#blessings on you and your house
macaroni-rascal · 11 months
Okay, I have to do the men first while they're still fresh in my mind.
Malinin wtf, that's one of the worst outfits I've ever seen. It's giving ClipArt, it's giving shitty MySpace photo edits done in MS Paint, it's giving WinAmp skin. And it's a freaking Succession program - a simple ribbed black turtleneck sweater would've sufficed, but no. At least he's improved his movement quality.
Kevin with the slay of the weekend so far, such a shame it was to Bolero. I had forgotten it was Bolero and then the dread of the realization set in when the music started. His gloves were stained red by the blood gushing from my eardrums. But when he was standing in the middle of the ice, hip cocked, staring down the judges? Iconic. He needs to close his shirt a little bit and it needs some sort of intricate beading or a pattern or something, it's all a bit plain and boxy again and dark. And the hair again - truly reminiscent of some of Scott's worst post-retirement moments.
Shun, if you're gonna skate to the Four Seasons, then why dress like the cracked earth of the Atacama Desert? It looked better up close and I'm sure it looked great as a drawing, but it had these skeletal lines that made me wonder if it was a Halloween costume. It looked like if someone ripped the ruffles off of one of Yuzuru's old costumes and ran over it with their car in the mud.
Nozomu - this costume is too literal and silly and it belongs on a cruise ship show, not a senior GP. If a novice boy was wearing this, it'd be cute, but this is a grown-ass man. I did like the color and beading on the vest upon closer inspection and default bonus points for not wearing black pants, but the music selections were too heavy and dramatic for such a childish outfit. And I thought we'd left the boot covers behind in the early 90s, wth.
An Eteri boy? In this economy? The ripping-open of the shirt is such a cheap Dani G gimmick as to be a parody of itself at this point. And a red shirt for Roxanne? Groundbreaking. At least he's appropriately attired for what he is to his coach - just another Redshirt.
Deniss would be my main B if it weren't for the problems. I love how the audience was creaming itself as soon as he started moving. I looooved the fuchsia color, but let's be real for a sec - that's a blouse. He's wearing a blouse. But I don't care. He looked like a slutty pirate and I'm here for it. That said, his body was performing, but his face wasn't, and I hate that for him, because he's the only boy here who could bomb and still get a standing O.
Gogo's shirt was having an identity crisis. Was it supposed to be kimono-inspired? Is the music from some obscure sci-fi show and this shirt is somehow based on an alien civilization? Because both short sleeves over long ones and a scarf (that's just a little shorter than the shirt) under a belt is a lot to be going on. Was the costume brief "just fuck my shit up"? The color wasn't bad and it suited his complexion, but the gloves were an unnecessary touch in an overall look that followed no rhyme or reason.
Litvintsev strikes again, this time with an overly literal costume and a community theater interpretation of a toy soldier that he doesn't have the rizz to make camp enough to work. The ruffled collar I found to be personally offensive.
Tatsuya wearing a random, loosely fitting tactical outfit and skating to contemporary classical music, because those two things somehow go together. Whatever.
Naumov's shirt I possibly liked best, but that's mostly because it was slim pickings out there. It was more interesting up close, but the little colorful islands of rhinestones just looked like stains in wide shots. I liked the ombre, it was well-positioned and the shirt was well-constructed and fit him well.
Torgs strikes again, this time in a system failure blue crewneck sweater someone tested black and white eyeliner swatches onto. I'm issuing an arrest warrant for whoever is responsible, he should demand his money back. At least he had a redemption skate.
Nordeback with the laziest Batman costume. I can't even be bothered to comment. His performance def was a dark knight of the soul.
I'm gonna give on sentence on each skater along with you, as a fun game.
Ilia: Why, bro...just why?
Kevin: V necks are apparently the reason for the season, but I'm not sure if they are in.
Shun: You nailed it so hard I have nothing to add besides a crisp thumbs up.
