#but that never seemed to be the case here
erosiism · 3 days
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prompt: you die during a rebellion, and he turns back time for you in desperation | reader is childhood friends with claude (OC), both are planning a rebellion to usurp the throne.
character(s): duke, you
warnings(s): nil
note(s): male reader, second person, past tense, not beta read, excerpt from my fic on wattpad, to make amends
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Blood spurted out.
Your vision blurred.
"Oh gods, are you okay? Are you—"
Your ribs hurt: were they broken? Bloodied? You could certainly taste the horrible taste of iron present in your tongue. It was clear to you that somehow you were dying. That something had turned against you. That you were...
"Please, please, please—"
Through your muddled vision you could make out a figure. A familiar silhouette running towards you, legs stumbling in desperation, breaths ragged.
It was nice to know that when you died, someone would grieve for you. That someone would cry for you.
There was only one person in the world who cared so much for you.
"Claude," you murmured. There was a smile on your face. "There's no need to cry..."
"Y/n, please—no—"
"Save it." You sighed, "there's no way I'm going to be surviving this."
It was true. Blood jetted out of your wound in spurts, staining your tailored uniform with a bright, crimson hue. You had loved that color mainly because Claude had ruby eyes, but now it just seemed gruesome, horrid. Pain had simmered down into a steady brew, and you wondered if your pain tolerance had simply grown stronger, or it was a telling sign of your fading consciousness.
"You were such a brat last time." You murmured. "You used to throw tantrums and everything...for a while, I thought you despised me. Even when we became adults, you were still heartless, cold...so why do you weep for me? Why do you grieve my death?"
I was a fool last time, Claude thought silently. I was a fool. I was a fool not to have shown my affections last time.
Because the truth was plain and simple, written in ink, written in the stars: Claude adored you. Was it not you who had held his hand in the gardens for strolls? Was it not you who accompanied him throughout, was it not you who could make him crack a smile, make him laugh? It had been all you. Every single joyous moment he had was caused by you. When he had finally received the title of the Duke. When he had finally defeated his family and his foes.
But Claude had been so wrapped up in his own troubles he had failed to notice your problems. Your dastardly family. Your...
He had neglected your wellbeing—he hadn't seen your deteriorating state, your weakening smile—he hadn't see any of that. He had been self obsessed, too engrossed in his own matters that he hadn't even—
Claude had taken too long to warm up to you. He could have been sweeter earlier. Made your life easier, no matter what it was. Claude had taken a while to truly open his heart to you: he had been rude, ungracious, curt. And you had been patient. Endlessly patient with him.
"We can save you," Claude said desperately, "we can."
You laughed. A tinkling, magical sound—but at that moment, it was so damned. So fucking painful to hear the cracks inside, the strain hiding inside the tone.
He knew it would be the last time he would ever heard it.
"You are the Emperor. You finally reclaimed your right to the throne. You finally..."
"Y/n," he whispered.
You shook your head.
"You achieved everything you sought for."
Perhaps he did. But the thing he truly wanted had been in front of him this whole time and he had been blind. Utterly blind.
And he would never forgive himself for that.
The tears slipped. His voice felt suffocated; choking.
"Don't cry," you touched his cheek gently and that pulled Claude temporarily out of his panic—"don't cry, alright? It was inevitable, Your Grace. Don't cry. The future Emperor doesn't cry."
Your Grace. Even then, you hadn't referred to him by his name. If he had another chance—just one singular chance—
He would allow you to call him by his name.
You were his everything.
You're my heart, Y/n.
If you die, then that would make me heartless.
There was so much blood, Claude realized. Coating his palms, running down your back. So much of its thick texture, its color, all drenched. Every single bit drenched—
Why was there so much blood? It wasn't his. He  wasn't unhurt, really. He wasn't that well off, but not to your extent. You sounded so tired when you spoke, so faint. So weak. You could have disappeared any second. Claude held you in your arms softly, gently—you could disappear any moment, your breaths wavering and quivering.
No, no, no.
I love you, Claude thought deliriously. I love you. I love you. I love you so much—
The voice grew and became stronger; louder even as you grew cold. Claude rocked you even when your hands fell, holding one to his own cheek. Your hands still had the faintest bit of warmth. He clung onto it desperately; motionless with the tears dried up with his throat feeling like sandpaper.
You can't leave me, he'd thought deliriously, hugging you close and rocking you again and again and again, you can't leave me.
Y/n L/n, I love you too much to let you go.
Claude had failed to save you. In front of him, your beauty was still visible in his eyes; your (h/c) hair, your (e/c) eyes—because of his arrogance, his incompetence, you had unfairly died. He had not noticed the blooming feelings in his stomach until you had been cold in his arms, and his tears had splattered on your cheek.
The universe has been cruel to you.
He had stood by your side and had watched you suffer and suffer and suffer; and for what? Only for the gods to turn their back on you? What was the point, really? Claude had been with you this whole time. Had seen the sacrifices you poured in, had seen—
He should have been the one that died, Claude despaired. Not you. Never you.
That night he couldn't sleep. The place was too empty without you. He had been crowned Emperor. But there was no you to accompany him by his side.
There was...absolutely no point.
Why was he even alive at this rate? Claude wondered. Everything would go back to life before you. Tedious. Long. Meaningless.
"Your Majesty, the Empire—"
"—do whatever you want." Claude rasped out. "Just...just..."
Please. If the Gods are listening. Please, please—
Turn back time. For me, for Y/n.
[ The Gods have heard your prayers ]
Turning back time was unheard of. Something in the legends. Something Claude didn't believe in. Yet when he woke up—there had been disappointment in him, he had assumed that this was heaven yet you were nowhere in sight—there was the familiar surroundings of a room.
Not the Emperor's bedroom.
The bedroom from the manor he once lived when he was the illegitimate son of the Duke.
I must be dreaming, Claude thought. There was a flicker of hope he didn't dare to believe in. I must be dreaming of the happier times and the million what ifs.
Pain was tugging at his heart. It was painful. Everything was painful...
"—don't bother him. He just recovered from a sickness."
Delusional. Hallucinating. Delirious. To hear your sweet, sweet voice in such a dream—perhaps this was heaven after all. Claude didn't ever want to wake up. He didn't.
Because you were there. In front of him.
He sucked in a breath.
As sweet, as polite as he remembered. Every inch of his face had been committed to his memory. Every contour, every line. He had mapped you out in his head and had aligned you with the thousands of dazzling stars in the universe because you were the reason he bothered to continue living. Because you had become his reason for living.
You stood, in regal attire, with your posture as graceful as he had remembered. The sunlight streamed in through the paneled windows, caressing your features and alighting upon your lashes. He swallowed, trying to remember how to breathe.
"Ah, you are awake, Your Grace." You smiled at him.
"Y/n L/n," he said finally. "Y/n L/n." It's been so long since he could say this name to someone who would hear and respond to it. So many times he called your name out of your desperation in vain: hoping for some sort of hallucination to pop up, for some sort of inkling that your voice would carry over to his ears.
And you smiled.
Claude reached out to you and buried his face into your clothes.
You gave a startled smile.
The Duke had done a 180 complete turn.
"Y/n," he spoke with uncharacteristic fondness that you just didn't understand, "you are..."
Tears. There were tears on his cheek. Had you done anything to offend him? You thought not.
"Your Grace..." you reached out to brush his forehead with your fingers, "are you alright? You don't seem to have a fever."
Claude stared at you with wide eyes.
"Oh," You heard him say, and then, "you are as beautiful as I remembered."
"Your Grace, are you really sure you are fine—"
Claude dashed forward, not even registering your words. He crushed you in his arms, a hand in your hair, head buried in his neck. He missed this. This warmth and this scent. Home, home. It's the smell of home. It's the smell of you. It's you. It's you. It's you. 
It worked, he thought. It worked. It fucking worked. I traveled back in time. 
"... Well then," you gave a small chuckle, confused upon what was happening, "it's a relief to see you have awoken—why are you crying?"
"You're here," Claude breathed, his first tangible words since his return. "You're here."
"Of course I'm here, Your Grace." You looked at him with confusion etched all over your features, frowning. "What's wrong? You..."
The Duke was looking at you like you were the only one that mattered in the world. And that—
Wow. What kind of coma did he have, to be behaving so peculiarly?
You wiped his tears, sighing and fussing.
"You know what—never mind. Tell me later—why are you still crying, Your Grace?"
Claude held onto you tighter.
Maybe he had bad dreams in his coma, you thought. He was holding on to you like you were a lifeline. Like you would disappear any second, any minute.
As though he would never let go of you again.
You patted the Duke's head gently, slowly, fingers running through his hair. "Don't cry. The future Emperor doesn't cry."
Those words. It was so hauntingly painful to him.
Claude didn't want to remember anymore. He didn't  need to remember. He had succeeded. The Gods had listened to him. You were alive and breathing, in front of him. You were—
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reblog/like the post! comments are appreciated even if you read this before :)
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marvelwitchergilmore · 15 hours
Summary: Aaron Hotchner x Fe!Reader -> The team knows something is up between yourself and Hotch, except Rossi seems to be the only one to put the pieces together.
Disclaimer: Descriptions of sick. Fluff. Jack and Haley don't exist in this fic. Happy ending. Not Proof Read.
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The whole team knew something was up. They just didn’t know what. 
Usually, you were normal with everyone. Chatty. Smiley. Professional. Maybe a little blunt every now and again. 
But not this time. 
For the last week you had been…cold. Well, not with them, at least. 
But with Hotch? You had been as cold as ice. 
But no-one could pin why. 
Even if it had just been small things, like the feeling in the meeting room in the morning when it just seemed to be the two of you, or the small looks you both gave each other – which had started out as awkward, but then quickly turned to shame and clear annoyance, the latter being much more clear on your end. It was definitely clear now. 
From the beginning of the case, you had been quick to change subjects. Always staying on the case, which was normal. But not your abruptness to do so. And when Hotch tried to pull you aside as the others made their way to the main doors, you brushed him off. 
Hotch was someone you never brushed off. Not until recently. 
And when you all landed in Seattle, Hotch was assigning teams for who was driving. But before he could place you with himself, JJ and Morgan, you pushed past him. 
“I’m going with Rossi.”
And Hotch didn’t say a word. 
Instead, he watched you walk away with your go bag, throwing it into the trunk with Dave. He gave his orders to Prentiss on what would happen and she updated you in the car. 
However, forty five minutes into a ninety minute drive, Emily’s voice started to make you feel dizzy. Then the heat in the car felt like it was blasting. So you rolled down the window. But that didn’t help. 
“Garcia said she’s already sent over some case files- Hey, you okay?”
From the backseat, Emily leaned forward to get a better look at you. 
“I’m fine.”
But five minutes later, you changed your mind. 
“Pull over.”
“Pull over, I think I’m gonna be sick.”
“Okay, okay. Just hold on.”
The car had barely been put into park by the time you threw the door open, tore your seatbelt away and ran out. 
Less than ten feet from the open car door, the last three drinks and meal you ate came straight back up and soaked into the dry grass. 
You heard a second car pull up behind and then heard Morgan and Hotch’s voice. Dave had already reached you, placing a hand on your back before pulling your hair back. 
“Okay, take it easy. Are you okay?”
You could only hum before throwing up once more. He rubbed circles on your back for a moment before you finally finished throwing up and wiped your mouth with the back of your hand. 
“Is she okay? Y/n, are you-”
“I’m fine!” You called out, a little harsher than you had intended. 
Holding out a hand, Rossi signalled for Hotch to stop and stay where he was with the others. 
“She’s okay, she just needs a minute. Emily, do we have water in the car?”
“Yep, here.”
Making her way over, Emily poured some water onto a tissue before handing it to you. You wiped down your mouth and your hand before being handed the bottle by Dave. 
“Small sips, okay? Are you sure you’re okay?”
You nodded, your back still to the rest of the team. “I just need a minute.”
“Aaron, we’ll meet you there.”
It took him a minute before he moved back to the car, but Hotch eventually nodded, calling out they’d see them at the precinct. 
“Do you know what it could be?” Emily asked. 
“Probably just some bad sushi.”
Emily nodded before getting back into the car. 
“Are you sure that’s all it is?” Rossi asked once she was out of earshot. 
And for a moment, you paused. 
“Let’s just get going.”
Things only seemed to get worse from there. 
You managed to hide it as best as you could from the rest of the team, but every hour you had spent a good ten minutes in the bathroom throwing your guts up. 
A couple of officers did question where you had been when they couldn’t find you but hadn’t seen you leave the building. One mention of Aunt Flow and they didn’t ask again. 
Your coldness with Hotch didn’t ease, either. It just seemed to become more frigid. And everyone saw it. 
By the third day in Seattle, Prentiss and Morgan had questioned you on it in the break room. 
“Yeah, what do you have against Hotch all of a sudden? What, one week away from us and you’ve suddenly made an agenda against him?”
“Because I love you, I’m going to ask this only once. Please don’t ask about Hotch.”
Morgan and Prentiss looked between each other, slightly worriedly, but both silently agreed to drop it. 
“But you will sort it out?”
You bit the inside of your cheek. “I don’t know.”
A few hours later, you were coming back out of the bathroom when Rossi seemed to jump out at you. 
“Jeez. Rossi. Give a girl some warning next time.”
Dave smiled. “Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you.”
“Have we caught a break?”
“No, but I need to talk to you.”
“What about?”
“About the fact you’re running to the bathroom every hour to throw up.”
“Like I said, it was probably just some bad food. I’ll be okay.”
Only, as you started walking away, Rossi asked you a question. 
“What happened between you and Hotch?”
“Nothing.” You answered, your back still to him. 
“Really? Because I wouldn’t call it nothing. I’d call it strange.”
“Rossi, I’ve asked Morgan and Prentiss-”
“I know, and I heard. But, to be frank, I think you’re lying and you’re too scared to tell anyone.”
“Tell anyone what?”
But rather than voice it, Rossi just gave you a look. It took you a moment before you cracked a little. 
“You don’t have to tell me how or what happened, but I’m asking, just find out the truth. You don’t have to tell anyone. But I think the sooner you do it, the better it will be.”
“We’re in the middle of a case.”
Rossi shrugged, “Morgan and JJ are on their way back. Reid’s got it handled here. We’ll pick up some coffee on the way back as a cover. Let’s just go now.”
You seemed to hesitate, and Rossi could see it. 
“Please, for my sanity's sake?”
Twenty minutes later, you found a pharmacy and picked up a box. 
“Can you wait outside the door for me?”
“Of course.”
And he did. 
Once you paid for the box, the cashier directed you to a bathroom in the back. Except, long after the two minutes were up, you still hadn’t come out. So, Rossi knocked on the door. 
You swung it open and he jumped back a little. 
“I can’t look at it.”
“Well, you’re gonna have to at some point.”
“I’ve wiped it down and it’s got a cap but…can you look? I’m too scared.”
Rossi could see the fear in your eyes. Oh, how two little lines could instil so much fear into people who dealt with crime every day. 
Handing the package to Rossi, he turned it around and pulled it out of the packet. 
“I believe congratulations are in order.”
Turning it around so you could see, you took it back into your grasp as you pushed one hand through your hair. 
“Oh, my god.”
“I think you and Hotch need to have a conversation.”
“Please don’t tell anyone.”
Rossi smiled, holding your hand which he could feel shaking. “You have my word.”
Somehow, back in the precinct, you managed to keep your cool. You’d brought back coffee for the team and, despite the fact you caught Hotch watching you from his seat, noticing your shaking hand, you pulled it back and found a spare pen from JJ’s notepad and spun it over and over in your fingers. 
Thankfully, due to the “food poisoning”, you had been kept out of the field when it came to finding the unsub. However, this just gave you a very large sense of dread. You watched them all run out of the door, Rossi placing a hand on your arm talking directly to you. 
“I’ll look out for him.” He told you before the others could hear him. 
“Thank you.”
Possibly carrying Hotch’s child made watching him and the team run out of the door, without you, made that sense of dread practically triple. Especially considering no-one other than Rossi knew the truth, or at least a part of it, about yourself and Aaron. 
Thankfully, no-one got hurt and the unsub was apprehended in time before he could hurt anyone else. They all came back with looks of relief and tiredness when you saw them, but there was a barely visible look of confusion and perhaps, hopefulness, on Hotch’s face when your scowl at him didn’t seem so cold. 
On the plane ride back, you were quiet. Everyone was, but there was just an air about you that told those paying attention to you that you were in your own world. 
Of course, Rossi knew why. 
But it was tearing at Hotch why he didn’t. 
Pulling back into the office, Penelope greeted you all by the elevator, hugging you all. And handing you some dry crackers and a bottle of water. 
“Thanks, Garcia.”
As everyone said their goodnights, you watched as Hotch walked directly through the bullpen and towards his office. 
“I think there are a couple of things you and he need to talk about.”
You nodded, with a light smile. “You’re right.”
Rossi kissed you cheek before saying goodnight and saluting you before the elevator doors closed. You did a small one back before turning your gaze back to the dim lights coming from Hotch’s office. 
However, first, you ran to the bathroom. 
Sitting at his desk, Hotch was halfway finished with the last of his reports when a knock came to his door. 
Looking up from his desk, there was a slight look on his face that told you he wasn’t expecting you. And you couldn’t be surprised. You’d barely been able to look him in the eye for the last month and a half, and you’d been nothing but cold and if a little harsh with him for the last couple of weeks. 
“Is everything okay?”
“Can we talk?”
Hotch nodded. “Come on in.”
You nodded back, entering, but closing the door behind you. Which made Hotch stand. 
“Is everything-”
“I’m pregnant.”
A silence settled over the room that you were expecting, but still shocked you. And every possible emotion, some you couldn’t even name, passed over his face before he was forced to sit down. 
“Can I sit?”
He nodded, quickly signalling for you to do so. And so you did. 
“What did…How- When did you find out?”
“Sometime in the last twenty four hours.” You answered which confused Hotch, which you could understand. It was a vague explanation. “It’s all been kind of a blur.”
He nodded, understanding what you meant. 
“Does anyone…know?”
You nodded. “Rossi.”
“Dave knows?”
“He seemed to know before I did…kinda.”
“What does that mean?”
“I guess I had a feeling when I got carsick, but denial carried me through.”
“Does anyone else know?”
You shook your head. “No. Oh, and, um, I-I took another test to be sure. H-here.”
With a lot of nerves and a lot of awkward courage, you passed the second test across the desk to Hotch who took it in his hands and looked at it. 
Two bright pink lines. 
Positive test. 
“Just so I’m…clear. You are telling me because I’m…”
“The father?” you questioned. “Yes. There wasn’t anyone before or after you for it to be someone else.”
Hotch nodded. “Okay.”
You both sat in silence for a while, taking in what had just happened. 
“I, well, I haven’t been to see a doctor yet so I can’t know for certain but these tests are usually pretty accurate.”
Hotch could only nod. 
“You’re free to make any decision you wish,” Hotch assured you. “I’ll support you either way.”
You nodded in a small thank you. “Honestly, I don’t know what I’m going to do. With our line of work, it gives you the handbook over why you shouldn’t have children. But, if I do decide to do this…I’m prepared to do this on my own. If I am going to do it, I’d prefer to have you in their life.” 
Your hand absentmindedly touched your stomach and you looked down to it for a moment. 
“But, I’m prepared to do it on my own.”
Hotch took in everything you said and nodded. “Like I said, I’ll support any decision you make but if you do decide to have our child…” 
Those two words settled over the both of you. 
Our Child. 
Our Child. 
Our Child.
“One thing you don’t have to worry about is doing it alone. I want to be a part of their life. And whatever support you need, I’ll try and help with.”
You nodded before looking back down to your stomach. 
Once again, a silence settled over the both of you and it was like he could hear your brain going into overload with information and feelings. But just as he was about to call your name, you looked up. 
Tears were being held tight behind your eyes, but a few words and they were ready to fall free. 
“I’m…I’m scared, Aaron.”
It didn’t take him a second thought before he stood up and met you where you were sitting. As he got around his desk, you stood and he embraced you tightly. 
He swallowed thickly, nodding and placing a quick kiss to your hair. “It’ll be okay.”
A week later, the team had taken notice of the change between yourself and Hotch. It was no longer cold, but it wasn’t what it was. It was something…uneasy. You had both clearly had a tough talk and were on rocky shores, but you were both finding a way to make it work. 
It was also a week later that you had made your decision. 
You were going to have a baby. 
A lot of different scenarios passed through your mind when you thought about what you were going to do. It would be hard, of course. It would be difficult to work the cases you do and not feel a little more emotionally involved. But you also couldn’t help but think that maybe this was a blessing in disguise. 
A part of you had wanted children for a long time, but the thought of actually having them was slipping further and further away the more you worked. 
And, despite you feeling selfish, you wanted a baby. You wanted to see a child, your child,  grow up and have a life of their own. You wanted to make the memories you had as a kid, but with them. 
You knew it would be difficult to do so when you joined the Academy, but part of you always wanted a home filled with the sound of laughter and joy. 
And maybe this was your only chance. 
And in all honesty, Aaron had similar feelings. 
It would be hard, sure. But he also wanted this in his life. He wanted a child. He wanted you in his life, however that would be. 
Of course, neither of you had seen this coming when you had run into each other at the Inn you had found. A halfway stop to your actual destination. Only, rather than continuing on your separate journeys for your week’s vacation time, you both found yourselves unable to leave the small town and the safe walls of the local Inn. 
It was that part of the story the team would forever speculate on once they found out you were pregnant and it was, in fact, Hotch’s baby. 
That was a piece of information they clued together themselves when Hotch called them in for an early meeting, but had confirmation on just a few moments later.
“So, what’s happening here?”
“Are you together?”
“We’re…still figuring that out.” Hotch answered, looking at you.
Neither of you had exactly had the conversation over what you were. Were you a couple? Were you friends? Were you co-workers? Were you just co-workers having a baby together?
HR weren’t exactly happy about the get-together but so long as the relationship wasn’t going to break any codes of conduct within the field, you were both still free to keep working. And more importantly, working together. 
However, over the next nine months, certain things seemed to blur. 
Aaron came with you to every doctor’s appointment, never missing one. When you had both first heard your baby’s heartbeat, you had clutched onto his hand and not let go. And when the sound got clearer, he pulled you a little closer, rubbing your arm and kissing your hand. 
It was a little odd, feeling the baby kick for the first time whilst being stood outside of a crime scene. 
Morgan had been with you at the time, quickly calling for Hotch when your posture and face changed from quizzical to concerned. Only, by the time Aaron had reached you both, you laughed and told them what was happening. 
Morgan then called JJ over as you guided Aaron’s hand to your stomach. And you both shared an intimate moment, just looking at one another, feeling your unborn baby kick at your stomach for the first time. 
JJ was able to confirm what was going on and both herself and Morgan congratulated you before you all remembered where you were and got back to work.
The cold glares you had given Hotch in the weeks leading up to you finding out had disappeared completely after the hug you shared in his office when you told him. And by the time you were entering your second trimester, they had turned into something similar to what they were before everything had changed. 
You had both become friends. 
He had also relaxed a little more around you, which allowed him space to take in what was actually happening. So, when your cravings started kicking in, he would hand you snacks throughout the days. You wouldn’t even know what you wanted at the time and he just…seemed to know. 
