#bloodborne my beloved <3
pencrows · 2 years
DARK SOULS ROLEPLAYERS (ANY GAME) (other than sekiro, I'm sorry and ds2) HIT ME UP!!!!
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undefeatablesin · 1 year
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dreadedbayle · 1 year
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whatever happens, you may think it all a mere bad dream...
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fantomette22 · 2 months
Girllll so you got struck with now ESPECIALLY liking Malenia and Miquella? x) What triggered it, exactly? Was it something in the DLC, or just something you saw meanwhile in the fandom? Or something else?
So yeah basically it happened 😂 I mean it went step by step but still quite fast!
And yeah dlc trigger it! As such i got way more involve & more interested in them! Also i got more enthusiast to go dig fan content as well! Not sure what triggered it exactly too. I really like Elden Ring & dark souls but not to the point of being obsesses like with bloodborne h24 XD I guess when I said I wanted to wait to have the entire story, so the dlc, I wasn't joking & my brain really took it to the word lmao
But even if I tried to avoid spoilers it didn't work that much but I still put it in a corner. Spoilers are punished in the dark corner until I finished the dlc and be sure I won't accidentally spoils people too XD So idk but because of a part of it, I supposed I began to really ask myself questions how Malenia and Miquella used to be before, what cause their changed to ended up where they are etc and so idk I just finally saw how wholesome they are try to strongly imagined and day dream what their early life was.
Also I got quite a few thoughts on Miquella that make what we learn, yes tragic it already is A LOT but at least I feel more comfortable and at ease with the explanation I might have come up with! It will probably be wrong and lot of people would probably disagree but I don't care it's my interpretations and true in my heart!!!
But first I need to finish the dlc!
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ghostprinceiii · 2 months
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Puppy Time!!!
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astrxealis · 2 years
nvm i will Not read all that rn ... just did one chapter and it is now around 15 minutes away from 4 am so. good night <33
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smallerthan3 · 3 months
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bloodborne my beloved. almost done with the DLC so that’s definitely coming up <3
chicken alfredo
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vechter · 15 days
do you have any fics where dick kicks ass? ive been reading a lot of relationship fics lately and i just wanna see him do some cool stuff! or any comics <33
hmm, all the fics i've read are older ones tbh because going into the dick grayson tag on ao3 is a true test of my patience and mental health now. but here's a couple of my favs:
greatest of ease by ijustwanttodestroy: multi-chapter outsider pov and it's just stellar. it was one of the first few dc fics i read so it will always have a special place in my heart.
strong enough to carry him by one_step_closer_to_death: dick and jason centric one shot. all the angst.
big d stands for big (demon)or by danishsweethearts: multi-chapter and still updating but this one is great. dick grayson as a part time exorcist. great voice for dick.
the primacy of personal conscience by birdsofthesoul: also one of the first few dc fics i read! multi-chapter, multi-pov, set in the modern comics era which is rare. genuinely fantastic writing and grappling with the morality and ethics of vigilantism. kinda iffy about some aspects of it but i adore this one.
as for comics:
nightwing (1996) #140-153: tomasi's entire run is just great. competent and complex dick grayson, when will you come back from war?
the brave and the bold (2007) #14-15: short story also featuring hawkman, deadman and green arrow, excellent stuff
let them live!: unpublished tales from the dc vault (2021) #2: one shot with a manipulative, earnest and hyper-skilled dick grayson
teen titans (1996) #12-16: this one also features garth, lilith, roy and wally. it has team-leader!dick & rlly shows how much everyone looks to him for directions + how well he can rise to that
justice league of america (2006) #41-60: this one is part of his batman era and it has donna! rlly highlights what a skilled tactician he is + how deceptive he can be
batman/nightwing: bloodborne (2002): i know i talk about this one a lot but it's just so good. dick grayson, you will never recover from that kind of devotion.
jla (1997) #68-75: obsidian age my beloved <3 dick leads a kinda B-team justice league to save the main one and he's great while doing it
batman and robin (2009) #20-22: okay, i know this is primarily a morrison run but the issues tomasi wrote for this are actually pretty solid
detective comics (1937) #871-881: this is snyder's black mirror arc and it has a healthy mixture of dick!bats kicking ass + some really great humour and dialogue. but also there's james gordon jr so rlly goes to show you can't have it all sigh
nightwing (1996) #35-37: part of NML where dick takes back blackgate for bruce. i've said this before but truly, no one shines more than dick grayson in a room full of people who want to kill him
just realizing a lot of the NML and dick!bats eras have some solid storylines if you're looking for a hyper-competent dick grayson. sadly, a lot of dixon's writing blurs together for me so i don't think i can give you individual issues.
hope this list helps, anon!
