your-turn-to-role · 4 years
14, 23 & 24??
14) How do you cope with high tension in CR (stress-snacks, screaming into the chat void, skipping it, etc.)?
generally i don’t skip anything, if it’s live and i can’t handle it sometimes i take my headphones out and go back for it later when i can pause and cool down every few seconds?
but if it’s just something big happening rather than something mortifying, hand stimming, jumping up and down, yelling at the screen, curling into a duvet ball.... i am a very active person when watching stuff, i can’t just sit still and watch it 😂
(or, the one time i watched with my friends in the room, it’s that but in and around them, my close friend group is all pretty okay with tactile stuff so it’s burying my face in their arm/side/whatever or hiding behind them or shit like that, they could probably give you better accounts, i was too focused on whatever big shit was happening at the time)
(though we watched the first half of dalen’s closet live together and then they had to go at the break which i was very glad for bc i was a mess and it would have been so much worse with people in the room 😂)
23) Who’s your favorite CR1 NPC?
probably gilmore or kima? they’re the ones i could watch just going about their random daily business and i’d still be entertained i think. also shoutout to the younger sisters, both velora and cassandra are great and i love the relationships they have with their older siblings (particularly bc the vessars are so cute with each other and the de rolos are bitchy with love and they’re both such great examples of sibling relationships)
no wait hang on, can’t believe i forgot about kaylie shorthalt, i change my answer to kaylie, she’s the fucking best
24) Who’s your favorite CR2 NPC?
see this one’s harder bc the m9 so rarely stay in one place long enough to make friends that aren’t guest pcs
i mean kiri is wonderful
essek i wouldn’t say is my fave, but i’m definitely interested to find out more about him, he’s a real interesting character and i like the direction things are going
artagan kinda counts for both of these questions but i will just say he’s another character i could watch all day, purely for the way matt plays him and the fact that he’s a complete trainwreck of an archfey
the gentleman is hilarious when dealing with jester
you know i think my answer to this question is just turning out to be anyone jester spends a lot of time talking to
trust jester’s judgement
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movedto-jewishbucke · 4 years
I litcherally know maybe three things about this dude and one of those is that you love him so,,, tk strand ajdjsjxksjx
I love you so much dude........... thank you
Time Of Dying by Three Days Grace
Don’t Wanna Be by The Score
Sloppy Seconds by Watsky
I Took A Pill In Ibiza by Mike Posner
How Far We’ve Come by Matchbox Twenty
you can listen to the full playlist here
give me a character or ship and I will make you a 3-5 song playlist
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annabelle--cane · 4 years
Happy 18th!!!!
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space-age-bachelor · 5 years
I don’t know if you’re taking requests for it but if you are “I need some time” and the spy au please
Will didn’t know how he should feel about this. Connor hadn’t killed anyone, which was a positive. Someone strangled by a stethoscope in a hospital wasn’t a good look, but Connor apparently had experience transporting unconscious assassins without drawing attention to himself. Will hadn’t decided how he felt about that yet. They did drop the man off at the police station with a nice note. That at least seemed like a positive. 
He still didn’t feel real. Connor’s couch was soft under his fingers, the seam digging into his palm. He could hear the sporadic banging of his heel on the wood floor, but none of it felt real. It was like he’d just been watching a movie of himself since he walked in on Connor.
He jumped at the sound; but Connor was quick, moving the mug away before Will could knock it from his hands. His nerves were shot even though he’d never really been in danger. 
Danger of getting caught stopped counting when Connor took a gun and six knives from his unconscious assailant.
The drink was placed on the table. It wasn’t in a nice mug. For some reason Will had expected everything Connor owned to look high end. He was pretty sure he’d seen it on display in some nerdy shop in the mall. The place where he and Maggie got Gryffindor sweatshirts for their Ron and Hermione Halloween costumes. He hadn’t realized Connor was into that type of stuff. Not that there was anything wrong with that. He just hadn’t expected Connor to have a sci-fi joke mug. 
Of course, Will also hadn’t expected Connor to strangle someone with his stethoscope.
“It’s hot apple cider. Some people swear by tea, but this is my comfort drink,” Connor sat down next to him, but not too close. He probably didn’t want to crowd him, which was nice, but Will could’ve used the comfort.
He took a sip of the cider. It was comforting enough, warming him up from the inside out. The heat was a tangible reminder that he was real and made the movie feeling fade away. Probably why Connor gave it to him. Instead of putting it down, he held it to his chest, anything to keep him present. 
Connor turned to face him, his knees shifting closer, but still not touching Will, “I’m not going to ask if you’re okay. You shouldn’t be after what you just went through. But, please, just tell me what’s going on in your head. I’m worried about you.”
