#bleach sui-feng
themultiverseheroines · 8 months
Open Valentine's Day Fandom RP (to all fandoms)
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Soifon (Suì-Fēng) wasn't the romantic kind of person. She's in charge of Squad 2, the Punishment Force, who's tasked with policing, assassinating, and detaining any criminals. Even pass messages to other squad members. However, Lady Yoruichi asked her to go out with your muse, someone she recommended.
Soifon didn't want to, but ultimately agreed to do so. Not wanting to disappoint Lady Yoruichi...despite the fact she should be at this point not listening to her since she's not her captain anymore.
"So, you're the one who's going to go out with me on a date...not impressed. But Lady Yoruichi told me to go out with you, so I'll do it. Now, what is this Valentine's thing that she mentioned about?"
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moonymiw · 2 months
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Cour 3 is coming in October🌻 but drawing this particular captains of Gotei 13 formation is my kind of comfort zone
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qweaenr · 4 months
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BLEACH - Gotei 13: Squads 1-5
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imaginingbleach · 3 months
Random Assortment of Captains Proposing
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Included: Shunsui, Suì-Fēng, Shinji, Byakuya, Mayuri, Rukia
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Shunsui Kyoraku
One would expect this man to be over the top with his proposal, but you would be surprised to find out it's nothing like you would expect.
Even before becoming head captain, this still held true.
While he believes the world should know how special you are to him, he also wants certain things to be more personal and private.
He can shout how he feels for you to the high heavens, but he wants special occasions to be just between the two of you-- maybe a small group of friends and family at largest.
It would likely happen some quiet evening in the middle of winter when the snow is gently coming down just outside...
The two of you were snuggled up together next to a gently roaring fire.
You didn't need a blanket with how warm he was as he had his arms wrapped around you.
You were starting to lull off into a very soft slumber, struggling to stay awake between the comfort of you boyfriend and the warmth between him and the fire.
He had thought a lot about when and where he should ask you, but the way you looked snuggled up into his chest?
He couldn't stand it.
You were so cute and you looked so perfect there with him...
"Hey, sorry to wake you, but I wanna ask you something," he spoke gently, waking you from your faint slumber.
"Mmf? Wha's up?" You'd slur out, eyes not even managing to open at first.
It was when he didn't immediately respond that you would open your eyes, blinking slowly and looking at him.
"Will you marry me?"
A mix of something between a squeak and a gasp escaped you, his question definitely waking you up.
"I-" your brain was going faster than you could verbally reply-- but his calm demeanor helped relax you enough to manage the simplest and yet most important reply you could give him, "yes"
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She thinks she's being secretive about her plans to propose, but she's sorely mistaken.
Maybe in regards to you
However, her entire squad and the stealth force absolutely know.
In fact, they would be doing whatever they could to try to give her hints.
"Oh, yeah, Captain! I got a new ring from-" not very subtle, but he does like to wear jewelry and the ring doesn't look awful-
Maybe of the members would have casual 'conversations' while conveniently walking past her.
"The cherry blossom trees are beautiful in-" "There's a fireworks festival this weekend-"
The squad knew you well enough to know how to suggest things they thought you might like.
She's a bit too caught up in the moment to fully notice what they're doing...
When she does propose, she chose your favorite time of year or favorite holiday.
It doesn't matter how tall you are, she would position herself so she could wrap her arms around your shoulders from behind.
She would pull a cute little box out in front of your face and simply asks if you'll be hers.
You're shocked for a moment, but gladly accept and turn around to kiss her happily.
Some time after she finally proposed... She realized just what her squad had done.
She's a little annoyed but doesn't punish anyone so long as they don't bring it up. Omaeda.
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Shinji Hirako
Okay... This man is so in love with you it's absolutely fucking ridiculous.
He has imagined and daydreamed about how he might propose to you and how your wedding might go...
It's always the same in his mind so he has idea of a perfect proposal and the most wonderful wedding and...
Something always seems to happen.
It could be big or small, but he just has never been able to get the timing right!
He had it all planned out, he had a ring, he had a spot, even down to what season he wanted it to happen in!
