#birds of poole harbour
dansnaturepictures · 16 days
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07/09/2024-Sandwich Tern, Osprey, White-tailed Eagle and Marsh Harrier in a riveting raptor fest what a phenomenal year I've had for all three species being lucky to see them across the country, mesmerising Spoonbills flying in the air and view on a sensational boat trip with Birds of Poole Harbour today another amazing boat trip lately and sky at home this morning and evening.
On the fantastic boat trip which I am thankful for the whole team for (they pointed out so much wildlife and provided an engaging and fascinating commentary, I can say the same about the one we did with Wild New Forest on Sunday) other highlights were my first Bar-tailed Godwit of the year, Avocet, another Whimbrel seen well lately, Greenshank, Curlew Sandpiper, Sanderling, Ringed Plover, Common Tern, Wheatear, Swallow, Sparrowhawk and Sika Deers with white butterflies on the trip and at the car park and lady's thumb nice to see at the car park. A walk at Puttles Bridge in the New Forest this afternoon was good also with tormentil, eyebright, common heather, frog, Grey Squirrel, Woodpigeon and mushrooms seen. Goldfinches and spider were nice to see at home today.
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shibaraki · 1 year
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synopsis: love casts it’s own net, and there’s only one man who can cut you free of this one.
tags: GN reader, childhood friends to lovers, ORCA employee cove, mer reader, ocean pollution (boooo) reader caught in a net, reunions, sooooo much fluff, developing relationship, happy hopeful ending
wc: 2.2K
↳ for the mermay collab hosted by the teahouse server ↰
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The rain gives itself unto the sea. Each fragment becomes one with the tide that laps weakly at your body. With your tail curled, fins entangled in an old ghost net, you give into fatigue and rest upon the wet primrose sand. This net is unlike ones you’ve dealt with before. It is garish blue and tough, cutting uncomfortably into your fluke. Rope could be easily severed but this new material is stubborn, and painful.
A gust of wind dances through the marram grass. You breathe deeply, listening to the percussion of the waves, eyes trained on the secluded beach and drawn to any small movement. Something about this place calls to you in a way you cannot explain. That thought makes known a memory in the back of your mind which evades your grasp each time you seek it.
Frustrated, you poke a claw-tipped finger through the net and trace a line in the sand. You try to ignore the dull throb around your hips. Being tangled and contorted as you are has you restless, the urge to spread your fins and swim buzzing under your skin. Fighting the snare more would do no good. Struggle and you’d hurt yourself more.
Had the day been warm you might’ve found yourself in a little more trouble. At least the rain would keep the humans from the beach.
Or so you thought.
Fear seizes your body. In the distance, a bipedal figure walks along the shore. You press yourself low to the sand. The sound of your heart beats loud in your ears, now tucked flat to your head. Unperturbed by the thin rainfall the human keeps his gaze on the waves wearing only a pair of shorts and a thin white shirt, smiling softly as they crawl to kiss his ankles. He is tall and sun steeped, hair like seafoam laid flat to his forehead and cheeks. Markings decorate his arm like refracted light on the ocean floor.
Can you take me with you?
The memory is fleeting. A young child’s forlorn voice. Dusk had spread her fingers across an empty beach. A pink sky. Pink, like the hard shell wrapped around his arm.
Would you take me? the voice repeats. There are no other kids here. I don’t want to stay…
Your gills flutter, venting the air as you exhale shakily. The human is closer now. His gentle face twists with displeasure when a food wrapper rolls in on the next wave, littering the sand. You watch him huff, mouth downturned as he snatches it up. It kindles a little hope in you—
And it reminds you of a lonely human boy you met years ago when you were but a guppy yourself. His name… you liked it a lot. What was it…?
Your pod had migrated because the old nursery grounds were destroyed by fishing boats. Metal machinery and nets that stretched for miles dragged along the seabed. Sunset Bird proved to be a perfect place to wait out the mating season. You spent most of your time on the surface, playing in tide pools and sunning yourself in the grasses, kept company by little Cove Holden.
The human’s movements freeze abruptly a few feet away. In that instant your eyes meet; his own widen, expression flowering in surprise, hands fisted tightly at his sides and shaking.
You stare at one another. Time seems to have slowed to a stop. Over the pitter patter of rain you think you hear your name. Again, confident this time, as the human breaks out into a sprint. Sand kicks into the air. You flinch, inhaling sharply as the distance is immediately crossed and he is falling to his knees at your side.
“Oh my god. Oh my god,” he’s mumbling frantically under his breath, hands outstretched to hover over the lines of plastic knotted around your lower half. “It’s you. It’s really you. You’re hurt—” he jolts and begins patting at his short pockets, pulling out something small. A sharp blade folds out from within the case. You shrink, a reflexive whine building in your throat.
The human holds his breath. He swallows. You see his throat bob, ribs expand and deflate, calming the tremors in his limbs. “I’m sorry,” voice lowered into gentle reassurance, he tries to show you a tremulous smile. “I—I’m going to use this knife to cut the net away. Is that okay?”
You consider the sincere warmth in his gaze and nod as it washes over you. His smile widens. Telegraphing his movements piece by piece he cuts into the net, careful not to snag the frayed scales around your fins.
“I’m so sorry. We comb the shoreline as much as we can for litter but…”
A blush steadily spreads across his cheeks as your focus drifts back to him. Blue eyes flicker back and forth, around your face and back, pointedly avoiding your bare chest. Your nerves settle at that familiarity. The Cove you remember had been small, nervous and lost, but when he smiled he brought the sun with him. This Cove is so big, so at home in his body, and just as beautiful.
Tucking his fingers under the final line Cove slips the blade beneath and cuts you free. You feel the pressure alleviate. He gasps an awed sound as your fins fan out, almost sentient in how they stretch toward the cloud covered sky.
Turning on your hips, you sit upright and bend to rub the thin membranes between your finger and thumb. A wave rushes up and douses you in fresh sea water, soothing the ache. “You can’t help what the tide brings in,” you reassured, chewing the inside of your cheek. You glance toward him as he discards the net with a frown, “Thank you… Cove”.
Cove tenses, emotions flowing into him like a babbling brook. “Wow,” the word came out in a whisper. Then, even quieter, “You remember me.”
“Of course I do,” your voice is fragile as your throat adjusts to spoken words. It’s been a long time since you needed to use it. You smile gingerly, aware of the heat emanating from his body; longing brushes you like a thick fog. “You were my first friend, after all”.
Cove grins, misty eyes squinting. “You were mine too,” he tugs a necklace from beneath his shirt collar. Hung in the middle of his chest is a shark tooth. Serrated crown narrow and pointed, root uneven where it cusps, hale as the day you found it.
“You kept it!”
Suddenly coloured with embarrassment his hands return to his lap and he gives a nervous laugh. “I did. I could never forget you. When you didn’t come back the year after, I…” his features tighten as he restlessly fiddles the hem of his shirt. The fabric stretches thin. “I really thought I made it all up”.
Guilt crept in. You let it bleed through and soften your apology. “I’m really sorry, Cove. I wanted to come back, but—do you remember that big oil spill? A little further South?” Cove tilts his head, grimacing in recognition. You nod, “I couldn’t come this way for a while”.
You notice then that the rain has stopped; clumps of dry sand stuck to your hips and petrichor hung in the briney air. Cove is impervious to it all. “I understand,” he mumbled, giving you a meaningful look before his eyes darted back to the tides.
Tension seeped from his shoulders and you felt yourself relax in turn, instinctively leaning toward his warmth. He sucks in a breath. Any worries are put to rest by the soft intent in his eyes that belied his excitement. Emboldened, you reach up to tuck a wayward curl around the shell of his ear.
Cove quakes, jaw trembling where you linger. He makes a sound and only later do you realize it was your name. “You look so different now,” you murmur, trying to be delicate, lest you fracture the pleasant atmosphere and scare him away. “I almost didn’t recognise you”.
Your human glows ripe like an algae bloom. He leans into the cradle and touches your elbows, offering silent encouragement. “Oh. In—in a good way?” he asked, self conscious.
A grin splits your lips. Your other hand rises, cupping his face in your palms, amazed at the heat under his skin. “In a good way,” you echo an affirmative. Your gaze falls to his forearms. One a shock of blue, the pattern of the sea. The other is bare aside from a thin white scar. “And your strange pink wrapping is gone, now”.
“Ah, that’s right,” eyes softening in the late afternoon light, Cove’s lips thin into a small smile. You mourn for a moment when he releases you to trace the scar. “Yeah. I haven’t needed that for a long time. It’s all healed up”.
Overturning his arm he shows you the scar in full, winding from his inner wrist to the crook of his elbow. The tendons flex as his fingers move. You mirror his actions and follow the path with your fingertip. Bumps rise on his skin. You’d forgotten how reactive his body could be. “That’s good,” you reply, a little breathless. Brightening, then, when you remember, “This means you can swim now!”
