#bitch i'm a big deal is my fave
kazamajun · 5 months
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Horns! Claws! Hips! Wings! | @scalproie
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acknowledge-reigns · 8 months
Somebody truly had the nerve to say Roman has never had to deal with or wrestle with injuries/set backs in his career and that he "could never power through like C*dy did with his torn pec". First of all, comparing how these two athletes deal with injuries is big fucking weird but since we're going there and I take my role of #1 Joe Anoa'i defender to heart what I'm not about to do is let y'all set up here on this internet and make it seem as if my Tribal Chief ain't ever fought through shit because this man is a WARRIOR, do you hear me???
(HE'S A TWO TIME LEUKEMIA SURVIVOR SINCE Y'ALL MOTHERFUCKERS LIKE TO FORGET HE KICKED CANCER'S ASS TOO.) Generally speaking, not just that situation but in many others in Joe's life, some of your faves would have folded. (especially those two yt men that run from company to company when they don't get their way) . Really this ain't shade to C*dy, I give him his props for powering through injuries and shit too. Most of these superstars have. And saying some of them would probably fold (hell, I would. Most of us would.) Isn't saying they're weak. I'm saying Roman is a badass on a different level and you can argue with your momma or with the wall on that one, not me.
List of injuries/illnesses known to us throughout Roman's career -
Back + Hip injury 2023 (Sumerslam, v Jey Uso.)
Ruptured Ear Drum 2022 (Survivor Series, v Kevin Owens who surprised him with a spot that was not planned and resulted in the injury. There however is no bad blood between the two.)
Had COVID 2022 (https://www.espn.com/wwe/story/_/id/32974962/roman-reigns-wwe-biggest-star-tests-positive-covid-19-scratched-atlanta-event)
Lingering affects from COVID 2022 (due to being immunocompromised https://www.fightful.com/wrestling/roman-reigns-discusses-his-covid-experience-says-he-still-feels-chest-tightness)
Shoulder/Arm injury 2022 (Wrestlemania 38, v Brock Lesnar)
Reveals Leukemia treatment side effects (including Nausea and arthritis in arms and legs, mentioned in 2019 and 2020 interviews. Ex. https://www.leukaemiacare.org.uk/support-and-information/latest-from-leukaemia-care/inspirational-stories/roman-reigns-wwe-cml-and-me/#:~:text=Previously%2C%20Reigns%20revealed%20to%20the,in%20terms%20of%20being%20sick.)
Knee Injury 2019 (Hell in a cell tornado tag with Daniel Bryan, v Erick Rowan and Luke Harper.)
Second battle with Leukemia 2018
Eye injury, required stitches 2018 (after 6 man tag match on RAW https://www.wrestlingnewsworld.com/wwe/roman-reigns-gets-stitches-raw)
Shoulder injury + Cracked ribs 2017 ( RAW, v Braun Strowman)
Shattered nose + Surgery 2016 ( v Triple H. See attached article https://www.wwe.com/shows/raw/2016-02-22/article/reigns-surgery)
Needed stitches May 2016 (live show, see photos https://www.wwe.com/worldwide/gallery/roman-reigns-receives-stitches-in-melbourne-australia-photos#fid-40042095)
Head Injury that required staples 2014 (https://youtu.be/OYMce1GDiDc?si=KtbVybtoQVr7FKDL)
Emergency surgery for Hernia 2014 (which he wrestled for some time while dealing with, see WWE.com article herehttps://www.wwe.com/shows/nightofchampions/2014/roman-reigns-breaking-news)
This list does not include FCW injuries, football injuries or his 2007 leukemia diagnosis durring which he was unhoused with a child on the way. And these are just the instances we know of!
Say what you will about Roman in kayfabe but do not minimize the struggles Joe has been through or his resilience. And if you're a Roman "fan" buying into the the rhetoric that he hasn't faced any adversity then as my dear friend @love-islike-abomb says, Please "Go whistle in the woods". IYKYK.
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Oh and while we all here...
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Acknowledge him, Bitches ☝🏾☝🏾☝🏾☝🏾.
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seahagart · 8 months
Okay okay okay!!!
Drífa asks!!!
What did she think about Auntie Ethel?
Did she save the Zhenterim traders and help deliver the package?
How did she recruite Karlach and how did she difuse the situation between Wyll and Karlach?!?
Does she prefer hot foods or warm foods?
How much does she weigh???
Can other people draw Drífa?!? And post it with credit of course!!
Fave animal?!?
Biggest fear??
What does her dream visitor look like?!?!
Can we draw her interacting with other Tavs?!?!
Does she have any missing teeth??
What companion does she get on with the least?
Whats her opinions on marriage??
And finally and personally for me most importantly: if she was an animal, which would it be and why?
Thank you~♡
Oh my goodness! Thank you!!!
What did she think about Auntie Ethel?
I think she is a bit superstitious, doesn't trust her, but also is of the mindset that 'you made a deal with a hag, what did you expect?'. She is distrustful for things that are 'too good to be true'. She likes elderly women, so she probably liked her until it was put together she's a hag and then was weary.
Did she save the Zhenterim traders and help deliver the package?
She probably saved them, and then that was about the amount of interest she has, money doesn't really do it for her. She probably doesn't even remember that.
How did she recruite Karlach and how did she difuse the situation between Wyll and Karlach?!?
She saw a big lady on fire and was like 'wow... that is so crazy... ok anyway-' then once talking to her, probably likes her and notices her strength. Drífa was like 'Karlach, you only one that not small or fragile like others...' and recruited her. Then to diffuse the situation is like 'idk karlach seem pretty cool lady, seems like she's right' Drifa likes Karlach
Does she prefer hot foods or warm foods?
I doubt she could handle anything particularly spicy, but she likes warm meals.
How much does she weigh???
Probably like 500+ lbs, she's 8ft tall
Can other people draw Drífa?!? And post it with credit of course!!
Absolutely! I would be honored and want to see it!!!
Fave animal?!?
Bears. I think she relates to bears, especially polar bears, and sees herself as one. Solitary, only coming into contact with other in times of conflict or to mate. She believes herself destined to be alone, secluded, isolated, it is her purpose... not that she doesn't feel alone. She raises her 'cub' alone like bears do. I think she probably has a kinship while a female bear in the area who she used to want to kill but eventually it's more of a 'that bitch over there' with more respect. 'That bitch over there' eats the animals out of her traps, and takes her food, so she gets kinda heated and curses them out a lot.
I think she also like foxes and enjoys watching them, and birds, listening to their songs.
Biggest fear??
Losing her kid, which already happened. Her biggest fear was not being able to provide/keep her child alive, and then losing them to the wild, which happened (dw he comes back!) so after she experiences that, there really isn't anything she's really afraid afraid of. General fear is just being alone, never leaving the temple and eventually she won't be able to take care of herself. She is fully like 'ya when i get too old I'm going to walk into the woods and thats that' which to her is normal. I think
What does her dream visitor look like?!?!
Like a big mountain man, he kinda looks like pan. A big mountain man is the only person she's ever had intimate contact with, so that'd probably what she defaults to. But she does like people in all varieties :)
Can we draw her interacting with other Tavs?!?!