And at some point between him attending doctors appointments, helping you with your pregnancy cravings and reading to your belly, you had both begun to live together. 
It made sense, at least for the first couple of weeks after the birth and partly during the pregnancy. If you went into labour, it would be safer if someone was with you. And, it meant he was there when, in the middle of the night, you woke up with braxton hicks and panicked a little before getting checked out at the hospital, just in case. 
Also, small touches began. 
From you holding his hand against your stomach when your baby kicked, to his fingers tracing yours whilst they held that position. Then, in break rooms. They were quick, but light kisses would be pressed to your head or cheek whenever he handed you something. He was always close to you, barely leaving your side when in the field. His hand, always at the small of your back when leading you somewhere. And in the early hours of the morning, his arms would be across you as you both lay in bed, holding you close against his chest. 
Until, finally, one night whilst lay in bed, you asked a question. 
Both facing each other, despite your eyes being closed, Aaron traced repeated patterns from pushing your hair back to trailing his fingers down your arm to find your hand, rubbing soft circles with his thumb. 
Both of you should be fast asleep, yet you weren’t. 
“What are we doing?”
You laughed a little. “No we’re not.”
“I’m sleep talking.”
“Aaron, I’m being serious.”
With a small laugh, Aaron sighed. “Okay, what is it?”
He finally opened his eyes and so did you.
“What are we doing? About us, I mean. We’re having a baby together, but we’re not together together. We work together, but we also live together. What happens after the first couple of months? Do we…what do we do?”
“I suppose we just have to take each day as it comes and see what happens.”
“I can live with that.”
“Oh, no.” 
Aaron laughed a little and shook his head, bringing his hand back to your face and brushing the hair from it. 
“Or,” he repeated, “we treat this for what it really is.”
“I don’t…” you shook your head. 
“I know I don’t regret what happened that week away. Even more so now, but before…before we both found out. I still didn’t regret it. I don’t. We say we live together out of convenience, but I know, at least for me, it’s something more. Now, if for you it’s still out of convenience and bonding for our child, then we can have this conversation when the time comes. But, you should know my feelings for you run deeper than just you being my co-worker and the mother of our child. Do you…could you see yourself…feeling the same?”
The silence that came over both of you for a moment made Aaron worry. Maybe he had gotten it wrong in his head. Maybe you didn’t feel the same. Maybe you were just caught up in the emotions of carrying his child and, since you were in it together, some form of feelings, similar to that of his, were getting blurry. 
But then you blinked. 
And a light smile graced across your face. 
“I do.”
Your voice was barely above a whisper. But still, your words echoed louder and louder around his head. 
“You…you do?”
You nodded. “I do.”
Aaron took a moment, before leaning in and pressing a kiss to your lips. It was like your first, all over again. Except, this time, rather than a little fear being behind it, considering at the time you were both still co-workers just on vacation, there was nothing but…
More specifically, relief for love. 
For months you’d both been avoiding the biggest barrier between both of you. Too scared and too fearful that the answer to each question would be some variant of “No.” 
And now…
Finally the answer was yes. 
Yes to love. 
Yes to a life.
Yes to a family. 
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not-freyja · 2 days
New Zelda Game!
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Okay cool, cool cool cool cool, I am calm, I am so fucking calm. Looks like Nintendo is staying true to their word that Wild is not getting another game, so now the questions are, what Link is this, where are we in the Timeline, and what information about the game itself can we pick out of these crumbs?
Whose Zelda is it anyway?
So two options:
New boy.
Legend. It’s fucking Legend again sucks to suck bro
Case for new Link and Zelda:
Less messy for the Lore
That’s it, that is the only argument
Case for Leggy boy and Fable:
LA animation style! While it can be fun to bring back older styles of animation for nostalgia/artistic reasons, that seems like a poor choice for *LOZ* games, which are always on the edge of what a game can do. Moving “backwards,” so to speak, in any aspect, would be a disservice to the franchise. However, doing it to maintain consistency for a particular character, and to use the animation style to make sure the audience knows this is the same character from LA is a very simple but effective tactic.
The map! So that shot was so BOTW and so fun, but the view we got wasn’t just recognizable as “Hyrule,” is was, down to the relative heights on the mountain cliffs against each other, the map from ALTTP/ALBW. Nintendo has never repeated a map without it being the same Link. So! Checkmate motherfuckers.
The character designs. That… that was just Legend and Fable, come on. Look at the dress. Every Zelda has a slightly different costume design, and that was hers. Look at Link. Baby boy!
I want this. Let me have it.
Timeline positioning
Okay so if we assume that this is in fact Legend, the next question becomes, “When is it?” Leggy boy currently has 5 games that are canonically his. (Triforce Heroes could be a random other Link, so while we like to say 6 we can’t *prove it.*) So. Let’s break it down.
ALTTP: canonically his first game, can’t be before this one.
Oracles: canonically happen after ALTTP, and he is very much still a child in here.
LA: the game this one is artistically modeled after. Narratively this fits nicely right after Oracles, and in the canon timeline, fits between Oracles and ALBW, so I think a whole new game being crowbarred prior to this one would be… not great for the narrative.
ALBW: This is trickier. No canon time between LA and ALBW is given, it could be a week, it could be years. It is entirely possible that Echoes of Wisdom occurs prior to ALBW, which would make it a direct sequel to LA, which makes the art style make even more sense. It could also be after?
…hang on a fucking minute, lets get the fucking map.
Left, ALTTP. Right, ALBW
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Basically the same map! Duh, it’s the same Hyrule. But. BUT. Bottom right, in the lake. Do you see that?!
ALTTP: no log bridge. ALBW: Log bridge. Now, let’s look at the pretty picture from the EOW trailer.
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This is before ALBW. Therefore, the game order for The Hero of Legend is
*cue manic laughter*
Lore Implications
There being a Ganon at all actually has me pointing my finger at the Oracle games and screaming. The TL;DR in those is that there was a plot to resurrect Ganon, each game Twinrova gets closer, but Link stops them. Now, there were also supposed to be three of those games, which means that it is entirely possible that the third unseen Oracle plot—please Nintendo let Link and Farore hang out, I am on my knees barking like a dog—could have resulted in his resurrection. This is the only explanation I have that doesn’t break the Lore or involve Time Shenanigans.
Also, Link does KO the bitch in that opening scene in the trailer. His presence is either just that—a set-up plot point—or him and Link are currently duking it out in the hole. Fun!
Link and Zelda
Now this game is going to put their relationship in the front in the “I have to save them because I love them” way that we usually see from Link’s POV.
Getting it from Zelda’s POV is going to be very interesting. We might be getting a look into her head, into her feelings and thoughts about the whole ordeal of the Legend itself. I hope so. But also, this isn’t just Link and Zelda, this is *Fable and Legend* specifically. The two that were meant to be be siblings but the dialogue that established them as such was cut from the final version of ALTTP. So. This game has the possibility to do three things
Canonize the Prince Legend thing, like they were going to do in the nineties.
Not address the topic at all, leave it nebulous.
None of these are bad choices, but option two is definitely the safest. Both options one and three will cause an uproar from part of the fan base. I can already see the ship wars. Please don’t do this people. Please.
The Holes 🕳️
What are they? Where did they come from? Ganon’s Trident Where do they go? No actually, where do they go? The Dark World (doesn’t make sense in the Lore)? Lorule (that would be a choice)? The Twilight Realm (I am convinced that Lorule and the Twilight Realm are the same place actually and you cannot change my mind)? Some new never seen before parallel dimension? A non-place, like a gap between realities (sexiest option)? I have no idea!
That fucking “Fairy”
Tri? Don’t trust it. Will not trust it. Never trust that a companion in a LOZ game is what they first appear to be. Who does Nintendo take me for? A fucking amateur?!
Anyway, I am about 40% convinced that’s Link. I have evidence, but it is circumstantial.
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bird-inacage · 3 days
Love Sea: The Price of Love (Tongrak & Mut's Backstories)
"Love is just a figment of our imagination." We were given more clues to both Tongrak and Mut's backstories in Episode 2 and how this has impacted their attitudes to love. There are crossovers starting to take shape, so here I am trying to connect some of those dots.
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EP2: FLASHBACKS | History Repeating Itself
In Tongrak's flashbacks, we see two memories. One of him as a child where his parents Liw and Jak are fighting. His father demands that his mother pay him to stay. From the dialogue alone, I'm speculating if this is a man who married for wealth. If his father's driving force in the marriage had been monetary gain and greed - then 'love' for his family meant very little to him.
The next is of teenage Tongrak and his sister Kongkwan. It seems his sister was abandoned by her boyfriend, due to her unexpected pregnancy. In the case of both his mother and sister, love proved to be a fickle thing. So much so that a man could walk away from his unborn child, or abandon his family. Love was never enough.
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So what is the price you pay for a shot at love, and is it worth it? Love brings ruin. It brings disappointment and unhappiness. Love doesn't guarantee stability or loyalty. So as Tongrak watches on, the very idea of love feels like a sham. An elaborate lie we have all bought into. "Yes, it's something we make up," Tongrak says, because he hasn't seen evidence to prove any different.
"If you don't want to end up like me...don't fall in love with anyone" his mother warns. A cautionary tale. Don't fall in love. Because love leads to nothing good. Do not make the same mistake.
EP3: PREVIEW | Embrace the Fantasy
In Episode 3's preview, Mut is eager to show Tongrak that he is capable of experiencing love. (I believe Tongrak is already starting to, which is why his mother's advice is haunting him. He's afraid he's falling into the same trap). Mut is being considerate of Tongrak's mental aversion to the idea by making his proposal feel low entry.
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'If you think love is imaginary, then let's pretend. Why not indulge in that fantasy? We'll play make-believe whilst we're on the island.' (The implication being this isn't for real yet, so there's no need to panic). Mut is inviting Tongrak to focus only on the now and not the after. The island will be their bubble, suspended from the threat of reality for the timebeing. What Mut is hoping for is that Tongrak will come to change his mind on love through that process. That the feelings they experience whilst playing house can be transferred to real life. If it's easier to consider love within the confines of fantasy, then let's start there and see where it takes us.
We've seen Tongrak use his money to get what he wants. Money has the power to tether a man to his family, and equally it had the means to tear his family apart. "I'm not possessive of you but once I've paid you, you're mine." It's no surprise that Tongrak would see money as a means to exert control and as a bargaining chip.
In their NC scene, Tongrak repeatedly says "How much do I need to pay you to sleep with me?" By that point, Mut clearly didn't need money to be the deciding factor. He was plenty invested. But if it's easier for Tongrak to use money as a pretence for bargaining Mut's time, then Mut seems all too happy to oblige.
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If Tongrak's father did leech off his mother's wealth, that would provide an interesting antithesis to Mut. Mut, the teenage runaway from a small island who has paved his way through life with very little. And yet takes full responsibility for himself, and doesn't expect a hand out. He only accepts payment in exchange for his hard work, and he doesn't wallow in self-pity because of this hardship.
I do expect a confrontation between Mut and Rak's father at some point. Jak could claim that Mut is essentially doing the same thing and exploiting Rak for his wealth. That there's no love involved. Thus, playing on Tongrak's fear and insecurity of history repeating itself. Whilst Mut does all he can to assure Tongrak he's anything but.
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Tongrak's father also abandoned him (emotionally and/or physically). Now he has heard Mut share his own backstory about how his father kicked him out and left him to fend for himself, that's going to be a significant point of connection and compassion between them both. They may be on opposite sides of the coin with their upbringing, but they've gone through similar forms of heartache.
You can check out bird-inacage’s BL meta directory for all my other posts around Love Sea.
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chaniceroses · 2 days
Bad Boys Ride or Die (Armando x Reader) Part FOUR
You pulled up into the driveway after following Mike and Marcus from seeing Armando.
“I’m guessing this is where Kelly and Dorn are.”, you whispered, looking around to make sure nothing looks suspicious. Getting out of the car, you walked up to Marcus and Mike to see them having an intense conversation. Something must’ve happened.
“Is everything alright?”you asked, looking at both Marcus and Mike.
“Yeah everything is good y/n. Marcus is just trippin.”
“I just don’t think it’s best for y/n to go over and be on the bus by herself. I mean something doesn’t feel right. That is all that I am saying.”
“Look Marcus, I know you’re on this whole spiritual journey with God but we don’t have time for all of that right now.”, Mike sighed walking towards the van. 
You looked at Marcus with a small smile so he knows that you appreciate his worriedness about you. You weren’t scared and you figured that there will be guards there to watch everything, plus you know what you are capable of so if anything was to go down between you and Armando, you’ll be straight.
Walking into the van, you were greeted by Dorn and Kelly at the computers looking at live footage of the precinct and files. 
“This is y/n. Y/n this is Dorn and Kelly.”Mike said, standing over them.
You nodded your head in response as they looked back at you. You watched as they turned around and gave you a small smile. At least they were friendly.
“Who is she?”Kelly asked, looking back at her computer.
“Somebody that is with us now.”
“I thought you rode as a duo.”, Dom replied, spinning his chair around to face Mike and Marcus.
“They do, I’m just here for support.”, you added folding your arm and walking up between Mike and Marcus.
“Well…she’s our partner too but that’s not the point. What do you have to show us?”Marcus replied pointing at the computers.
You watched as Dom looked at you, and then turned around to face his computer.
“We went through all of Captain Conrad Howard's old files and found this video of him. It sounded urgent and we felt it would be important for you guys to watch.” Dom explained searching through his files. Soon a video popped up and it showed Howard at his desk, wearing thick black glasses and looking into the camera.
“ If you are seeing this then I am probably dead. Which I figured may happen. This video is important so I need you boys and y/n to listen. To the boys, I am being framed. All of those operations in the past with the Cubans, Jamaicans and the Cartel were set-ups. I didn’t know. The millions of dollars from all three of those operations were smuggled, I tried to solve the case before it got thrown to you however, obviously I failed and now which it may seems, they are pinning it all on me. I didn’t mean to die and to leave all of the dirty work onto you guys and I apologize for that but I do need you guys to make it right. Go to Fletcher, he has all of the information to help you. He is the only person besides y/n that I trust so make sure you trust no one else. AT ALL. At some point they will try to frame you guys, even y/n”, he explained, taking off the glasses while leaning towards the camera.
The room was tense, you could feel Marcus and Mike intensely stare at you but you never looked their way. Instead you kept your eyes on the screen hoping that Howard would give you the answer to everything that is happening.
“And to y/n. I’m sorry that I got you pulled into this. It wasn’t meant to be this way, especially knowing what you are going through in your personal life and the choices you’ll have to make with your career. Remember our last conversation, I promise it’ll help you out,
You stared at the computer intensively hoping that he wouldn’t slip up and say anything about your career. You haven’t decided on what you wanted to do. Your past sometimes comes back and hunts you and you have people in your world right now that are starting to grow on you.
“What is he talking about?”Mike asked, turning his focus towards you.
You didn’t say anything, instead you kept your attention on the screen. You weren't here for dramatics or for a “kumbaya” , you were here to help out Howard and to be a support to Mike and Marcus.
“Whatever decision that you choose, I hope that it is for the best. I trust you. So remember to watch your back and be sure that you keep your eyes open. Trust absolutely no one but each other…” 
The video went off. There was a huge feeling in your stomach, hearing his voice again but knowing that it’s not for anything good. You scanned over to see everyone looking at you.
“What?”you asked bewildered.
“What was he talking about?”Marcus interrogated, turning towards you.
“Yeah, what did he mean by “decisions”?”
“It’s personal so forget it… He mentioned Fletcher.”, you responded, trying to flip the conversation to what’s important. You could tell that Marcus and Mike wanted to keep asking you questions but you also knew that they knew the time wasn’t right.
“We’ll talk about it later.”, Mike whispered
“Sure.”, you sarcastically responded. Like hell we will. It wasn’t that you don’t trust them, it was just certain people that you like to confide in. You are a private person, never really like expressing your emotions because it always leads to you either getting hurt or crying. Maybe at some point you will.
“Fletcher..”, Dom  stated.
“Yeah let's go find him.”Mike responded, heading towards the door. You and Marcus followed suit and left the van, you could feel the aura from the way he was looking at you.
“Are you riding with us?”he asked, stopping you in your tracks. You thought about it for a second. It would be either: follow them to wherever Fletcher is in peace and silence or ride with Marcus and Mike and be interrogated the whole time. You looked at him and walked up to his car. He followed behind you, opened your door and closed it for you once you were in.
“So what the hell was Captain talking about, are you okay?”Marcus asked, turning around in the passenger seat.
“I’m okay.”, you responded looking at Mike as he got in the car.
“You know Mike, if she doesn’t want to talk about it. She doesn’t have to.”, Mike shrugged, turning around in his seat. “Just know that we’re always here. Especially me because I'm not a motherfucking pushover like Mike here.”
“Do you plan on leaving? Are you sick? I’m not trying to be a pushover but just know I’m here”Mike asked, looking at you through the rearview mirror. You looked up to make eye-contact with him and then turned away. You didn’t know what you wanted to do right now. All you know is that you want to enjoy the moments that you have right now with them until that time comes to choose. Hopefully it won’t run out.
The entire ride was Marcus scheduling the transportation for Armando and finding Fletcher. Eventually you were led to a random, art-museum club style building. It was nice inside, neon lights and glass sculptures everywhere. You found it fascinating. You didn’t know who Fletcher was so you allowed Marcus and Mike to do all of the talking.
“Fletch, my man!” Mike yelled, walking up towards him to give him dab. You stood back and watched. 
“Hey, Mike…Marcus.”, he replied, smiling at Mike and then giving Marcus a mean stare. Probably bad blood.
“We need information on Howard. He’s being framed and we need your help.”, Marcus said, rolling his eyes.
“Yeah I heard about him. He told me everything that you guys need to know so I can most definitely help you. However, what is the secret word?” 
You watched as Mike and Marcus stared at each other confusingly. Secret Word? What secret word?
“Bad Boys?”
“Man. Cmon, we're in a hurry! This is urgent and important.”, Marcus shouted looking up at him. 
You watched as Fletch scanned around the room, at different arts. What is he trying to say?
“It’s a nice place isn't it? Look around.” You examined the area and saw nothing. Fletcher was pointing his head towards a certain area, however you weren’t able to pick up on it.
“Look Right the-” right before he was about to tell you, you heard a  gunshot go off which led to Fletcher being laid across the ground.
“Oh my gosh.”, you whispered. You ran up to him to see if you could feel any pulse, however there was nothing. You looked at where he was shot to see a clean hole through his head. You stood up to see everyone running and screaming. 
“Y/N!”Marcus yelled, pointing towards something behind you. You turned to see a man racing towards you at full speed. 
“Oh shit.”, you thought. He grabbed you by your neck with one hand and threw you against a wall. Punching you in your face and your stomach. You winced in pain. You turned your head to see Mike running towards you and Marcus shooting at others. Kicking him in the balls, you wrapped your legs around his torso while gauging at his eyes. Blood started trailing down which led to the man finally  letting go.
“HELP MARCUS!”, you yelled running up to the man that strangled you, pulling the gun from your bra and shooting him. You watched as the man's body went limp. Running over to Marcus and Mike, you saw a man in a dark lighted area, leaving the building. When you turn to notify Mike, he was already on it.
You and Marcus followed after him and ended up splitting ways onto the road that was in front of the building.
You ran as hard as you could until you spotted the man that shot Fletcher. You watched as he got onto the door that was open in the back of the van and turned around. Your heart stopped and the hairs on the back of your neck stood up. You ended up stopping in your tracks from running after him.
“Y/n.”, he said while looking at you. A small vicious smile appeared across his face and his eyes stared into your soul.  You felt there was nothing that you could do, your body tensed up while you watched as he sped off.
“He’s still alive?”, you whispered to yourself. You started running out towards the van that was now driving in the middle of the road, when you noticed the van coming full speed at Mike while he was on the ground. He was grabbing his heart.
“Mike!”, you yelled running towards him while shooting at the van. It wouldn’t have made any difference since you were behind the van but at least you could shoot a tire out so it wouldn’t run him over. You watched as Mike was pushed over while Marcus was on top, right before the vehicle could run Mike over. What the hell happened. You watched as they got up and started looking around in a worried manner. Once they spotted you, they sighed as if they were holding in their breath the whole time. You ran up to them, while holding your side due to the pain that was happening. 
“Are yall okay?”, you asked, looking at the direction the van went. You didn’t know that he was alive, you thought that he was dead. What the hell is he doing and who were those people he was with. A million questions started sprinting through your mind and your heart felt that it was about to come out of your chest.
“Who the hell were those people.”, Marcus asked, looking in the same direction you were looking at. Mike followed suit.
“Who was that guy that shot Fletcher.”, Mike added, still holding on to his chest. You continued to look down the road, at this point, you didn’t know what you were searching for. You just knew that things just became extremely difficult, especially between you, Mike and Marcus. You weren’t sure whether or not to say anything so you allowed silence to be your answer. As it always is.
“Let’s go back to Fletcher.”, Mike responded. You grabbed his arm and wrapped it around your shoulders so that he could have support. Mike followed after you and held onto his side. The walk back was extremely dreadful but the pieces were slowly coming together. 
Eventually, the three of you made it back to the building to see it completely destroyed. Dead bodies everywhere, people hurt, broken art, cops and the medics everywhere.
“Someone check Mike now.”, you demanded removing his arm from around you while guiding him to sit at the nearest chair. 
“I think he was shot.”, Marcus added, waving someone over. You watched as someone came over and started analyzing him. You cleared your throat due to the uncomfortable feeling that was occurring.
“I’m going to have bruises all over me tomorrow.”, you thought. 
“He’s all fine. He had a panic attack. Which can happen in these kind of…moments.”, the man replied, moving his stethoscope from Mike’s chest.
“Panic Attack? No. I didn’t. I’m fine.”, Mike replied, moving the guy out of his way.
“Mike, it's fine if you had one…we're all human.”, Marcus smiled following behind him. 
You whispered to the guy and thanked him, then trailed behind Marcus and Mike. You needed to get home and get cleaned up. 
“Guys drop me off.”
“We need to head over to the precinct and explain to Rita what just happened and allow Kelly and Dom to scan the code.”, Mike explained as he was getting into the car.
“I know but this is extremely urgent. Especially after what had just occurred. We are all probably marked, which means they probably know where we live.”, you explained shutting your door. “I’ll call and come to you guys.”
 You were terrified. You weren’t anywhere close to your house since Fletcher’s place was on the other side of the city. Which means by the time you get home and get the things you need. It’ll be dark and hard to see.
Marcus and Mike replied in agreement and took you home. You were silent the whole drive. Things have fallen out of place and now you and the boys are being targeted. You didn’t know what to think anymore and by the looks of it, a direct “plan” wouldn’t help. All you could think about was what Howard said in the video…
“Keep your eyes open…”
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iris-qt · 2 days
𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚘𝚏 𝚏𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚐
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☾ ʀᴇɢᴜʟᴜꜱ ʙʟᴀᴄᴋ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
☾ ʙɢ ᴍᴜꜱɪᴄ: ᴄʟɪᴄᴋ!
