#bite and holy blood
wu-kongs · 2 years
Hi its drunk King anon again.
Ok now that is out of my system.... I'm about to really drive you up the wall I think what would happen if wukong remembered the night before
Can you see my dilemma.... on one hand, king doesn't remember ok im safe, damn I wish he'd remember if only to be tormented
On the other, fighting and king says that's not what I remember from that night and just general nonsense like that while Mac is slowly dying of.... something. But he remembers holy shit he knows exactly how much effect he has on me..... PANIC
warning for extremely suggestive content towards the end // sequel to
worry begins to creep its nasty little way in about a week later. he valiantly tries to ignore it and tell himself he's victorious—his eye is back in his possession, and maybe that asshat finally took a hint and stopped chasing after it. then, another week passes... and another.
when it comes to the eye, wukong always acted like a man possessed. the fact that he hasn't made a play for it in a month, and that macaque hasn't heard hide nor hair of the guy in about as long, hints that something must be holding him up—and it must be serious.
that said, macaque has been desperately struggling to keep out of the business of caring about whatever the hell wukong is up to. so long as he leaves macaque alone, he couldn't give less of a shit. the problem is, he's only been telling himself that—his wretched, traitorous heart refuses to stop dragging him back in.
he can't help but wonder if it's because of that night. macaque has been instantly shutting down any memory of it before he can let himself linger and yearn. if it escapes his defences, he immediately thinks about the way wukong had described... obtaining his eye—macaque could fool himself, then, into thinking that wukong saw it nothing more as a trophy.
the problem is... it doesn't upset him anymore. he doesn't know if it's because wukong confessed the true reason why, or if these gods-awful shenanigans are wearing his anger over it down.
either way, macaque has it now, and wukong hasn't come for it yet.
he wants wukong to remember that night, wants it to have thrown a wrench in his psyche like it has for macaque. wants it to keep him up at night and wonder and realize exactly the mistakes he's made.
"you're mine forever."
heat rolls low in macaque's belly.
and it does the same when finally, finally, wukong makes a move.
"what'd you do, nap the entire time you were gone? lookin' a little rusty there, great sage!"
he hears wukong growl and snickers vindictively. wukong disappears and macaque gasps as soon as a fiery presence snaps at his side. without looking, he raises his arms over his blind side and braces. a vicious kick connects and sends him shooting into the ground. all the breath is knocked from his chest and stars explode over his vision.
before he can get a grip on his existence again, a hand yanks him from the gravel and effortlessly lifts him off the ground, leaving his legs to dangle. he laughs dryly, breath catching on some blood coming from some mysterious part of his insides.
"w-wow, you really are r-rusty," he rasps.
wukong bares his fangs and shakes him once. "we wouldn't be doing this if you just left me and what's mine alone!"
macaque coughs. "is the poor baby g-gonna cry without his binkie? gods, you really are pathetic."
he's body-slammed back into the ground for his troubles. a small part of him is starting to think he's the masochist. wukong is just too fun to tease, he can't help it.
"you really do have a death wish, don't you?" wukong hisses from where he's straddled over macaque now. "why can't you just leave well-enough alone?" his eyes roam over macaque's face with something almost like franticness, traces of red and gold flashing in. "why can't you just," his jaw grits, "let me have this."
macaque spits a thick glob of blood at his face. it lands. he promptly wrenches his neck out of the way of a ground-cracking punch that flies in where his head had been just a second before. a manic grin splits his face.
"it's my eye, wukong, you freak. how 'bout you learn to leave me alone, huh? you were so good at it before!"
"what, like you left me alone?" wukong snaps right back.
macaque blinks, taken aback. the words replay, and then his heart starts to speed up. "i would if you just—just let me have my eye back in peace!"
wukong sneers, and then a vicious, sly grin tilts over his mouth. "i think you know that's not what i'm talking about."
no way he remembers.
then, wukong's face is right in his, bruised and brilliant and beautiful.
"you stayed."
macaque's heart is thumping, so loud and fast that it's humiliating.
"you—" he grits out. "you were fucking drunk," he says in a scramble to save face. "and fucking—laid on me. you think you're made of feathers? boulders for brains—"
but wukong is still grinning, less vicious and more mischievous, like the cat who got the cream. agitation stabs at macaque.
"we wouldn't have been in that situation if you hadn't been drunk," and this time, it's his turn to grin, "off my blood. talk about wanting to be left alone."
red blooms over wukong's face as he snatches out of macaque's personal space, though the heat still radiates so thick and heavily between them.