“Yeah! I can surf, too. If you want we could paddle out further so it’s safer—for you?”
Cove taught you about surfing that first summer. Humans take boards into the ocean that can remain buoyed on the surface to ride the waves. Sometimes for sport, but mostly for fun. Visions of Cove finally alongside you in the water flood your thoughts. In your enthusiasm you push into his space and he tips back into the sand, bracing on his elbows. “Now?” you ask, practically draped over his lap.
A strangled noise gets caught in his throat. “Close,” he whispers, blinking rapidly. The red blush on his cheeks crawls down his neck to his chest, splotchy and honest. Sudden realisation appears to snap him out of his reverie. “I can’t today,” he hesitates, expression falling. Your mouth is inexplicably dry as his full lips jut into a pout. “I need to get back soon. If I don’t they’ll send someone to get me and I don’t want anyone else to see you”.
You stifle a wince when your fins flutter and fan out on display. Your body is just as honest as his. Deflecting quickly you tease, “Ah. Want me all to yourself again?”
Rather than fluster Cove’s features harden. “Yes,” he bursts, nodding firmly. You stare at him in wonder, and watch in silence as his mind races to catch up with his mouth. He clears his throat, shrinking back apologetically. Over the gentle sifting sand as a wave recedes he murmurs, “Sorry. I mean, I do want you to myself. But—”
“Cove,” his rambling stops at the fond intonation of his name. You dip forward until your nose bumps his cheek. You leave a kiss there, on the warm swell. “It’s fine. I feel the same”.
You’re close enough to feel his shaky exhale. Voice an octave higher, he squeaks, “You do?”
“I do,” you nod, reclining to give him some space and smile when he breathes a little easier. “I’ve waited to see you this long, I can wait a little longer”.
“You’re still so…” there’s that quivering smile again, blue eyes gleaming, face hemmed by unruly seafoam. Steeling himself, Cove rises to his feet and brushes the sand from his knees. “Then I promise I’ll be here tomorrow”.
“Good,” the tide crawls further, crashing against your hips. Foam fizzles along your tail. It calls you back to the currents. Cove watches you pivot onto your belly, turning to follow the next wave out. “I promise, too. I’ll be somewhere around here. Just call out to me, alright?”
“Okay,” he grasps the shark tooth necklace, rolling it between his thumb and finger, dithering on the shoreline with the net that had snared you tucked under his arm. Louder as the distance grows, he plucks up the courage to yell, “I missed you”.
You think of that second summer, when your elders told you the pod could not go back to Sunset Beach. How you had darted away to hide in the kelp forest, curled into yourself where you buried into the sand, stubbornly refusing to move. That grief had dulled significantly over the years yet a single encounter with Cove unearthed all those feelings without ceremony. Lying there, dormant and waiting.
Bobbing above the surface you cup your hands around your mouth, you shout unabashedly, “I missed you too!”
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anar-k3y · 10 months
Take a short Xiao x Aether one shot I wrote suddenly
CW: gays being gay, Aether overworked, mentions their trauma in passing, also not proof-read
Aether stood in the rain in Liyue, reaching out his hand and looking up, allowing the water to ruin his hair and soak his clothes. He closed his eyes, breathing in that smell of rain— he'd been working non-stop helping people, this was the first time he'd had a chance to himself to enjoy a moment to himself. He had originally just gone on a walk before it started to rain.
And now here he was, standing in the middle of the bridge that leads into liyue harbour, allowing himself to be smothered by the water that fell from the clouds.
“...Xiao...” Aether muttered unintentionally, he didn't mean to let the name slip his mind, Aether always found the adepti's name on his lips when he was relaxed, maybe cause Xiao made him feel at peace— maybe because he liked him, or maybe it was both.
“you called?” Xiao appeared in front of Aether, arms crossed, his eyes scanning over the Traveller for any wounds and their surroundings for any enemies.
Aether lowered his head and opened his eyes, looking at Xiao. “oh- Xiao” Aether smiled, stepping towards Xiao... The adepti was here... Why not do something with him?
“did you need something, Traveller?” Xiao didn't move as Aether approacged, his body language was semi-relaxed.
“no, not necessarily... But, would you be alright to.. Dance, with me?” Aether asked, a smile on his face, though a mild worry in his eyes. He reached his hands out, gently grasping Xiao's, intertwining their fingers together.
“dance? Adepti don't dance. Aether- you-” Xiao went to scold Traveller, though when they held hands... His face erupted into blush, his pupils widening.
“..fine, one dance...” Xiao sighed, stepping closer to Aether, hoping the blonde wouldn't mention his red face.
Aether perked up, that smile growing even larger and his eyes squinted making small wrinkles that Xiao loved seeing— this made traveller happy... His heart fluttered.
As the rain continued to pour around them, Aether lead their movements, bringing Xiao into—
— small spins and twirls that made Aether laugh, giggle, smile. All of this making Xiao blush and even smile.
The moment was light- like the karmic debt Xiao carried was all but erased, like the trauma and fear he carried had vanished into the abyss, there was nothing in this world he wanted more then to dance with Aether like this for the rest of eternity, to see Aether smile like this..
Aether felt light, like a bird who just gained wings... He hadn't danced with another like this since he had been with Lumine... But this felt different, it felt safe. Free. Loved...
The rain slowly came to a halt, the clouds parting to show the crescent moon shining above them.
Aether looked at Xiao, the water pooling underneath them, his hair sticking to his skin, yet the traveller was smiling more then Xiao had ever seen.. Aether looked ethereal.
“thank you, Xiao” Aether almost laughed, moving forward and hugging the adepti.
“uh-uh...” Xiao Tensed up before slowly returning the embrace, his arms wrapping around Aether so gently it was like he wasn't touching him. “you're... Welcome...” Xiao muttered quietly, resting his head against Aether's carefully.
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delightingintragedy · 8 months
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Moon Correspondences
From Christian Astrology by William Lilly
(It is mostly word for word. I tried to format it to fit into a nice correspondence list, but the information itself is untouched.)
Zodiac: Rules Cancer. Exalted in Taurus, Detriment in Capricorn, Fall in Scorpio.
Nature: She is a Feminine, Nocturnal Planet, Cold, Moist and Phlegmatic.
Profession: Queens, Countesses, Ladies, all manner of Women; as also the common People, Travellers, Pilgrims, Sailors, Fishermen, Fishmongers, Brewers, Tapsters, Vintners, Letter-carriers, Coachmen, Huntsmen, Messengers, Mariners, Millers, Alewives, Malsters, Drunkards, Oysterwives, Fisherwomen, Charwomen, Tripewomen, and generally such Women as carry Commodities in the Streets; as also, Midwives, Nurses, Hackneymen, Watermen, Waterbearers.
Sicknesses: Apoplexies, Palsy, the Colic, the Bellyache, Diseases of the left Side, Stones, the Bladder and members of Generation, the Menstrues and Liver in Women, Dropsies, Fluxes of the Belly, all cold rheumatic Diseases, cold Stomach, the Gout in the Wrists and Feet, Sciatica, Colic, Worms in Children and men, Rheums or Hurts in the Eyes. In the Left of Men, and Right of Women: Surfeits, rotten Coughs, Convulsion fits, the Falling sickness, Kings-evil, Apostems, small Pox and Measles.
Colour: the White, or pale Yellowish white, pale Green, or a little of the Silver colour.
Savours: the Fresh, or without any savour, such as in Herbs before they be ripe, or such as do moisten the Brain.
Herbs & Plants: Those Herbs which are subject to the Moon have soft and thick juicy leaves, of the waterish or a little sweetish taste, they love to grow in watery places, and grow quickly into a juicy magnitude; and are: The Colwort, Cabbage, Melon, Gourd, Pompion, Onion, Mandrake, Poppy, Lettuce, Rape, the Linden tree, Mushrooms, Endive, all Trees or Herbs who have round, shady, great spreading Leaves, and are little Fruitful.
Beasts & Birds: All such Beasts, or the like, as live in the water; as Frogs, the Otter, Snails, the Weasel, the Cunny, all Sea Fowl, Cuckoo, Geese and Duck, the Night Owl.
Fishes: The Oyster and Cockle, all Shellfish, the Crab and Lobster, Tortoise, Eels.
Places: Fields, Fountains, Baths, Havens of the Sea, Highways and Desert places, Port Towns, Rivers, Fishponds, standing Pools, Boggy places, Common shores, little Brooks, Springs, Harbours for Ships or Docks.
Minerals: Silver.
Stones: The Selenite, all soft Stones, Crystals.
Weather: With Saturn cold Air; with Jupiter Serene; with Mars Winds red Clouds; with the Sun according to the Season; with Venus and Mercury Showers and Winds. She delights towards the North, and usually when she is the strongest Planet in the Scheme.
