smile.
"So you're still coming tonight, right?" He asked and you nodded, causing him to pull his head away.
"Of course, I wouldn't miss it, Eds." Eddie squeezed his eyes shut, he loved it when you called him that.
"Do you need a ride or anything? I mean I'll have all the boys with me, but I could make two trips if you need." You shook your head, your cheeks began to hurt from smiling so much.
That was Eddie though, you couldn't not smile around him.
"No, Eddie, it's okay. You should focus on the show. I expect a top notch performance tonight, understand?" He nodded and brought his hand up to his head in a salute.
"Yes, ma'am!"
“Hey, Henderson!” Steve called from behind you as you loaded up the few books you needed for the night into your bag. Within seconds, he took his usual spot beside you, leaning on the locker and peering past yours to look at you as he spoke. “Jesus, Y/N, I’ve been trying to talk to you all day but your freak of a boyfriend kept beating me to it.”
“Harrington, if you want me to keep playing along with the role of ‘close friend’, I recommend you stop calling my boyfriend a freak,” You rolled your eyes as you zipped your bag closed. “Plus, you don’t have to worry about that happening again. He just wanted to stick around today since we made things official last night.”
“Oh, shit,” His eyes widened as you both made your way towards the exit. “You’re being serious?!”
“Mm, as a funeral.”
“No fucking way! There’s no way Eddie Munson just bagged you! Not with that long hair and those weird curtain bangs and tattoos-“
“I happen to like his hair and tattoos,” You interrupted, making him laugh. “What is so funny?”
“I’m not laughing at you,” He chuckled, shaking his head as he opened the door for you. You continued to walk a step ahead of him as you listened to him talk. “I’m laughing because Billy was asking me about you earlier. And I told him the whole rock and roll douchebag thing he has going on wasn’t exactly your type. But I guess I stand corrected.”
“Pft- Oh, please! Eddie is everything Billy thinks he is. I don’t have a type, but you have one thing right: I don’t go for douchebags. I’m not into pretentious boys who think they’re better than everyone just because they’re pretty and aggressive,” You scoffed, watching as Steve smirk. “Why are you smiling?”
“Not a douchebag my ass!”
“You know, he’s a really good guy, Steve. I know everyone gives him shit but those rumors just aren’t true. He’s kind and caring and empathetic and I happen to be excited about my new relationship with him. If you really wanna be friends, then stop teasing me about him and be happy for me.”
“… So it’s not just a phase?” Steve blinked. “You actually like him?”
“You sound like my mother,” You rolled your eyes as you both walked up to his car. “Yes, Steve. I actually like him. A lot.”
You paused and placed your hands on top of the roof of his BMW as you continued your spiel.
“I mean, I’m sure you probably felt this with Nancy, but you know that feeling when you finally find someone that you can be your most authentic self around and get praised for it? Someone to tell your stupid jokes to, to rant to or cry with. It’s like being best friends but with fun benefits.”
His heart sunk into his stomach.
Is that what he was supposed to feel with Nancy?
There was no denying the fact that he loved her, but he felt like he needed to act a certain way to be accepted by her. He often suppressed his sense of humor or desires because he knew she wouldn’t react well. In his experience, every time he began to show her his authentic self or tried to tell his stupid jokes, she’d roll her eyes or groan with frustration. Steve just always assumed everyone was supposed to mold themselves to fit those they loved. He’d done it his whole life. How was a relationship any different?
He blinked in realization as he took his seat behind the wheel. The last thing he expected from teasing you about your new relationship was to have the girl who didn’t believe in love show him what it was like to be in love.
“Did she ever talk about me like that?” He breathed as he reached to turn the ignition. You looked over with confusion. “Nance. Has she ever told you how excited she was to be with me or defend our relationship?”
“She defended it like her life depended on it,” You snorted, making him smile. “Did she ever tell you why we stopped being friends back during sophomore year?”
“Not really,” He shook his head. “I always found it odd that she suddenly stopped talking about you. I asked but she told me it was just a small falling out.”
“Just a small falling out,” You echoed bitterly, earning a look of confusion. You quickly recollected yourself; it was not your place to tell her boyfriend the truth. Not when it shone a bad light on her. “I told her it was a stupid idea to go out with you. I assumed you were just trying to get another notch under your belt. And I said that she was acting like someone she wasn’t just to gain your validation. I told her you’d only break her heart.”
He furrowed his brows, wondering if you were speaking from your own experience with him.
“That argument is what led us to that small falling out,” You sighed. “Even after everything happened with Barb, when we started looking for her with Jonathan, Nancy never hesitated to stand up for you every single time we’d talk shit about you.”
“Really?” He smiled.
“Yeah, really,” You laughed. “God, I remember thinking it was so fucking annoying. Yet, here I am doing the same thing.”
“But, uh…” He bit his lip nervously, as if he almost didn’t want to ask the follow up question. Or he didn’t want to know the answer. “What about recently? Because she said everything changed after what we found out about Barb.”
“I don’t know,” You shrugged. “I don’t really talk to Nancy as much anymore. And when I do, you’re there. And it’s kinda hard to talk shit about someone when they’re standing right beside you.”
“Oh, fuck off,” He chuckled, putting his car into reverse. He placed his right hand on the back of your headrest as he turned around to check for any passersby before he began driving out of the school parking lot.
That was only partially true. The fact of the matter was that, as of recently, you found yourself defending Steve more than Nancy ever has. She constantly complains about his immaturity and his inability to write college admission essays. You were the one reminding her of his big heart and his love for her. Eventually, you got tired of playing relationship councilor and stopped hanging out with them all together. With the exception of dinner with the Pursers.
“So what’s the plan?” He asked. “You got any ideas as to how I can win her back?”
“Duh,” You laughed, grabbing a little piece of paper from the side pocket of your backpack. “Okay, we need to drop by the store and buy some red roses and chocolates. Her favorite flowers are Daisies but she told me she subscribes to the red roses for apologies method. And I came up with a rough draft for a speech but we need to Steve-ify it.”
“Okay, what do you got so far?” He asked as he pulled onto the main road.
“I was thinking something like,” You cleared your throat before dropped your voice to sound like a surfer boy. “Babe, listen. I’ve been thinking-“
“Hey! I do not talk like that!” He rolled his eyes. “You’re making me sound like a character from Cheech and Chong’s Up In Smoke!”
“Shut up! I’m getting into character!” You smiled, making him chuckle and motion for you to continue on with your stupid voice. “Babe, listen. So I’ve been thinking, and I love you. I’m sorry-“
“I’m sorry?!” He interrupted again. “What the hell am I sorry for?!”
