#bilingual activities
spanishplaydates · 1 year
Preschoolers - WEATHER Song & Activity | Spanish Play Dates
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hinamie · 5 months
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there's no furbish word for dilf :( sad :(
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rotzaprachim · 1 year
anyway the construct of the US as a monolingual anglophone nation is on multiple levels a white supremacist construct long before it is a reality
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d1sc01nf3rn0 · 4 months
(post I'm Spanish as a form of protest, if you don't like it then imagine what's like to grow up not having access to anything in your language and having to read a new one because the whole world refuses to stop catering to a single country)
Hay que hablar de como los usians y el inglés ocupan todo el espacio en internet: Tumblr, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Tiktok, foros, sitios de wikis, scanlations, series, etc.
Si quieres ser relevante como artista o creador de contenido en alguna de esas redes sociales, necesitas SI O SI hablar inglés, y postear todo el tiempo en inglés. Y aveces ni eso, necesitas postear en términos que los usians entiendan. Necesitad acomodarte a sus ideas imperialistas (como que América se refiere a USA, y no a un continente entero).
Estoy harto, porque encima de tener que acomodarte a ellos para tener un poco de interacción, una vez que lo haces lo hay marcha atrás; no puedes volver a hacer contenido solo en tu idioma, se espera que continúes manteniendo esa fanbase de USA cómoda. Y recibirás todo tipo de argumentos imperialistas como "oh es que inglés es el idioma más hablado en el mundo" (no es cierto, es el mandarin, y aún si así fuera, no es por gusto) "no quieres ser relevante?" (No ha costa de ser gentrificado) "Es que debes respetar otras culturas" (pero estás no respetan la mía, y de hecho esperan que la ignore a favor de la suya). Y ni hablar de si no hablas bien inglés, porque no dejan de insultarte y críticarte, como si ellos supieran otro idioma además del inglés.
La gentrificación está a niveles absurdos en mi país, y es ridículo que no se mencioné que existe algo tal como la gentrificación en línea. Una gentrificacion invisible, en el sentido de que no invade, sino que espera que todos los demás sean asimilados por esta o sean ignorados. Es estúpido, es molesto, es imperialista, y me tiene harto.
Mi trabajo es un trabajo subcontratado donde tengo que hablar inglés TODO EL DÍA, porque aparentemente trabajar en IT no es suficientemente bueno para los usians; y encima regreso a mi casa y mis juegos en línea están llenos de gente que solo habla inglés, mis redes sociales están llenas de gente que solo habla inglés, las series y comics que quiero leer solo están disponibles en inglés. Realmente es globalización si está centrada por completo en una sola cultura?
Sería otro asunto si algún usian se interesa por corregir está injusticia y aprendiera otro idioma; pero no, tengo usians en mis notificaciones que vienen a corregirme por usar lenguaje neutro en español, sin saber ellos una palabra de español. Así de mal está su imperialismo.
Estoy harto de nunca poder hablar de esta problematica porque siempre llega alguien a defender usians diciendo que #notallpeople (si no aplica a ti, porque te atacas y te ofende?) e ignorando el proceso histórico que ha tenido el imperialismo estadounidense en filtrarse a fuerzas en todos los países de América: el dólar, el inglés, dictaduras, etc.
Es injusto que se espera que solo guardemos silencio mientras vemos como los usians invaden nuestros espacios y exigen que nuestra cultura sea borrada para darles comodidad. Es injusto que solo nosotrxs nos estemos defendiendo mientras el resto de los usians creen que son mejores por decir "yo no, yo amo México", mientras no hacen nada por corregir a sus compatriotas.
Crees que hablo inglés porque quiero? No, hablo inglés porque el imperialismo de tu país lo ha hecho de manera que solo puede avanzar en oportunidades laborales, escolares, sociales, y demás, si se su maldito idioma, incluso a veces siendo exigido que lo sepa hablar mejor que ustedes.
Tu hablas inglés porque es el único idioma que conoces. Yo hablo inglés porque es el único idioma que conoces.
