heroeslogic-moved · 6 months
alice held the phone to her ear, "i considered calling 911 to get your attention, but i think that's a crime. i'm out front in the blue jeep if you're interested." maybe she was being a little presumptuous, calling buck again after how many months, but she had to take a shot at it. besides, she had something of his she didn't mean to take and she was going to give it back even though it had served her well. "i can wait until your shift's over if you'd prefer that. even got a hotel room too." her lips curved up into a smile as she looked across the street at the 118.
STARTER for @bledsoul / buck *
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aweinspiredcreations · 2 months
words written through tears tend to smear,
but the lines were already blurry
~ In Awe
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toomagic-moved · 4 months
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@bledsoul sent 🙌 to grab my muse by the throat / from gabe
she pushed him back against the wall, one hand holding him just tight enough by the throat to restrict airflow, but not do any major damage. "what the fuck are you doing here?" maeve asked, her voice almost a growl as she leaned in, putting a little more pressure on the man's throat. she hadn't expected anyone to be showing up at her place, but especially not him. she might be 'team good guys' now, but she didn't want butcher or his guys finding out where she lived or just giving out that information to anyone if that was even what gabe was here for. he could just be here to fuck with her. "you have until you pass out to explain."
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shadowbrn · 7 months
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❝ i can't even trust myself anymore. ❞
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@bledsoul ( finn ) liked this post for a starter
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existingillusion · 5 months
On paper, his suffering bled, and they praised, "Oh, what fine art."
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fyrewalks · 8 months
Send 👀 to walk in on my muse naked // @bledsoul
Bob's frustrated after a cluster fuck of day filled with too many wrongs. He and Nat can't seem to click as they have before; he calls three turns incorrectly before their flight time is called early. No use in wasting fuel. Post-flight review goes no better.
He returns home agitated, changes into an old shirt and running shorts, and pushes his usual five mile run into seven. It leaves him sweaty and aching, but still just as annoyed.
Tugging off his shirt, Bob flops on his bed, uncaring that he's sweaty. Then he thinks fuck it, shoves and kicks off his shorts, and gets a hand around himself as he reaches for his phone, thankful he hadn't chucked his airpods. If running didn't help, then maybe this will.
And then, five or ten minutes after, Bob isn't exactly tracking the time, his heart freezes in his chest and his hand stills as he becomes aware that his door is open and Jake's staring at him.
"What the hell!" Bob shouts, scrambling to cover himself with something, anything... a pillow. His cheeks are red and in second, he knows his chest and ears will be just as bright. "What the fuck! Are you -" Bob struggles to speak, chest heaving. "Out!"
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leschanceux · 8 months
@bledsoul wanted a starter! -
"So, can you actually run on water?" Garth's curious, just as he is with a lot of other subjects involving life above the surface of the water. He loves Atlantis, wouldn't - and physically couldn't - live on land for a long period of time, but physics on terra firma is fascinating all the same. He glances briefly at his King, finding him still in deep conversation with a couple of the Leaguers --- so he turns back to Barry with a small smile. "---and is it true you can generate electricity as you run?"
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basementboat · 9 months
⤷ ✧ @bledsoul said, ❝ i had it under control. you didn’t need to do that. ❞ from mcgee.
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he cuts off a derisive snort, letting a scathing, ❛ 'under control,' mcgee? ❜ suffice instead. his gaze, however, is not on the agent in question but on the retreating backs of those he's sent in his stead. only with a silent prayer that they stay on task — and get it done quickly — does he turn shift his weight and turn to fix his stare upon mcgee instead. ❛ just what do you think you had under control? ❜
too many hours had passed; time for a different approach. not that they had time... ❛ unless you have those answers for me and just forgot to share them. ❜
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cass would rather not acknowledge it was a certain holiday, that was why she was in a grungy dive bar drinking a beer. she'd thought this would be the one place that wasn't filled with couples, and generally it wasn't, but right now there was a pair drunkenly singing a love song on the karaoke machine. she turned away, instead focusing her attention the man sitting a seat over from her. "how's your day going?" she asked him, starting conversation only because it was better than staring off into space. upon further examination, he wasn't unattractive. she hadn't come here with any intention besides getting a drink away from all the couples, but she could change her mind.
VALENTINE'S DAY STARTER CALL | starter for @bledsoul / gabe shaw *
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heroeslogic-moved · 9 months
"listen, vi- i gotta go, that guy you went to high school with is here. no i won't say hi for you. go back to your shift. love you, vi." alice hung up the phone and pocketed it, picking up her coffee cup and walking up behind the familiar face. she didn't know him well, hell, she hadn't known him by name until she'd gone through her sister's old year books. he didn't need to know that.