“I don’t know! Come up with something to be sorry for!”
“Baby, listen. So I’ve been thinking. And I’m sorry for thinking you love me even after you’ve said it a million times!” He mocked your tone, making you laugh wholeheartedly. He looked over and smiled before continuing. “I was just under the influence that when someone says ‘I love you and I want to be with you’, I should fucking believe them! My mistake. Anyways, here are some roses. Can we get back together now so we can continue to pretend to be in love?”
“Perfect!” You gave him a round of applause to which he pretended to bow down. “I’d also add the word ‘bullshit’ in there to really drive the point home.”
He shook his head and chuckled.
“Remind me why I want her back?”
“Beats me,” You shrugged. “I assumed she was like really good in bed.”
“Wh-” Steve’s smile dropped and looked over at you with wide eyes as a blush began to creep up on his cheeks. “No! We aren’t talking about this!”
“Is she?” You continued. There was something so enjoyable about watching Hawkins High’s It Boy stutter and stammer.
“No! I mean- I-I didn’t mean to say no as in she’s not good- I just m-meant..” He drew in a frustrated breath. “I’m not talking about this with you! You’re her innocent friend that shouldn’t be exposed to-“
“Okay, so that’s a no,” You smirked. “That doesn’t surprise me. You both seem very vanilla.”
“No! No, that is not a no. That is a ‘that’s something that stays between me and my girlfriend’.”
“Ex girlfriend,” You corrected.
“Yes. Thank you for reminding me of that, Henderson. I almost forgot what the purpose of this fucking hang out was,” He rolled his eyes as you threw your head back in laughter. “I’m glad you’re finding pleasure from my pain. Which store sells roses?”
“United on 121st,” You giggled, pointing at the store up ahead. You smiled as you looked down at the list in your hands. “We should also get her some chocolates. Her favorites are the Ferrero Rocher. But she also likes vanilla cupcakes-“
“WE ARE NOT VANILLA!” He shouted with annoyance, making you double over in laughter. “WHAT?! We’re not! We get kinky! We do some really freaky stuff! Like so kinky that-“
“Staying in missionary the whole time isn’t considered to be kinky, Steve,” You managed to get out.
“Okay. Ha. Ha. Laugh away! Steve’s sex life is such a funny joke!” He grumbled. “As if that geek boyfriend of yours knows anything about being kinky..”
“That’s what I thought too,” You shrugged.
“Staying in missionary the whole time isn’t considered to be kinky, Y/N,” He mocked, making you chuckle and roll your eyes. Steve knew you well enough to know that if you weren’t arguing to defend your stance, you genuinely meant what you were saying. His innate curiosity got the best of him. “No fucking way.”
You looked up with an innocent smile.
“I don’t believe you,” He narrowed his eyes
“Then don’t believe me.”
“There’s no way that Dungeons and Dragons freak knows anything about-“
“He likes to play with wax,” You interrupted, frustrated with the mean nickname. Steve’s eyes got wide, like a deer in headlights.
“L-Like candles?”
“Mhm, you know- he lets it drip on me and then uses his pocket knife to gently wipe the hardened wax off of me,” You explained casually as bent over to tuck the piece of paper neatly into your bag again. Steve’s lips part in surprise. He looked over just in time to see your shirt ride up your back. He half-expected to see a tramp stamp after that comment.
He glanced at the road again for a moment before his eyes were drawn back to your body. He couldn’t help but notice the way your back arched slightly as you leaned forward- or how those thigh high stockings hugged your thighs the same way his hand wanted to in that moment.
When you sat back up, you readjusted your shirt and skirt without a second thought. His eyes trailed back to your face to see the light makeup and trace of lipgloss covering those plump lips of yours.
You furrowed your brows, never having seen that look in his eyes before: so dark and lustful that you barely recognized him. You hated how much you liked the way desire looked on him.
But it was only for a split second before he blinked and looked back at the road as if the filthiest images of you weren’t running rampant through his mind. It almost made you doubt you saw it in the first place.
“So, uh,” You began. “Back to the apology..”
Your voice trailed off as his attention continued to wander through the depths of filth that he could usually keep at bay.
Sure, there was no denying the unavoidable chemistry the two of you shared. He wasn’t blind to his attraction towards you but keeping his thoughts about you to a minimum was child’s play; all he had to do was remind himself that you were his girlfriend’s best friend, and his loyalty would shut off the thought of you like a switch. Though he couldn’t keep the thoughts of you from arising, he could always bury them back down as a way to respect his relationship, as well as his blooming friendship with you.
Up until that moment, he’d seen you as Nancy’s sweet and innocent friend- the girl he’d shared his sweet and innocent first kiss with back in middle school. Maybe you were loud mouthed and wore outfits that demanded the gaze of any person attracted to feminity, but he made himself believe it was an act. A facade.
But it felt as if the wall that guarded him from seeing you in an erotic light had melted into a hot pile of wax. All he could imagine were the sweet whimpers that fell from your lips when those hot drops of wax landed on your soft, delicate skin- the quivering of your breath when the sharp knife gently scraped across your skin to relieve you of the hardened wax prison on your pretty stomach, your arched back, and your perky-
“STEVE, WATCH OUT!” You gasped, grabbing his arm and snapping his attention back to the road. He quickly hit the breaks as he saw a jogger and her dog cross the street, stopping just in time to to spare their lives. “Jesus, dude! This whole Nancy thing must really be weighing you down. You want me to drive?”
How could you be so naive? He thought. The thought of you is intoxicating enough to make me drive like I’m under the influence.
“N-No, I’m good,” He breathed as he felt the familiar burning sensation of a red blush tickle the skin on his cheeks and nose. “What were you saying about the apology speech?”
“Flowers?” You asked as Steve drove out of the parking lot that you sat at for an hour as you constructed his take-me-back speech.
“And apology speech! Looks like you got everything!” You grinned. “Could you take me home? I need to get ready for Eddie’s concert tonight.”
“Why? You look fine,” He said without a second thought.
The comment took you aback. It wasn’t even meant to be a compliment but the way he said it without even feeling the need to look at you made those pesky butterflies that were reserved just for him come back for the first time in a while. You bit back a smile and chuckled as you took the price tags and calorie counts off of the items. He looked over to see the soft blush on your cheeks as you kept your gaze strategically averted.
How you could go from being the object of his filthiest desires to being the cutest thing he has ever laid eyes on was beyond him.
Fuck, Steve. Snap out of it! He thought. Take her home.