Angel: Gabriel
Planetary Alliance: Her enemy is Saturn, and also Mars.
Week Day: Monday
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Correspondence posts for the other planets: [Sun] [Mercury] [Venus] [Mars] [Jupiter] [Saturn]
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Poem in October
by Dylan Thomas
It was my thirtieth year to heaven Woke to my hearing from harbour and neighbour wood    And the mussel pooled and the heron            Priested shore        The morning beckon With water praying and call of seagull and rook And the knock of sailing boats on the net webbed wall        Myself to set foot            That second In the still sleeping town and set forth.
   My birthday began with the water- Birds and the birds of the winged trees flying my name    Above the farms and the white horses            And I rose        In rainy autumn And walked abroad in a shower of all my days. High tide and the heron dived when I took the road        Over the border            And the gates Of the town closed as the town awoke.
   A springful of larks in a rolling Cloud and the roadside bushes brimming with whistling    Blackbirds and the sun of October            Summery        On the hill's shoulder, Here were fond climates and sweet singers suddenly Come in the morning where I wandered and listened        To the rain wringing            Wind blow cold In the wood faraway under me.
   Pale rain over the dwindling harbour And over the sea wet church the size of a snail    With its horns through mist and the castle            Brown as owls        But all the gardens Of spring and summer were blooming in the tall tales Beyond the border and under the lark full cloud.        There could I marvel            My birthday Away but the weather turned around.
   It turned away from the blithe country And down the other air and the blue altered sky    Streamed again a wonder of summer            With apples        Pears and red currants And I saw in the turning so clearly a child's Forgotten mornings when he walked with his mother        Through the parables            Of sun light And the legends of the green chapels
   And the twice told fields of infancy That his tears burned my cheeks and his heart moved in mine.    These were the woods the river and sea            Where a boy        In the listening Summertime of the dead whispered the truth of his joy To the trees and the stones and the fish in the tide.        And the mystery            Sang alive Still in the water and singingbirds.
   And there could I marvel my birthday Away but the weather turned around. And the true    Joy of the long dead child sang burning            In the sun.        It was my thirtieth Year to heaven stood there then in the summer noon Though the town below lay leaved with October blood.        O may my heart's truth            Still be sung On this high hill in a year's turning.
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malicemaple · 10 months
Some Requiem backstory
Some spoilers for The Dark Urge, but a lot of it isn't canon but more headcanon on how I see my Durge's past.
Backstory: She's a Bhaalspawn. Dedicated to her father through and through. The dread lord, the assassin.
In her youth she had no idea she was. Just the urge whispering in the edges of her mind. A pull, an allure to kill and maim. It didn't start right away though. Raised by two individuals who found this wee babe. A human and a tiefling couple. A little tiefling baby, grey of skin and eyes of red. Alone baby cooing softly into the night, found by them on their way back home from a late night stroll from the harbour. The draw to this baby was powerful. No soul in sight. They didn't know what to do but considered this a blessing. Together they took the baby home and raised it as their own. Her name however was not Requiem back then. They named her Melody originally because she had such a beautiful laugh and the cutest face. Sweet as a melody. Her adoptive father being a musician himself as well.
For the first few years her adoptive father played music for her and watched the young one dance and sing as she got bigger and bigger. Started to even learn how to play the lyre as she aged. Yet the young Melody (who later will be given the name Requiem) would wonder off during the evening, sometimes even skipping out from school.
(This next part I know isn't canon per se, but it is my head canon. lol) There were abandon houses down by the harbour. There she would hear the urge call to her, starting to bubble up from the recesses of her mind. She would find herself waking up with blood on her hands and an animal torn apart as she sat within a room of the abandoned home. With no memory how she even got this animal to begin with. She was never scared, just confused. She didn't tell anyone, just wash her hands quietly and head back home. She kept it her secret.
Until one evening.
She found herself being woken up by a disgruntled boy's voice. Opening her eyes and trying to focus her sight to see a disheveled boy with black hair and dark eyes. His clothes simple, his stare frustrated. Sitting up she again found herself with bloody hands and fluffs of small plumage dried in the cakey brown blood on her hands. Just the boy just giving her a hard time being in his secret spot and got a dirty bloody bird in it too. After some exchanges and talk she learned it was a boy of the name Enver.
With time she found herself more and more sneaking out to meet up and follow after the Cobbler's son. Trying to get an understanding of him as he didn't fear her. Didn't blink much about the blood on her hands. Curious of his tinkering and why he always was leaving home. After some time they even started to be friends.
He tolerated her, despite being weirdly violent girl.
She'd leave him letters and bring him snacks, he didn't look like he ate well, or often for that matter. Her mother working as a baker was nice for this. She'd softly play her lute, her back to his as he would tinker quietly. Mucking around with scraps he would find. It was peaceful. Far more than normal. Especially for Enver. He even started to call her by a nickname. Melody didn't fit her. One who plays music and "accidentally" kills innocent animals wouldn't be simply a melody, but a Requiem. A name far more powerful. He would speak about rising up, gaining so much power he wouldn't have to fear anything again. Hide no more. No one can do him wrong. His words so full of hatred... She would listen to him. He spoke of her being by his side when this happens. Talking for hours in their secret place away from the world.
It was too good to be true.
One night young Melody grew into her nickname. Awaking dead of night to the death of both her, who had assumed were her parents, both dead upon the ground. Blood cooling upon the ground, pooling beneath her feet. The lyre strapped to her back and a knife in her hand. For the first time she trembled at the sight. This was no simple mouse or bird. These were her parents who raised her. From the shadows a goblin looking character with black and red garb. A hat adorning a snakes skeleton, smiling gleefully. Applauding the young mistress of her first true murder. That her true father would be so proud. In shock, dropping the knife, she ran. Bolting from the home, running as fast as she could to the Cobbler's home. Hoping to find sanctuary with her only friend. Hiding in the shadows, beneath the window of the kitchen before climbing in she over heard his parents speaking. Being so elated not worry about their debt thanks to handing Enver over to a warlock. They also didn't need to deal with him no more.
Feeling a hand on her shoulder to see the goblin looking character again. Toothy smile, expressing she won't find her friend and it is time to go home. He'll explain everything later.
And that was that for her youth. There were multiple deaths that night. Her adopted parents, Melody, and her friendship. After that she continued growing up within the temple of Bhaal. Learning of her true identity. Requiem was who she was going forward. Once old enough she still went to a bardic college within Baldur's Gate. Partaking in her studies to bolster her talents of magic and martial combat. Swords, daggers, bows. It makes killing that much easier.
She became a terror, but none would have known any better. She knew how to sing, dance, act, and play different instruments (though the lyre was her favourite as it was her first). She had so much charisma she could sell a miser out of his last coin. She'd poison people at weddings and banquets. She'd use her music and spells to disguise herself as someone else and would confidently walk into homes to kill the family in the night. She'd lure drunken fools looking for a quick twist into the alleys for her to be the only one to emerge. And no one was the wiser with how she blended in and knew how to talk. And after killing she'd sing her prayers out to her father in pure reverence. Leading the believers in the temple with ceremony, ritual, death, prayer... Requiem.
Years and years will go by. Until one day it was brought to her attention that a young upstart Banite was gaining traction and the dead three is seeking an alliance to build power once again. Being the head of the temple, Requiem asked to go and meet. See if it will be worth doing. Being loyal to no one but her father she agreed to do it as he wishes it. Deep with in underground where the thieves and cutthroats lurk. Nothing she wasn't used to as she'd do hits for gang leaders. Heading into the location, the door guarded by heavily armour humans with black hands adorning their armour. Requiem moves to enter being blocked without proof, which came with a swift stab into the throat of one of the guards. Moving at lightning speeds about the strike the next one to her arm being grabbed, twisting quickly throwing her weight to slice them to see dark eyes meet her red ones. Those eyes so familiar. The black hair and dark eyes, looking back at the tiefling that's grey of skin and eyes of red. Both realizing who each other was. Enver and Requiem, chosen of two of the dead three. Long years apart with no idea where one another was, if each other was alive.
In that moment the talk of power was truly going to begin.
Their power will be... absolute.
