#black lag sanji
cipher-zoo · 10 months
During Whole Cake Island:
Reiju: Hey, are you okay?
Sanji: Yeah.
Reiju: You don't look okay.
Sanji: Then stop looking.
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nonoel-art · 11 months
Black-Lag Sanji 🔥
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phoenixnakama · 4 years
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Sanji morning excercise.
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incorrect-onepiece · 5 years
Law: I don’t have friends and I don’t want any.
Luffy: Bold words from someone within my hugging range.
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petty-man · 5 years
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every-sanji · 3 years
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Time's running out
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katsukrumbs · 6 years
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have yall seen that vid of those op actors “fighting” but it just looks like theyre about to suck face
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danwhobrowses · 3 years
One Piece Chapter 1009 - Initial Thoughts
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And we are back, happy Good Friday
though every day’s a Good Friday when One Piece is out 1009 is in, and it happens to be my 200th post (admittedly kinda kept that way since I skipped doing a Godzilla vs Kong review)
So let’s get to it
Spoilers for Chapter 1009, Please Also Support the Official Release
Starting with a Color Spread. It was cute, sweet baby Tama in Ringo with the crew, I was curious abut the coat of arms on Franky’s jacket, plus there’s another ‘Zoro consumes something with a blue dragon on it’ - his scabbard isn’t Enma though, it’s Black - and I later realised that Tama is wearing an outfit that isn’t patched up which made me feel warm
But the statues discern me, Five praying statues, four with the Akazaya hats. If this Oda hinting at the deaths? Four Akazaya dying? Tama’s bringing a straw hat to the other so are we death flagging a potential Straw Hat too? Or is it just a non-Akazaya? The first could be Ashura considering that Nami is tying a scarf on it, their fate ‘sealed’, or maybe I’m just looking way too into it
The chapter title isn’t foreboding as well
Of course we were all in the group of ‘Why is Orochi burning Onigashima, is he dumb?’ group, and motive wise he still is, but I did come to a realisation on why this is a problem. Onigashima is in the air, there can’t be much water around to douse the fire
Orochi and the Akazaya finally cross paths for the first time since Oden’s death
Interesting note by MegaForehead, maybe that’s strategic?
I don’t see a missing head from his transformation, though he only used six heads and Orochi has at least 8
Kin’emon is in No Mood
*Insert GTA Wasted scene here*
Kiku far side with one arm just with the most disappointed look ever
And Raizo is next to stay behind to fight with his old rival
I don’t think Orochi is done though; either he still has one more head or they grow back. The Yamata no Orochi couldn’t regenerate heads so it’s the most likely, but we can’t rule out hydra rules
Back to the dome roof though and we learn something new from Law, a strong enough Haki can fight his Shambles, it’s a decent limitation from the OP OP Fruit
A combo attack from two Yonko though is something you need to be scouting for very early guys
Ocean Sovereignty is  definitely no joke...though it didn’t slice off the other horn
Roronoa ‘Let me block a Yonko combo attack’ FUCKING ZORO
Okay I take back the horn comment it’s a different direction
What is this dome’s structural integrity anyway?
Law of course pulls Zoro out of the line of fire because he can’t hold it off forever, Kid with the backhanded compliment though
You hurt one of Luffy’s nakama though, so that always leads to Luffy charging in
Luffy’s got a point, why dodge if it’s not affecting you? That’s how Luffy knows he’s doing something
Kaido did not like that insinuation though, he can still shoot dragon fire in Hybrid form and that’s a big ouch for Ragnarok
So now Zoro is pissed off because you hurt his captain, but he’s gotta stick to the plan
Zeus always getting yoinked, this time put in a box
Then Zoro out here cutting up Prometheus while Killer picks on Napoleon
Could be a telling thing that BM doesn’t even consider saving her homies, just that she finds it a poor strategy
Big ouch for Kid though, right in the smush
But part of the plan, putting all the metal on her to magnet her away, then Law with the boulder
BM’s about to be dumped into the water, now she’s scared
But I would worry about Zoro coughing blood...
I don’t think BM is done right now, I think there’s 5 options that’ll save her right now: Prometheus - reforming because Zoro’s body gave in a little, Kaido - since nobody’s paying attention to him after flattening Luffy, her crew down by the water that have been following the island, she Homifies some of Kaido’s fire clouds or she falls but not in the ocean - instead she crashes on land and it causes her amnesia again.
There were only really 2 parts of this chapter: Orochi vs Akazaya and the Yonko vs Supernova. Neither of which I feel are going as well as it looks. Orochi will probably survive once more which can cause trouble for the lagging behind Raizo. The Supernovas are still struggling with the attrition problem, to cause minor problems for the Yonko they have to wear themselves down hard, to the point where it’s almost pyrrhic. Oda has however done a good job in making sure any doubts about Kaido’s hybrid form have been kept at bay, he is still as vicious and agile as before.
