#black butler 150
icantdothistodaybruh · 5 months
I've been thinking about the 'Sebastian making hyper-realistic confectioneries' again, so I wanted to share the scenario with you that I've just been typing out:
"Well, Young Master, tell me:" Sebastian leaned in with a smug smile upon his lips "is the item upon the table real, or an edible immitation?"
Ciel's eyes narrowed in concentration, regarding the object on the platter in front of him, before widening in realisation of the devil's wording; if there was one thing he had learned over their years together, it was that one should not listen to the meaning of the words that his butler spoke, but rather of the ones he didn't.
He lifted his head to meet with the man's proud gaze. "On the table, you say? Not on the plate?"
The demon's expression changed almost interceptibly, and Ciel knew that he was on the right track.
"It's not the item on the plate that's made of sugar. It's the plate itself." The Earl announced.
Sebastian snickered and politely lowered his head, eyes closed as he replied. "Well, my lord, very perceptible of you to notice my careful phrasing."
A self-satisfied smile stretched across Ciel's face, wiped away near immediately with the look in his butler's eyes when he once again opened them to meet him.
"However, I'm afraid you have still missed your mark."
Sebastian straightened, hovering the knife not above the confectioner's cookbook, nor the platter upon which it sat, but rather his own hand rested neatly upon the edge of the table, cutting deep into the glove to reveal it as nothing more than a clever construction of sponge and icing. Ciel stared dumbly in shock as the butler licked at the rich berry jam that smeared the blade in place of blood, the demon’s eyes half-lidded, watching him back intently as he did so.
"Do try harder next time, sir."
I love it, It's canon, I was there when it happened actually
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oogieswife67 · 10 months
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"Come, one puff and all your woes will slip away... Life is fun when you're here..."
It had to happen at some point. I just keep getting better with my favorite scenario of "favorite character smokes opium in the opium den".
Honest Fellow is in Twisted Wonderland.
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shunin-gumis · 2 months
As Master Joe Wishes - Track 01
Seasonal Team Event - L4mps
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Worked with 18TL Ward on this!
Thank you Jelly for handling this chapter!
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Location: HAMA House — Lesson Room
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Sakujiro: Rules of the Oguro Family’s butlers, “Butler Oblige –108 Commandments–.” Pledge, “one must be willing to sacrifice themselves!”
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Nagi: For the sake of granting their master’s wishes…!!
Sakujiro: Correct! If the master so wishes, you must give it your all, pour your heart and soul into it in order to grant their wish!
Sakujiro: Pledge, “One must not speak!”
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Netaro: Without permission from their master~♪
Sakujiro: Correct! Should the need arise, observe them as one treads around their boss during the on-season and aptly conveys the scent of a delicious cup of black tea straight to their nostrils, gauging their reaction from there.
Sakujiro: Pledge, “A servant’s greatest honor!”
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Toi: Is to take care of their master!
Sakujiro: Pledge, “When the master and other guests have a gathering!”
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Yodaka: Await by the wall and refrain from interactions as if one was a shadow.
Sakujiro: Pledge, “When one receives an order or instructions from the master!”
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Ryui: THE FUCK IF I KNOW!!!!!!!!!!
Rest of L4mps: …
Sakujiro: My, my… Ryui-san, you still refuse to recite the commandments. Honestly, what a troublesome apprentice.
Nagi: Ah……now we have to “bow” 150 times again as a group…
Yodaka: Perhaps I’ll break my back like Danny this time... Speaking of which, are you alright?
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Daniel (off screen): Hell naw… Bowed too many times, my back…
Netaro: Ahaha, Daa looks like a catapwellier~.
Sakujiro: Ryui-san, I’m not asking you to remember all 108 commandments.
Sakujiro: At this time, you need only to drill the important parts into your head. Is that too much to ask?
Ryui: ‘S not like I can’t remember it, or some shit like that.
Sakujiro: If that is the case, what is the reason for your refusal? This is basic knowledge that is essential to being a servant.
Sakujiro: You must practice reciting them for the sake of attaining a class, mannerism, and devotion of honorable quality, drilling it into your body at a level where you unconsciously and naturally respond to—
Ryui: Like I said, that ain’t the fucking problem.
Ryui: Listen here. There’s no way I’d pledge my loyalty to anyone other than Toi.
Netaro, Nagi, Yodaka: …
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Toi: Ani-sama…! To think you thought of me that way... I'm so grateful!!
Sakujiro: I see. What you are saying is that the only one you are loyal to is Toi-san?
Yodaka: “A warrior dies for those who understand him” …A wonderful phrase indeed.*
Netaro: Sigh~, but you can’t keep acting like this. Oh! Are you that? One of those people who's allergic to teamwork?
Ryui: You’re the last person I wanna hear that from.
Nagi: *shakes head* Ryui, please. I don’t wanna do Saku-san’s punishments again. It’ll be hard to run the store if I break my back.
Ryui: Fuck you, break it for all I care.
Chief: *enters* So this is where everyone was. Are you training for the HosLive……?
Yodaka: Hello, Chief. No, this is something a little different.
Daniel: Perfect timing. Couldja gimme a back massage...?
Netaro: Doudou, you have food?
Ryui: (Fucking Yowa… We’re in this shitty situation ‘cause of him, but this dickhead ain’t giving a single fuck…)
Ryui: (This all happened ‘cause yesterday, that guy—)
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Toi: Waah, What a cool mansion! It’s like a CG out of the otome game “The Black Swan’s Kaleidoscope!” Right, Ani-sama?
Ryui: Yea. That’s the 7th one you played? Should I take a picture of you from the same angle as that CG?
Nagi: Hm? It’s Ryui and Toi.
Ryui: Huh? What the hell? Don’t tell me you were also called out here?
Nagi: Yup. A letter of challenge affixed to an arrow appeared at the shop. It was from Netaro… and it told me to come here.
Ryui: An arrow…?
Yodaka: Oh, everyone else is gathered as well.
Daniel: This is just the entire night group.
Toi: Oh! It’s Yodaka-san and Danny-san! Were both of you called here as well?
Yodaka: Indeed. Via smoke signals. I have to say, the Shingen Takeda-style* smoke flare was magnificent.
Daniel: It was a carrier pigeon for me.
Toi: Ani-sama and I got a telegram!
Ryui: (For fuck’s sake, just send us a text like a normal person.)
Netaro: Oohhh, the cast is all assembled! And with not one mortal injury! Welcome welcome♪
??: Hello.
Ryui: Fuck Yowa for now… Who’s the old man?
Netaro: This is Sammy!
Sammy: I’m Sammy, nice to meet you. I’m a detective. Here’s my police badge.
Nagi: T-The real deal.
Yodaka: Hmm, so Sammy-san’s real name is Koutetsu Samejima-san?
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Nagi (mumbling): T-There’s been a mistake. While it’s true Netaro might be an intergalactic trespasser, he said he’d protect the Earth and all…
Samejima: Thank you for coming all this way. Um, shall we move inside? It might be better to sit down and chat.
Toi: Yay! I wonder what the inside looks like!
Daniel: Will we make it back in time for happy hour? This better not turn out to be a pain in the ass…
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Nagi: Netaro is a very good friend of mine. Well, I can’t deny that he’s lacking in Earthian common sense, and I guess sometimes he makes me partake in some pretty random stuff, but it’s not out of spite. He’s in the middle of learning about Earth and all, and—
Ryui: Oi, the fuck you mumbling about? Everyone’s already gone. Let’s get going.
Og: 士は己を知る者の為に死す It's a Japanese idiom with Chinese origins meaning that any good person would be willing to die for someone who knows and recognizes his true worth.
a famous warlord from the sengoku era of Japan https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Takeda_Shingen
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bokunosoul · 1 year
Hiiii ur head canons are literally so good could u make an actual story for the undertaker one from ur “Black Butler men as cliché love tropes pt. 2” post?? It’s too good😏
Once upon a Victorian love story
AN : Oh god this request was like 2 years ago, im so sorry i had a writers block and an unmotivated self ): So i hope this long one shot will be acceptable.
Warnings : This was before undertaker becomes a funeral director, typo errors, reader is sent bac kin the 1800s, angst, past lovers au, abuse, messed up shit in the era, death, im using "adrian crevan" as undertaker's name for this au but it's not official yet (only a theory)
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I was sitting the the bus for what seems like eternity now. It was the day of the most awaited college fieldtrip for your history major, everyone is exempted in the finals. Except you need to join this trip and write a thousand words essay to pass.
“Hey y/n!” i turn my head to my friend Samantha who is my seatmate for this trip. "Just in time!" she was panting heavily and i sighed. She was always like this, a last minute go'er kinda girl.
A minute later the professor started doing a roll call for each students---everyone was present. After that the bus started hitting the road, i turn to the bus window and just grabbed my airpods on and listened to some music to pass time whilst watching the view.
Two hours later, we arrived at the outskirts of London. The road was getting narrow and narrow as it reaches the misty forest. Crows flock and squawked around the huge gate of the museum which gave off an mysterious aura at the place. Intriguing.
The huge rusty gate opens automatically and your classmates started filming the place as the bus enters the museum. It has amazing landscape and a castle-like exterior that was well maintained. It was amazing on how it was preserved for 150+ years.
"Ah, Mr. Brown! welcome! welcome!" an elderly man wearing a butler's outfit greets our professor. They seemed to be well acquainted with each other as they hugged each other.
Samantha drags me away in front of the students gathering which a tour guide was calling the attention of all the students. "Welcome to the Phantomhive museum students of the University of England! I am Oliver Smith your official tour guide for this trip." he says and continues making a speech on how about this museum is actually a manor back in the victorian era, where a earl used to live in.
The tour guide leads the steps to the museum and the huge oak doors were already opened, inside it was a floor filled with black and white marbled floor, Greek columns, ceiling decked with lighted chandeliers that made you look in awe, paintings hanged up on the wall on top of the dark oak grand staircase.
You followed the guide upstairs again, which led to a dimly lit hallway which the only light source is the windows. I took out my camera and took photos of several victorian artifacts to document and write about.
After that, the tour guide let us roam around the manor but gave off an warning on prohibited activities such as trespassing the locked rooms, touching the objects and a bunch of other stuff. I walked away and looked around which i ended up suddenly seperated from my friend.
Being bored, you decided to just wander around the museum. You suddenly felt a familiar presence, you stopped and look directly at the gigantic painting encased in gold on top of a fire place. There was a man whom dressed in black holding a scythe of death with a peculiar look of smile on his face and a woman on his side who seems to be in a casket laying beautiful in white.
You found yourself looking the the masterpiece intensely "She is beautiful as always even in her last breath." i turn to look at beside me, it was a man with ominous black hair, maybe a bit older than you and was wearing a butler outfit radiating an peculiar aura. Maybe he's another tour guide? i said to myself
I just stood there frozen feeling a wav of familiarity and longing whilst looking at the painting "Adrian Crevan, he used to be the lord Phantomhive's informant. Well, we prefer calling him 'Undertaker' because that was he's known for. Handling corpses and being a funeral director." the man chuckled, and he turns to look at you and smile.
I just stood there frozen, my mind started go hazy and a sharp pain came crashing in your head and unknown memories started coming back from the past.
It all turned black. That's what i remembered.
Somewhere in the 1800s. --------
"Lady y/n, it's time." my maid Laura says behind me. I sighed and turned around to see her holding a whale bone corset. I raised my arms and let her put on the garment which makes
It was my mother's funeral and i have no energy on whatsoever to dress up and even think right. You did not even need this corset anymore because you don't have the appetite to eat. After finishing on putting on the mourning dress and veil i went outside where my carriage was already waiting, with my father inside it.
He was stern looking as always, but behind that façade of his you knew that he was ecstatic. Afterall he lost all the dignity after taking your mother's last name which made him feel emasculated which resulted to him---having affairs, abusive and absent.
My mother was a weak woman, i must admit. She was bound to die before reaching the age of 40 due to her having pneumonia. Despite this, even when she was sick, she was the one guiding you throughout my childhood. When her body can't take it anymore i was getting guidance from my aunt who is my governess.
At just 37 years old before my 18th birthday, yesterday, she passed away peacefully at night. Right here you could not even cry and remain emotionless, all this was not easily to process in just one day. You were in denial.
I just stood there watching my father shed crocodile tears at his speech on how my mother was a loving wife to him and a bunch of other nonsense that happened to them that did not even happened.
Everyone else was crying pathetically. She was born to die, why would anyone be this surprised? An hour later after the mass, your mother's coffin was brought to the cemetery to lay rest beside her late parents grave.
You just watch it get dumped in with the soil and the mourners throwing a white rose as it gets buried. I walked off as i threw the flower on it. My body felt heavy as i feel my tears started swelling in my eyes and i took off running to hide in the cemetery's nearby garden.
I started hysterically crying eventually falling down on my knees whilst clutching a portrait of my late mother. You could only thank the rain and thunder for now as no one can hear your wailing.
"My, my why is a lady doing here crying alone?" a voice mixed with teasing says. I turn around to see a man with long ash hair wearing a long black suit with glasses.
I sniffled and just wailed again and again until no tears started to come out of my eyes and i just sat on the ground numb from all of the pain while the man just stared at you blankly.