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ceph-the-ghost-writer · 6 months
WIP Questions Tag
Rules : Answer as many (or as few) of the questions about your WIP as you can.
Tagged by @drawnecromancy! Read their answers for Le Prix du Sang here.
1. What was the first part of your WIP that you created?
Apophenia was originally a short story called "Dysthanasia" I wrote for an event on Ao3. Now Dysthanasia is the name of the series overall, and the story's a novel-length rough draft in the process of being rewritten.
2. If your story was a TV show, what would the intro song be?
Something short, instrumental, and spooky but with a touch of whimsy. Gotta have that little spark of fun or it'd wind up taking itself too seriously.
3. Who are your favourite character(s) and why?
I'm in love with all of them, but I have to stand by my protagonist, Isaac. He's a squishy human nerd, with no supernatural powers to speak of, but through being resourceful and more than a little lucky manages to survive awful situations. A lot of his characterization has to do with principles and compassion, but not quite in the soft or naive way readers might expect. His enemies repeatedly try to buy or break him, punishing him every time he does what he feels is right, but Isaac remains defiant, refusing to become jaded or take the easy way out. Is he destined to become a martyr? A monster? Stay tuned.
4. What other pieces of media could share a fan base with your WIP?
I'd hope The Vampire Chronicles fans would get into it. Maybe The Witcher fans, as far as characters relying on each other in an unjust world goes? Possibly readers of Octavia Butler, whose work I enjoy. I guess anyone who likes fictional organizations and the paranormal might see the appeal.
5. What has been your biggest struggle while writing your WIP?
Juggling all the backstory and worldbuilding that influences the characters and plot. So much happens before the actual story even starts. The death of Isaac's family. Renato becoming a bloodborn and his eroding loyalty to his sire. A cataclysm that reshaped the map. I'm doing my best to make these come through the text without hitting the reader with a wall of exposition.
6. Are there any animals in your story?
Living and undead! There's Renato's beloved goldfish, Tesoro. The elk, coyote, and bear Motley transforms into. Likewise the species of sharks that some of the good people of Eureka, Nevada can turn into. Or the livestock they raise, mainly sheep, goats, and chickens.
7. How do your characters get around?
Electric cars, horses, trains, or by turning into a much quicker animal.
8. What part of your WIP are you working on right now?
I think I'm almost halfway through the outline for the rewrite? Isaac is getting to know the supernatural locals of America's friendliest town on its loneliest road, and they him.
9. What aspects of your WIP do you think will draw people in?
Renato being a hot vampire, and there being different factions to identify with will probably lure some in. Hopefully they decide to stay for the characters, emotional arcs, and end of the world too.
Dysthanasia Taglist (Sign up or ask to be +/-): @thecyrulik @thatndginger @sunset-a-story @space-writes @scoundrelwithboba (feel free to consider this a tag for the game itself too)
Additionally @izzyspussy @wintherlywords @authoralexharvey @chauceryfairytales @autumnalwalker @revenantlore @captain-kraken @angsty-prompt-hole
Blank questions beneath the cut
1. What was the first part of your WIP that you created?
2. If your story was a TV show, what would the intro song be?
3. Who are your favourite character(s) and why?
4. What other pieces of media could share a fan base with your WIP?
5. What has been your biggest struggle while writing your WIP?
6. Are there any animals in your story?
7. How do your characters get around?
8. What part of your WIP are you working on right now?
9. What aspects of your WIP do you think will draw people in?
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dan-from-onami · 7 months
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Baby I am so back on the Elden Ring hype train and this little man has me obssessed already.
Messmer the Impaler. I'm already seeing people find evidence of his existence in the basegame and I fully believe he'll continue the tradition of FromSoftware dlc final bosses destroying me to the point of insanity.
