#bitch you have subtitles on anyway so please stop
kennyomegasweave · 5 months
Sooo. With the bad dubbing of First and Soong's scenes twice now are we ready to talk about how their English was never "unintelligible" or "stilted", they just had accents? And the dubbing over cause y'all couldn't handle accented english is worse? Or no?
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charmanderxerneas · 3 months
It annoys me when people act like dubs of anything (shows, animes, movies, ect) are so much more shit than the original thing.
You can prefer subs, no one can stop you. But please don’t shit on the art of dubs. It’s not always just a direct translation of the original, sometimes they have to take an immense understanding of language to change things to make it suit a new language better! (certain jokes, phrases, the wording of things, ect). Also, I have an immense amount of fondness for dub voice actors! Voice actors can always do such great work conveying emotion and feeling and bringing the characters to life, and sometimes in dubs they have to work hard to keep the original feeling of the scene (or change it to match a new feeling if the dub changes things a little bit. Sometimes dubs can be really masterful in bringing so much emotion into a story, or tweaking things to be more impactful or being a very good representation of the original show! It can be fun to watch a show with audio in your own language, especially for people who maybe aren’t as good at reading or processing the subtitles that are onscreen in their brain. (I know spoken word I can understand alongside subtitles helps my brain best in processing everything said)
I love serious faithful dubs who do their best to preserve the original story. But I also love dubs that change things to be sillier or more fun, even if it fucks with the original’s vibes. Everyone uses that ghost stories dub as an example of this, but another good example is early digimon. I know people will disagree with me on this, but sometimes its fun to see what they do with the story or how they change it. The original is always there if you wanna watch it anyways, so a dub changing things up isn’t necessarily hurting the original property.
Just. Subs are great, but dubs are also great. stop pitting two bad bitches against each other
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sarah-dipitous · 1 year
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2023 Day 178
Many Happy Returns/The Empty Hearse
“Many Happy Returns”
Plot Description: John and Lestrade try to move on with their lives after Sherlock’s apparent death. However, Anderson believes he’s still alive
I didn’t WANT to have to go to youtube to actually find Many Happy Returns, but it’s apparently not on my dvds, which is bullshit
Would you consider Anderson to be the original Charlie Day meme because we used him in these episodes as a “person goes mad over complicated theories” meme first? Or would would whichever episode came out first (Always Sunny) to be the origin of the meme? Or neither because I feel like people have been going mad over complex theories for a LONG long time
Poor Greg getting absolutely RIPPED APART and so CASUALLY by Anderson
Oh these poor boys. They’re very awkward together because the thing that held them together WAS Sherlock. It’s like that episode of New Girl where Schmidt and Winston have to hang out together without Nick…except in this case, they both think Nick is dead instead of………on a date? Maybe? I dunno, it’s been a while since I watched it
Does John just have a degradation kink? Sherlock, on a video for John’s birthday (though this is the uncut version), went on and on about how all of John’s friends hate him, how he wrote a paper on that sort of thing based on spending time with John and his friends, and all John did after is ask him again to stop being dead……..
“The Empty Hearse”
Plot Description: Mycroft calls Sherlock back to London to investigate an underground terrorist organization
The bungee cord, the hypnotist, Sherlock kissing Molly…this is all just very absurd
Oh PLEASE. The height difference between Jim and Sherlock alone should prove that Sherlock’s corpse wasn’t Jim with a mask…
It’s weird to have Greg tell Anderson that all his theories are guilt over what he and Donovan did. Because…it likely IS but also HE’S RIGHT, at least that Sherlock’s been behind a lot of foreign cases getting solved lately and that his death was faked. Maybe not the exact way it happened but still. I wish they explored Anderson’s guilt more without us knowing…thought, that WOULD be difficult to sell. The series is called Sherlock and how do you have season three without the title character?? Anyway…
God. How did I forget about the mustache???
I’ll never not be in favor of things in languages I don’t speak, but mannnn do my eyes hate reading subtitles on my tv screens. The squinting I have to do…
Oh. Mycroft didn’t just CALL Sherlock back. He went to whatever Eastern Europe prison Sherlock was in and, posing as some kind of authority figure there, dragged him out himself. There is a DIFFERENCE
John deciding to…visit? 221b…I don’t like how confused Mrs Hudson was to see him. He stayed in touch to some extent with Greg but not Mrs Hudson?
THAT’S WHAT I’M SAYING!!! Mycroft is MUCH more likely to make calls and decisions to get shit done, not go out and do it himself. That’s what he has spies and Sherlock for. Though, you can’t exactly SEND Sherlock to retrieve Sherlock
I love that Sherlock’s accusing Mycroft of enjoying watching him get beat up in prison. For all the pain Sherlock has caused his brother, let him enjoy it a little
Yeah……..she’s pissssssssed at him. Omg she’s so passive aggressive about it.
Obviously. You’re bi, John. Happy Pride. It’s nearly over now
Ok there’s near NO WAY you could have known that…you literally just walked in
When we call John unobservant…or, well, Sherlock does…this restaurant scene is the epitome. He wants John’s attention SO BAD. And John WILL NOT LOOK AT HIM
The music building as John stands there frozen in anger before he can actually speak
Sherls, girl, you GOTTA learn to read the room. This was not a “lighten the mood by mocking the mustache” kind of moment. He’s very right to throttle you
I don’t care. The number of restaurants they get kicked out of is absolutely hilarious. Martin Freeman’s “THIS BITCH” face when Sherlock asks John for his help after all the past two years of silence and this entire night…unmatched
Greg just lost a bet with Anderson…he’s so happy to see Sherlock
Oh god…is this the Sheriarty theory? I wanna befriend that girl. Or at least find her ao3. It ISSSSSSS
God I miss Jim
I wish they’d done better by Mary. I love how she is in this episode. I love her teasing John about Sherlock
Mycroft getting uncomfortable and offended and insisting Sherlock change the subject when it was suggested that he maybe should have gotten a “goldfish” *wink wink nudge nudge* while Sherlock was absent for two years. It’s giving 🧡💛🤍🩵💙 ya know? With possibly aplatonic too?
Bitch, fuck you. You played that entire deduction game to insinuate that your extremely aspec older brother is lonely only to then throw it in his face that “how would you know?” Get the fuck out of here. Look. I know I’m being a little jokey when I diagnose Mycroft aspec but….he has the vibes, my dears. I know neither Moffat nor Gatiss would ever confirm it, so it’s all headcanon, but I’m protective of my aspec headcanons
The way they get around censoring out “fuck off,” it was very good
I have so little interest in the cases Sherlock and Molly are solving
The episodes are better when there’s one big case or a bunch of small ones but they are explicitly connected from the beginning
You’re right. Molly does deserve better than you
Oh shit. I forgot this part where Sherlock and Mary have to go save John from brewing burned alive
Aw, happy November 5th (in universe) from six years before that date meant EVERYTHING to tumblr
It’s nice to see them getting along again
Oh. Right. The train case…see, this is why we need shorter episodes. I forgot about it in the time I was watching it
These stakes are too high and concrete. We need lower or more nebulous stakes. Like, they’re literally trying to keep Parliament from blowing up by train car bomb…is this the moment they out the skis on the ramp in order to make the jump fully over the shark?
How does Sherlock have Icelandic sheep wool facts stuffed away but not something useful like diffusing a bomb? Honestly, I don’t blame John for not believing this or the apology. I certainly don’t believe he doesn’t know
I can’t believe Anderson is disappointed in the (perhaps) real way Sherlock’s death and resurrection went down…except maybe not?? Who knows, honestly
It just….had an off switch?? Wtf? Punch him again. Do it, John.
Maybe it’s not just a degradation…perhaps it’s humiliation too.
So Molly has a type. There’s nothing wrong with that. She can move on with a guy who looks and dresses like Sherlock as long as he treats her miles better
You know, it’s nice he’s leaning into the deer stalker cap look
Our first look at Magnussen
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dutyworn · 1 year
Wren full playthrough part 4. Notable mods for this part: LE1 Diversification Project, Keepers Finders, Tali Remastered (full modlist linked under the readmore along with other generic information about this playthrough)
youtube playlist / tumblr masterpost (pending) (look for ; havu gaming tag for prev)
Highlights and timestamps:
00:00 Recruiting Wrex. Which, I had never recruited Wrex prior to Garrus before, and I may make it default for Wren? Something about going after the mercenary lead first makes sense; Garrus is likely to be a more stable, still there later, lead. But this would be one of those very flexible defaults, she could do it either way, and I will probably record it with subtitles both ways sometime.
04:45 Scan the Keepers pt2, Jahleed's Fears. Because this bitch (myself, not Wren lol) can't stop themself from nosing around mid big mission and picking up side quests here and there instead of doing them in an orderly fashion! Also Wren still doesn't even do this quest for my blog canon (or reports Jahleed and Chorban to C-Sec), something something in-game mechanics.
08:29 Officer Lang. And obsolete talk about Harkin seeing as we recruited Wrex first anyway
11:29 Reporter's Request pt1.
12:58 Med Clinic, recruiting Garrus.
18:28 Chora's Den, Fist, hilariously terrible combat. Wren can you please take cover when I tell you to. Also not me stopping to LOOT WHEN THERE IS A TIMER TICKING BUT STILL FORGETTING TO PICK UP THE EVIDENCE FOR THE REPORTER???
24:29 Tali, even more hilariously terrible combat. Me, a gamer: oh no they overheated my pistol -spends 800 years choosing between another gun since Shep doesn't have notable skills for anything suitable, shoots merc point blank, probably almost dies-
26:19 Chat with Udina, recruiting Tali. Personally feel this is hilarious because you know how Udina does that pause when he realises Tali's tagging along? Like "who's the quarian???"? I think it's funnier, considering not only is Tali there, but Wren shows up having ditched her human squad, instead with a krogan and a turian XD (Shhh Kaidan and Ashley are having some well deserved shore leave while Wren sorts shit out with the new recruits)
33:19 Homecoming. Very on point of how this quest would go for my blog portrayal. She paragon-dialogues Bhatia into letting them keep the body for research, going with the "what would she have wanted?" dialogue.
37:45 Elevator chat: Garrus & Tali.
38:06 Council hearing, becoming a Spectre.
General disclaimer: This is not meant to be a 1:1 to my roleplay portrayal, even if it can be used as a reference for choices and just as a general “people can watch this if they are interested/wanna know Wren/the game more” fun thing. In gameplay, I tend to exhaust dialogue options; for a lot of asking questions, Wren actually would already be aware of the answers so sometimes it’s more about wanting to show the dialogue (for people not familiar with the game) and gaining XP, other times (mostly when conversing with people about their personal experiences) she asks about things she is aware of because she wants the story from the person themselves, and to show care. Also, gaming dynamics obviously have their limits.
I record everything. I edit out reduntant getting lost on the map (happens a lot more you’d expect), repeat dialogue, and/or speed through leveling up, modding equipment, etc. If I am reading something while playing, I keep the text in my edits for long enough for me to be able to read (I’m a slow reader). Stuff less relevant to the story, such as planet descriptions, I keep in the video but only very briefly so that the information is there and readable if the video is paused.
I mainly record for my own reference/screencapping etc. purposes. That’s why there also are no subtitles, though I will record clips I specifically want to share with subtitles on.
You may use my videos freely for anything you wish, such as screencapping your muse if you play someone from the games etc.
I play with a galore of mods! Here’s my list of mods I currently use in this playthrough for the first game.
I always include clickable timestamps on Youtube, if you want to watch, but want to skip some parts.
0 notes
moonchildridden · 3 years
PuthKaeng, the green&red couple: Daddy&Papi, mysterious man and lots of dots, everywhere
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Hello, beautiful people! It’s moonchild here and I hope none of you are tire of having to read the things I write because here I am, again, to talk about the only thing that gives me strength and energy to leave my bed in the morning, and the only couple that matters: PuthKaeng.
 Being honest, I had hopes that those two long ass analysis would be the last thing I would do related to them and would final begin to think about writing a fanfiction about them (yes, your resident analyst is a writer) but then, because they can’t seem to leave me alone and let me breath for five minutes, a special episode came out and my brain went back to work in overdrive and started analyzing everything. I hate my brain sometimes.
Anyways. I would like to say that this won’t (hopefully) be a long analysis just like the others, only a commentary of the episode in general, me connecting the revelations we had about the “mysterious man” and what were presented to us in the main arc of their story and me rambling in between, just because I can. Granted, the main focus of this post is to talk about the main focus of the special, which was to know who the mysterious man was, but that doesn’t stop us from talking about other things in the episode as well.
When it was announced that we would have something about PuthKaeng again, it was in the guise of being an extra scene and I rushed to finish my main analysis because I was afraid that whatever was in said extra scene would throw a lot of monkey wrenches on my theories that I was writing but unfortunately that didn’t happened, because the universe hates me sometimes. However, the universe also loves me because what we all thought would be a simple extra scene became a fucking 10 MINUTE SPECIAL EPISODE! Not only that, it gave me everything I wanted to see with them, and an opportunity to see them again in new things (P’Chewin, I know you have a series of them ready, give it to me).
 The special episode was just beautiful and amazing, cute, pillow-biting, intense, sensual and perfect, all in once. Their chemistry was point, their acting skills were on point, the deliverance of feelings and usage of body language was on point, a solid 10/10 in my book. I would give those 10 minutes an award if I could, but because I can’t, I’m gonna talk about it the best I can.
 A small disclaimer before I start: because the episode didn’t came with official subtitles (Ais Play/Copy A hates us, for sure), I had to search on YouTube for translations and found two, one of the entire episode and other of the first two and a half minutes. I’ll go back and forth between those two translations, especially when talking about the first minutes, because the translations are a bit different and convey different things, even if the context is the same. Just so you guys don’t find it weird having screenshots with different fonts.
 1. I’m addicted, I’m addicted only…
The episode opens with PuthKaeng in the same room, Kaeng busy doing something on his working table (probably something school related) and Puth playing videogames.
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The fact that they seem so comfortable being in the same space, each one doing something on their own, shows that they’ve established some sort of routine and just by being in the same geographic space is enough for them. Puth then receives a phone call and Kaeng at first didn’t seem to pay attention but turned around as soon as he heard the person on the other side of the call ask Puth “where he was?”, to what Puth answered that he was in “his boyfriend’s room” while looking at Kaeng. The caller asks Puth to “hang out/meet up”, making Kaeng arch an eyebrow, and Puth, while still looking at Kaeng, says that “he’s not going, because he wants to be with his boyfriend” and after that ends the call.
 The fact that he didn’t said Kaeng’s name and simply said “my boyfriend’s room” and “stay with my boyfriend” and the other person didn’t asked who said boyfriend was or made a big thing out of that, considering Puth’s past reputation, means that the person that called him knows exactly who that boyfriend was and that PuthKaeng’s relationship is not a secret to anyone. Also, the way the word “boyfriend” rolled out of Puth’s tongue, so easily, it shows that he’s proud to have someone to call boyfriend and have the opportunity to spend time with his boyfriend. Just…the happiness energy he pours in those 30 seconds-ish of call is overwhelming.
After Puth puts down his phone and looks back at Kaeng, who is looking at Puth with a weird expression on his face, he get up his chair and goes to him, asking “what’s wrong, papi?” (I shit you not, when I heard that on the episode I blushed and almost screamed because it was so cute it gave diabetes) and Kaeng asked “why you (daddy) didn’t go?” (Puth calling Kaeng “papi” was one thing I was not ready to go through but Kaeng calling Puth “daddy” and find out those are the pet names they use with each other was the death of me. God, please receive my soul in heaven), receiving a “how can I go, I wanna stay here with you” as answer from Puth.