“Don’t do that,” he shot back without really meaning to. His voice didn’t sound right, just slightly too loud, or maybe the room was just too quiet.
“Do what?”
He put the mug back on the table, clinging to it would ruin his point, “Take care of me and be all nice. You’re some kind of super-spy-assassin; you can’t just turn back into Connor.”
It took a second for him to respond, “Will, I’m still me. I haven’t been pretending to be some completely different person? I still care about you. We’re friends.”
Will didn’t want to look over at him. He already knew exactly what face Connor was making. He had a standard expression for emotional moments. It was as though he could let you read his mind if he just opened his eyes wide enough. The only difference now was that he’d have a bruised nose and a split lip. Will couldn’t let himself get sidetracked by the familiarity. 
“Why are you at Med?” 
“I’m sorry?”
He kept staring at the mug, “Why did you come to Med?”
Connor shifted so he was facing forward, his knees moving back to their safe distance. 
For a minute or so, Will thought Connor wasn’t going to answer. If Connor had been on some secret mission to spy on someone from Med, he wouldn’t be able to tell him. Maybe it was all just classified, or it wasn’t and Connor would just use the phrase to keep Will in the dark.
But when Connor finally spoke, he answered. “I didn’t have a choice. Someone figured out who I was. I don’t know how, but they got a hold of my file. So, they sent me home, left me at the airport without a word, and made it look like I never worked for them. Operations Officer Connor Rhodes never existed.”
Will knew he was telling the truth. Connor might have been a professional liar, but he sounded so broken and just hopeless. It was the same tone he had when he lost a patient or saw someone in the ED, but nothing he said would make them feel any better. 
But Will was in that same position. He couldn’t help Connor get his job back, or protect him from killers. He didn’t have any answers. All he could really do was be there. Connor had been completely cut off from his life and anyone he was close to before returning to Chicago. Will wouldn’t let him lose another friend.
“Thanks for telling me,” he leaned a little closer, bumping Connor’s shoulder. 
He went with it, exaggerating his movements and recoiling back into Will, just barely leaning into his side, “Thanks for not freaking out.”
“Oh no, I’m freaking out,” Will confessed, “This apple cider is the only reason I haven’t gone completely into shock, but I’m not going anywhere. I mean, my first instinct was to help you hide a body. I didn’t realize he was alive until you restrained him; but at that point, I’d already decided.” 
Connor smiled, but it was small and lacked any of the confidence Will had grown used to, “So, we’re okay?”
In a broad sense, the answer was no. Someone had just attacked Connor because he was an ex-spy, they didn’t know if anyone else was gonna come from him, and Will was now tied up in this. He still trusted Connor, that wasn’t even a question; but neither of them were in any shape to have a serious conversation about what came next. By most standards, they were the opposite of okay.
But that wasn’t what Connor meant.
“I don’t know,” Will sank into the couch and looked over at him. He looked the same as he always did, albeit slightly more injured, but Will couldn’t see him in the same light. He was used to Connor Rhodes the doctor, not Connor Rhodes the spy.
“I need some time to process all of this. We can’t just act like this isn’t going to change anything. I don’t know you. Sure, you’re Connor Rhodes; but I don’t know what that means anymore.” 
He nodded, chewing on his lip until he was able to give him a worried smile, “Do you want to start over?”
Will almost laughed, only Connor could say something that ridiculous and be completely genuine, “No, I want you to stop lying to me so I can get to know you better. We’re not starting over, just moving forward.”
“Alright,” Connor finally sat back, relaxing next to Will. He held out his fist for him to bump, “To moving forward.”
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carisi-dreams · 6 years
“I’ve made so many mistakes, but you’re not one of them.” With mike/Peter/Rafael and the titanic au please
who feels like being softe ?
Rafael looked out over the huddled masses of people. There were shared looks of shock, grief and horror beneath the numbness as they shivered into blankets the crew of the Carpathia was distributing as quickly as they were able. It was unfathomable, the events of the evening, and seemed like days ago instead of merely hours that a ship full of people have been dumped into the icy waters. And not just any ship, the largest, supposedly best in the world, the Titanic.
A sharp tremor from Mike drew his attention back to the men closest to him and he reached out to wrap the blanket more firmly around him automatically. Mike’s face was very slowly returning color, but he shivered so violently that Rafael was starting to get worried. He’d tried to hand over his own blanket, but Mike had refused. There was little attention being paid to them, more people focused on their own grief rather than several men who were sitting maybe a little too closely together, so he draped the edge of his blanket around Mike’s back anyway. He glanced up at Peter, who was wearing a stoic, but troubled expression squarely on his face.