Yes Please!!! i love seeing her with other tavs! They can be friends, you can ship them, idc, I wanna see!
Does she have any missing teeth??
Probably, she's broken her tusks which grew back and are short because she uses them like a wild animal to open things, probably cracked a tooth, gotten a tooth knocked out falling down a mountain.
What companion does she get on with the least?
I think Laezel and even then I think it'd be because everything Laezel says goes over her head. She doesn't really know why she's so mad, or what she's talking about, but eventually I think they would get on well #warrior bond
I think she'd annoy the shit out of Astarion (not on purpose, just the way she is) and she would think he's a lil annoy... eventually though I think he is the first to get her to laugh and by laugh i mean she nods and says 'that was very humor'
Whats her opinions on marriage??
She is aware of marriage, doesn't really have any thoughts on it, doesn't quite get it maybe.... She doesn't have experience with romance, she doesn't really get the idea of loving someone romantically (I think she would feel it, and would do romantic things without thinking about it) I don't think she'd know what it feels like to have love or be loved, the first experience she has is with the people who raised her in the temple, left here there to guard it, never returned, and then her son. She'd need to be taught in the ways of romance, and maybe realize she wants that... I don't think she'd be interested in getting married, but if her partner wants to then sure whatever, she just doesn't have an opinion to it other than being confused why they want to marry her.
And finally and personally for me most importantly: if she was an animal, which would it be and why?
Polar bear hehe :)
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elkkiel · 6 months
Sorry friends, this is gonna be a long one. I feel like speaking in a space where someone may see and perceive what I'm saying is helpful to personal accountability. Please feel free to skip, it's more of a thought dump than anything (I am midway through writing now and I think I lost the plot a while ago lol)
Topics covered: grind culture, mental health, self-care, and learning when to manually sound the alarm for yourself as an audhd-er in the deep end of life.
Here's some tags that I left on the the grind culture reblog before this. I just wanted to share some thoughts and didn't want them to get lost; I feel like making a proper post really solidifies the situation (sorta like getting those abstract thoughts from your head onto paper, and realizing just how bad it is when it's all laid out before you.) And I want to make a change when I can finally get my head above water.
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I think it can be especially difficult for us AuDHDers, since we don't necessarily have alarm bells installed that neurotypicals in similar situations may have but "choose" (consciously or not) to ignore. Things can really spiral into a bad place quickly if you don't have the cues or signs to alert you. We need to be diligent in doing those manual checks ourselves, KNOWING that we have struggles that make life just that much more difficult.
Take inventory of your life. Do you allocate time to self-care activities, and/or are those the right activities for you? Turns out for me that building a complex skin care routine (as suggested by mainstream self-care culture) only stresses me out more. Especially when I never have the energy to do it, making me feel bad when I only manage to do the basics *sometimes* (and the stress acne persists smh my head). My therapist recommended productive activities that involve both current hyperfixes and that ADHD Motor™. I want to learn basic carpentry over the summer, since I love working with my hands! For now, drawing masked men as cats will suffice (though I will not complain about the kittenification of my faves)
Choose a moment to consciously feel how your body is feeling. Check in with yourself! This is important for my alexithymia bitches. Are you more fatigued than usual? Are your muscles tense for some reason? Have you been hungry with no appetite? If you notice anything, let's make some connections—really dig into it. The instance I mentioned in the tags above was a really clear one for me. I took like 12 hours on the IV in the Ivy art instead of coursework, and that weekend I slept almost 22 hours. A few days later, I'm still in a cycle of horrible fatigue and excessive sleep. Connecting the trigger event (taking the time to create "unnecessary" art) to current sensations (extreme fatigue) is giving me insight into how stressed I actually am that I wouldn't have really seen otherwise.
I'm also feeling more and more aware of how activities and things become a bit of a crutch to avoid expending energy on social activities. Idk how many other people deal with this particular problem, but I have almost zero social drive. Like I legitimately don't feel the need to meet people and see friends. Almost 100% of my social needs are covered by talking to my parents, chatting with the girls at work (while at work) and passively absorbing interactions from complete strangers within earshot. It's one of the big things I'm continually documenting for when I can finally afford to get evaluated for autism (babygirl I don't even have enough for the ADHD assessment yet and that's more crucial for disability stuff lol) and it makes life real tough.
Not having the time nor the drive to invest in relationships really stunts you as a person in my experience. I don't know how to actually quantify what makes a friend (e.g. are we friends because we are Tumblr mutuals who haven't had an actual conversation but hype each other up in notes?) and I don't have any time to learn. I can't participate in leisure activities that may take some of the pressure off since I haven't been able to practice initiating interactions. It baffles me how some of the girls at work just casually meet up outside of work, or make plans out of the blue in a conversation (how tf do you gauge when/if to propose something????)
Like, it's bad. I haven't seen my best friend in a year and a half, and even the term "best friend" almost definitely isn't accurate in this scenario anymore. It's just another stressor that could potentially be avoided by lifting one's nose from the grindstone, but it's so intimidating to even try at this point. I don't feel the drive to be friends, but something tells me it's healthier than being alone with my work and thoughts.
Idk I think that's all I have for now. I definitely went on a tangent or two that don't connect back to the original idea so apologies for the letter-based vomit.
ty if you read any of this, if you have any thoughts or input I'm always open for replies or asks. The world is big and fast and horrible and confusing a lot of the time, but I think sharing experiences helps to keep things in perspective.
maybe I'll ask more targeted questions for community input some other time because I'm genuinely curious how to navigate around social deficits (the "who is a Friend and why?" thing especially because I genuinely have zero clue)
anyways have a good day, drink some water, take ur meds, and be kind to yourself
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bloodsalted · 2 months
favorite detail??? i'm supposed to choose one??? how about being punched in the throat :)))) kjbgskjbrgjk but on a serious note i just love everything??? every time i read a thread of yours or a meme, i literally hear dean in my head. you embody him so well. not only his silly troll side, but even the traumatic side of him. how he deals with the trauma his father put him through and how he has to work through life itself. the love you have for him is clearly there. so i'm just going to say all of the above bitch. *chef's kiss*
adding to my fave details + how you are able to take a scene from the show and go into depth on what dean is feeling in that moment. how it PERFECTLY represents him and how you are able to have all of us see and feel it with him. you sure you're not dean winchester? -@snnynatural
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@snnynatural || send me your favorite detail about how i play my character || accepting!!
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// i hope you don't mind i combined both your asks into one heart lifting, tearjerking, bawl baby creating emotional pile. thank you thank you thank you. this means everything! dean's been such an important character to me for so many years. i was sorta scared to take him on. by sorta. i mean A LOT. because he's such a big personality, big character that means so much to a lot of people, big freaking energy! and man i didn't wanna screw him up! but god damn i'm loving every second writing him and if i can make people feel that way? then i know i made a good choice finally jumping in after so long! i just wanna show my love for this guy and give him more! cause he deserved so much. both the boys do!
i freaking love sonny and your writing and you and just.. you know this. but i had to say it again. you're freaking stellar and i'm so damn glad we met!!! xoxo. one of the best parts about returning to the spn fandom and joining it for the first time on tumblr?? meeting you. xoxo!