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ngtskynebula · 5 months
I feel fatigued of Tumblr, not because I hate it here (except the ads, those I hate very much) but because it's all in english... and it makes me Think, even when I don't have energy for that. Reading, and writing, in english doesn't come naturally for me.
I'm used to it, but not enough. It's rather tiring. But Tumblr's much calmer than Twitter, I think so, and what I love sits here in abundance; fandom, fanfic, lovely illustrations. Such a shame there's not enough posts in my mother language on my feed to let my brain breathe a little.
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rigelmejo · 3 months
I forgot to mention it on the last post! This is kind of a niche study activity idea, but I did it a lot the first year I was learning.
Do you read a lot of cnovels that only have machine translations (mtl)? Do you want to practice reading chinese, with english translations as a crutch still? Basically: do you want parallel texts of webnovels?
There's a few options that can provide this. For example, right now I use the app Smart Book by KursX (android), i paid $15 dollars once for the lifetime use functions. I upload a chinese book file into it epub or txt (and you can find MANY cnovels if you just web search their chinese title and "txt" or go to a download books free site and search by their chinese title), the app makes a full parallel text and I can just click a little A~ button on the top right of each paragraph for a mtl version shown beneath it. I can also click each individual word for a word translation (which is useful because when mtl screws up grammar or descriptions, translating word by word can help you figure out the actual meaning of the sentence). I can press a little speaker to hear the sentence read aloud. Its a useful app. I can't recommend it wholeheartedly though, because it's not free anymore (i didnt have to pay for these features until yesterday :/). Also, this app didn't exist when I was a beginner unfortunately.
What existed (and still does)? Mtlnovels.com. Go to the site, make an account (you'll need an account for the parallel text feature). Look up whatever webnovel you were going to read in mtl (years ago I looked up Silent Reading by priest on here because it wasn't translated back then), go to the novel on the site. At the top of the chapter you're reading, it will give you an option to Show Original Chinese text. Click that. It will now show you english mtl and chinese sentences in parallel text format. You can then use the english mtl to guess the meaning of bits of the chinese sentences, or just highlight-right click (if on a phone then highlight and press on highted text portion) words/phrases and pick "translate" and google translate will translate those parts (this will work in Chrome, Mozilla, Edge on phone or computer). You now have parallel texts of tons of novels! Note: the text is in traditional characters, and was my first exposure to practicing reading traditional characters (since I learned simplifief first). I do think there's probably ways to switch the text to simplified (maybe a web browser extension). But for me, back then knowing around 500 words, it was fine. Except for some particular characters, many hanzi just had the radicals look less simplified. An additional idea: you can also use TTS text to speech (like Microsoft Edge's nice sounding one) to highlight the chinese and listen to it while having the english machine translation right there for reference.
(My point is, while apps are more convienient in some ways, most stuff can also just be done in a web browser. Nowadays I just read in Edge on my phone, highlight words or phrases and use Translate on them, and use Edge TTS when I want to hear pronunciations. I think Pleco app has BETTER translations and as a beginner was better, and Readibu is also better for translations. But now that I can read better, its more important to me to hear the pronunciation of stuff. Pleco can do TTS too, Readibu cant in the free version. And Edge's TTS just sounds so much better than my phone's built in TTS that Pleco uses).
Another free option, though it has way less to read: Duo Reader app has free parallel texts and TTS features for several languages. I've read bits of Alice in Wonderland in Japanese on the app. (But for me personally, KursX Smart Book app or regular internet Edge app suits my needs better).
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art-of-mathematics · 2 years
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mathgeek101 · 17 days
You ever hear a man speak in another language and fall in love a little
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jambandatl · 4 months
Universal Development: Year One - Year Two
Expanded Curriculum Focus 1. Integrate Technology Mindfully: Utilize interactive e-books or apps that allow your child to interact with the story by touching parts of the screen to hear sounds or change images. This can enhance his engagement and make reading time even more dynamic. Consider short, child-friendly videos that tie into your weekly themes, like watching real animals for “Animal…
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Discover fun and effective ways to nurture your child's emotional intelligence at the French Preschool of Brooklyn. Learn how bilingual education, storytelling, and play can enhance your child's cognitive and social skills. Enroll today!
