#bitch I’m so excited
rye-kin · 1 year
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I’m rrly nervous abt them,, I got 3 double sided from vograce but I’m still a bit apprehensive <\3 I hope they come out fine cause…
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yzerman · 1 year
i bought $130 worth of wildflower seeds and tossed them onto lawns that looked sad to me while I was manic and the thought of them blooming in a few months is keeping me going tbh
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raeofgayshine · 1 year
Thinking again about the fact that when Eddie and Dustin finally convince Steve to play DnD with the party, all of them, but especially Eddie, quickly become exasperated with Steve who has extremely high charisma, and decides that he can fix almost any situation by flirting with whoever they were in conflict with. Especially the fucking monsters, this man is bound and determined to himself a monster boyfriend and until it happens, he will make every single person they come across fall in love with him. So naturally, this happens a lot:
Steve: I’m going to flirt with them
Eddie, exasperated: Steve, you can’t date this monster, he’s trying to kill you-
Steve: Hot.
Steve: I’ll flirt with them harder then
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stuckinapril · 5 months
There will not be a single moment next week in which I’m not running around doing something
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theminecraftbee · 1 year
you know, there are a lot of posts about how transitioning as an adult is like going through puberty all over again. and I’m not medically transitioning (at least not yet, maybe one day), so I don’t know if I ever expected to exactly experience that. after all, my hormones are at normal adult levels for someone on birth control. but no, some of the stuff I experience does make me feel like a teenager awkwardly becoming an adult again, actually.
see, I’m attending a friend’s wedding, and I need new formalwear for it (protip: it is generally frowned upon to wear a wedding dress to someone else’s wedding, and that’s the last formalwear I purchased). and I just… really didn’t want to wear a dress, so I went to go get a suit. and I didn’t know how to get any of the required clothes for it and had to have a salesperson help me figure out how dress shirts work and nervously stood there while getting shown how to try stuff on and it really did feel like I was a lost teenager, despite being, you know, almost twenty-six.
but also: I own a three-piece suit now! it’s grey! it looks pretty good on me! I even got a blue tie with bees on it! so it was worth the temporary embarrassment of suddenly realizing I don’t know how men’s formalwear sizes work and, oh god, why are there so many variations of “white dress shirt” what does this mean.
and I figure as I very slowly work up the confidence to be out more irl there will be more and more moments like this, and I’ll lament the fact I didn’t do all this stuff as an actual teenager, but as weird and scary as it is, so far, it’s been worth it.
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sapphosboy · 6 months
One thing about Rose Tyler that just really gets me, is that she has this unending well of kindness, that she willingly distributes to every single living thing she meets. Take the entire Dalek episode for example. and at least once an episode, she’ll hug some person she barely knows because they’re sad or scared. It’s one of the most consistent staples of her character, she just is so empathetic.
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simpjaes · 1 day
😭 cannot believe that I, tumblr user simpjaes, have a friend that balances me out so well!?
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@drunkhazed sent me soooo much for my birthday 🥹 i WAS SUPPOSED TO CRY ABOUT IT but i ended up getting the zoomies instead, fr spent all day at work today excited to come home and go through everything thoroughly just to spam her with lame ass videos of me being sappy and dumb ; u ;
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she fr got us matching pc holders for our enha men LIKE?!? and so many pcs!!! LIL SKETCH BOOK AND ERASERS!! and like, soooo much more but MAN!! all i know is that i don't entirely deserve her and her fucking immaculate gift giving skills??? BUT!! I DO NOT CARE, THAT'S MY FAVE OOMF!
also the letters ;u; had my ass borderline punching a hole in the wall. I LOVE MY FRIENDS, I RLY DO BUT YOU DRUNKHAZED!!!! are!!! so!!! special!!! 🖤🖤🖤🖤 thank u for spoiling me and showing me all the time that I matter to u ; 3 ;
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@drunkhazed / @neopuppy the ONLY PERSON TO TRULY MATCH MY FREAK!!! ONE OF THE ONLY PERSON TO NEVER JUDGE ME!!! trust you w p much everything, and i genuinely can’t wait to meet you and go to the aquarium together 🥹 couldn’t ask for a badder bitch in my life. I WILL CHERISH U!!!