I don’t think Luffy nor Zoro are quite done yet, Luffy is resilient and he’s got his Haki back, he just is mulling over the situation: his attacks hurt Kaido which is why he dodges, so how will he use that to his advantage? As for Zoro, he’s taken a heavy hit yes, if BM is delayed Law might be able to doctor him a little but I don’t fear too much for Zoro because injury seems to bring out the best in him. And blocking Ocean Sovereignty even for a short while is a hugely impressive feat.
No break next week means we might get a quick resolve, or we might just see more Akazaya having to fall behind, King and Queen still don’t have fights and we don’t know where Sanji is right now, Perospero and CP0 have been quiet and if Onigashima does indeed have ocean below it then they’ve not made landfall in Wano’s main island yet (contrary to the mountain we saw in an earlier chapter)
it’s still worth reminding though, we are probably due a tragedy at the end of this act...until Act 4 it’s best not to expect a climax
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froggyhopscotch · 7 years
Taggy Tags
Tagged by @apeironstella (I would have answered this sooner, but things have been a bit crazy the last few days)
Rules: Answer the questions and then tag 20 people who you want to get to know better (I’m still relatively new to social media in general and still nervous tagging people I haven’t talked to already, so I’ll just fill in my own answers ^^;)
Name: secret~  Froggy is fine.
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn, the only thing I feel towards this fact, is a bit miffed that it happens to be the name of the villain from Inkheart.
Hogwarts House: 100% Hufflepuff
Gender: Female
Orientation: Demi
Favorite Fruit: uhhhh.... bananas and apples are pretty much the only ones I eat... and grapes. Apples and peanut butter are G R E A T
Favorite Season: hmmm... I like aspects of all the seasons, but summer is probably my favorite. Mostly because, where I live, the only way to tell the difference between Autumn, Winter, and Spring, is by looking at what the plants are doing. Trees change color in Fall, lose their leaves in Winter, and are VERY green in Spring. Other than that, temperature and weather don’t change a whole lot between the three: lots and lots of chilly rain. So Summer is a nice (if a bit short) reprieve, I get to actually be WARM while I’m outside.
Favorite Book Series: Artemis Fowl, without a doubt. Though Harry Potter and H.I.V.E (Higher Institute of Villainous Education) are up there as well.
Favorite Fictional Characters: Howard Link, Timcanpy, Lavi, Allen Walker, Lenalee Lee, Kanda Yuu, Tyki Mikk (relatable koifish-derp that he is), Wisely, Kiredori (not sure why, but I’ve gotten really attached to her), Road- well most of the DGM cast but those are the major ones, Maes Hughes, Izumi Curtis, Edward and Alphonse Elric, Winry Rockbell, Mei Chang, Ling Yao, Lan Fan- again pretty much the whole FMA:B cast, Zapp Renfro, Zed O’brien, Leonardo Watch, Shizuo Heiwjima, Celty, Akasaka Ryuunosuke, Roronoa Zoro, Vinsmoke Sanji, Tony Tony Chopper, Nico Robin, Brook, Senri, Rose, Cooro, Lag Seeing, Niche, Hinata Fuyuki, Rock Lee, Temari, Gaara, Kankuro, Momochi Zabuza, Haku, Hayate Gekko, Shizuka Hanekure A.K.A. Akatsuki, Artemis Fowl, Domovoi Butler, Holly Short, Foaly, Sanderson Mansnoozie, Pitch Black, Jack Frost, Otto Malpense, Laura Brand, Raven, Dr.Maximillian Nero...this is getting long, so I’ll leave it at that ^^;
Favorite Flower: Based on looks would be Sakura (technically a tree...), Hydrangea (technically a bush...), or Daffodil flowers, but I think my favorite in general are Chocolate Cosmos, they aren’t much to look at, but when the sun hits them they smell like melted chocolate!!
Favorite Color: G R E E N. All shades, but especially ones that have more yellow in them, they just look brighter and more inviting.
Favorite Animal: Frog!! (as I’m sure my url makes abundantly clear). Turtles come in a close second, along with Dinosaurs, Sharks, Crocodiles, Goliath Tiger Fish... and pretty much anything that has scales and/or sharp teeth ^^;
Favorite Artists/Bands: Owl City, 3OH!3, Linkin Park, Circus-P, Hitoshizuka-P & Yama^(I don’t know how to add the triangle), Machigarita-P, Kradness, Reol, Touyu, Mafumafu, Soraru, Last Note, Senka, Mii-chan, nqrse, 30 seconds to Mars... those are all I can think of at the moment.
Average Sleep: I have no sleep schedule. One week I’ll be going to sleep at 9PM and waking up at 6AM. And the next I’ll be going to sleep at 2AM and waking up at 9AM. The only consistency I’ve found, is that I need at least four hours to be able to make it through the day without absolutely having to take a nap somewhere in the middle, and at least six hours to make it through the day without feeling tired from lack of sleep. WHEN I get those hours, however, is completely random.
