#bilingual schools
belle-keys · 5 months
Recommendations for media about translation, interpreting, and foreign languages
Movies and TV
Quo Vadis, Aida? (2020) The Interpreter (2005) The Last Stage (1948)
Babel: An Arcane History by R.F. Kuang The Centre by Ayesha Manazir Siddiqi Translating Myself and Others by Jhumpa Lahiri The Interpreter by Suki Kim Girl in Translation by Jean Kwok Translation Nation by Héctor Tobar Alphabet of Thorn by Patricia A. McKillip Translation State by Ann Leckie
Other Important Topics and Subjects
La Malinche The Rosetta Stone The Tower of Babel The Adamic Language Esperanto Philology Goethean World Literature
Documentaries and History
The Interpreters: A Historical Perspective The Nuremberg Trials Biblical Translation St. Jerome - patron saint of translators Shu-ilishu's Seal (first depiction of an interpreter)
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eternalsams · 1 year
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pillowenvelopchair · 3 months
Writing another linguistics related fic… what is wrong with me
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me and my mum were talking about my old school the other day and i HAD THE REALISATION THAT. ITS INITALS WERE FUCKING
because it was a bilingual school. and the city it were in began with a V. so the school's full name's literally "V[CITY] Bilingual School"
i'm going to start calling myself an ex VBS member now
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doriantomybasil · 1 month
so here’s my dilemma of the day: i was working with this guy today and he’s so pretty and he’s so nice and funny and i think he likes me, he was smiling at me all day when we saw each other and always sat next to me when we were in the same room and i definitely like him the problem is that he’s nineteen and i’m twenty one and i feel like that’s weird especially because the way that bilingual high school courses are structured he hasn’t graduated yet but he would’ve if he didn’t go to a bilingual one and i don’t know what to do but i guess it doesn’t really matter because i can’t find him on any social media so i guess the ball is in his court? he knows my full name and it’s not a very common name idk how to feel about this whole thing
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nihongoseito · 8 months
How do you stay motivated in self-study?
メッセージありがとうございます! thank you for asking!
this is an interesting question for me because i've been self-studying for so long...almost 12 years at this point(?!?!). i decided to learn japanese for fun and for no other reason than because i wanted to (i'm a big proponent of "if it sucks, hit da bricks" lol). i was just a kid, so i had no idea at all how much time and effort it would entail, and sometimes i think that back then, if i had known at the time how much studying and studying and more studying it would take for me to become conversationally proficient, i wouldn't have even started. and i'm really, really glad i don't live in that world, where i never decided to self-study because i thought too far into the future and tried to quantify my studying.
so i guess that's my biggest piece of advice, even though it sounds counterintuitive: try not to plan where you're going next or any specific long-term goals, because if you're anything like me, you'll scare yourself off. if you focus just on what's right in front of you—today's kanji, your current textbook, etc.—then you'll have a much easier time remembering why you like japanese (or whatever target language you're working on!). that kind of viewpoint on learning a language makes it really clear that you are building a beautiful structure out of many discrete pieces, not just out of thin air or sheer linguistic osmosis. not only has that attitude kept me motivated, since making decisions as i go always keeps things fresh, but i also genuinely think it's helped me learn better and remember what i've studied.
also, don't be afraid to give up on something, a book or a grammar point or even a whole routine/study plan, and try something else instead. you can always come back to it later, and in my opinion there's no point trying to quantify or quantitatively evaluate your learning in that way. there's absolutely no shame in admitting something is too hard right now. plus, letting yourself feel confident in what you do know is a great boost to motivation—every single little piece is an accomplishment!
does any of that make sense?? this is how i've handled it anyway! ofc, the nature of self-study is that it's different for everyone, but hopefully the things i've said here resonate with some people :) みんな、頑張ってね!!
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rotzaprachim · 1 year
anyway the construct of the US as a monolingual anglophone nation is on multiple levels a white supremacist construct long before it is a reality
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olde-scratch · 2 years
would akechi speak multiple languages? cause at this point its basically canon that he soaks up information like a sponge. would he go all out and get dictionaries and textbooks and pronunciation guides or would he be able to learn just from watching shows in the target language?
im asking bc i wanna know if he would memorize every single verb tense in french. 99% of them are unnecessary, useless, needlessly specific, and so similar to like five others. but would akechi be able to use them properly.
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vics-chrysopoeia · 14 days
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That's me taking tests.
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mintaikk · 3 months
Pov: that six months of learning German on Duolingo was actually somewhat helpful
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vrisbian · 6 months
Abbott Elementary hit close to home when your mom works in an Elementary School. Oh, no free periods because now its all serving lunch duties and library shifts?
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frayfelipe · 2 days
Fray Felipe
Bienvenidos al Colegio Fray Felipe: Un Espacio de Aprendizaje y Crecimiento
El Colegio Fray Felipe se ha consolidado como una institución educativa de referencia en nuestra comunidad. Con un enfoque en la formación integral de sus estudiantes, este colegio ofrece un ambiente propicio para el aprendizaje y el desarrollo personal. En este blog, exploraremos la historia, la misión, los valores y las actividades que hacen del Colegio Fray Felipe un lugar especial.
Historia del Colegio Fray Felipe
Fundado en 1999, el Colegio Fray Felipe ha recorrido un largo camino en la educación. Desde sus inicios, ha estado comprometido con la excelencia académica y la formación en valores. A lo largo de los años, ha evolucionado y adaptado su enseñanza a las necesidades de la sociedad, sin perder de vista su esencia.
Misión y Valores
La misión del Colegio Fray Felipe es proporcionar una educación de calidad que fomente el pensamiento crítico, la creatividad y la responsabilidad social. Los valores que rigen la vida en el colegio incluyen el respeto, la solidaridad, la honestidad y la empatía. Estos principios son fundamentales en la formación de los estudiantes, preparando a futuros líderes comprometidos con su entorno.
Programa Académico
El colegio ofrece un programa académico integral que abarca desde educación infantil hasta educación secundaria. Con un enfoque en la formación académica sólida, se incluyen asignaturas como matemáticas, ciencias, humanidades y artes. Además, se fomenta el aprendizaje de idiomas y el uso de tecnologías modernas en el aula.
Testimonios de Estudiantes y Padres
La comunidad del Colegio Fray Felipe está compuesta por estudiantes, padres y docentes que comparten sus experiencias y logros. Muchos estudiantes destacan la calidad de la enseñanza y el apoyo que reciben de sus profesores. Los padres valoran el compromiso del colegio con la formación integral y la atención personalizada.
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waffletheorist · 7 months
My mum's side of the family: Learn Greek so you can talk to us!
My high school Spanish teacher: You scored really high on the test, I hope you continue to take this class.
My high school French teacher: You're good at French, you should keep studying it.
Personal interests: You should study Japanese so you can learn more about me!
Me, nervously sweating, staring at my Duolingo realizing I might have to learn 4 languages.
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I see a lot of language comparisons that completely shit on German for being a silly language. But what a lot of non linguists forget is that 1. Most of the languages you’re comparing are Romance languages, and only English and German are Germanic languages, 2. English is an absolute abomination of a language. English may technically be a Germanic language, but half the words we use stem from Romance languages. English is so much an amalgamation that people have stopped noticing.
You wanna know what maths is called on Icelandic?? Stærðfræði! Fucking SIZE SUBJECT. Chemistry? Efnafræði! STUFF SUBJECT???? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?????
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belle-keys · 15 days
spent last week immersed in an enveloping bubble of critical theory, hispanic political thought, advanced french language, creole language transcription, and children's literary translation. i'm up to my neck and i love it.
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