#bishops cotl
art-crumbs-main · 6 months
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WIP I hope to God I'll finish one of these days.
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writer-of-the-lamb · 9 months
"godly moment" - cotl one shot by me
-- how clauneck met the lamb, my headcanon. --
Darkwood buzzed with rumours. Villages were like pinpricks among the forest and foliage, each one carrying the same tale.
Just yesterday, a rumble overtook the realm. Their bishop Leshy had been silent for a while, no longer passing along, his head held high in blind pride.
People whispered to one another, flooding Clauneck's stall with questions that the cards could not answer. That is, until one fateful night, a rustle met Clauneck's collection.
"Good evening. The cards may deliver wisdom, like honey to a fly, one cannot be tempted with-"
A slash cut through the silence, and a red glow glazed the grassy floor. Clauneck squinted at a small figure approaching.
No bigger than any other villager he had seen, a small lamb sat himself before him, eyes wide with what looked like innocence and felt like malice.
Atop his head, almost comically shocking, was the red crown of the One Who Waits, its eye gleaming at him like they had met before.
Clauneck reached for his cards, shuffling them for something to do in the tense silence. Was he going to die? The cards looked at him at a loss. Clearing his throat, he spread 4 in front of the lamb.
A tiny hoof tapped one in the centre.
Clauneck silently picked it up, spinning it to reveal aqua illustrations. He swallowed thickly, meeting eyes with the lamb before him.
"..Godly Moment. You may taste, for a moment....sanctitude." he whispered, his words carried into the wispy breeze.
The lamb studied the card intently, tilting his head as if he were a small child. A small child bearing the weight of a devil atop curled fleece.
"I'm invincible?" The lamb seemed to question, sword by his side in an idle lean.
"No-one is invincible." Clauneck began, analysing his face, "Those who argue with fate are always defeated."
The lamb stood, dragging the sword with him. Red ink coursed down it like tears. The lamb's eyes glimmered in the moonlight. The eye engraved in the crown seemed to crinkle in a nonexistent smile.
"Fate's never met me." The lamb grinned, nodding briskly before turning on his heel, vanishing into the thick of the woods.
Clauneck held the card to his chest. The aqua art seemed to melt into a deep, shocking crimson. The same eye on the card looked up at him, mocking.
This lamb, by some twist of destiny, survived slaughter. Clauneck had not seen a lamb in months.
And yet here this one was, bearing the unmistakable Red Crown of the infamous ex-bishop.
Darkwood began to fear The One Who Waits a long time ago, and now? Now they feared exactly what he was waiting for.
"The tides are changing." Clauneck whispered to the star ornaments above him. "I fear we are not ready."
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mewniemoon · 3 months
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lambment · 7 months
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request: "What do your bishops look like and how does the lamb think of them?"
I haven’t decided (or started) on designs yet. As for my lambs opinion, they process everything through humour, I would say this is their surface level opinion on the bishops. There’s obviously the deeper-seated issues they have w them tho.
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asmimir · 13 days
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"we were happy once...suprised lamb? monsters like us..."
i forgot to draw the music notes bc once again im in a hurry but Kallamar is humming here, and u can pry the hc that he has perfect pitch away from my cold dead hands-
Shamura is off somewhere doing war crimes btw
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mcnotok · 8 months
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Practicing expressions
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canadianno · 2 months
Shitposts, be upon ye!
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You can have a sneak peek of Shamuras' TCOLC au everyday outfit. As a treat. Lambert hates this fucking spider, yall
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itskebb · 2 months
Hey!! Reuploading this cause I colored it and I’m proud of it :]]
Hope u enjoy!!
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bamsara · 9 months
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Low-effort scribble comic for a Thing. I still don't know how exactly I want to draw Shamura
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konjkitkatty · 3 months
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AN INTRODUCTION TO THE SHUFFLED BISHOPS AU since IM going insane over it and yall seem to like it as well,
we’ve got their designs IN FULL and general notes- DW Goat and Lamb will eventually get their own post, this is just focusing on the bishops
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bleeding-seraphic · 5 months
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OKAy one last heartstring au comic for y’all
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writer-of-the-lamb · 9 months
cult of the lamb fans rise
i’ve created a blog for my cotl writing >:3
feel free to submit any scenarios or questions you want (as long as there’s nothing unacceptable (like incest, pedophilia, etc)
it’s a violent satanic game after all, so asking or requesting stories about torture or murder is chill, but i wont write anything illegal or nsfw.
obviously my characterisations may not be fully canon, but i love to write as close as character as possible! i also do not own any of this franchise or characters! all credit to the devs and creators of "cult of the lamb"
((however i 100% believe lamb is a slay the house down twinky kinda guy from those animations))
(my main is @perhapsisuppose)
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asavt · 5 months
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Once upon a time a small rat walked into my web...
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grave-ghost-account · 5 months
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Just thinking of the past...
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anuphim · 6 months
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oldish comic that i only just finished cleaning up
flower crowns !!!!
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maibel-mai · 5 months
Week 3: Nightmares
I'm quite late to week 3 xdd but I've put some love into it so I'm uploading it anyway.
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every time i think of leshy in his early days in the cult of the lamb i think of the very likely nightmares he would have after returning from purgatory, and also how he would come back to reality upon awakening, having to concentrate his senses to differentiate nightmare from reality.
although he is also an ancient god of chaos so annoying a certain cat also works.
the yellow cat on the other hand needs a vacation, since the worm appeared in his garden it has taken everything that was his and now he doesn't know how to get it out of his house without having to bother the lamb or another follower.
He also has to find an excuse for the scratch on his face.
I too thought of the same nightmare theme but in reverse and it was funny to me:
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que romantico es el leshy
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