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People calling me sexist for treating Earth sexistly when she's a sexist character
When she was first introduced I thought she was going to hit moon and get away with it cause she's outwardly a woman and everyone even fucking eclipse was allways depicted as deserving to hurt moon ignoring that sun absolutely would have kept talking to moon like crap if he didn't,the bald jokes was only a surface level thing
Ignoring that eclipse was strait up stalking,harassing and strait up torturing moon originally but of course no one cared even back then all they talked about sun completely ignoring that eclipse wasn't targeting sun and of course after moon got reset moons the only one eclipse is allowed to victim blame
The fact that moon was an complete hero for dealing with that piece of trash by his self is never mentioned only how "bad" he was or wawa sun's an helpless damsel completely ignoring that sun was skilled enough in manipulation to convince moon that eclipse was his fault at all but of course my opinion on this is considered the "wrong one"
And of that note of establishing how bias the fanbase is or another earlier outright example of sexism how Roxanne was treated by this fanbase in the whole maternity chip thing
Oh no nothing sexist about calling a women an abuser and cheater just for not ending up with your favourite guy nothing wrong with your fave actively calling her a bitch when she literally did nothing to him
The fact this fanbase just default accepted that is general indication that most the bullshit everyone say about moon is false
Then next and last example the most hurtful thing how they treated KC just look at his actions when he first showed up they hyped him up as much a big bad moon in his brainwashed state was so damn sure he was lying
Most the fanbase was so damn sure he was lying
Dude was just nearly identical to how Earth's was when he showed up and as both a guy a Moon and nice to moon all He got was suspicion and some bullshit whining about how he treated eclipse
When eclipse strait up spent month up to that point doing horrible things to moon he deserved to be in jail
Now compare that to how earth was treated when she first showed up compare to the fact that everyone was bootlicking her as such a "nice and kind person" just for helping sun when he didn't need it
When he had literally just destroyed moons few chances of recovery and then KC gets thrown away like trash all of a sudden being said to be "redeemed" just because he's saying good stuff about sun now and condemning bloodmoon
And Earth gets praised just for being convient to sun and a "pretty lady" edit should have specified pretty privilaged "moral" lady
Docile for those that are acceptable company to general society how the fuck is she considered not sexist
And you expect me to care that she's pissed about ""being the therapist"" when she took away both moon and bloodmoons only chance at happyness
When as soon as she showed up everything became about sun and she was the last person KC was seen with before he all of a sudden threw his closest under the bus for this pro sun agenda
And after all that this damn fanbase ended up stile loving her after she made things worst by breaking up with Monty that one time when he did nothing to her
That after everything bloodmoon went through she had the nerve to punch him just because he was giving lunars spoilt ass some conquences for ounce
Oh and of course everyone just has to walk on eggshells around lunar now and guess what he hasn't been considered to go abusive under her guidance hasn't he
Okay of later note I know i'm just being petty with that comment but lunar for what I understand lunar actually needs to be treated like he's dangerous it should not be up to everyone around him to appease his petty child robotic emotions to not blow up,Also HE STOLE tHAT STAR FROM MOON
And you know what's sad if moon had his support group and him and bloodmoon went through recovery with KC I might have been okay with her
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strawberrystepmom · 12 days
babyberryyyyyy 💛 first! i love the sexy mew theme! 🌱 🩸
second, i’m curious now how each of your faves is rough around the edges and what they do when they realize they’ve hurt your feelings? (asking for as many faves as you feel up to talking about!)
thank u my adored and beloved belle!!!! i am pleased with how she looks for now, we'll see if it stays that way bc i'm already eye twitching aldjfal;sjdflajsdf but i love you and thank u for asking <333
so rough around the edges is basically my MO bc i too am rough around the edges in my own way. i can be extremely avoidant and hard to pin down. i gained the cat reputation for more than just these luscious ears and adorable tail, it's bc i will literally hide from affection if i'm feeling weird about it. this is hard for me with my more affectionate f/o's because it's like guahsdkfljaskdf stop doing that. don't pay attention to me, only do it when i demand it!!!!!! but those aren't equal or fair terms to be loved on so i have to work on that.
that being said, onto the boys:
yami's rough edges tend to be a bit of avoidant behavior but mostly dismissiveness. he's soooo dismissive and it drives me nuts because i know he cares. I KNOW he cares, i know that big big heart is saying something different than those flapping gums so when he hurts my feelings because he's dismissing how i feel, he takes a second to walk back what he said. in all likelihood, what i'm dealing with probably isn't that big of a deal, but part of loving a drama queen means indulging her drama at least a little. that's when i get the lap pat, the "c'mere, let's try that again" because he is able to swallow his pride enough to apologize when it's necessary.
satoru gojo's roughest edge is his foot in mouth syndrome. he literally says anything he wants without a care in the world and while i'm used to it to some degree, there are times where he says shit that is just so out of pocket it truly hurts my feelings. i won't outright say when something upset me sometimes but it's obvious when it does so he has worked hard to become very thoughtful about how he speaks to me. if i'm like "i look like shit today" i may still get a "pfff yeah you do" even if he's just kidding or being playful, he immediately knows and is like "no no no no no you've never looked bad a day in your life" and i know he means it bc his first thought is big mouth dickhead his second thought is my sweet perfect angel who just needed to take an extra second to think.
gen's rough edge, much like satoru's, is his inability to think before he speaks. he truly lets anything on his mind pop out of his mouth and while it's mostly good things when dealing with me there is one instance he called me a bitch. did i deserve it? yes. was i extremely upset about it? also yes. he learned that day that there is a way you speak to me and he adjusted himself immediately.
now for an off the wall - jotaro. jotaro's rough edge is his constant withdrawal. it's hard to know where you ever stand with someone who basically just disappears as he pleases without explanation and he learned that for us to work, i have to at least have some idea that he's gonna be okay and that we'll meet again. he's very comforting in that aspect and has become more open with me about what's going on with him.
