#blaine wa
michael-massa-micon · 7 months
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Sunset - September 2023 The final event of our sixty-day RV tour was a dinner at the Bay Breeze Restaurant in Blaine, Washington. These sunset images are the final images for our trip. The sun setting into the sea is a fitting end to my posts from our Alaska trip. MWM
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randallsheriff · 1 year
Visit my website at RandallSheriff.com!
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dailymothanon · 1 month
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Washington and Oregon… or so their inspiration ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶ this is Blaine (WA) and Joseph (OR)! Or aka dumb and dumber 😒 together they are low in iq 🧠 that’s how you know they’re awesome, Blaine is a frog and Joseph is a beaver, Ik Joseph’s is easy to figure out why, but Blaine is sorta cuz the state just makes me think of frogs. The flag is green, it rains a lot, they have a state frog, etc etc… it just works
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Btw the sketch 🤯🤯🤯 as you can tell I didn’t draw their shoes cuz I don’t know how to draw footwear
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Federal help might be on the way for a First Nation in northwestern Saskatchewan that no longer has a school, after a devastating fire that destroyed the building earlier this week.
There were no injuries in the Tuesday afternoon fire at the Waweyekisik Education Centre in Waterhen Lake First Nation, but the building was a total loss. [...]
Waterhen Lake First Nation Chief Blaine Fiddler said earlier this week that the "devastating loss" of the school was preventable, and that the community had seen the danger coming for years.
"We communicated that there was a pressing need for necessary upgrades and replacements in building materials to best meet contemporary safety standards," Fiddler said in a letter posted on Facebook on Wednesday. [...]
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Tagging: @newsfromstolenland, @vague-humanoid
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Love this 1991 modern home in Blaine, Washington b/c it's got 4 conservatories. And, look at the tree on the front door. 4bds, 3.5ba. $6M + $135mo. HOA fee. (I can't tell what that is at the front door- looks like the statue of a man.)
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Look at all the glass structures.
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Check out the view from the living room. The house is right on the banks of Semiahmoo Bay.
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Plus, there's also this huge stone fireplace.
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The kitchen is so cool. The stove takes up almost the whole island. I love the high ceilings.
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The everyday dining room is in it's own glass enclosure with a panoramic view of the bay.
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And, off to the side is a sitting area.
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Large home office if you need one.
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The main bedroom also has a view. Most of the rooms in this home have glass walls facing the bay.
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Panels in the windows of the beautiful marble en-suite make it look like you're under the sea.
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Rec room with a nice big fireplace and corner shelving.
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There are 2 sets of stairs in the rec room.
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What a nice bar. Plenty of room for guests.
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Spacious secondary bedroom with a fun red & black accented en-suite.
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And, this room has doors to walk outside by the bay.
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And, the 4th bd. has a lovely pale blue en-suite.
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Gorgeous piece of property.
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.63 acre of tree'd land on the bay.
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The house is on stilts, so there must be a flooding issue, though.
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kq-rei-g · 1 month
MY Darling Foundation Angels: buy the rest of Blaine WA, please & grazi
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Shout-out to the brave men and women of the Blaine, WA border crossing (US) who just traumatized my mom with their daring seizure of three (3) legally bought prerolls of cannabis from our car lol
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invisibleraven · 11 months
20 questions writer meme!
I wa tagged by my beloved @bananakarenina <3
1. How many works do you have on AO3? In total across 5 fandoms, 124, 84 of those are JatP, and 5 of those are prompt fill compilations.
2. What's your total AO3 word count? 1,674,136 uploaded as of right now, and I know that over 1 million of those words are JatP.
3. What fandoms do you write for? Currently just Julie and the Phantoms, but in past I wrote primarily for Glee/Glee RPF, and Teen Titans. There's no other fandom really interesting me enough to write for it at moment.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
I'm going to limit this to my JatP fics, but if you wanna check out my stories in my previous fandoms, well here's my AO3
And giving yourself to me can never be wrong my collection of smut prompt fills with 235 kudos
I Know Who I Want To Take Me Home the first installment of my Semisonic Sunset verse with 192 kudos
But came the dawn the show goes on (and I don't want to say goodnight) my PeterPatterLina soulmate AU with 169 kudos
Maybe this news can wait Part three (and the only non smutty part) of Semisonic Sunset with 124 kudos
Better walk the line my single dad Reggie PeterPatter fic with 124 kudos
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? Honestly no I don't. I tried, once upon a time, but I just felt like no one really cared what I had to say, and then I didn't have the spoons for it, so I stopped. I know I should though, my brain just doesn't seem to like letting me.