You started getting pissed off as he stares at you "What is your problem, why are you staring!?" i growled at him, he laughs and mumbles an explanation that you could not understand and i stood up and stormed away.
He grabs your hand and gives you something out of his pocket which seemed like a chain. I turn to him and opened my palms. My eyes widened at the sight "T-this!...."
"Your mother asked me to give this to you as a keepsake." the man says, his face stoic. Meanwhile i looked at the locket with my late mother's hair on it emotionally and smiled. Your father did not allow you to keep a memory of your mother, hence burning down all of the photographs, paintings, letters and clothes---every memory of your mother's existence.
The man started walking away "S-sir! wait!" i stopped him. He stops and turn around "W-what's your name?" i asked him stuttering. The man smiled "Adrian Crevan, the grim reaper." he says nonchalantly in a silly way that made you chuckle.
"Thank you, Mr. Adrian the grim reaper...?" i jokingly said while wiping my tears and bow at him in respect. He nods before walking away. You secretly hoped that you see each other again.
Two months later you started healing from the passing of your mother and going out more to balls that your invited too.
I stepped out of the carriage and twinkled at the sight of the beautiful mansion in front of me which belonged to the Duke who is part of the royal family. I stood in line of the guests infront of the door who are waiting for their names to be announced.
"Lady y/n of house l/n!" i thanked the man and stepped forward inside the hall wearing my lavish green silk ballgown and curtsied. Every woman stared me with envy, meanwhile men stared at me with lustful eyes.
This was normal since i was not betrothed to anyone at the moment and married men are taking advances with me to take me as their bride or mistress.
I greeted them respectfully but declined them, it was tiring. Honestly.
I found myself surrounded by women flaunting their riches at me. I wish I'd be deaf right now, it's annoying. You slipped away from them and took an glass of champagne from the table and walked towards the empty halls of the mansion just admiring the moonlight outside of the window. I flinched when i suddenly heard an loud thud near the empty grand staircase in the 2nd floor.
I walked towards where i heard the noise. You held your breath as you saw a young woman's body down the stairs, her head has pool of blood forming, and eyes in shock. I held my mouth as i saw the scene. I could not even move, i was frozen from my spot.
A man then appeared from the scene all dressed in black suit, long ash grey hair and glasses holding a scythe. I recognize that man! he was that peculiar guy from your mother's funeral that gave the locket!
He glanced at you but doesn't seem to care and just slashed the dead woman's body. I closed my eyes firmly at the sight. I took a bit of a peek, but instead of seeing a more bloody scenes it was different.
It was like a cinematic record, but not a movie---but someone's memories in their point of view. It continued on forever and ever until it reaches the end of the tape which has the word 'END' on it.
The reaper looks at you curiously "Why aren't you running away my lady?" he asks and folds the cinematic record neatly and put it into his pocket.
I was left speechless, am i going crazy?
"W-what just happened?" I gulped and he rests his scythe on his shoulders "I just reap people souls my lady, im what you called---death." he stated and grabs your waist swiftly and once you opened your eyes you were floating in the sky gracefully.
"Oh god! this is unsafe!" i screeched and held on to him tight not looking down on the ground since you're afraid of heights. A few moments in floating in the air you both landed on the ground.
He chuckled "Humans like you are really interesting, it's been a while Lady y/n~" he commented and kissed my hands, which made me blush. The man smiles at you and you two sat in an empty bench.
"w-WHAT JUST HAPPENED?!" i asked, still in shock and shook the man, he started laughing "You just saw me doing my 'job' and flew!" h e replied.
I hold my head to process on what just happened, maybe i'm just too drunk? I asked him all of my questions on who, what, where, when and why---all of the possible questions. Well that lead to you to getting more interested in each other that birthed to friendship of a human and grim reaper.
Then a relationship a few months later.
You and Adrian are both happy with each other. Every after he finished his job you two would secretly meet up. He would tease you all the time and brought you on top of the big ben at London on a full moon to have a date. The man was also a clingy person who likes to see humorous stuff all the time. Even if he's not a normal person that doesn't stop you both, but this is the day you will finally introduce him formally to your father.
He was ecstatic and positive as you two both enter your manor to greet your father the Lord of house l/n.
"Father, meet my significant other Adrian."
Your father looked at him sternly and was silent, he just sat there and eat his roasted duck.
"F-father did you not he----." he threw the cutlery directly at adrian's face, making him bleed. The grim reaper did not flinched, not feeling any pain as the knife gashed his face leaving a slash "W-What have you've done!" i screamed as i took out my handkerchief and held it on his bleeding face.
"Did i not tell you to not go whoring off with lowly men like your slutty mother! YOU ARE A SHAME TO THE HOUSE OF L/N!" my father raises his voice making you flinch and your eyes swell up with tears.
"Y/n, i'm okay." the man stood up and frowns unamused "I can' t believe a man like you became my future wife's father." he says disappointed and held you close as his face was still bleeding.
"Future wife? are you joking!? Y/n you will get married to Lord Wallace in 5 months! are you crazy!?" father yells "I DO NOT WANT TO MARRY SOMEONE I DONT KNOW AND LOVE FATHER!" i retaliated and walked towards him sobbing.
Adrian stares at you in shock and pulled you away from your father who is forcing you to go inside your room.
"A-adrian...i don't want to marry someone else..." i sobbed in his arms and he clenched his jaw hugging you tightly. It was painful. I don't want this to end.
The last thing you knew was you two hugging on what seems like an eternity, you two both crying. He let's go of your hand and tried to chase after him but failed as your servants stop you chasing after your love.
He just walked away just like that. He just walked away on our relationship. He promised that he will come back after me. Determined. One week. Two weeks. Three weeks. Four weeks. turned into a month. Then five.
I found myself wearing my wedding gown holding a bouquet of white roses whilst emotionlessly walking down the aisle.
He promised that he will love me. He promised that he will marry me when the time comes. He promised that we will run away together. He promised...
It was painful kissing another man. Just get through it, and i imagined that my love was the one i was marrying. But it was harder than i thought. Disgusting. It was disgusting on how this man look at you like a doll full of lust.
'Ten years have passed. I still haven't gotten over my greatest love. I sometimes wonder on what if he came back to me. I'm turning 29 now, i have 2 boys now and a little girl whom i gave birth to just two months ago. Well, life was not easy, my husband was a good for nothing like my father who is a scandalous and greedy man who brought multiple women in our home. I still have hope that we will meet each other again.'
I closed my diary and hid it on my drawer. I hear my daughter, Adie crying in her crib. I quickly took her out from the crib and carried her to stop her from crying.
"Shhh, don't cry.." i kissed her rosy cheeks and laid her to the crib again admiring my precious child.
I sighed and went to get dressed to go to another soiree that my husband was at to accompany him "Lady y/n, your carriage is ready." the maid said behind the door. I grabbed my mink coat and went to the carriage.
It seems that it was raining heavily outside. I hope it's just rain.
"Mama where are you going?" your eldest son Andrew asks "Could we go with you mama?" Allan chimes in, my second eldest. I kissed their cheeks "I will go accompany your father at the soiree, my darlings. Children are not allowed."
They groaned and whined at your reply. You bid them goodbye and entered the carriage. Your husband was already inside and has his eyes glued onto the window, this was normal and doesn't even surprise you anymore.
The rain was getting heavier and heavier as minutes have passed. The carriage has entered the steep road on the way to enter the Druitt estate where the soiree will be held. It suddenly came into a halt when you the carriage stopped and the coachmen screamed in horror. I stared at the window and it was a group of masked bandits.
Wallace, my husband opens the window "Oi! why the fuck did you stop were going to be late!" he scolded the coachmen. Bang! Bang! the bandits shot the coachmen and footman. I held my breath and ducked my head, scared. I look over to Wallace and he was in fear.
The leader of the group comes over at my side "Lord Wallace eh? your wife is a beautiful woman!" he pulled your chin to your chin. I looked over at the man, disgusted while crying.
"H-how dare you kill Mr. Clark and jameson!" i raised my voice looking over at the bloody corpses of our two servants. "TAKE HER! SPARE ME SIR!" my eyes widened as my husband pushes me over at the bandit and took off with one of the carriage horses. I stared at the man in horror "Your husband really is a coward you know?" he chuckled and drags you outside of the carriage in the pouring rain.
BANG! The leader shot your husband through the head with his pistol. His body dropped dead on the mud and the horse he was riding gallops away into the forest.
"W-why? why are you doing this--" you felt a sharp pain in your chest as the man looks at you smirking and twisting the dagger in you. All you can see is blood soaked in your pink dress, the bandit snatches your jewelry in your body as you stared at him emotionless. He took out the dagger out of your chest and pushes you off the wet ground.
This is how will i die huh? What about my children.....my ambitions....my Adrian....i want to see him one last time..
"Y-y/n..." a familiar voice says. My eyes widened at the sight, i struggled to speak up words, i wish i could tell him how much i have missed him dearly, how i long for him.
He still looked the same as ever. Handsome, even with the scar your father left him in your face. I weakly flashed a smile at him as he hold me close in his embrace, sobbing.
She speaks up holding his face, i leaned to him close and our lips met. For one last time on what seems like an eternity that you wished that could continue forever. The woman closes her eyes smiling peacefully as the cinematic record started playing.
He hugs her close sobbing under the rain angrily. He hates this. You and him were lovers, you were both forbidden to each other. If only he was a human.
I opened my eyes slowly "W-what happened?" i asked and turn to my friend, Samantha. She looks concerned at you "Y/n you collapsed at the 2nd floor, Mr. Brown found you and took you to the museum's clinic." Samantha sobbed and held your hand.
"I think im okay now, i want to go rest in the bus." i said and stood up from the bed, your friend nods and guides you to go back to your bus seat outside.
As you were going down the stairs Mr. Brown approaches you "Ah, Miss Y/N are you doing fine now?" he asks, i nodded and thanked him profusely for his help. He smiles devilishly and grabs something out of his pocket and gave it to you.
I looked at my hand. It was a locket, with a picture of you beloved and me.
"Memento mori, remember you must die."
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A/N : I might revise this if i had the time, this was so rushed since i was so excited in posting these.
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lyrieuxsicons · 1 year
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Who? // : Beast From? // : Black Butler - Book of Circus Amount? // :150 Size? // : 96 x 96 px
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viciouslyfilthy · 9 months
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Name: Cornelius Versuvius Hutchinson.
Alias: Versy; 'The Serpent Lord'; Mr. Sneky; Fat Noodle; snake-man; 'Corn'.
Gender: cis male.
Age: 100+
Species: Serpent/Naga. (Formerly human)
Zodiac: aquarius / aries / cancer / capricorn / gemini / leo / libra / pisces / sagittarius / scorpio / taurus / virgo / unknown
Talents/abilities: Excellent chef and (extremely prideful) connoisseur of all types of foods and drinks(alcoholic and non-alcoholic fruit-based/mixtures; he specifies in wine mostly); practicing warlock (and collector of occult pieces of literature and dark magic); immortality; eternal youth; physical strenght (mainly his serpentine half); venomous bite; distensible jaw & stretchy skin (again... much like a snake! One of the snake species he's based on is the green anaconda- as you'll notice from his skin patterns, so he could consume big meals or preys much bigger than him in one gulp)
Alignment: lawful / neutral / chaotic / good / neutral / evil / true
Religion: polytheistic satanism (though his praise and main worship goes to the two demons, his 'Lords', that he made a deal with since he is in eternal gratitude for granting him his wish. His main focus is not the Devil, but he HAS attended non-violent(in terms of animal sacrifices) ceremonies that summom and worship Shai.)
Sins: envy / greed / gluttony / lust(?) / pride / sloth / wrath
Virtues: charity / chastity / diligence / humility / justice / kindness / patience
Languages: (british) english; italian; mediocre french.
Family: serpent warriors of Hell Empire of Eight (biological children); Shakespeare the serpent butler (biological child); snake servants (pets).
Friends: Rotgut; Shakespeare (doesn't view him as a son, much like the rest of the serpent warriors; has no deep-rooted familial bond); Annalise Kamiya-Dubois; Ángel Bramante (frenemies?).
Sexual Orientation: heterosexual / bisexual / pansexual / homosexual / demisexual  / asexual / unsure / questioning / other
Relationship status: single / dating / married / widowed / open relationship (?) / other
Libido: sex god / very high / high  / average / low / very low / non-existent
Build: twig / bony / slender / average / athletic / curvy / chubby / obese
Hair: white / blonde / brunette / red / black / copper blonde with greying streaks
Eyes: brown / blue / green / black / lavender
Skin: pale / fair / olive / light brown / brown / very brown / green + darker shades of greens + pale yellow/peach color
Height: under 3 foot / 3-4 foot / 4-5 foot / 5-6 foot / 6-7 foot / above 7 foot
Weight: under 100 pounds / 100-150 pounds / 150-200 pounds (human half) / 200-250 pounds / above 250 pounds (snake half)
Scars: nope.
Facial Features: sharp characteristics (pointy ears, nose, chin, the dark green mark/patterns around his eyes...); MONOBROW💚; noticeable spaces between his teeth where fangs would be when he talks/allows his teeth to poke out from his top lip. (this is because his venomous fangs are often retracted, like a snake!)
Tattoos: nope x2.