"don't think that means anything coming from you, macaque," wukong hisses, hand going to press around his throat. "do i have to remind you who got drunk off of my blood first?"
an opening. macaque smirks. wukong is heavy over him, sure, but it can't stop him from shifting his hips upwards. wukong flinches.
"you forget, my king, exactly how delectable you are." one of his fangs shines in the sunlight above, and he runs his tongue over it while not missing the way wukong's eyes trace it at every step. he hedges his bets by lightly laying his aching hands over wukong's thighs on either side of his hips. "or... maybe you do remember. isn't it too easy to make you bleed these days?"
wukong yelps when, without warning, macaque digs his claws through his clothes and into his flesh. vice grips clutch his wrists and slam them back into the ground, and when macaque opens his eyes out of the startling pain, wukong's face is right in his. their harsh pants tangle. wukong's eyes are doing that thing again—roaming every part of his face, but... all macaque can do is stare at his mouth. he doesn't notice wukong freeing one of his hands until another roams over his chest.
he arches into the touch, moving their mouths that much closer, that much—almost—
and then something snaps. all weight is promptly gone from over his body. he heaves a breath, disoriented and searching in a frenzy.
wukong is standing feet away from him now, the necklace dangling in his clenched fist. he looks at it, then looks at macaque, who can't even out his breathing—and he isn't the only one.
still, that fucker has to have the last word, leering up and down at macaque's strewn form.
"you should probably take care of that." he gestures at the... problem in macaque's trousers.
heat and shame flood macaque's face, and he can't even get a word in before, there wukong goes, right over the horizon.
macaque collapses back into the destruction wukong caused by treating his body like a ragdoll. he can't even be upset about it. wukong is strong. no one knows that better than macaque. does he like being reminded of it?
stupid question.
he raises a shaky hand to look at it and sees stray gold dripping from his claws, down his fingers, palm, wrist... he's heated all over. he aches.
wukong has the eye... again. so now it's macaque's turn to chase. he can't be upset about that either, about this, the natural state of things. chasing wukong forever.
he can't even stop himself from licking his fingers clean, the taste thick and sweet on his tongue when his other hand shoves into his pants.
he awakens nude from the most fantastic sleep he's had in centuries—no nightmares, no restlessness, no insomnia, simply pure... bliss.
he goes from purring contentedly to wide-awake in less than a second. why is he naked. and why did he sleep so well. wukong never has a good sleep.
hand to his chest out of miserable habit, he flinches when he realizes two things: one, the pendant is gone. two, his skin is bare. his legs kick frantically, shoving off the blanket over his lap that definitely hadn't been there the last he remembered.
then, it all slams into him. in fact, the taste still lingers in his mouth.
and that's the name he's panting too, when weeks later, he's back in isolation, paw plastered over his mouth as he tries to quell his frustrations with turns of fingers and fists.
he has the eye back now. so. now all he has to do is wait until the next time that asshole comes for it.
maybe then, he can come for wukong too.
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elfboypussy · 5 months
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what if your tav was a little stupid and didnt realize vampires were real. this is my vision
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otomehonyaku · 2 months
DIABOLIK LOVERS More,Blood Genteiban DVD Translation ☽ Mini Drama III (Ruki, Azusa, Kanato, Ayato)
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Original title: DIABOLIK LOVERS MORE,BLOOD 限定版 SPECIAL DISK IV Mini Drama III Voiced by Sakurai Takahiro (Ruki), Kishio Daisuke (Azusa), Kaji Yūki (Kanato), Midorikawa Hikaru (Ayato) English translation by @otomehonyaku Click here for the audio (thank you @uzi-boozii for providing the audio!)
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Please do not reuse or post my translations elsewhere or translate my work into other languages without my permission.
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Here's the final instalment of the More,Blood special disks! ✧ദ്ദി( ˶^ᗜ^˶ ) This is my least favourite of all of them (even though Ruki is obviously my favourite Diaboy) because I think Ruki kind of got the short end of the stick in terms of content in my opinion... I had hoped we'd get to see more of his inner struggle seeing as the rest of the CDs have these fun little bits talking about what they'd like to do with Yui and stuff, but this one had a little less of that ( ; ─ ; ) Still, the part where Ruki talks about Yui having agency? A king indeed...
Anyway, there's more good stuff coming soon! As always, have fun listening and reading along! (♡ˊ͈ ꒳ ˋ͈)
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[This scene takes place right after the last episode of More,Blood, when Ruki and Ayato each take Yui’s blood and the two agree on working together against the Founders. Note: AY stands for Ayato and AZ stands for Azusa.]
00:00 Ruki: Leave her to sleep. If the Founders are coming for her soon, we need to be prepared. Isn’t that right, Sakamaki Ayato?