But what I'm really looking forward to, without even knowing if it's real, is that secret optional boss. Dark Souls 1 had Manus, but it also had Kalameet. Bloodborne had the Orphan of Kos, but it also haw Lawrence the First Vicar. Dark Souls 3 had Slave Knight Gael, but it also had Dark Eater Midir my beloved. I will genuinely be surprised if Shadow of the Erdtree isn't hiding some ridiculously hard dragon boss fight.
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ofsilentthings · 4 months
If you ever felt like sharing- I'd love to hear about your ocs!! :)
Thank you, I'll give a little bit :) I have many OCs. I tend to make one for each longform story I write. (I also play D&D so each campaign gets its own character, but that's out of the scope of this post!) They dictate what the story is about, as I enjoy taking characters and putting them against concepts or characters in fandom and see how they change.
Here are a few of my favorites:
Imogen Forsythe: (Bloodborne, from my A Doll's House.) Late 40s/early 50s housewife-mother-turned-Hunter. She's never done so much as fight back against her abusive husband but in the story she not only kills beasts but falls in love with Micolash. I love her because she's got that mom body and trained desire to serve/please others, and yet with Micolash she must focus on herself and what makes her feel good -- even though Micolash traps her in Mensis in the first place. Morgan Elliot: (Bloodborne, from A Contract of Flesh and Blood.) Mid 20s street urchin picked up by Gehrman and taught to be a hunter. Very focused on the visceral, immediate things in life - profanity, drinking, and especially sex. She sleeps with damn near everyone at Byrgenwerth but can't seem to commit. A business deal with Micolash forces her to remain with him when she wants to leave... and yet a dark, submissive part of her is itched when they're together. Rickard Musgrove: (Baldur's Gate 3, from The Vampire Ascendant's Wife.) He is a young human, 19 or 20, with short but not too short brown hair and eyes. His desire to please his dead father has him wind up in the service - and almost hyperfixating - on two very old vampires with troubled pasts. How is he going to balance the education of the poets and the past with feelings of love, lust, and betrayal? Is there life after Astarion Ancunin and his wife Taviana (Tav)? I have some pictures but mostly they are reference pictures or just silly doodles.
I'll try to sell my beloved original characters more. I love them because a part of me is in each one, and I hope other people love them too.
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kumiaku · 2 months
Since I linked my ao3 to my tumblr not too long ago, I've decided to post a couple Esther sketches I've done. Also because I just uploaded chapter 27 of Hunter of the Cosmos.
Anyway, here is my beloved girlie <3
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Aww look at her, she's in ball point pen, and there is even a date next to her on the day I drew it!! Of course this follows my original drawing of her pretty closely.
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Here's that portrait as a reminder, but but but! I wouldn't post it if it was just all that, because I have improved, and even though I am still confined to traditional art once again, I have more sketches.
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Look at her! She's so mad! This is from when she was dungeon diving. It's also the first part of her "Despite Everything, It's Still You" Redraw thing. Ofc the second half is her Great One version, which is spoilers.
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But look at my tall baby angel! She has more! Ugh she looks so dignified here (even though she is barely rendered)
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And finally we have a more Modern!AU esque drawing of her, which, yes, you can pry brooches off Esther's cold, dead, body, which would be hard to do. She loves them too much.
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katyspersonal · 1 year
Tag game!!
Rules: 1) Pick a fandom 2) Write five things you absolutely LOVE to see in fanart, fanfics and whatever other forms or creativity. But stay positive! No passive aggression or insults or resentment towards "opposite" kind of content etc 3) Tag five people do to the same!
I will start! Choosing Bloodborne fandom!
1) I really love when people are playing a dress-up with Laurence, it can be notably altered Choir garb or a unique clothing entirely, and especially when he has some red color added in! He is always such a handsome model x)
2) When people draw Adeline with thing that can be attributed to her ascension, whether it is butteeflies/flowers or water and marine creatures. It is always so beautiful.