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Hands down it is Haunted by the moments of what we used to be because every comment I got on it was some variation of how very dare you.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Generally I try to give all of my stories a happy ending, but for this one, I'll go with Yellow Wood  because it gave everyone a happy ending, no matter the path taken.
8. Do you get hate on fics? Currently no, but when the blacklist was a thing that happened, my name was second on there, so that kind of sucked.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Out of my 84 JatP fics, 24 are rated E, and my smut prompt fills are currently sitting at 80 something chapters, so you tell me. In honesty, I don't write smut as much anymore, as I find it a little more difficult to write and the response to anything rated above a T is vastly lower than anything else. But when I started in this fandom, it was what I was known for; see my point regarding the black list.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? I actually kind of hate crossovers? If I'm looking for a fic to read on AO3, I always click the Exclude Crossovers choice. I'll write any and every AU I can, and I might add minor characters from said AU, but that's rare, and that's as close as I get.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Unfortunately yes. There was a person on WattPad who went and stole a bunch of different smutty JatP fics over a year ago, and one of mine was amongst them. They were reported, and the fic was taken down. This is why now my fics on AO3 are only available to registered AO3 users.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? No, but if anyone ever wants to do a translation or podfic of any of my stories, they have my permission as long as they credit me and send me a link afterwards!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? No, and no one has ever asked. It's something I'd love to try if the chance ever came along, and had the right idea.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship? I mean I can't pick just one, I've been involved in fandoms since I was a teenager. Like for Teen Titans Raven/Beast Boy will always own a piece of my soul. In Glee, Kurt/Blaine was such a formative part of my life. And even with Jatp I don't think I could choose between Rulie and PeterPatterLina, they both mean so much to me. And those are just the fandoms I've written for!
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? *looks at my GDocs which is a WiP graveyard* Oh gosh there's so many.
16. What are your writing strengths? My brain is not being kind to me ATM, so I don't think I have any? Like maybe how much I write? Does that count?
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Everything. Editing especially.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? I have done this quite a bit, even if it's just plugging what I want to say into Google Translate. So I know it's not entirely accurate, but I think I have been getting better about it.
19. First fandom you wrote for? The first fic I ever wrote that wasn't done like on a dare was a smutty fic for the anime Trigun that still exists on my ff.net page if you find it (no I'm not linking it) that I wrote in high school. It is Not Good.
20. Favorite fic you've written? I give the same answer to this question every time: But came the dawn the show goes on (and I don't want to say goodnight) and I don't think that will ever change.
Honourable mentions
-For better or for worse (Even if it's just tonight) 
-So Close To Reaching That Famous Happy End
-Yellow Wood
-Dress You Up In My Love
Not tagging anyone, but if you wanna do this ask game, go to!
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bitbybitwrites · 1 month
im so curious about 🎎!!
🎎 - Untitled Klaine fic (Feudal Japan!AU)
(Klaine) Untitled Klaine fic (Feudal Japan!AU) - based off of novel The Tokaido Road - On a personal mission to avenge the murder of his father, Kurt travels the Tokaido , braving its dangers and interesting characters on the way. As the son of a nobleman, Kurt travels in disguise, unaware that the person who sanctioned his father's murderer has also sent Blaine, a talented and deadly ronin, to find and kill Kurt as well.
NOTE: I'm still kind of full on research mode still for this WIP - but I managed to bang out a little of chapter one for you. This is a little more than 3 sentences, cause I was on a roll.
Chp 1
yagate shinu / keshiki wa miezu / semi no koe the cry of the cicada / gives us no sign / that presently it will die. Matsuo Basho, 1690
The silvery light of the autumnal moon shone through the trees, creating a series of intricate shadows upon the tatami that Kurt knelt upon. His gaze fell upon the familial shrine before him, and upon it the tablets bearing the names of his deceased family members.  As his eyes fell upon the most recent addition of his father’s tamashiro, Kurt’s hands tightened, wrinkling the hakama that his hands rested upon.  He closed his eyes and inhaled deeply, his lungs filling with the scent of the chrysanthemums of his mother’s garden. “I hope father finds you well, Okaasan, “ Kurt murmured softly.  “It is just me now.”
