#blessings upon you all
mytardisisparked · 1 year
I just wanna wish a happy Easter weekend to everyone else who is alone this holiday. When you sit down for dinner, know that, spiritually, we are at the same table and I am telling you dumb stories with bad puns as we celebrate.
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hobgoblinns · 10 months
by god. for once in my life a fic i’ve posted to ao3 is performing well within its first 24 hours
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isjasz · 1 year
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The brainrot continues (Blame @vesperionnox and @cherrysherin we are dragging the whole server down with this au)
Part 1
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midnightwinterhawk · 2 days
Every fic writer ever:
[A complete tale told in three panels]
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God I love fic writers.
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demigod-of-the-agni · 4 months
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redraw of the first ever pavitr drawing i did a little over a year ago <3
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cutefoxgirl2992 · 7 days
If you wanna test someone's TGCF media literacy just ask them about Qi Rong in any way shape or form
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slavicafire · 29 days
sometimes you are just so overwhelmed by how lucky you are to have such incredible people in your life and the privilege to call them your friend, so so overwhelmed that even though you are fluent in at least three languages your partner will just end up walking in on you sitting in a room babbling incoherently with tears in your eyes while holding a bag of cheerios
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whatjaswatched · 6 months
You’re telling me there’s a BBC period drama television series with Cillian Murphy and Matthew Macfadyen that I’ve never heard of??
I know that the novel this is based on was written by a man, but the screenplay was written by the man who gave us the Colin Firth 1995 Pride and Prejudice, and these characters are being played by men who are literally written for women, so my question is - how did people survive this???
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I want to say ‘it’s the sideburns for me’ but I genuinely just am so floored that this exists. There is no time for jokes.
I guess I know what I’m doing this week, then.
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alpydk · 1 month
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Just a totally normally person doing totally normal person things on a Saturday night...
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A specific kind of pleasant morning:
Bach (heavy on the violins) on headphones, a hot breakfast you didn't have to work very hard to make, trying a new tea from your "advent" calendar, and adding your review of it to the spreadsheet your tea-sampling friends all share. Reading their reviews from yesterday. A glass of cold well water, warm socks.
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strawberry-cowmilk · 6 months
you know you're addicted when the store employee looks at you and goes 'I see you here often you're the one with the outfits'
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badolmen · 7 months
Incredibly frustrated by how condescendingly jaded my uncle can be but I’m being so brave about it <- not blowing him up with my mind even though I want to
#ra speaks#personal#I love him. but my dude. bruh.#made a comment abt how I should try working/volunteering w the homeless#after I commented on his tirade abt homeless ppl ‘gaming the system’ by getting arrested in the winter#to have somewhere warm w food to stay like ‘why are we not talking about how fucked it is that the homeless will fucking die if they don’t?#like sir. buddy. you do remember that I grew up on food stamp right? I have gone to a food bank as a recipient before.#I’ve volunteered at shelters and soup kitchens before. I know addicts and homeless people in town.#this isn’t some naive wide eyed college socialist ‘those poor homeless people are saints’ schitck#this is a tired university food pantry anarchist ‘aren’t you fucking tired of being cruel to people who make the best o thr circumstances?’#sorry you can no longer see the divine value of every human life and must endure the tragedy#of considering everyone not to your standard a lost cause.#some of us see the work to be done and will be doing it instead of wallowing in hate and pity.#shut up and get to work like the rest of us if you hate it so much.#it’s just like *strangled him* you see me twice a year dude I DO WORK AT A SOUP KITCHEN YOU IDIOT#I just don’t talk abt it because it’s just something I do sorry I thought making acts of charity your whole personality#was vain and frowned upon in christian society???#this makes my plans to ditch academia and go into fulltime aid work feel all the more. idk vindicated???#that’s not the right word but you get it. uncle t I love you but you know fuck all and have hardened your heart to the world.#god break that heart of stone you have and bless you with love for your fellow man. or whatever.#for context this convo happened like two years ago but I saw him last week and in light of recent personal revelations I’ve remembered it#core memory locked in ‘are you for fucking real uncle t?’#vocational woes
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madamescarlette · 1 year
been trying to brew up a coming of age playlist for the past few days and it's very funny picking out selections for it because 1/2 is like "I'm doing fine, actually, and I'm going to be okay" and the other 1/2 is "I'm crying weeping breaking under the enormous weight of being" and if that ain't just the perfect intersection of where my life is currently I don't know what IS
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pierriots · 7 months
just found out the worst thing in the world and its that one piece is actually good
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geminiagentgreen · 11 days
Lord I feel like an absolute failure tonight, yet this is my only consolation that maybe I did something right by you; only you could take my failures and turn them into victories, and give me true assurance where even pride is absent.
Please, Lord, tell me if I did right by you tonight, and please grow me into a good servant. Please save my family.
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midnightwinterhawk · 13 days
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God I love fic writers.
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