“I bet you regret Sonny ever dragging me along to that dinner, huh?”
Peter’s eyes cleared slightly and even though there was still a downturn to his mouth, he seemed to lighten briefly.
“Not at all.” He shook his head no.
“No? You lost everything. If it hadn’t been for us, you’d probably be up there,” Rafael nodded to where the wealthier rescued passengers were sitting. They had been the first ones to get steaming cups of tea. “You’d be a lot warmer, at any rate.”
“I didn’t lose everything,” Peter disagreed with a deeper frown. “The things that went down on the…on the ship, were just that.” He stumbled over saying the Titanic’s name aloud. “Things. I can buy more things. What’s important is that we all made it off alive. I’ve made so many mistakes, but you’re not one of them. Neither of you.” He was firm, but gentle as he reached through the blanket draped over his shoulders to drop a hand to Mike’s shoulder. He squeezed a little and turned his concerned gaze to Mike as another violent shiver wracked his body.
“I think they’re going to stay in New York for awhile.” Rafael changed topics and nodded in the direction of Nick and Sonny who were not too far away. The two of them were wrapped in individual blankets, but they sat so closely together it was hard to see where one of them ended and the other began. “Sonny lost a bit of that searching look he’s always had in his eye.”
Peter smiled faintly. “That’s really great. If anything should emerge out of this tragedy, it’s good for it to be love.”
“Yeah, I guess. I mean, love is a bit of a strong word for knowing someone only several days,” Rafael said with thin skepticism. He continued to look the other men over. “But still, you can’t deny there’s something there. Something real.” He turned back fully to Peter. “I’m going to stay in New York, too. I’m getting tired of all of the bouncing around and even if Sonny has Nick now, he’ll still need someone practical. We can’t all have stars in our eyes.”
“Can’t we?” Peter pressed with a kind smile. Rafael was suddenly grateful that he was too cold to flush, otherwise he was sure his face would be working its way to a deep red. “I think I’m going to do the same. That was always my plan, anyway, New York. Maybe we can all find a place together. No need to split up. New York is a good place to choose who you want to be.”
“All?” Rafael echoed with a tilt of his head. “You, me, Mike…”
“Right. We can find a penthouse or something. Something with space for all of us, multiple bedrooms. We’ll say we’re trying to save money or we want a bachelor’s pad or we’re tied together through tragedy,” the last part wasn’t much of a stretch, “who cares? Maybe Sonny and Nick can find something nearby. Maria and Amanda seem awfully cozy and I know Mike wouldn’t want to leave Amanda either. We’ll make it work.”
“Make it work,” Rafael echoed again. “How…how will we make that work? I don’t have any money and I’m certainly not interested in being anyone’s kept boy.” What little energy he had was gathering itself for a proper argument.
“Well, I am,” Mike finally interjected in a weak voice. He smiled faintly when the two men looked at him. “I’m tired of struggling. I think I’ve earned a little bit of luxury.”
“Whatever you want,” Peter agreed warmly. Rafael just barely refrained from interjecting. “Raf, you always wanted to be a lawyer, right? Let me put you through school. You can pay me back once you start earning.”
“That’s…not the worst idea I’ve heard,” Rafael agreed begrudgingly.
“I always wanted to join the academy,” Mike added somewhat hesitatingly. “Police force.”
“Really?” Rafael looked surprised and Mike just nodded.
“We’ll make it happen,” Peter assured him with another smile. “In New York, we’ll make it all happen.”
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“I haven’t slept in ages.” And starisi please
Peter looks like shit when he answers the door for Sonny four days into his personal leave. His hair is greasy and sloppy, his eyes have dark bags beneath them, there’s alcohol on his breath, and his clothes are wrinkled and stained. And there’s a pain in his face, heavy and real and immutable even after days of trying to drink away watching his sister die in his arms.
“No offence, man, but you look like shit.”
“Tell me something I don’t know. Haven’t slept in ages.”
He steps to the side and lets Sonny in. Liquor bottles are strewn over every single available surface, some in sticky spilled puddles where they’ve spilled out the last dregs, and there’s a stale smell like sweat and stuffy air and vomit. The last probably because of the trashcan full of it next to the couch, where a rumpled blanket is strewn across the cushions.
“I know everyone grieves differently, but seriously, this isn’t healthy.”
“Neither was prosecuting even when everyone warned me and I lost my sister over it.”