“Besides, I’d really like for you to come with me,” He shrugged.
So much for taking her home.
You looked up in time to see his big brown eyes linger on your own before they were back on the road. You watched as his thumb bounced up and down nervously on his steering wheel. “As like moral support or whatever.”
“You want me to come with you to Nancy’s?” You scoffed. “No way! We’re not exactly on the best terms. Besides, how bad would it look on you if you brought the girl you stayed the night with after your big argument?”
“Y/N, come on-“
“No. Nope. Take me home,” You frowned, watching as he took a left turn instead of taking the the one that led to your house. “Steve!”
“I’ll be quick, alright? You’ve stuck with me so far, what’s five more minutes?” He bargained, looking over to see you with your arms crossed over your chest. If looks could kill. “Don’t look at me like that!”
“Then take me home!” You scolded. He looked over at you with a guilty smile and continued to drive towards Nancy’s house. “I will throw myself out of this car if you don’t turn around in three seconds, Steve.”
“You wouldn’t,” He squinted over at you.
“You’d rather die than go to Nancy’s?”
“This is a little dramatic, don’t you- WOAH OKAY STOP REACHING FOR THE DOOR HANDLE!” He gasped, reaching over to grab your wrist and yank it down. The car swerved a bit before he regained control again. He looked over at you with a scowl. “Are you fucking crazy?! Jesus, dude. What are you? Twelve?!”
“Take me home, Steve,” You said sternly, yanking your arm out of his grasp. “I have to get ready. I don’t have time for-“
“Wow! Would you look at that?” He smiled sarcastically as he parked the car outside of the Wheeler’s house. “We’re here!”
“You know, for a moment there, I almost forgot just how much I fucking hate you,” You scoffed.
“Yeah, same here,” He rolled his eyes, angrily grabbing the flowers and chocolates from your lap. “Don’t worry. I’ll take your bratty ass home right after I’m done so you can go to your god damned concert! Stay here.”
“Good, because I’m tired of being around you anyways..” You huffed.
“Good, because I am too!” His pupils dilated from sheer anger.
“Just fucking get in there already so I can leave!”
“I’m going!” He snapped before getting out of the car and slamming the door. “Jesus, I can’t fucking stand her sometimes.”
He began adjusting his hair and clothes in the reflection of his window, making you roll your eyes at just how vain this boy was. You sat back angrily against his stupid passenger’s seat before you saw a familiar bike laying in the Wheeler’s driveway.
“Dustin?” You whispered as you looked over to see him speaking to Mr. Wheeler for a moment before he marched off with annoyance. You got out of the car only to hear Steve call behind you.
“Hey, what the hell did I tell you about staying in the car?” He shouted, jogging up to you. You felt him begin to grab your wrist before you snatched it back and shot him a death glare.
“Don’t touch me! I’m getting really fucking tired of you dragging me around like a fucking rag doll, Harrington!” You growled before you turned back around. He let out a breath of anger before running his hands through his hair with frustration as you turned around again. “Dustin!”
“What the hell is your brother doing here?” Steve breathed as the curly haired boy turned around to face you. His eyes lit up with an idea.
“Hey, are those flowers for Mr. or Mrs. Wheeler?” Dustin asked him as he marched up to the two of you. Steve looked down at the flowers with confusion.
“Good,” Dustin said before he grabbed them from his hands and walked towards the BMW. You chuckled at the way Steve’s face fell.
“Hey- What the hell? Hey!” He called.
“Nancy isn’t home!” Your brother said.
“Where is she?”
“Doesn’t matter!” Dustin huffed.
“You Hendersons are a real ray of sunshine, aren’t you?” Steve scoffed, noticing the odd look on your face as your gaze remained on your brother. “What? What’s wrong?”
“I know that guilty face all too well,” You muttered before you jogged up to your little brother. “Hey! What kind of shit did you get yourself into this time, asshole? I don’t have time to solve whatever bullshit you’re about to drag us along to. I have an important date to get to!”
“Yeah, and I have an important apology to make!” Steve agreed.
“Oh, my God!” Dustin groaned. “We have bigger problems at hand than your love lives! You guys still have those bats?”
“What bats?”
“The bats with the nails?” He responded matter of factly.
“Why?” Steve asked.
“Dustin,” You warned. “What the hell did you-“
“No time! I’ll explain it on the way!” He said as he hopped into the passenger’s seat.
“Now?!” You both questioned.
“NOW!” Dustin closed the door.
Steve looked over at you for some sort of clarification only to see you standing with a look of utter annoyance.
“That motherfucker took shotgun,” You muttered. He stifled a chuckle.
“What can I say? You snooze, you lose!” He shrugged as he began walking to the car. “Get in the back. Let’s go!”
“I hate you, you know that?” You narrowed your eyes.
“Right back at you, sweetheart!” Steve called as he hopped back into his car and turned the ignition.
As always, please feel free to DM me or leave a comment on my stories! I love to hear your feedback and interact with all of you!! Don’t forget to like and reblog, it really helps me out!
a/n: AND WE ARE BACK, BABY!!! OMG I MISSED WRITING SO MUCH!! ALSO CAN WE JUST TALK ABOUT THE FACT THAT I AM LITERALLY SCREAMING AT THE RETURN OF ENEMY STEVE AHHHHH!!! notice how he only begins to hate her when he realizes how badly he wants her and can’t have herrrrr UGHHHH THE ANGST LADIES I AM IN HEAT FOR STEVIE BOY!!! (but i also adore our time with eddie bc ugh i love that sweet kinky boy more than life)
come join our discord server!! ->
@werewolfbanshee-love @reallysparklychaos @katsukiswrld @yashirawr @grfields @001andeddiearetodiefor @thatmarvelchick19 @fixtionlover @idkwhyimhere013 @b3rrysoda @tpwksummer @dawnyboy @rexorangecouny @kimmchijjajang @efvyqrs @lou-la-lou @nycbaby21 @satsuri3su @agustdeeyaa @boisteroussquirrel @fangeekkk @persephonesnebula @starstruckspring @bbyharlow @edithsvoice @harrycanyonmoonn @sharkswithsocks @xm00nl1ght @okei888 @lqveharrington @earthtostory @boobabietch @captainmarvelindisguise @astrumark @scoopsr0bin @hannahdoesstuff @homeofthepeculiar @potatoflavoured @binxy @ultrunning @azgucci @blogginjh @burdenedbliss @chervbs @lentil-s0up @ameliabs-world @mess-is-my-aesthetic @hopefulgardenerfun
502 notes · View notes
milkybonya · 2 years
☆ treasure Hyunsuk~Jaehyuk as boyfriends ☆
requested by the lovely @achiresyou (i think you changed your @ , i hope this one is right!!)