☾ ꜰʟᴜꜰꜰ | 2ᴋ
☾ ᴀ/ɴ: ʜᴇʀᴇ'ꜱ ᴛʜᴇ ꜰʟᴜꜰꜰ ʏᴏᴜ ɢᴜʏꜱ ᴡᴀɴᴛᴇᴅ ᴅᴇᴄɪᴅᴇᴅ ʙʏ ᴛʜɪꜱ ᴘᴏʟʟ (ɪꜰ ʏᴏᴜ ᴄᴀɴ'ᴛ ᴛᴇʟʟ, ɪ ʟᴏᴠᴇ ᴘᴏʟʟꜱ).
☾ ꜱʏɴᴏᴘꜱɪꜱ: ʀᴇɢᴜʟᴜꜱ ʙᴇʟɪᴇᴠᴇᴅ ʟᴏᴠᴇ ᴡᴀꜱ ᴀ ᴄʜᴏɪᴄᴇ. ᴀɴᴅ ʜᴇ ᴄʜᴏꜱᴇ ɴᴏᴛ ᴛᴏ ᴇɴɢᴀɢᴇ ɪɴ ɪᴛ. ᴇᴠᴇɴᴛᴜᴀʟʟʏ, ʀᴇɢᴜʟᴜꜱ ᴍᴇᴇᴛꜱ ʏᴏᴜ ᴀɴᴅ ʟᴇᴀʀɴꜱ ᴀ ʙɪᴛ ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ᴀʀᴛ ᴏꜰ ꜰᴀʟʟɪɴɢ ɪɴ ʟᴏᴠᴇ.
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Silly, foolish love.
Regulus seemed to be surrounded by the atrocious thing as love was in bloom at Hogwarts. Valentine’s Day was slowly approaching as February rolled in, blanketing the castle in fresh snow and an air of romantic anticipation.
And Regulus hated it.
He stalked up the endless stairs with his lanky legs to reach the rotted wooden trapdoor that led to the stuffy Divination room. If only the crystal ball would tell him how to drop out of this useless class mid-year. Walking in for the 2nd semester of the year, he saw the little magical name tags Professor Trelawney had enchanted were scrambled.
New seats.
Just fucking wonderful.
He’d gotten used to sitting next to some short, sniveling boy with bad acne and thick glasses. Such a simple, mutual understanding of silence between them. 
Regulus made his way to his new table at the back of the class. At least he could think clearly as he wasn’t seated right next to Trewlany’s five sticks of incense. Leaning over, messy black curls falling over his tired eyes, he peeks at the name on the tag next to him…Y/N. 
The new girl.
He’d never spoken to her but she didn’t seem particularly irritating, so perhaps this would be fine. 
You walk in, one of the last students, and as you take a seat, Regulus notes you smell like the fresh pines of the Forbidden Forest. Not to mention you had a pine leaf stuck in your sweater. His keen detective work led him to the conclusion that there was more to you than he had originally thought. Rather than a wallflower, you were hiding something in those focused eyes.
Those focused eyes that were now trained on him, lighting up as you gave him a little wave.
Regulus nodded in acknowledgment and turned away, letting you know he wasn’t one for small talk in case you hoped to engage in it.
The planets must’ve not been aligned in Regulus’s favor as the topic of today’s class was palm reading; particularly the line that represented love and future relationships. All in the spirit of Valentine’s Day, as Trelawny put it.
She chose the wrong holiday to become festive about.
The thing is, Regulus didn’t believe in love. He believed love was a choice. A choice he tended to avoid. He had made the decision to not get involved at all. Relationships only bring drama and heartbreak and he wanted none of it. None. Of. It. 
Also, his awkwardness welcomed zero aspects of any love, so perhaps he was slightly salty about that.
When the palm reading commenced, you turned to him, flipping your textbook to the correct page.
“It looks like the heart line is right above the head line.”
He raises an eyebrow. “But where’s the head line?”
You smile as you gently take his hand in yours and trace your finger over his heart line on his pale palm. Maybe it was a sensory issue, because his heart stopped and then started racing one thousand beats a second. It was probably just because of nerve endings leading to his heart, right? Basic human anatomy.
“Hm…I’m picking up a vibe…seems like your life shall be…” you look at Regulus, eyes wide for dramatic flare “...full of smiles and hugs! Merlin! Whatever shall you do?”
Regulus can’t help but crack a smile as he attempts to hide it with a disappointed head shake. 
“And here I thought you’d take this seriously.”
“I am dead serious, Black,” you drain your face of emotions as you stare blankly at him.
He can’t help but let out a stifled laugh as his heart picks up again. This cannot be good. He must be sick. Flu season, right?
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Regulus recovered from his supposed illness by the next morning as he woke up early; washing himself with ice cold water to maintain his control and balance throughout the day. The air outside was crisp and the unrelenting chill of winter was chasing the occasional snowflakes that decided to fall. 
Perfect weather for a rejuvenating morning walk.
Truthfully, he hoped the cold would numb his spontaneous thoughts of Y/N. One little interaction and he was already spiraling.
No matter.
Everything was under control.
Until he saw you, bundled up in an endless number of layers, sitting by the lake with a little tray of watercolors, your hair gently blowing in the breeze. He just knew your nose would be a rosy shade and it’s as if his heart began an override autopilot of his body, moving his legs toward you. Of course, he was just curious as to why you were painting out in this bleak weather. Of course, it was plain curiosity. Nothing more. 
His quiet steps were given away by the frosty ground, and you looked up as he approached, his ink black hair decorated with various snowflakes, blowing around his face..
“Morning Regulus, here for another palm reading?” you grin seeing him roll his eyes. He hesitates as he doesn’t know whether he should ask before he sits down next to you. You gently pat the frosted grass next to you and he quietly takes a seat; knees to his chest.
“I don’t know if a thin black robe is the best attire for this weather, Black.”
“Hm..I suppose next time I’ll bring 20 sweaters like you,” he hums, giving you a small, lopsided smile. You scoff teasingly as you unwrap your large wool scarf from your neck, putting it around his shivering form. He looks at you with a shimmering yet unreadable emotion, before he pulls his gaze from your rosy, frigid nose to the small, pocket sized canvas you’re holding.
Your art was simplistic, yet heavenly. The soft pastel shades of the water colors blended together in perfect harmony, capturing the ethereal atmosphere of this cold, February morning. The lake shimmered with an azure shade which escaped into the baby blue tint of the cloudy sky.
You caught him staring and dug into your messenger bag, pulling out another tiny canvas and a spare brush.
“Paint with me”
He blinked at you, your gentle and inviting manner a foreign language to him. He always welcomed loneliness, but in your presence, he didn’t think being alone would ever feel the same. He’d always be yearning for someone. A specific someone. 
Merlin, he was in deep.
They sat there in a comfortable silence; the only sounds consisted of the lake lapping onto the shore and whispers of the winter winds. Regulus could get used to this. He began painting the scene, hoping to impress you with his professional art; a product of his years of art lessons with the best of the best. But he would never capture the moment like you did. Perhaps it was the lack of artistic “rules” with which you painted that made it so perfect. Perhaps it was the fact that it was you who painted it that made it so perfect. 
For perfection makes perfection.
So imagine his happiness when you gifted him your little canvas after the morning paint session. Regulus was truly at a loss for words but managed to pipe out a weak “thank you” as he gently held the little canvas as if it were a fragile artifact. He gave himself a mental reminder to learn various protective charms to perform on the small painting. Perhaps buy an impenetrable golden chamber for it? No. Platinum.
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Valentine’s Day commenced with a flurry of sappy couples and atrocious public displays of affection. Regulus would’ve stayed holed up in his dorm, but how could he miss a trip to Hogsmeade? He needed to stock up on swan feather quills and dark chocolate frogs.
Yes, of course, Regulus had thought about you and perhaps conveying his feelings on this day reserved for love, but he’d rather not ruin the one beautiful thing in his life. Ever since that one early morning, you and him had been painting basically everyday. Those painting sessions are what made Regulus excited to wake up in the morning. But he wasn’t sure if you harbored the same feelings. 
Truthfully, if love was a choice, Regulus wouldn’t choose to love you. It was beautiful, yes. But it was heart wrenching; his stomach constantly felt like a twisting storm while your eyes sang a siren song that would soon bring him to his demise against the sharp rocks of love. 
That is why he pondered just releasing his emotions and letting you know his affections towards you. But Regulus was nothing if not afraid. 
Afraid of losing you.
Stupid love.
As he made his way into Hogsmeade, he noticed you strolling around with your best friend, laughing. You made eye contact with him as you gave him a little wave and a small smile. He briskly looked away as if you could read his conflicting thoughts about you behind his eyes and walked off.
Strange.. You thought.
After running his errands, Regulus decided to head back. Per usual, Valentine’s Day was a flop. They didn’t even have dark chocolate frogs in stock. Regulus sighed as he began walking back. He immediately paused in his steps as he noticed you at a pop-up flower stand, making a bouquet of white flowers. Ranunculus? Yes, it was a bouquet of Ranunculus. He had studied flower language as part of his private tutoring growing up. They represented charm and attraction. 
Charm and attraction?
Who were you charmed and attracted by? Because it certainly wasn’t him. 
Regulus scoffs to himself as he walks off, attempting to push away the gnawing feeling in his stomach. 
Until he hears your sparkling voice calling his name.
You run up to him across the frozen ground, a bouquet of Ranunculus in your hand. Quite unfortunately, the icy ground causes you to slip, and as you fall, Regulus catches you, your face pressed against his chest which is adorned with your scarf. His heart was racing so fast you were concerned he could be having a heart attack. You steady yourself, straightening your beanie, an embarrassed look on your face which immediately turns to a crestfallen expression as you notice the now crushed flowers. 
You felt like crying.
Your sadness was contagious as Regulus couldn’t bear to see his beautiful girl upset over anything. He quickly muttered a spell which brought the flowers back to life. Yes, he just  encouraged Y/N’s romantic pursuits towards another person by doing so, but if that’s what made you happy, he’d give it to you. 
Your face broke into a smile as you glanced to the side, a bit shaken at this bump in the road. 
“Thanks for saving my face from destruction, Reggie.”
“We wouldn’t want that, would we?” He smiled, always enjoying their exchanges. 
With all the insecure thoughts buzzing in your head, you decided to kill them off once and for all, and pushed the bouquet of flowers towards Regulus, unable to make eye contact with his calculating eyes. You didn’t want to see them calculate just how much of an idiot your infatuation with him made you.
“For you.”
Regulus blinked, unable to comprehend what was going on. Maybe she hit her head against his bony chest a bit too hard. He stood there gaping, as still as a rock.
You took that as a sign he wasn’t interested, and, with an internal sigh, turned the other way, looking skyward to chase the tears away. Flowers hanging limp in your hand, you were about to walk away, when you felt Regulus’s soft grip on your wrist as he coaxed you back to him.
Regulus was beaming in a way that was slightly unsettling and heart warming at the same time. There was something about seeing one’s true grin for the first time. And it was purely contagious as you grinned back at him like a lovesick fool.
Silly, foolish love.
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biteofcherry · 19 hours
Morning menace
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alpha!Steve Rogers x omega female reader
warnings: none; unless we count early morning (basically night) rudeness
Author's Note: This is a short, silly thing inspired by my own "eagerness" to get up in the morning 😂 Shout out to the always amazing @buckets-and-trees, who often has to hear my grumpiness in the wee hours 😆
Grain of Truth Masterlist
Main Masterlist
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There’s an annoying beeping sound that spears through the sweet, comfy clouds of slumber and you clench your eyelids shut harder, hoping that some bird of prey would swoop in and swallow that shrilling monster. 
Your pillow moves, adding to the growing annoyance as your subconsciousness tries the hardest to hold onto sleep. 
Finally, that irritating sound ceases, but your pillow continues to slip away. 
So you tighten your grip on it and move your leg further around the wide, hard breadth of it; clutching it both with your arm and your thighs. 
“Come on, babe,” a raspy, deeply masculine voice enters your sleep. 
The sound of it is very pleasant, making you hum in delight and snuggle into the warm pillow. Unfortunately, his words are far from what you want to hear.
“It’s time to get up.” 
“No.” Your reply comes instantly, your nose scrunching up in detestation. 
A low chuckle follows your refusal. Then an arm, which was cradling your back, moves along your spine. A big, strong hand gently grips the back of your neck; his thumb rubbing up and down. 
“I’m afraid it really is. We need to leave in an hour.” 
“No leaving. Staying. An’ sleepin’.” You grumble and though your eyes are still closed and your mind is keeping you halfway submerged in sleep, you recognize that the pillow you’re partially draped over is in fact your Alpha. 
To emphasize your stance on getting up, you roll your body fully on top of him. With a huff, you press your head under his chin and twine your limbs around his massive body. 
“I know you hate early mornings, Sweet Brat.” Steve laughs, palming your naked ass with his free hand. “But we’re about to go for vacation, if you remember. Two weeks away. And then you can sleep even till noon. But to get there, we agreed to leave early.” 
“I would never agree to such idiotic idea.” You protest, growing more annoyed as your sleep starts to truly fade away the longer you continue conversation with the very rude Alpha. 
Steve only snorts. Then attempts to move. To which you respond by clinging harder and giving a small, displeased whine. 
The way he instinctively gives a short purr to soothe you has your lips curving in a smile and your cheek pressing against his sternum. 
“Ten more minutes,” Steve sighs. “I’ll start a breakfast for us. But not a second longer, grumpy brat.”
You whine again, more petulantly this time, as Steve manages to gently roll away from under you. Your body sinks into the warm spot on the mattress that’s soaked with your mate’s scent. 
You instantly bury your nose into it, your body dropping back into a fully relaxed state, so eager to trott back into the dreamland. 
“What kind of vacation requires getting up at this ungodly hour? I don’t want a vacation like that.” You try to reach for the covers, but they seem to be too far away. You’d have to open your eyes to find them, but you really don’t want to. 
“I’d rather stay here. In bed. And rot.” You mumble into the sheets. “You go on stupid early vacation yourself.” 
“You’re worse than Bucky.” Steve gives an exasperated sigh. “And he’s really insufferable before 9AM.” 
Giving a little kick with your leg, you turn your face to the other side and reach for a pillow to cover your head with. In case your bossy Alpha decided to lift the blinds and scorch you with morning sun. 
Though you were pretty sure there was no sun yet on the horizon. There couldn’t be. It was too fucking early! It was basically still night.
“Then maybe go on this mid-night vacation yourself and send Bucky here to me. We’ll be grumpy together and sleep like normal people do.”  
You shriek aloud, your eyes opening instantly, when a brutal sting burns your asscheek. Then another one lands, on the other side of your butt. 
Before you get a chance to react to the spanking, Steve grips your ankles and pulls you across the mattress in one, swift move. Your legs dangle over the edge of the bed, feet kicking above the floor. Then strong hands are gripping your hips and you’re lifted into the air. 
Steve turns you in his arms, with the skill of a man who’s done that plenty of times, so you’re facing him. It’s body memory, or whatever cognitive reaction, to wrap your legs around his hips as he carries you. 
The light in the bathroom turns on, causing your eyes to squint in protest. With another huff, you hide your face in the crook of Steve’s neck. He really smells good in the morning. Damn  him! 
He eases you down, until your feet touch the tiled floor. He cups your chin and tilts your head up.
“You have fifteen minutes to get ready, Sweet Brat. And if you even try to sneak back into bed, I’ll make sure that sitting through the few hours drive is going to be a real pain in your cute ass.” 
You scowl at him, but either your sleepy, straight-out-of-bed look doesn’t help with the murderous effect, or your Alpha simply isn’t bothered by your non-verbal threats. 
Quite the opposite, he flashes you a bright smile. Then, still holding your chin in his hand, he seals a short, but rather intense kiss on your lips. 
You watch him leave, still glaring. And maybe - but only a tiny bit - ogling. 
“Next year I’m gonna opt for staycation,” you mutter under your breath.
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silken-moonlight · 9 hours
The Elegance Series Part 9: Older Alpha x Human Waitress
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A/N: Hi there! Today hasn't been a great day for me, as I wrote before. I was at the doctor's office today and am now on heart meds. I have to see how everything will go from here. Though I still want to post regularly. Love you all and everyone who wished me well. Enjoy the new chapter! 💗💗💗
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Your Pov
You went home feeling giddy and happy. Though it quickly faded when you stepped into your home. A sense of dread filled you, afraid that something might have happened while you were gone. Gladly, today this wasn't the case. Your parents had gone to bed, and Pumpkin and Spice slept peacefully in the living room. A soft smile tugged at your lips as you silently slid up the stairs to the second story. After a hot shower, which helped you sober up, you went to bed. For a moment, you scrolled on your phone, checking your social media and emails. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary.
However, you suddenly remembered that Desmond didn't have your number...but you had his. A warm feeling crept into your chest when you thought about the older man. He had an aura of security and calm...He was magnetic, something always pulled you back to him. You took out the card he gave you so many days ago and typed it into your phone. Quickly saving it under: Desmond (Alpha).
Before you could overthink it, you wrote him a quick text:
Y/N:Hi Desmond, it's Y/N. I wanted to save your number and give you a call at the same time.
Desmond: That is wonderful; thank you so much for texting me. It made my sweet night even sweeter.
You blushed behind you phone and chuckled.
Y/N: Thank you so much. I am looking forward to our date tomorrow.
Desmond: Me too. I would like to invite you for lunch together.
Y/N: I adore that idea! When do you want to meet up?
Desmond: As soon as you could
Desmond: I mean as soon as you are available
Y/N: How about 1 pm?
Desmond: Perfect, I'll pick you up at your house.
Y/N: Until then!
Desmond: Until then, darling.
Your heart beat faster when you put your phone away, anticipating the date you would have. Now that you knew Desmond was always visiting "Sailor Boy," you were so giddy and excited. You really liked him. You wanted this to be something nice...Though you knew how it would end. At first, the people are always so understanding of your situation. They have no problem at first with your always having to be ready to leave a date or that you can't go on vacation and shut off your phone. They understand that partying is off the table for you and that you don't want to go to clubs.
You were happy with your life; you were okay with taking care of your parents. Sadly, others were not, telling you that one day you would regret not spending your youth wildly. It was frustrating trying to tell people that you didn't miss anything. Your mind told you that things with Desmond wouldn't be different. As soon as he knew he had to share you, he would lose interest. Also, you were overly aware of how he had his own responsibilities. He lived in an entirely different world than you, one where you wouldn't fit. You would enjoy his attention for the time that he was here.
- The next Day -
You spend the entire morning getting ready, bathing, and doing so much self-care. Your last date had been ages ago, and you were so happy to have the opportunity to make yourself look pretty.
Your parents were happy for you too, encouraging you. They even took the dogs out for a walk so that you had the house to yourself for a little while.
Now, you were standing in front of the mirror, looking at yourself. The dress you chose was elegant: a blue that complimented your skin, with white embroidery of stars at the hem of the skirt. The sleeves were bell sleeves, and the neckline was a beautiful V. You chose those white pumps that you almost never wore and applied soft makeup. Perfume and deodorant finished the look.
You were ready, looking elegant yet casual. Your heart was beating so fast, excitement surging through your entire body.
Desmond: Good Morning Beautiful, I am at you parents house and will wait for you
You looked at the clock. 12:45 a.m. He was early. A smile tugged at your lips; somebody was clearly eager. It flattered you.
Quickly, you said goodbye to your parents and dogs as you walked out of the front door.
A large, black SUV stood there, Desmond leaning casually against it. When he spotted you, a smile adorned his face. The alpha looked sinfully handsome. His beard was freshly trimmed, his hair loose, and he wore dress pants and a dress shirt with the top two buttons undone and the sleeves rolled up. "You look stunning, darling," Desmond greeted you, looking you up and down.
"All that for me?" He asked and smiled a little more. Feeling bold, you stepped closer and kissed him on the cheek. "All for you." You felt proud when you saw the slight flush on his cheeks. The Alpha smelled amazing; his cologne smelled rich and deep—wood, leather, and tobacco.
"Shall we?" His voice was smooth, and you nodded. He opened the door for you, and you slipped into the passenger's seat. "Thank you," you said and smiled at him. He closed the door and walked around to the other side.
"No need to thank me. Did you sleep well?" He asked and began to drive. "I did, how about you? Your way home was definitely longer than mine." He smiled. "Oh, I slept quite well, knowing that I would see you again today." You chuckled. "Such a charmer, though I must admit I was excited to see you again." His smile widened. "I love hearing that. Also, I thought I might take you to the orangery that they made into that exclusive restaurant. It's beautiful there—if you believe their website." You nodded. You had heard of that before. "Oh, I always wanted to go there," you said honestly. "I've actually been to the manor it belongs to a couple of times. Some of my acquaintances got married there." Desmond listened to you. "The local pack thought of buying the land and manor when it had some money problems. Though since they have the restaurant, those have vanished, and it runs really well." You nodded. You had heard something similar—minus the mention of the local pack.
Suddenly, Desmond's phone rang and connected to the car. Desmond sighed, annoyed. "I have to take that call. It's my beta, Isaac."
"I don't mind," you said with a smile.
Desmond pressed a Button and said:"Behave Isaac, I have a Lady with me." The alpha greeted the beta. There was an immediate laugh on the other end:"Did you finally have the balls to ask the cute waitress out?" You blushed extremly and looked over to Desmond who looked like he'd die of embaressment. "Isaac I swear..." There was just laughing on the other and:"Yeah Yeah. Also Hi to the waitress, I don't know your name yet. I'm Isaac, his beta." You looked at Desmond who nodded, so you answered:"Hello Isaac, I'm Y/N. Desmond has told me about you before." You could hear the beta chuckling:"Awwww, thats really sweet of you Des. Telling you mate about me."
"Isaac!" Desmond thundered. "Is there any other reason you called me?" he said, his hands gripping the steering wheel tightly.
You just wondered what Isaac meant by 'mate'. You had never heard that Word in this context before.
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Taglist: @the-witches-creatures @blushycadaver @strawberrypoundtown @blackbirdwitch22 @my-anime-garden
Divider Credit: @thecutestgrotto
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dark-frosted-heart · 2 days
Clavis’ 4th Birthday Story (His POV)
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As usual, can’t guarantee 100% accuracy on this
Since meeting Emma, birthdays have become more special.
Year after year, it was a momentous occasion where I celebrated my birth as my fiancee poured her heart and soul into expressing her love for me. And not to be outdone, I too strive to make each year more enjoyable than the last—
Clavis: So you’re saying that you’re not giving your cute little brother a vacation on his birthday?
Chevalier: …
However, this year, before my birthday, my detestable older brother threw a wrench in my plans.
Clavis: Let me kill you just this once.
Chevalier: You’re welcome to draw your sword, but you’ll fail.
Clavis: Why. You’ve never harassed me like this before.
Chevalier: It’s official business.
Clavis: You can do it yourself.
Chevalier: The ambassador who caused issues is a friend of yours, is he not?
Clavis: It’s not the first time you’ve met them.
Chevalier: I made them cry.
Clavis: …
Chevalier: Give up.
(What’s the catch?)
Recently we received a report that a staff member of the embassy for a certain country was using their diplomatic immunity to commit crimes.
Although they needed to be dealt with, it wasn’t a dire situation and was something that Chevalier could handle alone.
(...Was it a miracle that I didn’t have any official duties on my birthday every year?)