As Sonny watches, Peter sweeps a gaggle of beer bottles off the lone chair at the dining room and gestures for Sonny to sit. He shakes his head, not willing to chance one of his few nice suits being ruined by the questionable stains.
“How about, uh, you go take a shower, brush your teeth, put on some clean clothes. I’ll clean this place up a little. And then maybe you can come crash on my couch for a few days. It’s easier to deal with death when you’re not alone.”
For a moment, Peter actually seems to consider it, but then he shakes his head and reaches for a half empty bottle of cheap vodka.
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emilysraincoat · 6 years
For kissing prompts Longing and Emily/Luisa please
Every time they kiss, they kiss like it’s the last time they ever will. Because it might be. Between the instability of the cartel, and Miguel’s paranoia at leaving his best friend with the head of Los Olvidados, and the imminent threat of death looming overhead constantly, Emily doesn’t know whether each kiss might be the last time she ever gets the chance to hold Luisa’s waist and feel close to her.
If only they had more time than these few brief moments on the front porch of Emily’s home, clinging tightly to one another. Glassy tears keep dripping down her face, and Luisa keeps wiping them away, a never ending cycle just like their lives trying to spend time together and figure out how long it might be before they can do this again.
Luisa still tastes like the coffee they shared this morning, catching up on two months apart with no phone communication- the satellite phone Luisa uses is for emergencies only. This time, there are a few gray hairs in Luisa’s curls, and her crows feet seem deeper. They’ve both aged, they always do, but it doesn’t matter as long as they keep returning to each other’s arms.
“How long will you be gone?” Emily asks when they finally break apart.
“I don’t know, but I promise I’ll always come back.”
Before she leaves, Luisa takes Emily’s hand and squeezes it reassuringly. A silent moment stretches between them before they’re forced to separate, wondering if they will ever see one another again.
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jakeluppin · 5 years
Lady grey and Irish breakfast??
lady grey: favourite outfit?
i definitely have a few, but one i wore recently that i Love is really light denim, a tucked in pink button-up with white flowers on it. a brown belt. and my new keith haring lacoste shoes. 
irish breakfast: what country do you want to visit?
oh so many! i really, really want to go to italy because, ya know, food.
Tea Asks
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barbaesparza · 6 years
Hey just wanted to say I adore your blog and it always puts a smile on my face to see you on my dash/in my notifications and I hope you have an absolutely awesome day 💜
Omg thank you!!! I love you 😍 You’re such a sweetie! I hope you have a most wonderful day too!
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superbatson · 6 years
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@biweatherman i found these 😂
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richardgoranski · 6 years
I'd cast you as Percy from the lightening thief or Buster from GHD
OMG PERCY... thatd be so fun
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djesusgetnaked · 6 years
6 with barba chilton and Carisi??
6. go clothes shopping with, go to ikea with, go grocery shopping with
Go clothes shopping with Barba, of course. The man dresses like no one, and not only he’d be a brilliant help to pick clothes, he’d actually give good advice on what to wear with what. Tbh, if I had money, I’d like to dress like him (and Harry Styles, a mix between those two).
Go grocery shopping with Carisi. It’s not a secret that our Italian boy loves food. We’d spend hours in shops to pick tons of unnecessary foods, we’d talk about food for hours, and we’d end up cooking. Yup.
Go to Ikea with Chilton. A bit because I proceed by elimination, but also I like his house’s style, his taste. And I’d love to whisper dirty things in his ear when we have to choose furniture, like how I’d like to fuck him on this table, to just see him turn red.
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movedto-jewishbucke · 4 years
Our Relationship obviously andjsjxj. But also being the only one brave enough to say both barba and jimmy lanik are gay jewish and trans also just generally being such a kind funny and cool dude
OBVIOUSLY our relationship...
also... I was quite literally burned at the stake for saying Barba’s gay... like... that was a thing that happened asdfghjhgfds (I’m still brave though... even if I did deactivate my blog following that incident)
also I love you and would quite literally die for you and I’m just... 🥺🥺🥺
if I deactivated tomorrow, what would you remember me for?
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sofuckingchuffed · 6 years
“I don’t care what anyone else thinks.” + Bangan please!!
HELLO I hope this is okay!
Better late than never. That’s what Trevor told himself as he made his way to Rafael’s office the same afternoon Rafael was found ‘not guilty’.
Better late than never.
He knocked quickly on the prosecutor’s door before he could think better of it, taking a small step back.
“It’s open.”
Trevor took a deep breath in before opening the door. He’d expected to see Rafael sitting at his desk writing notes, or sitting on the lounge pouring over notes, if he was even there at all. What he hadn’t been expecting was to see the office half-empty, with boxes full of books littering every available surface.