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asleepinawell · 14 days
i'm in some sort of Mood about finishing the kh series (for a given value of finished) since I've been playing it since kh1 on ps2 a million years ago but instead of dealing with that i'm going to write my mini retrospective of the titles based on my replay
rest below the line
story - 7/10. it wasn't the most interesting but it was the first and laid the groundwork for the series. maleficent had a lot of screentime which is always a big plus. love her evil ass. it's also the start of the 'kairi never gets to do anything ever and gets kidnapped every time she tries' persisting problem in the whole series
gameplay - 6/10. feels a bit clunky now in comparison to some of the newer ones. it was harder than some later ones, but mostly because of wonky control issues and not great boss fights. but it's very playable and fun still. mushrooms do a little dance and shake their butt at you. i will never not feel nostalgic about traverse town music. THANK GOD YOU CAN SKIP THE PRE FIGHT CUTSCENES ON RETRIES NOW OH MY GOD YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND THE ONE BEFORE THE DARK RIKU FIGHT WAS LIKE TEN MINUTES AND BACK IN THE DAY YOU HAD TO REWATCH IT EVERY TIME AAHHHHJHHH *i am tranquilized and removed from the room*
re: chain of memories
story - 8/10. i love the focus on the organization 13 internal drama. bitches are running around bad mouthing and killing each other. larxene is a constant joy. marluxia is pretty and goes swish swish and makes flowers. axel was an instant fave. zexion is a shitty twink and i do so love shitty twinks. there was some disney stuff too i guess
gameplay - 2/10. the first time i played it my brother was crashing at my apartment and watching me play and got very into making cool deck combos. so i had him do that for me and i did the combat and the fun sibling shenanigans got me through it. this time i quit after thirty minutes and watched the cutscenes on youtube. it's just so repetitive and meh
358/2 days
story - 7/10. that's too many soras! put some back! story was a bit slow at times but i did enjoy seeing the daily life of the organization and axel/saïx handling their divorce so so well. needed more demyx
gameplay - it's packaged as a movie now so i did not replay the game and can't fairly rate it. i remember it being not the best combat but not terrible for a ds game
story - 8/10. it would get higher but the fact the beginning is incomprehensible if you haven't played com and 358 loses it some points....i had not played com when i got kh2 and boy howdy. it made more sense on the replay of course and yeah it's a good story. obsessed with how maleficent remains one of the main recurring characters in this series and just Does Shit from time to time because why not. god forbid women do anything etc. also the gay divorce continues to go terribly. saïx is handling this so well i say as he goes into berserk mode again. needed more riku screentime tho
gameplay - 9/10. huge upgrade from previous titles. it was very fun and fluid. the form shifts were a great addition. there were a lot of options but it didn't feel overwhelming or like it disrupted combat. my only real complaint was it felt a bit too on rails at some parts... like cutscene, battle, walk three steps repeat. oh and i hated the gummi missions but i am a gummi hater in general. oh also antiform was amazing. sora can turn into a feral creature... as a treat
birth by sleep
story - 10/10. fuck i love birth by sleep. aqua my beloved daughter who is the most terrifying keyblade master ever. terra my troubled son who got fucked over by shitty adults on an hourly basis. ven the thousand year old little kid who has never caught a break once. also hey it's xehanort and he also has ex husband drama. only note is that aqua should get to say fuck
gameplay - 10/10. the command deck was right up my alley and command forms were the best form gameplay they've done. i loved how all three kids had a unique style and abilities. i loved melding cards and gems to make new cards. i enjoyed playing monopoly. i thought it was the best game in the series when i first played it and that remains true
story - 6/10. it was okay? it was largely a rehash but did add a few things. my friend and i kept saying welcome back alvis whenever data riku used a computer so that was fun
gameplay - this was also presented as a movie in the bundle so i won't score it. i don't even remember how it was from way back when i played it
dream drop distance
story- 9/10. the games that switch between multiple perspectives seem to be my favorites and i think it's partly that it makes the story more interesting. the time traveling norts were a bit wtf but that's just an inescapable part of the series. inspired me to get twewy which i will be playing next. MEOW WOW!!!!!
gameplay - 9/10. flowmotion was really neat and fit the style well. i loved the pokemon aspect so much you have no idea. i was a little sad you couldn't meld command cards but it would have been Too Much with all the other stuff going on. a few fights near the end had some really dumb mechanics (the type where when you look up a guide it just says good luck) but there were also some excellent ones. i do think it lost a little something in the port because the stylus on 3ds was important. however there is nothing is quite as satisfying as seeing meow wow hit xehanort with giant bouncy orbs so I'm willing to forgive it a lot
union x/back cover/dark road
story - 9/10. i was shocked how much i enjoyed the story of these. i got very invested and i was only watching the cutscenes, not playing. really interesting world building and the master of masters was an instant fave. one of the only kh titles that passes (barely) the bechdel somehow. also could be retitled as kh: dead kids, because boy did a lot of kids die! extra points for maleficent managing to set major events in motion twice and being very eh whatever about it. love her for that. and the backstory of the xehanort/eraqus divorce, of course. i love a good divorce
gameplay - didn't play this one, just watched ELEVEN HOURS of cutscenes. no longer available which is hilarious considering how much important lore is in it that is referenced in kh3. hopefully they make it into a single player offline game someday with better gameplay
fragmentary passage
story - 8/10. very short but filled in some gaps. i love aqua so i was predisposed to love this one
gameplay - 8/10. it felt like a rough draft for kh3 and that meant it didn't have all the annoying extra crap kh3 added in and played pretty smoothly. i liked the little puzzles. it was a unique game and i enjoyed it more than i expected
story - 6/10. the fact i had to sit through entire disney movies worth of cutscenes brings the score way down. we did not need to see 3 musical numbers in frozen. if i wanted that I'd watch the movie. i just wanted to play the damn game. the majority of the game is sora got benched and has to get his groove back which was very disappointing for the climatic finale to the series. once i got into the end game though it was much better (i would rate the later game stuff way above a 6 which just makes my frustration with earlier stuff worse). re:mind added in the bits i felt were missing and i came away satisfied overall with the wrap up. axel/saïx had divorce arc three and then got back together finally 🏳️‍🌈🥂🎉. xehanort/eraqus also got back together as they fucked off to be gay in the afterlife. finally we are free of the norts (OR ARE WE???) and the master and the foretellers are slated to come back next from the looks of things. maleficent continues to hang out in the wings waiting for opportunities to #girlboss and I'm excited too see what cataclysmic events she sets off next
so that's it. i did watch the brief melody of a memory scenes but there wasn't too much new there. i may watch the cs from the missing link beta at some point. otherwise it's back to my life long journey of waiting for the next title to drop
gameplay - 5/10. ugh. i bought the game when it came out but between the full length disney movies and the over saturated gameplay gimmicks i didn't get far. this time i powered through and by the end i was enjoying it for the most part because I'd figured out what things to ignore and how to avoid them. attractions were the worst addition to gameplay ever. everything was too flashy. way too many instances of being locked in a "cool" transition animation instead of actually doing combat which broke up the flow of things. i missed the command deck and how much it let you customize your play style. i didn't like the keys being locked to command forms as much as the bbs forms since it meant if you had a keyblade with better stats but hated the special on it you were kinda fucked. this became less of a problem as the game went but was still annoying. overall felt like a step back from the others. they tried to do too much. oh also why were there ten thousand instances of having to learn new controls for some new mini game in every area??? just let me hit things i am begging you. it really felt like they went for cool spectacles over satisfying gameplay
general notes on all of them: i enjoyed the story much more this time due to being able to play them in order. the fact they all released on different platforms originally made the complicated story even more confusing since i couldn't afford to buy a new system every time a new one came out. i really hope they veer away from that practice in the future but i kinda doubt it especially since they've got another mobile game lined up already. while the disney stories were fun early on it felt like the story outgrew them (except for the characters who were in the main story as well like mickey and maleficent) and they were kinda a drag by 3. i doubt they can move away from those since they're the whole gimmick of the series but it would be better imo. deeply worried they'll start bringing in newer disney acquisitions.