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victusinveritas · 1 year
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A Poem in October
It was my thirtieth year to heaven
Woke to my hearing from harbour and neighbour wood
And the mussel pooled and the heron priested shore
The morning beckoned with water praying and call of seagull and rook
And the knock of sailing boats on the net-webbed wall
Myself to set foot that second
In the still sleeping town and set forth
My birthday began with the water birds
And the birds of the winged trees flying my name
Above the farms and the white horses
And I rose in a rainy autumn
And walked abroad in shower of all my days
High tide and the heron dived
When I took the road over the border
And the gates of the town closed as the town awoke
A springful of larks in a rolling cloud
And the roadside bushes brimming with whistling blackbirds
And the sun of October, summery on the hill's shoulder
Here were fond climates and sweet singers suddenly come in the morning
Where I wandered and listened to the rain wringing wind blow cold
In the wood faraway under me
Pale rain over the dwindling harbour
And over the sea-wet church the size of a snail
With its horns through mist and the castle brown as owls
But all the gardens of spring and summer
Were blooming in the tall tales beyond the border
And under the lark full cloud
There could I marvel my birthday away
But the weather turned around
It turned away from the blithe country
And down the other air and the blue altered sky
Streamed again a wonder of summer
With apples, pears and red currants
And I saw in the turning, so clearly, a child's forgotten mornings
When he walked with his mother through the parables of sunlight
And the legends of the green chapels
And the twice-told fields of infancy
That his tears burned my cheeks, and his heart moved in mine
These were the woods the river and the sea
Where a boy in the listening summertime of the dead
Whispered the truth of his joy to the trees and the stones and the fish in the tide
And the mystery sang alive
Still in the water and singing birds
And there could I marvel my birthday away
But the weather turned around
And the true joy of the long dead child sang burning in the sun
It was my thirtieth Year to heaven stood there then in the summer noon
Though the town below lay leaved with October blood
O may my heart's truth
Still be sung
On this high hill in a year's turning
-Dylan Thomas
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turtlethon · 2 years
“Northern Lights Out”
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Season 7, Episode 12 First US Airdate: October 23, 1993
The Turtles battle a Viking warrior who plans to cause global flooding.
“Northern Lights Out” is the penultimate episode of the “Vacation in Europe” side-season of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Ted Pedersen and Francis Moss are the writers of this adventure, both making their final contributions to the series here.
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April is picnicking with the Turtles in Oslo, Norway, and had made a point of asking the hotel to prepare some local cuisine for the occasion. The Turtles have intervened to ensure the meal ends up being a pizza, in this case with a Scandanavian theme: a sardine and lutefisk topping. Donatello isn’t convinced, not being a fan of fish.
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While in town, April attends an alternative energy conference. Donatello sits in as Professor Svenson addresses the audience, explaining that Norway rests on a series of mostly dormant volcanic pools; if their energy could be harnessed, it would provide the equivalent of half of Europe’s current power usage, generating enough electricity to light Oslo for a thousand years. The Professor is set to meet with government officials later that day to outline his proposal, but before he can do so, his speech is interrupted by a huge man in traditional Viking attire, introducing himself as Eric the Redeye, descendant of Thor. The axe-wielding warrior steals the Professor’s notes, easily defeats a group of security guards, and upon being quizzed by April for Channel 6, takes her hostage before escaping.
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Losing his disguise, Donatello gives chase, charging through a glass window and falling from the second floor into a cart full of fish sitting on the street. As April watches on, Donnie and Eric size each other up but the fight ends abruptly when the damage caused to the building leads to bricks raining down upon them. Eric escapes with his men in a Viking motorcycle(?!) as the other Turtles arrive on the scene, frantically digging through the bricks while trying to free Donatello. The team are baffled when Donnie himself arrives to help, explaining that he dropped through a sewer opening and was never in danger.
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Later, in their van, the Turtles watch a broadcast where April interviews Professor Svenson. She quizzes him as to whether Eric the Redeye could use the stolen notes for nefarious purposes, and with each question Svenson provides the same response: “Ya, sure, you betcha!” He eventually reveals that the notes on their own are useless, as only he knows the location of the volcanic pools in question. Figuring that this makes Svenson a target for a return visit from the Viking, the Turtles drive off to prepare for a counterattack.
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As predicted, Eric arrives with a group of his men, taking Professor Svenson and April hostage. By the time the Turtles hit the scene they’ve quite literally missed the boat, watching as a solar-powered ship carrying the villains leaves the harbour. The Turtles source a boat of their own and follow closely behind, but are caught in a trap by Eric as act one ends, a mechanically operated chasm closing in on their ship.
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Act two begins with the Turtles having lost their boat, now squeezed into small space on a cliff between the two sides of the chasm. Our heroes use grappling hooks to scale the chasm and watch as Eric’s ship sails away. Continuing to give chase by land, the Turtles head to a nearby farm; there, they find a pair of Elks, which they ride until they spot Eric’s ship pulling into a fjord. A concealed wall briefly opens to allow the boat inside, closing again moments later.
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The Turtles consider how to get to Eric’s secret headquarters, with Donatello suggesting that there must be an air vent that could be used to gain entry. A bird happens to be seen getting sucked down into the ground, providing an indicator of where to go; later, the Turtles are seen descending via ropes. Below ground, they discover a Viking village and realise they’ll need to quickly source disguises.
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A captive April learns that Professor Svenson has provided Eric with the locations of the volcanic pools. The Viking leader leaves with a group of his men in a giant mechanical flying horse, giving orders that Svenson and “that wench” be monitored in his absence. April takes offense at being addressed in such a manner, her anger overheard by the Turtles who are now wandering through the village dressed as locals. A rescue attempt by the team is foiled when the Vikings see through their disguises, but an unlikely figure saves our heroes: an old lady who is insistent that the Turtles are “green dwarves”, responsible for fashioning Thor’s hammer. She declares that the green teens “have come to do Odin’s bidding”, leading to rejoicing from the villagers. The Turtles lean into this, ordering that April and the Professor be freed and requesting the use of their longship.
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Later, in the solar-powered boat, Professor Svenson explains to April and the Turtles that Eric intends to blow up the volcanic pools; doing so will melt the polar ice cap, causing disastrous coastal flooding. In the resulting chaos, the Vikings will plunder the flooded cities. A further complication follows as the ship carrying our heroes is confronted by Jormungandr, a legendary Nordic sea monster. The creature begins chowing down on the boat, at one point sending Michaelangelo through the ship’s deck; Raphael quips that he “feels another cliffhanger coming on” as the boat is pulled into Jormungandr’s mouth, concluding the second act.
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The final segment of the show opens with Donatello discovering that Jormungandr is actually a robot, launching himself into its throat and using his bo staff to jam its mechanisms. Abandoning the ship, the other Turtles, April and Professor Svenson join Donnie inside the robot. The group alter its course, heading for the volcanic pools, but Eric is already there, and learns that his creature has been captured by the Turtles. Activating a remote control, he locks the Turtles out of the sea serpent’s control room and has it hit the rocks, the resulting flooding threatening to finish off our heroes who remain trapped inside.
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Donatello works quickly, implementing a plan to re-fashion the sails of the boat devoured earlier by Jormungandr into a set of solar-powered gliders. The Turtles arrive at the volcanic pools and confront the hordes of Vikings, with Donatello attempting to disable the bomb but facing resistance from Eric. A final confrontation unfolds between the two within the volcano, but Donnie was able to study the schematics of Thor’s supposed hammer while aboard Jormungandr and activates a device which vaporises it. (Throughout this episode the hammer has been drawn, confusingly, as an axe.) With the villain defeated, he goes on to send the detonator device into the air on one of the gliders, narrowly avoiding disaster.
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With the day saved, the team reunite, Donatello noting how hungry he is after today’s events. April reveals that she saved him a slice of the fish pizza from the beginning of the episode, leading the team’s resident inventor to run off, repulsed.
“Northern Lights Out” might be the most action-themed episode of the European Vacation arc, consisting largely of a series of chase scenes. We get a small amount of breathing room when the Turtles discover the Viking village, but soon our heroes are on their way again. Pedersen and Moss are among the show’s most prolific contributors and make a point of giving the Turtles plenty of one-liners along the way, which helped a great deal in maintaining my interest.
Like “Artless” before it, this episode breaks from convention by introducing a new villain; this should be refreshing, but Jim Cummings voices Eric the Redeye here sounding almost identical to his substitute Shredder, which diminishes the novelty considerably. Eric reminds me of the jewel thieves from “April Gets in Dutch” in that his defeat feels rushed and unsatisfying; Donatello destroys his hammer and Eric simply falls to his knees before the story moves on to hurriedly tie up the remaining loose ends before the end credits roll.
One final episode of this arc remains! Next time the green teens return to London and travel back in time for a very special crossover of sorts in “Elementary, My Dear Turtle”.
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marshamcourt · 9 months
Visit Poole Harbour from Marsham Court Hotel
The main urban area of ??Bournemouth also includes several other towns, the most important of which is Poole. Poole has a lot to offer, but it's best known for its harbor, Europe's largest natural harbor.
Holidaying to Bournemouth's leading family hotel, Marsham Court Hotel, you'll be perfectly placed to explore Poole Harbor and enjoy everything from the unique natural surroundings to water sports.
Enjoy the beauty of Poole Harbor
Poole has been a major port since Roman times and benefits from having the largest natural harbor in Europe and perhaps her second largest in the world. Originally a large estuary that flooded at the end of the last ice age, it now offers spectacular views.