Thanks for the ask, @kurtsascot
Make Me Work on my WIPs ask game - To play click here
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deldeldel90 · 2 years
while I was drawing a pic of a younger frederick, I just got an idea for an au where basically, leland brings the plaid brothers out to the shipping docks to explain to them how it all works and why its important to the plaid kingdom.
Blaine is 7, Lance is 6, Frederick is 5. and at the end of their little trip there, frederick (being as small as he is) slips away because, well, he likes ships and he's not too keen on all the eyes that seem to be on him. he ends up accidently getting on a ship set to go to the pastel kingdom.
he's scared, crying gently bc he doesn't want to be found in case he'll get in trouble with his dad, and when the ship hits land, he follows one of the shipmates to the pastel kingdom. he chases as fast as he can (his footsteps remaining soft, though, cause he doesn't wanna get in trouble) but he ends up getting lost.
just as he's about bawl (even though dad hates it, it makes him feel better and right now, he really wants to feel better), he hears a gasp. and staring up at him, is miss agatha, who was just about to leave the castle to go home. she, voice trembling, asks him a million questions and he barely even answers.
mumbling to herself, she goes, "dang it. that's no way to talk to a child, you know that, agatha..." and, louder, to him, she smiles, a strained one, and says, "do you have a family? where's you family?"
he lies. "I don't have one." he puts on the face Laverne makes when she really, really wants something and needs to act cute in order to get it. "im," he pauses, trying to find the words. blaine's adviser (teacher or something, he doesn't really know) told him a bunch of stuff about problems in the kingdom. he tries to find one that'll make his situation a bit sadder. or maybe find an explanation for this all. "i don't have a kitchen."
the woman blinks.
frederick's never been good with lying. he hates it, he really does.
"or a sink. or a bathroom. or... or, um, a table. or a bedroom."
"you're homeless?" thats what she makes of it. he doesn't correct her, because he doesn't know what any of this means.
he nods.
he's immediately scooped into arms that feel warm to the touch. "oh, no," she mutters. she looks like something terrible just happened. "im- well-" she's about to put him down, but frederick clings to her like he's a baby again.
"can I stay with you?" he asks in his littlest voice. he's not pretending when he tucks his head into her shoulder, looking down at the floor.
he doesn't know her but, somehow, she feels a lot better than the family he's got.
miss agatha melts.
"fine," she says after a moment of hesitation. "but only for a while. we need to know where you-"
"don't know nobody," frederick mumbles.
"i can't take a, what, toddler? from- it's not-"
"not a toddler," frederick interrupts again. he knows its rude. he doesn't know why she hasn't told him off yet.
"you're not?" she sounds like she doesn't believe him. "you're too small."
he can't help but pout. "that's cause I'm always sick," he tells her the reason he's always been told.
he feels a bit fuzzy. like he's just woken up from a nap. maybe its cause he really likes to be carried. maybe its cause he can't remember last time he wa being comforted like this.
miss agatha holds him a little tighter. "well, that won't do." she cradles him for a moment. shes walking somewhere, hopefully home. deep in thought, it seems, too, cause she barely is saying anything except low whispers he can't hear. "say, do you like books?"
frederick's nearly fallen asleep by then. still, he managed to reply, shyly, "i like books. stories 'nd stuff."
a door opens.
frederick sees her backyard, grass cut in a way thats almost perfect, overgrown flowers, the glow of the other homes' lights.
he can't help but wonder if this is what's gonna be his new life.
frederick and miss agatha meet. adoption ensues.
miss agatha's just happy to have somebody who likes to learn.
little bits of this au:
- teaching assistant frederick!!
- dynamic aunt agatha and nephew frederick :)
- miss agatha listens to what frederick says and actually cares abt his interests. her taking him around the kingdom, explaining everything abt their land.
- frederick wearing pastel green crisp shirts (maybe even some with suspenders), blazers, ties, and black shoes with white socks. him gaining the Teacher style. pastel academia frederick.
- agatha has a small library in her house with cozy armchairs that frederick loves to sleep in. he really likes her house in general, because the colors are light and pretty and there's no plaid. it smells like autumn.