#: fluff, gender neutral reader
find Asahi~Junghwan [here]
[💌: i'm so sorry i'm on slow mode or something T_T i'm falling very behind in college bwahh anyways i hope you enjoy! ♡ oh happy halloween! this is so not spooky-themed oops]
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🦔 Hyunsuk 🦔
he definitely wants matching clothes with you, whatever you're comfy with. whether it's a full sweater, shoes, or just a minimal bracelet, he wants to carry a part of you on him always.
lets you pick his next hair colour, dye it for him, and even begs you to match your hair with him. pls do it just once or he won't shut up about it :(
so clingy... but in the cutest way. always physically holding onto you, whining and acting like a baby. loves being babied but also has his moments where he likes being the big spoon, protecting you and caring for you.
y'all will be the swaggiest, cutest couple i swear... ugh i'm already jealous of all the photos you'll take together.. so many people will be looking at you both just in awe whenever you walk around.. and if you don't like the stares don't worry! Hyunsuk is smol but he will protect you!!!
🐼 Jihoon 🐼
literally won't stop flirting with you even though you're his s/o and he has no need to get your attention anymore? but he'll still roll the sleeves of his t-shirt up, showing you his muscles and winking at you.
"this is all yours, baby. how does that make you feel?" he'll ask.
loves when you get flustered or shy; he's so smitten for that. it makes him smile so hard his eyes form little crescents.
he loves giving you kisses, really quick and random ones just to let you know he's there and he loves you.
he loves when you play with his hair >_< loves laying in your lap and being pampered by you :") he loves cuddling.. he just likes you by his side ! and also loves when you hype him up hehe
sometimes he'll go on little rants and just talks a lot and even if he doesn't show it, he appreciates it so much when you listen ♡
🐯 Yoshi 🐯
stop this baby is a shyyy lil boyfriend... gets flustered really easy but loves when you kiss him, hug him, compliment him...
works really hard to remember things like anniversaries, your favourite foods and songs. he doesn't ever expect you to do the same, but is super happy if you ever do!
likes taking you shopping at really unique places (Hyunsuk would probably do this too!) so you can help him decide on clothes to buy or even just stuff for his studio.
honestly y'all are the cute couple that do everything together and get really shy with skinship, but you love each other so much ^3^ Yoshi always finds himself talking about you to other people, and he always misses you. you'll get like ten texts a day from him telling you this hehe he loves you soo much ♡
🐨 Junkyu 🐨
so,, his aegyo might just drive you a little insane but it's okay you love him for it <3 why wouldn't you when he waddles around saying, "Junkyu loves y/n soooo much, even more than anything in the whole world!"
most of your dates are spent at home... gosh you're living my dream life <3
always so bright and happy, shows you the best of him so it's hard to tell when he's not okay and needs you :( but once you get closer, you both are able to be more vocal about your feelings and be there for each other ♡
Junkyu loves when you pay attention to his interests so he tries to do the same for you >_<
his live language is you ordering food for him, speaking on the phone for him when he has to,,, but if both of y'all are shy babies, you play rock paper scissors to decide ^3^
🐹 Mashiho 🐹
i miss him so much cooks for you all. the. time. he first did it when you were friends so he could steal your heart with his hot chef skills; now that you're dating, he does it because... he loves you <3
you always make sure to help him and he's super grateful, but even if you were just a baby he'd constantly take care of, he wouldn't mind. it's just his love language to clean up after you and make sure your environment is clean <3
sometimes his aegyo comes out and he'll sulk if you don't go along with it >_< pls play kindly with Mashiho !
listen... he's small but he hates being reminded of it so he'll definitely flex and try but fail to reach for things in high places.
you've told him so many times that you want to put him in your pocket that he printed out a pocket-sized photo of himself for you T_T
🦁 Jaehyuk 🦁
tons. of. kisses. morning kisses. night kisses. random kisses. i love you kisses. i'm proud of you kisses. i'm here for you kisses. i could go on and on about his soft plump lips pressing onto yours and all over your face and body and hands every! day!!!!!! like sometimes he'll even just leave his lips there.
loves to hold your hand @.@ loves interlacing his pretty fingers with yours and staring at the way your hands look in each other's <3
loves loves when you run your fingers through his hair, pat his head or just.. gosh he loves skinship. that and seeing you in his clothes !!!
loves to call you 'jagi',, he's the bf who will be so obsessed with you omg like when you talk he listens so intently, pulls you onto his lap and makes sure he knows youre heard.
yes omg he will just always make sure you know how much he loves you. you will never ever feel unloved ♡
307 notes · View notes
t-h-i-n-g · 2 years
Hii!! Can I ask for a mike or max x flirty!reader and its just fluff and cute
It's totally alright if u don't want to write that but thanks anyway!
Anything For You
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a/n: hi hi, i don't write for mike so max it was for this one. also I didn't even realize till after writing this and remembering but I did kinda diss the guy in this OOPS it wasn't intentional at first i just wanted to make a little conflict and then he was the first one i could think of to be the center of it SORRY anyways i hope you still like it :))))
word count: 900+
summary: you always knew how to make max's face burst into a flame. even though she says she doesn't get flustered, she herself knows deep down what an effect you have on her.
warnings: mentions of arguments
st - masterlist m.masterlist
Max Mayfield was many things. Stubborn, observant, daring, argumentative, and even compassionate. (Depends on the person you ask about that last one) She is headstrong and holds her opinions high on a pedestal.
If you say something that disrespects her or any of the people she confides in you'll more than likely receive a mouthful of curses and insults thrown your way. Max also can be considered sympathetic, varying the situation. Depending on the placement you can find a little red tint on her ears when she receives a praise or compliment.
Max Mayfield is many things. But getting flustered is not one of them.
That's what she herself states anyway. 
Max denies any accusation that her cheeks were as red as a tomato when you bat your eyes a certain way in her direction. She doesn't snap her head away when you catch her eye from across the classroom to throw her a wink. Her eyes don't widen when a sly comment comes from your lips.
"What's going on in that pretty head of yours?" A voice broke through Max's daze. Her stare broke from the pencil resting on her desk to the person next to her. 
"None of your concern," she practically grumbled, slouching further into her seat. You raised a brow at her snippy comment.
