#blown away season 2
the reason i trust the ofmd crew with my life is that during the past year and a half multiple ofmd fanartists have come up with all these really really cool emo makeovers for jim and frenchie in s2
but then. somehow. despite how fucking epic all those fan designs looked.
none of them came even CLOSE to how incredibly fucking badass their season 2 looks actually are in canon
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saltpepperbeard · 1 year
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So first of all, absolutely crying and throwing up over seeing Stede in more "stereotypical" sailor clothes as opposed to his usual attire. Secondly though, he looks to be surrounded by fine things, and it makes me wonder if he's attempting to barter for something? Maybe get a little SPECIAL SOMETHING FOR HIS SPECIAL SOMEONE???
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And then this one kills me so hard because it looks like a message in a bottle. Is this an attempt at reaching out to Ed? Have they been trailing and failing to catch up with the Revenge, and this is Stede's attempt at trying to make contact? Or is this a message from Ed to Stede, a heartbroken warning to stay away? Regardless, SCREAMING.
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AND THEN THIS ONE. SMILEY FACES. MATCHING OUTFITS!!! Maybe they've paired up with another crew and are temporary members? Like, in order to try and catch up with the Revenge, they had to team up with another ship/crew?
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........if i speak
y'all already know that season 2 ed has led to MANY a breakdown already hsdjks. and i will be visiting this picture a little too much. but if i can CATCH MY BREATH A SECOND-
The pearls. And the fact that his hair is back. And the fact that his face is clear. AND HIS EARRING IS STILL THEERRREEEHSDJKLS.
He still looks hardened/heartbroken, but this look makes me think that conversations have happened, and maybe the first "healing seeds" have been planted.
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And this maybe has me going the MOST bonker bananas because omfg.
Ed and Jackie. And Ed looking so much softer in comparison to the previous picture. Ed out of his leathers. Ed just VIBING. ED AND JACKIE JUST CHILLING.
I cannot express how many times I've pictured them talking, and pictured Jackie being like "You have the hots for WHO?????" Like if this is a moment where Jackie is having to be That Friend, aka the disapproving one of your friend's partner type deal HSKDJS LIKE,,, I HAVE ENVISIONED THE CONVERSATIONS SO SO MUCH.
And if they're watching Stede in that moment, if Stede is doing something silly stupid which is making Ed pull fond eyes and making Jackie pull a "wtf" expression like that,,, please. PLEASE.
I'm just.
My heart is so full. My crops are watered. My skin is clear. My depression is lifted.
And I cannot WAIT to see what all is in store for us. I cannot WAIT to see what all comes to light.
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q8qwertyuiop8p · 2 days
New shot from Arcane! This is incredible!
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vanigoghhomeplease · 1 year
sometimes a family is a kid with lightning powers, a trans ghost, a lesbian with a sword, and non-binary frankenstein, and I think that’s beautiful
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irisbaggins · 1 year
Honestly, this season is incredibly healing. Seeing characters be allowed to grow and exist without being "forced" into specific roles is incredibly satisfying, not to mention interesting. Just Izzy alone has made me tear up at his reaction is ep 4 to the crew's kindness, and Ed and Button's conversation had me blown back. It's just...really nice, for once, to see a show that wants to heal, to move on from the atrocities they experienced and become better. To look at their past and refuse to repeat the same mistakes.
The ship is their safe space, and they will maintain that safety by confronting their troubles, even if it's painful.
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etrevil · 1 year
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Absolutely living for these bsd and jjk wings
These four songs are just bangers that deserve their spots 😭 (with lyrics that are knives in the guts)
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goatyuuji · 9 months
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OH MAN OH MAN…This scene never fails to take my breath away. The way Lu Guang looks utterly defeated here, the way he is doing the most batshit insane thing to save one person, literally breaking his own rules and the timeline.
Breaking the timeline I can still ignore but breaking his own rule about stopping someone from dying, a canon node that he was soooo adamant about following, that requires crazy levels of desperation and fear.
Also the way he is covered in blood (most likely Cheng Xiaoshi) looking at the photo with the most hopelessness expression, I just- I really really feel so sorry for him. But on one hand I am scared of the consequences of his actions, while on the other hand I am so so so happy there is someone out there that loves Cheng Xiaoshi with all his heart, especially after the lonely childhood he experienced.