The wetlands around Poole Harbor are important enough to be included in the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands. This is a paradise for birdwatchers, especially wading birds. The port is also lined with many woodlands that are home to a wide variety of wildlife.
His 4 square kilometers of Poole Harbour, which makes up the Poole Marine Reserve, is home to more than 360 marine species in 10 different underwater habitats. The harbor also has several islands, many of which are worth visiting Read More......
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dansnaturepictures · 1 year
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29/09/23-Brownsea Island
Wildlife photos taken today in this set are of: 1, 2, 6, 7 and 8. Enchanting and charismatic Red Squirrels, it was an honour to watch these beauties running around including very close to us, feeding and caching nuts; seeing a huge amount perhaps the most we've ever seen on a day with six in view at once in the woods at one point which is extraordinary. This is always an immersive, uplifting and thrilling experiences seeing these extraordinary mammals and it was so pleasurable to get to do it a second September running and indeed go to Brownsea twice in a year seeing a squirrel briefly on that previous visit in May. And I really wanted to come here in our September week off as getting photos of Red Squirrels today means I've both seen and photographed Red Squirrels in England, Scotland and Wales this year an ambition I had in this unique year of visiting both Scotland and Wales for me. It felt amazing to do this and it's a real staple of the extraordinary year I've had being lucky to see this mammal in different corners of the country. 3. One of loads of Greenshanks seen on Brownsea lagoon also perhaps the most we'd ever seen at once with Teal a bird we enjoyed in great numbers and Moorhen behind, it was a joy to watch seas of these pristine waders. 4. A rosy Shelduck in the sun, it was good to see a few close by at the Avocet hide more great time spent with this bird I love this week and here this year. 5. Avocets and Black-tailed Godwit, the former a highlight again here. 9. Spoonbills another big highlight today, fine birds with Grey Heron. 10. A Pheasant we got close to at the area behind the church where we were watching the squirrels. 11. A bright Speckled Wood it was nice to see.
It was also fantastic to see well a majestic Osprey gliding over near the lagoon as we looked over Poole Harbour from high up in the nature reserve, yet another sighting this autumn and this year bringing me to a pleasing and unprecedented for me tenth occasion seeing one this year of this bird I adore. Other highlights today were top Raven views whilst watching the Osprey, Jay, Long-tailed Tit, Coal Tit, a fair few Red Admiral on the island and on the way over possibly migrating, Peacock (the butterfly and bird also around the back of the church as they often are, the first time I'd seen both in a day), Common Darter, Migrant Hawker, hoverfly, ant, Oystercatcher, Curlew and Dunlin seen together well, Turnstone, Cormorant, Great Black-backed Gull, Black-headed Gull and intimate juvenile Herring Gulls at Poole Quay before boarding the boat. Nice plants seen were St. John's-wort, dock, Michaelmas daisies and beautiful bell heather that looked a great colour. I enjoyed seeing spiders at home this evening and Goldfinches with possibly a Greenfinch, Collared Dove and Starling before going out at home today.
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mchithane321 · 1 year
Why Investing in Residential Properties in Thane is the Safest Bet for the Future of Real Estate
The COVID-19 pandemic has given individuals a fresh perspective on the importance of owning their own homes, and the real estate market is responding to this shifting demand. As you evaluate your investment portfolio, it is crucial to identify the best location for your property investment in a market full of potential. Let's explore the numerous reasons why purchasing a residential property in Thane can turn out to be one of the wisest investment decisions you have ever made. One of the most compelling factors supporting Thane as an ideal investment destination is its historical price appreciation. Real estate has long been regarded as a consistently growing market from an investment standpoint, and Thane has gracefully followed this trend. Over the past five to six years, residential properties in Thane have witnessed a gradual growth in prices. For instance, the average price range in Thane West increased from INR 10,503 per sq. ft. in 2015 to INR 12,634 per sq. ft. in 2021, while Thane East experienced a significant boost from INR 9,527 per sq. ft. in 2015 to INR 13,780 per sq. ft. in 2021. Surrounding locations in Thane have also witnessed similar price appreciation, further bolstering the assets of real estate investors. Historical statistics reveal notable increases in property rates across various regions of Thane, such as Vasant Vihar, Teen Haath Naka, Ghodbunder Road, and Pokhran Road. These statistics provide tangible evidence of the potential for real estate investments in Thane. Another compelling aspect of Thane as an investment destination is its appeal as a detoxing destination. With the growing awareness of climate change, homebuyers are increasingly seeking properties situated in natural settings. The COVID-19 pandemic has also emphasized the importance of healthcare. Thane, with its lush surroundings, offers a promising future for real estate investments. Residential properties in Thane are located near serene freshwater bodies like the Upvan Lake, Talao Pali Lake, Kachrali Lake, Masunda Lake, and the picturesque Kelwa ocean side. Moreover, the Thane creek attracts various migrating bird species, including the mesmerizing flamingos, while the magnificent Sanjay Gandhi National Park contributes to cleaner air with its dense greenery. Additionally, the Gavli Dev Waterfall & Bird Sanctuary provides a peaceful outing, and the Yeoor Hills serve as an excellent trekking destination. Thane stands out as one of the few cities that offer abundant natural bliss right at your doorstep. Thus, investing in properties in Thane from a future-oriented perspective is a wise choice. Connectivity plays a crucial role in the appeal of Thane as a real estate investment. Thane boasts seamless connectivity to essential junctions in the state. The city is linked to major roads such as Ghodbunder Road, JVLR, SCLR, Eastern Freeway, NH 8, Mumbai-Nashik Highway, and Thane-Belapur Road, facilitating easy travel to Navi Mumbai and Mumbai's Eastern-Western Suburbs. The upcoming Metro Line 4, stretching from Wadala to Kasarvadavali, will further enhance transit and reduce travel time by 50% to 75%. Furthermore, Thane is connected to Mumbai's local train network through the Central Harbour Rail Line, Thane-Panvel Rail Line, and Central Railways, making it an integral part of the city's transportation infrastructure. Thane has also emerged as a location of luxury, transitioning from a barren land to hosting opulent and high-end townships. Recognizing that achieving a lavish lifestyle in the space-constrained city of Mumbai is challenging, investors are turning their attention to Thane. Residential properties in Thane now offer homes in gated communities with 4 to 5 BHK apartments. These properties boast indoor game rooms, centrally air-conditioned and fully-equipped gymnasiums, indoor swimming pools, clubhouses, party halls, children's play areas, mini theaters, and other modern amenities. Thane has evolved from being a low-cost suburb to an essential element of a luxurious lifestyle. The Ghodbunder Road, Pokhran Road, and Vasant Vihar region, renowned for their extravagant properties, are top choices for homebuyers seeking premium apartments in a metropolitan city. The gradual increase in elite and high-end communities within the city further reinforces Thane's appeal as a real estate investment. Additionally, Thane is an evolving metropolis that offers a plethora of opportunities. Owning a residential property in Thane means being part of a thriving urban township with a cluster of commercial establishments. The city's corporate potential has attracted young professionals from surrounding regions, leading to the establishment of notable brands and organizations. Thane is already home to prominent companies such as Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), DIL Limited, Bayer India, Otis Elevator Company, Voltas, and Bharat Insulation Company India Private Limited. The city also offers an attractive nightlife and various recreational activities, supported by top-tier healthcare systems. The continuous influx of migrants has positioned Thane as an essential candidate for potential real estate investment. The opportunity to invest in Thane is knocking at your door, and it should not be missed. Seize the chance to invest in a location that is in its growth stage and allocate your funds towards residential properties in Thane. By doing so, you will not only secure a safe and profitable investment but also become a part of Thane's promising future as a thriving real estate market.
Also read: Vastu Shastra: Enhancing Prosperity in Your Office Space
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As birds seek solace in their nests, humans also have an innate longing to find a safe and welcoming place that they can call their own. Our homes are where we form lasting memories, nurture family bonds, and make decisions that shape our lives. A sanctuary that shelters us and provides a sense of belonging. It forms the fulcrum of our life, the nucleus from which all our daily experiences extend.
The home becomes the grounding for the family’s shared sense of purpose while providing a springboard for each member to pursue their own aspirations and dreams. Our homes have often sheltered multiple generations, where structures turn into treasures of memories, that harbour each phase and aspect of our being. These dreams of living comfortably with your loved ones come true at Eternia and Enigma by Oberoi Realty, where spacious living is truly transformed.
The towering heights of Eternia and Enigma redefine the skyline of Mumbai’s central suburbs. Crisp, clean lines and materials and the use of light, texture and space within our apartments come together to endow an unprecedented luxury to Mulund’s locales. The luxury of space, elevation, aesthetics, facilities and soothing vistas. The tastefully designed apartments allow every member of your family to personalize their experiences and the generous space allows room for your tribe to come together and celebrate togetherness. Space that permits tranquility to be cherished as much as the vibrant life within it.