Dogs or Cats?
"Eh... I'm more of a reptile and insect persson, but since those optionsss aren't available..."
Birds or Hamsters?
"Oh! Birdsss can be so majestic... and delicious."
Red or Blue?
"Red. It'sss a colour that makesss me feel powerful."
Yellow or Green?
"Not a favourite, but you grow fond of it after living with it for sso long..."
Black or White?
"It just goes besst with red, don't you think?"
Coffee or Tea?
"Of course. Ss"
Ice Cream or Cake?
"D-don't make me choose..."
Fruits or Vegetables?
"Enough! You know I can't choose!"
Sandwich or Soup?
Magic or Melee?
"If you've read sso far about me... this isss quite self-explanatory.. ss"
Sword or Bow?
"I ssuppose I could handle myself with a sword."
Summer or Winter?
"While I don't enjoy the cold weather itsself much...the traditional foods that come with the Winter season are sssimply irresisstible for me!"
Spring or Autumn?
"Same sstory, different season."
The Past or The Future?
"The Present! The here and now!"
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littlemissayu · 2 years
Main Masterlist
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TBHK Masterlist(basing off the anime)
Vanitas No Carte(basing off of the anime)
Demon Slayer(based on the anime)
Horimiya(based on the anime)
Black Butler(basing off the anime)
Twisted Wonderland
XO Kitty
~150 Followers Event!!~ | October 14th - October 31st, 2023 | Info. | Masterlist
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The following progressive of My Batman AU resembles some new origin stories and new accomplishments between the DC Universe.
Bio: In his early life, Alfred claimed to have been an accomplished actor before he signed on to be the Wayne family's butler, but records hinted at a history with military intelligence and medical training. Being an actor could have been a cover, or acting could just be a very useful skill for an intelligence officer to have. Several rumors would come to light about Alfred's past. One rumor suggested that Alfred had replaced his father as the fourth generation major domo to the English Queen. Still another rumor posited the possibility that Alfred had been a member of MI6. Both rumors could not answer the question of why someone working for either British royalty or British Intelligence would be swayed away to a career as a butler in the Wayne family. Regardless of the truth, Alfred was known to have been employed as the Wayne family's butler some years before the birth of Bruce Wayne. After the Waynes' death, Alfred took young Bruce under his wing and raised him as a father would. When Bruce had decided to fight crime as the masked vigilante Batman, Alfred was disappointed with this, thinking that Bruce had gone in over his head and he didn't want him to be killed in action.
It’s been a few months since Bruce Wayne left Gotham and left Alfred to take over Wayne Enterprises and After Bruce returns Alfred explains to Bruce things gone wrong in the scene in which Dr Death came to Gotham, This leads to Bruce to become a symbol of Justice to strike fear into criminals. Yet worries to Bruce every nightas he comes home only with a few injury's but hopes he won't lose full controll of himself.
Appearance: A Black and White Suit with Shoes, Glasses and Gray hair with streaks of White
Voice Actor: Martin Jarvis
Age: 50
Height: 6 ft
Weight: 150
Personality: Chilled, Nervous, Matured, Confident and A Total Badass *Sometimes*
Favorite Foods: Sushi
Family: Bruce Wayne/Batman *Adopted Father* and Dick Grayson/Robin *Adopted Grandson*
Allies: Thomas and Martha Wayne *Deceased*, Lucius Fox, Dr Lesile Tomkins, Commissioner James Gordon and The GCPD, Barbara Gordon/Batgirl, The Justice League and Selina Kyle/Catwoman *Sometime*
Enemies: Batman’s Rouges Gallery
Likes: Tea Time, Dusting, Friends TV Show, The Cooking Show, Helping the Bat Family and Staying in contact with his old friends during the war
Dislikes: Worrying about ether Bruce or Dick Grayson, Lossing his marbles with not enough sleep and The horrors he have to deal with Dr Death in Batman’s first year.
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Code Blue - Ch. 11 "The Truth Shall Set You Free"
Summary: Josie is busted. Lee stands by the blonde beauty he adores. An oceanside joy ride ensues. Stories are told. An interrogation ends badly. An overdue truth is revealed ending a short lived moment.
*Warnings* Language, Angst, Mentions of death
Stories Stories Stories Masterlist
Chapter characters: Lee, Josie, Gerry,
Salem, Massachusetts
February 22, 2023
"Gerry?? What the hell are you doing here?! Did you fucking follow me??"
Your tone was just an octave above pissed off as you stood at Lee's side glaring down the 6'2, 46 year old blue eyed detective.
"Nice to see you too babe. You can only run for so long until I find you. Three weeks Josie, really? I've let your statement slide considering the loss you have suffered but now I am just running out of patience. I've got the D.A and the commissioner on my back for giving you special treatment because of our history and all you have been doing is shacking up with the reputable Dr. Pace."
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Lee was instantly set off, first by the fact that this stranger rudely called you babe, and second, for his blunt implications.
"I'm sorry, do I know you?" Lee snidely said as he firmly took a step forward.
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"I do believe I already introduced myself as detective Butler...but let me formally introduce myself. I am Josie's ex-fiance' but just call me Gerry like she does."
He then turned to you. "And....to answer your question sweetheart, I'm a cop. It's not that difficult to find out who you're doing...sorry, I mean what you're doing. Now that we've got all the nooks and crannies filled in, I need your ass down to the station. Now. Don't make me get the cuffs out. I like to save those for the bedroom."
Gerard Butler, whom everyone called Gerry, not just you, was indeed your ex. He was the Scottish half brother of your Irish half brother Bo Brady, also a cop, who died a few years ago. Bo and Gerry shared a father and you and Bo shared a mother. Quite a confusing tale that you did not want to think about at this time but would explain to Lee later on, because you knew he was going to want to know allllll about Gerry now. Jealous both men obviously were but unlike Lee, Gerry had an ego. You were in love with Gerry once, but as people say, you never love one person the same way you love another, and you were finding that out now with Lee, for he did things to you that you never deemed possible...Needless to say, your relationship of two years with the tall, dark and beefy Gerry failed for obvious reasons. Gerry was a cop. Jason was in the mob. That was like mixing fire with gasoline.....and then there was the elephant on the porch that stood between you and Gerry....he had cheated on you.
Lee was burning with rage. "Cop or not, who the hell are you to speak to her like that?!" he reeled as his nose flared.
"Lee...it's alright." you assured him as you stood with your hands gently placed upon his chest. "I can handle him."
Gerry grinned from ear to ear. "Yes, you can, that's for sure. Now come on cupcake. It's time to go....and don't think you're going to lose my tail, because I will be following you there. Chop chop!"
Gerry turned in a cavalier manner and strolled out to his black Ford F-150 Super Crew and leaned on it, lighting up a cigarette and blowing donut holes.
You rolled your eyes and took Lee's hand, drawing him inside as you slammed the now windowless door shut.
"I can explain..."
"Jo...you don't owe me any explanations."
"Lee....I think we are far past that now. Yes...I do."
"Fair enough. You can tell me then, on the way downtown."
Your head tilted at him.
"What? You think I'm going to just let you go be interrogated by that creep without me? Besides, you promised me a ride in your car, did you not? I'm ready to blast that bad to the bone stereo system to release my newly pent up emotions of wanting to kick his ass."
His grin was so wickedly hot.....and him turning into some guard dog wanting to protect you just proved he was something authentic...any doubts you ever had of him were gone with the wind and you never wanted to let him go.
"Alright." you giggled. "But...driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cakehole."
"Ohhhh, that is so not fair. You said I could drive sometime."
Now his grin was adorably pathetic....and you knew what you were about to tell him would not stick.
"I did...but that sometime is not today." you flirtatiously teased.
You were right, Lee got his way....you let this gorgeous man drive your car after you swore it would not be today. It had to be the fact that he fit perfectly in your driver seat, like it was made for him...a seat you had never let anyone even sit in, ever... let alone drive...but you had let Lee sit in it once before...the first time you went to his house. He had looked like a kid in a candy store so, this time, you caved and let him have some joy for once since the past three weeks he had been through nothing but pure hell. You could almost feel the green glare from Gerry in your side mirror.
The way Lee propped his left arm over the wheel and laid his right arm over the back of your seat, turning to smile at you, sent an out of the blue rush through your core. Could a man ever look so damn good in a pair of sunglasses? Lee sure did and although all you could see was your reflection in them, you could feel his baby blues cutting right through them, delving deep into your soul. No one had ever looked at you like he did...and honestly, you had never looked at anyone the way you did at him either.
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The drive would be at least 45 minutes as you told Lee to purposely take the longest route just to piss Gerry off.....so Lee happily obliged and took they highway that ran along the bay. It was all perfect. The windows down, the Atlantic ocean view and it's salt water smell blowing inside the car. You then did something, and waited for Lee's reaction. Popping in your "High N Dry" Def Leppard cd, you turned it to the song he referenced you to in his letter. Lady Strange.
His glance at you verified to him that you had read his letter, but he already suspected it since you had came to see him shortly after he had given it to Amy. Neither of you had fully talked about it yet, but you planned on doing so. There was a lot left unsaid but for the most part, the most important areas were addressed and would gladly do for now....and all his actions today spoke louder than words anyways. The way he protected you and not Elizabeth when the the windows blew out, him falling to his knees, crying in your lap....the dance and almost kiss...all still had you reeling. You had finally felt safe with someone, your heart included.
As the song blared, he began to sing it, and kept glancing at you with a grin while doing so. If you were so bold, you would climb over top of him right now, for he was driving you crazy with desire.....but you weren't that bold. The lost kiss still lingered about your aching lips, wondering what it would be like to feel his heart shaped pucker pressed against you, whether it was your lips or any other parts of your anatomy. That thought right there sent shockwaves through your intimate regions. Another Def Leppard song came to mind in that moment. Have you ever needed someone so bad....yes...yes you did. It wasn't just about sex though. When it came to Lee, you wanted the whole kit n kaboodle, you wanted all of him, something Gerry had deprived you of.
The song ended and you turned off the player because Lee had become quiet, lost in thought...and you were willing to bet it was about Gerry.
"So...as promised, I will tell you about Gerry...that's if you really want to know."
"Jo, if I have made you feel that you need to, I am sorry. I meant what I said, it's none of my business."
"But...I think that it is. Yes, we were engaged. I have had other relationships but the longest was with him, two years. I thought he was different, but to make that part short and sweet, he wasn't. Gerry cheated on me....and the person he did it with only made it that much more unforgiveable. My sister, Megan...the one who sent you those photos and lied about me and Orlando. She was always after any man I would show interest in and it's the number one reason I cannot stand her among many other reasons."
After mentioning Orlando, you suddenly remembered you were supposed to go to dinner with him tonight. Now what were you going to do? If you had received Lee's letter sooner, you never would have accepted. How were you going to tell Lee? You knew you had to at some point, but you continued on with your tale of Gerry.
"We were already having problems because of Jason. I'm not sure if you are aware, but Jason was in organized crime, which is another reason Gerry wants my statement so damn bad about the explosion. And then there was was the death of my half brother Bo, three years ago on Thanksgiving."
"God, Jo, I am so sorry. I didn't know you had another brother....and to have lost two of them now...Jo...I...you don't have to do this..."
"It's ok Lee....I...I don't talk about him. It's too painful...but I will with you. I trust you. He had a brain tumor that he hid from everyone until it was too late. God, I never understood why. He was only 48 and had a wife, a son and a daughter. Thanksgiving day, he collapsed and later died that night. I bet you could have saved him."
You began to lightly sob. Lee removed his arm from the back of your seat and took your hand into his.
"If I had had the opportunity, I would have done everything in my power to help him. I'm so sorry sweetheart."
His words, his touch...gave you the strength to continue.
"I know you would have. Bo was as stubborn and hard headed as they came....and he was damn good detective. Things were hard for him too with Jason with being his brother....and then there was Gerry, Bo's best friend and partner....and...also his brother. Yeah...so...he and Gerry share a father, a notorious Greek tycoon who was and is in crime up to his ears, so Bo and Gerry's relationship with him was pretty rocky. Victor Kiriakis, you may have heard of him. Lives in that secluded enormous mansion on the bay. Bo and Gerry are just a few of his many offspring. The man certainly had his way with the ladies, including my mother which resulted in Bo, the oldest of us remaining three. She was young and hadn't met my father yet...As far as Gerry, his mother lives in Scotland. When Gerry was in his early twenties, he found out about Bo and came here to find him. None of us knew about Gerry, not even Victor. Gerry's mother, Margaret Butler, strangely another Margaret like my mom, Margaret Brady March, had finally told him after the man he knew as his father, had died. Bo and Gerry became inseparable and Gerry eventually moved here. Bo's death brought me and Gerry closer together and then things just kinda happened and eventually, he asked me to marry him a year ago. I accepted and then soon found out what he did and I ended it. So there ya have it."
Lee squeezed your hand. "Jo...I am so sorry for all that you have been through and I thank you for trusting me with such a personal and sensitive matter. Your brother sounds like he was a really great guy. Wish I could have known him and even tried to help him....and I am really sorry for what Gerry did to you. I cannot even understand that, how any man could ever want another over someone like you."
Lee realized what he had said and pulled his hand away from yours with a look of shame upon his face.