“Mr. Langan,” Rafael said, eyebrows raised in surprise.
“They fired you?” Trevor blurted out before thinking, eyes wide as he took in the unfamiliar sight.
“Can’t have a baby killer working at the DA’s office,” Rafael quipped with a tired smile, sliding another book into a box.
“You’re not–”
“I quit,” Rafael cut him off, coming around the stacks of boxes to stand in front of Trevor. “It was time.”
Trevor gave a small nod of his head. He wanted to argue, to tell him he couldn’t leave, but the decision was made, and he doubted Rafael had made the decision lightly, even if his hand had been forced somewhat.
“Court won’t be the same without you,” he said with a small smile.
Rafael studied him for a moment before a half-hearted smirk twisted his lips. “I never knew you cared.”
“Have dinner with me?” It had been what he’d come here to ask, but he hadn’t meant to ask it at that exact moment. However, the words were out, and Rafael was staring at him like there was something seriously wrong with him. Maybe there was. “Please?”
Trevor took a deep breath, studying his shoes as he searched for the right words. “Because I like you. My timing may be off, but it’s what I came here to ask. Before I knew you’d quit.”
Slowly, he raised his eyes, meeting Rafael’s stunned gaze.
“You want to go to dinner with me? As in a date?” Rafael asked, voice wavering slightly with uncertainty.
Trevor nodded. “If that’s okay.”
“You want to go on a date with the ex ADA that killed a baby?”
“You were found not guilty, if the rumors are true,” Trevor said with a smile.
Rafael’s face twisted into something bitter, and he looked away, turning back to his half-full box of legal books. “People still view me as a baby killer. I’m damaged goods now.”
“I don’t care what anyone else thinks,” Trevor insisted, voice pleading as he reached out to grab hold of Rafael’s wrist. “Have dinner with me, please.”
He could feel the hesitation radiating of Rafael in waves, but when the ADA looked up, there was only hope in his eyes, a small, albeit sad smile gracing his lips.
“Okay,” he whispered, taking a small step back towards Trevor, sliding his wrist out of the attorney’s grasp so they were holding hands, instead. “I’d like that.”
“Great,” Trevor breathed out, sagging a little with relief. “Tonight?”
Rafael gave a small nod, his smile growing.
Better late than never.
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tasha-draws · 7 years
Hey I was wondering if you could please draw Phil Connors celebrating Hanukkah
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{The Punxsutawney Panels Compilation}
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carisi-dreams · 6 years
“We’ve been through everything else together.  This is no different.” With cabenson in the titanic au please
Alex’s eyelashes were clumped together and frozen over from being out on the water for so long. Even with the blanket wrapped around her shoulders she was just starting to warm up. The shock from the events of the night gripped her and she stared at the masses of people around her, but didn’t see them. Every time she blinked the images of the ship going down, people flailing in the water, the sound of people crying out before slowly going silent, flooded her senses. She felt like she could still hear the desperate pleas in the wind that whipped around the deck as the Carpathia cut a path through the water.
“I just…can’t believe…all of those people…” Alex’s voice was papery and she found it impossible to finish her sentence.
“I know, love.” Olivia’s voice was warm as she rubbed her hand up and down Alex’s arms briskly. “It’s terrible.”
“I don’t know how I’ll get the sound of the screaming…the ship sinking…the water churning, out of my head,” Alex whispered.
“We’ve been through everything else together. This is no different,” Olivia told her softly. “We still have each other.”
“I don’t know what I would have done if…” Alex let her voice trailed off.
She turned her head so that she could finally meet Olivia’s eye. Her eyes traced over her face, the lines seemed to be deeper and there was a somber downturn to her mouth. Still, she looked mostly like the same Olivia. It strangely gave her a bit of comfort, even more than the blanket and the kindness of the Carpathia’s crew. Knowing that some things couldn’t be moved, even in the face of tragedy, and that she had Olivia to lean on meant the world.
“I want to get married,” Alex announced. It was an abrupt change of topic, but Olivia didn’t seem surprised. Her face remained comforting and open as she listened to Alex intently. “I know it’s—that we can’t, but this—you and me—this is real. I can’t die without getting the chance to—“
“Shh,” Olivia soothed. “No one is dying for a very long time.”
Alex clutched at Olivia, threading her hand through the blankets and not even wincing at the sudden gust of wind that blew in close to her body. Olivia squeezed her fingers before pushing her hand back under the blanket. She tucked it firmly around Alex and leaned their foreheads together briefly.
“We’ll get married,” Olivia promised. “I’ve heard of ways to get around…we’ll get married. I promise.”
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