one of my biggest complaints about the series has always been how few female characters there are and how little many of them are used. it got slightly better later in the series but overall was still not great, especially for kairi. i kept wondering if they added stuff for her in re:mind due to complaints about this.... the dlc felt like an apology for several things tbh. aqua was great but she shouldn't be the only one and even she got upstaged in kh3 when she's supposed to be the third most powerful keyblade master. weirdly enough maleficent was probably the best written female character. really wild how much she wove into the plot and affected events so much without even trying to (especially in union x). she should fire pete though (i think she should hire demyx)
I'd like to see them let you play as characters other than sora more often since that was always really neat (he's had a billion games to himself now). I'd love a kairi and aqua game but i can imagine square and disney both clutching their pearls over female protagonists
something i noticed was that playing them when i was older i liked sora much better. when i started the series as a teenager i found him annoying. as an adult i have more sympathy and tolerance for teenaged boys who are Going Through It. growth or something
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moonchildreads · 1 year
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love❤
aaaaaaa this one's hard!!! i've only written small town so far (which you can read here lol thank you for giving me the chance to shamelessly promote my work losty 🤎) so what i'm gonna do is share my fave five chapters instead!
chapter 3 - tonight she comes - this is when we meet our girlie dot, and it was my first time writing the hellfire club all together in the same room. here's where we start to explore their dynamic as a group and it's full of foreshadowing for things that haven't happened yet 👀
chapter 10 - that's what friends are for - this chapter has everything i love: the hellfire club spending time together, the gentle will they/won't they between eddie and dot, deep conversations with chrissy, dnd, and a lot of bickering. i consider this one to be one my best chapters and it was the longest i'd written at the time! 💕
chapter 13 - you give good love - another entry into one of the chapters i'm most proud of and, again, it includes a lot of the things i love about small town: wayne being a menace, chrissy being eddie's biggest supporter, dot and eddie realising that it isn't them individually vs the world. this was their first big fight, and i had been working on this fic for around a year by the time i posted this specific chapter so it'll always be special to me. got 3/3 laughs with the sponge bit amongst my friends so that's a win to me! 🧽
chapter 15 - don't you want me - the whole sleepover at gareth's will forever be one of the bits i've enjoyed writing the most about this fic. i adore that little gremlin and so much of him (and the rest of hellfire, really) is based on friends i've had throughout the years. there is something so very pure about a platonic friendship (stobin, am i right?) and if chrissy is eddie's steve, i wanted to give dot her very own robin in gareth. this was me officially confirming that both eddie and dot are bi/queer and bonding over rocky horror, which felt important to me as a queer girlie. it's my fic and i can do what i want, lol 💗💜💙
chapter 20 - self control - the moment everyone was waiting for!!! the love confession!!! it was messy, and so uniquely them, you can't take it and give it to anyone else because it's so dot and eddie that there's just no other way around it: if it had to happen, it was going to be like this. other things i loved about this chapter were allowing nancy to dip her toes into dealing with her grief over barb (more on that later lol), the hellfire class of '86 being there for one another, and finally getting to kick andy's bitch ass down!!!! 😈
honourable mention goes to chapter 14 - missing you, which is the mother's day chapter and deals with eddie and dot's mothers who passed away when they were children. i wrote this one while actively mourning someone i'm still thinking about every day and while i will probably be dealing with this for a long time, this chapter helped me purge a lot of my inner demons and helped heal more than i thought it would. it's my love letter to my person who isn't here anymore, and i know that she'd be proud of it because one of the last conversations i got to have with her was about me writing small town, and she was so happy and interested about it.
i'm in the process of writing chapter 23 right now and hopefully i'll get it out this week if i can stop crying at work for more than five minutes lmao. again thank you losty for giving me the opportunity to talk about small town, i love this fic, and i love writing it and talking about it. 🥰
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Hi my loves! My OT7 fic is getting it's first chapter within the next 24 hours. I worked extra hard to flesh out the first chapter for you and I think I'll probably add drabbles here and there to flesh out the in-betweens of each chapter.
I want to talk about some things you can expect from this fic and maybe something will intrigue you 🤭🤭.
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Female reader:
Has her own money, will spend yours. Is absolutely fucking if she feels like it. Is ignoring you if she doesnt. Has these boys on a roster I don't know. Is she a bitch or is she not behaving how you hoped? Is not jobless but her job seems to be being cool? Being interesting? Literal hottie dream girl.
Open communication. Dom/Sub/Switch depends on who's there. She literally does not give a fuck (for now). She owns who she is and doesn't apologize. Probably has fucked your fave celeb at some point.
"It's not a big deal babes men are interchangeable". Makes you feel wanted just by being there. Listens to every single member and holds space for all of them. If she tantrums every now and then maybe you shouldn't have fucked up idk?
Is very aware of how she pulls people in. Will not be a doormat for you or anyone else. Hot hot hot. Sweet sweet sweet. She's a brat but kind. You either love her hate her or want to be her.
These boys are down bad? Also kind of ridiculous? They don't take no for an answer (and that's the problem lmao) She's barbie they're just ken. They be fucking though let's make that clear ☝️. Theyre respectful but simped the fuck out. Give them one margarita they gone open they legs. All of them have their own special thing with the reader it's actually really sweet. Definition of be careful what you wish for.
Setting/location/time period:
Covid doesn't exist lmao. Glam Instagram model/social media socialite reader. Idol!Ot7 BTS. I'm probably not going to make it set to a particular year but just picture all the boys as they are now or have been in the last three years. Main character be flying out everywhere so multi locations.
I'm really excited for this fic, I wanted to write a fic where the woman wasnt crying every other chapter 😭🤭. But I'd love for you guys to like this if you're excited and the first chapter will be up super soon! 🤝
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captainbobbin · 6 months
For the ship ask game: Marluxia/Saïx, please! 💜
(referring to this ship ask meme)
Its threading the line between Makes Sense, Compels Me and Doesnt Make Sense, Compels Me tbh!
this got long so uh under the cut to save your dashspace lmao
okay. okay. Marluxia/Saïx
listen. Horrible bitchy power-hungry usurpers that hate everyone and have cotton-candy hair and will do everything in their power to be snide shitty and get their way while also covering up a deep and intimate loss of a formative female figure in their lives I get it I get it these two should AT MINIMUM go get coffee together or something fr.