"Lee? what's the matter?"
"I'm a hypocrite, that's what. Jo...that girl you found me with. I swear to god I didn't sleep with her. I know I already told you this but I am not sure if you believe me and I can understand why. I didn't want her and I know you probably believe otherwise after what you walked in on, but I swear Jo, I would never had gone through with it, even if you hadn't showed up. My mind, my heart...it was not and is not with her..."
"You mean Jess."
"I went to high school with her. A slut then, a slut still."
You took his hand back. "Lee...I believe you and let's not talk about her ever again ok?" you smiled and he nodded.
The rest of the drive there, the music played as you and Lee talked about normal things while your hand remained locked inside his. You couldn't bring yourself to ruin this moment by telling him about your pre-planned date with his best friend, which you were now inclined to terminate, but how was the question. You didn't want to hurt Orlando, for he had been nothing but good to you and there for you when you needed him.
Lee pulled into the parking garage, followed by Gerry. You went to get out but Lee wouldn't let go of your hand.
"Wait." he smiled and got out, trotting around the car and then opened your door. "My lady." he grinned, waving his hand down in front of him and bowing.
"Oh my god Lee, stop." you laughed and got out.
Gerry slammed his door and came marching over to the two of you, looking you up and down.
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"You kiddin me?" is all he said as he was pissed off that you had taken the long way there...which is what you were hoping for.
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He took a step forward and Lee dauntlessly placed two fingertips on Gerry's chest.
"Back off." he lionheartedly commanded.
Both men were a lot of boy, but Lee stood three inches taller than Gerry and peered down at him fearlessly. Gerry was far from intimidated and now even more pissed off as he stared down at Lee's hand, then brought his focus back to you.
"You wanna call your pit bull off before I take him to the pound and have him out down?" Gerry snapped with sarcasm.
"Gerry, shut the hell up."
"I'd like to see you try." Lee snarled as he lowered his hand but didn't move or take his eyes off the witty detective.
Gerry removed his sunglasses and pursed his lips.
"Ok...stop...both of you!"
You took Lee's hand and tugged at it, making him look at you.
"He's not worth it. Come one, let's go get this over with."
"Oh hold up there sunshine. The tenacious doctor here isn't going anywhere with you. You can tie him to a leash in the lobby while I take your statement."
"What if I want to stay?" Lee adamantly retorted.
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"Wow, he seriously needs some training Josie. Where'd you find this one? On some street corner rooting through the trash? You always did have a soft spot for strays." Gerry also retorted.
"I took you in didn't I, the stray brother from Scotland? He comes with me or no statement. End of story Gerry."
Your words stunned and stung Gerry.
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You did instantly feel bad for saying what you did, but you weren't going to let him belittle Lee like that. As Lee had defended you, you were going to defend him also.
"Yep...fine. Let's get this the fuck over with. After you." Gerry barked and waited for you both to go.
You and Lee both sat down beside each other on a couch in Gerry's office that was the size of an entire living area. He was the big wig around there aside from Commissioner Hernandez, who was in a relationship with Bo's widow, you're sister in law and also a detective, Hope. You had wished she could have taken this case but she was on leave visiting her daughter Ciara in another state who had just had a baby. Bo's son Shawn was also on the force but he went with his mom to meet his new nephew. So Gerry got stuck with you, and you knew he was more than thrilled to do it. He still pined for you and had tried so hard to win you back after what he had done, but you just couldn't forgive him or trust him anymore.
Gerry walked in and folded his arms over his chest.
"Alright...tell me everything about the day of February 1st, 2023."
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You took in a breath and sighed it out heavily as you closed your eyes.
"Hey...Jo..." Lee took your hand and sweetly smiled at you. "Just breathe."
It was the same thing Lee had told you in the hospital that day and he knew you would remember. You took in another breath, released it softly and then smiled back at him. He was your rock. There was no way you could relive that horror without him.
You began your tale, but tweaked it some, because what you knew could put you six feet under like Jason, which is the entire reason you avoided this all together. Jason had taught you well on how to get around the police and Gerry knew it, which was part of the issues you and he had in your past relationship with him.
"I...I went to meet Jason for lunch at the Floating Rib down at pier 55." Tweak one, you left out the part of you meeting with him just 4 hours earlier and how he spoke about his funeral arrangements. "It was about 2 pm. We were there about one and a half hours. After we were finished eating, I left. As soon as I walked out the door, the entire place.....exploded...and I woke up on the ground with EMT's tending to me. I was able to get up and I didn't see Jason anywhere. I panicked and tried to run back inside but some firemen stopped me...and then I collapsed and woke up in the ER. They treated my arm which had been cut, did a bunch of tests and then released me. That's it..."
"That's it? Like hell Josie. You and Jason were as tight as my asshole and I know when you're hiding things as well as I know every mole on your body. If this was all there was to it, you wouldn't have eluded me all this time. What did you both talk about? How was Jason's demeanor? What did you have to eat?" Gerry harshly grilled.
"Hey, take it easy on her! She's been through a lot!" Lee snapped.
"You seriously need a muzzle. This is my job and she's not being forthcoming with me. Now answer the questions Josie."
"Ok seriously? Jason and I talked about life. We hadn't been spending much time together. He seemed fine and I had a shrimp basket and he had a plate of ribs and a baked potato...with butter and sour cream..oh and I had an iced tea with a fucking lemon. Can I go now? I don't want to talk about this anymore. There's nothing more to tell Gerry.""
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"Yes there is. You said you went to go back inside? Did you see anything, or anyone unusual before or after the explosion? You said you left before Jason, what was he doing?"
Tweak number two. "No...nothing...or no one. Jason went to use the bathroom."
But when you had walked out to leave, you saw a man all dressed in black looking at a cell phone... a man you recognized as Julian Jerome, a member of one of the crime families. He had told you that you better be moving along.
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He hit a button on his phone and bolted. Two seconds later the place blew up.
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The Jerome's were major rivals with Jason's mob boss, Sonny Corinthos. You had tried to turn and scream for Jason, but it all happened too fast.
You felt your chest constricting and broke down, throwing your hands over your face while Lee rubbed your back.
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You knew Jason was the victim of a mob hit, and you also knew that he knew it was going to happen soon. He had actually been on his phone frequently throughout your luncheon and seemed on edge. He didn't finish his meal and told you he needed to go take care of something and would see you soon. You didn't question him because you knew he was always like that, taking off at Sonny's beck and call. Jason hugged you and then said he was going to the restroom, and told you to go wait in the car, which he was quite adamant about but not enough to alert you to danger...and that never clicked with you until after it all happened. He knew there was a bomb and whomever he was texting, had warned him....at least that's what you believed.
"Alright, this is enough. Look how upset she is. Are you satisfied now?" Lee angrily snapped.
"Oh, I'll be satisfied when she tell me the WHOLE truth and I am about losing my patience with the both of you. You're forgetting about how much I know Jason Morgan's dealings and this? This was no accident, it was a fucking bomb and people are dead, one of them being your brother Josie! Do you not want the people responsible to be brought to justice??! Julian already got his karma...and you could have been killed too! So stop protecting your brother because he's gone!"
Now you were really bawling. Gerry was an all out blatant guy, he had to be in his line of work...but he was never like this with you. You knew it was because Lee was there and he could see how happy he made you.
"Stop! Please make it stop...I can't do this...I wanna leave. Lee please, get me out of here."
Lee put his arm around you and pulled you against him.
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"Are you finally fucking satisfied detective?!" Lee shouted. "You're a real piece of work. Let's go Jo."
Lee helped you up and escorted you out as Gerry watched in remorse. He never meant to break you like that but he felt it was the only way to get you to be honest...and he failed miserably.
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All the way back to Lee's, you stared out the window, still and silent as he drove. He wanted to pull you over to him and hold you so bad but he didn't want to push anything on you. Lee knew what Gerry did hurt you really bad and you just needed some space to work through it on your own.
Lee pulled into his driveway, shut the car off and sat for a moment, not knowing what to do or say.
You wanted to tell him the entire truth that you hid from Gerry and everyone else, but you couldn't...you wouldn't put him in any danger because of you. The less he knew, the better. Julian Jerome had wound up swimming with the fishes shortly after the explosion and you knew it was Sonny's doing, and this was all something you did not want Lee involved in. You couldn't live with yourself if something happened to him because of you.
You both went inside where you knew you then would have to tell Lee about Orlando, as it was 3 pm and Dr. Bloom was supposed to pick you up in three hours.
Lee stood at the closet and took his shirt off, revealing the navy blue tee underneath that he was wearing earlier.
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"Hey, go relax on the couch while I clean up the glass and secure the windows. God knows I am never going to get this house fixed now. I'll order us some food in a bit if you'd like? Maybe watch some movies?"
His smile was so beautiful, yet devastating to you because you were about to take it away.
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"Lee...I...I have to tell you something. But..I swear I'll fix it."
"Tell me what Jo? If it's about Gerry, you do not need to do that. You've endured enough today with him and you have already told me everything didn't you? Come...stay with me and chill out for awhile. I love spending time with you. For the most part, today was really nice. Maybe I'm a bit selfish, but I just don't want you to leave."
Fuck! How were you going to do this? Rip out the little shreds of happiness he had left, happiness that you brought him. You didn't want to leave either. Cuddling with him on the couch is all you wanted to do and hopefully pick up where you left off with that almost kiss.
"Lee...please. Just let me get this out. I don't want to keep anything from you.... if I don't have to."
You had to thrown that last little bit in since you couldn't tell him the full story on that day with Jason.
"Ok? what is it Jo?" he asked as his smile faded. He could tell it was something serious.
"Just know that...if I had known...if I had received your letter sooner....ugh damn it! Lee....Orlando...he asked me out for dinner tonight and I had accepted."
There, you just blurted it out and watched Lee remove his shoes and look at you with an addled stare.
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His response was not what you expected. You figured he'd at least try to talk you out of it...or something.
"Oh...well...then you should go." he flatly said.
"Wait...what? Lee, no. I want to tell him I can't go."
"No...don't do that. I've always known he was sweet on you. I know him better than anyone does. It's not your fault that I didn't get to you in time. You committed to a date, so you should go."
"But, that's exactly it. I committed to it without knowing anything. Lee...when I met you in the hospital...I tried to talk to you again. I asked Orlando to tell you I wanted to speak with you but he later told me you had already left. I wanted to..."
"Wait...you asked to see me? when exactly?"
"The next day, just a few hours before I was released that morning. Why?"
"What time?"
"What time? why does that matter?"
"Jo...please. Just humor me. What time was it?"
"Ok...I...I don't know, I believe it was around 6 am. I later left about 9."
"That son of a ..." Lee mumbled and turned away.
"Lee? what...what is going on?"
"Jo...I didn't leave the hospital until 8 am. Orlando had came into my office fifteen minutes before I left...and he never said a word about you....and now...after all this time...he still has said nothing about that."
"Lee, I am sure he just forgot. He had no idea we even knew each other then....well I mean, he knew that we had met but...I don't know...that morning, some bitch of a nurse was giving him a hard time about his handwriting and..."
"Jesus...so it was you he told me about...that got upset at the nurse."
"Told you about?"
"Yes, here...the night he came over to help with the house...the night before you came over the next day to check on me. He fucking knew all that time who you were and said nothing about you asking for me....and he knew when I told him about...I sat right there in the kitchen and told him of a patient I met...he knew who...he fucking knew."
"Lee, calm down. He knew when you told him about what?"
"You Jo...I was talking to him about you. I didn't mention your name...Look, when he got here, he smelled your perfume. It was all over my shirt from the day before when you had helped me up off of the floor...so then he started grilling me about having a woman here....and he caught on in the continued conversation from my discreetness that it was you, but the little shit never said a word....and still didn't when he later saw you here. Now it all makes sense."
"Lee...I'm sure it wasn't intentional?"
"Jo, did you not just hear a thing I said? The hell it wasn't intentional. He had interest in you and he picked up on the fact that I did too at some point. Most likely when you had asked for me when I wasn't your doctor. He didn't forget Jo...and what's his excuse after all this time huh? And now he has asked you out. Common sense right there."
"Ok...so, what if you're right. Is it that much of a big deal? I told you I will cancel it because I would like to stay here with you."
"No Jo...you already told him you would go....and for you to accept...you must have some interest in him? And now...you're defending him too after knowing what I told you, which verifies that interest. You're right, it's no big deal. We had a moment, but like you, I have had too many bad moments to let another one happen. Just go Jo. You don't want to be late."
Lee walked to the front door and opened it, waiting for you to do as he told you.
You stared at him for a moment and then just sighed out a sarcastic breath in disbelief as you walked onto the porch and turned to look at him.
"Really Lee? After everything, you're gonna pull the noble asshole card?"
He was speechless as he gazed at you with furrowed brows and his mouth slightly hung open.
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"I wanted to be here tonight. After all the bullshit today, I just wanted to be here with you...and I wanted to be honest with you, so I told you about Orlando...and I was willing to cancel that so I could be with YOU because for the first time in forever, I had actually felt safe and happy around someone...that someone being you...but that was just not good enough for you was it? We've both been through some shitty relationships obviously, with cheating partners, but I'm not Elizabeth Lee! I have had my own walls up just like you and I swore that no one would ever break through them...and then...I let my guard down and let you in...Maybe I was wrong about you...trusting you and all, because you're obviously too far gone to see what the fuck is right in front of you."