Kaeng says to Puth that his explanation is a “lie” and that “Puth wants to go, he can see it/he knows Puth very well” and Puth admits that, with a “sometimes, because he used to hang out a lot” but Kaeng says a soft, and jokingly, “I’m sulking now”, and after Puth asks Kaeng if he “isn’t bored of staying in the room?” because he “used to hang out a lot too”, Kaeng makes the CUTEST FACE EVER (pause to see how Kaeng’s eyes GLOW when he’s looking at Puth. Seriously, how much love can that guy keep in his eyes, for them to shine like that?) and says that “he’s not used like Puth but he’s never bored of Puth” and then they kiss.
This exchange makes me think that they are in the first weeks of dating and still trying to get used to the idea of being a couple (not that the way they were acting with each other before had any difference except the fact that they were not official but whatever), finding a common ground and a safe/comfort zone where they could stand and feel stable. New relationships are always that, new, and it takes time to get fully accustomed with them, let alone feel stable; it helps the fact that they are friends and knew basic things about each other, so now what they need to do is try to know about each other not as friends but as significant others. That’s why they like to spend time with each other and enjoy all the time they have together, to get to know what the other is like, as a boyfriend.
 (Before I continue, please appreciate Kaeng being totally baby. Thank you)
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After the kiss, Puth ask Kaeng if they “should find something to do?”, Kaeng, having understood something else with his question (I don’t blame him, the way Puth was touching his arm, I would’ve thought the same too) asks “here?” and after Puth said “yes”, Kaeng hits him lightly on the chest and complains that “he’s still sore” (not that I needed it that but PuthKaeng versatile confirmed in only one sentence). Puth then says that Kaeng “is thinking too much” and that he meant “go and find something fun to do”. Kaeng seems uncertain about that but, as we see next, he obliged.
And the date…guys, the date! Do you guys remember that Puth that didn’t wanted to anyone to know that he and Kaeng were sleeping together? That Puth that denied vehemently that he was dating Kaeng (at the time, he was right), made shitty excuses to Mon so he couldn’t pry for more details about what Kaeng had done to him in the night he went to their room? That Puth that didn’t even wanted to be see publically with Kaeng? Well, that Puth is now walking on the streets, holding his boyfriend’s hands and oozing happiness. Seriously, the way he smiles every time he looks at Kaeng, his body language showing that he’s totally relaxed with Kaeng on his side, the way they are having fun together, even with a simple thing as an ice cream cone that they can’t hold, is so fullfiling to watch because it shows that they are happy together. And Kaeng’s eye smile…he looks so cute and happy at the same time, it hurts seeing him so happy. They are soft with each other, feel happy with each other, feel good having each other as someone to spend time with, it just screams domesticity. They are that couple, people.
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And look how Puth just throw his head back while laughing. I remember seeing somewhere, years ago, that when someone laughs that way while they are with you, it means they are really having fun. And remembering that made this scene 100x better.
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  2. My entire heart, all of it that I have inside is for you
 Fast forward, we have PuthKaeng in a hotel room and the first thing I noticed is that they were holding hands (remember what I said about them always holding in intimate moments, back when they were only friends and how I always liked to think that it was something theirs, that they only did that with each other and how it sounded too…hum…how do I put this…not something that people that were not dating, especially players, would do? Yeah) and looking at each other (always the eye contact, people. This bitches been acting like a couple since the beginning), acting like the world were theirs and theirs alone.
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Kaeng looked at Puth from head to toe while Puth takes off the robe Kaeng was wearing and then Kaeng took off Puth’s robe but did that while he was doing that he started to kneel down and was ready to give Puth a blowjob but Puth stopped him before Kaeng could even do something about it. The way Kaeng didn’t disconnected his hands from Puth’s body shows that he enjoys feeling physically connected with the other man, in every opportunity he could get (I think that his behavior on episode 9 made that pretty clear but is never wrong to bring that fact back); Puth then asked why Kaeng was rushing things and Kaeng said that he was just warming up, before sharing a nose kiss and Kaeng kiss Puth’s nose (bringing back all the kisses from the main arc back and my thoughts about them being confirmed. Coming full circle here, people. Coming full circle!).
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 Kaeng’s statement about “being happy today” was something that even if he hadn’t told Puth, I’m pretty sure Puth could see that written all over his face, because the man was glowing with happiness like a Christmas tree in the middle of a shopping mall. After the Puth’s teasing about Kaeng being happy because he could “eat”, Kaeng asking if he could “eat tonight”, Puth saying that “tonight, he could only taste a little” and Kaeng pretending to “bite” Puth (they are talking about sex, people, nothing extraordinary here), Puth says that he would be back in a minute and then leaves the small bathroom (?) they were and this is where things start to get interesting.
 [A bit of a backstory about this: when the announcement of the “extra scene” came and people were excited to know who the “mysterious man” was, I became confused because I had no idea of what people were talking about. Even after someone commented about the mysterious man being about the man who sent that message to Kaeng on episode 9, I was still confused because for me a friend of his had sent the message but brushed aside, for the perspective of having an extra scene of PuthKaeng was above any confusion.]
 Puth grabs his phone, goes to site on the border of the bathtub and is then revealed that he is the mysterious man! Mind you, we all had that revelation in an episode without subtitles, but the fact that he was sending messages to a guy that was in the same room as he was and there was no names displayed on top of the messages to identify the people in the conversation was enough for us to understand what was happening. Remember when I said that they were still getting used to the idea of being a couple and that new relationships take time to become stable? Well, Puth may be super-duper happy and see that Kaeng is happy with him but is normal to have doubts if the person next to you is actually happy or pretending just to make you happy, so Puth had to have that extra confirmation, so he used something that seemingly would make Kaeng be 100% honest (notice that Puth only does that after Kaeng said that he was happy).
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 It had been a total twist receiving that information but then we had to have a double twist when after Kaeng said “I think we should stop talking” and the “mysterious man” asked “why?”, Kaeng comes out of the bathroom, walks rather sensually towards Puth and after sitting next to him answers the question with a “because I have a boyfriend now” and then shows his tongue to Puth. Puth, understandable surprised with that turn of events, asks Kaeng if he had “always know that it was him?”, receives a nod from Kaeng, so asks “how Kaeng found out? Had he peeked on his phone?” and then Kaeng delivers a triple twist by saying that “there’s only one person he knows who likes to text dot at the end of sentences in Thai”.
 At that moment I was like “there’s no way that’s how Kaeng found out about Puth being the mysterious man”, so I went back to episodes 9 and 10, look for any moments where Puth sent any messages to confirm that he had that habit and there they were, clear as water, in EVERY SINGLE MESSAGE. I’m not saying that lightly, since the FIRST message that Puth sent in episode 9, which a reply to Nong Jumbo’s message about missing him, until the LAST message he sent, which was to Kaeng to tell him that he wanted to talk to him later, ALL had dots in the end.
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That made my jaw drop because it is such a small detail, something we had in front of us the entire time, but never actually stopped to pay attention and it was that fucking small detail that made Kaeng caught him as soon as he sent a message, pretending to be someone else.
 And the fact that Kaeng knew since the beginning that it was Puth brings forward two situations:
It is established that we started their main arc with Kaeng already liking Puth. And I said in the final part of my theory, in the timeline of events, that both of them had cut off contact with any potential sexual partners, so Kaeng only continued talking to the mysterious man because he knew it was Puth. If it weren’t for the inability of Puth for using fakes (seriously, that’s hilarious to be honest, being discovered because you like to use dots in the end of sentences. It’s like people knowing it’s me just because I never use abbreviations when I write messages. True story), Kaeng would’ve blocked him as soon the first message got in his Line account. Knowing that, no wonder he smiled after reading the message;
Puth sent the message, put down his phone and got back to the room whistling “Dear Friend”, a song that talks about someone having feelings for their friend, a situation they didn’t intended to happen. So, now we have a guy that receives a message from the other guy he likes, using a fake account, seeing said guy he likes, whom he just had two rounds, or possible more, of sex, getting back to the room whistling a song about a friend liking another friend. And considering that, in that scene, it was the first time we were introduced to that song in their story, it gives another meaning to everything, doesn’t?
Now, we need to understand why Puth resorted to such “extreme” measures to talk to Kaeng, if they were already talking normally and it’s not like any other person had access to his phone. If I hadn’t un-hold it the theory of Puth also liking Kaeng from the beginning, that specific scene of the revelation of him being the mysterious man would’ve make me do that on the spot. Taking in consideration that at the time of the unfolding of the events from episode 9 Puth thought that Kaeng was still sleeping around (even if he was suspecting of Kaeng having feelings for him), his own feelings had to be well hidden. However, feelings are sneaky little bitches that the longer you try to suppress them, stronger and hard to hide they become and Puth is an affectionate person with those he likes, so he needed to find a way of getting close to Kaeng without actually getting close to him and what better way of doing that than with a fake profile? That way Puth could’ve be a friend to Kaeng, probably even drop some hints about liking him and see how Kaeng would react to them, establish a connection with him and at the same time avoiding the possibility of getting his feelings rejected in real life, after all if Kaeng was still talking to other potential partners it wasn’t a good omen to him; like I said before, feelings made Puth really dirty.
 So, the cat is out of the bag. Puth knows that Kaeng knows that he’s the mysterious man sending him messages and don’t know how to feel about that, so he says that “now Kaeng knows it all, how much he loves him” (adding credibility to my idea of Puth having using the fake account to show that he liked Kaeng) and Kaeng tells Puth that he “doesn’t need to be embarrassed, because it’s cute”, that “he likes it” and then to Puth to “try to speak like in the text” aka being romantic. After this, we had the single most emotionally devastating moment of the entire episode and the perfect way of ending a special episode: Puth looked at Kaeng like the man in front of him was the most precious treasure he had encounter in his life and it is possible to see how he also has Kaeng in his eyes, just like Kaeng have him in his eyes. He takes a deep breath, open and closes his mouth once before saying “Kaeng, I love you”, his eyes shining with love just like Kaeng’s eyes were shining with love in the beginning of the episode, and Kaeng reply with a “I love you too” before they kiss and the episode ends.
 I highlighted Kaeng’s name in the love declaration because in this episode, this name had a special weight. Throughout the entirety of the episode, PuthKaeng always used “daddy” and “papi” to refer to themselves, a fact that made me feel more single than I already feel in a daily basis, but when the subject was to tell Kaeng how he feel about him, Puth preferred to use his name, in an almost reverent tone, and tell Kaeng that he loved him. And the way Kaeng’s eyes also shined after listening those words and the soft tone he used to answer Puth…honestly, I can’t deal with them anymore, I’m done.
 PuthKaeng has a story more complex than we could’ve ever predict. They are men with complex personalities, insecurities even with their appearances of people secure of what they want, don’t know how to express their feelings but when they do, you know is not something superficial, is the reality. It took them a long time to be together, they almost lost the opportunity to experience the love they have for each other, cried, made mistakes and misunderstood a lot of things. But now that they are together, I am sure that they will make everything in their power to make it work, will solve their problems the best way they can, will continue to support each other, be their best partners, their safe zones and each other’s hearts. After all, the love the have is forever; and even beyond that.
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kimoralov3 · 3 years
New mutants commentary
This is your spoiler warning, you going beyond here is no one's fault but your own
I don't trust this bitch
This blonde bitch gotta go
Dont trust her theres probably a force field
I was right
This bitch needs some serious mental help
So her mutation is teleportation? Alright cool
Is the wolf Rahne (is that how you spell it?)
Girl dont jump its not worth it
I love Rahne already
I don't think your daddy dead girl
Do their necklaces have like some type of tracker or like monitor or something
So he's like a rocket
Why are they the only ones here? Suspicious
"Cured" See this is why Erik was right
"For our own good" I CALL BULLSHIT
Something ain't right
Beast you destroy Dani home?
The hell
Sam don't go look you might die
Is this like what Wanda did in AOU? Living your worst fear
Sam I told you you was gonna get hurt
This bitch suspicious
Who did that to you? I'll murder them
Sam I think you might need a therapist babe
Why he just hit himself
Bitch say control one mo time, istg
What show they watching
This bitch being racist again
Huh? I thought this bitch could just teleport
And why you such a suspicious mutant Dr.?
Dani aint do anything wrong, it was the blonde bitch
Does she have like... radiation powers or something? I'm confused
Is it actually an Inhuman or is there just no name for that creature
*cough* Alex and Scott Summers
Who's in the other side of the confession booth
They're besties, obviously 🙄
Girl that ain't sinning
Who the fuck was that
What is going on with this place
This bitch being pissy about an attic
You know who she reminds me of? A mix between Allison D and Season 1 Cheryl Blossom
Baby there's nothing wrong with you
Can I strangle this bitch
Thats a beautiful story
Awwe Rahne was crying
Oh. 18. Cool
This feels kinda gaslighty
Who is the superior anyway
Yeah I promise you its not Charles
The Avengers don't get paid so I highly dobut that the X-Men do
His powers flared and he killed everyone :(
Sir you gotta open up eventually
Yall laying on these people graves
Nowww kiss
Why his colar always popped
This seems very gay
I love this
Ew straight people
Ooh are his powers heat related? Like Johnny
Oh shit he killed his girlfriend
Istg i hate this bitch
"I've been at the mercy of men just following orders."
Giving very much so Dollhouse from PLL
Didn't you tell her earlier that it was just a tornado
I knew something wasn't right
This place is haunted
So theres just a bunch of boggarts running around
Illyana shut the fuck up
So is Dani's power like what happened in Apocalypse and Dark Phoenix? Like someone beinvg doomed to end the world
Demons 🎶
Have we heard of Essex Corp before? I can't remember
Dani don't go in there
Oh Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I'll watch that one day
Shes gonna try to kill you Dani
Can y'all stop showing us these things they creepy as hell
She got the body bag ready and everything damn
This dude got his headphones in
So he's like a volcano
imma have nightmares tonight I swear
Pfft she left yo ass
Oh her powers kinda cool
Yall all better find yalls files
First time I agreed with something you said Illyana
Who are these superiors you keep mentioning
They wanna put her down because she can stop them
So she's a boggart
Perimeter breech?
Oooh the dragon is real
Good good good everyone face their fears about their powers
Well shit
Illyana just don't care 💀
If Rahne get hurt istg I'm murdering someone
I love how the subtitle for the bear is demon bear
Is Roberto another Human Torch because thats exactly what happened to Johnny in F4 😂
Stan got to produce this too 😊
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ambidextrousarcher · 4 years
Sarcastic StarBharat Reviews-Episode 22: In which horny deer rishis set off a chain of events.
Hello everyone! I’m back after a VERY long hiatus, had some real life issues to deal with, along with the aggravation of changing an url and some online drama too. And I’m right in time for Diwali, too, yay! Happy Diwali, people! Also Happy Children’s day!
Tagging my usual taglist: @ambitiousandcunning @medhasree @shaonharryandpannisim @hermioneaubreymiachase @hindumyththoughts @chaanv @ratnas-musings @whydoyoucareaboutmyusername @justahappyreindeer @milesbianmorales @allegoriesinmediasres @pratigyakrishnaki @iamnotthat @adishaktis @ratnas-musings. Enjoy your day, everyone!
Review is under the cut.
PS: Nila updates- The Sarcastic StarBharat review of episode 18 is missing from my blog for some reason, I’ll reupload it. Also, for anyone who’s listening to my song covers, the next items are Karam Ki Talwar from Arjun the Warrior Prince, Moh Moh Ke Dhage from Dum Laga Ke Haisha and Jo Beji Thi Dua, from Shangai.