Eternia and Enigma facilitates harmony between human habitation and the natural world by placing the developments in the midst of lush landscaping and also against the awe-infusing backdrops of the mountains of Sanjay Gandhi National Park and the serenity of Vihar Lake. As you gaze out from your voluminous three-to-four bedroom apartments, every window frames a view.
Replenish your spirits in the swimming pool after a long day, challenge your friends to a game of squash, breathe easy in the landscaped gardens and declutter your mind in the meditation room facilities. Eternia and Enigma’s more than 30 world-class amenities elevate your wellbeing and revel in a world of rejuvenation.
The towering heights of Eternia and Enigma redefine the skyline of Mumbai’s central suburbs, Eternia and Enigma’s towering heights inspire wonder and create the pinnacle of a wholesome life. Nestled in the lap of nature, your world of evolved living is also seamlessly connected to the world outside and with the upcoming Goregaon Mulund Link Road and the proposed Metro station, connectivity is at your doorstep.
Author – Rohan Valecha
Ref: https://www.oberoirealty.com/blog/transforming-and-elevating-spacious-living-eternia-and-enigma-by-oberoi-realty
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propvestors · 1 year
Which is the best residential project to offer 2&3 BHK flats with modern amenities in Joka, Kolkata?
In today’s world, we are always looking for a home in the right place with full of amenities, luxuries, and comforts. Buying a perfect home is the dream of every home buyer. To improve your quality of life while keeping your budget in mind, let’s talk about some projects near Joka, Kolkata.
So, you have come to the right place if you are searching for a 2/3 BHK flat in Joka, Kolkata. We are Propvestors, the best Real Estate consultants in Kolkata. The top 5 projects in Kolkata that provide you with luxurious, yet inexpensive apartments, which have been dedicatedly searched by our hardworking team. On several criteria, including connectivity, amenities, construction quality, and customer reviews, we shortlisted them. And bring it in front of you.
About Joka
Joka is a locality in Southwest Kolkata, India. The prominent IIM-Calcutta institution is located near the Joka metro station, and it is a major lure for both full-time and part-time students. Calcutta Business School, NPC College of Science and Management, and Palian College of Management & Technology are some further noteworthy schools in the region that contribute to Joka’s reputation as an educational center. While some students choose to live on campus. Many others look for furnished apartments in this location at the beginning of the school year. The continual stream of students and state government development initiatives have turned Joka into a residential hub, making life simpler for the locals.
There are several bus and tram services in Joka. that connect its residents to the other neighborhoods in the city, such as Diamond Harbour Road. The proposed Joka BBD Bagh would link the neighborhood between Joka and Taratala with up to 6 stations (Thakurpukur, Behala Chowrasta, Behala Bazar, etc.).
Many others look for furnished apartments in this location at the beginning of the school year. The continual stream of students and state government development initiatives have turned Joka into a residential hub, making life simpler for the locals.
So, here we have some best residential projects in which Propvestors dedicatedly offers 2/3 BHK flats in Joka, Kolkata
1. Rajat Amantran 
Amantran is a bungalow project by Rajat Homes and Eden Group. The project spreads over 11 acres with 126 units. Amantran offers you 4 BHK, 5 BHK, and Twin Bungalows.
A place where the sun’s first rays brush your cheek, a cold breeze clears your head, and the enchanting song of birds enlivens your spirit. Take a step into the luxury you have long desired. Private gardens and roomy living areas are eager to welcome you. Not just that. The corridor and yard here will make your childhood memories come to life. Amantran, which is quite roomy and close to the Joka subway, provides remarkable living in the city.
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Landscaped Garden With a seating area.
Swimming pool with Deck.
Cricket and Badminton Court.
Rooftop wellness area.
Fruit Orchard.
AC gymnasium.
Multipurpose studio.
Indoor kids’ play area.
Club House.
Adda zone.
Yoga lawn with a pavilion.
Amantran is located on Diamond Harbour Road near Bharat Sevashram, Joka, Kolkata.
2. DTC Sojon 
One of the biggest developments in the Joka and Behala region is DTC Sojon, a lifestyle residential development by DTC Group. With excellent access to the entire city, only three minutes from the recently established Joka Metro. The building has a 90,000 square-foot green podium with a games and movie theatre outside, box cricket, a pet area, a fishing pond, and many other facilities.
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To know more, Download your Brochure
DTC Sojon offers you 2 BHK (880 sq. ft -960 sq. ft) and 3 BHK (1029 sq. ft -1370 sq. ft) apartments. It is located on D.H. Road, next to IIM, Joka, Kolkata.
DTC Sojon takes you from the hustle and bustle of city life to an urban paradise. Where you can still feel the love and support of your family. You are surrounded by a sense of majesty in this 60,000-square-foot area of landscaped gardens, and jogging paths. And three side open south-facing lifestyle houses while still feeling completely at home.
      Movie theatre outside.
      Box cricket.
      A Pet area.
      A Fishing pond.
      Puja Celebration Lawn.
      Sunken Amphitheatre.
      Cove Seating.
      Barbeque Pavilion.
      A Kids Play Area.
DTC Sojon is located on D.H Road, next to IIM, Joka, Kolkata.
3. DTC Southern Heights 
DTC Southern Heights is the most anticipated project by the DTC group, which is in Joka, Kolkata, and it is a housing community. It is spread over a large tract; the community has apartments of different configurations available. DTC Southern Heights offers apartments with the ideal fusion of modern technology and architecture to ensure pleasant living. The apartments come in two different layouts 2BHK and 3BHK. It consists of 28 towers in total, 14 levels in the building, and 1352 units available for lodging. DTC Southern Heights has a tonne to offer, including a gym, a RO system, and power backup.
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 To know more, Download your Brochure
A Gated Community.
Tennis Court, Cricket Pitch.
Basketball Court.
Badminton Court, Cycling & Jogging Track.
Golf Course.
Children’s Play Area.
Restaurants/ Cafeterias.
Conference Room.
Swimming Pool.
It is located on Joka, near IIM Kolkata.
4. The 102 
The 102 is a kingdom of unparalleled luxury, designed by SRSS, one of the finest architects from Singapore, with construction technology from South Korea and landscaping by Tectonix Thailand, although it offers an unparalleled plethora of recreational facilities at an unbelievable price.
A residential project, The 102 Kolkata is offering units for sale in Pailan. Check out some Apartments that suit your lifestyle and liking. The possession date of The 102 is Jul 2023. The property offers 2 BHK, and 3 BHK units. As per the area plan, units are in the size range of 520.0 – 646.0 sq. ft. The project by PS Group is set on 5.3 Acres. This residential project was launched in February 2018. It has 658 units. Contact me for further details.
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      Banquet Hall
      Swimming Pool.
      Children’s Play Area.
      Open Car Parking.
      Jogging Track.
      Skating Rink.
      Multipurpose Room.
      Club House
The 102 is located on D.H. Road, Joka, Opp to Bharat Sevashram Sangha Hospital, 600m from IIM, Joka.
5. Emami Aastha
Emami Aastha, a Luxury Bungalow Township in Joka, a project developed by Emami Realty Ltd.  Joka Kolkata is intended to be a development that is planned as an urban forest, rich in diversity, and fosters a healthy ecosystem. That ensures the growth of all living things equally.
Emami Aastha is one of the Premium Bungalow Township projects, located at Bhasa, near Joka, aggregating approx 39 acres. Currently, Phase I is being launched on 5.5 acres approx with a range of 3 BHK, and 4 BHK luxury bungalows.
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A stone’s throw from the Joka Metro Station and just opposite the grand Shri Swaminarayan Temple.  Together with the parks’ evolution into tiny forests with small and large water bodies. The township’s diverse and plentiful flora offered a nesting spot for both local and migratory birds, strengthening the bond between people and their natural environment. An individual is enthralled by the idea of waking up early in the morning to the sounds of chirping birds. And this excitement gives them a vivid vitality that lasts all day.
      Multiple Waterbodies.
      Toddler’s Play Area.
      Wide Balconies.
      Kid’s Room.
      Yoga Deck.
      Jogging and Walking Track.
Emami Aastha is located in Joka, Kolkata.
You can send us your requirements and a phone number if you’re interested in purchasing a property in one of those projects, and a member of our dedicated team will get in touch with you. Our professional sales staff thoroughly examines all potential situations and offers guidance to buyers of real estate in selecting their ideal residence.
Furthermore, if you’re interested in purchasing a property in this area, you can give us a call on our number +91 90734 43322. And our dedicated team will connect with you.
 Propvestors is the best real estate broker consultants’ company in Kolkata. We have begun a new journey from 2020 in the “City of Joy” with a dream to become the most Trusted Global Brand in Real Estate in Kolkata & with the vision to provide quality homes for all. Propvestors promote bungalows, villas, and apartments around Kolkata, located In Rajarhat, New Town, Tollygaunge, Joka, Madhyamgram & EM Bypass, and so on.