Your words rocked him to his core.
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You marched down the steps and then spun back around.
"I"ll go out with your best friend, but only because you told me to, and you can sit here all alone knowing I could have been here, right where I wanted to be! But you're too damn petulant....or better yet...you're what you said you were...your own worst enemy."
You ran to your car and sped off. Lee stood on the porch watching you leave as he recalled that day he told you that, standing at your car in his driveway listening to that song.
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What did he just do, he asked himself...and WHY? He had the most precious thing right in his grasp and he let it slip right out of his hands. He knew why...and he admitted it to himself in that moment. He was scared...scared to death..... because he knew he was truly, madly, deeply and irrevocably in love with you.
"You think the shadow of doubt is hanging over my head, it's just an angel who's wings hide the sun. It's myself I betray, I cannot wish this away. Took my chance, now the damage is done. All I want is everything. Am I asking too much?"
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rxgueone · 2 years
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Word count: 4,473
Pairing: Austin Butler x oc
Summary: Austin is told to be a butler once again, whilst being a butler he takes Aurilia (oc) out on a rushed date.
Warnings: physical violence, human fluids, blood, torture, fluff (?), smoking, substance use, angst, manipulation, cursing, knife, branding, and that’s all I can think of.
Tags: none.
Note: LIVE FAST, DIE YOUNG isn’t a story that’s meant to be happy. It does have love involved but please don’t get your hopes up for a happy ending whilst reading. PT. 3 PT. 5
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“Austin Butler,” a voice said, this voice matched the face of Al. Who had a sheik smile on his face, “you came right on time.” There was a suitcase.
Reaching into his pocket. Austin threw out a bundle of 150, as well as three empty pill bottles. Al raised his brows, taking the cash and handing it to Keith to count. “One fifty.” He confirmed, giving fifty to Austin. They kept the rest.
“Those baggies sell quick.” Al smiled, looking up at Austin. This smile was a proud smile. But, he could see through his kid brother. Who seemed to be feeling an indefinite amount of shame. Al got up, sniffling. He rubbed his nose, walking over to his kid brother. “Aus,” he smiled, “Aussie Aussie.” He put his arm around Austin’s shoulder. Walking him down the hall of the basement.
Austin looked around, he watched as the men who worked for his brother were rendering fat. It smelled awful in the basement, but at the same time it smelt pleasant. Soap smelled nice, particularly the soap they were making. Which was strawberry soap made from human fat.
As Austin walked through the basement with his brother. He could see how everyone wore black. In the hands of the workers was pill bottles, they wore masks to hide their faces as they filled the bottles with ten bags.
When they reached the back of the basement. Al slid in front of his brother, keeping his palm on Austin’s shoulder. “Aye, Marado! Pull up a chair for the kid.” He called to a worker. In less than a minute, a chair had been pulled up. Austin took a seat on the metal foldable chair. He wiped his palms on his thighs, trying to keep calm. It was now dawning on him that he was in shit. For what? His outburst.
“Y’know, we depend on you Aus.” Al slipped a bit of desperation in his tone. “I need you to work with me here, man.” Austin remained silent. Al grabbed a chair, kicking it open so he could sit in front of his kid brother. “You’re the best seller! Might I add, the best looking?” Al continued. “But also, you’re the breach.”
“What?” This caught Austin’s attention. “The fuck you mean the breach? Aye listen, I ain’t no fuckin snitch alright?” He leaned forward, his light gray eyes pierced in the deep blues of Al. But, he didn’t seemed convinced.
“I wanna believe you kid. I really do. But after your outburst? Your emotions gettin’ to your head? Man, I can’t.” He sympathized with his brother. He got off the chair, pacing.
“I ain’t no snitch Al!” Austin watched him pacing. “I may have gotten my emotions a little mixed up but I ain’t no snitch.”
“You’re a breach.” Al stopped dead in his tracks, looking at Austin one final time. “So, today we decided to teach you what we do to breachers.” Clicking his tongue to the roof of his mouth. Austin felt two pairs of arms grab him. Another grabbed the back of his head, kicking the chair out from beneath him. He was forced to kneel, looking up at Al. One of the masked men hooked his arm around Austin’s head, forcing it to hold still.
“What the fuck are you doing to me Al? This is the most unnecessary thing.” Austin struggled with loosening the grip. Violently thrashing around, he tried freeing himself. Only to get punched in the back of the head. They grabbed his black shirt, ripping it off his torso to expose his bare skin. Chills going down Austin’s spine, the cold air smacked him.
As Al watched him, he couldn’t help but admire his kid brothers spirits. So he does have fire in him. Alphonse came to that conclusion. After holding his hand out, a knife was placed into it. Austin’s eyes widened, this was torture. It was a way of getting him to control himself. If he had another outburst, this would happen all over again. “I’m sorry kid, but this has to be done.” Al kneeled in front of his brother.
“C’mon Alphonse-“ tightening the grip around his face he was forced to look up, tilting his head to the side to expose his neck. Austin’s eyes watched, widening as he felt the heat radiating off the knife. Branding. He was being branded. Feeling the heated knife press against his neck, the shock hit him like a truck. His arms were already trembling. He couldn’t scream from the pain, feeling the knife slowly move against his skin.
The knife went down past his neck, slowly curling around the nape of his neck. The worker behind Austin took the blade, pulling it straight down his back. When he finished, he handed the knife back to Alphonse, who took it.
All the workers let go of Austin. His response to everything was collapsing, his breathing getting heavier as he tried to calm himself down. The pain he felt was incredible, this was worse than the last time he got branded. His nails clawed at the cement floor of the basement, his vision was nothing but a blur. “Aye Keith!” Alphonse shouted. “Give Aussie here a dose of morphine. I want it strong! So strong he passes out.”
“Of course.”
Austin woke up on the cement. A stinging feeling wrapping around his body, he struggled to shake it off. Slowly twisting his body, he pushed himself off the cement, sitting up. His head looked up, being greeted with his brother Keith. Who was glaring down at him, without thinking Keith handed his little brother a water bottle to clear up his mind. Austin took it, nodding in thanks before he drank it. “Mornin’ sunshine.” Keith’s husky tone broke the comfortable silence.
“Hey…” sighing, “how long was I out?” Austin meekly looked up at his brother.
“Few days.” Keith answered, the huskiness in his tone wasn’t fading. “If you’re wondering the time, it’s about ten at night.” He filled Austin in on the rest. “Y’know,” Keith began, “Alphonse loves you. In spite of… y’know. All this… pointin’ a gun at you, branding you, beating the shit out of you. He loves you kid. We love you.” Keith was trying to console his little brother.
In Keith’s mind, Austin was the most vulnerable, he was pure in his older brother’s eyes. But, Austin was the most foolish. At times, he had wished Austin was more of them than anything. Austin was naive and starry eyed. Their life was cruel, empty, it was nothing. It was a life where they’d practically speed run death, instead of trying to live as long as possible.
“I know Keith.” Austin muttered.
“Just- why can’t you be more like us?” Keith sputtered out. “That way you wouldn’t have to go through this.”
“I’ve asked myself that already.”
“Just- Aus- just try to-“ Keith shook his head. “-you’re one of us Austin. So act like it, yeah?”
“Yeah.” Austin promised to his brother.
“This is a life where you live fast and die young. Not live slow and die old.” Keith got off from the chair he was sitting on. Going over to a table with pill bottles. He got a suitcase with a black bag. “Listen to me okay, Alphonse wants you to do something.”
Keith crouched down beside his little brother. Un-clicking the suitcases locks, he flicked them open. Austin saw pounds and pounds of white powder. The suitcase’s interior also had a few syringes, needles, bands made of rubber, spoons too. Austin stared, his eyes widening, sucking in his lips he let out a high pitched chuckle. He was baffled by this. “You’re fucking kidding me, Keith.”
“No Aus, I’m not. Alphonse wants you to sell this stuff.”
As he stared at the white powder. He felt anger boiling up in his chest. “Where the fuck exactly will I sell this?!” Austin shouted in frustration.
“That’s the thing,” Keith explained, “there’s a party. Out by The Plaza-“
“The Plaza? How the fuck-“ Austin cut his brother off. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing already. The Plaza was the top of the top. The best of the best, only the richies stayed there.
“Oi listen to me!” He snapped. Pressing his index finger on his little brother’s lips. “Alphonse has connections. And as you know, when it comes to parties. There’s drugs. He was able to convince these people to let him come, to set up the drugs and everything for the party…” Keith slowly closed the suitcase. “Now, you have your clothes and everything. But you need to bring a date with you to not look suspicious.” Grabbing the black bag that had Austin’s clothes. “Listen to me, and listen good.”
“Yeah.” Austin nodded.
“When shit hits the fan, y’know like you get busted by the cops,” from the depths of Keith’s pockets. He pulled out lighter fluid, as well as a zippo lighter, “light it up.”
Austin, who was staring at Keith. Was trying to process everything he just heard. This was going to be the biggest deal he would do. Clearing his throat to clear his mind. “Yeah- okay- sure, yeah yeah, um…” shaking his head and gulping down, “the money? How much.”
“Oh yeah… it’s worth four thousand.”
“Four thousand??” Austin looked like a deer in headlights. Keith cleared his throat, nodding in confirmation. He wasn’t fucking with his little brother. “The price of the drug is always due to how pure it is right? The higher the price. The more pure it is, right?” Austin was growing curious about this. This whole suitcase was worth four thousand. So exactly how pure was this heroin.
“Yes,” Keith nodded, but before he could let Austin continue, “Alphonse has connections Aus.” He muttered under his breath. “This stuff will get you high as shit. It’ll fuck you up.”
“That’s great Keith. How am I gonna fit four kay in my pockets?!”
“Your blazer will have enough pockets. Trust me.” Keith got up, offering his hand. Austin took it, where Keith pulled him up on his feet. Handing him the bag. “Get dressed. The party’s at one.”
Austin opened the door of the basement. Walking out and being greeted with the bar. He tightly held the suitcase, walking over to the bar. “Hey Joe can I get cranberry juice, please?”
Joe opened the refrigerator door, getting a carton of cranberry juice. Ripping the carton open, Austin chugged it. Joe watched Austin chugging the juice, looking at his outfit. It was a black on black suit. With a black dress shirt, a black tie that was tucked behind a black vest, overlapped with a black cotton blazer. “I’ve only seen your brother dress this nice… you taking his place for something?” Joe commented.
Putting the carton down. Joe handed him a handkerchief to wipe his mouth with. “Yeah, unfortunately.” He grabbed two ones from the pockets of his slacks, he handed Joe two bucks for the juice.
Rushing out the bar, Joe caught a glimpse of Austin’s shoes. “That kid chose black Vans??”
Austin reached into his pocket, he didn’t even need to think about who would’ve been his date. The name was already in his mind.
Hearing her phone ring. She picked it up. “Hello?”
“Lia,” it was a deep voice, she knew already,
“Hey tin head.” She greeted.
“Do you wanna go out tonight?” He asked, cutting to the chase.
“You disappeared for almost a week. Then call me to go out?” She was baffled by how blunt he was being.
“Listen- I’m sorry about that. I’ll explain to you later. But can you please come out tonight?” For some reason he sounded frantic. As if he was just told he had to kill someone.
She sighed, knowing now wasn’t the time to argue. “Okay, sure.”
“Good. Put on a dress. I’m going to a formal party. So— put something pretty on. Cya in half hour.” He hung up without saying goodbye.
Steph, who was across the room of the dorm. Poked her head up. “Was that Aus?”
“Yes,” Aurilia got off the bed, letting out an annoyed groan, “do you have a white dress? Something like that?”
“Yeah… but. It might not fit you. I’m five-eight, you’re—“
“Who cares.” She cut Stephanie off. “I have half an hour. Just y’know…” she trailed off, not sure what to say.
“Yeah, yeah I gotcha.” Stephanie took no offense to the cut off. She could sense her friend was annoyed with Austin. She wasn’t about to test her.
Aurilia didn’t care much for the dress. It fit her sure, but not really. It was a bit too short on her, however it hugged her curves perfectly. Which were barely there to begin with.
All she did was brush her hair, and that was it. By the time she was trying to put lipstick on, her date was already there. “Boy, it’s been fifteen minutes.” Stephanie who was helping Aurilia wasn’t even surprised.
Opening the door, Austin greeted them. He was holding a suitcase, as well as a rose. “Apologies.” Handing her the rose, she blinked, nodding a bit then took it. Only to have Stephanie take it.
“Have fun you two, y’know? Get it!” Stephanie encouraged.
“Hah,” Austin raised his brows, “yeah shut the fuck up lets go.” He said underneath his breath, pulling Aurilia out of her room. She shut the door behind them.
They were quickly striding beside each other. Her hand was holding his tightly, he had a light grip around hers. “Where are we going Aus?”
“To a party.” He answered with a stern voice, clearly focused. She didn’t want to bother him, not now. He looked pissed, but not just that, he was trembling. She could feel it as he held her hand. “Listen Lia,” he pulled to a stop walk, “if anything happens. Scream my name. You understand?”