 Okay. Rehash is in order, along with some new nicknames. Till the last episode, Madri has reached Hastinapur, the precap of the last episode makes it clear that this is the episode with horny deer rishis.
I had made a numbering mistake in counting the number of canon fails, my bad, so, as of now, we’re at canon fail #49.
Here’s the nickname rehash and additions to be made-
1. Bhishm-Mr. Paragon of Perfection
2. Dhritrashtra- Mr. Drama Queen (Honorary mention-DisasterRashtra, courtesy of @iamnotthat)
3. Pandu-Honey Boy/Lord of Cheesy Lines
4. Gandhari-Ms. Always Patnidharma
5. Shakuni-Mr. Ominous Music/Mr. Annoying Poseur
6. Karn-Mr. Glitterwash
7. Kunti-Ms. Melodrama/Lady of Cheesy Lines
8. Amba (deceased)-Psycho Princess
9. Satyavati-Psycho Mum
10. Vichitraveerya (deceased)-Drunk Kid
Here are the new additions:
11. Vidur (finally)- Picking the line where he likens himself to a thorn during Pandu’s coronation, he’s Mr. Weepy Thorn.
12. Madri-Ms. Smarmy Tears
13. Krishn-(Parody version, anyway, also, FINALLY) Mr. Excess Gyaandaan.
Now, let’s get to business.
Alright, so, last episode, Gandhari was told that Drama Queen wants her in his chambers. Being the aadarsh, Ms. Always Patnidharma that she is, she goes immediately, and that’s where today’s episode of choice begins.
She stumbles in and stutters out her usual ‘Husband?’ (International viewers, please note, Hotstar has rolled out the English subtitles for your most unfavorite show. It translates ‘Arya’ as Lord, but I’m keeping the ‘husband’ variation, because no.)
Anyway. He shushes her. ‘Don’t say anything, Gandhari, just listen. The mind is so weird, isn’t it?’ Okay…why this sudden volte face? Ah, he’s trying to apologise, I guess? He says that he was absorbed in his negative emotions of hurt, grief and jealousy, but when no news of Honey Boy came from the battlefield, he realized that he still worries and cares for his little brother, and that he was merely unfortunate, not conspired against, concluding that he was unjust to Honey Boy. O…kay? Should I count this as a canon fail? Canon Dhritrashtra can be two-faced, so eh, leave it.
Ms. Patnidharma is shaking her head next to him, because of course, she’s that much of a doormat. ‘I was unfair to you too. I had rejected you, Gandhari, but if I realise my mistake, will you accept me?’ Ah. I see what this is. Anvil-shadowing. Just before Pandu ‘loses’ his ability to ‘be a husband’ Drama Queen and Patnidharma make up with each other. Newsflash, writers: Nothing is this clean cut.
Of course, that was precisely the opening Ms. Patnidharma was waiting for, so she feels her husband up as they hug. Drama Queen’s heart, apparently, very anomalously, is overflowing with happiness, now that he has unloaded his weakness onto Patnidharma, or so he says. Don’t believe him, though, don’t be the naïve idiot Patnidharma is, because that weakness of his wreaks bloody wrecking ball havoc in the future.  
‘So what if I don’t become the King?’ Excuse me. I just choked on my water. What’s up with this volte-face? Just what? ‘I have more respect here than the King himself!’ I think I’m gonna count this as canon fail #50 because nah, he ain’t gonna say this in any adaptation that’s sane. And of course, since he’s randy too, it seems, he goes ‘When you give me a son, he’ll be the eldest son and King after Pandu. I’ll also get the pleasure of being a King. Will you give me the gift of such a talented son?’ Ah. So that’s what the volte-face is for. Canon fail #50 cancelled. Drama Queen would say anything at all to get his way, that’s right. Patnidharma, predictably, goes all gushy. ‘Yes, husband, for your sake, I’ll go to the portals of Yamlok themselves!’ Ah, sheesh, sometimes, watching this show makes me think that I should projectile-yeet myself to Yamlok.
He laughs. ‘When the time comes,’ he says, ‘we’ll go to the portals of death together, Gandhari.’ Well, that, at least, is true. He continues that they still have many happy moments to experience. She nods, melting into his embrace.
Scene changes to a green vista, the whickering of horses heard. Madri, henceforth known as Ms. Smarmy Tears, is laughing, Ms. Melodrama being stony faced and stoic. (That’s a change, though the music manages to make even THAT dramatic) The camera focuses on a deer, and Smarmy asks Honey Boy to stop, because it’s a beautiful deer. Okay…I know what’s coming up next. Anvil-shadowing, anyone? I realise it was very long ago when we were introduced to Ms. Melodrama, but I’ll give you a short rehash. She was introduced saving a deer from hunters. Anyone got the hint? It’s an obvious ‘Madri is an evil witch!’ gambit. Please do not take it. I know that in canon, Kunti and Madri probably had a fractious relationship given the whole fracas over the boon, but I refuse to believe Madri would be this transparently biatch-y.
And…bingo! Smarmy says that the deer is absolutely unique, and follows it up with a request for its skin. Melodrama, of course, is having none of it. She passionately launches into defence of the deer’s children who’d be orphaned, basically echoing her very first piece of dialogue on this show. Do you think there’s a chance that they dubbed it in? I mean…I wouldn’t be able to say that twice with a straight face. But, whatever gives, I guess. Fawn get orphaned often, goes Smarmy. It’s not like I’m asking you for the position of the Queen, can’t you do this much for me? Since StarB has a thing of making women either bitches or doormat ditches, its Honey Boy who cuts in. ‘Speak of good things alone.’ Did this guy get a theology class between the ‘war’ and this moment? ‘I’ll get the deer for you, the rest of you please stay here.’ And then the show takes yet another opportunity to set Melodrama as good and Smarmy as bad, as Melodrama tries to give Smarmy a moral lesson about abstaining from killing for no reason, and Smarmy going all casteist (not sure if that’s the right word, since afaik Kunti’s maternal family are also Kshatriyas? Yadava is not one family. It’s an entire dynasty.) And here’s canon fail #50 and #51. #50 is the fact that Pandu, in canon, hunts the deer because he wants to. Madri has nothing to do with it in the text. #51 because the jibe about Yadavs being shepherds that Madri makes smacks of a misconception about politics in the MBH. The idea of ‘Yadavas’ being shepherds is present because of the lore of Krishn and Balaram in Gokul. While I’m sure there might be some branches of the family that may dabble in those pursuits, typically, considering the social structure of that time, Kunti’s family is of quite royal pedigree.
The scene switches to Honey Boy looking for deer, listening attentively to the rustling leaves. Really, this question goes for canon too, haven’t these guys learnt a thing at all from the whole Dashrath/Sravan Kumar fracas? That it is TOTALLY not a good idea to just randomly shoot in a random forest, anyone? At least sight the prey a little, no?
Regardless, he shoots an arrow, the tell-tale thunk is heard, followed by a human scream (the typically serial-ish ‘nahi, nahi!’ aka ‘no, no!’). Alarmed, he sets off in pursuit of the sound. The camera focuses on a bloody arrow then showing us a rishi and a rishin. ‘Maharishi Kidam?’ exclaims Pandu. ‘It was you?’ ‘What have you done? You shot an arrow without recognizing me! I was dallying (read: deer hanky-panky-ing) with my wife in the form of a deer, and you shot an arrow without considering that the grace and the form of the deer could only mean it is such?’ Okay, for all that I want to call this canon fail #52, I’ll be honest…because such a scene, at least one of Pandu killing Kidama when he’s in sexual congress with his wife in the form of a deer does happen. Sometimes, *sigh* canon itself is quite strange.
But…in the whole of this thing, I have an observation to make, a few questions to ask, in the context of this serial:
1. Madri saw only one deer? What was the deer rishi doing, a deer mating ritual of some sort? Where was the wife then?
2. Does what he said mean that there might be…other rishis doing deer hanky panky?
3. Kidama was a rishi, right? He’d have figured out Pandu wants the ‘deer’ when he saw them and vanished? He could have, IDK, sprinted off real quick, or turned back into human, or just vanished once more. Why escalate it this much?
Honey Boy is very contrite and begs for forgiveness. Canon fail #53. In canon, he basically goes, well, Kings hunt deer, why cry about it? (That is, the dialogue given to Madri to establish her as ‘bad’)  The deer rishi brings up the Dashrath point I gave above and says that Honey Boy’s crime can’t be pardoned, that he shouldn’t have killed a man in congress with his wife, so he curses him that he’ll die the moment he’ll have congress with any woman. Canon fail #54. The original curse specifies ‘his loved one’ not any random woman.
Cue dramatic panoramic shot and dramatic title bgm. Honey Boy is in tears. The rishi dies.
Scene changes and we’re back in Hastina, where the court fool is entering. He says he has a lot of questions. Mr. Weepy Thorn prompts him to ask his questions. So there’s this long drawn out riddle session that’s set up to predict that Gandhari is pregnant, and Drama Queen will be experiencing the love of a son soon. There’s happiness all round, lots of hugs too. Of course, this show takes no rest from anvil shadowing either, so exactly at this moment enters Honey Boy with his wives. Honey Boy is welcomed with joy and immediately apprised of the news. In his head, the dying deer rishi’s words echo, even as his wives smile by his side. (Ah, apparently, there’s anvil juxtaposition, too! Whee!)
Anyway. Satyavati notices he ain’t looking happy and she asks him if he got what she said. He manages to sponge her off, hug his brother and congratulate him. When he does that, Annoying Poseur closes his eye.
As he ascends the throne, deer rishi’s words come back to him, asking what kind of a King he is. Honey Boy refrains from climbing the final stair, turning. He says that he has something of great importance to announce, confessing that he has killed Kidama and is no longer worthy of being a King.
His announcement is met with shock all around, as he renounces the throne of Hastina. Cue dramatic title bgm again. Camera focuses on Satyavati (who’s quite less psycho nowadays), then panning one by one to Drama Queen, Paragon of Perfection, Smarmy, Melodrama, Patnidharma, Ambika, Ambalika, a grinning Poseur (both eyes open), back to Honey boy and Mr. Paragon as he drops his angvastr limply.
Scene changes as Mr. Perfection walks inside Honey Boy’s chambers and they have an argument about his responsibilities. Honey Boy puts forward that for all that Satyavati wants a worthy King, he is no longer worthy, that even Indra renounced heaven for the killing of a sage and meditated for eons, that mere charity and abstinence as suggested by Mr. Thorn and Kripacharya won’t be enough. He continues that the duty of a King, the man who holds the royal scepter is to dispense justice to his people. He asks who would mete justice out on a King? The camera pans out to Mr. Perfection, standing mute, ending the episode.
Alright, this whole thing is canon fail #55. Pandu does not go back to Hastina, he sets out immediately to atone. Also #56, his wives know everything as he does. He doesn’t keep it hidden from them.
Precap: ‘But the crime was ours’ says Smarmy. ‘the punishment, however, has to be borne by our yet unborn children!’ ‘You can’t ever have children.’ Announces Honey Boy, going on to inform them of the curse.
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hoedameron · 3 years
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but before i go looking in the tags, let’s talk about my latest gifsets!
what a worker bee i was both yesterday and today with prodigal son AND loki <3 never have i created so many gifs in a short amount of time it’s a damn miracle that my photoshop didn’t straight up cough up blood and keel over. alas, us bitches are stronger than that! if this post gets flagged because of the scenes i included....that would just mean that i made the right decision to exclude those scenes ajsdksajkldsa
malcolm stabbing martin
when the episode finally downloaded, i took a peek at the ending before it aired to see how it all ends (just in case it doesn’t get renewed </3). GOSH, was i just in a TIZZY when i saw this happen and i couldn’t tell my dad what i saw because we were straight up watching the show as it aired. anyways, keeping my secret knowledge, i got to work on making this gifset. i missed a huge chunk of the episode bc it took me over TWO hours to make the six gif set. i was really torn on the “artistic” approach aka which scene to gif and which to leave out. because i saw the ending before anything else, i couldn’t play it out loud and i didn’t have my headphones to listen so i was like FREE FORMING THE SUBTITLES. plus the captions weren’t synced up so it was really hard to decipher what was being said :( 
i really thought i would be able to create the set before 9 but i was running into unforeseen issues such as the subtitle problem, which on top of that, like i said earlier, my photoshop is c/racked and janky so....you catch my drift. i was actually going to gif the bisexual moment in the cafe which i think would’ve been MUCH easier but i jumped the gun and wanted to make the gifs of the shocking ending. funny part about that is the shocking part wasn’t even included in my set (malcolm driving the knife into martin) because i felt like the scene was too short...anyways, let’s talk about the positives:
i really do like the coloring of this one. i used a psd that i’ve used before and luckily it’s meant for outdoor scenes with greenery so the gif really popped. sharpening, buddy ole pal, love you sm. the caption was kinda last minute but i hoped to save it with the gradient. cropping was a bitch because for some reason, it takes forever when you’ve made multiple gifs beforehand (cache innit) pero we pulled through! i actually started not saving the psd files to try and save time which is very unusual for me pero i was getting frustrated with photoshop so i was like y’know what....so i just gave up entirely and stopped saving. i do save when i’m taking my time but jeez, it’s a bad habit. i like saving the psd file because i never know if there is a mistake i missed in post and when i go to publish it, it’s blatant and it needs to be fixed. please, save your psd files idc if it takes up space u can just delete them later. IT HELPS !! TRUST ME!!
first & “last” appearance
i actually premade gifs for this gifset! unfortunately, i didn’t realize that three of the five gifs were the wrong size (pictured above) because i flipped the ratio. instead of 268 x 250, i made them 250 x 268. i don’t know HOW i managed to fuck that up but luckily i saved the psd files (wink, wink) so the coloring was still intact. i think i had to restart photoshop or it was getting too late so i picked it back up in the morning. sucks that i had to remake the entire gif from scratch but we will take some wins xx
coloring is the same with the previous gifset (listen....it’s a good coloring) and i actually did have an alternative coloring that was very warm pero i didn’t end up using it. almost melted the two with the “last” appearance of gil but ultimately didn’t go through with it. also i was thinking of using baby malcolm as the first appearance because technically, that IS his first appearance in the show but i was like...just use adult malcolm lol. also i know that scene of dani isn’t the “first” but the first scene she has goes really quick and she is planked by gil so there isn’t much of a solo (even though this scene isn’t much of a solo either pero it’s better than the former). the lighting is weird in this episode and my coloring tried their best :/ i know gifmakers make each gif a diff coloring pero i’m lazy okay and looking to be time effiencent. another slight tangent is that i actually queued the post for the morning but since i woke up to a storm, i was like, i’m here so i’ll publish it myself.
other than that...i didn’t run into any other problem. i was actually hesitant to make the caption that because i wasn’t sure how to really describe the team. i have poor memory so if there was ever an official name, i do not remember it. i did a quick google search pero it turned up nothing. i stuck with “dream team” because, well, that’s what they are. plus i didn’t want to tarnish the gifset with any mentions of p/olice (i was thinking about putting sumn along the lines of ‘the nypd team’) so DREAM TEAM IT IS because it’s true! you cannot have the show without these five! also, i should’ve used quotations on “last” because there is a bunch of talk about a renewal pero...just in case... sorry y’all :/
odinson brothers parallels
this was made in the spur of the moment. i saw that the teaser trailer with shirtless loki dropped in hd, i came A-RUNNING! it was posted like 47 minutes after the fact and i was like...somebody probably already made a gifset of the scene so i was like...gosh, to make the gifset or not all the while i was trying to download the video. trying because again, this was in the middle of a storm so my wifi was acting up and wasn’t at its strongest (whatever that may be). so i was getting frustrated because neither cc nor 4kdownloader was downloading this small one minute clip. that’s when i knew i was gonna be too late to make the loki gifset so i was like whatever ig...