(In any case, it doesn’t look like I’ll be getting a vacation)
With an impudent attitude as if to say our conversation was done, Chevalier returned his attention back to his paperwork.
(...Not only will Emma not be able to celebrate my birthday, she won’t even be able to spend time with me…)
(This sucks)
However, when I arrived at one of the royal villas on my birthday, my heart did a flip.
Emma: We have been expecting you, King Chevalier and King Clavis.
(Why are you here?)
She wore a tidy maid’s uniform and the skirt was long enough to cover her ankles, a wig that gave her a different hairstyle, and a pair of glasses.
Her voice was different too, but each move she made screamed Emma.
(This…is supposed to be a disguise)
(A surprise present?)
(I did tell her where I was going, but I didn’t expect this)
For a moment, I forgot that I was here on official business and smiled.
However, I couldn’t defy Emma’s expectations so I chose my next words carefully to not sound unnatural.
Clavis: Oh, a maid. I thought I’d have to take care of Chevalier here.
Villa caretaker: I hired a maid this year. Please understand that I’m getting too old to take care of this place myself.
(Perhaps the madam is an accomplice)
(I thought I wouldn’t be able to see her on my birthday this year…)
(You never disappoint me, Emma)
Acting as a new maid, Emma seemed ready to accompany us on our official business.
Naturally, as the original trap master, I couldn’t just stand by.
If she had a huge surprise waiting for me, then I’d need to return it with a suitable trap to not ruin my reputation.
Emma: Please wait, King Chevalier!
Emma: …The path over there is shorter, allow me to show you the way.
Clavis: Hmm…
Emma: Please wait, King Chevalier!
Emma: There appears to be something wrong with the carriage, so allow me to inspect it right away. If you can give me a few minutes…
Clavis: Oh?
Emma: Please wait, King Chevalier!
Emma: There may be a bomb planted in there, so please allow me to deal with it…!
Clavis: You’ll deal with it?
Emma: Ah, there’s also a pit trap there…Please wait!
Emma: Aaahh, there’s bananas falling from the sky so please wait!!
Emma: Wait, please wai—Aaaahhhhh
(Goodness, that was truly a sight to see. I didn’t know that she’d be able to see through all the traps I set for her)
Something that could only be done with love was truly a fitting birthday present.
Thanks to Emma, the hopelessness I felt a few days ago disappeared and I felt great.
However, there’s still some things that need answers.
Chevalier’s actions, as he presented a mountain of paperwork, was as puzzling as ever.
While the “new maid” was sent to get us some tea, it was time to settle this. 
Clavis: What’s your goal?
Chevalier: …
Clavis: You said I was needed for the embassy matter or else diplomatic relations would’ve been severed. However, these are papers that can wait until tomorrow. Why do we have to get through these today?
Chevalier: …
Clavis: Haha, you’re not saying anything. Can’t say anything about Licht like this, you know?
(I don’t think this man would do anything meaningless)
(So this means something)
(Both bringing me here on my birthday and this absurd pile of paperwork at night…)
I casually glanced at the papers.
The pile didn’t have anything concerning national politics, but rather the Michel territory.
Since it was the family that my mother’s had served for generations, it wasn’t unusual for me to be asked to assist in managing the estate.
However, the issue was that those documents were here of all places.
(This place has nothing to do with the Michel family.)
Clavis: Why did you bring this here?
Chevalier: You think I’d gone through the trouble?
Clavis: Haha. I thought you were trying to harass me.
Chevalier: This was delivered to the castle today. It’s addressed to you.
Clavis: Me?
I froze.
(There’s only one other person cruel enough to give me documents concerning the Michel territory)
Clavis: You don’t think they went to the castle, do you?
I glanced at Chevalier and he laughed at me.
Clavis: …She did. That old hag has too much time on her hands.
Chevalier: Lucky you? You happened to not be in the castle and she didn’t have time for long distance traveling. Someone else brought this.
Though my mother had passed, I had another relative who was alive and well.
The matriarch of the Lelouch family, my grandmother— 
I was currently in the midst of a private dispute over my fiancee that I didn’t want Emma to find out about.
If I had run into her on my birthday, there would be no time to celebrate.
This time I was saved because I just so “happened” to be off on official business somewhere  far away.
Realizing that…I found myself troubled.
(I've been saved. By this man no less)
(No, he’s not that kind of guy. Normally he wouldn’t involve himself in something like this)
Chevalier: It was convenient for me. That’s all.
~~ Flashback ~~
Clavis: Hey, Chevalier! It’s my birthday today. Let’s celebrate this year.
Chevalier: …
Clavis: Hey!
Chevalier: Do you believe you’re worth celebrating?
Clavis: I do!
Chevalier: …
Clavis: Don’t laugh at me!
Chevalier: If you want someone to celebrate, make it worth celebrating. Then we’ll talk.
Clavis: You’re always like this. Always talking about worth…it’s not funny!
~~ Flashback end ~~
(Ahh…He’s really making me angry)
Every year, Chevalier’s the only one that doesn’t celebrate my birthday and I avoid him because I don’t want to see his unpleasant face.
In hindsight, was it really a miracle that I’d never have worked on my birthday in the past?
The foreign faction’s schedule wasn’t as predictable as the domestic faction’s.
I did have some control over it, but not complete control. Only one person did—I stopped thinking about it.
(Enough. It’s only going to make me feel miserable)
Clavis: Chevalier, I still want you to step out. I can’t stand not spending any time with Emma on my birthday. If I win, I’m done with my duties.
Chevalier: …Fine. I’ll humor you.
(He usually ignores me)
Emma: How long have you known?
After clashing swords with Chevalier, I escaped with Emma, who happened upon us, to a nearby guest room.
Emma didn’t let me carelessly calling her my “lovely fiancee” go.
(Darn it. I’m still agitated)
Clavis: Oh, so the new maid was Emma all along…!
Emma: Don’t pretend to be surprised.
Clavis: Haha, don’t pout.
Clavis: I love you, so how could I not have noticed?
I’m confident that I can see through any of your disguises.
Emma: I guess I still need to practice more if I want to surprise you.
Clavis: Yes, that’s right.
(Her expression…I guess you can say it’s a mix of happiness and frustration)
Just looking at Emma, who’s an open book, makes me feel as if I’ve gathered up all the bliss in the world.
I felt so refreshed that I almost forgot the discomfort and disappointment I had felt earlier.
Clavis: But your aim wasn’t to surprise me, was it? My lovely fiancee, whom I didn’t think I’d be able to see on my birthday, appeared before my eyes and stayed by my side the entire time. Furthermore, she showed just how much she loved me when she saw through and stopped all my pranks. Is there a man out there that wouldn’t feel over the moon by this? I doubt it. I had another wonderful birthday this year. There were some complications, but you made up for them. 
Emma’s dissatisfaction transformed into joy.
(Ah…I feel like a fool)
Emma: It’s still too early to feel satisfied. The real thing’s just beginning. 
Clavis: Haha, is that so?
As I stared at her intently as to not miss a single movement, Emma’s face came closer and her lips touched mine in a way that was unusually honest for her tsundere self.
(There truly isn’t anyone in this world that’s as lovely as Emma)
(...Let’s forget about everything and celebrate. I want you to celebrate me)
Taking advantage of the fact that she lacked an iron will that couldn’t resist me fanning the flames, I tickled the back of her neck with my fingers.
I kissed her several times as if looking for something, but with no signs of stopping, I continued kissing her.
Perhaps it was the understanding that my birthday happened only once a year that encouraged Emma to wrap a hand behind my neck.
Emma: Apologies to King Chevalier, but…I want to spend the rest of the time with you. I’ll celebrate you for as long as we can, Clavis.
Clavis: Yes, of course.
I pushed her down on the bed hand placed my hands beside her so that she couldn’t escape— 
Clavis: I’m a man who likes to be celebrated, so I’ll let you celebrate as much as you want.
By the time I released Emma, the world was bathed in soft morning light.
Having passed out in the middle of the night, the moment she realized it was morning, Emma rushed out of the room and returned with cake and tea.
It seemed like she had made a rainbow birthday cake for me again this year, which made me smile.
(I really wanted to help, but…)
I didn’t feel like getting out of bed and propped myself up on an elbow, watching Emma fumble about.
Right now I just wanted to forget about everything and bathe in bliss.
Emma: Don’t you want to eat?
Clavis: Of course I do. But the problem is that I don’t feel like getting out of bed today.
Oh dear, what a problem indeed. I could eat if my kind-hearted, lovely fiancee would feed me.
Emma: ……
Clavis: Every year I look forward to being wrapped in your love.
Can you at least do this for the birthday boy?
Emma: …Just for today, okay?
Emma carefully set the tray with the birthday set on the bed and avoided making eye contact.
She looked embarrassed for some reason.
(I’m in the mood for eye contact though?)
Emma scooped up a piece of the colorful rainbow cake with the fork and I placed my hand on her leg.
Emma: W-what are you doing?
Clavis: Oh, would you like me to explain in detail?
Sure. I saw your exposed legs, so I thought you were offering— 
Emma: Hurry up and eat your cake, happy birthday!
(Ah, how cute…You truly are adorable)
She shoved the cake against my lips, but my hand didn’t leave her leg. Instead, I began to attack the back of her knee.
Emma: Nn…
Clavis: Haha, that was a sweet sound.
(Your weak spot)
As I continued to deliberately tickle her, Emma became more agitated.
Emma: The cake’s about to fall off.
Clavis: We can’t have that. I don’t want to miss a single piece from a cake you made.
Come on now. If you keep looking away, it’ll really fall. 
Fed up, Emma finally looked at me.
Her serious expression was filled with allure.
The atmosphere was dizzying to the point of shattering all sense of reason.
(I know what that tsun-tsun face means)
(It’s the face she makes when she loves me so much she doesn’t know what to do with herself)
The confidence came not from conceitedness, but rather past experience.
Just like how Emma can see through all my pranks, I also know Emma pretty well myself.
Clavis: You really know how to please me, don’t you?
Emma: Do I?
Clavis: Yes. I present you with the honor of Lelouch Master. A title only you could earn.
Emma: That…
Might make me feel a little happy.
Clavis: Don’t feel so modest. You’re “very happy” aren’t you?
Emma’s cheeks slowly turned red and she tried to look elsewhere.
When I moved a finger as if to reprimand her, she returned her gaze to me as if understanding what I wanted.
(You might’ve not noticed, but the new maid would also sometimes let her gaze wander off)
(You’d look away any time I praised you for seeing through a prank)
(A habit whenever you get embarrassed. However—)
Clavis: Keep your eyes on me, Miss Accomplice.
After all, everything I do is out of love for you, isn’t it?
Not just now, but everything else up to this point.
Emma seemed to notice my implications.
Emma: Clavis, it can’t be that…all the pranks played on King Chevalier…they were— 
Clavis: As expected of the Lelouch Master. You’re pretty sharp.
(If you kept your eyes on me, you would’ve noticed sooner)
(...Because I couldn’t stop smiling)
Emma: You played me.
Clavis: Haha, you still have ways to go. After Master, you should aim for Legend.
Emma: Of course, I’ll get promoted right away. I’ll reach Legend next year.
Clavis: Oh, that’s a lot of confidence.
Emma: So, um…that means I want to understand you even better than before!
She shoved the cake in my mouth and quickly kissed his cheek.
Emma, who distanced herself, looked like she was about to start steaming from embarrassment. But her eyes didn’t leave me as quickly as they did before.
(Every time you celebrate me, I feel like I can’t lose)
(...I got saved by Chevalier this year, which isn’t good)
(I have to learn to protect myself so that Emma can love me freely)
I wanted to give Emma more happiness than she had given me.
That’s why I have this strong desire.
Clavis: Now then, let’s see what your future holds.
Can you love me even more, Emma?
(I’ll pull some evil deeds behind the scenes…so that you can love me even more)
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too-much-tma-stuff · 2 days
We Will Care For Her (Part 8.5)
Previous | Masterpost
When the call came in about screaming and gunshots in the woods the Teen Titan’s were worried to say the least, and the closest ones to the scene. With no bigger emergencies all four of them mobilized to check it out. It was unlikely that all four of them would be needed, but they worked better as a team and no one wanted to be left behind.
Tim wasn’t sure what he was expecting, but it was not his brother in full Red Hood getup sprinting out of the building with a white-haired young woman cradled in his arms and someone in a skull mask on his heels. At first Tim thought that the person chasing Jason was causing the problem, until he saw the official people in white after both of them with guns, those sorts were always bad news. If there had been a registered, above board research facility of some sort out here he would have known about it. 
Then the stranger turned and let out some sort of concussive scream that was definitely more powerful than even Black Canary's. Everyone chasing them was blasted back into the building and the concrete and steel of the building itself crumpled in on itself like toothpicks. Who were they!?
“Red Hood, what’s happening?” Tim called out to Jason, who glanced at him but didn’t answer,he barely seemed to register Robin was there before his gaze turned back to the masked individual Tim didn’t recognize. Well, didn’t recognize until Hood called out to them and called them Hyena.
That was Hyena?! That was a completely different outfit then the one he was used to, and he had never seen, or even heard of, Hyena using a power like that! Sure he’d told Batman he was powerful, but it was one thing to be told that and a completely different thing to see it. But sure enough he responded to the name, and as he approached Hood, Hyena drew his humanity back around him like a veil, the skeletal appearance covered again by the costume Tim recognized. Tim tensed, ready to step in if he needed to, if Hyena lashed out at anyone. But he was calm, practically huddling up with Jason and the girl, and gently stroking her hair.
Unsure what else to do, Tim signed to Impulse and Wondergirl to check the perimeter. He doubted there was anyone still alive after those explosions, but they needed to check just in case. However that meant that when Hyena took the girl from Hood and brought her over to them it was only Robin and Superboy present, which turned out to only be for the better. Tim had never seen Danny so emotional, it was… jarring, especially compared to his usual manic energy and smile. 
“You, you're Super boy, the clone right?” Hyena asked Kon, and after glancing at Robin who gave an almost imperceptible encouraging motion, Kon nodded warily. “She is too,” Danny sighed looking down at the pale girl. “Back when I was still a hero my nemesis made her, she’s… my daughter in any way that matters, my flesh and blood but I… the way I am now I can’t look after her. I never could really, I tried but I was just a teenager at the time,” He let out a self deprecating little laugh. “I managed to stabilize her, but I can’t keep her.” 
Hyena had been a hero?! When and where?! Tim had never heard of a hero like him before, certainly not one with this motif, though he knew suits probably changed, especially since ‘Hyena’ was hardly a heroic persona. He had been young then too, very young to be cloned like that. Whoever his villain was sounded like a piece of shit. 
“She goes by Phantasm, will you take her? She’s… she’s a good kid, she needs someone better than me. I think your team, or if she needs an adult Wonder Woman or Martian Manhunter, would be best.” Hyena continued, and when he looked up again Tim realized he was actually crying, which had him reeling! Dealing with people’s emotions was always the part of this job he was worst at, and Hyena was someone Tim would almost consider a friend, which did not make it easier. He had never seen Hyena cry before either, somehow he hadn’t even considered it. 
Before Tim had even fully processed what was going on Connor had agreed that they would take Phantasm. Not that Tim would have said no, a (probably) empowered young person who needed help like this? That was 100% in their purview, even if she wasn’t a clone, which Superboy was predisposed to be protective of.
“Thank you,” Hyena sighed, tired and sad. “Tell her her template loves her, and tell her where to find me. She’s always welcome with me, just… warn her what I am now. I was very different when she knew me.” 
Tim glanced at Connor and resisted the urge to bite his lip. He tried not to obviously show emotion when in costume, but he worried how it felt for him to hear those words? Words that neither of Connor’s DNA donors would ever say about him. He hoped Connor was okay.
“What happened here?” Tim asked again, since no one had answered the first time. He couldn’t just write off so much destruction and loss of life! Even if he wasn’t quite As strict about the no killing rule as B, and he did trust Hyena and Hood more then a bunch of unknown goons in white.
“Remember when I mentioned being experimented on by mad scientists?” Danny asked wryly, Tim nodded and Danny simply gestured back at the facility. These were the people who had done that to him!? He’d been serious? That actually did explain some things. “I didn’t realize they still had her or I would have burned the place to the ground a long time ago. Here,” He said, fishing a USB out of the inside pocket of his jacket and holding it to Tim. “This has info on the organization, I meant to give it to you eventually anyway.” 
Tim took it automatically. He’d have to check it for viruses first, and he wouldn’t take anything at face value, but it would be a good place to start his own research. Danny slumped back like a poppet with its strings cut, wiping his eyes with the back of his hand. “Come visit me soon, and tell me how she’s doing if she doesn’t want to see me, please?” He requested, looking back at Tim with a pleading expression that made Tim sort of uncomfortable. Why was he so bad with emotions! 
“Right, okay,” Tim agreed awkwardly. He would have anyway, since he met up with Hood and Hyana regularly now. Danny nodded back and then turned, walking back over to Jason with his back hunched and his feet dragging. Jason lifted his arms, letting Danny walk into them. Then they were both just gone, just completely disappeared. 
Tim stared at the place where Hood and Hyena had been just a minute ago. Damn did he have a lot of powers to add to his file on Hyena between the transformation, the invisibility, and that earth shattering wail. He shook his head and looked back at the girl Kon was still holding, she was what was important right now.
He looked up, meeting Superboy’s gaze seeing the same confusion and determination on his face. They didn’t know what was going on or why really, but they were going to do right by Phantasm as best as they could. “There are no heartbeats left in the building, and the fire isn’t spreading. We should get her home before she wakes up,” Superboy told Robin softly, who agreed. 
As if on queue Impulse skidded to a halt next to them and Wondergirl returned from an overhead scan. “Anything we can do to help?” Tim asked the two of them. Wonder girl shook her head and Impulse shrugged. 
“I couldn’t get into the building at all, it’s just a pile of rubble now. I’d be really surprised if there’s anyone still alive in there. So, who are we going to arrest about this?” Impulse asked, shifting from foot to foot absently. 
Robin shook his head at Impulse, they wouldn’t be arresting anyone today. Even if maybe they should have at least brought Hood and Hyena in for questioning… Well, it's too late now. “We answered the call and there’s nothing we can do, let’s get home. Wondergirl, do you mind carrying me back to the Tower? I don’t think Superboy is willing to let go of Phantasm,” Robin requested dryly, and Superboy gave him a sheepish smile that told him he was absolutely right about that.
“Sure,” Cassie agreed, clearly amused by Superboy’s reaction, if confused by… everything that was going on.
“Hey, what about me?” Impulse asked with a dramatic pout that had Tim rolling his eyes behind his mask.
“You’ll probably get home before we do so You can start brewing the coffee,” Tim told him dryly, already heading over to Cassie. 
Impulse sighed dramatically at Tim and then he was gone, with the air rushing in to fill the space he’d just occupied with a little wooshing sound. Robin shook his head with a soft laugh and allowed Cassie to arrange him like she was going to give him a piggyback ride before she took off, Superboy on their heels as they headed home. 
They had plenty of guest rooms since the Teen Titans had an extensive network of young heroes and empowered individuals and sometimes they needed a place to stay. Since most of the rooms were available, they picked the one that was closest to the Core Four’s rooms and settled Phantasm in there. Robin checked her over, checking her pulse, her pupils reactions, her reflexes, and her other vitals, she seemed fine, though still unconscious.
Cassie cleaned her off of all the blood and the odd green fluid, and changed her into some spare sleeping clothes while the boys waited outside the room. When Cassie called to say that they could come back in Phantasm was already tucked into bed, looking much better already. Superboy went and sat on the edge of the bed. 
“We should make sure someone is always with her till she wakes up. We have no idea how long she’s been out, or how she might react when she wakes up. Connor, do you want to take the first shift?” He suggested, glancing at his friend who just nodded absently. “Right,” Tim said a little awkwardly and shooed Bart and Cassie out.
They all headed to the kitchen and Tim poured himself a cup of coffee while Cassie and Bart started talking about how fucking weird that had been. Tim lingered just long enough that he thought it wouldn’t be suspicious before heading back towards their rooms. He acted like he was headed back to his own room before detouring and slipping into Phantasm’s new bedroom. He was worried about Superboy and wanted to check on him, this was bound to be a more emotional situation for him then any of them. 
Superboy was staring down at Phantasm, his expression blank and his posture suspiciously straight. He was upset. Tim went and sat down next to him, after a moment of hesitation he took Connor’s hand, and gave it a squeeze to bring him back to the here and now. “How are you holding up?” He asked when Connor blinked and looked back at him.
“I’m… okay?” Connor said, looking back at the girl.
“Are you really?” Tim asked dubiously, that did not sound convincing. Connor gave a one shoulder shrug.
“Not really, it’s so fucked up. How many villains clone their heroes like that?! It’s such a messed up thing to do. But… I guess I’m a little jealous of her? Because even if she was made for ‘nefarious purposes’ or whatever, she has someone who really cares about her. But I’m happy for her too, it’s just making me remember… a bunch of shit you know? A lotta feelings,” He sighed, making a vague gesture with his free hand.
“Ya, I know,” Tim said without letting go of Connor’s hand. “You’re not alone though, I’m here for you, we’re all here for you,” He added quickly in case he made Connor uncomfortable with the intimacy. Though… Connor also hadn’t let go of his hand, and squeezed it gently as he gave Tim a slightly strained smile. “You have people who really care about you too.”
“Thank you Robin, that means a lot,” Connor said softly, bumping his shoulder against Tim’s.
It had been 23 hours and Phantasm was still asleep. It was a worrying amount of time, but her heartbeat and breathing had remained stable so Robin wasn’t that worried. Tim was the one waiting by her bedside now, he had already gone through all the documents on the USB Hyena had given him. It contained a frankly horrific amount of evidence, including some pictures and videos that clearly weren't fake, even though Tim sort of wished they were with how gruesome they were. He still had his laptop on his lap though, now looking into any publicly available (or hackable) information to corroborate the information Danny had already given him. 
He was also working on a powerpoint to inform the JL about this travesty of a government organization, which they’d somehow allowed to form in spite of the obvious breach of meta-protection acts. When he heard a sound from the bed he nearly jumped out of his skin and slammed his laptop shut, not wanting Phantasm to see what it was he was working on first thing after waking up. He put his laptop down and turned his attention towards her as she stirred in the bed and let out a little groan. After a moment she opened her eyes just a little and glanced around, it looked like she was trying to pretend she was still out till she got the lay of the land, but she hadn’t been trained to properly mask body language. 
“You’re safe, Danny found you and freed you, he asked me and my team to look after you,” Tim told her. 
She jolted and opened her eyes fully, looking at him with wide eyes. “He’s alive?” She breathed incredulously. 
“Yes, he goes by Hyena now. He says he escaped a different facility a bit more than a year ago. He thought you were dead too or he would have come back for you sooner, but we’ll talk more about that later. How do you feel?” Tim asked, setting his computer aside. 
She paused as if considering the question. “Okay, I think,” she said thoughtfully.
“Alright, do you think you could manage something to eat and drink? You’ve been asleep for a while and we don’t know how long you were in that tube before that,” Tim asked.
“Ya, I can try, probably better to stick to liquids for now though,” She sighed, squirming to prop herself up a little more against the pillows. 