“Yes. I got it.” She nodded repeatedly to tell him that she genuinely understood. He sighed a bit, his trembling hands worsened. “Hey- you alright?”
“I’m fine.” He brushed off whatever she was asking. She stared up at his face, then looked at his neck. There was a mark on it, a burn. It went from the front of his neck, all the way to the nape of it. It looked awful, fresh, but it had obviously just healed. Was that why he was gone? Was he in the hospital?
Both walking across the street, hand in hand. Now that she was looking at her surroundings. She had noticed how many eyes were lurking towards them. Not them, more of him. In spite of the fresh new burn, he looked great. Looking at the suitcase, she had noticed it was similar to the last one from the last time she saw him with one.
He was in a suit, not just that but he was trembling. It clicked for Aurilia, he was here on his brother’s behalf. Looking up at the building they were walking towards. She had noticed it was The Plaza.
Pairs of well dressed guards stood by the doors. One stood out in the side walk. With their hands behind their backs. Austin and Aurilia brushed past them unnoticed. Holding the door open for her, he walked in behind. “Lovely night.” Austin greeted just before the doors closed.
Aurilia stayed close to Austin. Her hands cupping around his. Taking a short breath, Austin cleared his throat. The lobby of the Plaza was crowded. “It’s packed.”
“Yeah, that’s cause there’s an A Plus celebrity here.” He added to the comment. Pushing his way through the crowd of people. He was able to find the elevator, with Aurilia still holding his hand tightly. His mind was buzzing. “Top floor top floor top floor.” He whispered to himself. Waiting for the available elevator to open, the moment it dinged. The crowd went for the elevator, and luckily, they were both pushed in along.
“Top floor.” Someone had said. It seemed like everyone was going to this party. As Aurilia looked around, she could see gazes upon them. She felt one particular gaze on her. Looking up and seeing Austin, he was looking at her. His gray eyes showing no emotion. He was unreadable.
“You look pretty.” He complimented with a poker face.
“You look pretty too.” She smiled softly.
“Thank you.” His eyes examined her face a bit more, before he looked away to stare at the wall. His trembling had completely stopped at this point. He regained himself by the time the elevator door opened. Everyone poured out like sardines, Austin and Aurilia followed the crowd. Seeing a line outside of a certain room.
Pushing through the line, she could hear snide remarks about how rude they were both being. Frankly, Aurilia couldn’t even blame them. Austin was effortlessly pushing through the crowd, shoving them aside. He was saying ‘scuse me, sorry.’ Every time sure, but it was still annoying.
By the time they reached the front. Austin was breathing heavily, gripping not just her hand tightly, but the suitcase even tighter. In front of them was a well dressed staff member who was holding a clipboard to allow people in. Upon seeing Austin, he spoke. “You better have a good reason for cutting to the front. If not you’ll go to the back and wait your turn.”
“Yeah, apologies.” He sniffles then straightened his tie. Pushing it up to tighten it a bit. “My name’s Austin Butler, I’m here-“
“Butler?” The staffer cut Austin off. “You Al’s kid brother?”
Austin, who had his jaw opened, closed it quickly. “Yes…” he dragged, “yes. Yes he’s my older brother.”
The staffer looked at Austin up and down. Noticing the suitcase he was holding in his left hand. “I see you have the package. Come in.” They nodded, allowing him and Aurilia in.
Walking in quietly, still hand in hand. Austin stood at the entrance, seeing people everywhere. Most of them were women, who were wearing dresses that looked 100x more expensive than Stephanie’s cheap white silk dress.
Austin’s eyes were darting everywhere, he was too focused on something once again. Clearly needing to fine something. “Tin head?” The nickname caught his attention. His head shot to his side. “You seem like you’re trying to find someone… so I’m gonna get a drink. I don’t wanna get in your way.” She let go of his hand.
He gulped down, processing what he just heard. “Yeah- yeah course.” He narrowed his eyes. “Call me.” He ordered as they peeled away from each other. Rolling her eyes, she went to go get a drink.
As he made his way through the crowd. He felt someone tap his shoulder. Quickly turning around. “Hi, you part of the Butler boys?”
“Great! Come.” They seemed excited. Austin followed behind this complete stranger. They opened the door to the bedroom, seeing a man in black. He also wore black sunglasses. Holding a suitcase in his hand.
“You must be Butler.”
“Yes.” He confirmed.
The man in black reached his hand out. “Boss trusts your brother. So, we won’t check the case. But you check ours. Count the cash.” Austin did as he was told. Handing his suitcase over to exchange with theirs. He kneeled down on the floor, quickly unlocking the suitcase. He was greeted with wads of cash. How the fuck am I gonna fit all this in my suit? He questioned everything there and then. His heart was in his throat, never seeing so much money in his life.
He began counting in his mind. 4k, it’s 4k. Looking up. “It’s correct.” He closed the suitcase.
“Good.” Nodding along. “Aye uh listen, take your shit to the bathroom and set it up. Thanks.” The man ordered. Austin grabbed his suitcase, walking out the bedroom. He knew where the bathroom was, remembering Keith’s debriefing in his mind.
He looked at the bathroom, seeing the door was locked. He pressed his head against the door, listening closely to what was going on. If the person inside was taking a dump, he would wait, if they were peeing, he would wait, but… if they were fucking? It was a different story.
Unfortunately for Austin, it was the ladder. With the ear breaking music blasting in the background. He was still just barely able to hear the woman moaning. Looking at the doorknob, he would have to punch a hole through the door to unlock it on the other side.
Should I be doing this… what if Al gets in shit? Whatever. He concluded, rolling his sleeves up. He put the suitcase down, and tapped around the doorknob. Knocking as quietly as he could so they wouldn’t hear him. He found a weak spot, without any hesitation he punched right through it.
Hearing a scream as well as broken wood. He had punched straight through the door. Reaching his hand further in, he waved at whoever was inside. Unlocked it, then pulled his hand out. Quickly pressing his back on the wall, kicking his foot back, rolled his sleeves down and pulled his phone out. Pretending he was someone who was waiting to use the bathroom.
The door opened, by the corner of his eye. He saw a man who was buckling his belt together walk out. “Ey you, you see where the fuck that guy went?”
“Huh-“ he blinked up, “oh yeh, right in the living room.” He flicked his head back to the crowd. The man nodded thanks before he left Austin alone, a few seconds after a woman who was redoing her hair walked out.
“Thanks- and sorry for the wait.” She put her hand on his shoulder apologetically. Leaving him alone quickly after.
He brushed the apology off, slipping into the bathroom. “How the fuck do I do this.” He hummed, opening the suitcase. He grabbed the packages of heroin. Reaching into his blazer’s inside pocket, he took out a switchblade. The blade switched up, he stabbed into the package, pouring it onto the bathroom counter.
He knew you could snort heroin up, not just snort, but inject it, as well as smoke it. So he just poured only two bags of heroin out onto the sink. Getting the syringe he attached the needle to it, grabbing a lighter and putting it on the sink. He also grabbed a few spoons out the suitcase, as well as bands. Shut the case up, and quickly walked out.
Opening the bedroom door, he nodded in confirmation that he was finished with the bathroom. The man in black took the rest that remained in the case. Whilst Austin began stuffing his whole suit with cash. Not a pocket went to waste, and miraculously enough, he was able to fit 4k onto him without looking too fat.
“Listen Butler, you completed the job, you’re good to go.”
Leaving the bedroom and gently shutting the door. He pushed through the crowd of people to find Aurilia. She was taller than most of the folk around so he found her easily.
“Hey Tin head!” She had been dancing beside a stranger.
“Hey Lia,” he had his hand on her waist to bring her close, craning his head close to her ear, “you alright?” He breathed.
“I’m fine. Just been here with West!” She giggled like a school girl, she had champagne in her hand.
“Good.” He stayed by her side, slowly shifting behind her. He wanted to stay close to her, after all that panic. Aurilia made him feel calm. One hand remained on her waist as she was slowly swaying her body in front of his.
Considering this was a high class party, something was bound to happen. Austin didn’t want to stick around to find out. But his hand that was in his left pocket was fiddling with the cash and lighter he brought on him.
It wasn’t long before he could see people crowding around the bathroom. “We should go Lia.” He suggested, while his eyes stared at the bathroom. She had her hand resting on his, and had turned to look at what he was staring at. The bathroom, and she had known.
“Yeah- yeah we should go.” She agreed, it’s not like she had known anyone there anyways. The whole time she was leaning back on Austin so he could keep his arm around her from behind. His hand slid off her waist where their hands intertwined, he was to walk her home.
After dropping her off. He went to the bar to drop off all the cash he was carrying. Keith unfolded a table for Al and Austin. Who was throwing the wads of cash onto the table until it was 4,000. Nik who was waiting behind Austin, was impressed.
“Good job.” Al looked at the cash, letting Keith count the money. “Come back tomorrow for something different.”
Austin pulled away from them both. Nik dropped off 150, in exchange for three more pill bottles. “Ey Nik,” Al said right before Nik was about to get the bottles. Nik raised his brow in response, “ever smoke lucky strike non-filters? I know you like em unfiltered.”
“I’m a camel unfiltered guy.” Nik muffled through the cigarette he was smoking. Al handed him a pack of lucky strike non-filters. “‘Ppreciate it.” Nik flicked his head in thanks.
Austin and Nik walked side by side. Nik had tore into the lucky strike box. Getting the short little unfiltered cigarette, popping in his mouth to smoke. Lighting up a match, the cigarette lit easily. “How’s it taste?” Austin asked.
“Huge body.” Was the first thing he said as he blew out a cloud of smoke. They both sat down on the ground of an alleyway. “Shit hits man.” Nik was relatively monotone. Even now, despite of his excitement, he was still sounding as dead as ever. Maybe cause his lungs are as hard as a baseball glove. Austin concluded. “Shit hits.” He repeated. Austin tilted his head back, his eyes shutting. “Ain’t no way you’re sleeping Aussie, it’s five-am. Sun will rise in an hour.”
“Then I’ll have a one hour power nap.” He responded softly, knowing Nik meant no harm.
The last thing he could hear from Nik. “Golly this shit hits!”
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ritzcrackee · 1 year
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my current summer tbr! rambling under the cut
Free Fall
"When an influential lawyer is murdered miles above the earth's surface, Captain of Detectives Rick Harrison reluctantly accepts the case. Harrison quickly finds himself at the center of a deepening conspiracy. Why did the killer use a mining laser, an unwieldy weapon? What is the connection between the victim and the powerful anti-android lobby? And the toughest question Harrison never expected to ask: what defines humanity?"
tbh? not hyped for this one. i bought it in a state of rushed delirium and i'm 99% sure i'll get 20 pages in then never touch it again. we'll see though
Sharp Objects
"Fresh from a brief stay at a psych hospital, reporter Camille Preaker faces a troubling assignment: she must return to her tiny hometown to cover the murders of two pre- teen girls. For years, Camille has hardly spoken to her neurotic, hypochondriac mother or to the half-sister she barely knows: a beautiful thirteen-year-old with an eerie grip on the town. Now, installed in her old bedroom in her family's Victorian mansion, Camille finds herself identifying with the young victims—a bit too strongly. Dogged by her own demons, she must unravel the psychological puzzle of her own past if she wants to get the story-and survive this homecoming."
i absolutely am extremely hyped for this book!! it looks like it's really similar to big little lies, which i really liked. v v excited
Snow in Summer
"Summer's life in the mountains of West Virginia is far from the fairy tale it once was. Not long ago she sang songs and danced with her mother and father, her cousin Nancy doted on her, and she had a new baby brother on the way. But the baby died soon after birth, taking their mother with him and turning Summer's life grim. Now things are getting even worse as her father falls under the spell of a woman who brings potions and magical mirrors into Summer's world. Stepmama puts on a pretty face, but Summer suspects she's up to no good-and is afraid she may be powerless to stop her."
i mostly got this to fill the neverafter shaped hole in my heart </3. and bcus i know i'm going to get tired of ya/adult books soon lmao
"In this hip, accessible primer to the music, literature, and art of Afrofutur sm, author Ytasha Womack introduces readers to the burgeoning community of artists creating Afrofuturist works, the innovators from the past, and the wide range of subjects they explore. From the sci-fi literature of Samuel Delany, Octavia Butler, and N. K. Jemisin to the musical cosmos of Sun Ra, George Clinton, and the Black Eyed Peas' will Lam, to the visual and multimedia artists inspired by African Dogon myths and Egyp tian deities, the book's topics range from the "alien" experience of blacks in America to the "wake up" cry that peppers sci-fi literature, sermons. and activism. With a twofold aim to entertain and enlighten, Afrofuturists strive to break down racial, ethnic, and social limitations to empower and free individuals to be themselves."
i've already read like 50 pages of this and it's so interesting so far!! i keep having to switch between it and midnight sun bcus nonfiction fries my brain @_@ the author is great at keeping ur attention tho!