3) That one fanart thing where Choir people have those mad/blissful smiles
4) BB rare ships. I can't explain it, I just LIVE for that "omg wait is this a thing????" feeling. Djura x Valtr, Bradorence (my beloved), Laurence x Maria, Henryk x Simon (yes I saw it once, it was cute), Caryll x Micolash... I just enjoy the feeling of surprise and I can't explain why, but all three of you probably saw me getting bouncy like an excited dog in the tags every time I see a rareship xD
5) Willem. Just Willem, literally anything about Willem, fanart or writing. It never misses, I love any and all portrayals of him
I tag: @fantomette22 @heraldofcrow @catcas22 @tangerinethecat @ako-sirin (tried to touch mutus from other fandom, but really, everyone I welcome to do this! Fantomette and Crow I can trust you to pull other BB bitches in can I? XD)
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articskele · 8 months
Posting the F/O list on main because I have no shame >:D (Not everybody's listed here tho! And I'm all good with sharing ouo)
My Beloveds <3
Ink (UTMV)
Cedric McClain (OC)
The Onceler (Lorax 2012)
Fictional Family Save Me.....
Meta Knight (Kirby) - Dad / mentor
Springtrap (FNAF) - Dad
Emmet and Ingo (Pokemon) - Uncles
The Narrator (The Stanley Parable) - Dad
Medic (TF2) - Mentor? Dad? Grandpa?
Aisha (Monster Hunter) - Older sister!
Beastmother (OC) - Mom
The Power of Friendship :D
Celia (Animal Crossing)
Micolash (Bloodborne)
Rom (Bloodborne)
Creature Companions!
Latias (Pokemon) - Ruby
Gallade (Pokemon) - Percival
Silly goofy ship names ouo
Ink x Artic: Ice Sculpture / The Artist and the Dragon
The Onceler x Artic: Buttermilk Daydreams, Biggering AU
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leighsartworks216 · 10 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers Game
Tagged by @shenanigans-and-imagines! I don't usually do these, but hell why not
1 - How many works do you have on AO3?
I have 56 individual "works", but that doesn't count how many chapters/actual fics I have posted there
2 - What's your total AO3 word count?
3 - What fandoms do you write for?
So many, oh god. Markiplier Egos, Marvel, The Witcher, Star Wars, Jurassic Park, NCIS, Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit, The Arcana, For The Love Of The Gods, Ace Attorney, Indiana Jones, Breath of the Wild/Tears of the Kingdom, Howl's Moving Castle, Enola Holmes, Doctor Who, Star Trek, Baldur's Gate 3. These are just all the fandoms I have characters I will write for in, so even though I don't have fics for all these fandoms, I will write for them
4 - What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
You Have A Type, Don't You? - Astarion x gn!Tav/Reader
I Come With Knives (series) - Astarion x gn!Tav/Reader
Designated Lockpicker - Astarion x gn!Tav/Reader
Astarion Drabbles - Astarion x Tav/Reader ficlets
You Hate Me - Astarion x gn!Tav/Reader
5 - Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
It depends on the comment, but I don't respond all the time. If someone has a question, or I feel I need to correct them/steer them in the right direction, I'll answer, but I don't respond to most of the ones gushing/aweing over the fic, not to say I don't still appreciate them all immensely.
6 - What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Rom, My Beloved is my saddest/angstiest from my individual works, but there are some really angsty fics in my Loki and Markiplier Ego compiled works. I wrote it because Rom is my favorite Bloodborne boss and I just loved her lore, but tragedy abounds when you talk about a Soulsborne game
7 -What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
A lot of my fics nowadays have happy endings, but my favorite of my completed individual works is probably The Rescue of Magistrate Ancunin, because it's open-ended as to what could happen next but it takes a devastating moment from Astarion's life and makes it nice and a little silly
8 - Do you get hate on fics?
In recent memory, no, but I'm sure I have at some point. I usually delete it and move on
9 - Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Very vanilla but very emotionally-charged. I have a tendency to focus more on the emotions of those involved and how they feel about their partner over how the sex feels
10 - Do you write crossovers?
No, but I have thought about doing a Witcher and Bloodborne crossover, because I think it would be very interesting
11 - Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of. I did check through the major sites when AI bots started scraping fics off AO3, but I didn't see anything then. If anything does come up though, absolutely let me know
12 - Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but! Back when I wrote on Wattpad, I had some very lovely person ask to read my fic on Youtube. I agreed and I wish I could find it, because I just remember being so elated by it
13 - Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nope. I don't really know how to approach co-writing, and it's just not something I'm too interested in rn
14 - What's your all time favorite ship?