“Alright, I’ll text Superboy to get you some soup then. He’ll be happy to see you’re awake. He’s a clone too and he’s been worried about you,” He told Phantasm absently as he pulled out his phone to text Kon.
“Right. Before he comes, you know Danny’s name but you mentioned he goes by Hyena now? He’s still got a secret identity and stuff? He still a hero?” Phantasm asked, tilting her head to the side a little.
“Ya, I know his name because he’s dating my brother. He knows my secret ID too. He’s still a Mask, but he’s not exactly a hero anymore.” Tim said as delicately as he could as he texted SB.
“Oh dear, how bad did he get?” She breathed, eyes wide and worried.
“Judging by the powers he displayed yesterday nowhere near as bad as he could have. I won’t say he’s not a villain, since my brother is a crime lord, and they both have a body count, but I don’t think he’s a bad guy,” Tim told her as gently as he could.
“Oh,” She sighed, relaxing back against the pillows, which was a bit of a surprise. “Ya, not as bad as it could have been. Do you think he’s happy?”
“He and Red Hood seem really disgustingly in love with each other, so he’s got issues obviously, but ya, I think he’s happy.” 
“Good, he deserves to be happy. He was a good hero, people didn’t deserve him anyway.”
That was not the reaction Tim was expecting. He didn’t think it was the reaction Hyena would have expected either, with how worried he had been. Before he could ask more Superboy showed up with a soft woosh with a bowl of hot soup for her, pausing the conversation while he fussed over her.
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ganondoodle · 2 days
okay, bc i have seen this argument alot now (and it also seems to be the view point of aonuma himself..) is that "zelda cant do everything link does bc whats the point then"
and i take personal offense on that bc its a stupid argument (in. my. very. personal. opinion.- not judging people for liking it. its a ME thing)
whats the point? its that its her. its still a different character, different in story, background, personality, but i WANT to play zelda and she can do everything link does, why does she have to be so restricted and be bend over backwards to find some new way to make her 'useful' when link gets to do basically everything no questions asked (the only thing thats hers is like .. sealing power and sacrificial maiden, which i find a little underwhelming to say the least), if theres no point to it why are there always modders that model swap link with someone else, and in that case it has even less impact bc its an artificial model swap with no changes to the story (which can and should still be different when its the vanilla game with a different protagonist... its still a different character), clearly theres joy in just the model being a different one- and that isnt even to mention the story possibilities, since, again, its stil a different character
if we ever (never ... i know who we are talking about here) get to play as ganondorf i want to him to be just as versatile and active as link is, if we got a point and click adventure game for him instead bc 'whats the point' id be disappointed too- you can find any sort of excuse/explanation for zelda to be singled out but the fact remains it tracks with how female characters are often treated, and that hits a very sore spot for me
i guess i am unfortunately one of those annoying people that want to see female characters be treated exactly the same as male characters, possibly bc i am myself afab but identify as agender and have a deeply personal dislike for anything 'traditional' feminine bc i cannot and never will be able to truly live as myself in real life, it influences all of my work, my work is as just as much as my opinion on this, very personal
and in line with my point about modding, i see theres joy in just beign able to play as her even if its like this, i get that, i also get it for the creative aspect (though that mechanic worries me even more for the future bc it really seems to be the path now that -freedom = good, linear anything = bad-) it is a different idea and its not like i cant see that value- im not trying be "right" either, just bc i have that opinion doesnt mean i need everyone to agree, its a very personal thing, if you like it good for you! not for me though, and i think both of that is equally valid
i just personally wish she was allowed to be just like link, fight just like him but be different bc its still her and not him in the end- to be physically/playstyle like jsut like him, but you know ... as her, i dont think shed stop being zelda if she could wield a sword just like him
i dont really know how to get my point/feelings across, i dont want to step too much into personal stuff nor spam people with something that ultimately doesnt interest me alot, im just saddened by it really
(EDIT: bc i forgot to add this on here again; this isnt as much of a problem as it might sound like here, just the main topic i wanted to talk about; why im so uninterested in it is MAINLY bc i dont trust them to write anything interesting/care about lore anymore after totk, im always on the more pessimistic side that thinks its most likely worse than id hope and i know even the past games arent perfect or super interestingly written, but now its much more just a general distrust, together with everything like the price ... im just much less hopeful and cant get excited until i see more of it, like im waiting for the game to get out and reveal that its just as much of a mess and money i regret spending- kind of fear)
#ganondoodles talks#zelda#person that send an ask about this in just as i was writing this- this isnt about you- i promise you#its soemthing thats been stirring in my mind since yesterday#and seeing so many of those comments- and even aonuma himself say it#just strikes a very very personal sore spot#also to that one commenter on a different post-#no- wanting female characters being allowed to wield a sword is not “badass female character mysogyni” (idk how to spell that rn)#the hollywood badass female character thing is annoying but thats bc-#its a super model woman (bc shes ALLOWED TO BE FEMININE you KNOW) fight people in high heels- bc you can be feminie AND badass-#and then does a cringy one liner 'what you thoguht a FEMALE couldnt kick your teeth in'#which comes with alot more baggage of tropes and hollywood etc etc#i long for the 'women are jsut as capable as men' in a very agender way#why do you think i intentionally design alot of female characters non tradtionally feminie or masculine#again this is a very pseronal thing to me#BUT i do think it IS questionable that its her that isnt allowed to fight with a sword#like i dont think thats much of my personal dislike there- but a valid thing to point out no matter the explanations you can come up with#anyway- i dont hate it- but its not for me- i dont want to talk much about it#i hope you can excuse me not answering the asks i got related to this- id just repeat myself#(i guess i should be glad that its the top down one that gets her as the protagonist-)#(i dont think i want to live through seeing her be animated like the typically girly feminine butt wiggle in your face tehehe)#(the botw/totk cutscnes were enough of that for me PERSONALLY)#i dont know how many times i have to say its my very biased personally personal opinion and no a judging of others#to make it clear that no one has to agree with me and i dont want to be convinced of the other opinions of this
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heartateasee · 6 hours
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famous!harry x you
Word Count: 10.1k
Warnings: attempts at dom/sub play (it’s their first time trying, so neither of them are the best at it), bondage, blindfolding (obviously), edging, oral sex (m & f receiving), talks of masturbation, sir kink, ma’am kink, pain kink (not too much), mutual masturbation, size kink, protected sex & unprotected sex (I think that covers everything, but if I missed something, please let me know!)
Plot: You had heard of a sex club where others sign up to give themselves over to pleasure, but the last thing you expected when being assigned a room was not only your partner already being blindfolded and tied to the bed, but that you also recognized him.
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You walked into the hallway of the club, pulling your trench coat tighter around your frame. The club was unmarked on the street - only the building number on display. Unless you knew about this club, you wouldn’t look twice in its direction. Clearing your throat, you walked forward to the woman who was behind the glass window, and you sent her a soft smile.
“Hello, I’m just…checking in for the night,” you stated.
You weren’t really sure how to address it. This was all new to you. You heard about the club from a friend after a wine night where you had a little too much to drink, and it ended up with the two of you having a healthy conversation about sex. She told you that she frequented this club with her current partner whenever they were looking for a third, but really any type of scenario went.
The club was very strict about everything being consensual, and all partners had to submit STD testing as well as signing an NDA to protect their partner(s). Lockers were located right next to the glass window where you checked in, and you had to lock up your phone and any other personal belongings. They provided everything you needed for pleasure, as well as pajamas if you intended on staying the night. There was also a button in the room that you could press in case a partner wasn’t obeying the rules - that way the proper authorities could be notified.
“Real last name?” She asked, turning towards the computer.
The club didn’t allow you to use your real names once inside. You could choose a fake name if you wanted to, but you decided to forgo it. You figured whoever you were paired with would give you some sort of pet name for the night, and that would be that.
“I’ve got you checked in. Here’s the key to your room,” the woman slid the key through the small opening at the bottom of the window. “Your partner is already in there waiting. Just a refresher - all personal belongings go into the locker in the room to the right. Room service is available to the room upon request, and if you need additional toys other than the ones that you asked for, those can also be delivered to the room, if needed.”
“Thank you,” you nodded.
Sucking in a deep breath, you walked into the room with the lockers and put everything but the key to both your room and locker inside. You made sure it was locked properly before heading down the hallway - making sure to follow the sign on the wall that pointed you in the direction of the proper room numbers.
As you approached your own door, confirming you had the right one by checking the number on the key for what seemed like the hundredth time, you hesitated as you held the key to the lock. You knew that you were going to be safe, and that this was something you really wanted, you just couldn’t help but feel the nerves swirling in your stomach. 
The reassurance you had stemmed from the fact the club had everyone fill out the same questionnaire and they paired people together by who they thought would fit best. You knew this person was going to have similar interests and kinks as you, but you had never done something like this before. Hell, you had only had one or two one night stands in your life. It wasn’t like you to have sex with complete strangers.
“You can do this,” you whispered to yourself before slipping the key into the lock and turning it.
You walked into the room to see that it was pretty dark, the low lighting paneled along the wall just barely illuminating the area you would soon be walking into. Tucking the key into the pocket of your trench coat, you locked the door behind you and started further into the room - your heels lightly clicking across the floor.
Reaching a hand out, you turned the dial on the wall that you knew would turn the lighting up just a little more, and you couldn’t help but gasp as you saw your partner already on the bed. 
He was blindfolded - stripped down to his briefs with his hands tied to the headboard.
This was one of the more obscure things you thought you had marked off on the list, not really knowing if a male would be up to being so submissive right off the bat, but here he was. You stepped further into the room, and at first you wondered if he had fallen asleep before you just barely saw his fingers curling into his palm.
“Hello,” you stopped walking at the sound of a deep British accent, and you could feel your arousal already beginning.
“Hello,” you replied sweetly as you now stood right next to the side of the bed.
Your eyes wandered over his body, eyebrows narrowing as you realized you were familiar with a lot of the ink adorning his skin, but once you caught sight of the large butterfly tattooed in the middle of his abdomen - it hit you.
Lying before you was Harry fucking Styles.
You wouldn’t say that you were a die-hard fan of Harry’s by any means, but you were familiar with all the singles he had released, as well as a few others. Oddly enough, your friend that told you about the club was super into him, Harry having been her favorite from the One Direction days, and you couldn’t even begin to imagine how she would’ve reacted if she and her partner had somehow been paired up with him instead.
Deciding to help him remain anonymous, even though you knew he had to know the risks of being here and being recognized, you decided you wouldn’t acknowledge knowing who he was - at least not yet. You were sure that it would come up at some point throughout the night. For now, you’d leave it be.
“I hope I haven’t kept you waiting too long,” you stated as you fiddled nervously with your fingers.
You didn’t know how you were going to be able to just jump into this dominant position that you so desperately wanted to. You weren’t sure if he had ever done anything like this, and that made you anxious. What if you weren’t any good?
“Not too long,” he responded, and you saw his tongue dart out to wet his bottom lip. “I hope it’s okay that I already had them do this for you. I’m…I’m a bit nervous. Being blindfolded already is kind of helping me though.”
“You’ve never done something like this before?” 
You took a seat at the edge of the bed - still keeping your distance until both of you gave proper permission to begin.
“Not like this, no,” Harry shook his head. “I’ve been to sex clubs before, but they were really different. I’ve been wanting to try this one out for a while. I just didn’t know if I would ever actually have the balls to do it.”
“I know what you mean,” you laughed softly. “Took a drunken conversation with my friend to reveal any of this side of myself to her, and she’s the one who told me about this place.”
Harry joined you in your laughter for a moment. “It’s kind of a relief to know this is your first time too. I hope I’m not pissing you off by speaking too much. I know I’m technically supposed to be your submissive right now.”
You stood up from the bed as you undid the tie of your trench coat, letting it fall off your body before draping it over a chair in the corner of the room. 
Slowly, you walked back over to the bed and pushed yourself up onto it - up on your knees. You allowed your eyes to take in the body laid in the middle of the mattress once more before looking up to his blindfolded face.
“I figured it was okay to talk a little bit before starting. You’ve eased my nerves as well,” you assured him. “Can I straddle you now? I just want to go over a few more things before we actually start.”
It was silent for a moment before Harry nodded.
“Words, puppy,” you tapped into your inexperienced dominant side for just a moment - testing the waters.
“Yes, ma’am,” he breathed, and you moved a bit closer before straddling his waist.
You still didn’t sit down all the way as you really did want to make sure you both were completely on the same page before beginning. 
“Everything that was on your list that was sent to me earlier this week, I just want to make sure that all still stands, and nothing has changed.”
The club sent out paperwork to you on Monday letting you know you had a partner paired up. Attached to the email was a checklist that was marked off. No name was on it, obviously, but it went over things your partner was agreeable to participate in, and things they were not - hard limits. You now blatantly know that list was filled out by Harry.
Harry received the same email, but with your checklist attached.
“Everything is still the same. How about you?”
“Still the same,” you agreed as you leaned forward just a bit to ghost one of your hands over his muscled pec. “Stoplight system for the both of us, yes?”
You could tell Harry sucked in a deep breath at the touch, and goosebumps instantly covered his tanned skin.
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Good boy,” you praised him before taking your hand away. You were almost sure that you heard him stifling a whine at the lack of contact. “Let’s begin.”
Lowering yourself completely down, your thighs brushed against his sides as your mound was pressed against the bulge in his briefs. You could tell he was in the early stages of a hard-on with the way he instantly pulsed against you, and that made you feel like you were doing things right so far.
“We’re going to try edging,” your hands went back up to graze over his torso, and you watched as his abs contracted underneath your palms.
Although you had been shown over a hundred pictures of Harry from your friend, you had never really felt an attraction to him until this very moment. Sure, you thought he was a good-looking guy, but you never thought too much about it. You also never noticed just how toned and muscular he was, and your mouth practically watered at the tattoos covering him.
You could hear the nerves in his voice, but his body was more than responsive to your touch. His back arched as you caressed higher - fingertips brushing over his hard nipples. Harry mewled while wiggling his legs underneath you, and that in itself sent a pulse straight between your thighs.
“You’re a little needy thing, aren’t you?” You cooed, moving forward slightly to have your stomach resting against his lower abdomen.
You pressed your lips against each of his swallows before trailing them down to one of his nipples. Flicking your tongue out, you let the tip of it round the pert bud a couple times before sucking it into your mouth.
Harry moaned, and you gazed up to see him tugging against the restraints - nails digging into his palms.
“You like that, puppy?”
“Yes, ma’am,” he whimpered. “That’s really nice. I like that a lot.”
He went silent again as you sealed your lips around his other nipple, and you could feel his cock plumping right up against you. That turned you on more than you thought it would. Knowing that it was your actions that were having him squirming while getting hard.
“C-Can I ask a question?” Harry’s whiney voice caused your motions to cease, and you pushed yourself up by resting your hands against his chest.
“Sure,” you nodded even though he couldn’t see you - letting the dynamic break for a moment.
“Are you…are you wearing fishnets?”
You couldn’t help but smile at his question as you moved a bit further up so your face covered over his. “I am, yes.”
“What else?” His voice was breathless as you were sure he could feel how close you had gotten to him in proximity.
“Just a pair of black cheeky panties underneath them with a matching black bra. I still have some lace up heeled ankle boots on my feet.”
“Oh my god,” Harry’s hips bucked up against you, and you couldn’t help but gasp at the feeling of his bulge nudging your throbbing clit. “That’s all?”
“I had a trench coat on when I first came in, but that wouldn’t be comfortable for either of us, now would it?”
“I wish I could see you. It sounds wonderful.”
Your heart fluttered a bit at his words, but you had to remind yourself that this wasn’t romantic. This was only two people giving into their deepest desires with each other, and after you left, your normal lives would resume.
“Soon, puppy,” you tilted your head down to have your lips brush gently against his. “I promise I’ll take your blindfold off once I’m finished.”
“Can I ask something else?”
“Mhmm,” you hummed, moving your head from side to side to continue teasing.
“Could you keep it all on until after you take my blindfold off? I want to see you in it.”
“That was my plan already.”
Harry tilted his chin up as if he were so eager to connect your mouths, but you pulled back with a soft chuckle.
“Trying to take, are you?”
“No, no, I’m sorry,” Harry stammered, going to reach for you as you shimmied back down his body, but once again, the restraints kept him from being able to grab you. “I’m still learning, ma’am, I’ll be good. I promise.”
“I’ll give you a warning, okay?” 
The tips of your fingers danced along the waistband of his briefs as you felt your nerves setting in again. This was when you wanted to turn things up - to properly edge him like you told him you were going to.
“Thank you, ma’am,” you could hear the sigh in his voice as he responded. You were sure he was scared of being punished, and was relieved when he knew you weren’t going to be doing that.
“You’re so polite,” you gripped to his briefs and tugged them down just enough to release his hard length.
Your eyes widened as you watched it slap against his stomach, and you also heard the gasp that left him at the fact he was now exposed to the cool air. As much as you wanted to look at his face, you couldn’t tear your eyes away from his hardened member. 
He was definitely the biggest you had ever come across. You couldn’t help but wonder if you were going to be able to make him fit without you having any type of foreplay, but you hoped that edging him would get you worked up enough to do so.
Deciding that you were done informing him of the decisions you were going to make, considering you both knew what this was, you moved further down his body before taking his shaft into your hand. You gathered spit into your mouth and slowly let it drip onto his tip so you could smear it and start to give him long strokes.
You could tell that his toes were curling into the mattress, and you looked up to his face to see his head tilted back - pink lips parted.
“Fuck me,” he moaned, and you were quick to give him a pinch to his inner thigh.
“Polite ones like you aren’t supposed to use such nasty words,” you scolded him - stopping your movements. His moan did have you ruining the black underwear that you made him so aware of, but you knew you had to keep up the act. “If you do that again, you’re not going to come at all.”
“S-Sorry,” Harry stammered, and you were sure if you could see his eyes, tears would be welling up with how strained his voice was. “I’m sorry, ma’am. Your hand just feels so good around me. Thank you for pleasuring me.”
A soft smile pushed its way through your exterior at his gratitude, and you could tell that he meant it more than just in this scene specifically. He was thanking you for being the one to help him try this entire experience out. 
“You’re welcome, puppy. Just let me take care of you. Even though it’s going to feel like I’m punishing you, I promise I’m going to reward you, okay? Do you understand?”
“Yes, yes. I understand.”
“Good boy,” you pressed a small kiss to his tip as you started up your strokes again, and you could tell he was trying to keep his hips down against the mattress to please you.
You continued just your strokes for a while - spitting on him when you knew you could feel he needed more lubricant. This was your first time ever just jumping right into something like this, but you knew this was how you needed to be in order to go through with this whole thing.
“I’m going to come,” Harry choked out, and you quickly took all contact away from him, sitting back the heels of your boots as you stared down at him with your hands on your thighs.
His cock bobbed and you watched as he dripped onto his stomach - hands clenched into fists as he sucked in a deep breath.
“Color?” You asked, reaching out again to gently rub his thighs with your palms.
“Green,” he nodded. “Green, I promise.”
Moving one of your hands up, you wrapped it around the bottom of his length - brushing your pinky against his balls before planting a kiss to his leaky tip. That had his legs tensing up underneath you, and you parted your lips to take him into your mouth. 
“That’s nice,” he whispered above you, and you weren’t even sure if he knew he had said it out loud.
Arching your back, you slowly lowered yourself until your mouth met your hand, and then you moved that away to nuzzle the tip of your nose into the trail of hair below his belly button. You heard Harry’s breath hitch in the back of his throat before you swallowed around him. This caused his abs to clench, his thighs closing around your shoulders as he now had his feet flat on the mattress.
You were breathing deeply through your nose, allowing yourself to keep as low as possible for a few moments longer before pulling your head back up - beginning to work what you could no longer fit in your mouth with your hand.
You could feel his precome bubbling out and landing onto the pad of your tongue, and you hummed around him at how perfect he tasted.
Curling your tongue, you teased the prominent vein running underneath his head with the tip of it, and you could feel his legs starting to tremble against your sides.
“Ma’am,” he panted, and you peeked up once more to see him completely arched - the underside of his chin on full display. “Getting close.”
Deciding to tease him just the slightest bit more, you hollowed out your cheeks and allowed more of your spit to drip down the sides of your mouth so you could work him faster with your hand.
“Oh, I’m gonna-”
Harry didn’t even get a chance to finish his sentence as you stopped all your movements again. His cock fell from your mouth, but instead of sitting back onto your heels, you hovered over him by bracing yourself on his thighs.
Your eyes widened as Harry’s whines and whimpers didn’t stop while his torso squirmed. You knew he had truly been right on the edge that time. 
“Still green?” You asked, crawling to straddle his waist - rubbing yourself against his wet length.
“Yes, I am, but I’m afraid if I’m not inside you soon, then I might not be anymore,” he confessed.
The tone of his voice warned you that he was scared you wouldn’t appreciate that answer, so you decided to ease him a bit.
“Very good telling me exactly how you feel, puppy. I know this is all about teasing, but I also want you to feel safe,” you explained as you reached over to the nightstand to grab one of the foil packages in the basket. “I’m going to put the condom on you now.”
Ripping the square open with your teeth, you properly held the tip as you rolled it down onto his length, and even that touch had Harry groaning. You ensured that it was properly in place before reaching between your legs and letting your fingers slip through the hole hovering over your mound so you could pull your underwear to the side.
You popped his tip inside you without warning, knowing that this is what you had both consented to already, and he let out the most lewd moan of the night. You clenched around him due to the sound, but also because of how full he was already making you feel.
“Such a good boy for me,” you began to lower yourself slowly - savoring the feeling of him entering you for the first time. “Feel so good too. I was scared you weren’t going to fit, but I knew I could make it happen. It’s mine to use, right?”
“Yes, yes,” Harry nodded, chest heaving as you finally sat down completely on top of him. Your hands now rested against his torso again as you gave each of you a second to ground yourselves. “Whatever you want. Use me, ma’am.”
That caused your walls to pulse around him again before you started to rock your hips back and forth - just grinding over him. You moaned as you tilted your head back, and you couldn’t help but to dig your nails into his chest. He hissed softly at the feeling.
“I like that,” he spoke up before you could retract them from his skin. “I…I like a little bit of pain.”
“Yeah?” Now you were starting to raise yourself up and down his shaft, and you could feel him hitting all the spots that brought you the most pleasure. “I’ll keep that in mind.”
After you had a good feel of it all, you began to properly ride him - the rounds of your ass slapping down against the tops of his thighs. The sounds of pleasure bounced off the walls of the high ceiling room, and you began to hover over him even more while keeping your hands steady on his chest.
“Can you lean forward a little more, please, ma’am?” Harry asked, and you slowed your movements for a moment.
You weren’t sure what this request was about, but you leaned forward a bit more like he asked, and you watched as the tips of his fingers captured a strand of your hair. He hummed as he rubbed it between the pads of his index finger and his thumb, and you could see a smile begin to stretch across his features.
“Pretty,” he said, his deep dimples indenting into his cheeks for the first time tonight.
“You haven’t even seen me,” you laughed lightly, biting down on your bottom lip. For some reason, that small compliment had you blushing.
“Don’t need to. I like the sound of your voice, and your hair is soft. You’re pretty.”
“And you’re so sweet,” you leaned down to properly kiss him, and you immediately parted your lips - his own following suit.