The Fault In Our Stars
"Despite the tumor-shrinking medical miracle that has bought her a few years, Hazel has never been anything but terminal, her final chapter inscribed upon diagnosis. But when a gorgeous plot twist named Augustus Waters suddenly appears at Cancer Kid Support Group, Hazel's story is about to be completely rewritten."
let's go john green!! this is the first book of his i've planned on reading but i've had it reccomended to me a few times. hyped for a romance novel thats actually aimed at my age group lol
Lives of the Saints
ok the blurb for this one literally covers both side sof the sleeve?? and it truly tells you nothing BDJDJ. anyways the writing style reminded me of lemony snicket and it's only 150 pages? it seems fun but we'll see
Ain't Nobody's Business If You Do
"What are consensual crimes? A consensual crime is any activity currently illegal-that does not physically harm the person or property of another. The idea behind this book is simple: As an adult, you should be allowed to do with your person and property whatever you choose, as long as you don't physically harm the person or property of another."
this book is SO large. i mean 817 pages large. it seems like an interesting critique of the justice system, but tbh i just got it to look smart/hold up the clipboard my twilight books r balancing on.
Maus & Maus ||
"Maus is the story of Vladek Spiegelman, a Jewish survivor of Hitler's Europe, and his son, a cartoonist who tries to come to terms with his father, his father's terrifying story, and History itself. Its form, the cartoon (the Nazis are cats, the Jews mice), succeeds perfectly in shocking us out of any lingering sense of familiarity with the events described, approaching, as it does, the unspeakable through the diminutive."
i've been reading a pirated copy of this book and i'm so glad i found the physical copies!! i've already read maus but i read it a while back so i'll probably reread to prepare for the second one. straight up one of my favorite graphic novels so i'm extremely excited.
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vinora-nyghtshayde · 2 years
List of anime, a majority of them dubbed, I've watched over the years
1 .Hack//Legend of the Twilight
2 .Hack//Roots
3 .Hack//Sign
4 A centaur's life
5 A lull in the sea
6 A Whisker Away
7 Accel World
8 Ah! My Goddess
9 Akame Ga Kill
10 Amnesia
11 Android Kikaider the animation
12 Angel Sanctuary
13 Angels of Death
14 Armitage III
15 Arrietty
16 Assassination Classroom
17 Attack on Titan
18 Attack on Titan Junior High
19 B: The Beginning
20 Baccano
21 Banner of the stars
22 Basilisk
23 Bastard
24 Battle B-Daman
25 Beastars
26 Betterman
27 Beyblade
28 Beyond the Boundary
29 Big Fish & Begonia
30 Black Blood Brothers
31 Black Butler
32 Black Clover
33 Black Lagoon
34 Bleach
35 Blood Blockade Battlefront
36 Blood+
37 Blue Exorcist
38 Blue Seed
39 BNA: Brand New Animal
40 Boogiepop Phantom
41 Boruto
42 Bungo Stray Dogs
43 Cardcaptor Sakura
44 Carole & Tuesday
45 Case Closed
46 Casshern Sins
47 Castlevania
48 Castle in the Sky
49 Cells at work
50 Ceres, Celestial Legend
51 Charlotte
52 Cheer Boys
53 Chobits
54 Chrono Crusade
55 Code Geass: Lelouch of the rebellion
56 Code Geass: Akito the exiled
57 Code: Realize
58 Code: Breaker
59 Coppelion
60 Cowboy Bebop
61 Crest of the stars
62 Cyborg 009
63 D.Gray-Man
64 D.N.Angel
65 Dance with Devils
66 Deadman Wonderland
67 Death Note
68 Diabolik Lovers
69 Digimon
70 Dr. Stone
71 Dragon Ball Z
72 Dragon Ball GT
73 Dramatical Murder
74 Durarara
75 Erased
76 Ergo Proxy
77 Fooly Cooly
78 Fafner
79 Fairy Tail
80 Fire Force
81 Fist of the North Star
82 Flint the Time Detective
83 Free
84 From the new world
85 From up on Poppy Hill
86 Fruits Basket
87 Fullmetal Alchemist
88 Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
89 Fushigi Yugi
90 Gad Guard
91 Gate Keepers
92 Gate Keepers 21
93 Ghost Hunt
94 Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex
95 Ginga Densetsu Weed
96 Ginga: Nagareboshi Gin
97 Gravitation
98 Gungrave
99 Gunslinger Girl
100 Gurren Lagann
101 Haikyu
102 Hakkenden: Eight Dogs of the East
103 Hakuoki
104 Hamtaro
105 Hell Girl
106 Hellsing
107 Hellsing Ultimate
108 Hetalia
109 Hitorijime My Hero
110 Howl's Moving Castle
111 Hyperdimension Neptunia
112 IGPX Immortal Grand Prix
113 Inuyasha
114 Isekai Quartet
115 Izetta: The Last Witch
116 Japan Sinks
117 Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
118 K
119 K-On
120 Kamigami no Asobi
121 Kamisama Kiss
122 Karas
123 Karneval
124 Kekkaishi
125 Kenichi The Mightiest Disciple
126 Kiki's Delivery Service
127 Kill La Kill
128 Kiss him, not me
129 Kiznaiver
130 Knight's & Magic
131 Konosuba
132 Kuroko's Basketball
133 Kyo Kara Maoh
134 Laughing Under the Clouds
135 Last Exile
136 Little Nemo
137 Little Witch Academia
138 Love Stage
139 Lupin III
140 Medabots
141 Megaman
142 Megaman NT Warrior
143 Mekakucity Actors
144 Mirage of Blaze
145 Mirai
146 Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid
147 Mobile Fighter G Gundam
148 Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th MS Team
149 Mobile Suit Gundam 00
150 Mobile Suit Gundam Seed
151 Mobile Suit Gundam Seed Destiny
152 Mobile Suit Gundam Wing
153 Monster Rancher
154 Moribito: Guardian of the Spirit
155 My Hero Academia
156 My Neighbor Totoro
157 My Love Story
158 My roommate is a cat
159 Nanbaka
160 Naruto
161 Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind
162 Nekopara
163 No. 6
164 Noein To your other self
165 Noragami
166 Noragami Aragoto
167 Oban Star-Racers
168 One Piece
169 One-Punch Man
170 Ouran High School Host Club
171 Outlaw Star
172 Paranoia Agent
173 Peacemaker Kurogane
174 Please Teacher
175 Please Twins
176 Pom Poko
177 Ponyo
178 Porco Rosso
179 Pretear
180 Prince of Stride Alternative
181 Princess Mononoke
182 Prison School
183 Promare
184 RaXephon
185 Re:Zero
186 R.O.D the TV
187 Ronin Warriors
188 Rosario + Vampire
189 Rurouni Kenshin
190 RWBY: Ice Queendom
191 Servamp
192 Sk♾️ The Infinity
193 Sailor Moon R
194 Sailor Moon
195 Saint Seiya
196 Saint Seiya: The Lost Canvas
197 Saiyuki
198 Samurai 7
199 Samurai Champloo
200 Samurai Deeper Kyo
201 Sankarea
202 Say I Love You
203 s-CRY-ed
204 Sensitive Pornograph
205 Seraph of the End: Vampire Reign
206 Serial Experiments Lain
207 Servamp
208 Shaman King
209 Shinzo
210 Shonen Maid
211 Show By Rock
212 Silent Mobius
213 Sirius the Jaeger
214 Snow White with the Red Hair
215 Sorcerous Stabber Orphen
216 Soul Eater
217 Soul Eater Not
218 Spice and Wolf
219 Spirited Away
220 Stars Align
221 Sukisho
222 Sword Art Online
223 Tactics
224 Tales of Zestiria the X
225 Tenchi Muyo
226 Tenjou Tenge
227 The Ancient Magus's Bride
228 The Boy and the Beast
229 The Cat Returns
230 The Devil is a Part-Timer
231 The Morose Mononokean
232 The Prince of Tennis
233 The Promised Neverland
234 The Rising of the Shield Hero
235 The Royal Tutor
236 The Seven Deadly Sins
237 The Vision of Escaflowne
238 The Way of the Househusband
239 The Wind Rises
240 Tiger & Bunny
241 Tokko
242 Tokyo Ghoul
243 Toradora
244 Trigun
245 Trinity Blood
246 Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle
247 Uta No Prince-sama
248 Vampire Hunter D
249 Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust
250 Vandread
251 Violet Evergarden
252 When Marnie Was There
253 Whisper of the Heart
254 Wise Man's Grandchild
255 Witchblade
256 Witch Hunter Robin
257 Wolf Children
258 Wolf's Rain
259 X
260 Yamada & the Seven Witches
261 Yami No Matsuei
262 Yashahime
263 Yona of the Dawn
264 Your Name
265 Your lie in April
266 Yu-Gi-Oh
267 Yu Yu Hakusho
268 Yuri!! On Ice
269 Zatch Bell
270 Zoids
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pop-roxs · 2 years
hoo okay I can already tell this is gonna be long but manga thoughts!! i only read up to roughly 150 I think (Also hi hi I’m off anon! anxiety has been overcome >D<)
quick lil context of me even getting into this also! so my roomie and I have a tradition of watching really bad animes during finals weeks and this time my rookie suggested we watched black butler 2 (still so funny it’s just 2 not season two not book of ___ no. just two. Peak comedy) first half of that was laughably bad and then like ep 7 onward it was frustratingly good. Some bizarre pacing some bizzare writing choices but I liked it overall. anyways over winter break out of nowhere I got manga spoilers on my tiktok for Agni’s death and. It emotionally devastated me bc I loved him sm bc of the like one ep in 2 where he appeared. i told my roomie that and we decided to like actually watch the good parts of the anime so I could get a taste of the actual plot (and eventually we watched s1 lmao)
so yeah that bit didn’t impact me as much when I actually read it but 😭 Agni I miss you dearly you’re like one of the only people I’d trust to hold my drink in this series I KNOW you would take care of it and not spill anything. Also, I read the entire (post campania) manga while procrastinating studying for my organic chemistry exam bc chemistry is a pain in the ass and I didn’t want to look at it
right um. Other arcs. so the school arc has some BIZARRE pacing- (and i never got used to the just casually dropping the F word even if it was used iba like historical context) I was half skimming some of the pages bc I thought it was gonna be basically a fluff filler arc so that end caught me off guard- deffo enjoyed the soma content though! i sure hope he stays happy and nothing awful happens to make him stop smiling! hahah fuck.
Emerald witch arc is kinda funny to me. like yeah, okay queen of England, send this 13 (14?? I forgor) year old child to a different country to deal with werewolves. this isn’t even ur country girly what. Wolf and miss sullivan (can’t spell her first name) r fun characters I like their addition a lot. Could’ve done without the uh. weird scenes with sullivan but. whatever. (The scenes with finny taking care of ciel also were so sweet Omg I will cry- finny is probably one of my top 5 charas I love himmmmm he scares me tho )
that being said I fuckcking RECOGNIZED that shit was chemicals as soon as I saw that circle thing oh my FuckKING GOD. I literally put down my phone and stopped reading for a good while. I’m reading this manga to procrastinate my ochem I did not need it to insert itself like that >:’(((( it was good though I liked the arc a a lot (my roommate fucking burst out laughing when she saw me being angy and asked why.)
Sascha and Walmart will (sorry sir you are just not memorable) were cute! Hope we get more content of them in the future, or just more reaper lore. Please. I’m going insane all I want is lore (Also my roomie had already told me abt the reaper backstory so that didn’t rlly surprise me). Will and grell showing up for like one chapter was funny as hell, you know will was pissed bc that whole convo could’ve totally been an email or a pigeon or whatever. i missed them though so im not complaining
Idk what to call the next arc. the return of the school guys was… funny ig?? i have to be honest I kinda disconnect whenever they appear I just don’t really care for them 😭 the whole band group off was so funny though and the tonal whiplash was something I was NOT prepared for. It wasn’t as jarring as the paving of the school arc but like hWUH THATS A LOT OF PLOT AND BIG REVEALS HAPPENING REALLY FAST NOW-
love othello though. I’m a forensics chemistry major and I love the forensics part of it significantly more than chemistry so seeing a funny guy doing that is so very !!! ya :D also love the dynamic with Grelle. they’re both trans and besties you can’t change my mind- ALSO OTHELLO JUST . THROWING HIS SCYTGE AND THEN BIDING BEHIND GRELLE. Love him. ronnies still my fav dont get me wrong I am endeared with his talk-shit-while-getting-his-ass-beat mentality but othello is very close behind
wish we had more reaper lore . I would kill to know these guys backstories- Ronald and sascha seem so much you her compared to their coworkers it eats at my brain. sascha especially like aaaaaa kid what happened for you to end up here :(? MAN (also I could fight abt the reaper lore for so long. they don’t deserve this. this shits unfair. AGH…
i had more stuff that I wanted to say but forgot. sorry if this isn’t very understandable i just wrote as I thought of things- basically. reapers my beloved . I’m begging for lore please . soma my king I hope you’re okay. when will Ronald come back PLEASE he’s been gone since like campania 😭
BRO ROOMMATE ANON REVEAL!! i hope you dont mind me still using the roommate anon tag,,
agnis death def threw me off. i wasnt expecting yana to kill him off, especially after having him around for so long. that whole scene was very surprising. and yes i agree with you!! hes probably the most wholesome character in black butler next to some others like the phantomhive servants and soma.
i actually quite liked the school arc(and a lot of people in the fandom would agree w me)! but i get how you wouldnt. i personally was only mostly focusing since i just wanted to get back to grelle T^T.
i didnt really like emerald witch at first. i was mad when it had the honor of being the 100th chapter. but its grown on me since(n yeah those scenes were weird..).
i LOOOOVEEE SASCHA!!!!!! THEYRE SO CUTEEEEE X33333 they remind me of my best friend since they both have that same cheery vibe. like little guy is just making the best out of their afterlie and havin some genuine fun. i fw it. grelles outfit was also sooo hot in that chapter gaw dayum. i want a piece of that reaper PLEASE
you can call the return of the school guys the boy band arc. it was weird but i really enjoyed it.
i find it funny how everyone automatically says that othello is trans. one look at the silly science man provokes the Feeling.
trust me man, everyone wants more reaper lore. i am clawing at yanas feet and begging her to tell me what in the ever living fuck happened to grelle in her time as a human. WHAT THE FUCK KINDA LIVES DID THEY LIVE. WHAT DROVE THEM TO SUICIDE.
i understood everything you wrote, dw!! :3 im hoping soma is ok as well </3
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☝ - How tall are you?