Ayato: I ain’t taking orders from you, asshole. Yours Truly can do as he pleases.
Ruki: These are no circumstances for liberal ideas, unfortunately. Quarrelling will not help us if we have to face off against the Founders.
AY: You don’t have to tell me that. I ain’t handing her over to those Founders. Or you, or anyone else, for that matter.
R: Didn’t you just say that you can do as you please? 
AY: So what if I did?
R: She also has the right to decide for herself. You’re free to think of her however you like. However, only Eve herself can make the choice. 
AY: That ‘Eve’ shit is none of my business. Pancake didn’t have any rights to begin with. She’s my prey. I shouldn’t have to listen to every single little thing that my prey wants.
R: Eve has a stronger will than you think she has. I urge you not to take that lightly. Especially not by considering her mere prey.
AY: Tch. Self-important bastard.
R: Besides, it’s only a matter of time until the Human World is no longer safe for her.
AY: What do you mean?
R: As the lunar eclipse progresses, your power will weaken. The Founders are undeniably waiting for the perfect moment to strike. You know this, and yet you’re still picking a fight with me?
AY: Fuck…
02:03 R: The Founders are immensely powerful. We vampires are no match against them with the lunar eclipse chipping away at our strength. Are you fine with the Founders taking Eve away? Because that is exactly where we’re headed right now.
AY: Of course not! I told you, she’s—
R: Yeah. You sensed the same danger I did and that’s exactly why you came here, right? So, if you would…
AY: Alright, I get it. So? What should we do? You gotta have a plan ready if you’re gonna boast like that.
R: I have something in mind, though it poses great risk. Especially for Eve.
AY: Anything’s better than letting the Founders get their filthy hands on her. What is it?
R: We bring her to the Demon World.
AY: The Demon World?!
R: This lunar eclipse is not just any lunar eclipse.
AY: Yeah, Reiji also said it’s taking place at the same time in both the Human World and the Demon World.
R: Exactly. Which means that you pureblood vampires are particularly susceptible to its influence.
AY: I know. Isn’t that why we resorted to joining forces with you lot?
R: However, our working together still does not guarantee victory against the Founders. We barely know anything about them.
AY: So that’s why you wanna take her to the Demon World?
R: This might be a gamble, but there is a possibility that the effect the lunar eclipse has on us is reduced there. Of course, I have no experience with this either.
AY: So it’s all or nothing?
R: Exactly. We have little hopes of winning against the Founders to begin with if we stay here. Don’t you think we would have better chances of succeeding if we go to the Demon World?
04:04 AY: If we take her along, Pancake might be more likely to die, though. More people’ll go after her just because she’s human.
R: You can’t even protect her from regular folk in the Demon World? Are you really that weak?
AY: The fuck?
R: You’re a Sakamaki. You should be able to deal with such nobodies with ease.
AY: Are you fuckin’ with me? Of course I can!
R: Our enemies are the Founders. The so-called First Bloods, who are said to be the origin of all of us. This is no time to be thinking about the lower classes of the Demon World.
AY: In any case, I’m not gonna let Pancake die. Besides, I definitely won’t let her fall into their hands.
R: Save your yapping for after we save Eve. If you’ve made up your mind about crossing the barrier, let’s get out of here quickly. We need to get to the Demon World before the lunar eclipse reaches its climax.
AY: You like givin’ orders, don’t you? Asshole.
[There’s a knock on the door.]
Azusa: Ruki… The lunar eclipse is pretty far along… Oh… Ayato? Why is he here…?
R: Don’t mind him. What’s important is that Eve is in great danger.
AZ: Eve?
AY: Those Founder assholes are after Pancake.
R: And the wolves that attacked us here seem to be their familiars.
AZ: Founders…? But why are they after Eve…?
Kanato: Mukami Azusa. I will never forgive you.
AZ: Oh, Kanato.
AY: Kanato? What’re you doing here?
K: I will avenge Teddy!
AY: Avenge Teddy? 
K: I can still hear him screaming amidst the flames. He’s hurting… He’s burning…
AY: Ah, so Teddy’s a pile of ash because of you.
06:14 AZ: Yeah… I’m sorry…
K: Apologising won’t give me Teddy back! I will never forgive you, Azusa! You burned him! I can’t forgive this. I won’t forgive this! I’m going to kill you!
[Kanato attacks Azusa, causing the two of them to topple over onto the ground.]
AZ: Oh…
K: I’ll fucking kill you! I won’t forgive you! I’ll never forgive you!
AY: Hey, Kanato! Cut it out!