Number of blankets I sleep with: One thick poofy one, and one thin fuzzy one. I’ve found that’s the best combo to retain heat in the colder months. When the fuzzy one is on the inside, it matches your body-heat quickly, and the poofy one on the outside keeps the heat in :) And in the summer, I switch to just the poofy one, it takes longer to heat up + isn’t as clingy so it’s not stifling.
Last thing I Googled: some of the artist’s names for the fav artists/bands question.
How many blogs I follow: 86 (wow, that many? when did that happen?)
Number of Followers: 36, which is about double the number I had before DGMFanWeek2k17 :)  (events like that are a great way to get people looking at your stuff! All the people looking through a specific tag for a whole week)
What I usually post about: DGM pretty much exclusively... especially theories and analyses when I find them! That and my art, but that’s mostly DGM anyway XD Sometimes I’ll post art or writing tips, and rarely, my own fanfiction (but that’s kind of difficult since I haven’t quite figured out tumblr’s formatting system yet).
My Aesthetic: Sunlight filtering through tree leaves!! Underwater, where you can see the ripples of light dance on the bottom!! Falling asleep to the drumming of rain on the roof or watching the ripples it makes in the puddles outside through the window, wrapped in a fluffy blanket, forehead pressed to the glass. Late evenings listening to the rolling rumbles of a rare thunderstorm and running to the window to watch the lightning until the storm has blown too far away to see the flashes anymore. Power outages!! Sometimes lasting for a week!! Playing pictionary by the light of a flashlight with the neighbor-kids, while dad makes breakfast for dinner on the wood-stove. Long car rides, hours spent staring out the window, watching the scenery pass. Fourth of July!! Running up and down the street, constantly turning ‘round and ‘round with a giant grin, trying to catch every single flower of fire blooming in the sky, feeling the booms reverberate in your chest, and the trees are blocking parts of the sky, have to run! run, trailing sparklers and smoke behind you, and move to get the best view of every flash!! The first year with a mortar, finally able to add flowers  to the fleeting garden, but accidentally putting the shell in upside down and it misfires, not going as high as it should, and E X P L O D I N G, sparks shooting past on all sides because you’re Inside! Inside the firework! wanting to reach out and catch the stars as they fly by! Watching them hang in the air, for a moment suspended as a cloud a fairy lights, and fading, like the fae themselves slip out of mortal sight.
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cipher-zoo · 9 months
My D&D obsessed brain can't help but wonder, what do we think the one piece characters races and classes could and would be?
Especially with Zoro and Sanji I am on the fence [I see them classed as Fighter and monk respectively all the time and I don't disagree] , but I feel like Sanji could be both a Monk (kicks and speed) and a Babarian (those flames are rage if I ever seen one) but then again, I have never seen a charisma and dex based Babarian 🤔 now if he was a Monk he could use his wisdom for attacks so that would maybe work 🤔
And Zoro could easily be Fighter (mutli attack, second wind!) but I could totally see him as a Paladin-Oath of Devotion (I feel like halt of his attacks are essentially Smites)
Maybe Sanji is a Monk who multiclassed into Babarian during the time skip and Zoro is a Fighter who multiclassed into Paladin (to get the smites) during his time with Mihawk 🤔
There are so many options! I really want to know everyone else's opinions on the matter
Also in regard to races, I feel like Kid would make a great Minotaur and (even though it is low hanging fruit) Bellamy is probably a Gnoll 😂 (man I love gnolls!! 😍)
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incorrect-onepiece · 5 years
Zoro: Sanji sneezed earlier and I accidentally said shut the fuck up instead of bless you
Usopp: How do you accidentally say shut the fuck up
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incorrect-onepiece · 5 years
Sanji: Punch me in the face!
Nami: Punch you?
Sanji: Yes. Punch me in the face. Didn’t you hear me?
Nami: I always hear ‘punch me in the face’ when you’re speaking but it’s usually subtext.
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petty-man · 6 years
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incorrect-onepiece · 6 years
Zoro: You look pretty
Sanji: What?
Zoro: I said you look shitty, goodnight.
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incorrect-onepiece · 6 years
Strawhats as vines
Luffy: So i’m sitting there, barbecue sauce on my titties
Nami: And they were roommates
Usopp: Wii theme music
Sanji: When will you learn that your actions have consequences?!
Chopper: “road woke ahead” uhm yeah, I sure hope it does
Robin: A potato flew around my room
Franky: Two bros, chillin’ in a hot tub, five feet apart cuz they not gay
Brook: Look Dad, it’s the good kush
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incorrect-onepiece · 6 years
Usopp: Hey I’m Usopp with a B and I’ve been afraid of bugs my entire li–
Sanji: Stop stop stop, where?
Usopp: What?
Sanji: Where’s the B?
Usopp: [trembling] THERE’S A BEE?!
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