- frederick calling miss agatha "aggie"
- miss agatha calling frederick "freddie-boy"
- frederick being raised on butter cookies and ham-and-cheese sandwiches. when miss agatha gets home and he's done with school, they have dinner together and she tells him all about her job as the royal children's teachers
- (frederick pretends he doesn't know anything about kingdoms.)
- frederick becoming friends with neighborhood children..... just. let this boy have friends 😭😭 (one of his friends gets him into a series called "warrior ponies",,, skdhsksjdj and just. little kid shenanigans.)
- a seven-year-old frederick shipping miss agatha and the old guard because of how often he joins them for either breakfast, lunch, or dinner.
- the old guard being grumpy and referring to frederick as "the kid". the old guard becoming protective once he learns of frederick's backstory,,,
- miss agatha and frederick spending time in bookstores together,,, in the local library,,, sometimes they read in bakeries or in the park
- just. kid frederick. growing up with a stable family (of some kind,,)
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faarkas · 2 years
tagged by @corvosattano @gendameron and @denerims (thank you beloveds) and boy did I take the quiz
rules: take this quiz and share 5 (or more! or less! the world is your oyster!) results from the top 50 that you feel really fit your oc(s). if you don’t recognize very many from the top 50, feel free to expand into the top 100.
no pressure tagging: @vilkaas @eviefrie @leefi @malefiicarum @rockerboys @rosebarsoap @saintjudegf @nuclearstorms @reaperkiller @aartyom and anybody else ! :3
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john wick - john wick (!!!!!!)
rick blaine - casablanca
aragorn - |ord of the rings
sun bak - sense8 (!!!!!!!!)
kakashi hatake - naruto
lee sizemore - westworld
the wizard of oz - the wizard of oz
KENDALL ROY - succession (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
ryan howard - the office
petyr bae|ish - g*me of thr*nes
bumblebee - transformers
barry allen - the flash
ted lasso - ted lasso (!!!!)
jim halpert - the office
jonah simms - superstore
jet b|ack - cowboy bebop
h*wkeye - m*rve|
ashley stubbs - westwor|d
mike ehrm*ntraut - better ca|| sau|
ga|e hawthorne - the h*nger g*mes
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carrie bradshaw - sex in the city
oberyn marte|| - g*me of thr*nes
|umiere - beauty and the beast
jack dawson - titanic
kee|ey jones - ted |asso
merry brandybuck - |ord of the rings
marion ravenwood - |ndiana jones
jack twist - brokeback mountain
westley - the princess bride
kate austen - Lost
jim halpert - the office (I know a dupe but SHES SOOO JIM)
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gera|t of r*via - the w|tcher
sandor c|egane - g*me of thr*nes
asha greyj*y - g*me of thr*nes
dary| dixon - the wa|king dead
roy kent - ted |asso
han so|o - st*r w*rs
spike spiegel - cowboy bebop
f|ynn ryder - tang|ed
JJ - the out*r b*nks
steve harrington - str*nger th*ngs
emmett cu||en - twi|ight
damon sa|vatore - v*mpire di*ries
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michael-massa-micon · 7 months
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Folded Landscape - September 2023 The land around Historic Hat Creek Ranch and then as we drove south toward Blaine, Washington, is, to me, oddly folded. The hills have many ridges that were apparently created by ancient glaciers. It makes for a lot of interesting images. MWM
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spaceorphan18 · 2 years
Scenes from December (11/24)
Klaine Advent Day Eleven : Education
December, 2022
Kurt’s knees were killing him.  He had been kneeling on the bathroom floor for nearly twenty minutes, trying to get his two-year-old to sit still long enough so that he could wash her hair.  Dinner had consisted less of eating and more of dumping peanut butter on her head, and Kurt was tired enough that he had half a mind to just shave her head completely.  Child protection services couldn’t be called for shaving your child’s head, right?  Plus, Katie could totally rock the bald look.  She did as a baby.  But, despite wrestling with her to get the water on her head and not everywhere else, he could never cut her dark hair, which curled up like her father’s when dry.  
Kurt wasn’t the only one struggling.  From the other room, he could hear six-month-old baby Tracy wailing bloody murder. Kurt’s head pounded - he just knew they were going to get another complaint from the neighbors.  And with everything going on, he just didn’t need to deal with the obnoxious college students next door that sometimes children were just loud, and maybe they should turn down their music.  
God, when did he turn into his dad? 