[Ayato stops Kanato.]
K: Ayato! Why are you getting in my way? Do you want to get killed too? My Teddy is… Teddy is…
R: Are you alright, Azusa?
[Ruki pulls Azusa back onto his feet.]
AZ: Yeah… I’m alright…
R: What did you do to him?
AZ: When I went to get Eve… I ran into Kanato, and he stopped me…
K: Of course I did! She’s mine!
AZ: But we need Eve too, so… I threw his precious bear… into the fireplace…
K: He’s not a bear! He’s Teddy! Teddy! Teddy…
AY: Hey, Kanato. Doesn’t matter what he did. Stop crying.
K: Teddy… It hurts, doesn’t it? It burns, doesn’t it? I feel so bad for him… I will take the girl home right now.
AY: Huh? What’s this all of a sudden?
08:22 K: She will repair Teddy for me. I will take her home right now. Where is she?
AY: This isn’t the time to be asking that. You heard it too, right? The Founders are after Pancake.
K: That has nothing to do with me. She will repair Teddy.
R: You saw the pack of wolves too, didn’t you? You know full well how powerful the Founders are. Don’t get careless.
AZ: That’s true, Kanato… Eve might be in danger…
K: Shut up, shut up, shut up! Stop scolding me!
AY: But you wouldn’t want Pancake to die either, right?
K: What? I don’t care. If she dies, I’ll turn her into a beautiful wax doll. I don’t see anything bad about that.
AZ: Then… What about Teddy?
R: Yes. If you let her die, you will never hold Teddy in your arms again. Are you fine with that?
K: I don’t understand. She’s mine. I can do with her however I please, and she will repair Teddy for me!
[Kanato starts walking away.]
AY: Hey, Kanato! Where are you going?
K: I’m going to look for her. Where have you hidden her?!
[Kanato leaves the room.]
10:04 AY: Tch. He’ll kill her himself in this state. Damn it, I got no time for this shit— Hey, Kanato, wait!
[Ayato follows Kanato.]
AZ: Ruki… I’m sorry. It’s my fault…
R: No, it’s fine. We need Eve the most, after all. 
AZ: Yeah, that’s true…
R: We’d better hurry. We have to get to the Demon World before the lunar eclipse reaches its climax.
AZ: To the Demon World…?
R: Yes. I think our odds of protecting Eve are better there. Can you go tell Kou and Yuma?
AZ: Yeah, got it… We will protect Eve… right?
R: That’s exactly why we’re leaving for the Demon World.
AZ: Ruki… If one of us becomes Adam… I wonder if… all of us will one day… see the same bright blue sky… that we saw back then.
R: Yeah. We might.
AZ: This time… Eve would be there with us… right?
[Azusa leaves the room.]
R: There is barely any time left… But we will be the ones to protect you, Eve. No matter what it takes.
[Wolves howl in the distance…]
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gatoburr0 · 4 months
Tw blood under the cut!!
I felt like animating this for some reason
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spaciebabie · 1 year
You look back after a moment and give a slight smile, reaching your hand up to Springtrap’s face. There’s clicking within his body as his eyes snap to your approaching hand, searching it as he straightens in uncertainty. Your hand still reaches his chin, however, and his look suddenly softens. He peers away from you at the floor as, with a mechanical shift, his body relaxes a bit, his face pressing ever so slightly more into your hand.
The rims along the underside of the suit pieces were the most damaged with time. The hairs that were there were short, but the wear created a smoother grain, a more silken-suede feel than any bare spots on the rest of the suit. The rim of his chin gradually shifted from the normal synthetic furred texture at the edges of the jaw to this smoother feel at the the center, which made it nice to pass up and down.
You look up from where you had been tracing his face to see his eyes lightly close. Your movement slows for a few more brushes from the outside in until falling still at the point of his chin. You hold your hand there, your thumb shifting up to rub below his lip.
It remains until you give a weighted breath, and it begins to drop.
“Wait,” he quickly starts as his eyes click open, one hand suddenly moving up to your arm. It hovers there for a moment, seeming hesitant to grab your wrist, before steadily settling further down your arm, each finger lightly placed after the other. “Can you… leave it there?”
There’s a second of silence as your eyes meet his tired gaze. You look back at his chin as you slowly reach up to his face once again.
His heavy head moves to meet you this time, forcing your hand down a bit, his eyes closing tightly now and his ears making a light “clink” as they droop. You move your other arm up and cup his face in both palms. His one hand shifts up towards your wrist, the second gently wrapping around your other wrist. He gradually tilts his head down, pressing further. His eyes open to a slit for a moment before slowly closing again.