We are empowered to execute our dreams into reality through the execute your all queries and getting your apartment is very reasonable than your present alternative. Finding affordable flats, Apartment Bungalow is all over Kolkata for you. We know our customers’ needs and are committed to providing the finest homes. Propvestors is already winning the heart & minds of thousands of customers through the properties, Flats, bungalows & apartments located all over Kolkata.
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inescvaub · 1 year
MP: Batsford: Reflection & revisiting poetry
Following feedback, I decided to revisit finding narratives through poetry. Although the bison and bird concept had some playful nuances, my tutors felt like drawing on past memories may yield a more authentic result. It also didn;t fall under my subject area of human-nature relationships. 
I found a very nostalgic poem called Low Tide at St Andrews by Emily Pauline Johnson, which describes how the lowering of the sea is full of magic and peace. This poem reminds me of the summer evenings I’d spend in the rock pools as a child, hunting around for sea creatures. Its a very peaceful memory for me, and one that reminds me of my home by the sea.
The long red flats stretch open to the sky, Breathing their moisture on the August air. The seaweeds cling with flesh-like fingers where The rocks give shelter that the sands deny; And wrapped in all her summer harmonies St. Andrews sleeps beside her sleeping seas.
The far-off shores swim blue and indistinct, Like half-lost memories of some old dream. The listless waves that catch each sunny gleam Are idling up the waterways land-linked, And, yellowing along the harbour's breast, The light is leaping shoreward from the west.
And naked-footed children, tripping down, Light with young laughter, daily come at eve To gather pulse and sea clams and then heave Their loads, returning laden to the town, Leaving a strange grey silence when they go,— The silence of the sands when tides are low.
Low Tide at St Andrews by Emily Pauline Johnson
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caranelguild · 1 year
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The Celer Gontalus safely ensconced at a mid-city harbour tower by noon, our adventurers head to the nearest public house to gather some information. Krieg learns that foreign nobles have, within the last twenty or thirty odd years, been establishing themselves and seeking to exert influence on the direction of the city. The others learn, among other inconsequential things, that there is a street performer in the famous tiered garden district of the city who uses weasels in his act, and this takes precedence over anything else.
Krieg and Vola pay well over standard to hire rickshaw drivers willing to race them to the gardens and the others follow more sedately for pennies. The tiered gardens of Kaigan Katai stretch for thousands of acres down a slope that in ancient history was under the sea; Krieg (whose rickshaw driver won the race) and Vola are well ahead of their companions to the incredible vista at the top of the gardens, and they don’t waste time in observation but head down a wide, lengthy stair to a central plaza in the middle of the gardens where Vola learns to her disappointment that the weasel performer only comes out in the morning.
But there are plenty of other buskers, bards, and performers to occupy the gang’s interest. By the time Damaia and Quagoon arrive, Krieg has already been listening to stories for some time, hoping to pick up anything related to the marsh-god’s sense-poem, and Vola is in conversation with an old gnome and her ancient, balding parrot.
The goliath is hard-pressed to hold back from funding a weekend getaway to a resort spa for the centenarian bird, but does donate enough cash for him and his owner to happily provide some information about the “new nobles” taking over the city. Vola learns that they are appropriating local culture to win their way into power, and of the traditions they are misusing one of the most heinous has been that of an ancient, discarded practice involving the summoning of demons called Tengu and various blood rituals.
On his rotation through the plaza’s storytellers, Krieg hears tales of these beings as well.
Meanwhile Damaia brings the strange ring she found in the Tulean buttes to a mage advertising readings, identifications, and sundries. This local performer, a crow aarakocra, puts on a show of prestidigitation over the ring before seeming to genuinely access a sort of poetic identification of the item, reciting in broken common a short verse suggesting the ring was used for healing of some sort.
The weasels being a dead end and other information providing much to think on, our adventurers look at the enormous staircase which they must now ascend and consider finding a place to store their bags and have a think.
Quagoon and Krieg lead the way through the city nearer to the noble quarter, where they identify a bathhouse inn. They are given a tour of the establishment and splurge on the full package, including a large shared room, two days of dinner service, and a tea ceremony and entertainment as well as access to the baths and the specialists there.
The rest of the afternoon is spent in luxurious relaxation as our adventurers immerse themselves in the hot mineral pools, are given massages, and soak in mud baths. After the tea service, they nap until dinner.
After dinner, feeling much revived, they are heading off to further investigate their leads when the concierge notifies them that they have received three letters.
The first of the letters is in an envelope of pearlescent paper fragranced with perfume. It is from a “Lady Kobayashi”, who offers to delight them as long as they are guests in the city.
The second is on fine, creamy paper with a perfectly stamped seal, and is from Lady Shinozaki, who suggests they may be able to be of benefit to each other.
The third is on thick cardstock with a grey seal, from Lord Honga. He warns them of traps and offers his assistance, should they require it.
Our adventurers ask the concierge about these, and of the three nobles the aarakockran employee has only heard of Lady Kobayashi by reputation: she lives in the largest palace in the city and throws lavish parties.
Lord Honga is first on the group’s list to visit, thinking it best to hear of these apparent traps before they fall into one. On their way into the noble quarter, they also keep an eye out for these Tengu - red-faced (or -masked) harpy-like beings allegedly employed by the new nobility.
They are directed to Honga Palace by a knife-sharpener, who also points out the roof of Kobayashi palace, visible above the tops of the nearest mansions. Lord Honga, they are told, lives in the Twelve Lakes district.
On the way there, a noble’s procession passes them by and our adventurers get their first look at these Tengu. The stoic looking individuals, with swords at their belts, walking before and behind the noble’s palanquin, are identified as wearing masks - just-visible straps holding the grimacing red visages upon the bodyguard’s heads, but the capering Tengu at the head of the procession, rattling a feathered instrument and leaping from side to side, does not give our adventurers a chance to identify its nature as person or demon. Either the mask is of better fit and quality, or its grotesque expression is the genuine grin of a summoned demon.
The procession passes, and soon the party arrives in the Twelve Lakes district, where canals and bodies of water sit within manicured embankments and retaining walls. The lakes themselves feature manors and palaces built upon the water itself, cobblestone foundations lapped by clear water now coloured by a sunset.
Honga Palace is pointed out to our crew and they head to its courtyard gate. After tugging the bellpull, they are greeted by a tall heron-aarakocra draped in a greyblue robe. They are invited in and placed in a comfortable waiting chamber while they are assured by the valet, who introduces himself as Tenten, that the lord will greet them personally within the hour.
As the time passes, our adventurers begin to wonder if they should be insulted, but when Lord Honga arrives - a stern looking elf with a manicured beard that suggests some non-elf blood - he smooths over their rough edges with a full apology and the explanation of pressing business.
Lord Honga is an amicable host, and answers all of our adventurers’ questions. They ask about the other nobles who sent them letters -
Lady Kobayashi, they learn, is unlikely to be involved in anything truly untoward. She has great influence in the city, but more or less what you see is what you get: she is a socialite to the point of excess. While she employs a few “Tengu” (Lord Honga strongly doubts there being any real demons in the city, though certainly some nobles are conducting very real blood ceremonies), it is simply for the image: if others are doing it, Lady Kobayashi will do it, too, and even more elaborately. Lord Honga does not suspect her of being one of the nobles to truly conduct bloody rituals for power.
Lady Shinozaki is a newer of the new nobles: she is living in the palace of a noble who left for less rife politics a decade or so ago. She is a bit of an enigma, but she has supported Lord Honga’s efforts to ban the Tengu revival and its bastardized ceremonies from the city. She has not, to Honga’s disappointment, accepted his invitation to tea and conversation. While she does not employ Tengu or engage in blood ritual, Lord Honga feels he must point out that she is a tielfing and is consequently impossible not to associate at least at some level with demonkind. Honga mentions that her palace is in the same district.
The party also asks after the noble whose procession they observed, and learns that Lord Shiraishi is a petty noble, a follower. For a time, he had been under Lord Honga’s tutelage, until he refused to reject the Tengu trend, at which point Lord Honga rejected his protege’s company.
- and Lord Honga is also asked about who might be the noble most likely to employ real Tengu and engage in elicit rituals. He tells them about Lord Shinonome, a noble who has in recent years gained an exorbitant amount of power and influence despite being neither as showy as Lady Kobayashi nor as outspoken in council as Lord Honga himself. Lord Honga warns our adventurers away from looking into this suspicious noble.
Our motley crew thanks Lord Honga for his advice and information and head back to their inn for the night.