My chat and I talk CONSTANTLY about Marluxia being so peanutbutter and jealous over Saïx being Xemnas' fave special boy and being big mad because does he want to be in Saïx's place or does he want to be Saïx or does he want to be WITH Saïx god he's a mess and he's going to go sit and talk to a potted plant until he feels a bit better. Why is that stuck up moon prick so pretty and insufferable and whats his deal and is he free of Friday night? of course he wouldn't be UGH he's such a dickhead nevermind but he's so cute tho
I think. They would have amazing chemistry if for the love of god they just pulled their heads out of their asses and sat and had a normal convo however my take on these silly little disneyanime guys is far removed from canon ajsdhask hence why it both does and doesn't make sense. Like absolutely they're both self-serving (to an extent) jerks who are narrow-viewed and focused only on their own gain and its physically impossible for either of them to care at all but. Man. If they had a little more time to just chill and hang out and discuss things like normal people I think they'd have a lot in common and would actually get along and be civil and hell can you imagine them working together poor Xemnas wouldn't stand a chance against his two fave bitch prettymen coming for his throat arm in arm
I feel like they'd be that kind of couple that are either like cat and dog and fight constantly and bicker and spit vitriol and no one knows why the fuck they're together because PATENTLY whatever this is isn't working (when actually no one *gets it* except the other and they have a strange and corrosive bond) or its just like. They just click. Theyre seamless with one another. there's a flow, an equilibrium, they both want the same things and can look at something and process it the same way. I think they'd be absolutely despicable together as Nobodies, Literally cataclysmic levels of insufferable cunt and snide violence and god poor Axel would never know peace. However I am very very much of the view that Any And All Nobody-based Romances are doomed to fail by the narrative so. Maybe it should be kept to a sordid little affair more than anything else. That would probably be the for best. You just know Saïx would be so super bent out of shape abt it tho lmaoooo
I'm a sucker for XemSai (as I'm sure everyone knows well by now) but I'm also a big sucker for LauriEven/MarVex and one of my big headcanons for the latter is that post kh3 when things have settled down, Lauriam and Isa hang out. Isa is friends with Even more than Lauriam but. I really really like the idea of Lauriam perhaps approaching Isa and just being normal around him? They go out on coffee runs and just talk, they meet up every so often to catch up, talk about how Lea and the kids are and how Radiant Garden is coming together again and yes the flowers here are so nice and I understand why you would want to live here and I Just! Really Like! Isa being a supportive character towards semi-dad-figure Even and now that everyone is cool and not wanting to murder each other Lauriam is actually really civil and dare he think it even good for dear old Even and Isa just kinda! Likes him! They become friends. Like friends with no baggage, no pressure, just hey if Isa swings around RG way again do you wanna get lunch and catch up? Theyre just normal guys now with a lot in common and a future ahead and its just comfortable having someone similar a phonecall away that is happy to listen and provide a fresh outlook on daily things, yknow?
I think. all the time. About a LauriEven marriage where Isa is asked at the reception to dance with them both because he's like. Even sees him as 'one of the kids he saw grow up' and they bonded over their work and they've always gotten along, surrogate son and dad relationship, and Lauriam, softened and approachable with his new heart just as Isa is, feels able to reach out and know that Isa is ever-reliable and genuinely wants things to be better for everyone. I just think that they'd make really really nice like family-friends who platonically love and appreciate each other once they have hearts..... as Nobodies, maybe not so much ahsdgahskd
I know my take on isa is generally very soft and doting but just let me have this asdhaskjdj
anyway this was a rambling splurge of words and I will be thinking about this for the rest of the evening thank you I love this I am going to go sit in my bathtub and think about the symbolism of moonflowers a lot.
tl;dr: I love them as a platonic ship but there is def potential there and I love them both separately (and with others) so so much
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Hi dear librarian! 1/? I was wondering if there's a term to describe a phenomenon that plagues so many films nowadays and partially responsible for the downfall of BBC Sherlock and MCU: it appears that the creators/screenwriters are afraid of or uncomfortable dealing with strong negative emotions. It's very obvious in Sherlock S3,S4, and MCU after Infinity War. They immediately interrupt an emotional scene with a quip, joke, or a solution. It really disturbs the plot flow, emotional buildup,
2/? and the tension of the show. E.g., in Sherlock S3E1 the reunion scene and the underground scene, in S4 the ghost Mary non-stop quips before the emotional hug. In S2, they really shouldn't have revealed Irene or Sherlock survived immediately after the event. I don't know what the writers were afraid of. Without a proper buildup, the resolution doesn't feel satisfactory. I'm very happy that in GOTG 3 they avoided this problem and it's probably the only MCU film worth seeing recently. 3/3 Another example is the Thor series. I know Thor 1 has many plot flaws, but they got the aesthetics right and with a Prometheus type of self-sacrifice, it feels like a proper fusion of technology and mythology. But later they wrote Thor as a laughing stock for his depression and in his own 3rd and 4th film, every remotely serious emotional scene was undermined by something. Just why?! That's part of the reason people say MCU doesn't feel relatable anymore. Thx for reading and stay cool!
Hey Nonny *HUGS*
Thank you for this insightful ask, and my answer is essentially this: shareholders and studio meddling, and probably bad writing by people who think they know better. A lot of the MCU, for instance, is SO boring and repetitive right now because they're too afraid, it seems, to stray from "what is safe", stuff that won't have people bitching at them, or they're trying too hard to recapture what made the Infinity Saga so amazing. They spent TOO long being praised and in turn stopped trying so hard, and under Chapek, dude was a greedy bastard who worked Feige to stress. I'm glad that they pulled back, it seems, and I hope it stays that way, hopefully so they can make new movies up to the quality of GOTG 3 again. Studios like Dreamworks and Indie studios are taking risks, and it's paying off, because people are bored with the sanitization of Disney and Marvel. Everything has to have no true villain in Disney.
That's not to say I don't still enjoy Disney, I do, but Marvel as-of-late has put out more flops than fantastics. And I suspect some of it is studio and shareholder meddling. It's a miracle Gunn got to do what he wanted for GOTG3, and I'm glad he did. With Thor 3 I feel like Taika got raked over the coals because he had to follow whatever plan they wanted for his vision. I dunno. Marvel for me is so hit-and-miss these days.
As for Sherlock... I think part of it was BBC meddling and another was ego-tripping, because Mofftiss continually put out winner after winner of seasons, so they thought, because just the TWO of them got an Emmy for TAB, well, they're good enough to get it for a WHOLE SEASON! (which, for the record on my opinion, I think Mofftiss are better at ONE SHOT episodes, not an entire series on their own... they run out of ideas and then throw whatever their weird fanboy fantasies want, and without a third writer to reign them in, we get S4). So yeah, that's what I mean by bad writing as well. I BELIEVE Moffat or his wife owns Pinewood Studios that they film in, so like... it's literal studio meddling, LOL. But yeah sometimes a writer or director can also be too big in their britches, and whatever they say, goes.
So yeah, I dunno. It's honestly a mix of everything and fatigue with the unoriginality of content these days. I think that's why I don't really watch anything anymore unless a trailer REALLY grips me, or it's recommended to me by a Lovely. I stick mostly to old-faves because I know I won't be disappointed, or fandom-related content.
What do y'all think?
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jinhogae · 1 year
Hi i think i'm falling in love with HONGJOONG please help me. please. what are some of your favorite videos of him / all of ateez even? 🤲🏻 i am going crazy
kjuhzgtzhujik i am HAPPILY of help anon u have no idea how much this thrills me. tho there are many people who have been fans of ateez much longer, the hongjoong bias is still rare around here so i am happy about everyone joining ranks !!! hello hi !!! have fun !!!
so mandatory viewing of my ateez (hongjoong centric) experience:
deja vu mv (he serves so much raw cunt here it's insane. it changed me as a person like i was a mere casual listener but this one. sealed the deal over a year ago. i have yet to come up for air)
don't stop mv (second most insane moment in the hongjoong-fication of me. he's actually an actor it's crazy he didn't get a baeksang for best music video acting while trying to maintain 20 safety regulations. that category doesn't exist but it Should)
answer mv (this song was the only one to make me cry at my concert and i wasn't even a big fan yet .... song of ALL time tho !!! she is too good)
hongjoong's lemon tree cover (if you are in your mid-20s or older and european you will know this song. if you aren't, open your heart! he also wrote his own verse for it bc he's a bad bitch a virtuous icon)
ateez's wonderland on kingdom (i only watched one other video from kingdom but this is the most famous one anyway. took the house down as the kids would say. no survivors, i fear.)