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Nurturing Linguistic Diversity: Exploring Bilingual Education Schools and Programs in Elementary Education
Being multilingual becomes an advantage in today’s globalized world when borders are blurred and cultures mix. Teaching children many languages is a journey that delves deeply into the areas of cognitive development, cultural expertise, and linguistic range for each educator and mother and father. This in-intensity, Multilingual Minds Nurturing Language Diversity in Education, will take you on a tour through the great strategies, advantages, difficulties, and actual achievement tales around the endeavor of coaching multilingual students. Read more: https://europeanschooldr.com/blog/nurturing-linguistic-diversity-exploring-bilingual-education-schools-and-programs-in-elementary-education/
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taetaespeaches · 1 year
I have come back from the dead to tell you I love you, I've missed you, and I cannot believe full ass adults feel entiltled to have an opinion on the romantic life of two complete strangers PUSHING 👏 THIRTY👏. Is not enough to just go outside and touch grass, I need y'all to tell this to your therapist. I need an actual mental health professional to be aware of what happens in your mind. You are IN SANE.
(not you Liv ily)
-bilingual fb aunt chick anon
Hi! I love you and I’ve missed you too! Yeah it’s :) concerning. I get that they’re public figures but there’s a limit and at some point people have got to ask themselves why they even care this much. Go outside! Touch grass! Get a job!
(Lmao I am insane, just for different reasons <3 ily too!)
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I wanted to post this video we watched this semester because it was extremely impactful as I reflected on my own experiences with language in education. When I was writing my autobiography, I felt stuck, at first, because I only speak English and could recall being very catered to in the classroom. I had a lot of privilege. 
But when we watched this video, it made me remember several things. 
First, it reminded me of the “Kill the Indian, save the man” mentality that colonizers used to justify their bigotry, hatred, and abuse towards Indigenous peoples in America. Stereotypes and bigoted judgments against BIPOC and people who speak languages other than English have permeated the history of our education system, and I saw how that mentality easily transformed into bigotry against Latinx people specifically in my elementary school. 
That was the second thing this video reminded me of — how Spanish was replaced in our curriculum when I was in elementary school for an additional science class instead. I talked about this in my autobiography, and how my best friend who was an emergent bilingual student felt a real lack of representation when that class was removed. 
Overall, these concepts that we covered and the memories that I reflected upon have inspired me to advocate for bilingual education programs and cultural studies courses. The ones we learned about in the “Precious Knowledge” documentary, for example, would be classes that I’d be more than happy to advocate for, sponsor, or otherwise support in any way as long as it brought some peace, joy, and enrichment to my students. 
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bothpartiesarebad · 2 years
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(via Spanish Bilingual Welcome Sin Fronteras Class War Leftist - Etsy)
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Midweek Musings, Proud
Monday, during my planning time, I had one of my Yearbook/Journalism students stay after the class to translate our week’s club activities into Spanish for our podcast. He wasn’t confident at first, but then he wrote out an outline in Spanish and went ahead. Needless to say, it sounded great to me! This will represent the diversity of our school and make our News and Podcast more accessible. I’m…
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gootarts · 1 year
as of 8/3, the most recently updated version of this post is here (it's a reblog of this exact post with more info added)
as a lot of you know, limbus company recently fired its CG illustrator for being a feminist, at 11 pm, via phone call, after a bunch of misogynists walked into the office earlier that day and demanded she be fired. on top of this, as per korean fans, her firing went against labor laws---in korea, you must have your dismissal in writing.
the korean fandom on twitter is, understandably, going scorched earth on project moon due to this. there's a lot currently going on to protest the decision, so i'm posting a list here of what's going on for those who want to limit their time on elon musk's $44 billion midlife crisis impulse purchase website (if you are on twitter, domuk is a good person to follow, as they translate important updates to english). a lot of the links are in korean, but generally they play nicely with machine translators. this should be current as of 8/2.
Statements condemning the decision have been issued by The Gyeonggi Youth Union and IT Union.