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realtydubai · 1 year
Penthouses for Sale in Safa Two Ultra Luxury SkyLoft
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https://youtu.be/b2laBXpCGl4?modestbranding=1&autoplay=1 Penthouses for Sale in Safa Two Ultra Luxury SkyLoft
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Call Realty Dubai at +971507707560 - Penthouses for Sale in Safa Two - Below Market Pricing - Interest Free Payment Plan - Save Now with Off Plan Pricing - Buy at Low Construction Prices - Easy Payment Plan / 10% Down - 0% Personal Income Tax, Rental Income Tax, Capital Gain Tax - De Grisogono Geneve Swiss Jeweler Styled - 84 Floors - Burj, Palm and Atlantis Views - Studio, 1, 2, 3 bedrooms & Penthouse - 4 Bedroom Penthouse with Private Pool - 5 year Financing Available - Costs From 788,000 AED / $215,000 - 3 Year Investor Visa for Self & Family Eligible - 11th Floor Sandy Beach Pool - High Floor Spiraling Glass Slide - Edge Walk deck with 360 degree panoramic views - Worlds Highest Fog Forest on Top Floor - Observatory - Cafes, Restaurants & Stores - Valet - Gym & Spa - Landscaped Terraces - Exclusive Club House & Cigar Lounge - Booming Property Market - 20 Million Annual Visitors By 2025• - 10 Year Golden UAE Residency Visa for Investors - 10 Most Visited Cities in The World In 2018* - Dubai is 7th Safest City in the World by Numbero - Dubai is 24th City in Quality of Life Index - UAE offering Citizenship to Foreigners• - 0% Personal Income Tax, Rental Income Tax, Capital Gain Tax
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Safa Two Ultra Luxury SkyLoft Penthouse Apartment
Penthouses for Sale in Safa Two : Buy a Safa Two Penthouse with Private Infinity Pool and hydroponic Private Garden for $2,126,022. Looking for luxury living in the heart of Dubai? Look no further than the Safa Two Penthouse apartment, now available for sale. Skylofts Collection can be found at Safa Two, another collaboration between DAMAC and de GRISOGONO. Located on the 73rd to 84th levels of the property.The exclusive residential units provide residents access to the unique fog forest on the 85th floor, in addition to the Observatory and exhilarating fog forest. Skylofts Collection are situated on the upper levels of Safa Two, another collaboration between DAMAC and de GRISOGONO and its central location allows you to gaze upon sweeping views of Safa Park, World Islands and Bulgari Island from one side, and breathtaking vistas towards Burj Al Arab, Palm Jumeirah and Atlantis on the other. 05 mins - Jumeirah Beach 11 mins - Dubai Mall / Burj Khalifa 13 mins - Mall of the Emirates 14 mins - Dubai World Trade Centre 16 mins - Burj Al Arab 19 mins - Dubai International Airport 22 mins - Dubai Yacht Harbour Located in the prestigious Safa Two community, this spacious penthouse offers breathtaking views of the Dubai skyline, as well as access to a variety of top-notch amenities. Inside, the Penthouses for Sale in Safa Two features high-end finishes and modern design, making it the perfect space for those who appreciate luxury and style.With its prime location and exceptional features, the Safa Two Penthouse is the perfect choice for anyone looking to buy a high-end apartment in Dubai. Whether you're an investor or a homeowner, this property offers the perfect blend of luxury and location, making it a great value for anyone looking to purchase in the area.Don't miss out on the opportunity to own a piece of Dubai's most sought-after real estate. Contact us today to schedule a viewing and take the first step towards making the Penthouses for Sale in Safa Two your new home.
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"Apartment Owners will be eligible to apply for a UAE 3-year Investor Visa"
Safa Two Ultra Luxury SkyLoft Penthouse Apartment
Penthouse Masterplan De Grisogono a Swiss Jeweller has used its love for Emeralds, Diamonds and Gold and expressed it through these towers for the first time, attracting people with exquisite taste. The Towers also enjoys various extravagant amenities for its residents to use such as, a man made private beach that throws waves, a tropical garden at the rooftop with rare birds. Safa Two de Grisogono, Damac’s second luxurious project in Safa Park, features studios, 1, 2, and 3-bedroom apartments. Imagine meeting a dream come true in person. A place, unlike anything you’ve ever seen before. Accept an invitation into the impossible and step into the luxury of the unknown. The dazzling splendour of Damac Safa Two, inspired by the sun, is set to become the city’s most prominent landmark on the golden mile. Its one-of-a-kind design, which is meant to resemble a cut diamond, can be seen from miles away. The Damac Safa Two edge walk provides thrill seekers with a healthy dose of adrenaline as they take a stroll on the edge of the abyss, gazing down at the clouds. The spiralling glass slide, not to be outdone, is set to be an exhilarating ride with a truly spectacular view of Dubai’s heart for those brave enough to try it. Safa Two by DAMAC is a newly launched residential tower located just across the street from Safa One. The building is situated directly on the Sheikh Zayed Road, and the project is branded by de GRISOGONO, inspired by the Ruby Gemstone. DAMAC Safa Two has 83 floors and is distinguished with a futuristic and fluid architectural design. Safa One & Two will be connected at the top by electric cabins with stunning views of the Sheikh Zayed Road. Properties in DAMAC Safa Two comprise studios, as well as apartments with 1 to-3 bedrooms and living areas range from 400 to 1500 sqft. The residential project will feature a floating infinity pool with transparent bottom and edges, an edge walk deck with 360 degree panoramic views of Dubai, a glass slide at the top of the tower, 4 beach inspired pools and much more. Apartments in Safa Two will be modifiable due to a Murphy bed, which allows the bedroom to be converted into an office, or the sliding bars which allow the occupant to transform the living area into a party room, as well as mirror partition, which enables the living area to become bigger by closing the kitchen. The branded DAMAC Safa Two de GRISOGONO apartments has an advantageous location near the main highway of Dubai – the Sheikh Zayed Road, which provides easy access to other parts of the emirate. The Downtown Dubai district, as well as the main business hub of the emirate; Business Bay, are easily accessible from DAMAC Safa Two de GRISOGONO. Travel time to these districts will take about 10-minutes. All residents will enjoy fast access to big Safa Park, where they can relax and walk the surrounding greenery. The residential complex is surrounded by all the necessary infrastructure amenities, including Medcare Hospital, Union Coop �� Jumeirah supermarket, different dining options and much more. Modern residences in DAMAC Safa Two de GRISOGONO are ideally suited for young professionals as well as families with children due to their different layouts and spacious rooms. The residential complex offers an exclusive living experience in one of these gorgeous residential towers, which have hanging gardens and cascading waterfalls as part of the exterior.  Penthouse Owners are 3 Year UAE Visa Eligibile By purchasing real estate in the residential tower of DAMAC Safa Two, owners will be eligible to apply for a UAE 3-year investor visa, which allows family sponsorship, including a spouse, children, and parents. This type of visa offers various benefits such as the right to reside in the UAE, acquiring a UAE driving license, opening a bank account and much more. Penthouse Features & Amenities Private Infinity Pool with Private Garden and grill area. Apart from being a work of art, the heart also houses opulent amenities like a one-of-a-kind sapphire infinity pool with views of Sheikh Zayed Road and high-end eateries. The amenities are undoubtedly second to none and are unexpected and exceptional. The podium-level artificial beach pool, designed to stand out, transports you to the fine sand of Navagio or La Concha, giving you ample opportunity to relax in the shade of natural palm trees while admiring the magnificent Dubai skyline.
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Penthouses for Sale in Safa Two
Address Safa Two, Aykon City Sheikh Zayed Road, Business Bay, Downtown Dubai, UAE - 15 Minutes to DXB Airport - 10 Minutes to The Dubai Mall - 15 Minutes to Dubai Marina Safa Two Penthouse Location Damac Safa Two at Safa Park is surrounded by Dubai’s most desirable neighbourhoods, including the iconic Burj area with its world-renowned landmarks, and opens onto breathtaking views of Sheikh Zayed Road and Business Bay. The urban recreational avenues of City Walk and Box Park, as well as Jumeirah Beach, are just minutes away from Safa Two. Nature’s delights meet a humble setting where jewellery gleams with an emerald gleam, and natural splendour prevails. Damac Safa Two looks forward to meeting you. Damac Safa Two is located across the street from Safa One, and the two developments are set to form an elegant archway, separating central Dubai from the city’s newer areas. The former has been purposefully designed to provide residents with breathtaking views of the canal, the Burj Al Arab, The World Islands, and the Palm Jumeirah. -  Dubai International Airport -  Dubai Media City -  Jumeirah Beach -  Business Bay Metro Station -  The Dubai Mall -  Dubai Marina Located ideally on the main arterial road of Dubai, that is Sheikh Zayed Road, Safa Two is easily accessible. Just minutes away from the main attractions of the city, Safa Two is located perfectly. Safa Two is a crowning jewel in Dubai and is nestled close to Safa Park. It is easily accessible for the residents. When you live in Safa Two, you are just minutes away from Burj Al Arab, Palm Jumeirah, Bulgari island as well as the World islands.
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