ateez's it's live session: promise (first video i have ever seen of them perform and one of my fave ateez songs still. every session they did for this is great tho)
say my name comeback stage (kq's block b money was running out. ateez debuted with the most asinine space oddity meets metropol meets matrix group concept meant to span most of their career and releases. no one was tuning in. it was dire. they had one shot. and they delivered like the dorm was flooded and lights were all shut off the day prior. kq has to kiss their feet for this performance alone actually. ALSO. mullet hongjoong <3)
horizon comeback stage (sister release to answer. LIVES were once more on the line. this is to me their best song ever. the choreo is a feat of art and i do not say this lightly. spot some sweet and respective yeosang and yunho actions for the key parts of this song.)
hongjoong's log 1day (all of his vlogs or any ateez vlogs are easy background watching. i am not too deep into variety but whenever groups i like drop short vlogs, they're very fun ways to share non-music stuff in a way they feel comfortable with. also a man who is in such dire need of a dye job <3 he's just like me <3)
ateez wanted special 2022 (for their debut anniversary trip last year. the entire series is hilarious and shows a lot of their variety / on camera personas. hongjoong, seonghwa, and jongho were my faves here)
ateez's logbook #72 (their own behind the scenes series! i usually just watch these randomly when i have to kill time. the one during eternal sunshine promo has lots of hongjoong with mingi and jongho <3)
wanteez home appliance quiz (styled like a 90's/00 quiz show, they are fighting to win home appliances for their parents. the 98z' team chant is the meme sound of a t-rex. it's great)
wanteez friendship test (what it says on the tin!)
ateez @ sunmi's showterview (everyone was roasting mingi left centre and right but it is soooo fun overall. sunmi's showterview is hilarious)
that's it for now! i am terrible at watching mv's and big variety content, i am much more of a listener than a watcher jhgzhujik but with hongjoong i find any of his vlogs / covers / live stages are great content. ateez has also been on weekly idol and naver now usually livestreams hongjoong and yunho's season of idol radio, so these are fun to check out as well <3
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15 Questions for 15
Hey @mareenavee and @friend-of-giants thanks for the tag. I am lazy so idk who else to tag XD
1. are you named after anyone?
Nope, mum found my name in an Irish name book and liked it. Though technically my name is the Irish spelling of her name which has the Irish pronunciation. My mum is named after her Aunt who didn't make it through WWII. Fun.
2. when was the last time you cried?
Maybe about 3 years ago... I ah, do not have a strong crying ability. I get more of a nausea reaction in place of it. It takes a lot for it to be more than like a few sobs either...I just lost the ability a very long time ago.
3. do you have kids?
Nope, not sure I want them tbh.
4. do you use sarcasm a lot?
It's my first language. ;)
5. what sports do you play/have you played?
I am unco to the point of it being dangerous. So I was never very good at sports, with a few exceptions. I danced as a kid and wasn't too bad at it. I also took up archery for a bit but got sick and stopped doing it.
6. what's the first thing you notice about other people?
Eyes and facial expressions, I over analyse a bit.
7. eye colour?
Blue, on the cornflower spectrum.
8. scary movies or happy endings?
Depends on my mood, to be honest. I won't turn down a corny horror movie or an even cornier comedy horror. I love zombie movies. I don't like sappy, so I'm not big into romance that lays it on thick, that weird nauseous reaction. Happy endings can be boring for me, I like satisfying endings. Sometimes I want terror so...
9. any special talents?
Outside of the crap I peddle here? I'm pretty good at baking, geography and I can twist my feet inward to a weird angle XD
10. where were you born?
Australia, not in the same state I currently live in.
11. what are your hobbies?
Art and Archaeology were kinda things that started as hobbies but I earn money from those now. I'm an amateur astronomer, which I would have pursued if I could do maths XD. Obviously, I like playing video games...a lot. I use to read more but I'm dealing with a lot of research fatigue so it's been hard for me to keep focus on anything because the words have been moving around the page again XD. I watch birds.
12. do you have any pets?
I have a dog, Lenny, a chicken, Cecily, a budgie, Sam and two fish, Sybil and Skeletor.
13. how tall are you?
5'8, if my spine wasn't a spring I'd be 5'9 but S-shaped spine's a bitch.
14. fave subject in school?
I was the art kid, I took all the art classes. I was also good at HSIE (History and Geography basically) and most of the Sciences, I wasn't too bad at English either outside of spelling and grammar issues XD
Of course, I also stopped showing up to school so technically my favourite subject was wagging (skipping class). (How I got out with top marks is a goddamn mystery to me XD)
15. dream job?
Archaeologist, heading digs, or teaching the stuff that I found on digs :D
I'm doing my masters in it now and I do a bit of historical consulting. Most of my money is from freelance illustration but I'd love to just make my own art without worrying about money. I just don't think I could carry a Patreon tbh.
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erikatsu · 2 years
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i just wanted to take some time and thank those who have been with my through the year. first off, i want to thank my followers, especially those that have been with me since my first blog (rip spookydraken u r so missed).
*cue the golden girls theme song* i would like to give special thanks to:
✮ @twdottore — cat, u have been through 1838384 shit shows with me and we are still rockin' n rollin' together. you are my rod, my platonic soulmate. i want to thank you for always encouraging my wild ideas and listening to me rant ab theories and world building. thank you for all the fanart you send me, and all the tiktoks. thank you for always indulging me in selfship ideas and comms. you're my best friend and ilym (i win). i am so so glad u rang in the new year w me last year, and that you're still with me this year. here's to more.
✮ @dxlucs — ur the bubblegum to my marceline. thank u for dealing with me 15 dms + 3 texts in a row, for being there for my biweekly existential crises, and for allowing my to info dump even if it takes you a minute to understand what im getting at. i'd be so stir crazy without u. im so happy we became friends and that we're as close as we are now. i rmr when i fangirled over u following back LMAO. ily and thank u for tolerating me /lh
✮ @myalbedo — bestie. u always know what to say to make someone laugh. ur one of the funniest people i know and you don't even try. thank you for all the cute stuff you send me, for letting me scream when the 'tism gets to be too much, and for threatening to beat people with ur cane for me /lh. im glad that we've gotten close too. stay hot bitch /lh.
✮ @hanmas — ur so unapologetically urself and you inspire me to do the same. i love all of our meta-talk, our 4 am chats, and u giving me excuses to sneak away from work to run a domain w u. i'm so happy we're ikea gfs. i'm gonna buy u the most expensive candy and the giant ikea bear. ily, pretteeist girl in the whole world.
✮ @mxnjiros — ik ur not active here as much, but i love when u come back and my notifications are flooded by you. ur so supportive of ur friends and it shows what a big heart you have. i'm very thankful that i can call u a friend.
✮ @sennsational — i adore u, y'know? ur so talented and creative and every time you drop a new event i'm mind blown. u r one of the sweetest people i have ever met, and here lately u've been that refreshing sip of water i didn't realize i needed. thank you for that, and thank you for being so genuine.