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kamdoods · 7 months
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Muah muah
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fishnetinsides · 2 months
guys the girl i have a crush on asked me to smoke and watch saw iii tomorrow… does she want me
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roach-witch · 29 days
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madamairlock · 9 months
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This show is going to be the death of me.
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lavaflowe · 2 years
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Finally!!! The last immortality trial! Boiled in Oil! I love how this turned out- especially since it was the one I was dreading and gave me a ton of problems 😅 but she’s done!
I might make a separate post with all 3 trials or I might put them under here- I’m not sure yet
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stardial · 1 month
i always forget i’m like genuinely pretty good at writing. it’s like crazy
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harmonic-oblivion · 9 months
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Glory to the Nightwings!
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ladybeug · 11 months
MAN THE MUSICAL NUMBERS CAUGHT ME SO OFF GUARD I HAD TO PAUSE AND STARE FROWNING okok!!! so the thing was that one time agessss ago you said liking ml fanfics is just wanting to read the same story over and over again and after that textbook 2016 post reveal final kiss that sentence just flashed in my mind and everything that happened in the movie (the ladynoir patrol fighting in the rooftops, the adrien snapping at his dad, gabriel being actually decent) just shifted in context for me and the realization of how fanfic coded the movie is and how that directly related to my enjoyment was so clear i couldnt stop laughing hdhshsjs
i remember saying that and its STILL TRUE!! And honestly you're putting it in perspective for me, thats why i liked the things i liked about the movie. like the ladynoir patrol fighting on the roofs also did lowkey make my dreams come true they could have done whatever they wanted in the rest of the movie, that scene is what i live for.
And that last scene really did feel like it was out of a fanfic, A 2016 FANFIC, its OLD FANDOM VIBES. back when we were still chewing up the concept of a reveal and not picking apart the bones of adrien's identity like mad scientists.
I remember thinking im sure ive read this scene somewhere. idk where but i have. all of it in different pieces a million times.
Anyways thank you for sharing this i love it?? good take
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cartoon-angerr · 8 months
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Loodvigg’s Day at Disneyland: prologue
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The Starhenge rose up in the sky, mechanical island built by the Colossals, gigantic creatures as old as the Monster World. On this very island, monsters lived, older than the Monster World and the Colossals. And probably time itself, too… who knows? They were called Celestials, the first beings to ever exist, and considered Gods by every monster living on the islands below.  Hence their name, the Celestials came from the sky… or more exactly, space. The Primordial Cosmic Hush was a time where absolutely nothing existed - just silence. A cosmic void. Then there was the Big Bang, sending sounds into the void, creating elements and twelve beings afterwards. The monster gods came to life, each having a constellation and an element assigned to them. But this was a long time ago, decades now separating the creation of the Celestials from the present.
One of them approached the circle that the monsters had formed and sat down with them. Her name was Galvana, she represented the element of Electricity. She turned her head to her right, where a metallic organ was resting. Her name was Vhamp, she represented the Mech element. Next to Vhamp sat a blue creature named Plixie, the Plasma elementalist.  "Hey Scaratar!" he beckoned a brown bug-looking monster, the Poison element.  "How is your hair shining like that? It’s lovely!" "Thank you! I put some hair shine spray over it," she responded. The Plant elementalist Blasoom, a green bird-shaped monster, approached Scaratar to take a closer look at her hair. "Alright," Galvana started. "As you know, we all gather here every first day of a new month. We are in February, which means Furnoss’ constellation is now shining above us!"  Galvana turned to what seemed to be an oven with a dragon-like head and limbs. He looked at her, nodding. Up in the sky, Furnoss’ constellation was shining brightly, replacing the constellation of Hornacle, the Water element. This one playfully gave a nudge to the Fire elementalist, who returned it back. "Before we start, is everyone here?" Galvana asked.  She looked at her friends, counting them mentally. Furnoss, Hornacle, Scaratar, Blasoom, Plixie and Vhamp were here, followed by Torrt, Glaishur, Attmoz and Syncopite, the Earth, Cold, Air and Crystal elementalists, respectively. And… "WHO THE FUCK TOOK MY HAIR SHINE SPRAY?!" a voice shouted from afar. …Loodvigg.