"hello mike ross." she could be subtle when she wanted to, when she needed to, she just didn't have any reason to be today. she didn't need to lie and say she was in the neighborhood when she already lived here. this wasn't her usual coffee spot, but she'd managed to find his. alice offered him a friendly smile. "violet says hi, by the way," she'd said she wouldn't but she did, thought it might jog his memory as to why she knew his name. "i thought i'd seen you here before. what's with the suit? you some big corporate boss guy now?" alice sipped her coffee, maybe that was too on the nose.
SURPRISE STARTER 2/2 | starter for @bledsoul / mike ross *
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frosthidden · 8 months
"hope it's okay i used your shower," alice glanced down at the down she was using to dry her hair, also one his towel's. "i don't have one and yours was right there." she wore her own clothes and used her own shampoo and conditioner so it wasn't like she was stealing from him. "you've got good water pressure."
STARTER CALL | starter for @bledsoul / barry allen *
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toomagic-moved · 7 months
this place was kind of awful, she realized walking through throngs of people yelling, drinking and betting. then again what did she really think an underground supe fighting ring was going to be like. marie pushed her way to the front stopping at the gate only because she was made to. you hear to fight or watch, kid? she wasn't sure that was entirely what the man said, it was too loud to hear, but she could kind of read his lips. after a moment's hesitation and a glance at the man already in the ring she replied "fight! i want to fight that guy." she pointed to the man in the ring, instantly making a face as she saw how he took down his opponent. the crowd cheered and it drowned out everything else. marine knew this was crazy but how else was she going to get wolfman's attention long enough to talk to him. alright kid, what's your name? she understood that, she didn't have a supe name prepared though "it's marie," she told him as he opened teh gate for her.
on the other side they were dragging out a groaning body through another gate. she sucked in her lip and flicked out her knife, trying to make herself feel more confident and like she wasn't absolutely terrified. "i need to talk to you," she yelled across at the man she would be fighting. "please."
STARTER CALL | starter for @bledsoul / gabe shaw *
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hstoryhuh-a · 9 months
@bledsoul ( june ) : [ SWEET ]: the sender and receiver enjoy an evening of baking treats together, again, to varying degrees of success. ( thinking about alex and june just COVERED in flour ) | a list of wintry prompts
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❛❛   wait   -   ❜❜         his   eyes   close   out   of   reflex   alone   at   the   cloud   of   white   that   goes   up   between   them.   they'd   been   at   this   for   hours   now,   there   had   been   a   system   and   one   single   beep   from   his   phone   had   gotten   that   system   off   balance.   he   looked   down   to   check   his   screen   and   stepped   around   the   island,   there   wasn't   enough   time   to   look   back   up   and   warn   his   sister   -   there   was   flour   everywhere   now.
alex   waved   a   hand   to   clear   his   vision.   he   was   pretty   sure   june   was   here   somewhere.         ❛❛   i   told   you   to   wait   -   ❜❜         he   coughed   as   he   practically   inhaled   flour.         ❛❛   fuck   june   ...   ❜❜         looking   around   the   kitchen,   there   hadn't   exactly   been   a   mess   before   but   there   definitely   was   now.   the   entire   kitchen   looked   like   a   winter   wonderland.   well   ...   at   least   they   were   being   festive.         ❛❛   i'm   blaming   you.   ❜❜                  
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yes7erdays-archive · 9 months
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⋆⭒˚。⋆₊ ⊹ incorrect quotes edit ( @bledsoul )
Send in 📜 and I’ll use thisincorrect quotes generator using your muse and my muse. (Please specify how many muses//which muses for multimuse blogs!!)
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fyrewalks · 6 months
ask me anything you like. i’ll tell you the truth. // @bledsoul
Buck laughs, the noise loud and harsh even to his own ears. And yet, he doesn't care. He rarely ever does, not one for self consciousness or shyness, but in Eddie's dimly lit living room, there's no annoying nagging thought that he should tone it down.
"Dude," he lifts up his head, not so subtly sneaking a look in Eddie's direction. "How drunk are you right now?" Then his gaze shifts to the coffee table, at the bottles strewn across it.
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♚ x ♾️
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i love you i love you and also there are specific ocs who would step on you cause thats just how they roll (it's alice)
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