✔ - Sexual Orientation
🚬 - Do you Smoke?
🍷 - Do you Drink?
♒ - Do you Take Drugs?
😳 - Age you get mistaken for?
💉 - Have Tattoos?
✏️ - Want any tattoos?
✂️ - Got any Piercings?
✌ - Want any piercings?
👌 - Best friend?
♥ - Do you like anyone?
🎤 - Top 5 favorite bands?
🎶 - Top 5 favorite songs?
😒 - Biggest pet peeve?
📝 - Story from your childhood.
💬 - I wish…
‼️ - Something you’ll change?
💦 - What makes you horny?
🌟 - A wish you’ll wish for?
🔥 - Something spicy you like?
👃 You hate the smell of ….
👊 - Something you hate?
🚶 - Are you single?
💬 - Can we text?
💌 - Fan mail me?
💍 - Marry me?
💘 - Be my tumblr crush?
💭 - Favorite foods?
☀ - Story about your day.
💘 - Top 5 celebrity crushes?
🎥 - Top 5 favorite movies?
📺 - Top 5 favorite TV shows?
✏ - Random fact about yourself.
✈️ - Where are you from?
🚀 - Where do you wanna visit?
😍 - Do you have a crush?
😷 - Something you hate eating?
🙈 - What makes you shy?
💃 - Can you dance?
💏 - Do you love anyone?
👟 - Favorite shoe(s) to wear?
🌴 - A island you would visit?
🌎 - A country you would visit?
🌀 - Favorite type of weather?
🔮 - Do you believe in luck?
📱 - What kinda phone do you have?
📅 - Favorite time of the year?
📚 - Career goal you want?
🍴 - Favorite food(s) to eat?
🍭 - Favorite Candy?
🍇 - Favorite fruits?
🚘 - Dream car(s)?
🚔 - Have you ever been arrested?
🚑 - Have you ever driven in an ambulance before?
🎫 - Do you have a license?
🚼 - Do you have or want kids?
🔞 - Are you under 18?
🐶 - Do you own a pet?
😔 - Something that makes you sad?
😡 - What pisses you off?
😏 - What turns you on?
😈 - Are you a freak?
💪 - Do you work out?
👋 Send Me Emojis 👀👌
☝ - How tall are you?
177cm (5'11")
✔ - Sexual Orientation
A bisexual disaster.
🚬 - Do you Smoke?
On occasion.
🍷 - Do you Drink?
♒ - Do you Take Drugs?
Not really.
😳 - Age you get mistaken for?
19. Very specific.
💉 - Have Tattoos?
I would, if Japan would get over their shit.
✏️ - Want any tattoos?
✂️ - Got any Piercings?
Do I even have to answer this question?
✌ - Want any piercings?
More in my ears, primarily.
👌 - Best friend?
♥ - Do you like anyone?
🎤 - Top 5 favorite bands? Babymetal Black Pink Halsey Halestorm Imagine dragons.
🎶 - Top 5 favorite songs? Play With Fire - Sam Tinnesz Daisy - Ashnikko Rise - The Glitch Mob, Mako, and The Word Alive. Flesh - Simon Curtis. Control or Gasoline - Halsey.
😒 - Biggest pet peeve?
Answered here.
📝 - Story from your childhood.
There was a brief time I was convinced I was adopted. Why? I don't know. I was a stupid child.
💬 - I wish…
I had better control of my emotions.
‼️ - Something you’ll change?
My clothes, at some point.
💦 - What makes you horny?
🌟 - A wish you’ll wish for?
To get the fuck out of here in one piece.
🔥 - Something spicy you like?
Spicy miso ramen.
👃 You hate the smell of ….
Fresh caught fish.
👊 - Something you hate?
Only one? There's a long list.
🚶 - Are you single?
(Varies depending on the SL)
💬 - Can we text?
💌 - Fan mail me?
I will spam the shit out of you.
💍 - Marry me?
💘 - Be my tumblr crush?
💭 - Favorite foods?
Anything quick and simple.
☀ - Story about your day.
It's the Borderlands, most days are the same. Try not to die.
💘 - Top 5 celebrity crushes?
I don't pay enough attention to celebrities to have many crushes.
🎥 - Top 5 favorite movies? Spirited Away Shutter The Conjuring Scream The Ring
📺 - Top 5 favorite TV shows? Black Butler Death Note You Inuyasha Demon Slayer
✏ - Random fact about yourself.
I was born on a Tuesday.
✈️ - Where are you from?
Born and bred in Tokyo.
🚀 - Where do you wanna visit?
😍 - Do you have a crush?
I don't do much in the way of "crushes."
😷 - Something you hate eating?
Seaweed salad.
🙈 - What makes you shy?
I'm not a shy person.
💃 - Can you dance?
Tequila tells me I can.
💏 - Do you love anyone?
Contrary to popular belief, yes.
👟 - Favorite shoe(s) to wear?
My boots.
🌴 - A island you would visit?
Does New Zealand count?
🌎 - A country you would visit?
The States, if my English wasn't shit.
🌀 - Favorite type of weather?
Slightly cool, cloudy.
🔮 - Do you believe in luck?
To an extent.
📱 - What kinda phone do you have?
An iPhone.
📅 - Favorite time of the year?
📚 - Career goal you want?
I have the career I want.
🍴 - Favorite food(s) to eat?
🍭 - Favorite Candy?
I would fuck with pocky every day.
🍇 - Favorite fruits?
Watermelon and strawberries.
🚘 - Dream car(s)?
I don't drive enough to have a dream car.
🚔 - Have you ever been arrested?
This may come as a surprise... but no.
🚑 - Have you ever driven in an ambulance before?
I assume this is to mean whether I've been taken to the hospital in one. In which case, yes.
🎫 - Do you have a license?
Yes. It doesn't get used, often.
🚼 - Do you have or want kids?
I do not, no. Zero interest in them.
🔞 - Are you under 18?
No. I haven't been for a bit.
🐶 - Do you own a pet?
I do, a dog.
😔 - Something that makes you sad?
😡 - What pisses you off?
A very long list of things.
😏 - What turns you on?
Aggression, biting, violence...
😈 - Are you a freak?
💪 - Do you work out?
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re-bon-bon-san · 2 months
I am flabbergasted, anime’s with plot from the beginning can be less than 100 episodes??????
The anime’s I’ve watched are Bleach with 366 episodes
Attack on titan with 94 (not more that a hundred but almost there)
Hunter x hunter with 148
Black butler is the shortest anime I’ve finished with 43 episodes but that was a long time ago
I’m currently watching one piece which has 1112, I’m on episode 738 i think somewhere around that
I started watching jujitsu kaisen thinking “ oh this probably has 150 episodes or something imma watch it Ive seen lots of good shit” but imagine my surprise when I find out that this mf has only 47 episodes, not much more than my baby black butler but I was shooketh I’m on episode 15 or so
thank you for listening love you girl 💜💜💜💋
HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA. So you are a long anime watcher then? Not even many netflix shows have that many episodes. That has to be a huge budget. But yeeeeeh long plot is just <3. The longest anime I have ever watched and finished has to be like Dragonball... and then I got bored cuz a planet blowing up in 5 min's turned into 20 episodes and that was so boring. Didn't finish Bleach or AOT yet lol. Neither Detective Conan. Probably Death Note with 37 lol... MY PROBLEM IS COMMITMENT. IF I LIKE IT, I'LL PROBABLY SEE IT. Like My Hero Academia has many seasons and stuff too. I have also seen plently of short comedy focused 12 episode long animes but usually am left craving for more than one season. Usually just if they are super good, usually I like longer ones. It REALLY depends on your taste and how big the worldbuilding is I guess. I like my animes with flavor of EVERYTHING lol. Usually my fave is from 25 - 60 episodes. I dont know if every arc or twist is to my liking... ESPECIALLY IF THERE ISNT ROMANCE. KEEP MY ATTENTION WITH SMTH CRAZY OK HAHHA yeh ok great finished ranting hahahah
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usa-town-talks · 2 months
The Man Who Shot at Donald Trump: Who Was Thomas Matthew Crooks?
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) announced on Sunday that Thomas Matthew Crooks, a 20-year-old Pennsylvanian, fired shots at former U.S. President Donald Trump during an election rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. The attack left a 50-year-old man dead, wounded two other attendees, and caused a minor injury to Trump's right ear. Law enforcement officers fatally shot Crooks shortly after the incident. Despite the gravity of the attack, the motivation behind Crooks's actions remains a mystery.
Tumblr media
Background of Thomas Matthew Crooks
Thomas Matthew Crooks lived in Bethel Park, Pennsylvania, a suburban area known for its quiet residential neighborhoods. Born and raised in Bethel Park, Crooks was a registered Republican who would have cast his first presidential vote in the November 5 elections. He graduated from Bethel Park High School in 2022, where he earned a reputation as a bright yet quiet student. His high school counselor described him as respectful and reserved, noting that Crooks was not known for any political activism or strong opinions.
Crooks's social media profiles offered no clues about his intentions. The FBI found no threatening language or violent content, nor did they uncover any history of mental health issues. His online presence was sparse and devoid of posts promoting violence or extremist ideologies, leaving investigators puzzled about his motives.
During his high school years, Crooks attempted to join the rifle team but was rejected due to his poor shooting skills, according to the team's current captain. Instead, he focused on building computers and playing video games, activities that occupied much of his free time. Crooks worked as a dietary aide at a local nursing home, where colleagues described him as diligent and unremarkable. Public records reveal a politically divided household: his father is a registered Republican, and his mother is a registered Democrat.
The Incident at Trump's Rally
The events leading up to the shooting began when Crooks attracted the attention of law enforcement officers outside Trump's campaign event. Spectators reported seeing him acting strangely and climbing a ladder. Officers initiated a search but failed to locate him before he reached a rooftop 150 yards from the stage where Trump was speaking. From this elevated position, Crooks began firing an AR-15-style semiautomatic rifle, a weapon legally purchased by his father.
An officer encountered Crooks on the roof but was unable to neutralize him before Crooks fired a shot towards Trump. Secret Service snipers quickly responded, shooting and killing Crooks. The attack resulted in the death of a 50-year-old man and injuries to two other attendees. Trump himself sustained a minor injury to his right ear.
Investigative Findings and Questions
The FBI is investigating the incident as a potential act of domestic terrorism. While they believe Crooks acted alone, his motives remain unclear. Without any apparent political or ideological affiliations, investigators have struggled to piece together a coherent narrative explaining why Crooks chose to target Trump.
A video shared on social media and verified by news agency AP shows Crooks wearing a grey T-shirt with a black American flag on the right arm, lying motionless on the roof of a manufacturing plant near the rally site. Images reviewed by AP indicate that Crooks wore a T-shirt from Demolition Ranch, a popular YouTube channel known for its firearms-related content. The channel regularly posts videos of its creator firing various handguns and assault rifles at different targets, including human mannequins.
Community Reactions
The Bethel Park community was shocked by the news of Crooks's actions. Former classmates and teachers expressed disbelief, struggling to reconcile the quiet, respectful student they knew with the man who attempted an assassination. "He was always polite and kept to himself," one former classmate recalled. "I never would have thought he was capable of something like this."
Local residents and officials are grappling with the broader implications of the incident. The attack has raised questions about security at political events and the ease with which individuals can access high-powered firearms. Bethel Park's mayor issued a statement expressing condolences to the victims and their families, while also calling for a thorough investigation into the circumstances that led to the tragedy.
National Implications
The shooting has reignited the national debate over gun control and political violence. Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle have called for increased security measures at political events and stricter regulations on firearms. The incident has also underscored the importance of addressing the root causes of domestic terrorism and finding ways to prevent individuals from turning to violence.
In the aftermath of the attack, there has been a renewed focus on monitoring and understanding the motivations behind such actions. Experts emphasize the need for a comprehensive approach that includes mental health support, community engagement, and proactive measures to detect and address potential threats.
The tragic events in Butler, Pennsylvania, have left many questions unanswered about Thomas Matthew Crooks and his motivations. As the investigation continues, the community of Bethel Park and the nation as a whole are left to grapple with the implications of this senseless act of violence. The incident serves as a stark reminder of the need for vigilance, understanding, and action to prevent future tragedies and ensure the safety of all citizens.
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