It would have been a beautiful little day together where he would propose at sunset! Or sunrise! That all depended on what happened 😉
Every. Single. Time! Bad weather, you were busy! He was sick! He had duties! There was a war going on!
So, when it finally does happen... It's not exactly the most romantic extravagant over the top proposal...
But it's extremely fitting for Shinji.
You had just woken up, the smell of food enticing you towards the kitchen to eat.
He was sitting there with a cup of tea, watching as you stumbled towards the table with your eyes barely open and hair an absolute mess.
To him; this scene was just pure perfection. It was so domestic... It filled him with warmth.
"We should get married," he would blurt out, smiling at you.
"W... Wha? I, wha?" You were so shocked you had dropped your piece of toast, whining as it fell buttered side down onto the floor. "Shinji... It's too early for jokes," you would grumble; now upset you had accidentally wasted food.
"I'm not joking," he would grin and pull out a little pristine box he had been carrying since the day he bought it.
He would sweetly say your name and open the box to show you the ring, his usual grin soon spreading over his features. "Will you make me the 3rd happiest man in Connecticut and marry me?"
"We're not in Connecticut!!!" You would exclaim through laughter, wiping the tears from your eyes. "Yes, stupid... You're also banned from the Internet."
"Hey, you know you love me~ and it made you giggle, so it's not all that bad." He would wrap his arms around you, cheek pressed against yours and gently putting the ring on.
You both made up a story about what happened because you didn't want to have to explain the layers of his stupid proposal. (You both think back on it fondly, though.)
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Byakuya Kuchiki
One may think it would take him a while to propose, but that would be quite the opposite of the truth.
What takes him a while is allowing himself to open up to you enough to realize he has feelings for you...
He guards his emotions carefully, especially after the death of Hisana...
But when he's in a relationship with you?
He genuinely cherishes the idea of being called your husband.
He would tell you that when you are ready and feel comfortable with the idea, he would be honored to marry you.
He tells you this up front since it's taken him so long to even accept the relationship, so he already knows he can see himself being with you for the rest of his life.
Because of this, you don't get the whole 'surprise proposal', but you do get to do a lot of things together.
When you admit that the idea of marriage sounds like something you'd like, he takes you to get rings with him.
Though he's used to a more traditional Japanese style wedding, he is open to hearing your thoughts.
He likely puts in more work than you do planning, mostly because he wants to make it perfect for you.
A big extravagant wedding? Done.
A small wedding with only the closest friends and family? That's perfect too.
He wants you to be happy, since he's already decided a while ago that he wants to repay the happiness you've given him tenfold.
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Mayuri Kurotsuchi
He is an interesting one to say the least.
His way of proposing is far from straight forward and even those closest to him who understand him might not see it as such.
Of course, being his partner means he comes to you with complaints about his subordinates or how his research isn't going the way he wants...
That's not unusual.
What is unusual, is how he gives you random little strange gifts.
Well, one wouldn't call them gifts so much...
You'll notice something interesting on his table and make a comment about it.
He'll tell you it was something from a failed experiment and they if you wanted it you could have it.
There was no experiment.
He got it because he knew you'd like it.
He can't say that though, right?
Anyway, through some long winded convoluted explanation you would end up with a ring.
You would end up unintentionally giving him answers to all the important wedding planning stuff and you wouldn't even know it.
You end up finding out because you snuck into his office one day to surprise him with something and you saw his calendar.
It definitely came as a mild shock at first, but somehow you weren't entirely surprised.
Instead you decided to continue to act oblivious up to the day of the wedding. You had to have some fun with it!
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Rukia Kuchiki
Rukia's way of proposing is absolutely adorable and definitely reflects a lot of her personality.
It takes her a bit to decide on the best course of action...
She has been gathering all the important information she would need over the years, after all.
She knows your ring size, your clothing size, your shoe size, your favorite color-- the works!
So, the most important part of everything is the how she does it.
She decided on a date: whatever winter holiday is your favorite.
It just so happened to be snowing that day, which she thought was absolutely perfect.
Whether it was a gift giving holiday or not: she got you one and had it wrapped nicely!
When you opened it, it was a pair of stuffed animals hugging.
One was a rabbit and the other was your favorite animal!