then i had an idea.
i love parallels so luckily it hit me that this paralleled with thor and how his hair got chopped off. so, i knew i had ragnarok downloaded and got to work <3 wasn’t sure what dimensions to use so i went with 268 x 268 to make perfect squares. because the loki scene was short, i could only make three so i was like..okay, i can work with this. three for loki, three for thor, they’re brothers and they share! i wasn’t planning to add subtitles but i had written them down for the plain gifset so i was like alright, we’re going all in. i didn’t take that long to make since again, they’re small gifs and i did have a coloring in mind that i always use for ragnarok (it’s my fave for non-marvel edits as well). there was a slight adjustment to the final loki gif because i realized the gif had that dark fade into the scene which i didn’t know if it was an artistic choice for the show itself or was added for the trailer only (it happens when companies cut a bunch of scenes together and it’s not at all how it actually plays out). i didn’t want to take any chances so i cut those parts out. i know the gifs are short on the loki side pero...that’s just how it is in show business.
thank you so much for listening and hearing me out! i like discussing my work and i try to have pride in them even if the numbers don’t reflect what i hope they would. either way, still learning, still growing, still thinking about buying p.s. like deadass this shit is RIDICULOUS -_- imagine opening up ps and like...it opens up in less than two minutes...shivers
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mc-slowwalker · 3 years
shipping to australia is a nightmare. anytime I go to do any online shopping I’m instantly stopped by the thought of shipping. hahahahahahaha at least that’d be a funny way to go out tho
yeah true!! every time I’m watching a vod I’ll get so startled cause they always pop up when you’re least expecting them too. I’ve only got my prime sub and I haven’t tested it but I have a feeling that twitch would still give you ads. they seem like the type
so true I’m not paying hundreds of dollars for textbooks I’m barely gonna use for half a year. oof that sucks. if I didn’t google my way through those exams I guarantee I would have failed though😅😅 then one subject that was ungoogleable, I did fail. god now I feel bad about how terrible a student I am
it’s so nice to see dream being on streams and having fun and interacting with other people !! it sucks cause I would absolutely LOVE to see dream on ppsat but I hate the idea of toxic people that would find reasons to shit on them :// like with gartic phone the other day. I felt like so toxic when the twitter updates account tweeted that dream was there cause I knew the “twitter stans” were coming. and I don’t even have a terribly negative view of stans as a whole. and then turns out it was justified and then I felt even worse. the gumi stuff pissed me off too. feeling a bit bad for dream tho. mans can’t even play with his friends without them getting attacked. I clicked on the links in your subtitle/heading/whatever it’s called when I first followed you like 6 or so months ago. was pretty funny
damnnn you’re doing all of those?? that’s tough. I dropped language (french) in yr 10 and decided to never touch maths again after I finished highschool and I loweky like maths too. oh I will 100% be telling people to touch grass that is so funny. I also can’t say anything about the nerd thing cause I just fully had the thought “what if I write an essay on the internet and it’s effect on language development”
Yes!! please tales!! where is it!! my weekly dose of happiness. I remember the last tales stream I watched like it was yesterday😪 I miss the ____ my beloved gifs that would be everywhere everytime a new character was introduced. I may have very little clue about any of the in between/the other side lore but damn were the builds insanely good. I was watching tubbo’s stream too and he said there wasn’t anything to do on the dream smp and like true ig but🥲🥲 he also said he’s been thinking about lore on twitter tho!!! so there is that !! hmm yeah I do wonder what they’re waiting for actually cause it’s been genuinely so long that c!dream’s been in the prison for. I wanna why it’s so important cause cc!dream and cc!sam put a lot of emphasis on it. and I just really really want to see what c!dream will be like out of the prison. for so many reasons
oh nooo ripppp. that’s kinda funny tho. the video was so short that was funny too. sapnap and george 2000iq moment nice. it was a nice vid tho, chill and enjoyable. so much dream content recently I feel like he’s about to drop off the face of the earth or miraculously stream something (highly unlikely but I can hope)
When streamers runs ads you gey a warning! But when vods do it it’s just a hey haha fuck you! You’re 100% right about twitch jeff bezo wouldn’t let any thing go to waste. He’s not the ceo right now but I hate him anyways. I’ve never actually used prime sub because I don’t have amazon prime, but I’ve been gifted subs a couple of times which was neat!
You know I may not be the best student but as someone who has cried a lot because of school I think it’s morally correct to be a bad student Cheat!! You’re paying then money they owe your ass so fucking much!! Abuse their resources stick it to the man. No time in life for guilt especially considering that universities are just corporations anyways they made hide behind the guise of learning but I’m calling them out no way knowledge gotta cost this much
I also love seeing dream stream with his other friends! To badly quote scott smajor, the dream team is made up of anti social sweaty fucks (affectionate). He’s always so awkward at first and ngl? Huge confidence booster /j/j. Logically I understand that twitter update accounts are useful, but I think they should all collectively take a break for a minute. Would it change anything? No. But it would make a lot of people very unhappy. I don’t even know what to do about toxic twitter stans because like, content creators and us can call them out and not at all condone their actions but we can’f actually do anything about it? It’s super frustrating. And I feel like a hypocrite too because if dream does stuff with a cc I hate I bitch about it too I just don’t have as far a reach. Like I for sure threw a whole fit when dream went on to kaceytron’s stream. Actually I tend to get upset when he goes onto streams with people who actively hate him. So I struggle with that because despite feeling like I’m justified in doing that, twitter stans feel justified in their stuff too. You could argue that it’s different because the chance that the ccs will see it is near 0 but it’s still the same behavior isn’t it? For sure not saying twitter stans are right, they piss me off how dare they say shit about gumi, but also I worry that I act similar you know?
I’m glad is was amusing I haven’t gotten any angry anons so I can never tell if the links are working or not
Listen listen it’s less that I chose this and more that they’re requirements. Spanish is a req, but I’ve always really liked spanish? I’ve found with learning languages I have to be interested in the lanrguage’s history/culture. So french makes me mad but spanish makes me feel cozy and I like it! I pick up spanish pretty fast too and I’d like to be actually fluent in it some day. Language as a whole is super interesting. Also the internet has made language even more interesting with widespread similarities and what not
Listen I would agree more with tubbo but instead Imm going to lighheartedly call him a coward who’s afraid of surprise lore! He said he would be there more often if other people logged on more often but I know for a fact other people feel the same and by him not regularly logging on he’s adding to it! I think foolish, ponk, puffy, and bbh have really upped my standards for lore. They log on at least once a week and make their own plot. Like bro if you’re bored start some shit tommy style! Personally I would make enemies with all the beets people. Tubbo has such cool lore I just wish he was willing to be a little more spontaneous. He was tired last night though so I can see his boredom beinf effected by that. I really really enjoyed bear smp those guys were so fucking funny and I will be watching more of them. Need to catch up on hermitcraft too
Who’s to say he can’t drop off the face of the planet and stream? He can multitask. Also hems been big on reddit recently so we’ll see where that leads ajddj
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BC: oh shit, are those the new members?
MB: hell yeah. you've gotta give them a speech though. someone paid us 100k shanix for one.
BC: pfft, a speech? naw, man, i ain't good at giving speeches. why?
MB: well, 100k shanix, and you're the leader. duh.
BC: ...well, alright. i still don't want to.
MB: well, boney. one of them, specifically, would love for you to give you a speech.
BC: uhh. [spots rocketjumper] wh- uh, which one?
MB: either doomback or rocketjumper. i'd bet they'll all enjoy it anyway.
BC: man... alrighty. i'm mentally prepared.
[at this point, marrowbomber lands, and opens up the bomb bay doors so that bonecrusher can hop out.]
BC: [magically appears at the little podium infront of the base] hello, everybody. i've been told that y'all want a speech from me to celebrate your arrival in antarctica. is this true?
[Vibemaster]: [raises hand] hell yeah, man! let's have a speech!
[Overpower and Fortslammer]: [having a light nap, leaning on each other]
[Ekranotitan]: [broke his chair due to the sheer weight of his robot mode]
BC: well, okay. [clears throat]
OP, FS: [awaken]
RJ: [appears out of nowhere, halfway under the snow]
BC: [stuttering] mm. sorry. right, uhh... how do i start... well. thank you all for coming here today, i and the team are very glad to have more friends around the place. it gets empty around here sometimes. do any of you have any questions about me, or the team? well, of course, besides overhaul and fortslammer, as if i recall correctly, you two are brothers of overhaul and bunkerbuster, correct?
FS: yeah, i've got one. did you enjoy his dick?
BC: [holds head in hands] ...yep. that question was a bit blunt, though.
FS: sorry, man. i had to know.
RJ: i've got a question.
BC: yo. what's up, ma'am?
RJ: i noticed that anytime you looked over my way, that you stutter more than a broken engine. is there any reason why you do?
BC: well, uh... d'- hmm. eh. uh. y'uhh. [stuttering that can't be subtitled]
RJ: [smol chuckle]
BC: ghk-uh. well, you're uh... y-you're the second official female robot th-that's decided to willingly be a part of the b-bone gang, and... [grips own face]
[the audience]: [politely waiting]
BC: ...well, you're... you're re-uh... very hot. i d-dunno how else i'll be able to word it so that i stop stuttering.
RJ: [large chuckle] well, i'm glad to hear that you find me appealing, mr. bonecrusher, sir.
BC: [enters the fabled Tomato Mode™] d-d-j-mmmmm. any more questions?
ET: [staring at MB] [in slightly muffled speech] that's one tasty hunk of metal, there. what're the horny policies in this place?
BC: uhh, anytime you want to fuck someone, get consent and go somewhere away from groundrumbler or else he'll bitch at you for days on end.
GR: [from inside the base] I DO NOT!
BC: [smashes the window GR was in] YES YOU DO, YOU LITTLE FUCKING IMP.
GR: ...oh good lord above. please don't hurt me right after your trip to the amazon.
BC: DON'T FUCKIN' TEST ME, YOU LITTLE FUCK. [clears throat again, and faces the audience again] sorry about that. is that all of the questions?
[Airstrike]: [timidly raises hand]
BC: yeah, little plane dude with a cloak on?
AS: [mumbling]
BC: absolutely. pick a time and place, i'm down. ...is that everyone?
BC: alright. enjoy your time in the base, but be warned, there may be loud noises at times, may they be in the forms of gunfire, moaning, shouting matches, or explosions. i'm gonna beat the shit out of a punching bag, myself. [jumps through broken window] COME HERE, LITTLE MAN.
GR: [stomping away from the big mean claw man] OHGODOHFUCK-
[here's my apology post for not posting enough! hell yeah!]
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anunvalidcritic · 4 years
WATCHMEN (series) EP1
I’ve been meaning to do this show for quite some time now but I was so wrapped up and watching and not commenting on it because it was just that good! But here I am now talking about it and that’s all that matters. Thou this series so far only has 1 season with 9 episode it’s pretty fucking incredible and the cast and crew outdid themselves HANDS DOWN. So anyways I’ll be giving some reactions and thoughts that I have about this episode and the rest to follow as per usual on this blog. Please enjoy {:*) <-- do you get it?}
           It’s Summer and We’re Running Out of Ice
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RORSCHACH is one bad motherfucker!
It’s crazy how ppl complain about subtitles now but just think of the ppl that had to watch the scene first and then read what the fuck was being sad smdh.... y’all bitchies got it made in the shade nowadays
“There will be no mob justice today. TRUST IN THE LAW.” - Black Marshall and the young boy
A siren is going off in the distance, the lady on the piano is fucking up now, and some type of bomb seemed to have hit the building wtf is going on is it some type of war?
TULSA 1921
Oh shit!
Racial injustice and public discrimination of African Americans but white members of the KKK...
The AA family of 3 is running for their lives
They meet up with some friends and they’re told that there isn’t enough room in the car. So the father of the young boy insist that they take their son only. 
While telling his son his final goodbyes he gives him a piece of paper. 
Bro that’s fucked up his parents didn’t even have a fucking chance!
There’s a car accident... the man and the woman are deceased and the boy is fortunate enough to be alive...
“WATCH OVER THIS BOY” - written on the paper
There was a fucking infant in the car bro!
All this shit was because a group of ppl didn’t like the success of a minority community coming up and being successful
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Aye that dude was really bumpin’ to that shit
Damn that light is bright as fuck!
lol PANDA must be dick if he didn’t want to talk to him
“It was a Rorschach mask.” - Police Officer
Bro the fucking dialogue going on in this scene while the office is in the car really had me dyin’ (from laughter)
OFFICER - “Panda come on release my weapon.”
PANDA - “Probability of drugs and/or alcohol in the subject’s vehicle?”
OFFICER - “High.”
PANDA - “Probability of firearms and/or explosives in the subject’s vehicle?”
OFFICER - “High.”
PANDA - “What’s your overall perceived threat leave of this?”
OFFICER - “High. Just... buzz me, okay?”
PANDA - “...Stand by...”
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PANDA took to fucking long!!!! (PANDA is the type of dude that does things by the book.)
That whole traffic stop had me tense af!
BLACK OKLAHOMA (shit was lowkey lit though)
That beat drop though!
Looks like the boss man is getting called in because of the incident. 
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Listen, man, if you don’t like the show can you at least appreciate the dialogue that the show has to offer?!?!
LOOKING GLASS - “Maybe there was something in the truck he didn’t want found.”
CAPTAIN - “Something like what?”
LOOKING GLASS - “There was a head of lettuce in the Sutton’s car. The shooter must’ve tossed it in. I believe it was Romaine.”
CAPTAIN - “...Were there any croutons?”
LOOKING GLASS - “...Not that I could assertain.”
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LOOKING GLASS has the best mask on this show hands down!
It is pretty how the police have to hide their identity from anyone around them. 
The fucking WATCHMEN.... how legendary
Vietnam's a whole fucking state of the USA?!?!?
Is it just me or doesn’t that little boy they keep showing looks like he could be related to the girl that plays X-23?... just me alrighty then...
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Why do I feel as if ANGELA is about to traumatize these kids with a story that happened to her?
LOL the way the teacher
“Did Redfordations pay for it?”/”Your bakery... Did you pay for it with Redfordations?” - TOMMY
Idek what Redfordations are yet but that little boy looks racist lol so I’m not surprised he asked her that question. But he played his part so good for him. 
WTF IS THAT?!?! Are those baby squids?!?! They didn’t even live for that long.
ANGELA doin’ her bad bitch walk while being watched by an old man in a wheelchair. 
Of course, PANDA looks like shit!
“Black Oklahoma was delightful.” - CAPTAIN
LOOKING GLASS was right... she not happy about not being contacted when the incident happened.  
“I got a nose for white supremacy and he smells like Bleach.” - ANGELA
That integration pod is pretty cool lookin’
ANGELA got that man right on the nose when picking him. 
... just tell her what she wants to know man!
Dang, I hope nothing happens to those cows....
Damn so much for hoping the cows would be okay
ROFL the way she’s slapping him!
“They're right under you?” - ANGELA..... These motherfuckers are in the sky!!!!!!!
Wow JUDD was really about to risk both of their lives to get those dudes and he’s laughin’ like that shit ain’t nothin’...
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alright... we’ve got some nice classical music playing...
Wow naked as a jaybird and has that girl rubbin’ his thigh like this ain’t nothin’ new.
Anniversary.... is a fan of Mariah Carey??? (get it because Mariah Carey refers to her birthday as an anniversary... boujee shit)
Proceeds to eat only a forkful of cake
A play in 5 fucking acts?!?!?!?