“Blaine!” Kurt yelled.  They had made a trade off -- Kurt would take care of the peanut butter disaster, and Blaine would clean up dinner and take care of the baby.  It seemed, when they made the decision to have a family of four, that the two of them would be enough to cover it all.  They were definitely getting an education in how that had been a naively stupid assumption.  “Blaine!”
“Blaine!!” Katie scrambled at the topic of her lungs.  She giggled, amused.  She had taken a real liking to Blaine’s name, and enjoyed shouting it when she thought she could get away with it.  
Kurt eyed her sharply.  “You need to sit still so we can get your head clean.” 
She promptly stood up.  “All clean!” 
Kurt let out a grunt as he tried, again, to use a washcloth to gently pull the food out of her hair.  
A moment later, Blaine came into the doorway, baby Tracy happy and making cooing sounds, resting on his hip.  
“What was going on in there?” Kurt asked.  There was perhaps more irritation in his voice than he intended.  
Blaine grumbled.  “What was going on?  This is what’s going on.”  He gently bent down, lying Tracy on the carpet just outside of the bathroom.  The minute he let go she started screaming again.  “Your child is refusing to be set down.  I can’t get anything done out there.”  
“My child?” Kurt whipped his head up at Blaine.  “Well, your child seems to think that personal hygiene is an optional choice.” 
Blaine pursed his lips together.  They were both tired, no doubt.  And it had been leading to these little snippets of arguments.  At least they both knew not to take it personally.  At least they both knew that these days would be temporary and at some point, when they were actually old, they’d get enough sleep again.  Kurt was sure some snarky remark was on the tip of Blaine’s tongue, but, being the better person than Kurt often was, thought better of it.  “Do you want to just switch?” Kurt could feel the exhaustion in his voice.  
Kurt pushed himself up, annoyed that it took just a slightly bit more effort than it used to, and traded places with Blaine, the baby being handed off in the process.  The second, however, that Blaine let go of Tracy, she began to wail again.  Kurt put his head against his screaming child’s.  “C’mon, sweetie.  You can live a few minutes without your daddy.  I somehow managed for years.” 
That got Blaine to chuckle a little, but the humor was short lived.  Blaine had just settled in, rolling his sleeves up, when Katie started splashing around.  
“No, Blaine! NO, BLAINE!” She protested, not wanting him to come close to her with the washcloth.  
Blaine looked up at Kurt, helplessly.  
Kurt clicked his tongue.  “Don’t give me that look - you’re the one who wanted two.”  
“And you’re the one who agreed with me.” 
“Yes, well, the sex was very convincing.”  
Blaine let out a noise that was half way between a laugh and a sob.  
Kurt bent down, and gave the top of Blaine’s head a kiss.  Their life was insane.  Wonderful.  But insane. 
“C’mon, you,” Kurt said to the baby as he turned to leave. “Let’s find something to distract you with so I can try to get the dishes done.” 
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saintdollanganger · 1 year
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blaine, wa / july 2023
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malevolentstrains · 11 months
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Tom & Blaine of The Accüsed "Splatterskate" photo shoot Seattle, WA (1987)
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I can’t resist weird houses and Zillow has this building listed as a single family residence in Blaine, Washington. It does look like someone is living here, but it’s NOT a residence. It’s a 110 ft tall decommissioned radar tower built for use by the Air Force in 1961. They’re asking $950K for it.
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Here’s the front door and garage. There’s a little tree there. Makes it look homey. You would be safe here- the structure was designed to withstand a nuclear blast within a one-mile radius and is well preserved.
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Whoever lives here has a collection of motorcycles in the garage.
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It doesn’t look like much has been done to make it a home. Here’s some stereo equipment.
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Zillow has highlighted this feature- it’s a fully functional 6,000 lb. rated freight elevator spanning 6 stories.
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This bathroom has a great slop sink.
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The building is 6 stories high with over 20,000 square feet of usable space and most levels have 20 ft ceilings.
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In the living space are all the family’s things. 
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This is where they wash up, do the laundry and use the urinal. 
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Here’s a makeshift bedroom. 
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Some living room chairs.
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There are a lot of cool spaces.
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Ladder to the roof where there could be a roof top deck.
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I don’t know what this is.
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This is an interesting space.
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This building has potential.
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It’s on .71 acre. I think that the owner bought it and then got overwhelmed. This is a major reno project. 
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