Your tongues tangled together, and you could feel the dominant side of you slipping away. Sure, it was fun knowing that you were completely in control, but something about this had tingles spreading all over your body. You were unsure if you were going to tap back into the play you had started, but for now, you’d let both of you indulge in something new.
Harry’s fingers now curled around your strand of hair, pulling a little more along with it before he tugged you down even further into his chest. Your breasts were now pressed flush against his pecs, and you weren’t sure if it was the hammering of his heart or yours that you could feel so clearly.
Using the leverage you now had from being braced against him, you moved your knees up the bed a bit further, and you began to ride him again at a quicker pace. This angle had his shaft grazing against your clit deliciously - causing you to whine into his mouth.
“You like that, baby?” Harry pulled his lips away from yours just slightly. “I like feeling you pressed against me.”
If your eyes weren’t already closed, they would be rolling into the back of your head with how his tone had changed. It filled you with such hunger, and you were chasing your orgasm even more now than before. Your intention was to never edge him during this part, so you weren’t disappointed with having to give that up given your current position.
“I won’t be long,” you managed to get out between your hard thrusts. “You got me so worked up.”
“I’m already about to explode,” Harry nipped at your bottom lip, and you clamped down around him due to the sensation. “Your hand and your mouth felt so good, but I knew your cunt was going to feel better. Sure enough, I was right. A tight little thing you are.”
“Fuck, your mouth,” you moaned, shaking your head. “Never had someone talk so dirty to me.”
“Never? Such a shame,” he clicked his tongue against the back of his teeth. “I can feel you dripping onto my thighs. I can honestly say that I’ve never had someone have that type of reaction to my mouth. Turns me on even more knowing just how I can get a pretty little thing like you off.”
Your mouths found each other once more, and your tongues were instantly gliding against one another, and you knew that you were right on the brink of your climax.
It was then that you felt Harry plant his feet against the mattress like he had before when you were going down on him, and he began fucking up into you to match your pace. 
“Oh, shit,” you mewled, resting your forehead against his as both of you panted into each other's open mouths. “I’m about to come.”
“Me too,” Harry pressed a kiss to the corner of your mouth. “Come with me.”
You nodded against him so he could feel it, and it was only a few more thrusts before you heard him choke out a moan. The feeling of his cock pulsing inside of you caused your orgasm to hit you full force - your body shuddering on top of his.
“Oh my god,” Harry said breathlessly as you both laid there.
After a few more seconds, you pushed yourself up and started to raise yourself off of him, but Harry’s voice stopped you.
“Wait,” he said quickly. “Can…can I touch you before you get off?”
The nerves that had completely vanished from your body began to fester in your stomach again as you reached forward - undoing both of the ties keeping him restrained to the headboard. His arms fell to the bed at first, and you watched as he stretched out his wrists a bit before his large palms smoothed over your thighs.
“Again, you’re so soft,” his fingers curled into the holes of your fishnets as he tugged on them slightly. “Can I see you now? Please?”
“Yeah…okay,” you whispered as you pulled the knot to the blindfold resting against the back of his head.
He kept his hands on you, giving the control of removing the cloth from his eyes completely to you. Once you gathered enough courage, you allowed the silky material to slide off his face, and you watched as Harry blinked his eyes open. You were sure that the light, no matter how dim it was, caused him a bit of sensitivity.
It was only after a couple moments that he looked up at you fully, and you watched as his gaze wandered all over your face.
“Knew I was right,” he lifted a hand to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear before cupping your cheek in his palm - thumbing your cheekbone. “So fucking pretty.”
“So are you,” you smiled. “Beginner’s luck, I’d say, is what we had. The two of us getting paired together for the first time.”
Harry chuckled at that before moving his hand to the back of your neck so he could pull you back down and kiss you again. You sighed happily, lifting your own hands to cup his face. It was only then that you felt him begin to soften inside of you - him still being hard until now.
“I should probably get off of you before we make even more of a mess,” you pecked his lips quickly before raising up to let him slip out of you.
You both winced at the feeling, and Harry took your hands to hold you steady as you got off the bed. After he pushed himself up onto his elbows, he discarded the condom - tying the end of it before tossing it in the trashcan and pulling his briefs up.
“I was going to take a shower before ordering some champagne and strawberries to the room. Would you like to join me?” You asked while repositioning your underwear into their proper place.
“I’d like that, if you’re truly offering,” Harry nodded, getting off the bed himself. “Are you staying the night?”
“I was planning to, but you don’t have to. This club isn’t the closest to my flat. It just makes it easier to stay,” you shrugged as you started off towards the en-suite that was connected to the large room.
“I would like to, but only if you’re comfortable with that.”
Bending down once you were in the adjoining tiled room, you looked behind you at Harry with a smile as you started to undo the ties of your boots. “I’d enjoy the company.”
You could see Harry’s eyes trailing over your figure as he leaned in the doorway - arms crossed over his chest while tugging his bottom lip through his teeth.
“You’re a gorgeous woman, I hope you know that.”
“And you’re very kind,” you laughed, slipping out of your boots. “And handsome.”
Walking over to the glass shower, you opened the door to turn on the water. You preferred hotter showers, but you weren’t sure if he did, so you didn’t turn it all the way up - settling for right between all the way hot and the middle.
“Would you mind if I undressed you?” Harry stepped further into the en-suite as you turned away from the shower.
“Not at all.”
Approaching you completely, Harry’s fingertips ghosted over your shoulders before caressing the outside of your arms. His eyes held yours as he reached behind you to skillfully undo the clasp of your bra - allowing it to fall to the floor. You expected him to draw you in immediately, but he still kept his eyes on your face as he lowered himself to his knees while pulling the waistband of your fishnets down with him.
The sight before you had you pressing your thighs together, causing you to gasp due to still being sensitive from your previous orgasm, but you couldn’t help it. It was so erotic. A man as beautiful as Harry down on his knees for you. You weren’t sure if anything could ever compare to it.
Reaching back up, Harry then began to remove your underwear as well, and you stepped out of both the fishnets and the underwear at the same time. His heart shaped lips pressed to every inch of your skin that he could as he raised himself back up, and once he was standing fully again, that’s when he allowed his eyes to take you in entirely.
“Christ,” he licked over his plump bottom lip. “You are a vision.”
You closed the space between the two of you as your digits wrapped around the waistband of his briefs. Just as he did to you, even though you had seen him already, you kept your eyes on his face as you kneeled down - ridding him of the material. Harry stepped out of them, and you sponged kisses against him as you stood back up. 
The tips of your fingers rested along each of his inked ferns on his lower abdomen as you leaned in to press your lips tenderly against his.
Harry hummed at the feeling, and it was then you felt his hands trickling down your back until he met the rounds of your ass. He kneaded the plush flesh in his palms - beginning to walk you backwards towards the shower. Keeping one hand on you, he opened the door and guided the two of you inside, but you were immediately pressed against one of the walls.
The kiss soon turned lustful, your fingers threading through the curls at the nape of his neck after throwing your arms around him. His body was conformed completely to yours as he rocked his hips forward. You gasped against his mouth at the feeling of him already growing hard again. Never had a man bounced back so quickly with you. You never had a partner turned on like this more than once in a night.
With one hand gripping to your hip, Harry’s lips left yours to trail along the damp skin of your neck, and then over your collarbone. Just like he did as he undressed you, he lowered himself down while treasuring your body before throwing one of your legs over his shoulder.
“So pretty down here too,” he lifted the hood of your clit - teasing the swollen bud with his lips as he continued to speak. “And you smell delicious. Can’t wait to taste you.”
Once Harry’s mouth was completely on you, you moaned while locking your fingers into his curls once again. You gave it some time just to treasure the movements he was feeding you on his own before rolling against them. 
As you ran your fingers through his hair, you remembered what he said about liking a bit of pain, so you decided to test it out by giving it a harsher tug. He moaned against your drenched cunt - sending vibrations from your lower abdomen to the tips of your toes.
“You’re so good at this,” you tilted your head back against the wall with your eyes shut.
You refrained from making a comment about that particular song of his at the moment. That wasn’t exactly how you wanted to reveal to him that you knew who he was, but now it all made sense. He was skilled in this department - knowing exactly what to do to get a woman off.
From pleasuring yourself, you knew that once you had one orgasm, it was easy for you to have another. It was unfortunate that you found that out through the means of masturbation and not at the hands of a partner, but here you were.
Harry continued his assault on your clit, and you were sure that he was going to have you coming again in no time.
You hummed as you tucked your bottom lip between your teeth. “I’m about there again.”
It was right after you spoke those words that Harry popped off of you, and you gasped, looking down at him with wide eyes.
“What? You think you’re the only one allowed to edge?” Harry smirked, poking his tongue out of the corner of his mouth. “Pretty sure you marked off that you would like to try out edging for yourself. I’m just doing you a favor, baby.”
His words caused the heat in your stomach to build even more, and you could tell by the look in his eyes that he was now entering his own dominant self.
“Please, sir,” you whimpered, feeding into it. “I’d like to come.”
“Is that so?” He kitten licked your pearl once more before nipping at the inside of your thigh. “Have you been a good girl? Do you think you deserve to come on my tongue?”
Swallowing harshly, you shook your head. “I…I don’t know, but I’ll do anything you ask. Please, just let me come.”
“Anything I want?” There was a gleam in his moss colored irises as he continued to stare up at you. “That’s a very big statement to make.”
“Well, I’m making it,” you narrowed your brows, and that had Harry quickly delivering a smack to your ass.
“Brat,” he hissed, running the tips of his fingers through your slit before planting another slap with them against your clit. “You were supposed to be my sweet little thing, and now you’re acting spoiled.”
“I don’t think I am,” your eyes bored into his own as you shook your head. “I told you I’d do anything you wanted, and you mocked me.”
Harry slowly raised up from his knees so he was hovering over you - the spray from the shower hitting against his back as he lifted a hand to wrap it around your throat. He leaned down to ghost his lips along the shell of your ear as he spoke.
“What I want is for you to show me how you make yourself come,” he whispered before stepping back and taking a seat on the bench that was in the corner of the large shower.
A pink tint covered your neck and your cheeks, and the two of you knew it wasn’t from the shower. You kept your eyes on his face as you trailed your hand down your torso, letting the tips of your index and middle fingers drop down to start circling your pulsing clit.
“Spread - let me see you properly.”
Bringing your other hand down - you parted yourself with a v-shape of your fingers and you pulled up to expose your puffy bud. Harry tilted his head to the side as he stared at your movements, and you watched as he brought a hand down to palm over himself lightly.
“Keep going, and don’t stop until I tell you to. Do you understand?”
“Yes, sir,” you nodded before starting up your motions again.
His eyes didn’t look at your face at all as you continued to pleasure yourself, and your toes curled against the wet tiled floor as you could feel yourself nearing your end again so quickly. As much as the dirty talk was almost degrading, it turned you on more than you could’ve ever dreamed.
Your thighs clamped down around your hand as you felt yourself on the verge of coming again and you whimpered. “Please, let me come.”
“No,” Harry shook his head as he began to give himself strokes. “Keep going, and don’t come.”
You turned your eyes to the ceiling as you tried to think of yourself anywhere but here. It wasn’t that you didn’t like the pleasure, but you knew you were going to come if you kept looking at Harry - especially when he was getting himself off at the same time
There was always something about a guy openly wanking that could make you absolutely feral.
“Ah,” the clicking of Harry’s tongue against the back of his teeth caught your attention, and you groaned. “Look at me. Don’t look away.”
“Yes, sir,” you mewled, tears springing to the corner of your eyes as you fought against the band in your stomach that wanted to snap.
Harry’s fist sped up against his cock, and you felt a soft sob escape your chest as your lower abdomen jumped - a clear sign for you that you were about to have your orgasm even though he told you not to.
“Sir, I-I’m-” you stammered, shaking your head. “If I keep going, I’m going to come.”
“You won’t.”
“I will,” you cried out, nodding now as tears began to stream down your cheeks. “I can feel it, and if I keep looking at you like that, and touching myself, it’s going to happen.”
With a growl, Harry’s hand fell from his length and he pushed himself up. He strode over to you in large steps before sinking back down to his knees - pulling your hands out of the way to stuff his face against your weeping cunt.
“Oh my god,” you wailed, clutching to his hair like you had before. “Please, please tell me I can come, sir.”
“Come,” Harry just barely mumbled against you, and you tipped right over the edge as soon as he did.
Your legs shook as you finally released, and you gripped tighter to Harry’s curls as if they would keep you from slipping before slamming your hands back onto the slick glass wall. Harry could feel that your body was starting to fall, so he pressed you back farther and attached his hands to your hips to keep you upright.
His skillful tongue worked you through your climax completely before he pulled away. Your chest heaved as the aftershocks still blanketed over you, and you whimpered - eyes shut tight and looking away from him.
“Hey,” Harry cooed, his voice instantly changing as he stood up. He immediately cupped your face in his hands and forced you to face him. “Baby, open your eyes, please. Look at me. I need to make sure you’re okay.”
You blinked, your eyes opening with embarrassment as you stared at him, and he grazed his thumbs against your jawline.
“What’s your color? Did I push too hard?”
“I-I’m still green right now,” you told him honestly. “But I think I’m teetering on yellow.”
Harry’s arms wrapped around you as he pulled you into his chest - his long fingers stroking through your hair. “You did so good for me. I know you might now think you did, but you did. I could tell you were on the edge the entire time, but you held out just like I asked. Such a good girl. My sweet little thing.”
His words made you feel floaty as you allowed your eyes to close again, and you nuzzled your nose against his collarbone. 
“Can I wash you, baby? I don’t think you’re up for it too much right now, and I’d like to do it for you.”
You nodded weakly. “Yes, sir.”
“No,” he shook his head as he pulled back, looking down into your eyes. “Harry. I’m Harry right now.”
Him finally telling you his name, even though you knew it, started bringing you back to the present moment. “S-sorry,” you whispered. “Yes, Harry.”
“Don’t apologize,” Harry planted a soft kiss on your lips. “Nothing to be sorry for, beautiful. Now, walk forward underneath the water so I can get you all clean.”
Harry massaged shampoo into your hair, rinsing it out and then following up with conditioner, all while you kept your hands resting against his chest. Neither of you talked for a moment as he did this, and you could tell he had a look of concentration etched into his features.
“You told me your real name,” you whispered as he began to wash the conditioner out of your locks. “I thought people didn’t do that.”
“I don’t think they do,” he told you with a shrug. “But I didn’t mind telling you.”
You tilted your head back slightly, but still kept your eyes on him so he could get a better rinse under the showerhead. “I already knew who you were.”
Harry’s movements stopped for a moment, and you watched as his eyebrows pinched together before he continued his task. The two of you fell into silence again - causing your stomach to sink. 
Had you fucked it all up by telling him that?
Once he finished with your hair, he grabbed the travel sized shower gel that was on the shelf and lathered it in his hands before gliding his palms over your body. You moved your hands to rest on his shoulders, and you could tell now that Harry was avoiding your eyes.
“You can stop,” you told him, removing his hands from you - beginning to move the suds around with your own. “I’ve got it from here.”
Turning your back to him, you faced the showerhead and allowed the water to hit your face for a few seconds before letting it hit your torso. You heard the sound of the shower door opening, and you stopped moving as you could hear Harry shuffling around the bathroom. After giving it a moment or two, you glanced over your shoulder, and you knew he had walked back into the main room.
“Fuck,” you whispered to yourself, shaking your head as you wiped your hands over your wet face.
It took you a couple more minutes to clean all the suds off of your body, as well as use facial cleanser to remove your makeup, and you were so worried that Harry was going to sneak out within that time.
You slammed the faucet down so the water shut off before stepping out yourself, and you quickly wrapped a towel around your torso after drying off as best as you could in a rush. Once you stepped into the room, you saw Harry pulling on the sweatpants and shirt they had left for him as he shook his head. He hadn’t noticed you yet as you curled your hand tighter around the knot you had created to hold the towel up.
“I’m sorry,” you whispered.
Harry stopped moving with his back to you. “I should go.”
“I didn’t…it wasn’t like I planned this or anything, I promise. You know how strict this place is. It’s not like I could’ve ever known you were going to participate, and even if I did, it wasn’t like they would let me choose you specifically,” you shook your head and sat down on the side of the bed - a shiver creeping up your spine from the cold air. “I promise you that I’m not some crazy fan girl. My friend is super into you. She has been for years, so of course I was going to recognize your tattoos, but I’m not seeing this as me hooking up with Harry Styles, the celebrity, right now. I just see it as being with someone who was just as nervous as me for the night ahead, but you wanted to try something new.”
Eventually Harry turned to look at you, and you could see a glimpse of guilt behind his eyes. “I’m sorry. I was just already so worked up about coming here because of who I am, and then when you said you knew me, I panicked.”
“I panicked too when I realized it was you,” I nodded. “But that was only because I thought maybe you had done this before. That I wouldn’t live up to the expectations you had.”
Harry slowly made his way over to the bed and sat down beside you, and you placed your hand between the two of you - palm side up. He looked down at it for a moment before tracing his fingertips over the lines of your palm and then he clasped it tight while locking your fingers together.
“I already called for the champagne and strawberries quickly before you finished up,” Harry said, playing with your fingers. “I figured I could at least do that before I bailed.”
You laughed softly which caused him to finally look at you again like he had been before your confession. “I’m sorry I made you feel like you had to bail.”
“You really didn’t,” Harry shook his head. “I shouldn’t have assumed things - jumped to conclusions. I’m the one who’s sorry.”
A knock on the door captured the attention of both of you, and Harry stood up. “That’ll be room service.”
◭ ◮ ◭ ◮
You and Harry laid in the plush bed, naked and cuddled against one another as you sipped champagne and fed each other strawberries. Turned slightly toward him, you had your glass tucked to your chest with your cheek resting against his bicep - giggling as you bit into another piece of the sweet, juicy fruit. It had been at least half an hour since you thought your night was going completely south, but it turned itself around once the two of you started to actually talk and open up to each other more.
Harry had a large smile on his lips as he watched you - tossing the cap of the strawberry behind him blindly, having it land on the pile he had created in the middle of the plate resting on the nightstand. “You’re so fucking cute, and beautiful,” he told you, pulling your leg up to drape over his thigh a little more. “Feel like a right dickhead for doubting your intentions.”
Shaking your head, you traced your fingers over his chest. “It’s okay, I get it,” you assured him. “Someone like you can never be too careful.”
Moving your glasses of champagne over onto the nightstand next to the plate, Harry then turned to face you completely - hitching your leg over his hip now. 
“I’m, uh-” you cleared your throat for a second as you held his eyes. “I’m Y/N, by the way.”
You saw a softness that you hadn’t seen tonight take over Harry’s features, and he smiled as he trickled his fingers down your spine. “Beautiful name for a gorgeous woman,” he complimented before leaning down to press his lips against yours.
The kiss was deep, different than the ones shared previously, and you moved yourself even closer to have his prick slotted right against your mound. You wanted him again. No one had ever made you feel the way Harry did during sex, and you hoped he would allow it to happen one more time before the time between the two of you was through.
It was nearing two in the morning now, but you didn’t feel tired in the slightest. Your adrenaline was pumping as the kiss started to dive headfirst into passion, and the two of you were now clawing at each other.
Maneuvering each other around, you pressed your breasts against the mattress as Harry slotted himself behind you - angling your hips up just enough to have them hovering as he teased you with the tip of his cock.
“Condom?” He breathed.
You swallowed as you thought about it before shaking your head. “I have an IUD, and we obviously know we’re clean. I’m okay without one if you are.”
Harry groaned as he dropped his forehead against your shoulder blade before guiding himself inside of you. Your fingers tightened into the fitted sheet as the stretch of him started to burn, but there was something so delicious about it at the same time. You were whining and moaning into the open air as he continued to slowly enter you, and once he was to the hilt, you both grunted.
“You were right earlier about not knowing if I could fit,” Harry nudged the tip of his nose against your earlobe. “You have to be the tightest pussy I’ve ever fucking had.”
That shot a spark straight to your core, and you arched your back to have your hips pressed more flush against his. “And you’re the biggest I’ve ever had.”
He huffed against the side of your neck as he pulled out just slightly before pushing his way back in. Soon, you felt him extending both of his hands out to reach yours, and you tangled your fingers together in front of your head - having your body entirely stretched out underneath him with your ass pressed tight against his pelvis.
“I’ve never done it like this before,” he admitted, pressing a kiss to the hinge of your jaw. “This position, I mean. It feels so good.”
“It does,” you agreed, pulsing around him on purpose to prove your point. “I’m so full, Harry.”
“Fuck,” he moaned, nipping at your jawline before pushing himself up a bit more. “I love hearing you say that, Y/N.”
After that, Harry started up a brutal pace of plunging in and out of your soaked pussy. The sounds escaping the two of you were borderline pornographic as you gave yourselves over to each other. Right now, this wasn’t any type of play that you had expected coming into tonight. You hoped it wasn’t just you, but you felt something deeper in your chest when it came to doing this right now with Harry. There was definitely a connection between the two of you - no matter how little the two of you knew about each other.
Eventually, you felt one of Harry’s hands leave your own to snake between you and the mattress, and he began to pinch at your swollen clit while continuing his purposeful thrusts.
“Come on, baby,” he coaxed you, sucking to the side of your neck for a moment. “Squeezing me like a goddamn vice. I need to feel you coming on me.”
That got you there before you even knew your orgasm had been approaching in such a way. Harry’s cock was now slick with you which caused him to glide in and out of you at an even faster rate, so when he stopped - you felt a pit of doubt forming in your chest. 
Had you done something wrong?
Without pulling out, Harry skilfully turned you on your back so he could see you, and he hitched your knees up against his sides. “I wanted to see you,” he expressed as he kissed the tip of your nose. “I haven’t been able to see you come on my cock yet. I need to see it. Need to engrave it in my memory.”
“God,” you closed your eyes, taking a second as you processed the words just spoken to you. “You’re going to make this extremely difficult for me, aren’t you? No one else is going to compare to this.”
It took a second before Harry cracked a smile and let out a soft laugh. “Well, I’m glad it’s not just me then. I don’t know how I’m going to get over you.”
“What…what if you don’t have to?”
Your eyes wandered over each other's faces as you dwelled on the scenario you had just put out there for the two of you. Was Harry’s life crazy? Sure, you absolutely knew that. You also knew that this maybe could end up leading to nothing big, but you really felt like the two of you owed it to yourselves to try. 
“You’d want to see me outside of here?” Harry asked, raising a hand to drag your bottom lip down with the pad of his thumb before letting it pop back into place. “Dating me isn’t easy, Y/N.”
“I know,” you nodded. “Are you sure you can’t hear my inner thoughts? Or did I say them out loud?”
You and Harry both giggled at that as he leaned down to engage in a tender kiss. Your lips separated with a small smack before he took your hips back into his hands.
“If you’re wanting to try, and go on a proper date when we leave here, then I’m all for that,” Harry told you. “I’m not sure if anything right now would make me happier than to be able to see each other again after tonight.”
“Then it’s settled,” you confirmed the whole thing before either of you could overthink it. “We’re going to be seeing each other again.”