Uh uhm pass (I can't think of any 💀)
15 - What's a WIP that you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I have a Breath of the Wild fic planned out, with notes and even a first chapter written out and future ones with little bits drabbled out, but when I tried revisiting it again, I was just so lost in what I had planned. I hope one day I can finish it, but it's not gonna be soon
16 - What are your writing strengths?
I've been told that it's the little details I add that ground it more into reality, ie hair getting caught on earrings or a voice cracking while trying to sing
17 - What are your writing weaknesses?
I feel like I don't describe things complex enough. I can describe emotions or scenery and dip in a little bit, but I can never get it deep *enough*, but I know that comes mostly with neurodivergences and comparing myself to others
18 - Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I hate when writers have foreign words/phrases in the middle of a fic and don't translate them until the very very end. That means I have so pick up the context clues around it, translate it myself, or risk getting spoiled trying to find the translation
Also, if your character uses sign language, don't put it in italics or ' ', just write it out like if it was verbal dialogue. "They signed, '[fill in the blank]'" Describe the way the gestures are formed (sloppy, sharp, indecipherable, fast) to get across emotion, and also the expressions on their face, since sign languages are very heavily reliant on facial emotions to ass meaning to the signs themselves
19 - First fandom you wrote for?
Hard to say. I first started my writing on Wattpad, and have since been locked out of that account, but it was probably Doctor Who, knowing me
20 - Favorite fic you've written?
I have a hard time picking favorites! And I like a bunch of them for a variety of different reasons, and always have things to nitpick about them
I will say I am really really enjoying my work on I Come With Knives so far. It's a passion project and I have some very big, angsty things planned for the future that I can't wait to get to >:3
I don't really know who to tag for these things ever, so if you want to do it, go for it :)
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Omg you write for bloodborne? Please please pleaseeee can you write something for Micolash? I love him he's so weird!!
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(not my art)
Your wish is my Command Anon.
I’m not gonna lie I’m a little salty with this fucker, I smashed my head against the wall for nine hours straight.
That said, he’s a fun guy if a little weird
Okay a lot weird
Literally the Epitome of
You: Micolash, when was the last time you got any sleep?
Micolash: I don't know, 2/3 days, not important. I don't need sleep, I need answers. I need to determine where in this swamp of unbalanced formulas squatteth the toad of truth.
Ludwig: Toad of truth? Is that a physics thing?
You: No, that's a crazy thing.
So now that we're starting this let’s get this out of the way he courts you in an unorthodox fashion.
And by unorthodox I mean completely batshit crazy.
He probably gave you the first working prototype of the Mensis cage so now you have a metal pasta strainer with metal chicken wire and copper wire wrapped around it sitting somewhere in your home.
You are banned from his lab, not because he doesn’t want you there, but because whenever he’s around you he becomes a bumbling fool and there are a L O T of things in there that if broken could unleash untold horrors upon the world.
Like the time he tried to mix drinks in there and accidentally released a modified version of the brainsucker larva.
Poor, poor, poor, Jeffery.
He’s a little awkward when it comes to any form of physical affection, by that I mean his hugs are stiff, holding hands is a little janky, and he’s kind of a struggle to snuggle with.
But he’s very affectionate in other ways.
He probably asked you out by a mathematical formula or biology question.
Your first date was a hole in the wall cafe in the middle of Yharnam.
Despite its outward appearance the cafe was very homey on the inside and had good food and drinks
You quickly realized why this place was so beloved by Micolash was not because of the food or drinks but because of the view that gave you and him a great look of yharnam and the forests.
Micolash (as always) looks like he needs a coffee (and to be placed in an insane asylum but that's neither here nor there.
Micolash is very polite, will ask you what you would like to drink and eat before ordering.
It’s here that you learn that he has quite the sweet tooth which he explained was developed during his time in Byrgenwerth as he did not particularly like the coffee at the school.
Micolash ordered six Scones, six Crepes, three Cranachans, and a few cups of coffee.
Your date with Micolash went very well with the two of you arranging another a week later.
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-GENERAL HEADCANNONS-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
After the date Micolash was teased mercilessly by his associates and co-workers.
For some reason I think he was a mommas boy and I don’t know why.
I also think he is a pretty okay cook, I mean he doesn’t know how to make anything look pretty but as long as he has a recipe to follow and it isn’t too complicated he can probably make it.
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