BLACK OKLAHOMA is the musical that’s the talk of the town... HAMILTON WHO?!? (jkjkjk)
Y’all I just had an epiphany.... in the musical of Oklahoma the “bad guy” character name is JUDD just like the captain... now Idk if that’s foreshadowing but... it's whatever.... for now 
The animation of that show that’s being played for American Hero Story is so damn good.  
Damn this dude really played himself... his wife suggested that he shouldn’t drive...
I’m sorry but once again I don’t think that scene was necessary but then again ig something needed to be put there for that transition my dudes. (kinda fucked up that they had to do it the closet tho DEAD)
“Is this ANGELA ABAR?... Is your father MARCUS ABAR? Big Oak Tree out on Rollin’ Hill somethin’ you need to see there. I know who you are so don’t wear no goddamn mask.” - WHEELCHAIR MAN
That’s probably the coolest fucking headboard to ever be created.
Wow did he really hang that fucking man??
WHEELCHAIR MAN is the boy that survived the TULSA MASSACRE
A good way to end the first episode with the ICONIC blood splatter.
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All the episodes within the series are at least an hour-long so it’s good to binge it. Once again it’s really an amazing series and since the majority of the American population is under quarantine you might as well spend your time watching a show that has an outstanding production value. 
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sleepyseguin · 5 years
tyler seguin imagine // fight (nsfw)
a/n: feedback/requests always welcome xx
You expect Tyler to be nasty when he fights. All that push and shove on the ice, trying to say the worst thing possible to throw an opponent off their game. There are no limits when there’s a puck to fight for. So when he raises his voice that first time (and it was your fault, really, you’d accused him of something you knew he hadn’t done) you prepare for the worst. Cast back through your mind for things you’ve picked up on that hurt him. He doesn’t like people commenting on his family, doesn’t like people bringing up the real reason he got traded, doesn’t like his position at Dallas being threatened. You pile up the insults, waiting and ready for him to land the first blow, to taste anger bitter at the back of your throat.
 And he’s loud, but the only thing he really says is, this is stupid, you’re making something out of nothing, I’m going to bed, and then he’s stomping up the stairs, looking furious but wearing socks with polka dots on them that his sister bought for him. And you’re left to stand in the sudden silence of the kitchen, shaking with frustration about something that never even happened, about things he never even said.
 Cash whines to go out, seemingly oblivious to the thickness of the self-created atmosphere that makes your shoulders heavy. You open the back door, breathing in the clean night air and watching him trot off onto the lawn. Gerry appears, follows after him, never one to miss an adventure. Marshall must be upstairs with Tyler. You wonder what’s he’s doing, if he really has gone to bed. If he’s texting friends about what a bitch you are. If he’s pacing, fuming. You make yourself a glass of water, half watching the dogs through the kitchen window, half trying not to cry. Your body has produced all this adrenaline that roars through your bloodstream, only there was no need for it, and now you feel sick, feverish. You want Tyler’s gentle hands, a warm voice that tells you everything will be okay. You really thought he would rage and scream and say horrible things. People had warned you of that. Had murmured things about him being unpredictable.
 You feel like a disciplined child, knowing you were wrong, humiliated by your own actions as you walk up the stairs, half drunk glass of water in your hand. The door to the bedroom is closed. You can hear the television. The hockey channel. You lean your forehead on the wood, eyes closed. All the energy has drained out of your body. You feel limp, a rag doll with all the stuffing pulled out.
 “I’m sorry,” you say, not even sure if he can hear you through the door. Someone moves inside, the creak of the bed. You don’t expect the door to open, and almost crash right into Tyler’s chest. You squeak, a little bit, at the change in gravity, Tyler’s hand around your forearm, steadying you.
 “You alright?” He says, and he means your almost fall, but you start crying anyway, your face hot, eyes itchy.
 “Oh, fuck,” he says. You must look dumb, standing in the doorway, still holding your glass of water, trying to pretend you’re not crying even though there are tears dripping off your chin.
 “I shouldn’t have said that to you, I’m sorry, that was so mean,” you manage to say, looking down at your feet, Tyler’s dumb socks, your bare feet.
 “It was mean,” Tyler agrees, but he’s also trying to dry your face with his fingers, wiping away tears, patting your cheeks.
 “I’m so sorry,” you say, holding his wrist, feeling the fragile bones there move under your fingertips. Tyler sighs.
 “It’s okay,” he murmurs, swiping the last tear away with his thumb. You’ve managed to settle yourself with deep, gasping breaths.
 “It’s not okay. I thought you would fight back, but, you didn’t, and I really thought you would. And. I’m just. So sorry,” you say, stumbling, tripping over your own words.
 “I knew that you knew you were just trying to pick a fight. I wasn’t gonna rise to it. I thought I should just let you work your way through it,” Tyler says, “Which you did.”
 “You’re so smart,” you sigh, dropping your head into his shoulder. Your bodies are still carefully held apart, but he rests his cheek against your hair.
 “Not really,” he mumbles, “I just know you.”
 “I’m sorry,” you say again, embarrassed, exhausted. Tyler kisses your ear, mouth half in your hair.
 “I know,” he murmurs, and you let yourself sink into him, still holding the stupid water glass. It presses into his back as your arms loop around his neck. You can feel Tyler smiling as he supports you, the strength of his chest under you, his shoulders.
 “Come to bed with me,” he says, his voice quiet, private. You turn your face into his neck, breathe in the smell of him. Familiar. Soothing.
 “Okay,” you whisper.
You finally abandon the glass on the beside table, crawl under the heavy duvet, pressing your raw face into the pillow, remembering how to breathe slow and steady. Tyler goes to brush his teeth, up and down the stairs one last time to settle the dogs, and then he’s under the covers as well, the hockey muted, subtitles on. Your eyes are heavy, one foot on his shin, and Tyler reaches, tangles his fingers up with yours. You try not to smile, but he huffs a laugh.
 “Stop looking so pleased with yourself,” he says, but he squeezes your hand to show he’s only teasing.
 “I’m not,” you say, muffled by the pillow, “I just…,”
You close your eyes, so you can’t see his face as he wriggles down, closer to you.
 “Just what?” He asks, his voice low, rough. He’s tired.
 “Just love you.”
Your eyes are still shut, not wanting to see him recoil. It’s not like you haven’t said it before, it’s not like he hasn’t said it before. But you haven’t said it when you’ve been angry, when you’ve fought. So you don’t see him leaning down to kiss you, only feel the soft press of his mouth on yours, his hand in your hair.
 Your body opens for him, unconsciously, unknowingly, shifting onto your back, opening your chest, so he can settle, half supported on one arm, the warmth of his body on yours. He doesn’t need to say it back. You can feel it. The way he touches you, soft, gentle, careful. Like you’re precious. The way he shakes, just a little bit, when you’re out of your clothes and he sinks inside you, the way the breath punches out of him. Your legs wrapped around his waist, safe in the tangle of covers and sheets and pillows, Tyler’s strong body, moving around you and against you and inside you.
 “I’m sorry,” you whisper, again, just so he knows, your mouth by his ear, fingers tight in his hair.
 “It’s done,” he says, breathless, forgiving, “It’s done now. It’s okay.”
 “Thank you,” you say, because he doesn’t have to make it this easy, doesn’t have to be this kind. He smiles, big and happy, nudges his nose against yours. He reaches for your hips, shifts you, and when he pushes deep again you can’t think about anything but the now.
 You come first, because it’s always like that, because Tyler is just so good like that, and it’s a blur of his name and his hands and his mouth.
 “I love you,” he whispers, his voice a rasp, crushing you into him, like he can’t get close enough. When he comes, it’s with a shudder and a moan and his forehead against yours, a clumsy rhythm as he loses control. He goes all shivery and lovely, little rocks against you like he wants it to keep going forever. Your hands slip down his back, the sheen of sweat, the way he works hard to make you feel good.
 “Ty,” you say, on a breath, drawing him in close, like you can become one mesh of sinew and bone and muscle.
 “I know,” he says, and you don’t even know what he knows. That you love him so much it hurts. That you’re so sorry for misjudging. That when you think of the future he’s there. He’s always there.  Maybe he knows it all. He probably does. He reads you so easily, like he was made to do it. You kiss the tip of his nose, his cheek, his mouth. He smiles, and kisses back.
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girlbookwrm · 5 years
it took us two entire days to watch this, back in whenever we were watching this. I’ve got a Bundle of Papers here in front of me, and the CW Bundle is by far the thickest, and that’s with minimal salt content.
Speaking of Salt: The Roommate and I had to approach this as an Avengers movie. Because otherwise the salt levels in this would be toxic, possibly fatal. Even so, ppl with high cholesterol be warned
Winter Soldier: 
what is this
what is this please
dat beef tho
what is this op sec
NO mask
~ooooooo he’s a ghooooooooooooost~
he’s got an extremely dedicated and very harried cleanup crew is what he’s got
The Roommate: That’s a lot of sugar
i ain’t judging
what, you think her powers run on optimism?
is there an accent? is there not? Shroedinger’s accent.
droney the drone
sam’s lil sky roomba
i love him
guhhhh this scene every line shows character and growth and i just *clenches fist*
did falcon just throw steve
just yeeted him at the enemy?
god i love that
also: has steve bulked up since TWS?
that’s also on Sam, yeah?
Steve, throwing himself into a room full of an unknown poison gas without a mask: I bet i can survive this
Bucky, in Bucharest: *breaks whatever he’s holding without knowing why*
god i love sam
“I don’t work like that no more” Means ?????????????
“both grunting” is always one of my favorite subtitles
2 white boys fighting in the middle of the street like it’s a video game
god someone took the murder strut to heart wow that is some. that is some something that’s for sure.
give me even one (1) heterosexual explanation for "your pal your buddy your bucky"
there’s no way that bucky ever said this, right? this is just Rumlow fucking with steve, and the screenwriters fucking with us
wow i wonder if that will be relevant to anyone’s emotions here in the year of our lordt 2019
anyway, what bucky actually said was:
“please tell rogers... that he’s a big dumb dildo and he should wear a gas mask and also a parachute.”
listen i love this opening scene but also wanda is not at all responsible for this explosion and the fact that they act like she is undermines my ability to suspend my disbelief.
also, tony the fact that you are using your literal dead mom as an actual therapist is
BARF feels right to me
too real, tony
it’s too real
how ARE you getting around the strings and taxes tho
Also can i say that i actually love that Pepper’s absence is this profoundly important to the story. The hole where pepper should be is a huge part of this story and i like that. i like that a lot.
more a+ visual storytelling with the elevator
I’m just so mad that they blame wanda and play that straight?
all they had to do was outright acknowledge one (1) time that the media is picking on her because she’s a woman/a foreigner
imagine that speech coming from nat instead of steve
though i do love Steve’s pep talk
again. give me one (1) heterosexual explanation
though why not have Steve say “they’re just bullies, you did the right thing” and hearken back to smolsteeb
The Roommate: Remember how i was mad at his Oscars Velvet Blazer? I am also mad at this sweater.... it looks... so soft... i don’t know if i want it on him or off him... just wanna tuch....... and wear..........?”
Vision’s Ascot is. Something else man.
The Roommate: Why is ross secretary of state?
Me: Why is Trump President
Me: I bet Ross is vegan
the roommate, who has vegan-related trauma: UUUUGGGHHHHHHHH
Nat's reaction to vigilantes: Bitch please. she is Unbothered.
you don’t have to show us footage we’ve got the ptsd nightmares
400 pages in 3 days
[tired american sighing]
we honestly can’t even criticize this plot point anymore just
[my longest and most american sigh]
hail hydra continues to be the Most Terrible last words
but WHY does ross have the congressional medal of honor
do you know how HARD it is to get one of those????
sassy black friends sassing at each other
is definitely a
thing that is happening rn
Vision: Well Actually
no one cares, vis
ok like
a kid is dead but
3.6 is an okay GPA
maybe all my friends are overachievers
maybe it’s just because most of them are women but like
it’s an okay GPA
i’d have 8000% more respect for Tony if he was more upfront like “look this is on me” especially here
are we supposed to be picking all this up as subtext, actually?
because i know that this movie ALSO had a Troubled Youth ala ant man
and i really do appreciate the Russos for relying on a smart audience but there’s a lot going on
and it’s very obvious to me that they had to shift gears 18,000 times in the script writing phase
so like, you’ve got old man vet steve
but it’s painfully obvious that he missed vietnam right?
it’s painfully obvious
and he’s v egotistical and self righteous too 
it IS a battle of the egos
and no one is right
except natasha
Steve: i have to go
me: mood
oh god
oh god no
steve god no steve oh god
gfhskfdjjjksjdjjhrrrrhrhhrhfhh [wailing and rending of garments]
Re Peggy’s age:
so the True Hallmark of a Cap Movie is Peggy telling steve what to do.
so weird to have that in an avengers movie
i do love this. GOOD BRO NAT CONTENT
Um. is vision a minor? is wanda?
again, nat is the only Correct one here
stay together guys
it might be
reeeeeeaaaaally important in 
*checks watch*
two years’ time.
god i love the xhosa in this
There is a level of worldbuilding in this that we p much only get from the russos/markus&mcfeely. i mean -- internal consistency worldbuilding? if that makes sense? we get a lot of visual worldbuilding in black panther, but this is distinctly different and hard to articulate and it has to do with the way they approach things and how they assume audience intelligence
it just works for me
oh no chadwick boseman don’t be cry
Sharon deserves better
than being cockblocked by her own aunt
and also sam wilson (who also deserves better)
Nat did you get that suit from jenny agutter?
LA Brunch Mom Nat
mah girl
she’s just so tired
steve (bless him) is just so exhausting
couples date sam and steve dressed to match
“at the gym”??? really? the arm is... a bit of a giveaway
i do feel bad for zemo in this one specific case
russian IS hard
how. did he get that in there?
Soft Plumboy Bucky
Captain’s Log: Buck’s place is a shithole
Sergeant’s Log: Steve’s face is pretty
surprise bitch
“That’s Smart, Good Strategy” is an excellent phrase to use in everyday conversation in order to weed out who Knows and who Doesn’t.
What i have learned from civil war: 
Captain America is a projectile weapon
further query:
did bucky ever hurl small steve at assailants?
Bucky: *punts steve down an alley*
Steve, 90 lbs of rage at 90 mph: GET WRECKED
Bucky’s got big tommy wiseau cryptid energy here
And now there’s a cat
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I love this vampire running and also bucky’s thighs
Steve Rogers: Excuse me sir I need to commandeer this vehicle. YEET.
Bucky Barnes: Excuse me sir I need to commandeer this vehicle. YOINK.
Bucky and Steve: Wrecking your morning commute since 2014
god vis has the biggest dorkiest crush
so vis are you a child prodigy? or? what?
The Roommate, a cinnamon roll, too good for this world, too pure: vis have you eaten anything between CW and IW?
Me, sinnamon roll, not to be trusted: *dying* *thinking about how Vision’s got schroedinger’s dick. does it exist? does it not exist? who knows.*
Me: Y. Yes. I th. think he has. eaten something. between now and. and IW. something.
The Roommate: *betrayed look*
The Roommate: *is so disappointed*
Bucky is. So tired. Let him rest.
fucking up the morning commute again i see
u like cats??