I just hope, I really really hope to god that Lu Guang actions don’t come back to doom everyone in the end…
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creative-hanyou-girl · 8 months
I'm only making one post tonight because I gotta be up in a few hours but WOW!!!!! What a finale episode!!!!! It was everything I loved from the book and more. Also that scene with Percy and Poseidon!? I actually got teared up. You could just SEE the pain and grief in Poseidon's eyes over the fact that he couldn't be with Percy and Sally and it was so heartbreaking!!!
Also ADORE that Poseidon saved Percy from Zeus. Not only from the bolt, but by surrendering. We all know how prideful the gods are, especially Big 3 gods, so the fact that Poseidon put Percy FIRST over his pride makes my heart melt. I always believed that as far as the Greek gods go in PJO, Poseidon was one of the better and more genuinely caring parents, and the show is just proving me right 1000%. Its also a good moment because it demonstrates to Percy that the gods aren't all black and white; they're not all terrible parents by choice. In my opinion, this moment gives Percy's motivation on fighting FOR the gods more weight and grounding. Because he sees that his dad DOES care about him. We all say Percy could've EASILY turned out like Luke, but because Percy sees that his dad does care about him, and that some gods do care about their kids, it allows him to see that not all the gods are completely terrible for the sake of being terrible. I still love his motivation in the books where he fights for the sake of his friends, but I like that the show is letting Percy see too that the gods, like humans, are multiple layered and that they have their reasons. This is not me trying to justify all the gods' actions btw, but I do think that there are SOME gods at least that aren't completely terrible for no reason like Zeus and Ares in PJO, and Poseidon protecting Percy is a great show of that and adds to Percy's decision to defend the gods instead of fighting against them, even though he and Luke are a lot alike with similar feelings of abandonment and resentment.
Also, I wonder how the TV only viewers are doing right now after Luke's betrayal. From what I heard, TV viewers loved Luke, so I can only imagine how WRECKED they must be feeling. I feel devastated, and I saw it coming as a book reader. That's how great Luke's actor was, and how great the show portrayed Luke as a older brother figure to Percy.
Overall, AMAZING final. I'll try to express more thoughts tomorrow.
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You expected a silly gay pirate show and then it hits you with the:
"You know that there's a bird that never touches ground? Born in the air. Never once lands. Spends its entire existence in the sky. We're never going back to land. We're gonna sail, rob, raise hell forever and ever, without end."
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spam-monster · 11 months
FINALLY watched the rest of Good Omens s2 (if you couldn't tell by my massive reblogging spree) and I have to pontificate on Aziraphale's decision in the end and how it's not as simple as "herp derp he still thinks heaven is good".
Because the thing is: he hesitated. He looked back at Crowley. He was absolutely considering telling heaven that he had changed his mind up until the point that Mettatron said something about planning "the Second Coming".
Because he realized at that point that, if left unchecked, heaven was never going to stop trying to force armageddon.
And yes we all know Azi is "looks soft but is actually scary" and Crowley is "looks scary but is actually soft", but the thing is Aziraphale is still Very Soft and does Care Deeply about Earth and all the people on it. And he also apparently adores a good love story. If heaven gets their way, everything ends. Nina and Maggie will never eventually get together, Adam will never get to grow up and have a normal life, even Gabriel and Beelz won't be safe out in their little corner of space.
So he could, at this point, go back to Crowley, run off with him, be "us"...but there's no guarantee that whatever heaven's planning won't catch up to them. Aziraphale, in that moment, decides that going up there and figuring out for himself what's really going on is the best chance they have of finally stopping all this mess for good and ensuring that everyone and everything he loves will be safe. Even if the person he loves will never forgive him, at least he'll be safe.
In short; Aziraphale knowingly messed up the happy ending to his own love story to ensure everyone else's happy endings.
this bitch
but now that we've opened up the boys/male-presenting entities kissing-on-screen door, i expect a nice happy proper one next season Mr. Gaiman.
or maybe several
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What an incredible first 3 episodes, but can we specifically talk about that Merman sequence? I cannot stop thinking about it, not just because it was perfect, but because it had absolutely no right to be perfect! Seriously, HOW?
Think about it for a minute, REALLY think about that scene on paper. Think about it written out on the page. Think about how absolutely ridiculous it would sound.
Now imagine anyone else pitching that or any other creative team trying to pull that off.