A press conference at the Gyeonggido Assembly will occur on 8/3, with lawmakers of the Gyeonggi province (where Project Moon is based) in attendance. This appears driven by the leader of the Gyeonggi Youth Union.
The vice chairman of the IT union--who has a good amount of experience with labor negotiations like these--has expressed strong support for the artist and is working to get media coverage due to the ongoing feminist witch hunts in the gaming industry. Project Moon isn't union to my knowledge, but he's noted that he's taken on nonunion companies such as Netmarble (largest mobile game dev in South Korea) by getting the issue in front of the National Assembly (Korea's congress).
Articles on the incident published in The Daily Labor News, Korean Daily, multiple articles on Hankyoreh (one of which made it to the print edition), and other news outlets.
Segments about the termination on the MBN 7 o' clock news and MBC's morning news
Comments by Youth Union leaders about looking into a loan made to Project Moon via Devsisters Ventures, a venture capital firm. Tax money from Gyeonggi province was invested in Devsisters in 2017, and in 2021, Devsisters gave money to Project Moon. The Gyeonggi Youth Union is asking why hard-earned tax money was indirectly given to a company who violates ESG (environmental, social and governance) principles.
Almost nonstop signage truck protests outside Project Moon's physical office during business hours until 8/22 or the company makes a statement. This occurs alongside a coordinated hashtag campaign to get the issue trending on Twitter in Korea. The signage campaign was crowd-funded in about 3 hours.
A full boycott of the Limbus Company app, on both mobile and PC (steam) platforms. Overseas fans are highly encouraged to participate, regardless if whether they're F2P or not. Not opening the app at all is arguably the biggest thing any one person can do to protest the decision, as the app logs the number of accounts that log on daily. For a new gacha such as Limbus, a high number of F2P daily active users, but a small number of paying users is often preferable to having a smaller userbase but more paying users. If the company sees the number of daily users remain stable, they will likely decide to wait out any backlash rather than apologize.
Digging up verified reviews from previous employees regarding the company's poor management practices
Due to the firing, the Leviathan artist has posted about poor working conditions when making the story. As per a bilingual speaker, they were working on a storyboard revision, and thought 'if I ran into the street right now and got hit by a car and died, I wouldn't have to keep working.' They contacted Project Moon because they didn't want their work to be like that, and proposed changes to serialization/reduction in amount of work per picture/to build up a buffer of finished images (they did not have any buffer while working on Leviathan to my knowledge). They were shut out, and had to suck it up and accept the situation.
Hamhampangpang has a 'shrine' section of the restaurant for fans to leave fan-created merch and other items. They also allow the fans to take this merch back if they can prove it's theirs. Fans are now doing just that.
To boost all of the above, a large number of Korean fanartists with thousands of followers have deleted their works and/or converted their accounts from fanart accounts to accounts supporting the protests. Many of them are bilingual, and they're where I got the majority of this information.
[note 1: there's a targeted english-language disinformation campaign by the website that started the hate mob. i have read the artist's tweets with machine translation, and they're talked about in the second hankyoreh article linked above: nowhere does she express any transphobic or similarly awful beliefs. likewise, be wary of any claims that she supported anything whose description makes you raise eyebrows--those claims are likely in reference to megalia, a korean feminist movement. for information on that, i'd recommend the NPR/BBC articles below and this google drive link of english-language scholarly papers on them. for the love of god don't get your information about a feminist movement from guys going on witch hunts for feminists.]
[note 2: i've seen a couple people argue that the firing was for the physical safety of the employees, citing the kyoani incident in japan. as per this korean fan, most fans there strongly do not believe this was the case. we have english-translated transcripts of the meeting between the mob and project moon; the threats the mob was making were to......brand project moon as a feminist company online. yes, really. male korean gamers aren't normal about feminism, and there's been an ongoing witch hunt for feminists in the industry since about 2016, something you see noted in both the labor union statements. both NPR and the BBC this phenomenon to gamergate, and i'd say it's a pretty apt comparison.]
let me know if anything needs correction or if anything should be added.
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