Speaking just with your eyes now, Harry cupped one of your breasts in his palm - stroking over it with his thumb as he started up his thrusts against. This time, they weren’t so driven, but you knew he was trying to savor it rather than just go all in.
Your hands rested against the sides of his neck, soft breaths leaving you each time he filled you completely. Now this was unlike any other sex you had, but for a different reason. The way you were both looking at each other, you weren’t sure if you had ever had sex that felt so passionate. This was more adoring than it was lustful, and that in itself had ecstasy beginning to coat you all over.
Starting to feel that feathery feeling in your abdomen again, you closed your eyes and mewled, dropping your hands to the sides of your head as you turned slightly away from him. Harry then leaned down to press his lips against the side of your neck, his thrusts going deeper now as his hands enclosed your wrists.
“Almost there again, baby?” Harry asked, his soft grunts filling your senses. “You’re so warm. So soft. You’ve got me right here, but I’m not coming until I get you there one more time.”
“I’m almost there,” you gasped, nodding, turning your head back to face him, and he lifted his own to hover just slightly above your own. “Can’t believe you’re about to make me come four times in one night.”
Harry let out a breathless laugh before licking over his bottom lip. “You deserve even more, if I’m going to be honest,” he moved a hand down to press against the lower part of your stomach, and your breath hitched in the back of your throat. “A sweet girl with a sweet little pussy like yours - you deserve everything.”
“God, you’re unreal,” you clutched to his biceps as the defined muscles flexed underneath your palms. “Promise me you’ll be here when I wake up in the morning.”
Those words caused Harry to drive into you harder, and you practically screamed out in pleasure while moving your hands to drag your nails down his back.
“I’d never sneak out on you, Y/N,” his tone was firm as you squeezed your thighs against his hips. “I’ll be right next to you. The first thing you see when you open your eyes. I’m not running.”
White blinded your vision as your final climax washed over you, and before you knew it, Harry’s chest was pressed flush against yours as he emptied himself into your inviting cunt. On instinct, you squeezed down around him to try to hold every bit of it inside of you, and the moan that left Harry upon you doing that was unlike anything you had ever heard.
Skin sticky with sweat and the room smelling of the desires the two of you gave yourselves over to tonight, Harry stayed seated inside of you as you crossed your ankles over the small of his back - soothing your nails over his scalp as his arms wrapped tight around your torso.
His nose nudged against one of your breasts as he shifted slightly, but he fell right back into your embrace, neither one of you wanting to break away from this.
“This is not how I expected my night going, and I mean that in the best way,” you admitted as you continued the motions in his hair while caressing your other open palm against his freckled upper back. “This feeling…I’m probably going to sound so stupid, but I just thought I’d get this out of my system and leave here not really feeling any different.”
Harry tilted his head up, and you looked down at him as he cupped your ribcage - thumb running right along the ridges. “And now?”
“Now, I feel like there’s maybe a reason I came here on this specific night - like fate knew we needed to find each other. My friend who comes here said it’s rare that two beginners are paired up together. She said that they try to pair newer people with more experienced members so they feel fulfilled,” you explained. “So the fact that we ended up being in this room with one another is almost unheard of.”
Pressing his palms against the mattress, Harry pushed himself up to connect your mouths once again. “Then fate is what we’ll call it, Y/N. I feel the same way.”
You wrapped your arms around his neck as you engaged in another kiss, and as your tongue ran along Harry’s, you felt his prick twitch inside of you - causing you to giggle.
“Are you seriously getting hard again?” You teased, pushing a stray curl off of his forehead.
“When it comes to you? Yes,” Harry bucked his hips forward, causing you to gasp. “You didn’t think we were done for the night, did you?”
◭ ◮ ◭ ◮
Taglist: @daydreamingofmatilda @prettygurl-2009 @ghoststyles @lillefroe @gem1712 @lemoncrushh @namoreno @mellamolayla @fangirl7060 @idklilili @angeldavis777 @babyyhoneyyy @maksamillion (if you’d like to be added to my taglist, please send me a DM!)
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squirmhoney · 23 hours
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Please read all warnings carefully, my fics cover dark topic matters, that may be upsetting to certain readers. Read at your own discretion. Warnings: Dark. Arranged/Forced marriage. Non con. Dub con. Abusive relationship. Forced pregnancy Spanking. Violence against reader. Misogynistic views. Degrading views. Submissive reader. 18+ A/N: The last part is finally here. I'm sorry to have you waiting but I hope you enjoy.
Naoya made you feel desired and completely cherished during and even into the first month after your pregnancy. He was sweet, peppering your skin in tender kisses in the morning and holding you close to him at night.
You honestly believed this was the life you had dreamt of all along. The first few months of your marriage somehow managed to become a distant memory. 
But Naoya was quick to remind you of his true self when you denied him access to you for the first time. You still felt his fingers as they pinned you down by the nape of your neck that night, holding you to the mattress so he could force himself into you. You still remember how it stung with each dry thrust of his cock in your walls, sobbing into the sheets at how brutal he was being. 
You also remembered how apologetic he was days later when you cowered away from him in the kitchen, covering your skin in feather light kisses till you were once again comfortable in his embrace. 
Honestly a part of you believed that would be the last of it. That he'd be done treating you like that. 
How Naive you had been. 
You were sure Naoya enjoyed being mean to you, some sick and twisted part of him got off at fighting against you. At times if there wasn't something to argue about, he seemed to find something as if he was seeking it out. 
All those months of submitting to his every whim seemed to be for nothing. Especially when you'd find yourself desperately trying to please him, only to be met with the rough touch of his back hand moments later. You walked on eggshells around him, never knowing which side of the man you married you'd be greeting at the door each day.
But after having your second son you had given up trying to constantly be on his good side. At least you knew if you gave him the satisfaction of defying a few times in the month, you could predict what was coming. 
In some ways you could almost make peace with it. 
Your son squealed with delight as you blew raspberries into his stomach. You were gleaming down at him, pulling him into your arms as your three year old tried to climb your back. 
“Minoru,” you laughed, trying to gently wriggle him off your back. “Be careful with your brother around.” 
Naoya couldn’t deny the tender feeling that settled in his stomach as his eyes watched over you three, taking a moment to appreciate you all before he interfered. 
“Minoru,” he warned, making himself known to you all. 
Naoya noticed the way you tensed at the sound of his voice, turning his way as you tried to muster a smile on his face. 
“Didn’t realise you’d be back so early,” you said, pulling yourself up from the floor. 
Minoru practically jumped into his father’s arms at the opportunity, 
“Mission was quick,” He stated, picking Minoru up into his arms. “I wanted to spend time with my family.” 
There was hesitation in you as you leaned closer to greet him, pressing your lips to his cheek. It wasn't a kiss, your lips barely grazed him and he could tell you didn't mean it. 
But he wasn't going to press you about it, not until later at least.
You hadn't remembered how the argument had started this time. All that you knew was that after getting both of your sons to sleep you found yourself already on the losing side, barely able to make your case.
“It was a thought- I just mean-” you were struggling to get your words out, feeling the pressure of his cold stare on the back of your neck. You peered over your shoulders, glassy eyes holding his gaze. “I'm tired.” 
“No,” the word was harsh as it sat on his tongue, strung out as he shook his head. “Don't lie to me.” 
“I just want a break,” you told him, breath shaky. “We’ve had two children. But I just need a break, can't you understand that?” 
“This is the life you chose when you married me,” he spat at you, pushing himself up from the wall. “You know that.”
You pursed your lips, not even taking a second to think as you said, “I don't remember having much choice in the matter.”
You swallowed as his gaze darkened, turning away as he made his way towards you.
You moved to clean up the toys on the floor, hand reaching out but you were stopped as a hand wrapped itself around your wrist, stopping you in your tracks. 
Naoya towered over you, nostrils flaring as he grabbed your chin. 
Before he could open his mouth to speak, your hand moves around to slap him, taking him by surprise as he lets you go. Even though it hadn't been the first time you hit him, you still didn't react quick enough, finding yourself on the floor before you knew it. 
“Get up,” he demanded, scowling down at you. “Don't make me ask twice.”  
Tears stung your eyes as you gazed up at him, taking your sweet time to get up off the floor. He knew exactly what you were doing as he watched you, his patience only wearing thin as his hands went down to pull you up. He gripped your hair with one hand, making you yelp in pain as he yanked you up. 
“I told you to get up,” he hissed into your ear. 
“Naoya,” you cried, clawing at his hand to drop you. 
But his hand only tightened, waiting for you to beg for release. 
“Please,” it came out choked and forced. “You’ll wake the boys.” 
He relented, finally, shoving you away from him. But you knew he wasn't really done with you, not when he stopped by the door, shutting it closed. 
His next moves were slow as he approached your trembling form. 
When his hand wrapped around your throat this time, you didn't flinch away or fight him off. Your hands only settled on top of his, in some sort of acceptance. 
“You're fucking despicable, you know that?” 
It was a rhetorical question but you answered anyway. 
“Yes,” you whispered in agreement, nodding. “I think I have to be in order to be your wife.”  
Naoya wasted no time tightening his hand around your throat. “Find yourself funny, hmm?” 
He was constricting your airflow in no time to the point you could only wheeze in response. 
“You love being so defiant,” he spat at you, resting his forehead against yours. “We’ll see how defiant you are in a second.” 
Naoya shoved you then, throwing you towards the wall behind you. His body was quick to follow yours, hands quickly twisting you around, your front being pressed up against the wall. While he had his body shoved up behind you, making you feel him through the material of his attire, every single bit. You were sure it made his erection twitch at the way your whole body tensed at the feel of it. 
You honestly weren’t sure sometimes which side of you he enjoyed he liked more. The submissive obedient side that obeyed every single one of his needs. Or whether he enjoyed breaking that defiant side of you every now and then. Honestly, you believed that he desired both, his cock leaking with precum against you, almost desperate and needy, if he ever could be. 
At times you saw yourself as more of a concubine than a wife, being torn open by him for his pleasure. 
You hissed at the sensation of his hips thrusting against yours from behind, the cold wall being your only comfort as he kept you tightly pressed up against it. There was no mercy as he buried himself in you again and again, repeating the motions till he was spent. 
You hated him. 
You cursed the bed he slept in as he awoke next to you. 
In his mind the argument had passed, you had learnt your lesson and there was no need to discuss it anymore. 
For you the fresh bruises that sat upon your hips would be a constant reminder even in the weeks to come. 
Your only reprieve had been the few days he had left you for work, leaving you alone in your home with your children to comfort you. In their faces you saw the reason you bore the burden of being Naoya’s wife. 
But when he returned you still found yourself angry at the man you shared a home and a life with. Barely able to meet his eyes as he sauntered around your home, cradling your children in his arms and singing your praises. 
You didn’t care if it meant another dreadful night, turning away from him as he tried to share an affectionate kiss. 
However, you still found yourself flinching when he found you in the bathroom, finding a place behind you as you readied yourself for bed. 
“Wife,” he spoke, voice almost soft as he guided your hips to turn and face him. 
“Husband.” Your voice was small, barely audible even to yourself and you hated yourself for it. Especially when you felt yourself begin to coil inwards when your glazed eyes looked up to meet his, knowing how easily you would allow yourself to succumb to him. 
Naoya trailed his thumb against your faint bruises, swallowing what you could only assume was regret as he gazed down at you. There was a softness to him, one that had you wanting to retract away. 
You despised this, how gentle he could be when he wanted to. You could take the violence and anger, you could bear it. But this cruelty, the one where he toyed with you as he made you believe he cared, had you wanting to spit at him. 
But instead you stayed still, glassy eyes locking with his. 
He couldn't bring himself to say sorry, that wasn't something in Naoya’s vocabulary. But as his head leant against yours, you swore he said it with his touch. The way in which his hand fell down to the bottom of your robe, fingers caressing the soft skin of your thigh as he hiked it up. Then it was in the way his nose nudged against yours, inching himself closer until his lips were grazing yours. 
Your body tensed in his hold, hands reaching up to push against his chest in reaction. But you stopped yourself, letting your hands rest against him instead. 
“I missed you while I was away,” he spoke with sincerity, one that was hard to ignore. “So much.” 
“You didn't even say goodbye before you took off,” you said, trying to sound stronger than you did. Instead your words came out on a whimper, lips trembling as you tried to keep your resolve together. 
He sighed, giving you a bit of space. “You know how I get when you make me upset.” 
“I missed you.” It was the truth, you missed this side of him as much as you hated to admit it. 
Naoya’s lips were on yours in an instance, giving you barely any time to respond as your breath caught in your throat. He was tender with you as if he was a completely different man then he had been a week ago. 
Sometimes in your head, you liked to pretend that he was. As if you could separate the two people he could be, as if it made it any better. 
You gasped when his hand slipped between your thighs, cupping your cunt. Even though there was a part of you that desired to push him away, that defiant part of you that just didn’t want to submit to him, but your body reacted to him, leaning into his touch. 
“Need you,” was all you could manage to whimper in between kisses. 
It’s all he needed, guiding your legs open with his knee, giving himself more room. His fingers didn’t need any instruction, finding your slightly damp folds and moving with a mind of their own. 
So when he retracted, his hand retreating, you were desperate to pull him back in. But he moved his hand swiftly, wrapping them underneath your legs as picked you up, carrying you towards the bedroom. 
“Let me treat you right.” Naoya placed you down on your bed, before pushing you back and falling on top of you. 
His body caged you in, lips crashing down against the skin of your neck. He was taking his time with you, leaving a wet trail of kisses as he pathed his way down your body, slipping the material of your robe off slowly to gain more access to your skin. 
But you craved more, guiding your hips up to grind against him, hoping to ease the tension that was growing there. You could feel how aroused he was through the fabric of his clothes, your nipples pebbling at the feeling of him. 
Naoya wasn’t having any of it, shoving you down by your hips as he tutted. 
“Behave now,” he warned. 
It was harder to listen as his breath fanned against your hardened nipples, finding yourself becoming needier than you allowed yourself to admit. You let out a sharp breath as his lips wrapped around your nipple, tongue flicking over the hardened bud. It was only for a second before he was making his way down your body again, unwrapping your robe until it was only hanging off your arms. 
“My beautiful wife,” he mumbled into your skin, sinking down between your legs. “You’re the only woman I’ve ever done this for, you know that?” He dipped his head down, face mere inches from where you desired him most. “The only woman I’ll ever do this for.” 
“Please,” you pleaded with him, pouting down at him. “Please, Naoya.” 
You felt a wad of spit first, trickling down from the top of your pussy down to your hole. The nasty act had your toes curling, hips almost lifting to meet that mouth of his. 
Luckily he was done with teasing you for much longer, sliding the thick muscle of his tongue against your folds, tasting you with a groan. 
His tongue wasted no time, lapping at your lips as if they were the sweetest meal he had ever tasted. He uses his free hand, fingers spreading your folds to allow himself to get deeper, humming as if he enjoyed it as much as you. He didn’t even protest when your hips bucked up towards him, a moan falling from your lips. 
You could feel how you practically drowned his face, wetness oozing out of you once he sucked on your clit. It was in moments like these when he found himself so eager to please you, desperate to get you back on his side that he’d abandon all hopes of his own pleasure in search of yours. 
But it was you that pleaded, begging him for sweet release as you called his name. Once his fingers slid into your walls, you found it, clenching around the thick digits as he stretched you out with them. When you began to cry at the sensation, back arching off of the bed, he laughed. 
It was cruel in nature, as if to mock you for what you had become for him. But you didn’t seem to mind, only focused on the way his laugh vibrated against you, making your head spiral. 
Naoya continues to laugh as he kisses a trail up your stomach, taking amusement in your state. Your chest rising and falling as you tried to regain breath, hair sticking to your tacky skin. His laugh seemed to fade once his face reached yours, forehead pressed against yours as all that remained was a wicked grin. 
You should have feared him then, ran away like the prey he saw you as but all you could do was stare up at him with wet eyes. 
“What’s wrong?” Naoya taunted, hands already pushing your legs upwards and forming them into a mating press. 
As soon as you opened your lips to speak, you were met with the taste of yourself on the tip of Naoya’s tongue. It was intoxicating, distracting you from his tip prodding against your entrance. You barely registered it at first, but once he had you filled to the brim, you found yourself hissing. 
Naoya smirked against you at this, carving his hips upwards as he moved them slowly in and out of you. He takes his time with you, holding himself back as he got you worked up underneath him. 
You could see it in the way his eyes darkened that he was desperate to take what was his and you would have let him, allowed him his true nature if he only asked for it. But Naoya never believed in asking and a snarl formed on his lips, you knew he already figured an excuse for his next actions. 
“Want me to make you a mum again? Hmm?” He asked, knowing what your immediate reaction would be. 
You pouted up at him, tears stinging your eyes as you held your tongue. 
“I think we’re in need of a daughter,” Naoya continued to toy with you, fingers digging into the skin of your thighs. “Don’t you think?” 
You knew he was awaiting an answer and though you didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of the answer he desired, you also feared what your silence would also cause. 
You could see him growing impatient, eyes squinting and nose flared as he waited. 
“Please,” you whimpered, tears clogging your throat. 
“Not what you want?” He questioned. 
He could read your answer on your face, placing a chaste kiss on your cheek before he picked up his pace. 
“You’ll bear my child because I want it,” he commanded, thrusting his hips harshly against you, emphasising his words. “As my wife you’ll do this for me.” 
You nodded in agreement, barely able to focus once again as he forced himself in you again and again. 
“Good.” His lips found your neck, teeth grazing the skin of your throat. “After all, I think I like you best swollen and round because of me.” 
There was no fighting against him, you knew that, you had figured that out long ago. That's why in that moment you stopped, pulling him closer instead of pushing him away. Your hands trailed his naked skin, holding him close to you as they wrapped around his neck. 
“That’s my good girl,” he purred, making you clench around him. “Going to let me fill you up all night?” 
“Yes,” you sang, nodding your head. 
And you meant it, truly believing this is where you belonged. This is what you deserved.
Taglist: @xxsweetnlowxx @slashmedaddy @yktijdtmyp @4morrant @vcvoxu @paleachcobbler @checkmate-stuff @integers @captainchrisstan @lavender-hvze @candybabysworld @docosahexaenoic-san @karazorel7 @psoycy @andieperrie18 @jay1ly
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strawberrycarat · 2 days
You know what’s funny? In the books, we have all this ‘an eye for an eye, a son for a son’ but Aemond literally never got an eye for an eye??? I’m sure Lucery’s death would never happened if at least he got grounded for LITERALLY TAKE A PRINCE’S EYE!? No one seemed to care apart from Alicent tbh…
Also, in the show ‘a son for a son’ is kind of stupid. In the books, they all think Aegon sent Aemond to kill Luke, so it makes sense Daemon sent to kill Aegon’s son… but here it doesn’t make sense he says ‘a son for a son’ referring to Aemond… a son for a son from whom? Alicent? In that case, they could’ve killed Helaena to get a son for a daughter (just saying that ‘a son for a son’ does not fit quite well in the context)
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stellayuta · 1 day
Love on The Grid - Formula 1 AU! Yuta Okkotsu - Pt 3.
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Your likes, comments and reblogs really encourage me to write more! So do interact with this post and let me know your thoughts 🧡
PART 1 ||| PART 2
synopsis: One-night stands were nothing but a necessary painkiller for your inability to cross paths with true love. Your most recent find at a Vegas Club was no different. He was boring, obedient, SLOW! You leave him high and hanging hoping you'd never see him again until you find yourself gawking at a supersized billboard of him on a Vegas highway with the title 'LEGEND RETURNS TO VEGAS'.
genre: some smut and lots of angst
content: 18+ only. Formula one driver! Yuta x f! reader, all sorts of sexy stuff (fingering, oral, orgasm denial), swearing, angsty elements, cheating and discussion of mental health <3
word count: 5.2k
a/n: can't stop writing this lmao. here's part 3. Also, I noticed I have some trouble writing second person pov and keep switching to first so pls excuse any grammatic discrepancies.
WARNING: always use protection!
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The chilly November air is ruthless as it bites your exposed skin. You had an ambitious plan for the night with your flashy dress, but all of it fell apart, leaving you alone and miserable for the second time in your life. Maybe it's the cold, but you feel your nose leaking - or maybe it's your uncontrollable crying that's causing that.
"Oh my god, stop crying!" you snap at yourself. This is pathetic. Your friends will not be happy with this advancement. You couldn't even get Noritoshi his darned autograph.
You seemed to have picked the back exit of the casino fortunately because you can still hear camera shutters going off in a distance. There is nothing in the back except a small, marble fountain with a weak stream of water. You do notice a very flashy, bright red car parked near it though, very far from the parking lot which is more towards the front of the casino. You look at in awe, how it casts a pinkish-red glow on the white marble around it - almost looks like it's made of rubies.
"Like my ride?" a haughty voice grabs your attention, and you haphazardly rub at your eyes before looking up. It's a tall, slender man in a fiery red suit and black accents walking towards you. You take note of his snowy white tresses and crystaline blue eyes. You feel like you've seen him somewhere before? Is he perhaps an actor or a supermodel?
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"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to stare at your car." You apologize to the man in case he had plans of accusing you of an attempted grand theft auto.
"Ah, don't worry about it." He says, waving his hand dismissively, "These cars are meant to be stared at, otherwise what's this point."
The comment makes you smile at bit as you hug yourself a little to get some relief from the cold.
"So?" He begins, twirling his keys on his long index finger. "What are you doing out here? Saw you last with Okkotsu? You his chick?" He interrogates you.
"I just came out for some fresh air, I don't quite like crowded spaces." You tell him, evading his question.
"No one hates glamor." The man says, fashioning a pair of circular sunglasses from his jacket pocket and putting them on. "Especially not formula one glamor. The richest of the riches. The most esteemed parties, crowd. What is it that really irked you?"
You frown at him. "Why do you believe everyone is interested in that kind of life? Do you think one kind find genuineness in life when your environment is constantly this superficial?" Maybe you spoke too much but the man seems intrigued.
"So Okkotsu bagged a smart chick. Good for him." He teases but you are not in the mood for any of it. "I am not his chick. We are friends. Not anymore probably. But don't make assumptions." you snap at the guy.
"Ah, calm down, tiger..." He says, putting his hands up and sitting up on the hood of his car. "Yuta doesn't just bring any chick along with him to places. I thought the two of you looked nice together!"
"He doesn't?" you ask. You feel a terrible ember of hope inside of you but want to immediately douse it. The strange man lets out a manic laugh.
"What? Did you think he was some Casanova, getting into everyone's pants. Do you even know anything about him?" he asks you mockingly and you feel a blush of embarrassment creep onto your cheeks. "He's not like the rest of us - forever on the search for love, and getting played by women who want us for the fame." He says, gazing at the sky. It is quite pretty out here today, a starry night.
You don't know for sure if this guy would know anything, but it seems like he would so, you can't help but ask him.
"What's going on between Yuta and that woman with the mole?" you ask, not making eye contact with the man. He looks at you with narrowed eyes.
"Who? Rika?"
"Yes, her."
"Oh yeah, they dated. For a year maybe? Yuta thinks they were in love, but I disagree. Yuta would think he's in love with anyone as long as they love him. He's pretty stupid I must say." The last part brings a smile to your face. "What happened between them?" you prod.
"Hmm, aren't you curious, as a friend?" He sticks his tongue out at you but continues on before you can protest.