I love the ratio of overkill:ineffectiveness with this glass box they put him in.
why did tony  bring these fancy pens
the time spent explaining them could’ve been spent doing literally anything else
*i still don’t understand the accords*
“my fault”
there it is
“truth is i don’t want to stop”
THERE it is
“i thought the accords could split the difference”
"no, i don’t.”
no but really what are the accords
here followed a 20-30 minute convo about the accords
basically the summing up was:
Nat is 100% Right Ross is 100% Wrong Everyone Else is In A Grey Area
look this is actually a really good avengers movie
this is a moment when the back catalogue works against them because this conversation is so -- it implies a lot of friendly interactions between these two. they seem to have a relationship
but i keep looking at all the other movies they’ve interacted in like
i am anticipating this will cause me A Grief later
The Roommate, looking at Steve in his Grey Shirt and Jacket: Damn, sir. Stop wearing clothes.
“j a m e s”
big holt talking to rosa vibes there
“I don’t wanna talk about it.”
Zemo’s plan is so ridiculous i genuinely don’t have time to get into it i still have two pages of notes to get through holy shit.
this fight scene. does things. for me.
(oh tony left with no suit? growth dot gif)
T H I G H S ! ! ! !
Sam out here, serving looks, casually modeling
B I C E P S ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
TOO SEXY! *crashes helicopter*
I need twelve more scenes of steve and bucky faffing about in the water.
A more effective restraint than the custom made bucky bottle
(BRIEF 1991)
haaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAa biceps u stop that
Is Tony having a heart attack???
he has no concept of how to treat children because he never was one oh no i gave myself a sad feeling
“I’m having a big fight in a parking lot with my superhero friends better go pick up a child as backup.” - tony stark
tony he doesn’t have a passport and if he understood what was happening he would not be on your side
Now That’s What I Call Vigilantism.
Why are you bringing a CHILD to a gun fight
Tony’s face, to me, suggests that he knows EXACTLY what he’s doing
also? it’s painfully obvious to me that these scenes were copypasted in late stage when they finally found out that yes they would have the rights to spiderman lol
for some reason they don’t feel the need to tell is that this is avengers compound in 400 point font
i’m so lost
where are we?
without the 400 point font i can only assume we are on mars
THAT’s a fine way to greet YOUR FATHER, WANDA
hawkeye is in fact the team lynchpin
is it
is it because they listen to him but he listens to natasha
i bet it is
Vision: I have been FALLING! for THIRTY MINUTES!
“i know someone who does”
i’m confused by the cut here, because it seems to imply that Sharon, deliberately or inadvertently, rats them out to natasha?
Birds and raccoons do not get along
steve no
ur timing is shit steve
Scott Lang might be the best thing in this movie
well except for Dat Bone Structure
*costume change in a parking lot to the yakkety sax soundtrack*
Thinking about the coming battle i am forced to concede that Iron Man Has A Point?
“do you really want to punch your way out of this?”
Steve: I ALWAYS wanna punch my way out
god scott’s such a fukkin nerd
tiny quibble but Scott “got punched by hope van dyne” lang would never say that to the black heckin widow
people in falcon houses shouldn’t throw spider stones, samuel
those cars belong to people
oh god iron man has a point
*catfight sounds*
“then why did you run?”
dude you attacked me in a catsuit
Tony’s true superpower is that he knows steve, that’s how spiderbabby gets the upper hand
althought god
Tony was pre-gaslighting peter
he was pilotlighting peter
*my longest UGH yet*
“Queens?” “Brooklyn”
ant man is the MVP
hmmmmmm “we don’t trade lives” HMMMMMMMMM
why did that truck explode
also *omg iron man has a point*
tony tedward stark how did you not know how old this child was
also peter stop pretending you don’t know what Empire Strikes Back, AT-ATs and Hoth are.
why doesn’t Vis get more flack for this
hey. hey tony. you know what sam is? A MEDIC. maybe let him LOOK AT YER FRIEND THERE instead of SHOOTING HIM IN THE FACE.
zemo’s plan is noooooonseeeeennnnnnsssse
guh these two beautiful men emoting in different directions KILL ME
this doctor is just like “yup there’s a giant purple robot here seems legit”
natasha is the only one who’s 100% right
did... did the russos kill themselves in this movie? did they cast themselves as dead extras? was this a statement of some kind?
HOW did ross get the congressional medal of honor. H O W.
“you read it”
tony this is Some Nonsense
ffflslkds he’s taking one of Nat’s guns KILL ME
one (1) heterosexual explanation.
rode back in a freezer truck
got pneumonia
already had pneumonia
and you blew three whole dollars on some slut
(seriously. gimme one. i’m waiting.)
srsly tho, whether you ship it or not, these two are old marrieds
the red star looks weird on his beefcake arm. did they forget to scale it up?
listen zemo is just really turned on by cam and he didn’t mean to say that and that’s the most relateable thing he’s done so far.
It’s not just that bucky killed his mom. it’s that bucky killed his mom AND STEVE KEPT IT FROM HIM.
life alert a senior citizen has fallen
T'Challa, observing this White Nonsense™: I truly should... check myself. Before! I wreck myself.
agism is what it is
god this bit
steve dropping the shield
look at him
he is Stick A Fork In Him D O N E
Rhodey really deserves better than this? He deserves development showing the evolution of his opinion between here and IW
i wish we could get more of him grappling with this
that said
gosh wouldn’t it fucking suck if Cap and Bucky got relegated to End Credit scenes in their own got damn movie to make room for Iron Man to emote at his buddy his pal his rhodey?
*looks directly into the camera like i’m on the office.*
Steve rogers: getting the last word in every argument since 1918.
“from the bottom of my heart: My Bad.”
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maikatc · 4 years
black sun tale | jackson
i want more jackson love so i shall share jackson love. also this is from the 3rd draft of bst too and most of it is still in the current canon, just a good amount of changes here or there (like the ending-)
Since the sun wanted to kill his skin like usual, Jackson stayed inside with his companion
Despite her constant rambling, he stared at his computer screen in focus. He checked left and right from every forum he travelled to, reading all of the comments and theories that left in each and every one.
“Do you think we should get Finn over? Since he’s basically the same as you and never bothers to listen. Well, actually he’s pretty good at multitasking so it’s mainly just you.”
There was a sour tone in her voice, which her minor complaints caused him to look at her directly rather than his screen. “Mirana, I can still hear everything you say while I read.”
She crossed her arms, “That’s impossible,” she scoffed.
“Have you ever seen some foreign movie with subtitles?”
Mirana looked at him deadpanned. “I was forced to, yes.”
Jackson sighed, he figured that socializing during the summer was probably a good thing. “Just call Finn over.”
“Okay! I’ll go on speaker.” Mirana grabbed her phone as Jackson comforted himself back to his laptop, muttering.
“Why am I even friends with you guys again?”
“Because childhood friends are bitches like that.”
“Right.” He cringed at his own lack of silence.
“I’m guessing Jackson’s being a prick again?”
“Yeah, pretty much.”
“That’s the reason you always invite Finn over here,” Jackson entered the conversation as Finn entered through the doorway.
Mirana crossed her arms. “I always tell you guys to go out but no,” she spited.
Jackson rolled his eyes, “You haven’t seen the news lately, haven’t you?”
Finn replied, “You mean the area deaths?”
“Mirana, do you really think anyone would go out with that situation at hand.” Jackson eyed her as she played with her red hair.
Mirana looked down, muttering words Jackson couldn’t hear. She looked back at both of them, “Well, we can always just go somewhere indoors. You guys just stay in your houses all the time.”
“I’m researching about the area deaths.”
“I’m trying to hack online friends for a prank.”
Jackson and Finn replied to her simultaneously.
The girl sighed and pointed at Jackson, “Okay that’s too depressing to spend days on,” she shifted her hand towards Finn, “And that just means you need more of a life.”
Finn chuckled, “They hacked me a few days ago, gotta get em back.”
Mirana shriveled downwards, “Y’all need more vitamin D, goddamnit.”
Jackson opened his computer again, “That’s why they made pills for it.”
“Don’t forget the flavored gummies.” Finn added, going on his phone in the process.
Mirana stared at them deadpanned. “… You guys suck.”
As Jackson’s focus drifted back to forums, a hand suddenly closed his laptop, causing him to jump. He saw Mirana take Finn’s phone as well.
“What the hell?” Finn his arms up as his phone was gone.
She swiftly grabbed both of their arms, her strength being able to pull them up. “I’m dragging you guys out. We’re going to the diabetes shop.”
Jackson’s eyes lowered at her. “Fucking hell.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll get you guys candy in return.”
Jackson pulled himself out of the girl’s grasp. “Let me at least get ready to go.” He looked at himself, still just in a white t-shirt and black boxers.
He walked to his drawer of clothing, taking off his shirt in the process.
“Don’t you ever think that’s too forward?” Finn commented.
Jackson opened a drawer full of shirts, “It’s not like I’m trying to get you guys to sleep with me. Well, anybody anyways.”
“Yes, we’ve already gotten over this: You don’t like people.” Mirana stood by his bedroom doorway as she spoke. All the while, Finn was on his phone he had gotten back from the girl. “Besides, out of anybody, Finn would be the one distracted by you right now.”
Finn turned away from his phone immediately. “Middle school means nothing.”
“And nothing came out of it, so now we’re just chill.” Jackson grabbed a grey t-shirt he’d gotten from concert Mirana brought him to around a year back. He put it on without much thought and then wore a red unbuttoned flannel over it.
As Mirana and Finn talked to each other, returning regrettable middle school memories, Jackson added a simple pair of jeans and a belt to complete his outfit. He tucked his shirt in as he walked towards the mirror. He fixed up his tuff of brown hair lying on top of his coffee-colored skin. Adding his grey newsie cap on his head, he turned towards the others.
“You definitely go on the internet too much.” Finn eyed his outfit.
Mirana laughed, “I still don’t get why you where that hat, I gave it to you as a joke.”
Jackson shrugged. “Well, I like it.”
“It makes you look like an old man.” Mira smiled.
“Let’s just go,” Jackson grinned at their common talk.
 “I still hate the sun.” Jackson complained.
“Take off your flannel then,” Mira told him, rolling her eyes.
Finn said, “Hey Jackson, there’s this one video I’ve been meaning to show you too.”
“Finn, another video and I’ll take your phone again.” Mira remarked, causing Finn to place his mobile in his pocket yet again.
“Oh yeah, you heard of the Katzmann death, right?” Jackson asked Finn.
Finn nodded. “We’re screwed.”
“I still don’t get why you used the excuse of the area deaths when you still die indoors now.” Mira grumbled to herself.
“It’s more common outside though, the Katsmann kid was the first time a death was inside. And that happened like two days ago.” Finn spoke in defense.
“I still want to know why this is happening. It’s just getting weirder…” Jackson furrowed his eyebrows, his sight on the ground as he walked in the streets. His curiosity had peaked as always.
“Leave that to the government.” Mira’s hand made a brushing motion.
“It’s easier like that but people should try to figure it out so they’d know what to make best in the situation.”
“Yeah, yeah, but your ideas are too out of proportions.” Mira retorted.
“Don’t go into one of your journalism talks again please, Jackson.” Finn commented.
Jackson sighed and let go of the conversation.
The traffic was busy as always, creating the city noise he’s listened to for almost five years. Turning his newsie cap backwards, he observed the tall buildings engraved in his mind as his friends talked to each other about whatever gossip Mira had. Their snickers mixed with nostalgic sounds eased him slightly.
However, there were ideas peeking through his mind again, area deaths being the topic of course. The number of clues for the cause is nothing to discuss. There was no reason for many of them to just die so suddenly. Everybody would just fall from system failure. No way it couldn’t been a shooting, no injuries. How could a virus appear out of nowhere and kill others instantly without any other contact? How would the virus just disappear suddenly after mere seconds of so many dying? How could no one else around the area be affected if it were to spread so quickly? Why-
He bumped into somebody, someone shorter than him for sure. He looked down from his height to see a boy around his early teens down on the ground from lack of attention. Mira and Finn stopped with him.
The boy had white hair, likely dyed, covering his eye and strangely pale skin. He bore a simple, yet untucked, buttoned shirt and tight black jeans. His visible eye stared at him dully, though it shone a pretty blue.
He got himself up after muttering something under his mouth.
“Sorry, ‘you alright?” Jackson asked looking down at him. He was definitely short, maybe less than five feet compared to himself being over six.
The boy observed him again, and with a small curve on his lip, he said, “Yeah, but you better pay more attention.” He walked off without any other comment.
“You should probably pay more attention too,” Finn fussed.
         They walked for about another minute until Mira noted, “Well this was a pretty short walk. Not much to complain about, right?”
“I’m still sweating like shit, Mira,” Jackson bickered, “Shut up.”
Mira ran to the store door, “There’s a thing called cold drinks, you know.”
Finn walked inside. “I’m just gonna have some sour candies and soda while I plan on what the hell to do with life after high school.”
Jackson sighed as he walked in himself. “Same though, I don’t want to think about the college applications in two years.”
“And I don’t want to think about that stuff since we just went through sophomore year and it’s summer, so be quiet.” Mirana entered, slamming the door.
The store was the same as always, an array of candies near the cashier and soda pop stacked upon each other in rows. Throughout the store held packs of what kids get nowadays: junk food. Though laid around were mediocre everyday items such as earbuds or chargers, which were simply begging to be bought with their cheap prices. Jackson and company mainly went however for the small table they held for customers who just wanted to relax. Though, behind the front counter was a man around their age, who they all knew well.
His name was Kasen, his parents were managers so it was the easiest job to get, from what Jackson heard. Whenever he’d visit the shop for a quick grab of snacks for a sleepover, he would chat with him whilst paying with the little cash he’d have at the moment.
His aloof attitude towards the job made the shop surprisingly more welcoming with his honest attitude. Which is its own downside since he makes the family more money from the teenage crowd, thus his parents force him to stay.
“Yo, Kasen,” Finn walked towards him immediately. “How’s today’s shift going for you?”
Kasen looked up from the article he was reading on his phone. “Boring as usual.” He wore his signature, busted nametag as well as a short-sleeved hoodie for the heat. All the while he placed iced coffee from the coffee shop down the street and a fan to keep him cool.
Jackson shrugged, “Well, at least you have company now.”
Mirana picked out three individual candies that each of them liked themselves and placed them all in front of Kasen as she grabbed her wallet. “I told you guys I’ll by candy for you,” she placed the exactly amount of money on the counter to pay, “So here you go.” 
“I still have to scan it.”
Mira paused. “Oh yeah.” She handed the treats back to him.
Kasen quickly put his long-cut blonde bangs behind his ear and scanned all of them to hand them back to her. “Okay, now you guys can have it.” He took a sip of his iced-coffee again as he took the cash to put in the system.
“Wait!” Finn suddenly said. “What about the drinks?”
After a quick moment of silence, Kasen sighed as the computer printed out the receipt. “Just get your soda already and pay me again.”
 “I still don’t get why you guys just have a table here…” Mirana sat back as she ate gummies.
Kasen leaned forward from his counter. “Well, it was my idea when I was younger, my parents bought it as a present so I wouldn’t be running around the store while they worked. Plus, I thought that people who wanted to stay shouldn’t be standing. Didn’t really noticed how weird it was until I got older.” He snickered pulling up his glasses.
Finn chugged some of his cold, orange pop and took a sighed as he swallowed. “Aren’t we the only people who actually sit here?”
Kasen shrugged, “Well, there are some who do, but they don’t bother talking to me. Mainly since they’re basic bitches, but they get annoying easily so I don’t really try at the same time.”
“Makes sense,” Jackson nodded, “You’re a good man, Kasen, a good man.”
“Yes,” Kasen chuckled, “A good man without an idea of what degree I even wanna get.” He took another sip of coffee.
“Isn’t that half the students though,” Mira questioned.