They were velcroed in a way that they could come apart, and when you pulled them apart to see, a small box fell out from between them.
Rukia would kneel down and pick up the box, gently holding it up to you before opening it.
"Will you marry me?"
You said yes, but you also laughed and cried. It was so cute you couldn't help it.
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highseme · 7 months
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Bleach - Illustrated Guide To Soul Reapers #203
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whoishotteranimepolls · 4 months
"Who's Hotter?" Pride Month Event: Shipping Wars The Big Three
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nozonova · 3 months
Headcanons of Bleach
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artemisgaz · 5 months
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soi fon from volume 39 of bleach
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nozya-6 · 2 months
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Can we have a Retsu, Soi Fon, with With Powerful Himbo
I had a blast and a half writing this.
Now! Your Wish Is My Command!
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“Oh! Hey Retsu! I was gonna find you myself but Hanataro here screeched and shoved me in here as soon as I walked through the door!” you exclaimed with a smile as you sat on the edge of the bed, ignoring the massive chunk of flesh a hollow had taken out of you while Hanataro was on the verge of tears, trying to stop the bleeding and keep you from making the wound any worse.
“P-please captain Unohana, he’s insane! He tried to go find you himself! Looking like this!” Hanataro cried, tears pricking at his eyes.
He has always been such an empathetic young man.
“That will do Hanataro, please take a rest while I take it from here.” Unohana kindly told the shivering young man who instantly let out a deep sigh of relief before stepping away, allowing the Captain to take over.
“Now then, how did you get yourself looking like this?” the raven haired woman asked with a cold smile usually reserved for her enemies and those who tried to disturbed the bedrest of those who were injured.
Undeterred by this, unlike every other single creature in existence, you beamed at her as you went into detail of your exploits.
Graphic detail in fact.
Poor Hanataro nearly fainted as you spoke.
Eventually, you came to the conclusion of your tale, telling her of how you had to push one of the soul reapers in training out of the way to stop them from getting their head bitten off, and that if it weren’t for your Zanpakuto you would probably be down an arm but that you made sure to deal with it just as she taught you to.
Retsu chided you at first, before congratulating you on a job well done.
That is when she made her slip up.
“That is good, I am glad my little bits and pieces of instruction were able to help you dear.” she told you with a happy smile before realizing she had said that in the company of someone else.
Instantly she whipped her head towards Hanataro, who went ramrod straight and felt as if his soul was about to leave his body from the deadly look Captain Unohana was giving him.
“Now Hanataro, how much of that did you hear?” the captain asked the terrified squad member with a look of murder on her face, as if she was imagining all of the ways she could gut him like a fish if she so wished.
“N-nothing at all! Not a single peep!” Hanataro stuttered out, wishing desperately he was far, far, FAR away from where he was at the moment.
Then, like a switch had been flipped, Captain Unohana’s face returned to its usual, kind smile.
“Good, I just wanted to make sure you didn’t mishear what I was saying to my patient here. Now, I do believe you have taken a long enough break. Don’t you?” Captain Unohana asked her terrified subordinate who shook his head up and down before bolting out of the room.
“You didn’t have to scare the poor boy like that, you know?” you asked Retsu as you let out a yawn and leaned into her.
“I know, but I have a reputation to maintain, and… you are mine. No one else's.” she muttered, her voice taking on a darker tone towards the end.
“I know love, I know.” you whispered, listening to the beat of her heart.
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Sui-Feng stomped through the streets in a rage as Omaeda did his best to steer her away from any brash action she may take.
He was doing this at great personal risk to himself, as she WILL eventually notice that the two of them were going in circles.
However, he seriously doubted that would be any time soon considering how absolutely livid she was at the moment.
He had genuinely never seen her so pissed before.
What in the Soul King’s name happened?
It was here that she began to rant.
Something about black cats, rouge cabbage carts and strings that were as soft as silk but as strong as iron and lighter than air.
That last part lit up a lightbulb in Omaeda’s head as he slammed his fist into the palm of his hand and said “Oh! You met my little buddy!”
Near instantly, the captain of the second division and the commander in chief of assaination within the soul society spun on her heel, a maniacal grin on her face.