"Well turns out, Rika loved how popular he was. Ad campaigns, parties, press tours, social media. Rika loves to be talked about. And with Yuta, she'd be as notorious as him. That was when Yuta was at the peak of his career. He hasn't been so well this year and Rika, finding that she had no screen-time anymore, decided it wasn't worth being linked to Yuta anymore." He says, sighing. You furrow your brows at this reveal.
"And so, as all fake things must come to an end, she asked for the breakup and Yuta had to comply. Do you know why he let her go?" Gojo asks you and you shrug your shoulders.
"Because he felt he wasn't deserving of being her boyfriend if he can't even be famous and publicly liked enough to be known as her boyfriend. He thought she deserves better."
You and the man exchange a glance, knowingly fully well that no man would think this way. Yuta was truly, genuinely too stupidly kind for his own good.
"W-why is he still in contact with her then?" you ask. Now this came from a place of selfishness. You didn't mind that Yuta had a past, but you didn't want her around him anymore. Regardless of whether you and Yuta had anything going or not.
"Well, they got to know each other because she is his personal manager. He didn't want to risk her livelihood by firing her." Gojo says.
"Well not anymore." a third voice joins the two of you as you turn around to see a livid Yuta close the door behind him and walk towards you. His hair is now falling onto his head, lock by lock, ruining his neat hairdo but very much reminding you of his fucked-out look from the other night. He has discarded his grey tuxedo jacket for good. He stands in between you and the white-haired man, seemingly trying to shield you from him. "I got rid of her for good. Now, what are you doing here, Gojo?"
Gojo. Now you get it. The first Ferrari driver who crashed out today. The question makes Gojo give Yuta a half smirk.
"Bad timing, Okkotsu. I was just about to ask this pretty lady here for a ride in my Ferrari. Third-wheel much?"
"Well, that won't be necessary." Yuta declares, pulling you in by the waist. "My Lambo's faster and Y/N prefers the better driver."
Yuta's blatant show of talent supremacy makes your mouth pop open in sheer admiration for a full two seconds.
"See you around..." Yuta says, pulling you along and not waiting for Gojo's reply.
Before the two of you can get to the car though, he finds a crevice between two pillars to push you into.
"I am apologizing again. One last time. You won't see the likes of her again." He says, very seriously, his spiky dark hair brushing the top of your forehead due to his proximity to you. You stare at his lips mindlessly, not knowing what to say. Why would he go this far for you?
"I don't think anybody in your world wants to see you with me and, she seems like she is still in love with you, Yuta..." You admit more to yourself than to him, cupping his face in your quivering hands. His expression is very honest as if he wants to shout it out to you with every cell of his body.
"She can go to hell. So can all of them." It is but a gentle whisper and he waits merely a second for your nodded consent before he presses his lips onto yours and your legs turn to jelly. You take fistfuls of his black shirt into your hands for support as you wrap your arms around him, melting, drowning into the kiss without any hope of surfacing. His hands run up and down your torso, trying to touch as much as body as possible before deciding to settle one hand on your ass and the other holding your chin to face you as he breaks the kiss to take a breath.
The two of you huff, separating yet still connected by a slimy string of your salivas. The weather doesn't seem chilly anymore as you feel his marble-like, wet back from under his soaked shirt. You also find your nipples poking out of your dress painfully, your collar bones shining with sweat as Yuta notices them and swoops right in to start kissing them.
"We'll be papped in this position, dummy." You slap Yuta's back, looking around with haste to see if you had peeping company.
"Don't care," he mumbles, groaning while he peppers the top half of your chest and your cleavage with kisses.
"I care!" You tell him, trying to yank him off of you. "I don't want to be on the gossip pages of a tabloid, making out with you."
He looks up, his dark blue eyes feral. "My car has tinted windows. No flash would penetrate."
You follow his stream of thought to realize what he's saying and bite your lip. You nod at him to give him the green signal to take you back to his car, parked out at the front where the paparazzi is parked too.
But it is not near enough.
You are clinging on to his muscular arm as you walk and feeling the weight of his arm right between your breasts is driving you insane.
Thunder makes a surprise appearance as a previously clear sky starts collecting an army of angry, dark clouds, illuminated by a shameless full moon. It's about to rain down on you two people, whose passion knows no bounds.
"Wait, Yuta-" you make him stop halfway and bring down his face to kiss him yet again. You run your finger along his jawline, admiring how perfect its edges are and occupy your hand with grabbing his hair. You take a small break to mumble truthfully against his puffed-up lips- "I couldn't wait till the car..."
That is enough motivation for Yuta to pick you up in his arms like a doll and carry you the rest of the way to the car, with your legs wrapped around his waist and your tongue fighting his for dominance. Fortunately, it seems the paparazzi had deserted the front area of the casino and you hear them in a distance yelling out "gojo" and "ferrari". So it was him. Now you owe him one. Thanks to that, you're able to manage getting into Yuta's sexy black lambo pretty discreetly.
This is the first time you get to properly see the car and with its teal interior and white lightwork, it truly looks like an engineering masterclass. Somehow your brain wires back to Toji driving this car around smoothly through the streets of Vegas and you turn to Yuta who's already made himself comfortable in the driver's seat.
He looks at you with yearning but it's unsafe to drive under the influence of lust.
You stare at him though till he raises his brow.
"Are you sure you can drive the car, I mean, it's an expensive car." you say before you realize what's coming out your mouth.
Yuta makes the most interesting expression possible.
"Remind me whose car this is?"
"Remind me what I do for a living...?"
".... drive cars really fast...?"
Okay that was stupid on your part. It's just out of Toji's smooth, more practiced hands and into Yuta's younger, more energetic hands - you didn't know what to think. You were now going to witness Yuta Okkotsu in his true element - doing the thing he was born to pioneer.
Yuta revs the engine and pulls the car out of its spot and out of the premises smoother than buttery silk. He gets on to the road and soon enough we accelerate to a comfortable pace.
You admire how perfectly this car moves, like a black cat prowling through the roads.
Once Yuta hits the highways though, he assaults the gas pedal.
"Ahhhh!!!" you yelp, feeling the air hit your face with the windows down. It feels like literally being slapped by the wind. This earns a hearty laugh from Yuta.
"You should sit in one of our race cars, this is nothing!" he yells, rolling down his window too.
Since it is the wee hours of the night, the highway is practically empty, and you watch Yuta own the road like he was meant to rule it.
"Woo-hoo-hooooo!!!!" You scream out again, this time, cautiously putting your head out the window. You watch the buildings and the shimmering rows of cars running on the local streets pass by at a distance. Your hair finds its own rhythm, flying with the wind.
When you finally get off the highway, the both of you roll up the windows and relax into your seats. You feel wide awake now, more than you've ever been before.
"That was the best!" you tell Yuta, still high on adrenaline.
"You're welcome..." he says coolly.
"Where are we going?"
"On a scale of 1 to 10, how much do you like stars?" Yuta turns to you, smiling, probably already knowing your answer by how your eyes begin to twinkle just like those stars he mentioned.
The car finds itself right at home by the edge of a cliff as Yuta helps you out of the car and locks hands with you. It is quite windy up here too and the cliff overlooks the Vegas City, the view is mind-blowing.
But nothing can beat the expanse of the universe that is showing you a glimpse of itself in the night sky. You stand there looking up at the myriads of colors and glitter decorating the inky black canvas of the night. You spot at least 5 shooting stars in 30 seconds.
"Come here." Yuta calls out to you, and you turn around to see that he has laid out a fluffy blanket on the hood of his car and has another one in his hand for you two to use, perhaps.
You approach the car skeptically and ask Yuta if it can handle the weight.
"It can handle much more." He comments, urging you to join him on the hood of the car. The two of you maintain a good distance between you on the hood, but you so want to touch him right now. The sparkling sky finds its home in Yuta's dark, spectating eyes too and you can't help but look at him with... l-love?
For a while the two of you just sit there, enjoying the view and saying nothing. The silence isn't awkward this time but calming, very warm. You bring your knees closer to your chest. Without club alcohol, you feel shy now, of all times to be shy.
The last strand of your patience snaps though when you put your hand down on the hand and accidentally brush fingers with him.
The two of you exchange a look and you are not sure what's stopping you two? Dignity? Qualms? To hell with all of that.
"Stop looking at me..." you whisper at him, slowly sliding towards him, across the hood and climbing on top of him, right on his crotch, making him lay back down on the hood. He, however, does not want to stop looking at you like he wants to drink you up,
"Look anywhere else!" you gasp, placing your palms face down on his chest and yet, he won't break eye contact at all. He is studying you now, up and down, eyes stopping a second too long on the cleavage out for display, your lush thighs around his hips.
"Why, is it bothering you? I'm not going to look away." He declares, propping himself up on the hood and running his hands up and down your sides. The roughness of his hands that is evident even through the dress makes you bite you lip and breath out harshly. You are now practically sitting in his lap.
"Usually..." He continues, bringing his lips dangerously close to yours, brushing them against yours as you breathe in his heady scent.
"People have a thing for doing this stuff inside the car." His tongue slides across your bottom lip and he moves to bite your earlobe.
"Yet, here we are..." he comes back to your lips, nose brushing against yours as his hand snakes up your side to hold your neck gently. "Right out in the open... inviting anyone to see, am I right, Y/N?"
You look at him with pleading eyes and move in to kiss him but he uses his other hand to hold you by your hair. He doesn't hurt you but pulls with enough pressure to keep the two of you apart.
"I want to touch you..." you confess. What is his problem, this jerk? The only thing he is accomplishing by delaying this is making your heart race and making your bottom wet.
"Would you have gone with Gojo if he really invited you out for a ride?" He asks, his eyes darkening further while his fingers stay intertwined in your hair. Oh, now you see. He is the territorial type. Well, you can't judge him, so are you. But two can play at this game.
"Well, he was quite hot." you lie with a convincing smile, pretending to dream of some attractive version of Gojo that does not exist in your brain. Sure, he is handsome - but, Yuta made you suck him off in record time, that's something. Even Megumi took a month.
Yuta must believe what you say because his grip in your hair tightens ever so slightly.
"What did you talk about?" He asks, cocking his head to the side as he uses his free hand to slide it down your back and raise your skirt up. He must be pleased to find his target already soaking wet and you barely control a squeal when he plunges two fingers in at torturously slow pace. You have wanted him for so long though, that you begin to lose focus and he lightly tugs at your hair.
"Go on, what did you talk about?" he demands in a lower voice.
"Huh, oh yes." you try to continue your farce. "H-he was telling me how good I look. He told me he's a good ride." you grin at Yuta and he curves his fingers upward into your womanhood to finally earn a disgruntled moan from you.
"You riding him? Don't make me laugh." He says, a twisted smile forming on his face that only makes you want to prod him more.
"Why not?" you push. "He's tall, has a majestic body. He looks like he's got a lot of endurance. He looks like h-he'd b-be." With every compliment you direct towards Gojo, Yuta's pace increases as he assaults your sensitive spot.
"He what?"
"H-h-he... it would be fun to r-ride-" before you can finish your sentence though you can already feel a balloon of pleasure inflating rapidly inside your nether regions. You were about to cum any second now.
But just as you are about to go over the peak, Yuta pulls out his fingers without warning. Your brows furrow together, and you look at Yuta with a face so shocked, he almost wants to laugh.
"What happened, baby?" He asks, pushing his face into your cleavage. "Go on... tell me." he says, the vibration of his voice making your nipples erect.
"Why'd you stop?" you ask him, still unable to fully recover from the loss of your orgasm.
"That's your punishment for lying about Gojo."
"Yuta that's unfair!" you grab a bunch of his hair and hug him tight, making his nose press between the valley of your breasts.
"Mhmm..." he replies lazily. "I can give you a chance to make it up to me though." He kisses your nipple through the fabric of your dress and looks up at you. He doesn't need a nod to know that you are up for his challenge. He helps you shimmy yourself out of that flimsy dress and it lays discarded on the top of the car. Now you are butt naked in the middle of nowhere, atop Yuta's car. The thrill of it sends a shiver down your spine and certainly a shiver up your puss.
Yuta makes you get on your knees on top of the hood, facing the windshield. The cold touch of the glass on your squished breasts makes you sensitive and ticklish. He pokes your ass. "Up!"
At once, you raise your bottom for him to feast his eyes on. A leaky mess you are, glossy liquid covering your inner thigh and the opening to your womanhood. Yuta doesn't waste too much time gawking at it though and gets straight to business.
He licks one strip up your slit to get you started as you moan out. "Yes, that's your task. You only get to come today, if you are loud enough."
"What if someone comes running to find us?" you ask, turning around only to see Yuta raise a brow. "Isn't that what you want?"
You hate that he is right. This is exactly what you want. It's a massive, massive turn on for you, the risk of being seen. How does he know though?
You merely nod at him and lay your face back down on the glass as he continues to alternate between licking your nether lips and inserting his tongue into your hole. With each move, you are unable to hold you moans and whimpers that echo away in the night.
Soon, you feel another tingle of a bubbling orgasm and your moans turn to lower groans which makes Yuta stop again.
"Yuta, I swear to fucking god!" you scream out.
"Yes, keep that volume up!" Yuta grabs a hold of your ass and takes a deep dive into your crevice, picking up a lot of speed as he goes in and out with tongue and using two of his fingers to prod at your clit.
"Ah! Oh my goodness!" you shriek, moaning louder than ever, your breasts hitting the windshield with every time he thrusts his face into your heat.
"I-I'm cum-" this time, you are able to go over, losing your mind in the process, going cross eyed as Yuta doesn't slow down at all.
He doesn't stop until minutes later when your orgasm has subsided, and you are speechless from overstimulation. When he retracts you simply slump down the windshield and lay flat back on the hood, facing the sky - your face red and in a daze.
"How does it feel?" Yuta asks, placing a warm hand on your abdomen. He is completely soaked - in sweat and in your fluids. So is the blanket he laid out on the hood.
"Please Yuta..." you beg him, raising your hands up at him. "I can't, I need to kiss you, please..."
"God, baby..." Yuta pouts at you and leans over, connecting your lips together as your grab hold of his hair and deepen the kiss. This is all you wanted at the end of the day. To feel his lips and their warmth, to breathe in his odor. When you finally separate, you keep your heads connected and smile like a crazed teenager.
"Wait, it's your turn..." you remind him.
"It's fine. We can do that later." Yuta says, grabbing a hold of the second blanket to wrap around you while using the first one to clean you up down under. "You'll catch a cold out of here. Sorry, if I went too far."
You don't want to buy that though.
"You're going too far if you don't let me see mini Yuta again."
"Don't call it that oh my god." Yuta fake-heaves.
"But that's my favorite part about you!"
"What happened to liking someone for their character, Y/N?"
"Ughh... shush.. you!" you snap, getting off the car and reaching for your dress. It's a chore to put it on but you have to.
"I'm not letting you go without pleasuring you." you declare but Yuta merely guides you by the back and makes you sit inside the car.
"Soon, soon." he says. "We're going back to my hotel anyway. We need a change of clothes and a proper bed."
"So it's part two of last night?" you ask him teasingly. It was impressive that it had not even been a whole 24 hours yet it seemed like forever between last time and now. It also seemed like you got to know so much more of this man who was a complete stranger as of last night.
This made you smile but it immediately made you anxious as well.
When this night is over, where will the two of you be?
You were partially afraid to say anything and break your trance. what if this is all a dream?
"What are you thinking?" He suddenly asks, caressing your hair. This is the first time he touches you in a while. Well probably, it's only been a few minutes but it felt like a while.
"I-" you begin but are unable to find words.
"Do you think this is just an infatuation and will dwindle down to nothing in the next few days?" you finally say. It's better to face the truth now than to delay it. Yuta has to take a chance to ponder over it for a while which only proceeds to create a knot in your stomach.
"That depends on whether you believe in love at first sight?" he replies unexpectedly.
A woman of no nonsense, you can't help but reply "I don't."
"I don't either." he reciprocates. "But I do believe in potential at first sight."
He separates himself from you only for a moment to hold you and look into your eyes as he speaks, pouring out his feelings.
"After the first time we locked eyes, after our first conversation and after the first night we spent together - albeit it was rushed and impulsive and although I won't say I was in love back then, I can't stop thinking about you either." He tells you, transparently.
"This pull between us, it doesn't exist without reason. So I'm asking you..." He says, taking a deep breath.
"Are you willing to give this a chance?"
Megumi and you met at a mutual friend's house-warming party. Both of you were newcomers in a small town who migrated for work. There was that in common other than the fact that both of you were slightly awkward, not great talkers and certainly liked the indoors better than adventure. You were just happy that you could find a similar soul in a town full of older people or already married people with families. It was almost not surprising when the two of you started dating. It was a choice of convenience. There was love, without doubt. At least from your side. How could you hate a man, who made you coffee first thing in the morning after a long, tiring day at work. How could you not love a man who played with stray puppies he found on the side of the road. How could you not love a man who knew how to have intelligent conversations and also appreciate your intelligence at the same time.
For you, love was a no-brainer. If this wasn't your perfect match, who would be?
Although Megumi had never explicitly given you any 'I Love You's ,Who could Megumi possibly find in this small town that was more compatible with him than you?
So, when another new hire at the company, Nobara, first reached out to you to set her up with some social circles, you started out by inviting her home for dinner. The three of you had a pleasant evening and you thought nothing of it. Megumi and you had been together for three years at this point. You were even planning to adopt a dog together. You thought of yourself as a married couple, almost.
Then why?
Why, after a horribly taxing day at work, with chinese takeout in your hand and barely enough energy to make it your room, do you find yourself listening to noises of a creaking bed. Why do you find yourself looking at your boyfriend biting Nobara's lips as he tells her the filthiest, yet most romantic phrases. Why is pressing her forehead on to her as he cums. It doesn't make sense. Intercourse with Megumi was quiet, quick affair. That's why it was 'intercourse'. It was something the two of you did to quickly satisfy each other, mostly him.
When you dropped the take-out bag, curry streamed out onto the wooden floor and carpet, and you could only do so much to keep yourself upright and not fall into the small puddle of curry. The noise made the duo turn to look at you and your brain was completely tuning out what Nobara had to say. She seemed to be apologetic, pleading almost but your eyes only followed Megumi as his bare self got out of bed, put his pants on and walked right past you - like you were air. Like you were invisible to him. He went to the restroom and closed the door, with Nobara scurrying out of the house, half clothed.
That night, a part of you was lost forever. The other part of you that refused to give up your survival instincts pushed you - it pushed you until you found yourself at Momo and Noritoshi's doorstep - the Kamo household.
You remember telling them the whole thing as it killed you again, word by word. You find yourself sobbing till you got a panic attack - and then one more. Momo had to call over Miwa and her boyfriend, Kokichi too.
They were the ones who decided that to pull you out of this, you'd need to be pulled out of that town.
The Vegas trip happened only after you promised yourself in the mirror, with a lot of conviction that you would never, ever fall in love with a man again.
It's like his confession sobers you out completely. You fall back into the chasm of reality.
Yuta's dark blue eyes wait earnestly for an answer. And maybe you know what you're going to tell him. You'll have to tell him it's not going to work. You'll have to tell him you can't place your heart in jeopardy again.
You will have to stab yourself in your heart because you can't afford to hurt yourself, but you absolutely can't lie to this man and hurt him too.
After tonight, you will let him go..
"Let's get going, Yuta." You laugh nervously. "I'm too tired, don't mind if I sleep."
to be continued....
a/n: phew, this part took some time to figure out what direction I wanted this to go and what elements I wanted to include in this part. Expect a LOT of angst in the next one. I believe Part 4 may be the penultimate chapter. Till then, stay tuned and stay healthy!
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moishe-pipick · 1 day
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Dietrich Bonhoeffer's Theory of Stupidity
Taken from a circular letter, addressing many topics, written to three friends and co-workers in the conspiracy against Hitler, on the tenth anniversary of Hitler’s accession to the chancellorship of Germany…
‘Stupidity is a more dangerous enemy of the good than malice. One may protest against evil; it can be exposed and, if need be, prevented by use of force. Evil always carries within itself the germ of its own subversion in that it leaves behind in human beings at least a sense of unease. Against stupidity we are defenseless. Neither protests nor the use of force accomplish anything here; reasons fall on deaf ears; facts that contradict one’s prejudgment simply need not be believed- in such moments the stupid person even becomes critical – and when facts are irrefutable they are just pushed aside as inconsequential, as incidental. In all this the stupid person, in contrast to the malicious one, is utterly self-satisfied and, being easily irritated, becomes dangerous by going on the attack. For that reason, greater caution is called for than with a malicious one. Never again will we try to persuade the stupid person with reasons, for it is senseless and dangerous.
‘If we want to know how to get the better of stupidity, we must seek to understand its nature. This much is certain, that it is in essence not an intellectual defect but a human one. There are human beings who are of remarkably agile intellect yet stupid, and others who are intellectually quite dull yet anything but stupid. We discover this to our surprise in particular situations. The impression one gains is not so much that stupidity is a congenital defect, but that, under certain circumstances, people are made stupid or that they allow this to happen to them. We note further that people who have isolated themselves from others or who live in solitude manifest this defect less frequently than individuals or groups of people inclined or condemned to sociability. And so it would seem that stupidity is perhaps less a psychological than a sociological problem. It is a particular form of the impact of historical circumstances on human beings, a psychological concomitant of certain external conditions. Upon closer observation, it becomes apparent that every strong upsurge of power in the public sphere, be it of a political or of a religious nature, infects a large part of humankind with stupidity. It would even seem that this is virtually a sociological-psychological law. The power of the one needs the stupidity of the other. The process at work here is not that particular human capacities, for instance, the intellect, suddenly atrophy or fail. Instead, it seems that under the overwhelming impact of rising power, humans are deprived of their inner independence, and, more or less consciously, give up establishing an autonomous position toward the emerging circumstances. The fact that the stupid person is often stubborn must not blind us to the fact that he is not independent. In conversation with him, one virtually feels that one is dealing not at all with a person, but with slogans, catchwords and the like that have taken possession of him. He is under a spell, blinded, misused, and abused in his very being. Having thus become a mindless tool, the stupid person will also be capable of any evil and at the same time incapable of seeing that it is evil. This is where the danger of diabolical misuse lurks, for it is this that can once and for all destroy human beings.
‘Yet at this very point it becomes quite clear that only an act of liberation, not instruction, can overcome stupidity. Here we must come to terms with the fact that in most cases a genuine internal liberation becomes possible only when external liberation has preceded it. Until then we must abandon all attempts to convince the stupid person. This state of affairs explains why in such circumstances our attempts to know what ‘the people’ really think are in vain and why, under these circumstances, this question is so irrelevant for the person who is thinking and acting responsibly. The word of the Bible that the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom declares that the internal liberation of human beings to live the responsible life before God is the only genuine way to overcome stupidity.
‘But these thoughts about stupidity also offer consolation in that they utterly forbid us to consider the majority of people to be stupid in every circumstance. It really will depend on whether those in power expect more from people’s stupidity than from their inner independence and wisdom.’
-Dietrich Bonhoeffer, from ‘After Ten Years’ in Letters and Papers from Prison (Dietrich Bonhoeffer Works/English, vol. 8) Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press, 2010.
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