“I guess so. I mean, at least I’m pretty sure my parents will let me quit after graduating.”
Jackson indulged in his popping candy as the others talked. He already had a basic plan after graduating high school, though without older siblings like Finn had, he didn’t have anything to make reference of for himself.
“Damnit…” He muttered, taking a sip of his lemonade as the others laugh about some random new topic.
 Jackson had returned to his cozy apartment, lying beside his dining table and lightly chuckling from the thoughtless jokes of the media.
Mira and Finn had left hours ago, all the while his mother had arrived back from the hospital, cooking up dinner. Her bleached hair puffed up into a mess like always as her small eyes carried bags underneath.
Jackson turned towards her directing, eying that she wobbled as she walked.
Jackson stood up, closing his laptop as he slipped next to her and place his hand on her shoulder. “You’ve worked two nights shifts and a day shift to top it off, I’ll make dinner.”
The woman blinked at him slowly, only to place the cutting knife she held for vegetables and sighed “Fine.”
She stumbled towards the table and slumped down on a chair.
Jackson nodded to himself as she already fell to a slumber, and went on to cut the rest of the veggies to use for the last step.
The rice noodles were already being boiled and the chicken breast was already cut. All Jackson had to wait for was the rice noodles to be ready.
 His mother blinked her eyes open as Jackson stirred all of the ingredients together in a wok.
Jackson stirred repetitively for some time until the clattering of plates struck his ears. He turned to see his mother grabbing plates without precaution. Though, he shrugged and laid his eyes down upon the food. “The pancit is ready.” He said as he began serving food to the plate that had been passed to him.
“You’re starting to make better food than me, it took seventeen years.” Her mouth slurred as she spoke as Jackson passed the plate he held to her.
“I’ve been good, besides you passed out immediately once I offered help,” Jackson scoffed.
After gathering their food and utensils, the two sat on the dining table together.
“So how did your day go?”
The light shined above them dimly, and his mother’s voice was weaker than normal.
“Mira dragged me and Finn to the shop. She paid for treats though so I didn’t have to use any money.”
The woman sighed. “Well that’s good. But I’ll pass you some more money by the end of the month.”
Jackson dragged his food around silently. “You know that you don’t have to save for college money now…”
His mother looked down on her plate as she chewed up her meal slowly. As she swallowed, she replied, “I’m just trying to being precautious. My family budget got screwed over for my education around your age.”
“But you still managed.”
“But, I had to work my ass off while you were just a baby.”
Jackson scoffed, “I know, I know. But it isn’t like I’ll be in that situation.”
She sighed, placing her spoon down gently, “Look, I’ve been working enough extra shifts for the hospital to offer me a vacation week. Will that make you a bit happier?”
Jackson took a spoonful of his meal. “Yeah, just rest for the week though. I’ll take care of the house.”
“Thank you, Jackson.”
They continued to eat the meal until Jackson picked up both of the empty plates to wash. His mother meanwhile, sat at the table to have some herbal tea and bread. An array of clean dishes on the other side were waiting to be put back in place, however Jackson’s desire to was barely existent as he washed more things.  
“So, Mom, have there ever been survivors of area deaths that were in the hospital?”
“No, even the news says that no one in those places survived, you’d know that better than me.” Jackson could easily tell with her tone that she was confused.
He replied, “Yeah, but the news gets information wrong sometimes, so it’s always good to gain your own evidence.”
His mother took a sip of her tea. “That’s true. I’m guessing you’re making your own little conspiracy theories again?”
Jackson rolled his eyes with a grin. “No, this situation’s too vague to have a real solution here.” He said while placing a dish to the clean side of the sink.
“Are you going to keep trying to look for clues?”
Jackson groaned, “With how weird this all is, and the situation just getting stranger, I’m not even sure if anyone is gonna get a solid theory to this.”
His mother hummed thoughtlessly, “Well, even the absurd theories end up being true sometimes, so what do you got?” She took a bite of her bread in the process.
Jackson finished up the last dish and turned off the sink. He turned towards his mother with his hands holding the counter behind him. “The closest shot that I have is some artificial virus.”
She eyed him in a tired surprise while saying with bread in her mouth, “And what makes you say that?”
Jackson took a seat across from the woman, stretching his arms while looking at her straight. “Well, if you look at how the area-deaths go. They only happen in a specific location at the moment, and it kills everyone almost immediately. So, what if someone or some people had developed a virus they could activate and spread however they’d like. But at the same time if this were in a, most likely, terrorist perspective, it wouldn’t make sense to just attack specific people out of convenience when they can make mass destruction so easily with that type of destruction. Even more nonsensical that they would guess use this technology on singular people such as the children who’re kept and-… yeah.” He stopped himself from rambling too much.
“Hm, makes sense that this would be tricky. But maybe you should try and see other perspectives on who may have done this if there was someone in action.” His mother stirred her tea as she spoke, spreading the scent of plants and herbs across the room to Jackson’s dismay.
Jackson shrugged. “It’s hard to think of any. This tech would be impossible to create without tons of money or support.”
“With the world nowadays, anything can happen really.” She took another sip of her tea, tipping her head downwards only to get herself back up quickly.
Similar to past nights, Jackson got up to take away her tea and bread. “You’re going to work again tomorrow, right? Go to sleep.”
She blinked until she replied, “Okay, okay. But you’re drinking the rest of that tea for me.”
“That’s fine with me, mom.”
She got up with him as he walked with her to her bedroom.
“Oh yeah,” his mother said whilst slumping herself through the short hallway, “did you have fun with Mira and Finn?”
“Yeah, we talked with Kasen at the shop too, but I was still busy thinking so I spaced out for most of it.”
She softly chuckled, “Of course you did.”
They arrived at her room, all a mess with dirty clothing and mail, and she wobbled her way to fall on her bed. “Night, Jackson,” she said dozily.
“Night, Mom,” he replied as he closed the door with a soft creak.
Jackson walked back to the living room to go back to his laptop. All the while he was in the regular thoughts of a 34-year-old woman working herself exhaustingly for her almost already-independent child.
 Mirana sat quietly on the floor with her sketchbook while Jackson took notes on his bed for summer homework. As Jackson bored himself with science facts, he noticed Mirana had observed him with her pencil at hand.
He listened to her sketching on her paper as comfort, the pencil tip scratching ever so slightly against the sheets.
“So, what are you drawing now?”
Mirana placed the pencil eraser on her lip, focusing on his position yet again. “Trying to make a sketch of you, but this angle is tricky of course.”
“Why don’t you just move somewhere else to get an easier angle?” Jackson raised his brow, though her answer would most likely be predictable.
She shrugged, “The harder the angle, the more impressive it is to pull it off.”
Jackson typed up a quick fact that he’d forget later. “I still don’t get how people can draw.”
“Well, at least you can take pictures,” Mirana scoffed.
Jackson rolled his eyes. “You just don’t know how to take pictures of people.”
“Adding a filter like you do doesn’t work on everything.” Mirana whined quietly as Jackson turned to his notes again.
They continued doing their own work. And whilst Mirana seemed to have fun in her focus, Jackson began to grow a headache as per usual.
“Hey Mira, are you almost done with your sketch?” He asked.
“Oh, I actually just did. You still have those colored pencils I gave you, right?”
Jackson replied, “You told me to keep them in case you drew here so I left them to die in my closet. Go look there. I’m gonna get some pills.”
Mirana put her sketchbook and pencil, beginning to stand in the process. “’Kay, thanks”
Jackson pushed his laptop aside and got up from his bed. Muttering to himself about not sleep depriving himself before working.
He quickly walked to the living room cabinets, finding headache pills quickly from the last time he left it there. He grabbed the cup of water he’d abandoned from morning breakfast and took the pills with it, having a good chug of the rest of the cup for safe measures. Though as he drank the rest of the cup, thoughts raised through his head.
The quicker I get this work done, the more time I have to relax and… maybe get some money from a job. I’ll look after. It’s starting to get dark though-.  
His surroundings turned grey and silent as he felt a brush on his back in a flash. He choked on his water from flinching, though everything went back to normal the second he coughed it out.
Jackson gasped for air as he stumbled his hands towards the counter edges. He slowly breathed out, “What the hell…” as he stilled to calm down.
“Jackson, you okay?” He turned around to see Mirana by the end of the hallway.
Jackson let go of the counter and answered her. “I just choked on my water a little bit,” he sighed.
The woman crossed her arms and lowered her eyes. “I could hear from the other room. Your walls were thin enough.”
“Of course,” Jackson groaned as he straightened up his t-shirt.
“Have some more water. The pills won’t support your choking bit right there.”
“Sure, sure,” Jackson grumbled as his poured more water from the pitcher.
“So,” Mirana said as Jackson started drinking again, “what made you so startled anyways to that point.”
“It was an accident.”
“Yes, but choking that much by an accident isn’t really that believable.”
Jackson took another gulp of his water. “It was just random chills. I’ll look it up later or something.”
Mirana stayed quiet until she sighed, “Okay then, I’m just gonna go back to coloring.”
She walked back to where she disappeared in Jackson’s eyes. As he turned to look back at the window set on the living room wall. 
The streets were just as lively as ever. Kasen was probably taking a nap during his breakshift of the day, while Finn procrastinated to even read his english books in the first place most likely. Despite his rural beginnings, everything that brought out curiosity and naivety to him had faded into the mundane.  
His mind continued racing until he finished his drink, swifting the glass towards the sink to clean later and going back to his room. 
Though, Jackson opened the door to find his room floor covered in multiple dull colored pencils. He looked ahead to already see a blur of colors in Mirana’s sketchbook.
Carefully, Jackson dawdled to the other side of the room. “You don’t have to throw all the shitty pencils across the room,” he retorted.
Mirana scoffed, “They aren’t shitty. They just aren’t needed for the sketch.”
Jackson rolled his eyes from her ignorance as he sat next to her, getting a better sight of the sketch.
She managed to catch his appearance well, like usual. His light tan-skin was replicated using a simple mix of pencil shades. His eyes squinted smaller than they already were as he focused, which was a usual habit in his defense. Though Jackson noticed his hair was a brown mess, and he subconsciously fixed his hair with his hand as his eyes analyzed the piece some more.
“Goddamnit Mira, it’s good.”
“Thanks, I mainly just colored you but I think I’m gonna move on to an outfit sketch.” She spoke as she turned to the next page, catching some stuck pages out from seemed to be dirt.
“What kind of outfit are you thinking of?”
“Just a thin dress, for when I go out swimming, you know?” She started sketching out lines of the model’s head.
Jackson’s mind swirled about what type of design it’d be, though another question came to mind.
“With how many outfits you made, did you ever consider being a designer or something?”
Mirana scrunched up, tapping her pencil slowly as she slightly hummed. “I’m not really sure yet. I like doing art in general, outfits are kinda just another hobby but I don’t know shit about actual fabric stuff.”
Jackson shrugged as she kept sketching slowly. “Yeah, but you can always learn, that’s what half the internet was made for.”
Mirana chuckled. “Yeah, but I prefer using the other half,” she clicked.
Jackson scrunched his eyes. “If you’re implying what I think you’re implying, get out.”
She snickered as he groaned back onto his own workspace.
“So, Jackson, what are you gonna do when I’m gone for the next two weeks?”
Jackson opened an online textbook, “Oh- Wait, shouldn’t you be packing right now?”
Mirana said, “I already did all of that last night. It was pretty easy.”
“You just stuffed everything you had other than your sketchbook and materials into your luggage without a thought, didn’t you?”
She grinned. “Pretty much.”
Jackson shook his head, “Your car trip’s gonna be around 2 days long…”
“Yeah, but out of anything, all I really need for survival is my sketchbook. Same goes for my music but I always have that so no need to worry.”
Jackson sighed, “Don’t come complaining to me when you don’t know where your swim-suit is.”
Mirana looked up from her sketchbook, “What? I got too focused on something.”
Of course, he thought. His screen became his sight again as he said, “Just don’t die in Massachusetts.”
“You’d probably like it more than me really, colder than here in New York City.”
Jackson smiled. “Trust me, I don’t like anything considering the weather.”
 “It’s been two weeks. More kids died in their apartments. News is saying that people are starting to move. And at the same time, we still have no idea why this is happening in the first place.”
Finn commented, “There haven’t been anything else like this outside of NYC, so it could be worse.”
Jackson snapped back, “But what if it does get worse?” He slammed down his laptop from the kitchen table, walking off to refill his glass of water from minutes prior.
He chugged his cup full down with a vitamin D pill quickly, coughing and wiping his mouth with a sigh as he finished. “What,” he gasped.
 “You’re getting stressed again. Calm down.”
Jackson huffed. “I don’t understand what’s going on anymore. The press would’ve released something weeks ago explaining, but all I get is shitty blogposts.”
He sat at his table again, arms over his head and kicking his long legs back and forth from the stool. “If we keep this up, we’re all gonna die soon enough.”
Finn stood silently, then sat on another stool on the side. He clapped his hands together while taking a breath. “Okay. Jackson, we aren’t gonna die. Out of anything if we see people die, just turn for it until you’re out of the area completely. Maybe try not to breathe, I don’t know.”
“But we still don’t know the main cause, we’re fucked.”
“Jackson, you have to calm down,” he patted Jackson’s back.
Jackson said blankly, “What’ll happen if my mom gets involved?”
“Jackson!” Hands stuck his arms tightly, turning him to face Finn again, who was stricken with concern in his eyes. “You need to stop worrying about this stuff. You should know out of everybody that it’s not good for you.”
Jackson blinked, then replied slowly, “If we stop doing anything, we’ll get nowhere. If we don’t know anything, we’ll get nowhere… We need this.”
Finn sighed, letting him go steadily. He glared at him softly, “Just don’t stress yourself out like that anymore.”
“Don’t worry. I think I’m fine now, I’ll just take some relax pills.” Jackson stood and turned to the cabinet of pills, grabbing a bottle of valerian root pills. He refilled his cup again to take it in.
He finished the cup silently as Finn attempting to make conversation after their talk.
“Huh, that’s a first.”
Finn cocked a brow. “What?”
Jackson said, “I’ve been having these weird chills lately at random, and over half the time it was when I was drinking water. And for the first time in two weeks,” he raised his cup, “I was able to drink an entire cup without getting any.”
“Wait,” Finn asked, “Is that why you’ve been drinking tons of water and choking?”
Jackson nodded, “Yeah, didn’t really like it but I wanted to see how long it’d last. Besides I stay inside so much that I might as well get a lot of hygiene to compensate.”
“Understandable.” Finn went back to his phone. “So, you said that you were hanging out with Mira tomorrow when she comes back, right?”
“Yeah, down at the Amersford park at 2:30.”
“Do you think I can join a bit after? I’ll be like an hour late since I’m gonna hang out with some of the basketball guys.”
Jackson shrugged, “Yeah sure, she’s pretty much just hanging out with us as a way of getting out of unpacking for a bit so the more the merrier.”
Finn chuckled, “Her room’s gonna be a disaster either way so it’s fine.”
“I’ll text her later. But for right now, you’ll go do my math work for me.”
 Jackson’s phone buzzed while he looked at pop culture news. He picked it up to see Mirana’s name plastered on the phone.
He clicked the green button and answered, “Are you almost here? It’s almost two.”
“We got here earlier than expected, so do you think you can come over now?”
Jackson looked at himself, dressed in a random t-shirt and a pair of boxers yet again. “I can, but I need some time to get ready first.”
“You’re in your boxers again, aren’t you?”
“Okay I’m just gonna wait with YouTube. See ya soon.”
She hung up right afterwards.