"Did someone wake up on the wrong side of the bed?" You lightly teased. Rolling her eyes in response, Max took her writing utensil in hand and focused back on the assignment in front of her. After admiring her profile, you took the time to find the right words to say.
“The boys still being dumb?” you asked, placing your head down onto your crossed arms in an attempt to meet her gaze.
“They’re always dumb,” she quipped back. Chuckling lightly you reached a hand out to tuck a stray hair behind her ear. Not mentioning the way she froze as your fingers brushed her cheek you responded,
“Yeah, you’re right. But that didn't give them a right to react how they did, Max.” Exhaling through her nose Max readied herself to spill the previous day's baggage.
“Of course, I know that. Mike just needed to learn that not everything is going to be given on a pretty pedestal for him. I’m not some dumb little soldier or whatever. He can’t just push me around and tell me what to do all the time. Or the others for that matter. Even El; he just drags her around all the time without getting any say from her at all. And Will, jesus christ, I don’t know if I can handle seeing another sad puppy dog look when he gets turned down. Lucas and Dustin don’t even see a problem with Mike’s new ‘superior’ role that he has given himself. I’m just so sick of everyone saying I’m overreacting, cause I know I’m not. I know Mike’s a good person but this change or metamorphosis thing he’s going through is not going to stand.” Her hands smacked the desk in front of her at the end of her rant. Heads turned in both of your directions but Max just scoffed at them. You hummed letting her take a moment to cool off.
“You’re not overreacting,” you started, “I can tell you that much. The way you handled things yesterday was the right way to do it. Mike does need to be knocked down a few pegs with how big his ego is growing. I think it’s just the fact that we’ve all been friends for so long y’know. And he’s always kinda has been the ‘leader’ of our little group. But it’s never got to the extent that he bosses and pushes the others around. How about this, we meet up with Dustin, Luke, and Will after school to try to explain our point of view, hm? Maybe they’ll be more willing to listen if we all just properly sit down to talk.”
Max bit her lip, her eyes flashing up to meet yours. Wich you were currently staring back at her. Your chin placed into the crook of your elbow, your cheek smooshed lightly. Max cleared her throat and nodded.
“Yeah, that… sounds good.” Again you huffed out a laugh as you straightened your posture.
“Duh, it did. I’m practically an einstein descendant. What were expecting me to say some lame quip?”
A light quirk played on Max’s lips as she shook her head.
“Oh no of course not, never from you,” her tone laced with sarcasm.
“Hey,” you shoved her jokingly as the bell rang. Gathering your things as the other student exited the classroom, you hurried to meet Max who was now waiting at the door. Stepping out into the hallway, kids filtered around you as they passed.
“Could you talk to them? I don’t have any more classes with any of the boys.” You nodded assuringly.
“Of course, Max. Anything for you,” you drawled the last part as she scrunched up her nose. A light blush followed suit. “But seriously, I will. I got Bio next with Will and Luke. Dustin, I got Algebra with so it’s all good. Let’s meet by the flag pole, yeah?” She nodded as you shifted passed her. “Cool, I’ll see you then,” you stated, swiftly putting a kiss on her cheek before she could swat you away. A hand flew to her mouth to hide her smile, her face lighting up once more in a flame.
likes and reblogs are appreciated :))
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general-du-vallon · 3 months
i started making a fic once where aramis holds his baby and thinks like 'well i did one treason how worse could it be if i stole this baby away', and he thinking about he could put another baby in its place and then i thought WELL WHY NOT
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Anyway now am thinking about the stolen baby au
Porthos waiting on a horse to spirit the baby away (just have the image of him waiting in the dark. He takes the baby cus like i s2 final where he rides off alone to be heroic)
Aramis having a moment to talk to Q.A (quee ann) before the baby is born and saying it as a joke and they both just look at each other
the other musketrs being like 'u decided what now with Q.A?!'
where they gonna get a baby?! well. Porthos can be like 'i know a guy'. I'm sure Flea could find them a baby needing a nice home.
Aramis being like '...and then i will slide the baby in' and Constance being like 'uh huh mm hhmm. WHILE THE QUEEN IS HAVING THE OTHER BABY?!? HM?!? u gonna GO IN THERE WHILE SHE PUSHES A WHOLE HUMAN OUT OF HER?!'
aramis after constance rant, as if there been no interuption 'and then constance will swap them' and constance being like THAT IS WHAT i THOUGHT
I mean the baby is already not king of france so who cares?! it could be ANY baby. Who says this ISNT what hapened?
anyway one of the big reasons i think this is hilarious is we already know there's a safe place for accidental french not-quite-heirs cus that's where Agnes and Henry went.
Aramis and Agnes and king of france (but louis did it instead) and the king of france (but random baby from court of miracles did it instead).
aramis giving in his commission; 'GONNA GO UH.... JOIN A MONESTARY. THATS IT. THATS RIGHT. THAT'S WHERE IM GOING'.
imagine in s3 if he was in that monestary and the others staring around at the hundred of babies aramis is sherpherding about like 'is it that one... is it that one... is it that one' (I know this is diff to the living in bliss with agnes plus king 1 and king 2 like the cat in the hat. but whatever. Did i say it all has to cohere?!?! HUH!?!)
it is actually surprising to me hwo much i could just... slide this into canon. That's really funny. Aramis coming back to paris with a couple of refugee babies and beingn like 'and this one I'm keeping FOR NO REASON he gonna live with me. um. better. really. nenver ever go to the palace. eek'
It would be fun reversal. Q.A sneaking into the garrison to see her baby. aramis being like 'you so really absolutely totally cannot be here' standing at the end of a corridor full of men used to living in barracks like not entirely dressed and sort of being awful all like O_O O_O O_O like those picures where the light in rats eyes.
Q.A being like 'and now this is aramis he is coming to court to be honoured and the king has decided in his generosity that aramis's baby is coming also and oops louis jr just happened to meet him oh look at that oh dear i tripped over and my two babies are friends what a big oopsie daisy no aramis i didn't do anything at all'
Q.A loves BOTH her babies. for the record. baby number 2 is GONNA BE LOVED.
I think porthos watching the king dote on miracle court baby would be fun. Porthos "shall we show him what being poor in paris is really like" du Vallon.
the king doesn't know. the king doesnt care.
the rest of the show can be p much the same. tbf i only watched bits of s3 and skipped a lot of the more plotty stuff so i dont actually know this. the version I watched could fit this change easy and who cares what other ppl watched.