✮ @dilu3 — i never know what you're gonna say and i think that's exciting. you could have me sobbing over my faves or almost peeing in laughter. you're so funny and sweet and i'm glad that we've gotten closer. thank u for letting me scream ab stuff to u and giving me good laughs
✮ @suyacho — you're also another person who is so genuinely sweet. you match my energy and also encourage me to keep going even if it's hard sometimes. thank you snow, for our little talk and crying over itto with me
✮ @alhaithms — i had to include u even though we've only talked outside of asks like three times. but each time i was able to tell how kind you are and it was so easy for me to hold conversation with you, which im not the best at honestly :,) thank u for being so warmhearted and immediately making me feel safe coming to your blog. i hope that we become better friends in the future <3
✮ mutuals — for my more recent moots who i don't know all too well yet, thank you for giving me the opportunity to make your acquaintance and for future friendships. you are all so unbelievably talented and i admire you all so much. if we haven't talked, it's probably bc im too shy/nervous to approach but i will with some time. if we have talked, im super glad we're starting friendships.
i hope the new year is full of good things for all of you. please be kinder to yourselves, you're doing great.
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shiinavanhellsing · 2 years
Aight so boom, I'm doing a part two of the fan casting for the EBKs who are my OCS for Bleach TYBW from a fanfic called PSA. I already did the fan casting for the men and now onto the women!
First off we're gonna start with EBK Azure aka Little Miss “Oh that was your nigga in my DMS?! Lemme go hit him up real quick” aka Little Miss “Bad Bitch I Can Be Your Fantasy” aka Little Miss “Was that your nigga, oh he ate my ass what a bummer” herself aka Little Miss “she a baddie she know she a ten”:
For some reason I was torn between having Ashley Burgos and Kaylar Will as Azure's face claim but what made me choose Ashley was because of the fact that she fits the whole persona of I may look gorgeous but I'll still fuck you up.
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Fun fact: Azure is part of the deities and is also a alchemist who's training amongst Uryu Ishida.
•She's reincarnated from the Egyptian air god Shu but yet despite him being a very peaceful deity, she's very well known for being a very violent air warrior.
•Literally had Shuhei feenin for her ass soon as he saw her dancing onstage from the nosebleeds.
•Azure is known for being the calm crazy out of the core four, she's the least temperamental of the EBKs but she's the exact definition of fuck around and find out.
Next up is EBK Nuria aka Little Miss “I shake a luh ass but I still get jiggy” aka Little Miss “I'm too sexy for your bro” aka Little Miss “all the boys want my honey from me” aka Little Miss “pussy put a spell on him he in a trance”:
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I was scrolling on my Pinterest feed and I randomly saw Karin Jinsui with red hair that looked fiery and I thought “hmm, maybe she'll fit right in my vision”. Especially since Nuria is known for being girly but she still has that hardcore gritty attitude of hers that's not to be fucked with.
Fun facts: Nuria is literally a shinigami, espada and reincarnated deity
•She's reincarnated from the Japanese fire and volcanic goddess Fuji.
•Grimmjow was obsessed with her when he first saw her presence, he literally damn near killed Loly and Menloly over her.
• Aizen literally wanted her as her queen but she rejected him with the quickness.
•made Kensei weak in the knees as soon as he approached her
Next up is EBK Lotus aka Little Miss “If she keep on muggin imma steal her man” aka Little Miss “big boobs and the butt stay plump” aka Little Miss “that nigga a munch and he gon eat me like a mango” aka Little Miss “my pussy glitters it's gold.....LITERALLY” herself:
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Obviously I knew that there was some way that I had to incorporate one of my faves into this story and honestly Jada Kingdom was perfect for this role. But the IG photo of her in the two piece fleece green top and skirt was what sealed the deal for casting her as Lotus.
Fun fact: Lotus is a part of the deities and is a reincarnation of the Vodoun goddess Erzulie aka the goddess of crystals, flowers, plants and sex.
•She has not one, not two but three captains on her rotation at the moment.
→literally turned Byakuya (yes y'all y'all heard me) into a munch and is the sole reason why he has no problems walking in public with his face all shimmery.
→ Kenpachi is obsessed with her so much that he immediately had her stay in his bedroom so that she could “train” and “control her powers” with him better.
→ Shunsui had her recovering in his house from the injuries she had and he folded as soon as he saw her with his kimono on dancing to the music on her phone.
The next one up is EBK Olori aka Little Miss “I'll hijack your nigga and send him home broke” aka Little Miss “dicks up when I step in the party” aka Little Miss “wonder what I do tomorrow that these hoes will get mad at” aka Little Miss “where the fuck is your waistline?” herself:
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In all seriousness, I was debating between using Rubi Rose, India Love or Shenseea but then I narrowed it down to Rubi Rose because I saw her more as the kick ass, turn up bitch that barely takes shit seriously.
Fun fact: Olori is reincarnated from the Hawaiian water god deity Maui.
•She damn near got into a fight with Soi Fon when she arrived at the sereiti
•Hichigo aka Zangestu is insanely obsessed with her, likeeeeeee he deadass possessed Ichigo one time so that he could rump
•Immediately clicked with Rangiku as soon as they met each other
•Had a secret fling with Shinji one time and now he's overly obsessed with her well being
•Also got into it with Hyori because of her presence being a “distraction” to the vizords
Last but not least we have not one but two representatives for the youngest EBK members: Dotty and Riina aka Little Misses “we make it rain and we clear it out” aka Little Misses “we at the function let's get jiggy” aka Little Misses “feeling divine and will smack a bitch if she gets outta line” aka Little Misses “got a fetish for lettuce and a need to always get to the bread” themselves:
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I'm gonna be real here, my first top choices was either Kenzo B and Shani Boni or Lola Brooke and Princess Sanyy.
But after seeing Girll Codee performing their freestyle on On The Radar, I just knew that they were definitely more fitting for the laid-back goofy, hype and energetic for Dotty (fc is Sha Bigga) and Riina ( fc is Hi Siddityy) who can still keep that big Brooklyn energy.
Fun facts:
Dotty is 15 minutes older than Riina
Both of them are the only fullbringers in EBK
Dotty has thunder powers and Riina has lightning powers
Riina's lightning bolt is very powerful and the only people who are able to use it to enhance their powers or weapons is Renji, Nuria and Ohagi
Dotty's thunder blade can be infused with other weaponry as a way to amplify attacks or to control reaitsu when using spiritual pressure on the offensive side.
Another reason why I chose Girll Codee as a fc for EBK Dotty and EBK Riina was because of the fact that Riina told Kenpachi at first glance to stop being siddity and just say hello to everybody as soon as they enter Paradise Island.
→And before you ask, Oetsu was the one who explained what she meant to everybody else in the soul society.
• they accidentally taught Ichigo, Renji and Shuhei how to get sturdy and Byakuya never let them hear the end of it every time they see him.
•“So, does this mean that Riina and I can't teach them how to lite feet or.....?”
They were paired up with Jushiro until his untimely death.
Both of them loved being around Yachiru and even took her out of Kenny's hands so that he can “train” with Lotus
Walking definition of instigators especially Riina...not to mention that they'll snitch on you if you end up doing some fuck shit you not even supposed to be doing.
So that's it for the people of the EBK members! Who is your favorite male member? Female member? I'm glad that I'm finally finished with this tho. Hopefully I gave y'all a great insight with all of the characters without spoiling too much 🫶🏽
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