“Now then Omaeda, what did you just say? That I met your “Little Buddy”? Is that right?” Sui-Feng asked with a scary voice that told her Lieutenant that there will be no arguing or lying to her unless he wished to suffer immense pain.
He offers a silent apology to you before telling his Captain everything she wanted to know under the pain of a violent death which she would most definitely give him if she was irritated enough.
You walked across the many roof’s, across the many streets, and through the many forests of the soul society as you patrolled your sector, looking for any trouble you could stop either with words or force if needed.
Now, imagine your surprise when you noticed a missile speeding towards you at incredible speeds the second you arrived in a clearing.
In this moment, you made a split second decision.
And that decision was perhaps the single most stupid idea in a long, sad, depressing history of stupid ideas.
The Head Captain liked to think he was a patient man.
At the very least more patient than he was in his younger days.
However, the sight before him right now was pushing that.
It was tea day for Squad 1, and they had an impromptu fireworks show going on.
The Bankai of the captain of squad two, something that was once rather crudely but aptly described as a “Giant Fuck Off Missile” had been let loose alongside another Bankai.
The other Bankai in question was your own.
A massive tree made of silk strings which were as hard of iron you controlled with ease and capable of slicing through everything you so wished.
And now, he was going to have to deal with this.
Why were young people so troublesome?
You stood at attention next to Sui-Feng, both of you covered in scrapes, cuts, and bruises alongside both of your clothes being singed.
Across from the both of you, the head captain was sitting at his desk, glaring holes through the both of you.
“Do either of you wish to explain what that mess was about?” the head captain asked with an even voice.
Instantly Sui-Feng pointed her finger at you and exclaimed “This brute manhandled me in the market!”
“You were about to be crushed by a CART OF CABBAGES!!!” you shot back.
Sui-Feng began to ready a retort but was stopped when the head captain shouted.
“AND YOU!!! YOU ARE A SEATED MEMBER OF THE THIRTEEN COURTYARD SQUADS!!! ONE THAT HAS ACHIEVED BANKAI AT THAT!!! YOU MUST CONDUCT YOURSELF AS SUCH!!! NOT AS A GALLIVANTING FOOL WHO RUNS THROUGH LIFE LIKE A BULL IN A CHINA SHOP!!!” the head captain shouted, his indignation at both of your actions cowing both you and Sui-Feng’s irritation at the other.
In response to his outburst, both you and Sui-Feng gazed at the ground, waiting for the Head Captain to dole out his punishments.
Omaeda felt as if his heart was going to give out at any moment from the stress of the situation he was currently in.
Before him, both you and his Captain were sitting on the floor, facing away from one another or as best the two of you could with the Kido that was binding you together at the hands, and both of you were being very obvious at how irritated the two of you were at this.
However, as he saw it, before him was a grenade that had its pin pulled and the only thing keeping it from going off was the fact that nothing had disturbed it.
This was going to be a very, very, VERY long month for all of Squad Two.
Omaeda especially.
Needless to say, you and Sui-Feng really hit it off after the first week of being attached to one another.
Before that… well… let’s just say there were a LOT of… let’s say emotionally charged moments.
More so after the two of you started catching feelings for one another, but in a WILDLY different way.
That being said, Omaeda was a bit concerned to begin with.
Not just because you were his little buddy and Sui-Feng was… Sui-Feng.
But because Sui-Feng was his comrade, his captain and she didn’t have people to look out for her like he did with his family.
But, once Sui-Feng started to research how to court someone officially as a Captain Of The Court Guard Squads, he got the feeling things were gonna be a-okay.
Also, the two of you were terrible when it came to controlling your spiritual pressure and emotions around each other.
Seriously, the two of you need to get a room, preferably far, far, far away from him.
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waifubuki · 1 year
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yukitoko · 1 year
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For friend.
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rikane-cosplay · 2 months
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Thank you for all the love under my previous posts!
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toyatominaga · 11 months
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One of the major reasons I like Soi Fon is her complex array of emotions. Brings a lot to her character of a supposedly cold assassin.
Also the level of detail Kubo puts into her expressions is top tier.
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the-chikyuu-times · 1 year
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anime093se · 3 months
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