Sylvie being like 'he is the king of france' abt the dauphin and constance being like '....well. technically u r correct. but. uh.' and sylvie being like 'this is another of those treason things isnt it' and constance like 'a bit' and sylvie like 'yesssss tell me tell me'
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goldenempyrean · 1 year
Empyrean’s Advent: Day 23
Prompt: “What had gotten into that nose of yours?”
Pairing: Sick Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Wordcount: 933
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‿︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧ - - ୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿ ‿︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧ - - ୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵
“Sometimes your irresponsibility is worrying Natasha.” You chided, shaking your head as you stood aside to let a soaked Natasha enter your apartment before you began to lecture her some more, “Imagine walking all the way here in this storm. Its pouring down outside! You’re not even wearing anything warm either. It's like Im looking after a clueless child!”
Natasha rolled her eyes, in times like this it was better to just stay silent and let you finish your rant, it was easier then arguing over something pointless, “I know, Im sorry.”
You took a moment to take a deep breath as you closed the door behind her, “Just don’t do it again, okay? If you would’ve called, I could’ve come and picked you up.”
“Yeah, yeah. It won't happen again darling.” She promised, winking as she pulled you towards her, pressing several quick kisses to your face.
You followed as she set her bags down in the hallway, pretending not to notice as she left small puddles of water behind her, “You might wanna get changed,” You gestured to the wet clothes which tightly hugged her body, “I have some spare clothes in my drawers, go and get changed.” There was no room to argue, and you left her with a final tender kiss before she went off to go and change.
Five minutes later Natasha comes back to find you in the kitchen chopping some vegetables, and she gives you a small twirl, showing you the clothes that she's changed into; She's now wearing one of your big, cosy-looking sweater along with a pair of sweatpants and her wet hair is now tidied back into a ponytail, “This better?”
“Oh, that’s much better.” You smiled approvingly, seeing Natasha wear your clothes had always been one of your guilty pleasures so you didn’t stop yourself from watching as she sat herself down on a stool close by, “You wanna help cook? Im making some stir fry for us.”
“Oh sure,” Nat says as she stands from the stool, only when she stands, Natasha stumbles forward slightly, lightly bumping her hip against yours before regaining her composure, “Oops, sorry. Want me to take over here?”
Strange. Usually, she had perfect balance and you felt yourself pausing for a moment before handing her the knife you had been using, “Oh, yeah, just chop these up for me?”
You watched with some uncertain hesitance as Nat began to slice up the remaining vegetables, you didn’t know what it was, but something seemed off however after watching her for another minute nothing else seemed to be wrong and you let your notion go. That was until Nat started trying to muffle a cough into the sleeve of your sweater, failing miserably at keeping it discreet.
Going to the sink and pouring her a glass of water was your way of asking if she was alright, to this she responded, “Im fine, my throats just a little scratchy.”
A deep frown paints your face as her hacking cough persists. "You don't very sound fine."
“How about you go and sit at the table sweetie, I can finish up here” You offered, your eyes lingering on her, searching for a trace of resistance before she eventually gives in and drops her shoulders in defeat as she shuffles over towards the table in the corner of the room.
It wasn’t long before you plated everything up and came to sit alongside Natasha at the table, delivering a plate of steaming food infront of her.
“This looks amazing.” Natasha admired as she took a bite, “Mm! It tastes great too, you’re a great cook.”
You felt yourself blush a little at the praise, “I cant take all the credit, I had a great helper.”
Both you and Nat continued to share your meal, making casual small talk as you ate. It was only after you’d finished eating and had began to help Nat wash the dishes that you noticed something was off again. As Nat stood over the sink, you’d noticed the small sniffles coming from her direction - at first they had been irregular but they had grown to be rhymthic and predictable.
Until they stopped and Natasha went silent. You had turned to face her, wondering if something was wrong when her eyes had suddenly gone wide and her face twisted into an expression you recognised instantly.
“Hhup’tshhiew! Hh’iishiew!”
You laughed as you blessed her only to stop when Nat raised a hand to quieten you, her eyelashes fluttering wildly.
“Hh'ishiew! Hheh'tktoo! Hh-HuhS’CHIEW!”
“Oh baby, what had gotten into that nose of yours?” You cooed, putting down the cloth you’d been using to dry dishes before coming up beside her, your arm coming to link around her waist. It was then that she shivered slightly under your touch, “Are you alright?”
“Im fine Y/N.” She tried to wave off your concern but it did little to ease your worry, especially when she had to turn away from you to muffle a sickly-sounding cough into her elbow, “Its probably just something in the air bothering me.”
You hummed, not feeling quite satisfied with her answer, especially since noticing the small, dark circles which had gradually grown beneath her eyes, “People who are fine don’t usually sneeze about a hundred times.”
At your exaggerated claim Natasha rolled her eyes, “You’re so dramatic.” But she didn’t protest as you began to guide her towards your bedroom, only stopping to grab the big fuzzy blanket which usually hung over the back of your sofa.
“You love me anyway.”
“Of course I do.”
✧*̥˚ Taglist! *̥˚✧ @somber-sapphic @lyak12 @natashamyl0ve @scrambled-brain-eggs @ceiestiaie @santana1437 @lovethewhumps @likefirenrain @snifflesandchills
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banannabethchase · 1 year
prompt thingy!! moxmatt 1!!!
Me: 250 word limit!
Me 1,163 words later: Well that didn't go according to plan.
Leaving Your Mark - Also on AO3
Matt is ranting about something stupid and Mox may have fallen in love with him. Oops.
For Bambi's prompt "“Who exactly put you in charge? So I know where to file the complaint."
Mox can't do much but stare as Matt talks. It's cute, the level of enthusiastic rage he shows, but it feels unnecessary.
"Do you react like this to everything EVP related?" Mox asks. He stretches out on Tony's office couch. It's a nice couch. Good for activities, he decides.
Matt shakes his head. "Only on important things."
"A gear dispute is an important thing?"
"They stole our purple, yellow, and pink theme!" Matt practically shrieks. "Those JAS jerks stole our theme!"
Mox stares at him for a moment. "Baby?"
"Who exactly put you in charge? So I know where to file the complaint.”
Matt's jaw drops. "Complaint?"
"Yeah." Mox stands up and grabs Matt's hips, walking him backward until he bumps into Tony's desk. "An EVP is being insane and it's turning me on, and I need to file an HR report."
"I hardly think an HR report is appropriate," Matt says, and Mox thinks he actually doesn't understand where Mox is going with it. It makes Mox love him more.
Shit. That's new.
"I mean, they already know we're together," Matt continues, looping his arms around Mox's neck. "So I'm not sure what you'd be reporting."