In the wrong hands, or honestly probably in any other hands, that scene could so easily have been cheesy, contrived and tacky. It could have been a disaster.
But instead, on this…this pure magic of a show, it ended up being one of the most beautiful, sincere and moving pieces of TV I have ever seen and once again I ask you…how…
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aucoba · 10 months
I watched ofmd s2 with my mom and she loved the finale so much it healed me a little bit
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anchy2006 · 11 months
You take the elder queer character. You put him through hell. Through unrequited love.
Then you give him support. You give him love. You give him family. You let him explore his queerness in new and safe and accepting ways.
You give him a big speech about how community is what matters. Being part of something bigger than yourself.
And then you kill him. In a cheap way. In a rushed way. And you let him bleed out on the ship he’s learned to be himself in.
No. I’m sorry but no.
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coconut530 · 2 months
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Sulk in the sea of your sadness, starlight
textless/bg under cut
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#The Dragon Prince#6#Well hello beautiful followers I am not dead#I was just away and busy for a month#But now I’m back home#And I am dying over TDP#I’ve been into that show since it launched… watched ATLA for the first time in 2018 so I knew who Aaron was#And I have been continually impressed by it#Every season gets better and better and better it’s amazing#My favorite characters are Callum Janai Amaya Terry Ruthari Zubeia Soren and of course Aaravos… and now Leola#I found out the season came out the day it did#I was just like “hm lemme check the tag” and then saw so many new screenshots and the countdown acct saying “23 hrs for S7”#Then I went and watched the trailer that I was 2 weeks late to and was just BLOWN AWAY#But I was not home then so I had to wait a couple days#Then when I got home I IMMEDATELY turned it on#This season was stunning#Animation is so much better like the microexpressions and scenery and all that just omggggg#All the callbacks and development for the characters were done so well… Soren Viren conflict broke meeeeeeeeeee#And worldbuilding crazy like the Starscraper wowwwwwwwww#But yeah I immediately looked for Aaravos scraps and when I got to episode 9 it just broke me on so many levels… Rayla’s parents Runaan hgn#And Aaravos’ backstory got me crying in the club Leola didn’t deserve any of that#Her stimming and Aaravos’ expert parenting the representation in this show continues to be the most meaningful in the business#So yes I had to draw something for him#I know his colors technically muted after he lost her but let me have saturated colors I love them#So yeah I’m back… also got a fun surprise for tomorrow so stay tuned here!!
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sortanonymous · 4 months
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I can't stand the tension! I miss Unicorn: Warriors Eternal so much! I just need to know if it's coming back or not! If it's getting another season (or three like Genndy hoped for), then that's freaking awesome! If it's getting Zaslav'd before it can ever address that cliffhanger, then that's the biggest disgrace to happen in this industry in about a month or two (maybe idk). But just let ne know already! It's been a year! I miss Mel/Em, Ed, and the others so much! SGGYJGDGHBFGRKKDDYHHH
#unicorn#unicorn warriors eternal#guess being away from new cartoons between su's ending and unicorn's run made me rusty on handling long hiatuses#but even so with steven we at least knew the show would still be here it was a matter of when not if#(ftr i was only watching that show in 2014-15; a tiny bit of '16; and from single pale rose onward so i missed some infamous hiatuses)#even during that 8-month hiatus where we weren't sure if there'd be any more show we at least knew of the movie#unicorn is nothing like that#yeah it's the passion project of genndy (still pretty secure at wbd) and it was actually a solid ratings success#but you never know with the horrors of the zaslav regime#if infinity train couldn't even get the dignity of staying on streaming then truly nothing is safe#i also have no clue if ivandoe is getting season 2...#but to be fair it's getting so many freaking hiatuses in the us for some reason that i at least have quite a bit of time left with it ig#man i miss the days when it didn't feel like every cartoon had at least a 50% chance of getting blown up by rancid executives#like don't even get me started on how disney channel/xd always has 1-2 banger cartoons on that can never make it past season 3#(i mean i've been too lazy to actually watch amphibia or owl house or ducktales...#...but everyone loves them so maybe i should get off my butt and watch them at some point in my hopefully lengthy existence)#cartoons#post started as a fan of an obscure show on hiatus going crazy and ended up as a rant on the concerning state of animation. go figure.
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darthmaclunkey · 2 years
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desix & coruscant
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