His comforted sigh rumbles through your hands.
-heartbeat anon I will remain anon :)c
*coughs* @skeletoninthemelonland hey bro this is so cool check this out
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jwonsite · 11 months
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IM LITERALLY DIZZY OH MY LORD LIKE- wons arms😭😭😭😭 his honey skin like they did NOT wash him out oh my LORDDD this is gonna be so so so good
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dracofaun · 7 months
Nothing if not self indulgent LMAO
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What does it feel like to have smooth fingers? To have smooth nails, maybe even long ones? To be 8 years old and not have to hide your toes in shame during gym/P.E class because they're chewed and incomplete and ugly? To not be scolded and called gross when you don't even notice what you're doing, told that you'll just grow out of it?
To try everything you can think of to stop it. Gloves, nail polish (even the kind that's disgusting, because even that will be ripped away), everything. And to have nothing work.
What does it feel like to not have the nails of your little toes grow in two? To not have a flappy little extra nail that gets caught on everything and hurts you? To not sometimes be missing such a large amount of skin on your big toe that you can't walk without wrapping it in bandages?
To let your scabs heal normally, to not have them last for months and months and months because you just keep picking at them everytime, to not have open bleeding spots on your arms, to not know the way they crunch in your mouth.
To not suffer with infections; on your toes, your back, hardly ever being aware of them because they're just par for the course?
What does it feel like to look at the newly-healed skin on your big toe, and see anything other than a snack?
I don't know. I don't think i'll ever know.
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transmasc-tabris · 3 months
Writing this fic like "wait does blood magic do that?" only to tell myself for the 156547834th time that DAI went full on time magic fuckery so i can do what i want.
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The Family Ouroboros
"a long line of bloody succession, each killer another's victim"
[edit: added the banners and text :)]
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something something bite the child your raise/damn the innocent/cycles of trauma/general not having fun.
"So terrified of your failure in this terrible world, he re-enacts his scars, his wounds that taught him to survive."
"a long line of bloody succession, people only connected by those in between them, each killer another's victim" is the fuller quote, from an unpublished poem of mine
[edit: added the banners and text :)]
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way2gosuperrstarr · 11 months
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wu-kongs · 2 years
.....sh. shadowpeach shotgunning their blood like people shotgun weed
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sosaysdean · 2 years
How was the episode?
very much the same. themes and motifs
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amatres · 1 year
any time im given free range to make a dragon age oc i beam them with mixed race dysphoria
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neon-danger · 1 year
Can a vampire feed off someone without turning them? Like is there a way
In my world yes
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luckynatured · 2 years
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Okay, so you know how Get Hit’s Hydreigon is a lower level in BW2 than it is in BW? 
I’ve heard a fair number of takes on this, but here’s mine:
((ADDED SIDENOTE: Nobody has to adhere to this headcanon! As of writing this post, I’m in the middle of writing the Ghetsis fight in the fic chronicling Hilbert’s journey, and it’s just something I thought of as I connected some dots!))
Hydreigon lost one of its arm/heads in the battle against Hilbert, which takes away a little bit of its fighting power. The Life Orb it holds and the fact that its moveset is physical in BW2 could be a way of attempting to make up for that loss: with how long it would take Ghetsis to raise another Deino to full evolution, replacing Hydreigon would be more trouble than it was worth for Ghetsis.
As for how Hydreigon lost that arm?
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It could be argued that he had the misfortune to face Michelle in that battle. 
Michelle, whose mother was an unusual Samurott who once encouraged her to use whatever trick she had if it meant protecting what was precious to her.
Both Pokemon were evenly matched, but Hydreigon was faster. Dragon Pulse took out most of her stamina, she could not take another one without going down. 
It didn’t take long for her to decide that if she was going to go down, she would do everything she could to fuck Hydreigon up and spite Ghetsis in one go. Her main motivation was to protect Hilbert at all costs, but any sense of honor had gone out the window at that point - right now, her actions were dictated by a desire for revenge.
So she used Aqua Jet to get close to Hydreigon. The Dragon-type was caught off-guard by the move, with created the perfect opening for Michelle to tackle the dragon to the ground and bite as hard as she could onto his shoulder (where Hydreigon’s arm met the rest of its body). It was only when she tasted blood that she grabbed a seamitar and swung. 
She didn’t stop until Ghetsis had to return Hydreigon to his PokeBall, but she had accomplished her goal by that time. Hydreigon’s arm could still be flopping onto the floor beneath her, the head giving out a pathetic wail before it stopped moving for good. 
She honestly hadn’t expected to survive, so she went all-out.
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