"You are so fucking stupid," Mox says fondly. "I'm gonna fuck you against Tony's desk."
Matt's eyes widen. "Oh. Wait. You are?"
Mox nods, tongue between his teeth. He turns Matt around. Matt leans over, elbows propped on the desk without another word. "Yeah, I am, you annoying little brat." He turns Matt's head and kisses him. "God, I love it when you talk petty EVP bullshit. It's hot to see you get all pissed off."
"It's not pett- oh, god."
Mox has shoved Matt's shorts down to his ankles. "No underwear, huh?"
"I was too mad about the color theme to put on underwear," Matt says. Mox thinks he can hear the pout in Matt's voice.
Mox fiddles in the pockets of Matt's shorts. "But had time to grab lube?"
"I always carry around lube," and Matt manages to make it sound prissy, almost professional. Mox has to shove his own pants and boxers down his hips. His dick insists on it. "You get ideas."
"I get ideas," Mox says, rolling his eyes as he slips a finger between Matt's cheeks to find his hole. "Me."
"This was - oh - your idea," Matt says, wiggling his ass back against Mox's finger. "Yes, okay."
"It was," Mox says. Matt always opens so easily for him. "But it's your fault."
Matt doesn't speak, just pushes himself further down on Mox's fingers. "How is - how is this my fault?"
"You dragged us into, like, the only private room in the entire arena, right at the time Tony took his dinner break, and ranted at me." Mox slides in another finger and Matt squeaks. "You know I get off when you get all bitchy like that."
"I wasn't being bitchy!" Matt interrupts himself with a sigh as Mox teases the third finger. "Oh, go ahead, please. I - yes - I had a valid complaint!"
"You were gonna ask Tony if you could copyright a combination of colors," Mox laughs, pulling his fingers out to slick up his cock. "That's being bitchy."
"Can you just fuck me and stop critiquing my business practices?"
"Business prac - you fucking idiot, I think I'm in love with you," Mox growls as he buries himself inside of Matt.
Matt goes quiet for the first time possibly ever as Mox's eyes fall closed. Shit.
"You're in love with me?" Matt says quietly. Mox opens his eyes to see Matt, eyes big and sweet, peering at him.
“Yeah,” Mox says, frowning. “Sorry.”
“Why are you saying sorry?” Matt asks, reaching back to grab Mox’s hand. “That’s great! Now I don’t have to be the one to say I love you first!”
Mox smiles. “You love me?”
“Yeah, of course I do,” Matt says. “You come with me when I’m angry about EVP stuff and merch stuff. Nobody does that, not even my brother. Not even Kenny.”
Mox leans in to kiss Matt. “Yeah?”
“Kenny also doesn’t fuck me within an inch of my life against Tony’s desk.” Matt says it almost like a question, blinking his eyes like he doesn’t want to have to ask.
Mox grins at him. “Yeah? Well that’s my job, isn’t it?”
Matt nods and turns back around. “Yeah, it is. Since you love me and all.”
Mox pulls out slowly, but then slides back into Matt with an aching drag.
“This isn’t fucking me within an inch of my life,” Matt says. “This is being slow and romantic. We don’t have the time to be cute about this.”
“I – what? Okay, fine, you fuckin’ – god.”
Mox does his best to shut Matt up, dissolve him into little moans and whimpers and the word, “Please,” more times than Mox can count.
“You wanna come, baby?” he asks. “You wanna ruin Tony’s fancy new desk? Wanna leave your mark as EVP?”
Matt makes a strangled little sound and comes against the ornately decorated front of the giant wooden desk. Mox keeps that idea in the back of his mind as he pushes into Matt a few more times before coming deep inside of him with a groan that may sound a little like, “I love you,” to the right ears.
“We’re gonna get in so much trouble,” Matt mutters, whimpering as Mox pulls out of him. “How’re we even gonna clean that up?”
Mox considers, then takes a page out of Matt’s book. “I can go commando too, yeah?” He uses his own boxers to mop up the come that made a pretty impressive design. He’d take a picture if he were slightly sicker. And if he had his cell phone on him.
“I don’t even have underwear to keep – to not get my shorts messy,” Matt says, pulling his shorts up his hips. He wiggles a little. It’s adorable. Mox really is in love. Fuck. “I’m gonna get come everywhere.”
“Yeah?” Mox says. “You wanted to leave your EVP mark, I want to leave my mark on you.”
Matt turns red at that. “Oh,” he says. “Oh, okay. Yeah. I. Yeah.” He nods. “I’ll be careful, then.”
They manage to sneak out of Tony’s office and run into him over by catering. Mox can tell that Matt is doing his best not to let on how uncomfortable he is. It’s probably working on everyone but him.
“Hey, Matt,” Tony says. “What’s up? You said you wanted to meet with me earlier.”
Matt nods. “Um. Just. Jericho is trying to steal the Elite’s purple, yellow, pink theme, and I think it’s rather unprofessional. I was hoping we could coordinate a conversation, maybe have you there to moderate.”
Tony nods. “Yeah, sure. You’re really coming into your own in leadership, Matt. I’m proud of you. You’re leaving your EVP mark.”
Mox has to fake a coughing fit and runs to the locker room.
Mini Playlist Queencard - (G)-IDLE
(That's it. I had it on repeat while writing and editing, and it has Matt Jackson vibes so. Here.)
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bloodsalted · 26 days
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NAME : dixon. been going by it for too long to change it. thought about it a couple times but it's stuck with me for a handful of years now. oop! also not my real name.
PRONOUNS : she/her/numbnuts/idc!
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION : i lose track of tumblr ims very easily. discord is preferred and i will give it to any mutual that might want it!
NAME OF MUSE(S) : dean winchester is my main. i have jack kline @lasthymn and a human oc that gets demon possessed kinda dual muse at @unscriptured . my multi is low activity atm and i'm just replying to what i got at the moment. my spn brainrot is very real.
BEST EXPERIENCE : meeting all the people i have here and enjoying our time together. hanging out with @hostiae / @devourcr at eccc. generally, just the experience of meeting such lovely, awesome partners that become friends and people i cherish. even if we don't speak often. i really do adore the people who i get to share this lil orbit with.
RP PET PEEVES / DEALBREAKERS : not reading my rules. becomes obvious when you don't. especially with a couple character or plot types i list that i don't feel comfortable writing and they get pushed on me. always read rules so you start out on a good page. it's so important! using roleplay to make yourself seem better than others. whether that be that you're more virtuous than them (as my buddy ava said) because they write things you don't like (rant to a bud, get your feelers out, block and move on??) or way more hip, progressive or whatever for plots you do or won't do or fcs or graphics you use. we're all just here writing. it's not that serious. have fun with it. curate your experience. screw anon button on. you'll be way less stressed. and a tiny one. refollowing on repeat. but that just gets a block eventually. and super easy to handle.