Nozomu: Boot covers should be outlawed unless you are skating to Kinky Boots, then an allowance will be made, but only if BOTH skaters wear bright red knee high boot covers.
Eteri boy: Ugh.
Deniss: Oh, Deniss.
Gogolev: Every time he skates I think: does he hate this?
Litvintsev: Camp is only camp if it's camp and this wasn't camp.
Tatsuya: Boring.
Naumov: Pretty solid.
Torgashev: What a choice.
Nordeback: Rough stuff.
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suddenrundown · 2 years
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crippled-peeper · 2 months
if only there was a word for people with vaginas to help them for example get treatment that is specific for them. it's almost like your biological body affects your life, health included.
Imagine sending this ask to a trans man who has not only had gynecological surgery for SEVERE endometriosis but has posted openly about it dozens of times
Oh, and they are called Gynecologists and Obstetricians, not Womenologists you brain dead sack of piss
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love-r-boy · 2 years
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i made a uquiz because i reread antigone and felt catharsis. which tragic greek figure are you?
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driftingballoons · 4 months
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Day 5: Nightmares
he had a bad dream :( now it’s everyone’s problem
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backjustforberena · 2 months
Series finale next week and I know what we're all thinking: Is Corlys ever going to man up and claim his sons?
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yumemiruuuu · 9 months
(wind knocks over trash can)
Feng Xin: Wowww nice fucking job, Mu Qing
Mu Qing: That wasn’t me though?????
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A Softer Trigun, part 22/?
pt. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
and an Alt, bc I just can’t decide these days :’)
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wayward-wren · 3 months
*deep breath*
Take your kids to church take your kids to church take your children to church take your kids to church raise your children with a view of the church as their family take your kids to church.
If you are a Christian and you don't take your kids to church you are not raising them as is your duty as a parent.
And I KNOW sometimes its hard to do and churches aren't perfect and it is better to wait and find a good church than to go to an abusive or non-biblical church. But OOOOOH MY GOSH if you are able to take your children to a suitable church and don't shame on you.
Your children are going to grow up with no priority to their faith. They are going to not care about God. They are going to drift further and further away from your faith. You are leading them to ruin.
Take your children to church and point them towards God every single day
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andy-clutterbuck · 1 year
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6x16 | Last Day on Earth
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gogandmagog · 9 months
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— Anne’s House of Dreams, Lucy Maud Montgomery
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essenceofarda · 11 days
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OF BLESSED THYME & THISTLE | Chapter 1 | Page 7
Masterlist of Pages
Faramir’s cousin, Lothiriel, comes to Minas Tirith to become a companion of his new bride, Eowyn, something that he hopes will ease Eowyn’s rough transition into Gondorian Society. Eowyn, for her part, decides her new companion would in turn make the perfect bride for her brother, Eomer King of Rohan. Matchmaking shenanigans ensue 😏
lol Be prepared to be VERY peeved by some of the main antagonists in this fancomic over the span of the next few pages,,, Faramir's Auntie Terenis (Denethor's sister) and her late husband's niece Lady I’Rhetha (whom Terenis had been plotting for years for Faramir to marry, so imagine her bitterness when he married one of those "uncouth northerners" instead of HER prized niece) are kinda the worst kinda people 😬
Also I tried something new (simple) way of drawing Eowyn's headdress but i kinda hate it so rip my hand i gotta go back to painstakingly drawing every embellishment. That or next scene making her headdress less complicated 😅
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carebooks · 14 days
and if i say that aemond is the main targ going mad on the show and is the one causing the most damage to the realm and the aemond stans will start defending him in the comments— what then
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elitehoe · 4 days
#wewantmina is a revolution that won't be denied!!!!
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blondeaxolotl · 4 months
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Ok baiii
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annaholak · 2 years
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"No Gytha, you are not buying the gargoyle! You have enough garden gnomes already!!"
Inktober 2022 - Day 1: Gargoyle
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