Jackson groaned from his own lack of sleep and got up regretfully. After taking deep breath, he dashed to his drawer and quickly dressed himself. He immediately brushed his teeth in the bathroom, washed up his face, and fixed up his hair. He snatched his newsie-cap and phone to be completely ready to go in the record-time speed of five minutes.
He quietly said goodbye to his resting mother before going off.
Jackson called her again as he started walking to the park.
“Are you out of your house yet?”
“Yeah, I’m on my way.”
“Good, you’re being productive.”
“Unlike you.”
“Shut up”
“Okay, I’ll see you then.”
“Oh, bye then.”
Jackson hung up the phone as he started to take his ten-minute walk of the week.
 Just a block away from Amersfort park, and Jackson only struck silence in his ears. He cocked his head to say the least once he noticed.
He walked to the entrance steadily. He found a scent wasn’t of the city’s smoke, which was utmost peculiar causing him to walk quicker.
A thick atmosphere comforted around him as he got closer, and his hand suddenly began to burn but he ignored it during the flashes of monochrome that appeared in his sights, with chills going down his spine continuously.
He got to the entrance, and slowly turned to see what exactly was going on.
His eyes widened to the point where it hurt. His blood ran colder than it had ever been before as his heartbeat sped up faster and faster. His eyes slowly began having forming thick, wet tears that burned against his cold figure.
He couldn’t stop staring at all of messy, bloody bodies that laid before him. The eyes of pain they’d left only made sense with the giant puncture on their bodies.
And what laid across the entrance of the park was dyed-red hair that he could always remember.
Mirana ended up dead in New York City.
Though, as Jackson stood in shock, his eyes caught a black figure standing. It was ginormous, skin wrinkled up to its spine and a black aura surrounding them as well. However, its paws held thick claws that were stained red.
This isn’t real.
The monster turned and saw Jackson.
This isn’t real.
It took a single step towards him.
He could barely think.
He could barely tell reality anymore
However, one single thought formed completely.
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hatredcantsave · 4 years
Open Isola Drabble/Prequel — “Pumped Up Kicks”
Kirika had just heard of this potion thing that was going around. She could definitely tell she was not interested. Back in her world, people selling that stuff were scammers. Plus, she didn’t need it anyway. She may be alone, completely alone, and it terrified her that she was…But she didn’t need to waste money on them. No way in hell was she gonna go that low. Even sinners have standards.
So she sat, enjoying a vanilla ice cream cone. Nibbling away, she observes the hanging hearts on a bright bright blue sky, on an admittedly chilly day.
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After finishing her cone, she decided to take a walk. And as she did, she watched all the couples, and happy people enjoying their day. To be honest, holidays like this kinda made the young assassin feel more isolated, but she was happy for other people. She had to be, anyway.
As she continued, she began to notice people losing positivity. Someone was destroying public property, and all Kirika could do was take it in as he aggressively resisted against the police. There was a half eaten chocolate bar in his hoodie pocket, she noted. It seemed like this potion stuff was going to be everywhere, and that really put Kirika in a horrible mood. She may as well give up hope if other people didnt end up happy.
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Then she heard something. Yelling voices, and loud ones at that. She turned to the voices, and she saw an arguing couple.
“Robert, what’s gotten into you?! You’re never like this, even when you have too much! What’s going o–”
“Shut the fuck up, bitch. You don’t know shit. Just because we’re together doesn’t mean you deserve anything from me.” In Robert’s hand was a glass bottle, labeled DevoLine Beer, subtitled Taste the Love Tonight! It was half empty.
Kirika approaches them slowly, trying to think of a way to figure out how to break up the situation. She had a gun with her, but she didn’t want to use it. All she wanted was this madness and suffering to stop.
“Robert, baby, please,” the woman urges. “Just come home with me. We can figure this out, just put down the bott–”
Smack, the sound echoed. Robert, all red faced, had just let the back of his hand make contact with his girlfriend’s face. Nothing made a sound as the sound of the slap filled through the open space, and out into the rest of Spirale.
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This stopped Kirika in her tracks. She didn’t know what to do. All she could do is watch the tears of the woman drop from her face and onto the ground.
“What did I just say?” Robert growls. “Shut up. Don’t talk back.”
It was at this moment that Kirika could feel her breaking point being reached. She felt – anger. Hatred. Everything she hoped she learned from, but all she could hear in her head was Altena’s words:
If love can kill, then, surely, hatred can save.
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Whipping out her gun, she immediately aims at Robert. She could feel the dark side of her crawling over her, begging to take over; to become the killing machine Altena raised her to be. And she let it in. She was tired of the pain. She would do anything for it to stop.
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Robert looks the way of the clack of the pistol. The moment he does, Kirika pulls the trigger.
Robert drops to the floor, and the horrified screams of his girlfriend follow the angry thunder of the pistol. Kirika simply puts the gun away, and continues to walk. But, anyone can see there’s now a colder look in her eyes.
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One that was never there before.
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formerly-rosaline · 6 years
About Rose
I’m not sure if I already have one of these, and I can’t find a template to make one, so I’m just gonna shoot my shot and do my best here.
Full name: Rosaline Pearl Sirena Draconus Durant
Time and place of birth: Wednesday, April 1st, 1992 at 3:01am (the witching hour) in the Touro Infirmary Hospital of New Orleans, Louisiana.
Zodiac: Aries sun (fire), Pisces moon (water), Aquarius rising/ascendant (air). Pisces, Aquarius, and Capricorn (earth) dominate her natal chart. Monkey (water). Alder tree. Red hawk/falcon. 
Species explanation and list: Came about through ritual as well as conception originally; her soul collects more species each time she’s born (reincarnated) to non-human souls. Her soul is fragmented, there are more Roses throughout the world of different names. She only inherits certain traits from each species. She is predominantly draconic, sirenic, and succubic. Rose also has some wolf/lycanthrope, vampire (tribrid - blood, energy, and sexual separate from the succubus), banshee, Valkyrie (last life as one), Amazonian, basilisk (possibly only for this life), fairy, human, and possibly more - she doesn’t know everything just yet. Without feeding, her abilities become even more drastically limited. 
Characteristics: Abilities may begin in childhood, but Rose’s memories don’t begin to resurface until teenhood and young adulthood. She may also repress her memories, furthering the process, in attempts at normalcy. Jack of all trades. Artist, but not in the layman usage of the word - dancer, singer, creative writer, musician. STEM major, always good at STEM. Linguaphile; often multilingual. Current fluencies: English and French, with some German, Spanish, Latin, Greek, Korean, and Russian. Much of her interest in languages and ability to learn them rapidly stems from former lives. Very pensive and philosophic, a stoic in the regular sense of the word but an existentialist in practice. 
Fast food: Whataburger
Ice cream: chocolate chip cookie dough
Sushi: eel
Starburst: pink
Jolly Rancher: blue
Color: every shade of blue
Feature: her eye color
Dish at Olive Garden: The Tour of Italy
Italian dish: Alfredo anything
Asian dish: Japchae
Steak: Medium rare filet mignon
Eggs: over easy
Pizza topping: pineapples
Comfort food: macaroni and cheese
Wine: Riesling
Thanksgiving dish: Stuffing
Ice cream topping: mochi or cookie dough
Alcoholic drink: Scotch
Starbucks drink: Chai latte, affogato
Harry Potter film: Deathly Hallows part 2, but book is Goblet of Fire
Marvel movie: Avengers Infinity War
Beatles Song: Hey Jude
Instrument: drums
Band: Snow Patrol 
Person: George Lewis
One Hit Wonder: Cars by Gary Numan
Beach: Pfeiffer Beach, Los Padres National Forest, California
Animal: goat
Season: fall
Thing about a rainy day: staying in
Flower: Lily. Seriously. Don’t fucking buy her roses, it’s not funny.
Sea creature: her damn self
Winter sport: luge
Fairy tale: Vasilisa the Beautiful 
Eye color: green
Day of the week: Saturday
Way to relax: hot bath
Thing to do: make others smile
Mental disorders: PTSD (doesn’t deal with her past traumas, emotionally detached, dissociates regularly), bipolar disorder. Eating disorders, elaborated on at the end of this post to prevent triggering. Substance abuse disorder (alcoholism and more).
Abilities: generally, able to do much by pure will and thought. “If looks could kill,” incarnate. Some technopathy. Outbursts of preternatural strength. Slight elemental control, minor mind control. Communication with entities beyond the veil despite her attempts to shut them out. Astral projection. 
More abilities and characteristics, positive and negative, by species:
1. Dragon: old soul/wise beyond her years, increased intelligence, heightened senses, increased empathy and strength, stronger persuasion via a golden tongue, foresight or future-delving. Manipulation, word twisting, speaking in riddles. Strong debater. Bloodthirsty. Intensely greedy. Power hungry. Delusions of grandeur. Arrogant. Pansexual. Extroverted. Stubborn and/or hard-headed. So cold you’d bet she’s anemic. Close-minded. TOO LOUD. She wants your heart, but on a GOLDEN platter; she’ll never love you. You are so beneath her, who the fuck do you think you are? Enemy of the siren. Fiercely loyal to those who have earned it. Family is the most important thing. Money can buy happiness, and it has for her. Warmest smile. Tacky bitch. Really good at Words with Friends, Scrabble, fighting you, chess. Wants you to succeed in life, and gives you unsolicited advice on how to do it all the time. Annoying. Always has an upset tummy. Does she have IBS? Beyond the veil: red with orange eyes. Your typical bigass crimson red dragon, will breathe fire on you. Her kind is less prevalent than they once were.
2. Siren: leads people astray readily. Seduction. Outright deception. Enticement and intimidation via a silver tongue. Increased strength and agility. Strong swimmer. Telepathy with other sirens. Enemy of the dragon. Brutal bitch. Savage, almost feral at times. Ambivert. Manipulative. Intensely maternal. Your mom friend to the extreme. Loving. Pansexual. Invasive. Monster. Might eat your liver in the pool. Always too hot. God, that voice, let’s hope you never hear it. Opera. SUSHI!!!!. Friendly, communal even, but only with those she considers family. Too good for pop music unless it’s Ariana Grande; increased hearing, gets audio overload at any normal volume. Subtitles, please. Can’t fucking understand English to save her life. Will teach you sirenic, but you can’t speak it. Whistle notes. LOWER YOUR FUCKING VOICE. Half-naked, huge tits. Firm hugger. Beyond the veil: ugly ass deep sea thing you never want to see, but her Venetian red tail is pretty... Second, translucent eyelid. Sirens of the sea are populating as rampantly as always, given the content of the earth which is saltwater. Avoids all of her kind to protect one she loves.
-Unpopular with both dragons and sirens due to some old war. These two species are most dominant.
3. Succubus: a touch that can manipulate, seduce, control, compel. Feeding, starving. Glamour. Conceited. Preppy bitch. Sarcastic. A gaslighter. Manipulative. Extroverted. PANSEXUAL, literally doesn’t care, will fuck you, don’t let her. Fake. Craves you. Enemy of the siren. She’s that overly sexual friend where you can never really tell whether they’re kidding or really trying something with you, you know? She’ll never tell, either. Got that?? Fear her. Run; she will definitely fuck your brains out and fucking eat you, God she’s fucking starving. RUN. Don’t give her a drink, and so help you if she gets to three or more. There is no God; God is dead, she has killed him, she drained his chi. RUN AWAY: fucking demonic. Don’t let her in. She made sure no one is here to help. Don’t look at them. They won’t help you; they’re under her control. You will be too. Beyond the veil: Horns. Tail. Wings. Greyish-purple all over, even her eyes; looks like a gargoyle. She doesn’t eat enough to pigment, and who cares? Glamour will make her perfect anyway. Finds feeding unethical. Slip-ups happen, though; I’m coming for you.
4. Wolf: increased agility, strength, and durability. Heightened stamina, senes. Increased stamina. Fast healing. Telepathy with other wolves. FIERCELY loyal. Respectful. Hungry. Bloodthirsty. Feral. Beast. Aching in her soul and bones. Titanium. Sushi. Friendly and communal all the time. Pansexual. Major ambivert. Audio overload too. Will cry if someone raises their voice from across a room. You’re too boomy. Stop that. Will kill anyone who makes you shed a tear. Don’t let her. Specifically tell her not to while you are crying. She will do it, I swear. Alpha bitch. Beyond the veil: albino Eurasian wolf, mistaken for an Arctic wolf. Icy grey eyes. Her kind is dead; those eyes show it. What’s an alpha without a pack? Heartbroken. 
5. Valkyrie: Literally wishing to death, has to stop herself from it because it’s so easy. Planting doubt in the minds of the steadfast and resolute. Asexual. Will give you hallucinations. Manipulative. Spooky bitch. Might want you dead, might not. Don’t cross her or she’ll imagine you to eternal slumber. You won’t be in Valhalla, either.
6. Amazonian: Increased strength. Tracker. Skilled with weapons. Will navigate. Misandry. Lesbian. Introverted. Feminist bitch. Will stab you.
7. Banshee: Future-delving. A screech that will drive you mad and physically harm you only when members of inhuman royalty are dying. Introvert. Asexual. Beyond the veil: Blind as a bat, deaf as a white cat. Only sees the astral world in her head. Just looks like herself minus the white eyes. Only brought out by screaming, and terrified the entire time, but can remain after. Will cough or vomit blood for a while after screaming. Can’t control it. Scared bitch. Voice may not return to normal for weeks. Enemy of the siren. Prefers to, and sometimes must remain after screaming, mute. Cannot sign. Can see and feel your energy.
8. Basilisk: Increased ability to intimidate. Muted. Affinity for reptiles. No other abilities or notable change. Beyond the veil: she cannot turn into the giant snake of lore, nor turn to stone. If looks could kill, she would just kinda spook you. Literally just herself. Angry bitch.
9. Fairy: No increased abilities but she’s cuter and has more of a sweet tooth. Vocal change to higher pitch. Please give her Jaffa cakes, hot tea, and head pats. Beyond the veil: a tiny, wingless fairy of greens, golds, and purples. Don’t let the look fool you. Evil bitch. 
10. Vampire: Increased sense of hearing and smell. Bloodlust. Ability to compel. Seduction. Extrovert. Clean freak. If there's no blood on her, it's like she never did it. Feeds on the environment around her, including people, naturally. Constantly tries to keep that shut off. Wants very badly to eat you. Hungry bitch.
Sometimes she wakes up a certain species, sometimes situations or location bring them out. Sometimes the need to feed or emotions will cause certain species to rush to forefront. This is akin to having different personalities, but it’s all her. 
Face Claims: 
-Young Adult (main): Penelope Mitchell, The Vampire Diaries, The Curse of Downers’ Grove, Hemlock Grove.
-Adult: Jennifer Morrison, House, Once Upon a Time, Star Trek.
-Teenage: Jenny Boyd, Legacies, Hex, Viking Quest.
-Child: Emily Alyn Lind, Revenge, Enter the Void, J. Edgar.
Physically in this realm: curly blonde, cornflower-eyed, average height (around 5′6″), girl next door but relatively average appearance, with multiple piercings (nipples, several ear piercings, and belly). Birth mark on the top of her left breast.
She has a highly fluctuating weight (between 114 and 178) due to eating disorders - anorexia nervosa restrict type and bulimia nervosa binge purge type. Sheuses exercise, laxatives, suppositories, etc rather than the usual purging. Faint cut scars adorned her thighs and left wrist; she had them tattooed to cover them but the white lines still showed. There was a flower over the wrist, a portrait of a fox on her right thigh, and a portrait of a Renaissance-era woman on her left. There were cigarette burns inches below the Renaissance woman and the flower tattoo. There was another one midway on her outer right forearm.
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