MUSE PREFERENCES : flawed heroes, burdened souls that are good people deep down, the distant person that has walls because of self-preservation, kind souls that've been burned too many times that they are cautious to warm up to others. misunderstood, thoughtful types. characters that still need to learn themselves and grow. on the complete opposite side? completely unhinged psychopaths, sociopaths, whatever else that falls under that line.
PLOTS OR MEMES : ava said this really well. memes are the easiest way to get my attention. i don't mind sending them in. or having them sent (though rn my inbox is a little big but i'm working on it, might just take me some time!). and then from there as we build up, if we match well, plotting is something i LOVE to do. i get that some don't though and i'm always more than fine winging it to see what happens. pretty flexible. but i really do love things that stick between muses.
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES : i write a lot most of the time. usually on accident. sometimes i get carried away and am enjoying myself. i, in no way, expect replies to match length and i mean it. i just need smth to work with. i've been keeping some posts purposefully shorter. especially meme replies as i work through my inbox. we can expand or shrink as needed!
BEST TIME TO WRITE : usually really late at night. i'm a night owl with insomnia and, as much as sarah threatens to beat me with a chair? i find sleep difficult. writing helps that!
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S) : i don't know? i'm probably more like dean than i am any of them. but i try to make better choices that won't end up with me getting hurt. though there are people i'd let the apocalypse happen to save. some people are just that important. sorry world. if we're going down. we're going down together at least? dean and i have very very similar music tastes. though some of my stuff would be thrown out the window. we both have stupid humor. we're loyal. i do like my jeans, t-shirts and flannels. but we are VERY different in many ways. or it'd be boring to write someone just like me.
TAGGED BY: @murderdeals TAGGING: anyone who follows me! i'd love to know more about you! tag me so i can read! and this means...YOU'RE IT!
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laurenkmyers · 2 months
(1/2) Hi, Lauren! Would you recommend me to watch Two Worlds? I'm debating with myself for a few weeks now, watching all these gif sets on tumblr. The things is... I find most of the BLs quite cringy which is a big no for me. Usually I like the BLs you're watching (I've really loved KinnPorsche, Not me, Kisseki, A Tale of 1000 Stars, ...), but there have also been shows you really loved but I wasn't able to finish - main example being Love in the Air (i just wasn't able to get past episode 3).
(2/2) Next shows I've tried but didn't finish are for example: Naughty Babe, Cutie Pie, Pit Babe. Could you advise me on which scale do you think the Two Worlds are? It looks intriguing but I'm afraid of a possible cringe lurking in the background. Looking at the BLs I've loved and the ones I didn't finished, would you be able to guess how I would feel about this one?
Helloooo sweet anon! Thank you for your messages!
Firstly, I must say, the bl's you listed that you enjoyed are superior. Well done on your immaculate taste. And the list you provided that you couldn't finish is also hilarious and accurate and I'm agreeing wholeheartedly on your opinions.
In terms of Two Worlds...I'm gonna be honest with you, I only started watching it for Max Kornthas. The man has a hold on me that I can't explain. So I may be slightly biased, however, that doesn't stop me from telling you that the show has surprised me in so many ways. I'm thoroughly enjoying it as a whole and hope more people watch it once it's finished. (Learning that it wasn't a domundi/mandee production also helped massively.)
Where it stands on a kp/notme level vs cutiepie/naughtybabe/pitbabe level, let me try and break it down for you:
Production level isn't quite kinnporsche WOW, but it's also not naughty babe cgi tiger TRAGEDY. It tips more on the kp side of production value. The locations are gorgeous, and the cinematography is pretty as hell. There are some dodgy camera tricks being used, but nothing to worry too much about.
The acting: As a whole I would say it's definitely better than your average thai bl. It's absolutely not Gun Attaphan level good. But I will say that Max is kinda killing it- and I'm not saying that from a particularly bias lens. His acting has improved an incredible amount since cutie pie/naughty babe. Nat, bless him, still has a little ways to go to really impress me, but he's also improved so fucking much I have to commend him. The guy playing the 2nd love interest is definitely the weakest actor of the bunch, but overall the acting is pretty good. No major complaints from me.
The narrative: I think this story in particular is incredibly interesting, it's unique, it's angsty, it's romantic, it's brutal, it's exciting, and a little bittersweet. The pacing can be a bit all over the place at times, but if you just go with it, you'll catch up quickly enough. The one major flaw for me in thai bls in general is that sometimes the story seems way more complicated then they actually are. This story really isn't that complicated if you don't think too hard about the details. Are there plotholes? Ofc there are. But it's nothing too glaringly obvious that I want to rant about it.
Another plus is that there is no quick-how-can-we-promote-this-thing-that-has-no-relevance-to-the-show product placement, which is something I only noticed two episodes ago but am highly grateful for.
The thai bl cringefactor: There are moments where I thought I would be cringing up a storm, but so far it's been pretty tame in terms of typical bl cringe moments. There's no guitars or singing (praying it stays that way), but we have had a few 'oops i tripped and fell into you and now we're staring into each other's eyes' moments, but honestly? They didn't bother me in the slightest. Maxnat pull off the elongated looks very well.
Spice level: We've only had one NC scene so far, it was definitely more on the romance side of the fence than the spicy one, but it lasted 7 minutes long...do with that information what you will. We've got more to come from both Maxnat and our side couple (who I'm also enjoying greatly, btw) Maxnat know how to fucking de-li-ver and from the looks of the trailer, our side couple also get a pretty steamy moment too.
The only potential downside to the show is the hefty trigger warning list. If you want to know them you can message or dm me and I'll make a separate list for you.
This response probably didn't need to be as long as it did, but I wanted to give you the facts. Do I think you should watch it? Yes. Do I think you'll like it? I think so. But is it to the standard of bl you seem to really enjoy? No. Do with this information what you will! And please feel free to tell me if you do start watching it and enjoying it because I'd love to hear your thoughts!
ps. (the CACKLE I let out reading that you couldn't get past episode 3 of LITA was wild because you're so valid. I skipped episodes 1-7 because I also couldn't handle the cringe, but if you did want to try it again- episodes 8-13 are much better- still a little cringe, I won't lie to you- but it's definitely the stronger of the two stories.)
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