The Shadow elementalist, an elegant spidery monster with a bold hairstyle, approached the circle formed by the eleven Celestials reunited. An angry expression distorted their skull-like face. "Oopsies." Scaratar whispered. Attmoz sighed and rolled his eye. "Here we go again", he mumbled. "So?!" Loodvigg asked again, their eyes jumping from monster to monster. "Yeah… About that." Scaratar answered - Loodvigg’s angered look went straight to her. "It was me. I’m sorry, I probably should’ve asked you first."  "UGH!" Loodvigg elegantly pushed their hair back with an offended rictus, then bended over Scaratar.  "Damn right you should have. I’m turning your hair into my new personal bathroom carpet next time." Scaratar, surprised by the aggressiveness in Loodvigg’s tone, stepped back, seemingly upset and a little flabbergasted. Galvana quickly intervened, noticing the green bug monster’s discomfort. "Loodvigg, that’s enough. No need to overreact." "But I ain’t! This insect knows I’m not letting ANYONE borrowing MY stuff-"  "ENOUGH!" Loodvigg sighed with annoyance. "Also, you’re late for our monthly meeting again. For the third time in a row. Why didn’t you come sooner?!" Galvana continued. "I forgot!" "We’ve been doing the new month and constellation celebration for decades! Literally! How in all the stars did you forget?!!" Loodvigg skittered from the electric monster to sit on the other side of the circle, between Furnoss and Hornacle. "Listen, I was busy doing much more entertaining activities than something we’ve been doing repeatedly for all these years. Can we start now? I want to get this stupid celebration over as soon as possible."
Although irritated, Galvana kept her thoughts for herself and continued speaking, almost as if nothing happened.
Even if the atmosphere remained tense between the monsters, the ending of the celebration went rather well, Loodvigg's presence not being as terrible as in the beginning. The Celestials all stared at the sky, Furnoss’ constellation still shining brightly. It was only after the meeting that Attmoz spoke to his cousin, Scaratar. Loodvigg was back to the old Observatory, a tall stone construction housing a gigantic telescope, and each Celestial’s designated room. "Hey. You alright?" Attmoz said, visible concern painted on the cyclop’s face. "Yeah! Yeah, I am," she responded. "They just scared me for a second," Scaratar whispered, motioning her head to the Observatory. "Sometimes I even wonder if any thought of basic kindness and empathy still circulate through that brain of theirs", Attmoz chuckled a bit. "I wonder what kept Loodvigg so "busy" to be that late to the monthly celebration… Bet they were trying a new haircut again." "That still doesn’t give them the right to change my hair into a bathroom carpet…" she pointed out, grumpy. "Nope, definitely not!" "They probably wouldn't have done that anyway, but I'm keeping an eye on them," Galvana said, now approaching the two monsters. "We never know with Loodvigg... their behavior is getting stranger with the passing days-" "And meaner," Scaratar added. "Like, way meaner. And for no reason at all, either." "I remember how kind they used to be," Attmoz said, yawning. "But that was such a long time ago... Still wondering what made them the way they are now. Not like we aren't used to their catastrophic behavior anyway... but it's still very annoying," the pink cyclop sighed. "And even worse when unjustitied... Which is... well! Most of the time." "Mmmhm." Galvana nodded, lost in thought. Attmoz yawned again, briefly swinging his head. "Ugh. Sleepy…" "Already?!" surprisingly asked the electric elementalist. "Is it that late?" "Oh, no, no," Scaratar reassured her. "That's just what Mozmoz gets when he stays awake late at night trying to find out if putting paint in water could make his clouds turn purple." "Shut up..." Attmoz grumbled, nudging at his cousin. "At least it worked."
The three said their goodnights, Galvana promising once again to keep an eye on Loodvigg. But for now, a good night rest was welcome for everyone.
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A Theme For A Molting Russian Gentleman
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